#seidou tsuyoshi
rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is another scene of Fem Akira.
"Enter The Prince"
Sincline's ship circled the castle and ended up hovering in front of a large floor to ceiling window. "Inhabitants of Castle Gradam, listen carefully! I am Prince Imperial Sincline of the Galra Empire...heir of Emperor Daibazaal!"
During the last part of his speech, the pilots rushed to the window. Tsuyoshi was first, followed by Isamu, then Akira with Hiroshi right behind her, and Fala bringing up the rear. The princess stepped up beside Akira.
Sincline gasped at the princess. "Who's that pretty woman?"
Fala and Akira looked at each other, wordlessly asking who the prince was asking about. Akira cocked her head in Sincline's direction before minutely nodding in Fala's direction. Fala mouthed "me?" before shaking her head. "You."
Akira shook her head. "He's not asking about me, hime."
"But you /are/ beautiful," Fala replied with a blush.
Isamu was enjoying the back and forth between Akira and Fala, but he kept an eye on this Sincline character. Being a prince meant that he probably wouldn't take kindly to being ignored much longer.
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sikuena · 8 months
cw for drugs, my personal hcs
i feel like keith would really enjoy smoking out of pipes and blunts.
shiro would enjoy wine and occasionally accept beer. he's too tired from his rave days to do anything stronger (old ahhh)
allura also enjoys wine and champagne on special occasions (but isnt a wine sniffer 🖕🏽) . otherwise she doesn't encourage substances.
pidge doesnt have a taste for it so she just watches and dabbles maybe once a month because hunk makes edibles as a little treat.
lance likes pens because he thinks they look cool, but he's banned from using nic because everyone knows its bad.
everyone enjoys shots mixed with juice when they go out (except for pidge, shiro and keith because they can actually handle it alone. its still really good tho).
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noattentionsstuff · 3 months
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When the witch you've been trying to take down turns into your dead friend in order to convince the youngest member of your team to betray you.
This sprung from a idea that wouldn't go away. If there's any fanfic writes left in this fandom please take this as a promt
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dotuindex · 3 months
Updated Hunk HCs :)
21 at debut
Great with mechanical stuff
Refuses to use technical jargon tho, it's all "the thingy"
Can hold his liquor
Can hold grudges
When he does actually get drunk, though, he's emotional
Huge feet. Like. 12 inches long
LOVED boxing when he was younger. Still practices as much as he can, but he doesn't get many training partners
Big sports fan
American Football is his true love
Only responsible if there are small children around
Likes crunchy peanut butter smh
Will eat anything and everything, but has a decently refined palate. He just doesn't mind eating things he doesn't like
Takes a while to fall asleep, but once he does... good luck waking him up
Knows a lot of random trivia
Especially about obscure laws
Kind of a history buff
Worked at a glass workshop as a teen, knows how to make stained glass things
Also is good at welding. Made his mom a metal bouquet for mother's day on year
LOVES tattoos, considering becoming a tattoo artist at one point
AMAZING artist, just doesn't share it much
Arms and back are COVERED with traditional Japanese tattoos
Half Japanese, half black
Parents met in Japan on a work trip
His dad's named Tsuyoshi Seidou, and his mom Lisa Green
Parents moved to Kansas City after marrying, where they had Hunk
His dad passed away fairly young due to a heart condition
Sends most of his paycheck back to his mom and younger brother
Has a twin sister named Niko
Niko used to be part of their team, before Pidge. A mission gone wrong led to her losing her left leg
Likes his steak as raw as it can legally be served to him
CRAZY strong
Dad friend
Would probably marry BBQ ribs if that was an option
Doesn't like soda much
Hunk is not his real name. If you ask him what his real name is, 9 of 10 times he'll lie. It's his running gag
April birthday
Dog person, all the way
Awkward with women
One casual compliment will make him melt
His favorite color is gold. Orange is good enough tho
Very Hairy
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nesonkin · 3 years
Cute 80s Heith moment
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textsfromvoltron · 3 years
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(716): OMG LOOK AT THAT PIECE OF MAN (315): I haven’t trained for this.
