HOLY SHIT YOU CAN HEAR PEBBLES BREATHING I have NEVER noticed this... If you sit on top of the wall after it turns night and listen close, you can hear Five Pebbles breathing... that's such an awesome detail!!!
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I may bring this blog back as all the drama out here has seemingly settled down. It's been 3 months, and I miss sharing this community with you all. @/murderdrones-obsessed-cat will continue as my primary account, but this account isn't gone, it just may not be used as much as it used to be. I hope I can continue to foster a gentle, caring little community here.
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i see you on archive a lot :D
Do you mean Ao3? Cus yeah, I am very active on that site ^^'
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I am archiving this blog. It will no longer be active. You can find me instead at @murderdrones-obsessed-cat
Perhaps I will come back to this blog, but perhaps not. Goodbye.
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Echo, how much lore do you have for Cloudcat and how much is connected to cookieeevee's things? I'm not asking for the actual lore, just a number to how much there is
I don't have much lore for her since she's just a silly character but the lore that does exist is pretty much all based around Cookie's characters and such!
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friend :)
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What does this mean?! :O
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are you gonna do stuff on cloudcat's ask blog?
I will, I'm just a procrastinator '- -
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I have drank a lot of water today!! Thank you :)
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heya Echo! just wondering if your gonna add a link to @the--prophet on ur pinned post like @ask-cloudcat-reborn?
Oh! Thank you for the reminder '-w-
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CW can stand for chasing wind but it can also stand for content warning
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Gosh dang it! I can't send images though asks here
Whoops! That should be fixed now :)
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I wanted to do this ask in anon for reasons, So
I'm glad you made Cloudcat, I'm glad you made her steal iterators, an idea you got from me apparently, I'm glad for the silly iterators you made, I'm glad... I got to meet you, that I got to become friends with you, that we shared ideas, that I got to be there by your side though the ups and the downs
tbh, I am the person that I am today because of you, I still look up to you actually
everyday I would be excited to see you, no matter how long or short we would talk, it was fun when you put my rw OCs into your au(?) of rain world, it made me so happy whenever you made art of my OCs, I thought of you as one of my best friends and still do, I was so worried when you suddenly went silent, I keep looking everyday on tumblr, hoping to find a new post from you or a message but it seemed like you never would.... Then out of the blue, in 2023, I get a message from you, saying that... well, that you were feeling like heck because of people being negative about your Cloudcat stealing iterator stuff, and I felt sad, sad that I couldn't help when I probably couldn't have anyways... but it also confused me a little bit, besides from one blog, I hadn't really seen anything that negative at Cloudcat and her silly funny stealing iterator thing, I just hoped you'd be alright in the end
Then on Jan 31, I SEE YOU!!! and man, am I glad you are okay enough show yourself with Cloudcat again, even if she doesn't steal iterators anymore
I want to support you, to draw art for you, to have fun with you, to give you all the love in the world because my friends and family mean the world to me, and your one of my best friends, and if I'm being silent to you, its not because I'm ghosting you, it's most likely because I'm doing something like hanging out with my family or I'm somehow busy with something or I've made a new friend and I regrettably forget about my other friends, NOT THAT I DON'T CARE, its just hard to focus on different friends at once
I still miss Cloudcat, Crystal the Cloudcat, and her stealing iterators thing, maybe I'll just draw her stealing iterator to myself or something, since I know you don't want to have that stuff around
you may have found out who I am and if you haven't, honk you don't need to answer this ask on your blog but I would appreciate if you tell me you've seen this in our messages when you have
Never forget, I'll always be by your side Echo, no matter what
This means a lot to me. I know exactly who you are... and I just wanna say, thank you so much for this. I can't tell you how much it means. I could say the same to you. I'm sorry I disappeared. I'll never do it again. I promise, I am here to stay.
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*hugs u*
*hugs u back*
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Hey I remember your stuff, it always made my day seeing your art then, and seeing your current drawings I can see great improvement!
Welcome back :)
Hey, I really appreciate you telling me! Just hearing that some people loved my work really makes me happy. This is the reason I came back - because I'd failed to see anything beyond the small minority that hated me.
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I'm sure you all have noticed by now that one anonymous user has been asking around about most people's feelings on Cloudcat and myself. First of all, yes, I did request that they ask about this to anyone who's actually been involved, though I didn't expect them to ask those who were never involved. This whole thing has been incredibly enlightening. Aside from a couple, it seems that most of the community really had no issues with Cloudcat as a character nor her surrounding shenanigans. So, I'm going to bring her back. However, I won't be bringing back the iterator shenanigans part. That stays within the past. You are welcome to have fun with her - she never was the problem. I was, and I'm going to make sure I can do better.
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