#ragan's posts
ocarinas-princess · 10 months
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The Zora armor canonically being really special to Link...
This armor is one of the things that she left behind in the world. It's a reminder that she was once alive.
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thecryptidart1st · 1 year
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the whiplash i went from this weekend’s trauma and the emotional aftermath i was going through from it to this morning where i was squealing with pure joy and trying to analyze every second of this trailer is very on brand for me
but yes, my crops: watered. my wig: blown off. we shall be eating good this halloween
(bonus goof version of this pic below the cut)
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blumhouse be tormenting us neurodivergent lgbtia folks
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deadbyjuly · 6 months
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re-alku · 10 months
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the weekly reread has come to the blackbox/divorce arc and no one is happy 🤲i give you shitposts
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
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alegriavida · 1 year
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I found some very cool postcards from the 70s in an antique store today.
This one is titled “From My Point of View” by Vicki Ragan, 1979.
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my boyfriend and I are perfect for each other bc we both said "holy shit he's hot" about the same guy at the same time at the concert last night
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audioaperture · 1 hour
Hot Water Music - VOWS album review & Concert Review - Chicago, June 15th, 2024
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There’s a rare, electrifying magic in instantly falling for an album on first listen—it doesn’t need to simmer, no repeated listens to catch nuanced lyrics, no effort required. It grips you immediately. Enter Hot Water Music’s 10th studio album, "Vows." Celebrating their 30th anniversary, the band has, in my opinion, delivered their magnum opus.
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The longstanding dynamic duo of Chuck Ragan and Chris Wollard, with their passionate, gravelly vocals, have always defined the band's sound. But the addition of Flatliners singer Chris Cresswell has added a thrilling new layer. Cresswell’s higher, smoother tones first made a splash on Hot Water Music’s previous album, "Feel the Void," particularly on standout track "Turn the Dial." On "Vows," Cresswell’s influence is unmistakable from the opening track "Menace," where his interplay with Ragan signals a vibrant new era for the band.
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By the chorus of the second track, "Searching for Light," you find yourself unconsciously fist-pumping and singing along to words you're hearing for the first time. "Burn Forever" sees Hot Water Music hitting their stride, reaffirming their signature sound. Just in time, as the fourth track, "After the Impossible," featuring Dallas Green (City and Colour, Alexisonfire), ventures into new territory, blending Americana with the band's raw passion—a welcome departure.
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With "Remnants," the band returns to familiar sonic landscapes, echoing the vibes of "Burn Forever." By this point, you're fully immersed, both sonically and emotionally. Each subsequent track maintains this high bar, including stellar collaborations with Thrice and Calling Hours. The album peaks with "Bury Us All," an anthemic punk anthem that channels the nostalgia of classic rock anthems like “Summer of ’69” or “Glory Days,” but cranked up with guitars and raw energy. The closing track, "Much Love," serves as a heartfelt tribute to their loyal fans, affirming that "Vows" is indeed their finest work to date.
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On Remnants, sonically, the band returns true to form but with the same vibe and feeling as Burn forever.  By now, you’re locked in for the ride and there’s not getting off. You’re “in it” sonically and emotionally. Each consecutive track is as good as the next included collaborations with the band Thrice and Calling hours.  The album peaks with “Bury Us All,” an anthemic punk song channeling the nostalgia felt in classic rock songs like “Summer of ’69” or “Glory Days” but with guitars and passion turned up to eleven.  The album ends with “Much Love,” a tribute to their fan base who has been with them for 30 years, and in return for their fans loyals, Hot Water Music gives them their best album to date. 
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Thematically, "Vows" is quintessential Hot Water Music, delving into struggle, resilience, brotherhood, social commentary, emotional turmoil, hope, and redemption. Yet, it feels more anthemic, more resonant, perfectly capturing the collective zeitgeist. It’s the album for this moment in time. Their live show amplifies the essence of "Vows," encapsulating this juncture in their career with palpable passion and undeniable energy. The audience isn't just witnessing a performance—they're participating. Opening with a one-two-three punch of “Turnstile,” “Menace,” and “Remedy,” the band delivered a set where every song was a crowd favorite. Tracks from the new album sounded phenomenal, and classics like “Rooftops,” “Habitual,” and “Trusty Chords” had the crowd in a state of euphoric sing-along.
