#and a lot of what sociology touches on is studying /people/ and their attitudes.
void-tiger · 2 years
Potential subject for Professor Hob: Sociology
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eros-thanatos89 · 14 days
It's 4am and I can't sleep, so now is as good a time as any to ramble about media, right?
I've been thinking about The Wire a lot recently. Probably in large part because @geitonas has recently been creating some truly wonderful fanart for it.
I've touched on this a little bit here:
But for some reason, I was thinking about how when Breaking Bad first aired, there was so much discourse around comparing and contrasting it to The Wire. And for whatever reason, the big controversy seemed to be around "which show is better?"
But I think that's such a flawed way of thinking about it! They're both fantastic shows that tackle similar issues: drugs, the war on drugs, the effects that drugs and the trade have on people and communities, crime, greed, flawed institutions, etc...But they both have different focal points and ways of approaching those ideas.
Breaking Bad is of course, primarily a character driven show about Walter White and his downward spiral as his ego and greed draw him deeper and deeper into the violence and brutality of the drug trade and criminal life. And how his choices affect everyone around him. The show touches on some of the same things as The Wire, like what leads people to engage in crime, how drugs and the drug trade harm people and communities, and how the war on drugs was harmful to society. But the show is primarily focused on how the characters change over time due as they each "break bad" in their own ways. It is interesting that it's mainly focused on primarily white, middle class characters who choose to turn their backs on their "normal, respectable" lives and delve into the criminal world. So there is some explicit and implicit exploration of white privilege and the way law enforcement responds to some criminals and communities vs others.
The Wire, on the other hand, is primarily focused on the city of Baltimore itself and the many complex issues that lead to "urban blight" and issues like gangs and drug trade in the inner city. The first season is more or less a standard police procedural, albeit with much higher quality writing. But each successive season peels back another layer of the city (the docks and international involvement in crime, the underfunded and over-stressed school system, local politics and corruption, local media and media corruption, the gangs themselves and the issues caused by urban ghettos). I haven't rewatched The Wire in its entirety in a while (guess what I'm about to go do...) but it really is a masterful big-picture look at the war on drugs and inner city crime. I was in college studying sociology when Breaking Bad was wrapping up and all the drama and discourse was going on and I started watching The Wire out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about; and I was so struck by what a sociological show it is. I think it's still the only show I've seen that really examines such a layered macro-level look at policies and institutions and urban life.
I don't know why at the time, everyone was so obsessed with pitting these two shows against each other! I like to view them as kind of in conversation with each other. The Wire is slightly older (premiered 2002, while BB premiered 2008) but they both offer a glimpse into the early 2000s and attitudes around crime and policing and addiction at that time. They're both prestige television at its best: incredible writing, acting, production...and they tackle so many similar themes and issues in very different ways, which makes them compelling to think about side by side.
I'm probably rambling and having a hard time articulating this...
But if you love Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, and you haven't seen The Wire, chances are you'd love it!
If you enjoy both, or you want to chat about both/either, come talk to me. I love blabbering on about this stuff. Clearly.
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allywritesforfun · 3 years
Uhhh, a part 2 of the AweSamDude story. I don't know, maybe the court case would be cool! If requests arent open, then ignore them
um yes! I have wanted to make a part 2 for so long but had no clue where to start and this just makes perfect sense!
{Locked Up Heart pt 2} irl!warden!awesamdude x Reader
pronouns: were originally not mentioned, but now are she/they
word count: 2987
trigger warnings: mention/talk of rape and murder, court cases, somewhat angsty 
a/n: the law I mentioned is a real law but I can't remember what the law is actually called so roll with it
part one
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You stared at yourself in the body mirror. You haven't seen yourself look like this in years. All dressed up and ready to impress. You wore a gorgeous black suit with a purple inside along with sleek black pants. You looked into the body mirror, admiring yourself.
Sam let you live with him “until you could find your own place” but neither of you had intentions of leaving. You looked at apartments once online, but you knew with this on your record that you were going nowhere but some run down ghetto, and Sam knew that too. 
He knew that you would be able to take care of yourself there, he wasn't scared for your safety or any of that. He was scared that you wouldn't be able to support yourself. Finding a job was hard, all that there was these days for someone like you was online surveys that were not reliable.
Staying with Sam was the best of the both of you. He has been without a roommate for years now. He felt less alone with you being there. The first couple nights were awkward. You slept on the pull out couch and didn't have much clothes. You felt terrible about the amount of washes you did, but eventually you started to get more comfortable with Sam. 
The first sign of progression was when he offered you his sweatshirt instead of a blanket. It was a sweet gesture, you gladly took it. Later that night instead of returning it, you cuddled it to sleep. Now, its your version of a teddy bear. Nice and warm and flourished with Sam’s scent.
You only started sleeping in his bed with him a week ago. It was a purposeful accident. He offered to watch tv in his room since you two deep cleaned the couch. You've planned on falling asleep on him, but you didn't plan for it to be that day. 
It was the best feeling in the world: waking up to being wrapped around and held tight and safe. You must've laid there when you woke up for an hour before Sam got up. You pretended to be asleep so that you could play the innocent girl card. It worked.
You felt a pair of large hands caress your waist. You jumped and had a little fear-induced hiccup.
“Sorry!” Sam took his hands off and backed away. “I’m still getting used to sensitive areas.”
You two have been working on okay areas to touch. You taught yourself to be extra alert while in the prison and certain touches trigger your reflexes and others cause panic, like hips.
Because of your high murder count, you were sent to the normal prison, the non-all woman prison. It wasn't the worst in the world. You only saw males during eating times, but it was common to get grabbed like that. It happened to every single female, every eating hour. The guards did nothing about it, not that they really could. 
Sam has seen it before, not you, but to other women. He had an idea of areas to stay away from, but he is such an affectionate guy and sometimes he forgets.
“You’re okay, Sam. The more you do it, the more comfortable I’ll get with it,” You explained.
Sam was so good to you. He’s helped you through it all. Everything that you needed to heal, he gave to you. 
“Well then maybe after the trial we can get some practice in...” He swooned. 
You chuckled, “If we win. There’s a chance I won't come back here tonight. I’m lucky enough that they gave me stay at home orders in the meantime.”
He nodded, “We’re gonna win.” He kissed your cheek, “How could anyone that looks as scrumptious as you right now lose? There is no way. We have the evidence, and we have your perfect prison record. Not a single misdemeanor! They might not drop all chargers but you’re coming home tonight.”
“Home?” You questioned.
You've avoided that word for the longest time. You always said ‘the house’ or ‘your place’. Not because you didn’t want this to be your home, not the exact opposite. You wanted this to be forever home, but you never wanted to overstay your welcome. 
“Yes home,” Sam laughed. “Why wouldn’t this be home... you feel safe here don’t you?”
“I do!” You exclaimed, waving your hands back and forth in denial. “I just didn't realize you wanted this to be my home.”
Sam offered his hand out to you; you gladly took it. His soft hand gently squeezed yours as he pulled you slowly into him, embracing you, “Of course I want this to be your home. I couldn't imagine anywhere else I would want you to be. This never felt like home to me, until you came home with me.”
You breathed in his scent, instantly relaxing into him, “I like it here. A lot.”
He pressed his lips to your forehead, “Now have that same attitude in court, we got to go.”
The court room was filled, more than you expected. You looked around, not recognizing a single face except for a few prison guards who were testifying on both sides. You noticed the media set it up in the back. Your story hit the news faster than expected. You did have a great story: warden falls in love with murder. 
“Hands out,” The officer directed.
You obliged. You opposed no threat to anyone and no intentions too, but if putting you in handcuffs made them feel better, then handcuffs it was. You looked back at Sam as the cold metal locked around your wrists. He replied with a frown, which quickly turned into an encouraging smile.
His bipolarness was the vibe right now. You noticed people having a hard time deciding where to sit. There were a lot of people on both sides, but no family members of yours. You gave up on them a long time ago when you noticed they weren’t writing letters and ignoring your calls.
You didn't need them, all you needed was Sam. You have everything you want right now, except for freedom.
“All rise!” 
You stood up from the wooden bench. The judge walked in wearing the classic black gown and had a book in his hands. He nodded at a few of his guards before taking a seat. He opened up his book and looked around the room, landing on you.
“Good afternoon everyone, and there are a lot of you,” His voice was so deep that it bounced against the walls, making an eerie echo. “Calling the case of State Prison vs y/n. Are both sides ready?”
The representative of the prison and your lawyer both replied with a yes. The jury then stood and raised their right hand and made their oath, returning to the bench. 
The representative stood up and gave their opening statement: “Ladies and gentleman of the court, Your Honor, the Jury. You will find that the defendant has been charged with four accounts of murder and convicted by confession. The defendant has taken accountability for all the murders committed and has given detail about how she killed those four men. It is ridiculous that we are here in court today deciding if we can release a serial killer back into the public. With a strong motive to kill, there is no reason why the defendant should be let back into the public eye.”
Serial killer. That is what you are. No one has ever said it that way, but he was absolutely right. You fit the definition perfectly, you had a type and more than three victims. It already wasn't looking good for you.
Your lawyer took center stage, “A martyr is the perfect word to describe the defendant. They have given their life to the state to save the lives of many to come. The strength that my client displays and ownership prove that although they are guilty of the crimes, they are still human and deserve a second chance.”
The judge called you to take the stand. You sat down after taking your oath and folded your hands neatly in your lap.
“Miss l/n,” He started. “Today you are trying to get your case dismissed after confessing to your crimes. That is very interesting. Let’s go back to before the crimes were committed, what were you thinking, what were you doing in your life at the time?”
You shook your head, “Many years ago I was an activist. I enjoyed speaking to the public about issues facing the community and the world at the time. If I wasn't outside with a sign, I was inside posting on social media. I was in college, I was studying Political Science.”
“And what were you planning on doing with the major?”
You paused. It’s been so long that you had a hard time remembering why you wanted to study and what career you wanted, “I was planning on becoming a political journalist, Your Honor.”
He shuffled around his papers, “I’ve looked at your latest credit that you were working on. It was a Sociology class. Do you remember what topic you were discussing in class?”
You nodded, “Rape. The number of rapes in a year and the number of rapists convicted was the last assignment I was working on.”
You remember that assignment like it was yesterday. That one assignment got you so worked up and so mad at the world, that you just had to do something. There was no way that you couldn't. Women’s voices were being ignored and cases rose every day; repeat offenders increased everyday.
“Now to my understanding all the men that you murdered were accused of rape.”
You nodded, “Yes, Your Honor.”
“The attorney may ask questions to Miss l/n.”
The attorney stood up and adjusted your jacket, “Miss l/n, did any of those men physically harm you?”
You shook your head, “No.”
“So you took advantage of the fact that you were young to persuade the men into being alone with you just to kill them?”
