#radioapple included!
spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
i am currently very obsessed with your art rn, and i hope it's okay to ask, will there be any comics of the sort or anything we'll be able to read soon for our idiot little stupid skrunkly babies?
Haha funny you would ask that! I'm currently finishing up rendering to post the poll results where I asked if you guys would be interested to see the titles I plan to use for my #HHStargazersAU! So YES! There will definitely be more! College's just been keeping me busy, but I have a whole storyline planned for you all and let me just say, I'm just as eager as you guys to see what's coming! XD This story needs to be shared!!! And I'm sure it'll be worth it! =P
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dingbatsy · 3 months
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Guys stoooop you're giving away his feelings!
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starkspi · 4 months
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Trying to bribe @morningstarwrites with these sketches so I can read the new chapter earlier ha! Thank you for the inspiration, the challenge and the absolute joy this fic brings me. I’d kiss your brain folds if I could.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
Alastor and Lucifer are cats sharing the same space and learning to live with each other. Most of the time they will be watching each other with their hair on end. At least once or twice they will groom one another and then swat when one or the other won't sit still. There will be large leaps and zoomies. Long down the line they will be found curled up in a perfect circle.
Charlie put a baby gate in the hall of the top floor so that they can see one another without immediate violence. XD
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Also used this as an excuse to draw them as cats :3
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wickedwendigo · 6 months
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*Insert dad joke*
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firsthandforgery · 7 months
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I just think he’s neat
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radioapplerevue · 5 months
Gotta say I’ve been pleased to see a recent trend in the Alastor ship tags. We still get the constant “Wah Alastor is ACE how DARE YOU SHIP HIM you are ERASING REPRESENTION” posts from people who don’t understand what tags are for (or the point of fandom, honestly), but while these posts used to cause a lot of fighting and drama, now they tend to get no notes at all. They just get ignored, which is exactly what they should be.
Makes me feel kinda proud. You ducklings keep on doing what you’re doing and having fun!
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serasfanfiction · 6 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5| Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
The magnitude of the deal felt more earth shaking this time around. The beams holding up the tower shrieked in protest, shuddering as their bolts fought to keep from detaching from the side of the hotel. The hotel itself was marginally less effected, only the top two floors rumbling as the shockwave moved through them. By the time the wave of their magic reached the bottom floors and the ground itself, it was hardly noticeable, save the fact one would have to be blind not to have seen the magic itself.
The radio tower's occupants blinked at each other, both simultaneously realizing they probably should have sealed the deal somewhere other than a structure held up by a handful of beams.
Alastor drew his hand away, staring around at the mess they had made of his studio. Anything not bolted down or with a sturdy base had toppled over. The coat rack lay on its side, the blanket that had been thrown over it sprawled out beside it. The lamp and table had both been upended. One of the lamp's eyes was cracked, its light dimmed. The remaining eyes skittered around the room in alarm. Alastor's notes had been scattered across the floor, one of the halves on his staff amongst them. The icing on the cake was two of the windows were severely cracked, with a third having a handful of spider web fractures running through it.
Lucifer took it all in, wincing at the damage. He raised his cane, intent on restoring the room and repairing the integrity of the structure. Only to pause when Alastor placed a hand over his hands to stop him.
"None of that, your Majesty." He released the fallen angel in favor of retrieving the half of the microphone that had fallen to the floor and setting it with its other half. "I'm more than capable of taking care of my things if you would be so kind as to carry out my first favor."
Lucifer suspected Alastor simply didn't want anyone messing with his things any more than they'd already been messed with. He gave him a side eye in response to the possessiveness, shoo'ing the redhead back as he stepped up to the desk.
Alastor took a step back up, but only a single one. He wasn't hovering, per se, but it was apparent he was anxious to see his microphone repaired and returned to him.
Lucifer put him out of his mind, concentrating on the task in front of him. He reached out, fingers coming to lightly rest upon both halves of the staff. This would have been easier had it been an inanimate object, although it was likely Alastor wouldn't have needed to waste a favor if it had been. All angels had an innate ability to heal, some undoubtedly better than others. Lucifer's talents lay more with creation and rebuilding. Healing was similar, sure, but it involved forcing organic cells to divide and multiply far faster than they would have on their own until the wound had knit itself back together.
