#rachel boston icons
gt-icons · 2 years
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coolprettyleo · 2 months
fit my poems like a perfect rhyme - everything has changed au
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wc: 3k
tw: talks of sex. angst. drinking. lmk if more!
gabe perreault x oc
rachel summers was a girl everyone around her was drawn too. she was the cool it girl who seemed to be blessed, in just about every aspect of her life; she was.
she was born and raised in california, where her hobbies included surfing and hanging out with friends. in high school she was the popular girl who dated the star quarterback, and of course they won prom queen and king.
she even had her two best friends, that too the average eye; were her minions. together they were the hottest trio in school, it was iconic in a way. sadly, those minions chose to have a mind of their own, and stay on the west coast.
whereas she did not. Rachel. who of course went by the name 'summer', committed to a school on the easy coast; boston college.
she had flowy blonde hair that fell to her shoulders and a heart of gold that made her easy to love by just about anyone who met her. so when she moved into a new city, knowing no one but her beloved cat, she wasn't all too nervous.
"no I dont want to know who he got with tonight mary" rachel rolled her eyes as she face timed one of the minions, who she wanted to call a friend, but wasn't. mary was across the country at college and it happened to be the same college as said quarterback boyfriend, who was now her ex.
mary felt the need to update summer on just about everything he did. of course including the fact he got with a new girl every night.
at least he's finally getting what I couldn't give him.
"i'm not telling you this to be evil summer! I'm telling you this so you don't feel guilty, to go live a life. don't be a nobody, its gross" mary's voice said on the phone seeing as she was in thought. she had a bit of a point.
"I dont feel guilty to go out!"
"then go out!"
rachel thought for a moment, she could go out.
she had a neighbor, who seemed to love going out. that is, if she had been observing right, her neighbor would go alone? maybe she wouldn't mind a companion? they seemed to be around the same age and she seemed cool.
"anyways, I gotta go. love you babe" mary said before kissing the camera and hanging up, not even waiting for summer to mutter a goodbye.
it's like mary only called her, to rub in how much fun college had been going for her. summer on the other hand, was going through a nasty breakup for the beginning of it.
I do need to enjoy it
rachel was left nervously juggling the idea of whether or not she should ask her neighbor.
what do I even say
"wanna join me for drinks?" summer practiced pacing in her living room.
"hey! were neighbors can I join you?" too forward.
"lets have a blast tonight!" what's wrong with you?
what if her neighbor liked to go out alone? or what if she didn't go out alone, and just met up with friends? no summer was sure of the fact she did these activities alone. maybe she's just an alcoholic.
she decided to man up and shake off the nerves and just ask. the worst that could happen, would be she says no, and they go about their lives.
while we awkwardly avoid each other for our rest of co-existency.
summer decided to just go ahead and knock on her neighbors door.
"in a minuite!" she heard rustling and things knocking down on the other side for a minute, before the door swung open and there stood a brunette girl with going out boots. she is going out
the girl seemed to be surprised and confused. summer deciding start the conversation, before the girl thought she was just some creep.
"hi! were neighbors, my names rachel, but like everyone calls me summer" she nervously smiled.
"yeah! I've like seen you in the hallway and stuff sometimes" the neighbor nervously rambled.
"yeah me too. look, I don't know if this is weird or anything, but I was wondering if you would be down to get some drinks some time?"
yes summer! you sounded cool and chill!
the neighbor had not been expecting that. she had thought she was going to open the door to her situation ship , ending things with her, for the crap she pulled last night. but when she opened the door to find summer, she thought she was going to get confronted for the fact she had sex in the middle of said hallway last night. she wasn't proud of that fact either.
"oh! uhm. yeah, that sounds nice! -actually, i'm going out right now, did you want to join?"
"yes!- I mean- yeah sounds cool. super cool" summer cringed, realizing she scream 'yes' and seemed far too desperate.
"let me just get changed real quick" she added.
"okay slay! wear something cute! oh! and by the way my names frankie" the brunette smiled.
"sick name!"
"thanks I was gonna say summer's sick too!" the two girls told each other excitedly. this really felt the start of something new and good for the both of them.
the two girls hit the town with a sense of belonging. frankie had been searching for the feeling of a girl friend since she moved in, and summer was the ultimate coolest person you can find.
summer was finally happy she built up the courage to talk to her neighbor, that frankly intimidated her.
"wait so that guy from the beginning of the year wasn't even your boyfriend!?!" summer exclaimed as they got off the uber. she remembered seeing a tall boy in the hallway alot.
"nope. i thought he was gonna fall in love with me over time, news flash, I was wrong"
"he's a douche and love is fake"
"got that right" frankie said smiling.
"so... you got a love life?" frankie asked curiously, she was excited to have the bond of girl hood.
"not really, its kinda dead at the moment. I had a boyfriend, but college happened and everything" summer said kinda sadly.
"im sorry, but I mean we can get you laid?" she smiled wiggling her eyebrows.
summer wasn't the type of girl for hookups. she knew frankie was, she often saw them, but she didn't know if she could throw all her eggs in one basket like that. no-hate but she didn't even let her ex-boyfriend do anything to her till it was the summer of their senior year, ad even that didn't go all too well.
frankie saw her in thought and rewinded.
"oh my god! are you a virgin? i'm sorry. we'll find you just love, then!" frankie said hoping she didn't weird out the poor girl.
"no- I mean- well... kinda. its complicated" summer said, red in the face.
"you dont have to tell-"
summer cut her off by whispering something in frankie's ear. something that made her eyes go wide.
"your half a virgin!" frankie whispered yelled.
"oh shut up franks" summer said as the girls got giggling and gave the bouncer there very fake ID's. frankie knew they were going to be a duo.
the bar was frankie's favorite and summer soon understood why. it was a cool vintage bar that kind of resembled a dive bar.
the girls ordered themselves some shots and quickly downed them, needing to feel the feeling sooner than faster.
"oh my god, the boys hockey team just walked in" frankie said, turning and facing away from the door.
"why does that matter, their kinda cute" summer said tilting her head as the filed in sipping on her vodka cranberry.
"the douche guy is a hockey player" frankie told her.
"ohhhh. now I get it"
"I also have a little thing with one of his friends" frankie guilty told her.
"the guy from last night?"
"you saw that!" frankie said, embarrassed as hell.
"please. your not exactly quite either" summer told the girl as frankie wanted to die.
"it's not the guy from last night" frankie told her overall guilty as summer gasped.
"I slept with a BU guy last night. but I mean ryan keeps saying were not anything" frankie said shamelessly as summer had her hands over her mouth.
"do the guys know you" summer asked seeing as alot of them kept looking over at the two.
"yes" frankie said scared to ask why she was asking that.
"oh god four of them are coming over" summer said to her wanting to run away. she hated confrontation.
"your staying with me" frankie said grabbing her shirt before she tried to leave her.
"frankie! missed you at the game tonight" will said being petty, they were pissed at her.
frankie turned and looked at all of them, and by the look of their faces they were mad at her. ryan's face made her want to crumble. they weren't together, he made that very clear, but a girl like frankie had needs.
"it was meaningless" frankie told them, avoiding eye contact with ryan.
"he brought it up on the ice" ryan said to her, frankie now noticing he had a light black eye and busted up lip.
"we need to talk" he said, looking the most serious frankie had ever seen it.
frankie turned to look at summer who saw how frankie wanted to fix things between them. she wasn't going to get in the way of that, just because she was afraid to be left alone.
"go" summer urged her. as she gave her a sorry look and walked out behind a fuming ryan, leaving her with three boys.
"well that was uncomfortable" summer joked to the three boys. all of them eyeing her trying to figure out who she was, frankie didn't have friends.
"i'm her neighbor by the way, summer" she added, not wanting to seem like some nosy person as they nodded.
"jacob" a ginger haired guy said
"will" the blonde one said.
"gabe" a boy that summer found unbelievably handsome said.
"you go to BC?" a gabe asked.
"yeah... I know you guys do, good game today " summer said. she had been watching it on ESPN before she went to frankies apartment. they all smiled and thanked her as they got to talking. even though they looked intimidating they were overall nice goofy guys.
"you think lenny's letting up?" jacob asked as he noticed they were still outside.
"I don't know, he was pretty pissed" will said looking at the door.
"did he get in a fight over her or something" summer asked feeling like she was missing out on something.
"yeah. she has him on a leash and they're not even dating yet" gabe said chuckling.
"well they're not official" summer defended.
"they basically are, they hang out everyday" will said
"she said he's made it very clear, that they're not together" summer said.
"that doesn't give her the green light to sleep with other guys though" gabe argued.
"guy. just one. i think you guys are just mad it was with a BU guy" summer said to them.
"I mean obviously! before the champion ship game is crazy too. he was just trying to get in our heads too, especially lennys. hughes is smarter than that" will said while the other two nodded.
they have to be full of themselves, for them to think this is about them!
"all that over... hockey?" summer said confused. hockey was the not a big deal in the oc, where she grew up. but then again, she remembers the quarterback from the cross town rival school, claiming to have her nudes; he didn't.
so I mean they could be right... but that seemed very high school to summer; this was college.
"why'd you say hockey like that" gabe said to her, not liking she said 'hockey' with a tone of disgust.
"I just don't think it's all that serious" summer said, trying to not offend them. obviously still getting under ones skin though, specifically gabe.
"hockeys not important?"
"no! I mean it is for people like you guys-" summer said trying to save herself but failing horribly.
"like us? what's that supposed to mean?" gabe said. he felt summer was some stuck up girl and even though he had found the girl to be quite attractive he didnt know if he liked her all too well.
"not like that. i mean it's important to hockey players and stuff, but like its not someones whole life, you know?" summer didnt even know if she knew exactly what she was trying to say.
"so now you think we have no life?" gabe said honestly just wanting to pick on the flustered blonde.
"oh my god, im just going to shutup" summer said taking a sip out of her vodka cranberry as will and jacob laughed. they decided they liked the girl, gabe not so much.
"do you even know anything, hockey related?" gabe asked still wanting to bicker with the girl.
"not really. I honestly forget its like a real thing out here" summer said.
"you don't think hockey's a real sport" gabe said as will and jacob rolled their eyes. they knew their friend and if they didn't know any better, they'd say he was flirting?
"who doesn't think hockey is a real sport!?!" frankie said, as her and ryan rejoining the group, seemingly on good terms. gabe pointed to summer.
"nice! I knew I liked you!" frankie said giggling as the boys rolled their eyes.
"I didn't even mean it like that, its just I grew up in california. and over there, the closest ice rink is probably three hours away"
"isn't there hockey in california? they have three NHL teams" jacob asked.
"californias big. where'd you grow up?" ryan asked the girl as he had an arm wrapped around frankie.
"the oc. newport beach" summer answered. god she missed her hometown.
