#raj kitchen and bath
New York Dining Kitchen
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Example of a large transitional u-shaped porcelain tile eat-in kitchen design with raised-panel cabinets, black cabinets, stainless steel appliances, an island, an undermount sink, solid surface countertops, gray backsplash and ceramic backsplash
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ask-zenpool · 1 year
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New York Kitchen Inspiration for a sizable transitional eat-in kitchen remodel with porcelain tile and raised panel cabinets, black cabinets, stainless steel appliances, an island, an undermount sink, solid surface countertops, a gray backsplash, and a ceramic backsplash.
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kiratrajsingh · 8 months
Kirat Raj Singh  Green Energy Information Everybody Ought To Know
Kirat Raj Singh Professional tips provider. When you hear the term "green energy", you may be slightly confused. If you don't already know, green energy is, essentially, renewable energy that can be used with a minimal negative impact on the environment. Green energy can be used in various ways in the home, as this article will show you.
Air dry your laundry. If the weather allows you to, after you wash your laundry, instead of running it through the dryer, dry it on a clothesline outside. Let the sun and wind dry your clothes for you. Using an electric dryer will only use up energy, and if the weather is nice, you can save energy easily. In addition, your clothes will last longer.
Turn off the kitchen, bathroom, and any other exhaust fans as soon as you no longer need them. Some people leave the fans on for 20 minutes or so, but it is better to leave them on for no longer than five minutes after showering, bathing, or cooking is finished.
Use curtains to assist you in keeping green. If it is summer and you want the room to stay cool, draw the curtains during the day so that the sun doesn't shine in. If it's winter, and you want the room to stay warm, open the curtains and let the sun into your room.
Take the time to dry your clothes naturally. The dryer in your home takes up a lot of energy and it is quite simple to just hang your clothes and allow them to air dry. If you do need to use the dryer, then be sure to clean out the lint to help it work more efficiently.
If you are planning on installing solar panels, understand the amount of maintenance required. You have to keep the photovoltaic cells clean. If the cells are installed on your roof, this could mean climbing all over your roof as often as once a month. If you are not able to do that, you'll need to hire someone.
Heat your home with a pellet stove. Pellets are basically made of compressed sawdust: they burn without any emanation and are much easier to store and transport than a pile of wood. Before investing in a pellet stove, you should find a place where you can get affordable pellets first.
Kirat Raj Singh Qualified tips provider. If you are seeking to save energy, try not to drive too fast. When a person drives fast, they use too much gasoline, which in turn, wastes energy. Furthermore, when you drive fast and waste too much gasoline, you are going to end up spending way too much money on gas.
During the holidays, it can be tempting to want to put up a lot of lights, both inside and outside your home. However, this is not wise. Not only will your electric bill be extremely high, but you will be using too much energy. Try to use Christmas lights sparingly.
Try heating water using solar power to further implement solar power into your needs. For many people, solar power is still a thing of the future, but it doesn't have to be. There are many ways to include it in today's world, and using a solar power for all your water heating needs is one of them. Think about how much your current water heater is used, and think about how much money you could save.
A good green energy tips for your home is to always wash your dishes in cold water unless they are oily. When using cold water, you are not using any electricity that you would normally use if the water was hot. Small things like this can really reduce the amount of energy your home uses each month.
Get appliances that have an Energy Star rating. This rating guarantees the appliance utilizes a lot less energy than something that is not rated. Energy Star ratings promise 40% less energy for dishwashers and 50% less for washing machines.
Use the power of the sun to help you heat your home. By installing large windows or glass patio doors on the south side of your home, you can catch the morning sun. This free energy will heat your room for a few hours each morning and cut down on heating costs.
An on-demand (tankless) water heater is very green. Old fashioned water heaters would constantly run, heating water even when it is not needed, and therefore wasting energy. Water heaters that use on-demand, will heat water instantly when needed, which ends up saving you a lot in energy costs.
Kirat Raj Singh Best service provider. Seal any air leaks in your home. Air leakage, or infiltration typically occurs when the outside air enters your house uncontrollably via openings and cracks. You can properly seal these openings and cracks via sealant or weatherstripping. This greatly reduces cooling and heating costs, betters your building's durability, and helps you mainatain a healthier home environment.
If you have a garden you need to water, but you want to save energy, stay away from a hose and use a watering can instead. Hoses use up a lot of energy and will increase your water bill. Even though it may take longer to use this method, it is worth it.
Windmills are capable of creating electrical energy without polluting anything. Purchasing your own windmill can be expensive, and there may be restrictions on putting one up where you live. If you can install your own windmill, you will be able to sell excess electricity to your local power company and recoup some of your costs.
Consider hiring an energy consultant to do an evaluation of your home, prior to investing any time or money on green energy projects that may not be viable long term. A knowledgeable energy professional will be able to tell you which green technologies are most suitable to your home and the land it is on. Failure to know this information in advance may result in future disappointments and considerable financial losses.
Kirat Raj Singh Most excellent service provider. Since you know about green energy, there is no reason why you shouldn't be using it. Green energy not only helps you, but helps the environment, as well. The sooner you make use of it, the better off everyone will be. Remember the contents of this article and implement green energy in your home.
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docholligay · 3 years
Christmas Lights
I tried to get in a few Christmas things this year, this is the first one done! 2300 words, all of my OVerwatch world is here. 
Tracer was running around the house, her open bag in the middle of the living room, much to Pharah’s dismay. Next to it was a large box, filled to the brim with sloppily but brightly wrapped presents, names scribbled on the paper in Tracer’s large print. By the door, there was a large zipped up case, and a box full of neatly wrapped gifts in matching snowflake paper, each with a neat bow in either red or green. 
Pharah regarded Christmas with a disconnect herself, something that reminded her of her father and so was not without some fondness, but also touched nothing deep inside her. She understood Mercy’s general exhaustion for it, and imagined she would feel the same if she had been raised in a country where it overtook. 
But, in general, she thought it might be more kindly received if it were more Winston’s Christmas, and less Tracer’s. 
Of course, in one sense, it was the same Christmas, Tracer having wheedled her way, somehow--her charm was as endless as it was irritating--to behind the wheel of a cargo plane heading to England, with enough room for both she and Winston, a week and a half of Christmas for the both of them with her family. Tracer had spent the past two weeks vibrating over it, barely paying attention at team meetings, looking out the window at the snow and chatting at herself about how it would be lovely if London had snow for Christmas, as well. 
“Win!” Tracer bounded down the stairs and jumped off the last four, barreling herself into the ground, rolling across her back, and popping to her feet, “Win, it’s nearly time!” 
She giggled to herself and bounced across the room, sticking a sweater into the top of the bag and slamming it shut, leaning on it heavily as she zipped the bag. She jumped away from it and examined her handiwork, bright smile as she tapped her fingers together and ran her hand quickly through her hair. 
“Excited to be leaving, Lena?” Mercy walked in from the kitchen with her mug of coffee and leaned against the back of the couch. 
If Christmas annoyed her for its ubiquity, it never showed when she spoke to Tracer. She simply let Tracer bounce and babble and carry on, with only a smile on her own face to show for it. How Pharah loved her. Tracer could be talking about the same thing, a thing Mercy didn’t care about at best and disliked at worst, telling her the same story, and Mercy only bathed in the fact that someone she cared for was very happy, and excited, and full of joy. She could find purpose in love, even if it were not her own. 
Pharah had never been much for the concept of God, but Mercy almost made her believe that such a thing might be possible. 
“Oh yes,” Tracer’s voice brought her back from the sacred thought of her wife, “We’re going to the Christmas market at ‘yde Park, for certain, me and Win, and Parvati and ‘er girlfriend at least--and of course her little ones--you know I think Parvati means to propose sometime soon ‘ere, though I said not to do it at Christmas, that’s just, I mean, if you want to playact as a straight man in some movie on the telly, but really--” She shook her head, as if resetting herself like an etch a sketch, “We’ll go ice skating, and then of course there’s all the sweets to be made, Florrie’s a marvelous cook, she is, and I always put up the big tree, me and the kids, all of us stuffed into Win’s ‘ouse, lucky we are he ended up buying something, right? Always said we needed a ware’ouse to store all of us, and there it was! ‘Ave to get all our Christmas jumpers together, think Win’s left ‘is back in London, and it must need cleaning. Oh! And the games we’ll play, you know Raj is always the best at--” 
“Lena,” Winston chuckled by the door, picking up his bags, “We need to go.” 
“Right, right, of course,” Tracer bounced cheerfully over to her bags and blinked over to the door, setting them haphazardly there, and did it again, barely able to see over the box of presents piled high. “Can’t miss it, they’ll be waiting for us.” she whirled back around to Mercy and Pharah, “‘ave a lovely time with your dad, Fareeha, and tell ‘im I said next time ‘e’s about I’ll requisition a jet from the RCAF and take ‘im up.” 
Pharah scoffed. “Under what possible, justifiable reason?” 
Tracer stopped as though it had never occurred to her. “I’ll think of something. Use me vast personal stores of charm. Criticize me all you like, Fareeha, but I’m a bloody legendary aviatrix. I’ll offer to fly in one of their little air shows, they’ll let me ‘ave it topped off with petrol, so they will.” 
Pharah crossed her arms, and Mercy put a hand on her shoulder, chuckling. “She’s right, you know.” 
“It is, at best, a mis--” 
Pharah was interrupted by the sudden speed and blink of a tiny Englishwoman next to her on the couch. It was a little chilling, always, when she remembered how fast Tracer was, how nimble, and never was in more horrifying than when this realization ended with a kiss on her cheek. 
“Happy Christmas, muffin, I’ll see you when I return!” She gave her little giggle and then blinked off as fast as she’d come, toward the door where Winston had loaded the bags, and hopped up into his arms, laughing all the while. The door closed behind them, and Pharah sat for a moment, Mercy sidling in beside her. 
“Tis is the first peace I will have had in weeks.” Pharah gratefully accepted the mug from Mercy. 
“Considering she was bleeding to death beneath my hand a few months ago, I would listen to her talk over Christmas for hours.” 
“You have a kinder soul than I.” Pharah took a sip of her hot chocolate. “I will always say so. She tries my patience to its thinnest point.” 
“Were you not there, when you were giving her your own blood to save her life? Yelling to me that you are my commanding officer to force my hand?” She shook her head,  “Your argument is less convincing than you think.” 
