#raffen shiv oc
braindancer · 1 year
for the OCs thing can i get SLUDGE my boy sludge
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01. Full name: Remington Harold Spalding - Sludge to his friends and enemies
02. Best friend: Skippy (the gun)
03. Sexuality: bisexual but no one wants him
04. Favorite color: radioactive green n gunmetal grey
05. Relationship status: in his Totentanz bathroom hookup era
06. Ideal mate: Insists up and down that he doesn’t need anyone. That he’s a lone wolf, a maverick, that he walks the rebel path. He’d actually really really like someone to hold his hand though.
07. Turn-ons: restraints and getting choked out
08. Favorite food: CRICKETS. Crickets on anything and everything - he likes the crunch. His dream is to have a live one someday, but those are awfully hard to find.

07. Turn-ons: restraints and getting choked out
08. Favorite food: CRICKETS. Crickets on anything and everything - he likes the crunch. His dream is to have a live one someday, but those are awfully hard to find.
09. Crushes: Blatantly crushing on his new boss. Also wouldn’t mind putting the Smasher in Adam Smasher. 
10. Favorite music: Tinnitus, thrash-metal, closeted Lizzy Wizzy stan
11. Biggest fear: Hell’s real and he’s going no matter what
12. Biggest fantasy: Same as every solo wannabe - to make it big in Night City. He wants everyone to know his name, but for good reason this time. He wants to be wanted. 
13. Bad habits: Uses his titanium teeth to bite through anything and everything - even stuff that should be nowhere near his mouth. 
14. Biggest regret: He thought that helping his gang catch Saul would change…something. That he could get Saul to look at him as someone to fear instead of someone to hate and pity in equal measures. Or at least, that he’d have proven himself as useful to the Wraiths. All it got him was a fiery crash out in the middle of a sandstorm.
15. Best kept secrets: While it’s no secret that he blasted his boyhood rival point-blank in the face, the truth is that he didn’t really mean to. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten all worked up, waved around his shotgun trying to be a big man - it was just the first time his finger slipped.
16. Last thought: That expiration dates are more a suggestion than a rule.
17. Worst romantic experience: He got crabs at Totentanz once. Cybernetic crabs, with little glowy red eyes. Made by a Maelstromer who used them to hack into his bank account and stole his last $200.
18. Biggest insecurity: Everything and everything about himself.
19. Weapon of choice: Light machine gun, tire iron, Skippy. 20. Role Model: Unfortunately, Johnny Silverhand. (“Too bad his band sucked.”)
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ozziyo · 12 days
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a little valkyrie and her parents around 2057-2058
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trevorite · 3 months
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You'll probably get Scar's Heist Lore later on Fun fact tho, he doesn't replace V, he actually was just apart of the heist with a few other friends :3
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tiredvibehours · 11 months
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Vit: This is just kinda insultin’ at this point
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sca3a · 2 years
When your input annoys you by taking photos...
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... so you annoy him back.
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therealnightcity · 5 months
2 for Hiro, 1 for Avi and Ares, 16 for Ares :3
Character asks for @a-pirate 🥰🥰
Lt. Mower: What is the worst betrayal your character has faced?
Hiro isn't a stranger towards how self-serving people can be, but by far the worst was Wakako. He grew up thinking he didn't have any family aside from a brother he was estranged from, didn't know that she was his grandmother or that his dad had been her son, estranged from the family, or that he has a half-sister. She kept an eye on him growing up, but always held him at arm's length. She said it was because she didn't want him to turn out like his father, that it was for his own good but he wishes she just would've told him, been more involved. She let him make his own mistakes, firm iin her belief that if he was determined enough he would dig himself out of them, and while that held true, he's always resented her for it. He put his trust in the wrong people and she simply watched.
The Wasteland: How does your OC feel about the Raffen Shiv? Is it too harsh what the Nomad clans do, or is it fair?
Ares' view of the Raffen Shiv is less rooted in personal views and more of a practical nature. While she doesn't think the punishment of exile is too harsh, especially given what led to them getting kicked out, she's less "kill on sight' than other Nomads. She's the only mechanic shop around for miles, and as a result her clients tend to be an ecelctic mix, Wraiths included. And she knows that sometimes it's easier to tolerate their occasional presence in exchange for leaving her alone, and minding their own business. It would be foolish to raid a place packing that much firepower, at least on your own, and her no-nonsense attitude is at the very least, respected. If you bring her a car with blood on the seats though, expect an extra cleaning fee tacked on. She doesn't like the Raffens, but she also doesn't have a Nomad clan backing her, that allows her to pick the bigger fights, and still sleep soundly.
Avi & Ares
Demons of War: Is there a job that's left a permanent mark on your OC?
