#railway reschedule
lilac-5ky · 1 year
Roommates from Hell, pt.7 (Toji x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 7: Stockholm Syndrome
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Chapter 6 | Chapter 8 | Story Masterlist | Masterlist | Requests | AO3
A/N: Sorry for disappearing, y'all! Hope this lengthy chapter compensates for my absence.
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You were early.
You knew that, not because you’d been checking the time every two stops—doubting your being on the correct railway line even as the voice in the speakers called out Inokashira Park—but because it was still bright when you got off the train platform.
Normally, you were good with those things—time. Having juggled both school and multiple shifts across Tokyo at some point in your life meant you knew exactly how long it took to get from one district to the other, and under no circumstances did Shibuya to Kichijoji amount to three hours worth of travel time. You could’ve left home half an hour earlier and made it in time, but all sense of normality died the moment you agreed to go out with Toji.
It was 3:37 p.m., and you were indeed early. Two hours and twenty-three minutes early.
You’d gone out with him hundreds of times. As friends, as family—as people who dealt their meals and loneliness evenly, yet never as anything beyond that. You didn’t know what a date entailed—or rather, you pretended not to, because the possibilities made your head spin.
This was just an ordinary hangout, and that was why you’d opted for the unimpressive combination of your overworn jeans and cardigan, in spite of casting every article of clothing out of your closet and onto the floor.
The yellow ribbon in your hair—that was hope.
You were meeting at the park’s east entrance, which coincided with the railway’s west exit. The only thing you’d agreed upon was the time and place. Everything else was entirely up to him.
The tracks ended where the grass blades began, out-of-bloom hydrangeas paving the path toward Inokashira Park’s infamous pond. In the winter, the park looked like a shadow of its former self. Desolate and bleak, as opposed to the final spring you visited with your father.
The fragrance of the freshly bloomed cherry blossoms he’d help you reach atop his shoulders lingered ever so vividly in the air, along with the essence of humidity that clung to your skin after every ride on those enormous swan boats. But with the trees stripped bare and the waters stilled by the cold, your memories had also lost their vibrancy.
You felt no joy reminiscing about the past. It was more like an old wound you scratched open to test the pain, except the blood was all dried up. You’d mourned your father before he’d even passed and before your sister finalized the news a week ago. This was just killing time.
You had two hours to waste and were already considering phoning Toji to reschedule. He didn’t have much to do during the day. If he wasn’t at the diner, then he typically loitered around one gambling den or another. Unless he was caught up in one of those shady businesses that earned him entire briefcases full of cash. To think the day would come when you’d be dating a hitman—
—only you weren’t dating. Because this wasn’t a date.
Your plans were put on hold as an elderly woman shoved about a dozen shopping bags inside the public phone booth you’d been eyeing, and you decided not to wait around for it to be freed.
Two hours isn’t all that horrible.
A class of children returning from a field trip to the park’s aquarium passed you by, some of the kids clutching onto different types of marine life plush toys. You walked away from the procession. You weren’t keen on showing jealousy over the little girl with the cute turtle-shaped backpack, and thus you detoured to a quieter path away from all the jeers and cheers. You checked the time again. One hour and fifty-five minutes left. God.
The park’s visitors dwindled the further you strayed from the main attractions, until it was just you and a man who had his back turned all the while he stared off into the unknown. A man whose broad shoulders and discreet slouch seemed more familiar the longer you studied him, and when his jade eyes fell on yours, you reached an epiphany. This was a date.
“You’re early.” You gasped softly, your lips expelling a white cloud of heat.
His gaze hardened below his arched eyebrows—a mix of unfeigned surprise and borderline annoyance as he processed you from head to toe.
You regretted not going the extra mile. Toji wasn’t dressed to the nines either, but his choppy strands were somewhat combed, and the forest green of his sweater brought out his eyes. Even his usual sweatpants were replaced by a fitting pair of black jeans, and at that point, your palms began to sweat because Toji was an objectively good-looking man, and when he took care of himself, he was a real head-turner, while you were just… you.
“You’re the one who’s late.” He shifted the blame without second thought, tempting you to dig your beeper out of your pocket to prove your innocence, but you spared him the embarrassment. After all, he made no comments about your blushing cheeks or shuffling feet either.
One minute and countless beats of awkward silence later, Toji tugged himself from the wooden spikes that ringed the pond’s perimeter and moved closer, his attention instantly drawn to your ribbon’s loose ends.
“Your hair—”
“Looks weird?” You cut him off.
He shook off his scowl, the rough pads of his fingers making light contact with your skin as he flipped the string over your shoulder. “Nah. Just…” and it was no exaggeration to say you were hanging on his lips up until he grabbed you by the hand and dragged you forward—his calling you cute an uncertain figment of your imagination.
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Trapped in a never-ending daze of billboard signs and city lights that faded past the passenger’s window, you miserably failed to make out your whereabouts. It’d been a while since you left Tokyo behind, and your last clue was your entering National Route 127 about an hour ago. You were well into Chiba prefecture—home to Japan’s biggest fishing industry, Disney-themed parks, and, of course, peanuts.
As for where in Chiba exactly, your best bet was connecting the passing exit signs in the hope of them helping paint the bigger picture. Kisarazu to Kimitsu. Kimitsu to Futtsu. Futtsu to Kyonan.
Since that final sign that read “15 kilometers to Minamiboso,” you’d gone off the map, and the closer you came to approaching the sparsely planted minka houses on the mountain side of the highway, the further your destination seemed. You didn’t expect this to be a kidnap in the literal sense, but while Toji hadn’t taken your ability to speak or look away, he still refused to let you in on his plans.
He drove quietly, his vision tunneling to the open road while his hand occasionally ironed out the knots of muscle around his neck. His mouth opened solely for his yawns, whose sheer number and frequency would’ve been concerning if Toji wasn’t the one behind the wheel. You trusted he wouldn’t kill you both off. He wasn’t the double-suicide type.
After your seventh unsuccessful attempt at prying out information, you brought out the big guns.
“What’s this?” Toji glanced at the 1000-yen bill you discreetly placed on his lap, his lips twitching into a slight smile. “Little low for ransom, don’tcha think?”
You rolled your eyes. “Just tell me where we’re going and why it couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
“Hmm.” He pocketed the bill. “Wouldn’t be a kidnap if I told ya, would it?”
You leaned against the window, bandages soaking up moisture from where you mindlessly drew figures in the fog. You’d think he’d be less frustrating to deal with now that he’d gotten what he wanted, but he’d instead turned shrewder. He didn’t even let you contact your sister or drop off Kenzo’s waffle cones. The two were left alone at your empty apartment, probably thinking you’d migrated to the North Pole for ice, when in reality you were off playing budget Thelma and Louise.
Maybe he really was trying to kill you—speed toward the next cliff and throw you both into the depths of Tokyo Bay, where you’d spent a comfortable eternity sleeping side by side with the fish.
You were spelling the words Save Me when Toji spoke again, this time on his own accord.
“Someplace we can continue where we left off.” You could hear the smirk rolling off his tongue.
Someplace we can continue where we left off, you mentally repeated. Someplace we can continue where we left off. Someplace we can—oh.
You quickly smudged your cry for help with your shoulder and fell back on your seat, cheeks as red as beets. If he wanted to take things to a love hotel, he should’ve just said so. It wouldn’t have taken much to persuade you to hit one in Roppongi. No need to waste all this gas and worry everyone sick.
Come to think of it, the phone hadn’t rung once since the beginning of your little country escapade—not from a call, and not from a text either. You were positive he hadn’t turned your phone off when he confiscated it, and his was still on him.
That crafty witch. Her lack of concern just about confirmed your suspicions. Your sister wasn’t searching for you because everything was moving according to plan.
“Can I at least make a call?” You batted your eyelashes and smiled at him with your eyes, watching his wariness dissolve instantaneously as his glance shifted to a stare. Men.
“A call, huh?” Relying on his inhumane reflexes, Toji lowered a hand from the wheel to your knee, rubbing his way higher up your thigh.
The part of you that wasn’t used to letting him touch you so freely almost flinched, but ignoring it was starting to become easier. You enjoyed the way his palm cupped your flesh. You liked how supple your skin seemed between his fingers, and you loved how firm his grasp felt—bold and reassuring. It took your mind off your question and his attention off the road as a honk from a passing truck forced you to recoil away from each other.
The unprompted filth that poured between the two rolled-down windows colored both your ears. He was the one in the wrong here. It was his fault that the car zigzagged into the fast lane, and while he wasn’t going to let it spiral out of control, the other driver didn’t necessarily know that.
Once he was done spitting nails, he turned back to you, impatience burning in his eyes to the point where you wouldn’t be surprised if he cut your destination short and pulled over to the nearest rest area for a breather.
“Can’t focus when ya gimme that look.” Toji huffed.
“What look?”
“Like you’re begging me to fuck you on the highway.” He answered with the same ease with which one would talk about the weather.
“Toji!” A red deeper than the one on your ears spread to your face.
He licked his lips together and tipped closer to your seat, audaciously asking, “What?”
You didn’t have a reason good enough to push him away anymore—at least not one that related to how you felt about him. Hiding behind your finger was useless when all your cards were laid out on the table. He counted on you staying still for his lips to brush over yours—a mere tingle of electricity before you remembered you were in a moving vehicle and swatted his face away.
“Eyes on the road.” You whipped out a smile, lest he misunderstand, but it was too late. Toji was already looking at you as if you’d committed an unimaginable sin; a frown riveted to his face even as his focus resumed on the highway.
“Just lost your phone rights.”
“Seriously? Cause I’m watching out for our safety?”
“You heard me.” He grumbled. “Now shut it.”
“Well, forgive me for not being up for a second near-death experience less than 24 hours after the first one.” You said as you fixed your shirt over your knees and coiled closer to the window.
His knuckles grew white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly, a deep exhale flaring his nostrils. Be it out of guilt or regret, he didn’t talk back, but you weren’t willing to call a truce just yet.
“You know, none of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t run off on your own last night. Or if you’d asked me whether I wanted to be stuck in a vehicle with your grumpy ass for hours. Putting up with you at home is enough as it is.”
