#rabid jealousy ( willy )
viciouslyfilthy · 11 months
@dragonskxn it seems a group of geriatrics have joined the soupfest...
"Try not to drool in the sssoup, you abssssolute caveman. Rabies is the lasst thing anyone would want in their food." The serpent scolded the fox, pulling at one of Willy's elongated ears and causing him to whine.
Willy, in return, of course snapped and tried to nip at Cornelius' hand, lucky for him- the rabid fox missed the target and dropped his item he intended to add to the soup. He called it Pudge. Short for Pumpkin Smudge.
"My ingredient!" The man exclaimed as he scrambled to recollect the vegetable. Willy had brought a large pumpkin he held in his arms. It seemed a little old, not fresh out of a pumpkin patch but still edible; he had sloppily carved what seemed to be a pig's face on it (probably an attempt at picturing the dragoness' pet hog). The sudden movement and the weight of the food item caused him to lose his footing and drop the pumpkin, which rolled away from him.
"Now look what you've done! You BASTARD!" The fox yelled from afar... Versy chuckled at the poor man's misfortune and continued slithering along without him.
He carried a storage basket in one of his arms. Inside it was two freshly baked loafs of brioche bread, gingerbread, a piece of roasted swan (safe to assume he ate the rest), plum puddings, a comically large truffle that had been washed so clean, neatly cut into slices and picked from any parasites that may have been in it that one wouldn't believe this thing was buried deep into the dirt just a day or two ago, and sea grapes. Not all of these were i gredients for the soup, obviously, only the truffle was meant to be ingredient for the 'main event' at the dragon's cottage, the rest? Well! They were only to be considered little snacks to nibble on for everyone. And of course he would be eager to hear other's opinions on his food, which he always simply loved to discuss.
He slithered alongside a distinguishable gentleman wearing a dapper vertical-lined tuxedo and a red rose on his chest that stood out the most in all of his black and white fashion. Maxwell!
He said nothing as the serpent lightly bullied the fox man earlier, only appearing slighting annoyed but ultimately unamused. Versy's size and appearence made him a tad uneasy, but nothing he wasn't used to already in The Constant, what with all the giant monsters he created and the beasts that came with each season. He had a personal vendetta against the Bearger for destroying his beehives.
In his arms he carried none other than Chester! The little living container panted just a like a dog, content. Inside, he carried not just his own eyebone, but also several bundlewraps that stored the ingredients he brought for Annalise: several berries, four drumsticks, a pair of frog's legs, two tallbird eggs, a leafy meat, two eggplants, a mandrake, as well as some uh... more questionable items, like snake skin, a batilisk wing, a deerclop's eyeball and several pieces of monster meat (hopeful their 'harmful flavor' would no doubt be neutralized by Anna upon being mixed with so many other of her ingredients in her cooking like it would sometimes happen when he made meatballs with it... or maybe, best care scenario, it wouldn't harm her at all, like it happens with the spider child, since she was not all human in nature like him).
The mandrake was his ingredient for the soup. Much like Willy's pumpkin, it didn't seem all that fresh either; it had some scratches that gave the item some darkened spots here and there- the most noticeable dark spot was the massive stab wound at the center, but it wasn't outright rotten. At best it may have been a little stale but not bad. He felt a little embrassed giving her an item in such a condition, but hey- mandrakes were no easy task in finding and killing!
There rest... were all a gift. He knew Anna loved cooking and was terrific at it, how could he not? Especially given the conditions of his ingredient. Of course he'd bring gifts for the lady herself. One such gift that was quite ah.. eye-catching, was small but very round blue egg, with lime green, chunky spots all over it, simply wrapped in a black shadowy bow (mostly to emphasize that it was meant as a gift and not as the ingredient given the circumstances).
Annalise's a farmer... and, from what little he knew so far, a bird-like dragon, so she must know a thing or two about hatching eggs..
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collymore · 10 months
Europe's Holocaust like its many splendid pogroms were all spot on!