Mr. and Mrs. Peralez turned to Avi, when they started questioning their home's security, and wanted to investigate the death of the mayor. He'd previously been afiliated with Arasaka, and had experience with corporate politics/complexities, while not having current loyalty to any coorporation, and had slipped out of the limelight following his departure from the company--a perfect fit for digging up information that others wanted to keep secret, and to protect himself or them, if it ever came to that. He'd been communicating with an anonymous source since before his split with the company, feeding them information in exchange for Arasaka's dirt--assistance in locating his files, of which he could find no trace. It's the first time he met the mysterious Mr. Blue Eyes face to face, and shortly before he was able to connect his mysterious source to an individual, and the realization that he'd stepped into a mess even deeper in the attempt to avoid Arasaka's.
For Ares, it was the hit put out on Joanne Koch, Biotechnica's chief. She has her own reasons for mistrusting Corpos, and a group of Nomads reached out to her, seeking vengence. She's not tied to a clan, and doesn't have the same responsibilities to stay put and look after her family. Although hit jobs aren't her usual forte, it was something she never would have been able to refuse, particularly after she was able to locate the files on her mark, and learn of the death of the Red Ocher Nomads. Rather than electing to zero Koch, she knocked her out and delivered her personally to the Nomads, feeling as if they should be the ones to decide what to do with her. It's only intensified the belief that Corps can't be allowed to get too comfortable in the Badlands, and she's been open in discussing this with the Aldecaldos, stating that she'll in no condition be an ally if they side with Biotechnica. This has led to her relationship with Saul being strained at best.
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ouroboros-hideout · 1 month
*pulled back into ask box like a magnet*
Phantom of Night City and The Wasteland for Aon, maybe? Never enough of Knife Queen insights
p.s. The Wasteland could be not necessarily about Raffen Shiv, but maybe other Nomad clams with the same "style" of operation
More Knife Queen you want, more Knife Queen you get!
Phantom of Night City What does your OC believe about death and what comes after?
She doesn't think much about it. It's going to happen, sooner or later. It's inevitable, it could happen tomorrow or in a few years. She has faced her early death several times and her job and the people she does business with do not contribute to a secure life. It is a risk that is constantly with her. However, that doesn't mean that she wants to put herself in danger. She can't imagine what comes after death. She doesn't believe in an afterlife or a paradise that awaits her. The concept of reincarnation is also somehow “too high” for her and in general there is no point in worrying about something so abstract in her eyes as she is more of a person who lives in the here and now and doesn't make any big plans for the future anyway.
The Wasteland How does your OC feel about the Raffen Shiv? Is it too harsh what the Nomad clans do or is it fair?
I can imagine, or hc that there are similar clans/or one clan in the Sovjet Union aswell so she is familiar with these extreme radical groups. Since the Scavs are probably from that part of the world, I could imagine that they might be connected to such a clan but dunno. She herself is of course no saint and has spent her life in legal gray areas like probably most nomads and now makes most of her profit from weapons and other machines for war, but the Raffen are just a gang of psychos in her eyes. For her, family cohesion within a clan has always been of great importance, as well as things like honesty and keeping agreements, business or private. She has been part of many crooked deals, but everything has always been morally justifiable for her up to a certain point. Over the years, the relationship within the family she belonged to deteriorated and things came to light about their leader that ultimately split the group into two parties - those who stayed in the clan and those who left the streets with Aon and settled in the mine. After that, they didn't hear much from their former family, but what they did hear was similar to the conditions that exist at the Raffen.
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wanderingaldecaldo · 7 months
For the cyberpsychosis ask:
For Corpo val: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC? For Streetkid Val: The Wasteland: How does your OC feel about the Raffen Shiv? Is it too harsh what the Nomad clans do or is it fair?
Thanks for the ask, @morganlefaye79!
For Corpo Val: Demons of War: Is there a job that has left a permanent mark on your OC?
Besides the Heist? 🥲 There are several.
The Mexico job with Jackie left a permanent mark in that it secured Val to Jackie. Without it, she would have had a completely different trajectory, and she wouldn't have had him to fall back on when Arasaka dismissed her.
The Dirty Biz job really fucked her up. She tends to be more calculating than cruel, but this time she pushed her cruelty to the max. She shot the son in the kneecap and let him scream for some time while asking the father how it felt to be living it himself, and suggesting he should be scrolling everything. She then shot the son in the stomach and watched as he slowly bleeds out, screaming and crying for his father who sobbed, unable to help his son. She finally put a bullet in the son's head and asked the father if he thought the child who was murdered deserved his fate. He doesn't answer, just sobbed into his hands, and Val put him down, too.
That night, she called in some favors and found someone holding Blue Glass, and she bought enough that she couldn't account for the next 36 hours.