The blinker flashed as he turned left to the next exit, whose name you didn’t catch until a second sign at the intersection welcomed you to Tomiyama. You weren’t even sure if that was your actual destination or if he pulled off the highway on a whim, and you knew next to nothing about the area other than hearing it mentioned in some politician’s speech about recreation.
The car slowed down behind a navy blue sedan, with Toji drumming his fingers against the wheel while waiting for the lights to turn green. You took the chance to look outside, unable to figure out a damn thing in the dark. There were trees on both sides of the road, but you couldn’t tell what kind of trees. There were more cars parked by the sidewalk, but you couldn’t determine their color, let alone their brand. There was a large body of water up ahead, but you could only make out the faint sway of the riptide under the moonlight, a light breeze teasing the pungent scent of the sea.
“Didn’t seem you were putting up with me last night.” Toji interrupted. “Or when ya sucked my face in the middle of the street.”
“Not that I hated either.”
He didn’t sound half as mad as he seemed, and for a brief moment, you wondered what you’d started this for. You always gnawed at each other like beasts trapped in a cage, each getting a kick out of pushing the other’s buttons into madness, yet you rarely fought for a reason. It was more so out of habit than spite, because that’s what you did best, and it almost felt intimate—affectionate in a way others could never comprehend.
“Go on.” Toji prompted, definitely amused. “That can’t be all. What else ya got?”
“You ate my ice cream!” You almost laughed at your own absurd statement, biting down the chuckle Toji didn’t bother withholding. “You ate it in front of my face and didn’t offer me a single bite!”
“Poor baby can’t use her hands?” He cooed, curling a finger near your cheek.
You dramatically waved your reasons for being incapacitated. “Can’t even use them. Plus, they itch like hell.”
“Pft, don’t pin that on me.” He scorned. “Curse barely touched you, and you spent the whole night cryin’ like a baby.”
An exasperated sigh puffed in your lungs. “I can’t believe you drew a mustache on my face. You knew I was awake, didn’t you?”
“Did I?” He asked with a knowing smile. “So what? Think I’d pussy outta kissing that cute little face just ‘cause of two extra lines?
“Still got ‘em, by the way.”
You manically scrubbed your lips with the back of your bandaged fist before coming to terms with the spotless reflection in his rearview mirror.
“There’s a special place in hell for people like you.”
The car was again put into motion as Toji switched gears and accelerated—much to your delight—toward the seashore, with no intention of stopping even as the village houses got replaced by palm trees dug in the sand; your final accusation being, “What kind of psychopath drives without music?”
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“This is just noise.”
His snide remark had you dropping the stack of cassette tapes back at the discount stand and rushing to his aid.
The store-provided headphones appeared comically small compressing his skull, with the metallic wire bent into a taut arc that promised to snap any minute now. Their wearer seemed displeased, which, honestly, he always did, but this time you could hardly blame him. He was out of his element, and if it weren’t for that sliver of curiosity ushering him into the record store by the station, then he wouldn’t be standing there like an absolute idiot, polluting his ears with… pirate metal?
You managed to withstand about ten seconds of incoherent German slurs and Arrrgh’s before you hastily ejected the tape and shoved it back in its case. An entire music library at your disposal, and he’d possibly come across the single questionable track. Even a sniffer dog would envy his ability to nose anomalies out.
“Must be ‘cause you aren’t used to it.” You glanced around the shelves for a gap. “For all we know, this could be a masterpiece.”
“Yeah, right.” Toji kicked at the rolling step stool. Your heel caught it before it had the chance to crash into the vinyl stand, which led to him scoffing. Again.
He was the one who insisted on this date yet acted the exact opposite of his intentions. All that gloating about his past conquests was plain rubbish. He’d planned nothing for your date—your first date—and was disagreeable toward your every suggestion. The new crepe stall was too flashy for his tastes. The regular sukiyaki place was suddenly too expensive. The attractions at the park were tourist traps. You’d purposely led him down the thrift shop packed-alleyway just so he wouldn’t have a reason to complain, but he exceeded your expectations.
If he was having such a bad time, then why bother asking you out in the first place?
You returned to your corner, rummaging through the rows for something even Toji could potentially appreciate, when it hit you: you had no idea what kind of music he liked. Two years of acquaintance, and you’d never discussed preferences.
“Hey, Mr. Nitpicker.” Your nails clicked against the plastic to draw his attention. “What’s your favorite song?”
He gawked at you as if he’d been presented with a complex quantum physics equation, furrowing his eyebrows and tilting his head from one side to the other like a metronome.
“It’s… that one.” You expected him to point at either a cassette or a vinyl, but his hands remained sheathed in his pockets.
“What one?”
“The one that goes like…” You again expected him to hum to the rhythm of the supposed song, but he didn’t. “Ya know, that one.”
Your eyes darted between the tapes in your grasp and the insistence in his expression. He didn’t sound convincing in the slightest. It was when he lied that he acted most certain.
The only argument working in his favor was the inconceivable notion that a person in the growing age of media and technology could do without a song blasting from their car speakers or one they recorded with all the ambient sounds of a cafe tainting the chorus—because you didn’t know how music was treated in the Zen’in household; how whatever didn’t feature a koto or a shamisen was outright rejected; how it was considered a women’s sport—an activity slightly more refined than idle gossip in the shadows of the shoji doors.
“That’s not very helpful.” You sighed.
“Whatever.” He frowned, reclining against the one wall that was equipped with neither shelves nor framed records.
The conversation was over, and you resumed your hunt for affordable hidden gems in the 80s section. They used the word vintage for songs you’d grown up with, which everyone knew was a code word for old. Your twentieth birthday was months away, and you were already deemed old—correction: vintage. In no time, you’d join the club of people who called those below their age kids and constantly reminisced about the golden days of their youth.
“What’s yours?” Toji caught you off guard with how he’d both peeled off the wall and hunched over you without you taking notice.
You hadn’t even opened your mouth, yet you already felt yourself stuttering. He was intimidating—not in a piss your pants kind of way, but in a way that tinkered with the distribution of fluids in your body. You didn’t want to answer his question. You’d rather he bent a little lower and kissed you, because sharing your second kiss at a record store sounded exhilarating.
But sharing that tidbit of information wasn’t.
Flustered, you flipped through the cassettes sorted by the letter ‘A’ to find Anri’s Timely!! mixed between the ‘C’s. You were supposed to ask for permission before trying out the non-samples, but the store clerk clearly didn’t mind, or else he would have stopped you four tapes ago.
You searched for the appropriate track and pressed play once the headphones were back on Toji’s head. He kept a serious face all the while Anri begged for her loneliness to stop, the upbeat instrumental contrasting—without concealing—the sobriety of the lyrics. You heard every word loud and clear, mentally repeating them down to the third chorus, where you got lost in the sentiment.
Love is like a small storm. Both friends and lovers get swept up by it.
The song went on about the end of a relationship, while yours hadn’t even begun. You were one step ahead of being friends, yet a lot more steps behind being lovers. You didn’t want to jinx the outcome of your date but couldn’t stop musing over the pain of a breakup. You’d only experienced loneliness in the form of missing—never in the form of losing. If you let yourself be swept up by this emotion, would you wind up hurting more than you did before he stepped into your life?
The music came to an end of its own, and Toji pulled the headphones from his ears, declaring with a victorious grin that this was his favorite song.
“You can’t be serious.” You snatched the Walkman from his hands. “That’s my favorite song!”
“And?” He tapped his foot against the tiled floor. “What’s yours can’t be mine?”
“We aren’t married.” You wished you could press rewind and write over your own words, replacing them with something far less embarrassing.
“Like I’d ever marry someone this bossy.”
You groaned as you traded the tape for one by Takeuchi Mariya. “Fine. When the time comes, you’re free to marry someone without any backbone, but now, we are finding you a song.”
He groaned back while you repeated the same process of skipping to a specific song, gauging his reaction, and then moving forward while he pig-headedly stood by his first choice. You tried more artists—Matsubara Miki, Akimoto Kaoru, Sugiyama Kiyotaka. You thought Hamada Kingo’s midnight cruisin’ would be it, but it wasn’t. The single thread your patience dangled from finally snapped, resulting in your rising to your toes and forcibly holding the headphones down against his head.
“You aren’t allowed to not like this one!”
You formed the words slow enough for him to read your lips over the climax of first chorus, the song feeling nothing sort but an unconventional confession with how you viciously stared into each others eyes.
Every time I wish, to monopolize your love/Every time I wish, that would you be mine/I want all of you.
There was a change in his expression, a flicker or a speck of something that convinced you to step back before the song reached its conclusion. You called a draw in your staredown, both turning to a different direction, and you weren’t sure if Toji was remotely capable of feeling shame, but his cheeks were tinted a subtle pink when your eyes next met.
“Okay.” He conceded. “Keep your stupid song. I like this one better.”
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You walked around the shops hand in hand. It was for precaution, so you wouldn’t get caught between the hordes of starving office workers invading the local Konbini in search of nutrients—his words, not yours. Toji didn’t know lunch breaks were a common breadwinner’s luxury, considering most of these people overworked themselves until it was time to go, but you didn’t mention either. His hand felt too warm to let go, and whenever he spoke, heat radiated from his lips.
You wished he’d kiss you.
He’d missed his chance at the record store, but plenty of other opportunities had since turned up: the giant Christmas tree that sprouted in front of Kitaguchi station; at the back row of some B-rated horror movie screening; behind the arcades on Motomachi Street. Even right where you stood, he could trick you into thinking there was a rogue eyelash he meant to pinch from your cheek, only for his lips to land on yours instead.
It was a given that it would happen. It happened in every single Hollywood rom-com, without exception. You just didn’t know when or where.
The cassette tapes rattled like wind chimes in the paper bag you carelessly swung around. You didn’t intend to charge him with a bunch of impulse purchases, but he told you not to sweat it because you’d be buying lunch. It fascinated you how the richest and poorest people you knew met in Toji’s face. He could afford things beyond imagination, yet he never seemed able to afford the essentials. It was easy to write him off as cheap, but you didn’t want to be in love with someone cheap.
You wondered whether he’d ask you to be his girlfriend or if you already were.
You suffered through a much harsher rejection as you returned to the very same crepe stall that Toji previously dismissed with a simple “no,” this time demanding you treat him to an actual meal. You were more upset about not having crepes than you were about bleeding cash on him.