By Stanley Collymore   What short and also quite convenient memories you actually, racist scum distinctively have! Harry was generally, literally, unquestionably, undoubtedly warm and obviously thoroughly supportive too, of his evidently older brother William’s choice of a wife fully embracing too that relationship. Remember the very numerous photos of the "we three together"? However, it   is distinctly quite obvious to me,   that also simply unquestionably   William and, clearly implacably,   his evidently rather obsessively   stalking trollop Kate Middleton:   two odious, kiss-me-ass to use   a Bajan designation manifestly   sick racists, and vile delusional   white supremacists essentially   simply didn't, haven't and never   intended to clearly reciprocate,   far less so commendably aptly   respect, Harry's own choice of   his also, individual bride. That,   Yid descendant- Goldsmith by   name, and nature  - rabid gold   digger, and a quite repulsively,   clearly obsessive stalker Kate   Middleton; effectively, like the   queer nerd that she ensnared   solely for social climbing and   acquisitive reasons; asininely,   think they're actually superior to every non-white, individual   person, and most specifically   so, Black ones; crucially even   when clearly ludicrously, and   through jealousy, their target   is effectively unquestionably   a distinctly, highly-educated;   exceedingly, clearly talented   and obviously self- evidently   mentally liberated, and aptly   a similarly, quite discernibly,   conspicuous, and articulate   African- American, Woman!   And yet there are numerous   idiots around who can't or   simply blindly refuse to   accept the actually real reasons for   those across the several centuries   numerous, and clearly necessary,   pogroms; along, with Germany's,   own basically worthy liberation:   the genuinely blessed courtesy   of a European-Holocaust;  but,   quite sadly an unfinished task   of that white scum - whatever   name, that they subsequently   use like Middleton. That's the   core issue here with Yid Kate   Middleton, and the obviously   fucking well used but clearly   too cunting well daft to aptly   see it effectively entrenched   racist; as well as a noxiously   obviously rather distinctively   fatuously; undeniably, White   Supremacist Willie Windsor:   that graspingly self-entitled   dodgy adulterer; allowed by   his married trollop basically   because of who he really is,   but who frankly does prefer   men, specifically to women;   don't you, old boy? You very   evil; crucially plus evidently   additionally too, a distinctly   most pathetically and quite   laughably supposedly hunk   when in reality you're really   nothing more than actually   an evidently birthright, and   bald, racist Willie Windsor!   (C) Stanley V. Collymore 3 December 2023.   Author's Remarks: It's not simply a political Revolution, French style, that Britain evidently needs, it also quite desperately as well quite urgently actually needs its own distinctively, specifically engineered European-styled pogroms as a matter of course! Obviously, because Racism and discernibly  self-entitled financial acquisitiveness shouldn't any longer be allowed to work only exclusively in a prescribed one-way system and solely for those who obsessively, consistently delude themselves that they alone have a divine right to this vilely and evilly, lavishly indulged in, supposedly quite eternally God-given dispensation.
More aptly and recently in the 20th Century, I rather think that the Germans, despite a miniscule number of evidently simple errors, did obviously overall about get it right, basically! What a shame actually that those millions quite collectively of Blacks, other non-whites and of course the Russians literally stopped it all from achieving its full fruition!   Was fuer eine Schande!
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viciouslyfilthy · 1 year
Which of the sins would unironically go see the Barbie movie
Rotgut. But only because his kids dragged him along to watch it with them at the cinema😔 he likely falls asleep a lot during the movie and Tatiana has to keep shaking him awake to watch the movie
Claude also would watch the movie. But it is NOT because he likes it😡😡 it is JUST to see how modern cinema looks like nowadays is all. Totally just for objective points of view. He does NOT like Barbie.😡😡😡😡😡 (Lying)
Eden and Willy 100% would go as well. Eden doesn't watch movies all that often and never goes to the theater much but Willy dragged invited him along so, what's the harm in it?
