#r: like a bank vault
epherwillc · 2 months
Jace, visibly dying: hi, mom… This is my girlfriend… She tried to kill me and then I worked on her pirate ship…
Ranna: oookay
J: hi, mom! Vraska and I have a kid now
R, a little confused: well I haven’t thought about grandkids in some time-
Loot: hello! my name’s loot!
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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The Gold Bust of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius at The Getty
The golden bust of Emperor Marcus Aurelius from Avenches, western Switzerland, is going on display at the Getty. It is the largest known bust of an emperor made of a precious metal and one of only a handful of gold busts to escape being melted down. This Marcus Aurelius bust is so rare and so valuable that is usually kept in a bank vault. The Roman Museum of Avenches keeps a copy on display instead. It has only been exhibited a dozen times, and never before in the United States.
The bust was discovered in 1939 in an excavation of a temple at Avenches’ ancient predecessor, Aventicum. Aventicum was the capital of the Helvetii and was incorporated into the Roman Empire under Augustus in 15 B.C. It was granted colony status by Vespasian in 71/2 A.D. which spurred a major urban redevelopment of the city. A large temple complex inspired by Vespasian’s Templum Pacis in Rome and dedicated to the local gods of the Helvetii and the cult of the emperor was built during this time.
Found in a sewer crossing underneath the main courtyard of the temple complex, the golden bust is 13 inches high and weighs 3.5 lbs, the equivalent of 220 gold aurei from Marcus Aurelius’ time (r. 161-180 AD). It is made from a single sheet of gold that was cold-worked in a repoussé technique. The goldsmith hammered the back of the sheet to create the features of the emperor in three dimensions — a thick head of hair, neat beard, intense eyes. Fine details were incised on to the exterior surface after the repoussé was complete. He wears a lorica plumata, a cuirass decorated with rows of feathers, around a central gorgoneion.
Only about 15 imperial portraits in precious metals and only six of them in gold made it through the gauntlet of being melted for their weight in antiquity. Hollow, portable and requiring a support to stand, this type of portrait was created to be an imago, an effigy of the emperor meant to embody his sacred authority in processions and in temples dedicated to the imperial cult. Marcus Aurelius wrote in a letter in 162/3 A.D. to the curator of the temple at Ephesos that portraits of past emperors should never be altered to look like other emperors (a common practice with marble portraits) or melted down.
“There must be no re-working of the material into likenesses of us. For as we are not in other respects solicitous of honours for ourselves, much less should we permit those of others to be transferred to us. As many of the statues as are in good preservation should be kept under their original names, but with respect to those that are too battered to be identified, perhaps their titles can be recovered from inscriptions on their bases or from records that may exist in the possession of the Council, so that our progenitors may rather receive a renewal of their honour than its extinction through the melting down of their images.”
The bust will be on display at the Getty Villa in Los Angeles from May 31st of this year through January 29th, 2024.
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coyotescribbles · 1 month
The lift was taking its time.
1 through 24, the consultation suites.
Neutrino tapped her fingertips impatiently against her thigh as she watched the numbers tick up.
25 through 40, the clinical labs.
Her energon ran cold, and she found herself swallowing against the knot of fear that formed in her throat.
40 through 49, the office spaces.
What was she even doing here again? She'd never wanted to come back after the incident in her mother's lab. And ever since she'd learned the truth about her mother and Megatron, she hadn't even been able to stomach looking at this place…
50 through 64, the server racks.
But something in the back of her mind itched and wouldn't be satisfied until…
65 through 74, the R&D labs.
The elevator came to a halt at the 74th floor, and she knew it would go no further; everything above this floor was private.
Everything above this floor was home.
"Home," what a joke.
Disembarking from the car, Neutrino stalked down the corridor that ran down the center of the floor, flanked on either side by banks of windows looking in on the various labs, all dark and silent now.
At the end of the corridor was another elevator, only accessible to those with the correct genetic imprint.
Pressing her thumb to the scanner, she waited for it to read her CNA - then stepped into the car behind the door as they slid open.
Her suite was the 79th floor.
She selected the 76th instead.
It was a completely impulsive decision on her part, choosing the floor where her parents had entertained guests and business partners. The floor that now represented, in her mind, everything terrible that her mother had done, that had led up to… this.
The static in her audials was a rushing roar by the time the elevator doors opened again, this time to a lavish open area carpeted in plush void-black trimmed with polished gold chrome. The walls were midnight blue, and the vaulted ceiling had been hand-painted with a view of the galaxy as seen from half a light-year above the galactic plane, and every star was a tiny light that twinkled even in the afternoon sun.
Every wing of the floor was furnished, too, with sets of exquisite chairs and matching tables, places for visitors to sit and admire the view of Cybertropolis while enjoying fine high-grade from cut-crystal decanters.
And the whole expansive space was decorated with art from the finest creators in the galaxy - massive paintings adorned the walls, hung between pedestals upon which sat sculptures, pottery, and hologram projectors depicting subjects ranging from the abstract to the historical.
Her mother always had fancied herself a femme of intellect and taste.
She'd never been allowed to spend much time in the space. Maybe that was why she was drawn to it now.
Now, with grief and hurt and hate and raw animal rage simmering in her chest.
Tears were welling up in Neutrino's optics as she made her way through the space, looking at her mother's most prized possessions.
She loved these things more than she ever loved me.
Her hands curled into tight fists.
I was never good enough for her, always kept hidden away upstairs where no one could ever see me.
Her vision blurred, then cleared, then blurred again.
And then an elaborate vase was swept from its pedestal to shatter against the floor, flecks of bright red enamel glittering against the carpet.
Another followed. Then another. A tall serpentine sculpture half as tall as she was fractured into a thousand pieces that she kicked aside. A whole shelf of carved marble figures was swept clean.
And Neutrino screamed, an anguished howl tearing itself from her throat in a flood of tears.
Blunt claws ripped into painted canvas, tearing paintings to shreds before smashing the empty frames against the wall. A sufficiently-sturdy piece of broken frame found itself being used as a bludgeon, smashing fragile ceramics and glass and stone. Broken material crunched underfoot (like her broken spark always being stepped on by everyone who was ever supposed to protect her) as she systematically made her way through her mother's little art museum, destroying as she went.
Her arms and shoulders ached from the exertion, her air filters burned, and her fuel pump hammered deafeningly in her ears as she took a lifetime of anguish out on her mother in the only way she possibly could now, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.
Until she came to her mother's favorite piece.
The towering marble and bronze sculpture by Tenebrous was twice her height, standing in a position of pride on a wide pedestal squarely at the center of the south-facing wall of windows, where Hadean could shine on it through the entire day, gleaming on polished metal and stone.
It almost seemed to mock her - "Look how I was given a place of honor, while you were hidden away behind locked doors."
She didn't know what possessed her in that moment, but in the blink of an optic she found herself stepping up onto the pedestal and throwing her entire weight against the damned sculpture. It was heavy, though, and she was so small…
But anger drove her to keep trying, giving her strength that she couldn't remember ever having had before as she shoved her shoulder against the smooth cold surface.
And again. Until she felt it wobble and rock on its base. Until she felt it start to tip. Until she heard stone grinding against stone as it finally came unbalanced.
She lost her footing as it fell, hitting the floor hard enough to hurt even as the sculpture hit the window behind it, shattering it into thousands of glittering stars - and then plummeting out of sight.
(Several seconds later, it would crash to the ground just as Thrust was cruising by, missing him by mere inches.)
Neutrino just lay on the floor where she'd fallen, curling up on her side and sobbing bitterly.
