#radical vibes brah
helluva-high · 1 year
post-parasite fresh
HIIII i got super silly this time tehe ,':*
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meet post-parasite fresh! or p!fresh, or punk for short! a version of fresh without the parasite! im still learning all like the lore for utaus n everything so forgive me if stuff abt him contradicts canon fresh((prayer hands
BASICALLY!!!!! he got fed up w true!fresh and straight up ripped it out of himself, in turn breaking his left eyesocket from the force.
i dont know how good the quality of the ref is gonna be since it took foreva to download!!! so ill list it under the cut
he is half blind in his left eye
his shades are prescription to help with his eyesight
he can feel all the emotions again, but they're severely dulled down
he has cassette tapes that act like ink's vials (since ink helped him make them). they're colour coordinated and he just listens to them to feel certain moods/ emotions. i'll make a list for that in the future, but just base it off of ink's vials for now.
he has to force his censor now, and it really only works when he listens to his yellow tape. other than that, it's gone, and he curses freely.
he carries his bat! everywhere! just to have something for his hands to hold and mess around with
he can summon his skateboards out of thin air with a wave of his hand, it's actually really cool
he's still annoying and irritating, and still has a lack of boundaries, but is learning to respect them more, and setting up boundaries of his own
im silly so he is obsessed w fnaf security breach, the stickers on his bat, walkman, and shoes should be proof enough but he will talk anyone's ear off about it, he loves freddy fazbear guys
other info!!
he never really changed from the bright 90s fashion, just pulled back a lot. it's a reminder of who he was with the parasite, but it's also what he's comfortable with so it's a battle with his outfits.
he has braces!!!!!!!! and his bands change colour and dull down when he hasn't listened to any of his tapes in a while.
for funsies, he has a weird relationship with killer. they annoy each other but killer annoys punk more than he ever did to him, so it's often a cat and mouse chase between them.
him and ink are really close, especially since after punk ripped true!fresh out of his body, his first thought was to head to the doodlesphere and collapse there until ink found him and took him to the star sanses to heal him.
instead of being able to listen to two or more tapes at a time, he combines the songs and colours into new tapes for combined emotions.
he's really sarcastic and likes to mess with people just to get a rise out of them.
he mainly hangs out with the star sanses, and is on good terms with a few of the bad sanses, namely error and nightmare.
chews gum a lot, how it doesn't get stuck in his braces is beyond anyone
his shades also say 'lame' instead of the default 'yolo'.
he has a wall in his area of the anti-void(s?) filled top to bottom with skateboards of all kinds. after he healed up and was well on his own, he spraypainted 'f... fresh' (uncensored) all over them. street graffiti style. error stumbled upon it and laughed over it.
his eyelights, mainly his right one, change with how he's feeling. if he's, yknow, just happy and content, it's normal. if he's excited, it turns into '!!', confused is '??', etc. when he's in love with someone or something, it's a heart, and more often than not, when he's around killer, it's an 'x'. his shades do the same, but he can control what's on them. his eye lights give him away, he doesn't even know they change shape.
a few times, his eyelights changed into stars, which earned him the nickname 'punkstar', which he hates, but secretly likes. he'll never outright admit that, though.
not as good as he used to be with skateboarding and rollerskating, but he can still pull off quite a few tricks.
hates who he was as fresh, and subtly tries to make up for anything 'bad' he did when he was infected with the parasite. he's too stubborn to apologize for anything.
he has big bulky headphones that are super bright and flashy, and he normally wears those in the anti-void to just drown out everything. he can get overstimulated if he's not actively apart of whatever is happening around him, so he retreats back to the anti-void to just calm down.
despite carrying his baseball bat everywhere, he knows nothing about baseball.
get him to open up to you, and he'll latch onto you like a leech seeking comfort and approval. it's.. weird.
when he gets upset (after listening to his red tape), he'll actively seek out stuff to break with his baseball bat. when in combat, he turns his hat forward for effect.
here's closeups of his fit!
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i think that's it?? i'll post more abt him later in the future. his whole idea just came to me when i went "fresh but he listens to cassettes and they work like ink's vials" and it moved into this whole thing
(half of the things in this post i made up while writing this LOL)
thats it i think ILL POST MORE 4.0.4 STUFF SOON I PROMMY!!!!!!!!!! ok byebye!
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xpau-official · 7 months
Sooo...i love your art is very cute and amazing, but can I have an hug from fresh pls??????????(today I had a bad day at school:( )
Sorry to hear that broski! We all have our rough days, sometimes the vibes just aren’t as rad as they could be. But that’s A-ok-yo! It’s all about springin’ back up when ya get knocked down, that’s how we all up adapt and grow in this wacky life, brah!
Our radical pic device isn’t in service right now, but I can still give you a hug! C’mere brah! Don’t let one lil’ day getcha down, ‘kay? You can make tomorrow better!
(You received a Fresh Hug.)
Thank you for the kind words! Hope you feel better!
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kuuuuro · 11 months
“Brah, do I ever love the all up X-mas vibe in here yo! It’s the BOMB DIGGIDY!”
“Wh-What are you? WHO are you??”
- Fresh and Science sans, CPAU 2015
Sound familiar? That’s right, my radical brosephs! It’s gonna be X-mas’in all up in here soon, so you better start buggidy bustin’ out those super RADTASTICAL sweaters, brah!
You’ve been invited to:
X-mas Party AU
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And so it begins…
It’s another party. Another party, another year.
Who’s gonna be there, what’s gonna happen? Who knows?
All I know is that I’ve typed up a 20-page document of a supposed good time so far, with more to come.
Let’s see where it takes us, shall we?
I look forward to seeing you there!
- kuuuuro
What’s this? A sneak peek of the guest list?
CPAU and Fresh belong to @loverofpiggies. XPAU is inspired by the events of CPAU.
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zelphin124 · 7 months
Idol Error meets Idol Fresh (Short Story)
Finally, the long awaited prize for @zucchiyeni, I am sooooo sorry it took so long to get to..
These short stories were the prizes of the honorable mentions in the SeasonTale Creative Challenge.
Whew, now, onto the story!
"That's like, totally unrad bro."
Error glanced down at his watch again. 5 minutes... they were five minutes over the meeting time they were supposed to speak with him, and it ticked him off.
Error was one of the most famous independent singers in the entire multiverse. He had rewards for his skills in rapping and voice tuning. Despite his inefficiency with technology, he produced some of the most captivating videos and VR experiences known to mankind. It was said he only had one producer, but to this day, no one could figure out who it was.