“She is,” Pharah leaned in to Mercy, “An absolute necessity for the team.” 
“You held her hand.” Mercy kissed her cheek. “I think she is growing on you, so to say.” 
“The way mold does, maybe.” But she smiled when she said it. 
It was true, Pharah could admit, if only to herself, that there was something in the way Tracer had made her believe Overwatch could be reborn, that night they had been drunk in some small bar on the outskirts of Cairo. That Pharah was astonished she held that belief even when the sun rose, and more astonished to realize that she believed it, too. She had not realized how much she attached her own hope to Tracer’s dogged determination until she had seen her life slipping away. 
But it was as impossible as it would be unkind to explain to Mercy that she had seen Overwatch slipping from her grasp more than Tracer’s life. Mercy was not so cold as her, and would never understand. She saw Tracer--no she saw Lena--as a friend, as a deeply loved member of her family who would be mourned, not as a useful part of the machine that would bring Overwatch back to prominence. Mercy was less practical, it was true, but she was in tough with softer things, things that Pharah had only begun to appreciate since Mercy had come into her life. 
Mercy smiled. “So you say.” 
“I do say.” She put her hand on her wife’s leg. “When would you like to leave for Sam’s?” 
The house was empty now, Dva long since having left to go back to Korea for a tie-in Christmas special with some brand of energy drink. 
Mercy fiddled in her seat for a moment, eyebrow furrowed. “Well, we could--” 
“You don’t want to go,” She said it plainly, and without hurt, “I thought Christmas did not bother you? Or has it been, and I’ve been so--”
“No, no, of course not,” she touched Pharah’s cheek tenderly, “It isn’t that, no. I was never bothered. I just..” 
She looked off into the distance a little bit, to the far window, where her menorah still sat from a Hanukkah quite a few days past, glowing Christmas lights surrounding the edge of the window. Pharah let her sit in her silence, sipping on her chocolate for a moment and looking at her before she gently interrupted Mercy’s thoughts. 
“It has been, I think, an exhausting year.” 
Mercy looked over to her with a gratitude she could not speak. Pharah was a quiet person, about her feelings, but she noticed everything people did, everything they said and didn’t say. Or maybe it wasn’t all people. Maybe it was just Mercy. 
“Yes. I--” 
Pharah chuckled. “We managed to build this base, recruit D.Va, get in a tangle with Talon, and then Tracer decided to nearly die. All in twelve months. Less.” She set down her mug, and brought her other hand to Mercy, “And you with no vacation.” 
“You can leave me, of course, or--I am capable of going, maybe only a few days to--” 
Pharah held up a hand. “This won’t be the first Christmas I do not spend with Sam, and his family. My mother did not raise me with it and I have no affection for it.” She looked at Mercy, very seriously, “Even if I did, you will always be more important than any holiday. My mother was never much for holidays anyway. They are only…days, she would say.” She nodded. “And I think there is truth in that.” 
“I am not thinking that for a moment,” Mercy said with a touch of bitterness, and then softened, “but I will allow her influence to be excusing me.”  But there was a flicker of emotion in her eyes. “Sam will be missing you. I would--” 
“Angela,” she put her arm around Mercy and drew her close, “if it would help you, I will go see him after the new year. For reasons I cannot possibly understand, he likes Tracer, and so I will take her, as well. We can have…fun. I suppose. All he wants is to see me, the date hardly matters. I never spent a Christmas with him until I was a teenager.” 
Pharah knew, intellectually, that Mercy was a different creature from her, and so considered the small little moments and wishes of people so deeply in her mind. It was, at least in part, what Pharah loved so much about her. 
But to Pharah it was a simple calculation. There would be no injury done, since Christmas was of no importance to her, and her father was not under the impression it ever would. Sam was an infinitely understanding man, and would be pleased with knowing Pharah would visit. Kat might be disappointed--she was a teenager, and so her parents were the greatest of fools while her half-sister was unknowably cool--but Pharah would take her to the range against Sam and Rebecca’s better judgment, and all would be forgiven. Mercy was tired, and deserved her rest, and more importantly deserved not to have to put on a brave face.
There was some work to enjoying Sam’s particular brand of warm-hearted cheer, which often involved a desire to go caroling, which seemed to confuse his neighbors in a kind way. Mercy and Pharah stumbled their way through songs neither of them knew well, and which neither of them was particularly gifted at singing in the first place. Then the cookie decorating. The Christmas Eve pajamas. It was kind, though, and perfectly in keeping with Sam, that as soon as Mercy had joined along, he had dispensed with the Christmas ham in favor of a big prime rib. 
There were brief moments when Pharah, noting the warmth of the home, had wondered who she might have been if her father had been allowed a hand in her raising, but she brushed the idea away just as quickly. She might have been exhausting herself. 
So Pharah thought nothing of calling him and telling him she and Mercy had opted to stay home. 
“I would never want him thinking I don’t love him--” 
“Oh, I will tell him I made the decision.” She said it in her way of finality, the way forward clearly decided, “Because I did. It was an invitation, not a court summons.” She stood up in one swift motion, “I have other plans for us, I will tell him. That it is, for the security of the world, necessary we stay here, and wear pajamas on the couch, and eat Chinese food, and pizza, and that I make coffee with whipped cream, and that you do nothing at all. I would never make this judgment call if it weren’t important, and with respect, Dr. Ziegler, as we’ have established, I am your commanding officer.”
She gave Mercy a sly smile, and Mercy returned it gratefully. 
“Then I am having no choice in the matter.” 
Pharah leaned down and kissed her. “I will call him right now. You relax. Another order.” 
Mercy looked over at the Christmas lights glowing in the window, reflecting back on the menorah that sat there. She did enjoy Tracer’s happiness. She did love Sam’s warmth and joy. Winston’s sense of finally having a family. But perhaps this is how she enjoyed Christmas best: the light reflected by those she loved, here apart with Pharah.
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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A few strands of Nanette’s hair have come loose from her bun to straggle across the nape of her neck, the skin there so exposed and vulnerable it causes Mia’s heart to contract. But she keeps her voice light and chatty.
Mia: Aw, don’t get all mopey, Ma! You and Renny will just have to have a long distance romance! And heaps of phone sex and sexting! And don’t forget that Raj said that I, I mean we, have to make at least a couple of more trips. So you’ll be back in Paris before you even know it.  Provided we don’t get arrested in the next ten hours, obviously. Anyway, you should tell Renny that if he wants to continue knocking boots with you he has to pay for you to fly over here to see him every other week. I mean, Jesus, he’s rich enough. It’s the least he can do! Nanette: Well, maybe. But I can’t help thinking that it’s going to be horrible. How much I’ll miss him.   Mia: Poor Ma.
Nanette sighs.
Nanette: I’m sorry to be so self-indulgent, baby. Enough about me. Tell me about your evening with Pablo. Has he been treating you well? Mia: Oh, yeah. First we had the most mind-blowing sex ever in his kitchen. I’m talking multiples, Ma! Then he made an awesome ratatouille for dinner.  Then after dinner he did some painting and I was bored so I made him do me up against the wall of his studio and then I had like a two hour bath and then he came into the bathroom and stuck his d- Nanette: I don’t think I need to know that much detail, thank you dear. Mia: Well, you did ask.   Nanette: So do you talk to each other at all? Or is it merely a physical relationship? Mia: It’s totally just sex, Ma. The sex is sooooo hot, especially since he waxed his chest after I got that rash, but we have like, nothing in common. I’ve tried to start conversations with him but all he wants to do is lecture me. I think being in the Legion made him into some sort of emotionless robot-man or something.   Nanette: I suppose soldiers have to be like that, to a certain extent. They couldn’t do their job otherwise. Mia: Well, he’s not a soldier any more, is he? Whatever. I don’t really care, to be honest. I only want to fuck him, not marry him. 
The still night air is interrupted by the sweeping arc of headlights and the low growl of an expensive engine, followed by the exultant braying of Napoleon and Joséphine from inside the mansion.
Nanette: That must be Agathe. I’ll go upstairs and fetch Renny.  
Mia helps her to her feet. Then they see Agathe waving to them from the vestibule, Napoleon and Joséphine dancing and leaping around her in a slobbering frenzy.
Nanette: Oh. She must have her own key. She always looks so chic and lovely, doesn’t she? Even at this hour of the morning. What is it about French women? Mia: Ma, don’t say anything about me and Pablo in front of Agathe, okay? Nanette: Why? Does she like him? Mia: Not exactly. Nanette: Then what does it matter? Mia: You know how she told us at L’ escargot that some bloke had broken her heart and she’d never trust a man again and that they were all bastards? Nanette: You’re not saying- Mia: Yes. It was Pablo. Nanette: Nooooo! Mia: Yes, Ma. Shhhhhhh!
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zandeliongames · 5 years
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A renovated 20 Culpepper House
2bed/ 2 bath and highly influenced by the matriarch.
Geeta was excited. She had asked Raj to bring a date to dinner tonight and he finally said yes. When he arrived home soon after work, he surprised her with several...as well as figs, apricots, and plums that were from the kitchen at work. Geeta was not amused.