You shook your head, “No, I didn’t persuade them at all. All of them suggested going back to their place.”
“But you did stalk them to find out where they were going?”
���No,” You answered. “They had their location public on their phone. All I did was look up their name and I knew where they were.”
“So these men did nothing to you at all except invite you over to their house. And you accepted the offer under no influence or threat. You killed four innocent men and you want to be let back out on the streets? This woman is a danger to society. She seeks out innocent men to end their life for no reason.” He nodded his head and went back to his desk, looking at his notes. He looked back at you and nodded, “That will conclude my questioning.”
You looked back at your lawyer, they gave you back a look of relief. Then you searched the crowd for Sam. Once you found him he gave you a thumbs up. It seemed like you were already on top of the case.
“Miss y/n,” Your lawyer started. “We all know that you killed those men, but why?”
“They raped multiple women. When brought to court, they were given a light sentence and did not do proper justice to the woman. These woman went day to day fearing for their life that they ever spoke out about the terrible things that happened to them. I couldn't let myself live knowing that there was a reason for women to be scared because their government had failed them.”
“Those women were scared? Why were they scared?” “Because they feared that they would get raped again. All of those men were repeat offenders. They would only take more victims and never be punished.”
“So you killed those men to prevent others from being hurt with evidence that it would happen again.”
You nodded, “I would never hurt anyone that had no intentions of causing harm.”
“Miss l/n just described public defense. Under the public defense law, anyone can defend the public with reasonable cause. It’s like self-defense, but for others. She shouldn’t have been committed in the first place. If those men were still alive, they would have kept raping until they were killed. Miss y/n saved lives. That concludes my questioning.”
You were dismissed from the stand and went back by your lawyer. They smiled at you, knowing that with that alone, they had won the case.
The attorney called Sam to the stand; he took his oath and sat down.
“So, Sam. You were the warden in charge of the wing that Miss y/n was being held in?”
“That prison is a tough place to be, she must’ve fussed around a lot.”
Sam shook his head, “Not one bit. She does not have a single complaint against her. Everything that was asked of her, she did with speed and efficiency. She didn't have one lash out in her time.”
“Nothing at all?”
“Like I said, not one complaint.”
“To my understanding you have a relationship with Miss l/n, is that correct?”
“Objection!” Your lawyer yelled. “Irrelevant to the case. Sam was called because of his position and his professional opinion, not his personal life.”
“That concludes my questioning.”
Your lawyer stood up and nodded. You could feel that they were about to lay down the last blow.
“Sam, did this prison have any rapists?”
He nodded, “All kinds of rapists, of all ages and target groups.”
“Did Miss l/n ever have contact with these rapists?”
“Yes. Most of the time during eating hours and the occasional passing in the hall.”
“And how did that interaction go?”
“Miss l/n was given a hard time by these rapists. While waiting in line she was often sexually grabbed. During passing she was cat called and teased at.”
“And what was here response to the sexual assault?”
“Stone faced, emotionless. Every time it happened it amazed me how she would just stand there and wait to be given a direction. The most reaction she’s ever had was lightly shuffling her body to get them off, but she never lunged or reached at them.”
“And what did the other guards do when they noticed this behavior?”
“Nothing. Sometimes they yelled if it was getting close to rape, but overall nothing. We were under instructions not to react because in the past it only caused encouragement of the assault. Prisoners love any excuse to fight a guard,” Sam looked over at you. “I am so sorry that there was nothing I could’ve done. Everyday I watched as you were touched and I wanted to give it to them, I wanted to make sure that I would see them every day of their life, but I couldn't. I couldn't risk hurting you more.”
You smiled, almost tearing up at his words, but you kept yourself composed with a small sniffle.
“The main concern of Miss y/n going back into the public is that she will kill again. As said by her and concluded by a court, she only killed rapists,” Your lawyer pointed out. “As stated by the warden in charge of looking over her, she had the opportunity to kill. She had the opportunity to hurt them, but she never took it. Even after being sexually assaulted, she still kept to herself. This is undeniable evidence that Miss y/n is a changed woman. In her file it is stated that she did more than required community service and went above and beyond with helping other cellmates. Her actions within the prison prove that she is a well-rounded and caring individual. She has changed her ways and is ready to go back into the world. She did justice to the world and it is time for the world to her justice.”
You waited anxiously for over an hour to find out what the jury had decided. You and your lawyer talked about possible outcomes. They told you the sooner they made the decision, the better chances that you had. You had no error in your case and said everything that you wanted to say. The opposing side’s evidence was all proven false.
You got called back into the court, the jury had made their final decision. You rose for the judge and took a seat when prompted. You could feel your leg bouncing.
“In the case of the State Prison vs l/n...” the judge started. You looked over your shoulder at Sam. He had his hands placed in a praying position with his head resting against them. “Miss y/n is found not guilty of all charges and her remaining sentence will be dismissed. She will compensated for her time falsely spent in prison plus be rewarded another trial for her sexual assault. This case is adjourned.”
You could feel emotion flood through you. Pure happiness and joy leaked from your eyes. You tilted your head back in relief and squeezed at your heart. All of these years of the bullshit you put up with was all worth it. You hugged your lawyer and thanked them up and down, the emotion so strong in you that you almost dropped to your knees. You were caught by familiar hands: Sam. Sam pulled you up and into him. He was practically jumping up and down in excitement. He calmed down for a second to lock eyes with you. He couldn't help but smile and cry with you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and pulled you into a deep kiss. It was nothing extravagant, just a simple deep and meaningful kiss that said all the words that he wanted to say.
“I’m coming home!”
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reverielix · 3 years
Hello✨Which career do you think is right for me? I am a sociology student now and I am also very interested in psychology. Thank you so much alreadyyy ☺️
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Hi! First off, I can't say what career is right for you but I can look at your earth houses and other things that might strike my eye. This is what I generally do with these requests so don't expect a certain job recommendation because I won't be providing that haha
Looking at your interceptions at first, you have Libra and Aries intercepted in the 1st and 7th houses while your Sagittarius and Gemini are duplicated on the 3rd and 4th as well as 10th and 9th house cusp. Briefly touching on that, I’ll give you some key information
You might have a lot of inhibitions and hesitate to take action/find difficulty in being assertive and proactively chasing after what you desire as you’d rather daydream, avoid confrontation and be in your little bubble same though lol When you do release that emotional build-up though, it can be that you get yourself into very reckless situations where you can get inappropriate or embarrassed, which only prompts you to keep the quality of assertion suppressed behind the bubble you created for yourself.
The other half of the interception suggests that you have difficulty developing relationships with equal “power distribution”. One might always be more demanding, more needy and more loving. In this case, I see you more as the “servant”, so the person on the giving end when it comes to power-dynamics and unbalanced relationships. People who you are in close relationships with may seek advice from you and always wring you dry of your readiness to help.
Concluding: there is a conflict between the self and relationships.
Looking at Mars and Venus, though, and seeing as Mars is even the most elevated planet in your chart, you definitely have options to “unlock” those interceptions and learn to overcome those hardships. (Just to touch on something here tat caught my eye: Venus in the 5th degree in Leo in the 5th house gives you the ultimate Leo placement lol Leo decan, Leo degree, Leo house and Leo as the sign sigsihsb wow)
Onto the duplications, the heavy Gemini and Sagittarius influence suggests a very big curiosity you have to learn and analyze new things which you then fabricate into the basis or pattern to understand other things that are foreign to you. You take what you know from home, so the speaking patterns of people around you or other behavioral observations and turn them into a blueprint to understand foreign concepts better as you probably even have a career to do with a lot of research or gaining new knowledge/learning from new experiences. You seem to be very fascinated by what you learn about, which with the Mars in that 9th house can help you "unlock" that Aries interception, since you've got that undeniable thirst for hunger that fuels motivation already strogly present within you, especially in the field of exploration and development of personal wisdom.
Looking at your 2nd house in Taurus, I also want to touch on something to do with houses in the sign of their rulership. With the rising in Libra, for comparison, there is a lot of tension between the houses and their respective sign. The extremes created by the oppositions need to be balanced by the Libra rising. But for the Aries rising, it’s about the conjunction: every sign feels too close to their house, because they’re too near to be comfortable. Here, the problem of the Aries rising is that there is no change or conflict implied within the houses, so the Aries rising seeks to approach things all the time. Aries’ natural child-like curiosity and head-first attitude can break this uncomfortable closeness and awkward harmony between the signs and the houses, but for you, since Aries is intercepted, you might have issues breaking free from this inner desire to start new things for your own growth because you’d rather live in dreamland to distract from your inner desire to catalyze process as this can be complicated for you like I already explained in the beginning of the post. Now, considering that, Taurus in the 2nd suggests that you’re good with dealing with finances and probably earn money by using your finances or doing something in the direction of finances/business administration or others in that department, but at the same time you can be very withdrawn as you dislike impatience or energetic people around you while you study or work. You’re rather secretive about where your money’s from and trust yourself rather than others with your business affairs. Putting all this information together, it can be hard for you to actually start a project or actively participate in group projects because you are always fixated on the routine, persistence and self-sufficiency personally associated with long-term success. You strive for wealth and luxury, and in your mind it could be that you’d rather do everything by yourself so that you can have all the money that you earned for yourself in order to be the only responsible one over it: you can’t be told what to do with it and can manage it by yourself as you desire control over your status and possessions. (It’s also possible that you base your worth on the materials you own, which can be considered a motivation for your probably very calculated approach to finances and desire for more.)
Leo in the 6th house shifts this picture again, but you still stay true to your self-sufficiency. In your work place, you carry over the themes of wanting to do things your way and rarely compromising. Since, instead of a trine, your 2nd and 6th house rulers are in a square-relatioship, it's possible that your working process and what you base your identity on (I feel like with that Sun in the 6th and also in its domicile, you might feel like your identity is rooted in how hard you work and how your routine looks like. You probably make your work like a big part of you and are generally very aware of changes within your routine, which mostly rub you the wrong way lol) refuse to adapt to each other. So, essentially, you work your ass off and put your whole self into the work you're very passionate about, just to then lack financial reward. This I think because Taurus is sparing with its energy and rather economical in comparison to Leo, who gives away a lot of energy and does things with a burning passion. Mercury in its domicile in Virgo in the 6th can, like the Taurus placement, mean that there needs to be some type of breaking free of that strict virgo placement. It suggests a highly head-fixated mentality with a lot of overwhelming thoughts and inhibitions of letting them out. The themes of the Aries rising continue, but this time in the work place and implied into your routine. With the conjunction to the descandant in the same degree, it's also very likely that you overthink relationships or tend to be rather logical when it comes to them/have a hard time opening up (which can be connected with your Libra interception I've mentioned earlier and fuel the conflict between the self and relationships). Finally, it's likely that you're a big perfectionist in the work place, yet have difficulties communicating your visions to co-workers, which then leads to you just doing it all yourself.