And the contractors wanted to hire him.
He told himself it was stupid. He knew that they would take his rights to his music if he agreed to their deal... yet the price tag wasn't something he couldn't refuse.
His producer seriously needed a raise.
"Dude, you can't fire me! I won't be the vibe anymore! The town's countin on me radical skills!"
Error rubbed his head, hearing the younger guy talk in the room with the contractor. All he could think about was how annoying his voice sounded. The way he talked, and the way he yelled... It was ticking him off even more.
He decided he wasn't going to wait any longer. He stood up, banging on the door to the office. "HuRrY Up," he hissed. "I d0n't g0T a11 d@y t0 wa1t f0r y0u."
The conversation stopped, and rapid footsteps were heard before the employer, wearing a bright smile, opened the door. "Error!" He smiled with glee. "So happy to have you here, just give me maybe 5 more minutes as I deal with this hobo mkay?"
"1 d0n't h@vE m0r3 t1m3," Error glitched, adjusting his outfit. "T1m3 1s m0n3y."
"But of course," the small skeleton shuddered. "Right, Fresh, I'm going to need you to leave. Unfortunately, we will not be renewing your contract and that's final."
"But lad," Fresh, a tall-appearing skeleton begged. "Tis is ma only source of income! I can't produce any more music unless you chill and let me have the rights to my own voice yo!"
Error grimaced in disgust at his rainbow outfit. He was a walking kid's toy, with trinkets on his outfit that made no sense and the style skill of a two-year-old. However, he didn't like the look of the contractor's outfit either... it was all black with a white undershirt. Very boring, in his opinion.
"I'm sorry, but there's nothing I could do."
"Wh@t d0 y0u m3an, yoU dOn'T hav3 th3 r1ghts t0 yoUr OwN v01c3?" Error gestured to the hobo, considering what he said earlier.
"Totally unfair, brah!" Fresh explained. "In the contract, they steal the rights to your voice, music, everything! They only pay a pretty penny until your rates drop because of their unrad standards!"
"Wait, no, that's not entirely true-" The contractor had a pleading look in his eyes, glancing at Error and grabbing the scruff of his sleeve.
Error immediately shot his hand out of his reach, looking at him in disgust. "N@h, that's BS r1GhT th3rE. I'1l c0nt1nuE t0 b3 ind3penDenT."
"But-" The contractor flattened his face with a defeated look. He glared at Fresh as Error walked out, but not out of earshot. "You just ruined our chance to make a big buck, prepared for your entire career to be ruined."
The scrape of a chair echoed through the hall. "Too bad you already did lad."
Error rubbed his head, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He really needed the extra cash, but with the terms he overheard and the reviews from other artists stuck in contracts with the company, he saw no benefit. Even the Star Sanses were stuck with them for six more years, unable to produce their own stuff. It made Error wonder if the instant fame was worth it for them.
Not like he experienced that desire. He had posted his music one day and it caught fire quickly, each of his videos going viral the moment it released.
Yet, nothing paid him enough to give his producer the raise she needed. Most of the money he made himself went back into his production and to pay his own bills.
"Yo broski, wait up!"
Error cringed, clenching his fists together as the footsteps behind him got louder. As if this hobo couldn't get any more annoying...
"Sorry about the lazy impression back there bud, I tots wasn't having the best convo of all time. But I know your music and I must say you're pretty rad and wanted to ask if you wanted to collab sometime." Fresh rambled, before stopping and taking a few big breaths.
Error glanced Fresh up and down... well, more up than anything. He raised an eyebrow and continued walking. I don't have time for this...
"C'mon broski!" Fresh bounded after him. "I won't let you down and I can add some sick beats to your vocals!"
"1 h@v3n't h3arD yOuR mus1c beFor3." Error glitched, adjusting his clothes once more. "YoU juSt g0t f1r3d, wHy shOulD 1?"
"Look look look," Fresh immediately pulled out his phone to search for examples of his music. Even Error was surprised at the rate he pulled it up while keeping up with his pace.
The song played fancy and radical tunes, ones that Error had never heard before. There were some parts he liked, but the main melody of most of them sucked in his opinion. Error then explained to Fresh the few parts he liked while everything else was trash.
Fresh did not seem disheartened in any way. "Thanks for the feedback broski, I will take it into account! I could lend you the sounds for a collab, just one brah."
Error scoffed, turning around to face the rainbow once more. "Tw0 w0RDs, m@ss1v3 mAk30v3r," Error gestured to his entire outfit. "Y0u'R3 n0t l0Ok1nG l1kE th@t 1n mY v1d30."
"Really brah?" Fresh frowned, unzipping part of his outfit to show the inside of it. "You think this is lame? It's better than the lazy hobo that you're wearing."
"Th1s 1s f@shi0n, thAT b3l0nGs 1n th3 DumPSt3r." Error fired back, getting more angry by the minute. He snarled and waved his hand in dismissal, walking towards his car.
He didn't see the devilish grin of a cunning idea wrap around the parasite's face. "Relax lad, why don't we let yo cute producer decide? The collab would be made by her anyway~"
Error stopped dead in his tracks, glitching in and out at the mention of his producer. There's no way this loser could have figured out who she was... right? The fact that he even talked like that about her fueled his fury. How disrespectful of him.
If it weren't for his popularity, Error would have strangled him on the spot. However, people were starting to look and point them out, as he was being recognized. Fresh knew this, he saw this... and he laughed about it. They both knew Fresh was taunting Error.
"I'll make it stop if ya wish to collab, broski," Fresh shrugged, rezipping his coat.
Subconsciously, Error pulled the strings from his eyes as they continued to glitch, showing his anger. "N3-3-3-v3r." He hissed, holding the strings around his fingers. "N0 0-0n3 wh0 diSr3sp3ctS m3 @nd m-m-my c-cr3w w0rkS w-w1th m3."
"Hope to see you on stage then broski, when you come crawling back to me!" Fresh bowed, the silver on his clothes blinding Error when the sun reflected off of it. "I'll personally be your rival. It'll be easier to get popular that way."
"D0n't f-forg3t a-a-ab0uT th@t s-stup1d c0ntr@ct y0u siGn3d." Error unlocked his car, seething.
"What they gonna do lad, fire me? I'm on my own," he gives a mocking salute to the rap star. "And I'll be the one to take over your career. Good luck broski..." his eyes turned a scary shade of purple. "You'll need it."
Error was incredibly puzzled by Fresh's behavior as he drove home. The only word he could use to describe it was childish, yet it still got under his nerves. Usually, threats don't bother him as they don't get very far. But this one... it was very unsettling.
