pageofheartdj · 1 year
I know I've been hcing that Raine, Eda and Darius would just corner Camila real quick! But no, all these bitches are dumb and in denial for different reasons xD
Heck, even kids recognize what is going on and like 'You know what, I am already over my crisis, and they are STILL not done!' xD
We have, thankfully, Darius and Camila who softly clicked while Camila wanted to make sure Hunter is okay! We have Eda and Camila practically jumping into coparenting Luz! And where is Eda, there is Raine xD We have Camila gushing over King and Collector. We have Raine supporting Vee and providing with a safe space to intergrate back. We have Darius and Raine figuring out the two god kids and how to treat them as kids while providing different conditions. We have Darius and Raine helping the Isles and Eda joining in.
And through all of this these bitches just can't get it already xD
Like okay yeah, the concept of polyamory is a bit new to Camila, and she couldn't even imagine it for herself! How could she, it's nice what she has with Darius and she can't possibly mess with Raine and Eda's relationship!
And Darius, Raine and Eda reconnected properly, remembering old days and old ways. But this can't come back, can it?? They have so much stuff to do! With their community, with all the kids!
But at least they will be aware of their feelings and will still flirt ocasionally xD Sending Camila into panic mode and more denial XD
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milfcamilanoceda · 2 years
Hi. Sorry for bugging you with this, you can ignore it if you want xD
I just can't stop thinking about raedarila(Darius/Camila/Eda/Raine ship xD) and all their kids and stuff! Will they just live together? That's a lot of people and I doubt Owl House or Camila's home will fit everyone xD
Do they like, split who lives where? Since they will have portal door they can put it right inside the house, so both homes can be constantly connected?xD
Like, Eda, Raine, King and Collector living in demon realm and Camila, Darius, Hunter, Vee in human realm? And Luz a secret third thing where she lives everywhere and no one knows how she does this xD
It's no problem at all <3
And AAAAAAHHHHH This idea is so cute!!!! Love raedrila (i love most Camila ships)
I love the idea of two houses being constantly connected! I imagine they put portal inside the home so it feels like one bigger house instead of two houses. Just one door away ❤️
I like your idea for the sleeping arrangements. Luz has two rooms and she will use both of them. I also feel like Collector would also spend more time in human realm
This was such a cute ask. Thanks for sharing!!!!
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
What to do when you have two favourite shows at the same time? Combine them xD
In my case, BigFam AU XD
Hunter is a responsible and stressed big brother like Raph(and still is a crazy teen)!! xD Vee is a chill sibling like Leo(and now I need her to have his sense of humour xD), Luz is as bombastic and supportive as April, a non-magical sibling among magical siblings xD King is sarcastic and dramatic like Donnie and Collector is cheerful like Mikey who is too chaotic and destructive (and their empathies are switched!)xD
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
It’s kinda funny, when Camila, Darius, Raine and Eda will get fully together, living together and all that, Vee, Hunter and King would be kinda awkward with new parents, while Luz will be happy cause she loves all of them(and Darius is super cool) and Collector will be happy, cause they don’t get all of it plus Yay more family :D
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Imma point check raedarila's development through kids birthdays XD Now that I have 'dates' XD
So Camila and Darius softly but surely clicked since there is no way Camila stays out and helps in all the ways she can. Hunter's birthday comes in february and he notices the 'weirdness' between Camila and Darius and worries that he is somehow messing things up since he is technically adopted by Darius but Camila is an often constant in his life. He uses his 'birthday boy wish or whatever Luz called it' to tell him already what is going on! He is mortified but he can't keep going not knowing. And they reassure him that NOTHING bad is going and actually... she and Darius kind of wanted to officially get together and maaaaybe Darius moving in? Hunter.exe stops working xD He IS happy though, or as much as he allows this 'selfishness'!
When Luz finds out, she doesn't know how to feel and worries Camila wants to just replace Manny and feels it would be selfish of her to not be immediately happy for her mom. But then she talks with Vee who is suprisingly more chill with Darius despite him coming from Demon Realm. He seems nice and mama looks so happy! And Luz sees that Darius is mostly nothing like Manny so her worries ease up a bit.