Onto your empty 10th house in Sagittarius, it adds a want for exploration and natural curiosity to your career path and demands adaptation. Since almost all of it is in Capricorn though, I would go as far as to say that it suggests, again, a pattern to break free from because, like many placements in your chart, this placement is too “strictly” one sign with the corresponding house/planet/degree. Too much of the same thing is not preferable and can lead to problems, especially bundled up. With Capricorn and Sagittarius in the 10th, especially in the context of your chart, it can be that you look out too much for outer sources of exploration or other’s opinions on you when it comes to your work and career path. You want to reach many, but harm your own work in the process, because essentially what you need for receiving your desired material status is right there in the 2nd house with Taurus + the Aries interception. Allow yourself to be selfish and act out of your own wants and needs as you work toward your goal and plan the next step ahead.
You might also want to refrain to giving in to others’ expectations or making others do that for you as well. Be selfish on your own account and for your own goals, but when it comes to others, you can’t expect them to do things exactly your way. Accept help when you are in need but also don’t become too needy, same thing goes for others: don’t let them become too demanding and work on cutting clear lines and boundaries (coming back to Pisces/Virgo opposition and the heavily illuminated 6th house/Mercury/Virgo + the Pisces ascendant that rules the Aries interception).
The key is to form a healthy relationship between the self and the perception of it (looking at the sun and 5th house) and others and their needs (Venus is worth it to look at here and keep in mind that Leo can have a lot of self-esteem issues along with giving too much and expecting that in return, seeing as the archetype of Leo does not correspond with modern society’s stereotypes).
I hope this was insightful and can add perspective to your chart in hindsight to career as well as the reoccurring issue of the self vs relationships. Please note that this post is narrowed down to small parts of your chart and would look different if I were to interpreted the whole thing, which I won’t lol
Anyway, have a nice day and stay hydrated!
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scripttorture · 4 years
I was reading through your tags, and I came across your discussion of the Milgram experiment. I had no idea it was so poorly conducted, in high school psych people always talked about it like it was the final word on the matter. It’s actually great to hear people did argue with the authority. Anyway, I do have a question about the difference between torture and abuse. You reference torture leading to communities for both victims and torturers and abuse not (at least, not the same way). 1/2
2/2 How important is this idea of “competing communities” to the reality of torture (not the legal definition so much, but the practical effect it has on the world)? And how important do you think it is to reference/display/show that in a story? I want depict torture accurately in my novel -thanks to you- and while it’s legally torture, there’s no discussion of community there, and I want to make sure I don’t exclude it if that’s important. Thanks for your help! I’ve learned a lot from you.
I think this is where my lack of a psychology or sociology degree is a disadvantage because I’m not sure if you’re talking about an established theory and if you are it’s not a theory I’m familiar with.
 Given that I think the most helpful thing I can do is talk about what these communities can look like and the place of these communities in fiction.
 I’ve gotten to a point where writing about these sorts of communities and the effects on communities, on generations, is quite instinctive. I don’t remember ever having to actively look it up as a separate thing and that’s partly because I grew up outside of the West surrounded by people from different parts of Asia. It’s a lot easier to grasp what these things look like when you’ve seen it, even if it’s at a remove.
 The reading I did which touched on the topic immediately made sense, because I could tie it to people and places I knew. To the fallout from the gulf wars and the partition of India and Pakistan sheering in two (hell Bangladesh because that was a mess). These things cast long shadows.
 All of this means I might struggle a bit to explain some of this. So I’m sorry if this gets a bit messy.
 Communities of torture survivors will look different depending on the situation in your world. Some important questions to consider when building this into the story are:
Is torture still going on in this place?
Are the people who ordered/allowed torture still in power or has there been a regime change?
Are the survivors still in the country where they were tortured?
Are the things they were arrested for/accused of still crimes?
If there’s been a regime change or torture has become less common what happened to the former torturers?
If the survivors are in a different country what are their material circumstances and how welcome are they?
What practical means of support do the survivors have?
If the atrocities are no longer happening how much time has passed?
 Communities of genocide survivors in Rwanda (who have remained in Rwanda) will look different to Rohingya survivors who have fled to Bangladesh. Communities of people tortured for being queer look different in countries where homosexuality is still illegal compared to countries that have legalised it.
 I’m not a sociologist so my opinion on why that is just opinion. But we can still use the examples above to illustrate a little of what I’m getting at with the bullet point questions.
 A large proportion of Rwanda’s genocide survivors returned to their homes or at least their home country. A lot of the genocide was carried out by ordinary people. That means that the people who attacked, tortured and tried to kill them were often neighbours and acquaintances.
 A lot of these people still live in quite close proximity to the individuals that attacked them. I think Rwanda did it’s best to try and get justice for as many people as possible but logistically some estimates say around a million people were culpable for the genocide. A lot of people were never arrested and the trials of the 100,000 or so people that were, were slow and not always fair.
 Rwanda also had a change of government so the people heading the genocide trials and reorganising the country were not the people in power at the time of the genocide. (Not trying to say the RPF didn’t commit crimes too. But a change from the government that was torturing to new leaders tends to give people more confidence that the crimes of the former leaders will be treated seriously.)
 Contrast this to the situation many Rohingya are in today.
 I don’t think it’s controversial to say that the majority no longer live in their home country. There were an estimated 1-1.3 million Rohingya in Burma before the ongoing genocide. It isn’t clear how many people have been/are being killed but there are thought to be between 700,000 and a million Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh today*.
 The people responsible are still in power and there’s been no move to hold anyone accountable. There have been a couple of moves to return Rohingya to Burma, and the Rohingya have refused saying they’d be killed.
 Bangladesh… has not done a particularly good job of supporting the refugees. But they’re also a poor country dealing with a sudden influx of hundreds of thousands of people.
 These two situations have led to different different communities and different community pressures.
 I feel like I need to be a bit careful about what I say here as obviously I’m not part of either community.** I don’t want to put words in their mouths.
 My impression is that of communities of Rohingya survivors in Bangladesh things are still incredibly tense. Their general situation is unstable. The violence that drove them from their homes continues and the people responsible are still in power.
 My understanding is that there’s less community focus on healing and rebuilding and more focus on survival. Because unfortunately that’s the situation they’re in.
 My impression is that there’s been a lot more effort towards rebuilding and healing in Rwanda. Things like these counselling sessions and concerted efforts to reduce ethnic tensions do seem to have helped people move forward.
 Obviously the fact the Rohingya genocide is still happening and that Rwanda has had years to try and help survivors means this isn’t really a fair comparison. But the point here is to illustrate differing situations.
 To me the words ‘competing communities’ implies a situation where communities of torturers/former torturers and survivors are in close contact with each other. That’s not always the case. Survivors may end up in a different country. Torturers might be part of an occupying force that leaves- You get the idea.
 When these communities are living in close proximity there are still a lot of factors that can influence how they interact. Regime changes, justice and reconciliation efforts, support for mental health problems can all make a difference. Education and jobs can also make a difference.
 I’m honestly not sure whether de-radicalisation programs have ever been attempted for torture specifically.
 What I’m saying here is that (while I doubt a torture survivor is ever going to get along with someone who personally tortured them) I have heard stories where towns and villages containing a mix of people who were victimised by a regime and people who supported it have reconciled and been able to exist as a community. Even though some members of the community are never going to like or trust each other.
 Communities of torturers are… a lot more volatile. Rejali describes the toxic sub-culture torturers tend to build up in a lot of detail. It isn’t clear if this carries over into life after torture.
 The impression I get from interviews with torturers is that while the attitudes and beliefs may carry over former torturers don’t seem to stay in contact with each other. The group seems to form on the job and then fall apart without the job to hold them together.
 Now there is not a lot of research on torturers. So I honestly can’t say this is true. It’s a pattern in interviews but a dozen interviews do not a statistically relevant study make.
 I can confidentially tell you that most former torturers report social isolation after they stop and they seem to have difficulty forming and keeping relationships. It also seems likely that they have a high turn over rate (regimes can periodically purge them and their mental health problems can easily get them fired or reach a point where they quit.)
 So when I say ‘communities of torturers’ I’m mostly talking about numbers rather then an organised social structure. My impression is that apologists are more likely to do the work of organising then torturers.
 I’m going to try and bring this round to the question of what role communities and communal support can play in stories.
 Personally I think it’s something I’d like to see writers try to tackle more often. Especially since community can add a lot of depth to characters.
 I don’t think it should be considered essential to a narrative involving torture though.
 Torture means a large number of victims and communities of survivors. But not every survivor is going to be connected to those communities. Most Rohingya people have ended up in Bangladesh but not all of them have.
 Thinking about the victims of police torture in Chicago in the 80s, most of them were black and/or homeless. Given that particular segments of the population were targetted I think these groups could have processed this as a communal experience etc. But someone from a group that was less regularly targetted might not have had a way to access either community of survivors.
 Some victims end up isolated because they aren’t believed. With the rise in clean torture it’s become more common for things like ‘You weren’t tortured, you’re a spy and you gave them information willingly’ to be used to discredit survivors.
 And some victims end up isolated because their particular pattern of symptoms makes it hard for them to socialise.
 Some people just fall through the cracks. Some communities refuse to talk about or deal with torture when it’s happening around them. This… is not particularly healthy but it can come from a place of wanting to protect a survivor and reduce the risk of harm, especially if torture is still happening in the area and the people that ordered it are still in power.
 Isolation is a real problem. It is the experience of a lot of survivors. Especially at first. I don’t think there can be anything wrong with trying to portray that.
 Showing communities won’t work in every story. They take time to establish, demand more characters and when poorly handled they can steer the narrative away from the plot.
 However they can also bring some much needed relief to dark stories and create a lot more opportunities to show the variety and humanity of survivors.
 I am a little biased here. I love stories about people connecting and supporting each other in difficult circumstances. Including a community element is a very easy way to do that in a story.
 The kind of community your survivors characters have should be something that grows from the circumstances of the story.
 In a world where the Evil Empire was ousted survivors might feel able to meet in public to share their experiences or help each other. In a world where the Empire is still in power any meetings would be smaller, secretive and fraught with risk. Characters who have fled the Empire might find they have an easy connection to everyone else who’s fled. Regardless of where they come from.
 Is this something prior generations have had to contend with? If these things have been going on longer then there are more likely to be established community structures to support survivors even if it’s ‘smaller’ things like gifting neighbours meals.
 At the end of the day I think the details should be decided by what the story needs, what adds to it. Sometimes a community for the survivors characters will do that. Sometimes it won’t.
 I hope that helps :)
Available on Wordpress.
*Some will have fled previous conflicts and have been in Bangladesh longer.
