#radiohead has just as much of a right as elliott smith to be in will's life
musicarenagh · 4 months
Echoes of Time: Giant Killers Unveil “Songs For The Small Places” The recent release from Giant Killers' "Songs For The Small Places" emerges like a time capsule unearthed from the indie-pop ethos of the 90s, offering not just nostalgia but an ensemble of tracks that are both hauntingly timeless and refreshingly sincere. Nearly three decades in waiting, this album by Jamie Wortley and Michael Brown is a triumph over adversity, a reminder that some stories demand to be told regardless of how much time has passed. https://open.spotify.com/album/43MD3XjVKjf3r3B2jWTfex?si=uI2bhbsNT86e4tc0Spa4vQ Right off the bat, it's clear that "Songs For The Small Places" straddles worlds; on one hand embracing the swaggering confidence seen in bands like Oasis or Blur during their heyday, while on another channeling more introspective spirits akin to Elliott Smith or early Radiohead. This duality gives the album its distinct vibe: vibrant yet reflective, full-bodied yet incredibly intimate. Lyrically gritty with universal themes at its core—love lost and found again, moments captured within mundane realities—the record offers listeners not just songs but experiences wrapped within melodic frameworks. Their voice has aged like fine wine; there’s an emotional gravity to it now which perhaps couldn’t have been achieved if this album had dropped when initially intended. The duo crafts narratives evocative enough to transport listeners to those small places where life truly unfolds. [caption id="attachment_54097" align="alignnone" width="833"] Echoes of Time: Giant Killers Unveil “Songs For The Small Places”[/caption] A significant charm lies in how naturally '90s influences meld into modern sensibilities without sounding out-of-date. Far from mere emulation, Giant Killers inject contemporary soul into vintage bodywork—a challenging task they execute flawlessly across all ten tracks. Production-wise, "Songs For The Small Places" benefits immensely from its delayed genesis. It stands as evidence that good music remains timeless—untarnished by trends or temporal shifts. While polished enough for discerning ears accustomed to digital clarity, there's also an organic rawness preserved within each chord progression and lyric line reminding us of analogue authenticity. [caption id="attachment_54098" align="alignnone" width="722"] Echoes of Time: Giant Killers Unveil “Songs For The Small Places”[/caption] Beyond creating compelling music imbued with pathos and resonance worthy of critical acclaim itself is Giant Killer’s noble commitment towards social change—with £2 from every Bandcamp sale donated towards suicide prevention charity CAM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). It speaks volumes about who Wattley and Brown are as people beyond musicianship—a gracious touch confirming why sometimes art is destined only for poignant seasons despite when penned down. "Songs For The Small Places" isn't merely about bringing unexplored archives into public domain—it encapsulates journeys traveled personally by our artists and collectively via societal evolution since those recording sessions nearly three decades ago. For anyone previously unperturbed by pop-rock dynamics or veteran enthusiasts looking for depth beyond chart-toppers' sheen will find something intriguing here—a sonic amalgam equipped equally with tears for past reveries as smiles anticipating future reminiscences. Follow Giant Killers on Facebook, Bandcamp, YouTube and Instagram.
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daggerzine · 3 years
Sunday Runners.....the Corvair interview.
The music of Corvair fell into my hands recently thanks to Heather Larimer, who makes up one half of the band. The Portland duo, comprised of Larimer and her husband Brian Naubert (and drummer Eric Eagle for the recordings) haven’t been around for too long but being together a lot the past year or so gave them plenty of time to work on songs. I was a big fan of Larimer’s previous band, Eux Autres, and wondered if they were still around (see the first question) so was anxious to hear Corvair. I really liked what I heard. A healthy dose of all things 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s and not quite new wave, note quite indie rock but 100% deluxe. The S/T record, which was released in February, was a co-release between their own label and WIAIWYA label in the UK.  Read on and find out the history of the band, where they’ve been and where they’re headed. Oh and make sure you listen to their music.
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 Heather and Brian and Brian and Heather 
Tell us about the end of Eux Autres. Why did that band end?
It actually has not officially ended. While Sun is Sunk was coming out, we left SF because it felt like that city as we knew it was dying—all the artists we knew were moving out, and I moved back to Portland and Nick to LA. Then I had a baby and then Nick had a baby and then soon we each had another baby. With 4 little kids among us, it became really hard to fly back and forth to work on new material. We tried it for a couple years and then one day we calculated that at our pace, the record we were making would take 5 years. So we just kind of gave each other permission to prioritize other projects. Nick is working on some songs I truly love right now. They’re a real gut punch.
 …and about the beginning of Corvair. How/when did the band form?
We had known each other for many years and then we got married three-ish years ago and suddenly neither of us had other musical projects going on. So we kind of shrugged and said, what if we worked together? We would sing in the car or while cooking or whatever so we knew our voices sounded great together. Then it was just a matter of figuring out what sort of project it would be. We went into the studio with a session drummer (Eric Eagle) in late 2019 and then a few months later, the pandemic suddenly gave as a LOT of time to make progress on the tracks. So the creative center of the record was defined in a weird apocalyptic bubble. But it was helpful to have that break with reality as we knew it, because we’ve both made a lot of records, and I suppose that could have somehow blunted our ambition or our edges. But we just hit the “fuck it” button and gave ourselves over to it completely. We were very nervous to mix, because no one else in the world had heard it, and we thought it was great, but we also could have been in a shared hallucination. Really, we’d be the last to know.
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 The debut....
Who came up with the name? I have always loved those cars.
Brian’s mom drove a Corvair with a hole in the floor. They would drive it on the special outings to the beach, the weekend adventures. So it was a very romantic car, and the name is just very nice to say. It makes you feel good. Both of us had been in bands with names that were a nightmare to tell someone  in a crowded club, or really anywhere (Eux Autres and Ruston Mire). You’d have to repeat it 3 times, then explain it, and then they just kind of shrug with pity. We vowed to have a band name anyone could understand the first time.
 Did the WIAIWYA label approach you about releasing the record (or co-releasing it)?
John had approached Eux Autres right after our second record and so we did an EP (Strangled Days) with him and then we were on his label ever since. Late last summer, I posted a picture of Brian and I holding the CD Master on my Instagram and John said, what the hell is this? And then I emailed him the record and he wrote right back: “It’s RAD Heather!” I’m not sure if he was making fun of me by saying “rad”--probably, actually. I think I used to say it a lot. But he immediately wanted to put out the record. Nick and I had some really great times in the UK and Europe thanks to John and he has a very devoted audience, so Corvair felt it was a great fit for us.
 Is the Pink Room your own studio?
Yes, it is literally a room in our house that is pink. Brian has been making records at home for most of his life, since he was about 14. And despite having done fancier stuff like making studio demos for Columbia several times and recording with Peter Buck in a nice place, he really prefers to work at home because he likes to spend a ton of time on overdubs—they’re not even really “overdubs,” more like a second wave of writing for him. And I had found being in the studio very stressful in the past because I’m not a technically proficient musician and that makes me self-conscious. So I was grateful to be in the privacy of my own home, in my soft pants.
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 Single from last year
Did the songs on the album come fairly easily or did you feel like you labored over them?