The sun retired prior to your food quest’s conclusion, parting from the sky in a murky shade of blue. It was getting too cold to be outside, and hiding your shivering came at a price. You clung to his arm as if he were a portable heater, but when he asked if you felt cold, you stupidly claimed to be fine. Really stupid.
Soon, the streets were emptied. Every sensible passerby holed up in the cozy izakayas that lined each side of the pavement. You were the last two sociopaths testing their courage at a UFO catcher outside a greasy Thai restaurant. The aroma of drunken noodles stirred something in your stomach that made you forget all about the crepes, and the Yoshi plushie Toji pledged himself to win on your behalf. You shouldn’t have told him he was your favorite. You’d be stuck here until the morning light.
“Didn’t you swear off gambling for the remainder of this year? Thought you were saving your luck for 1995.” You tried to dissuade him, eyes meeting through the hazy glass. He’d tasked you with inspecting the left side of the machine while he took stock of the prizes on the right. “How’s this?” You pointed at a Yoshi near the corner of the prize pit.
“That’s hardly gambling.” Toji slapped the glass with both his hands and forehead, reviewing your choice. “Nah, won’t do. ‘Tis too far from the center. Switch with me.”
You traded sides, with Toji focusing on the Yoshis while you focused on him. He seemed to know what he was doing, but he wasn’t fooling you. He’d lose, pin it on either the rigged machine or the maintenance guy, and then he’d have you drag the Thai manager out.
On second thought, maybe if he caused a big enough scene, you’d be compensated with a plate of warm food.
A smile of utter triumph emerged across his lips once he got his sights on a target. You still had your doubts, especially with how tightly the machine was packed, but refrained from voicing them. He wouldn’t listen anyway.
“Got any coins?”
You handed him your wallet, and his eyes almost widened as he shook it around like a maraca. “You work a side-gig at the mint or something? What’s with all these coins?”
“Many drops make an ocean.” You moved to the side for a better view. “Spend ‘em all, and you’ll be buying your own lunch.”
He pulled out a mere 100-yen coin and dropped your wallet on top of the machine. “Don’t need more.”
“Why do I feel like I’ve heard those words before?” Your sneer wasn’t enough to shatter his confidence.
“Ya say that cause you weren’t there in ‘87.”
“Why—what happened in ‘87? And where exactly is there?”
“Won three of these with a single draw.” Toji not-so-subtly bragged, at last taking hold of the joystick.
“Am I supposed to be impressed?” Anyone can win if they bribe a kid to loosen the thing for them.
“Better be if ya want me winning that damn turtle of yours.”
“Yoshi is a dinosaur…” Unsurprisingly, that earned you a glare.
You gestured a zipper over your mouth and gave him an encouraging thumbs-up as he slotted the coin in. The 15-second countdown began, with Toji maneuvering the claw over the plushie by the 10-second mark and Yoshi flying over the hole five seconds later. You watched with bated breath up until the claw unlatched from Yoshi’s nose and propelled him down the machine’s entrails, a series of metallic thuds promising Toji’s irrefutable success.
“You won?” Your gasp turned into a genuine shriek of excitement. “Holy shit, you actually won! Shit, I mean—wow, you’re good at this!”
He snorted, kneeling to retrieve the prize. “You sound surprised.”
“Well, I am.” You admitted. “Never seen you win before.”
“Don’t be. It’s annoying.” He pretended to bash your skull with the plushie, only to softly dab it at your wincing, hands raised in defense. Cute. “Have your big-head. He looks like you.”
A tight-lipped smile curved itself in place of his lips, the rest of his features also softening while he took in yours. Looking like a green dinosaur had its perks. You didn’t feel as cold anymore. All you felt was the tenderness with which he cupped your cheek like the most precious treasure—and he did treasure you. First with his eyes, and then with his fingers, though he treasured you the most when he was kissing you on your open mouth, your impatience dissolving into a wish come true.
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“In my next life, I’ll buy myself a house here.”
Your toes sank deeper into the sand, struggling to remain hidden as the sea foam tickled away their concealment. Shards of the moon sparkled like stardust in the ocean, every ripple mirroring another star fallen from the night sky. If magic existed in this world, this was proof of it.
In the end, you were glad Toji brought you out there. Tokyo was smothered by water to the point where you feared it might swallow you whole, but things were different in the countryside. No skyscrapers blocked your view of the quaint horizon. No traffic sounds filtered the sound of the waves crashing to the shore. No exhaust fumes tainted the salty air that filled your lungs.
Even for a moment, you broke free from the shackles of everyday life and stepped into a picturesque world straight from a postcard. Your life could end then and there, and you’d jump to the next one without any regrets.
“What keeps you from doin’ that in this life?” Toji asked, seated a little further from where you stood. You didn’t understand why he’d chosen the beach when he wouldn’t dare dip his feet in the water, let alone feel the crunch of sand. His slippers would get dirty, one way or another.
“Money, for starters. Work, too. Life, maybe.” You mused.
“Bullshit. You can make money anywhere.” He retorted. “And anyone can do your job. Not like serving brick patties takes special skill.”
“Think I can do your job, then?”
“No fucking way.” You chuckled at his honesty. “You’d stab your leg right in front of your fucking target.”
“Right?” You glanced down at your fingers. He’d peeled off the bandages so you wouldn’t get them soggy, but you didn’t need them anymore. Your cuts would heal on their own as long as you didn’t get salt in them. “Then, you think we should only do what we are meant to do?”
“I think we should do whatever the fuck we want.”
“That’s easy to say…”
“Even easier to do. Now get your ass over here.”
You turned around, beaming with a smile he’d find irritating a minute later. “What if I don’t want to?”
“Then suit yourself.”
His apathy lasted until he sprung from his seat and scurried over to you, his arms seizing your waist before you could run away. Your back was pulled flush against his chest, with your ribs silently crying over the ridiculous strength of his biceps. You’d been subjected to more squeezing this weekend than your body could handle.
“That’s how ya do it.” Toji breathed in your hair, his chin comfortably propped on the crook of your shoulder. You were immobilized, but your heart still raced for escape, your cheeks shimmering a rosy pink.
“Actually, you wanted me to come to you, which means you just proved yourself wrong. Meanwhile, I wanted you to come here, which means I—ugh, put me down!”
Water splashed everywhere as Toji hoisted you high above the ground and carried you across the sand plains, your feet pedaling an invisible wheel until you were dropped off like a sack of potatoes. Non-organic at that. Organics received greater care and respect.
“Happy now?”
Choking on a miniature sandstorm, you fought to get your tangled hair off your mouth, inevitably tasting some of the very coarse grains you coughed out.
“How can I be happy when I’ll be shitting sand for days to come?”
“You’re just bein’ dramatic.” He brushed the hair from your face, giving your head a rough pat.
“And you’re being an asshole.” You sighed, recalling your words. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Wouldn’t matter if ya did.” Toji hurled one of the few pebbles at the sea, watching it detonate in a firework of water. “Heard worse.”
“But I really didn’t. You used to be more of an asshole; now you’re just a little bit. A tiny bit, really.” You smiled softly, leaning your head against his shoulder. “I’m glad we are here. And whatever your reasons for moving in were, I’m glad you did. I love our life.”
A wry smile appeared on his lips. “Better remember that next time you nag me about the dishes.”
“Water alone doesn’t remove grease. You need soap to—” You paused at his groan. “It’s fine. So what if there’s melted cheese stuck at the bottom of the pan and I can taste last week’s dinner in my glass? You are trying your best!”
“I got a job.” He cut in.
An unpleasant taste had you grimacing into his elbow. It’d been a while since you’d last cleaned up after his mess in the hall, but the foul smell of metal was unforgettable. Blood—and although it seldom belonged to him, you weren’t any more comfortable with the idea that the day would come when somebody else would scrub Toji’s blood off their clothes.
“When are you leaving?” You asked in a quiet voice.
“Not that kinda job.” Toji thought a title made a story, not details. He reached for another pebble to throw, but his hand turned out empty. Then he continued. “A shitty 9-to-5 job like all others.”
“Doing what?”
“Office stuff—how the hell should I know? Ask Kong; he’s the one who arranged it.”
“Shiu?” He shrugged rather than nodded. “But why? I never asked you to.”
“You think I’d get a job simply ‘cause you asked?” Right. That’d make no sense. “Can only off so many sorcerer brats per month to make ends meet. Rest of the year I’m left hingin’ on capital control.”
“So it is about me.”
You were dragged down against his body as Toji laid you both on the sand, his one hand draping over your shoulder while you rested your cheek on his chest. His heartbeat resonated like the sound of the ocean in your ear. Soothing and slow. A sound only you had the fortune to enjoy.
“Is that where you went last night?”
“Mhm,” he mumbled, combing through your hair to distract you from the palm that shamelessly climbed down your butt. “Interview.”
You felt his fingers burrowing into your shorts, his touch innocent as far as groping was concerned. “Does this mean I’ll get to see you in a suit?”
“Like hell you are.”
“But you’re gonna have to start wearing one if you wanna make a good first impression. At least a button-up and a tie.”
“Like I care about impressions,” he said, adding a beat later that he didn’t even have one.
“When do you start? We can go shopping on Thursday, I have the day off; we could hit that store in—what are you doing?” You questioned his flipping his phone open and typing something on the screen.
“Don’t you dare!” You slapped the lid with such force that the phone bounced away from his hands and wedged into the sand.
Dusting the sand off, he packed it back in his pocket, his arms falling at his sides with no intention of resuming their activities. “I’ll just do it later.”
Silence stretched thin as the two of you gazed at the sky, long enough for you to forget you weren’t astral bodies yourselves until your own mindless admission went through.
“In my next life, I want to be a turtle. They carry their houses on their backs and don’t have to deal with rent or taxes.”
“What a sly way to say ya want me off your back.” Toji quipped.
“Something tells me you’d still find a way to stick around. You are like gum in hair. I’d need to shave my head to get rid of you.”
“Turtles don’t have hair, stupid.”
“Shh, don’t ruin my analogy.” You protested. “And why do you always call me stupid?” Your chin rolled on his chest. “I went to college. I’m at least smarter than you.”
He let out a snort. “Goin’ to college doesn’t make you any smarter. It proves you’re a nerd.”