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watercups · 7 years
twitter log 09: golion
i put some captions with extra info above so people don’t have to go through jp golion and voltron sources looking for basic canon details the same way i did
(may update this post over time) last updated: apr 24
loose wip for a golion / vld comic
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golion ep6 scene redraw, with vld lance keith and shiro (blood)
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vld shiro (25 yrs old)/golion shirogane takashi 銀貴 (nickname: danmari だんまり, quiet) a.k.a. 80s sven (~21-23 yrs old)
[follower locked shiro/shiro/shiro/shiro/shiro, including golion shirogane: https://twitter.com/watercups/status/836753263496204288]
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vld lance (~17 yrs old) + golion kurogane isamu 黒鉄勇 (nickname: otenkiya お天気屋, moody) a.k.a. 80s lance (21-23 yrs old) sketches
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vld keith (~17 yrs old) + golion kogane akira 黄金旭 (nickname: chief チーフ) a.k.a. 80s keith (21-23 yrs old) sketches
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golion seidou tsuyoshi 青銅強 (nickname: mukoukki 向こうっ気, hothead) a.k.a. 80s hunk (22-24 yrs old) sketches
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akira/isamu/tsuyoshi (80s H/K/L; 80s klunk; akitsuyosamu; chief/moody/hothead)
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akira/takashi (80s K/S; 80s sveith; akitaka; chief/quiet)
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isamu/takashi (80s L/S; 80s svance; isakashi; quiet/moody) + akira/isamu (80s K/L; akisamu; chief/moody)
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some general golions: suzuishi hiroshi 錫石宏 (nickname: chibi ちび, shorty) a.k.a. 80s pidge (12 yrs old) …+ seidou + kurogane + shirogane + kogane …+ akira/tsuyoshi (80s H/K; 80s heith; akiyoshi; chief/hothead)
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akira/isamu (akisamu), loosely based off this fic:
http://archiveofourown.org/works/10704414 http://finelyagedlemons.tumblr.com/post/159884623694/sugar-sweet-and-stuff-finelyagedlemons …thank you alex
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more general golions
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hothead and shorty
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shorty and quiet
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moody and chief
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sketch) akira in flight suit concept+style by lacktwo (http://lacktwo.tumblr.com/post/159325935036 …thank you ven for letting me do this)
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isamu in crop top + short shorts (based off an outfit in one of the voltron comics) …thank you golion cluster for the refs
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akira/takashi (akitaka)
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tsuyoshi/takashi (80s H/S; 80s svunk; quiet/hothead; takayoshi, takatsuyo) …+ cat ears
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isamu/takashi (isakashi)
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tsuyoshi/isamu (80s H/L; 80s hance; moody/hothead; tsuyosamu)
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akira/tsuyoshi (akiyoshi)
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wip, cropped) akira/tsuyoshi/isamu/takashi
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peachlover94 · 4 years
VCU Tsuyoshi Seidou “Hunk” Garrett - style board
Casual Outfit:
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Paladin Armor:
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First as Earth Paladin of the Yellow Lion
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Second as Earth Paladin of the Yellow Lion
Alliance Uniform:
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Snow/Winter Gear:
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Allura: I just wanted to say...that my aunt's coming in today--
Hunk: mmmmmmmilf
Allura: ...thanks, Hunk.
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Is it weird that I kind of want to write fanfiction about Hunk’s family?
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I started making a post that just assigned names to everyone with a tiny blurb about who they are, but I think they deserve to be more than just “Hunk’s dad” or “Hunk’s cousin.” And the backstories for Tsuyoshi Senior and Lisa (Hunk’s parents) were getting so long & complicated I was running out of room for the paragraph about Mina (the kid with the headband).
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Disclaimer: I don't own Beast King GoLion.
Author Note: This is Fem Akira/Fala pairing, but the duo are just realizing their feelings for the other. This has three scenes that could have gone slightly different if Akira had been born female.