 **For those who don’t know this already my parents are English and Greek-Cypriot and I grew up in Saudi Arabia near Bahrain.
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surveysonfleek · 4 years
Zodiac Bingo 
Aries Gotta go fast Independence Participant, always Fuck you, don’t tell me what do to *brooding intensifies* Good sense of humor I ain’t neva scared “I’m not competitive but I’m gonna win” Assertive Going first Running yellow lights
People are drawn to you even tho you don’t invite them Feelings = action Impulsivity Creative Leader Competent “I thought you didn’t like me”-everyone Accidentally hurting people’s feelings Shares everything with partner What if the pope blasted cigs? Starting shit you don’t feel like finishing “I guess that was rude” No. 9/24
Taurus Treat yo’self Underappreciated at work Loyalty Great tastes in art&culture Spoiled (or wishing you were) Robe appreciation A vice (alcohol, weed, or comfort food) Homemaking/nesting Continuing to do something you don’t love just because you’re resistant to change Affection via touch Easy going Perfecting a wardrobe that is both comfy and flawless Having good ass eyebrows Highkey sensitive Stubborn af Not even taking your *own* advice Gossiping Lady in the street but a freak in the bed Creativity Spooning Commitment Stressing out over a change in someone’s tone of voice Finishing what you started Lots of venting lol 9/24
Gemini Unpopular opinion factory Secret&diverse intellectual landscape “Oh I got really into *miscellaneous hobby or topic* for a while” Intellectualizing or ignoring feelings Cleaning maybe once a year Look, a distraction! Thinking faster than you can talk Restless without hobbies Talking faster than you can think Reading four books at once Tons of energy Teaching others what you know Trivia machine Moodiness Knowing everything but also forgetting everything Existential crisis “Sorry I forgot to text you back” So many interests so little time Accidentally talking too loud Young at heart Pretty good public speaker Endless scrolling Shitposting Unpredictable sleep schedule 5/24
Cancer Connecting with women “Guess I’ll have to love you with my whole heart and soul” Vegetarianism/veganism Fear of rejection Surrounding yourself with soft blankets and  mood lighting Ferocious protector “I’m not going to dwell on it” *dwells on it* Takes child-rearing seriously Hardshell protecting soft ego Feeding sad friends Forecast: mood swings Heart of gold but still a badass Bad with boundaries Learning how to relax like it’s your job Lightweight drinker Yeah. Crying, ok? It’s not a big deal Mama trauma Food = comfort Nostalgia as a coping mechanism Identify built off memories Complaining Very emotionally intuitive of others Big fan of physical and emotional affection People telling you all their BS all the time 9/24
Leo Friendly Self-indulgence Never being able to tell if you’re the best or the worst People trying to compete with you lol Sensitive Decent at cheering people up Great hair Wardrobe swings between hot as hell and lazy af Interrupting Having a sense of honor Not doing something because you’re not good at it Talking too loud Finding dogs pretty relatable Creative talent Super supportive friend Enthusiasm Socializing like it’s your job&then needing to recharge Memes Priorities: eating and sleeping Boo hiss at rejection Looking good even when you feel like shit Drama Needing lots of love Loyal 9/24
Virgo Relating to Hermione Granger Gives great advice even when your own life is in shambles Flirting and running, an autobiography Petty Pretty damn intelligent Loving words/linguistics 8 hours of “studying” = 1 hour of real work Swings between clean and slobbish Indecision Splurging on food Mom friend A freak on the DL Peculiar eating habits Pretty good with words Good with pets and/or kids Known to schedule sex Multitasking af Cleaning as a coping mechanism “It me” Loves self-care but deprioritizes it 0 to hottie in 2 seconds flat Lowkey wood nymph All the receipts Bratty sub or service top 10/24
Libra If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all Pls no fighting Good judge of character Leadership roles in friendships Takes up less emotional space for the well being of others Art adoration Real glo up wizards Nature adoration Hates boredom Wholesome Keep it cute Emotionally braced for betrayal Lowkey running from problems with people Falling in love with people’s hearts/minds Investing in your appearance Loves all things cute Always the mediator Trust issues Charming Staying up to date on culture Taking the high road Always putting your feelings aside for others Aesthetics Mom friend 6/24
Scorpio Growing up early Being a new person every few years Black/dark wardrobe Pain is cool Interest in psychology/criminology/sociology Privacy Sexual but not promiscuous All or nothing thinking Intelligent Loner/lonely Taking care of everyone Would kill or die for loved ones Protective as fuck Bloodhound for truth Deep Fascination with death/insanity/occultism Love-hate relationships “idk I’m just feeling numb rn” Jealous or possessive Trust issues Loyal as fuck Secretly soft Gets shit done Boundaries 6/24
Sagittarius Long ass bucket list Prefers to mind their own business Unbothered Nice enough that people always think you’re hitting on them Fear of missing out Optimism Honest and upfront Your shit is lowkey not together Plenty of friends Snobby enough to have good taste Flirting your way into something you can’t finish Storyteller or philosophical preacher “Here for a good time, not a long time” “��rude” Free spirit “Films” Distracted Smarter than you look I’m just speaking my truth! “I’m just inviting a few people” Falls in love with your mind, then your body Blows up the aux cord Hedonism phases Horniness gets you into some shit lol 11/24
Capricorn On your grind Discipline dgaf attitude Stoic in the streets, softie in the sheets Planning ahead, way ahead Always prepared (Un)healthy coping mechanisms Likes structure Prioritizing self-mastery Loyal protector of friends, babies, and animals Basically born an adult Dark humor People being mad about your tough love Old soul Major procrastinator Kind of a know-it-all on the DL Major sadness and madness People thanking you for your tough love People think you’re responsible “Why was I programmed to feel pain” meme Parenting your parents “Lock that in the trauma vault” Either a loner or a socialite Giving advice like it’s your job 5/24
Aquarius Me, an intellectual: Needing to do things your way Superiority complex Gossip Conspiracy theories Skepticism Not even having the energy to tell people how wrong they are Courteous/considerate People love you but you hate people Lonely Outsider syndrome Relating to cats a great deal Hates being told what to do or when to do it Not trusting someone/something that’s popular Being accused of being emotionless Insightful Feeling like the only rational person in a room Existential crisis Devil’s advocate just to get people to think Rationalizing tf out of your feelings Hates small talk Vices You’re entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is Interest in sociology, psychology, and politics 10/24
Pisces Empath Dramatic Poetry or music Lots of imagination, fluctuating identity Getting high on being outside (and maybe weed) Alone time “Idk I’m just a lil sad rn idk” Spiritual af Helping people heal Existential dread Pets love you Mommy issues Good with kids Cathartic crying over art, movies, or nature Knowing how people feel before they do Feeling misunderstood/alone “Go with the flow” Encountering spirits On life: “I’m just here for the ride” Drugs Forgiving others but blaming yourself Kindness Sorry, I was dissociating Exploring nature 3/24
I am most like a: Sagittarius
I am actually a: Sagittarius (I actually don’t really believe in starsigns but here you go lol)
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alexyuan0508-blog · 5 years
Response to Week 3 Readings
Readings from this week discuss or touch on the topic of digital divide and inequalities. It was interesting to see they approached the issue of digital divide and inequalities from fairly different perspectives, such as age, citizenship, motivation, attitude, and roles in the digital world. For the most part, these scholars point out the existence of first-, second-, and third-level digital divide, which specifically are binary internet access, internet skills and use, and tangible outcomes of internet use, and furthermore, they all conclude that digital divide and inequalities have significant social impacts and as a result, should receive more attention and research from the sociological field.
In general, I would agree with their point that the impacts of digital inequalities on human’s social life are underrated. Digital devices are usually considered tools that can make convenience and improve working efficiency, by connecting people with the larger world and providing them with more resources. In the paper written by Scheerder et al., they point out that internet access has become a standard for most Western populations, and in my view, there is more implication of this point. What it suggests is that internet access or the use of devices that has internet access has been taken granted for. In my experience, the moment when the existence of uneven digital distribution and inequalities struck me was when in one of my undergraduate classes, a seemingly Latin girl said she had trouble to access course materials because she did not own a laptop to get online. Almost every student in the rest of the class was shocked, and then we began discussing how and why we felt so surprised. The conclusion was that we took it for granted that every student in the university had laptop that could easily give access to the internet. However, the real case is that distribution of internet access is not even, and it is a result of many social factors, such as age, race, gender, and social class. Therefore, I appreciate that Robinson et al. point out in their essay that as many researchers tend to use web-based methods for data collecting, in that these methods may fail to take internet penetration and proficiency into account which would lead to biased or false inferences.
Moreover, I find it interesting that two papers, one by Reisdorf and Groselj and the other by Schradie, look at digital inequalities from the perspectives of users and producers. Specifically, it is interesting to see Reisdof and Groselj discuss the attitude of different categories of users. However, I am a bit confused about the significance of their study. I agree that their findings go along with the point made by previous studies that studying various dimensions is needed to overcome the issue of digital inequalities, but again, while they find that the difference in frequency of using the internet is caused by users’ vastly different attitude, how is this conclusion significant in resolving or understanding the problem of digital inequalities? Similarly, regarding Schradie’s paper, I think its findings lack in-depth analysis as well. While it is interesting to study users as producers and content creators, it seems to me that it fails to point out its importance and significance in analyzing digital divide. In other words, I feel that the role of class and educational level has already been proven in lots of studies as factors that would influence the use of internet, so it is a bit ambiguous to me that how it is particularly different or important when categorizing users as producers.
Overall, I think it is very interesting and meaningful to discuss the problems of digital divide and inequalities as I agree that they definitely should be taken more seriously at a sociological level.
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collegeinit · 4 years
Why Arts and Humanities Can be a Good Choice for Students?
Short Brief
If you are an enthusiastic person who cherishes past and present context for seeking the answers in future then studies in Arts & Humanities will be the most suitable choice in your career. Collegeinit suggests the viewers to go through our college search engine for filtering colleges as your preference and need.
Arts and Humanities is a journey towards recognizing the two oldest fields of knowledge that defines us as human beings. Decades of study and analysis acknowledged that the study of Arts and Humanities help to strengthen identity and interactions across cultures. An extensive scope that consists of countless domains for exploration is known to be “Art” whereas a faction of disciplines collected throughout historical-literary and political comprehensions is “Humanities”. 
Scope & Opportunities (Edit Title)
Arts & Humanities students have the opportunity to choose according to their personal composition such as either in Music, Painting, Hospitality business creating numerous opportunities in various fields listed down below:
Sociology is the study of social relationships and human institutions. The subject of sociology ranges from crime to religion, family to state, racial and social class differences to common convictions in a common culture, social stability and radical changes in all societies. Combining research on these different research topics is the goal of sociology to understand how human behavior and consciousness are shaped by the surrounding cultural and social structures.