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bdfanfic · 6 years
On His Mane’s Secret Service - Chapter 15
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Sometime later, she opened her eyes. She finally understood what the Hist were trying to explain. It was a mushroom. She didn’t know it’s name - plants were definitely not something she had ever paid much attention to, let alone mushrooms - but now it was the most important thing she could think of. She would need wheat too, but flour would do and there would be plenty of that in the kitchen. She ran from the room without saying anything to the sisters, who were still underwater anyway. She ran out of the palace without a thought to the guards who watched her run past in her frankly scandalous bodysuit, or the stares of the strangers as she left the palace grounds. She almost didn’t recognize Dar when he shouted at her as she left the palace grounds. There would be no mushrooms there. “Raj!!!” he screamed. “Dar! I… Please, I need your help. I need to find something. It’s a mushroom. A very specific mushroom... “ Dar’Amon shifted gears quickly, fortunately. Ra’Jirra had to endure only a few seconds of impassioned kissing before he recovered his wits. “Describe it,” he said once he’d verified she was alright. She did so, as best she could. “Sounds like blisterwort. Not really my field, but I did have a little training in alchemy. It usually can be found at the southern dark side of old rotted wooden buildings around here.” Within a few minutes, they found some, and Ra’Jirra was happy to realize it was just what she had pictured. However, Dar’Amon wasn’t allowed back into the palace. In fact, she was lucky to have been recognized herself without her Raba, but the guard confessed he had seen her rush out, and the sight of her in her current state was not something easily forgotten. She looked down at herself for a moment - clad only in the skintight bodysuit and still wet from the Royal Bath, she must have looked a sight. But she still had no time. The Histess may be dying and she could help. She ran back into the palace and to the large kitchen, where she muscled some cooks and helpers aside and found a mortar and pestle. She ground the blisterwort into a pulp and grabbed some flour as well and mixed it in, along with a good bit of water to make a thin syrup. The syrup was turning red as she watched, but she had no time. She rushed back to the Mane’s bath, hearing voices from the front of the palace, but she didn’t stop to look. Instead, she found the three Argonians still submerged. One of the sisters rose as she entered the bath and she hastily explained what she held. In a moment, they had pulled the Histess out of the water and opened her mouth unceremoniously before pouring the red syrup down her throat. “What’ on earth is going on in here?” she heard from behind her, as she turned to see the Mane, Deviline and two guards enter. “Ra’Jirra?!” the Mane said, finally recognizing her. She strode from the bath, apologizing as rapidly as she could, when finally her bodysuit gave out. The snap from between her legs was unmistakable and the bodysuit’s tight grip across her body was suddenly loosened. Her fur stood on-end in embarrassment as she realized she was standing half naked in front of the two most powerful Khajiits on Nirn. Ceremonial nudity in a Raba was one thing, but this was quite another in the Khajiit system of propriety. In mid-sentence, trying to cover herself with the mortar and failing miserably, her composure shattered and she sank to the floor in tears, hiding her face in shame. Devline grabbed a throw from a nearby couch and draped it over her her, lifting her easily and carrying her to the couch where he sat with her, assuring her. The Mane sat on the other side. “Don’t be silly, Ra’Jirra,” he was saying. “You’ve nothing to be ashamed of.” “He’s right, Raj,” Devline assured her, and she looked up at him, her eyes glistening with tears still. “We’re just happy to see you’re alive! As for seeing the rest of you too… well, it’s no big deal.” “Well,” the Mane responded with a grin, “maybe not for you…” A sound came from the bath as three reptilian heads rose from the water. The two sisters helped their stricken sibling to her feet. Suddenly all thoughts of embarrassment were banished as Ra’Jirra left the couch and back into the pool to hug the Histess. “Ra’Jirra, give her some room to breath!” one of the sisters said, but with an accompanying laugh. “Oh, no. You stay right here with me, Ra’Jirra. The Khajiitmother lives, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to turn away that embrace!” said Quill-Weave. “Glad to see you getting better,” the Mane said, rising from the couch. “But if Isdra catches me in here with all this female flesh, she’s going to get jealous. Excuse me please, I’ve got to go take a cold shower.” He left with the guards, but Ra’Jirra had to chuckle at the obvious evidence that he wasn’t overstating his reaction, as she helped Quill-Weave out of the bath. -------- Ra’Jirra sent word to Dar’Amon not to wait for her that night, but that she would meet him for the wedding the next day at high noon in the chapel. She stayed instead in a bedroom with the Histess and her sisters all afternoon and evening as the Argonian recovered. Shortly after the sun had set, the Mane and Isdra entered. “You’re looking better,” the Mane said, taking a seat beside the bed with the Prime Concubine beside him. Ra’Jirra sat on the bed beside her Argonian friend while her sisters lay beside the Histess. “I’m still a little woozy,” Quill-Weave admitted, “but nothing that Ra’Jirra’s potion won’t cure in time. I suppose we will leave in the morning, if we can impose a bit longer.” “Stay as long as you like,” Isdra said, and Ra’Jirra thought it was quite sincere. “You are always welcome in the Palace, Histess. But we’ve come to talk to both you and Ra’Jirra.” “Oh? About what?” The Mane took over the conversation, rising and beginning to pace the floor. “We’ve been thinking about you, Ra’Jirra. You and your unique ability with the Hist that is. Though it’s unprecedented, you clearly cannot remain as a royal concubine. I’m afraid I must remove that royal title from you, through no fault of your own. But I think in the end you will understand that it simply isn’t an appropriate place for you.” Ra’Jirra was not heartbroken as the Mane seemed to think she should be, but it would be rude to show just how not-heartbroken she was, so she kept quiet and just nodded. “However, it’s more than that. Devline pointed out that the Dominion will soon find out you are still alive, if they haven’t already. They will know that this alliance of theirs is doomed so long as you are alive - and with you the promise of a future with the Argonians and the Hist - truly a future Elsewhere.” “That’s probably so,” Quill-Weave agreed, placing a hand on Ra’Jirra’s shoulder. Isdra picked up from the Mane, “To be blunt, Ra’Jirra, you’re going to be at the top of the Dominion’s hit list for some time to come. Even here at the heart of Elsweyr, we’re not sure we can protect you - especially not as long as you’re as high-profile as you have been.” “So, what do you propose?” Ra’Jirra asked, turning back to the Mane. “The logical solution, it seems to us,” Isdra started before the Mane finished for her. “Ambassador to Argonia, Raj. Even if it won’t be for thousands of years, it sounds like we and the Argonians are going to be taking a long trip together someday. I think it’s time we begin to bond with our reptilian neighbors a little better.” “Ambassador? What do you have in mind?” “Honestly, I’d like to see more tourism between our two countries,” the Mane replied. “I’d like us to get to know the Argonians better, and the same for them. We’re always going to be very different, but I think we should begin allying ourselves with them. Together the tailed races of Tamriel can be a pretty powerful force.” “Yes!,” Quill-Weave agreed cheerfully from her bed. “You are a wise Khajiit, Mane. While I am only a speaker for the Hist, I will talk to those on our high councils to see if perhaps we might do the same. It may be that the little embassy you built here in Torval might become occupied on a more permanent basis.” “And who would be my contact back here?” Ra’Jirra asked, warming to the idea. The Mane opened the door and Em stepped into the room. “Welcome back, Ra’Jirra,” he said, and she jumped off the bed and hugged her ex-boss. “Em! Am I to go back to the HMSS?!” He pulled her away gently. “Not exactly, Raj. You are the Khajiitmother, after all, from what I hear. You will report to me. However, I won’t be your superior - you will be the Ambassador to Argonia. Though the rank is new, it is a higher rank than my own, I’ll just be your contact back here in Elsweyr. The Mane will be your direct superior.” “Well, all this is awfully big news, but I certainly accept! Dar’s gonna be shocked, but I think he’ll be happy. Em, can he be assigned to Argonia with me?” “Of course. I’ve already made the arrangements. After your honeymoon of course.” “Oh! I’d forgotten about that.” “I spoke with Dar about it already, Raj. You’ll be travelling incognito. You shouldn’t have any problem from the Dominion. And when you return, you’ll be off to Argonia.”
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ladyseaheart1668 · 6 years
Endless Summer Book 4: Daughter of Vaanu (Chapter 9)
Description: Alodia’s reunion with her family has a bit of a rocky start. Aleister, Zahra, and Iris continue to monitor Prescott Industries. 
Tagging: @xo-endlessmayhem-xo , @princesstopgun
Chapter 9 : Meet the Family
The curtains on Alodia's bed diffuse the light as it filters through, softening it even as it rouses me from my sleep. My wife is still curled up in my arms, looking as peaceful and content as I've ever seen her. I can't help sighing happily, but the motion of my chest rouses her. She stretches and turns her face toward me, smiling.
“Good morning, Top Gun.”
“Morning, Princess. Sleep well?”
“Better than I think I have in a long time. ...What time is it?”
“I dunno. There's not really a clock in this little cocoon.”
“Well, there's one on my nightstand, but I don't really feel like emerging from the nest to find it. I'm comfy here.” She plants a kiss on my chest, and then another, her mouth roaming teasingly towards my nipple.
“Yeah. Me too.” I let my hand slide under the waistband of her pajama shorts to cup her bottom. “And I'm getting even more comfy.”
She grins, and I feel one leg hook around mine. She slides on top of me, disappearing under the blanket as she kisses lower down my belly, hooking her fingers under my waistband. I feel myself shudder with anticipation. She giggles playfully.
“Oh, good morning...” she purrs, trailing her fingers along my inner thigh.
“Shit, Princess. If you keep going, I'm never leaving this bed, and I'm totally okay with that.”
“I could keep going.” She slides up to poke her touseled blonde head out from under the blanket and kisses me. “...But I have another idea.”
Every cell in my body protests as she slips off me to push open the bedcurtains, but then she stands and holds a hand out to me. I accept and she pulls me out of bed. Then she goes towards the bathroom with her hips swaying enticingly, pulling off her top. She turns back to wink at me.
“Join me in the shower, Top Gun?”
Nothing in the world could ever make me refuse her. I push down my shorts and kick them off, following her into the bathroom.
* * *
It's about an hour before we finally get dressed and make our way downstairs. Raj has breakfast waiting for us on the table, and Mike and the other Catalysts are already awake.
“Yeah, in case you don't remember, Allie,” Diego says, “the room you stuck me in shares a wall with your bathroom, so don't think I don't know what you were up to this morning.”
“I think everyone knows what they got up to this morning,” Estela quips. “Because it's Jake and Alodia we're talking about.”
“What about Jake and Alodia?” Molly Fisher's voice, deceptively light and pleasant, sends a chill through the dining room. Suddenly, we're all acutely aware that in spite of the lavish décor and the summery air wafting through the palm trees, we're not actually on La Huerta anymore. We're in California, guests of the people who raised our Alodia. Molly and Rob stand in the doorway, eyeing us warily. We eye them back, and I slip my hand into Alodia's. We're not altogether sure what to make of each other yet. But then Alodia looks straight at them, flashing them a sweet smile.
“We had sex, Aunt Molly,” she says lightly. “In my shower. This morning. Loudly. Frankly, I'm surprised you didn't hear.”