For Streetkid!Val: The Wasteland: How does your OC feel about the Raffen Shiv? Is it too harsh what the Nomad clans do or is it fair?
Even though her version of family is different from the Nomad clans (streetkids looking out for each other), she has a strong sense of justice when it comes to people betraying their own. She thinks Raffen Shiv deserve what they get, and she has no qualms about shooting first and asking questions later.
Cyberpsychosis Asks!
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dani-the-goblin · 7 months
Phantom of Night City and The Wasteland for your new OC?
ASK FOR TWIGGY!!! heeheehheeehhee
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Phantom of Night City: What does your OC believe about death and what comes after?
Twain doesn't really believe in an “afterlife”, but he believes in ghosts and spirits. That might just be because he really wants to be one. Otherwise, it's just rest. 
The Wasteland: How does your OC feel about the Raffen Shiv? Is it too harsh what the Nomad clans do or is it fair?
He was a nomad, so he's quite familiar and thinks it's very fair. He honestly thinks it might be too kind in some circumstances. Might have led a mob or two to do just that, once upon a time.
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nightcitygigs · 9 months
𝔸 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕔𝕖 𝕠𝕗 ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖
Gig Type: Special Delivery
Objective: Deliver the parcel to the nomad's daughter.
Stipulations: Not a Scratch - The client wants the cargo delivered without it or the vehicle getting damaged.
Complications: A Lawman and 4 cops are conducting a separate investigation in the area.
Zone & Location: Raffen Shiv | Rocky Road
Caper Crew Size: 2-3
Pay: 300 EB / Caper
It's always bittersweet when a family parts ways, more bitter than sweet on this occasion but I digress. Sophie Alma has left the Aldecaldos and her father wants to give her a parting gift; she's refusing to go back to the camp, says she's not interested in listening to him try and guilt-trip or bribe her into staying. So, he's asked for the gift to be delivered on his behalf.
Listen, I know it doesn't seem much but he'd prefer if it arrives pristine. No crooked leaves, no spilled soil. And if Sophie refuses it well...at least we tried.
Why am I giving you such a small job? Consider it a test; that, and I owe her old man. Still got a bit of that Nomad in me.
Fixer: Hades (OC FIXER OF @wistereia)
CLOSED GIG @corpocyborg & @irrigone <3
Written by @another-corpo-rat!
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dickytwister · 5 months
💭🌴💯 for Finley, 🐈🤍🍝 for Maxwell & 💚🍦🎶 for Carter <3
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💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
his mbti is infp (which fits him sm bc of how like. caring. and idealistic he can be) and his enneagram is 6w5 (the guardian) which, again, SO fitting for a man like him. so loyal but also very pensive kinda guy. analytical one might say.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
i never really thought abt it before but. god he DOES have a green thumb actually!! his apartment is full of plants because he still feels weird being in night city and wants to remember being outside (even tho "outside" is a desert). i think he also grows plants to manifest the future he wants, aka being at peace in a place that's connected to nature and had NOTHING to do with night city. he also gardens i've decided just now bc he can't stand all the factory foods (which is gonna be a useful skill when he DOES get his little haven away from everything!!)
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
– finley is trans!! it's a ripperdoc in the bakkers that did his top surgery a few years ago and there were some complications (normal thing to happen in the badlands methink) so his scars are now a little jagged and strange, but he loves them nonetheless – was taken by raffen shivs as a kid to be sold or eviscerated. he ended up killing and maiming his way out of the camp with a scalpel and running away before being found by some bakkers scouts. – sometimes, when he can't sleep in his apartment, he goes down to the garage and sleeps in his car. it's something that's more familiar to him and it soothes him despite the grief that comes with it.
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🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
he definitely prefers a few close friends. doing what he does—infiltrating the project at eden's gate years ago and now juggling his allegiances as best as he can—, it's much safer to only rely on a few friends he can really depend on rather than risk being ratted out by hanging out with too many people. he's also very slow to trust, so he's never even had a wide circle of friends, even as a child.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
– maxwell is an excellent hunter. he learned as a child with his uncle and his big brother achilles. he never liked it. – tends to be quieter in most situations, only there as support for whoever he's with (be it jacob or eli). he doesn't take sides during fights, which is why he's so conflicted about the reaping and its factions. – doesn't listen to much music. idk if this counts as a trait but there it is!! my poor underdeveloped boy
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
he likes homemade foods, no matter what that food might be, but the food that brings him the most comfort is saltines and peanut butter. it's just a little snack he used to get as a kid when they were a little tight on money and it brings back a lot of memories, good and bad.
