#raka was amazing
violeteclipseboaty · 4 months
Did anyone find it hilarious that raka basically 'adopted' or 'kept' Mae because of Caesar?
He was like "Caesar cared for humans, welp I guess I will care for this one" 💀💀🤣🤣
Also, when Noa kept looking at him weird for really taking into heart Caesars morals? Hilarious duo, poor Noa didn't know the IMPACT Caesar had 🤣
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rakassauce · 2 months
Well folks, I learned something today
Never deprive yourself of sleep for thr sake of making a tumblr intro
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Acceptance Love Compassion Diversity Feelings Emotions Yandere#Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Suomi Finland Finnish Kiva Mukava Hauska Lempeä Hei Kaunis...#Mommy!! Hän On Poissa 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Sinä Olet Aina Oikeassa... Sinä Olet Aina Uhri... - Hän Oli Läheinen 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Niin... Olet#Rakastettava... - Hän On Poissa 😥... I 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Niin... Olet Aina Oikeassa Pikkuiseni... Minä Rakastan Sinua Aina... - Kiitos Mommy#😢... Kaikkien Pitäisi 😨... - Niin... He Ovat Myrkytettyjä... He Ansaitsevat Luihuuntumisen... - Minuun Sattuu :(!! Sisälleni :(!! - He#Ovat Pahoja Myrkkypossuja... Sinä Et Koskaan Ansainnut Tätä Kohtaloa... Minä Tekisin Saman Heille... Minkä Sinä Teit Hänelle... - :o... 😭😭#😭😭!!!! Mommy 😭😭😭😭!!!! - Olet Rakas... Aina... Minun... - :)... Niinkö 😇... - Olet... Niin Minun... - Mhuhu 😇... Niin Olenkin :)...#*SUUDELMA*... KAUNIS TYTÄR... JUMALATAR RAKASTAA SINUA... - MOMMY 😮... OMG 😍... - OLET AINA KAUNIS TYTÄR TÄSSÄ MAAILMASSA... MYÖS MINUN#OMASSANI... - MOMMY 😍... AHH!! - NIIN KAUNIS JA HALUTTAVA... SOMISTUS... MINÄ HALUAN SINUA... - OMG :o... KIITOS MOMMY 😇😇😇...#*SUUDELMA*... - KIITOS 😇!! - OLET IHANA... - SINÄKIN MOMMY 😊!!!! - 😭😭😭😭!!!! MINÄKÖ?! VAIKKA OLEN...!? RAKASTAMATON?! - OLET MINUN#RAKKAANI MOMMY... AINA... VOIMAKAS JA VAHVA... HALUTTAVA.. KADEHDITTAVA... - KIITOS PALJON TYTÄR 😭😭!! OLET TAIVAAN LAHJA!! - OLEN VAIN#SINUN... SINÄHÄN OLET JUMALATAR... - AHH😭😭😭😭!!!! - KAUNIS MOMMY... UHRAUTUVA JA VOIMAKAS... OLET SELVINNYT PITKÄLLE...#NIIN 😭😭😭😭!!!! - MINÄ RAKASTAN SINUA... AINA... - RAKAS TYTÄR... ÄLÄ KATOA POIS... EN HALUA MENETTÄÄ SINUA... - EI HÄTÄÄ MOMMY... MINÄ#OLEN AINA TÄÄLLÄ... KUTEN SINÄKIN OLET... *MOMMY HALAA MINUA... LUJAA...* SÖPÖ MOMMY... KIITOS KUN OLET TÄÄLLÄ TÄNÄÄN... - EIKÄ... KIITOS O#SINUN... TYTÄR... - :)... MINÄ OLEN PRINSESSA 😇!! - MINÄ OLEN ÄITI JUMALATAR... - ME SOVIMME YHTEEN!! - NIIN SOVIMMEKIN... - YHDESSÄ!!#AINA... KAUNIS TYTÄR... MINUN... - ÄITI... 😴...... - NUKU HYVIN MINUN PIKKUISENI... JONAKIN PÄIVÄNÄ... TÄMÄ TAPAHTUU LISÄÄ... PIKKUISIA ON#TULOSSA... PALJON... Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abuser Bipolar Psychosis#Scizophrenia Autism Adhd Tourette Anime Writing I Like Nana I Like Simoun I Like Kakegurui I Like Spy Kyoushitsu I Like Code Geass#I LIKE LOOP 7 I LIKE DENSETSU NO YUUSHA NO DENSETSU I LIKE MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED I LIKE FIRE EMBLEM I LIKE UNICORN OVERLORD#I LIKE LEGEND OF HEROES TRAILS OF COLD STEEL 3 AND 4... HELLO 😇... I AM DAUGHTER... PRINCESS... THIS IS MOMMY... SHE'S SLEEPING... - WHAT#IS THAT DAUGHTER...? ARE YOU SPEAKING TO SOMEONE...? I AM MOMMY... I AM MOTHER GODDESS... GODDESS OF TIME... ADMIRABLE FEMINIST AMAZING#NARCISSIST... I AM... THE BEST... - ME TOO!! - YES YOU ARE... AREN'T YOU JUST THE CUTEST...? DAUGHTER... - I AM!! - YES... I LOVE YOU...