What is the outcome that is acquired from learning Sociology
Sociology offers students both tangible and intangible skills. More practical skills include research skills, especially the ability to perform data analysis. Knowledge of quantitative data analysis (statistics) and knowledge of statistical software is particularly important as studies have shown that jobs and jobs with quantitative skills pay more and are more in demand than non-quantitative jobs. Qualitative data analysis is also a valuable skill that students acquire.
Psychology is the study of human health and behavior under the influence of the mind. Indian Psychology courses are offered at different levels, such as a Psychology Degree, Psychology Certificate Course, Undergraduate Psychology and Advanced Psychology courses. There are also courses at several levels of study in Psychology and part-time or online courses in Psychology.
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Mass Communication, Film and Journalism
Mass communication is a means of disseminating information among many people. The term is not limited to journalism, but covers a number of other media industries, such as news and reporting, film production and production, event management, public relations, advertising, corporate communications, and the list goes on.
In recent years, the field of media and communication has evolved into a partially interactive idea that covers almost every aspect of human life. And as the media permeates our lives through newspapers, television, and the Internet, the media industry is becoming more popular than ever. This course offers a variety of job opportunities for candidates who are not only looking for a high salary but also bring satisfaction and creativity to the workplace.
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Corporate law has two different areas of activity: Regulation of professional organizations carried out by the laws of companies, partnerships, bankruptcies and agencies and Settlement of commercial transactions by contractual law.
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Hotel Management and Tourism 
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At most universities, applicants study different aspects of the BHMTT course based on theoretical and practical issues. As part of the BHMTT course, candidates must complete the required vocational training lasting 2 to 3 months. Applicants for training must work in areas such as catering, hospitality, food production, housing, accommodation and other tourist areas. BHMTT is a professional payroll course that trains and prepares job seekers to acquire professional skills that will help them find employment in the hospitality and tourism industry.
Exquisite job market for Arts & Humanities students in Nepal
Art Directors
Art directors generally supervise the work of other designers and artists who create images for television, movies, live performances, commercials, or video games. Define a general style in which messages are visually communicated to the public. In each piece, they express their vision as an artist. Then the artist creates images such as illustrations, graphs, photographs or diagrams and diagrams or landscapes and movies according to the artist's vision.
Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers
Advertising (Ad) managers create interest for potential buyers of a product or service. You do this for a department, for an entire organization or on a project basis (called an account). Ad managers work for advertising companies that develop customer advertising campaigns, for multimedia companies that sell advertising space or time, and for multi-advertising organizations.
Campaigners run programs that combine ads with purchase incentives to increase sales. Programs often use direct mail, newspaper ads, web ads, in-store ads, product promotions, or special events for target customers. Purchasing incentives can include discounts, trials, freebies, discounts, coupons, raffles or lotteries.
Marketers evaluate the demand for products and services offered by a company and its competitors. Identify potential markets for the company's products. They also develop pricing strategies to help companies maximize profits and market share while ensuring that the company's customers are satisfied. You will work with employees from the sales, public relations and product development sectors.
Public Relations and Fundraising Managers
Public relations managers lead the creation of materials that enhance the public image of their employer or client. Fundraisers coordinate the campaigns they carry out in their organization. Public relations and fundraising staff require at least a bachelor's degree, and some positions may require a master's degree. Moreover, many years of relevant professional experience are required.
The employment of fundraising and public relations managers is expected to increase by 9% from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. The employment of public relations managers depends on the need of organizations to maintain their public image, especially when developing social networks. The need to raise funds for nonprofits requires more fundraising.
Market Research Analyst
Market research analysts collect and analyze data from various sources to generate results, which are then fed to the buyer. They may also be asked to provide suggestions based on the results. Market research analysts work for public and private sector organizations, as well as charities and non-profits. Analysts can also work independently or as consultants.
The details of the study will vary depending on the type and size of the employer and the industry. Research analysts often specialize in quantitative or qualitative research. Quantitative research involves working with large amounts of statistical information in structured questionnaires and can be used to identify attitudes, behaviors or sales patterns.
Qualitative research is generally based on individual interviews or focus groups. They are less structured and require interpretation by the market research analyst. They can present the underlying reasons, views and motivations and may take longer.
Producers and Directors
The commercial part of the production is provided by the producer and the creative part is provided by the director. There are many producers (because there are so many moving parts to making a film), and usually only one director makes the most creative decisions. Two people must communicate continuously to continue working and meet deadlines. Since there is more than one producer, the instructor usually communicates a lot with the first assistant instructor as well, who also keeps in touch with other producers.
Interpreters and Translators
Interpreters and translators help you communicate by converting a message or text from one language to another. Some people do both, but interpretation and translation are different jobs. Interpreters communicate orally, translators communicate in writing. Interpreters convert information from one spoken language to another or, for sign language interpreters, convert information between spoken and sign language. The purpose of an interpreter is to make people feel that the interpreter is the original language. Interpreters generally communicate with people who do not speak a common language, so they must be fluent or speak both languages.
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Admission details are categorized and placed accordingly in our application where any individual can filter their search result and apply into Arts & Humanities programs according to its availability.  
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Collegeinit aims to continue providing “Educational Counselling” for students who are searching about college details and what facilities do they provide, furthermore handling such types of queries and problems. The application has the feature for locating colleges via Map so that you can have a better search experience, such as nearby locations.  
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heathertalks · 4 years
Audience Studies Blog Entry #2: How as an Audience we can be Influenced by Media Messages
Everyday, we consume several forms of media, whether it is the morning news, what we see in social media, our favourite websites, listening to our favourite radio station or what our friends show us. Sometimes, we would be influenced by what the media tells us, prompting concerns by some scholars. For example, when the motion picture, or movies as we like to call it, became available to the public, there was some concern about the influence of movies in sociological changes, such as delinquency. Early years of media had a form of learning effects that could potentially influence children and other populations. Hugo Munsterberg, a Harvard psychologist, explained how films effect humans’ sense of reality. (Sullivan, pp 33) In his 1916 book The Photoplay, perceptual processes among audiences are analyzed through their viewing of the screen’s moving pictures. Munsterberg points out that audiences need to be within the conceptual world of the film’s setting for them to understand the plot and characters of the film. Acceptance of the film’s reality must be achieved for them to understand the plot of the film. Munsterberg said that it is necessary for the audience to be confused by the film’s narrative in order to acknowledge communication and critical in learning about mediated communication.
Munsterberg was concerned with how motion pictures would cause a displacement from real-world social interaction and with how films could embed things into audiences demonstrate the effects that would become the dominant paradigm. The term moral panic is referred to as describing strong negative public reactions in spreading new social behaviour. (Sullivan, pp 34) The reaction would be considered an overreaction as providing accommodations for this new behaviour would be complicated. Another term would be media panics as it would revolve around the beginning of new media or content. Audiences seem to be vulnerable to negative influences from the media or content because the messages are delivered straight to everyone.
One such example of this is radio as it was introduced in 1933. In the book The Psychology of Radio (1935), the authors debated that the rhetorical conventions of radio would cause many complex issues would be oversimplified. There was a concern of this narrowing listeners’ minds, mainly due to the amount of radio programs featuring ‘experts’ who tell listeners how to live their lives. There was also concern of radio being utilized as a tool for propaganda, as it was explained as a “systematic attempt to develop through the use of suggestion certain of the listener’s attitudes and beliefs in such a way that some special interest is favored.” (Sullivan, pp 38)
In the 1950s, a new medium was introduced in the form of television. Like radio, audiences were able to consume live events, such as news updates, sporting events and entertainment however, with television, people use their eyes and ears in consuming it. A decade later, there was some concern about the amount of programming from three networks, ABC, CBS and NBC, as it had cheap, over-commercialized fare with the likes of “game shows, violent dramas and mindless comedies.” (Sullivan, 51) At one point, FCC chairman at the time, Newton Minow called television programming, ‘a vast wasteland.’ There was concern about the violence in TV as US Senator John O. Pastore suggested that violence in both TV and the news media was a ‘public health risk,’ causing children to be aggressive.
One other form of media that I would like to touch on is the mobile phone. Portable devices like smart phones and tablets enable us to carry them around and connect with family, friends and colleagues. In a 2017, Pew Research Center survey, about one fifth of Americans were dependent on their phone for Internet access. Sherry Turkle explained how adolescents are ‘tethered’ to their phones however, they are constantly connected to family and friends. Because they are near a phone twenty-four hours a day and the Internet is always on, the phone is ready for availability. While teenagers have some security and safety having a connection to their parents, they are at risk of feeling distracted as they have a fear of missing out on communicating with their friends and would engage in dangerous behaviours like sexting or texting while driving. (Sullivan, pp 54) With this in mind, teenagers feel that they are ‘addicted’ to their smartphones.
We consume all sorts of media for being informed and entertained however, we do not realize the setbacks of what we use. We watch movies to be entertained and as a means of escape from our world. We listen to the radio to hear our favourite artists and be informed of what goes on in our world. Over the years, violence is becoming more accepting in television as there have been an increase of channels and comes with it, something for everyone, including children. I agree that we are becoming slaves to our phones however, by being constantly connected, we are informed about what goes on in our world and what can we do to change it. While most of the things on this blog focuses on the negativity, there is still some good that comes with these mediums as we would be informed about the world around us. I have found it interesting how there have been some criticisms to new technologies at first but overtime, we grew to accept it.
With media messages, they prove that forms of technology have their pros and cons. As someone who is majoring in Film Studies, this concept fascinated me because whenever a new form of technology develops, there seems to be excitement among the public however, for every group that is eager to test the new technology, there are others that feel uneasy. One thing that caught my eye was the discussion on mobile phones and how people admit they are ‘addicted’ or ‘tethered’ to their phones. I always felt that nowadays we have become slaves to our phones. I have been to restaurants where people are on their phones, whether it is texting or taking pictures of what they ordered. One of my friends sat across this one family who had a kid that could be passed off as thirteen. He was on his phone and his mom was literally feeding him his dinner. I swear, I am not making his up. I have read about people being on their phones and a lot of it has to do with the fear of missing out or falling out of the loop. I am not really bothered with this, I would normally use social media to keep in touch with my friends, post things and check news and sports.
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newstfionline · 7 years
How our housing choices make adult friendships more difficult
By David Roberts, Vox, Dec 7, 2017
I often think about a piece I read in 2015 in the Atlantic, by Julie Beck, called “How Friendships Change in Adulthood.”
I do think, however, that Beck left out an interesting piece of the puzzle. Our ability to form and maintain friendships is shaped in crucial ways by the physical spaces in which we live. “Land use,” as it’s rather aridly known, shapes behavior and sociality. And in America we have settled on patterns of land use that might as well have been designed to prevent spontaneous encounters, the kind out of which rich social ties are built.