The rap star would make his way home in silence before eating his favorite meal and collapsing in bed to sleep. Despite all the things he tried to do, Fresh stayed fresh in his mind, and he was unable to shake the feeling that something was about to go seriously wrong for him.
Little did he know what kind of battle for his career this rainbow hobo would bring... And the rivalry it started to this day.
Even then, his producer stayed loyal to him, and Error still made music as usual. Security was increased, and he was able to get his producer a raise due to the song rivalry with Fresh, despite never collabing. Error always thought Fresh's music was childish and inexperienced, especially when the song was putting him under the bus. He believed he had the real roasts when he finally put the song together to tick off the parasite back.
But after the song "Fresh to Rotten Fruit" was released, Error was unable to sleep. He pissed off the rainbow parasite... and the threat on his life and his producer's life was too serious to be ignored.
And Error couldn't fix it without ruining his career.
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esotericawakenings · 7 months
Well for once it's a bit of a lighter week. Today the Moon will Enter Scorpio and be in Scorpio Square Pluto in Aquarius. This is a good time to mind your own bees wax as they say. Don't get drawn into office politics and drama. It will only serve as a distraction. This might be a challenge given the powerful and passionate energy of Scorpio. Try to keep a lid on it.
February 2ed Mercury will be in Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces. Happy and light Capricorn can keep you on the right track and with the expressive power of Mercury you might find yourself feeling a strong sense of accomplishment in all of your creative endeavors. You might also feel a bit rushed with that Scorpio energy pushing you to reach the finish line. Don't fret, just keep your nose to the grindstone.
February 4th the Moon will be in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces. This alignment might have you feeling a little bit like a racoon with ADHD at a rave. Trying to focus on anything that isn't light and fun probably will feel like you are suffocating. Try not to be so dramatic, sheesh. That Scorpio moon is really getting to you huh?
February 5th Mercury will enter Aquarius. This lofty combination of plucky can do communication paired with deeply emotional Aquarius might prove a powerful tool to express long unexpressed emotions and feelings about past and current issues in your life. Watch out, don't let all those skeletons run loose a once! This radical shift in focus from the playful Sagittarius energy might have you feeling really fine tuned. Like, I can see everything clearly now, brah! Don't go overboard. While this is a good time to listen to you intuition and work to resolve blockages don't let it rule your every waking moment.
February 7th Venus will be in Capricorn Trine Uranus in Taurus. This is a good time to reassert boundaries in your personal relationships. Sometimes a little change is just what the doctor ordered. Make sure that you are striking a balance. We will also have Mars enter Capricorn Sextile Neptune in Pisces this day. This invigorating vibe is likely to make you feel a bit like superman. Just remember that in reality you do have some limitations. Try to remain humble and not be swept away by your inspiration.
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fresh-ya-broski · 6 months
hi, fresh! it's me again! i'm really happy because I preformed really good at a big event and I got a Nintendo Switch with Splatoon so I can play with my friends! ik this is random but I felt like it fits with the happy vibes here so-
Dats radical brah! Congrats! Splatoon is a tots awesome game, 'm glad ur happy!
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Fresh, I am not feeling the vibes right now. Can I have a hug?
"Ah brah, course 110 percent ya can" he holds out his arms, and when you got into them for the hug, he closed them around you. "Vibes come and go, could be a real buzzkill my radical broseph but you're always gonna be here, means that you'll be comin' back and gettin' better" he gives you a little squeeze, "so check em later, get better"
His body was cold, his grip a little too tight, but it felt nice.
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Just Fresh Friends...
as per request by @immalaneee       I hope you like it!! Fresh was a little bit of a challenge to write, but super fun. 
           You had no idea what you were going to do. Your best friend was getting married to this awful drag of a person- Tahira. Just thinking of the name made you cringe. She was always bitching or bragging about one thing or another, and would put you down often. You had tried to talk to your friend about it once, but they brushed it off and defended her. Their rose tinted glasses just couldn’t see her in a wrong light and you just couldn’t bring yourself to try and ruin it. To make matters worse, you had snapped at the wedding shower. Tahira had been going off about pairing you with one of her awful brothers at the wedding and you couldn’t stand the thought of spending that time with someone like her. You had retorted that you had a perfectly fine date lined up, and all her bridesmaids laughed, clearly unbelieving. So now you found yourself creating a profile on a dating app, requesting a friend only experience for a date to this wedding. You sat on your couch, letting The Fresh Prince of Bel Air reruns calm your nerves as you waited to see if anyone would reply. Every notification ding had you jumping to check, and then groaning in response. A couple people had replied, but you’re pretty sure they were expecting something else. You got ready for bed and mentally counting the days you had left (five), you groaned in trepidation. As you snuggled up into bed, you set your alarm to play the radio. As you drifted off to sleep, you realized you’d forgotten to turn off your tv.
       You awoke to Waterfalls by TLC softly playing on the radio. You smiled wide and remembered your crazy weird dreams about skeletons and frisbees, and you could have sworn there was fuzzy dice floating around somewhere? Checking your phone, there was two notifications. One was a non savoury picture of someone’s eggplant, and another was a totally obscure (but adorable!) response.
[Fresh: ‘Sup dudette? Thats one totally bunk situation, I’d be down to help make those haters jelly my radical brah]
You checked his profile and almost rolled off the bed laughing at this skeleton monster. It was like he walked straight out of a late 80’s early 90’s music video. You thought about it for a moment of malicious glee, what would Tahira think? She probably wouldn’t be jealous like he thought, but it would definitely make her swallow her words. And he sounds like he’d be fun to hangout with. Decision made you messaged him back.
 [you: Hey!! I appreciate that, everyone else on this dang app keeps sending me gross pictures or won’t get the hint that I’m looking for a friend only.]
 The reply was quick.
 [Fresh: Word! We’ll make those unradical muppets eat their shorts. Wanna get some grindage sometime before the shindig?]
 [You: grindage? ]
 [Fresh: good grub, eats, foodstuff ]
 [you: ohhhh! Like lunch or something? The wedding is in five days, so sure?]