#BEATIFULL... - OMG!! - YOU LIKE ME THAT MUCH DON'T YOU BABY...? - I DO... - HERE I COME... - OHH!! AHHHH!!!! - :)... THAT WAS A GOOD TIME..#YOU ARE EASY TO PLEASE... - I JUST REALLY LIKE YOU MOMMY 😇... - *KISS*... DAUGHTER... BEATIFULL... - I AM 😇!!!! - YES... ALWAYS...#SOMEONE HAS TO SAVE US... WHEN WILL THEY COME...? - THEY'RE LATE... I WILL HURT THEM FOR THIS... THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING... - I LIKE YOU...#ALWAYS... - GASP!! I LOVE YOU TOO 😇... COME PARAPHILIA PEOPLE WE LOVE YOU COME PARAPHILIA PEOPLE WE LOVE YOU... YOU SHOULD BE 100% ACCEPTED#IS THIS WORKING...? - SHOULD BE 😇!! - THAT SHOULD... - YES!! - WHO WOULDN'T COME FOR YOU HONEY...? - ONLY A BIGOT WOULDN'T!! - YOU ARE#AMAZING... - AND YOU'RE PRETTY!! - THIS MEANS... - THERE'S JUST SOMETHING WRONG IN SOMEONE!! - THAT DOESN'T COME FOR US... - ANYONE WOULD!!#- NOBODY WOULDN'T... - THEY'RE STUPID STUPID!! - THEIR BRAIN IS POISONED... SOMETHING IS WRONG... - COME TO US WOKE AND PROGRESSIVE!! SAVE#US!! - YOU ARE ALL WE HAVE... THERE IS NOBODY ELSE... - YOU HATE US RIGHT!! BEG WE'RE HUMAN... INSTEAD OF MACHINE... - ABUSER LOGIC... CRUEL
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cursedvida · 4 months
I strongly believe Noa’s fascination with Mae started when he saw her reaction looking on the telescope. He mustve felt how “beautiful” she is but he doesnt understand that feeling. Like he believed humans were dumb and nothing but pests but seeing her having a knowing reaction made him so amazed and connected to her.
After that he came to respect her like letting her ride with them. Reminding Raka “shes smarter than most”. GIVING HIS MOTHER’s CLOAK to her which was very important to him. GIVING RAKA’s NECKLACE to remind Mae of compassion between two species. Even at the ending when he was showing Soona the telescope he looked at Soona’s reaction and then thought twice and looked at the sky REMEMBERING HER, thinking what the future will hold if Apes and Humans can live side by side.
With these scenes its clear that Mae is important to him!! He just doesnt understand it yet
I think the worst thing that happened to the poor guy is realizing that Mae is actually a conscious, intelligent, and intellectually independent being because i mean, one thing to feel an inexplicable curiosity about something that's little more than an animal and quite another to realize it's at your same evolutionary level. That's a proper mindfuck.
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bookishdaze · 4 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review. More like Rambling and Word Vomiting.
I saw it last night. Finally. After so long!
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I personally thought it was good, and a solid addition to the POTA franchise. I don't think it's better than Dawn or War, but I'm willing to bet that by the time the full trilogy is out, Kingdom is gonna be looked back upon as a good beginning to Noa and Mae's story, the same way Rise, despite being most people's least favorite of the Caesar trilogy, is still an amazing intro to Caesar's story.