“But you’re also pretty,” he added once you were about to sit up, the smirk you mistook for a smile forcing you to drop your guard. “Pretty stupid.”
“That’s it—you’re not coming back alive!”
Planting both knees on each side of his torso, you attempted to smack the smugness out of him, only for your wrists to be pulled forward and your head violently brought down to his level—every thought of retaliation stripped away by the proximity of his lips.
What was scary was how easily you were tricked into kissing him; your feud nothing more than a pretext for Toji to lure your tongue inside his mouth. Your hands slipped from his grip to his cheeks, gently thumbing at his scar, while his palms wandered behind your back and settled on your butt, making you feel just how hard the press of your thighs had gotten him.
To someone who only knew affection in the form of sex, kissing was merely the prelude to fucking your brains out in the sand—and when you started grinding your hips against his crotch, he was convinced he’d finally catch a break.
“T-Toji,” you breathed out, following the expanse of his arms down to where his fingers fumbled with the waistband of your shorts. “We are not doing this here.”
Your warning didn’t seem half as compelling as the little moans that spilled from your agape lips, the friction between your bodies clouding your judgment. “Toji…” You tried again, slotting your fingers in between his knuckles. “Don’t want sand in my vagina.”
“I’ll suck it out.”
It took a third Toji to kill his aspiration of having the entire city of Chikura learn your names. His frown grew in an instant—an improvement to all the previous scowls he’d worn, maybe because he’d gotten further than every previous attempt and had the confidence that success lurked right around the corner.
He retrieved his hands and pieced them behind his head, hooded green eyes having yet to rid themselves of the lust behind them. “Then stop grinding on my dick already.”
You parted from him with a peck he almost denied and sat up on your heels.
���What do you want to be reborn as, Toji?” You tried to change subjects.
“One life is enough to suffer through.” He shrugged.
“And you call me dramatic,” you mumbled. “Then you don’t believe in reincarnation? I thought the Zen’ins were all pious.”
He rolled on his side, staring at the parked vehicles. Yours was not the only car around, but you hadn’t seen a pedestrian since you’d stopped for gas in the previous town. People in the country had an actual bedtime, as opposed to those in Tokyo.
“They serve religion when it serves ‘em back. Not me. Don’t believe in any of that.”
“Why not?” You pressed.
“Cause I don’t wanna be reborn as a damn turtle.”
You took a moment to process what he’d just said, blinking between “He can’t possibly mean…?” and “No way he just said that” at least a dozen times before you scooted closer, nudging him to flip toward you with a hand on his shoulder.
“Ya think turtles fuck a lot?” Toji broke the temporary silence.
“I… haven’t had the chance to ask one,” his sigh prompting you to add, “They do have a lot of babies though, so maybe?”
“Yeah… maybe.”
You fiddled with the hem of your shirt, your eyes inadvertently drawn to the bulge in his pants. You felt less self-conscious about the damp patch in your underwear and the continuous pulsing between your thighs, both of which begged you to reconsider your answer. A few rounds of the most glorious sex you’d ever have were worth weeks of excruciating pain and gynecologist visits.
“I want my shirt back,” Toji suddenly said.
You peered away from all the dirty thoughts and shifted your gaze to his shirt on your body. “Now? You want me to take it off right now?”
His lack of response served as confirmation.
“But I’m not wearing anything underneath,” as if that could possibly dissuade him.
“Nobody’s looking.” He gestured toward the houses that surrounded the coastline, none of them with a light shining through their windows. “And I certainly don’t mind.”
The obvious choice was to dismiss his request as a corny joke and keep your arms pinned over your chest for the rest of the night. But with your mind so far gone and your heart (read: pussy) assuming office, you were pulling the shirt over your head before you could fully mull things over.
You shaped the cloth into a rough ball of fabric that you tossed at him, your adrenaline peaking to new heights as the realization of your breasts dangling in plain sight settled in. Toji didn’t even try to hide his gawking at them, his eyes blown with surprise. He’d underestimated your guts, and you’d overestimated whatever half-baked confidence carried you this far.
“I—I’ll just return it when we get home.” You hurriedly picked up the shirt from where it’d landed on his lap, trying your best to cover yourself up. “It n-needs a good washing too—my, look at all this—”
You halted as Toji caught your hands and slowly tugged them off your breasts, the shirt falling in an empty pool between your bodies. “Can’t believe you hid these from me.” He whispered, absolutely mesmerized by what was quickly becoming his favorite sight in the world.
His touch posed a question that a reluctant nod answered, your face burning hot and your heart thrumming loudly as Toji’s fingers made their way from your stomach to your chest, goosebumps erupting across every inch of velvet skin they traced. His palms stopped short of their destination while he sized up your reaction, half-expecting you to run off into the ocean and butterfly-stroke back home, but you remained uncharacteristically docile, bearing the intensity of his eyes for the sake of being touched.
Without any further delay, his fingers wrapped around your breasts and squeezed at them, feeling out the weight of the supple flesh in his palms before coming to a conclusion. This was worth the wait.
“You’re so pretty.” His thumbs rubbed your nipples in clockwork order, light pinches perking them up. “So damn pretty.”
“Not pretty stupid or anything?” Your smiles turned joint amidst a soft kiss.
“Nah, I’m the stupid one. You’re plain beautiful.”
“Don’t beat yourself over it.” Your breathing grew heavier as he began to kiss the corners of your mouth. “It’s the extra college years.”
“Fucking nerd. Come ‘ere.”
Toji pushed you to the ground and climbed on top, his knee parting your thighs while his hands kept true to their goal of kneading your breasts, playing with your sensitive peaks to draw the sweetest sounds from your throat.
“Y-You agreed to take things slow, remember? Only kissing.” You tugged at a tuft of hair, not minding that your actions contradicted your words—head tilted back and limbs closing around his waist as you rubbed your heat against his clothed cock.
“Relax.” He nibbled at your earlobe, his lips straying lower and lower with every word he mumbled across your skin. “Promise I won’t fuck any sand into your pussy. I’ll wait till ya beg me to fill it up with somethin’ else.”
A sly idea manifested as an equally sly smirk as Toji unlatched himself from your jaw to stare into your eyes. “How ‘bout this?”
He followed his question with a trail of kisses that led down your neck, searching for permission once his breath inched closer to your nipple, his tongue teasing its perimeter.
“This qualifies as kissing, right?”
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“Is this seat taken?”
You lacked the willpower to lift your head from the untouched bowl of chao that lay before the vacant chair—the final chair left on the table aside from yours, all previous ones given away to those with an actual use for them.
The image spoke for itself. A girl who kept twisting her neck in the direction of the door, expecting someone who wouldn’t come, all the while dismissing the waiter’s discreet attempts to free the table. You got stood up, but instead of feeling anger, you only felt worry. Almost an hour had passed since Toji shoved you into this Vietnamese joint on the outskirts of Musashino and promised he’d be back after checking on something—and while Toji definitely was the type to leave without notice, he wasn’t the type to leave free food waiting.
You finally glanced at the young man, who patiently awaited your answer. He was more or less your age, stemming from a group of guys in baseball jerseys, all with a beer jug in hand. College athletes. The kind of people you both envied and avoided.
“You can have it.” You replied at the same time he asked whether you wanted to join their table.
He probably wasn’t a bad guy, and he wasn’t so hard on the eye either. At least that was your impression until he stated his reason for inviting you: because you were cute. There was room only for one sordid womanizer in your life.
Muttering an apology in a hushed tone, you pushed past him and walked outside, the cold wind inviting every hair on your body to stand in ovation. With your hands desperately trying to generate some degree of heat over your forearms, you dashed to the closest phone booth and shut the door behind you. You emptied a few coins in your palm and picked up the receiver, holding it to your ear while you dialed his beeper’s number and pressed 2.
“Hey, it’s me. I just left the restaurant and wanted to say, Hah! Your loss, loser. You really missed out. Don’t even think of asking me to pay for lunch again. That ship has sailed—you blew your chance.” A pause. One long enough for the voice in the speaker to ask you to deposit more coins to continue recording.
“That’s not all. What I wanted to say is, I—um, had fun today. I’m not mad that you went away—well, not that mad, anyway. I understand. There are things you can’t go into detail over, and—yeah, I guess that’s it.” You shook your bags near the phone. “Thank you for the Yoshi and the tapes. You should come over whenever you have time to listen to them together. Promise I’ll spare you the boring trivia.
“Actually, the trivia isn’t boring; you are the one who doesn’t appreciate it, and—damn, I’m ranting again. Just gimme a call, okay? Let me know you’re alive. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I really like your voice. If something bad were to happen, I’d miss hearing it. Maybe if my voice was as nice, you’d listen to me more, but I’m not complaining. I really like it, and I really like you.”
Your cheeks felt hot as you awkwardly chuckled. “You can’t laugh, okay? Don’t you dare laugh, ‘cause I know you like me too. I hope you do. Whatever. You’ll never hear me say this to your face, but I really like you a lot, Toji. Everything about you. I love every single thing about you. Thanks for being my friend and family.
“I’m running out of coins, so I’ll end this here. Talk to you soon. Take care.”
You placed the earphone back in its place and opened the door, banking on the negative fives to cool down your body’s elevated temperature. You managed three steps before the phone started to ring. Without second thought, you threw yourself back into the booth, apologizing as you realized the voice on the other line didn’t belong to the one you thought it would.
You were ready to hang up when the stranger’s words made your heart plummet in your chest. He wasn’t the owner of the beeper, but the device had temporarily fallen into his hands. He claimed to have found it in a manhole four kilometers away from Takaido station, and while there were a lot of gaps in his story, you agreed to meet up at a cafe a few blocks from your current location.
Meeting with a man whose face you didn’t know was risky, but the streets were filling up, and someone had to retrieve the beeper in Toji’s stead. It’d be fine.
“Alright, I’ll see you in ten to fifteen minutes, Mister Kong.”
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Your footprints chased closely after you on the way to the car, two separate trails merging every few meters when Toji would lean down to press a kiss on your lips. His kisses tasted salty after that many hours on the beach, though you wouldn’t have it any other way. You wanted to cherish those moments before they crumpled and you woke up back on your couch with the memories of a dream you’d never truly lived.