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
Laughing and crying at my Modern! Verse Rotgut and Willy because they're so fucking different from their original verse
First of all, Rotgut wouldn't even have been concieved in Spain due to a series of historical events that led to all muslim/non-christian folks to get expulsed from the country (if they didn't, the 'other way around' was often death😬)
Rotgut would've been born somewhere in Marocco or Algeria, and funny enough, in contrast to his og verse- he would be extremely devoted to religion while still keeping an open mind when it came to parenting and accepting LGBT+ folks. Modern! Rotgut would still get pushed around and walked all over like a doormat because of his often 'feminine' behaviour (much like in his og verse), so he grew up to always treat anyone he cares about like how he wants to be treated.
He would still have all his kids ofc because he loves being a parental figure and having little living beings to look after, probably works two jobs since he'd be a single parent; he's both the housewife AND the working husband. And he most likely would've still ended up living in Spain, maybe Canary Islands or something- somewhere where he'd be sure his kids and himself would be safe to be themselves. (He doesn't budge when people push him around like a ragdoll or mistreat him but as soon as anything happens to his kids he's ready to commit murder <3)
And now Willy- my sweet summer child...
Ough he'd be so. awkward. He would still get thrown in an orphanage as soon as he learnt how to walk and talk, but eventually moved out to be on his own once he's 18; since he never made much effort to befriend anyone at the orphanage he would grow to lack a lot of people skills. He'd be what you'd consider a 'social outcast' in a series or movie, or a videogame NPC because his life for the most part would be plain: wake up, eat, study, do your part-time job, go home, sleep, repeat. Keep in mind he barely interacts with anyone socially, only in his part-time job to greet customers, and even then he gives them bad vibes because he's staring too much or sounds too robotic/monotone when he talks.
He would seek some sort of therapy to help with his social issues but overall he would be extremely different from his OG verse- very introverted, awkward and doubtful of half the things he does daily because he's not sure if he's doing it right.
He would study to become a veterinary, he loves animals, especially any sort of canines and foxes. Hopefully this time he doesn't get bit by someone's rabid pet dog.
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viciouslyfilthy · 9 months
Joy and Prosperity.
((What started off as a small dash comm. ic as Sün turned into a whole ass mini OC interaction djdjd enjoy some new year angst (?) Writing with everyone's favourite old man group !! Happy New Year 🐀🐀))
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"It's my... hmm.. what a human would call birthday~ and I've been away far too long from my beloved, loyal guardians and defenders of my flock~" the Summer spirit cheerfully declared as he stomped into view.
The gang's all here! The other six sins sat by a long table, within what seemed to be a cave-like structure; it's 'walls' were littered with human skulls and overall remains, barely lit by torches some of Sün's cult members had set up.
Claude shifted nervously in his seat: they were deep within the Catacombs of Paris. He hated this place. It reeked of death and dread.
"Bring me a glass of water! Immédiatement! (Immediately!)" The aristocrat demanded as he looked over from his seat to where some members of the flock were located, hooded figures hidden within a tunnel entrance, watching from afar curiously.
"With all due respect, My Lord, if we want to get specific- this date of the year would be according to the Gregorian Calendar." Freddy spoke up, his emerald green eyes watching as a sheepish, hooded follower brought Claude his requested drink- which he pompously snatched away from the person's gentle grasp, causing them to flinch and quickly retreating back to where they belonged. Far from the table.
The personification of Wrath continued, "There are many, many different calendars depending on time periods, cultures- old and recent... that mark different dates of when the 'world' would have 'started', in a way. You understand." He said, before Eden quickly chipped in:
"Y-yes! He's right!"
"And even with our oldest recorded calendar... the mesolithic arrangement, dating all the way to back 8 thousand years Before Christ, as you'll know-" Freddy paused again, expecting Eden to continue- to which he wasted no time:
"The exact timing, date of the very 'beginning' of our life, more importantly- yours... fro-..from the moment you begun to breathe o-on this planet... to when you actually became self-aware and concious as an entity... remains to be unclear and unknown, eh.." the priest trailed off, resting both of his bony old hands over his belly, shyly smiling. Happy to share information alongside his best friend.