The process of moving is slow, because of Isles situation and general and they aren't done yet, when King's birthday in march comes. He and Collector squabbled over their 'ages' even though the count is less important for semi-immortal beings but they want inclusion so let them be xD They tug 8 and 9 between each other, rejecting 10 cause they wanted to celebrate their two-valued age xD King won his eldest place with bargaining Collector with Francois xD Now Collector is the main caretaker and King can spend weekends with him XD
While Hunter had his birthday celebration in Human Realm to include Vee since she didn't want to visit the Demon Realm just yet, King's birthday was at the Owl House and Vee finally stepping in. Belos was gone and everyone assured her they will look after her! Plus she wanted to try and start looking for other basilisks. King's birthday goes great and there is some Camila|Raine and Darius|Eda bonding and growing stronger. Raine is helping with Vee's intergration and searches, while Eda finds out about Hunter's Clawthorne roots xD
With Luz helping Isles, quickly may approaches and her birthday. Raedarila bonded plenty with their work and help in the Isles, Darius and Raine making sure no other new dictator takes place and also make sure people aren't bothering the young gods. With Collector's help in restoration and people's mostly not having any memories of their 'puppet' state, the relationship gets better and goes pretty smooth with a few hiccups here and there of course xD The kids that spent these months alone aren't as quick, but hey, Collector stopped the Draining Spell so their parents, aren't dead, that's a good thing xD
Raedarila tension grows cause both halves don't want to mess up each other's stable relationships, with... selective success xD Some of them can't stop flirting and some of them can't stop blushing! And some of them can't stop both xD
King and Collector eavesdropped on some conversations and honestly wanted to use King's birthday boy wish but King changed his mind, Hunter just wanted to know the truth, but King doesn't want to force anything out. So they decided to wait and watch this weird thing develop. Collector adores Nana(I will die on the hill that's how Collector immediately calls Camila!!!) and Darius is super fun and King likes to climb him and Camila brings so much tasty goods and is so warm, they both kinda wouldn't mind. Vee and Hunter's confusion grow, especially Hunter, he is slower on picking these things up and when tries to ask, Vee shushes him away. She doesn't know what to feel about this possible family growth, she likes Raine and Eda is really fun but she worries for the peace between Darius and Camila that she grew to treasure.
And Luz. Oh Luz KNOWS what's up and she WILL use her birthday girl's wish because Come ON you guys you are so on the nose and she can't help but feel weird eagerness to see this whatever between Eda and Camila! So she does!!
The jig is up! Raedarila comes clean and Luz's romantic heart bursts! This is still weird and messy and so much more people to actually account. But she wants to know them all better and grow closer!
By the time of Vee's birthday in july things do go supringly well(as well as they can be xD). So much that by the time of Collector's birthday in november they more or less successfully moved all in together and figured out the routine xD And the kid gets to celebrate his nine years with a family full of parents and siblings xD
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Some Big House AU/raedarila hcs xD
When Darius, Camila, Eda and Raine get interested in each other first: ��
When they want to bond with other children first: 😍
It’s okay to get Eda and Darius angry, they are fun to rile and they are quick to calm down. But all the children always get ‘Oh shit’ reaction when they make Raine and Camila mad.
Someone would assume Camila and Raine are the sane half of the polycule. Ha! Jokes on you it’s Camila and Darius xD
Darius&Raine meeting all the kids with Camila&Eda: Why all the children are traumatised??
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Ooookay gonna talk about raedarila housing as if I didn’t before and if I contradict myself, no I am not xD
Nope do not likey the idea of the portal door being THE door for Owl House. I do love the idea of Hooty constantly leaving to hang out and work with Lilith, but still not straight up abandoning the Owl House. He is THE Owl House!
BUT! I also love Noceda bying the Wittebane house and I think I thought about this before xD
So. The fam is big and they can’t fully relocate to Human Realm and Demon Realm because they have established lives, so they can have the portal door inside the house connecting the Owl House and Noceda House. Raine moving in with Eda and Collector taking the whole tower to get wild xD And Hunter having his own big room in the basement and Darius moving in with Camila. Luz is a wanderer and she is a constant roomie with Vee, who mostly took over her old room and with King who mostly took over her new room xD She doesn’t mind at all!