The initial writing of them came very easily and fast. Brian did a couple of 30 day writing challenges where he wrote several songs a day. But then once we laid down the basic tracks, we spent a ton of time building them and experimenting with them. We actually recorded probably twice as many parts as we ended up using. And half of what we did in the mix was kill things. In fact, we cut five totally finished songs from the record. 
 Tell us about making those videos? Were you freezing?
Consistently very very cold, yes. Ironically, the one in the snow (Green Mean Time) was the warmest because we were properly dressed. But the ocean ones were just brutal. Especially Sunday Runner. The video was Brian’s idea, he had a very specific vision and made it sound all easy: OK, just go down to the beach and dance for 90 seconds. And I was like, huh?!? And then I kept falling down and got absolutely soaked to the bone. When we finished shooting, I couldn’t feel my hands or feet and he was steering me down the beach with his coat wrapped around me and these little kids were staring horrified, like, Mom what’s wrong with that lady?
 Prior to the pandemic had you played out live much? Done any tours?
We have never ever played live as Corvair. Which is just wild. We will likely be recording this next album before we even have a line-up for performing. But we are very excited to play together. Likely this fall. Hopefully John will bring us to England soon so we will have a great excuse to get it together.
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 What are your top 10 desert island discs?
David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
David Bowie - Low
Nada Surf - Let Go
Brian Eno - Another Green World
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of The Moon (yeah I know, but I don’t care)
GBV  - Alien Lanes
Kinks  - Village Green
Elliott Smith - Either/Or
Radiohead - Kid A
Ruston Mire - Steady Jobs and Flying Cars
  Who are some of your favorite current bands, local otherwise?
HL: I’m interested in the Dry Cleaning juggernaut. And I really dig Deep Sea Diver, Cloud Nothings, Courtney Barnett, Big Thief/Lenker. And then, I’m also very ready to embrace a new angry band whose music makes you think your stereo is broken when you play it--I’m taking suggestions.
 BN: Alt J, Elbow, Doves, Metric, Foals, Snail Mail
 What’s next for the band?
HL: We are recording this summer and trying to put some sort of live outfit together ASAP. Trying to stay out of the ocean for a while. 
 Closing comments? Words of wisdom? Final thoughts?
Thank you so much for having us! 
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judehayward · 4 years
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lady gaga voice slowly fadin in: ju-Das juda-ah-ah… this depressed goblin bastard is honestly my fav male muse like i dnt typically stick w male muses tht long i struggle bt................. i’ve played him the longest of them all n always seem to return to him. jst cnt stay away. way 2 attached to this absurd little man. it’s nai btw!!!! (josefine on the main). launches right in to jude’s intro without further adieu..... (u can also find his playlist here) 🧙‍🎨
「douglas booth & cis-male」⇾ hayward , jude, the senior radcliffe student’s records show that he is a pisces and 23 years old. he is studying ART, living in moris and can be protective, laidback, nonsensical & apathetic. when i see him i am reminded of wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects, lead marbles instead of eyes. ⇽「nai & 23 & gmt & she/her.」
he pinterest:
me in the voice of a card magician performing on the street: round up round up pick a pinterest any pinterest!
ta-da it’s aesthetics:
lead marbles instead of eyes, a stolen hearse careening down the wrong lane, wearing a faded smiley face sticker on your forehead while receiving a serious lecture, bags under the eyes that are so big they could pack enough clothes for a three week vacation, a cigarette wobbling from your bottom lip as you squint against the sunlight, passing out on a stranger’s rooftop, placing sunglasses over the eyes of a biology lab skeleton, gangling around the place like shaggy minus his scooby snacks, saying “fuck off” to inanimate objects
about tha Bitch:
born in sheffield in england, bt they went back and forth between there n san fran a lot
jude was an unhappy accident. his parents never rly used protection bc they were super Liberal n Au Naturel n believed in the pull out method bc… they were maniacs. bt then the ONE time they used a condom in an effort to b safety conscious it broke n hence…. jude was born
they just kind of ran w it bc they had such a passionate relationship tht they were like What The Hell…. may as well! itll be fine we’ll learn to be good parents n love him like normal ppl do
spoiler alert: tht didn’t work out
they were ok to him like they weren’t fully Bad bt they just found him to be a massive burden n hindrance to their plans. pretty absent n irresponsible. they literally….. had sex all day every day n acted like a pair of teenagers. it ws a super weird environment for a kid to grow up in bc he literally had no role models or… guidance or…. anything rly. occasionally they’d joke around w him or pretend they properly knew what grade he was going into but for the most part they just Didn’t Care the way parents shd. they lost his birth certificate n dnt remember what they put as his middle name so he’s jst kind of like hmmmm............. n gives himself a diff one every time ppl ask. past variations hv included: jude pauly hayward, jude maureen hayward, jude van winkle hayward. says all of these w a very straight face
despite this he does hv some nice memories w them. usually he definitely sees them fr holidays. frm being rly young their christmas tradition hs been to get a bunch of chinese food like a Banquet Feast n spend all day smoking n drinking into the early hours. perhaps not the healthiest or most responsible bt 😔 jude rly likes it it’s kind of the one time of yr he feels he has a proper family
they r both suuuuper into the arts. rly good sculptors bt they paint too n they actually own a successful gallery in sheffield n san fran
(trauma tw) as a result he grew up around a lot of creative n sometimes pretentious ppl. the friends of his parents were more present in his life than his ACTUAL parents bc they were always jetting off to diff countries to scout out new pieces fr their galleries n just have a gd time in beautiful places without…. the annoyance tht ws being responsible n looking after someone. tbh some of his parents friends were rly damaging too bt….i won’t go into that just yet. it doesn’t rly…need properly explaining bc jude never talks abt it anyway n it….is rather triggering so i’ll jst….leav it for now tbh. basically they just were Not Nice n jude had a lot of bad memories he keeps repressed bt he also??? has some gd ones..... it was a strange environment bt he’s a survivor
(death n grief tw) he hd to do community service bc he kind of… hd a bit of a breakdown before the funeral of his elderly neighbour who bsically raised him bc her kids rly didnt care abt her they jst wanted her inheritance?? so he… stole the hearse w her casket still in it n ws jst like… drivin around the place sort of… tryin nt to cry…..KJJFHSFKJGHKFG i mean. it isnt funny its actually sad bt :/ in a very bizarre n jude way. he gt caught n taken in fr questioning bt her son kind of realised hw… broken up abt her death jude ws n had a heart n didnt press charges. regardless he stil hd to do community service bc it ws like taken seriously even tho it ws his first proper offence. doin it rly exhausted n depressed him so when he wsnt doin tht he ws just hibernatin in his room……. this ws like 4 months ago nw............ just some fun lore fr u all
bc of how he ws raised he has a p cultured taste. he luvs classic lit n p much anything artsy. he can play piano 2 n sometimes gets rly high n thinks he’s mozart level gd at composing he’s jst going fking wild on the keys in a trance...... i mean he’s gd bt… chill
he’s rly sarcastic n so deadpan like he’ll say smthn completely ridiculous bt he’ll say it w his whole chest so sincere.... it’s rly hard to tell when he’s joking or serious honestly. has an overflowing secret sketchbook n if he cares abt someone he’ll probably secretly draw them. does NOT share these drawings w the person he hates being openly sentimental. at heart he is jst a very Sad Boy w lots of repressed issues like depression genuinely just does NAT giv him a single break bt he plasters over this w wise cracks n never discusses his emotions ever. he’s actually p decent or at least tries to b. he’s kind of like tht bit in superbad where michael cera gets rly drunk n makes a toast to women like tht energy...........
