#raisu’s art
raisuko · 1 year
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truly a philmal moment
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cosmiccanidae · 1 year
So that note I have on Raisu's bio about his chronological and physical ages being slightly out of sync, I mostly did that so I can use it as an excuse to explain away any inaccuracies in my art or portrayal. In universe it happened because while he was stuck in that black hole time was passing for him at a crawl compared to the rest of the universe.
What I had in mind for that though is something like, he's chronologically 98 but physically he's in, like, his 70s at the youngest.
Basically he's an extremely rare case of the different physical vs chronological age trope where the person's physical age isn't conveniently under 30.
Why does that never happen? XD
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stepswowdsen · 1 year
JuAli Comic Idea [6-23-2023]
I showed this JuAli idea to my friends before, I’m glad they liked it hehe. I originally wrote this back in November!
I revamped a JuAli idea I had. Judar and Alibaba kiss with banter
*Note: It’s kinda sexually suggestive and implicitly R-15 (PG-13) rated
I used some lines from Vol. 27 - Ch. 266, and the Vol. 28 - Ch. 278 omake with Judar and haniwa (clay doll) Alibaba. The chapters where he was a sausage shaped haniwa (OoO)
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I usually write my ideas down in script dialogue format as potential comic ideas for the future. Also cuz I figured that bolding the names would make things easier to read
I'm busy so Idk when I'll sketch this all out and redraw it properly, but this one tweet generated some ideas in my head that I showed to Cinna and Raisu. Back in November, I roughly wrote the gist of it down, but I felt like adding to it cuz it’s one of my personal faves. It's just kissing but it's kinda suggestive/implicit so y'know.
A little comic idea I had in my head. I showed it to my friends and they really enjoyed it, I'm glad! It's one of my faves too tbh. I first wrote this in November, but I decided to make edits to it. I like writing banter!!!
I actually did some old rough doodles before that was kinda based off this idea! And I totally need to redraw these, but I really like how I drew Judar's expressions. I like practicing sketching expressions hehe
Also someone give Judar a haniwa Alibaba plushie -v-
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You can read under the cut if you wanna check out the rest hehe. I wanna post more of my writing ideas here
Some rambles
*Note: Sometimes I just write the dialogue only because I have a good visual imagination, so the dialogue itself is already a good outline to use for potential comic ideas in the future, but I thought it’d be fun to add to it. I write dialogue scripts a lot (whenever the inspiration hits and I’m not doing art).
I’m a visual person, so I mainly do art (and comic idea dialogue scripts as outlines for potential art ideas). A lot of times, when I get ideas, I visualize scenes in my head, so my ideas are written in script dialogue format. 
I like writing ideas down so that I don't forget and so that I can still imagine and draw them in the future. I have a good visual imagination, so even if I just write the dialogue, I can imagine what the scene conveys pretty easily. 
I was wondering if I should just have short descriptions on a line on its own, just like a play/movie script would, but it’s actually easier for me to read when the name is bolded beside it, so then I know which actions/descriptions are assigned to which character, y’know.
I tend to have certain quirks when writing dialogue scripts
I put descriptions in brackets () beside the name. I decided to make them italics though to differentiate them more, cuz I also use brackets () for character thoughts. 
It’s not in this one, but I’ll put a (...) on a line on its own to mark line breaks for scene transitions (or to mark that the scene is still a WIP and I need to add to it)
I’ll put any notes with (*) asterisks. 
I bold names so it’s easier to read
Whenever I get hit with sudden blorbo thoughts or inspiration to write ideas, I write them in Notepad or Google Docs, but I also do a lot of reactions and discussions with mutuals/friends. Someone posts something they want to talk about in the chat (ie. animanga/game reactions, AU and art ideas, etc.) and others join in and talk about it if they have time.
A lot of times, I tend to think back on my discussions with friends a lot, because I think they're inspiring and their thoughts help give a lot of insight.
Everyone has so much insightful things to say, so I wanna quote my discussions with my friends here! So some rambles will be in discussion/chat format because I don’t feel like reformatting the post
Discussion I had with friends 
This idea was actually based off this LMAO
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This silly tweet was my prompt starter
I showed it to Cinna and Raisu hehe. And I’m glad Lumen and Jaqui also liked it too <3 This was our discussion
Me: I wanna say this is JuAli but none of them would talk like that. They would so do this though
Friend: No this is literally Judar he just words it differently lmao
Friend: YEA
Me: JuAli's Love-Hate relationship (at first) is soooo interesting to me <33 They're so sen-core they appeal perfectly to my tastes
Me: Oh that tweet makes me want to write dialogue now. Yeah I can draft some JuAli stuff then
Friend: Omg
Me: Thinking about this again so I wrote a thing kinda based off it JuAli but it's kinda suggestive/implicit though
I wrote some ideas based off this. It's literally just them kissing but it's kinda suggestive/sexually implicit so just putting that out there
Friend: VALID LMAO THIS IS PERFECT Completely in-character for Judar
Me: I actually originally wrote Judar's last line as "Show me the kind of spark that charmed Hakuryuu so much". Because Judar makes an observation in Ch. 266 that Hakuryuu is charmed by Alibaba in the fan-TL :) 
But I don't tend to reference other ships in my ship stuff since I usually focus on ships solo. Like in my AU stuff, I tend to focus on just the ship/characters itself.
