#rabid. put me down like ol' yeller!!!!
dylanconrique · 5 months
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stagbeetleboy · 2 years
Yeah I’m not holding onto sanity anymore. The constant physical pain has caught up with me. Someone has to put me down like a rabid dog. I’m ol yeller.
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memedong · 6 years
Bruh dont fuckin lie!!! Ur not like. Even. Close to being 'repulsive' I would thump u in a heartbeat if you didnt live in fuckin Antarctica or some shit
i look in the mirror & am like “i need to be put down like a rabid dog behind the shed w/ an old shotgun” just call me ol yeller 
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cwdcshows · 5 years
The Flash - S6 E3 - Dead Man Running
I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess that in spite of what would otherwise have been a perfect title such a story, this episode probably feature the DC character Deadman; and I'm a little disappointed. Are the thugs really debating the finer points of their chain of command and who gets what percentage of the take at the start of the criminal activity; and not say, any point prior to that moment when they're perhaps planning said activity?  
Let's all take a moment to remember Mitch Romero; or as those closes to him knew him, Milkman Mitch.  He didn't amount to much as criminal middle management, but he inspired loyalty in those who worked for him, and that says a lot.  And he sure loved his whole milk - not skim, never skim.  "Skim is for pussies" Mitch would say. To Mitch! Anyone else kind of want to see Ralph's mom and Felicity's mom have some sort of buddy/road trip adventure together?  Like, I don't necessarily want to see it, per se; certainly not an entire episode, but like, I feel like these two should meet and then be....unleashed onto the world.  Reno would never be the same, I think. So what, are they not letting Caitlin out at all?  Not even for important work? Seriously, guns charged with dark matter?  What, is this stuff suddenly available at every corner drug store now?  Because not too long ago it was a little hard to come by. "People are dying out there!" I mean, yeah, statistically that's probably true, but so far you have one incident of this particular person, animal or vegetable killing anyone for dark matter; so how do you know this is going to become a recurring threat?  I'm not saying that whatever's responsible is likely to be innocent, but it's not exactly a spree either.  And if you're county Dr. Coffee-Guy as a second incident, because you're linking the goo you found; Coffee-Guy wasn't killed, which skews the killing average. And how exactly do you know that you've "never seen anything like" the black goo you just found at the other crime scene.  Ostensibly Frost made a beeline over to this guy's lab after learning about the theft of dark matter; meaning you haven't time to take the substance back your lab or Star Labs in order to analyze it. So the best you've been able to do to try and discern what it is, is look at it, smell and maybe lick it.  Given what we about Barry and we'll call his...learning curve, I'm going to say, yeah, he probably licked the goo to try and figure out what it is.  But just because it didn't taste fudge doesn't mean it's beyond anything you've ever personally encountered before. "Please, call me Ramsey." I'm pretty sure I'm just going to keep calling you Dr. Coffee Guy, it's easier to remember. It's about damn time that some iteration of Harrison Wells is injected back into the series.  How has it taken until the third fucking episode; especially when episode two was such fluffy garbage? Also, with all of the different versions of people who look like Harrison Wells running around over the last several years, only one of which are we aware of taking any measures to conceal his identity, that anyone actually bothered to notice "Harrison Wells" - AKA the name and face of the man who confessed to murdering Nora Allen? Come on Allegra, it's not like she's put you on fucking fashion; it's a small paper and you definitely haven't won a Pulitzer, much less earned your stripes as a reporter at this new job of yours. I don't think I've ever heard of anyplace having "undisclosed amounts" of anything.   "How many flavors of ice cream do you have?" "Oh, we have an undisclosed amount of flavors!" "Really?  Do you Rocky Road?" "I can neither confirm nor deny that." Oh, Milk Man, what have they done to ya?? Can they make-up their mind what's happening with Caitlin/Frost?  Last episode they used some Palmer-Bots so Frost's voice and eyes would otherwise look normal, even when she's Frosted-up; yet when she sends ole Mike through the window, her eyes gloss over anyway and then go back to normal immediately afterwards, while her hair stays Frost-ified. This show should never have allowed the main characters to see the newspaper or learned Barry's fate.  Aside from the stupidity of the Savitar storyline, just the whole element of Barry knowing his fate ahead of time kind of takes away from it.  