he has rly bad insomnia so he like never sleeps idk how he’s Alive straight up. please go to bed sir............. he always has rly sleepy eyes n rubs them tiredly mid conversation. he smokes a lot of weed to try n compensate fr this n make him tired bt he still struggles a lot
ANYWAY that aside he’s at radcliffe doing art, focusing on fine art like painting is............... the thing he luvs most...... his style is kind of.......... taking normal things n painting w surreal colours.... he likes A LOT of colour in his paintings which is kind of a stark contrast to his personality bc his world’s so.... washed out n grey............ lovs art n philosophy n literature n photography n music.... 
ummMMMMmm honestly idk i’m blankin on what else to say. ull find him smoking weed reading an american classic or gnawing at his thumbnail n getting charcoal smudges on all his clothes. wandering the streets in plaid pj bottoms n dr martens eating frm a cereal box without care in the world. he’s p broody n scruffy n he’s mostly here fr a laidback time....... doesn’t rly like when ppl take themselves too seriously........ likes strange ppl thinks the world is mde richer by them n likes when ppl can jst bounce back jokes at him without being like erm. u dont make sense mate. bc frankly he can come up w some strange stuff sometimes.............. talking to him cn b like navigating a dark n bendy road without a flashlight....... 
(drugs tw) once did shrooms n woke up naked in the woods curled up in a pile of leaves. to this day he recounts this as his werewolf transformation. hs no idea hw he ended up there n when ppl r like are u not. concerned jude. tht is so strange? he jst shrugs like.............. dunno....................... suppose i’m jst a werewolf upon occasion. so casual abt it. jst truly does Not care abt most things at all..... almost to the point tht it’s concerning (sometimes way past the point tht it’s concerning too :/)
this is the desc on an aesthetic i mde of his style once n sums it up well!! ‘additionally: too many pairs of trousers, a hideous amount of white t-shirts all somewhat stained with charcoal, a jumper so thinly knit it almost looks sheer, chipped teale nail varnish, a cream corduroy jacket with a cigarette hole singed onto the cuff, vintage wiry reading glasses he almost never wears, a freshly rolled cigarette behind his ear, a thrifted t-shirt with a warped bart simpson wearing a stethoscope with the caption ‘bard knwos cardiology’ and two crops hacked that way with kitchen scissors that he sometimes wears to paint.‘
EXPERT at rolling spliffs like jst. mkes them so precise n neat....... it’s his super power. his fav thing to smoke frm is banana flavour papers.................... linking 2 this he’s like. bad w emotions bt he does try..... once his friend (maggie) ws sad so he brought her a spliff wrapped in grape flavoured paper bc it’s her fav fruit n jst like. wordlessly gave it to her. it’s the thought tht counts.....
plays bass in a band which cld b a fun connection to get together??? i picture the music being like surf rock type like........... mac demarco...... bt he also luvs elliott smith n glass animals n the cure n metronomy n neutral milk hotel n talking heads n radiohead n mazzy star n wolf alice...................... idk jst like.... within tht ballpark i suppose i imagine it being................
mayb ppl he shares classes w?????? i’d like someone tht does a similar course n they hang out tgether when it comes to trips fr the module to museums or exhibits or wtever................ they both stand in front of paintings analysing it rly wrong n saying stuff like hmmmmmmmmm....... i do declare i see a, uh..... large phallus protruding from the centre of this image...... moves something in me.......... n some elderly person looking at it besides them is like Ergh. sickened n disgraced. leaves w a brow severely furrowed
someone he smokes w on the moris rooftop late at night when he cnt sleep??? mayb they’re up n cnt sleep either fr whtever reason n it’s become an unspoken kind of ritual where they always clamber out n find each other there n jst wordlessly keep them company
jude is kind of like. protective almost to a fault sometimes........... mayb some guy he’s punched......................... if they hurt someone he cares abt........... typically it wld hv been a girl he ws kind of like. affected by his first relationship bc she had a bad home situation n ever since jst wnts..... to Protect it’s kind of like an automatic instinct ingrained in him nw 😔 all sounds very noble n well bt sometimes it cn b a bit of an escalation i wnt lie
perhaps a few hook-ups??? jude doesn’t tend to sleep w ppl he rly knows bc he just..... likes it to b an impersonal thing doesn’t like getting attached fr various reasons so mayb they only kno each other via this OR mayb he bent his rules a bit..... cld either work seamlessly or hv added drama if one side hs mre feelings or whtever
currently living in moris w 2 roommates bt i’d love some neighbours perhaps..... mayb someone tht lives directly nxt door to his room n is like ://// bc he plays music loud n weeds always drifting frm his window n mking their room smell if theirs is open too................. or mayb they get on..... mayb there’s a rly mean seagull tht lands on a branch n poos on pedestrians n they both commentate on it frm their windows like david attenborough...... they’re like he’s at it again. they’ve named him n everything
HONESTLY anything if u have an idea hmu i’d love 2 hear it.......... rubs my hands tgether in excitement to plot up a storm w u all
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thebandcampdiaries · 4 years
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Tom Ricci is back at it with a brand new studio release: Escape Into You, Pt.2.
July 2020 - Tom Ricci is an artist with a truly unique background. He was actually born in Argentina, with Italian roots. However, he is also an American citizen who is based in California. Musically, Tom has a diverse creative approach, influenced by different styles. His sound has a strong focus on creating beautiful and warm melodies, interlaced with alternative music and indie rock influences. The artist is all about keeping a broad creative mindset, as well as exploring different creative avenues, without ever losing sight of their roots. Tom’s most recent studio effort, Escape Into You, Pt.2, definitely speaks for itself. The album was produced and mixed by Tom’s long-time friend, Will Ferguson, who also performed on the songs, playing drums and percussion. 
Escape Into You, Pt.2 is a masterful release, featuring music that speaks about the artist’s fondness of retro aesthetics, with a more contemporary twist. Many of the songs on the album are actually addressed to Tom’s wife and their life together, through the good and bad times!
The first song on this release, Alien Encounter, is an essential component of this album and it sets the mood from the very beginning. The introspective vibes of this one make me think of artists such as Elliott Smith or Nick Drake, only to mention a few. The song begins with a swirling arpeggio sound, echoing some electronic indie-pop influences a-la Postal Service or Active Child. I love the contrast between the soothing soundscapes and Tom’s dry and spontaneous vocals (dry as in without too much reverb or echo effect, allowing the natural fragility of his voice to come through in this song.
