#the serpent ( cornelius )
alephskoteinos · 4 months
There is an interesting association that Cornelius Agrippa establishes regarding Satan, or The Devil, regarding his many names. In this respect he also identifies Satan or The Devil with several other devils, and even different kinds of demons and even animals.
for the Devil is called Diabolus, that is flowing downwards: that he which swelling with pride, determined to reign in high places, fell flowing downwards to the lowest parts, like the torrent of a violent stream, as Cassidorus writeth. And he is called Satan, that is, an adversary; who as St. Jerome testifieth, by reason of the corruption of his own malice, he continually resisteth, and is an adversary of God, who is the chiefest good. He is called Behemoth in the 40 chapter of Job, which signifieth an Ox; for even as an Ox desireth today, so he with the teeth of his suggestions, coveteth to destroy the upright lives of spiritual man. And Leviathan in the same place, which signifies an addition, because the Devil always endeavors to add evil to evil, and punishment to punishment. He is also called in Revelation 15 Appolion, signifying a rooter out, for he rooteth out the virtues which God planted in the soul. He is called a Serpent in the 12 of the Revelation, by reason of his virulency. A Lion in the 1 Epist, Peter and the last chapter, which roareth about seeking whom he may devour. He is called a cunning workman on Is. 55 because by his malice he deceiveth the vessels which are elected and approved. He is called Isa. 34 Onocentaurus Erynus, Pilosus, Syren, Lamia Ulula, Struthio. And by David in the 90 Psalm, an Alp, Basilisk and Dragon. In the Gospel, Mammon, the Prince of this World, and the Ruler of Darkness.
It seems possible to derive an interpretation of flowing downwards as downward ascent. First Satan falls, then he initiates the human species in their own fall from the order of God, that they might join the gods in creating their own sovereign destinies. In a certain sense, "adding evil to evil".
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viciouslyfilthy · 8 months
How Likeable Are You?
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"I like to think of myssself a little more tolerant than that. You give me far too little credit!"
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dragons-daily · 4 months
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The coastal serpent and emperor penguin do not live anywhere near each other. This visual was made possible by a traveling mage summoning one of the birds for the coastal serpent to devour. Due to the nature of such summoned creatures, this coastal serpent actually did not get any nourishment from the penguin. I made sure to give it plenty of fish to make up for the effort it put into the kill.
~Cornelius Coin
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humaforever · 4 months
Harry and Uma looking at sea ponnies (either on Serpents prep or an aquarium). Well Uma is looking at sea ponnies
Little drabble 😁. I was feeling the fluff, short but hopefully sweet.
Sure, sea ponies were cute and all, but why look at them when he could look at her.
The way her eyes seemed to sparkle as she watched them. The truest and most beautiful smile on her face. The way her fingers traced over the glass, seemingly trying to memorize every detail of the creatures. Uma was calm, she was happy. This was her break, sitting here in this class room enjoying her time with her favorite sea ponies. It was quite frankly adorable.
Harry realized that he may not have been subtle, the way he was staring at her. But he was sure she probably wouldn't notice at the moment, she was very preoccupied. Her face was relaxed, and somehow it looked even more stunning that way.
Harry didn't always care much to get off the isle himself, but he did have the thought in moments like this. He wished Uma could be free, she belonged with the ocean, it called to her. She deserved to be in open waters surrounded by hundreds of sea ponies. She deserved the world, and it was hard for Harry to come to terms with the fact that he couldn't always give it to her, it was out of his control, he would if he could. But right now she seemed content, happy even, Greta and Cornelius seemed to be doing the job just fine.
As Uma continued to watch the little creatures swim, she caught sight of Harry in the reflection of the glass.
"You think you're slick Hook?" Uma said trying to catch him off guard
Harry turned, catching her gaze in the reflection of the tank. She was still mesmerizing. The way her silhouette looked against the water, god was it her element. It's funny, how every beautiful thing looked small compared to her.
"I think you're simply enchanting" Harry said, because he couldn't find it in himself to lie right now. He couldn't even really form coherent thoughts that didn't involve her.
Uma wasn't expecting that, she wasn't expecting him to turn it around on her and say these things that for some reason made her insides feel fuzzy. She felt her face heat up, she had to look away from his eyes. Though when she did so, she could still make out the smile that crept onto his face.
"Shut up" she mumbled "I'm trying to watch my sea ponies"
Harry continued to smile but didn't say anything else. He knew she took sea pony watching very seriously. She stared at them, and he stared at her. Silently imagining, and dreaming of the day where he could truly give her the world.
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sectumsempress1 · 1 year
Good Omens Season 3: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Sectumsempress1, Hag
Or that one time I watched Good Omens, felt the claws of hyperfixation sink into my flesh for the first time in years, re-watched Good Omens more times than I care to admit and then drowned in a mind palace of analysis and delusion, resulting in this season 3 predictions bingo card coupled with unnecessarily long explanations for each square.
I'm gonna post these explanations one or two squares at a time, and honestly my first theory (probably not mine, I'm sure others have also come to this conclusion) deserves its own post because wowee I'm insane about this one.
Let's talk about why I think Crowley may have been Jophiel or Jeremiel before they fell.
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I have seen endless theories about who Crowley could have been before The Fall; Lucifer, Barachiel, Raphael, Samael... and I see some evidence for all of these. However, I raise you;
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Great question babygirl.
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Okay me when I lie.
Yes, I took this throwaway line and went insane over it don't worry about it. Anyway. First J angel that I think could make sense is:
Jophiel "Beauty of God"
Jophiel is described in some texts as the guardian of wisdom and a teacher of languages to souls at the dawn of creation. She is also recognised as a teacher to Noah's children (specifically Shem) by C.E. Clement, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and Thomas Rudd.
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And yes I am aware this is post-Fall Crowley and not the angel they were, but it's interesting that Shem was mentioned specifically regardless. Neil has wounded me so, I just feel that nothing is unintentional. Anyway, any iteration of Crowley as a teacher just feels right based on all we've seen of them.
(How he acts with Muriel, answering Jim's questions, showing Jesus the kingdoms of the world.)