"Yes?" Sün simply asked, leaning over the table as two of his claws tapped on it's wooden surface.
The rat-priest awkwardly had a staring match with the deity, growing uncertain if he was meant to reply...
"Are you both quite done with your history lesson?" Sün asked once he was met with silence, his tone condescending. The air tensed up a little with this response.
"I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I do not care for date accuracies. What matters is the planet having successfully spun around, completing the three-hundred-sixty-five solar days. Another year... not in celebration of my birth, you fools. My aging is not as limited as a human or an animal, to be celebrated; another year in celebratrion of the very planet WE LIVE ON!" Sün suddenly screamed, his tone abruptly going from calm and collected- to absolute fury as he slammed a clenched, clawed fist down on the table and causing it to shake.
This caught off guard many of the sins- Claude choked on his drink, causing it to spill over his chest a little; Rotgut and Eden flinched back in their seat; Jeremiah simply lifted his head up from his palm and his gaze finally focusing on the angered God, and Willy practically fell out of his chair with a yelp and cowered in fear, pathetically hiding behind Eden's chair, shakingly clutching at his clothing.
Freddy was the only one that remained perfectly still and unphased by Sün's reaction, although he begun to sweat as he nervously looked down at his hands, worrying for his friend's safety.
Silence. Some cult members could be heard whispering amongst themselves.
"I keep this beauty alive. My heart makes it thrive with life. I want what my essence keeps alive to be cared for and praised. And I myself want to be given the respect and acknowledgement I deserve." He rambled as his heavy footsteps echoed, he circled around the table, observing each and every one of the sins.
Willy scrambled underneath the table, fearfully hugging Eden's legs as Sün's walking pace slowed as he approached the rat-priest, until he fully stopped right behind him. Eden didn't dare turn around, he was shaking with dread and fear. His rats within him squirmed and anxiously gnawed on his bones.
"And what do I get instead?" Sün asked condescendingly as a clawed, dark hand gently wrapped around the old priest's neck, "Disappointment. With useless information I have lived through." His warm grip quickly intensifying in heat and tightening around him. The poor man could feel his rats, his precious babies, squeak in fear and worming around his insides in an attempt to get away from the heat.
They would burst out of him. They didn't want to, but they would dig their way out in an instinctive attempt to escape the rising heat, just like that one old torture method...
Freddy's hands clutched together with anxiety, though he kept an emotionless face; Rotgut seemed to want to say something, but he felt... cowardice, he felt his words would hold no value even if he tried, Sün would just brush him aside, no...?
Finally, as if by miracle, liquid getting splashed on the cruel deity's hand caught his (and Eden's) attention; the heat quickly vanished and his grip softened.
Claude held his empty glass before the both of them, it dripped some droplets of water still; he was standing up from his chair.
"Suffit. (Enough.) " He mused, his tone flat and slightly bothered- as if he was watching some high school drama and was annoyed by it.
"Indeed. I think that would be enough for all of us." Freddy chimed in, suddenly grabbing the God's wretched hand and tearing it from his friend's neck with force as he, too, stood up from his chair. Now he did have an expression on his face: frustration, anger.
Eden gulped heavily, his rats still tense but slightly more relaxed; he stumbled his way up, avoiding Sün like the plague as he speed-walked to the other side of the table with Willy in tow, the wild fox-man absolutely terrified still- he couldn't even choke up one word, only heavy breathing.
"Unless you wish to start your new year by starting petty fights in front of your flock, when we're all supposed to bask in your glory, hm?" The scientist added, now using that same condescending tone.
"Wouldn't that be hypocritcal and embarassing, My Lord?" He practically hissed that title between gritted teeth as he stared daggers into Sün's glowing pupils, the ponytail holder beginning to make a sizzling sound before breaking and freeing the man's milky-white locks; his mane growing warm as the tips of his hair became almost flame-like.