It was dark, inside and outside, when the hum of antigravs reached her ears.
She recognized Scintilla before she even saw him, but couldn't muster up the will to get up from where she sat against an overturned chair, or even look in his direction.
Not until carefully lowered himself to the floor an arm's length away, chirping a wordless interrogative.
Only then did she turn tear-filled optics to him, feeling a wave of fresh grief crash over her; with a broken sob, she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his midsection and burying her face against the flexmesh there as she dissolved into wordless tears.
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zoddamnit · 8 months
tell me what kind of music your 3 favorite ocs would like, their favorite foods, and how they would try to rob a bank
THREE FAVORITE? They’re all my babies…
PIP - 10 year old pokemon trainer - she straight up told piers she’s never heard a song in her life, but she listens to his soundcloud. truly, this child enjoys metal and screamo and halloween SFX. her favorite food is anything that’s free because she’s a gremlin, but sour malasadas are her favorite, especially when she’s homesick (her and her brother are originally from alola). she has aspirations of robbing a bank with her brother one day, and it involves them on one another’s shoulders in a giant trench coat and a ditto willing to turn itself into a gun. she was going to ask piers to be a getaway driver, but he drives below the speed limit, so she turned to opal instead. @blundergato
AZAZEL - drow fighter - he’s a fan of r&b and psychedelic soul music. exclusively listens to his favs on vinyl because he’s over 300 years old and is stuck in his ways. his favorite food is gazpacho, enough so that when he was in dire straits he named his blue drake mount gazpacho (gaz for short, gazpacho crostini is her full name - he was lost in the wastes for over a year and that did things to his mind, okay?). he would never rob a bank unless his partner insisted they needed to lift an ancient artifact and then he’s good to go, but azazel comes from money, so…he’ll just dip into his own coffers, thanks much.
CHAPULINA - drow druid - big fan of folk music, definitely listens to a lot of joan baez. she likes uplifting protest music. her favorite food is probably vegetable oyakodon (she’s vegetarian, u see). nothing like some tasty comfort food, especially when you find out your moon is a giant spider egg. anyways! while she’s a staunch pacifist, she WOULD rob a bank (then destroy it) by infesting the entirety of it with plantlife, poison ivy-style, then tear open the vaults in her bear - or stronger - forms. at the end of the day folks would assume a gang of wild animals joined together to rob the place, and, well. why not? she’d ultimately redistribute the money to those in need, taking none for herself. eyeroll
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thegothicviking · 2 years
My guess about the Adieu music video (and I have been right before)
The door to the vault (in the first trailer) had MUTTER and a bunch of numbers on it. And the R+ members has slime all over themselves (the latest trailers) and are doubled (on the promo photo of the video there are two of each band members)
If we think about the lyrics of Mutter (and that the I-persona was made in a lab and not born by a mother) the Adieu video seems to be heavily related to the Mutter lyrics or the Mutter theme.
I guessed right by the Deutschland video and I was spot on by Ausländer video (I guessed that the Ramm bois would either be cooked and eaten by cannibals OR that the bois would travel to a tribe and make babies with the locals).
My guess about the Adieu video is that the R+ bois are either being cloned or made in a lab and then are being used to rob a bank?? (The vault) Something about robbing/infiltrating The White House?? (it seemed liked The White House on the last trailers??) Robbing/infiltrating The White House or robbing/infiltrating something else important, by using R+ clones?? Something about that is my guess.
But we'll see tomorrow/today at 17:00/ 5 p.m <3
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I just find it funny how people be like "well if the bank left the vault open, would you not just go in and steal money?' in reference to when a person(mostly a woman) getting r@ped because she dressed "slutty"?
Like kinda sus you're comparing a LITERAL person to an inanimate object, but let's go with that "logic".
People would STILL try stealing from a bank if they were determined to steal money. So even if someone was fully clothed they'd still be r@ped, and it has nothing to do with clothing.
And you'd get caught eventually even if they left it open? Why would you just walk in and that'd be you're first thought? Stealing the money? That's literally illegal. Or at least morally questionable.
And I guarantee you these are the same people that would get mad at poor people stealing necessities(or parents stealing baby stuff) because "stealing is bad and they just need to get a job if they want/need those things" type of mentality. So yea, kinda can't compare the two together.
Like stealing is a crime even if the door of a vault at a bank is left open. The only time I can overlook stealing is if you steal from a rich company, especially if you’re quite literally struggling to survive.
And yeah stealing is really not a comparable crime to sexual assault and rape.
By this logic on rape, I as a lesbian should want to rape any woman I see in revealing clothes. But…strangely enough, I don’t. Bc the problem is not women and the attraction to them, the problem is that too many men view women solely as sex objects.
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Review: Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Evil Dead Rise (2023)
Rated R for strong bloody horror violence and gore, and some language
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Score: 4 out of 5
The Evil Dead series has what may be the single best track record for quality out of any Hollywood horror franchise. With the big slasher franchises of the ‘80s, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street, I can name at least three movies from each series that are downright wretched. The Universal monsters fell off in quality during World War II and only came back when they let Abbott and Costello do an officially sanctioned parody of them. Saw fell off starting with the fourth movie and never fully recovered, even if it still had some decent movies afterwards. Even Scream and Final Destination each have one bad or otherwise forgettable movie marring their otherwise perfect records. Evil Dead, though? The original trilogy is golden and has something to offer for everyone, whether you prefer the first movie’s campy but effective low-budget grit, the second movie’s slapstick horror-comedy approach, or Army of Darkness’ wisecracking medieval fantasy action. The spinoff TV series Ash vs. Evil Dead was three seasons’ worth of horror-comedy goodness that fleshed out the franchise’s lore. Even the remake was awesome, a gritty, ultraviolent bloodbath that took the first film’s more serious tone and put an actual budget and production values behind it, making for one of the most graphic horror movies to ever get a wide release in American theaters. This latest film delivers on the same, with a tone and levels of violence akin to the remake and most of its strengths as a pure, straightforward, whoop-your-ass horror movie with lots of muscle and little fat once it gets going. It may not be revolutionary, but Evil Dead Rise is still as good as it gets, and exactly what I hoped for given this series’ high bar.
Like its predecessors barring Army of Darkness, this is a self-contained story set within an isolated, closed-off location, in this case the top floor of a Los Angeles apartment complex instead of a cabin in the woods. Our protagonists this time are a family, led by the single mother and tattoo artist Ellie with three kids, the teenage DJ son Dan, the teenage activist daughter Bridget, and the adolescent daughter Kassie, as well as Ellie’s sister Beth. After an earthquake reveals an old vault beneath the apartment complex (which used to be a bank), Dan explores it and discovers the Naturom Demonto, an evil-looking book bound in human flesh, along with three records recorded by the renegade priest who had last had that book a hundred years ago. Dan takes the book and the records back home, plays the latter on his turntable, and turns this into a proper Evil Dead movie, with Ellie winding up the first one possessed by the demon it unleashes.
Much like how the remake built its human drama around Mia’s friends staging an intervention for her, so too does this film root its central dynamic in the relationships between its human characters, in this case crafting a dysfunctional yet believable family. Lily Sullivan as Beth and Alyssa Sutherland as Ellie are the film’s MVPs, making their characters flawed yet sympathetic figures whose perspectives are understandable but who both clearly made mistakes in managing their relationship. Beth, an audio technician for a rock band, is visiting Ellie because she just found out she’s pregnant, but is naturally hesitant to tell her sister, given that Ellie sees Beth as a glorified groupie and still harbors some resentment for the fact that Beth wasn’t there for Ellie when her husband left her. News of a pregnancy would do little more than confirm Ellie’s suspicions of Beth and her lifestyle. After all, Beth abandoned Ellie and failed to return her calls, and Ellie readily sees that Beth’s motive for visiting is self-serving even without Beth telling her exactly why she’s there. Ellie herself isn’t blameless in the breakdown of their relationship, though. She clearly has a chip on her shoulder, somebody who sees herself as the more responsible sibling even though Beth is the one with a successful career while she’s living in a run-down apartment struggling to raise three kids after her husband walked out on her.