Jophiel is also heavily associated with beauty and creativity.
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Okay Mr. 'Pointedly Unusual Imagination.' Bit beautiful and creative of you.
Now here's where it gets buck wild. So Jophiel is not explicitly mentioned in the bible (in fact only Michael, Raphael and Gabriel are consistently mentioned) but scholars interpret Genesis 3:24 as referring to him.
"He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and aflaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life."
Yeah. It is widely agreed upon that Archangel Jophiel wielded the flaming sword and cast Adam and Eve out of Eden. Now, obviously, in Good Omens canon, Aziraphale did this. But... what if that wasn't the original plan? What if, after Jophiel and the others were cast out, the work rosters in Heaven had to be shuffled around a bit? And what if Aziraphale, having met this beautiful, curious starmaker so long ago took on their role himself?
What if Crowley and Aziraphale began the arrangement long before either of them had the words to understand what it was? All because the angel couldn't understand why he felt so drawn to the Fallen who couldn't remember.
(Edited because I've already come up with a new theory. I still stand by all of this and want it to be true so badly, but I think that Crowley does remember. I think Aziraphale is the one whose memory may have been tampered with. That doesn't change the core of the Jophiel theory, I just think that upon reflection, a personal relationship with Crowley is not what caused Aziraphale to take his old job.)
It also makes sense to then make Crowley the Serpent of Eden, if they had perhaps already planned to go to Eden anyway.
Jophiel is also widely known as Metatron's companion, which explains why he is so aggressive towards Crowley in a really cold, personal way. Yes, Metatron knows of everyone and everything so him knowing Crowley's story isn't odd in itself. But the glare...
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To me, this reads as "I know you. I've known you. I know exactly what you're capable of and I will not take it. Not again. Behave." It's like a glare a parent would give their toddler for misbehaving in public. It feels pointedly personal. Almost as though they've worked together in the past in a way that ended badly for Metatron and he is on high alert to ensure it doesn't happen again.
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Again here. Metatron doesn't speak about Crowley in a general 'all fallen angels suck' sense. It's personal. His choice of words, the tone, everything points to him having been personally wronged by the angel Crowley was.
Also just look at Jophiel's goddamn curly little red hair are you kidding me right now Neil Gaiman I am in your WALLS.
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Also some more fun facts: Jophiel is shown as male and female presenting, leads people to a deeper understanding of the beauty of the universe, is regarded as an angel of wisdom, is known to protect those who seek truth, battles against forces of darkness and ignorance... and is strongly associated with the colour yellow.
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Nice eyes babe.
Anyway, I am so delulu about this specific theory because if it is true it would show Aziraphale and Crowley's grand cosmic connection in a way that is honestly just ineffable.
But however much I long for Jophiel to be it... there is also some evidence for it being:
Jeramheel/Jeremiel "God shall have mercy"
In religious texts, Jeremiel is known as the angel who presides over true visions, often appearing in dreams and visions to bring truth. He appears to decipher Baruch's visions and give him a tour of heaven in the book '2 Baruch', and God sends him to answer the prophet Ezra's questions regarding the apocalypse in the book '2 Esdras'.
He also served as an angel of death, watching over and guiding souls to heaven and helping them learn from their earthly experiences.
This again goes back to Crowley's belief that everyone has the right to answers and being a good teacher because of that. It would make sense for them to have had this role in their angelic days as well, despite it eventually coming back to bite them.
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Jeremiel is often depicted with a book or a scroll, symbolising the importance of knowledge.
Also, while Zadkiel is known as the angel of forgiveness and mercy, many people also consider Jeremiel (god shall have mercy) in this role... which would make Aziraphale's constant attempts to forgive him and his insistence that he is unforgivable even more devastating, and why I have ongoing theories about a role reversal occurring when it comes to this theme of forgiveness (more on this later).
Right. So I am obviously clutching at my delusion of it being Jophiel, but Jeremiel is a wider known angel with more canonical basis for actually being an archangel, which is why he also makes a lot of sense to me.
Thank you for joining me in this downward spiral into insanity. Look forward to part two!
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forsakensnakeskin · 2 years
The name Azazel only occurs one time in all of the canonical Bible, in Leviticus 16:8-10. As the Catholic Encyclopedia records, this passage explains the ceremony that the Jewish people should perform as part of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
As a personification of evil, the Jewish Encyclopedia refers to Azazel as "in some degree a preparation" for the idea of Satan. The figure of Azazel is likely pre-Israelite in origin and is probably closely tied to a communal fear for the mountainous desert region that he came to personify.
According to the Nahmanides the scapegoat rite is a symbolic expression of the idea that the people's sins and their evil consequences were to be sent back to the spirit of desolation and ruin, the source of all impurity.
1 Enoch portrays Azazel as responsible for teaching people to make weapons and cosmetics, for which he was cast out of heaven.
In the extra-canonical text the Apocalypse of Abraham (c.1st CE), Azazel appears as an unclean bird who came down upon the sacrifice which Abraham prepared. (This is in reference to Genesis 15:11: "Birds of prey came down on the carcasses, but Abram drove them away" [NIV]).
In the Apocalypse of Abraham, Azazel is described with his own Kavod (Magnificence), a term usually used for the Divine in apocalyptic literature, already indicating the devil as anti-thesis of God, with the devil's kingdom on earth and God's kingdom in heaven. Azazel is also identified with the serpent which tempted Eve.
In De occulta philosophia (1509-1510), Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Scale of quaternary: Four Princes of devils in the elements: Azazel: Air
In later lore, he is fallen and is punished by having his nose pierced.
The word "scapegoat" has developed to indicate a person who is blamed and punished for the actions of others.