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While “Trusty Chords” is usually their closer, they surprised the audience by bringing Tim Barry on stage to perform Avail's “Simple Song.” This rendition was pure magic—Barry's distinctive voice meshed seamlessly with Ragan and Cresswell, and the band's robust instrumentation breathed new life into the song. The crowd, already on a high, erupted, singing along with fervor. It was a powerful, communal moment, highlighting the deep camaraderie and shared history within the punk and post-hardcore scenes.
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In every sense, this show was a testament to Hot Water Music’s enduring legacy and their ability to continually connect with their audience on the most profound levels.
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schroettner · 30 days
song of the day: “searching for light” by hot water music. file under: post-hardcore, indie rock.
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ocarinas-princess · 11 months
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Me explaining how OOT Zelda is genderfluid and that Sheik is proof, and that Link is probably nonbinary anyways meaning they're not a cis couple. THEY'RE NOT STRAIGHT EITHER THEY'RE BOTH BI !!!
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A Tennessee Republican state lawmaker is arguing federal funds to feed school children from low-income families should not be accepted unless it can be proven that the program will increase test scores.
GOP Rep. John Ragan, who has a history of targeting school students from low-income households, told the legislature’s Joint Working Group on Federal Education Funding he was concerned about “tying ourselves to the federal government,” and inquired about the amount of “waste” in the federal program, according to a video clip posted by The Tennessee Holler. The Working Group’s purpose is to determine how the State of Tennessee can reject $1.8 billion in federal education funds. [...]
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deadbyjuly · 6 months
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Felt like this is accurate 🥲
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scribbleteaaa · 6 months
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Ragan’s post canon jabberwock band propaganda everyone go look plz,,,, I think they’re neat
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saevus-brutalis · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
one thing that is worth mentioning is the progress from last year; can't express how proud of myself i am, looking at a piece from 2022 that i absolutely loved (and still do, surprisingly) and a recent one from 2023
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the whole creation of this character - Ragan - is something i am proud of as well; i remember him initially starting out as just a background character for Vince, a character that wasn't meant to evolve or have any set design, but now he's one of my main characters and it's been a crazy fucking journey 🤡
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the amount of details i put into this seemingly simple looking man (by simple i mean no crazy cyberware, complex tattoos or hairstyles) is just fulfilling; i'm really satisfied with his design, this ref sheet that took me probably over a week to complete but will end up being redrawn in a year or two probably
also the lore for this guy 😭 while still evolving it's pretty complex and detailed (as per usual with any of my characters) and i love who he's become and i'm eager to explore him more and play with him 😌
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oyeah and this piece,,, i will never fcking get over it, the hair and face is literally p e r f e c t, i really popped off here 😩
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apocalypticavolition · 2 months
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 1: Waiting
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Only way to get back into my groove is to post as often as possible so let's do this! As always, people who hate spoilers (for this book, for this series, for everything that has ever or will ever exist) should not Keep Reading.
This chapter begins with the ravens icon because it features gratuitous abuse of corvids.
The land seemed to be waiting. Waiting for something to burst.
The land and Rand being one and all, presumably it's waiting for Rand himself to snap and go on a solo adventure.
He sniffed the wind without thinking. The smell of horse predominated, and of men and men’s sweat. A rabbit had gone through those trees not long since, fear powering its run, but the fox on its trail had not killed there. He realized what he was doing, and stopped it.
I really "enjoy" how we jump from Perrin whining about Moiraine holding things up and having a tight grip to Perrin holding up his own character arc with a vicegrip. I do feel like our boy will be making subtle progress this book, at least.
They were not as tall as he, nor as big—years as a blacksmith’s apprentice had given him arms and shoulders to make two of most men’s—but he had begun shaving every day to stop their jokes about his youth. Friendly jokes, but still jokes. He would not have them start again because he spoke of a feeling.
I would think the best way to avoid accusations of youth would be to keep your facial hair but maybe Perrin's still in that patchy phase. You can really see just how tightly strung he is that even friendly jokes from dudes he's been traveling with for months get to him.
“It has to report. To a Halfman, usually.” In the Borderlands there was a bounty on ravens; no one there ever dared assume any raven was just a bird. “Light, if Heartsbane saw what the ravens saw, we would all have been dead before we reached the mountains.”
Of course, if the Halfmen were at all clever about their shadow jumping then they'd be able to significantly narrow the delay in response times. That said,
“Too long for horseback,” Masema sneered. The triangular scar on his dark cheek twisted his contemptuous grin even more. “A good breastplate will stop even a pile arrow except at close range, and if your first shot fails, the man you’re shooting at will carve your guts out.”