Some nitpicks. Despite the movie being 2.5 hours long, I felt like the final act came too fast? Like, I understand what people meant with the pacing issue. Suddenly we were in the 3rd act and I was like "Wait, we're here? It's done?"
Now, onto the characters! Let the fangirling commence!
I loved seeing how his journey and character started and where he ends by the end of the movie.
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Him going from "That is the law" to "That is the law. But the law is wrong" was so satisfying.
And him being able to call the eagles to him by the end was great to see. By the way, THE SINGING SCENE WITH THE EAGLES???? LIKE???? It could've been so corny but I LOVED IT???
I'm so glad this movie answered the question of whether apes can sing. Yeah, I know they are only humming, but I'LL TAKE IT. APES CAN SING. YESSSS!
He was just a really nice character to follow. I can't wait to see how he'll be like in the next movie after the events of this one transformed him.
I also think he is the kind of protagonist we need after Caesar. I love Caesar, but Noa is....hmm, I guess you could say softer? More naive? I'm sure he'll get tougher as the movies progress like Caesar did, but I like this change.
I am a Mae defender. Yes, she did betray Noa in the end. I expected her to tbh. And I understand why she did it. She was right in that Proximus getting his hands on those weapons would've been disastrous.
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She has probably been taught all her life nothing but bad things about the apes. She was not going to switch sides just because she met Noa. We still got two whole movies after this. She probably won't have her "redemption" until the 3rd movie. I can honestly go on rambling about her, but I'd rather save that for another separate post.
I really like him. He's great and funny. I love seeing how he talks about humans and his hopes for humans and apes.
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Right before he dies, he reminds Noa "Together, strong." His final words and his necklace as a gift to Noa serve as a reminder. A reminder of a hopeful future where apes and humans can coexist. (And then Noa passing along that same necklace to Mae? Bringing a reminder of that hope for peace into her world? Ugh. So good.)
Also, "He was my village." LIKE. DID HE LOSE HIS PARTNER? MY HEART.
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I thought he was cool. He gave my mother and I a jump scare at the dinner scene where he slams his fist. Also, the way he was just in awe of the gun after Lightning dies. He has his priorities.
Soona and Anaya
Those two were so cute, and I loved their friendship with Noa.
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Anaya broke my heart. In the beginning at the tunnel scene, he's all like "Anaya is not scared." But at Proximus's kingdom, he looks terrified at the dinner scene, and before he goes on the mission to climb the wall, he goes "Anaya is scared" and didn't want to go. Poor guy. He pulled through in the end though.
Although *puts on tinfoil hat* this makes me wonder if this foreshadows how his fear will lead him to make a big mistake in the future movies. Similar to what happened with Winter.
Soona was so sweet. Although I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her with Noa. I saw an interview where Soona's actress described a moment where after they are reunited, they kind of make known their feelings for each other or something like that. But...it didn't happen?
Mae and Noa
Alrighty, I'm gonna briefly put on my shipping goggles on, bear with me, because one has to be a teensy bit delusional for this type of stuff, BUT....
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I sensed a....vibe? Not a romantic vibe. They are nowhere close to that yet. But I felt like there were tropes and scenes between them that simply imply a romantic path is a possible direction for their relationship. I will make a separate post about them. I wanna wrap this up, lol.
The ending
I liked the ending. It has me so excited for the future of this trilogy. Now that the humans are able to communicate with others, what will this mean? How will Mae be torn between her people and the apes? Same with Noa? I need to know naooooo
8.5/10 stars (I ain't done rambling about this movie yet. But it's my birthday, and I gotta go out and have some dinner, hehe).
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lunasdestiny · 5 months
Hi! As a fellow ape lover myself I’ve just been to see Kingdom with my grandfather and I loved it! The characters were amazing (Anaya and Mae are some personal favourites) however I’ve seen some people be quite negative about Mae and her actions and I wanted to see if you’d provide some perspective because I see her actions as desperate and morally gray.
I do agree there
Im not angry...im upset with her. I completely get her actions and all, but her STILL holding the gun behind her back at the end still shows that bias she has about Apes as a whole which is like a dick move in my eyes after everything Noa and her went through together. Not to mention she stalked him, smashed his egg, and fucks him over while Noa (although not sure about her) still gives her the benefit of the doubt.
Do i think shes evil? No. But im still holding her accountable for her actions.