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The illustration depicts him with horns, a pitchfork, a banner, and, of course, a goat. There's a frog on the banner. From Dictionnaire Infernal by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy
Alternative Spellings
Hebrew: עֲזָאזֵל ʿAzāʾzēl
Arabic: عزازيل, romanized: ʿAzāzīl
The Adversary
The Angel of Darkness
Blender of Eyeshadows
The Crafty Adversary
The Crafty Worm
The Cunning Worm
The Fallen Archangel
Forger of Swords
Guardian of Goats
The Lawless One
The Rebel Angel
Seducer of Mankind
Identified With
The Devil
[Apocalypse of Abraham] Here there is the idea that God's heritage (the created world) is largely under the dominion of evil – i.e., it is "shared with Azazel" (Abr. 20:5), again identifying him with the devil, who was called "the prince of this world" by Jesus. (John 12:31 niv)
Gadriel and Rameel
Some of the fallen angels that are given in 1 Enoch have other names, such as Rameel ('morning of God'), who becomes Azazel, and is also called Gadriel ('wall of God') in Chapter 68. (A source is not cited for this)
Gadreel (Hebrew: גדר האל, romanized: Gader ha-el, lit. 'Wall of God') is listed as one of the chiefs of the fallen Watchers. He is said to have been responsible for deceiving Eve. Schmidt lists the name as meaning 'the helper of God.'
In Islamic lore, Azazel or Azazeel was the name of Iblis before he disobeyed God by not bowing to humans and was sent from the Earth.
Origen ("Contra Celsum," vi. 43) identifies Azazel with Satan.
Azaz, as in Azazel, means strength, so the name Azazel can refer to 'strength of God'. But the sense in which it is used most probably means 'impudent' (showing strength towards), which results in 'arrogant to God'. This is also a key point in modern thought that Azazel is Satan. Also important in this identification is the fact that the original name Rameel, is very similar in meaning to the word Lucifer ('Morning Star') which is a common Latin name of Satan in Christianity.
Associated With
Antimony (use of)
Coloring tinctures
The earthly realm
Forbidden knowledge
Freedom of choice
Dye making
Mirror making
Occult arts
Ornamenting the body
Self preservation
Sensual experiences
Weapon making
Abyss, hole, pit
Banner with a frog on it
Coats of mail
Dudael, Dûdâêl (God's Kettle/Crucible/Cauldron)
Fallen/falling star
Goat, goat skulls, goat bones
Grapes, grapevine
Metalsmithing tools
Mount Azazel (Jabel Munttar) in the Judaen Desert
Nose piercing
Precious stones
Rough and jagged rocks
Unclean bird, bird of prey, carrion bird
Uninhabited places
His form is described as a dragon with "hands and feet like a man's, on his back six wings on the right and six on the left." (23:7)
Originally, Azazel was one of heaven’s angels, a gloriously beautiful man with wings on his back.
Today, like many demons, Azazel is drawn with red skin, glowing yellow eyes, and a barbed tail. He may also be found wearing goat skulls or dressed in goat bones.
He is a shape-shifter and may appear in any form, including a winged angel.
An unclean bird, bird of prey, carrion bird
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memoryaqua · 11 months
King Cornelius of the Moray
"The Little Mermaid" Limited Edition comics, "Serpent Teen"
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
the serpents lair
the serpent’s lair https://ift.tt/f2vpGqJ by ins0mn1axx “I don’t want to fight with you.” “Well, I want to fight with you. Fight with me. Fight for me.” ||Dramione Royalty AU|| Words: 1158, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, James Potter, Lily Evans Potter, Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Cornelius Fudge, Dolores Umbridge Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson/Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley/Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Rivals With Benefits, Romantic Fluff, Family Fluff, Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Quidditch, Dragons, Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Swords & Sorcery, Blood and Torture via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/y6lqYE0 May 06, 2023 at 11:27PM
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sailormoonfangirl · 8 months
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This is my reference sheet to my oc character Cornelius from my future story The Serpent's Bride that will come in the future someday. :)
I own both Cornelius and The Serpent's Bride story. :)
If you want to please feel free to check me out on my other socials.Here is the link to my linktree that has all of my socials together: https://linktr.ee/SailorMoonFanGirl
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ramrodd · 1 year
Death & Afterlife: The Ancient Hebrew View
In terms of death and afterlife. I was killed in 1953 and came before Jesus, who judge me dead, but too early and He was  sending me back. I was dead for about two minutes and it was a pleasant experience. Jesus told me two things before he revived me like the little girl in Mark 5: keep the encounter close to my heart until the fulness of time and, as long as my eyes were to color of Robin's eggs, I would love the Baby Jesus and that was my ticket to heaven. Then I was revived. I have had a conscious relationship with the Holy Spirit ever since.
As a literature major at Indiana University when you were at Ann Arbor, there is nothing you have presenting in this video that is  in any way novel. In terms of process theology, God the Universe is the Becoming God and, in terms of the  Cross and the atonement for the Book of Job, God the Universe is the God of the Broken Heart,
When the veil of the Holy of Holies is torn from top to bottom upon Jesus giving up the Ghost, That is God rending God's garment in the Jewish maner of expressing grief.It is presented in Mark 15 in contrast to the High Priest rending his garment from his feigned outrage at Jesus declaring himself the Son of Man from Daniel 7:13..
Your intuition that the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John are entwined narratives is exactly correct. Cornelius expected the Gospel of Mark to be received and understood literally by his chain of command in Rome when he composed it and it, the Gospel of Mark, is the Greco-Roman play-by-pay of the ministry  of Jesus and the Gospel of John, written by John Mark, is the color commentary of a Hellenistic Jew that adds the horseradish of Passover missing from the Synoptic Gospels.
By the way, is there any chance that the Hebrew translation fo The serpent in Genesis could be understood and Adam with a hard-on:? We never see Adam and the Serpent in the same room at the same time and he acts like most men with a hard-on deploying  his silver tongue to get in Eve's panties, if she had any. Once he gets his way, he is like Kirk Douglas, and hopes  the encounter turns into tree gusy and a game of euchre, while eve is ready for more. That's the process theology version of The Fall.
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 2.2
Ayn Rand Day
Bonza Bottler Day
Chris Kyle Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Philippines)
Day of Youth (Azerbaijan)
Feast of Torches
Femminiello Pride Day (Italy)
Grand Central Station Day
Groundhog Day  (a.k.a. ... 
