rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is Fem Akira/Fala pairing, but the duo are just realizing their feelings for the other. This has three scenes that could have gone slightly different if Akira had been born female.
"Fem Akira"
~Episode 2~
"Daibazaal plundered all the treasure on Altea, destroying us." Raible paused before he swung his cane at the group. Hiroshi and Tsuyoshi jumped while Akira and Isamu ducked briefly before Isamu and Takashi jumped out of the way. Akira straightened up and blocked with her spear.
"What gives?" Tsuyoshi demanded.
"I knew it. He was just making us let our guard down!" Hiroshi exclaimed.
"What the hell's going on here?" Akira questioned.
Raible was surprised to see that there was a woman in the group.
"I had to test your skills," Raible answered. "Especially since one of you is a woman."
"Just because Chief is a woman doesn't mean she can't fight," Isamu jumped in. "She's as capable as any of us!"
"Moody, that's enough," Akira said.
"Agreed. The princess will welcome you five indeed."
The group looked up the staircase to see a lovely young woman in a pink dress. She smiled and slowly descended the staircase. Raible explained how he and the princess survived the attack as Fala came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
Akira had to figuratively pick her jaw off the ground. The princess was breathtakingly gorgeous. She had to gather her wits about her because she barely heard the princess asking for their names.
"Kogane Akira." Akira had no idea how she was able to say her name without stuttering.
"Shirogane Takashi."
"Kurogane Isamu."
"Seidou Tsuyoshi."
"Suzuishi Hiroshi."
As the princess told her sad tale, Akira couldn't help but feel for her. As the tears fell from her blue eyes, Akira wanted to brush those tears away and perhaps even comfort her. Akira mentally shook herself as Raible interjected himself into the conversation, but she still missed the entire conversation until GoLion was mentioned. The leader focused on what was being told to her team. Even thought she was hesitant, there was no way she was going to make the decision for everyone. She looked to her right at Takashi, who said, "If we don't kill Daibazaal, there's no way we'll survive!"
"He's right. Let's fight Daibazaal!" Akira agreed. She was happy to see the tears were no longer coursing down the princess's face. The smile on her face drew Akira's attention even as Isamu, Tsuyoshi, and Hiroshi added their comments.
Fala held her hand out, clearly indicating that the team should kiss the back of it.
Everyone laid down their spears, and Akira approached, knelt down, and grasped her hand. She laid a kiss on it and stood up, nodding to the princess. Before she stood aside for her teammates to do the same, Fala realized that she was female as well. "A woman?"
Fala's eyes sparkled at the idea of a woman in the leadership position. Takashi stepped up to kiss her hand.
~Episode 7~
Hiroshi, Akira, and Isamu stopped running once they were a few corridors away from the royal governess.
"Geez, now we have some old lady on our hands," Isamu groused.
You said it. I can imagine what's waiting for us," Akira replied. "Especially when she finds out that I'm female."
"No sweat. Just leave this to me," Hiroshi stated.
Just then, the alarms sounded. Of all the reasons for the alarm, the princess trying to fly the Blue Lion wasn't on Akira's list at all. She was impressed with Fala's actions and willingness to put herself in harm's way to protect her planet. Akira found herself wanting to see what the princess could do, and no ranting from the governess could make change her mind.
~Later in Episode 7~
"Just a moment! In a lonely village in the Pierrane Mountains live strong hunters. Maybe one of their men is qualified," Hys stated.
"Men? Women are just as qualified. Kogane is a  woman after all," Fala mentioned.
"Kogane?" Hys questioned.
"The one wearing red and white," Raible clarified.
"The ingrate who told me to shut up is a girl?!" Hys was indignant.
"She is not an ingrate," Fala countered. "She's brave, selfless, intelligent, and beautiful." Fala couldn't help but blush when she thought of the female pilot, and no ranting from either Raible or Hys could prevent her from wanting to get closer to her.
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In 2013, neurobiologist Kristin Tessmar-Raible and her colleagues published some of the most compelling evidence of a molecular moon clock in an ocean creature. They studied the marine bristle worm Platynereis dumerilii, which looks like an amber centipede with tiny feathered oars running the length of its body. In the wild, the bristle worm lives on algae and rocks, spinning silk tubes for shelter. While reading studies from the 1950s and ’60s, Tessmar-Raible learned that some wild bristle worm populations achieve maximal sexual maturity just after the new moon, swimming to the ocean surface and twirling in circles in a kind of whirling dervish nuptial dance. The studies suggested that changing levels of moonlight orchestrated this mating ritual. “At first I thought this was really crazy in terms of biology,” says Tessmar-Raible, who notes that she grew up far from the ocean, “but then I started talking to colleagues in marine biology and realized that this might not be so uncommon.”
To learn more, Tessmar-Raible and her colleagues kept bristle worms in plastic boxes, feeding them spinach and fish food, and simulating typical and aberrant moon cycles with an array of standard light bulbs and LEDs. Worms raised in perpetual light or in entirely moonless day-night cycles never displayed reproductive rhythms. But worms reared with periodic nocturnal illumination synced their spawning rituals to the phases of their artificial moon. As suggested by earlier studies, Tessmar-Raible found light-sensitive neurons in the worms’ forebrains. And genetic sequencing revealed that the bristle worm has its own versions of essential molecular clock genes found in terrestrial insects and vertebrates. Tessmar-Raible’s conclusion is that the worms have a robust lunar clock analogous to the more familiar sun-synced circadian clock. “This is an endogenous oscillator,” she says. “Something in the body preserves the memory of those nocturnal illuminations.”