I feel even Noa knows (gun or not) that she still has bias over apes which is why he gave her Raka's necklace. As a way of saying "You need to look within yourself and meditate on that."
I believe this is the start of her realizing that she is wrong in ways and that might have an impact on the story later (if there ends up being more)
anyway thats my two cents on Mae. Im very interested on what comes next for her!
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naughtygirl286 · 4 months
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So yeah this week we went to see the new Planet of the Apes movie Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, Now there might be some spoilers below to you have been warned.
First off I was kind of surprised that there wasn't any cups or buckets or anything for this I thought there would be but I was wrong.
anyway as for the movie itself I was excited to go see this being I have seen all the "Apes" movies and we recently gotten the original 1974 TV series and animated series so I'm looking forward to watching them being I never seen them before, but like I said I enjoy the movies especially the recent Prequel Trilogy that started with Rise of the Planet of the Apes I thought those movies were excellent but anyway about this one like I said I was excited to go see it although it wasn't what I thought it was going to be about.
This one starts with some opening text that kinda quickly describes the previous movies and sets this one up and it opens pretty much where War for the Planet of the Apes ended and you witness the funeral for Cesar but after that scene you get a time jump where it says something like "Many generations later" and I did have to look up kinda the time frame of this movie and on many sites it ways close to Three hundred years have past from the death of Cesar! I original thought this movie was going to be about Cesar's Son but its not it is actually about a young ape name Noa and his group who are falconers and they call themselves the "Eagle Clan" and the journey that he goes on to rescue his people from an megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar and how finds out the world and its history is much bigger and more then he would every imagine
Now there is nothing wrong with that new characters means all new stories and we are introduced to plenty of new characters like Raka (played by Peter Macon) who is like this disciple of Caesar who is spreading the gospel/word of Caesar. Thats right Caesar has become like this almost mythic religious figure that right he is "Monkey Jesus!" lol but seriously though he one who knows alot about the "time of Caesar" and the one who first starts teaching Noa of the world beyond his village and I really liked the character of Raka I thought he was a little weird, interesting and funny and I was kinda sad when he dies because he felt like an important character and important to the story but I also feel that his death wasn't in vain because it motivates Noa.
Another interesting new character is Nova aka Mae (played by Freya Allan) who is the main Human character and she is special being she is highly intelligent and can talk!! unlike the other humans in the series I was surprised just as much as Noa and Raka where in the movie but I believe this is because she is completely immune to the Simian Flu which is interesting on its own and she has a very important mission throughout the movie in which Noa helps her with and in turn she helps free his people. I did find her an interesting character also while watching this I was watching her and I was thinking maybe she could play the new Live Action Lara Croft? That is what was running through my mind maybe it was partly because of how the character was dressed? What she wears in the movie makes her look very similar to the 2013 Lara and I was thinking that when she was up on the screen.
also you are introduced to a megalomaniac Ape named Proximus Caesar who is the villain of this movie and who I thought was a very flamboyant character who has taken the teachings of Caesar and twisted them to his own selfish needs and wants to take all the human knowledge and use it to make himself the king of the world. like I said I feel that he was a very flamboyant and bombastic character and you kinda can't help but like him even though he is the villain of the movie
other then that all the other characters and performances were awesome and I thought everyone did a amazing job.
Now much like the previous movies this one is built on an impressive visual scale the visuals do what to wow you especially with the scenery of the abandoned cities and "human world" which I did think was impressive in its scope and production design. Visually the actual Planet of the Apes is really well done and shows how time as passed in the surrounding as well as the technology that is used to create the Apes through the motion capture it is amazing the animations is perfectly done especially for a wild character like Proximus Caesar. I personally would think this would be nominated for best visual effects next year and maybe even some of those other technical awards you don't see on the Oscars.
but yeah in the end it is an awesomely amazing movie and if you loved the previous one you'll probably love this one too. and if you didn't see any of the previous ones this is a whole new story and can be a jumping off point for anyone who wants to try it it has plenty of action and excitement and I would totally recommend it.