Badger Day
Brewhog Day
Groundhog Job Shadow Day
Hedgehog Day
”I Got You Babe” Day
Marmot Day (Alaska)
When the Bear Wakes Up Day (Croatia, Serbia)
HarryStrong Day
Hromnice (Czech Republic)
International Sex Education Day
Inventor’s Day (Thailand)
Lung Leavin’ Day
Mad Pelagius Day (Elder Scrolls)
Mindfulness Day
National Brendan Dau
National Brown Dog Day
National Catcher’s Day
National Change Your Windshield Wipers Day
National Frank Day
National Indigenous Day (Colombia)
National League Baseball Day
National River Day
Neuroblastoma Awareness Day (Australia)
Play Your Ukulele Day
Purification Day
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
Self-Renewal Day
Serpent Day (Celtic)
Sled Dog Day
Sonam Locher (Sikkim, India)
Trader’s Day (Poland)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Day (Mexico/US)
Treaty of Tartu Day (Estonia)
Twin Tail Day (Japan)
Veja Diena (Day of Wind; Ancient Latvia)
Victory of the Battle of Stalingrad Day (Russia)
Wives' Feast Day
World Day for Consecrated Life
World Ostrich Day
World Tutu Day
World Ukulele Day
World Wetlands Day (UN)
Zippo Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewhog Day
California Kiwi Fruit Day
Crêpes Day (France)
Heavenly Hash Day
Rolling Rock "33" Day
Tater Tot Day
1st Thursday in February
National Sweater Day (Canada) [1st Thursday]
Optimist Day [1st Thursday]
Scout Jumuah [begins sundown 1st Thursday]
Time to Talk Day (UN) [1st Thursday]
Feast Days
Adalbard (Christian; Saint)
Candlemas  (a.k.a. ... 
Candelaria Festival (a.k.a. Virgen de la Candelaria; Puno, Peru)
Dia de la Candelaria (Mexico)
Feast of the Holy Encounter (Western Christianity)
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Western Christianity)
Feat of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Western Christianity)
La Fete de la Chandeleur (Canada, France)
Le Jour des Crepes (Crepes Day; France)
Mariä Lichtmess (Liechtenstein)
Matka Boska Gromniczna (Mother of God of the Blessed Thunder Candle; Poland)
Our Lady of the Candles (Filipino Catholics)
Quarter Day (Scotland)
Virgin of Candelaria (Tenerife, Spain)
Yemanja (a.k.a. Our Lady of Navigators; Candomblé)
Charming of the Plough (Pagan)
Columbanus of Ghent (Christian; Hermit) [Belgium, brewers]
Cornelius the Centurion (Christian; Saint)
Dabucuri ucuqui, (Initiation Rites of the Young Men; to Jurupari, South American Guarani/Tupi God)
Festival of Juno Februa (Ancient Rome)
Groundhog Day (Pastafarian)
Imbolc, Day 2 (a.k.a. Oimelc; Celtic, Pagan) [1 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
James Joyce (Humanism; Saint)
Lawrence, Archbishop of Canterbury (Anglican Church)
Martyrs of Ebsdorf (Christian; Martyrs)
Raya (Muppetism)
Roger Corman Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Sophocles (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [7 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it's always cold and miserable on February 2. Unless you live in Australia, in which case it's hot and miserable.)
Alyered Carbon (TV Series; 2018)
The Benny Goodman Story (Film; 1956)
Cinema Paradiso (Film; 1990)
A Clockwork Orange (Film; 1972)
Ghost in the Shell (Anime Film; 1996)
The Great Train Robbery (Film; 1979)
The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1998) [Discworld #22]
Long Day’s Journey into Night, by Eugene O’Neill (Play; 1956)
Louise, by Gustave Carpenters (Opera; 1900)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1973)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Film; 2008)
Oliver’s Army, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1978)
Pam & Tommy (TV Mini-Series; 2022)
The Point!, by Harry Nilsson (Animated TV Special; 1971)
South Pacific (Broadway Musical; 1949)
Susie Q, recorded by Dale Hawkins (Song; 1957)
A Trick of the Tail, by Genesis (Album; 1976)
Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1602)
Ulysses, by James Joyce (Novel; 1922)
Today’s Name Days
Bodo (Austria)
Marija, Marijan, Svjetlana (Croatia)
Nela (Czech Republic)
Leegi, Säde (Estonia)
Aamu, Jemina, Lumi (Finland)
Théophane (France)
Bodo, Mariä Lichtmess, Stephan (Germany)
Ipapanti, Ypapante, Ypapanti (Greece)
Aida, Karolina (Hungary)
Maurizio, Sabatino (Italy)
Spīdola, Spidols (Latvia)
Kantvydas, Rytis, Valdemaras, Vandenė (Lithuania)
Jomar, Jostein (Norway)
Joanna, Korneliusz, Maria, Miłosława (Poland)
Inna (Russia)
Erik, Erika (Slovakia)
Candelaria, Purificación (Spain)
Aleta, Aletha, Alethea, Alida, Alita, Lita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 33 of 2023; 332 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 12 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 11 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 3 Xin; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 20 January 2023
Moon: 92%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 5 Homer (2nd Month) [Sophocles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 44 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 13 of 30)
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viciouslyfilthy · 7 months
(( @xx-honkhonk-xx silly OC Valentine's thing for my best friend!! Although this turned out to be awfully long + I'm still gonna be here correcting spelling mistakes I might've missed ejdndn ))
Feel Good.
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' The Lovers. '
René Magritte (1928)
Love forever, love is free
Let's turn forever, you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?
It was the third 'to do list' the man had made, the previous two having fallen victim to delirious scribbling as their user would grow increasingly manic, filled with energy, that he'd end up tearing through the paper with his pen, or scribble all over the entire page.
It was a very special day, and everything needed to be perfect. Every single microscopic thing.
Valentine's Day was Richard Hardwick's favorite day, his favorite time of worship: the day of love. The day where you exchanged gifts and spent time with your loved ones. Well... at least he intended to spend time with one person in particular that he actually gave a fuck about. His workplace? Don't be silly, nobody likes that; and besides, he only put up a facade so he would be the most liked individual, you'd be an imbecile if you genuinely thought he cared about your feelings. He was far better than you, so you best know your place. His wife? Sure yeah they were friends, but obviously it wasn't about her! What do you think this is, a Disney film?