It's good to see that months of hanging out have done absolutely nothing to make Masema more likable. Fain's handiwork is alarming with how well it sticks.
The Shienarans knew how far he could see, but they seemed to take it as a matter of course, that and the color of his eyes, as well. They did not know everything, not by half, but they accepted him as he was. As they thought he was. They seemed to accept everything and anything.
Their open acceptance of Perrin and his talents really only makes his reticence all the more frustrating. It's not like he's among the Aes Sedai who might try to gentle him or among the Whitecloaks who'd try to kill him. Dude has possibly the best support network in the world and he still tries to bury everything.
Ragan’s topknot waved as he shook his head. “A Tinker wouldn’t be mixed in this. Either she’s not a Tinker, or she is not the one we are supposed to meet.”
Okay I guess the Shienarians aren't completely perfect, since even the nicer ones are a bit biased against the Traveling People. As Uno points out though, it's very impressive that she's come all this way.
The raven, Perrin thought. Stop looking at that bird and come on, woman. Maybe you’ve brought the word that finally takes us out of here. If Moiraine means to let us leave before spring. Burn her! For a moment he was not sure whether he meant the Aes Sedai, or the Tinker woman who seemed to be taking her own time.
I can't help but feel that despite everything, Perrin might actually be the least patient and even-headed of the boys. He plays a good stoic on the outside - usually - but it's difficult to see early!Rand having this kind of thought process.
She was not young—gray showed thick in her hair where it was not hidden by her cowl—but her face had few lines, other than the disapproving frown she ran over their weapons. If she was alarmed at meeting armed men in the heart of mountain wilderness, though, she gave no sign. Her hands rested easily on the high pommel of her worn but well-kept saddle. And she did not smell afraid.
She's not long for this book, but I do respect Leya quite a bit. This should be quite terrifying.
Leya shrugged and answered hesitantly. “I . . . knew that if I came this way, someone would find me and take me to her. I . . . just . . . knew. I have news for her.”
One wonders what Moiraine is doing to pull off this effect. It might just be that her eyes-and-ears are entirely mundane and simply under instruction to play things up as magical influence; I certainly can't think of any magic in the series that Moiraine would have access to at present that could do this... but it's still early enough in the series that this might be the remnant of some idea of Jordan's that never came to fruition.
“It is possible to oppose evil without doing violence.” Her voice held the simplicity of someone stating an obvious truth.
This feels like a lesson Perrin was meant to learn along the way but of course he never quite does, does he? Even at the end, when his dreamwalking could open him up to non-violent courses of action, he's still pretty much just locked in battle with Slayer and Lanfear. I can't even fully blame Sanderson for this because it's not like Jordan had any better ideas.
She gave him a penetrating look. “And yet you are not happy with your weapons.” How did she know that? He shook his head irritably, shaggy hair swaying. “The Creator made the world,” he muttered, “not I. I must live the best I can in the world the way it is.” “So sad for one so young,” she said softly. “Why so sad?”
For such a peaceful people, they sure do love annihilating their opponents with words. Perrin's got no argument... and again, he won't ever find that better way.
In the distance, the side of a mountain had been carved into the semblance of two towering forms. A man and a woman, Perrin thought they might be, though wind and rain had long since made that uncertain. Even Moiraine claimed to be unsure who they were supposed to be, or when the granite had been cut.
Perhaps King Eawynd of Safer and his queen - or perhaps even him and Mabriam, to celebrate the Compact of the Ten Nations. Perhaps King Aedomon to celebrate his battles against Manetheren. Probably no one we've heard of though.
When he looked over his shoulder, she was casting worried glances up the steep slopes to either side. Scattered trees perched precariously above them. It appeared impossible they would not fall. The Shienarans rode easily, at last beginning to relax.
Maybe it's just that I've been taking a break for a month, maybe it's changing the program I'm using for the ebooks, but I feel like this book has a bit more environmental description than the last one did. It makes it a bit harder to comment - Jordan's descriptions are all quite good so what is there to say - but it really builds up the isolation of this strange mountain camp.
A four-legged serpent scaled in gold and scarlet, golden maned like a lion, and its feet each tipped with five golden claws. A banner of legend. A banner most men would not know if they saw it, but would fear when they learned its name.
The Pattern really made some interesting choices when it decided that the calling card of the Dragon shouldn't be immediately recognizable, didn't it?
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