All of that is heightened when Ellie gets possessed, as the demon, inheriting all of Ellie’s memories, uses them to taunt Beth and go completely mask-off on all the things that she wouldn’t directly say in life, calling Beth a whore and her own children leeches. Not only do we get the metaphor of a family tearing itself apart made literal, it’s here where Sutherland truly shines as not just a working-class single mother but also as the terrifying demonic parody thereof that she turns into, demonstrating what separates the Evil Dead series’ “Deadites” from many other zombies: their sense of personality. The series takes George A. Romero’s already scary idea, that of a ravenous monster that looks human, used to be human, and is able to turn others into similar monsters with just a bite or a scratch, and adds the twist of a demonic component that gives the monster that person’s intelligence and memories as well, which it then uses to torment the people who knew them in life before it devours their souls. While the more comedic direction that the “main” series films and the TV series went in is more iconic, the remake showed that there’s just as much room for a straightforward horror take on the idea of combining a zombie film with a demonic possession film, and this movie takes that idea and runs with it even if it still retains a measure of camp in some of the one-liners and gore gags.
Dan and Bridget’s relationship, too, takes center stage in the second act as they have two very different reactions to the evil book that Dan brought back to their apartment, with Morgan Davies as Dan and Gabrielle Echols as Bridget giving their characters plenty of life and personality. Bridget is suspicious from the word “go”, and when Ellie gets possessed, she blames Dan for unleashing a dark, evil force in their lives, with implications that they had a fraught relationship even before this. Even Kassie, the youngest among them, was good, with Nell Fisher taking a role that could’ve easily turned annoying and making her character feel believably scared without being completely helpless or whiny, getting in one of my favorite lines when, after Beth tries to calm her down and tell her that they’ll be okay, she responds by telling Beth that she’ll be a great mother because she knows how to lie to kids. The only weak link in the cast was the family’s neighbors, who show up briefly early on but all of whom clearly existed as cannon fodder for Ellie to slaughter in a single sequence in the second act, even though some of them felt like they’d wind up more important or at least get more scenes to shine before they were killed. With how little they’re in the film, you could almost feel the pandemic filming conditions, getting the sense that some of them (particularly Gabe and the shotgun-wielding Mr. Fonda) were originally written to have larger roles but they couldn’t find a way to have that many actors on set at once.
Another thing I felt that made up for it, though, was this film’s unflinching brutality. One of the other things that even the more lighthearted entries in this series are known for is their absolute geysers of blood and gore, the fact that most of the carnage is inflicted on zombies seemingly giving it a pass in the eyes of an MPAA that normally slaps this kind of shit with an NC-17 when it’s done to living humans. And here, we get it all. Stabbings, a cheese grater to the leg, somebody getting scalped, an eye bitten out, multiple decapitations, a wooden spear through the mouth, Deadites puking up everything from vomit to blood to bugs, the good old shotgun and chainsaw (this series’ old favorites) taking off limbs, a woodchipper, and some gnarly Deadite makeup, most notably the freakish, multi-limbed monster at the very end. This movie does not play around, and it is not for the squeamish. The only gore scene that didn’t really work for me was one Deadite transformation that was let down by some dodgy effects shots of fake-looking black blood coming out of somebody’s face; the rest, however, was some seriously nasty-looking, mostly practical stuff. That’s not to say it’s just a parade of violence with no tension, though. Director Lee Cronin employs all the classic Sam Raimi tricks that have become staples of this series as much as Raimi’s career in general, knowing when to keep the monsters in the shadows, lurking ominously behind our characters, or coldly mocking them. Ellie especially is a key source of the film’s less bloody but no less effective scares, especially with how she tries to manipulate Kassie into letting her back into their apartment, as are the scenes of characters succumbing to possession and hearing voices in their head taunting them. Once the film gets going – and you will know when it gets going – it never once lets up or gives you much room to breathe, instead maintaining a heightened level of terror and suspense throughout.
The Bottom Line
This was a welcome return to the big screen for a classic horror franchise, especially with how certain plot threads at the beginning and end leave the door open for a sequel that, going by the box office returns this past weekend, is likely inevitable at this point. Right now, the Evil Dead series is five-for-five in my book.
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8th August >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Saint Dominic, Priest
Monday, Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time.
Monday, Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the feria (Monday))
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
Ezekiel 1:2-5,24-28
Ezekiel's vision of the glory of the Lord.
On the fifth of the month – it was the fifth year of exile for King Jehoiachin – the word of the Lord was addressed to the priest Ezekiel son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldaeans, on the bank of the river Chebar.
   There the hand of the Lord came on me. I looked; a stormy wind blew from the north, a great cloud with light around it, a fire from which flashes of lightning darted, and in the centre a sheen like bronze at the heart of the fire. In the centre I saw what seemed four animals. They looked like this. They were of human form. I heard the noise of their wings as they moved; it sounded like rushing water, like the voice of Shaddai, a noise like a storm, like the noise of a camp; when they halted, they folded their wings, and there was a noise.
   Above the vault over their heads was something that looked like a sapphire; it was shaped like a throne and high up on this throne was a being that looked like a man. I saw him shine like bronze, and close to and all around him from what seemed his loins upwards was what looked like fire; and from what seemed his loins downwards I saw what looked like fire, and a light all round like a bow in the clouds on rainy days; that is how the surrounding light appeared. It was something that looked like the glory of the Lord. I looked, and prostrated myself.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 148:1-2,11-14
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Praise the Lord from the heavens,    praise him in the heights. Praise him, all his angels,    praise him, all his host.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
All earth’s kings and peoples,    earth’s princes and rulers, young men and maidens,    old men together with children.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Let them praise the name of the Lord    for he alone is exalted. The splendour of his name    reaches beyond heaven and earth.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
He exalts the strength of his people.    He is the praise of all his saints, of the sons of Israel,    of the people to whom he comes close.
R/ Your glory fills all heaven and earth. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation
Psalm 147:12,15
Alleluia, alleluia! O praise the Lord, Jerusalem! He sends out his word to the earth. Alleluia!
cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:14
Alleluia, alleluia! Through the Good News God called us to share the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!
Matthew 17:22-27
'They will put the Son of Man to death'.
One day when they were together in Galilee, Jesus said to his disciples, ‘The Son of Man is going to be handed over into the power of men; they will put him to death, and on the third day he will be raised to life again.’ And a great sadness came over them.
   When they reached Capernaum, the collectors of the half-shekel came to Peter and said, ‘Does your master not pay the half-shekel?’ ‘Oh yes’ he replied, and went into the house. But before he could speak, Jesus said, ‘Simon, what is your opinion? From whom do the kings of the earth take toll or tribute? From their sons or from foreigners?’ And when he replied, ‘From foreigners’, Jesus said, ‘Well then, the sons are exempt. However, so as not to offend these people, go to the lake and cast a hook; take the first fish that bites, open its mouth and there you will find a shekel; take it and give it to them for me and for you.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Dominic, Priest
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Monday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
1 Corinthians 2:1-10
The wisdom that God predestined to be for our glory.