Then again, if it had been a wholly alive being, like Alastor himself, he would have just given it some of his blood and called it a day. With the new knowledge he'd gained, he was suspicious the deer demon had benefited in more ways than he'd known from those two previous feedings. The staff must have taken the brunt of the damage, if Alastor was still alive, let alone up and moving about. A direct hit would have killed him, for sure.
Lucifer closed his eyes, opening his senses to the very elements that made up the staff. The issue with damage caused by angelic weapons lay with the fact that they were blessed. God himself had created the steal that made up their spears, imbuing it with special powers so that his soldiers could carry out his will with little opposition. Weapons made from angelic grace weren't quite as powerful, as the angels made the weapons, rather than God, but they still weren't anything to sniff at. Weapon's made of angelic grace weren't a certain death threat to other angels, divine beings that they were, but it was certainly a very effective tool against sinners. To take divine will of any kind to something already damned was to ask for things to get very catastrophic very quickly.
Alastor really had no clue how lucky he was to be alive.
What gave them any chance of this working was that the staff knew how it was supposed to fit together. The two broken ends called to each other. Lucifer just had to bridge the gap so they could comb back together and they would be in business. Falling into autopilot as he allowed the process to guide him, he picked up each half. The break hadn't been easy or clean. The two edges no longer fit perfectly together. He had to pull from the blueprint within the staff's genetic makeup to coach the pole into being a smooth column again. From there, he had the equally hard job of convincing the two edges that they could reform again, but once they were certain it was possible, the two edges became magnetized, snapping and mending together until they were a single, solid structure again.
Lucifer snapped his eyes open. Sitting in his hands was the microphone of the infamous Radio Demon, whole and restored to its full glory with not a hint that it had ever been damaged.
Between one blink to the next, the staff vanished. Out of the corner of his eye, Lucifer saw it reappear in Alastor's hand. The sinner gave it a twirl, before tapping it to the ground to test its durability. Assured that it was indeed fully restored and could withstand some rough handling, Alastor brought the end to the ground with a hard, sharp crack.
Voodoo symbols lit the air around them with their sinister green glow. Shadows spilled out across the floor like ink, spreading up the walls until the entire room (and likely the entire structure) was engulfed in them. The only light remaining came from the soft glow of Alastor's eyes and teeth.
Lucifer, who needed no light to see, tracked the way Alastor's magic not just coaxed the various misplaced items back into their proper positions, but it also restored them back into their pre-damaged state. By the time the shadows dispersed like smoke and the symbols vanished out with a wink, everything was back to how it had been when they entered with not a single item or sheet of paper out of place. It was as if time itself had reversed itself before his eyes.
Grinning from ear to ear, Alastor tapped the microphone end of his staff. The sound echoed around them as it connected with the equipment, signifying that it was indeed functional again. Outside, the ON AIR sign flicked on for the first time since the extermination. Meeting Lucifer's gaze, expression predatory, Alastor greeted any listener with a radio nearby with: "Greetings and salutations, sinners. Did you miss me?"
He walked the scant distance between where he stood and his work station, deliberately walking around and behind Lucifer. As he passed, he ran a single finger along the fallen angel's back from shoulder to shoulder, merely because he could. "Of course you have," Alastor continued jovially. "Well, never fear, my wicked listeners, as your regularly scheduled broadcasts will begin again soon." Leaning over the controls, he pressed down on a more prominently visible button. What was visible of the ON AIR sign's light winked out as his short broadcast ended as fast as it began.
Seeing him in his element, Lucifer was certain this was the first time he'd ever seen Alastor sincerely happy to any degree. The very air around him seemed to have changed, becoming charged with possibility. It was a stark testament to how diminished he'd been up until that point. Alastor gave the staff a toss from hand to hand, as if refamiliarizing himself with its weight. Satisfied at last, he set it down in front of him, resting his hands upon it. Everything about his body language sang of his satisfaction. "Yes," he purred. "This will do quite nicely."
Lucifer opened his mouth, likely to come up with a witty retort, but never got the chance. It died on his lips as he was cut off by a sharp banging on the window to his left. As one, both turned to see what had made the noise.