I hear an inelegant snort behind me as Quinn chokes back laughter. I bite my cheek to keep from smiling and don't quite succeed. Rob glances at me with a look that all but screams his displeasure, and I feel the smile fade. I've seen that kinda look before on the faces of old girlfriends' fathers, particularly when I was a teenager. Some of them got it because they weren't sure of me, whether I was one of those boys who might go too far with a girl who wasn't ready for sex, or who would generally be irresponsible with sex the way a lot of teenagers are. Some of them were just scared of the idea that their daughters were growing up and looking at boys at all. And some of them were more worried about their own reputations than they were about the girls they were shielding from me. I ain't sure yet which one Rob Fisher is, but from everything Alodia's told me, I'm leaning towards the third. And I don't like it. Molly, however, doesn't look at me. She holds Alodia's gaze, smiling tightly.
“Well. Isn't that something.” She looks over the magnificent spread on the table. “And isn't this lovely. Raj, is this your handiwork?”
“Guilty as charged. Consider it thanks for hosting all of us.”
“That is very considerate of you. But it isn't strictly necessary. We have a chef who does most of our cooking. Though admittedly, she doesn't usually get here for breakfast.”
“Then I volunteer to make breakfast while I'm here,” Raj declares. “Please, everyone sit down. I'll just go heat the syrup for the French toast.”
“We can promise you, you won't be imposing on Raj by letting him make you breakfast,” Quinn assures them as we all take our seats. “He loves to cook. You may have heard of his show, Bhandarkhar Fills Bellies?”
“Ahh, of course I have heard of it. I've never seen it, though. I don't watch a lot of television.” An awkward silence ensues for a moment as Molly looks around at us. “Just...how long can all of you stay for?”
Glances pass between the Catalysts as Raj returns with a gravy boat full of warm syrup. Diego helps himself to a couple pieces of french toast.
“I'm planning to stay at my folks for a week or two while I look for a place around here to rent,” he says. “I'm teaching a course at a college in Costa Mesa this fall, so I was planning to be back here in a month or so anyway. I'm just a little early.”
“Raj and Estela and I weren't planning to stay any longer than a week,” Quinn says. “We just wanted to make sure Alodia got settled in okay.”
“And I was really just here because I dropped everyone off yesterday,” Mike adds. “I can clear out whenever I'm getting to be a nuisance.”
“...I see. What about you, Jake?”
I know what she's really saying. I think everyone in the room knows what she's really saying. And I have to think she understands what I'm really saying when I raise my eyebrow and reply, “What about me?”
“How long are you planning to stay?”
“As long as Alodia plans to stay. Ma'am. I go where she goes.”
They clearly don't like that answer, and I can think of a few reasons why that might be the case, though I'm not sure which it is yet. Maybe they just aren't thrilled by the idea of a stranger romancing their niece under their roof. Maybe they aren't sure of my intentions. Maybe they just don't like me. Which I suppose is not unfair. So far I don't like them much, either.
“...Isn't there anything you need to be getting back to? A job, or...?”
“Nothing that's as important as Alodia. I was working in a bar. I can get another job around here, I'm sure.”
“Look, son, I really don't think--” Rob is cut off by his wife's hand on his arm.
“Robert, please. Let's not be discourteous. Maybe we should hear what Alodia has to say on the matter.”
Alodia puts down her knife and fork to take my hand under the table. “I want him with me,” she answers, calmly but firmly. “But I understand if you don't want him in the house. Say the word, and we'll be packed and cleared out by the afternoon.”
“Alodia!” Rob snaps. “Be reasonable!”
“I am being reasonable. I'm twenty-seven years old, and this is your house. I won't force you to accept my boyfriend's presence, but you can't force me to stay here without him, either.”
“And where will you go? What will you do for money?”
“Unless you've stolen it, I still have that $5000 savings bond from my parents. Not to mention the trust fund that you set up for me when I was born. That would have been available to me two years ago.”
A dangerous hush settles over the table. Everyone has stopped eating, but Molly continues to cut her french toast into smaller and smaller pieces.
“You have been a missing person for five years,” she murmurs.
“Have I been declared legally dead?”
“...No. You have not.”
“And did you steal the savings bond from my parents?”
“Of course not! It should be exactly where you left it five years ago!”
“Well then. I think between us, Jake and I should have enough money to last us a little while until we find work. It would have been more convenient to stop here for a little while, but I'm not going to stay some place Jake isn't welcome.”
“Don't be ridiculous.” Molly speaks through gritted teeth. “Of course he is welcome for as long as you want him here.”
“Thank you.”
The meal continues in silence. Finally, Alodia finishes and stands, collecting her dishes. “Can I take anyone's plate?”
“You know there's no need for that,” Molly sighs. “The housekeeper will be here in an hour.”
“It's all right, really. Even if I'm living here for awhile, I don't need to be a mooch.”
I wipe a bit of syrup off my lips and stand beside her. “I'll give you a hand, Princess.” Between us, we gather up the breakfast dishes and carry them back to the kitchen. At the door to the dining room, Alodia pauses, turning to smile over her shoulder at the others.
“Why don't you guys get into your bathing suits? When we're done in the kitchen, I'll give you the grand tour, and by the time we're finished, we'll have digested enough to swim.”
“That sounds like a plan to me,” Quinn says cheerfully.
The moment we're out of the dining room, the smile drops off Alodia's face. In the kitchen, she slips the dishes into the sink with a sigh, practically yanking the tap up to turn it on. I set my pile of plates on the counter and rest a hand on her back.
“...I'm kinda getting the feeling they don't like me,” I murmur. “I'm sorry.”
“I'm not sure it's you they don't like,” she sighs. “I think it's this whole situation. ...Maybe it was a little presumptuous of me to just invite everyone back here and assume they'd be okay with you staying.”
“You didn't just invite us, Alodia. You said you didn't want to go with them unless we came with you. And your uncle said that right now you could have anything you wanted.”
“Yeah, but I don't think he was expecting any of you to become permanent guests.” She pulls open the dishwasher and starts loading the dishes in. “It's gotta be awkward for them. They had five years to get used to the idea that I was never coming back. Now suddenly I'm alive and back in their lives.”
I bristle. “Well, you know what? Call me crazy, but I'd think having you alive and healthy would overshadow any inconvenience that having you back in their house causes!” I shove a plate between the prongs like I'm angry with it.
“It's...a little more complicated than that, Jake...”
“What's complicated?! It's not complicated for me, or Diego, or Quinn, or Raj, or Estela, or any of us! Inconvenience can go to hell because you're back, and that's worth everything!”
“It's different for you guys, Jake. You needed me. More than they ever did. ...Maybe they just feel like I'm rubbing their faces in that, refusing to come home with them unless you guys came with me. Maybe they feel slighted.”
“Well, fuck their feelings! You're what should be important right now!”
She smiles a little. “...I love you for jumping to my defense. And...ultimately, I think you're right. But they are human.” She sighs, shrugging. “And hell, maybe you're right that they just don't like you. But honestly, I can't blame them for being just a little suspicious. We knew each other for six months, and five years later, you're not only still calling yourself my boyfriend, but you're sitting in their dining room after meeting them for the first time less than twenty-four hours ago and telling them you go where I go? That's gotta be damned confusing for them.”
I grunt. “Yeah, maybe,” I grudgingly admit. “But I ain't gonna pretend to be less in love with you for their sakes. And I damn sure ain't leaving you unless you tell me to leave.”
She takes me gently by the front of my shirt and kisses me. “I would never ask you to leave or pretend your less in love with me. I'm not going to pretend to be less in love with you, either. They're just going to have to get used to us as we are. Or kick us out. ...We'll give them a little time to decide which it's going to be.”
“Fair enough. And I'll try to be nice to them in the meantime. Promise.”
“Good. Ridiculous as it may be, I kinda want them to like you.”
“It ain't ridiculous. They're your family.”
“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,” she replies. “I know who my real family is. And I know who I'll choose if it ever comes to that.”
In the guest room where I've been set up, I open my suitcase and dig out my swimsuit. I am hoping Alodia's aunt and uncle won't insist on following us while she gives us a tour of their home. It was uncomfortable enough sitting through that passive-aggressive exchange at breakfast. I would wonder how two people who seem as uptight and closed-off as Molly and Robert Fisher could have raised someone as warm and open and kind as Alodia Chandler, but I suppose I know the answer to that. The Catalysts made Alodia Chandler warm and open and kind before the universe gave her a pair of guardians who were uptight and closed-off. But I am trying not to think of things that way anymore. The new truth is that Alodia is both the daughter of Vaanu, and a complete human in her own right, with a family and a past outside of La Huerta. So I suppose her warmth and openness could be attributed to a combination of nature, and the influence of Diego and his family, who I have been told did more of the raising of her than her legal guardians. It is probably down to them that she did not turn out more like my brother, acerbic and bitter until people came along who drew the kindness at his core to the surface.
I pull a pair of shorts and a T-shirt over my swimsuit and open the door to head back down to the kitchen. Then I hear voices down the hallway that don't belong to any of my friends. I slip my shoes off as I creep down the hall. There is carpeting on the upper level, but I can't risk being heard. The voices are coming from the master bedroom.
“...with her boyfriend living here?” I hear her uncle's voice. “Under our roof?”
“She's twenty-seven, Robert, not a teenager. We can't just forbid her from having a boyfriend or having sex with him.”
“We can forbid it from happening under our roof!”
“Then she'll just go do it under someone else's roof. Or her own roof.”
“Maybe she should! As you reminded me, she is twenty-seven.”
“Rob, please! She's been missing for five years. She went through god-knows-what kind of trauma on that island, and you want to immediately push her out on her own? I know you never liked her, but--”
“Molly, that's not fair...”
“Isn't it?”
“No! It isn't! When she disappeared, wasn't I there pulling every possible string to get her found?! Honestly, I don't want her to leave before she's ready, before she's got a safety net under her! That trust fund isn't going to last forever, I don't want her out of here before she's got a job! But accepting that kid as part of the deal?”
'Kid'? Perhaps it is only because he is the oldest of the Catalysts, but I have a very difficult time thinking of Jake as a 'kid'. I suppose even at thirty years old, he could be considered a kid by someone who must be twenty years his senior at least, but the way he says it makes me think he has formed a decidedly unflattering opinion of Jake.
“What exactly is wrong with him?” Molly sighs. “Is it just the fact that he had sex with our niece?”
“What about the fact that he just quit a job as a goddamn bartender?”
“He's ex-military.” She says it like it's being offered as a consolation prize.