 [Fresh: wicked. I’ll text ya later]
        The rest of your week went really well, you met up with Fresh and he took you to an arcade. You two spent the day getting to know each other a little and planned coordinating outfits. Thankfully you weren’t in the wedding party as they kept to family only. You had told Fresh where you lived, and when to pick you up. The day of the wedding arrived and you had just finished getting ready when your doorbell rang. Double checking your reflection, you felt amazing. You wore a beautiful purple knee length dress dotted with yellow flowers along the hem. Actually excited, you locked up behind you and flew down the stairs. Fresh was there on your apartment steps holding a bouquet of bright multicoloured gerbera daisies. He was wearing a bright neon purple tuxedo with a yellow waistcoat, and a bright pink bow. You grabbed one of the yellow Gerbera daisies and tucked it into Fresh’s breast pocket, patting it gently.
   “You look absolutely stellar, Fresh!”
   “Ditto dudette, you lookin hecka Fresh. Totally bangin’, my brah!” He returned the compliment, and his glasses read wowa and stuck out his arm for you to take before announcing “Radical! Let’s bounce!”
        You arrived at the venue and walked in arm in arm with Fresh. You were seated. As the wedding progressed you were willing to say your friend looked awesome, but Tahira looked... well, let’s go with not nice. You were again glad that you weren’t in the wedding party. Fresh made jokes under his breath the entire time during the ceremony, and it was all you could do to just stay quiet and not die laughing. You’re pretty sure the two of you got a lot of dirty looks but honestly you didn’t care at this point. You came to have fun and celebrate your friend, and having Fresh there as a new friend and backup felt invigorating.
        At the reception, it was pretty telling what Tahira had thought of you, as you and Fresh had been placed at the one of the “extras” tables, but at least everyone at the table was nice. They complimented both you and Fresh multiple times. After the meal the music started up, and the married couple had their first dance. You smiled the entire time at your friend, they looked so happy! When they finished You excused yourself to go to the washroom. Tahira and her bridesmaids had singled you out, and followed you in.
   “What the heck are you and your date even wearing? Purple and yellow? Bleh! And what’s with your date? He looks like he stepped out of the early 90’s!” They cackled at you. You balled your fists and got ready to retort, when a voice echoed from the doorway.
   “Yo, y/n, you straight?” Fresh had come to check on you. Relief flooded you, and gave you nerve. You ignored Tahira and left the washroom, almost bumping into Fresh.
   “So my brah, what’s the dealio with those totally unfresh dudettes?”
   “Gah! I don’t know. Tahira has just always been a {beeotch} to me, and her friends just join in...did I just get censored?? What the {heck}?” You looked around you for an answer, but Fresh started chuckling.
   “Brah, using that harsh lingo ain’t gonna fly around me!” He grinned, his glasses reading WORD. You sat down on a nearby bench and he sat down next to you, watching you intently.
   “Ohhh! I’m sorry, I’ll try to watch it... anyway yah she’s just had it out for me for a long while. Ever since she starting dating my friend.”
   “Oh snap, that’s way unradical dudette, she needs to chillax from that mad salt.”
   “Tell me about it,” You sighed. The music was really going now, sounded like a fun song to dance too. Fresh grinned and held out his hand to you, “Well my radical brah, that jam is my vibe. Let’s get jiggy”
      You placed your hand in his, blushing furiously, and he swept you up off your feet and into the middle of the dance floor. The two of you killed it, everyone was clapping. Even Tahira was totally staring at the two of you with obvious jealousy. Fresh waggled his glasses at you, and took your hands in his for a slow dance. You blushed furiously, and realized that you were now crushing hard on this totes rad skeleton.
Fresh belongs to @loverofpiggies
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fanonskeletonstuff · 4 years
FSS Approaching December
Error: u'u'um'um yes it s'should
Classic: im dreaming of a white Christmas~
Geno: jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock
Fresh: Hahahah! I sure love HOYOLO vibes, brah! All happy n' gidderically radical!
Epic: Walking in a winter wonderland~
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cozywitcharts · 5 years
27 and 29
Creati: I think love is a wonderous thing! And I perfer to stay on the safe side..
Wrecked: Its gross. Unless its for Leo. And I do dumb shit all the time.
Hazel I agree with Wrecked! ‘Cept for the Leo part... And I am the definition of reckless!
Anakin: Its seems rad! For 29, it depends brah! Sometimes I like to vibe at home and other times I need a little radical adventure! 
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doubleddenden · 5 years
An isekai anime except the protagonist is a 90's surfer dude sk8er bro in fantasy medieval land and even they have no clue what he's saying
"Warrior of Earth, I beseech thee: save our world from the forces of evil!"
"Cha brah, gonna get totally tubular on the gnarly baddies, gonna go WUPA and KAPOW and shred my board over some cranials and pop a radical wheelie on them bad vibes."
"... Do you speak the common tongue?"
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xpau-official · 10 months
Dear Fresh (sent in letter format)
What is up, my radical broski? This is a totes rad Christmas party.
However, I hope you educate your bros on the un-rad effects of alcohol, most notably the uncool effect of spiked eggnog.
Sincerely, a Very Radical Temmie
What’s wiggidy poppin’, Temmie Tems?!
Brah, don’t you worry your silly ‘lil noggin, I got it all under control up in here! All them intoxicants are totes super unrad and don’t give positive vibes out at all. I might have ta give some friendly fresh PSA’s to those homies tryna ruin up the vibe in here!
But you my broslice, are rad. Stay that way for your ‘ol pal Sansy Fresh, ‘kay?
Love, Fresh
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isleofancients · 2 years
a grin. "I didn't install any games yet, but-"
oh. though smile falls a little. Dame already knows, but- they can't tell them that. "there's a bunch of that's hard to explain." is their answer, after a moment's thought. "-but for starters?"
they reach to gently snag back the phone, "do you want to talk to the guy yourself? he said we could introduce you, and he can answer way more questions than I can."
"You can explain if you want to, we wont ask." Paladin says, patting your arm. "You're allowed your secrets, Blue. Its fine."
"Eh, sure, why not." Fresh shrugs. "Might as well check the vibes of the guy helping my radical brahs."
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phoenixryzing · 8 years
Little Bro
Fresuary Day Seven: Fresh meets his kid self
In an abandoned lot, two neon skeletons skated around doing various tricks. From a distance, they looked almost like father and son, or maybe two brothers who dressed alike. They laughed and talked casually as the breeze, looking to the world like the happiest people alive.
But of course that’s at a distance. Up close...
“Hey big bro mcman, how’d ya do the rad nasty trick again?” the smaller one asked.
“That widdle-waddle nightmare flip? Little buddy bro it ain’t so far out hard as you’re trying, you need to relax a little more little buddy,” the larger one replied. He skated over to the little guy and sat down on the board. “Show me what moves you got so far homeslice, then we’ll see. You’re pretty bright little bulb after all.” The skelly smiled, but it looked hollow, and even with the sunglasses one could sense a hard stare.  