Hovering outside, livid with her spear out was Vaggie. And she looked more than ready to break Alastor's windows all over again. She wouldn't have been able to, being on the other side of Lucifer's barrier, but she looked more than happy to try. They could just barely hear her as she shouted, "What the fuck did you do, Alastor?!"
Out of his peripheral view, Lucifer saw Alastor waggle his fingers at her in a wave, completely unconcerned as usual. If he didn't hope that the asshole really would get stabbed one day, Lucifer would have had a little chat about Alastor egging on people who could and would do just that.
Wincing, Lucifer imagined that if Vaggie was here, it was likely Charlie wasn't far behind. It was just as likely the only reason she wasn't outside the window herself was because she couldn't fly. With a wave of his hand, he dropped the barrier around Alastor's domain.
The moment it was dropped, Alastor darted forward. Lulled into a false sense of security by the redhead's previous helplessness, Lucifer didn't react in time to stop Alastor from wrapping a hand around his waist and pulling him in.
Prize acquired, Alastor pulled them both into his shadow.
Lucifer had not paid too much attention to Alastor's shadows, beyond acknowledging they existed and they could be lethal. He had noted how the redhead's personal shadow seemed to have a life of it's own, both working in tangent and separately of Alastor. Lucifer had only seen it twice, but he'd found it to be cheeky and only tolerable because it didn't speak. Unlike the demon who cast it.
Whatever Alastor had plunged them into - whether it be another realm or something else - felt wrong. It felt like being plunged into an ice cold bath, but on a metaphysical level. Darkness to a degree that the simple absence of light couldn't explain surrounded them on all sides. Out of the void came the feeling that they were being watched as they passed through.
Hands he couldn't feel, but still knew were there, curled into Alastor's coat until the fabric threatened to tear. The place screamed unholy. Every instinct in his body reared it's head, telling him that he - a child of God, disowned or not - shouldn't be there. He wanted to light a flame to chase away the darkness, if only he could figure out if he needed to use divine or demonic magic. Above all, he needed to get out. It was only because he wasn't entirely certain he couldn't escape on his own that he didn't actually just portal himself away.
Later, when he was able to think about that place without his mind shying away from it, he'd realize that something about the feeling of it was familiar.
But that would be then, and for now, the whole experience ranked as sheer nightmare fuel. How could Alastor stand it? Was it because he was human and/or a sinner? This place could drive a being insane.
When they reappeared in Alastor's hotel room, it felt like an eternity had passed as opposed to a mere minute or two. Lucifer took a shallow breathe, his whole body shaking like a bird trying to resettle it's feathers.
Oh, that was deeply unpleasant. He never wanted to do that again, ever.
Nonchalant, Alastor took hold of the hand clutching his jacket in a death grip. His smile oozed of false politeness. "Are you alright, your Majesty? You look a little pale."
As if he didn't know that place was messed up. Lucifer was distracted from wiping that smug grin off of the redhead's face by a loud bang against the other side of Alastor's door, the wood around the lock shattering as it finally gave up the ghost of keeping anyone out. The door slammed open, hitting the wall with such force that it ricocheted off of it.
Cherri stood with her foot still poised in the air, giving herself away as the person who had literally kicked the door open. Charlie hovered just behind her, hands in the air as if she had been trying to stop her. Angel stood to her other side, his main arms crossed, while his secondary hands were resting on his hips. "See," he was in the process of saying to Charlie, triumph both audible in his voice and visible on his face. "I told ya we could get the door open without the bombs."
"Yes, well, it would have been better if we didn't damage the door!" Charlie admonished, voice high pitched with stress. She turned her attention to the room itself, tensing as took in the scene in front of them. Lucifer watched her tense, fear twisting her features in a way he hadn't seen since her teenage years. "Dad! Are you alright?" She burst into the room making a beeline for her father.
Lucifer stepped away from Alastor to meet her, putting on an only marginally strained smile. "Of course, sweetie. Everything is fine."
Despite his reassurances, she checked him over for herself. When she was assured he was okay, she turned on Alastor. Her fingers twitched like she wanted to give him a similar inspection, but was holding back. "What did you do?" Her expression was a mixture of concern, anger, and guilt.