I mean, obviously he's not going end up dying by the end of Crisis; somehow they're going to avert it, but the sacrifice and death of Barry Allen during Crisis on Infinite Earths was arguably one of the most iconic story developments in comic book history.  It was profound; there were few if any true moments in comics like that before that happen, where the status quo was changed for the long term.  It's actually kind of bad enough that it's more than a little likely they're going to side-step that fate, but then to have Barry know it's coming beforehand and under any other circumstance where he likely wouldn't make it out alive, it feels like it undermines the sacrifice; because it feels more like he's just giving into fate - a fate he would definitely try and side-step if he thought he could; rather than being natural decision born out of the circumstances and the willingness in the urgency of the moment to give up his own life to save others. Wait, how many of your mom's boyfriends did you think died, Ralph?  I mean, fuck, you're supposed to have some sort of bullshit meter or "nose for a mystery" and never thought something was up that your mother had more than one dead past lover?  You should have suspected something was up; she was either lying to you about them being dead, or she might have just been a serial killer. Just how fucking invested are you in your mom's romantic interests, Ralph?  This is a weird story. Did Dr. Coffee-Guy really need an invitation to get into Star Labs.  Six seasons in, nobody else has had much of a problem coming and going whenever they wanted.  Is he like, a science vampire? Can he only enter other labs when he's invited?  Do you ward him off with slide rules?  Does his skin burn when doused with hydrochloric acid? So if DR. CG can control this guy, why or how did it ever end up going on a rampage in the first place?  How is this not the first thing he discovered about the guy? This whole thing of Barry leading Mike into the pipeline reminds me that episode of Scooby-Doo, where the Scooby gang used Scooby-Snacks to bribe Scooby to go into the haunted house; before Scooby became rabid and Shaggy had to go Ole Yeller on him and put him down.  I'm like, 75% sure that's a thing that really happened and I defy you to prove to me otherwise. "Get me all the dark matter in Star Labs" 
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Poor one out for the Milk Man.   Yeah, I guess Dr. Coffee-Guy is some sort of vampire.   Okay, first off, I'm pretty white - my heritage is Irish, Welsh and German, and a who knows what else - basically if I'm in direct sunlight for more than a minute I just burst into flames.  But seriously, Grant Gustin is the whitest white boy ever.  I'm pretty sure those dance moves can only best be described as extra-virgin vanilla. Man, they're trying really hard to be Infinity War without being Infinity War.  Now we have Nu-Wells using a gauntlet to search of an "Eternium" artifact. What is that, an isotope of Unobtanium?  It's like they wrote "infinity stone" into the script and then just used search and replace all using synonyms like some sort of mad-lib. 
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pyroweasel · 7 years
Trigger Warnings: Rape, Death, Loss, narcissist/narcissism. My NGrandma is going to die, and I can't feel anything about it. And I'm not sure why? I can sit here and think about so much good we had together. When I was younger, she had a huge part in raising me, because my parents would be working and she was free, safe babysitting. She has been a narcissist all my life. Her way was the way. She had selective memory... Something she didn't like only happened if she agreed it did and, if not, she would say you were wrong, that it definitely didn't happen. I am shy and non-confrontational to other people but with people I'm comfortable with, I can be a stubborn ass. And I was with my grandma. We butted heads a lot. We'd get in screaming matches. One of the last times I saw her, even, we ended up in a screaming match which I almost walked away from. But in the end it ended up okay. She over shared, and honestly I believe that has somehow led to my own paranoia and anxiety. She would tell me about how she was abused as a child. How she was sexually harassed/raped by family. And I was young when she told me this stuff... It didn't bother me then, but I can see as an adult how kind of messed up sharing that with a child is. But still, I loved (love?) her dearly. Because despite that all, there was so much good. She was also the typical "I'll spoil my grandkids if I want to" grandparent. Which now, as an adult, I can see why that would be problematic and a huge thorn in my mom and dad's sides. But as a kid it was great. I'd stay overnight at her house all the time, because I knew the rules were lax. I could stay up all night on the computer if I wanted! I could watch just about whatever I want. I could eat whatever I want. And even if that last point especially has led to some troubles for me as an adult, I still see it all so fondly. When I was little and upset, she