"can you surf?" will asked her,
"yeah, pretty well actually. when I was sixteen i got a silver medal for it too" summer answered casually.
"OMG! you have to teach me I've been trying to learn for so long now!" frankie said excitedly, remembering the memory of her and her brothers failing miserably. it wasn't like wake boarding on the lake.
"you guys are free to join us anytime. my parents are traveling across europe, for like a year, so the house is just sitting there, its on the beach too" summer told them as the boys and frankie agreed.
gabe on the other hand just couldn't stop his thoughts of thinking summer was some stuck up girl. everything that came out of her mouth, just now, wasn't helping either. 'its on the beach by the way' who says that! gabe thought.
the night went on, frankie and summer unknowingly becoming the best friends they've always needed, ryan finally happy that him and frankie made it official, and the other three boys creating a friendship with the two girls, it was all just so college.
right now though, the night was close to finished and the boys were taking the two very drunk girls back to their apartments. girls who thought everything in that moment was the most hilarious thing in the world.
the group stumbled on a large hill and it didn't take long for the two girls to want to roll down it.
"frankie and summer don't you dare!" ryan said speeding up, seeing as the boys had been walking a couple meters behind the two girls.
the two girls ignoring his please and giggling. ryan turned his head to look at his friends as if he was giving them the mom look for help. gabe huffed and went to help him, with summer.
"one-" frankie started off as the two girls sat side by side holding each others hands
"two" summer said giggling
"GO!" frankie screamed seeing as the boys were right behind them.
the girls began to slide as ryan missed his attempt to lunge at frankie, while gabe not so much. he attempted to grab summer but lost footing and down he went along with them.
only causing the girls to laugh ten times more, at gabe. summer was laughing loudly, a sound that gabe didn't know if he hated or loved.
"you good gabe?" she said as she held a hand out to him, trying to hold back a giggle.
gabe obviously holding his pride, ignored her hand and got up on his own.
"you are absolutely insufferable" he huffed as he walked past her.
"c'mon perreault! don't be mad at summer! she's just a girl" frankie said as she saw gabe began to walk back up the hill towards the group.
"yeah! its not my fault you ate shit!" summer said, before the two girls unleashed laughter, once again. both taking breaks as they walked up the hill.
"you guys pissed gabe off, him and jacob left back to the dorms" ryan told the two as will began to hold summer up.
"I don't think he likes me very much" summer told them.
"well, your lucky I like you enough to help you" will said as she began to slump herself onto him.
"gabes just being like that because he thinks he's flirting" frankie said against ryans back as he decided to haul her up over his shoulder.
"ewwwww" a drunk summer let out. as the group laughed.
it had been a great night for them, except gabe of course.
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dcbbw · 1 month
The Odd Couples
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Hi, tumblrs! I’m back with yet another AU of one of my favorite AUs: it’s the DC gang, paired differently.  
(I know I haven’t written anything DC AU-related in a long ass five minutes, and I swear Chapter 6 of the original series is practically ready to post, just needs a deep-dive edit)  
So, this story is the product of two separate ideas: First, what if I hadn’t followed canon/fanon/personal head canons when pairing the couples up/off?  And the second idea comes from the What If episode of Friends where that gang ends up with someone different (Phoebe x Ross, Monica x Joey, Rachel x Chandler).  
Side note: Using throwback DC crew (Liam, Riley, Max, Leo, Liv, Drake, Madeleine, and Penelope). Also, check out the link to Leo’s shirt (if you make it that far). It’s the Leo-est shirt ever IMHO) 
Side Note 2: Mixing the pairings up means I have/will be writing pairings that others write/have written and are generally associated with said writer(s). While I am fully aware that no one owns ships, I realize this is a fandom and strive to be mindful of those who write rareships and respect their pairings.  
This is simply my take on my version of these characters when coupled differently in my world. 
To those who read over this story in parcels, pieces, and in whole ...THANK YOU!  
For those who do read this fic, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. 
 Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. Microsoft Editor rates this piece as 99% error free.  
I’ll be back sooner rather than later with a submission for Hana Lee Appreciation Week, an angsty Driam/Riley love triangle, and some Stormholt.  
Song Inspo: Moments We Live For (Acoustic Version), In Paradise 
Word Count:  4,099
Pairings: SGL x Olivia; Drake x Madeleine; Leo x Riley B; Max x Penelope 
Rating: M for Mature themes 
SGL x Liv 
Liam Rys tipsily followed Olivia Nervakis into the hotel room, hip-checking the door to shut it while Olivia occasionally paused her steps to turn on table lamps. Her black stiletto heels made no noise against the carpet; however, the swish of her highly starched black and white polka-dotted dress sounded scratchy in the silent room.  
“Do you have to turn on every light?” Liam complained as he fastened the deadbolt. 
“It’s not every light, and not our electric bill,” his girlfriend responded tartly as she flipped yet another switch.  
The couple was in Baltimore for the weekend, attending a costume party thrown by Liv’s employer. There had been a buffet; an open bar; and a prize for the best costume, which Liam and Olivia did not win. Carlos Santiago, a member of the Environmental Services team, and his wife and three children came costumed as The Birds and The Bees and won the prize.  
Liam and Liv were The Ricardos: Olivia’s red hair was done up in Lucy’s signature poodle hairstyle, and her dress was a dead ringer for the world’s most famous housewife’s iconic frock. He had wanted to wear a tuxedo and carry a conga drum but settled for Ricky’s purple, polka dot silk smoking jacket with shawl collar, black pants, and black velvet slippers.  
“I can’t believe we didn’t win!” Liam muttered beneath his breath as he came behind Olivia, arms encircling her waist; his palms splayed against her flat, toned stomach. She responded by leaning against him, her back pressed against his chest.  
“Don’t hate!” she admonished. “With those Korean features and Boston accent, no way were you a convincing Cuban band leader. Besides, you have to admit Carlos had a pretty creative idea.” 
“Not more creative than my SOCK GAME! I mean, Liv … you gotta admit, it’s damn good tonight!” 
He was wearing black, knee-length socks with red hearts inscribed with “I Love Lucy” scattered all over. Olivia rolled her eyes in exasperation at the mention of his sock game. 
This man and his socks! Liam thought his sock game could cure cancer and bring about world peace. 
 “You’re sock game is great as it always is, darling. But it was a costume contest,” Olivia placated in a soothing tone as his fingers began removing bobby pins from her hair.  
She spun around, facing her boyfriend as her hair fell in soft curls that framed her face. Her green eyes twinkled as she pressed a quick kiss against his lips.  
“You big, spoiled baby,” she teased. “Wanna smoke, take the edge off? I brought a couple of blunts along.” 
He quickly shook his head. “No way am I going to be in BALTIMORE off some loud.” 
Olivia grabbed the lapels of Liam’s smoking jacket, pulling him closer to her. The tip of her tongue swiped his lower lip. “Makes sense,” she agreed. 
Liam pressed his palms against her ass cheeks; he sang softly in her ear as he swayed his hips against hers.  
And life is heaven, you see  'Cause I love Lucy, yes  I love Lucy  And Lucy  Loves me! 
“My name’s Liv”, Olivia corrected with a giggle as she gently wriggled out of Liam’s embrace. “C’mon, let’s get ready for bed,” she urged as she headed for the bathroom.  
Liam stuck out his tongue at her retreating back before glancing around the room. It was a typical hotel room, nothing really standing out or making it different from any other room. 
The door that led to the balcony was all glass with a brass doorknob; the hotel promised a 360◦ view of the city’s famed Harbor from the patio. The couple planned to have breakfast there in the morning. 
There was a workstation; a large, wall-mounted television; coffee maker and microwave; and the bed: queen-sized, four-poster, and centered against the back wall.  
His eyes widened when he saw the wall to the side of the bed. It was covered floor to ceiling, and side to side with a … mirror.  
Well, that was different.  
Liam approached the bed, kicking off his slippers as he went; he stared curiously at his reflection before climbing atop the bed and resting on his haunches. He then lay on his back, turning his head to continue staring at his reflection.  
He impatiently pushed his hair off his forehead before rolling over onto his stomach; pressing his palms against the bedcovers, Liam pushed himself up with his arms, still watching himself. He imagined Liv beneath him, her pale legs scissored across his back as they watched themselves. 
This could be fun.  
“LIVVY!” he yelled excitedly over the sound of water running in the sink. “There’s a MIRROR! On the WALL! By the BED!” 
The water turned off; Olivia sauntered into the room; her face was scrubbed clean of makeup, damp ends of her hair curling, and wearing a red lace bra with matching panties. A sultry smirk curved her lips.  
 Liam caught sight of her in the mirror’s reflection, and visibly gulped. Liv only wore matching underwear when they were going to have sex.  
“Ai yi yi yi”, he muttered as he bounded off the bed and hastily divested himself of the smoking jacket.  
Olivia was now standing directly in front of Liam; after guiding him to the other side of the bed, directly against the wall so he could see them both in the mirror, her red-tipped fingernails trailed a path from his throat to his belt buckle before unfastening the belt. She slid to her knees, pulling the pants zipper down with her teeth. Her eyes looked up at Liam.  
“Care to hear me do some ‘splaining?” she purred as her hand reached inside the opening and pulled his cock out.  
Liam never answered; he was too busy staring at Liv’s reflection as her mouth swallowed his manhood. 
Drake x Madeleine 
“Open your mouth, and stick out your tongue,” Madeleine demanded.  
Drake’s chocolate brown eyes stared up at her before raking over her body, his gaze settling on her chest. “Take off your shirt,” he countered.  
Madeleine exhaled a frustrated sigh that fluttered her bangs as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Damnit, Drake! You’re sick, and I need to take your temperature to make sure the meds are working.” 
Quickly covering his mouth, Drake Walker let out a series of deep, wet coughs that rattled the congestion in his chest.  
“They aren't”, he rasped as he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Tits would help. For sure.” 
With a horrified look, Madeleine hastily grabbed and thrusted a bottle of hand sanitizer in his face. “WIPE!” 
Rolling his eyes, Drake took the bottle; he then complied with his girlfriend’s first request. He slathered the disinfectant over his hands while Madeleine inserted a thermometer under his tongue.  
His temperature was 102◦; two degrees lower than it had been three hours ago. Uneasy relief washed over Madeleine’s features.  
“You should take the meds on a full stomach. You hungry?” 
Drake turned onto his side, adjusting the pillows beneath his head as he did so. “Not really, but we both know you’re gonna harp on it until I give in. I think I have some canned soup in one of the kitchen cabinets.” 
Madeleine nodded absently as she stepped into the bathroom to run the instrument under hot water in an attempt to kill the cooties her boyfriend more than likely transferred onto it. She heard Drake’s question when she turned the water off. 
“When are you giving up that broom closet you’re living in to move in with me?” 