The sound and feel of Tom’s work actually gets even more personal with the next track, Having You. Quite a romantic track, this is indeed one of the smoothest songs on this release, and it sets the bar higher with a one-of-a-kind texture. This song is a quintessential folk-type ballad with an indie flavor, making me think of artists as diverse as Wilco and Calexico. I love the lo-fi percussion and the organs in the background, which really add some movement to the song, making the sound quite special. The vocal melody makes me think of artists such as John Prine, especially on classic songs such as Angel from Montgomery, which has a similar country-rock vibe.
Next up, we have Harder When You Doubt, which is definitely one of the most personal songs on this release, as well as one of my favorite ones. This song has a rocking introduction, which makes me think of some earlier Foo Fighter stuff. The vocals are some of the most spontaneous on the album, and I love the energy, which makes me think of all of the alternative rock bands I grew up listening to, hence why this is one of the songs that really connected with me as I mentioned earlier.
Coming up next, The Best Thing stands out as another fantastic song, which seems to be the perfect bridge between the other tracks, tying the vision together to perfection. This song has a sad, melancholic vibe to it, and I love how the vocals create a soothing blanket of sound, with different echo layers and some sparse piano parts, giving the music a more ethereal vibe. This track really showcases the artist’s versatility as its best, giving the audience a different side to Tom’s music. In addition to that, guest musician  Camila Arnold contributed to the track with a very emotional violin solo.
The next track, We Belong Together features a cinematic soundscape and some of the strongest melodies on the album. This song has a silky edge in terms of melodies, and it showcases some of Tom’s most emotional lyrics, reminescent of artists like Neil Young. The intro guitar has got that classic Hendrix-style Univibe effect, giving the guitar a nice watery sound. The melodies are soothing and direct, with the song built on a simple keyboard and vocals pattern before eventually delving into a full-band arrangement. 
Everytime I Look Into Your Eyes is another wonderful highlight on this album. As the title might imply, this is a song that’s full of passion and emotion, with Tom offering one of his best performances on this record. If you are a fan of artists such as Jack Johnson, you are going to love the intimacy and playfulness of this wonderful track!
Chloe Don’t Worry, another sweet song with a personal feel. This song has got some of the most honest and passionate lyrics on the record, and it highlights Tom’s penchant for creating music with a strong focus on storytelling. This song is particularly personal for Tom himself since he addresses his daughter directly, going for a personal feel. This song has got a pleasant 90s vibe which makes me think of The Cranberries or Sixpence None The Richer!
Last but not least, Sweet Love is just the last sprinkle on top, which serves as a perfect conclusion to this fantastic release. This is a sweet song with a nice dreamy atmosphere and some memorable lyrics, highlighting Tom’s ability to modulate his vocals beautifully, whether singing some sultry low notes or some higher falsetto pitches.
In conclusion, this is a great follow up to the first installment of this release! You will immediately savor the fragrance of this production, with a crisp top, and a softer texture as you reach deeper into the arrangement. The instruments collide together beautifully, and there is a lot of room to let everything breathe, like air bubbles in a perfectly expanded skyline. In addition to that, the zesty tone of the lead vocals is truly remarkable, adding a distinctive, yet subtle flavor that gives the material its distinctive signature. Once you have the first taste of Escape Into You, Pt.2, you’ll want to dig in deeper and even give the whole project a second spin right away, just so that you can keep the flow going. As they say, things can get a little messy when there are too many chefs in the kitchen, but in this case, Tom managed to pull it off to perfection. The artist displays the confidence and skills necessary to produce something worth sharing with others. Ultimately, Escape Into You is an album of love, passion, and hope. Definitely some of the values that we desperately need more of in the world today! Given the current situation, Tom has been unable to play live conventionally, but he has been recording some quarantine sessions, which feature some minimalistic arrangements of some of the songs that appear on the album, alongside his friend and collaborator Nico (who also happens to play bass upside down as a lefty, a very cool thing to check out!) - These videos definitely give a unique perspective on these amazingly honest songs!
It definitely took some heat to create this material, but the end result is far from being just “in-your-face.” You can expect a varied fabric of sounds and sonic flavors, highlighting Tom’s talent for baking great material in the studio. If you dig artists like Nick Drake, Elliott Smith, Ryan Adams, Jack Johnson, Radiohead, or John Lennon, this one’s for you!
Find out more about Tom Ricci and do not miss out on Escape Into You, Pt.2, which is freshly available on all the best music streaming platforms on the web.
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blahandwhatever · 5 years
Haven’t done one of these surveys in years. Inevitably, most of the songs are from olden days, as my rate of music acquisition has been much slower in recent years.
1. Song Title: Good Time - Crystal Castles
Do you know the words to this song? No. I didn’t end up listening to this band that much.
2. Song Title: Samurai Sword - The Microphones
What’s your favorite line from this song? I don’t know. I love this album - it was one of my favorite heartache/anxiety/feeling-lost albums, and I still listen to it occasionally - but this is not a song with any particular resonant lines.
3. Song Title: Don’t Panic - Coldplay
How does this song make you feel? Umm, a little sad and pitying for my old self. I got this album in the throes of depression - the initial stage when I was kind of just empty and dead inside and not working right, before I started actively feeling ‘depressed’ or understood what was going on with me - in the summer of 2006. I first listened to it while out trying to have experiences that would normally make me feel things and inspire me, but I didn’t feel much.
4. Song Title: Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead
What genre of music is this song? According to Wikipedia, Kid A is electronica, experimental rock, and post-rock, so let’s go with those.
5. Song Title: Sometimes - My Bloody Valentine
Favourite instrument in this song? Guitar.
6. Song Title: Suicide & Redemption - Metallica
Have you ever heard this song in the car on the radio? No. Dude, so much was made of Death Magnetic being like, a Master of Puppets-like return to form for Metallica, but it really was not that good...
7. Song Title: The Lovers Are Losing - Keane
How many times have you listened to this song? Not many. Hopes and Fears was the Keane album I listened to a lot.
8. Song Title: Dalai Lama - Rammstein
Would you consider this song to be underground, overplayed, mainstream or rarely heard of? I don’t know, somewhere in the middle of all these damn categories?
9. Song Title: Le Moulin - Yann Tiersen
Was this song on a movie? YES. It’s from the Amelie soundtrack.
10. Song Title: Rolls So Deep - Aqualung
Is this song in English? Yes.
11. Song Title: With a Little Help from my Friends - The Beatles
Where is the band from? It is a mystery.
12. Song Title: Waltz #1 - Elliott Smith
Would you have this song as a ringback tone? No.
13. Song Title: Staring Problem - No Doubt
How did you first discover this song? I don’t know, I downloaded a few No Doubt albums at one point but didn’t end up listening to them much.
14. Song Title: Never Let Me Go - Florence + The Machine
Best dance move to do to this song? Swaying…?
15. Song Title: Battlestar Scralatchtica - Incubus
Is this a remake of another song? No.
16. Song Title: SW - Blonde Redhead
Can you play this song on any instrument? No. Can’t play much of nothin’.
17. Song Title: Crawl Space - David Porter (Breaking Bad soundtrack)
Which line in the song describes you? There’s no lyrics. Because I’m NOTHING. Not really (though sometimes I do feel that way).
18. Song Title: Another Brick in the Wall Part 3 - Pink Floyd
Does this song describe a period of time in your life? I suppose in a vague way?