In this dream, where a tomorrow had yet to dawn, he suggested that you one day return with a towel to finish what you’d started. You talked about trying out the local specialties and staying at a nearby ryokan—because in that dream, your shift didn’t start for five hours and you could afford to break the bank.
Your last stop occurred in front of the passenger seat’s door as you dusted the sand off your clothes. He wasn’t thrilled with your covering his artwork—little pink love bites and light purple bruises lacing your collarbones and breasts—but he let you wear his shirt indefinitely this time.
“Good?” You performed a small twirl, hoping that you’d gotten all the sand off your back.
Toji gestured for you to turn around again, his palm smoothing out the fabric until it landed a muted thwack on your butt. “Now ya good.” He grinned, walking over to his seat.
You held off getting in the car, stealing a final glance at the tranquil landscape before it faded away. You said goodbye to the sand, the pebbles, and the waves, leaving the trees for last, when the outline of something crawling among some rocks attracted your attention.
The creature in discussion had eight long limbs and a seemingly liquid head it dragged behind it, bits of seaweed sticking out of its coral complexion.
“Is that a curse?” You pointed at the horizon, forcing Toji to peek outside the window.
“That’s an octopus. Probably hitchhiked on the riptide.” He fixed the right-side mirror and closed the door. “Not everything’s a curse, dummy. Ya might not see another in your life—best forget it ever happened.”
He was right. You’d lived twenty seven years without a curse making a move. There was no reason to believe they’d suddenly start swarming you as if you were dipped in honey.
Once you were both inside the car, he twisted the key in the ignition, only for the engine to sputter and then immediately die. You knew the bare minimum about cars, so you assumed he knew what he was doing when he stepped outside and popped the hood to take a look at the machinery. You even thought the kick he gave the front wheel was part of some ritual to fix the failure, until he opened your door for you and, with an irritated smile, declared you weren’t going to believe this.
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greatwesternway · 1 year
Diesel Does It Some More
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A thing I think is sort of overlooked about Diesel is that he is one of the few characters in the series who gets genuine development over the course of the show. Some characters get that over the course of two episodes, particularly if they are a one-off, but Diesel is the only one who got development slowly - so slowly - over the course of several seasons.
I have a longer, different post coming about his early history on Sodor so we're not gonna talk about Duck v. Diesel here. This post concerns what happens after the point at which we can assume Sir Topham Hatt finally gave in and bought Diesel outright, securing his place on the NWR's roster.
Effectively, what this means is Diesel is no longer in danger of being sent away, but it also means he has to invest more in his relationships with other engines because it's a small island.
He's not been well prepared for this on the Other Railway. Luckily he has tons of time to learn.
The first few seasons after his acquisition are rocky. Diesel needs to show he deserves his place on Sodor, but he usually tries to accomplish this by undermining other engines which is not conductive to getting the work done ("Fergus Breaks the Rules"). He's also still telling them that steam engines will be scrapped ("Thomas to the Rescue", "Squeak, Rattle and Roll"), which is obviously not true on Sodor but is often an effective way of achieving his first method. (It's also, I think, important to note that the punishment for the thing with Fergus was being sent to work at the smelter's, which is where 'Arry and Bert work, but that's an entire other post too. It set him back, let's just say.)
From here on out, though, Diesel is sometimes treated by the narrative neutrally rather than as a villain. In "Respect for Gordon" he's making fun of Gordon, but so is Emily so that's not really a comment on him so much (also he does this by facetiously wishing Gordon well which is an interesting and funny twist on that). He's the villain in "Emily and the Special Coaches" but it comes about that he's behaved this way because his accomplishment of shunting the most trucks in a day has been overlooked and he's acknowledged for it by the end of the episode.
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In "Thomas and the Billboard", Diesel is actually the victim of circumstance (and his own reputation, let's be real). During a photoshoot for a billboard, Diesel is directed by the photographer to move forward and he accidentally obscures Thomas from the shot. Later, when Thomas sees the billboard, he assumes Diesel blocked him on purpose. Shit happens, the billboard has to be redone anyway, but this time, Thomas deliberately does not tell Diesel about the rescheduled shoot. Thomas keeps stalling the reshoot to keep Diesel from finding out about it, which in turn keeps all the other engines off their jobs as well. It later turns out the Diesel was doing the priority stuff they were all supposed to be doing and was now late to do his own jobs.
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So to sum up, Diesel is the only one doing his fkn job today and Thomas is trying to fuck him over all unbeknownst. Fascinating! Thomas does apologize eventually and everyone gets to be on the billboard.
Then you got "Don't Go Back" where Diesel keeps goading Thomas into - more or less - friendly races that end up causing confusion and delay. The episode concludes with them setting out on another race so the takeaway isn't that Diesel was actually out to make trouble so much as just show he was better than Thomas.
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These are all from the model series. I don't necessarily think there was any sort of organized effort to make Diesel more friendly here. One might even attribute this to the show seemingly forgetting who certain characters were. I'm pretty sure the show bible at this point specifically said he was a villain. Still, there's a cohesion to it and they're doing interesting things with the expectations. (Also, as an aside, Diesel being the only one doing his work also happened in "Diesel Does It Again" so that's not exactly out of character, hilariously enough.)
Diesel gets sidelined to cameos for a while as the show transitions to CGI, but he does have one notable outing in which he's desperate for the approval of children and commandeers a bunch of other engines' seemingly better freight to get it ("Diesel's Special Delivery"). This episode is sort of ??? but I do like the end where Diesel's boring utilitarian freight (slate to repair their school's roof) is actually what the children want. It's not a full treatise on steam/diesel relations, but most people probably think the Class 08 is boring compared to steam engines so if you're choosing to see this as a metaphor, then it's nice the functional freight got the appreciation in the end.
And this is where shit starts getting real interesting!
Day of the Diesels is... it's not a good movie. I won't lie and tell you that. But it does do very interesting things with the diesel vs. steam concept. It points out things that would happen on Sodor as a logical conclusion of dieselization on the mainland (things that look much more unfair than they are in a show that prefers to disregard that part of the lore) and I love how they re-conceptualized Diesel 10 from his Thomas and the Magic Railroad debut. That stuff deserves its own essay, but the important thing about Day of the Diesels today is that it's the first time we see a steam engine really giving Diesel the benefit of the doubt.
The engine in question is Percy and he's ideally suited to extend this olive branch. As far as steam engines go, he's got the least status among them. He pulls the mail train, but even the Pride of the Line is treated as beneath most of the other steam engines. He also lacks a pedigree. Granted, most of Hatt's early acquisitions have dubious claims to lineage but Percy's just a straight up mongrel with no discernible builder. And most exploitable, many the other steam engines don't treat Percy with much respect either. Even Thomas is blowing him off in the movie, which is what gives the diesels their opportunity.
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It's no accident that the diesels choose Percy as the target for their appeal and it's no accident they enlist Diesel to reel him in. Diesel is convincing, persuasive, and knows the motions of sympathy even if he doesn't quite manage empathy.
Unfortunately, the second Percy arrives at the Dieselworks, they literally put Diesel on a shelf and Diesel 10 takes over.
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But the point is, Percy is now an ally of diesel equity and he's got a sort of acquaintance with Diesel himself (aside from it undoubtedly being Percy's idea to strike rather than work with Diesel, who he'd only just met at that point). And it comes back around later.
In "Percy and the Calliope", Percy and Diesel are tasked with taking a busted-ass calliope to the smelter's, but Percy wants to see if it can be fixed. Diesel disparages the operation the whole time... but he does go along with every single thing that Percy wants to try too. Even after Percy insulted him by mistaking his squeaking axles for the Monster of Brendham six episodes earlier.
"Disappearing Diesels" is when the effort to actually develop him starts in earnest. Up to now, things have just been kind of moving along in a lazy and convenient sort of way. Diesel gets to approach the possibility of being cool as a matter of deus ex machina. This episode marks the first time they actually put a specific thing in that they reach back for later to show he's learned something.
In this episode, Diesel convinces all the other diesels to hide from Paxton. And Paxton, not being too bright, comes to the conclusion that all the diesels on Sodor have disappeared. He searches all over Sodor until he happens upon Diesel at the docks. Diesel runs from him but because he spends so fuel evading Paxton, he runs dry on the line. Paxton then shunts Diesel to the next station to get refueled which Diesel does not understand because this is surely not a thing that he would do.
"That's what friends are for," says Paxton.
That evening, Diesel takes the berth next to Paxton's and, though he cannot bring himself to say thank you, he does give him a pained little smile.
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The next season, we've got "Wild Water Rescue", in which Diesel commandeers a job Percy was given because he thinks he's going to get his picture in the newspaper. He sends Percy to an abandoned quarry instead where Percy runs himself into a pond and puts out his firebox. Later, Diesel (after finding that the photo was only of Search and Rescue vehicles) goes to find Percy and tries to pull him out, only to flood his own generator too.
And as they are sitting there in that pond, Diesel makes a valiant effort to actually apologize to Percy. He can't quite get the word "Sorry" out of his mouth and he's interrupted by the entire Sodor Search and Rescue before he could manage it. Unlike the thank you he owed to Paxton in "Disappearing Diesels" though, he's actually making an effort here for Percy.
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And Percy knows what's up. Percy knows what's good! The next day, he visits Diesel in the Dieselworks to thank him for trying to rescue him (even if Diesel tricked him in the first place) and to show him that he did get his photo in the paper.
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Couple seasons later, there's "Springtime for Diesel" where he bumps Daisy so hard that her springs sprong. She has to go to the Dieselworks and it takes so long to get replacement springs in for her that rumors start circulating that she may have to be scrapped. Diesel feels terrible about this and goes to visit her. She pretends to be asleep though, which permits Diesel to actually say that he's sorry this time. With the words and everything!
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He's then quick to excuse his behavior by saying that he's mean to other engines because they're mean to him and they blame him for everything, but that he likes Daisy and wishes he could make everything right again. He's resigned though that after this, she's probably not going to want to be his friend.
When Daisy does get her new springs, Diesel is the first to meet her on the tracks. She doesn't directly acknowledge his apology because I think she does get that's a big step for him and she doesn't want to call attention to it. She does tell him though that if he wants to be friends, he has to change his ways.