Alastor ran his hand down his coat, smoothing the creases out until it was as impeccable as ever. "How suspicious! What makes you think this is my doing?"
"Because it usually is." This was from Vaggie, who had appeared in the doorway while no one was looking. She pushed past Cherri and Angel, who were lingering for the promise of drama and maybe a little bit of curiosity over why the hotel was nearly knocked down for a second time in as many months. She marched straight up to Alastor, and then jabbed a finger into his chest when she was near enough to do so. "First Charlie and now Lucifer?! I knew we should have never let you stay here!"
Lucifer had been content to stand back and let Alastor take the heat. Maybe soil his own image a bit in Charlie's eyes. After all, Lucifer had been willing pay for his help. To make promises he was more than willing to keep, if it was within his power to keep. Alastor was the one who turned it into a binding deal, however predictable the move had been.
Then the implications of what Vaggie said sank in.
He could feel his control over his form slipping as he felt the anger rising. He reached out, almost not wanting to believe that it was true.
But there it was. The green chain of one of Alastor's deals hung from Charlie's wrist, damning evidence of the truth.
Lucifer saw red. His voice was cold despite the fire he could feel burning his tongue. "You made a deal with my daughter?!" The chain creaked as his fist tightened around it. He was going to shatter this little deal, take the remaining shards and shove them down Alastor throat. Then he was going to wrap his hand around his neck and--
"Dad, wait!"
The sight of Charlie suddenly filling his vision felt like being doused in cold water, enough to allow sanity to creep back in and take root again. "Charlie, I told you! You can't take shit from sinners like him." He glanced behind her, still able to see Alastor, posture tense and ears pinned back. His shadow was curled uneasily at his feet, ready to spirit him away at a moment's notice. Lucifer hissed. "They're nothing but parasites feeding off the rest of humanity."
For a brief moment, and only because Charlie had her back to him, Alastor bared his teeth, neither ashamed nor cowed.
Charlie raised her hands to calm him. She paused when one hand didn't raise as far as the other, catching on the chain around her wrist. Wincing at the fact that he was now physically restraining her, Lucifer released it. The chain vanished back into the ether. Freed of the restriction, Charlie lightly placed her hands on his arms, saying, "Dad, it's okay." She smiled to show she really believed it to be so. "He gave us information on how to protect the hotel. I'm happy to do something to help him in return."
Her smile, her trust, had the opposite effect, angering him further. "Charlie..." Lucifer wasn't certain who he was more angry with in that moment: himself for believing that Alastor might actually care about Charlie, in his own way, or Alastor for being none other than Alastor. All the signs were there: the redhead might like to play his games with Lucifer, but his interactions with the Charlie held a hint of genuine attachment to them.
Yet it would always be about power with him, wouldn't it? Could he even help himself anymore, when presented with an opportunity he seemingly couldn't pass up?
Lucifer's expression saddened as he focused on his daughter. His hands rose up to gently take hold of the wrist the chain was wrapped around, even if it were no longer visible. As a parent, he wanted to protect her from situations like these: where she was bound to get hurt. He knew he needed to give her space to learn from her mistakes, but how could he just leave his baby girl in the hands of a known sadist? "If he really had your best interests at heart, he wouldn't have needed to make a deal with you."
Charlie's eyes searched his, brows furrowed. "Dad, I can take of myself, remember?"
Because he never knew when to stop when he was ahead, Alastor interrupted them with, "There's no need for fighting, my dear. Your father is right." A red clawed hand appeared on her shoulder. Both of the Morningstars looked to see Alastor standing at Charlie's side. Alastor was giving her the same look he'd given her during his and Lucifer's swing dance show down over who was the better father figure for her. It made Lucifer's teeth itch with how false it was.
Charlie, on the other hand, merely watched him with confusion. "Alastor? What do you mean?"
As if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, Alastor said, "Only that bonds built on mistrust make for unstable foundations." With a flick of his free hand, a glowing document appeared out of thin air, unfurrowing to reveal Charlie's signature plain as day at the bottom.
It was Charlie's contract.
"I think we can both agree," he carried on, knowing he had everyone in the room hanging on his every word, "That you and I have built such a bond of trust that this silly little thing isn't necessary."