“With a dishonorable discharge.”
“That was eventually reversed because he should not have received it in the first place.”
“Sometime between when Alodia disappeared and when she reappeared.”
“I'm not sure what your point is there.”
“He supposedly hasn't found another girlfriend five years?”
“Maybe he did and broke up with her. Maybe he's just been having casual sex. There are dozens of reasons why he might have been single when Alodia came back.”
“I just don't want some grifter taking advantage of our niece at a time like this.”
“Not everyone who tries to date her is a gold-digger, Robert. And even if this one is, isn't it better we have him under our roof with her where we can look out for her?”
“I just don't want her to end up with someone who can't take care of her.”
I think I've heard enough. Frankly, if I listen to any more, I'm going to get too angry to keep quiet. I creep back down the hall and resume a normal gait at the stairs to the kitchen. One thing is for sure: those stuck-up WASPs in there don't know anything about either their niece or her husband. They've clearly judged Jake unfairly as a deadbeat and a grifter, probably on the basis of his rough appearance, but their assessment of Alodia as some naive, lovestruck schoolgirl who can't handle herself is just as insulting. The worst part is that while I believe they may come around on Jake if they can only see how much he loves Alodia, I have to question whether they will ever see their niece for who she really is; whether they will ever see the strong, fiery, loyal, compassionate young woman who saw through my cold exterior to the human heart of me. It seems strange that the person who touched my life and the lives of all the Catalysts so deeply could have failed to touch the hearts of the people who share her blood. But I suppose that is less a mystery of her strange existence than it is a mystery of all existence. I am no one to talk about blood ties when I rejected the man who sired me while embracing the child he had so carefully crafted to be his heir—a child he later rejected himself.
I am the last one to make it to the kitchen. Alodia grins, clapping her hands. “Great! We're all here! Should we start the tour inside or outside?”
* * *
As they lead us through every flawlessly decorated room, Alodia and Diego share childhood anecdotes that banish the cold, polished aura from the corners, replacing it with warmth and nostalgia. They used to send secret messages to each other through the laundry chute running from the top floor down to the basement, either calling up and down the chute, or dropping handwritten notes from the top floor. They used to play on the balcony and pretend they were on a pirate ship, either as shipmates or captives. Inevitably, the ship would sink and they would run down to throw themselves in the pool, which would cause Diego's mother no end of distress since she had told them a thousand times not to swim without supervision. We end the tour at the terraced back yard, swimming in the in-ground pool. Mike lies back in a louge chair beside the pool, preferring not to reveal his bionic legs or his scars with strangers so nearby.  For my part, with Rob and Molly Fisher inside, I start to feel more relaxed. When we gather in a circle and start tossing a colorful beach ball between us, the last of the tension left over from breakfast evaporates.
At first, I don't even notice the angry voices floating out from somewhere in the house. But they're getting louder. Slowly, we all pause in our game, tipping our heads. I'm sure her aunt and uncle are two of those voices, but there seems to be another one mixed in there. …And what's surprising is that they're all speaking Spanish. Diego and Alodia exchange a startled look.
“...Is that...?” Alodia asks.
Diego sighs. “...Yeah. That's my mother.”
Alodia and Diego hastily climb out of the pool and towel off. The rest of us follow suit, following them into the house. A woman who must be Diego's mother is pushing her way past Rob and Molly towards the back door.
“I practically raised that young lady!” she snaps in Spanish. “I can't believe none of you thought to tell me! I had to see it on the news this morning like--”
“Mama!” Diego's voice is firmly placating. “Mama, calm down!”
She stops, her eyes falling to her son. Then they shift a little ways to land on Alodia. She purses her lips.
“...And perhaps, mijo, you can explain why you of all people didn't think to inform me that the girl who grew up as your sister is home safe after five years?”
“We got in late last night,” Diego mumbles, shifting awkwardly. “I didn't think you'd even be awake.”
She grunts, turning back to Alodia. “...Mija...” She opens her arms invitingly. Alodia steps up cautiously.
“...I'm...a little wet...”
“Yes, yes, I see you have been swimming. Clearly that was more important than letting me know you were alive.”
Alodia slips Diego a slightly panicked glance before going to embrace his mother. The older woman immediately dissolves into tears.
“Mija,” she murmurs, stroking Alodia's cornsilk hair, wet and matted with pool water. “Today is the feast of San Antonio. Every year since you disappeared, I have gone to church and prayed for your safe return. I knew you were alive. I just knew it. And today, San Antonio has answered all my prayers.”
“I...didn't know if you...if you even noticed I was gone,” Alodia murmurs back. “I know we didn't exactly part on...easy terms.”
She pulls back. “...You were angry with me because of how I left things with your brother.”
She looks over at Diego. “...Things are better between us now. Little by little, we are making things right again.”
“...I am glad to hear it, Mama,” Alodia answers softly, then glances around at the rest of us as she switches to English. “Let me introduce our friends: this is Estela, Raj, Quinn, Mike, and my boyfriend, Jake.”
“Your...boyfriend?” She casts a critical eye over Jake, and I can't help rolling my eyes. Clearly it's not just Alodia's WASP family that's going to be disapproving. I can't hold my tongue any longer.
“We can all vouch for him, señora,” I say dryly. “There is no need to worry.”
“...He is so scrawny, mija,” she grumbles in Spanish. “He might have muscles between his skin and bones, but he won't for long if he doesn't start eating.”
Jake clears his throat. “I speak Spanish, señora,” he says in the same. “I spent three years in Costa Rica.”
To her credit, Mrs. Soto looks properly embarrassed, but she quickly shrugs it off. “...Where have you been, mija?”
“Ramona, please! Don't press her on that now!” Molly hisses. “Alodia, darling, may I borrow you for a moment?”
Without waiting for an answer, Molly takes Alodia by the arm, forcibly dragging her away. Immediately, Jake and I step in front of her, glaring.
“Excuse me, where are you taking her?” I ask lowly. Molly looks startled by the sudden human barricade, but surprise is quickly replaced by annoyance.
“Just into the library, Estela,” she snaps. “I would like to speak to my niece privately, if her friends would kindly stop acting as if they are expecting her uncle and me to murder her every time we're left alone with her!”
“Guys...” Alodia says softly, “...Please...”
Jake and I exchange an uncertain glance before stepping aside. Jake is still frowning as Molly pulls Alodia into the library. Mike puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Maybe I should stick around a little longer. I will if you need me to.”
“I appreciate the offer, Mike, but it seems like a bad idea to make ourselves a bigger burden to these people than we need to be. Besides,” he sighs, “at some point, this is going to be something Alodia and I have to face together, just the two of us.”
I purse my lips. “You may ultimately be right. This is your life that the two of you are building together.” I glance at Diego's mother and lower my voice, leaning in. “...But don't ever forget that twelve are one.”
“I promise I never do, Katniss. ...Even if it seems that way sometimes, I never forget.”
On the second night of my show, I get home a little later than I intend to, and perhaps just a little bit in my cups. At least enough that I don't feel comfortable driving home. Outside our London flat, I hastily pay the cab driver and dash inside, hoping that Aleister isn't too worried. I haven't gotten any frantic calls or texts yet, but that doesn't always mean he hasn't been worrying, at least a little. I pound up the stairs and take a moment to slow down outside the door to avoid waking Reggie as I open the door and step inside. The light is on in the living room. Aleister sits in front of his laptop, frowing at the screen.
“Aleister? Baby, I'm home. Sorry I'm late?”
“Hmm? Oh! Grace...” He frowns, and I see him glancing at the clock on his computer before looking back up at me. “Heavens, I didn't even realize how late it was. Come kiss me, my darling.”
I do as he tells me, but I'm not too tipsy to be worried by his obvious distraction. “Is everything okay? Where's Reggie?”
“He's asleep,” he taps the baby monitor on the desk beside him. “I've been keeping an ear open. ...I've just been looking over some of the reports Zahra sent me.”
“...About the Prism Gate?”
He sighs. “For five years, her reports have all been about potential data breeches that she's already prevented...improvements to our security systems. It's shocking to suddenly be thinking about extra-dimensional crystals again.”
“What does she say?”
“Well, Prescott Industries has reopened, but we all knew that. But there's also some old information on the Prism Gate project. It's heavily redacted with some kind of code that Zahra is still trying to unscramble, but it does seem that Silas Prescott knew nothing of how deep La Huerta's mysteries ran, much less the Endless. It seems he largely believed my father was unaware of the island's unique properties. I suppose even after the trial and Father's yelping about 'crystal people', with the island closed off, Silas must have figured he had a crystal of his own and there was no need to throw himself against the barrier to comb it for more. Not that he would have found anything. I think that should keep the Vaanti safe for now at least. I just hope Alodia's return doesn't attract too much of his attention.”
“I think that might depend on his goal. Does it say anything about that?”
“There is a lot about unlocking the crystal's 'true potential'. Maybe he does simply mean to create a clean, renewable energy source.” He frowns thoughtfully. “And perhaps the crystal could be used that way...”
“Well, I hope that's all he's after. If he learns about the crystal's origins beyond La Huerta...”
“I know, I know. Even with Vaanu departed and the island closed, it still puts the Vaanti in a vulnerable position. Not to mention Alodia. Or any of us, really, if he decides we might know more than we let on.” He sighs, keeping one arm around my waist as he studies the computer screen. “There also appears to have been a break-in at the Prescott Industries lab. It's a report that was buried quite deep behind layers of security, but there is not much that can escape Zahra and Iris. ...It...isn't really clear what was taken or indeed if anything was taken...”
I bend to kiss his cheek. “You know, sugar, there's only so much you can do in one night, and the pair of us lose enough sleep as it is. Come to bed with me, okay? It's only 7:30pm in Northbridge. Zahra will probably have more for you when you wake up.”
“I expect you are right. And in my present state, I would probably miss some vital...” He trails off, frowning. “...What's this...?”
“Huh?” I frown at the screen, but my exhaustion and slight intoxication make the text blur before my eyes. “What's what?”
“...Financial records. ...It...seems Prescott Industries received a substantial grant from Mansingh Global...”
“My mom's company? ...Rourke International has received grants from her, too, right?”
“Indeed. ...It seems she is hedging her bets. I suppose we should be grateful she didn't withdraw her support after my father's imprisonment.”