We get by with a little less help from our friends. It’s a familiar tale that Beck tells: Early in life, friendships are central to our development and sense of self. This is true right up through to those early post-collegiate years, when everyone is starting out in their professional lives.
And then people get married. They have kids. Their parents get older and need more care. They settle into careers. All those obligations--spouses, kids, family, work--are things we have to do. Friendships are things we choose to do. And that means, when time constricts and things get busy, friendships often get bumped.
So as we get older, time with friends tapers off. “[In a study we did,] we asked people to tell us the story of the last person they became friends with, how they transitioned from acquaintance to friend,” researcher Emily Langan told Beck. “It was interesting that people kind of struggled”:
In a set of interviews he did in 1994 with middle-aged Americans about their friendships, [researcher William] Rawlins [of Ohio University] wrote that, “an almost tangible irony permeated these adults’ discussions of close or ‘real’ friendship.” They defined friendship as “being there” for each other, but reported that they rarely had time to spend with their most valued friends, whether because of circumstances, or through the age-old problem of good intentions and bad follow-through: “Friends who lived within striking distance of each other found that… scheduling opportunities to spend or share some time together was essential,” Rawlins writes. “Several mentioned, however, that these occasions often were talked about more than they were accomplished.”
This is a sad story. People almost universally report that friendships are important to their happiness and well-being. They don’t want to lose touch with friends and stop making new ones. They lament it constantly. (I can testify to all of this firsthand.)
But as the habits of family and work settle in, friendships become an effort, and as every tired working parent knows, optional effort tends to get triaged.
Does it have to be this way?
Our missing tribes. There’s a temptation to say that this is inevitable, just the way things are. People grow up, they don’t hang out with friends as much anymore. It’s kind of sad, but that’s just how it is.
But it is not inevitable. In fact it’s quite new! For the vast majority of our history, we lived in small, nomadic bands. The tribe, not the nuclear family, was the primary unit. We lived among others of various ages, to which we were tied by generations of kinship and alliance, throughout our lives.
It’s only been since we developed agriculture and started living in semi-permanent communities, more recently still that were thrown into cities, crammed up against people we barely know, and more recently still that we bounced out of cities and into suburbs.
There’s nothing fated or inevitable about each of us living in our own separate nuclear-family castles, with our own little faux-estate lawns, getting in a car to go anywhere, never seeing friends unless we make an effort to schedule it.
Why should it require explicit scheduling to see a friend who lives “within striking distance”? Why shouldn’t proximity do some of the work? The answer, for many Americans, is that anything beyond a few blocks away might as well be miles; it all requires a car. We do not encounter one another in cars. We grind along together anonymously, often in misery.
The loss of spontaneous encounters. Why do we form such strong friendships in high school and college and form comparatively fewer as the years go on?
I read a study many years ago that I have thought about many times since, though hours of effort have failed to track it down. The gist was that the key ingredient for the formation of friendships is repeated spontaneous contact. That’s why we make friends in school--because we are forced into regular contact with the same people. It is the natural soil out of which friendship grows.
The researchers believed that physical space was the key to friendship formation; that “friendships are likely to develop on the basis of brief and passive contacts made going to and from home or walking about the neighborhood.” In their view, it wasn’t so much that people with similar attitudes became friends, but rather that people who passed each other during the day tended to become friends and later adopted similar attitudes.
As external conditions change, it becomes tougher to meet the three conditions that sociologists since the 1950s have considered crucial to making close friends: proximity; repeated, unplanned interactions; and a setting that encourages people to let their guard down and confide in each other, said Rebecca G. Adams, a professor of sociology and gerontology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. This is why so many people meet their lifelong friends in college, she added.
This kind of spontaneous social mixing doesn’t disappear in post-collegiate life. We bond with co-workers, especially in those scrappy early jobs, and the people who share our rented homes and apartments.
But when we marry and start a family, we are pushed, by custom, policy, and expectation, to move into our own houses. And when we have kids, we find ourselves tied to those houses. Many if not most neighborhoods these days are not safe for unsupervised kid frolicking. In lower-income areas there are no sidewalks; in higher-income areas there are wide streets abutted by large garages. In both cases, the neighborhoods are made for cars, not kids. So kids stay inside playing Xbox, and families don’t leave except to drive somewhere.
Thus, seeing friends, even friends within “striking distance,” requires planning. “We should really get together!” We say it, but we know it means calls and emails, finding an evening free of work, possibly babysitters. We know it would be fun. But it’s very easy just to settle in for a little TV.
Those of you who are married with kids: When was the last time you ran into a friend or “dropped by” a friend’s house without planning it? When was the last time you had a unplanned encounter with anyone other than a clerk or a barista, someone serving you?
Where would it happen? The mall? Walmart? There are so few noncommercial public spaces where we mix and mingle freely with people on a regular basis.
Say you’re a family with children and you don’t regularly attend church (as is increasingly common). There are basically two ways to have regular, spontaneous encounters with people. Both are rare in America.
One is living in a real place, a walkable area with lots of shared public spaces, around which one can move relatively safely and effectively without a car. It seems like a simple thing, but such places are rare even in the cities where they exist.
Walkable communities are very difficult to find in the US, and because there is such paucity of supply relative to demand, they are expensive, accessible only to the high-income. Places where they exist tend to have absurd zoning restrictions that prevent growing them.
The second, even more rare, is some form of co-housing. There are many kinds of co-housing, too many to get into in this post, but my favorite, a common model in Germany, is baugruppen, or building groups.
The basic idea is that a group of people comes together to work directly with architects and designers, bypassing developers, to build a shared dwelling that they own collectively (a co-op, basically). Taking developers out of the picture saves money--25 to 30 percent in Berlin, where baugruppen are common--and opens up space for much more ambitious, innovative, and sustainable architecture. It also fosters cooperation and community among members of the collective.
In practice, baugruppen are basically like condos, but with much more robust shared spaces and collective ownership rather than developer ownership.
The idea behind baugruppen, and co-housing generally, is that it’s nice to live in an extended community, to have people to rely on beyond family. It’s nice to have bustling shared spaces where you can run into people you know without planning it beforehand. It’s nice to have nearby friends for your kids, places where they can play safely, and other adults who can share kid-tending duties.
Refusing to accept the status quo of default isolation. Both these alternatives--walkable communities and co-housing--sound exotic to American ears. Thanks to shifting baselines, most Americans only know single-family dwellings and auto-dependent land use. They cannot even articulate what they are missing and often misidentify the solution as more or different private consumption.
But I do not think we should just accept that when we marry and start families, we atomize, and our friendships, like our taste in music, freeze where they were when we were young and single. We shouldn’t just accept a way of living that makes interactions with neighbors and friends a burden that requires special planning.
We should recognize that by shrinking our network of strong social ties to our immediate families, we lose something important to our health and social identities, with the predictable result that we are ridden with anxiety and loneliness. We are meant to have tribes, to be among people who know us and care about us.
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absynthe--minded · 7 years
magpiescholar replied to your post: just got into a conversation that reminded me how...
I missed this and I would love to read a rant from you about it!
okay so like. I get why 2012-ish Salmon Rioters were very easily sucked in to the whole “only HoME is canon, the published Silmarillion can get rekt/only MY SPECIFIC INTERPRETATION of HoME is canon everybody who doesn’t agree with me can go sit on a tack” thing? There was a lot of eloquent, compelling, well-researched meta that waxed poetic on why (for example) the Valar were actually malevolent rather than merely completely out of touch with the needs of the elves in their care, and it did a good job of sounding authoritative and it inspired a lot of fans. And I think it caused a lot of people to fall in love with versions of specific characters that arose as a result of what can honestly in some cases be called revisionist meta, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing?
but the thing that bothered me then and bothers me now is 1. the insistence that only some types of choose-your-own-adventure canon based on loose or highly specific interpretations of certain lines from fan-preferred texts were Okay or Right or deserving of fan interest 2. the exclusion of other texts from HoME as authoritative 3. the complete ignoring of the published Silmarillion as a valid interpretation of the source material SO let’s tackle these in order
point 1 mostly came up with the discussion of the Shibboleth of Fëanor iirc, which I recall was cited as the Most Accurate Version Of Events due to a lot of factors but its status as a later writing and addition to the Middle-Earth sandbox world seemed to lend it legitimacy. I remember getting into arguments with a couple of people because I found the presentation of Fingolfin’s actions to be wildly out of character when compared to everything else he ever did in the collected HoME, and therefore I came up with a few “choose your own adventure” style loose interpretations of the Shibboleth to justify why this particular record made him look bad; the general response was eloquent enough but came down to the fact that a lot of the people I was talking to preferred this Fingolfin because it made Fëanor (who was even more of a fan favorite back then) look better - of course, when I read the Shibboleth for the first time Fëanor reminded me of one of those “goes to city council meeting with giant folder about UFO attacks, rants for ten minutes” people, because while I completely understood feeling hurt about a dialectical shift changing the pronunciation of a name I couldn’t grasp why a dedicated linguist/language nerd was so insistent that this was a continent-wide conspiracy? bro. languages change. it’s necessary for survival of your tongue.
point 2 was mostly a corollary to point 1, because if only the fan-preferred HoME essay/narrative/whatever was Good, anything that contradicted it was Bad. And there were a lot of reasons for this, but it annoyed me because if you went against the Tumblr consensus you got yelled at, no matter how thoughtful or detailed or well-researched your academic work was - it didn’t matter even if you were able to make definitive statements about authorial intent based on a knowledge of Tolkien’s personal life/theology/etc, because it didn’t match up with the Approved Version Of History, which was generally “the Fëanorians did nothing wrong” (and like. I love the Fëanorians? But keep in mind that I also love Anakin Skywalker. I feel like that era of fandom had a hard time remembering that characters can be terrible people but awesome storytelling devices, but that’s just my opinion.) to the extent of arguing with people who had real-life trauma in their past similar to things suffered by Kinslaying survivors (I’m not naming names but I remember that series of posts and it was cringeworthy) that their opinions weren’t okay because My Precious Babies Did Nothing Wrong
and maybe I’m generalizing? I know that I love the Fëanorians and I think they’re all delightful murderous unstable elves and great characters - hell, my phone case is the Star of their House and ‘Tenn’ ambar-metta!’ in Quenyan Tengwar - but I also know that I saw a lot of opposition to the idea that they’d made mistakes. (And I get that? Part of why I made that “Fëanorians are millennials!” post from ages ago was an effort to explain why I thought our generation of fans were so quick to defend them and why opinions had shifted so drastically)
anyway on to Point 3, which is that I saw an attitude of “if you’ve only read the Silmarillion you can’t call yourself a real fan” paired with “the Silmarillion isn’t an authoritative or truly canonical text”. And again, there are legitimate arguments to be made about that? because yeah, I don’t like Chris’s editing either, I think sometimes it sucks. But I don’t think that we can discount the fact that this is the version that the guy charged with preserving the creator’s legacy declared the closest to the intended product, and I don’t think it was fair to expect all fans to slog through twelve volumes of history lectures/linguistic essays/sociological studies/poetry/Chris’s commentary about everything just so they could engage in discussion of meta. It felt very insular and in-crowd, and while I will admit I liked that at the time now I kind of feel it was... harsh, and intimidating.
anyway. that’s my rant.