No, no... the one that deserved Mx. Hardwick's full focus was that snake chef. The star of the lost episode 'Mornings with Dick Hard, episode 150: penetrating the cryptid's lair' (the episode of his show had gone 'lost' because the burial spots of the Cornelius' sacrificial victims had been recorded in it, so he threw the VHS tape down into the never-ending depths of the pit he had within his cave-palace).
And towards that snake is exactly where he was headed as he shoved sloppy love letters, full of words that were emptier than his pockets after Black Friday, in the confused hands of all who would pass by him. Some were puzzled, others saw stars at recieving something from their beloved idol and occasionally porn star, The Mx. Hardwick.
He'd spent the past two weeks just writing letters, copying and pasting the same words on each one. Of course he passed by his workplace to do the exact same process; he went to the houses of friends or anyone he had ever slightly interacted with after managing to find their location (them asking how he found their home address begun to grow quite annoying after the third time! Why couldn't they just be grateful he chose to waste time showing up in person so they could bask in his presence on such a holy day?!). And finally... the main event. Cornelius' cave-palace... Oh, he had it all so well-planned out already!
"HAPPY ST.'S VALENTINE'S DAY, SLAG!" he shouted into the cave, causing his words to echo- followed by him blowing a party whistle.
"CORNEEEEEEELIUS! OI, WHERE ARE YA?! BIG DAY TODAY. I'VE PLANNED IT ALLLLL OUT! WE'RE ON A TIGHT SCHEDULE! I'VE GOT MY CAMERA CHARGED TO RECORD EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF-" he continued to loudly shout and make his presense clearer than staring at the Sun, until the serpent was standing in front of him with a furious expression as his snake-half quickly wrapped around the man and covered his mouth to get him to shut his infernal yap.
"Will you quit ssscreaming!?" He aggressively whispered as his face inched closer to the man. Richard nodded, and was granted his freedom once again- proceeding to shove 10 different letters in his partner's hands, followed by two boxes of chocolates and the largest bouquet of flowers he could find. Not once did Richard wipe that God damn smile off his face.
Versy's face immediately softened up as a smile appeared on his own face.
"Ooh! Why, thank you... How generouss~" the snake purred, needing his tail's aid to hold all that stuff.
"I've prepared you quite a few giftsss as well~" He added.
"More shedded skin??" Richard bluntly asked, "You didn't tear it off piece by piece this time did you? That bodypillow of mine needs a friend back home."
"What?! No! I've cooked for you!"
"And I might have gotten you ssome jewelry..."
"Oooh! Thank you, thank you! I absolutely love it! I shall unbox and review them at once!"
"I haven't even showed you the giftsss yet." Versy pouted as he attempted to open a chocolate box with one hand.
"There's no time for that. We've GOT to go to the local Lover's Lane, RIGHT NOW. In my SUV. so we can save space and have enough space to fornicate at exactly 10 PM right after our romantic dinner at Sloppy Joe's. You will ask me if I had plastic surgery and I'll tell you yes, and you'll compliment me and say-"
"Richard." Versy tried to interrupt.
"Yes! You'll say: Richard, my love, apple of my eye- you've turned into the most SPECTACULAR and beatiful man England's even given birth to! And I'll gasp and fake tear-up before saying-"
The salesman's controlling script planning was cut short by the serpent stuffing a couple of chocolates into his mouth.
"You wish. Everyone knowss I'm the most handssome, besides I think in the passt I've fully complied with you a total amount of zero. And it'ss been years since you've had sssurgery! You look the ssame as the day I've met you, mate."
"...Awe you cawwing me ugly and fat?" Rich muffled as he chewed and gulped down the treats he'd been given, his lips still pursed into a smile.
"No! I'm- ugh! Jusst hear me out, you wanker! YOU are going to ssit your arssse down in the kitchen and enjoy the gifts I've made you firsst. Then we'll go along with whatever you did."
"Ah! Nuh-uh. ss Zip it. Go." He ordered like he was telling a dog what to do as he pointed downwards, towards a specific door.
Rich remained 'zipped' for exactly one minute, just silently observing his serpentine companion, always smiling. This would be unsettling to the average person, but neither of these two were average people.
"Well, gee! Why didn't you just say so before?" The man declared in his deadpan cheerful television-presenting tone, beginning his descent deeper into the snake's home.
"What do you think I've been trying to do sssince you barged in my home screaming?" Cornelius sighed in relief before following the man along.
"A man can only focus on so much. I couldn't hear you over the sound of my excitement."
Cornelius had prepared quite the brunch for his partner! As per usual, he went all out: steak with peppercorn sauce, mashed potatoes with pork chops, a heart-shaped strawberry cheesecake and cupcakes decorated with frosting to resemble Richard's face.
...yeah, screw the 'celebrity diet' he was attempting to do again, he had completely forgotten he was supposed to be more excited about the jewelry than the food he was trying to stray away from, how could he if Mr. Hutchinson would always make it look so bloody inviting?! The TV star moved like a zombie (or a robot) as he practically circled over the table like a fly, where to even begin?
"It's beautiful, thank you!" his voice remained with the exact same cheery-monotone, but there was a hint of genuine appreciation this time.
His stomach had been aching a while, so far only having had a 'Valentine's breakfast' with his wife at 6 AM; he didn't feel hunger as per usual- but regardless of that, it was clear he was hungry as he impulsively went to stuff himself with a cupcake, followed by a pork chop. He didn't seem to care much about mixing up foods that really don't go well together- such as that, or mashed potatoes and cheesecake...
'It's okay.' He'd remind himself, it's a special day and he's allowed to eat more than what he'd usually allow himself. A cheat day.
Versy smiled, seeing the man eat, clasping his hands together and just admiring his handsome partner! Not as handsome as him though.