Like I would rather deal with my multiships in their own separate AUs, since it’s easier for me to work with. Most of the time I just prefer to have my AUs focus on just the ship itself (and occasionally other charas.) 
I do love AliHaku though. But I liked that line and it was good, so I still tried to include it though. NGNGNNG. Without mentioning any names, cuz let’s keep this JuAli focused
Friend: OOOH I SEE.... Valid as heck It's a good one
Me: I posted this on main, but I might as well post it again here ^^ For JuAli, I feel like at first, Judar hates Alibaba with so much love. And Judar would just constantly be like "I really don't get this guy at all" and "I don't understand what he's thinking at all!"
I feel like in the early stages of them catching feelies, they’d both be really awkward around each other and constantly headbutt each other…  
Judar is verbally harsh (violently tsun) and demands around verbally a LOT, like a needy cat that wants attention and affection. The tsundere catboy bad boy... And I feel like at first, they’d both be really awkward around each other and fluster each other. I think they'd always be pretty competitive with each other (in a playful, fun way) but they'd warm up to each other over time.
I'm busy so Idk when I'll sketch this all out but it was based off this idea I had in my head.
Like with JuAli, I think their games are mostly light-hearted and fun, and enticing and passionate.
Like it emphasizes playful competitiveness, a heavy focus on drawing things out, wanting to enjoy themselves for as long as they can and do their best to make every intimate occasion they have together worth the wait. Everything about their intimacy is energetic and passionate, (just like them!)
Though it's also fun to imagine a bit more rough aggressiveness, rough kisses and biting. 
When I imagine the early stages of their relationship/pining I think they'll butt heads more often and it'll be more aggressive, then it'll progress to something very loving and more on the same wave length.
Daily/Hourly accounts
Before the Twitter changes, folks would have daily/hourly accounts dedicated their fave medias, books, poems, etc. They’d put their fave quotes in (or animanga/game screencaps of their faves), have them be posted on intervals. People did it just cuz they wanna assign quotes to their fave charas/ships or have accounts dedicated to them
But then Muskrat’s stankass changes happened... I was thinking it would’ve been cute to have a JuAli daily account post screencaps of either of them from the manga tbh
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mintyred · 7 years
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arthavenco · 4 years
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Cute and sassy, check out this little nugget from raisu in the Art Haven Gallery! https://bit.ly/36CYkXj
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Creation is dedication
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
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not everyone exists ingame, some arent there due to IGN problems (tfw the ign you want belongs to a lv1 lancea who hasnt logged in since the class released, and the like), duplicate classes (i dont play two of the same classes) and bc i dont have character slots/ costumes for them 
Fleur deChutney: inquisitor. older twin brother of Raoul. lives with Raoul, his boyfriend Aiden and in the future, the kids he kinda adopted. cranky and rude as hell. 
Raoul deChutney: crusader. younger twin brother of Fleur. very spoiled, very dependent on Fleur. Soft Old Man. 
Finlaiyer C’esthall: saint. younger brother of Forrester, second youngest in family. town medic, of noble blood. 
Fjura: arch heretic. one of Finlaiyer’s recurring patients. brain cant remember shit because someone bashed him in the head when he was a child. 
Forrester C’esthall: saint. arguably the town’s best healer. field medic who focuses 100% on healing skills. noble blood. his party is famous for their search and rescue work. has an adopted son, but he tells everyone the child is biologically his. 
Saria: guardian. in Forrest’s main party. alleviates threats away from the healers when they’re working in dungeons. looks up to Forrest greatly, he’ll always take the saint’s side in party discussions/banters. 
Majlis Laine: crusader. in Forrest’s extended 8-man party. secondary tank alongside Saria. noble blood. man of few words. 
Misraj: saint. Finlaiyer’s associate. also a town medic working in the east side of SH.  he fights in the colosseum in his free time. 
Laceleaf: saint. Forrester’s apprentice, newly joined. secondary healer in extended party. very intimidated by his high profile party members, but hes trying his best. 
Bjolne: raven. eldest brother to the two sins below. lives in LM. constantly looking for his brothers who ran away from home. 
Reuvern: abyss walker. works alone, avoids parties and people. anything people-related scares him. lost his right eye from a stray arrow. 
Blanteire: light fury. youngest brother. generally an asshole, sees himself as superior to everyone. he deems his brothers weak. 