19. Song Title: Soldier’s Poem - Muse
Do you have a t-shirt supporting the singer/band of this song? Umm, I might still have one from college somewhere.
20. Song Title: Letter to Memphis - Pixies
If this song played at a dance, what would you do? Assume I’m dreaming and then probably wake up, because there’s no reason I would be at a dance.
21. Song Title: Mother - John Lennon
What’s the best sounding instrument in this song? Drums, I guess. There’s not a lot of instrument action here.
22. Song Title: Love Spreads - The Stone Roses
Does your favorite bands sing this song? No.
23. Song Title: Kill You - Eminem
Is this appropriate to be played at a funeral? Not quite, unless it is the funeral of a bitch you have killed, and she was truly such a horrible and universally reviled person that no one has a problem with her having been murdered or her memory being defiled.
24. Song Title: Cruel World - Lana Del Rey
Have you ever heard this song live in concert? No.
25. Song Title: Violet Hill - Coldplay
What comes to mind when you hear this song? A certain summer day when I first heard this song on the radio. I also watched The Kite Runner that day.
26. Song Title: Rape Me - Nirvana
Is this one of those songs you hate but have anyway? No.
27. Song Title: Suite-Pee - System of a Down
Could this song be considered for a “fight scene”? I guess so.
28. Song Title: Lex - Ratatat
Is this song recent or old? Neither.
29. Song Title: We Die Young - Alice In Chains
Do your parents know this song? Probably not.
30. Song Title: Dark Eyes - Devotchka
Is this song a guilty pleasure/Are you ashamed to have it? No.
I fell into another slump this week, though this one didn’t last as long or go as hard - for the most part. Yesterday I suffered; today I relaxed and recovered. I feel refreshed. It’s been a while since I had a weekend with no work or major cleaning to do.
There is, however, a bit of financial anxiety, as I haven’t yet gotten my second paycheck of the month, and I don’t know if Monday’s bill will be paid on time, and then there’s a slew of other bills... I finally started browsing some jobs to supplement and/or replace my current ones, but good opportunities for me are few and far between, so who knows how long it’ll take for something to work out...
0 notes
lookingglasstheatre · 7 years
1. What are you listening to right now? “Kill V. Maim” by Grimes
2. What song makes you sad? I have a whole playlist called “I Used to Know You, But Now We’re Strangers” composed entirely of songs that remind me of exes or old friends I’m not longer in contact with..
“Gimme Danger” by The Stooges is a big one, along with “Everlong” by The Foo Fighters, which both remind me of very specific relationships. But, my pick for this is “Farther” by Third Eye Blind.. it could apply to a lot of different people..
“And I think about you dying years from now never having known who you are […] All I think about is waiting and all the people we are fading into Farther from you every day..” - “Farther” Third Eye Blind
3. What is the most annoying song in the world? Songs aren’t usually annoying to me unless they’re overplayed. I don’t know, no song is annoying me at the moment. Maybe that song “We Are Young” by fun. I’m not even sure it’s annoying, I just hate it.
4. Your all time favorite band? The Birthday Massacre, probably. That would be the most unique pick. Or Elliott Smith, if that counts.
5. Your newly discovered band is? The Regrettes. It’s amazing to me that Lydia Night is like 16 years old. I hope those kids keep killing it. Good luck to them.
6. Best female voice? Hope Sandoval of Mazzy Star has an amazing voice. I wish I sounded even a little bit like her.
7. Best male voice? So, I don’t think he’s the best.. but holy shit, Ville Valo from HIM has a sexy voice. It’s so sexy as to almost make you forget how cheesy HIM lyrics are. Almost.
8. Music type you find yourself listening to most? Pop music, probably.. and shitty punk rock, lol.
9. What do you listen to, to hype you up? Depends on what I’m getting hyped up for. “Bubblegum Bitch” by Marina and The Diamonds for going out and looking pretty. All of Enema of the Sate by Blink-182 for energy in the morning. Kanye for working out. Aesthetic Perfection when I’m about to hit up a goth club, hah.
10. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Belle and Sebastian, Slowdive, Radiohead, Lana Del Rey
11. Last gig/concert you went to? My friend’s band, Sleepsnack.
12. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? My taste shifts once the weather gets warm so; Blink-182, Fountains of Wayne, Sufer Blood, Wavves, Third Eye Blind, My Chem’s Danger Days record.
13. Most hated band? I don’t listen to music I hate unless it’s inflicted upon me by other people against my will. So I’m not good with naming bands I don’t like. As far as bands I hate for personal or political reasons.. I hate ANY band that harasses or condones the harassment of women or minorities.
14. Song that makes you think? “Romeo’s Distress” by Christian Death. It’s such a great fucking track, but I want to believe that it’s anti-white supremacist, instead of the other way around… I have read the lyrics over and over trying to figure out if Roz Williams was actually just racist. I want to believe it was written mostly for the shock value and ultimately a song just telling a story and issuing a kind of warning.. but who knows for sure.. [sigh]
15. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? I’m always kind of surprised more people I meet aren’t more familiar with Sneaker Pimps or IAMX’s early records. Chris Corner is kind of a hero of mine.
16. Coolest music video? Marilyn Manson’s “The Beautiful People” and the video for Death Cab for Cutie’s “Title and Registration.” “All I Full of Love” by Bjork. There are probably a bunch more I’m forgetting. All Grimes music videos.
17. Music video with the most watch? This question is phrased weirdly. But if you’re asking what music video I’ve watched the most… Malice Mizer’s “Illuminati.” Definitely. LOL. Along with Velvet Eden’s “SAD MASK.” Oh god, KALM flailing around in awful CG fire is what I LIVE for.
18. What do you play/would you play in the bedroom to spice things up? Souvlaki by Slowdive. With candles lit, after smoking together.
19. Ever been in a mosh pit? No. I would die. Look at the fucking size of me. I am a delicate doll.
20. Are you in a band? Nope. Someone start an all-girl Ramones and/or Blink-182 cover band with me.
21. Ever dated a musician? “Dated” would be kind of a strong word for it, but I had an ongoing casual thing with a guitarist in a band.
22. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician? Yes, but only because I wish I were any good at playing one of the myriad of instruments I’ve tried to learn. I wouldn’t want to be famous though.
23. Best all chick band you know of? Sleater-Kinney.
24. Last song that you heard on the radio/cd…etc…? I haven’t listened to the radio in a long, long time. I haven’t bought a CD in many years. If you’re counting any kind of physical media, I’m spinning an LP on my turntable right now; it’s Blink-182’s Enema of The State and “Anthem” just finished playing.
32. What do you think of Classical music? Eh, I can understand why some people find it boring. My mother was a classical pianist and I grew up listening to a lot of classical music. I just developed a taste for it after many years, I guess.
33. What do you think of Country music? It reminds me of growing up in Texas. There will always be at least one or two country songs I like - a lot of which reminds me of middle school dances and crying in the bathroom alone because my crush didn’t like me back. And everyone likes at least one Johnny Cash song.
34. What do you think of metal? I like it. I can only take so much screaming, to be honest.. but some bands I really love can be classified as metal.