He felt they'd stayed at Versy's home too long, too long! Two whole hours! Just eating and looking at all the pretty gems he'd gotten as a gift, and groping and licking the man's snake half, and admiring himself in the mirror with his new rings, and brushing his hair, and adjusting his tie over again! This wasn't how it was meant to go! Even though the restaurant reservation was at 6 PM... and it was currently only 1 PM, Richard acted as though they were going to be late for sure. The entire ride the man would ramble about how they should have been at Lover's Lane hours ago and overall reacted as if his house was about to be set on fire. Cornelius, on the other hand, seemed to be completely immune to the man's hysteria. Lets one only imagine how often he had to deal with this exact same behaviour.
First, he'd parked in front of his workplace to have lunch number two with his boss, significantly smaller than what his partner'd made him, which he was successful to finish this time. Then, visiting his water cooler dispenser again, just making sure she was okay. He felt sick already with all this running up and down, that usually doesn't happen until 4 PM!
The dinner date was a disaster. His preferred dish there was apparently 'out of stock', damn incompetent bitches. And to add insult to injury- Cornelius was not following the script! He was supposed to talk more than he ate! Like he did! And oh... oh, worst of all! His camera had ran out of battery! Now how was he supposed to record the rest of his special day?! Perhaps he shouldn't have kept it actively recording since this morning...
The Lover's Lane evening also didn't go too well... at least not according to Mx. Hardwick's plans. What with Cornelius spending more time poisoning and devouring couples that annoyed him by being noisy than trying to help Richard record his next sex tape somehow! You could tell the man's perpetual mask was beginning to crack since nothing seemed to be going his way on a day he absolutely needed it to be going his way. Growing more and more anxious with each passing moment.
"I cannot believe you!" Richard spat once they returned to Versy's home.
"What?! Not like you cared about those people!"
"I'm not talking about those lowlife mingers at the Lane, you absolute nutter!" The TV celebrity barked, maintaining his smile, although his expression from the eyes-up was complete fury.
Cornelius raised his monobrow in surprise, remaining silent. Richard continued:
"You-.. everything's ruined!"
The snake's surprise turned into unamusement, his monobrow now partly raised as he crossed his arms.
"I could not picture the day going any worse! I-I wasn't supposed to eat that much! Now my diet's ruined! And my camera! I couldn't even record our dinner date! And you..." he pointed towards the serpent, getting closer to him and pulling him down by the collar to reach his height and lowering his pink-tinted glasses to reveal his gaze, so the snake could look into his abnormally large, empty, soulless pupils; this was the first time his smile slightly faded, barely cracking as he said the following:
"You didn't even bring up my plastic surgery! All you did was eat, you ball of lard!"
Cornelius chuckled, "that'sss the point of a bloody restaurant, love." He wrapped his tail around the man's waist, catching him off guard for a moment so he could take his chance to continue speaking before him.
"I think you've, ah, ssspent too much time trying to make the day out to be sso 'perfect', that I don't believe you've had the time to enjoy one bit of it."
"No shit! Do you have any idea how busy a television Star is on a daily basis?!"
"I do."
"Wh- you do?"
"No, not really, ss."
That kind of left the man short circuiting for a brief moment. Cornelius continues:
"Well, I've enjoyed my day! It wasss quite the trip~"
"You did? Oh, of course you did! I did too. But what about..."
"Ssscrew your sscript, Richard! Jusst let things happen, the day wasn't 'ruined'. "
Cornelius paused, his monobrow furrowing before he actually processed what was said earlier. "Pardon? You enjoyed your day, but you didn't? Did I hear correctly?"
"Exactly! Today was my day and I did not fully enjoy it!"
The serpent squinted, mouth slightly left agape, "At all?"
Richard raised both brows and gasped, as if deeply offended, "what're you, nutty?? Of course I enjoyed it! But I needed it to be PER-FUCKING-FECT! So I could enjoy it even more!"
"Sssatan give me sstrenght. Dramatic much? ...instead of picking away at the minuscule inconveniencess, why don't you jusst enjoy the fact that you had a good day, and you are with me! Greatest honor of all!" Cornelius smiled, somewhat strained, gently wrapping his tail around Rich. The other man remained unphased, immobile. Stressfully smiling also.
"Ugh. Sure, yeah yeah. But do you even know who I am? Richard Hardwick doesn't do 'inconveniences'! It's either this, or that. No in-between!"
"Do you know who I am? The greatessst chef of the 19th century, and the mosst feared killer of it's times, sstanding right before you in the flesh. And not even I complain thiss much."
"That's because you don't know what being a TV celebrity is like, knucklehead."
Aaaand the arguing went back and forth, forth and back. Going from how difficult modern technology was to understand- to how technology and attention on the internet and on the news is the only way of living. Opposites attracting eachother much?
Alas, after spending the day practically emotionally isolated from one another as they acted as though they cared, it seemed that finally they both got some closure; currently cuddling as the snake coiled in on himself, holding the obnoxious little man with him. It was odd seeing him not smiling at all and being uncharacteristically quiet; he miraculously seemed to calm down enough to sleep.
At the end of the day, their love was strange in a unique way; there was no space in either of their hearts for anyone else but their individual selves. Nothing would matter more to Richard than Richard. Nothing would matter more to Cornelius than Cornelius. And yet, they tolerated eachother just enough to bond, if only a little.
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dragons-daily · 1 year
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Coastal Serpent
The coastal serpent is one of the most common varieties of sea-dwelling dragons. Growing up to 20ft long, coastal serpents spend most of their time submerged in shallow salt and brackish water. These creatures generally leave humans alone, but it is nonetheless ill-advised to seek them out.
The coastal serpent generally lies in wait for prey to come to it, but its powerful sinuous body is capable of giving it great bursts of speed when needed. When it encounters prey that it cannot swallow whole, it will wrap its dextrous tail around the prey to restrain them while it uses its forelimbs to drag itself to a good spot for killing.
~Cornelius Coin
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 2.2
Ayn Rand Day
Bonza Bottler Day
Chris Kyle Day (Texas)
Constitution Day (Philippines)
Day of Youth (Azerbaijan)
Feast of Torches
Femminiello Pride Day (Italy)
Grand Central Station Day
Groundhog Day  (a.k.a. ... 