“Shaw, I’m always cool big guy, I’m the chillest radtastic guy on the block. Nothin’ bothers me,” the little guy said, shrugging. When the big guy skated over, the little one stared a bit from behind his shades, watching him. Then he grinned broadly and said, “Hey, no problem my man, check out these moves.”
The little one zoomed off on his board, running through some tricks he’d already mastered, including the prerequisite double flip. Then he called, “Hey watch and tell me what’s up will ya bud?”, before attempting and failing the nightmare flip. He focused on the tricks, not responding to the other’s earlier comment. Better to just act cheery, non-threatening.
The slumped-over guy watched intently, cataloging what he saw. The little kid was good- really good. He had noticed the lack of comment but didn’t respond to it. When he saw the failed flip, he noticed the issue instantly. “Dude, you ain’t landed on nice and square on the spinny flippy board little guy. Ya gotta keep control of you feet, watch where they are, ya dig? Like this.” And he got up and demonstrated the flip, taking care to land properly himself.
The kid looked up when the other spoke, and slowly skated over towards him. Didn’t want to appear rude, ya know? He listened intently to the others’ words, and watched how he placed his feet with the flip. Suddenly it clicked. “Ah, your foot lands on the end- that totes makes sense now, thanks man, your rad.” He started to skate off and tried to the flip again. Even knowing what to do, he had issue landed perfect. Knowledge and skill were different after all. As he practiced, he carefully casually said, “Ya got really sick body control there big guys. I always try to stay safe and careful, no sense getting hurt after all, but sometimes I trip over my feet, ya dig?”
The expert had gone back to practicing tricks of his own, though he always kept an eyesocket on the little guy. “Always rad to help a little homeslice like my little man-” he stopped when the other his control comment. That was... a little too probing. 
Fresh kicked up his board and walked over to the smaller skeleton. “Hey bro,” he said, smile still on but voice not as much. “I never did catch your name.”
He was being obvious. But he had enough information now. Whatever this skeleton was... he looked, talked, and, acted almost exactly like himself. Almost being key. 
They were both emotionless, both calculating, both pretending. Fresh had noticed the little guy’s glances, and knew his looks had been noticed in return. They’d played cat-and-mouse for an hour now. But the little dude. Kept skating around. Like he knew every inch of the lot. He watched Fresh, but looked like he was comfortable. Wary, yes. But comfortable. In this place. In his own “skin.” Like he was a normal skeleton after all. 
Fresh wanted to know why.
The kid stopped skating, and stared at the bigger version of himself. He knew that they were the same. The way they spoke, the way they laughed, the way they flipped a skateboard. Almost like brothers. But the kid could sense something terribly wrong with the bigger skeleton. Almost like an aura of energy around him. Maybe it was his magic, not quite natural, not quite normal. Maybe it was the way he seemed to perfectly control his body, but led with his chest, not his head like most. 
The kid wanted to know what, exactly, made him not a skeleton. He could tell that much.
The kid shook his head and smiled. “Hey Brah, we’ve done this all afternoon. Enough games, huh? I need to head home.”
“Ya brah, I got a radtastic family waitin’ for me. So I’m just going to mozy on along, ya get me? Don’t want to worry the folks, or rile up Error again.”
“...” Error. They had both mentioned that name before. It didn’t take long for the kid to realize he wasn't related to the ‘skeleton.’ It didn’t take Fresh long to realize he wasn’t just an acquaintance. But family? He would haven’t guessed that.
The pieces clicked. This place was an amorality, then. The kid- was just that. A amorality. Fresh chucked quickly, and thought, “Long as you’re just that kid.”
Outloud, he said, “Nah brah, worrying folks is totes unfresh, and we wouldn’t want to be that, right homeslice?”
Kid!Fresh smiled falsely, and replied, “Nah brah, we’re Fresh. The freshiest of the bunch, and that’s how it’ll stay. World needs more of us, hey?”
Fresh gave a jack-o-lantern smile in return. “Totally right little brah, we need to spread the freshness across the land. More like us, hey? But nothing beats the original amIright? Gotta set the road for the others ya know.”
Kid!Fresh shrugged, and said, “Hey, a few smiles, a few laughs; cause why be upset over nothin? Gonna spread those good vibes to all my peeps, teach them a happier way. But they gonna do themselves, you dig? ‘Sides. I’m just a kid. I ain’t an adult like you, to be all authority-like.”
Fresh chuckeled and shook his head, “Heh, well this big dude says to go run along home, little bro. You got a special place here, wouldn’t wanna wreck that for ya little dude.”
Their glares could cut concrete, if the shades didn’t block it. Kid!Fresh turned away first, saying, “Ya, this place is special. Some say I am,” he said, taking off his glasses to stare at Fresh, “but hey, being special? Ain’t so fun. Rather be a radical little dude, having fun and kicking out slick moves. Ya dig?”
Fresh started a bit when the other took the shades off. He expected what he saw, but he didn’t think the kid was that bold. He chuckled, then started laughing humorlessly for a minute. When he recovered, he said, “Ya dude, I feel ya. You’re a lucky little dude tho. But there’s only one true Fresh, and’s me.  Capisch?”
The kid just nodded, then started to skate off. He turned back slightly to Fresh, and called back. “You got some rad presence there dude. Don’t worry ‘bout dropping around, I’ll find ya. Maybe we can do some tricks then again.”
Fresh just gave a hard smile, and turned and walked away.
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phoenixryzing · 8 years
Freshuary Day 11: Geno, Error, and Fresh all hang out.
Location: The Save Screen, before the events of Aftertale.
“Why the funk are we here here again? And quit doing that you radhole!” Error said. The agitated black-and-blue skeleton paced around the dark “room” he was in- a room far, far, to similar to his antivoid for his liking.
“Relax brah, we’re just paying ol’ Geno here a radtastic visit is all!” Fresh said, smiling plastered on as usual. He was heeling around the “void”, watching Error to make sure he didn’t start something. “That dang depressed little dude needs some happy-wacky good vibes, ya dig?” He looked over at Geno when he said this, but Geno just looked away.
“Got tired of running Fresh? Got bored of your antivoid Error?” Geno asked, quietly. “Hey. Wanna swap? You can watch the world end, over and over again. I’ll play destroyer of worlds. It’d be fun,” he finished a red glint in his eye. 