In similar studies, Oren Levy and his colleagues collected pieces of living corals from Heron Island reef and housed them in large outdoor aquaria, some of which were exposed to ambient sunshine and moonlight, some shaded at night to block all moonlight, and some subjected to dim artificial light from sunset to midnight and then kept in the dark until sunrise. Each day for eight days before the estimated night of mass spawning, the researchers collected bits of corals from the different aquaria and analyzed the activity of their genes. The corals in natural conditions spawned as predicted and expressed many genes only during or just before releasing their gametes. Corals subjected to artificial light and deprived of moonlight displayed anomalous gene expression and failed to release their gametes.
 —   The Lunar Sea
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ang-900 · 7 months
The Original Voltron Adaptations Vs Their Original Japanese Counterparts.
Beast King Go-Lion:
Go-Lion/Voltron's backstory is that he got split due to his hubris after thinking he could take on the space goddess.
Voltron is a sentient being who lived long before time.
Voltron's title is king of the beasts.
All the pilots, save Fala/Allura, are from Earth.
All the boys are effectively in the same boat as VLD Shiro and have the gladiator backstory.
Earth is dead and gone, consumed by World War 3 by the start of the show.
Allura is canonically 16.
Raible/Coran's a strategist.
Altea/Arus's people were assumed to all be destroyed (especially the royal family), but they're all hiding out.
Allura's parents and siblings are executed by Daibazaal/Zarkon's hand while she was a year old baby. Zarkon didn't know she existed.
Hiroshi Suzuishi/Pidge is descended from Ninja.
There's so much blood and gore. People get cut in half vertically and horizontally. We get the privilege of watching people drop dead on screen with these horrifying faces and screams. Zarkon and Sincline/Lotor drink blood, too.
Honerva/Haggar has this bs called occult science.
Akira Kogane/Keith and Allura are so slowburn to the point it might not exist between them.
King Raimon/Alfor's ghost comes back from the grave to tell the paladins how much they suck.
Pidge threatens to eat the space mice twice.
Shirogane Takashi/Sven dies and and a later episode introduces his younger brother, Ryou/Sven, who was captured as a slave among others before Earth was fully destroyed.
A tragic side character commits suicide at the end of an episode
Amue/Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. Her older brother and father are both murdered by the Galra during a battle with Voltron.
Earth is completely destroyed and uninhabitable. The boys become honorary citizens of Arus.
A scene depicting Pidge's mother shows her seeing him off his mission. It's the last time he sees her.
Lotor has a dream about his mother where it suggests Zarkon had a hand in her disappearance. A flashback occurs showing us she was a good person and was killed for moral differences.
Coran's son, Saint/Garret, died as an infant while he and his mother were escaping from the castle. They are buried by a local group of people. The Galra dig up this grave to clone him.
Hys/Nanny is shot by Garret and dies.
A father-daughter bond is implied between Coran and Allura when the latter comforts the former after the Garret incident.
The Galran foot soldiers are living beings.
Romelle almost died via firing squad.
One notable robeast involved a snake like being who survived a civil massacre amongst her people and was introduced burying her deceased child. She adopts Pidge within the same episode. She dies at the end from blood loss.
Another notable side character was a sand person. Allura befriends this one by giving it her bracelet. The sand person is turned into a robeast. It's implied the sand person dies at the end, though it is unclear why.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out trapped prisoners in bubbles as bombs so Voltron can't move without killing them. Lotor also shoots them as missles. Haggar also shoots at the prisoners so Voltron can move and end Lotor's career.
Haggar's motive in helping Voltron lies in that Lotor killed Zarkon.
Haggar is Zarkon's mother.
Ryou dies fighting Lotor.
Honerva dies. Zarkon dies. Lotor dies.
Voltron: Defender of the Universe:
"We don't need clothes." Keith, 1984.
Arus is still alive, they just get attacked.
Voltron's backstory is that Haggar disguised herself as said space goddess and wrecked Voltron into five pieces.
Coran's a diplomat.
Voltron's title is King of the Robots
Galaxy Garrison exists here.
Allura grew up an only child and seldom saw her parents because they were busy.
Sven is severely injured and is, instead, sent to another planet to recuperate, but gets captured as a slave on planet Doom and thinks he's crazy.
Zarkon disrespects Haggar likes it's nobody's business.
King Alfor built Voltron.
Zarkon has a nephew
Pidge has a sister who's stated to be training as a pilot.
That same tragic side character is said to have returned to her home planet offscreen
Romelle's older brother is willingly turned into a robeast. He swims out to see in the middle of a battle with Voltron. Romelle's father in consequence goes mad and is implied to have died as a result.
Balto is ravaged by Lotor's forces. Pidge becomes an honourary citizen of Arus.
Pidge is an orphan and the scene of his mother depicts his adoption
Lotor has a dream about Allura instead. Allura's nightmare shows us she's afraid of Zarkon.
"Lotor, my beloved son, you're a nitwit." -Zarkon, 1984
Doom/Drule council.
Coran's son, Garret, and his wife are said to be alive in another dimension they were beamed to when the Galra attacked them. The clone is robotic like.
Allura when comforting Coran after the Garret incident, calls him a good man.
Lance is a country boy.
The Doom foot soldiers are robots.
Romelle was sentenced to be shot by a firing squad with stun guns.
Lotor and Haggar look for a new robeast victim among the Medusans. Audibly noting that they're all in a deep rest. That Medusan lady chooses to adopt Pidge. She also gets hurt, but it's implied she lives.
The episode about the sand people goes relatively the same way. However, the sand person is stated to be exhausted, but alive.
Sven is injured and sent back to planet Pollux to heal.
During the final battle, Lotor sends out robots in bubbles to trap Voltron. Keith can't move him because the bombs would blow up in their face. Lotor shoots them as missiles. Haggar shoots them down so Voltron can end Lotor's career.
Zarkon lives. Haggar lives. Lotor lives.