Before anyone could react to that clearly manipulative statement, Alastor took the document, one claw on each of the top corners and ripped it in half. Without missing a beat, he tossed the two halves to either side of himself, the supernatural paper catching fire and burning away as if fell. A wisp of ash touched the floor before disappearing. "Charlie, I release you from our deal."
Lucifer stared, his emotions a storm of confusion and doubt. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. There was no way. Alastor would never have just released anyone from their deal with him unless he was getting something out of it. Alastor didn't do things for the good of other people. This had to be a game somehow. But what did he gain from it? Unease began to creep in as Lucifer tried to make sense of what he'd just witnessed.
The answer came when Charlie inhaled sharply, all but literal stars in her eyes. "Alastor! I'm so proud of you!" She threw herself at the redhead, wrapping her arms around him in a bone crushing hug. "Of course you can trust me!"
Lucifer realized with dawning horror that this, this was what Alastor gained from that little display of pretending to show faith and trust. Charlie had bought it hook, line, and sinker. His whole body locked up, the instinct to protect his child at war with the fear of excommunicating her by killing Alastor for the sheer audacity.
Worse, Lucifer had been right there and he had still failed to protect her from this sinner.
Alastor's expression softened with fondness as he tolerantly patted her head, enduring the forced contact with grace. After letting her have her hug, he gently pried her hands off of him, to which Charlie winced, saying, "Sorry! Sorry, I know. Boundaries."
The redhead gave her a light bop on the nose, to show he forgave her her trespasses. "It's perfectly alright. No harm done." He sent his microphone away to clear his hands, freeing them to clap together, as if he didn't already have everyone's attention. "Now, if everyone would kindly vacate my room, I have a very long To Do List to accomplish and there are only so many hours in the day to do it."
Angel and Cherri didn't need to be told twice, ready to make themselves scarce now that the drama had passed. Charlie moved over to grip Vaggie's arm as they walked together out the door, the taller woman saying with excitement, "Vaggie, did you see! I told you!"
It was a relief to see that Vaggie still looked doubtful, for all that it did nothing to slow down how quickly Alastor was entrapping Charlie little by little.
When it was just the two of them, Alastor turned to Lucifer, his smile maliciously pleasant. "Come now, your Majesty, out you go. One of those tasks is one you appointed me yourself."
It took every ounce of Lucifer's no small amount of self control not to lose his shit all over again now that they were alone. "You may have Charlie fooled, but don't think for a second I don't see through you."
Alastor leaned forward, his hand wrapping itself around their mutual deal. The physical reminder of how entangled they already were casting a golden, green glow upon his face. Bold to his core and with the fearlessness born of someone who knew he held Lucifer's number one weakness in his claws, he said, sweetly, "And yet, I've already got exactly what I wanted."
Lucifer slapped the hand away, as if allowing the chain to disappear would somehow make what he said any less true. "Thin ice, Alastor. Don't forget it."
He pivoted on his heel, refusing to see what the response would have been. If he wanted any hope of being able to work with Alastor, Lucifer needed to leave now before any remaining good will was burned away.
He ignored the way that Alastor's gaze burned into his back, the sensation lingering long after he'd left.
Part 11
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blaackbiird · 6 months
Ace in the Hole is my favorite hazbin hotel fic for a variety of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that it's the only fic I've found so far that has Lucifer really fucking Valentino up.
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bindeds · 14 days
What if I wrote a radioapple fic 🤭🤭🤭
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demonforthesemen · 4 months
The running gag in b99 where Teddy keeps trying to propose to Amy even though she's with Jake and not interested, but it's Vox trying to constantly propose (an alliance obviously, just an alliance...unless? 👀) to Alastor even after he gets into a relationship with Lucifer and is not interested in what Vox has to offer.