“You impressed her,” I reply proudly. Even my own frustrations with my mother's worldview and behavior aren't enough to overcome the pride that swells in me when I think of that. “You and Estela. You intrigue her, and she wants to remain an investor because she thinks the two of you can take the company to new heights.”
“New heights that do not involve exploiting aliens trapped on earth or the human children they will into being, or the superhuman race that evolved after being exposed to alien tree sap.” He frowns thoughtfully. “...I wonder if the crystal might behave similarly to the sap...? And that might be why certain people exposed to it have developed superhuman abilities?”
“It's possible. The Vaanti became what they are by ingesting the sap, but Quinn got her powers simply by having half the Island's Heart in contact with her body for an extended period of time...” I sigh. “But it's too late to think too hard about it. Come to bed.”
I take his arm and tug insistantly toward the bedroom. Sighing, he closes the laptop and rises, smiling. “Very well, my dear. You know I cannot disobey you.”
I laugh. “No, you cannot.”
I look back and see him making a face. “My father is institutionalized, my mother is a hologram, and your mother is...” 
“...My mother.” I finish, not needing to say more. 
“Poor Reginald has only one suitable grandparent, and an aunt whom we love, but whose business is something I would much rather keep him out of. We really ought to make it a habit to see more of your father. For our son’s sake.” 
“You’re right. Especially as he gets older. It will be nice for him to know that there is someone in his extended family who leads a simple life.”
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This is a light weight material that can be installed in your kitchen. Another biggest advantage of using Onyx Marble Slab in India is that it is somewhat translucent that properly distributes the light within a stone. Onyx Countertop Slabs are available in magnificent range of colors and patterns at very good prices. One of the most extraordinary qualities of onyx is its ability to radiate light. Any application that takes advantage of this quality is sure to make a beautiful statement.
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Onyx Marble Slab in India Anil Export
Anil Exports are recognized as a leading Manufacturer and Exporter of Onyx Marble Slab in Rajasthan India. We provide Onyx Marble Slab in India with various sizes, designs, and patterns. Onyx Marble Slab tiles and marble slabs are extremely popular in the interiors of new age homes. Onyx Marble Slab are hard and strong, solid, warm sheltered and requires no maintenance.
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                      Onyx Marble Slab in India Anil Export
Onyx Marble Slab in India Anil Export
Contact Info
Bedla sapetia Road, Udaipur - 313001 (Raj.) INDIA
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kiratrajsingh · 9 months
Kirat Raj Singh  Excellent Reasons For Using Green Energy Technology
Kirat Raj Singh Professional tips provider. Most people don't think about the impact their daily appliance use has on the environment. But, truth be told each thing you do has a consequence for the environment. Protect the environment by using green energy. The tips that follow can give you a good idea about how you can use green energy to your advantage.
To help you use more green energy in your day to day life, contact your current energy or electricity provider to see if they offer a renewable-energy alternative. Many energy companies are beginning to offer environmentally sound, even higher priced energy services to cater to more socially conscious individuals.
Speak with your utility company about receiving your electric power from a renewable source. Many metropolitan areas get some of their power from hydroelectric, geothermal, solar, or wind powered plants. Often, the electric company can simply apply a certain amount of your electric bill to renewable energy without you needing to make any other changes.
Turn off the kitchen, bathroom, and any other exhaust fans as soon as you no longer need them. Some people leave the fans on for 20 minutes or so, but it is better to leave them on for no longer than five minutes after showering, bathing, or cooking is finished.
If your home has a pool or hot tub, look into a solar water heating system. Installing a solar water heating system costs about the same as a conventional system, but operating costs for the system will be much lower. Repair costs for solar heating systems are often lower as well.
If you live in a sunny area, you could generate your own energy. Invest in PV cells and have a professional install them on your roof. You should have your needs in electricity assessed by a professional to make sure your solar installation will provide enough power for your home.
Are you still using oil heat? You could switch to a greener solution without replacing your furnace. Find a qualified technician to inspect your system and make sure you can switch to a biofuel. Biofuels are non-toxic, degradable and renewable sources of energy that you will be able to re-use.
Kirat Raj Singh Qualified tips provider. Making changes to an existing home is very costly. If you want to start using green energies, you should think about moving or getting a new house built. Look for certain features such as running water or good exposure to the sun and wind when buying a new property or home.
To help you improve the green energy efficiency of your home, consider installing solar panels in your home. Solar panels are a good source of renewable energy and can be installed at a relatively low cost. In addition, you will reduce your reliance on fossil fuels and other forms of unsustainable energy.
A way to use the energy you already have in a green way is not to idle your car excessively. If you are going to have your car parked for more than 30 seconds, then turn off the engine and conserve your energy in the tank. So when waiting for the kids at school, turn off your engine and conserve.
Use rainwater to water outdoor plants and shrubs. This water can also be collected and used for kiddie pools and other outdoor water needs. Rain collection buckets are simple to install, and these reduce the amount of city or well water you use each year, saving you money and keeping your yard green.
Wash your clothes in cold water. Clothes come just as clean if you use cold water instead of hot water, and making the switch can save a lot of energy. Most of the energy used to wash clothes is the energy the water heater uses to heat the water.
Change how you use your electronics to make them more energy efficient and kind to the environment. Batteries on electronics are designed to be used. To keep your battery healthy you have to exercise it by using your electronic not plugged in. It is better for the device and keeping it plugged in after it is fully charged only wastes electricity.
Kirat Raj Singh Best service provider. Buy a solar water heater for your home. Water heaters consume a massive amount of electricity every day, even when not in use. By purchasing a water heater that harnesses energy from the sun you will see an instant reduction in your power bill. Make certain that it is well insulated.
If you are looking to naturally heat your water using solar power, an indirect circulation system may be perfect for your home if you live in an area where the temperatures go below freezing. These systems run a fluid that does not freeze through the system to prevent icing. This pump will still use electricity, but only about 25% when compared to traditional water heaters.
Write yourself reminders to stay on top of new energy efficiency goals, and check every utility bill against the previous year's to see if you are making gains. By being conscious of how you use energy, you can help significantly reduce the amount of energy you consume. Your deliberate efforts to reduce your electricity or water consumption will have a significant impact on your ability to form habits out of turning off lights and shutting down appliances.
A good green energy solution to replace cleaning products in your home is to use olive oil. By using olive to clean certain things around the home, you are avoiding the synthetic chemicals, compounds and substances that aren't very environmentally friendly which are present in the many household cleaning products you find on the market.
Get some green plants in your home and your garden. Green plants transform carbon dioxide into oxygen: keeping plants in your home is a good way to balance the harmful emanations from your heating system. It is also a good alternative to opening up windows and losing heat to change the air in your home.
Kirat Raj Singh Most excellent service provider. You may not have given much thought to the environmental impact of your choices, and you are not alone in this regard. Yet you can now change this, now that you understand how to go green you can make the necessary changes in your life. Use the tips provided here so you can make a difference, save money, and live a green life.
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tulaskincare · 5 years
5 Ways to Recover After a Long Week of Work
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It’s Friday night, and you just worked a really long week. It feels good to come out on the other side. Now, it’s time to recover and relax before the weekend ahead. But before nose-diving onto the couch to binge-watch your favorite show over pizza, take some time for a bit of self-care. Everyone likes to unwind differently, but here are some healthy ways to relax your mind, body, and spirit.
Break a Sweat, Open Your Pores
Clear your head and get the blood flowing with some exercise. Whether it’s a hike with your dog on your favorite trail, a fun bike ride down a familiar path, or a yoga class at your go-to studio, there are many stress-relieving benefits associated with exercise. Watch the mental fog melt away after a good bout of cardio. Moderate exercise several times a week can be a great stress-reliever and encourage a healthy glow.
Wash Away the Week
Clogged pores can lead to blemishes. If breakouts are a common problem for you, be sure to use your best acne skin care products while relaxing in the bath or enjoying a shower. Keep your exercise glow intact! Just as exercise increases blood flow, so too does submerging ourselves in hot water—both are reinvigorating and therapeutic. Using targeted acne products in the bath or shower that are supercharged with powerful probiotics will help encourage the appearance of clear, even-toned, healthy skin.
Prepare a Nice Dinner
Are you one of those people who enjoys cooking as a way to relax and unwind? If so, making something delicious for yourself or your family is an excellent way to de-stress and live in the moment. The aromas wafting throughout the kitchen, the sound of a knife chopping, and oil sizzling in a pan are all sensory experiences that can put us into a happy, creative place.
Pamper Your Skin with the Good Stuff
Before settling in for the night, don’t forget your bedtime skincare routine. Start by removing any excess oil and impurities from your face with a purifying cleanser that’s suitable for your skin type and can cleanse deep into the pores. Next, apply a mask that’s formulated to help stressed and sensitive skin recover. If you want to immensely hydrate and moisturize your face, choose a probiotic-rich formula that’s also packed with vitamins and minerals. Sometimes your face just needs a little extra love. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizer afterwards.
Relaxation at Last
Whatever relaxation looks like to you is what you should do for the rest of the evening. Maybe it’s listening to a podcast while essential oils diffuse in the background. Or, maybe it’s reading a great book, or cuddling up on the couch and watching a movie. Whatever you choose, have a happy weekend!
About TULA Skincare
The foundation of all TULA Skincare products starts with probiotics. Applying probiotics to your skin is clinically proven to help promote hydration, clarity, and to improve the appearance of inflammation. TULA Skincare also formulates with powerful superfoods like blueberries and turmeric for antioxidant benefits. The brand is committed to providing clean and effective products, such as oil free face moisturizer, that are backed by science. Dr. Roshini Raj, the creator of TULA Skincare, invented the innovative product line by combining topical probiotics with other healthy, effective ingredients. She is a best-selling author and regular medical contributor on The Today Show, Dr. Oz, and CNN.
Browse TULA Skincare’s line of probiotic products at Tula.com
Original Source: http://bit.ly/2RS2OQm
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White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
We are the Leading Supplier and Exporter of Indian marble such as Nizarna adanga, Nizarna Brown, White Marble in Rajsamand and much more. Our marble slabs are a wonderful choice for your home whether it’s for the kitchen, bathroom, bedroom or other parts of a home. Their use is limitless as this stone can be used for kitchen countertops or worktops as well as for flooring, stairs, walls, table tops, shower walls and for feature pieces like a fireplace, fountain or swimming pool.
