#r6s APCA
vampsquerade · 2 years
Ahhh I love ur fics/hcs so much!!! If you write for the female ops, could we get Amaru/Fem!Reader hcs?
hi anon, i’m glad you love my fanfics and headcanons, that means so so much to me!! i do in fact, very late might i add, write for the female ops, though i never got around to updating my rules and i honestly feel so bad about that. once i reopen them, i’ll be sure to create a master list as well as some revamped rules that includes the female operators
Amaru Headcanons: Female Reader
Trigger Warnings: mentions of: explosion related injuries and hospitalization, fluff
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♡ When you had first met Azucena, it wasn’t a normal encounter
♡ Similar to her very close acquaintance, someone she saw as her own family, she came across you after a horrific explosion went off and killed several people, injuring you severely
♡ Azucena would be the one to have found you underneath the rubble, lifting you onto her shoulders and getting you to some help
♡ Once you awoke in the hospital, she gave you a recount of what happened, and asked you what you were doing before it went off
♡ You explained how you were hot on the trail of an infamous archeological thief, and he escaped just as the explosion went off
♡ Piquing her interest after hearing that the two of you were in the same business, Azucena offered to work with you and help you find him again
♡ She was lovely to work with, always jovial and hopeful, and you soon found yourself falling in love with her
♡ Azucena would feel the same, as she admired how eager you were to aid the fight in stopping the illegal theft and sale of archeological and cultural findings
♡ Once your work together was over, you became saddened as you thought this would be the last time you would see her
♡ Not wanting to let the flame of a possible relationship die out, Azucena took you out on a humble date and asked you out
♡ A bit shocked upon realizing she felt the exact same way as you, you confessed your own feelings and eventually found yourselves dating
♡ Azucena was much more affectionate and joyful when she was with you, and considering how tall she was, always loved to carry you around like you were a bear cub
♡ You’d always let her, enjoying every moment you were in her arms
♡ She would eventually introduce you to César, and he jokingly tells you he approved of you long before he met you because of how much Azucena spoke of you
♡ “Mijo come on! You had to have at least been a bit surprised when I introduced you to Y/N!” she would jokingly complain, causing all three of you to laugh
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namjoonass · 5 years
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To commemorate Ember Rise finally releasing on all platforms, took the time between things today to sketch our new darlings Amaru and Goyo! They are so lovely, I want them so bad! Too bad I have no season pass (but my brother does 💢).
It’s been awhile since I’ve drawn full body things as detailed as this, so I’m sorry if it is awkward. T_T
Art is credited to me~.
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