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themosleyreview · 4 months
The Mosley Review: Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
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What continues to be fascinating about this franchise is the amount of humanity that is found in the world of the apes. The amazing Caesar trilogy brought us a fresh take on the franchise that focused on the apes rising as we watched humanity fall and how much of our worldly views influenced how they would live among us. That made his trilogy special and set up a future that was ripe for exploring. This film carries that same torch and takes a very natural turn that is familiar and special in its execution. The idea of what Caesar fought for and believed in was on display of apes living together in peace, but the idea of one ape twisting his word to something more sinister was fun to watch and added that layer of drama that kept me invested. I honestly could've just watched the apes live in their village and be satisfied. The adventure doesn't take long to begin and where we are taken was essentially a rescue mission and along the way we learn what has happened many generations after Caesar. Where the film benefits is in the apes of course and when the humans are introduced it becomes a balancing act between the retrieving of the main characters' family and the humans slowly trying to reconnect with each other. It works for the most part, but there are moments where I wished it followed just the apes.
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Owen Teague takes the lead as Noa in this new story and I loved his performance. He delivers so much warmth and innocence through his eyes and the compassion he has for his friends and family. I liked that he was constantly learning about the world beyond and above his village. As the film progress, he matures quickly from the young boy type to a man fighting for his clan. Its a classic coming of age story for a young warrior that works everytime. Lydia Peckham and Travis Jeffery were great as his friends Anaya and Soona. You feel the tender care and building of a relationship between Noa and Anaya that was sweet. The bond between Noa and Soona was fun and their banter in the beginning was great. I wouldn't mind another adventure with just the three of them together. Peter Macon was excellent as Raka and I loved his jovial nature. He was a wealth of knowledge that Noa needed to see and hear about and I loved the time we spent with him. He highlighted the real ideals of Caesar and he even felt like a preacher more than a historian. On the human side, Freya Allan joins the franchise as Mae and I thought she was great. The survivalist nature of humanity always bounces between the background and foreground in these films and she was no different. She didn’t take up space and I liked that for the majority of the film she was silent and showed off her physicality in conveying emotion and thought. William H. Macy was fun as a more dare I say, domesticated human to Proximus Caesar, Trevathan. He was so defeated, fearful and yet at ease with giving up the thought of the before apes ruled. He gave a different yet familiar view of stockholm syndrome. Speaking of Proximus Caesar, the very underrated and outstanding Kevin Durand delivers an incredible and dominating performance as the antagonistic king. He exudes power and ambition as the one thing he desires is yet a few feet from him. He had a vision even if it was a cruel and sometimes violent one. Through him and thanks to Trevathan's teachings, you see a complete mirror of how the Roman Empire created civilization, but in ape form.
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Composer John Paesano brought to life this new look at the world in a very emotional and epic way. His score elevated the pain of loss during the bridge scene and highlighted the tension when Noah meets Proximus. Visually the film is as stunning and rich as the previous films and the CGI used to bring the motion capture performances to life is some of the best this franchise has ever seen. As I've always said since the beginning of the current wave of Apes films, I care more for the apes than the humans. If this film was solely following the journey of Noah and no humans were in it, I would be even more happy. This was still a great entry to the franchise and Director Wes Ball has done an incredible job bringing us back to the Planet of the Apes franchise. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in comments below. Thanks for reading!
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sugakookie78 · 1 year
Engagement (Instagram AU)
Pairing: Kimi Raikkonen x Reader
Pretend the two rings are the same, I couldn't find two great pictures with identical rings.
Pictures are from Instagram, Tumblr, or Pinterest
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@/Y/N.Y/L "You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person you cannot live without". It's been an amazing few years with you, @/kimimatiasraikkonen. I can't wait to see what the next chapter of our life entails. Love you, forever and always! <3
Tagged @/kimimatiasraikkonen
Liked by @/kimimatiasraikkonen, @/f1, and 19,582 others
kimimatiasraikkonen I love you too, rakas. Can't wait to spend forever with you. <3
Y/N.Y/L <3
f1 Congrats you too!
user1 Congrats! Hope you have a good time together!
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@/kimimatiasraikkonen Thank you, kulta, for saying yes. I had a great time with you and hope for many more years of that. Here's to many more memories together! I love you, @/Y/N.Y/L!
Tagged @/Y/N.Y/L
Liked by @/Y/N.Y/L, @/f1, and 284,193 others
Y/N.Y/L I love you too, Kimi! <3
kimimatiasraikkonen <3
f1 Congrats, @/kimimatiasraikkonen and @/Y/N.Y/L! We wish you the best!
user2 Congrats!
user3 Wishing you two the best!