"Fem Akira"
~Episode 2~
"Daibazaal plundered all the treasure on Altea, destroying us." Raible paused before he swung his cane at the group. Hiroshi and Tsuyoshi jumped while Akira and Isamu ducked briefly before Isamu and Takashi jumped out of the way. Akira straightened up and blocked with her spear.
"What gives?" Tsuyoshi demanded.
"I knew it. He was just making us let our guard down!" Hiroshi exclaimed.
"What the hell's going on here?" Akira questioned.
Raible was surprised to see that there was a woman in the group.
"I had to test your skills," Raible answered. "Especially since one of you is a woman."
"Just because Chief is a woman doesn't mean she can't fight," Isamu jumped in. "She's as capable as any of us!"
"Moody, that's enough," Akira said.
"Agreed. The princess will welcome you five indeed."
The group looked up the staircase to see a lovely young woman in a pink dress. She smiled and slowly descended the staircase. Raible explained how he and the princess survived the attack as Fala came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.
Akira had to figuratively pick her jaw off the ground. The princess was breathtakingly gorgeous. She had to gather her wits about her because she barely heard the princess asking for their names.
"Kogane Akira." Akira had no idea how she was able to say her name without stuttering.
"Shirogane Takashi."
"Kurogane Isamu."
"Seidou Tsuyoshi."
"Suzuishi Hiroshi."
As the princess told her sad tale, Akira couldn't help but feel for her. As the tears fell from her blue eyes, Akira wanted to brush those tears away and perhaps even comfort her. Akira mentally shook herself as Raible interjected himself into the conversation, but she still missed the entire conversation until GoLion was mentioned. The leader focused on what was being told to her team. Even thought she was hesitant, there was no way she was going to make the decision for everyone. She looked to her right at Takashi, who said, "If we don't kill Daibazaal, there's no way we'll survive!"
"He's right. Let's fight Daibazaal!" Akira agreed. She was happy to see the tears were no longer coursing down the princess's face. The smile on her face drew Akira's attention even as Isamu, Tsuyoshi, and Hiroshi added their comments.
Fala held her hand out, clearly indicating that the team should kiss the back of it.
Everyone laid down their spears, and Akira approached, knelt down, and grasped her hand. She laid a kiss on it and stood up, nodding to the princess. Before she stood aside for her teammates to do the same, Fala realized that she was female as well. "A woman?"
Fala's eyes sparkled at the idea of a woman in the leadership position. Takashi stepped up to kiss her hand.
~Episode 7~
Hiroshi, Akira, and Isamu stopped running once they were a few corridors away from the royal governess.
"Geez, now we have some old lady on our hands," Isamu groused.
You said it. I can imagine what's waiting for us," Akira replied. "Especially when she finds out that I'm female."
"No sweat. Just leave this to me," Hiroshi stated.
Just then, the alarms sounded. Of all the reasons for the alarm, the princess trying to fly the Blue Lion wasn't on Akira's list at all. She was impressed with Fala's actions and willingness to put herself in harm's way to protect her planet. Akira found herself wanting to see what the princess could do, and no ranting from the governess could make change her mind.
~Later in Episode 7~
"Just a moment! In a lonely village in the Pierrane Mountains live strong hunters. Maybe one of their men is qualified," Hys stated.
"Men? Women are just as qualified. Kogane is a  woman after all," Fala mentioned.
"Kogane?" Hys questioned.
"The one wearing red and white," Raible clarified.
"The ingrate who told me to shut up is a girl?!" Hys was indignant.
"She is not an ingrate," Fala countered. "She's brave, selfless, intelligent, and beautiful." Fala couldn't help but blush when she thought of the female pilot, and no ranting from either Raible or Hys could prevent her from wanting to get closer to her.
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nerdymoodboards · 5 years
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Hunk Mood Board 🔆💛
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noattentionsstuff · 5 months
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genelpan · 6 years
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prayerofahedgehog · 6 years
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I want to protect them
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textsfromvoltron · 3 years
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