Pidge has a brother, Chip.
The same:
The Robeasts sometimes have unique tits (long, metallic, and spiky).
Lotor has three different kinds of chins and noses he alternates between.
Allura's only living relative is her aunt.
Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV:
The show begins with a strong theme linked to the lifestyle and aspirations of young sailors staking their life on the sea.
The Galaxy Alliance's goal is to create a star map of the universe, explore planets, and potentially colonize one.
Shinji Ise/Commander Hawkins is unsure if there are any lifeforms other than the three species in the Galaxy Alliance.
There are three planets in the Galaxy Alliance: Earth, Mira, and Sala.
Miranda Keats/Krik has telepathy.
Barros Karateya/Zandee is possibly from New York.
The cook can sing and cook.
Krik and Moya Kirigas/Cinda are Mirans.
Shota Kreutz/Wolo and Saruka Katz/Tangor are Salans.
The main fleet has spent 7 months in space.
Manabu Aki/Jeff hates spicy food.
Tatsuo Izumo/Shannon has no deeper reason to hate the Galveston/Drule other than they've been fighting one another recently.
Sim/Sandu dies as a pilot with his ship.
Wolo's brother dies.
Haruka Kaga/Lisa's singing when the force is stalled on the weather planet.
Captain Barataria/Brak kills himself.
Walter Jack/Cliff's brother's name is Jimmy.
Cliff has a magic hobby. He wants to be a member of the Magic Castle in Hollywood.
The Dairugger crew/Vehicle force sing the theme song when sending off Captain Dick Asimov/Stanley.
The planet Hawkins saw blow up was a consequence of the Galra not wanting a base to be built on that planet - Planet Apollo.
Krik on his shift as commander simply orders the teams to head to their vehicles.
The Vehicle Force are observing the artifact they collected in a previous episode with hopes and doubts the civilization survived.
Commander Hagi/Kernel Klaus dies.
Director Wakasa/Marshal Graham is peeved the people aren't taking Drule threat seriously.
Drake/Mongo dies. Teles/Hazar has a devastating reaction to it.
Krik is implied to be a prince.
Sirk/Dorma has no biological relation to Hazar and instead is his adjutant.
Hazar's father is a Homeworld secretary socrat and he's immediately dismissed from this position when Hazar returns to Galveston.
Planet Mira has flowers similar to purple orange-spotted flowers.
The Vehicle team learned space combat at the space fortress.
The queen of Eldora states the Galran frontline base is east of the planet Eldora, in the area where the blue light shines.
Earth gets attacked, and are fending off the Galra.
Yasuo Mutsu/Chip trained really hard at the space fortress' juvenile school in terms of science.
The pendant Lisa gives Jeff is what her mother gave her before Dairugger's departure from Earth. Lisa considers this a souvenir.
Commander Date/Kernel Kerbert* and crew die due to how damaged the ship is.
Patty Ellington/Ginger planted a seed she found in her room. She compares the growth of the plant to their perseverance.
A sunset reminds Cliff of his hometown.
Hazar gets promoted to commander of the attack fleet.
Pidge dreams of driving his mother to Mt. Fuji. We see her physically in the back seat.
Krik's letter is from his father who states harvest is good on Mira. Cliff's letter's from his father who sends his greetings to Ginger.
The photo of the baby is Jeff's newborn nephew. He has at least one sibling.
Chip is a lonely single child.
Lisa and Chip are childhood friends. They were in the same class in juvenile school, and they trained together at the space fortress.
Kazuto Nagato/Hutch and Tasuku Izu/Marvin insult the three girls. They're mad because Kai Shinobu/Rocky previously talked about Emma/Twyla continuously, whilst Hutch says he grows tired of the three. Ginger trips Hutch and he cries.
Commander Twyla dies.
The crew of the Space Explorer play rugby with a squad of Galra soldiers. They all die.
Both the buck and the fawn die.
The two dolphins die. One was a calf. The mother swims head on to a bomb.
Ginger is grievously injured, and is piloting her machine while fighting off sleep medication. She is dedicated to fighting by her team.
Hazar hesitates to land a killing blow and his gun is shot from his hand. Dorma shoots the body guard and in pain he shoots about wildly, accidentally striking Emperor Corsair/Zeppo - who dies.
The date by the time of the Drule evacuation is Feb 9 in the space year 2203.
Commander Newley agrees the Drules should have the third planet of the 26 system as they have nowhere to go.
Commander Hazar is assassinated by three Galveston soldiers. One of whom is Sandu's younger brother.
Jeff gives Lisa's necklace to Hazar's corpse.
Voltron: Defender of The Universe - Vehicle:
The Galaxy Garrison's motive is to find a second planet because Earth is suffering overpopulation.
It's implied the Vehicle Team and crew already encountered Hazar. He is described as a pirate.
The Vehicle Force call themselves the Voltron Force.
The Vehicle Force can only stay combined for five minutes.
Lisa is implied go be an alien.
Wolo's planet has seven moons.
There is a spy aboard the Galaxy Cruiser for the Drules. This is never touched upon again.
The food is crap.
Krik's from a water planet and it was at one point saved by Voltron.
Krik has ESP abilities.
The Drule have a confirmed child soldier among their ranks.
Shannon's brother was taken prisoner and is currently being held on Planet Doom.
Commander Hawkins pours hot chocolate from kettles.
Wolo's brother is implied to have survived the encounter with the beast.
Lisa talks about past African civilization when the Force is stalled on the weather planet.
Commander Brak says he'll move to another planet if the Galra choose to be peaceful.
Cliff is a country boy. Has a confirmed younger brother named Ginny* and two other brothers.
The Voltron Force are singing "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" for Captain Newley's farewell party.