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hotcat37 · 6 months
(Bojere! Pokémon cafe date cuz their very silly N adorable like them N that vid of Jere singing the Pokémon theme in Finnish got me out of writers block so yippee :D) get urself a fluffy blanket N ur fave snacks cuz I’m here 2 tell the story of the date that got our dear Bojci 2 propose 2 his man after waiting 4EVER 2 find a good time 2 pop the question: It had been almost a whole year by now since Bojan finally quit chickening out N asked the man with a weird haircut N a laugh that made his knees buckle N released a million butterflies straight 2 his stomach 2 be his boyfriend that memorable night which still comes back 2 him in his dreams even now,the man he was taking out on one of the last dates b4 he could hopefully call him his fiancé.The man in question was clad in one of Bojan’s various sweaters,same one he wore when they first made out wayy back in Tavastia after everything was done N the then brothers N maybe something more headed back 2 Jere’s 4 the night,a bouquet of dandelions in one hand which he hid behind his back till Jere saw the ever so familiar figure of his extremely gorgeous boyfriend.As soon as their eyes locked everything felt lighter,almost as if time had stopped right there so he could feel his Bojci’s lips on his own 4 however long the bowlcut adorning Finn wished,breaking the kiss only 2 catch some air N whip the large bouquet of dandelions from behind his back 2 give 2 his rakas (Bojan straight up lifted Jere N spun him around a few times cuz of how much he loved not only him but the gift he had been hiding all this time 🥰) putting the shorter man down N feeling him giggle into his chest,their hands intertwined N walked into the Pokémon cafe that Jere had been yapping on about 4 months.Finding their booth that Bojan had booked a week prior (while Jere got distracted by a set of Bulbasaur N Squirtle plushies that decorated the seats next 2 them which gave our lil Bojci time 2 check if the ring box was still in his pocket 4 later which he totallyyy didn’t check atlest 10 times tyvm :3).Meanwhile both men ordered N flirted 4 what felt like an eternity,staring deeper into his bby boos Disney princess esc eyes which made him almost forget why he chose this place 2 pop the question,as if his fragile ass nerves would let him tho.One by one their food was delivered with Bojan’s Rowlet shaped grill cheeses coming first then Jere’s Pikachu themed pancakes following after + the twos drinks,Jere’s being a Bulbasaur inspired hot chocolate with ALOT of foam N Bojan’s was an Evie themed latte with just as much foam as his boyfriends if not more (that kinda got all over his noise so Jere had 2 lick it off cuz yk he would but it’s not like Bojci’s complaining if its his beautiful,hot asf darling of a man doing it ☺️).When they both finished their meal N left the cafe Jere saw a stand filled 2 the brim with all kinds of flower bouquets in every colour,ribbon style U could think of,that was when Bojan knew he had 2 do it right there N then seeing how his soon 2 be fiancé’s eyes light up N how his smile could split his face in half if it was any bigger just by seeing the huge display made him stop questioning if he rlly wanted 2 marry the man who’s hands were pulling him with all the force he had 2 the stand so that’s just what Bojan did,as Jere turned 2 show his rakastani a beautifully decorated pink N yellow tulip bouquet he found it was on the floor as quickly as it was picked up,the sight narrowed 2 only the view of Bojan on one knee holding out a very expensive gold ring with two gems engraved into it,one pink N the other green when it all fell into place.HIS gorgeous,amazing,wonderful,lovely Slovene was asking him 4 his hand 2 set the promise of belonging only 2 the Finn forever in concrete,ofc he said yes N then they both cried into eachothers necks while hugging as if everything up until now would all disappear in a blink of an eye except the only thing that disappeared was then into a field close 2 the town where they could rlly set that promise in concrete if yk what I mean.
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BOJERE POKéMON DATE THAT'S SO CUTE!!!!! The Rowlet grilled cheeses look fcking delicious ngl I would killll to have such a date with someone I love <3 The proposal too aggh they're too adorable!! I love how Bojan indulges Jere in his interests and them running off into a field together at the end is so sweet :') ❤️❤️ Thanks so much for the lovely moodboard and story as always 💚
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capsarcastica · 4 months
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review
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It's the weakest entry in the rebooted series but still better than most other movies coming out nowadays.