Badger Day
Brewhog Day
Groundhog Job Shadow Day
Hedgehog Day
”I Got You Babe” Day
Marmot Day (Alaska)
When the Bear Wakes Up Day (Croatia, Serbia)
HarryStrong Day
Hromnice (Czech Republic)
International Sex Education Day
Inventor’s Day (Thailand)
Lung Leavin’ Day
Mad Pelagius Day (Elder Scrolls)
Mindfulness Day
National Brendan Dau
National Brown Dog Day
National Catcher’s Day
National Change Your Windshield Wipers Day
National Frank Day
National Indigenous Day (Colombia)
National League Baseball Day
National River Day
Neuroblastoma Awareness Day (Australia)
Play Your Ukulele Day
Purification Day
Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day
Self-Renewal Day
Serpent Day (Celtic)
Sled Dog Day
Sonam Locher (Sikkim, India)
Trader’s Day (Poland)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Day (Mexico/US)
Treaty of Tartu Day (Estonia)
Twin Tail Day (Japan)
Veja Diena (Day of Wind; Ancient Latvia)
Victory of the Battle of Stalingrad Day (Russia)
Wives' Feast Day
World Day for Consecrated Life
World Ostrich Day
World Tutu Day
World Ukulele Day
World Wetlands Day (UN)
Zippo Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Brewhog Day
California Kiwi Fruit Day
Crêpes Day (France)
Heavenly Hash Day
Rolling Rock "33" Day
Tater Tot Day
1st Thursday in February
National Sweater Day (Canada) [1st Thursday]
Optimist Day [1st Thursday]
Scout Jumuah [begins sundown 1st Thursday]
Time to Talk Day (UN) [1st Thursday]
Feast Days
Adalbard (Christian; Saint)
Candlemas  (a.k.a. ... 
Candelaria Festival (a.k.a. Virgen de la Candelaria; Puno, Peru)
Dia de la Candelaria (Mexico)
Feast of the Holy Encounter (Western Christianity)
Feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Western Christianity)
Feat of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Western Christianity)
La Fete de la Chandeleur (Canada, France)
Le Jour des Crepes (Crepes Day; France)
Mariä Lichtmess (Liechtenstein)
Matka Boska Gromniczna (Mother of God of the Blessed Thunder Candle; Poland)
Our Lady of the Candles (Filipino Catholics)
Quarter Day (Scotland)
Virgin of Candelaria (Tenerife, Spain)
Yemanja (a.k.a. Our Lady of Navigators; Candomblé)
Charming of the Plough (Pagan)
Columbanus of Ghent (Christian; Hermit) [Belgium, brewers]
Cornelius the Centurion (Christian; Saint)
Dabucuri ucuqui, (Initiation Rites of the Young Men; to Jurupari, South American Guarani/Tupi God)
Festival of Juno Februa (Ancient Rome)
Groundhog Day (Pastafarian)
Imbolc, Day 2 (a.k.a. Oimelc; Celtic, Pagan) [1 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
James Joyce (Humanism; Saint)
Lawrence, Archbishop of Canterbury (Anglican Church)
Martyrs of Ebsdorf (Christian; Martyrs)
Raya (Muppetism)
Roger Corman Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint) 
Sophocles (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Lucky Day (Philippines) [7 of 71]
Shakku (赤口 Japan) [Bad luck all day, except at noon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it's always cold and miserable on February 2. Unless you live in Australia, in which case it's hot and miserable.)
Alyered Carbon (TV Series; 2018)
The Benny Goodman Story (Film; 1956)
Cinema Paradiso (Film; 1990)
A Clockwork Orange (Film; 1972)
Ghost in the Shell (Anime Film; 1996)
The Great Train Robbery (Film; 1979)
The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1998) [Discworld #22]
Long Day’s Journey into Night, by Eugene O’Neill (Play; 1956)
Louise, by Gustave Carpenters (Opera; 1900)
The Midnight Special (Music TV Series; 1973)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Film; 2008)
Oliver’s Army, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1978)
Pam & Tommy (TV Mini-Series; 2022)
The Point!, by Harry Nilsson (Animated TV Special; 1971)
South Pacific (Broadway Musical; 1949)
Susie Q, recorded by Dale Hawkins (Song; 1957)
A Trick of the Tail, by Genesis (Album; 1976)
Twelfth Night, by William Shakespeare (Play; 1602)
Ulysses, by James Joyce (Novel; 1922)
Today’s Name Days
Bodo (Austria)
Marija, Marijan, Svjetlana (Croatia)
Nela (Czech Republic)
Leegi, Säde (Estonia)
Aamu, Jemina, Lumi (Finland)
Théophane (France)
Bodo, Mariä Lichtmess, Stephan (Germany)
Ipapanti, Ypapante, Ypapanti (Greece)
Aida, Karolina (Hungary)
Maurizio, Sabatino (Italy)
Spīdola, Spidols (Latvia)
Kantvydas, Rytis, Valdemaras, Vandenė (Lithuania)
Jomar, Jostein (Norway)
Joanna, Korneliusz, Maria, Miłosława (Poland)
Inna (Russia)
Erik, Erika (Slovakia)
Candelaria, Purificación (Spain)
Aleta, Aletha, Alethea, Alida, Alita, Lita (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 33 of 2023; 332 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 5 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 12 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Jia-Yin), Day 12 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721(until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Shevat 5783
Islamic: 11 Rajab II 1444
J Cal: 3 Xin; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 20 January 2023
Moon: 92%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 5 Homer (2nd Month) [Sophocles)
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 44 of 90)
Zodiac: Aquarius (Day 13 of 30)
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weakforarwen · 2 years
This episode is disturbing on many levels:
There is Lamia, created by the High Priestesses who “in their wars with the ancient kings” “took the blood from a girl and mingled it with that of a serpent”.
Typical. A girl is robbed of her agency, and becomes both victim and perpetrator, though no one ever feels sorry for her, only for her male victims; the girl literally became a snake. The misogyny sure is subtle on this one. 
Moreover, the Lamia can “control the mind of a man, suck the life from him with a single embrace.”. Yes, yes, I get it. Women are evil temptresses who seduce men, drain them dry, and leave them broken. Moving on.