"Drama de ano novo... de novo. Exatamente o que eu desejava. (new year drama... again. Just what I wished for.)" Jeremiah mumbled to himself quietly in a sarcastic tone as he rubbed his eyes with two fingers, tired of this already.
"... very well." Sün replied, his collected tone 'miraculously' returning- although he tore his hand away from Freddy's grip.
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They both continued to silently stare at eachother for a moment, as if they were intensely fighting only with eachother's gaze. And just like that they parted ways, Freddy going over to be by his friend's side.
"I suppose it would be more of a waste of my valuable time..." the deity continued,
"Such a little thing such as a rat wouldn't be worth the punishment during such an important but short event... even if the year date of our universe never changes...ah, the 'canon', as the modern term puts it." Sün chuckled lightly at pronouncing that 'modern' word.
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viciouslyfilthy · 1 year
New canon idea:
Willy is awfully forgetful of everything. It is a form of amnesia caused by a mixture of his medications and seizures mainly.
He forgets inconvenient stuff just as much as he forgets important stuff; for example if he doesn't get to see Eden for more than 9-ish months he quickly starts to forget what his face looks like and even his name.
Because of this you'll find that he writes/draws things all over his body to remember xyz things. Depending on what thing he wants to remember he will specifically write/draw it out on a specific part of his body (left hand/arm; right shoulder; just above the stomach, etc.)
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viciouslyfilthy · 1 year
For Willy from the cemetery symbolism asks: Does your OC adjust their language or behaviour around children? Are there some topics they avoid discussing in front of them - like war or death - because they would prefer to shield them from such things until they are older?
Cemetery Symbolism OC Questions.
Cherub - Innocence.
First thing's first: do not ever allow Willy to be near children because I can guarantee they won't reach an older age.
Rarely does he genuinely show sympathy or attention for them since a good 50% of the time he stews in jealousy that they're living the childhood he could not.
In this good 50% I'm speaking of if he has to interact with them and for some reason can't back out, yes he will adjust his language for them regardless, and then whoops he's given them rabies 'on accident'.
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
"I don't NEED bitches, I AM bitches.
YOU need, heh, 'bitches' since you want to smooch geezers like me so bad."
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
Were the 7 Dastardly Sins naughty or nice this year?
Stolen from: @sins-of-the-sea​
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"HAH! I love this, you're hilarious! As if that'll stop me from getting what I want. I am indeed getting a big, big gift for myself, as I should for all my hard work, amigo~"
That 'amigo' was said with quite a spiteful, passive-aggressive tone.
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"évidemment. I have never done anything wrong in my life. Ever."
But this Christmas, clarity would finally peek it's way through some of Claude's ego... and he has a moment of self-awareness!
"Well...almost never. But my concience is clear. je suis libre de mes péchés ( 'I'm free of my sins' ). I begged for forgiveness as sinners do, of course..."
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"Wh-what?" Well, color him perplexed and feeling slightly betrayed!
"But I don't even have a television! This must be another Eden you speak of... there are no plugs or electrical devices inside my church.. it's not possible..." He tried to defend himself, but his tone quickly turned to one of defeat as he simply trailed off and looked at the ground, disappointed with himself.
Was it because of that one time he was entranced by seeing a television screen for the first time inside a store? Oh, he knew he shouldn't have been looking at that goat cheese commercial! Now look at all that's caused!
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"Ohw..awhh.." he sadly mumbled, his smile tutning upside down and his head slowly lowering.
Willy was dressed up in quite a festive and colorful way- he even had a party hat on and a 'get well soon' balloon in one hand, ready to celebrate! Well...I guess now you can say 'was' ready to celebrate.
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The man slowly lifted his head up from his book,
"You're talking to me?" He was initially confused, but soon caught on, and his expression turned sour.
"Ω, αυτό είναι πλούσιο (O, aftó eínai ploúsio)..."
( 'Oh, that's rich...' )
He rolled his eyes, slowly lowering his book.