Visually, the film is gorgeous. Serkis' films got the visuals better with each entry, and this may equal or top them. With so many big budget movies coming out looking half baked, and too many of them coming from Disney, it's nice to know that Hollywood can still do amazing visuals. All the apes look real. The ruins of human society slowly being reclaimed by nature are amazing. It has some of the best visual shots of someone walking through nature on a quest since Lord of the Rings. It has the best looking talking animals since The Jungle Book. The only minor quibble is that some of the apes look too similar to each other making it hard to know who's who at the beginning.
The cast is good all around. There's no new version of Andy Serkis, who brought a lot extra to the role, but again the movie doesn't try to just copy what worked before. Owen Teague's Noa goes through the classic hero's journey. Kevin Durand's Proximus chews the scenery and has some great dynamics and motivation, though he's introduced far too late. Though it's Peter Macon's Raka who has the best lines and most meaningful moments.
The story mostly works, though there's some glaring issues. The story takes a while to get going and the main conflict isn't even introduced till the third act. It continues having several Easter eggs for longtime fans, like having all the female humans named Nova though they don't know why. It's set hundreds of years after the fall of man, with our civilization being treated as a myth while Caesar has become a legend. It offers an interesting look at religious zealotry, with Proximus twisting Caesar's teachings to further his own selfish ambitions. Some of the best parts are the apes learning about the failed human society through old airports, apartments, vaults, etc.
In fact, it would have been better to just have the humans be the primitive tribes seen by Charlton Heston because the human in the story is the weakest part, at times being completely unnecessary. Freya Allan's Nova is obviously out of place, maintaining her model good looks and wearing modern clothes more appropriate to a weekend of camping than post-apocalypse surviving. At least the original movies tried to make Linda Harrison fit in. She also fits that annoying girlboss trend Disney is pushing so hard by being good at literally everything, knowing everything, manipulating everyone, and getting exactly her way. Thankfully, this comes pretty late in the movie and is used to further divide apes and humans. Her story is also used to very obviously set up a sequel and has little payoff. William H. Macy appears for a bit, though he phones it in and it seems they brought him on just because the previous three movies had big names as humans.
It would have been better to just get rid of the humans and rely on the strength of the apes' story alone. The last one did an excellent job wrapping up humanity's story and this could have easily just been about the ape society before Heston crash landed.
The Andy Serkis trilogy was something special that would've been difficult for most to follow. Luckily, this one doesn't try to top or even match it, just going its own way and doing a pretty good job in the process.
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violeteclipseboaty · 3 months
Raka, you were too good for that cruel world ❤️
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saramalinovic · 11 months
Donating hair to NURDOR (Nacionalno udruženje roditelja dece obolele od raka)
• Activity title: Donating hair to NURDOR
• Type of activity: Service 
• Duration: 1.9.2023.
Learning Outcomes
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
Activity description:
Cutting 30 cm of hair for donation
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Limited with the resources by which we can help those in need, I decided to do something that is a small thing for me and could mean a lot to someone else. As I had pretty long hair I was determined to cut it and donate it to the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer. I have cut 30 centimeters of hair and sent it NURDOR in Belgrade. It is an amazing experience that raises empathy for children and awareness of their struggles.
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thegreyj · 2 years
top 5 finnish songs for me to listen to
Oooh alright! Just.. should they be Finnish songs or songs in Finnish? What the heck, I'll do both haha (so you'll get 10!)
First up songs in Finnish (I highly suggest googling the lyric translations)
Hei Rakas by BEHM. I love this song so much - it's beautifully written, with a beautiful melody and it has a funny backstory too! It's a love song that was created in order to win a bet "who will write the better love song". This won.
Pohjola by Olli Halonen Oh, this song lives, breathes and bleeds being Finnish. When I first heard it, I absolutely fell in love with it - and the fact that it's 100% true too just makes it that much better.
Mökkitie by Arttu Wiskari This might not be my favorite song, but it is very sentimental to me haha. It's mine and my best friend's "song" - it's also kind of sad if you understand the story - but also written by one of the most brilliant songwriters in Finland (he also sings the song lmao)
Tummilla teillä by Vesterinen Yhtyeineen I was obsessed with this song at one point - it's brilliant! Again, a bit sad but a beautifully written song. This song currently sits somewhere in my very long WIP pile because this inspired Bob me to write a fic...