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White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
We offer White Marble in Rajasmand and other types of marble such as Green Marble, multi brown marble etc. and also offer granite such as Kotra black, Black pearl, tan brown etc. The offered range is processed using optimum-grade material that is sourced from reliable vendors of market with the help of our procuring agents.
White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
White Marble in Rajsamand is softer than granite and is mainly used for vanities, bath surrounds, flooring, staircases, cladding showers, window sills, furniture etc. The unique natural stone provides a never seen diversity of colour shades and patterns. Polished is a shiny and brilliant finish bringing out the colours of the material.
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White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
This type of White Marble stone is a metamorphic rock that is a common choice when it comes to marble flooring in the India. This means that through a natural process, the original minerals become crystallized. It results in the unique sheen with infinite different patterns. All of which are reminiscent of the minerals in the original marble rocks.
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                           White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.White Marble in Rajsamand Supplier Mangalam Marmotiles (P.) LTD.
Contact Details
Address- Near Chungi Naka, Piparda, N. H. 8, Rajsamand (Raj.) - 313324, India
Call - +91-9414296706, +91-8949030810
            [email protected]
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Viral posts of the week: Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar and others broke the internet while spreading awareness - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/viral-posts-of-the-week-katrina-kaif-karan-johar-and-others-broke-the-internet-while-spreading-awareness-times-of-india/
Viral posts of the week: Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar and others broke the internet while spreading awareness - Times of India
Last week was a historic one with Prime Minister Narendra Modi declaring a 21-day nationwide lock down in India in view of the spreading COVID-19. While people had been home since Saturday anyway, this announcement brought in a more serious message from the government, warning the citizens that it was no time for any relaxations in any laws now. Celebrities who had been doing their best to create awareness among their fans on social media have now started actively making and sharing videos and pictures, pleading with their followers to be home. With home work out tips to various ways of spending time at home, celebrities have been doing everything they can to keep people at home. And the only way to do this is by posting on their social media handles. From Katrina Kaif to Karan Johar, here are celebrities who shared videos and pictures that went viral this week.
Katrina Kaif washing dishes and sweeping
Katrina Kaif, who has now established that she can ace the social media game, shared two fun videos amongst all the home workout tips. After the now popular dish washing video of Kat where the actress is seen demonstrating the right way to do the dishes while saving water, Katrina also posted a video which sees her sweeping her home floor with a broom. The clip is shot by her sister Isabelle Kaif who, Kat claims, is just sitting and giving ‘commentary and pro tips’. This video is a cute as well as funny one with the Sooryavanshi actress doing her best to clean the floor while sis Isa giggles in the background.
Kartik Aaryan posing in a bath tub and washing vessels
A day after posting a video featuring him doing the dishes at home and claiming that it was not just the during lockdown time but an everyday affair that he is seen in the kitchen, Kartik Aaryan posted a picture of him from his bathroom. But don’t get your hopes up if you haven’t already seen the picture. Kartik was fully suited up as if for a photo shoot, however, his expression was a bored one and the caption was the cherry on the cake. It said, “Work From Home they said”. Hilarious, right? We thought so too and so did all of the actor’s fans. These two posts broke the internet.
Daisy Shah chopping bhindi Daisy Shah on the other hand put up a few pictures of her chopping ‘bhindi’ and ‘tamatar’ as she resembled a typical housewife who had rushed into the kitchen to cook right after a shower. With her hair tied up with a towel, Daisy is seen engrossed in chopping the vegetables with full dedication. The post obviously caught the eye of online users as it’s not every day that you see Daisy Shah cutting up a bhindi right?
Karan Johar’s interacting with Yash and Roohi
Just like all the celebrities, filmmaker Karan Johar too has been posting entertaining videos on his Instagram account. One of the welcome changes in celebrity posts nowadays is that they have suddenly started featuring the stars’ family members since the lockdown. So when Karan posted two videos of his kids Yash and Roohi chilling inside their home, it was all things cute. In the first video, Karan was asking the two kids if they were aware of the Coronavirus. In the most adorable way, the two confessed that they knew about the most popular animated cartoon series ‘Peppa Pig’ and one of its characters ‘George’. KJo then resolved to educate them on ‘International Affairs’. Cut to the second video which was shared a day later. Papa Karan was again heard asking Yash what he knew about the virus. Yash rightly called it ‘bad’ but when asked what he was doing to fight it; he hilariously indicated that he was playing. These were indisputably the cutest posts of the week.
Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s pic with 40-day old Samisha and family Shilpa Shetty Kundra posted a picture of her family featuring herself with husband Raj Kundra, son Viaan Shetty Kundra and daughter Samisha Shetty Kundra. The occasion was her baby girl Samisha completing 40 days, which is considered to be a milestone in Hinduism. Mentioning that this was not the right time to take the young one out, Shilpa urged her followers to be thankful for having a healthy family and spend time with them. The post was such a happy picture that fans couldn’t stop looking at it.
That’s all for this week. We will be back after seven days with more posts that went viral.
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mastcomm · 5 years
How to Sell a House in Southern California: Make a Movie
Raj Qsar is eyeing the sky nervously. It’s early afternoon in Corona Del Mar, Calif., and his six-man camera crew is on the clock only until sunset. But clouds are rolling in fast over this wealthy Southern California neighborhood, and the next scene on today’s docket — a glamorous drive down the Pacific Coast Highway followed by a beachfront double date — is now feeling tricky.
On other film sets, the producer and director might huddle and order a break, or call it a wrap until tomorrow. But Mr. Qsar isn’t a director — he’s a real estate agent. And the star of his film is not a good-looking young actor (although there are four of those on set), but rather, a $1.7 million Orange County home. This short and sudsy film, he hopes, in which two young couples drink wine, play board games and wander through sleek, neat rooms, will do the trick to attract a buyer.
“Telling stories and creating connections with people takes more than just photos,” said Mr. Qsar, who heads a luxury brokerage called the Boutique Real Estate Group. “For us now, it’s all about the power of video.”
Video marketing is not new territory for home sales — wide-angle walk-throughs of staged living rooms and sweeping drone footage of leafy neighborhoods have become common tools in real estate agents’ kits. But cinematic mini-films, complete with paid actors, lighting crews and full-fledged story boards, are something new.
Mr. Qsar began dabbling in cinematic videos in 2008, just two years after leaving his job as a pharmaceutical sales representative to jump into the Orange County housing boom. He came across a wedding videographer who was producing emotionally charged, story-driven films for brides and grooms, and, he says, a light bulb went on.
“I had an idea about telling the story the same way, but as the story of a house,” he said. “One of the things I always tell my clients when they walk through is, ‘Can you see yourself having Christmas dinner here or birthdays and bar mitzvahs here?’ I wanted to really pull out the emotional aspect.”
After putting the wedding videographer on his payroll and investing $20,000 of his own money in video equipment, he made a handful of short film promotions for homes in the $1 million to $2 million range in Orange County, including a four-bedroom Mediterranean-style estate in Villa Park.
In that video, images of a young blond wife sitting at a piano and singing Frank Sinatra’s “Summer Wind” are spliced with images of a Porsche-driving husband arriving home from work. As he showers upstairs, the wife ushers in a flock of eager friends and children with balloons and sets up a surprise party by the pool. The song reaches its crescendo, the husband descends the stairs, and there’s his family, there’s a cake, and there’s a sweet, picture-perfect backyard celebration.
When that home sold, for $1.7 million, it set a record as the most expensive home sale ever in Villa Park.
“Once real estate agents started doing high-end video productions, putting in models and actors was a no-brainer,” said Jimm Fox, president of OMM Video Marketing, a Canadian agency that tracks trends in cinematic storytelling. “You’re not just selling an address, you’re selling a lifestyle. And to do that, you need humans.”
Production budgets for these films can range from $3,500 to $70,000. Often the real estate agent is picking up the tab, but in some cases, agents discuss their plans with sellers and agree to split the bill or have the costs added to their fees.
Mr. Fox said the trend for Hollywood-style videos kicked off around 2007 and was a natural progression from the lush but empty footage of staged homes that preceded it.
“Real estate at the high end is always an aspirational sell,” he said. “You want to showcase a lifestyle. So you start shooting homes, and then you add models to make it more vibrant, and very soon you want to turn it into a story.”
The Australian production studio PlatinumHD claims to have been the first to produce these Hollywood-style real estate films. In 2011, the studio helped the trend spread internationally by producing a video for the Queensland-based property management firm Neo Property.
In it, a young woman clad only in a lacy bra and panties and bound to a chair inside a hyper-modern luxury home, makes an emergency call for help and is asked to describe where she is. As she describes the home’s chef’s kitchen and waterfront views, its in-house movie theater and its private elevator, a SWAT team descends to rescue her, led by none other than Neo Property’s real estate agents themselves.
The film, of course, is as much about the appeal of the model as the home. But by using sex, helicopters and shots of a gleaming red Corvette to sell the property, Neo made it quite clear: In this sort of marketing, peddling a fantasy can help close a deal.
Ben Bacal began adding actors to his listing videos in 2014. The Los Angeles-based agent, a former film student who also dabbles in internet companies and has more than $2 billion in sales to his name, is a fixture on the high-priced home circuit in Hollywood. He offers his clients a professionally produced video for every home he agrees to represent, and he estimates that in 40 percent of those cases, he includes actors and a story line.
Some are sweet: A home in Bel Air, which he listed in March 2016 for $48.5 million, shows a brother and sister channeling their best Ferris Bueller impressions, faking sickness in their custom bedrooms before dashing out to their backyard infinity pool with skyline views after their parents head off to work. (The home sold for $39 million in December 2016.)
Others are more slapstick, like the film for a home on Rising Glen Road in Los Angeles (the house where the actress Brittany Murphy died), in which an adorable corgi named Sherlock Bones inherits the mansion listed for $18.5 million and heads there to live his best canine life. (That home sold in 2017 for $14.5 million.)
In all of Mr. Bacal’s videos, plots are thin but visuals, and humor, are laid on thick. That’s intentional, he says.
“Instead of telling a long dramatic story, I like to pull characters through the house and do something that makes it voyeuristic, where you can see the property. Focusing too much on story takes away from the home,” he said in a phone call from Mykonos, Greece, where he was on vacation. “I’m not Quentin Tarantino.”