“Don’t start,” Madeleine warned with a shake of her head as she re-entered the bedroom.  
“Start what? You’re paying $1300 a month to RENT A ROOM! You could move in here with me and pay HALF that and it would be a whole ass apartment! You could start saving, pay down that credit card debt of yours …” 
“I prefer to have my own, Drake!” 
Madeleine’s boyfriend rolled his eyes. “You HAVE your own RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!  Clothes! Shoes! Makeup! Oat milk! And if we’re talking preferences, I prefer to wake up with you in my bed every morning. I prefer to glare and glower at you from across the room when we argue instead of sitting on the phone in awkward silence. I prefer to not have to wait for make-up sex!” 
Madeleine shifted uncomfortably, scuffing the toe of her sneaker against the carpet. Her green eyes peeked up to sneak a glance at Drake, whose bleary eyes stared at her with a mixture of frustration and hopefulness. His fingers idly played in his chest hair. 
“Why won’t you just accept this greatness?” he huffed accusingly.  
Madeleine rolled her eyes in a here we go again way. 
She and Drake were in love with each other. They were the odd couple of the group: The WASP and the Blue-Collar Worker, but they fit each other like a glove. Most of the time.  
Cohabitation should have been the next logical step in their relationship. 
Madeleine found it nice to come to his U Street apartment after work and find him cooking them dinner while she mixed killer cocktails to help them unwind from their day.  
Or for her to be the first one awake and cook them breakfast, making sure to prepare the thick-cut bacon he liked, and brew the dark-roast coffee that was his favorite before sharing morning-breath kisses. 
Drake making sure Madeleine had the apricot and cream body wash that cost a small fortune, and high thread count Egyptian cotton towels she insisted upon for her showers. 
While their relationship was highly sexual, it was not sexually based. There were debates and discussions covering a gambit from international events and politics to cooking meats with mustard. The only thing they could never agree on was music: Madeleine was a Swiftie, and Drake was 70s rock and country. They shared a love of exercise and the outdoors; weekends usually found them taking day trips to Shenandoah to hike the trails, snacking on the beef jerky Drake loved and Madeleine tolerated. 
But people broke up all the time … over the most minute and ridiculous things. And Madeleine knew she could be an anal-retentive pill most of the time. She wasn’t going to be heartbroken and house hunting if things went south with Drake.  
Madeleine had been instilled from an early age that God blessed the child that had their own. 
“I’m not going to be that chick if we don’t work out," she stated in a small but firm voice as she sat at the foot of the bed; close enough to show support and comfort, far enough away to maybe being in a germ-free zone.  
“You’re saying that after I just asked you to move in with me for the 100th time?” Drake huffed before another coughing fit overtook him.  
While Drake hacked up a lung, Madeleine looked around the bedroom, wondering if he had any masks around. The couple locked eyes briefly, chocolate fastened on emerald. 
 “You could dump me at Target or something!” she countered as she alternated between awkwardly patting his back and scooting further away from him. 
When the coughing subsided, Drake pointed to the nightstand on Madeleine’s side of the bed.  
“Masks. Bottom drawer.” 
Drake knew her. 
“As for dumping you, you don’t shop at Target; it’d have to be Macy’s.” 
So well.  
Leo x Riley B. 
Leo Rys hefted an oversized, too-full sriracha red snapper taco in both hands before greedily biting into it. He let out a low grunt of satisfaction as flavors and spices exploded over his tongue and crumbles of taco shell fell onto his plate.  
Saturday afternoons couldn’t get much better than this: wearing his most comfortable shirt; hanging with his girlfriend Riley Brooks, who was his favorite person in the world; and lunch at his new favorite eatery, Tia Maria Tacos. Bonus: they had scored an upstairs window booth that overlooked the Potomac River. 
Normally for the pair, Saturdays were for sleeping in and being lazy; 24 hours of partial nudity and horizontal positions suited them just fine after clocking out of work on a Friday afternoon. Especially if they had worked a full week.  
But Riley had been in a funk lately; she had been to five job interviews over the past month; good interviews, where she had been a top-two contender. However, that hadn’t been good enough. Riley had been passed over every time, for each job.  
Requests for feedback had not been helpful; hiring managers told her they couldn’t go wrong regardless of who they chose for the position. Riley’s ego was bruised, her esteem low. Despite her having a job that she had worked for the past 10 years ... a job she did damn well ... she was now comparing herself to Penelope, for Chrissakes.  
Leo knew he had to do something, so he planned Date Day.  
They began at Lincoln’s Waffle House for breakfast followed by a couples’ massage in Cleveland Park. Riley wanted to visit a tarot shop; Leo was agreeable. They both got readings, and she purchased a deck of tarot cards along with a strand of chakra beads.  
From there they went to Georgetown, navigating the crowds and perusing shops. A French bakery was offering a European tea meal; Riley looked at Leo with hopeful eyes that quickly filled with dismay at his emphatic refusal. An hour later, laden with bags from a vintage clothing shop, a sex store, and a spice-filled storefront, they decided they were hungry; Leo suggested tacos.  
He took a long swallow from his bottle of beer, his gaze fixed on Riley who had a plate filled key lime shrimp, Korean BBQ, and spicy chicken tacos, along with a serving of nacho fries. She felt his gaze and looked up to smile at him before taking a healthy bite of the shrimp taco. 
Her eyes widened with surprise before closing in bliss. 
“Hmmmmmm, this is soooooo good, Leo! I mean, it ain’t Chinese food but still like, hella good! Thank you for suggesting this place!” she said around a mouthful of food.  
“Anytime, boo,” he replied with a wink as he reached into her plate for fries covered in nacho cheese and seasoned ground beef.  
“And thank you for cheering me up today. It’s the reminder I needed that the Universe is just doing what it does, and all those hiring managers are just bitches and heifers.” 
Leo dragged his fork through seasoned beans and rice. “They weren’t the jobs for you,” he assured her.  “YOU are smart, funny, kind, and the greatest asset any person or job can have, and the right organization will recognize that. Not to mention you’re fucking gorgeous, and do you have any idea how hot you are?” 
Riley bit into the spicy chicken taco, and quickly took a sip of her Sierra Mist with lemon. She nodded at Leo. “How hot I am? Yeah, I know ...  and the answer is not very.” 
Leo chuckled as he shook his head. This woman.  
He and Riley were the couple that were never supposed to be. Both had had extremely bad luck with love, resulting in deeply rooted trust issues; the issues were more prevalent on Riley’s end than Leo’s.  
They were both ambiverts, which loosely translated meant that there was no guarantee that plans made at 10am would still be in effect at 5pm. And you couldn’t be angry about it. 
Physically, neither was the other’s type. Leo was a touch too lanky and fit for the buxom Riley; for Leo, Riley had a few too many inches in height, and was a tad curvier than he was used to. They met via Tinder, and it was supposed to be a one-night stand. 
But their chemistry was off the charts.  
But the sex was too good.  
But their pillow talk left them curious to know more about each other while fully clothed.  
Long story short … she kept him wild, and he kept her safe.  
Before Leo could reassure his girlfriend that she was indeed VERY hot, her eyes trained on someone at a table near the back wall; they narrowed in anger as she tossed her food onto her plate while muttering, “What the actual FUCK?” 
Leo looked around puzzled, wondering WHO happened. Because with Riley, it was never a what.  If he could change two things about his woman, it would be her incredible grudge-holding talents and her penchant for public confrontation.  
Only one table in the far corner was occupied.  A Latina, facing them, was excitedly showing off one of her purchases to her male companion; Leo squinted, determining that the girl was proudly displaying a pair of earrings.  
He swung back around, a look of confusion on his face. “Who are we hating on here?” 
Riley dramatically pointed her index finger at the Latina. “HER! She told me I was a SHOO-IN for that freaking job!! AND THEN WENT WITH SOMEONE ELSE!” 
Leo looked even more confused. “Which job? There were five of them!” 
Riley didn’t answer. She was too busy scowling at the woman across the room while alternating between shaking her fist and making symbols with her fingers.  
“Babe, what are you doing?”  
“Throwing gang signs!” 
“DC DOESN’T HAVE GANGS!” Leo argued. 
So much for a peaceful outing and letting the Universe do its thing. 
Maxwell x Penelope 
 “I cannot believe you right now, Pen!” Maxwell Beaumont seethed as he rubbed the heels of his hands against his closed eyes.  
The Communications and Marketing Director inhaled and exhaled deeply, slowly. It was rare that anyone or anything upset Maxwell, much less angered him; but if anyone could knock him off his equilibrium, for certain it was his girlfriend, Penelope.  
His girlfriend stared at him with her wide, pansy-blue eyes before quickly licking her pink-glossed lips. She ran slender, pale fingers through her black hair, then tightened the belt of her pink silk robe. Penelope outstretched her arm, her fingertips grazing the fabric of her boyfriend’s shirt; at his look of frustrated rage, she quickly pulled her hand back.   
“Max,” she began in her breathy voice, “I know you’re upset with me, but I HAD to leave that godawful job! The commute sucked and who knew data entry was so … exacting? It’s a miracle I lasted as long as I did!” 
By the time she finished her explanation, her hands were gesticulating wildly about, and her tone of voice had become a shriek.  
Maxwell turned his back on Penelope to go into their kitchen; still hot Italian food sat on the stove, wrapped in plastic bags. He hollered at her while he began unpacking what was supposed to be a celebratory dinner for Penelope’s new job.  
“IT WAS A TELEWORK POSITION! That you were LATE for BOTH DAYS you worked! And it was MAIL MERGE, NOT DATA ENTRY!” He turned to glare daggers at her. “I don’t know what’s worse, the fact you put forth entirely ZERO effort into at least TRYING to become a member of the working class, or that you lied to me the entire week about still having the damn job!” 
An angry retort sprang to her lips; Penelope debated continuing the argument but thought better of it.  She had known the lie would catch up with her, but she had been hoping it would have been after the dinner. Carmine’s had the most amazing food, and Penelope was in love with their broiled Lobster Oreganata, Porterhouse Pizzaiola, and pasta with meatballs and sausage.  
With Maxwell’s back facing her, Penelope quietly tiptoed into the kitchen, trying to neither be seen nor heard. She peered over her potentially ex-boyfriend's shoulder, salivating at the sight and smells of containers filled with pastas, meats, and sauces.  
Maxwell felt his girlfriend’s eyes on him and exhaled a silent breath. He should have known from their first meeting that Penelope was not relationship material.  
They met at 9:30am on the elevator at the office building Max worked in; it was Penelope’s first day at a company occupying the entire third floor. At 11am, Max was back on the elevator hellbent on a Starbucks run; the elevator stopped at the third floor and Penelope entered, her blue eyes filled with tears.  
She had been let go from her new job in less than 90 minutes. 