Brothers, when I came to you, it was not with any show of oratory or philosophy, but simply to tell you what God had guaranteed. During my stay with you, the only knowledge I claimed to have was about Jesus, and only about him as the crucified Christ. Far from relying on any power of my own, I came among you in great ‘fear and trembling’ and in my speeches and the sermons that I gave, there were none of the arguments that belong to philosophy; only a demonstration of the power of the Spirit. And I did this so that your faith should not depend on human philosophy but on the power of God.
   But still we have a wisdom to offer those who have reached maturity: not a philosophy of our age, it is true, still less of the masters of our age, which are coming to their end. The hidden wisdom of God which we teach in our mysteries is the wisdom that God predestined to be for our glory before the ages began. It is a wisdom that none of the masters of this age have ever known, or they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory; we teach what scripture calls: the things that no eye has seen and no ear has heard, things beyond the mind of man, all that God has prepared for those who love him.
   These are the very things that God has revealed to us through the Spirit.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 95(96):1-3,7-8,10
R/ Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
O sing a new song to the Lord,    sing to the Lord all the earth.    O sing to the Lord, bless his name.
R/ Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Proclaim his help day by day,    tell among the nations his glory    and his wonders among all the peoples.
R/ Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Give the Lord, you families of peoples,    give the Lord glory and power;    give the Lord the glory of his name.
R/ Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Proclaim to the nations: ‘God is king.’    The world he made firm in its place;    he will judge the peoples in fairness.
R/ Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Gospel Acclamation
John 8:12
Alleluia, alleluia! I am the light of the world, says the Lord; anyone who follows me will have the light of life. Alleluia!
Luke 9:57-62
'I will follow you wherever you go'.
As Jesus and his disciples travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus answered, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’
   Another to whom he said, ‘Follow me’, replied, ‘Let me go and bury my father first.’ But he answered, ‘Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.’
   Another said, ‘I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say goodbye to my people at home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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personalitynexus · 2 years
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So here’s the basic idea...
Think... Potential story idea for Resident Evil: Revelations 3.
Hidden somewhere in Switzerland’s scenic mountain ranges lies a complex of buildings and roadways that make up the research facilities for the Global Humanity Organization and Strategy Team, or GHOST for short.
Publicly, GHOST is a global genetic repository and ancestry matching service, competing with and out pacing other at home DNA testing services in nearly every market, from cancer screening to gene and family tree mapping.
Founded with one goal in mind, GHOST now stands at the forefront of genetics research, leaving all of their competition in their literal and metaphorical dust. Many have compared this company with Umbrella, citing the bleeding edge research and development they have made in the fields of genetics, gene manipulation, and the fringe projects that won’t see results for centuries, such as a gene vault with a crew in suspended animation to colonize and terraform a planet in the nearest star system (entirely crowd funded with the launch streamed and broadcast on several global news outlets).
GHOST has admitted to hiring former Umbrella, Tricell, and DSO personnel to work in various areas of study at their complex, and has sworn publicly that those connections are the only ties they share with the former company.
This is what the company tells the public and most of the members on their board of directors.
In truth, what the public is shown and told is only the surface layer of what the company, bank rolled and founded by former STARS agent and Umbrella employee Albert Wesker, actually does.
At it turns out, people will pay a company money to not only have their genetic profile, but to hoard it for them and use it to compile complex databases on them and everyone that is a close genetic match to them.
It’s literally the public paying to have their genetic history tracked, mapped, and catalogued. And in the hands of Albert Wesker and those of a similar mind, a never ending supply of genetic material test in new ways, including BOW R&D and the fringe science field of cloning.
Hidden somewhere in the depths of the complexes sub basements, there is Albert Wesker in an oversized specimen tube with all kinds of tubes and apparatuses connected to him as he floats in a fluid that is almost like the amniotic fluids of the womb, recovering from the nearly fatal incident with a rocket launcher in an African Volcano. Currently, a mysterious benefactor (later revealed to be the most recent clone of Wesker) is calling the shots for the true R&D teams of GHOST, including modifying various strains of the Progenitor Virus, and the subsequent T & G series of bioweapon viruses, to rebrand and redistribute them on the black market and plunge the world into chaos and terror once more while cushioning their private accounts the entire time.
Invitations to tour the facility’s surface level complexes were sent out to all Raccoon City survivors and one Jake Muller, under the pretense of their genes having been flagged with unique markers that may have helped them survive their ordeals to get to this day, and thus being ideal candidates for GHOSTs on site donor programs.
In truth, these invitations were nothing more than bait to lure in those most likely to try and topple the company and force Wesker to start over from scratch, should he ever come out of stasis fully healed.
Once on site, one of several different protocols will activate with a time delay of no less than three hours. Once initiated, there is no stopping the events until the new test subject has been neutralized, restrained, and subjected to a tailor made version of any one of the new viruses GHOST has developed for specifically them.
Can the survivors turn the tables on their hosts and expose the evil lurking within?
Or will they fall victim to their plans, and ultimately succumb to what new end fate has dealt them?
Starting the game is a lot like how RE6 started out. You pick your protagonist from one of the many heroes and heroines from the franchises history. Each one has their own route that takes them through various sections of the building and complexes, with no guarantee that they will ever encounter one another. Some protagonists will have little choice in their story path but to interact with one or several other protags throughout a chapter (or across several chapters), but the game would use AIs until you create run-through data for that character to generate their behavior.
Ultimately, as you play through each protagonists story mode, you uncover the full truth behind GHOST, including who is calling the shots (as stated earlier, Weser Clone), what their ultimate goal is, and how best to combat the new Bio Terror threat that they represent.
Early stages would have familiar BOW’s from earlier games to help drive home the fact that this company has black market motives and buyers for their products, but as players advance in the story, they encounter new and more horrifying BOW’s.
Some characters, like Jake Muller or Sherry Birkin, will have an added degree of difficulty to their story, with Jake starting out with no weapons (he will still have his Hand to Hand skills, and eventually disarm a guard to begin building his arsenal) and eventually being pursued by a rapidly degenerating Wesker clone, hunting him down with the intent of harvesting his DNA to stabilize and repair his own genetic code.
Sherry would be pursued throughout the complex as well for how her body adapted and co-opted the G-virus, making her an ideal candidate for stabilizing future clone projects and creating more aggressive strains of any bioweapons the company creates, including evolving the Plagas parasites.
Chris gets the big gut punch in his story line when he meets the Wesker clone, since he saw OG Albert Wesker take a rocket to the face in a volcano. Add in the shock when he finds that same Albert Wesker in a tube somewhere in the heart of the facility, floating in stasis with no clear indication that he will ever wake up.
The map size would, overall, rival that of Night City in Cyberpunk2077, lending to the earlier point of some protags meeting with others never seeing each other or knowing they were on site. This does mean that some protags would have shorter story routes than others, but ultimately the total play time could run as low as 180 hours for a speed runner completing all routes.
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xtruss · 3 months
Tax Prep Checklist 2024: What Do You Need to File Taxes?
— Aly A. Yale | Reviewed By Robert Thorpe | February 06, 2024 | Newsweek
Tax season is quickly approaching, and whether you file your returns yourself or enlist a professional for help, having the proper documents on hand will be necessary. These documents ensure a quick and accurate filing, which can lead to a faster tax refund for some. Want to make sure your tax filing goes off without a hitch? Use this tax prep checklist to guide the way.
Vault’s Viewpoint
There are five categories of documents you’ll need as you file your tax returns: personal information, income, deductions, credits and payments.
