#radicalrascals || lysander valentine
etxrnaleclipse · 5 months
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((Well.... @radicalrascals and I can't deny that we've kinda created a bit of a web when it comes to our muses....))
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
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Ways to React to an Injury @radicalrascals said: "I don’t often like to get my hands dirty… but seeing you like this makes it worth it." (from Valentine to Ben) | "Nossa! Are you okay?!" (from Nick to Ben) | either/or, perhaps both at the same time, you decide ;)
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Ben's head was spinning and his stomach turning, the blood loss getting to him a great deal. He actually didn't know how long it had been, how many times this man had taken from him, but it was long enough to leave him confused and exhausted. He had not encountered this vampire before, had no past encounters with him for this to be personal, however it seemed to just be a chance that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Hearing the amused words from the man hovering over him made him want to shout, to fight back despite how weak he felt, but as he rolled over slightly, all he could do was go limp and lay there in stillness. The entire situation felt too familiar, memories of his youth and his torment in the nest rushing back.
Silence fell around him, and it took him a moment to realise that he had been left alone, wondering if this man simply knew that he would not be able to easily escape. But then he heard something. The rushing of footsteps getting closer in a fast manner, and a slight turn of his head revealed Nick having entered the room, crying out the worried words in his direction.
"Nick..." he breathed out, reaching blindly with his hand. "You have to get out of here... Not safe." He wasn't able to fully articulate the concern, but he did not want his partner getting in trouble or worse because he tried to save him. "Please... Go."
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etxrnaleclipse · 6 months
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Dire Situations @radicalrascals said: "you’re only making this worse for yourself" (Valentine to Theo; because reasons)
Theo had no intention of listening to his brother, no intention of stopping or trusting anyone's word on the matter. Something was going on, something that was tearing their family apart, and he needed to know. He would not be the one kept hidden from the truth. Especially not if the truth could put Felix in danger too. So he took off on his latest lead, finding himself deep in a tunnel beneath the city where an anonymous tip had sent him. Someone who had witnessed what happened to Rafael that afternoon and who gave him reason to believe that evidence had been stashed beneath.
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Entering the dimly lit area, he reached into his pocket in order to find his flashlight, however it fell from his hands when he felt someone grab him from behind, a strong arm wrapped around his throat. If he had the time to think on it, perhaps he would have thought on how likely Nick would be to say 'I told you so' when he got back, but all he could think about was trying to find a way to get the arm from around his neck so that he could breathe. His nails clawed at the stranger's sleeve, feet kicking out as he heard the words growled into his ear. The voice sounded vaguely familiar, like he had heard it somewhere before. The voice that had been barely audible down Nick's phone while they were in the hospital by Rafa's bedside... In a last ditch attempt to free himself, Theo reached over and grabbed at the stranger's face, fingers seeking out anything that would find a weakness to release him.
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
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Dark Thrilling Prompts @radicalrascals said: [ INTIMIDATE ] for one muse to use gentleness in a threatening manner (Valentine to Ben)
He couldn't quite believe that this had paid off. He had not told Nick that he was planning this, no. He would either try to come with him or stop him entirely. This was something that he needed to do. Ben had never hated someone, human or not, as much as he loathed Valentine. The monster had put him and his family through so much and he needed to make him pay. He knew that a quick death would be the safest way to get rid of the vampire, but inside, there was something breaking out. A tiny part of him, deep inside, that wanted to make him suffer just as they had.
So he had set his trap, bided his time, planning for weeks until the day finally arrived. And now that he had Valentine there, bound with his wrists behind him, metal chains holding them together, Ben finally had the upper hand on this man. Kneeling down in front of the monster, Ben chuckled, sweat beads running down his forehead as he breathed out.
"Sucks doesn't it?" he asked, staring the vampire in the eyes. "Being the one bound, being the one at the opposite end of a weapon with no defense. Must be a new feeling for you, I'll give you time to process." There was a tone in Ben's voice that was unfamiliar even to him, a side of him brought out that was not the usual caring man.
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Pulling out the blade from his pocket, he held it up for Valentine to see, the most uncharacteristically haunting smirk appearing on his lips as he did so. He then carefully pressed the edge against the vampire's cheek, running it down but not breaking the skin yet. "I want you dead more than anything in this world. But you have put me, and Nick, and the others through so much pain and suffering... You don't deserve an easy death. No... You should suffer as much as we have." And with that, he brought his knife up and plunged it into the vampire's knee-cap, intending to break bone wherever he could.
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etxrnaleclipse · 9 months
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Social Media and Texting Prompts @radicalrascals said: 😡[angry text] for Ben & Valentine
[text : Cris Morales] Valentine I swear to god I will end you, how did you get this phone?
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etxrnaleclipse · 1 year
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etxrnaleclipse · 6 months
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Darker Vibes @radicalrascals said: ❛ you are doing so well, my pet. ❜ (Valentine to Ben) AU 'when no one made it to save them'
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Three weeks, five days and around about 18 hours. That was how long it had been since his entire life had fallen apart. It had been going on much longer, but it was exactly that long since Nick had succumbed to his wounds, since the love of his life had gone limp in his arms and ceased to be with him. He had wanted to end it all there and then, but their captor refused. Ben had been kept in the same room, kept there to watch as his love's body began to fall to the process of nature. His clothes were soaked with blood, sweat, other bodily fluids as he remained there, and the stench was unbearable.
Over the time he was kept there, he had been repeatedly visited by the vampire, being taunted and beaten, fed from multiple times. He was a shadow of his former self, both physically and mentally, with his frail body chained up and waiting for the next visit. Anything that he might have been able to use to release himself from his suffering had been removed by Valentine, clearly not wanting to lose his toy, and once again, he heard the taunting words as the vampire entered the room.
Ben could do nothing as Valentine fed from him once more, a hand stroking through his hair in a sickening fashion.
"Please..." Ben found his voice to be so weak, the process of forming words causing him pain. "Kill me."
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etxrnaleclipse · 8 months
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A Quiet Love prompts @radicalrascals said: "I protect my investments." [Valentine to Isabella]
She had been trying her best to keep a low profile ever since what happened, not attracting attention, but somehow, someone had still managed to figure it out. She presumed that they were hunters, from what Nico had told her, and she had become cornered by two of them, dragged into an old building where they had shouted profanities at her. Fortunately for her, it seemed that they wanted to take their time, that she had encountered a pair of sadists, as instead of simply killing her, they took the time to land a few blows. It worked in her favour, it would seem, as she saw the familiar shape of Valentine swooping in and quickly taking them out. When their bodies lay on the ground, lifeless and mangled, Isabella stood across the room from the monster who changed her life, staring at him as she used her jacket to wipe at the cut on her lip which she knew would heal in moments.
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"Investments..." The word was spat back at him as she glared across at him. She wanted to tell him to just leave her and her family alone, but at the same time, she knew that had he not come along, she would likely not be alive. "Thank you..."
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etxrnaleclipse · 10 months
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send me   “ what am i?”    and my muse will describe yours in 3 words.  @radicalrascals said: “ what am i?” | For Ben: Valentine, Rafa or Nick
Nick: "My whole world."
Rafa: "Terrifying but admirable."
Valentine: "The literal worst."
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