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💚 GREEN HEART — does your oc prefer being inside or outside?
outside!! carter grew up on a spaceship, so being outside on earth is one of his favourite thing. i mean, there are trees, flowers, rivers, lakes, animals, bugs!! so many things to see, so many beautiful colours, so many different smells!!
🍦 SOFT ICE CREAM — what is/are your oc's favorite ice cream flavor(s)?
strawberry,,,, he's a very strawberry and banana kinda little guy and strawberry ice cream is just so sweet AND pretty. all pink. important also to note he hates pistachio ice cream (projecting that on him rn)
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
carter listens to all kinds of music!! growing up with peter quill as a father, he ofc listened to a lot of music from the 70's and 80's and they're what he listens to the most nowadays, but he also enjoys pop music a lot and the shrek 2 soundtrack!! he's also a BIG fan of dolly parton
ask me about my ocs!! 💙
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genocidalfetus · 1 year
(tag game originally by @bnbc )
😈  Post 5 Facts about your OC.
😈  Open the latest section of #cyberpunk 2077 tag and reblog 5 posts of people you don’t follow, giving them nice tags.
😈  Tag 5 People to spread the game.
5 facts about Vince Cullen, former Nomad
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Vince has a fear of blood or hemophobia. The trauma of losing his parents to a brutal Raffen Shiv attack as a child brought it on and it manifested when he got hurt while playing. He learned how to control his phobia through a therapist friend of Misty's. It's not truly gone, but panic attacks are very rare for him now.
He can play guitar by ear. He won't get the notes/chords perfect, but he gets close. He was taught guitar basics by some nomads if they weren't able to pay him for repairing their guitars as a teenager, a side biz he had at the time.
He can cook, but once he left his clan he became a bit lazy, preferring takeout and cold pizza to a home-cooked meal. His favorite go-to meal became microwaved ramen. Kerry hates the smell of it.
Before he met Kerry, Vince was a virgin. He wasn't inexperienced but had never penetrated nor been penetrated. He had never found someone worthy of such an intimate moment. Until he met Kerry, that is. And Kerry was honored to be his first.
Vince learned how to netrun from a man called Squid. He was hiding out among his clan, and caught Vince trying to break into a datafort as a gonk kid. Squid helped him not get caught by the security system and then offered to teach him how to do it safely and sneakily. He gave Vince his cyberdeck and then disappeared, later turning back up in Night City as a monk.
Tagging @honourandsteel @pinkydude @vforviktor @mrsvaleriesilverhand @faepunkprince
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ooooo uh... desire, hide, and monster for either V or Vaultie... or both, if you want to get Wild about it? 👀
Haha I’ll do a mix!
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
Vaultie: An absolute cure for his loneliness and his sense of never belonging. Never exactly fit in the Vault, but the sudden ripping of his family figures away and then subsequent banishment further cemented it as a need. He’s roundabout with it in that he tries to make himself perpetually useful; he tries to always position himself as helpful, as good. And don’t get me wrong, he bought Charon’s contract out of a sense of moral duty, but he kept it because deep down he knew it meant he wouldn’t have to ever unwillingly be alone.
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
V: Hm. In a way he hides/downplays his shiv origins. sort of: his majority blackout/geometric tattoos are coverups for a shit ton of stick and pokes he previously had over his body, though the facial skull marks are actually a very clear flag of his Shiv days; it’s a rite of passage. And he flip-flops back and forth on it. He could get expensive full-body realskin grafts, but he doesn’t. He reaps some benefitss from being a merc associated with a raffen shiv clan known for ruthless pillaging and cyberware piracy, but he is always quick to mention he’s an ex-nomad, no longer tied whatsoever. He has fully renounced his family, and in some way if he’s going to be known as dangerous, as ruthless, he wants it based on his own laurels at least.
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
V: he does have a distinct lack of seeing humanity in many people. I think the amount of killing he does and what he grew up around makes it very easy for him to discard that when dealing with gangoons, with people he doesn’t particularly like. He compartmentalizes very easily. He realizes his own monstrosity; in a way he accepts it, makes the usual werewolf nomad jokes, but in another there’s a part of him that really does yearn for— maybe not softness. But the kind of relaxation most beasts cannot afford. He’s tiring. (I think this ties in with the Shiv thing— he owns his monstrosity and does think he will always be a dangerous creature, no matter if he were to strip himself down to the studs or not, it’s in his blood… while also kind of secretly wanting someone to still try and pet him, knowing that he still may bite.)
Thank you!! :3 ( not-so-nice OC asks )
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trevorite · 3 months
Silly Little Raffen Shiv
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my babyy yippie
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tiredvibehours · 11 months
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Keep it up you funky little Raffen 🥺
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sca3a · 2 years
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Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I love
I'll take a risk, take a chance, make a change
And breakaway
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