#racial and women’s/afab’s and queer concerns?
void-tiger · 2 years
Potential subject for Professor Hob: Sociology
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euphoricfilter · 1 year
Hi this is “afab doesn't equal nonbinary” anon
I went to twitter to check what was being said and it’s apparent that two situations are being conflated here.
So I wanna start off by saying that I wrote my first ask thinking this discourse was about fanfiction headcannoning but it seems someone has brought real life discourse onto tumblr.
The emasculation comment now makes sense too.
To put it shortly, Jungkook in real life is being called a woman, she/her, and a lesbian. This asian male emascalization.
This is up there with calling real life black women “men”.
It’s disgusting and I don't stand by it even as a trans person.
It seems some people -unfortunately white queer people- can’t see how joking and imposing headcannons on real people is an issue.
The only time headcannons and characterization can be used is on fiction interpretation of people.
I’d like to think that most readers and authors have the literature competency to know that writing and reading original characterizations that have BTS’s faces slapped onto them doesn't give us the right to then project them onto the real life members.
This is one of the rules of IRL People fiction.
You don't present these projections as truth in the real world and you ABSOLUTELY DON'T send them said content.
The real Jungkook we know and love is a man who is secure in his masculinity to explore his femininity. But he can only do that if it’s done SOLELY by him. Sexuality and Gender Expression is a PERSONAL journey.
By even delving into his feminine side he is taking back his power as a asian man in a world where asian men have been historically emasculated. But this only works if he is the only one with the choice to do it. It has to be initiated by him or else its bigotry.
When we start imposing what and how we think he’s supposed to express himself then we are becoming proponents of white supremacy.
So just like a trans person doesn't have to tell the world they’re trans, cis people shouldn't either. Like I hope that’s a thing we all understand? Right?
By joking that “Jungkook is gender” or any other weird shit, we’re actively commodifying his identity and essentially playing into Orientalism which is racial violence.
And just like I stated about some nonbinary people reaffirming binaries, white queer people have this tendency to try and put expression into a binary and unfortantely alot of afab grapple onto asian men, especially ones in kpop as their “new gender expression just dropped” as of this isnt a real fucking person.
It comes off like those weird geisha or asian android holograms/advertisements in video games/movies like Cyberpunk and Blade Runner. It's Neo-Orientalism.
So yes FICTIONAL characters who have Jungkook’s name and face can be nonbinary but don’t assume IRL Jungkook’s gender identity until he says so himself.
Even then, if he does come out as trans, we shouldn’t make a spectacle out of it. We should treat Jungkook like before; like when we perceived them as cis.
So I stand by what I said in the first post when it comes to FICTION.
But this is my post to say that whats happening on twitter IS EMASCULATION as what the other anons have pointed out.
With the new context, they are absolutely correct but they’ve brought it to the wrong person which is the author of this blog.
I want to apologize to that anon cuz I essentially argued a VALID point that they weren't making but at the same time what they’re arguing in relation to twitter is not what’s happening on this blog.
We’re conflating two issues.
Essentially we’re both right:
Jungkook can be nonbinary with they/them pronouns in FICTION
Jungkook is a cis man who explores femininity in REAL LIFE AND IS BEING SUBJECTED TO EMASCULATION
And honestly I’m concerned about IRL and it should definitely be talked about.
that was sort of what i was trying to get across. in no way shape or form am i projecting fictional jungkook onto him in real life. they’re essentially 2 different entities, and nothing i’ve ever written about him, be it his gender identity or how he’s presented is me being like hey this is real life jungkook and this is how i feel about him, which i assumed was just a known fact from writer to reader.
me writing gender fluid jungkook isn’t there to emasculate jungkook as a person in real life and his own gender identity, because of course like everyone else i’m simply a fan who has surface level knowledge about his own person and obviously don’t know everything that he hasn’t shared with us
i don’t agree with everything that everyone says on twitter, and i know that what some people see as jokes can come off as more harmful than funny, especially within this context and how people view men or women, or just people in general based off race and problems that have been around for so long that no one apparently wants to talk about and solve
not only gender identity but i think sexuality plays into this too but i won’t go too deep into that because it’s a whole new conversation that we could talk about a lot.
what the anon said about what happens on twitter wasn’t wrong at all, but within the context of what i’ve written i personally don’t think it was fit within what they were trying to argue, especially with their first initial statement made which was me being disrespectful to nonbinary people and then bringing race into it.