Then he leaned back and started laughing. “Maybe I’m getting a little soft in the skull after all! A game might bring the life back to me. Whatcha bring?”
Fresh just smiled and did his finger-guns. “Right on bro! Games are the spice of the life, making it totes awesome sauce mcgee. And our game for the day he,” he said, twirling around dramatically before pulling out “Sorry!”
“That stupid funking game, are you kidding me?!” Error said, still pacing around and now throwing his hands around. “That thing is radical- hey don’t correct it like that!”
“Brah, stop all your uncleanse unfresh lingo yo, we got a kid here after all,” Fresh said, motioning to Frisk. The little glitchy child looked up from the Parcheesi board and waved a little. The he got up and started walking over to Error.
“Like I give a funk- kid what the heck are you doing?”
Frisk had gone up and started making weird faces at him. Error ignored him for awhile... before Frisk stuck their fingers in their eyes and rapserberried at him. Error gave an incoherent scriek and lunged at Frisk, who just laughed and ran off.
Fresh turned to Geno and asked, “Frisky fo gone wacky or something Geno?”
Geno shok his head, grinning. “Nah. Kid knows what he’s doing. Seems Error’s having fun, though,” he said, motioning to the still screeching skeleton. He looked rather like a dog chasing a cat, especially since Frisk kept pausing to look at him before dashing off again.
“Whatever ya say brah...” Fresh muttered. He and Geno were were sitting by the set-up board, and just watched the two children run around the save screen, Error shouting and Frisk just laughing. 
At last, Error started panting, and slowed down to a stop. “I’ll... get.... you.... kid....” he huffed, hands on his knees to steady himself.
“Sure brah. ‘Till then, wanna play? We need our fourth player,” Fresh called.
“...” Error didn’t respond, but he walked over to the grassy patch anyways. Frisk patted the spot next to him, and with an exhausted glare Error sat down.
“Fine, I’ll play your stupid game- it’ll shut you up at least, radhole.”
“Lighten up Error, don’t have such a dark outlook on things,” Geno joked. 
“Who knows brah, you may even have a fun radtatsic time!” Fresh added.
Error just glared at him, and asked, “How you you play this stupid thing anyways?”
Geno explained, and they all started the game. Fresh joked in his usual 90′s way, and Error bitched about it every time- though he was too tired to do much of anything except whine. Geno sometimes added in the banter, but mostly tried to keep the other two from going too insane. Frisk helped him with that, distracting one’s attention when he got too riled up. They were... used to dealing with less-than-sane entities. 
They were... actually having fun. As much as any of them were really capable of it. They argued and bickered endlessly, but everyone... felt safe. Maybe that’s why the agreed to this in the first place. The Save Screen... was a rare location where nothing could really happen. No one could find them, no one could talk to them, no one could torment them. 
Besides each other, and that was quickly became the greatest issue.
“Sorry again? What the funk!” Error shouting, flinging his hands in the air and coming dangerous close to knocking the board over. Frisk nervously pulled it farther away from him, and shot a glance at Geno.
“Brah chill. You gotta have heart of the cards, ya know?” Fresh said, waving off Error’s agitation. It was just a board game after all, why was he so uppity-tight upset?
“Heart of the- you cheated! You cheated didn’t you!” Error shouted, getting up and ready to storm over.
“Brah it wasn’t even my card, so I don’t know what you’re going on about. Sides, it’s just- whatcha say- a figure of speech.”
“I just got lucky,” Geno said, shrugging. “Nothing more. You shuffled the deck yourself, you’d know if it was rigged.”
“But- still- ARGH!” Error shouted, walking around gesturing.
Geno, Frisk, and Fresh exchanged glances. None of them knew what to do. Fresh didn’t understand why Error was being so unrad, and the home residents didn’t know how to calm him down. 
After a few minutes, Frisk tentatively went over to Error and asked if he wanted to play anymore. Error just grumbled under his breathe, but Frisk pointed out that he was in second place, he might as well finish. Error stared moodily for a second, then he huffed and walked back to the board.
“Welcome back brah! No sense being a sour loser, huh? Let’s play!”
Error growled at him, but sat down anyways. Fresh had been winning the entire game, though Error was close behind. They kept targeting each other, while Geno and Frisk mostly tried to take out the most strategic person. Usually Fresh, given his lead.
They continued on, now in silence. Occasionally one would try to speak up, joke a little, but Error always stared them down. As the silence lengthened, the others started to shift.
 Fresh’s eternal smile started to get harder, more plastic than before. He knew a tense situation when he saw it- and he didn’t like it. He could always leave- he came here under his own power, after all. But the tense atmosphere was making him antsy nonetheless.
Frisk just looked between the skeletons, a worried look on the face. Frisk would be safe, they was sure, but they was worried about Geno. What would happen to him if Error went off on him? They noticed with alarm that Geno’s eyes had started to take on a tinge of red... this wouldn’t end well.
Geno himself sat and just- stared- at these other two. He had allowed the two interlopers in to his domain so that he might have some company that wasn’t trying to kill him. If these two were going to start something... he would have to deal with them. 
They continued to play in silence, until Fresh pulled another Sorry card. “Sorry brah! But I’mma have to knock ya back to start!” he said, kicking a piece right next to the ending away.
“...” Error started to glitch, before he shrieked and threw the game board to the side. “This- you funking radical radhole! AND STOP DOING THAT!” Error said, jumping towards Fresh. Fresh didn’t even looked up, just rolled to the aside and away from Error, before getting up and backing away.
“Brah. Not cool. It’s just a game, you don’t need to get so gosh darn worked up over it,” Fresh said, a fake smile on his face but a wary look in his eyes.
Frisk got up and ran between them. *Please, no fighting! We’re all friends here-”
“I’m no friend of his” Error interrupted, pointing at Fresh.
“Ru-ude,” Fresh said, but before he could speak again Geno interrupted.
“Neither of you is my friend. I invited you here to have a good time. And if you two won’t get along, then....” He left his threat unanswered. 
“Brah, I’m all about having good times,” Fresh said, shrugging. “Error seems a bit out of sorts though.”
“Out of sorts. Out of sorts?!” Error shrieked, his hands starting to glow blue as he summoned his strings. “You drag me away me away from a disgusting, filthy world to this- abomination- and-...”
Error cut himself off there, a distant look coming over him. “This world... it really is sick, isn’t it. You got that half-melted freak over there,” he said, motioning towards Geno, “and this kid... ya know. This world- this error,” he said, giving an insane grin, “should just be deleted.”