And he does!
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...until literally the next episode where he's trying to start shit between her and Harvey, but Diesel is as Diesel does.
Finally - finally! - in "Sonny's Second Chance", Diesel comes full circle and takes responsibility for his mischief in order to save Sonny from being sent away.
In this episode, Sonny (a steam engine who arrived in the company of a pair of thieves) has been offered the chance to stay and work on Sodor, but only if he proves himself trustworthy and Useful. He finds however that though he tries to be helpful, his actions are interpreted in bad faith by other engines, leaving him ripe for exploitation by a certain engine who knows that song and dance by heart.
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Diesel tricks Sonny into hauling his cars to the dump, but they're actually having fun together.
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But Diesel fucks it up 'cause of course. On his next job, he brags to Percy that he tricked Sonny into pulling his fish cars, but Sonny overhears. He storms off to deliver the cars and Diesel, realizing he's fucked another friendship, chases after him, but gets switched onto a siding, derails, and almost falls into a Class 08-sized grave. Sonny (who has notably quick reflexes demonstrated both here and earlier when he bumped James out from under falling watermelons) is able to hook a tow chain on and pull Diesel away from the hole. He accidentally derails his own fish cars by backing up so fast, but he catches Diesel before he falls in.
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And Diesel thanks him for it! No hesitation, no hemming and hawwing. And. AND! He also admits that he did not deserve to be rescued. Look at my boy! Look at him GO! And Sonny! Sonny tells him straight up, "No, probably not." Which, gangster. "Consider it a second chance." A second chance! For Diesel! No one's ever actually given him one of those before.
Then Sir Topham Hatt rolls up and - in form we've not seen Hatt Bullshit in for quite some time - looks upon this scene and focuses his attentions on clearly the most pressing and important thing: "What's going on here? And what are those fish doing on the tracks?"
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Sonny takes responsibility for the fish, and Hatt is all "Well, you've had your chance. I did say you'd have to leave if-"
"No!" interrupts Diesel. And he begs Hatt not to send Sonny away. And admits that everything was his fault. And tells Hatt that Sonny saved him.
"Is this true?" Hatt asks in his blithe Hatt Bullshit way. And it is, so Hatt declares that Sonny can stay and word gets around that Sonny's a hero.
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Then they cancelled the show so we never get to see him again!
I'm real fuckin' mad about it honestly because not only was Sonny's episode the culmination of a seasons' long character arc for Diesel, but Sonny is such a uniquely perfect character to give Diesel a proper friend, which I'd argue he never got. Paxton is too trusting, Percy has better options, Daisy obviously isn't going to be BFF's with this guy.
Sonny was so uniquely positioned to be a good friend for Diesel. He's new so he doesn't have existing relationships to interfere with or a long history of previous slights to overlook. He's already committed to giving Diesel a second chance at getting this friend thing right, but he's not forgiving or naive the way Percy and Paxton are. Sonny suffers from the same problems of reputation that Diesel does but is determined to overcome them, which Diesel has never had motivation or incentive to do before. They'd be good accountabili-buddies that way. And perhaps most importantly, Sonny is a steam engine so he'd be closing that old diesel vs. steam gap once and for all.
That Diesel actually fessed up to keep a steam engine on Sodor is something on its own. The implication is that Diesel has found something compelling and resonant about this guy that copping to his bullshit is preferable to Sonny being sent away. If you're keeping dieselization in the back of your mind, you perhaps know there's not many other places anymore for such an engine to go.
What a turnaround for the guy who first arrived on Sodor bragging about how revolutionary he was.
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foervraengd · 1 year
Theres going to be a train/railway strike here in sweden next week which i 100% support because god its so obvious that theyre understaffed and has been ever since 2021 (geez wonder why 🤔)
I just wished it didnt occur just when im about to travel to malmö to have my final correction surgery 😭 i have checked and it shouldnt affect the train ive booked, but thats assuming the strike wont continue and spread further. So i gotta call the clinic today and ask for their input and maybe reschedule.
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lost-carcosa · 1 year
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) says it is reporting the UK government to the United Nations watchdog on workers' rights over a new strikes law.
New rules on strikes will require some employees to work during industrial action - or face being sacked.
The TUC said the legislation fell short of international legal standards.
The government said the new rules "protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public" as well as access to public services.
Once implemented, the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act will apply to a wide range of workers, including those in the rail industry and emergency services.
The TUC labelled them "anti-strike laws" and, as representatives from 48 unions gathered on Sunday, its general secretary, Paul Nowak said they're "unworkable" - and may be illegal.
Speaking on the opening day of the TUC Congress in Liverpool, Mr Nowak said the union body will be lodging the case at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) because the new law "falls far short" of international legal standards.
The government took forward the legislation following a year of unprecedented industrial action by hundreds of thousands of workers, including nurses, teachers, civil servants and railway staff.
A spokeswoman for the government said: "The purpose of this legislation is to protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public and ensure they can continue to access vital public services during strikes."
She added: "The legislation does not remove the ability to strike, but people expect the government to act in circumstances where their rights and freedoms are being disproportionately impacted, and that's what we are doing with this Bill."
The government pointed to research which suggested 600,000 medical appointments have been rescheduled over the past year, and £1.2bn in output has been lost, due to strikes.
A public consultation is under way into how the laws, which received Royal Assent in July, will be implemented by employers, but trade unions may well challenge them in the courts.
Under the new law, which will apply to England, Scotland and Wales, the government would set minimum service levels after a consultation.
Employers will then be able to issue a "work notice" to unions, setting out who is required to work during a strike.
Under the legislation, there would be no automatic protection from unfair dismissal for an employee who is told to work through a notice but chooses to strike.
If a strike is not conducted in accordance with the new rules, employers would be also be able to sue unions for losses.
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arwenkenobi48 · 1 year
Life update/mini vent
So *sighs wearily* I’m a little annoyed. I’ve had to reschedule/postpone my plans for the summer for a multitude of reasons. First off, I was hoping I’d be able to get my passport in time for august but because the system is so slow I haven’t been able to. So I won’t be going to Canada this summer. Due to the weather being extremely unpredictable (and also because of strikes and general disruption on the railways) it looks like I’m going to have to postpone my Glastonbury trip too.
However, all is not lost. I’ve decided to make those two adventures into a winter holiday instead, as I should have everything I need by then.
But also, my dysphoria has unfortunately been rather high as of late, partly due to menstruation, which just sucks in general. I’m doing my best to handle it tho and I still want to do something fun in August so I’m looking up options for a day trip instead. Either Buxton or York, can’t decide, but somewhere with a lot of alternative little shops, that’s for sure.
I’m also going to be moving house soon as well, gonna view the new property on Friday. Don’t know much about it yet other than I’ll have more housemates, but I’m sure it’ll be fantastic.
Will keep you all posted, right now all I’m trying to do is handle the menstrual pain as much as I can. Thank you all for bearing with me and may the force be with you 💖
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Many holiday travellers were forced to reschedule, re-route – or just wait – due to mainline rail delays and cancellations on Wednesday.
Train service was interrupted between two key rail hubs, Tampere and Seinäjoki, due to an electrical fault.
State Railways VR announced the glitch around 1 pm, and reported that it had been fixed some three hours later.
Traffic management agency Fintraffic said the problem was a broken track separator near Parkano, about halfway between Tampere and Seinäjoki. It said that part, which acts as a type of electrical switch, was worn out and that the damage was apparently not caused by external factors.
Delays drag on
The replacement work on the nation's main rail line took longer than expected. VR initially estimated that it would be completed by 2pm, but then announced a couple more postponements before the fault was fixed around 4pm.
The disruption caused considerable delays to train traffic.
The Intercity 36 train from Oulu in northern Finland to Helsinki on the south coast was the worst delayed, arriving about five and a half hours behind schedule. Other trains were also delayed by several hours.
VR warned travellers to brace for further delays in the evening due to shortages of rolling stock, for example.
The failure caused knock-on effects on other rail lines. In addition to delays, some trains were cancelled. These included the Intercity from Helsinki to Tampere that was scheduled to leave around 10pm.
Many foreign tourists aboard
Yle reporter Erik Vierkens, who was on a train stopped between Parkano and Tampere, said there were many foreign tourists aboard, most of them returning home after Christmas holidays in Lapland.
While passengers were initially told that it would take about 20 minutes to repair the track damage, the train ended up being about four hours late. As a result, many passengers had to frantically reschedule flights.
However, the atmosphere on the train was calm considering the situation, he reported.
"It's warm here, and there are plenty of supplies left in the restaurant car," he said. "People are in a holiday mood, so it's not tense yet."
Elk collision near Pori
In the early evening, a collision between a train and an elk halted rail service to the west-coast town of Pori.
The braking system of a train on its way from Tampere to Pori was damaged in the impact. As a result, the train had to be hauled to Kokemäki by a freight locomotive.
Train service between Tampere and Pori was replaced by buses.
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businessviewelite12 · 2 months
2 dead, 20 injured in Mumbai train accident: List of trains canceled and rescheduled
According to South Eastern Railway, several trains have been disrupted due to the Mumbai train accident. Authorities and operations teams of multiple trains are working towards managing the situation and resuming normal services. 18 coaches of the 22-coach Howrah-CSMT Express were derailed, out of which 16 were passenger coaches, one power car, and one pantry car.
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angel0news · 3 months
Heavy Rain In Mumbai, 50 Flights Cancelled, Train Services Hit, Schools Shut
Heavy rains have hit Mumbai and its surrounding areas in the last 24 hours leading to widespread waterlogging and suburban train services. Some areas in the city have recorded over 300 mm of rainfall within six hours from 1 am to 7 am on Monday.
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The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for Mumbai, Thane, Palghar and the Konkan belt. Vikhroli's Veer Savarkar Marg Municipal School and MCMCR Powai saw the highest rainfall in the last 24 hours as over 315 mm of rainfall was recorded.
Over 50 flights have been cancelled due to the downpour. Several airlines took to X (formerly Twitter) to warn passengers and urged them to check flight status before leaving for the airport.
Visuals from across the city showed people wading through waist-deep waters and cars lined bumper to bumper on Mumbai roads. All government, private and municipal schools and colleges have been shut across the city.