You’ll need information for you, your spouse (if filing your returns together) and your dependents.
Banks, lenders and your employer send many documents to you automatically, but there are some you may need to pull yourself.
Personal Information
The first set of documents you’ll need detail personal information for you, your spouse (if married and filing your returns together) and your children or other dependents.
Social Security Cards For You, Your Spouse and Your Dependents
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) needs a way to identify you as a unique taxpayer, and for most people, this requires a Social Security number (SSN). You’ll also need your spouse’s SSN if filing your returns jointly, the SSNs for any dependents you have and the SSN of the paying party if you receive alimony or child support payments.
If you file your returns as a business owner, are a nonresident or resident alien or a paid tax preparer, you’ll likely use a unique tax identification number instead. You can apply for these directly through the IRS.
Bank Account Numbers
You’ll need to put in your bank account’s routing and account numbers when filing your return. This will allow the IRS to directly deposit your refund once it’s been processed. You can find these numbers in several places, such as on your bank statements, online after logging into your account at your bank or at the bottom of a check linked to your account (The first number listed is your bank’s routing number; the second is your account number.)
A Copy of Your Last Tax Return
This isn’t required, but it can be helpful to have past returns on hand as you file your new one. It can be a quick way to look up information, and it may also remind you of what deductions and credits you’re eligible for. You may also be able to use the return to auto-populate your tax return information if you’re using online tax software.
Form 8332 if You Share Custody of a Child
If you share custody of a child and are planning to claim them as a dependent on your taxes, you’ll need Form 8332, as it proves the other custodial parent has released their right to claim the child as a dependent.
You’ll need to show your sources of income on your tax returns. This can include full- or part-time employment, freelance work, unemployment earnings or alimony payments. Many of these documents will be mailed to you or delivered electronically by the government, your employer or clients, or your bank by the end of January. Some documents, though, you may need to produce yourself.
A W-2—or Wage and Tax Statement—is a form you’ll get from your employer annually. It details how much income you earned, the taxes they withheld from your paychecks, details about your benefits and more.
Form 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC
If you’re self-employed or earned income from side gigs, contracting work, freelancing or other jobs that don’t come with a W-2, you should get a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC form that details how much you earned from each client every year. Clients don’t have to report payments under $600 to the IRS, though. So if you only earned a small amount from one, you may have to rely on bank statements to report these earnings accurately.
Form 1099-R or SSA-1099
If you received Social Security benefits or distributions from pensions or retirement accounts, you should get a 1099-R or SSA-1099, also called a benefit statement, detailing how much you earned in any given year. You can also pull your SSA-1099 at SSA.gov.
Proof of Alimony or Child Support Received
If you received alimony or child support payments from a former spouse or other party during the year, you will need to report these payments as income on your tax return. You’ll need the total amount you received, as well as the payer’s SSN or tax ID number.
Profit and Loss Statements
Business owners need a profit and loss statement, which details business expenses and revenue across the year. You can typically get this from your accountant or bookkeeper, or you can create one yourself by gathering details about your operating costs, overhead expenses, earnings and profits.
If you received unemployment income in the tax year you’re filing for, you should get a 1099-G form detailing how much you were paid. You also may get a 1099-G if you receive any state or local income tax refunds.
1099-INT, 1099-DIV or 1099-B
Taxpayers who receive interest payments on savings, investment, checking or other types of financial accounts will receive a 1099-INT. This form reports the full amount of interest earned across the year. This is considered taxable income on your returns.
If you earned money from dividends or distributions from any investments, you will also get a 1099-DIV. And if you sold any capital assets, like stocks, bonds or other securities, you’ll receive a 1099-B. This will detail your gains and losses on those assets, which could result in additional tax liabilities.
If you sold real estate in the last year, you may receive a 1099-S, which details the closing date and the proceeds of the sale.
Taxpayers who receive money from a 529 education plan or Coverdell education savings account (ESA) will need a 1099-Q. This form shows your total distributions, their base costs and the earnings you received on your initial investment.
If you received distributions from a Health Savings Account, Medicare Medical Savings Account or Archer Medical Savings Account at any point in the year, you’ll get a 1099-SA form. You will need to report these distributions on your return, though they’re only taxable if you fail to use the funds on qualified medical expenses or you exceed the annual HSA contribution limit.
Records of Cryptocurrency Transactions
If you bought or sold cryptocurrency at any point in the year, you’ll need records of these transactions, as you’ll need to report them on your annual returns. They may also result in capital gains taxes.
Proof of Any Other Income
There are many other forms of income you may have received throughout the year, and you’ll need to report all of it. This can include income earned from royalties, prizes, awards and gambling earnings.
Deductions allow you to reduce your taxable income and therefore your total tax liability. To take advantage of these, though, you’ll need documentation to prove that you incurred the eligible expense, as well as how much it cost you.
Here are some of the documents you may need to maximize your tax deductions.
Health Insurance Costs
If you’re self-employed and must cover the costs of health insurance without the help of an employer, you can typically deduct the entirety of your premiums each year. If you have a marketplace plan, you’ll receive a Form 1095-A that will detail how much you spent on premiums. If you have a private plan, you’ll need to see your plan documents for the total premium cost.
Business Expenses
If you’re self-employed, own a business or work from home, you may be able to write off certain business and home office expenses. You’ll need receipts for any purchased items and a record of the mileage you’ve driven for your business.
If you have a home office, you should also have copies of any bills for utilities, electricity, rent or mortgage and other costs associated with the overall property. While you can’t deduct all of these, you may be able to write off a portion of them, depending on how much of your overall property your home office takes up.
A quick note for educators: You can also write off the costs of classroom expenses and supplies. You’ll need receipts for these purchases and are limited to up to $300 in deductions.
Form 5498
Contributions to many types of retirement accounts are tax-deductible. Your account administrator should send you a Form 5498 detailing your total contributions, as well as any rollovers from the previous year. Keep in mind there are limits to how much of your contributions you can deduct depending on the type of account.
Charitable Donations
Many charitable donations qualify as a write-off. For example, if you donate clothing or furniture to a local shelter, you can often deduct the total value of those items from your taxable income. Just make sure you donate to a qualifying tax-exempt organization and get an itemized receipt for each donation.
Medical and Dental Expenses
If you incur a significant amount of medical or dental expenses across the year and exceed 7.5 percent of your total adjusted gross income, you may qualify for a write-off. To calculate how much you’ve spent in a year, contact your doctors, dentists and any medical professionals you’ve seen and ask for an account statement. You can also check with your insurance company to see what your out-of-pocket spending was for the year.
Form 1098-E
If you, your spouse or a dependent has a student loan and you paid interest on it, you can deduct that total amount from your taxable income up to $2,500 annually. You should get a 1098-E in the mail from your student loan servicer, which will detail how much interest you paid for the year.
Form 1098
In the event you bought a house or refinanced in the last year, you likely paid mortgage loan interest and qualify for a deduction. Your mortgage lender should send you a Form 1098 that breaks down how much you paid in interest, mortgage insurance and mortgage points.
State and Local Tax Records
Taxpayers can deduct up to $10,000 in state and local taxes (SALT) on their annual returns. These include things like property taxes, sales taxes and state income taxes. Your state tax returns can help here, as can your annual property tax bill.
Tax credits are similar to deductions, but instead of reducing your taxable income, they’re a dollar-for-dollar reduction on your actual tax bill. See below for the documents you’ll need to take advantage of various tax credits.