Max was a sucker for a damsel in distress. He dried Penelope’s tears, treated her to a coffee, and offered to take her out on a date. That had been over two years ago, and if the woman had worked a cumulative 40-hour work week since, he knew nothing about it.  
He had asked the gang if their companies were hiring; Liam laughed so hard, his drink came out of his nose. Riley, who worked with Max, rolled her eyes as she muttered, “You already know.” Everyone else shook their heads vigorously. 
For a brief period, he had even let her be a stay-at-home girlfriend, but that definitely didn’t work out; Penelope couldn’t cook and had no concept of housekeeping. He had to pull from his savings to replace his wardrobe when she tossed his lights, darks and half a bottle of bleach into the washing machine. She was asleep when he left for work, and asleep when he returned home.  
Irresponsible was too inadequate of a word to describe his girlfriend. She was a money pit in addition to being careless, thoughtless, and an emotional vampire. 
But Maxwell Beaumont loved Penelope Ebrim. She could be sweet, buying him small gifts that brought a smile to his face. She mixed mean cocktails, had a killer sense of humor, and was a terrific dancer. She just needed to find her way.  
Apparently, God had chosen Max to help her do so.  
“Pen, you have GOT to find and keep a job!” Max stated in a firm tone that brooked no argument as he prepared her a plate of lobster, pasta with garlic and oil, and shrimp parmigiana.  
When Penelope saw Maxwell piling a plate with Italian yumminess, she had moved to the cabinets to grab a bottle of wine and two glasses. She was setting them on the dinette table as she debated coming clean in her reply. 
“I may have found something; I’m supposed to have an interview Monday.” 
Max set the serving spoon down as be swung his head to look at his girlfriend in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me this?” 
“I was waiting until afterwards so I could surprise you!” Penelope crowed happily.  
“Well, where? With who?” Max’s smile covered his entire face as he resumed plating food. 
Maybe things were looking up.  
Penelope expertly removed the wine bottle’s cork and began pouring sparkling merlot into the glasses.  
“The interview is at The Greene Turtle, and it’s with a temp agency called Daddy’s Little Girl. Basically, I would be having lunches and meetings at hotels with older men for an hourly rate.” 
Maxwell had plates in both hands, which he slowly lowered onto the kitchen counter; his every movement displayed his disbelief. There was no way his girlfriend had applied for a job as an escort.  
“You’re going to be a prostitute?” he choked out.  
Penelope had just taken her seat. She looked up at Maxwell in horror at his words.  
“NO!! Why would you say THAT?  How could you even THINK THAT of me??’ It’s like lunch meetings or something!” 
“NAKED LUNCH! Pen, NO ONE is paying a woman … a PRETTY WOMAN … to just “have lunch”!! And meetings in HOTEL ROOMS? What the ACTUAL fuck?” 
“It’s working lunches, sometimes dinners, with out-of-town business entrepreneurs who need someone to take dictation!” 
Max’s face dropped into his open palm.  
“The going rate is $150 an hour! I was told with my looks and appearance, I could be in huge demand,” Penelope argued.  
“WHEN DID THEY SEE YOU?” Max yelled as he threateningly shook a plastic spatula in Penelope’s direction. 
“I saw the ad on Craigslist and called the number in the listing, then did a Zoom with the manager.” 
Maxwell Beaumont stared at his girlfriend for a long, silent moment before exiting the kitchen and heading for their bedroom.  
“MAX! Where are you going??” 
“To have a talk with God.” 
Penelope stared at his retreating back with a furrowed brow before shrugging and rising to fetch her dinner.  
“Tell Him I said heyyyy.” 
Max’s response was to slam the bedroom door. 
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2q5b · 5 months
By Ezra
December 26th, 2023
I am a diaspora Jew. This is partly by accident and partly by choice. I was born in the U.S. My Jewish grandparents came to Boston from Poland and Germany after the Nazis made them into child refugees. My mother, raised Catholic, chose Judaism, married my father and converted.
As for me, I could move to Israel, the Promised Land, anytime I want. Many people I know have done this. But I don’t want to.
How can this be? I am a religious person. My prayerbook is dripping with longing for this land, full of texts written by people who couldn’t get there. The Torah that I study week after week is in large part a chronicle of my people inhabiting that land and then trying to return to it. And even if I prefer to stay in the US, how is it that millions of traditional religious Jews are happy to live all over the world, when they could easily relocate to their beloved spiritual homeland?
Today, that land has descended into hell. The IDF perpetrates mass murder, Hamas insists on acts of war, prisoners suffer in desperate conditions, Palestinians starve en masse in a Gaza that has become a ghetto.
It is more obvious than ever that Jewish statehood in the Holy Land has not ended our spiritual exile. A Jewish state may be a political reality, but it is not a spiritual solution. It cannot satisfy our longing. We yearn for something far, far deeper. We yearn for the repair of the world, the end of falsehood and bloodshed, the reign of peace and justice.
I think this deeper yearning, not satisfied by land acquisition, goes way back, back before the Exodus, back to the late chapters of the book of Breishit.
In this week’s Torah portion, Jacob and his children are living happily in Egypt. Before Jacob dies, he asks that they bury him in Canaan. After his death, the Jewish people travel together to the Promised Land for his burial and funeral. It’s not that big a deal. It doesn’t take forty years. They just ask the Pharaoh, he says yes, and they go. And then they come back to their homes in Egypt.
These are, maybe, the first diaspora Jews, and their exile seems voluntary. They could move to Israel, but that’s not where they live, that’s not where they’re raising their children and involved in government and generally thriving. And more: there is a deep purpose, perhaps one they’re not even aware of, for their exile in Egypt.
Jacob’s death ends the period of the patriarchs and matriarchs, the avot and imahot. These iconic three generations of ancestors–Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel and Leah–are credited as the originators of our spiritual tradition. Genesis has been largely a book not so much about a community as about these towering individuals, whose personalities and accomplishments still reverberate in our liturgy, our mythology, our souls. 
And from the beginning there is this strange pressure for each of these generations to have one single spiritual inheritor. A chosen child to continue the mission, to receive messages from God, never mind the familial discord this may create. It’s Isaac, not Ishmael. It’s Jacob, not Eisav. And Jacob seems poised to father the next great inheritor.
But something changes in Jacob’s generation. His plan to marry Rachel goes awry when he is tricked into marrying Leah first, and he eventually also marries two of their servants for a total of four wives, with whom he fathers thirteen children. Rachel is the last one to give birth, and her firstborn son Joseph seems, early on, to be that special chosen one, the one Jacob favors. But that plan, too, goes awry. Joseph has ten older brothers who are not happy about this favoritism, ten Eisavs to worry about compared to his father, who had a hard enough time fending off just one. And the old model, of one saint passing the torch to the inheriting saint, finally breaks. The brothers turn on Joseph and sell him into slavery in Egypt.
Joseph, like the three patriarchs, is a singular personality. His individual story is dramatic and righteous. But what he’s not is the next Isaac, the next Jacob. There is no next Jacob. A new era has begun: the era of B’nei Yisrael, the children of Israel (Jacob’s alternate name). This becomes the name of the nation which will be used throughout the Bible. The dynasty is no longer a dynasty, but an expanded family in which all are equal inheritors of the tradition, with no single clear leader. A large group in solidarity and spiritual alignment.
Simultaneous with this shift is the movement from Canaan to Egypt. Our parasha is the end of Breishit and the beginning of Shmot, the second book of the Torah, which will be radically different than the first. Jacob gives his parting blessings to his children at the dawn of the exile and transmits a crucial message: “God will be with you and will bring you back to the land of your ancestors.”
They could return right now. The text makes sure we know that they are able, shows us how easy it is. But they don’t. Instead they allow their holy land to exist as a horizon of spiritual possibility. Here the Promised Land becomes what it remains for the rest of the five books of Moses: an ever-receding myth, somewhere we approach, but never fully reach.
And this is how the Jewish people as we know it is born.
Exile is dangerous, make no mistake. Though Joseph wants his family to live with him in Egypt and share in the power and abundance he has attained there, Jacob needs explicit encouragement from God before going. “Have no fear of descending to Egypt,” God told him in last week’s parasha, “for I shall establish you as a great nation there. I myself shall descend with you to Egypt and I myself will also surely bring you up.” Jacob is right to be afraid: in Egypt, his descendants will face mass enslavement and murder. And yet there is something about exile that is necessary to the Jewish mission in the world, that both expands and deepens it. As Joseph tells his brothers when they are first reunited, “Don’t be distressed…God has sent me ahead of you to ensure your survival in the land and to sustain you for a momentous deliverance.”
Exile is not all bad, the Torah tells us. In fact it is indispensable. It has a very real purpose. It widens the capacity of the Jewish people. It allows us to grow beyond a closed-off little family that talks to God. It allows our spirituality to impact history.
The late 19th-century Polish hasidic thinker known as the Sfat Emet is one of my personal favorite Torah commentators. I doubt my love for his teachings can be separated from my love for my own Polish grandfather, z”l. Living amidst rampant and institutionalized anti-Semitism, the Sfat Emet taught, “This is the purpose of exile: that Israel make visible God’s kingdom, which is indeed everywhere. The true meaning of the word galut (exile) is hitgalut (revealing), that the glory of God’s kingdom be revealed in every place.” 
These two Hebrew words share a root for a good reason. Exile is dangerous, one is uncovered. Without protection, vulnerable. Showing oneself, speaking truth, can be dangerous in the same way. The faith of the Jewish diaspora is that this kind of vulnerability can be worth it. If you stay in your fortress, you are safe but you are cut off, you cannot communicate. If you grab your flashlight and walk into a dark, uncertain world, you light up the road on which you walk.
The transformation of the patriarch era into an era of communal expansion in Egypt has a similar kind of opening quality, an uncovering that also entails a loss. The patriarchal intimacy with God, a clarity and protection, give way to an imperfect but much more widely shared relationship with God.
Jacob himself feels this loss as it happens. His blessing of his twelve sons in this week’s parsha begins with a mysterious introduction. “Assemble yourselves,” he announces, “and I will tell you what will befall you in the latter days.” B’acharit ha-yamim. But he never seems to get to that information, nor does he specify what days he means. What follows instead is an oblique poem containing cryptic blessings for his children. An old midrash sheds light: “He wanted to reveal the end of the exile, but the Shchinah (the Presence of God) departed him, so he began to speak of other things.” 
This failure to communicate is connected to exile. Far from home under foreign rule, Jacob is in some way blocked from prophecy. A kind of perfect awareness has been lost to him, signaling the end of his era of patriarchal perfection and the beginning of something else, something larger and deeper.