Poor Merlin. In the beginning of the episode, Elyan stood up for him and Gwaine was nice to him too. But as soon as Lamia appeared, that snake, she made the good boys go bad and turned brother against brother. There’s nothing like the bond of brotherhood, though! The knights still wanted to save Elyan after turning on each other, and Leon came to his senses when he saw Lamia had hurt Percival; he attacked her. 
Also, it turns out the Lamia’s true form is a hideous monster. Women are always pretty on the outside, rotten on the inside, WBK.
In a rare turn of events, it was up to Arthur to save the day, especially because Gwen was with them. He was immediately worried when they took too long to return to Camelot, though not that much time had elapsed. Arthur went to look for them personally. Arthur’s very consistent when it comes to Gwen: all the times she leaves (or returns to) Camelot without Arthur, she's escorted by all the living Knights of the Roundtable (eg. The Coming of Arthur Part 2, Lamia, The Dark Tower, The Diamond in The Stone (?)). Also, when Gwen goes missing, rest is no longer part of Arthur’s vocabulary. Like, he told Agravaine, Gwen when missing so they had to keep going “all night if necessary”. It was the same thing when Gwen went missing in Lancelot and Guinevere and The Dark Tower. Not even Agravaine could convince Arthur to just chill. 
However, Arthur annoyed me in this episode. 
He made fun of Merlin for being saved by Gwen, joking that being saved by a woman is worse than dying. Fuck you very much, Arthur. This is what happens when you’re raised by an arrogant, megalomaniac, alpha male douchebag vs. being raised by a single mom in a loving home (Merlin). Toxic masculinity so thick you could choke on it 
Also, Arthur told Gwen he was surprised by her bravery when facing the Lamia:
I thought I knew everything about you, Guinevere. Your loyalty, your wisdom. Since when did you become this fearless hero?
Are you joking? She literally risked her life to get clean water for the sick in The Last Dragonlord, and she knocked you out of harm’s way twice in The Curse of Cornelius Sigan. Did you really forget that, Arthur? She also convinced you to let women fight in The Moment of Truth. Dude. WFT. Gwen even replies with: “Well, maybe you just didn't notice before.”. You don’t say.
It was sweet that Arthur praised her and told her she equaled a knight in courage and that he was proud of her, but it was also condescending. It’s like he just figured out women can be brave, and, worse, that Gwen was.
I maintain my opinion, though, that the whole point of this episode was to give Arthur the final push he needed to propose to Gwen. By “proving” that she was brave and willing to fight off a creature of magic, she showed Arthur, or, rather, Agravaine, that she would indeed make a good Queen. Arthur used these events to justify his decision to Agravaine. It doesn’t make sense, but I think the writers wanted something to motivate Arthur’s proposal rather than just having it sprung on the audience. If he hadn’t married her yet, that means he needed a bigger reason than love, right? And that reason was, mostly, Gwen’s courage and the compassion she showed for the people of Camelot, but also Arthur’s own fear of losing her which is generally a huge motivator for him (ie. The Hunter’s Heart and The Sword in The Stone). Imo, Arthur’s loneliness was another reason, as seen in The Secret Sharer. 
But, yeah, anyway, Gwen’s reactions to Arthur’s praise were so cute, she looked so happy, and their kiss was cute too.
Speaking of Gwen, it kind of bothered me how scared she looked when facing the Lamia. The men never look scared, but it’s like they wanted Gwen to look terrified and powerless before the Lamia. I understand that she doesn’t have Merlin’s powers or Arthur’s experience, but her facial expressions were almost comical, she looked so silly. Considering that Arthur made fun of Merlin for being saved by a girl, I feel like that was on purpose. Or maybe Angel wanted it to look realistic?
So, yeah, not a great episode, but it’s lighthearted, Agravaine isn’t that annoying, and there’s Gwen and Arwen, so it’s not too bad. It’s hella sexist though.
Lastly, Gaius and Merlin are so cute. Gaius looked like he was sending his baby off alone to school for the first time. He even gave Merlin his medicine bag, haha. And Merthur were cute when Arthur rescued him and Gwen. Arthur's cute when he’s happy and playful, he looks so boyish, Gwen jumping into Arthur’s arms and Arthur holding her with his eyes closed was cute too.
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malusart · 2 years
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Another image from Basil Valentine’s Tratise on the Great Stone of the Ancients (1626). We see a circular alchemical flask that contains a dragon, its body linked with two overlapping circles. Its inside a downwards triangle and surrounding by three snakes wearing crowns.
There is no clear explanation of its meaning, but it does come after a shrot poem which mentions the triplicity of Body, Soul and Spirit, which are three, but come from one thing, volatile and fixed bound together. 
Like the three snakes in the 9th image from the Twelve Keys of Basil Valentine, it appears that the three snakes are the 3 principles of matter, body/salt, soul/sulphur, and spirit/mercury. 
The poem mentions the bath prepared by the old dragon, in which he loses his strength and power and states that it is nothing other than a two-fold Mercurius. The vessel itself is the bath (in the Rosarium Philosophorum we see images of a king/sun and queen/moon dissolving in a bath). The downward triangle represents the element water (here “water which does not wet the hands” - Mercury as primal matter and the process of Solution and Washing). The two overlapping circles must signify the double Mercury or Mercurius Duplex. The fact that old dragon loses its strength related to the idea that “the Dragon (mercury) must die with its brother (sun/gold) and sister (moon/silver). 
What immediately struck me is that this unusual representation of the dragon must have been lifted from Cornelius Agrippa’s Three Books of Occult Philosophy (1533), Book 2, Chapter 45, “On the image of the head and tail of the dragon of the moon”. There, we read that the image of the dragon is between an airy and fiery circle, looking like a serpent with the head of a hawk. The circles are “tied about the body” after the manner of the great Greek leter Theta. Agrippa said the head of the dragon represents success of petitions and signifies “a good and fortunate genius”, that it “often reneweth his age with his skin and becometh young again.” The tail, however, is the evil genius, introducing anguish, infirmity and misfortune.
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