"Childish remarks. I do not need such inconveniences in my already-woeful eternity. I believe I've made my thoughts clear on this holiday since December begun." He seemed to be speaking to something beyond the little auto-generated text... oh- and now closed his book, leaving it at his side as he crossed his legs, one of his hands now rubbing at his temples as the other went to rest upon the chair's arm.
"Get...whatever this thing is away from me at once, Narrator, before you worsen my headache. I'm in no mood." He ordered. Oookay...
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Jeremiah just....stood there, both eyebrows raised in disbelief of what he was reading.
Didn't take long for them to knit together, forming quite a number of wrinkles that added to his unamused expression.
"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or genuine. And if you are being genuine, you're very fucking naive, bah."
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Sün squinted his eyes, suspicion begun plaguing his thoughts.
"Shai?" He asked- no, he demanded to know in a serious tone.
"You attempts to communicate with me have been getting more and more depressing. Tch."
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
@never-took-a-lesson from HERE.
Willy tilted his head slightly, did he do something bad? He hoped not.
"Why the long face, mister? You don't like scarfs?" He rested his index finger on his lower lip, ears sadly lowering, and his tail stopped wagging.
"It's chilly outside...and that is my best scarf! 'S cozy! I don't want a friend of mine to freeze or catch a cold, now would I?" He crossed his arms, pouting at the towering and seemingly unhappy maestro, with a thick and bright rainbow-colored scarf wrapped around his neck.
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
(( There may be topics that could be triggering to some, so- I ask that you proceed with caution, triggers will be listed in the tags as usual ))
Rotgut's greatest joy in all of his 800 years of life so far, and also his greatest weakness, are his children. In recent-ish times, Gut would go through 3 pregnancies (he can reproduce asexually)- the first which happened sometime around the mid 1800's, the second which happened in the early-mid 1900's, and the most recent one having happened in 1999-2000; he currently has a total of 30 cockroach/humanoid hybrid children (3 diff batches of 10 offsprings), all of which he's very attached to and loves unconditionally. It's because of his most recent batch of offsprings that he now isn't as active as he tended to be in the past; he'd rather look after his youngest than be out of the house all night causing chaos wherever he goes. Rarely does he leave his home nowadays to have some time to himself.
His behaviour does a complete °180 when he's around his kids- and he becomes a tired, sometimes grumpy but caring father, though this didn't stop some of his kids(the few that didn't grow up to be as disgusting and vile as he is) from distancing themselves from him when they realized how much of an asshole he is to most people that aren't family (it hurt him, and even though he refuses to change- he understands their reasons); they do visit him from time to time, in which Rotgut actually tries his best to be a good person for once in public just for their sake.
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
+⏰ for Freddy or Willy! I just think they're neat!
From this prompt.
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(( Why not both? 👀 ))
It had been so long since he had seen a dahlia flower. The very first flower he spotted back in the garden of his family when he was only a young boy, when they had not yet abandoned him in that hellhole; it's soft shade of pink simply caught his full attention and made him forget everything else.
He had the luck to have his room at the asylum be located right in front of the woods- a patch of grass had managed to grow inside the gates here and there...and there it was. A dahlia. It's puffy, colorful appearence standing out like a sore thumb in the midst of the grass.
That flower, it filled him with wonder and curiosity, he gripped at the bars of his window as he stared at the little flower. How many times had he wished for freedom thanks to that insignificant plant? If plants really did have feelings...was it aware of how lucky it was to have freedom? It was something most took for granted, in Willy's mind at least. How he wished he could run free into endless fields of grass...the mere thought gave him butterflies.
One day...one day. If it's the very last thing he does while he's still breathing...
One day.
He still remembered it like it was yesterday, it was his very first time visiting the United Kingdom... he sought to find new things to learn about, besides continuing his studies and researches, as well as exploring most cities there. He was a curious young lad indeed.