When the Sfat Emet, a wise man living in the exile of his own time, tries to teach about this midrash, he too is partly blocked, his memory fails him. He teaches, “I believe my grandfather quoted the Rabbi of Pr-shiss-cha (Przysucha) as wondering why Jacob wanted to reveal the end. His answer was that when the end is known, exile is made easier. That’s all I remember, but it seems to mean the same: revealing the end means knowing there is an end to exile, and that shows it to be but a matter of hiding, not a force of its own… Jacob our Father just wanted there to be no mistake about this, that it all be obvious, but that goal eluded him. You need to struggle to find truth.” 
The contemporary spiritual exile, the one you and I are living through, is not easy, at times it is horrific. How it will end, how a better world could be revealed, is not yet clear. But if we are struggling to find the truth, struggling to uncover it, then we will not have wasted our time. Wherever we are in the world, it is our task right here and now to reveal and enact the good and the holy, the better world that is possible, hiding in plain sight.
Chazak Chazak v’Nitchazeik.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
4K Ultra HD Review: Flatliners
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While the 2017 Flatliners reboot proved to be dead on arrival, the 1990 original still has life in it. Director Joel Schumacher (The Lost Boys, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin) brings the candy-colored visuals with which he was synonymous to a medical school’s gothic architecture. He and cinematographer Jan de Bont (Die Hard, The Hunt for Red October) use neon blue lighting as a bad omen, while warm colors are reserved for more uplifting emotions; a stark contrast to the reboot's glossy, modern science fiction aesthetic.
In the film, ambitious-to-a-fault medical student Nelson Wright (Kiefer Sutherland, The Lost Boys) convinces four of his brightest classmates - pragmatic atheist David Laccio (Kevin Bacon, Tremors), the brooding Rachel Mannus (Julia Roberts, Pretty Woman), womanizer Joe Hurley (William Baldwin, Backdraft), and the humorously bookish Randy Steckle (Oliver Platt, Lake Placid) - to assist him in a reckless experiment in the pursuit of scientific advancement and fame.
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With the aid of his friends, Nelson is clinically dead for one minute “to see if there’s anything out there beyond death” before being resuscitated. It miraculously works, leading them to attempt to outdo one another by going longer and longer before being revived. Although they return in fine physical health, they begin to suffer from nightmarish visions in which physical manifestations of those they wronged in the past come back to haunt them - literally.
Flatliners never quite achieves the full potential of its ingeniously simple premise, although it's not difficult to understand why Peter Filardi’s (The Craft) well-researched spec script caused a bidding war before selling to Columbia Pictures for $450,000. It becomes a tad redundant, but like the characters in the film, a desire to glimpse at the afterlife sustains viewers' intrigue. The compelling story is bolstered by the star-studded cast, kinetic direction, and hyper-stylized visuals.
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To make the film more dynamic, Schumacher and de Bont smartly opted to shoot it as if it was an action movie. Schumacher also moved the story from its original setting of Boston to Chicago. On-location filming lent the city's baroque architecture and gritty aesthetic, while Eugenio Zanetti (Last Action Hero, What Dreams May Come) adds salient production design.
Although more of a thriller than a horror movie, Flatliners' genre elements are strong in the visions that the characters experience once revived, occasionally bringing to mind the likes of A Nightmare on Elm Street. But at the core of the story is drama - exploring themes of karma, atonement, and redemption - with a rather life-affirming message. The emotionally resonant score, composed by James Newton Howard (The Hunger Games, The Sixth Sense), traverses between the film’s exploration of beauty and horror in the afterlife.
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With all five actors electrifying the screen in the primes of their careers, the ensemble cast feels like an extension of the brat pack. (Sutherland jokingly referred to the film as The Breakfast Club Dies and St. Elmo's Funeral.) Sutherland is as perfectly arrogant as he was in his previous Schumacher collaboration, The Lost Boys. Roberts had already filmed her breakout role in Pretty Woman but it hadn't come out yet (it would release five months prior to Flatliners). Bacon credits the film with reviving his career, as he had a string of underperformers following the success of Footloose.
The supporting players include child actor Joshua Rudoy (Harry and the Hendersons) as the boy who haunts Nelson and Hope Davis (About Schmidt) in her film debut as Joe's fiance, along with Kimberly Scott (The Abyss), Patricia Belcher (Jeepers Creepers), and Beth Grant (Donnie Darko) in small roles. Although not on camera, screen icon Michael Douglas served as a producer on the project; the first effort from his Stonebridge Entertainment.
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Flatliners has been newly resuscitated in 4K from the original negative, approved by de Bont, for Arrow Video's new 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray editions. The 4K UHD disc features Dolby Vision and Lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 surround audio options. Schumacher and de Bont were already a perfect pairing, but Arrow's flawless restoration allows their bold visual palette to really shine.
Critics Bryan Reesman and Max Evry contribute a new audio commentary in which they dissect Schumacher's work and examine Flatliners in the context of its contemporaries (which made me eager to double-feature it with Jacob's Ladder). Schumacher passed away in 2020 and the cast members were not available for interviews, but Arrow tracked down a variety of crew members for new, in-depth interviews, offering several rare perspectives that are likely to give viewers a new appreciation for the production.
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Filardi details the experience of selling his first movie, being on set during the production, and seeing the final product. De Bont and chief lighting technician Edward Ayer provide a fascinating breakdown of the visuals, with De Bont discussing his approach while Ayer explains how they pulled it off. Howard, orchestrator Chris Boardman, Zanetti, art director Larry Lundy, costume designer Susan Becker (True Romance, The Lost Boys), and first assistant director John Kretchmer each give their unique insight into how they added to the tapestry of the film as well.
The theatrical trailer and an image gallery are also included, alongside a 35-page booklet (exclusive to the first pressing) featuring new writing on the film by historians Amanda Reyes and Peter Tonguette. Reyes provides a historical overview of near-death experiences and how they compare to Flatliners, while Tonguette explores the film's surprising spirituality. The release carries new artwork by Gary Pullin, with the original poster on the reverse side.
Flatliners is available now on 4K UHD and Blu-ray via Arrow Video.
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dan6085 · 1 year
Here is a list of the top 20 most watched TV series season finales of all time, along with some details about each finale:
1. M*A*S*H - "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" (1983): With over 105 million viewers, the finale of this iconic Korean War comedy-drama remains the most-watched season finale of all time. The episode sees the members of the 4077th saying their goodbyes as the war comes to an end.
2. Cheers - "One for the Road" (1993): The final episode of Cheers, with 84.4 million viewers, saw the regulars of the Boston bar saying goodbye as Sam sells the establishment. The episode also featured a touching moment between Sam and Diane.
3. Seinfeld - "The Finale" (1998): The controversial finale of Seinfeld drew in 76.3 million viewers as Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer are put on trial for their selfish behavior throughout the series.
4. Friends - "The Last One" (2004): The highly anticipated finale of Friends, with 52.5 million viewers, saw the gang saying their goodbyes as Rachel gets off the plane and everyone goes their separate ways.
5. Magnum, P.I. - "Resolutions" (1988): The Hawaii-set detective series ended with 50.7 million viewers as Magnum finally solves the murder of his wife and decides to move on with his life.
6. Dallas - "Conundrum" (1985): The season finale of Dallas, which drew in 41.5 million viewers, saw the return of Bobby Ewing from the dead, revealing that the entire previous season had been a dream.
7. The Fugitive - "The Judgment: Part 2" (1967): The finale of this classic drama, with 41.4 million viewers, saw Dr. Richard Kimble finally clearing his name and finding the man who killed his wife.
8. All in the Family - "Too Good Edith" (1979): The final episode of this groundbreaking sitcom, which drew in 40.2 million viewers, saw Archie dealing with the death of his wife Edith.
9. The Cosby Show - "And So We Commence" (1992): With 44.4 million viewers, the final episode of The Cosby Show saw the Huxtable family saying goodbye as Theo graduates from college.
10. The Big Bang Theory - "The Stockholm Syndrome" (2019): The final episode of this popular sitcom, which drew in 18 million viewers, saw Sheldon and Amy winning the Nobel Prize and the gang saying their goodbyes.
11. The Sopranos - "Made in America" (2007): The final episode of this critically acclaimed drama, which drew in 11.9 million viewers, ended with a controversial cut to black as Tony Soprano's fate is left unknown.
12. Two and a Half Men - "Of Course He's Dead" (2015): The final episode of this long-running sitcom, which drew in 13.2 million viewers, saw Charlie Harper returning from the dead and exacting revenge on his former stalker, Rose.
13. ER - "And in the End..." (2009): The finale of this medical drama, which drew in 16.4 million viewers, saw the return of several original cast members as the staff of County General Hospital says goodbye.
14. House - "Everybody Dies" (2012): The final episode of this medical drama, which drew in 8.7 million viewers, saw Dr. House faking his own death and starting a new life.
15. Lost - "The End" (2010): The finale of this mysterious drama, which drew in 13.5 million viewers, saw the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 finally finding their way off the island.
16. The X-Files - "The Truth" (2002): The final episode of this sci-fi series, which drew in 13.3 million viewers, saw Mulder and Scully finally uncovering the truth about a government conspiracy.
17. 24 - "Day 8: 3:00pm-4:00pm" (2010): The final episode of this real-time thriller, which drew in 10.4 million viewers, saw Jack Bauer finally putting an end to a terrorist threat.
18. NYPD Blue - "Moving Day" (2005): The finale of this police procedural, which drew in 16.5 million viewers, saw the retirement of Detective Andy Sipowicz.
19. The Golden Girls - "One Flew Out of the Cuckoo's Nest" (1992): The final episode of this beloved sitcom, which drew in 27.2 million viewers, saw the Golden Girls going their separate ways as Dorothy gets married and moves away.
20. Frasier - "Goodnight, Seattle" (2004): The final episode of this belovedsitcom, which drew in 33.7 million viewers, saw Frasier making a big decision about his future as he prepares to move to San Francisco to start a new life.
It's worth noting that these viewer numbers may not be entirely accurate due to changes in the way TV ratings are measured over time. Additionally, there may be other season finales that were highly watched but did not make this list.
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SGCBarbierian Wiki, Age, Bio, Height, Girlfriend, Career, net Worth
SGCBarbierian is a YouTuber from the United States who is best known for his Minecraft roleplays. SGCBarbierian produces iconic roleplays, including adaptations of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead and other popular franchises.
Wiki, Bio Age Family, Siblings, Childhood & Education SGCBarbierian's Height, Weight and Body Measurement SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Income SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend: Marriage & Relationship SGCBarbierian's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Quicks Facts Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Siblings, Childhood & Education
Who is SGCBarbierian SGCBarbierian will turn 25 in 2020. He was born in the United States on February 1 1996. Nick is his name and Aquarius is his zodiac sign. Later, he moved to Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts.
SGCBarbierian was born to American parents in the United States. He has not disclosed their names. He was raised by Rachel who was his younger sister. He also loves his sister and continues to post adorable videos of the two of them on social media.