Commander Hawkins saw a planet, Orus*, get blown up. The reason for its destruction is unknown.
Krik on his round as commander gives orders with great enthusiasm which is noted by his teammates.
The chef paints as a hobby and the Vehicle Force spend an entire scene roasting his painting.
Kernel Klaus lives and wants to continue building bases.
Marshal Graham is down in the dumps when people joke about him and other high ranking personnel.
Mongo took an experimental time travel ship 😭 and left the empire for good because he no longer wanted to be a part of war.
Hazar drops the photo of him and Mongo because he's clumsy. He looks at it and wishes the latter luck.
The Drule are searching for a new planet due to a transient sun while the Galaxy Garrison are searching due to overpopulation.
Commander Hawkins and Jeff's relationship is funnier than it needs to be.
Ginger got run over twice by joggers.
Lisa invented a carrot and cabbage cocktail she calls 'C & C'.
Pidge and Chip are twins.
Jeff's favourite food is spaghetti.
Jeff has been intentionally skipping Professor Page's plant seminars.
We see Krik's family photo.
Hazar and Dorma are brother sister and he has a good relationship with her.
Commander Nerok escapes in an escape shuttle.
The crew drinks hot chocolate in their downtime.
Earth gets attacked and wins against the Drule.
Ginger brought an unknown plant seed aboard ship and is growing a small plant.
Jeff explains a learned philosophical viewpoint to Commander Hawkins, and the latter's answer is that Jeff would make a great politician.
Lisa bought a good luck charm from a wizard on Planet Korb*. Jeff doesn't believe in that, but he wears the necklace the following episode.
"There is a good chance the lieutenant could be damaged." & "You're a brave fool." -Krik, 1985
Pidge and Chip studied solar energy as a hobby.
Kernel Kerbert* and his crew survive by fleeing in escape ships.
Jeff has a dog named Rover. He named a planet after said dog, an idea Commander Hawkins shoots down.
Krik's father bought another hydro bionic farm that he will inherit one day.
It's implied Cliff writes about Ginger to his brother as they want to meet 'that smashing Ginger'.
Jeff's family sent his baby photo. He thinks he's still cute.
Lisa and Chip are close enough she recognizes his hand writing.
Chip dreams about Pidge. He worries greatly about his brother after the lack of a letter.
Hutch insults the three girls based on their looks implying Twyla is hotter. Ginger trips Hutch after he, Marvin, and Rocky insult all three female members of the Voltron Force and he cries.
Commander Twyla escapes in an escape shuttle.
The Voltron Force play football with the Drule. Jeff finds Lieutenant Antor seriously hurt under rubble, but they heal him and he lives.
The buck dies but the fawn lives.
The dolphin is a single dolphin who somehow managed to disable a missile and survive.
"We just signed an important peace treaty right at this table. I've agreed to let Ginger slurp up her spaghetti, and she's agreed to let me slurp up my soup." -Cliff to Jeff, (Ginger present).
"Well I didn't sign and I want my own table away from you." -Krik to Cliff and possibly Jeff, (Ginger present).
Episode 45. Episode 45 is way too funny. Krik and Cinda crave coconuts out of the blue, ask Commander Hawkins if they can stop at a planet for some, and Krik salutes to his commander that it was a 'dumb idea'.
Ginger has PTSD from an experience as a child where she survived a ship blowing up.
The Drule home-world had destructive material buried under the surface.
Hazar spares Zeppo, but the latter's body is slumped on the throne.
Captain Newley relocates the Drule to a planet in the fourth quadrant in the far galaxy.
Hazar lives.
Krik is passive-aggressive.
The Drule blow up perfectly good planets they can't have.
The Same:
Krik has ESP abilities.
Krik can possibly play an instrument. He holds it the entire time, however.
Jeff, when he takes the first shift as Commander, is disgusted and reluctant to sit beside Commander Hawkins much to the amusement of the man.
Commander Hawkins is passive aggressive.
The Drule homeworld is getting hotter. All the residents have moved below ground, and starvation is prominent.
Krik pilots Voltron when Jeff is out of commission.
Krik shoves a whole gun into Jeff's pants.
The Sky Team ft. Krik drive a tank/enemy patrol car.
Dorma is kidnapped and asked to join the resistance which she steadily accepts.
Original Japanese:
All the foot soldiers are organic.
Consequences. Consequences everywhere.
A good portion of one note characters die.
Adapted Shows:
Stun guns. Stun guns everywhere.
All the foot soldiers are robots.
Bonus Voltron season 3:
King Alfor's ghost can bend the fabric of space. He can also shoot lasers without a gun.
Nanny lives.
Pidge has formed murderous intent towards the castle mice.
Fifth castle mouse.
Commander Cossack a.k.a. Cossack the Terrible.
Lotor drinks something called a mean potion that increases his meanness.
Queen Merla.
King Deus Ex Machina Alfor.
Lotor gets put in jail and has his allowance revoked.
"You don't know Zarkon like I do." -Lance, 1985.
Bonus Bonus Fleet of Doom:
Chip is taller than Pidge.
Hunk is buddies with Modac.
Wolo and Lance used to lightly "bully" Cliff.
Keith and Jeff are competitive with each other.
6 year-old Keith got lost in a forest.
Haggar has two wolves within her (not literal wolves).