His greatest triumph to date is a home on Hillcrest Road in Beverly Hills. Markus Persson, the Swedish video game programmer behind Minecraft, saw the short film that Mr. Bacal produced for the eight-bedroom, 15-bath home, showing two young women arriving in a Rolls-Royce and enjoying the home’s features, which include a candy room and a 24-seat theater. Beyoncé and Jay-Z were also reportedly interested in the property, which was priced at $85 million. Just seven days after seeing the film, Mr. Persson purchased it for $70 million.
Mr. Bacal credits his success to his ability to not just create compelling footage, but also to distribute it effectively.
He pours cash into boosting the films on YouTube, advertising them across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and promoting them in the right markets. In Mr. Persson’s case, Mr. Bacal had made the decision to promote the mansion not just in the United States but also in Sweden, a decision that paid off.
“It’s not just about creating a 90-second video. It’s also about knowing how to use video to effectively market that property. And that’s going to mean breaking it up into smaller components and using social media platforms to promote it,” said Mr. Fox, the Canadian marketing executive.
It makes sense that Hollywood-style promotional real estate is hitting a peak in Southern California, said Jonathan Miller, a New York City-based real estate appraiser and consultant. That’s because the high-end market from Los Angeles to San Diego is flush with inventory, creating longer marketing time, reduced foot traffic at open houses and greater competition between agents.
“In a market where there’s escalating supply but still anchored to another time, the sellers are trying to market much more creatively,” Mr. Miller said. In his mind, the sleeker and more expert-looking the video, the more likely it is that the seller is trying to justify a high price tag.
“When I see these videos, or something like a camel at an open house, that’s a clear sign of something that’s overpriced,” he said.
Mr. Qsar, the Orange County real estate agent, produces a video for every home that he represents, spending from $2,500 to the low six figures to produce them. He pays out of his own pocket. While he has had eight-figure listings, most of his sales are in the $1 million to $2 million range.
“Fifteen years ago, I never thought I’d be shooting films,” said Mr. Qsar. “I had a day job and just wanted to sell a couple houses and see what happened. But then I sold 10 and then 15 and 20, and then social media hit, and I thought, ‘O.K., how can I be different?’”
In the hypercompetitive world of Southern California real estate, he said, it’s worth it because his videos give him a definitive edge.
“Our listings are recognizable before they even hit the market, because people see them on social media,” he said. “So now, every time I get together with my team on a house, the first question we ask is, ‘What is the story going to be on this house?’”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/business/how-to-sell-a-house-in-southern-california-make-a-movie-2/
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biofunmy · 5 years
How to Sell a House in Southern Calfornia: Make a Movie
Raj Qsar is eyeing the sky nervously. It’s early afternoon in Corona Del Mar, Calif., and his six-man camera crew is on the clock only until sunset. But clouds are rolling in fast over this wealthy Southern California neighborhood, and the next scene on today’s docket — a glamorous drive down the Pacific Coast Highway followed by a beachfront double date — is now feeling tricky.
On other film sets, the producer and director might huddle and order a break, or call it a wrap until tomorrow. But Mr. Qsar isn’t a director — he’s a real estate agent. And the star of his film is not a good-looking young actor (although there are four of those on set), but rather, a $1.7 million Orange County home. This short and sudsy film, he hopes, in which two young couples drink wine, play board games and wander through sleek, neat rooms, will do the trick to attract a buyer.
“Telling stories and creating connections with people takes more than just photos,” said Mr. Qsar, who heads a luxury brokerage called the Boutique Real Estate Group. “For us now, it’s all about the power of video.”
Video marketing is not new territory for home sales — wide-angle walk-throughs of staged living rooms and sweeping drone footage of leafy neighborhoods have become common tools in real estate agents’ kits. But cinematic mini-films, complete with paid actors, lighting crews and full-fledged story boards, are something new.
Mr. Qsar began dabbling in cinematic videos in 2008, just two years after leaving his job as a pharmaceutical sales representative to jump into the Orange County housing boom. He came across a wedding videographer who was producing emotionally charged, story-driven films for brides and grooms, and, he says, a light bulb went on.
“I had an idea about telling the story the same way, but as the story of a house,” he said. “One of the things I always tell my clients when they walk through is, ‘Can you see yourself having Christmas dinner here or birthdays and bar mitzvahs here?’ I wanted to really pull out the emotional aspect.”
After putting the wedding videographer on his payroll and investing $20,000 of his own money in video equipment, he made a handful of short film promotions for homes in the $1 million to $2 million range in Orange County, including a four-bedroom Mediterranean-style estate in Villa Park.
In that video, images of a young blond wife sitting at a piano and singing Frank Sinatra’s “Summer Wind” are spliced with images of a Porsche-driving husband arriving home from work. As he showers upstairs, the wife ushers in a flock of eager friends and children with balloons and sets up a surprise party by the pool. The song reaches its crescendo, the husband descends the stairs, and there’s his family, there’s a cake, and there’s a sweet, picture-perfect backyard celebration.
When that home sold, for $1.7 million, it set a record as the most expensive home sale ever in Villa Park.
“Once real estate agents started doing high-end video productions, putting in models and actors was a no-brainer,” said Jimm Fox, president of OMM Video Marketing, a Canadian agency that tracks trends in cinematic storytelling. “You’re not just selling an address, you’re selling a lifestyle. And to do that, you need humans.”
Production budgets for these films can range from $3,500 to $70,000. Often the real estate agent is picking up the tab, but in some cases, agents discuss their plans with sellers and agree to split the bill or have the costs added to their fees.
Mr. Fox said the trend for Hollywood-style videos kicked off around 2007 and was a natural progression from the lush but empty footage of staged homes that preceded it.
“Real estate at the high end is always an aspirational sell,” he said. “You want to showcase a lifestyle. So you start shooting homes, and then you add models to make it more vibrant, and very soon you want to turn it into a story.”
The Australian production studio PlatinumHD claims to have been the first to produce these Hollywood-style real estate films. In 2011, the studio helped the trend spread internationally by producing a video for the Queensland-based property management firm Neo Property.
In it, a young woman clad only in a lacy bra and panties and bound to a chair inside a hyper-modern luxury home, makes an emergency call for help and is asked to describe where she is. As she describes the home’s chef’s kitchen and waterfront views, its in-house movie theater and its private elevator, a SWAT team descends to rescue her, led by none other than Neo Property’s real estate agents themselves.
The film, of course, is as much about the appeal of the model as the home. But by using sex, helicopters and shots of a gleaming red Corvette to sell the property, Neo made it quite clear: In this sort of marketing, peddling a fantasy can help close a deal.
Ben Bacal began adding actors to his listing videos in 2014. The Los Angeles-based agent, a former film student who also dabbles in internet companies and has more than $2 billion in sales to his name, is a fixture on the high-priced home circuit in Hollywood. He offers his clients a professionally produced video for every home he agrees to represent, and he estimates that in 40 percent of those cases, he includes actors and a story line.
Some are sweet: A home in Bel Air, which he listed in March 2016 for $48.5 million, shows a brother and sister channeling their best Ferris Bueller impressions, faking sickness in their custom bedrooms before dashing out to their backyard infinity pool with skyline views after their parents head off to work. (The home sold for $39 million in December 2016.)
Others are more slapstick, like the film for a home on Rising Glen Road in Los Angeles (the house where the actress Brittany Murphy died), in which an adorable corgi named Sherlock Bones inherits the mansion listed for $18.5 million and heads there to live his best canine life. (That home sold in 2017 for $14.5 million.)
In all of Mr. Bacal’s videos, plots are thin but visuals, and humor, are laid on thick. That’s intentional, he says.
“Instead of telling a long dramatic story, I like to pull characters through the house and do something that makes it voyeuristic, where you can see the property. Focusing too much on story takes away from the home,” he said in a phone call from Mykonos, Greece, where he was on vacation. “I’m not Quentin Tarantino.”
His greatest triumph to date is a home on Hillcrest Road in Beverly Hills. Markus Persson, the Swedish video game programmer behind Minecraft, saw the short film that Mr. Bacal produced for the eight-bedroom, 15-bath home, showing two young women arriving in a Rolls-Royce and enjoying the home’s features, which include a candy room and a 24-seat theater. Beyoncé and Jay-Z were also reportedly interested in the property, which was priced at $85 million. Just seven days after seeing the film, Mr. Persson purchased it for $70 million.
Mr. Bacal credits his success to his ability to not just create compelling footage, but also to distribute it effectively.
He pours cash into boosting the films on YouTube, advertising them across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and promoting them in the right markets. In Mr. Persson’s case, Mr. Bacal had made the decision to promote the mansion not just in the United States but also in Sweden, a decision that paid off.
“It’s not just about creating a 90-second video. It’s also about knowing how to use video to effectively market that property. And that’s going to mean breaking it up into smaller components and using social media platforms to promote it,” said Mr. Fox, the Canadian marketing executive.
It makes sense that Hollywood-style promotional real estate is hitting a peak in Southern California, said Jonathan Miller, a New York City-based real estate appraiser and consultant. That’s because the high-end market from Los Angeles to San Diego is flush with inventory, creating longer marketing time, reduced foot traffic at open houses and greater competition between agents.
“In a market where there’s escalating supply but still anchored to another time, the sellers are trying to market much more creatively,” Mr. Miller said. In his mind, the sleeker and more expert-looking the video, the more likely it is that the seller is trying to justify a high price tag.
“When I see these videos, or something like a camel at an open house, that’s a clear sign of something that’s overpriced,” he said.
Mr. Qsar, the Orange County real estate agent, produces a video for every home that he represents, spending from $2,500 to the low six figures to produce them. He pays out of his own pocket. While he has had eight-figure listings, most of his sales are in the $1 million to $2 million range.
“Fifteen years ago, I never thought I’d be shooting films,” said Mr. Qsar. “I had a day job and just wanted to sell a couple houses and see what happened. But then I sold 10 and then 15 and 20, and then social media hit, and I thought, ‘O.K., how can I be different?’”
In the hypercompetitive world of Southern California real estate, he said, it’s worth it because his videos give him a definitive edge.
“Our listings are recognizable before they even hit the market, because people see them on social media,” he said. “So now, every time I get together with my team on a house, the first question we ask is, ‘What is the story going to be on this house?’”
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