While he had settled himself in good old London, a friend had sent him an invitation to a party at his home back in Birmingham; a long ride, for sure (he would definitely need to grab a train to get there...) but he liked admiring what new places awaited for him to witness, he wanted to see it all if he could!
Given that he was not sure how long the trip would last, the young scientist prepared himself early, much earlier in fact, just to make sure he did not get there by the time the party was over, can you imagine the sheer embarassment? God forbid! He was dealing with the upper class! Such mistake would never go unseen in his reputation afterwards...
And so, the young man arrived there even before the party would've started, so...he took this opportunity to explore the city, admire each little thing- historical or otherwise important, that he could come across. And there it was, a church. It seemed as though it possessed a Gothic architecture, could it be that it was erected during the 15th or even 16th century? Probably. The mere thought of something so big (though not as large as the great cathedral of Notre Dame, of course) being constructed with such details for over a whole century..or perhaps longer, always intrigued him...he had to go inside! He needed to see what the insides displayed to its faithful viewers. And in he went, with pure glee.
Even though Freddy was far from being religious, each time he entered a church or a cathedral, he always felt his breath leave for a moment as he was graced by the naves before him, this one was no different. It always felt like he was embraced by something...holy, and pure- that was how churches and cathedrals were meant to make you feel, no? Besides the feeling of being small and insignificant compared to the size of these places and the vast amount of decor.
His eyes slowly moved around the nave, to the altar at the end... admiring each little detail; it was only when he began to walk closer to the altar to admire the crucified image of Christ that he finally noticed that, seated on one of the front rows of pew chairs, was a figure. A man; he seemed to be in a deep state of reading what he presumed was a book; until he heard Freddy's footsteps, the tippy-taps of his heeled shoes getting closer- the man slowly lifted his head to glance over at whom had entered the church.
"Oh! Hello."
Freddy was slightly unsure of this chap's presence here, at first assuming he was just another person who had come here to pray or admire the altar like he was doing, but those theories were quickly discarded as the man closed his book, held it with one hand underneath his arm, and stood up, revealing that he wore a clerical collar.
"Father! Ah- my apologies, I hadn't noticed before...uh.." he said with evident embarrassment in his voice; the pastor quickly raised a hand with a warm smile, hushing any future apologies the young man could've given.
"Please, it's quite alright, boy." He reassured, before stretching out his free hand. A handshake! Freddy immediately took the other's hand and give it a shook- maybe a bit too lively due to his nervousness, but he didn't want to embarass himself again by just staring down at his hand.
"I'm Eden, well- Father Eden, loyal preacher of this lovely place."
"I'm- ah, Freitmai, but just- just call me Freddy, please. "
"Well, Freddy, it is my most humble pleasure to have you here! Have you come to listen to sermons? There have not been many people around here today, I'm afraid- but I believe I can-"
"Oh no no no, Father- y-you misunderstood..." Freddy quickly cut him off, he felt a bit rude for doing so, but he really had no interest in preaching the good word of Christ when he did not believe in it to begin with, and he did not want to feel like leading on the poor man if he agreed out of guilt or pity, like he tended to, if he allowed him to finish. Father Eden quickly hushed to listen to the lad.
"I'm here on...ah..oh, I'm sorry, how-..this was impolite of me- I should've let you finish, Father, I'm awfully sorry.."
The priest shook his head gently.
"It's alright. It's nothing to be ashamed of, dear boy, go on- I'm listening."
Freddy hesitated, feeling a little embarrassed still, but the priest's smile reassured him. He wasn't bothered or annoyed with him at all...not yet, at least.
"I'm- ah, here- just visiting, observing all things historical or of importance to the history of mankind. It just feels like, I must admit, as if it calls to me. I intended to come here only to admire the insides of the church, not to pray, you see..."
"Ah...I shall leave you to it, then. Curiosity is a virtue, you know? If.. you have any questions, I'll be eager to answer." Eden said softly, giving a slow nod.
To be frank, he was glad this man wasn't here to listen to him- Lord forgive him, but he simply did not feel good enough to give out his sermons as per usual. He felt worn-out this week.