yes, people on twitter have the tendency to say weird, harmful shit, and yes i don’t agree with all of it. but i’m talking a fictional story 🕺and nothing i’ve ever written is me saying that yes that’s exactly how i view the members of bts, because it’s not. and i’m not sitting here saying that junkook is this or that in real life. there’s two very different worlds, and i’m fully aware of my boundaries as a fan and my thoughts towards real life jungkook aren’t presented through fiction
i agree!! i think especially with what happens on twitter it’s an issue that needs to be brought up more otherwise we’re just gonna get no where and it’s like a constant cycle of people just projecting and being weird and kinda harmful and just sad 😭
it’s just the anon hadn’t brought it within the correct context. and i’d just assumed we all knew that just because i’ve written something, i’m aware that it’s not me thinking that real life jungkook is that way
and i hope that everyone who reads my stuff, or the fic if i evidently decide to upload it, know that i’m not projecting fictional jungkook onto real life jungkook. i’m very comfortable within myself as a fan, i know where to step and i know what’s wrong and never once would i want to purposefully subject jungkook to being emasculated when i’m aware it’s such a big issue for asian men and a topic that i personally think should be brought up more especially within the twitter community who have a tendency to say things without thinking about the underlying issue of what they’re posting about
anon wasn’t wrong about twitter but there were a few other points i wasn’t totally in agreement with, but i hope bringing up the topic is kinda a way for everyone to think about the issues the more.
and i apologise that if any moment it’s come across that i’ve tried to either emasculate or invalidated any of the members of bts through what i’ve said or written or what’s been posted on this page, because really that’s the the last thing i’d want
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hussyknee · 3 years
I'm exhausted having to police my language to accommodate Western diasporas and Americans and Europeans and Western queer people when talking about my experiences as an Asian woman living in Asia, so they won't be taken out of context. We don't have Black people or Jewish people in many regions (except for a few migrants). All white people are equally exploitative and white supremacist to us, no matter how disenfranchised they are in white countries, or geo-politically. Asian cis men are violent and exploitative to women and AFAB people, and we have so much generational trauma from them. All Western people have privilege over us as long as we live in the Global South.
African and Asian passports are so worthless we can barely get tourist visas to Europe and North America. We don't earn in dollars so we can barely afford plane fees and accomodations to travel to First World countries, let alone money to work and study there. Our poor live so far below the poverty line that they don't have access to indoor plumbing, clean toilets or menstrual products. Even those of us who aren't poor can't afford or plain have no access to a lot of medicines, medical procedures, goods and services, technology and resources that GN people take for granted.
First World minorities join militaries that raze brown countries. We're currently witnessing a medical genocide because of the West's vaccine hoarding. There's a huge influx of brown immigrants to the Global North that are undocumented or asylum seekers because of wars and conflicts started or aided by EuroAmerican colonists and economic interests. And whenever we point out that race created the Global South to be sucked dry by white countries, that geo-political privilege exists, that the majority of brown, Black and indigenous people live in the Global South, you have the gall to call us racist.
You demand our allyship while never giving anything at all back, because it doesn't concern you, or you find our language problematic or reductive, or you don't think we're that oppressed, or or or. It's awful how normalized communism is among the Western left. Nazism is recognised as inherently genocidal and violent by all but the right-wing, but you have no issue insisting or tolerating people that insist that communism is just misunderstood. Our genocides, our people who have died fighting your wars, our people that die and become disabled so you can have everything from chocolate to mobile phones, our people you slaughter and genocide and call it "serving your country"...none of us matter one whit to you, no matter what race or minority you are.
There's also no recognition that most of us have no context for a lot of the issues and experiences Western minorities face, and learning about them entails getting yelled at until we figure it out ourselves somehow. More and more I don't really want to deal with any Western people, except you dominate every single Anglo social media platform. Trans people, queer people, disabled people, feminists, anti-capitalists, racial minorities - every single one of you will actively erase, silence, police or plain stab Global South people in the back at every opportunity.
I'm heartbroken and tired. And pretty broken in spirit. My allyship is non-conditional because it's the only right thing to do and I'm not an asshat who puts conditions on my support of human rights. But it also entails just standing there while getting slapped in the face, over and over.
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