would sing songs like Last Kiss and Puff the Magic Dragon to me, and those remain two of my favorite and nostalgic songs. We watched Ol' Yeller and Prince of Egypt together more time than I can count, and they remain two of my favorite movies. She calls me weasel, in a loving way, because of a book I loved as a kid and told her all about. When I tell her I'm not religious she laughs and says God loves me anyway. But if I get her in a serious enough mood, she would always tell me that she got it, because she was, but she didn't hold her beliefs in the same way most Christians do. She asked me once if I was a lesbian and I told her no, in embarrassment. (forgive me, I was quite a bit younger). But she was all set to support me, if I had said yes. If I were home more recently, I might have told her that maybe I was a little wrong, that maybe I'm bi, but I'm not sure. And I think she would have supported me. She is a narcissist. Over a year ago she had a massive heart attack that nearly killed her. They told us it would, probably sooner rather than later. She had congestive heart failure. She had been a very heavy smoker, a terrible eater, and obese for a long, long time. And somehow she fought like a rabid dog. She has been in and out of the hospital, unable to breathe, heart stopped, bad after bad for this whole year+. But she always bounced back. Except this time. By the sounds of it, there isn't much of her mind left to come back. She's not completely brain dead, but she doesn't sound like she's there, either. I hope not. Because if she is, it must be like torture in there. I live 14 hours away, so I haven't seen her much since Christmas. And if I'm honest with myself, I have pulled away bit by bit since the first time she was in the hospital. I haven't been home to see her, but I also haven't talked to her much otherwise. It's what I do. I'm not proud of it. Blessedly, this is the first time I've lost someone so close to me since my great aunt back in '05. But I remember doing the same, then. My great aunt had cancer and slowly whittled down to nothing, and I tried to pull away because I didn't want to deal with the hurt. It didn't help, though. But this time I guess it has. My grandma was a pretty bad mother to my mom and aunt, and as an adult I resent her for that. The things her body has been through this last year or so have only made those tendencies worse, probably due to death of brain tissue. But she has been a nightmare, running my poor grandfather and great aunt ragged. Running my poor mother ragged. In her absolute worst moments being not only unreasonable but absolutely cruel and demanding. There were times while she was in the hospital that my mom wouldn't let me or my brother go, because she didn't want us on the end of her vile vitriol. These are the reasons I use to excuse my apathy. Grief is exhausting to keep up, and I did grieve a lot a year ago, when I thought we would lose her. And honestly? There's relief, too. Because now maybe I won't lose two grandparents, my grandma driving my grandpa down into the grave with her. And I can stop worrying about my mom, who was putting too much work into helping them both, for no thanks from my grandmother. There are probably messages on Skype from her. I should look at them before she actually passes, because I think eventually the grief will actually hit me, and I'll feel guilty for not checking them sooner. Although I told her many times that I so rarely, rarely look at my Skype. My first thought when my mom called me last night, to say that grandma just isn't improving, she isn't coming back, that they're going to ask that they take her off the vent pretty much keeping her alive, was of the inconvenience of timing. I don't know. I know all the grief articles and books would say it takes a different form and not feeling it at first, or having spent it already, is probably normal. And those who have been raised by, or in close contact with, narcissists would say that not grieving one after separating from them is natural too. But I still can't help but feel guilty. Guilty that I can think of all the good she did for me and still not feel like I have to cry. Although after typing it out, I do have a sort of pit in my stomach, so maybe the grief is just delayed. After all, she is still alive, for the moment, even if death is a certainty now. I cry easily during movies and shows, even if the moment isn't particularly sad. I cry if I imagine losing a parent, or my brother, or a close friend. I'm PMSing, I think, which is usually when I cry at the drop of a hat. I had to send my dog to live with my parents for a couple of months and bawled, feeling like someone had taken out my heart. And he's alive, well, and spoiled! And yet for this... Nothing. Fuck man. I don't know. Apologies for the personal rant. I just needed to get this out somewhere. It probably won't be under a cut unless it does that automatically.. I've no idea how to do that on mobile. So apologies also if it takes up a chunk of your dashboard.
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