And also. Why can’t there be two portal doors?? The second one would be in Owl House’s back yard leading to Wittebane porch so trusted friends and family can use it and Wittebane house can be used as a place for big gatherings in general <3
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Camila's panic over 'Oh fuck I like all three of them this is wrong!!(>///<)
While Eda, Darius and Raine, sort of figuring out what is happening between all of them: Nice😎
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Wait okay wait I have this funny thought flying into my head and I have to get it out so bear with me here pls XD
So raedarila! It starts simple enough with Darius and Camila having an interest in each other after the whole DoU deal and Raine with Eda finally properly getting back together. And it all works somehow with Camila visiting the demon realm with Luz while both she and Vee figure out their school arrangements and Hunter trying to be in both realms as well and not to mention the whole ordeal with settling Collector in the Owl House.
And of course Camila can’t not participate with their’s and King’s lives too. She is immediately so affectionate with them and even though Darius cannot just open up like that, he is still a constant steady presence.
And on the background Camila gets to know Eda and Raine better and Darius properly reconnects with them too, old feelings resurfacing back. In the school days Eda and Raine were too busy with each other and Darius was too busy with his drama with Alastor and Odalia. But now they can properly address it. Or not, just ignore the whole thing XD It’s not an easy topic to start, so everyone ignore the growing feelings between all of them, with Eda sticking with Raine and Camila sticking with Darius xD
And one day King tries to properly explain Collector the concept of the family.
He looks over the four of them with scrutinizing look and asks, “So who are my parents again?”
They all share a look. Eda and Raine want to say it’s them but it feels wrong to exclude Camila and Darius like that. Not to mention the idea of others being a part of their family brings sudden rush of emotions.
King gives them a look, “You know what, I think they need to figure out this stuff themselves first.”
And then the kids leave and oh boy they need to talk xD
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Okay okay okay, I have my comfort family now XD
Why separate the kids between guardians when they can be one big family!!
Darius/Camila/Eda/Raine with Hunter, Vee, Luz, King and Collector!!
Oh gosh the shenanigans I need to put all my brain work for all the imaginary scenarios XDD <3
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Can’t stop imagining Darius and Camila sharing tips for skin and hair care.
How Vee had to jump in from time to time, because not everything that suits for witches will suit for humans xD (Vee: Why am I the only one who remembers this stuff??)
Alternatively Darius do enjoy human products even though they are useless a lot of the time. They are still enjoable.
So Darius and Camila would just chill and relax together from time to time, with Vee sometimes joining!
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
I cannot with the idea of Collector magicing his chores xD Camila/Raine/Eda/Darius told them to pick up their toys and clean up the mess and they just pop up the black hole into the room XD
‘Are you done?’
‘... And where is everything?’
*blank stare*
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Continuing thinking about raedarila <3
Darius, Camila, Raine and Eda can get married in demon realm, cause it’s less strict than human realm and plus there are two gods that say they can so XD
Vee definetely will be adopted in human realm to have a life, but I doubt Camila can pull two sudden adopted kids with Hunter! He can be adopted on demon side than. Collector is not even an option, demon side only XD
And the last names... I demand everyone keeping their own, cause they are too awesome not to!! And each kid will have one cause they are too cool not to pass! Vee of course will be Noceda with Luz, King is a Clawthorne 100%, Hunter will take Deamonne <3 and Collector(will they just be Collector without ‘the’??xD) will be Whispers!!
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
raedarila question, what would the other adults think about Camila's cooking?
Hmm that's actually an interesting one xD
Not because of Camila's skills, I am absolutely sure Camila is a great cook!
But everyone else are witches! There is food that Luz as a human couldn't eat, but there were still some things that were similar to humans that she actually enjoyed.
So I assume it can work the other way around. Witches are probably more tough, so for them human food probably tastes less mouth-filling? And there will be still food that will taste similarly and that one Camila will cook splendidly! Eda is not picky, so is Raine. They will love anything Camila will cook for them. You can say Darius has more refined taste, but he will love it anyway! The secret ingredient will always make it better. That is love xD
And now I want Camila to try and cook something more normal for demon realm!!
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
I will be crucified for this but shut up, I have a vision, for my raedarila xD
Darius ♥️ Camila
Raine ♥️ Eda
Camila ♠️ Eda
Darius ♠️ Raine
Eda ♦️ Darius
Camila ♦️ Raine
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pageofheartdj · 2 years
Can someone come up with a cool and cute shipname for Darius/Raine/Eda/Camila??
Cause I sure can’t XD
Daraela? Edaraila? Caradada? at least this one is easy to remember fdjk xd
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