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pep-rambles · 6 months
1-19 Just songs I think he'd vibe to with no real personal context
20-21 Brief Early Luclilith/Adam’sApple/Eden Polycule (whatever your vibe) section
22-24 Songs for Charlie
25-36 His fall/ Depression
37-72 Lilith leaving
73-110 RadioApple shenanigans
110-116 Finally standing up to Heaven and empowering Hell
This playlist will obviously change and grow. I'll be sure to reblog with the new numbers when it does
@sienaumber @lustrethings @spot-spots
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sunflowericescribbles · 5 months
In Need of family
Let´s start looking [Hazbin Hotel x SpyxFamily AU]
Basically Al & Husk starting their hunt for the role of "wife/mother"
"This is ridiculous!", the clearly offended voice announced while tan hands were dramatically gesturing at the three piles of paper sitting at the coffee table. "You mean the school´s policy or the amount of singles out here?", a gruff voice responded, the displeasure about the task before them equally high as his work partners. The slight twitch in the other man´s eye showed his annoyance more than his seemingly ever lasting smile. "Trying to be funny, now, Husker? Should I put on my laugh track for you?" As much as the tall man appreciated his old friend and trusty informant for his help, he found no amusement in his current predicament. The other man, Husk, simply rolled his dark eyes before slouching over the table again and picking up one of the numerous papers showing the data file of a young woman. "It´s not me who needs find someone to marry in the next 168 hours because an uptight elite school decided that one parent is not enough to have for a child. So better start sorting through it."
Before any retort could be made, a little bright redhead popped up from under the coffee table. "Are we going to find a mommy for Niffty?", a little girl no older than five or six asked excitedly and grabbed another paper from one of the stacks. "I want this one", she exclaimed, her one eye still visible through her long bangs having not stayed at the picture for longer than a second before deciding on it. "As much as I appreciate your help, my little darling, we are not deciding on a whim here", the tall man patiently replied to his de facto daughter and carefully took the paper out of her hand. "Might as well", added Husk with a shrug of his broad shoulders, before he could hold himself back, which earned him a withering glare from brown eyes.
"As much as I´d like to get over with it as soon as possible, not just everyone will do for the role. We want a somewhat decent person for this who at least should know how to act as mother figure", he explained. He pushed his glasses back up with his ring finger while scanning over the file his little girl had picked up and promptly dismissing it. "But Niffty doesn´t want someone boring! Niffty wants a... bad boy!", she declared with stars in her eye, looking excitedly up at her father figure, who seemed rather displeased with her suggestion.
"It´s not about what you want, but what you need, my dear", he finally told her after he had collected himself and decided it best to focus her attention to somewhere else. "Now go watch your show, daddy and his friend will work through this, so you don´t have to worry your pretty little head about it." He softly patted her head and directed her with his eyes to the little TV in the corner of the room. If it weren´t for her and her obsession with soap operas and spy shows and the added bonus of keeping her distracted and in one place, Alastor would have already thrown that thing out of the window.
"You do realize that you don´t really have the time going around testing their "motherly qualities"?", Husk felt the need to remind him again of the time limit. "And do I need to remind you that you´re here to help me and not make fun of me the whole time?" His informant would be the second thing thrown out of the window if he had a choice right now, but unfortunately as Husk had already mentioned, time and fact checking were limited. "Sorry if for once it´s at your expanse I get a good laugh from." - "You are not sorry." - "You´re right, it´s way too funny getting to see you trying to flirt with people and coercing them into marrying you within a week."
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damnedrainbows · 7 months
sure radioapple is amazing but also al having feelings for someone and lucifer pulling the like teasing dad card hits me hard in the feels
(and with that the sleeping pill takes me to sleep)
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nekophy · 4 months
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RadioApple Week Day 6: Sleeping / Dance
3 dance sequences for TonyxsteveStony 's Dsney Dad x Villain AU ✨ I did a misopportunity not including the sleeping beauty vers SKSK OH WELL I STILL LOVE THESE AYW 😂
Hercules AU | Aladdin AU | Beauty & The Beast AU
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fullychaotichell · 4 months
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Radioapple Week Day 2: Enemies / Pining
Yet again, I'm quite late but I've had a busy day XD
These drawings were sorta inspired by fanfictions like Of Saints and Sinners, where Lucifer forms an accidental collection of Alastor's things, and Finders Keepers, in which Alastor is a bit of a kleptomaniac (a lot, actually) and collects trinkets from different hotel members, including Lucifer who ends up finding him out. I just love the idea of mementos of your closest people, and in this case specifically the irony of keeping a memento of someone you claim you hate pfff
I think for all of this week's prompts I'll attempt to do both of them, tying them together in some way, one that at least makes sense in my head XD
Day 1
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