He is also of American nationality but his race is unknown. In terms of his education history, he may have completed his university degree, but he has not stated which institution he attended or which subject he chose to study.
SGCBarbierian's Height and Weight, as well as Body Measurement
What is the height of SGCBarbierian? Barbierian has a warm and friendly personality and a healthy body. He is tall and slim. Proximal Similarly, he has dark brown eyes and hair that's similar in shade. So, it's not possible to give precise information regarding his height, weight, and body size.
SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career
SGCBarbierian launched his YouTube channel in March 2010 when it was time to start his professional life. Similarly, he began his career by streaming Call of Duty gameplay. His YouTube channel has more than 223 million views.
He became a popular Minecraft role-player for all ages and gained a lot of attention. On YouTube, he has played adaptations of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead and many other shows. He released a video titled "Call of Duty Zombies - Road to Round 2826 - Episode 5 withYoteslaya and Yoteslaya" in September 2011. He has not, however, posted any videos since 2018.
The clip "NEIGHBOR HAS a BABY?" "NEIGHBOR HAS A BABY?!?" is one of the most popular and watched videos on the channel. "Minecraft Hello Neighbor HIDE N SEEK," is a video with almost 5,520,125 views. His videos received millions of views.
Other notable videos include "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA! What's the deal with "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA!" ?" "Minecraft FNAF Sister Location HIDE N ' SEEKTHE PUPPET MASTER! #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Mingame) has 4.4 million views. "Minecraft FNAF Brother Location HIDE N Seek w/ THE PUPPET MASTER!" #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Minigame") has 3.6 million views and "Minecraft-The Amazing Spiderman!" "Minecraft - The Walking Dead! Episode 1 (Crafting Dead Mod)," has 3.4 Million views, "MAMA SCARES YOU!" (1.8 Mod) has 3 million views, and "Minecraft: The Walking Dead!" has 3 million views. Episode 1 (Crafting Dead Mod)" has 3 million views. 2.8 million views on "Minecraft Tattletail Roleplay (NIGHT 6)".
SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Income
How much is SGCBarbierian's Income? SGCBarbierian is a skilled Youtube star, has earned a sizable fortune from his Gameplay videos. He lives comfortably because of his earnings. Although he hasn't disclosed his annual earnings or net worth publicly, some sources suggest that his net worth is about $74,000.
SGCBarbierian's girlfriend, marriage & Relationship
Who is SGCBarbierian's girlfriend? SGCBarbierian is single in his personal life. He's not married yet and doesn't have children. He has kept his relationship status secret and has kept his relationship secret. He could be waiting for the right person to be matched with his personality. He has also stayed clear of controversial decisions and kept a low profile.
SGCBarbierian's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
SGCBarbierian is active on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and others, however, she doesn't have a Facebook account. He has a large fan base. He has more than 106k Instagram followers, and more than 106k followers on Twitter. In addition, his own Youtube channel has 1.01 million subscribers.
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laresearchette · 13 days
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
<b>CRAVE TV</b> THE LOST BOYS THIS IS THE END <b>NETFLIX CANADA</b> RACHEL FEINSTEIN: BIG GUY IIHF MEN’S HOCKEY (TSN) 6:00am: Austria vs. Great Britain (TSN5) 6:00am: France vs. Germany (TSN/TSN5) 10:00am: Canada vs. Czechia (TSN2) 10:00am: Latvia vs. U.S. (TSN) 2:00pm: Finland vs. Switzerland (TSN5) 2:00pm: Sweden vs. Slovakia
MLB BASEBALL (SN1) 6:30pm: White Sox vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Mariners vs. Yankees (SN1) 9:30pm: Diamondbacks vs. Dodgers
PWHL HOCKEY (TSN/TSN5) 7:00pm: Game 2 - Minnesota vs. Boston
POW WOW CHOW (APTN) 7:30pm: Shawn sets up with a much bigger team at the renowned Hillside Music Festival, where he's already a legend; Chief Bob must dodge a few bears and renege on a deal to cope with a dwindling fish supply at Whitefish Lake.
NBA BASKETBALL  (TSN/TSN4) 8:00pm: Game 1 - Pistons vs. Celtics
EVOLVING VEGAN (CTV Life) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE):  Mena devours plant-based sushi and ramen, learns to cook soba noodles from scratch, and takes part in a traditional tea ceremony.
THE GREAT BRITISH SEWING BEE (Makeful) 8:00pm: The quarter-final sees the five remaining sewers make garments inspired by history's most influential fashion Icons. For the Pattern Challenge, judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young draw on old-time Hollywood glamour with a dress reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn's little black dress in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
CEBL BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN5) 9:00pm: Edmonton vs. Calgary
WHO'S AFRAID OF A CHEAP OLD HOUSE? (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Ethan, Elizabeth and the team help buyers transform an unconventional space into their dream home; the team tackles sponge blasting tin walls, repointing brick, and even replicates a chandelier from 1750.
0 notes
mccainhammer46 · 1 year
SGCBarbierian Wiki, Age, Bio, Height, Girlfriend, Career, net Worth
SGCBarbierian is a YouTuber from the United States who is best known for his Minecraft roleplays. SGCBarbierian is known for his iconic roleplays like those of The Amazing Spider-Man and The Walking Dead.
Wiki and Bio. Age, Family. Fakeroot Siblings. Childhood and Education SGCBarbierians Height, Weight, and Body Measurement SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Earnings SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend: Marriage, and Relationship SGCBarbierian's Social Media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) Quicks Facts Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Siblings, Childhood & Education
Who is SGCBarbierian? SGCBarbierian will turn 25 in 2020. He was born in the United States on February 1, 1996. Nick is his full name, and Aquarius is his zodiac sign. Later, he moved to Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts.
SGCBarbierian was born to American parents in the United States. He has not revealed their names. He was raised in the same family as Rachel, his younger sister. In the same way, he loves his sister and continues to post adorable videos of the two of them on social media.
Similar to that, he has American nationality, however his race is not known. In terms of his education background, he could have attended university but has not mentioned which institutions he attended or which subject he chose to study.
SGCBarbierian's Height, Weight and Body Measurement
What is SGCBarbierian's height? Barbierian is a happy person with a healthy body. He is tall and slim. He has dark brown eyes and the same hair color. Therefore there are no specific details about his weight, height or body weight are available.
SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career
SGCBarbierian began his YouTube channel in March of 2010 when it came to his professional life. Similar to his career SGCBarbierian began streaming Call of Duty gameplay. With interesting content his YouTube channel has over 223 million views in total.
He gradually grew in popularity and became well-known as a maker of Minecraft roleplays for people of all different ages. On YouTube, he has played adaptations of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead and other shows. He released a video entitled "Call of Duty Zombies - Road to Round 2826 - Episode 5 w/ Yoteslaya" in September 2011. However, he has not made any videos since the year 2018.
The clip "NEIGHBOR HAS A BABY?! ?" is one of the most-watched and popular on the channel. "Minecraft Hello Neighborhood HIDE N Seek," a video with nearly 5,520,000.125 views. His videos typically received millions of views.
Other noteworthy videos include "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA! ?" and "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA! ?" "Minecraft FNAF Sibling Location HIDE N SEK w/ THE PUPPET MASTER!" #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Minigame)" has 4.4 million views, "Minecraft FNAF Sister Location HIDE N SEEK with THE PUPPET MASTER! #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Minigame") has 3.6 million views and "Minecraft-The Amazing Spiderman!" "Minecraft - The Walking Dead! Episode 1 (Crafting Dead Mod)" has 3.4 million views, "MAMA SCARE YOU! (1.8 Mod) has 3 million views and "Minecraft: The Walking Dead!" has 3 million. Episode 1 (Crafting Dead MOD) has 3 million views. 2.8 million views on "Minecraft Tattletail Roleplay (NIGHT 6)".
SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Earnings
What is the average amount SGCBarbierian earn? SGCBarbierian is a Youtube star who has amassed an impressive sum of money through his Gameplay posts. With his earnings, he's in a position to live a luxurious lifestyle. Although he has not disclosed his annual earnings or net worth publicly, some online sources suggest that his net worth is approximately $74,000.
SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend: Marriage, and Relationship
Who is SGCBarbierian's girlfriend? SGCBarbierian is single in his private life. He isn't yet married, and he doesn't have any children. He has kept his relationship status secret and has kept his relationship private. In the same way, he could be waiting for his ideal match to come along in the future. Additionally, he has avoided any controversial actions and has kept a low profile.
SGCBarbierian's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
SGCBarbierian is active in social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and other, but she hasn't got a Facebook account. He has amassed a large fan base. He has more than 106k Instagram followers, and more than 106k followers on Twitter. His Youtube channel, which he calls himself, has over 1.01 million subscribers.
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SGCBarbierian Wiki, Age, Bio, Height, Girlfriend, Career, net Worth
SGCBarbierian is a YouTuber from the United States who is best known for his Minecraft roleplays. SGCBarbierian creates iconic roleplays like adaptations of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead and other popular franchises.
Wiki Bio, Wiki. Age, Family. Siblings. Childhood and Education SGCBarbierians Height and Weight and Body Measurement SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Earnings SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend: Marriage & Relationship SGCBarbierian's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) Quick facts Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Siblings, Childhood & Education
Who is SGCBarbierian? SGCBarbierian will turn 25 in 2020. He was born in the United States on February 1, 1996. Nick is his given name, and Aquarius is his zodiac sign. Then, he moved to Seattle, Washington and Boston, Massachusetts.
SGCBarbierian was born in the United States to American parents, but he has not revealed their names. He was raised with Rachel, his younger sister. He also loves his sister Rachel and continues to post adorable videos of them on social media.
He is also of American nationality but his race is unknown. His educational history is not clear. He may have attended university, but has not specified which institution or what subject.
SGCBarbierian's Height and Weight, as well as Body Measurement
What is SGCBarbierian's Height? Barbierian is a happy person with an ideal body. He is slim and tall. Similarly, he has dark brown eyes and hair that's the same shade. In the end it is not clear what his height, weight or body weight are available.
SGCBarbierian's Profession & Career
SGCBarbierian created his YouTube channel in March of 2010 as part of his professional life. Similar to his professional life, he started streaming Call of Duty gameplay. His YouTube channel has more than 223 million views.
He gradually gained traction and became a well-known maker of Minecraft roleplays for all age groups. On YouTube, he has played adaptations of The Amazing Spider-Man, The Walking Dead, and many other shows. In September 2011, he uploaded the video "Call of Duty Zombies - Road to Round 2826 - Episode 5 with Yoteslaya". He hasn't, however, posted any videos since 2018.