*Not sure what the confirmed spelling is but I did my best to spell it like it sounds.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Powering Down Hearing
Your hearing depends on hair cells in your inner ear. When loud noises or ageing destroys these cells, it's their mitochondria – the powerhouses of your cells – that are involved in their downfall. Moreover, faults in over 30 genes key to mitochondrial activity are known to cause deafness. Yet little is known about hair cell mitochondria biology. Researchers now investigate in zebrafish. Using serial block-face scanning electron microscopy, they found mitochondria are more densely packed in hair cells (pictured, white) compared with support cells. These mitochondria also had a distinct architecture – multiple small mitochondria in the upper halves of cells and fine networks in the lower halves. In zebrafish with a faulty opa1 gene – a gene known to be mutated in human deafness – mitochondria function was disrupted. In mutants where hair cell mechanics were disrupted, so too was mitochondria architecture. This furthers our understanding of mitochondria-related deafness.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image from work by Andrea McQuate, Sharmon Knecht and David W Raible
Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, March 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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alluneedissunshine · 2 years
Lago di Raibl (o del Predil).
Lago di Raibl (o del Predil). by valpil58 II Via Flickr: Nikon D800 + Nikon AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8 G ED @ 14mm 1/500 f/8
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cavenewstimes · 4 months
Nature's 3D printer: Bristle worms form bristles piece by piece
A new interdisciplinary study led by molecular biologist Florian Raible from the Max Perutz Labs at the University of Vienna provides exciting insights into the bristles of the marine annelid worm Platynereis dumerilii. Specialized cells, so-called chaetoblasts, control the formation of the bristles. Their mode of operation is astonishingly similar to that of a technical 3D printer. The project…
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rollercoaster59 · 5 months
Fountain raible can
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tonygaran · 2 years
Twitter reaches out to the NFT industry.
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In the realm of NFTs and social media, the revelation was a bombshell. With the top NFT marketplaces in the Solana-centric, multi-platform, flow blockchain, and sport-centric genres, Twitter is currently experimenting with the NFT market. The NFT Twitter Tiles integration will show the NFTs in the specific panel and add a call to action (CTA) for simple access. The concerned markets are Raible, Dapper Labs, Magic Eden, and Jump.trade. Many blockchains, including Ethereum, Solana, Flow, Immutable X, Polygon, and Tezos, are included in these marketplaces.
The marketplaces!
Dapper Labs is a blockchain and software development firm that gained notoriety by introducing NBA-approved best plays and basketball highlights. Users of NFTs can keep royalties and profit from each transaction. Jump.trade is a sports-focused marketplace that is introducing the first-ever cricket NFT platform. The market is a place where the players may buy, sell, and trade cricket NFTs. Magic Eden: Majorly supporting the SOLANA blockchain, Magic Eden is a prominent NFT marketplace offering NFTs based on SOL. Rarible is an open-source platform built on the Ethereum blockchain that enables users to purchase, sell, and trade unique NFTs that represent ownership in digital works.
It is hardly surprising that a large firm like Twitter would want to engage in NFTs given their growing popularity. This merely establishes that NFTs are here to stay for a very long time, and the integration of numerous businesses with blockchain technology is proof of that.
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denverjuggler · 2 years
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Matt Raible @mraible on OAuth for Java developers at the @denverjug (at Thrive Real Estate) https://www.instagram.com/p/CobE2MbshUb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 2 years
old noldorin dictionary BUT including "l" and excluding "y"
Abartaled Abhollow Abold Abongul Adiele Agle Aliting Alta Amal Amaliorpse Andollived Andul Anklōra Apell Arthalact Attled Awastiveil Bale Ballop Balsall Balve Bandle Bathalsake Batthal Bearpel Beld Bele Belep Bellenārna Belme Bendallep Bettlātake Bles Blit Blitinge Boll Bollaiwele Bollop Bolon Borkhell Boverla Breele Breful Bril Browele Bruscouble Buicle Buiclended Cale Calian Calint Calle Cavelme Caverthel Chel Clander Claughte Cled Clen Clentraval Clue Cluentul Clugh Clume Colkharkha Colle Cortul Coupel Crendle Culte Cuskild Dakeled Diall Dibel Dibleha Diele Dolk Eletradfus Ellaint Elloup Elof Elow Elthalast Elveled Elwandisse Etle Etledre Etleful Etlefut Etlen Etthal Ettled Evel Evelenārn Exal Exalitse Exalland Exalta Exalve Exil Exild Exilde Exill Exilla Exillow Exilvigod Fathal Fiel Fiele Fiellef Flocher Flod Flon Flook Flop Flossere Flowded Fold Folda Follasūka Folow Folstro Foockil Foomald Freleve Frelo Frumpled Fuliortaid Fulioup Fullo Gaikampold Galleve Galmet Givel Glairm Glarn Glas Glof Glooth Glope Glowe Gnarmaible Gnoblense Gnolda Gobletle Goldandled Hakele Halga Halgaing Halior Halliant Halop Halwa Hartalio Heled Helga Hell Hold Holkhalian Holl Homplasser Hothalpha Hwestheled Ileft Ilehant Ilveile Intalm Intalted Jewele Kell Khal Khasull Khelvina Kild Kill Kille Killf Kilve Klōran Lace Laige Lamne Lampark Land Landa Landoe Lano Lant Lantal Lapla Lasūka Laught Ledibel Leha Lend Leve Lialaster Liale Lian Liandove Liank Lianūren Lina Lineld Linesta Ling Lininte Linsma Linta Liounge Liount Liquenta Liquige Liseill Lisonded Lisse Lista Literist Litha Lither Litife Litseize Littek Loot Lopeleved Lopit Lose Lous Louss Lowenve Lowerlane Lowern Luen Luenve Līrecite Līreda Līreque Malach Malef Malgam Malin Malint Maliseize Malive Mall Mallas Mallascave Malo Malock Malpher Malvereni Malwa Manklōrok Manothal Milekthick Mill Millful Nadele Ndel Ndoldele Ndovel Ndul Neled Ngobled Ngoll Nikthal Nimetle Noutuille Nuiled Nuillonda Nurtalinse Nūropil Oattle Oile Oillain Oldonda Olindur Olloun Olooma Olsappon Ortulio Oushalpha Pala Palin Palphal Palsa Parpelt Phalmalta Phamplia Pheadful Phel Phelta Pikill Pild Plangtha Pled