35. Last BIG band that you saw live? Blink-182.
36. Are you a groupie? Nope.
37. Do you listen to music in foreign languages? I used to listen to a LOT of J-Rock. I also listen to music in Korean, German, Romanian, and French.
38. What famous musician would you like to “spend the night with”!?
Woman; Lauren Mayberry of Chvrches. She’s a great front woman and so, so cute.
Man; I’d say Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance, but I feel weird about it because he’s also married to another super-crush of mine; Lindsey from Mindless Self Indulgence… so maybe Elliott Smith when he was still alive. I get a strong impression that he respected women.
39. Worst concert moment? Any time someone drunkenly falls all over me and/or hits me. It always seems to happen. Also when I saw Kaya live with my sister there was a guy trying to hit on her the entire time and I felt really bad that I didn’t exactly notice until we were out of the show.
40. Funny concert moment? When I went to see Marina and The Diamonds there was a guy next to me with his boyfriend and right in front of us was a woman with her teenage son. At some point they lit up a joint and offered some to the mom (who honestly looked kind of square) and she and them got high together. It was pretty amusing watching them chill together.
41. Sad concert moment? I went to see IAMX with a boyfriend, who I loved very much, but he didn’t really know the band. A few rows back, my ex (who I had just recently broken up with) was there with a coworker. I was sad we’d gotten to a point where we couldn’t go together or hang out anymore because we have really similar taste in music and that concert was amazing and I was sad not to be able to hang out with him during it.
42. Best local act you can think of? King Woman is originally from this area, I think.
43. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? Vocalist. I suck at everything else. In a perfect world I’d be the guitarist or keys.
44. Do you listen to the radio? Honestly, no, and I haven’t since grade school, really.
45. Do you watch music TV? I don’t have cable.
46. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? I did in grade school, but I haven’t really paid attention to music charts since then.
47. Have you meet any famous musicians? Met Kaya at an autograph session at Anime USA. It was at the peak of my Kaya obsession. He told me I was pretty. It was awesome.
48. Are any of your friends/family/etc. musicians? My mom was a piano teacher. My dad is basically tone deaf, haha.
49. Song that best describes your feelings right now? “I Really Like You” by Carly Rae Jepson.
50. Song that describes your life? The ENTIRE record Froot by Marina And the Diamonds. ESPECIALLY “I’m a Ruin” “Blue” and “Forget” and “Weeds”.. and “Immortal” Yeah, I can’t pick just one song… The whole record. Just listen to the whole thing and you’ll understand me, haha. Which I realize, does not paint me in a very flattering light.. but it’s accurate.
“Gimme love, gimme dreams, gimme a good self esteem” -Blue
“Cause I have lived my life in debt I’ve spent my days in deep regret Yeah, I’ve been living in the red But I wanna forgive and forget” -Forget
“I miss all of my exes They’re the only ones that know me And God knows that sex is A way to feel a bit, a little bit less lonely Yeah, I tried to keep it covered up Yeah, I thought I cut him at the root But now I think my time is up Cause he keeps growing back Like weeds” - Weeds
51. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Not even remotely. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, no.
52. Does a musician’s physical attractiveness play a part? A part in what? I think it plays a role in how popular they become. As far as it playing a role in how much I like them, I appreciate bands with a strong aesthetic, but it’s hardly necessary. Some of my favorite bands I wouldn’t even be able to recognize if I saw a photo of.
53. What famous musician do you want to marry? I don’t think someone’s musical output is a good way to gauge their marriageability..
54. Favourite movie soundtrack? The Scott Pilgrim vs The World OST.
55. Any musician pet hates? Any time musicians are arrogant enough to insult other musician’s work just for their own credibility. Like, you’re not cool for hating pop music, my dude. >_>
56. What do your parents listen to? My mother listens to mostly classical music, my dad likes James Taylor and Joni Mitchell
57. What are you listening to right NOW? Private Affair by The Virgins. I fucking love this song.
58. Do you wear band etc T-shirts? I hate wearing band t-shirts with a fiery passion of a thousand suns with VERY rare exceptions.
59. What do you think of people who do? I’m usually pretty.. not into those people. Like, hate is a strong word… but I’m really into fashion. Band t-shirts are like a really lazy way of expressing yourself to me. And they’re almost always printed on really boxy, non-soft material. Everyone wants to fight me on this.. I just don’t care for them.
60. What music sub-culture do you feel like you belong to? None? I always dressed too goth to really feel like I belong in the punk scene even though that was primarily what I was listening to in high school. I guess goth, but I don’t get along with or have much in common with most of the generic goths I know and I listen to too much pop for them. Is the indie-synthpop scene a thing..?
61. What song is stuck in your head right now? The theme song to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
62. Do you sing in the shower? When I was a kid I would drag my giant boom box in the the bathroom with me and listen to it while taking a bath; mostly audiobooks, but sometimes music. I usually didn’t sing along though.
63. If so, what? If not, why not? Not sure? I sing in the car a lot. If music is on and I know the words and I’m alone, I’m singing.
66. How important is your partners taste in music to you? I’m really open about music, so whatever they are into I’ll probably get into as well. If we already share a taste in music we can discover more together, which is really fun. As long as they don’t HATE my music, it’s fine.
67. Hanson moves in next door to you, do you go introduce yourself, or do you arrange to beat them up? I’d probably just update my facebook status like, “Hanson lives next door to me. So, there’s that.” And invite them to my next barbecue.
68. Sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll, you dig? Yes, sometimes, and yes.
69. Do you cook to music? Sometimes, I no longer have speakers right next to the kitchen.
70. Do you sing in the toilet? Nah.
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biffysims · 7 years
Tagged by @simper-fi​ for the music meme, and seeing as I have no idea when I’ll have new sims posts ready, this will do for now :D
The rules: put your iPod/iTunes/Spotify/whatever on shuffle and write the first ten songs that come up. 
01. Blood Under The Bridge - Frightened Rabbit The most recent band we saw live, back in December. Mr B is a huuuuuge fan of anything Scottish. He does a terrible accent. ‘I Wish I Was Sober’ is a more appropriate theme for me ;)
02. Lotus Flower - Radiohead I GOT RADIOHEAD. I REPEAT: I GOT RADIOHEAD. @simper-fi​ shuffle is being our friend this time it seems. Although this has reminded me how little I’ve listened to the last two albums. They’ll always be my favourite band though - I’ll be the one sat over here listening to OK Computer in my rocking chair.
03. She’s Losing It - Belle & Sebastian ♫  When the first cup of coffee tastes like washing up you know you’re in IKEA
04. See You Later - Elliott Smith Fun Biffy fact - Master B is sorta named after him <3
05. Don’t Know When But A Day Is Gonna Come - Bright Eyes Not surprised at all that Conor got in this mix, I have everything he’s released. My Mum usually refers to him as “crying boy”.
06. 빛이 되어줘 - Block B (video) I always seem to prefer Block B’s second title tracks to their main ones. Though I’ve mostly fallen out of kpop fandoms lately because they’re just too damn exhausting and I’ve got kids for that already, thanks  (-_- )ノ
07. Stay Together - 2NE1 Hmm, ironic much?
08. Lemonworld - The National Ahhh another favourite band! I love them so much. This track reminds me of when we saw them the first time in London a few years ago and I spent the last 3 or 4 songs of the set just bawling my eyes out. What a sap.