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surveyhoursss · 4 years
Zodiac Bingo
Aries Gotta go fast Independence Participant, always Fuck you, don’t tell me what do to *brooding intensifies* Good sense of humor I ain’t neva scared “I’m not competitive but I’m gonna win” Assertive Going first Running yellow lights
People are drawn to you even tho you don’t invite them Feelings = action Impulsivity Creative Leader Competent “I thought you didn’t like me”-everyone Accidentally hurting people’s feelings Shares everything with partner What if the pope blasted cigs? Starting shit you don’t feel like finishing “I guess that was rude” No. 6/24
Taurus Treat yo’self Underappreciated at work Loyalty Great tastes in art&culture Spoiled (or wishing you were) Robe appreciation A vice (alcohol, weed, or comfort food) Homemaking/nesting Continuing to do something you don’t love just because you’re resistant to change Affection via touch Easy going Perfecting a wardrobe that is both comfy and flawless Having good ass eyebrows Highkey sensitive Stubborn af Not even taking your *own* advice Gossiping Lady in the street but a freak in the bed Creativity Spooning Commitment Stressing out over a change in someone’s tone of voice Finishing what you started Lots of venting lol 15/24
Gemini Unpopular opinion factory Secret&diverse intellectual landscape “Oh I got really into *miscellaneous hobby or topic* for a while” Intellectualizing or ignoring feelings Cleaning maybe once a year Look, a distraction! Thinking faster than you can talk Restless without hobbies Talking faster than you can think Reading four books at once Tons of energy Teaching others what you know Trivia machine Moodiness Knowing everything but also forgetting everything Existential crisis “Sorry I forgot to text you back” So many interests so little time Accidentally talking too loud Young at heart Pretty good public speaker Endless scrolling Shitposting Unpredictable sleep schedule 14/24
Cancer Connecting with women “Guess I’ll have to love you with my whole heart and soul” Vegetarianism/veganism Fear of rejection Surrounding yourself with soft blankets and  mood lighting Ferocious protector “I’m not going to dwell on it” *dwells on it* Takes child-rearing seriously Hardshell protecting soft ego Feeding sad friends Forecast: mood swings Heart of gold but still a badass Bad with boundaries Learning how to relax like it’s your job Lightweight drinker Yeah. Crying, ok? It’s not a big deal Mama trauma Food = comfort Nostalgia as a coping mechanism Identify built off memories Complaining Very emotionally intuitive of others Big fan of physical and emotional affection People telling you all their BS all the time 11/24
Leo Friendly Self-indulgence Never being able to tell if you’re the best or the worst People trying to compete with you lol Sensitive Decent at cheering people up Great hair Wardrobe swings between hot as hell and lazy af Interrupting Having a sense of honor Not doing something because you’re not good at it Talking too loud Finding dogs pretty relatable Creative talent Super supportive friend Enthusiasm Socializing like it’s your job&then needing to recharge Memes Priorities: eating and sleeping Boo hiss at rejection Looking good even when you feel like shit Drama Needing lots of love Loyal 12/24
Virgo Relating to Hermione Granger Gives great advice even when your own life is in shambles Flirting and running, an autobiography Petty Pretty damn intelligent Loving words/linguistics 8 hours of “studying” = 1 hour of real work Swings between clean and slobbish Indecision Splurging on food Mom friend A freak on the DL Peculiar eating habits Pretty good with words Good with pets and/or kids Known to schedule sex Multitasking af Cleaning as a coping mechanism “It me” Loves self-care but deprioritizes it 0 to hottie in 2 seconds flat Lowkey wood nymph All the receipts Bratty sub or service top 14/24
Libra If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all Pls no fighting Good judge of character Leadership roles in friendships Takes up less emotional space for the well being of others Art adoration Real glo up wizards Nature adoration Hates boredom Wholesome Keep it cute Emotionally braced for betrayal Lowkey running from problems with people Falling in love with people’s hearts/minds Investing in your appearance Loves all things cute Always the mediator Trust issues Charming Staying up to date on culture Taking the high road Always putting your feelings aside for others Aesthetics Mom friend 17/24
Scorpio Growing up early Being a new person every few years Black/dark wardrobe Pain is cool Interest in psychology/criminology/sociology Privacy Sexual but not promiscuous All or nothing thinking Intelligent Loner/lonely Taking care of everyone Would kill or die for loved ones Protective as fuck Bloodhound for truth Deep Fascination with death/insanity/occultism Love-hate relationships “idk I’m just feeling numb rn” Jealous or possessive Trust issues Loyal as fuck Secretly soft Gets shit done Boundaries 13/24
Sagittarius Long ass bucket list Prefers to mind their own business Unbothered Nice enough that people always think you’re hitting on them Fear of missing out Optimism Honest and upfront Your shit is lowkey not together Plenty of friends Snobby enough to have good taste Flirting your way into something you can’t finish Storyteller or philosophical preacher “Here for a good time, not a long time” “…rude” Free spirit “Films” Distracted Smarter than you look I’m just speaking my truth! “I’m just inviting a few people” Falls in love with your mind, then your body Blows up the aux cord Hedonism phases Horniness gets you into some shit lol 5/24
Capricorn On your grind Discipline dgaf attitude Stoic in the streets, softie in the sheets Planning ahead, way ahead Always prepared (Un)healthy coping mechanisms Likes structure Prioritizing self-mastery Loyal protector of friends, babies, and animals Basically born an adult Dark humor People being mad about your tough love Old soul Major procrastinator Kind of a know-it-all on the DL Major sadness and madness People thanking you for your tough love People think you’re responsible “Why was I programmed to feel pain” meme Parenting your parents “Lock that in the trauma vault” Either a loner or a socialite Giving advice like it’s your job 11/24
Aquarius Me, an intellectual: Needing to do things your way Superiority complex Gossip Conspiracy theories Skepticism Not even having the energy to tell people how wrong they are Courteous/considerate People love you but you hate people Lonely Outsider syndrome Relating to cats a great deal Hates being told what to do or when to do it Not trusting someone/something that’s popular Being accused of being emotionless Insightful Feeling like the only rational person in a room Existential crisis Devil’s advocate just to get people to think Rationalizing tf out of your feelings Hates small talk Vices You’re entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is Interest in sociology, psychology, and politics 12/24
Pisces Empath Dramatic Poetry or music Lots of imagination, fluctuating identity Getting high on being outside (and maybe weed) Alone time “Idk I’m just a lil sad rn idk” Spiritual af Helping people heal Existential dread Pets love you Mommy issues Good with kids Cathartic crying over art, movies, or nature Knowing how people feel before they do Feeling misunderstood/alone “Go with the flow” Encountering spirits On life: “I’m just here for the ride” Drugs Forgiving others but blaming yourself Kindness Sorry, I was dissociating Exploring nature 14/24
I am most like a: Libra
I am actually a: Taurus
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Essay代写:Flexner's idea of a modern university
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Flexner's idea of a modern university,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了弗莱克斯纳的现代大学理念。再弗莱克斯纳的现代大学理念中,大学必须以一定的价值核心为基础,以客观批判的态度为关键,对社会风尚加以选择和抵制,既能紧跟时代的步伐、满足社会的需求,又能保持大学本色、进行研究。另外,大学对待学术研究的态度是严肃且坚决的,不容许有一星半点的弄虚作假,各种偏离学术研究的行为都只会使大学每况愈下。大学的最终目的是培养思维缜密、知识渊博、见多识广,且极具批判精神和探索精神的人。
In the book modern university theory -- a study of universities in the United States, Britain and Germany, flexner expounded the concept of universities through the investigation and research of many famous universities in the United States, Britain and Germany. Studying his related works and interpreting his university philosophy will help us understand how the university should harmoniously integrate with the modern world in the process of the development of The Times, and it is also of great reference value to the reform and development of modern universities in China.
It is the mission of modern universities to objectively reflect the characteristics and needs of The Times. When universities realize that they should keep close contact with the society, they should be relatively independent from the society to a certain extent. "The university is a manifestation of The Times, a force that influences the present and the future," said flexner. As time goes on, the university will undergo a series of changes, "which should be a sensible change based on needs, facts and ideals". Therefore, universities must choose and resist social fashion based on a certain core value and with an objective critical attitude as the key, so as to not only keep up with the pace of The Times and meet the needs of the society, but also keep the true character of universities and conduct research.
Although teaching and research are both functions of universities, research is obviously more important than teaching. Flexner believes that what a university should really pursue is scientific and academic work. He is serious and determined about academic research, and there is no room for fraud. All kinds of deviation from academic research will only make the university worse. When talking about the social service function of universities, he advocated that universities should serve the society by carrying out academic research work instead of directly participating in problem solving.
"A major is academic because it is deeply rooted in culture and idealism and has norms that embody an ideal," says flexner. The profession has, above all, an objective, rational, and altruistic purpose." In his view, the domestic service industry, business, all the work of occupational fields such as journalism, cannot be called "professional", and professional education is not just simply equated with narrow professional training, therefore the modern university should not be involved in these areas, the cultivation of talents in this field and should not be at the university of tasks and responsibilities. The purpose of a university is to cultivate thoughtful, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, and highly critical and exploratory people.
"A true university is an organism characterized by a noble and clear purpose, a unity of spirit and purpose. But clearly, America's best universities are not organisms, they are administrative aggregates." In flexner's view, a modern university should be as small and dynamic as gilman's Hopkins, not so large as to meet every need.
The core of a modern university is the graduate school, the major professional college, and some research institutes, such as the law and medical schools in the United States. He is also highly critical of Columbia's correspondence extension education, which he considers to be a typical business practice rather than an educational one. "Most of what Columbia offers is not education," says flexner. The whole thing is about business, not education." Therefore, flaxner firmly believes that the university is definitely not a profit-seeking field, it is the center of knowledge, is the place for the study of advanced knowledge.
Based on the above basic views, flexner was keenly aware that many famous universities in the United States were in a stage of confusion in the face of a series of social changes at that time. Although Britain was not as serious as the United States, it was occasionally shown. The German university of frexner is positive, he points out that the German university from the beginning to the end in a rational attitude to remain sober.