Plen Pleveize Plia Plial Plialow Pliquenda Plisondo Poill Poillar Poille Pold Poldoes Poll Polod Polop Polour Polow Pongulk Postel Powellook Prothfulle Pōrandal Raible Rile Rillof Rindle Rondattle Rootouscal Rothample Rothille Rundled Ruscalosta Saglaugh Salde Sale Salia Sall Saltek Scarantall Scletted Scompold Seillow Shale Shallant Shel Shello Sibelve Sible Sibledrina Sicklane Sicla Silden Sille Sillon Sirsalived Skhall Skhallack Skhalsalta Skhautulta Skhelleve Skildo Skillancen Skinella Slact Slaina Slan Slapa Slapalsa Slassagro Slasther Slauka Slof Slopent Slowes Slown Smoubled Snakeltak Snamnello Snoble Solda Solinta Solourende Solowern Solste Spel Sphal Sphale Sphel Spherile Spla Splam Splan Sple Spoiled Spolda Stal Stalanse Staldeasse Stalise Stelef Stellep Stelwaing Stensiblia Sthlaugh Stivelga Sulub Supetle Suppolle Sīrellod Sōbal Tairsall Talaiden Talthele Telt Thakill Thal Thale Thartaled Thel Thfulumpa Thlīwenve Ticla Tivelga Tlent Tleverta Torthapel Tranthala Trefulive Trele Trillent Tuiandelm Tūkample Tūkandulk Uild Uilla Vall Valphitick Veild Voill Wandarkhel Warele Wartulta Watthfull Weld Wersaplaud Whickil Withfulk Ñgoble
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cryptoartonline · 2 years
Non-Fungible Token Art Could Have a Huge Impact on the Market for Prints and Multiples
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Non-fungible token art is a type of digital artwork that uses a heavy dose of technology to make it possible. This type of artwork works in much the same way as physical artwork does, but it's a digital version that's easier to secure and share. As a result, it could have a huge impact on the market for prints and multiples.
Non-fungible tokens are a form of digital certificate that's attached to an image or other digital media. These can be used for various purposes, including trades and sales. They're also used in digital collectibles, such as trading cards. In many cases, the token is used to collect a set of cards, such as those containing the names of public figures. These can be sold or given away, and are even used in commemorative cards and video games.
Non-fungible tokens allow users to sell anything. Cryptoart include GIFs, trading cards, videos, and more. These can be purchased for thousands of dollars, and they are even used in some online games to sell assets like skins and keys to levels. This has led to non-fungible tokens gaining a significant amount of interest from both artists and consumers. However, they are still a relatively new phenomenon.
Several companies are currently facilitating non-fungible token transactions. One of the most notable is MakersPlace, which is run by an artist. They offer guides for making and selling crypto artwork. In addition, the company partners with some of the most popular artists in the world.
There are also other marketplaces, such as Nifty Gateway and Raible. These companies partner with top creators to create collections and unique items. There's also super rare, which offers single-edition art created by artists in their community.
Non-fungible tokens have become more popular over the past few years. They offer artists a chance to earn royalties by reselling their work. They also give consumers a way to purchase rare collectibles that aren't available anywhere else on the Internet.
Crypto art also act as digital certificates of authenticity. This is useful for those who want to know more about the history of a particular piece of art. This allows consumers to verify that an image is authentic and that a piece is truly unique. This makes it more likely that the buyer will want to pay more for it.
As more and more artists and creators use Non-Fungible Tokens, they'll continue to make it easier and easier to buy and sell digital artwork. While these types of art aren't for everyone, they're a great way to invest in your favorite digital creations. And, with the recent surge in cryptocurrency investments, they're a safe way to put your money to good use.
As more and more NFT markets arise, there's no telling how the art market will change in the future. But one thing is certain: as the technology improves, non-fungible tokens are going to be the future of authentication and trading. Learn more about NFT at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-fungible_token.
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owebesttechnology · 2 years
Non-Fungible Tokens Explained: Things You Must Know About NFTs
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If you are reading this article, it implies you have arrived on our page. This blog will explain NFTs from A to Z. (non-fungible tokens).
What Is An NFT?
NFT stands for "non-fungible tokens," which are created with the same kind of code that is used to make cryptocurrencies. In simple terms, these cryptocurrencies are based on a technology called "blockchain." They can't be traded or exchanged as other cryptographic assets can. The same as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
NFTs can stand in for real-world things like art and property. "Tokenizing" these real-world physical assets make it easier to buy, sell, and trade them while lowering the chance of fraud.
Collectibles like digital art, sports cards, and rare items make up a big part of the NFT market right now. NBA Top Shot, a place to collect non-fungible tokenized NBA moments on digital cards, is one of the most talked-about places. Some of these cards have been sold for a lot of money.
Jack Dorsey of Twitter (TWTR) recently tweeted a link to a tokenized version of the first tweet, in which he wrote, "Just setting up my twttr." More than $2.9 million was paid for the NFT version of the first tweet.
How NFTs Work
The information about an NFT is published on a blockchain during a process called "minting." At a high level, the minting process involves making a new block, having the NFT's information checked by a validator, and writing down the information. During this minting process, smart contracts are often used to decide who owns the NFT and how it can be transferred.
As soon as a token is made, it is given a unique identifier that is directly linked to a blockchain address. Each token has an owner who owns it, and that person's information (the address where the token lives) is available to the public. Even if 5,000 NFTs of the same exact thing are made, like general admission tickets to a music festival, each ticket has a unique identifier and can be told apart from the others.