At Dombivli station, people waited for trains on submerged tracks. Water-logging was reported from Worli, Buntara Bhavan, in Kurla East, King's Circle area of Mumbai, Dadar and Vidyavihar Railway Station. Over 30 lakh commuters use the suburban local train services in Mumbai and neighbouring Thane, Palghar and Raigad every day.
Train services between Kasara and Titwala stations in Thane district were suspended after soil covered the tracks between Atgaon and Thansit stations, disrupting rail traffic on the busy Kalyan-Kasara route, they said.
The tracks were declared unsafe at around 6.30 am, the official said.
Officials have said if the rain stops for over two hours the waterlogging will subside but the weather office has predicted heavy rain throughout the day. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast heavy to very heavy rainfall in Mumbai today.
Sea waves of 4.4 meters are expected at high tide around 2 pm.
Several trains were diverted, rescheduled or terminated due to waterlogging between Kalyan and Kasara stations of Mumbai division.
Due to heavy rainfall and flash floods on the Vasind-Khardi section between 3 am and 6 am, the track embankment got damaged, officials told news agency PTI.
As of now, several teams of NDRF are deployed in Thane, Vasai ( Palghar), Mahad (Raigad), Chiplun (Ratnagiri), Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara Ghatkopar, Kurla and Sindhudurg.
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) rescued 49 people from a water-logged resort in Maharashtra's Thane and 16 villagers in Palghar. They used boats and life jackets to rescue people stranded at the resort due to flooding.
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journalheads · 4 months
Train Derailment Chaos: Over 40 Trains Cancelled in Maharashtra's Palghar
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A goods train derailment at Palghar railway station in Maharashtra on Tuesday evening has led to significant disruptions in railway services. The Western Railway has announced the cancellation of over 40 trains, including the Dahanu Road-Panvel-Vasai Road and Vasai Road-Panvel-Dahanu Road routes.
According to railway authorities, five wagons of the goods train derailed, prompting immediate action to manage the situation. "Dahanu Road-Panvel-Vasai Road, Vasai Road-Panvel-Vasai Road and Vasai Road-Panvel-Dahanu Road trains are fully cancelled after wagons of a goods train derailed at Palghar. The inconvenience caused is deeply regretted," stated the Western Railway.
In addition to the cancellations, several trains have been partially cancelled, diverted, or rescheduled due to the derailment. Mumbai Suburban locals to and from Dahanu Road have been cancelled until 12 noon.
The impact of the derailment extends beyond cancellations, with tracks and overhead equipment suffering significant damage. Full restoration of traffic on the busy Mumbai-Delhi trunk route is expected to take several hours.
No casualties were reported from the incident, but the disruption has inconvenienced thousands of commuters. The railways are working diligently to restore normalcy, but travelers are advised to check for updates and make alternative arrangements as necessary.
Helpline numbers The DRM-Mumbai Central also issued an helpline numbers. For Vapi, 02267649545 is the helpline number and that of Surat are 02267641204 and 02612401797. Check other helpline numbers here:
Valsad: 02632241903
Udhna: 02267641801
Virar: 02267639025
Palghar: 02267649706
Vapi: 02602462341
Surat: 02612401797
“The passengers are requested to contact these numbers for any assistance," the Railways said. It added that help desk Provided at Surat, Valsad, Vapi, Udhna Jn, Palghar, and Boisar stations.
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novumtimes · 4 months
36 Dead In Heavy Rains Landslides In 4 Northeast States
At Least 27 people were killed in Mizoram, including 21 in a quarry collapse in Aizawl district. Guwahati: At least 36 people were killed in heavy rains and landslides in four northeastern states on Tuesday under the impact of Cyclone Remal while normal life came to a grinding halt in all the eight states of the region with road and rail links affected, officials said. While 27 people were killed in Mizoram, including 21 in a quarry collapse in Aizawl district, four deaths were reported in Nagaland, three in Assam, and two in Meghalaya. The rains, accompanied by gusty winds, triggered landslides, uprooted trees and electric poles, and disrupted power and internet services. In view of waterlogging between the New Haflong-Jatinga Lampur section and Ditokcherra yard under the Lumding division of Northeast Frontier Railway, many trains were either cancelled or partially cancelled and rescheduled. In Mizoram, at least 27 people, including 21 in a collapsed stone quarry, were killed and 10 others were missing in multiple landslides in Aizawl district. Disaster management and police officials said that 21 bodies had been recovered so far from the quarry site between Melthum and Hlimen in the Aizawl while several others were still trapped under the debris following the collapse in the morning. Six died and many others were missing following incidents of landslides at Salem, Aibawk, Lungsei, Kelsih, and Falkawn in the district. In Nagaland, at least four people died in different incidents while more than 40 houses have been damaged in various parts of the state. A minor boy drowned at a river near Laruri village under the Meluri subdivision of Phek district, while two other incidents of drowning were reported from Doyang Dam in the Wokha district, an official said. An elderly man was crushed to death after a wall collapsed in Phek. In Assam, three persons were killed while 17 others were injured in Kamrup, Kamrup (Metro), and Morigaon districts. According to the Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA), a tree branch fell on a school bus in Dhekiajuli of Sonitpur district, injuring 12 students. Five others were injured in different incidents in Morigaon. Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma expressed grief over the loss of lives. ASDMA officials said that heavy storms occurred in the Bongaigaon, Chirang, Darrang, Dhubri, Hojai, Kamrup, Kamrup Metro, Karbi Anglong, Kokrajhar, Morigaon, Nagaon, Sonitpur, South Salmara and West Karbi Anglong districts. In Meghalaya, two persons died and over 100 others were injured as heavy rain lashed the state, officials said on Tuesday. Officials said one death was reported from East Jaintia Hills and another in a car accident in East Khasi Hills district. The relentless downpour damaged a large number of houses in 17 villages. Landslides were reported on the Shillong-Mawlai Bypass and at Bivar Road in Oakland, while flashfloods took place in Langkyrding, Pynthorbah, Polo, Sawfurlong, and Demseiniong areas. In Tripura, heavy rain accompanied by gusty winds of 50 to 60 km per hour lashed most parts of the state during the past 24 hours, damaging 470 houses and forcing 750 people to take shelter in 15 relief camps in different districts. Briefing media in Agartala, Food and Civil Supplies Minister Sushant Chowdhury said that during the past 24 hours, the state recorded an average of 215.5 mm rainfall with Unakoti district recording the highest, at 252.4 mm. In Arunachal Pradesh, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a high alert with a forecast of extremely heavy rainfall. Chief Minister Pema Khandu requested the people to take all precautionary measures and avoid vulnerable and isolated locations. (Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.) Source link via The Novum Times
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crosseyedcricketart · 5 months
2 Summer Days in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
A summer Itinerary for Chattanooga, Tennessee.
This includes 2 full days in Chattanooga, accounting the 2 other days for travel days. This is a flexible itinerary where you can shift things around to better fit your wants. This includes approximate times to fully enjoy the attractions. This is what I would give to a friend if they asked what I would do in Chattanooga for a trip. Timing is approximate. Remember that depending on the day you plan to go that attractions may have different times or different amounts of crowds. This does not include food.
Day 1 — Lookout Mountain & Trains.
9:00—9:30 a.m. — Rock City Gardens
It takes me about an hour and a half to get through the gardens, and Rock City itself recommends 1 1/5 — 2 hours to get through the gardens.
website: www.seerockcity.com
10:45—11:15 a.m. — Ruby Falls Caverns
Ruby Falls takes about 2—3 hours to complete, and is not very accessible for mobility issues since it’s literally a cavern. This is great if you have fine mobility, no issues standing for long periods of time, kids that are interested in caverns, and if you like waterfalls. I wouldn’t blanket this for everyone. Look into the walk and see if you are up to it.
** Ruby Falls offers more intimate tours at earlier and later times in the day depending on the time of year, so you could swap the morning in Rock City for a morning in Ruby Falls and do Rock City afterwards.
website: www.rubyfalls.com
2:30 p.m. — Lunch
This schedule works better if you eat a later lunch normally.
3:30 p.m. — Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum.
1-2 hour experience for the local Missionary Ridge line trip.
website: www.tvrail.com
5:30 p.m. — End attractions, rest.
9:00—9:30 a.m. — Rock City Gardens
It takes me about an hour and a half to get through the gardens, and Rock City itself recommends 1 1/5 — 2 hours to get through the gardens.
website: www.seerockcity.com
11:30 a.m. — Incline Railway
The Incline Railway is on St. Elmo Street on the base of Lookout Mountain which travels up the side of Lookout Mountain; this is wheelchair accessible and I would recommend to do this over Ruby Falls if you’re not up for possible claustrophobia. The Incline Railway recommends about 1 hour for the entire experience.
website: www.ridetheincline.com
12:30 p.m. — Lunch
I would encourage you to look at local restaurants if they appeal to you in the area; there are chain restaurants if you or your party are up for the more familiar.
Here’s some places we’ve been: Maple Street Biscuit Company (Gunbarrel Road) / Cracker Barrel (Shallowford Village Drive) / O’Charley’s (Shallowford Village Drive) / Red Robin (Hamilton Place Blvd.)
2:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m. — Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum
The Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum takes about 1-2 hours for the entire experience, so I would recommend this as the final attraction of the day. The Local Line trip takes you to the turn-table and repair shop and back to the main station. This is a great attraction for kids and adults alike, but I will warn you that kids really like this so if you would like to have a less-kid heavy ride, I would reschedule this for an earlier time in the day.
website: www.tvrail.com
5:00 p.m. — End attractions, rest.
I hate itineraries that don’t allow for rest. You need to rest, even on vacation, and give your body time to recharge. Go watch some Food Network.
Day 2 — Downtown Chattanooga.
This is split into two, so those with you with kids and those without have more accurate timing.
With Kids— (toddler — 10)
10:00 a.m. — Creative Discovery Museum
This takes about 2-3 hours, depending on how quickly your child goes through it. I personally see this as pretty good timing, since you can go from breakfast, to this, to lunch. There isn’t a defined age group for this museum; personally, I would say 2-13 year olds would be the main target, and some Chattanooga mothers have defined it as 3-10 year olds. There are different areas for different age groups.