Form 1095-A
If you have a marketplace health insurance plan, you may be eligible for a tax credit depending on your income level. You can choose to use this toward your monthly premiums or your total annual tax bill. Either way, you’ll get a 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace Statement at the end of each year. This will detail your policy data, covered individuals and total premiums, which you can then use to file your returns.
Childcare Provider Details
If you pay for childcare for dependents, you could qualify for a tax credit of up to $3,000. You’ll need to provide your childcare provider’s name, address and SSN or tax identification number. If you don’t have this information, you can request it using a Form W-10.
Adoption Costs
Adopting a child often comes with a tax credit, equal to the amount of the total qualified adoption expenses up to a certain limit. This can include legal fees, adoption agency fees, court costs and other expenses. So you’ll want receipts for any of these services on hand as you file your returns.
Form 1098-T
If you, your spouse or your child is enrolled in a higher education program, you may be eligible for the American Opportunity Credit based on your tuition. You’ll get a 1098-T detailing the total tuition you paid each year and can write off the first $2,500 of it.
Some taxpayers make payments to the IRS at non-tax season times. If this happens, you’ll need this payment data on hand as you file your returns, as it could impact what you owe and what refund you’re due.
Previous Refunds
You have the option of having your tax refund sent directly to you or having it applied to a future tax bill. If you opted for the second, you’ll want the amount of that applied refund with you as you file your returns. This will reduce the total amount of taxes you owe for the year.
Proof of Estimated Tax Payments
Self-employed professionals, sole proprietors and other types of taxpayers are required to make estimated tax payments quarterly throughout the year. If you’re one of them, you’ll want the payment confirmations from those payments, as well as their total amount. These will help determine if you owe additional taxes or are due a refund.
— Aly J. Yale is a freelance contributor for Newsweek’s personal finance team. She has extensive experience covering real estate, investing, mortgages, and financial news and has been published in Business Insider, Money, Fortune, Buy Side from WSJ, CBS News and US News & World Report, among others. Aly is based in Houston.
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shop-korea · 4 months
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BECOMES - $71.99 - ADD TAX
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HAPPY - LEAP - YEAR - 2024
1964 - APRIL - ARIES
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"2 Gunmen Rob Bank - Caught," Victoria Daily Times. September 20, 1943. Page 1. --- Over $1,000 Taken, Staff Put In Vault, Manager Wounded ---- Two gunmen today at 10.50 held up the Douglas and Bay Street branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, ordered the staff of seven into the vault, scooped up more than $1,000 in cash from the teller's cage and escaped,
Six minutes later city police arrested two men near the E. and N. freight yards. At 11.06 the pair, identified as Bob Dionne, of Victoria Charles A Talbot of Winnipeg, were charged with armed bank robbery.
The men were taken into custody by Detective Morris Wilkinson and Constable Robert Morris. J. C. Newmarch, manager of the bank, struggled with and disarmed one of the men. He suffered a gash on the right side of the cheek and injuries to his left arm.
TAKE UP CHASE The call to the police station came in at about 10.55. Detective Wilkinson, accompanied by Dave Driver, Victoria Times police reporter, jumped in a patrol car and rushed, with sirens open, to the bank.
There a description of the hold-up men was given by J. R. L Burridge, a customer who came to the bank just as the men left. Constable Morris, who had already combed the Government Street area in the police patrol, jumped in the detective car.
Wilkinson had a hunch the men would try to escape along the waterfront near the gas works.
Driving west of the E. and N. fright yards, the detective, despite the speed at which he was traveling, noticed two men walking between the freight cars. "That looks like them," he said to Mr. Driver. He backed the car up rapidly, and Morris, taking his revolver from his hip pocket, rushed into the freight shed. Wilkinsen, with the reporter. ran around the block to Chatham Street.
"STICK 'EM UP" Just as Wilkinson arrived, Morris thrust his gun into the back of one of the men. The other started to run, but his escape was blocked by Wilkinson, who ordered the pair, at the point of his gun, to stick up their hands.
The police searched the two men and ordered them into the car.
At the police station more than $1,000 in cash, mostly $5 and $10 and $20 bills, was taken from the two men.
Mr. Newmarch told reporters later that the two men had entered the bank, and announced: "This is a hold-up. Go to the vault"
"I picked up a book, making out I had to look into the book," he continued. "One of the men told me to put it down. The second man started to scoop up the loose bills in the teller's cage.
GRAPPLED WITH GUNMAN "I turned and grabbed the gun, and in the scuffle, I was surprised it did not go off. The other fellow came around and pointed his gun at gun at me. He (the man Mr. Newmarch was struggling with) said: "Don't shoot. Don't shoot"."
The men then rushed out the front door. Just as they were leaving they were met by Mr. Burridge. He drove around to Government Street, but did not see them again. He told several bystanders to be on the lookout for the men.
He arrived back at the bank just as the police arrived. Mr. Newmarch's face was gashed by the hammer of the revolver during the struggle. The gunman twisted his left arm while wrestling with him for possession of the gun.
Besides Mr. Newmarch there were in the bank at the time, six bank workers.
They were:
Gertrude Pestre, 2323 Fort Street, who took over the teller's cage this morning for the first time.
Margaret Readman, 1149 Tolmie Avenue, savings ledger keeper.
Mrs. Winnifred Warren, 1000 Southgate Avenue, clerk.
Joan Parker, 1531 Jubilee Avenue, teller.
Florence Rowley, 1278 King's Road, clerk.
June Flinton, 126 Ontario Street.
MISSED TIED MONEY In the cash drawer from which the men took the money, between $3,000 and $4,000 in bills was tied up. This was overlooked by the holdup men.
Neither of of the robbers entered the vault.
At the time they were arrested neither of the men had guns in their possession. They wore brown suits and had a couple of days growth of beard.
Police are making an intensive search of the ground over which they went to find the second weapon.
Preliminary Investigations pro duced a pair at overalls and an empty bolster.
0 notes
brookston · 1 year
Holidays 4.17
American Academy of Arts and Letters Charter Day
Bay of Pigs Day
Bat Appreciation Day
Blah Blah Blah Day
Book Day (British Columbia, Canada)
Canterbury Tales Day
Charter Day (Canada)
Drunken Marathon Day
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emancipation Day (D.C.)
Equality Day (Canada)
Evacuation Day (Syria)
FAO Day (Iraq)
Feast of Random Walks
Flag Day (American Samoa)
Ford Mustang Day
417 Day (Missouri)
Hex Sign Day
Horse Day
Hug a Cactus Day
International Day of Mastering Conversations That Matter Day
International Day of Peasants Struggle
International Ford Mustang Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
International Refrigeration Day
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Hickey Day
National Kickball Day
National 2A Day
No Limits For Deaf Children Day
Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
Thank An herbalist Day
Toothbrush Appreciation Day
Tortoiseshell Cat Day
Verrazano Day (New York)
Women’s Day (Gabon)
World Drum & Bass Day
World Hemophilia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Malbec Day (a.k.a. Malbec World Day)
National Cheeseball Day
National Crawfish Day
Pineapple Cheese Day
3rd Monday in April
Boston Marathon Day [3rd Monday]
National Stress Awareness Day [3rd Monday]
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day observed (Uruguay) [3rd Monday]
Patriots' Day (Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin) [3rd Monday]
Sechseläuten ends (Six Ringing Festival; Zurich, Switzerland) [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Syria (End of the French Mandate, 1946)
Feast Days
Anicetus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Bean Bunny’s Day (Muppetism)
Columella (Positivist; Saint)
Easter Monday (Orthodox Christian) [Day after Orthodox Easter] (a.k.a. ... 