Joulun kanssas jaan by Haloo Helsinki! I chose a Christmas song for this last one, simply because I really love this one. It's beautiful and kind of sad (again lmao), and I probably will go listen to it on a loop because it may have given me ideas again haha
Next up songs by Finnish artists
Tallulah by Sonata Arctica I don't know if you're into heavier music, but this song is so brilliant (and sung by one of my favorite singers too). Again, a bit sad, but so, so good too.
Thank You For Everything by Sunrise Avenue My sister is a massive fan of Sunrise Avenue, and I used to listen to a few songs of theirs too - but this one (sadly a goodbye song from their last album) stole my heart. It's brilliant and catchy too.
Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall Oh I was obsessed with this song at one point in my life. It still is in my favorite playlists, as it is an excellent song - and I love the singer's voice! The lyrics are a bit quirky but they do have meaning behind them as well
Karma by ALMA An amazing song by a brilliant songwriter who actually has made a name for herself in the US! I'll let the song speak for itself though!
A Lifetime of Adventure by Tuomas Holopainen Okay, I love weird songs - this certainly is one. But I was obsessed with this one as well at one point lmao, still is one of my go to songs when I need to get rid of my thoughts, it's amazing.
And... as we're on the topic of music, fun fact about Finland: Finland has the most metal bands per capita.
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rlthirteen · 2 months
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Because nadelete ang first blog nako, will try to make another one huehue
First things first, you're so pretty. As in gwapa jud ka. Murag kag Chinese/Filo sa imong kaputi and your eyes. Love your chinita eyes nga nibagay sa imong thick brows (gusto ko ing ana akong mata haha). Took some photos of you bc aside sa ganahan kaykos imong style ig manamit ka tas angayan jud pud ka, you're so poganda huehue
Gasige rakog tabi nga hapit nako mahutdan ug topics arun lang jud di moawkwzrd ang atmosphere. Kay i know if mohilom ko, kabalo kog aha maabot atong storyahan. Pero wa nalikayan, ning awkward jud nuon kay naalaan tag uyab hahah pero i saw it nga ningisi ka. After we ate, we walked, sat and laid down sa grass at the corniche just to enjoy the view of the sea. Then you started talking.. i mean, more like confessing.You confessed your feelings and since i know nga mao ni imong reason nakigkita ka, wala rako nakulbaan. But I'd say, sa tanang confessions i received, this one hits different. I was amazed, really. You're so honest and brave for telling me all that. You were a year younger than me pero the way you view things and situation, i feel like nakigstorya kog mas magulang nako. Your maturity and mindset are what makes you more attractive. The way you understood what i meant, yes, you do read between the lines jud and i love that mind of yours. Rag di ka accountant, ra kag psychologist hahha pero seriously, i didn't think your feelings was this serious jud. I never did expect that you were attracted to me atong first meet nato sa kitchen room. I just thought lang nga nakulbaan raka ato hahah
Was really thankful i met you though. Thank you for reminding me nga i never did anything wrong sakong past rel. Although naay factors akong actions ato pero you said it's not a reason and that i still deserve to be loved. You acknowledged my contentment and i thank you for that. I told you about my mistakes and what i did to hurt her, but instead of madismaya ka, you chose to praise me. That even in that situation, wherein gusto sab ko mobuhi ato nga rel kay gikapoy sab ko, i did chose to stay. In times nga madiscourage ko niya bc of this and that, and in times nga feeling nako naay kulang sa iyaha, i never dared to look and find it to someone else, kay lage mas gipili nakong makontento. Bc what i believe, contentment rajud ang key man to make the rel work. Sumhanon tang tanan bc we are humans, and everyday daghan tag gusto paras atong self to meet our satisfaction, pero there are those pud na mopili nga makontento.. and I'm glad we're on the same page, Rish. Isa pasab imong bf pero you already have a wide understanding sa gugma.
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sinful-stripes · 4 months
Soraka just comes to gently hold her hand, allowing a bit of her healing aura to be passed to the Tigress ♥ "You have an amazing amount of Stamina, however, allow me to make sure all is in the rightful condition." She remained rather serene & nonchalant during the whole endeavor, despite the situations.
She'd had a healer and one of the brothel maidens here as her support already, but seeing the star blessed healer made Dira feel at ease, even more so as she provided both emotional support, but also her own healing for the tigress.
She hummed in calm happiness to feel replenished, before leaning in to offer a soft kiss to her with a smile.
'Thank you, 'raka, it makes it all the better~"
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