The priest soon sat back down, allowing the other to get closer to the altar, and for a brief moment, he went back to engulf himself in his literature. It was only after Freddy was done examining the interiors of the church to his heart's content, left and right, up and down, when he was going to bid goodbye to the old pastor, that he noticed the book he was reading...Friedrich Hegel. The book was Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. Philosophy.
"Phänomenologie des Geistes...?" Freddy mustered out softly, looking down at the man, or better said- at the book. He knew the English title, but it came out naturally to him to pronounce its title in its original language, especially since German was one of his first languages as well.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Forgive me- ah..the book you're reading, Friedrich Hegel!"
"Oh! I see. Do you also enjoy reading about metaphysics?"
And with that, what was initially a simple 'goodbye' turned into a four-hour long conversation about philosophy, both ancient and current in their timeline. They debated and shared their own thoughts and knowledge, sharing their favourite authors (or books) for the other to check out sometime. Then it shifted to the topic religion and beliefs- and though they shared a very different view on the matter, they respected and listened with patience and curiosity how the other spoke to them about how they saw or percieved the world or what there'd be after death. There was just something so...fascinating and interesting, to openly listen to another's perspective of such things.
For once, Freddy- and perhaps even Father Eden- felt like they truly were not being judged negatively by the other for sharing different views or opinions. They each felt comfortable, that weight of prejudice was not there this time- not for Freddy at least, like it often was when he spoke. He was young, he had only just gained his status thanks to his brilliance in the scientific field, and was surrounded by people of the upper class, he was terrified of committing any small mistake, anything these rich bastards could use against him or to paint his public image as an 'arrogant boy, calls himself a scientist, and does not even know what he is talking about or how to properly conversate'. But this was not that, no no, this was not someone he needed to fear and agree with their every-opinion. It wasn't someone he needed to forcefully laugh with while toasting a glass of wine and brag about his rise to 'excellence' with his fellow upper-class acquaintances. No.
This...was a friend. A true friend.
And he could not have been happier to realise this, he almost considered lying to his other 'friend' about being unable to come to London all together due to whatever unexpected work-excuse, just to spend the rest of the daylight hours conversing with Eden over a spot of tea and a slice (or two) of aspic. He wondered if he had ever gone to Paris to behold the great Notre Dame herself! He was certain that he'd love it.
This day could have not gone any better, in Freddy's opinion, it was one of those days that offer you pleasant surprises, of which, over the years, you end up looking back towards with a nostalgic sense of happiness and think:
'Boy, am I glad that we crossed paths that day.'
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viciouslyfilthy · 2 years
.:OC tag dump:.
Tags for Original Muses & other general stuff. 
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: eternal sunlight ( sün ) ; witness perfection ( sün aesthetic )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES, AESTHETIC & INFO/ANYTHING ABOUT HIS CHILDREN: from my mouth to yours ( rotgut ) ; mi amor ( rotgut aesthetic ) ; my darlings ( rotguts children )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: look at that disgusting display ( claude ) ; spoiled majesty ( claude aesthetic )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: the father ( eden ) ; from within ( eden aesthetic )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: get out of my sight ( freddy ) ; scientific madness ( freddy aesthetic )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: rabid jealousy ( willy ) ; the lonely fox ( willy aesthetic )
INTERACTIONS/REPLIES & AESTHETIC: greed has no limit ( jeremiah ) ; da pra mim ( jeremiah aesthetic )
infernal flames ( shai ) ;  i can do no wrong for i do not know what it is ( shai aesthetic )
the serpent ( cornelius ) ;  wouldst thou like to live deliciously? ( cornelius aesthetic )
vampiric gentleman ( bramante ) ; dentro la mia dimora ( bramante aesthetic )
Tumblr media
MEMES: humor me ( memes/shitposts )
PROMO: weve got company ( promo )
SELF REBLOG: arise once more ( self reblog )
OOC: the rabbit has left its home ( ooc )
3 notes · View notes