The clip "NEIGHBOR HAS a baby?" ?" is one of the most-watched and popular on the channel. "Minecraft Hello Neighborhood HIDE N Find," an episode with more than 5,520,000.125 views. His videos garnered millions of views.
Other important videos include "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA!" ?" https://bonfire.im/ and "PUPPET LOVES BALLONA! ?" "Minecraft FNAF Sibling Location HIDE N SEK withTHE PUPPET MASTER!" #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Mingame) has 4.4 million views. "Minecraft FNAF Brother Location HIDE N SEEK with THE PUPPET MASTER!" #8 (Five Nights at Freddy's Minigame)" has 3.6 million views and "Minecraft - The Amazing Spiderman! "Minecraft - The Walking Dead! Episode 1 (Crafting Dead Mod)" has 3.4 million views, "MAMA SCARE YOU! (1.8 Mod)" has 3 million views, and "Minecraft - The Walking Dead! Episode 1 (Crafting Dead MOD) has 3 million views. 2.8 million views on "Minecraft Tattletail Roleplay (NIGHT 6)".
SGCBarbierian's Net Worth and Income
What is the average amount SGCBarbierian earn? SGCBarbierian is a Youtube star who has amassed an impressive amount of money through his Gameplay posts. Through his earnings, he is able to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. Although he hasn't publically revealed his annual salary or net worth, a few sources online estimate his net worth to be around $74,000.
SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend: Marriage & Relationship
Who is SGCBarbierian's Girlfriend? In terms of SGCBarbierian's personal life, he is actually single. He's not yet married and doesn't have children. He has kept his relationship status a secret and has kept his relationship secret. He could also be waiting for the right person to be matched with his personality. Additionally, he has avoided any controversial actions and has kept a low profile.
SGCBarbierian's Social Media(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
SGCBarbierian is active in social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and other, but she doesn't have a Facebook account. He has amassed a large fan base. He also has around 106k Instagram followers, and more than 106k followers on Twitter. In addition his own Youtube channel has about 1.01 million subscribers.
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puckmetwice · 2 years
Y’all… I am a huge reader and I have read every single hockey series (like…. So many) so you don’t have to ✨ here are my recs and rankings of the series:
1. Maya Hughes/Kings of Rittenhouse Series: YALL. If you have not read Kings you need to exit this app right now and download it. I am not kidding when I say that I’ve reread this series like 7 times. The general plot line is that this group of guys went to high school together and now two of them are in college, three went straight to the NHL. By the end of the series they’re all graduated and in the NHL and it is simply just such a well developed series of books. Each boy is so different and I really appreciate that. One of the things I struggled with in Off Campus is that every boy is the same person in a different font. Ugh I simply just adore this series <3
1. FAVE BOY: Ford makes me feel some typa way… but I also love Colm and Emmett. BUT I LOVE ALL OF THEM ASDFJKJS.
2. Odette Stone/Vancouver Wolves Series: YALL this one is NEXT LEVEL. Puck Me Secretly is the first book and it’s ICONIC. The mc is the GM’s daughter and she essentially has to step into his role and has an enemies to lovers ish with one of the players. I love having a strong feminist mc. The next three books still work in the universe but explore really different tropes. They’re my comfort books when I want drama and romance.
1. FAVE BOY: Max <3 but Ryan is such a close second
3. Kendall Ryan/Hot Jocks Series: these books are SO FUN. They explore a group of guys that play for Seattle and I personally really resonate with them being out of college and dealing with real-world-grown-adult problems. She really covers all the tropes in this series (starts with brothers best friend, then friends to lovers, fake dating, etc.)
1. FAVE BOY: GRANT OMG <3 But I also love Owen
4. Sawyer Bennett/Cold Fury Hockey Series: okay I only read the first 3ish in this series but I really did love it. The first and second book were very good; the second explores an mc that has cancer, which was a really unique plot line. It was heavy but so well done. I cried a lot but the author did a wonderful job.
1. FAVE BOY: Alex was just…sigh. perfect.
5. Elle Kennedy/Off Campus/Briar U: first hockey series that I ever read. Obviously is the blueprint but as I’ve explored other series I don’t regard off campus as the best. A lot of this is because the books deal with simply resolved/trivial plot line conflict. That is perfect when you’re in the mood for something light and goofy.
1. FAVE BOY: ugh this changes on the daily but after my first read through Logan was who I was drawn to. But Jake has a spot in my heart alskdfhlaskdjf.
6. E. Cleveland/Westbury Warriors Series: I read these so long ago and remember generally liking them but not enough that I remember the details of each books very clearly. I liked them, they were entertaining, but not the best series I have read. That being said, these books are written by a man which was interesting because I rarely read romance written by a man simply because I usually don’t love the way they characterize women. But he did a great job!
1. FAVE BOY: Reed for sure! (His nickname is Gucci LOL)
7. Helena Hunting/Pucked Series: I wanted to like these but I simply just could not get into them. Definitely more quirky and humorous as a series but I tend to gravitate towards the ones with a big controversy or drama, so it already wasn’t my thing.
Okay I believe that these are all of the series that I’ve read, although it is hard to keep track because I read so quickly. I’ve read a couple of one-offs and they were solid but series are just so much more developed. I still need to check out the following series: Nashville Assasins by Toni Aleo, Off Sides by Sawyer Bennett, Chinooks Hockey Team by Rachel Gibson, New York Blades by Deidre Martin, Bellevue Bullies by Toni Aleo, and Boston Terriers Hockey by Jacob Chance.
If you have any recs or thoughts about these books PLS DROP THEM BELOW!!! I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT BOOKS <3
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madchenlover · 2 years
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Who have been the biggest influences in your acting career?
Jessica Lange's performance in the film “Frances” really inspired me. Her raw vulnerability was breathtaking.
Meryl Streep’s performance in “Silkwood” was out of this world. Another vulnerable performance and yet her character’s resilience moved me.
The film “La Femme Nikita” directed by Luc Besson was a HUGE influence on me as a filmmaker. Such a badass female character that had to fight her way back from tragedy. The action sequences felt so real. And the soundtrack is one of my favorites to date! I’ve watched this film over and over...
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Which have been your favorite projects that you’ve worked on throughout the years?
I really enjoyed the journey of filming “Dream Lover” written and directed by Nicholas Kazan where I starred alongside James Spader. It was my first female lead character and the material was so deep and fun to find on film.
I also really loved the experience of shooting the sitcom “Freddie” produced, written and created by Freddie Prinze Jr. It was so much fun to play with that material and goof around with all of my co-stars.
I magically (no pun intended) bonded with the cast of “Witches of East End” where I starred alongside Julia Ormand, Jenna Dewan, Rachel Boston, Eric Winter and Daniel DiTomasso. We were a tight knit group of actors and have stayed quite close since.
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“Twin Peaks” is arguably one of the biggest shows ever to exist on the air. How does it feel to have been a part of a program that has been so influential to so many different series?
It’ s almost hard to fathom how much “Twin Peaks” changed the landscape of television AND film. It broke open the mold of formulaic programming and has never been the same since. I’m so lucky to have had that be my introduction into the business. It sent me on a different creative path for sure. Showed me how to never conform.
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Did you enjoy returning to the role of Shelley in “Twin Peaks” after so many years of doing other roles?
Oh my gosh YES! It was truly touching. It felt very nostalgic for all of us returning actors and crew. I basically teared up the entire time on set. I loved seeing old friends and am truly thankful for the experience.
“Riverdale” puts a dark twist on the iconic Archie Comics. How has your own connection to the comics influenced your ability to play this new version of the same classic characters?
I think it’s a fun take on the Archie Universe. Probably the best way to bring it to life. Full of mystery and enjoyable chaos. I love how we still nod to the iconic feel of the original comic by setting it in an almost timeless period. Embracing the 1950’s/1960’s with its look and yet it has modern technology. It’s definitely a time warp.
As someone who is well-versed in playing the teenager in “Twin Peaks”, how has the transition been in playing the mother of a teenager in “Riverdale”?
Quite natural actually. Because I have two kids the same age as the younger cast. It's funny at one point in Season 2 (the late) Luke Perry and I turned to each other and said, “Whoa, we’re now the older generation on a TV show. How the f*ck did that happen?!” And then we had a good laugh about it.
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Jacket: SORAPOL, Top and skirt: COS, Shoes: FREELANCE
How have you seen the dynamic of teen or high-school dramas change since you first started working within that genre?
I’m not sure how I’ve noticed them change over the years, but I've noted that the successful ones include storylines that not only delve into the younger generation, but they also fill out the storylines with the older generation. It creates a good balance to the story-telling in my opinion. And brings a much more diverse audience. I think both "Twin Peaks" and “Riverdale" have done really well with that.
Are you looking forward to the premiere of the new season of “Riverdale”?
Very much so. I’m always excited to see what new mysteries our showrunner, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, is going to take our quirky little town into.
What advice would you have for aspiring actors and actresses who look up to you?
First of all, acting is a skill. You have to study and work hard at it. There are plenty of attractive charismatic people who will get jobs for that reason alone, but the ones who actually have a skill will be the ones who will have a long lasting and successful career. Don’t take it for granted. And hang in there! No one is actually “discovered overnight.” That’s a myth. It takes a lot of dedication to put yourself in a position to get “discovered."
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As an actor who’s successfully worked behind the camera, can you impart a little about your experience directing?
If you have a desire to become a filmmaker in front of or behind the camera, don’t hesitate. The “perfect time” will never come. We need diverse story-tellers. Nowadays you can shoot short movies on your iPhone. Throw an anamorphic lens on and shoot away! Find out what makes you tick as an artist. What stories would you like to tell? And tell them authentically. Don’t try to fit into anyone’s box.
You’ve always been a mental health advocate, so why did you decide to launch your own foundation? Can you share some background on don’t MIND me?
My family and I (my husband David, daughter Mina and son Sylvester) decided that we were sick of seeing our current mental health care system fail people, like us. So we were compelled to make a difference. We not only want to join the cause of raising awareness by sharing our story, but we want to bring direct impact to those in need of treatment and resources. We will use donations from our non-profit foundation dontMINDme.org to sponsor those in need of care who otherwise can’t get it due to lack of insurance or funds themselves, advocate for mental health funding at a federal level for our existing hospitals, first responders and community based resources, as well as become a resource to find existing support services for those who suffer from mental illness and their supportive loved ones. Our goal is to help people find their way out of "suffering from" into "living with" their diagnosis. Help everyone find their unique path towards recovery.
If you were a book, what book would you be and why?
She Did It Her Way
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waveridden · 3 years
top ten characters from scripted (so non-ttrpg/game based) podcasts!