Memorial Day (Georgia)
Doua zi de Paste (Moldova)
Doua zi de Pasti (Romania)
Orthodox Easter Monday
Vtor den Veligden (Macedonia)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Haiku Day (Pastafarian)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada; Christian; Saint)
Sherlock Hemlock (Muppetism)
Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon (Christian; Saint)
Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tinkerbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tom Twinkletoes (Muppetism)
Yom HaShoah (יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה; Holocaust Remembrance Day; Judaism) [27 Nisan]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 107 [28 of 72]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [17 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [14 of 30]
Bell Hoppy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Blue Exorcist (Anime TV Series; 2011)
Box Top Robbery (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 41; 1960)
Bright Road (Film; 1953)
Bugs Bunny’s Overtures to Disaster (WB Cartoon TV Special; 1991)
By Love Possessed, by James Gould Cozzens (Novel; 1958)
Caveman (Film; 1981)
Crank: High Voltage (Film; 2009)
Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart (Book; 1992)
Desperado, by The Eagles (Album; 1973)
A Fault in the Vault or Banks a Million (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 42; 1960)
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, by Fiona Apple (Album; 2020)
Game of Thrones (TV Series; 2011)
Heart & Soul, R&B version by The Cleftones (Song; 1961)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1959)
McCartney, by Paul McCartney (Album; 1970)
Mickey’s Amateurs (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Mother Goose Melodies (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Planet Rock, by Africa Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force (Album; 1982)
Porky’s Duck Hunt (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
State of Play (Film; 2009)
Tina: The Musical (West End Musical; 2018)
The Watcher in the Woods (Film; 1980)
Today’s Name Days
Eberhard, Rudolph (Austria)
Ilija, Inocent, Šimun (Croatia)
Rudolf (Czech Republic)
Anicetus (Denmark)
Ege, Eike, Hiie (Estonia)
Otto (Finland)
Anicet (France)
Eberhard, Isadora, Max, Wanda (Germany)
Rudolf (Hungary)
Anicet, Arcangelo, Roberto, Rondolfo (Italy)
Rūdis, Rūdolfs, Viviāna (Latvia)
Anicetas, Dravenis, Giedrius, Robertas, Skaidra (Lithuania)
Elise, Elsa (Norway)
Anicet, Innocenta, Innocenty, Jakub, Józef, Klara, Radociech, Robert, Roberta, Rudolf, Rudolfa, Rudolfina, Stefan (Poland)
Simeon (Romania)
Rudolf (Slovakia)
Aniceto (Spain)
Elias, Elis (Sweden)
Harding, Hardy, Holden, Raleigh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 107 of 2024; 258 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 16 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 27 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 26 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 16 Aqua; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 4 April 2023
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 23 Archimedes (4th Month) [Columella]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 29 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 28 of 30)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 4.17
American Academy of Arts and Letters Charter Day
Bay of Pigs Day
Bat Appreciation Day
Blah Blah Blah Day
Book Day (British Columbia, Canada)
Canterbury Tales Day
Charter Day (Canada)
Drunken Marathon Day
Ellis Island Family History Day
Emancipation Day (D.C.)
Equality Day (Canada)
Evacuation Day (Syria)
FAO Day (Iraq)
Feast of Random Walks
Flag Day (American Samoa)
Ford Mustang Day
417 Day (Missouri)
Hex Sign Day
Horse Day
Hug a Cactus Day
International Day of Mastering Conversations That Matter Day
International Day of Peasants Struggle
International Ford Mustang Day
International Haiku Poetry Day
International Refrigeration Day
National Ellis Island Family History Day
National Hickey Day
National Kickball Day
National 2A Day
No Limits For Deaf Children Day
Nosy Neighbor Appreciation Day
Nothing Like A Dame Day
Palestinian Prisoners’ Day
Poetry and the Creative Mind Day
Thank An herbalist Day
Toothbrush Appreciation Day
Tortoiseshell Cat Day
Verrazano Day (New York)
Women’s Day (Gabon)
World Drum & Bass Day
World Hemophilia Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Malbec Day (a.k.a. Malbec World Day)
National Cheeseball Day
National Crawfish Day
Pineapple Cheese Day
3rd Monday in April
Boston Marathon Day [3rd Monday]
National Stress Awareness Day [3rd Monday]
Landing of the 33 Patriots Day observed (Uruguay) [3rd Monday]
Patriots' Day (Maine, Massachusetts, Wisconsin) [3rd Monday]
Sechseläuten ends (Six Ringing Festival; Zurich, Switzerland) [3rd Monday]
Independence Days
Syria (End of the French Mandate, 1946)
Feast Days
Anicetus, Pope (Christian; Martyr)
Bean Bunny’s Day (Muppetism)
Columella (Positivist; Saint)
Easter Monday (Orthodox Christian) [Day after Orthodox Easter] (a.k.a. ... 
Memorial Day (Georgia)
Doua zi de Paste (Moldova)
Doua zi de Pasti (Romania)
Orthodox Easter Monday
Vtor den Veligden (Macedonia)
Feralia: Day of Purification (Pagan)
Haiku Day (Pastafarian)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Canada; Christian; Saint)
Sherlock Hemlock (Muppetism)
Simeon, Bishop of Ctesiphon (Christian; Saint)
Stephen, Abbot of Citeaux (Christian; Saint)
Stephen Harding (Christian; Saint)
Tinkerbell Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Tom Twinkletoes (Muppetism)
Yom HaShoah (יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה; Holocaust Remembrance Day; Judaism) [27 Nisan]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Prime Number Day: 107 [28 of 72]
Tycho Brahe Unlucky Day (Scandinavia) [17 of 37]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [14 of 30]
Bell Hoppy (WB MM Cartoon; 1954)
Blue Exorcist (Anime TV Series; 2011)
Box Top Robbery (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 41; 1960)
Bright Road (Film; 1953)
Bugs Bunny’s Overtures to Disaster (WB Cartoon TV Special; 1991)
By Love Possessed, by James Gould Cozzens (Novel; 1958)
Caveman (Film; 1981)
Crank: High Voltage (Film; 2009)
Den of Thieves, by James B. Stewart (Book; 1992)
Desperado, by The Eagles (Album; 1973)
A Fault in the Vault or Banks a Million (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S1, Ep. 42; 1960)
Fetch the Bolt Cutters, by Fiona Apple (Album; 2020)
Game of Thrones (TV Series; 2011)
Heart & Soul, R&B version by The Cleftones (Song; 1961)
Imitation of Life (Film; 1959)
McCartney, by Paul McCartney (Album; 1970)
Mickey’s Amateurs (Disney Cartoon; 1937)
Mother Goose Melodies (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Planet Rock, by Africa Bambaataa & The Soulsonic Force (Album; 1982)
Porky’s Duck Hunt (WB LT Cartoon; 1937)
Rocket Man, by Elton John (Song; 1973)
State of Play (Film; 2009)
Tina: The Musical (West End Musical; 2018)
The Watcher in the Woods (Film; 1980)
Today’s Name Days
Eberhard, Rudolph (Austria)
Ilija, Inocent, Šimun (Croatia)
Rudolf (Czech Republic)
Anicetus (Denmark)
Ege, Eike, Hiie (Estonia)
Otto (Finland)
Anicet (France)
Eberhard, Isadora, Max, Wanda (Germany)
Rudolf (Hungary)
Anicet, Arcangelo, Roberto, Rondolfo (Italy)
Rūdis, Rūdolfs, Viviāna (Latvia)
Anicetas, Dravenis, Giedrius, Robertas, Skaidra (Lithuania)
Elise, Elsa (Norway)
Anicet, Innocenta, Innocenty, Jakub, Józef, Klara, Radociech, Robert, Roberta, Rudolf, Rudolfa, Rudolfina, Stefan (Poland)
Simeon (Romania)
Rudolf (Slovakia)
Aniceto (Spain)
Elias, Elis (Sweden)
Harding, Hardy, Holden, Raleigh (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 107 of 2024; 258 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 16 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Saille (Willow) [Day 2 of 28]
Chinese: Second Month 2 (Gui-Mao), Day 27 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 26 Nisan 5783
Islamic: 26 Ramadan 1444
J Cal: 16 Aqua; Twosday [16 of 30]
Julian: 4 April 2023
Moon: 7%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 23 Archimedes (4th Month) [Columella]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 29 of 90)
Zodiac: Aries (Day 28 of 30)
0 notes
realtimejust · 2 years
The vault dispensary