Examples of NFTs
Cryptokitties may be the most well-known way that NFTs are used. Cryptokitties are digital representations of cats with unique identifiers on Ethereum's blockchain. crypto kitties were released in November 2017. Each kitty is different and costs a certain amount of ether. They have attributes by mating with each other, and those attributes are different from their parent's in how they look and how much they are worth.
After only a few short weeks on the market, crypto kitties had fans who spent $20 million in ether to buy, feed, and care for them. Some fans have even spent more than $100,000 on the project.
More recently, the Bored Ape Yacht Club has become controversial because of its high prices, its popularity with celebrities, and the fact that some of its 10,000 NFTs have been stolen in public.
Even though the crypto kitties and Bored Ape Yacht Club use cases may seem silly, there are others that are more important for business. For instance, NFTs have been used in both private equity and real estate transactions.
One effect of allowing multiple types of tokens in a contract is that escrow can be set up for different types of non-fungible tokens, from art to real estate, all in one financial transaction.
How Can I Buy NFTs?
Since many NFTs can only be bought with Ether, the first step is usually to get some Ether and store it in a digital wallet. Then, you can buy NFTs on any of the online NFT markets, such as OpenSea, Raible, and SuperRare.
To sum up,
Whether or not you want to invest in NFTs is up to you.
But I hope that this blog post about non-fungible tokens (NFT) has answered all of your questions.
One thing is for sure: NFTs are here to stay because they make some people money and give digital art and artists new ways to work. But we will still tell you to be careful with how you use platforms.
And if you want to make NFTs or join a blockchain, make sure you hire the best blockchain developer.
When you hire a blockchain developer from Owebest Technologies, you can be sure that they will change the blockchain market forever.
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silverlineswap · 2 years
Apple will let third-party app stores, providing a boon for NFTs and Cryptocurrency
SilverLineSwap-Crypto News
New EU regulations will compel Apple to allow alternative app stores and programs without requiring users to go via its App Store, which is a gain for creators of cryptocurrency-related apps. In order to comply with new anti-monopolistic regulations from the European Union (EU), tech giant Apple is preparing to allow third-party app stores on its devices.
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This may be considered a significant gain for crypto and NFT app developers, at least in Europe. According to a Dec.13 Bloomberg report citing people familiar with the matter, under the new regulations, European customers would be able to download alternative app marketplaces outside of Apple’s exclusive App Store, enabling them to download apps that avoid Apple’s 30% commissions and app restrictions. Apple now has strict guidelines for NFT apps that essentially require users to make in-app purchases subject to a 30% fee from Apple, while apps are not allowed to facilitate cryptocurrency payments.
The self-custody wallet app update from Coinbase was blocked on December 1st as a result of Apple’s enforcement of its regulation because Apple planned to “capture 30% of the gas price” through in-app sales, which is “obviously not possible,” according to Coinbase. The next accusation was that if NFT transactions couldn’t be completed through Apple’s in-app purchase mechanism, Apple wanted the wallet to deactivate them. In reaction to the report that a “crypto app store” may be created and would be a “wonderful candidate” for a venture capital-backed firm, Alex Salnikov, co-founder of NFT marketplace Raible, tweeted on December 13.
In response to the EU’s Digital Markets Act, which seeks to control so-called “gatekeepers” and guarantee that platforms behave fairly, Apple has decided to open its ecosystem. One of the measures allows “third parties to inter-operate with the gatekeeper’s own services.” Businesses must completely comply by May 2024 and it will take effect in May 2023. Apple hasn’t made up its mind on whether or not it would abide by a provision of the Act that permits developers to integrate alternate payment methods within programs that don’t involve Apple.
If it complies, it may allow cryptocurrencies to be used in payment systems. In an effort to shield customers from dangerous apps, the tech giant is considering imposing security standards for software not found in its store, such as Apple certification. Only the EU would be affected by the modifications to Apple’s closed environment; other nations would need to enact legislation with comparable provisions, such as the Open App Markets Act that Senators Marsha Blackburn and Richard Blumenthal have suggested for the US Congress.
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ds4u · 2 years
How To Create NFT And Earn Money In 2023?
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Create NFT and Earn money have become increasingly popular these days. The buying and selling of NFTs have become popular among many people, and artists are using this technology’s potential to enter the digital world. People are attracted to becoming NFT artists to gain fame and high money because of the opportunities these works provide. 
What is NFT?
NFT means non-fungible token. It is a digital asset showing genuine goods like music, art, films, and antiques. Online cryptocurrency trading is possible.
The allure of NFTs has recently come to light. A digital artist named Kevin McCoy created the first NFT “Quantum” in 2014, which was made up of a video clip.
Do various questions come to mind regarding NFTs, such as why would you want to create an NFT if you know that it is a digital asset that can be traded on a blockchain? What awaits you following the sale of NFTs? Why would anyone purchase these, and which are the best NFT marketplace?
How to Create NFTs in the 2023 Step-By-Step Guide?
Always ask the right questions to yourself before doing any work. It will solve many problems at begging. Now it’s time to see how to create NFT and earn money. Before this, question yourself: are you ready to do that? If yes, you will know there are many processes you must cover while constructing NFT. But you have to begin with a decision where you have to choose which kind of digital file you want to make and sell, and simultaneously, which software development services will suit you best.
It may be a difficult question for you, but it is necessary to make several decisions. It will make your future process smooth and doubtless.
Decide Your Goals
 It is a fantastic strategy to decide your objectives and expectations for NFT to guide your choice. Many people start their own NFT to generate income, while others use it for marketing their brand. It’s imperative to start the process by asking yourself what you truly hope to achieve with this choice. You won’t be able to move forward with a plan until that point.