09. Red Dress - TV On The Radio Doing quite well with the bands that myself and Mr Biffy have seen live here. Another favourite of his. Whose meme is this anyway?
10. Calgary - Bon Iver I think you either love or hate Bon Iver, yes? I’m in the former camp. Slightly thankful iTunes didn’t go and play Holocene otherwise I’d be a blubbering mess right now. We listened to the self-titled album while I was in labour with Miss B so I have crazy emotional attachments to it  (。♥‿♥。)
I have no idea who’s done this one lately so will just tag @ofgodsandllamas​ @twofee @yuuzhan​ @berry-pixels​ @nooboo​ @marvelann​ but feel free to ignore!
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mattrants · 7 years
1997: Some music is now 20 years old!
Having read an article about albums turning 30 years old in 2017, and having spent last week listening to the best of those albums, I decided to make today's playlist from the best music turning 20 in 2017.  1997 seems to hold a weird place in the overall music zeitgeist – Grunge was well and truly dead but its zombies were still roaming the world, for better or for worse...much, much worse.  Sure, Grunge's direct descendants Foo Fighters put out their absolute classic in The Colour and the Shape, but the world was cursed with some terrible music from Post-Grunge chumps like Creed, Silverchair,  Our Lady Peace, and Vertical Horizon. '97 also saw a surge in terrible white boy ska/reggae rock bands, and bands who included a “Turntablist” in their rock ensemble – 311, Sugar Ray, Reel Big Fish and fuckin' SMASH MOUTH all had big years and would haunt us for decades to come. 1997 was also a big stepping stone year towards the aural clusterfuck that was Nu-Metal.  Korn were gathering power, Limp Bizkit released their first album, '$3 Bill Y'all', and bands like Papa Roach, P.O.D and Hed (PE) all made their debuts.  Truly this year has a lot to answer for.  Deftones, a band I love, also released their album Around the Fur, a great record that would ultimately cause them to be lumped in with the Nu-Metal cretins, even though they were a band with much more nuance and skill.  Be Quiet and Drive is one of my favourite songs of that, or any year.
One of the biggest albums of the year was the eponymous debut from the softest boys ever made - Savage Garden. 'Truly Madly Deeply' is honestly one of the greatest of greatest shits! A lot of pop music in '97 was in this milky white, tepid mode, so soft it's like musical baby powder, “Straight baby thighs” as Ghostface Killa would say . Celine Dion was huge, the Titanic soundtrack made dying in the North Atlantic Sea seem like a good option, the Backstreet Boys were gaining power, and we also had to listen to dreck from N'Sync, Boyzone, 5ive, Aaron Carter and Robbie Williams.  Hanson's Mmmbop was one of the biggest songs of the year :( There were some really bizarre pop oddities in 1997 like Aqua's Barbie Girl and Chumbawumba's Tubthumping.  We got our introductions to Robyn and No Doubt smashed the world with Don't Speak. Hell, we even got a Spice Girls movie!
But enough about terrible music, notable albums that were not shit or the harbingers of the late 90s sonic apocalypse included the amazing Homework by Daft Punk, Fat of the Land by Prodigy, Perfect from Now On by Built to Spill, The Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse, Brighten the Corners by Pavement, Either/Or by Elliott Smith, The Boatman's Call by Nick Cave, Dig Me Out by Sleater-Kinney, Green Day's Nimrod, The Dismemberment Plan is Terrified by The Dismemberment Plan, The Offspring's Ixnay on the Hombre and the self-titled debuts of Portishead and Marcy's Playground. Although Biggie was shot in 1997, it was still a good year for hip-hop. Wu-Tang Clan released their second album, Puffy was huge, Busta Rhymes and Coolio were all over the charts and Missy Elliott put out her first album and we also got out first big taste of El-P with the amazing Company Flow album Funcrusher Plus.  There were so many great singles, including Aphex Twin's Come To Daddy (music video of the year?), Drinking in LA by Bran Van 3000, Hedonism and Brazen by Skunk Anansi, Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger, Rammstein's Du Hast, Brimful Of Asha by Cornershop, Natalie Imbruglia's Torn, Sex and Candy, Gettin' Jiggy Wit It and the ubiquitous Green Day song, Good Riddance (Time of your Life), which has achieved high status amongst Greatest Shits over the intervening decades.  
My favourite albums from 1997 though are:
Mogwai – Young Team & Godspeed You! Black Emperor – F#A# infinity:  These two bands didn't invent “Post-Rock”, but they perfected it.  These albums are absolute classics and sound as fresh, as  interesting, as complex, as loud, as great, as ever.  Mogwai also released the Ten Rapids compilation album which features some of their best music, including “Helicon 1”.
Yo La Tengo – I Can Hear the Heart Beating As One.  Even though grunge bumped the popularity of some of the american indie/college/alternative rock bands, most just kept on going, business as usual.  Yo La Tengo had been putting out pop gems mired in distortion since the mid-80s, but they were growing with power with each release. '93's Painful and Electr-o-Pura from 1995 are classic albums but ICHTHBAS is their masterpiece.  It has all the touchstones of the bands discography – the record nerds encyclopedic knowledge of music subsumed into a singular vision. There are distorted jams like Sugarcube (my favourite song ever) and Deeper Into Movies, melancholy downtempo numbers like Autumn Sweater and Damage, instrumentals like Green Arrow, and, as always, some great covers, like Little Honda, a perfect Beach Boys pop-rock jam.
Bob Dylan – Time Out of Mind.  Bob Dylan had no right to make an album this good at age 56.  This album also seemed like a dark reckoning with old age and death, even though its now 20 years later and Dylan is still touring and releasing music and winning Nobel Prizes.
Spiritualized – Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space. A beautiful, deeply sad album, ornately instrumented with strings and woodwinds, mixing raptourous gospel music with the hazy drug odes that define Jason Spaceman.  This album is a breakup album, a comedown album, a religious album, a political album.  This album is everything and deserves to be listened to, in full, on great headphones, forever.
Radiohead – OK Computer.  I think enough has been said about this album.  It is one of the best albums ever made.
Here is playlist of 1997 music (NOT COMPREHENSIVE): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgUBsaInZqdHXvjG6kyx7YAZG_9mPCqCm
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jakepaule · 7 years
Music 2016
Top 10 Albums
1.     Car Seat Headrest – Teens of Denial
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Turn your radio all the way up for this one. This album is saturated with high quality musicianship and lyrical creativity. I was impressed right from the start and it just keeps getting better and better. Will Toledo masterfully blends humor, depression, anxiety, and emotional self-understanding with crafty songwriting. He anecdotes his experience with escaping the wreckage of his teenage years and entering into adulthood. Toledo puts his heart and soul into this one. The album is reflective, introspective, and spirited. Just buy the album, please.