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From there, the state has nine months to come up with rules. The state won’t begin crafting those laws until February, when the initiative goes into effect. Parrott was referring to the state laws and regulations that will govern marijuana enforcement. “It all depends on what the law says,” said John Parrott, airport manager at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport. With federal law governing much of that travel, the legality of transporting small amounts of marijuana that way is in question. One of the major issues to be resolved is transportation of marijuana via air and water to the many Alaska communities that are off the main road system. But even though the law is still months from taking effect, there are big questions about what exactly will be legal. Located on the triangle in Crystal Palace in an old bank building, including the original bank vaults. A true collective by two different businesses, working together to create 'The Vaults Collective'. The Vault Cannabis: shops location, directions and contact details, reviews from customers, open hours, photos on Nicelocal.ca. Enjoy our decadent vegan cakes and speciality coffee in the middle of our indoor jungle. 4, effectively legalizing recreational marijuana in Alaska. The Vaults Collective is a cafe and plant shop in one. vote told The Washington Post, “I will consider using all resources available to a member of Congress to stop this action.” Although there is no doubting Harris’s sincerity, those resources probably will prove inadequate.Įditor's Note: More potential hurdles arise from marijuana's status as a Schedule 1 drug–and as such, it is still considered illegal by the Federal government.Īlaska voters approved Ballot Measure 2 on Nov. Norton noted that “we’ve had a threat to try to overturn our legalization initiative.” She was referring to Rep. Find out what cannabis and CBD products are available, read reviews, and find just what youre. or in Alaska and Oregon, where voters also said no to marijuana prohibition last week, would flout “fundamental principles” that “Republicans have always talked about,” including “individual liberties,” “limited government,” and “states’ rights and the 10th Amendment.” Explore the The Vault Dispensary and Lounge menu on Leafly. She was joined by three congressmen, including Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), who said trying to block legalization in D.C. Get updates, news about new releases, and the latest on the product categories you love best, delivered right to your phone Fill out this quick form and you'll automatically be entered to receive our weekly campaigns. Here's a great look (and a positive one) at the situation by Forbes contributor Jacob Sullum:Īt a press conference yesterday, Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia’s congressional delegate, urged her colleagues to respect the will of the voters who overwhelmingly approved marijuana legalization in the nation’s capital last week. Depending on who you talk to, Congress' likely reaction varies. But the real celebration has to wait until Initiative 71 is submitted to Congress for review. the moment the final votes were counted legalizing possession and home cultivation of marijuana. In addition, dispensaries carry a variety of other cannabis products such as prefilled vape cartridges, concentrates such as waxes and oils, as well as a multitude of other cannabis products like lotions and tinctures.Editor's Note: Many began celebrating in D.C. The flowers will range from sativa to hybrids of all sorts to indicas, and depending on state, test results letting you know the percentages of THC, cannabinoids and terpenoids as well as ensuring the quality of the flowers. Most dispensaries carry a variety of different kinds of flowers and buds. This product has intoxication effects and may be habit-forming. Be prepared to show your valid, current, state issued ID or passport. You must be 21 years of age to enter any The Vault Cannabis locations. Now, there are thousands of cannabis dispensaries, and more on the way as laws in the United States change towards legalizing medical and recreational cannabis. The Vault Cannabis is a licensed marijuana dispensary in the cities of Lake Stevens, Spokane and Silvana WA. The Vault Dispensary and Lounge at 35871 Date Palm Dr, Cathedral City CA 92234 - hours, address, map, directions, phone number, customer ratings. The first dispensary was opened in California, and since then, the nation has been progressing towards cannabis reform. Since the early 1990's, cannabis dispensaries have existed in the United States. A cannabis dispensary is a retail store which sells cannabis products and accessories.
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sidewalkstamps · 2 years
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Todd-Chase Co. Solar Prism Sidewalk Lights (Photo taken in downtown Los Angeles, CA on July 24, 2022 by me).
Todd-Chase Co. were located in office 324 of the Security Building, which is at 514 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, CA 90013. Of course, it’s now lofts. It’s a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument and a contributing property to the Spring Street Financial District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. This image of the building is from 1910 (The Architect & Engineer of California and the Pacific Coast, Architect and engineer Co, San Francisco, CA).
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In 1911, Todd-Chase Co. were the sub-contractors for The King Company to install 810 square feet of the Solar Prism Co’s vault or sidewalk lights for American Monrovia Investment Company’s bank and office buildings on the northwest corner of Myrtle and Orange Avenues in Monrovia, CA (Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 7, 1911).
The Solar Prism Co. was founded by R. Schuyler Hubbard, M.D. and Emil J. Weil, though the design patent was held by James Galt Brown, dated November 7, 1899: “A cone formed centrally of a prism-plate and in the same plane that contains the ribs of the plate and the annular concavity around the cone vastly improve the appearance of the plate” (glassian.org/Prism/Solar/index.html). Solar prisms aren’t streetlight as we think of them today; they “do not create light; they simply distribute and diffuse the excess of light at the window” (Municipal Journal & Public Works, 1902).
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You could buy Kawneer Store Fronts from them or hire them for cement and brick waterproofing or sidewalk lights (”Buyers Guide,” Southwest Contractor, pg. 5, April 18, 1914). They also could be hired for “maintaining sidewalk lights and doors.”
Kawneer was a separate company bad had Todd-Chase as their ‘agent,’ as “manufacturers selling goods in Los Angeles (were then) realizing that the volume of business in this city is sufficiently large to require their very close attention.” In addition to their agent, they had a factory representative named Mr. Fellner. Here are some great Kawneer ads (Southwest Contractor and Manufacturer, Volume 12, 1913).
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Kawneer still exists, headquartered in Norcross, Georgia. It’s founder, Francis Plym, “invented the first metal molding for storefronts” and was “the first manufacturer to use aluminum in architectural products” (Wikipedia). This is one of those cases where I don’t like their current logo, but I also don’t love their old one.
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All were very happy to report that “the representatives of the Broadway Department Store and of the architects, after touring the whole United States, decided that the only material that would prove cheap enough in the long run to install in the new structure (then) being erected on Fourth and Broadway, was Kawneer, is good evidence that Kawneer will stand up under close inspection and prove all its claims to superiority” (”Kawneer Factory Representative in Los Angeles”). The architects for the Broadway Department Store were Parkinson & Bergstrom. At the time, this was “one of the largest sidewalk light installations in the city” (”Personal Notes and Business Factors,” Southwest Contractor, p. 10). This is a photo from of the back entrance on the east side of Hill looking south from 4th to 5th Street, circa 1910-1919.
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I think they were also contracted to install the sidewalk lights for the Story Building (Southwest Contractor, p. 39, February 28, 1914).
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