“...” Fresh watched the scene, detached. He knew that look. Error would destroy this place- and if Geno wanted to stop him, that was his issue. He didn’t care, and he wouldn’t endanger himself. Quietly, he strolled over and picked up his game board. Frisk noticed him, but Geno was just watching Error, preparing himself to stop the insane skeleton. Fresh pocketed his game, then slipped away the way he came.
Geno noticed Fresh leave, but he didn’t expect anything else. Right npow, though, he had to deal with a madman.
“Error,” he said, stepping forward, “I will not let you destroy my home. I will not let you destroy Papyrus.”
Error just turned to him, an ecstatic, insane expression on his face. “Ahh, let’s start with you,” he said, throwing a collection of his strings towards Geno.
Geno- being, well, Genocide Sans- dodged expertly out of the way of the blue lines, and turned his own magic blue. He grabbed Error’s soul, and threw him as hard as he could, and shouted “GET OUT OF MY WORLD!”
Error flew backwards, and seemed to hit a wall before crashing right through it. Geno watched the window- rather like the one he watched his world in- shrink close again. He was alone in the Save Screen, again.
His attention was distracted by a little figure walking over to him and tugging on his coat. He looked down, and slowly smiled at the child. Frisk. “Well, not completely alone,” he said. Frisk smiled and nodded. Geno chuckled.
“Next time... let’s play a game with just the two of us.” Then they both started chuckling, feeling not quite as lonely as before.
Fresh, Geno, and Error by the lovely and amazingly talented @loverofpiggies
Freshuary by the deliciously angsty bird @feth
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phoenixryzing · 8 years
Memory Lane
Freshuary Day 14: Valentine
Fresh stood outside a house, nervously sweating and trying- and failing- to hide it. Under his cap his skull was sleek, and he kept swallowing nervously.
“Brah. Brah. Get it together man. It’s just a knock, no big dang deal,” Fresh muttered to himself. Yet... he couldn’t get his feet to move. He kept twitching with his bag of stuff- he now considered the bag a wonderful idea with how he kept fiddling with it- and tried tried to calm down. Tried. 
Part of him wished he hadn’t ever developed any kind of emotions, period. He wasn’t suppose to! He was supposed to just be a radtastic brah for all existence. But... uh. Things hadn’t gone as planned.
Fresh zoned out a little, remembering the first time... he’d really felt something. For... her. For Alaina.
It had been a normal day, otherwise an uneventful one. Fresh had been out shopping for once, though with his- lack of- taste, he’d gravitated towards sweets cause of their bright, rad colors. He’d just left the candy store with an assortment of neon colored, teeth destroyer goods, when he bumped into her. 
Or her into him, whichever is most accurate. He’d been looking through his bag of goodies, she had been looking through her bag of fabrics. Whatever the case, they smacked into each other and had been sent flying- as had their stuff.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said, scrambling to pick up the fallen candies by her.
“Brah, I’m sorry, it’s totes unfresh to not watch where I’m heading,” Fresh replied, trying to pick up and stack some of the fabric by him. He looked over and quickly took stock of who exactly he had run into-  a pretty girl with brown hair and blue eyes, wearing rainbow sweater, blue jeans, and a pair of glasses. Fortunately neither of their glasses had fallen off in the crash, just their purchases.
They realized after a second whose stuff they were holding. “Um, where’d your bag for these go?” the pretty girl asked. Fresh looked around, and quickly grabbed it for her. “Here ya go broskie. Where ya what these tote rad threads?”
“My bag- oh, here,” Alaina said, grabbing her discarded bag. They put the respective items in the bags, and talked a little while they did. 
Fresh started it off. “Rad colors dudette. Whatcha using them for?”
“Making plushies!” the girl replied excitedly. Then more calmly, “I make plushies and pins and such to sell at conventions- that’s my job.” She looked at his assortment of candy and said, “Whoa, that’s a lot of candy! Having a party or something - what is your name?”
“Fresh my gal,” Fresh replied, shooting off his finger guns. The girl had to smile at that, a grin Fresh returned, mouth stretched wide. “Nah, I just like the look of them- rainbow goodness in a bag brah. Plushies huh? Interesting brah! Always cool to hear what others do and stuff, specially if includes radtastic colors like these. Cool cool- ah brah, I didn’t catch ya name.”
“Alaina. Alaina Prana- nice to meet you,” Alaina said, “Fresh was it? Cool name. Suits you.” Fresh looked away at that comment, then turned his head back with a rather puzzled expression. Alaina continued on, “Candy is rather colorful! I suppose that’s a bit much to eat, but whatever suits you.”
“Nice to meet ya too browskie,” he replied automatically, a preoccupied look on his face. He’d finished bagging his stuff and stood up again. “Hey... um. Where ya headin next? You seem to have your hands full.” It was true, Alaina had an armload of bugs, but ...Fresh didn’t quite believe what he heard himself saying. He didn’t care, he had nothing to gain... why was he asking?
Might’s well make friends with a friendly human, he rational zed. No sense not doing so, right? 
Alaina looked a little surprise by the question. “Home? I have to get back to work.”
“Oh...” Fresh said lamely. He fiddled a bit before saying, “Guess I’ll catch ya later homeslice!” before walking off... though he did glass at the first reflective object in sight to catch Alumina's reaction. She just looked... confused. 
Fresh was confused to... but more about his behavior. And his soul giving an irregular beat. “Too much sugar brah...” he muttered.
That was a few years ago. Since then, Fresh kept on bumping into Alaina, always at the same mall. At first he excused it as needing something or another from the store... and eventually gave up and admitted he was trying to run into her.
He started to notice little things- that she always tried to carry too much, always wore fan stuff, always talked about her work passionately. He used it as an excuse to start conversations- asking about this shirt or that new collection of fabric, or why she always bought that specific blue fleece, or what that faux-pink fur could be for. Alaina seemed a bit confused- or suspicious- at first, but she loved to talk about her work. 
She also wasn’t quite as blind as he was. But... she didn’t object either. Fresh was nice- if a bit strange at times. She noticed that he oddly seemed to change appearance every now and again, but never asked- it seemed rude. Besides... if he trusted her, he’d tell her. It would be better that way.
Fresh, in the background, was slowly moving along his journey of discovering “emotions.” Fear, anger, sadness, true friendship... they overwhelmed him and made him furious, afraid. He wasn’t suppose TO DEAL WITH THIS. 
Though maybe that’s why he kept on running into Alaina. Because  while he felt... odd... around her, he didn’t feel afraid. She was happy-go-lucky and kind and always energetic. He could immerse himself in whatever she was talking about, and feel his soul get lighter for it.