Bashaar: bleed phantom. foreigner with royal blood. acts like a saint, deep inside he has no care or empathy for anyone. 
Riverfire: an inexperienced and unmotivated ripper. associates to Hongyin and Varia. impervious to fire. 
Aiden Swift: moonlord. Fleur’s boyfriend. kind, good-natured guy. sleeps a lot. Fleur dislikes his passive personality. 
Vestrade of the Valencias: destroyer. from a well-known family of mercenaries. travelling the world to find adventure and friends lmfao
Varieya/Varia: dark avenger. Riverfire broke his jaw the first time they met because he thought Varia in his DA transformation was a dungeon monster. 
Tokyo: barbarian. in Forrester’s main party. disfigured, mute and like Reuvern, blind in the right eye. best friends with Tarkka, who taught him sign language. 
Sealgair: carefree, boisterous silver hunter who has grown attached to Reuvern. follows him everywhere, apparently oblivious to how much she scares him. 
Tarkka the Accurate: sniper. has known Forrest for almost 30 years. in his main party. her title is well-deserved as she almost never misses. 
Yamaii: saleana. a colosseum fighter who likes taking apprentices. she can defeat most classes except clerics because she loves them. 
Iarhall: adept. Yamaii’s new apprentice. assassin stan, she will punch a bitch who tries to hurt one.
Fantasia C’esthall: physician. second eldest in family. she likes to dote on her brothers. colosseum medic. like Forrest, she’s accompanied by 7 people in a party. 
Lohcsha: physician. in Forrest’s extended party. offence type healer. a prodigy, team strategist. her being 15 years old makes the party pretty protective of her. 
Kalis (theyre both boys!!) 
Raythe: soul eater. older brother to laythe. lives deep in dungeon forests away from people because laythe likes to stab people rofl
Laythe: blade dancer. hunts and kills unlucky adventurers he finds for fun. physically unable to feel pain. somewhere in the timeline he meets Bashaar, who is equally demented.
Hyuhei: flurry. Yamaii’s apprentice. calls her Yamaii-neesan despite being four years older. she likes to play dumb and cute so that she can manipulate boys into doing things for her. 
Ro Hongyin: machina (future lustre/impactor hopefully). same party with Riverfire and Varia. younger and smoller than the two, but very fierce.  
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onlywayleftisup · 4 years
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dn art dump from the raisu who doesnt even play dn anymore, but thinks abt them on a daily basis. also im jk i still log into dn once in a while, just to buy costumes because fashion hell is inescapable. everyone i know has pretty much quit so not much motivation to keep active ... ... ... ... 
1) from a twitter post. idk what finn’s problem w forrester is, but he tries to trashtalk his big bro anytime he gets. also somewhere during the story fjura started living w finn as errand boy or assistant or smth, bc finn doesnt trust the amnesiac kid to be on his own. forrester calm and cool and oblivious as usual. 
2) forrester and his fanboys ... consisting of saria ( his guardian ) and laceleaf ( his saint/protege ). 
3)  from a meme i saw. my inquisitor, Fleur, and my friend’s Defensio, Alpasha. theyre kinna like, trash parent and trash adopted kid. pasha cant math to save her life and fleur has no chill.
4) vahnspilt-- my male vena plaga -- doing his dubious activity alongside finnigan -- my other saint -- who is ... somewhere in the background. i have never drawn finnigan before, despite knowing how he looks like. i dont trust my skills to be able to portray him well o)-(
5) raoul !!! sad raoul !!! fleur is his older twin brother ( same dude slapping the machina w a maths book above ) 
6) reuvern and sealgair. reuvern always sad and in the dark, but sealgair’s got his back ok. 
7) its new boy vandar who’ll be released in SEA hopefully soon. i do plan on making one, but i havent decided which one of my other dnkids he’ll be associated with, and how he’ll fit into their stories hmm
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onlywayleftisup · 6 years
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3/5 of my art trades w random peepos on facebook.
i love this hairstyle but i hated drawing it. other peepo’s kids took me an hour to do, this guy took me like idk 3 hours of tryna figure out the hair, and im pretty sure i didnt even do it right LMAO. his hair was way straighter in the refs, but raisu has vibrating hands and therefore makes all hairs 50% more messy than they need be. 
also for this art trade i asked peepos to draw me sealgair. AND NOW I NEED YOU TO SEE THIS OC’S OWNER’S ART OF HER BECAUSE I FREAKING LOVE IT AND I WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW. 
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RADIATING BDE AND LOOKING TIGHT AS HELLA. 100/10. i love it. ive never seen her portrayed as cool before bc i draw her very kira kira sparkle but this is. this. amigos. this is probably how reuvern sees her sometimes. she’s the dominant one in the dynamic. my AW is just her lil binch. 
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