THIS IS SUCH A FANTASTIC QUESTION. i tragically do not listen to as many scripted shows as i used to but here's what i've got. also full disclosure i typed a list of thirty characters from memory so this is super super pared down and in no particular order
michael tate (greater boston)
nica stamatis (greater boston)
anthony partridge (ars paradoxica)
feston pyxis (startripper!!)
isabel lovelace (wolf 359)
daniel jacobi (wolf 359)
brian jeeter (the strange case of starship iris)
jack st. james (superstition)
michael britton (within the wires)
frank and sadie doyle (the thrilling adventure hour) (they count as one character trust me on this)
also. this doesn't count because it's from one episode of an anthology. but ariella rotenberg's character from the first episode of zero hours is an icon and a queen and i love her, much like i love rachel young, my evil wife
p.s. jules have we ever talked about how mary kate wiles was in a special episode of wolf 359
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 310
Comic Reviews:
Batman Secret Files: Huntress by Mariko Tamaki, David Lapham, Trish Mulvihill
Icon and Rocket: Season One 1 by Reginald Hudlin, Doug Braithwaite, Scott Hanna, Andrew Currie, Brad Anderson
Superman: Son of Kal-El 1 by Tom Taylor, John Timms, Gabe Eltaeb
Wonder Woman: Black and Gold 2 by Mariko Tamaki, Che Grayson, Stephanie Williams, Tillie Walden, Rachel Smythe, Jamie McKelvie, Corin Howell, Ashley Woods, Jordie Bellaire
I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki, Yoshi Yoshitani
Amazing Fantasy 1 by Kaare Andrews
Symbiote Spider-Man: Crossroads 1 by Peter David, Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Frank D'Armata
Sweet Paprika 1 by Mirka Andolfo
Groo Meets Tarzan 1 by Mark Evanier, Sergio Aragones, Tom Yeates, Tom Luth, Stan Sakai
Avatar the Last Airbender: Suki Alone by Faith Erin Hicks, Peter Wartman, Adele Matera
Dune: Blood of the Sardaukar 1 by Kevin J. Anderson, Brian Herbert, Adam Gorham, Patricio Delpeche
TMNT Annual 2021 Tom Waltz, Casey Maloney, Keane, Delgado
Astonishing Times 1 by Frank Barbiere, Arris Quinones, Ruairi Coleman, Lauren Affe
Gods of Brutality 1 by Rich Woodall, Mark Welser
Lunar Ladies 1 by Omar Morales, Joel Cotejar
Boston Metaphysical Society: Scourge of the Mechanical Men by Madeleine Holly-Rosing, Gwynn Tavares
Chronocat 1 by Stu Perrins, Armando Zanker
Cinnamon 1 by Victoria Douglas
99 Cent Theater
Overmorrow 1 by Brenton Bolin, David Monge, Rex Lokus
Darkstorm Origin 1 by Kevin Grevioux, Ruben Meriggi, Ben Carbonero
Cyber Attack on America: SuperAvni and Dabung Girl
Accursed Vampire by Madeline McGrane
Additional Reviews: Centaurworld, Heart in a Box, Conan by Busiek, Jungle Cruise, Owl House ep8, surprise movies review from Glenn
News: bizarre WWE TV miniseries about infamous steroid trial, Junction HC from Titan, new Blacksad, Tales From the Quarantine, Doctor Who news, Hawkeye premiere date and controversy, DC launches new comics for kids enterprise with Walmart, Sweet Tooth renewed, ScarJo vs. Disney, new black label mini by Jock, YA graphic novel starring Scott Free
Tales From the Quarantine: https://tales-from-the-quarantine.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders 
Comics Countdown:
Department of Truth 11 by James Tynion IV, Martin Simmonds
Something is Killing the Children 18 by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell'Edera, Miquel Muerto
Head Lopper 16 by Andrew MacLean, Jordie Bellaire
Beta Ray Bill 5 by Daniel Warren Johnson
Wonder Woman 776 by Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Jill Thompson,  Jordie Bellaire, Paulina Ganucheau
Daredevil 32 by Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawkthorne, Adriano Di Benedetto
Strange Adventures 11 by Tom King, Mitch Gerads, Evan Shaner
Accursed Vampire GN by Madeline McGrane
Robin 4 by Joshua Williamson, Jorge Corona
Money Shot 13 by Tim Seeley, Sarah Beattie, Caroline Leigh Layne, Kurt Michael Russell
Check out this episode!
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See first photos of 30 new Hallmark Christmas movies
(Only posting ones that are new)
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A Blue Ridge Mountain Christmas (Nov. 7 at 9 p.m., HMM)
Stars: Rachael Leigh Cook, Benjamin Ayres
Contains: Holiday homecoming, Yuletide wedding planning Official synopsis: “Hotel manager Willow returns to her stunning Virginia hometown to help her sister plan a Christmas wedding at the inn her family once owned. She must work with current owner and single dad David, who wants to let go of the past.”
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Holiday Hearts (Nov. 21 at 9 p.m., HMM)
Stars: Ashley Williams, Paul Campbell
Contains: Yuletide shindig, babysitting bonding Official synopsis: “While planning the family Christmas gala, Peyton is forced together with Ben to care for a friend's daughter. While finding their Christmas spirit, will there be some romance along the way?”
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Cherished Memories: A Gift to Remember 2 (Nov. 24 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Ali Liebert, Peter Porte, Tina Lifford
Contains: Community center in jeopardy, surprise guest Official synopsis: "Darcy and Aiden celebrate their second Christmas together when an unexpected guest and a fight to save the beloved community center unites everyone for an unforgettable holiday."
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Check Inn to Christmas (Nov. 26 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Rachel Boston, Wes Brown
Contains: Family inns in jeopardy, heartless developer Official synopsis: “Julia Crawley and Roger Mason must unite their families during Crestridge's centennial Christmas celebration in order to save their family inns from a developer.”
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Christmas at the Plaza (Nov. 28 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Ryan Paevey, Elizabeth Henstridge
Contains: Ambivalent archival historian, dashing decorator Official synopsis: “With Christmas approaching in New York City, Jessica, an archival historian enmeshed in a declining romantic relationship, is hired to create an exhibition honoring the history of Christmas at the Plaza Hotel. There, she meets Nick, a handsome decorator who’s been commissioned to deck out the iconic landmark. When they’re paired together to prepare the exhibition, they wind up enjoying a host of holiday traditions together and find themselves falling for each other. Tensions soon rise as Jessica must figure out her romantic priorities and decide with whom she’ll ultimately spend Christmas at the Plaza.”
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Christmas In Evergreen: Tidings of Joy (Nov. 29 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Paul Greene, Maggie Lawson, Barbara Niven, Holly Robinson Peete, Rukiya Bernard, Colin Lawrence, Ashley Williams, Jill Wagner
Contains: Jaded journalist, time capsule that may or may not exist Official synopsis: “As the town searches for a rumored Christmas Time Capsule, a skeptical writer arrives in Evergreen to get the story on the town’s ‘too-good-to-be-true’ Christmas-fever.”
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A Homecoming for the Holidays (Dec. 5 at 9 p.m., HMM)
Stars: Laura Osnes, Stephen Huszar
Contains: Country-fied homecoming, good deeds Official synopsis: “Country singer Charlotte is home for the holidays and brother Ryan’s fellow ex-soldier Matt is in town. Writing her new album, Charlotte works with Matt to build a house for a friend in town.”
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Holiday Date (Dec. 14 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Brittany Bristow, Matt Cohen
Contains: Romantic fakery, interfaith illumination Official synopsis: “When Brooke’s boyfriend, Ethan, breaks up with her just before the holidays, she agrees to go home with Joel, an actor who will pose as her boyfriend. She’s built up the ex-boyfriend to be the perfect guy and ‘Mr. Christmas’ but discovers Joel is Jewish and has never celebrated the holiday. What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm and happily participates in yuletide festivities. When his secret is revealed, the family is eager to add Joel’s Hanukkah traditions into their holiday celebration but soon become suspicious about his true identity.”
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A Cheerful Christmas (Dec. 15 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Erica Deutschman, Chad Connell
Contains: Royalty, the concept of a “Christmas coach” Official synopsis: “Lauren and her best friend Colleen think they have landed their dream job – giving people the best and most magical Christmas ever as their personal ‘Christmas Coaches.’ This holiday season promises to be their biggest ever when they land a royal client, the Anderson family, who has moved from England. When Lauren meets James, the eldest son, he wants nothing to do with planning Christmas as he’s busy negotiating a big acquisition for his father’s company. But Lauren won’t be thwarted in helping this royal family embrace the true spirit of Christmas. The more she prods James about their family holiday traditions the more he opens up. Sparks start to fly but she faces competition in the form of an old childhood friend and business colleague of James. Now Lauren must win his heart while giving the Andersons their best Christmas ever.”
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Double Holiday (Dec. 22 at 8 p.m., Hallmark)
Stars: Kristoffer Polaha, Carly Pope
Contains: Office rivalry, Hanukkah! Official synopsis: “Career-minded Rebecca’s plans for Hanukkah go askew when a promotion opportunity comes up at work. When the company CEO asks Rebecca and her insufferable office mate, Chris – also her main competitor for the promotion – to plan the company’s Christmas party, she realizes they must overcome their opposing styles in order to succeed. Forced to work together on the holiday party, Chris learns more about Rebecca and her family’s Hanukkah traditions, while she also begins to see him in a new light. Although feelings slowly develop between the two, the ongoing competition over the promotion threatens to undermine it all.”
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brokehorrorfan · 5 years
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Pet Sematary will be released on Digital on June 25 and on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and DVD on July 9 via Paramount Pictures. Based on Stephen King’s 1983 novel of the same name, the film hit theaters back in February.
Best Buy will carry an exclusive, limited edition Steelbook 4K Ultra HD edition, which is pictured below. It's available for pre-order for $32.99.
Kevin Kölsch and Dennis Widmyer (Starry Eyes) direct from a script by Jeff Buhler (The Prodigy). Jason Clarke, Amy Seimetz, John Lithgow, Hugo Lavoie, Lucas Lavoie, Jeté Laurence, Obssa Ahmed, and Alyssa Brooke Levine star.
The disc includes an alternate ending. A full list of special features is below.
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Special features:
Beyond the Deadfall – 4-part making-of featurette
Resurrection – Directors, screenwriters and cast discuss bringing this classic back to life
The Final Resting Place—A deeper look into finding the right location for the terror to unfold
The Road to Sorrow— Inside the film’s tragic themes and creating the iconic cat Church
Death Comes home—Unearth the creepy elements behind the climax and final scenes of the film.
Night Terrors – Family Haunting Visions
The Tale of Timmy Baterman
Alternate ending
Deleted and extended scenes
After the Creed family relocates from Boston to rural Maine, they soon discover an ancient burial ground hidden deep in the woods near their new home. When tragedy strikes, the grief-stricken father is driven by the cemetery’s sinister power, setting off a perilous chain of events that unleashes an unfathomable evil with horrific consequences.
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