So he started asking her out. Not on a date- but to grab coffee. Visit this cool exhibit in town. A con- though that was more him going to see her there. He always bought something- little things he couldn’t quite get rid of. Well, it wasn’t any effort to keep them... so no big deal, right?
Alaina noticed, but she eventually decided that if Fresh wanted to be her friend, she’d let him. He was funny and cool and much more caring than he really realized at times. So they went out, as friends, for a good year or so. She wondered if he’d ever decide for himself what he felt, but she wouldn’t push it.
Fresh couldn’t decide. He didn’t udnerstand... and he didn’t want to. Emotions weren't his thing... and he didn’t want to care. Caring was a liability. So as long as he didn’t care, he could stay around Alaina and things would be cool.
Even to himself that sounded ridiculous but he forced himself to ignore it. 
Then he found himself... noticing stuff more. He started to notice what Alaina looked like- the particular way she parted her hair, the way her clothes sometimes reflected her mood, the way she squee’d when she was excited and got massively flustered if someone did something kind for her. Fresh got to see that a few times- and every time it brought a real smile to his face. He’d started to notice little things while traveling, things she’d like. A Russia charm, a pair of rainbow elbow-gloves, an authentic AC hoodie. They were just little things- and he liked seeing her smile. Spreading good vibes was his thing, after all.
...no one was fooled.
Eventually, Fresh had to face himself on this. He... liked... Alaina. As much as he knew what that word meant. He liked the way she smiled, the way she laughed. He liked making that happen. He... wanted to see that. For a long, long, time.
He didn’t know what to call this emotion, and he decided he didn’t care. He... just didn’t want it to end. Maybe it was unsafe. But he always felt safe around her. And... despite knowing him for years, had never once threatened him. Never made a comment about his “condition”. Maybe... this one... he could trust?
He was willing to try.
So on Valentine’s day, he asked her out, for reals. He was as flippant as always, making light of the statement... but his rainbow blush gave him away. Alaina was charitable enough to pretend to not see it and off they went. They went out to see a movie. Fresh had checked all the different reviewer sites, and talked to several people who’d seen the movie, making sure he picked a good one. Didn’t want to disappoint ‘laina after all.
They’d watched the film, and to Fresh’s enormous relief, Alaina seemed to enjoy it. They grabbed food afterwards, and Alaina kept chatting about this or that in the film, while Fresh nodded absentmindedly. He always looked a bit out of it cause of the glasses, but now he looked positively in dream land.
“Uh, Fresh, you there buddy?” Alaina asked.
Fresh nodded slowly, and said, “You were talkin’ bout how the theme was all wacked and stuff brah, I heard ya.”
“...oh” Alaina replied. The conversation lapsed into silence... which quickly turned uncomfortable. Fresh kept... staring. He always did that a little, but now it was getting weird.
Fresh for his part was only half aware of it. He was paying attention to Alaina to be sure, but not himself at all- hence why he hadn’t moved for the last ten minutes. That part of his mind was trying to come up with what, exactly, to say.
“Fresh...?” Alaina said finally, breaking the silence.
That jolted Fresh into sitting up. “Uh, whats up browskie...” he rambled, before shaking his head to clear it. “Ya know what brah, let me start over. Alaina,” he said, turning more serious, “I... ‘ve playing ya. I’ve just been staying ‘round cause I feel better that way, ya dig? That’s what I do brah- I find cool, radical peeps and hand round then cause it makes mah happier.”
“So-” Alaina interrupted, but Fresh raised his hand to stop her.
“Let me speak mah piece brah. That’s what I done, and I ain’t gunna make excuses or nothin’ like that. But I will say, Alaina...
“I... don’t wanna just hang round ya cause it makes me happy. I wanna around cause it makes you happy... if you like it. You dig? I- want to make ya happy. For reals.  But- I dunno- would that make ya happy...or...” Fresh looked away, not wanting to see Alaina’s expression in case... she said no. The logical part of his brain knew he was being ridiculous. The logical part had been told to sit down and shut up for the entity of this though, so Fresh got no help there.
He looked back when Alaina grabbed his hands. He looked over at her slowly, and saw that she was smiling- and... blushing a little? No, a trick of the light. His thoughts got interrupted by her speaking though.
“Fresh, if I didn’t like being around you, I wouldn’t have stayed around. Now come on,” she said, lightly punching his shoulder. “Where’s my happy radtastic dude?”
Fresh stared for a second, before a massive smile broke across his face... and he started laughing. Laughing because he’d been so worried, laughing because the pressure was gone now, laughing because... he was happy. This... this was happy. He liked it. His laughter turned out to be infectious, as Alaina started laughing along as well, and everyone wondered what the silly couple had thought of.
Now a year later, Fresh was still nervous visiting Alaina. But it wasn’t like he hadn’t been here before, many times. Alaina liked her cozy little home, adn Fresh could see why. He come over every now again, sometimes to have dinner, sometimes to just goof off and talk. He still got flustered at times, but Alaina always brought him back down to earth. He still got her little trinkets and gifts, and she still rambled on about fandoms and plushies. They just... clicked. And always smiled when they were around each other.
Fresh sighed, shook himself out. “Back to Earth buddy, ya can’t keep her waiting.” Alaina had been expecting him sometime- they were going to stay in this time, make a meal together, just enjoy the evening. Not as flashy, but cozier. Sweeter that way.
With one last deep breathe, Fresh walked up to the door and knocked. Almost immediately he heard someone on the other side, and Alaina opened the door. “Fresh! Hello! Happy Anniversary!”
“Happy Anniversary Alaina,” Fresh said, smiling dopily.He paused, blinked, then remember what he had. “Oh, sweetheart, I got ya something... well, made...” he dug into his bag, and pulled out a plush doll. It was dressed in neon greens and purples- it was Zigzag, from Alaina’s popular webcomic. It had taken him... weeks?... to make it, but it had been worth it.
Alaina’s face lit up. “You made this? Thank you!” she said, hugging him tight. Fresh frozen for a second, then returned the hug. He loved hugs- and this one he didn’t want to break. Alaina actually broke it first, pulling back.
“How’d you do it? Did you use that sewing trick I showed you awhile back- oh, come in out of the doorway! What did you do this week...” Alaina trailed on, walking back into her house. Fresh shook his head, then honestly smiled. This place... 
it really felt like home.
Fresh by @loverofpiggies
Freshuary by @feth
Zigzag and herself by @alainaprana
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