In terms of teaching purposes, flexner believes that the positioning of modern universities is not correct and the teaching purposes are biased. "research", as the most important function of universities, is not only not taken seriously, but also carried out many "service nature" work that should not be done. When it comes to teaching process and content, says flexner, "colleges don't know what they want, and even if they do know what they want, they don't get what they want.
Frexner criticized the false "credit view" of modern universities, saying: "as long as students accumulate enough 'credits' by simple calculation and consume enough hours or years, they have completed the' four years of secondary education '. It's not. It's often unintentionally reducing intelligence and effort." The student who passes the exam ends his/her study of the subject as a matter of course and, to a large extent, never touches upon it again, and therefore often leaves the subject for good. The poor quality of secondary education and the excessive "indulgence" in universities lead to the poor quality and weak foundation of the output from university education.
Flexner notes that some teens choose to go on to graduate school for a master's degree or a doctorate in philosophy, a marketable and lucrative activity in the education market because the higher the degree, the higher the salary. Moreover, many universities often confuse vocational education with professional education, as a matter of course. Flaxner argues that the world-renowned harvard graduate school of business and management is organizationally similar to the average professional business school, and that learning about business and news media is a waste of students' time and money. The school is very active in charging students' tuition, but in fact, the school is wasting their precious time and energy.
Some master of arts or even ph. d. dissertations, according to flexner, are so bizarre and pointless that "science" loses its flavor and "science" is no longer science. Frexner unsparingly criticized the literature of the sociology and education departments, saying that this part of the literature was meaningless, very simple, without any enlightening value or worth thinking about. For the literature deals only with trifles, and contributes nothing to the results which can be drawn from experience alone, or from the conclusions which can be drawn from common sense.
Flexner points out that a large part of the university's budget is spent on things that are not part of the university at all, as the university spends most of its money on complex administration, buildings and sports. If harvard spent all its current income on solid and high-level academic endeavors, its impact would be far more than twice that. Where funding is really needed, such as professors' salaries and spending on research projects, a lot is spent on school buildings and sports. In his opinion, only by rapidly raising the salary standard of professors can they retain the talents of researchers in more serious subjects, otherwise they will inevitably fall into the dilemma of insufficient researchers.
In order to expand the scale and benefits of higher education, China has implemented a series of university mergers. The expansion of the scale of universities leads to the increase in the service field of universities. The trivial service provided by universities puts forward certain requirements on the number of administrators and teaching staff. The large number of personnel required will affect the quality of personnel to a certain extent and also pose a threat to the quality of education. For a university, it is the top priority for its development to define its educational orientation and educational goals. It is necessary to reorient the functions of universities at different levels. For example, higher vocational colleges focus on cultivating application-oriented technical and skilled talents, and train a large number of senior blue-collar workers and craftsmen for the country. Research universities or graduate schools should focus on research and academic research and restore the academic status of universities.
Credit is used to judge the breadth of knowledge a student has learned in college. The more credits a student has, the more knowledge he or she has learned. At present, some universities regard credit as an important index to evaluate students' excellent degree and ignore the negative impact of credit, that is, they ignore students' interests, practical knowledge and academic ability cultivation in the process of blindly pursuing credit. Therefore, graduate schools should focus on the cultivation of students' academic interests and the improvement of their research ability. It is normal for graduate students to have no academic interest at the beginning, and they can be cultivated gradually in the process of continuous learning later. Once there is an interest in doing academic research and value recognition, it can form a drive, which is the first step to study academic and do research.
The utilitarian tendency of college students' learning motivation is not only a social problem, but also an educational problem. Some bad social atmosphere, western utilitarian values, exam-oriented education and reward mechanism are the important factors that contribute to the utilitarianism tendency of some college students. University, therefore, it is necessary to create a democratic, equal, civilized and harmonious campus culture and everyone involved, because the university campus can directly reflect the ethos, ethos has direct influence on college students through the set up and development of education for the students to guide, to highlight the cultivation of moral awareness and integrity, let college students learn to acquire knowledge at the same time assume corresponding social responsibility.
Concentration is the process of concentration, concentration, and concentration. Valuable research refers to the significance and importance of research problems. The premise of any research is that the research itself has some significance and value. Do academic research and results is a difficult and lengthy process, and as a result, a man who aims to delve into the academic, the first thing to prepare for the hardships and difficulties, the condensation of their time and energy to the study, believes that no ordinary study only ordinary attitude, so as to maximize enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and strive to achieve academic goals.
In his modern university theory, flexner stressed that the foundation of a university is talent, and only by meeting its most basic material needs can it further retain talents. At the moment, some universities seem to be well funded, but faculty members are underpaid. Therefore, the university should reasonably plan the use of funds, including personnel, funds and equipment, should be restructured, determine the new direction of development, retain talents, ensure the quality of education, and win academic reputation.
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Weblistposting
New Post has been published on https://weblistposting.com/why-a-few-migrants-are-more-likely-to-dedicate-crimes-than-others/
Why a few migrants are more likely to dedicate crimes than others
There was a time when Germany’s welcoming mindset towards the hundreds of thousands of refugees entering us of a appeared unbreakable.
Two years later, a majority of Germans now say the united states of America have reached its limits and many will mention one unique date whilst requested to explain why: New Yr’s Eve at the start of remaining Year. That night, loads of frequently immigrant guys sexually assaulted women in Cologne and other towns, inflicting a reconsideration of preceding refugee rules.
Overseas, the converting attitudes did now not pass left out. In the course of his campaign, President Trump used crimes devoted by way of refugees in Germany more than one times as purported evidence to support his very own anti-immigration stances. “(You) recognize what a catastrophe this huge immigration has been to Germany and the human beings of Germany — crime has risen to states that no person thought they might ever see,” Trump stated at one rally last August.
But is the assumption that refugees are usually much more likely to devote crimes than locals justified, based totally on Germany’s enjoy over the past Two years? Criminologists there say that the answer is greater complex and that Germany’s training genuinely advocates that refugees from the Center East coming to the U.S. would be not going to increase crime fees.
Although a lately leaked document via Germany’s Federal Crime Business enterprise BKA concluded that crimes committed via migrants had been on the rise, previous tests have additionally revealed a totally exclusive trend. Refugees from international locations like Syria, Iraq and other struggle-torn Center Jap nations are lots much less crime-prone than other immigrants. Criminologists say that the numbers fit their own studies, which shows that certain agencies of migrants in Germany are a long way more likely to devote crimes than others.
“There’s a clear divide among those who have come here for cost-efficient reasons, frequently from North Africa, and people who have fled wars,” stated criminologist Rudolf Egg. “Many North Africans are young men who have come right here on my own without knowing that their hopes for staying in Germany will by no means turn out to be truth. They have been lured here with false promises.”
Refugees need to offer officials with proof that their lives are at hazard of their home nations to be allowed to stay and to be formally authorized to work.
Being unable to provide such evidence most often does no longer result in on the spot deportation, however. Given the sheer wide variety of migrants who have come to Germany All through the past years, authorities have struggled to deport people whose asylum packages have been rejected — leaving many in a protracted-term limbo which increases their danger of becoming criminals.
A number off of new cases have placed authorities’ warfare to deport rejected asylum seekers into the highlight of the controversy in Germany and someplace else. final week, a Ghanaian allegedly raped a 23-Year vintage woman and pressured her boyfriend to look at the attack. The incident befell only days after the alleged attacker’s asylum utility changed into rejected.
The suspected Uzbek man accountable for last Friday’s truck attack in Stockholm had additionally recently been denied asylum, Swedish investigators said.
In a few international locations, the increase in crimes dedicated by way of migrants who face deportation or have little chances of getting their asylum packages permitted has similarly been irritated by way of different factors.
Inside the case of Germany, as an example, the inflow of almost 1 million human beings into u. S . in 2015 led to lengthy ready times for appointments with ministry officials, creating fear and uncertainty amongst migrants trapped Inside the software process and not able to work. Egg and other criminologists stated that a growth in crime rates could have been averted if authorities had preselected new arrivals more systematically in 2015 and 2016.
Daniel Koehler, the director of the German Institute for Radicalization and De-Radicalization Research, also questioned in an in advance interview whether the government had thoroughly checked all newly arrived refugees to the extent they said they have. “It is actually impossible for the German authorities to test with the Syrian or Iraqi government if the claimed identification is accurate or if there are any regarded criminal charges towards that individual,” he said.
While this is possible to provide a worrisome venture to Germany, criminologists have pointed out that the U.S. might be not likely to see comparable increases in crime rates if it were to simply accept more refugees from battle-torn Center Japanese international locations. Opposite to Germany, Center Eastern refugees arriving In the U.S. Are nearly all preselected and feature gone via one of the global’s hardest asylum software procedures. In the event that they make it to the U.S., their probabilities of turning into employed are high.
“Given the rigorous historical past exams In the U.S., the crime rate of those being granted asylum there could likely be very low,” stated German criminologist Egg.
Why Do Criminals dedicate Crime?
Within the context of sociology, people are born with crook instinct and in this world that is enveloped with trickery and malice; the commission of crimes may be very probable. Everybody in this world is logically classified as felony due to our sinful conduct that freely flows in our veins. But we’ve got the strength to govern this manner according to the norms and practices of the society.
In the other facet of the huge picture, There’s certainly no lawbreaker in our society. Criminals were most effective born due to the norms we observe and the various laws which have been carried out by the people. If There’s no law or set of standards that restrict certain acts then There may be no violator.
But we don’t need to look the arena in chaos where best the wealthy and the courageous might be the only in control. this is why our legal guidelines had been created if you want to restriction the individual preference beyond what is suitable. in this instance, as soon as a person’s desires are blocked, that craving will find its way to get it fulfilled.
Now allow us to test the famous triangle of crime; feasible culprit plus desire plus possibility is equal to the crime. Take one of the components out Within the triangle and crime will now not exist. That is simple and easy to forestall crime theoretically However in truth we can not prevent it However we are able to save you the incidence of a legal.
Why can we not prevent crime? It is due to the fact we don’t have any control on the character’s mind the manner it thinks. We already realize that preference is one of the main elements Within the crime triangle and It is the one that drives someone to do a wrongful act.
Why do criminals dedicate crime? It’s miles due to the fact the wrongdoer wants to satisfy their longing for a sure element. Any other pinnacle reason why criminal commits a criminal offense It’s because the “possibility” to dedicate evildoing “exists”.
The first-class factor to do is do not provide a felon the opportunity to devote a misdemeanor. Harden the goal and make it for a probable wrongdoer having a difficult time to perform an offense. save you someone from committing a crime through not giving him even a touch risk.
It is just as clean as now not sporting your bracelets ostentatiously In the areas frequented by thieves in order that they’ll have no opportunity to rob your jewelry, or just as easy as putting fences and desirable lighting In the surroundings of your houses so that might be robbers could not locate any entrance to break in going inner your houses.
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