Hot Tracks: “Drunk Drivers/Killer Whales”, “The Ballad of Costa Concordia”
2.     Frank Ocean – Blonde
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Frank Ocean achieved huge commercial success with Channel Orange, his debut album influenced heavily by R&B and Soul. In Blonde, Ocean leans away from R&B and more towards experimental hip-hop. The whole album is rich with other themes of nostalgia, mortality, and sexuality. He opens up on his inner thoughts and ties them to some significant allusions like Elliott Smith lyrics (“This is not my life/It’s just a fond farewell to a friend”). I can’t get enough of this album. I admire how much work he put into it and how flexible his music really is. He reaches into the melting pot of music and hired help from Jonny Greenwood and the London Contemporary Orchestra, Alex G, André 3000, Justin Vernon, and many more.
Hot Tracks: “Nights”, “Seigfried”
3.     Radiohead – A Moon Shaped Pool
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Back in May, Radiohead blacked themselves out on social media. They released a short stop-motion animated clip of a ceremonial witch burning. Then, their single “Burn the Witch” came out on Spotify, the musical platform Thom Yorke had previously spurned. I was immediately attracted and hyped for a new album to redeem themselves after their mediocre album The King of Limbs. And this one did live up to my expectations. Radiohead and Nigel Godrich always have some tricks up their sleeves to creatively revolutionize the way they produce music from album to album. For this one, they decided to use magnetic tape and I think it really worked for them.
Hot Tracks: “Glass Eyes”, “True Love Waits”
4.     Pinegrove – Cardinal
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 I first heard of Pinegrove while listening to NPR’s All Songs Considered podcast during a car ride this past summer. The first song I heard was “Old Friends” and I was immediately hooked. Lead singer Evan Stephens Hall has an incredibly distinct and memorable voice fueled by powerful, heavy lyrics. Hall sorts through his feelings on life’s most critical personal connections and weaves them intricately throughout his music. There was never a dull moment in this album; it is colorful and vibrant all the way through. Give this one your full attention, because I really think Hall develops an instantaneous bond with his listeners and cultivates that bond throughout the album.
Hot Tracks: “Waveform”, “Old Friends”
5.       A Tribe Called Quest – We got it from Here… Thank You 4 Your Service
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Tribe really lit up the place with this one. It’s been a long time since they released anything. The last I remembered from any of them was “Dear Dilla,” a special single performed by the late great Phife Dawg. The album has a lot of interesting collaborative work with Jack White and André 3000 and a track that include a sampling of Elton John. This one might be a little more politically charged than their other albums, but not in-your-face annoyingly political. It challenges us and calls us to mobilize and stand up for our rights. I’ve been jamming to this one since it came out. Give this one a good listen.
Hot Tracks: “Dis Generation”, “We The People…”
6.     Bon Iver – 22, A Million
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Bon Iver fans everywhere had been yearning for something new, but most people (including myself) probably didn’t expect anything like this. The sounds are very unfamiliar and somewhat unsettling, but they mix well with cryptic lyrics to foster a brand new soundscape. Just look at the track listing and you’ll get what I mean by cryptic and unfamiliar.  22, A Million will be regarded as his most bold, inventive LP to date. I strongly recommend purchasing a physical copy, because this album was built up to be a multi-media experience.
Hot Tracks: “29 #Strafford APTS”, “8 (circle)”
7.     Whitney – Light Upon the Lake
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I believe the first time I heard of Whitney was over the summer while listening to NPR’s podcast All Songs Considered (along with Pinegrove). Later, I heard in a trip out west with some friends. Many thanks to Bob Boilen, Robin Hilton, and Andrew for opening me up to these awesome musicians. This album really stuck with me after I first purchased it later in the summer. Impressive musicianship, graceful flow, and beautiful imagery are some of the main qualities of this album. The best way to describe this album is perhaps trying chocolate for the first time. The album has some distinctly vintage characteristics, but comes off as an easy and immensely satisfying listen. Buy it. 
Hot Tracks: “No Woman”, “Golden Days”
8.     Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam – I Had a Dream That You Were Mine
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The opening track, “A 1000 Times,” has a tendency to get stuck in my head every time I listen to it, but I don’t mean that in a bad way. Hamilton of The Walkmen and Rostam of Vampire Weekend combined their superpowers to masterfully create what I consider to be the most elegant album of the year. The album is exactly what I would expect to hear if The Walkmen and Vampire weekend merged (go figure). Hamilton’s vocal prowess and Rostam’s musical genius (and supporting vocals) formed an incredibly powerful album. Give it a listen, sing along, and get steamrolled by Hamilton’s energetic voice.  A 1000 thumbs up.
Hot Tracks: “A 1000 Times”, “1959”
9.     Chance the Rapper – Coloring Book
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Chance is the man. I absolutely love his brand of gospel inspired hip hop. To me, Coloring Book is really what it claims to be, a coloring book. He painted a beautiful portrait of his faith on the canvas of modern hip hop music. “Blessings” really stood out to me as a perfect example of gospel/hip hop fusion. Gotta love Chance’s versatility and skill. Stream this one A$AP.
Hot Tracks: “Summer Friends”, “Blessings”
10.     Parquet Courts – Human Performance
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This spot on my top 10 list was difficult to narrow down as 2016 was an amazing year for music. Parquet Courts’ new album Human Performance is actually the first full-length album I personally listened to by them. The gnarly guitar licks and catchy rhythms really grabbed me on this one. Some of the vocals could be off-putting to some. Andrew Savage’s vocals sound to me like a punk-ish mix between Elvis Costello and David Byrne (maybe?). Definitely an interesting and fun listen.
Hot Tracks: “Berlin Got Blurry”, “Human Performance”
Honorable Mention
Jim James – Eternally Even
Kevin Morby – Singing Saw
James Blake – The Colour in Anything
Kendrick Lamar – untitled, unmastered
Wilco – Schmilco
David Bowie – Blackstar
Hamburger Helper Mixtape
Disappointing Albums of 2016
The Avett Brothers – True Sadness
Truly disappointing. The album really is True Sadness. It was actually challenging for me to sit down and listen to this one (not unlike my experience with Magpie and the Dandelion and The Carpenter). The Avett Brothers have taken a significant departure from “roots revival” since A Carolina Jubilee and seem to be trying to make some profound musical statements with this one. It appears that they are trying so hard to make some extraordinary changes in their sonic arsenal by introducing electronics and mixing it in the pot with their typical folk sound. I don’t know if this is a product of an attempt at redefining a genre or if sitting near the top of Billboard’s 200 has led them to spoon feed listeners with their very own electronic folk fusion because it’s the latest, coolest trend.
Wild Nothing – Life of Pause
When the single “To Know You” came out in February, I got immediately hyped for Wild Nothing’s next album. But definitely a little bit too hyped. Virginia Tech alumnus Jack Tatum’s slick debut album Gemini and sophomore release Nocturne opened me up to the indie pop genre. Tatum’s world of fantasy has molded into something quite different with this one. Life of Pause contains some high points with “To Know You” and “TV Queen”, but the album felt a little less imaginative and cohesive to me. Tatum still has a talent for creating some interesting soundscapes and we can clearly see that with some of his interesting xylophone and synth work, but I feel this one is lagging behind his previous full-length albums.
Notable Singles
Cloud Nothings – “Modern Act”
Maggie Rogers – “Alaska”
Father John Misty – “Real Love Baby”
Sunflower Bean – “Easier Said”
Blood Orange – “Best to You”
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