** If your child has sensory issues, there is a free Thursday night event on the first Thursday of every month from 5:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m. This event requires registration and is capped at 100 visitors.
website: cdmfun.org
12:30 p.m.—1:00 p.m. — Lunch
There are some nice spots to eat that are local and they have a great Chile’s.
1:30—2:00 p.m. — Tennessee Aquarium
**Depending on your child and their age, you can switch this with the CDM, and go to the Aquarium in the morning and CDM in the afternoon.
This is where I have some of my best childhood memories. This takes about 2-3 hours to fully go through both museums. My only ask would be to not flood the elevators with non-necessity strollers as people with mobility issues also need to use these elevators. Strollers are allowed in the museum but they can clog up the walking areas and tight areas, so I would recommend only having one if you have to.
website: www.tnaqua.org
5:00 p.m. — rest.
I probably don’t need to tell you this if you’re already a parent, but just in case, keep in mind kids need more rest than adults, even if they’re an older kid. Make sure if it was a big day for them that you let them rest enough.
Without Kids—
9:00 a.m. — Tennessee Aquarium
The earlier you go, the less rambunctious children there are. Children will be children, so if you want a quieter experience, go when there are less children.
In the summer, they are currently opening at 9:00 a.m. It takes about 2-3 hours to go through both aquariums. I would recommend bringing a mask in case of “it’s just a cold” people when it gets more busy, and if you have sensory issues, earbuds or headphones of some sort. Those are what I do.
12:00 p.m. — Lunch
This is peak lunchtime, but if this is where you are hungry, you should eat. or at least have a snack.
12:00 p.m. — Hunter Museum of American Art
If you want to eat a later lunch, I would recommend taking a short drive (or walk, if it’s not flooded) to the Hunter Museum of American Art. This museum is a nice break from the summer heat and is usually quiet. I would recommend 1 1/2 — 2 hours for this museum, maybe more if you’d like to meander.
2:30 p.m. - Lunch
3:00 p.m. — Downtown shopping.
There are a lot of little cute stores in downtown Chattanooga and I would encourage you to explore. Some of them are a bit touristy, but if you’re having fun, who cares. I like the Moonpie General Store and Rocket Fizz. There is also Starline Books a little further out of this main stretch.
5:00 p.m. — Dinner & rest.
I always like having an earlier dinner when on trips so I can have more time to just relax and rest at night.
That’s my itinerary for what I would do in two full days in Chattanooga. Depending on how close you live to Chattanooga, this can also just be a weekend trip. If you’re youthful and your knees work. If not, you can account for two extra days for travel and rest.
Let me know if there are any other things you would do in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Happy travels! — Annie, the crosseyed cricket.
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Know The Benefits Of An IRCTC Agent Registration!
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The official internet platform for managing numerous railway-related activities in India, including train ticket purchasing, is the Indian Railways Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC). Although the platform primarily serves individual travelers, companies and entrepreneurs can apply and get the benefits of becoming IRCTC agents.
Understand IRCTC Agent Registration!
Let's first go over the requirements for IRCTC agent registration before we look at the advantages of becoming an agent. IRCTC agents are essentially approved middlemen who can assist clients with various railway-related services, including booking train tickets. By liaising between travelers and railroad officials, these agents accelerate the reservation process and provide various services. 
Individuals or companies must fulfill specific eligibility requirements and finish the registration process to get the benefits of becoming IRCTC agent. A team of authorized agents handling ticket booking and related responsibilities, computer systems, internet connectivity, and dedicated office space are typical requirements. Being an agent, IRCTC agent email ID can assist you in booking tickets, managing the bookings of their clients, and receiving commissions for their services by logging in to the agent site.
Advantage of Registering & Becoming an IRCTC Agent
Lucrative Commissions
The chance to receive commissions is one of the main draws for joining the IRCTC as an agent. For each ticket purchased through an approved agent, IRCTC offers a commission. The number of tickets purchased, the distance traveled, and the class of travel can all affect this commission. The commissions can develop into a sizable source of income for an agent as they gain experience and a solid clientele. 
Broad Range of Services
IRCTC representatives are not merely able to make train reservation requests. They are able to offer a wide variety of railway-related services, such as:
Tatkal tickets reservations
Assistance with refunds and cancellations
Help reserve multiple tickets for a group of people
Helping international visitors buy their tickets
Assistance for passengers with disabilities in obtaining tickets
Support for rescheduling and ticket confirmation
Agents may serve a wider range of clients thanks to this broad range of services, which raises their potential revenue.
Access to the IRCTC Portal
The official IRCTC agent portal, which is furnished with cutting-edge features and tools to enable simple and effective ticket booking and management, is accessible to IRCTC agents. This site gives agents access to real-time information on train timetables, rates, and seat availability, empowering them to serve consumers with accuracy and promptness.
Assistance from IRCTC
In order to make sure that agents are informed about the rules and regulations as well as the procedure of purchasing tickets, IRCTC offers training and support. In order to assist agents in resolving any problems or questions that may come up throughout the ticket buying or management process, the company also provides customer assistance.
Growth and Expansion of Businesses
Becoming an IRCTC agent provides opportunities for business growth and expansion. Agents have the ability to create a network of clients that includes tour operators, regular travelers, and other companies in need of rail ticketing services. This network's potential for regional or national growth presents chances for the company to grow.
Enhanced Credibility
Customers find it easier to believe and trust an IRCTC agent when they are affiliated with the official railway authorities. This is particularly useful in the very competitive travel and ticketing sector.
The bottom Line!
There are many benefits of becoming IRCTC agent, which makes it a potentially profitable business opportunity for people or organizations wishing to enter the travel and ticketing industry. Agent success is facilitated by the opportunity to receive commissions, offer a range of services, and have access to the IRCTC portal in addition to IRCTC's support.
It's crucial to remember that there are obligations and requirements associated with becoming an IRCTC agent, such as upholding IRCTC policies, keeping a physical office, and offering top-notch customer service. Being a successful agent relies on the commitment, expertise, and customer-focused mindset of all parties involved. IRCTC agent registration might be a worthwhile venture for anyone who is interested in the travel and ticketing sector. With the appropriate strategy and dedication, this potential can be developed into a successful business that provides travelers on trains with useful services and generates a sizable revenue.
A well-known platform that provides services and solutions for IRCTC agent registration to IRCTC agent email ID is SiOnline. It makes it easier to become an IRCTC agent and offers a range of tools and resources to support agents in effectively managing their reservations. Agents can benefit from an intuitive interface and many services, such as booking hotel rooms and rail tickets, by collaborating with SiOnline. This relationship can greatly improve the effectiveness of an agent's customer service.
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blogynews · 1 year
"Buckle up for an Unforeseen Journey: Train Service Temporarily Altered for Maintenance Works in Kochi from October 17 | Kochi News"
The Thiruvananthapuram Division of the Indian Railways has announced several cancellations and rescheduling of trains in Kochi for the month of October due to track maintenance works. Train No. 06438 Ernakulam-Guruvayur Passenger Special, scheduled to depart from Ernakulam at 6.10 am on October 17, will be fully cancelled. Similarly, Train No. 06445 Guruvayur-Thrissur Passenger Special, leaving…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Buckle up for an Unforeseen Journey: Train Service Temporarily Altered for Maintenance Works in Kochi from October 17 | Kochi News"
The Thiruvananthapuram Division of the Indian Railways has announced several cancellations and rescheduling of trains in Kochi for the month of October due to track maintenance works. Train No. 06438 Ernakulam-Guruvayur Passenger Special, scheduled to depart from Ernakulam at 6.10 am on October 17, will be fully cancelled. Similarly, Train No. 06445 Guruvayur-Thrissur Passenger Special, leaving…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Buckle up for an Unforeseen Journey: Train Service Temporarily Altered for Maintenance Works in Kochi from October 17 | Kochi News"
The Thiruvananthapuram Division of the Indian Railways has announced several cancellations and rescheduling of trains in Kochi for the month of October due to track maintenance works. Train No. 06438 Ernakulam-Guruvayur Passenger Special, scheduled to depart from Ernakulam at 6.10 am on October 17, will be fully cancelled. Similarly, Train No. 06445 Guruvayur-Thrissur Passenger Special, leaving…
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on https://yaroreviews.info/2023/09/uk-government-to-be-reported-to-un-over-strike-law-by-tuc
UK government to be reported to UN over strike law by TUC
By Vishala Sri-Pathma
Business reporter
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) says it is reporting the UK government to the United Nations watchdog on workers’ rights over a new strikes law.
New rules on strikes will require some employees to work during industrial action – or face being sacked.
The TUC said the legislation fell short of international legal standards.
The government said the new rules “protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public” as well as access to public services.
Once implemented, the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act will apply to a wide range of workers, including those in the rail industry and emergency services.
The TUC labelled them “anti-strike laws” and, as representatives from 48 unions gathered on Sunday, its general secretary, Paul Nowak said they’re “unworkable” – and may be illegal.
Speaking on the opening day of the TUC Congress in Liverpool, Mr Nowak said the union body will be lodging the case at the International Labour Organisation (ILO) because the new law “falls far short” of international legal standards.
The government took forward the legislation following a year of unprecedented industrial action by hundreds of thousands of workers, including nurses, teachers, civil servants and railway staff.
A spokeswoman for the government said: “The purpose of this legislation is to protect the lives and livelihoods of the general public and ensure they can continue to access vital public services during strikes.”
She added: “The legislation does not remove the ability to strike, but people expect the government to act in circumstances where their rights and freedoms are being disproportionately impacted, and that’s what we are doing with this Bill.”
The government pointed to research which suggested 600,000 medical appointments have been rescheduled over the past year, and £1.2bn in output has been lost, due to strikes.
A public consultation is under way into how the laws, which received Royal Assent in July, will be implemented by employers, but trade unions may well challenge them in the courts.
When and where are the next university strikes?
How trains were affected by latest rail strikes
Junior doctors and consultants to strike together
Under the new law, which will apply to England, Scotland and Wales, the government would set minimum service levels after a consultation.
Employers will then be able to issue a “work notice” to unions, setting out who is required to work during a strike.
Under the legislation, there would be no automatic protection from unfair dismissal for an employee who is told to work through a notice but chooses to strike.
If a strike is not conducted in accordance with the new rules, employers would be also be able to sue unions for losses.
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