Pick The Best Method
The best method to begin your sale of NFT is to construct something you are passionate about and able to sit in competition with your competitors. Create such an NFT in which you are confident it will stand in this competitive market. You followed the following steps after discovering what kind of NFT you are confident about. Let’s see those steps to create NFT and earn money.
The followings are the step you have to follow to create NFT and earn money after deciding on your NFT-
1.Choose the blockchain
It ultimately comes down to creating an NFT out of your digital asset. You must decide the blockchain technology you want to employ for your NFT before you can start the minting procedure. Digital artists and designers appreciate the Ethereum blockchain the most. Apart from the Ethereum blockchain, you have many other options like Tezos, Binance Smart Chain, and Cosmos.
2. Create a Crypto Wallet
After selecting the best NFT marketplace, creating a digital wallet will be your next step, where you can store both cryptocurrencies and NFTs. You should be careful in this step while selecting a payment wallet. But you have to keep in mind that the interoperability of the marketplace must be matched with blockchain.
3. Buy Some Cryptocurrency
To create NFT and earn money, you have to pay some fees, which are known as gas fees. You must pay a gas fee to complete the transaction across the blockchain. Therefore, you have to ensure that your wallet has enough money to complete transaction charges while generating your NFT. One thing keeps in mind is that your wallet should be loaded with suitable cryptocurrency. Because when you use the Ethereum network, you need an ETH wallet. 
4. Choose a Marketplace
You must select one from various NFT marketplace to generate your NFT piece. Most NFT sellers like platforms like OpenSea and Raible. They are the most well-known and well-liked platforms. You must keep one thing in mind. Every marketplace has its restrictions and advantages.
5. Upload Your File
Now, You are in this step where you can generate NFTs after following the above steps. Typically, NFT markets instruct you regarding uploading your file. It means how to upload your file. To complete this process, you must convert your file into MP3, PNG, and other types.
6. Monetize Your NFT
It is the last step where you complete your creation process. Under this step, you will know how to promote your NFT. It depends upon the market you choose what they offer you for it. You can set up a timed auction to allow people who want to acquire your NFT to place their final bid within the allotted time, or you can choose to sell NFTs for a predetermined fee. 
An auction option is available on websites like SuperRare, NFT Showroom, and Nifty Gateway. You also have another option through an online auction with no deadline. Under this option, the potential buyers have enough time to buy your NFT, and it will close whenever you decide to close the auction. 
You will have to determine the lowest pricing for this choice. If your piece is resold, you must calculate your royalties to continue profiting from it.
Don’t forget to consider the fees you have already paid when choosing the price. You will lose money if you set a price that is less than the fees.
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osiztechnologiesbl · 2 years
Everything about Blockchain Development
Tokens that cannot be exchanged for other currencies are NFTs. Digital art, memes, gifs, playing cards, and even screenshots can all be used as tokens. Nft Marketplace Development Company are online exchanges where NFTs can be bought, sold, and sometimes even created by users. OpenSea and Raible are two well-known examples. Considering the promising future of this industry and the rapid growth in popularity in just a few short years since its inception, NFT Marketplace apps have been developed to ease this offering.
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ERP Software Development Company
Microsoft and SAP developed the most widely used enterprise resource planning (ERP) software solutions. They can aid in the disclosure of company activities, the tracking of financial transactions, and streamlining of internal operations. Production, supply chain management, customer relationship management, human resources, and warehouse administration are all included. To take advantage of these features and maintain your firm's competitive edge, you should work with an Erp Software Development Company.
Smart Contract Development Services
Intelligent contracts are blockchain-stored computer programmes with preset triggers for execution. Their primary function is to remove the need for a third party during the performance of a contract, giving all parties involved in the absolute transaction certainty as to the conclusion in real-time and eliminating the possibility of delay. They can also automate a process by automatically causing one action to lead to another.
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Smart Contract Development Company
Smart Contract Development Services for public, private, and hybrid blockchains will change your business forever. As specialists in a wide range of innovative contract programming languages and technology stacks, they assist businesses in automating their processes, standardising their procedures, and lowering operational costs in Smart Contract Development Company.
Sto Development Company
Virtual assets designed for use within a specific blockchain ecosystem are utility tokens. These days, people prefer security token offers to ICOs (ICO). The primary difference between an ICO and a security token sale is that the latter allows for the instantaneous liquidation of assets. And there's also the fact that it's outside of SEC oversight and doesn't follow their rules. Sto Development Company, on the other hand, follows SEC guidelines more closely. Front-running in the ICO market is a real possibility.
3d Game Development
3d Game Development is one of the fascinating fields for software developers. The need for game developers has skyrocketed as the complexity and sophistication of modern games have increased. As a result of the increasing demand for video game developers, many organisations are willing to offer astronomical salaries to attract and retain qualified candidates.
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White Label Crypto Exchange
A White Label Crypto Exchangeis an already-built protocol that can be modified to meet the needs of individual enterprises. White label cryptocurrency exchanges provide services such as buying and selling cryptocurrency, converting between fiat and cryptocurrency, trading, staking and holding bitcoin. In addition, these options can be tailored to meet a company's specific needs.
Using Crypto, you may accomplish much in a short amount of time because it is a fully functional piece of software. Under ideal conditions, you could operate a completely available brand in under a month. There has never been a better chance to enter a multi-billion-dollar market and compete with the industry giants without spending obscene sums of money.
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cavenewstimes · 5 months
Even the simplest marine organisms tend to be individualistic
Sport junkie or couch potato? Always on time or often late? The animal kingdom, too, is home to a range of personalities, each with its own lifestyle. In a study just released in the journal PLOS Biology, a team led by Sören Häfker and Kristin Tessmar-Raible from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the University of Vienna report on a surprising…
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