#ramblings about comix movies
danzafila · 11 months
finally saw across the spider-verse. my main thoughts are: needs more jessica drew
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deadscoutz · 1 year
Ye olde list of my dankest oldest yaoi
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I made a meme template for my fella. You can see how he filled his out on his blog. You should do this too! Just save the image and repost it with your ships, no credit necessary.
10 years ago can also be 10+ years ago, just any ol' fashioned classic yaoiyuri.
My ye olde ships:
Slade/Robin (now Nightwing/Slade lol)
Kefka/Terra (ff6)
everyone including random monsters/Vincent Valentine (ff7)
Harvey Dent/Joker (dark knight movie)
Riddler/Scarecrow (batman comix)
Kaiba/Yami Yugi (ygo)
Malik/Yami Bakura (ygo)
Sniper/Spy (tf2 /neg)
Superman/Batman (capeshit)
Deadpool/Cable (capeshit)
These don't include some of the obvious ones that I'm still drawing to this day LOL like Scout/Spy or Goblin yaoi.
Warning for LONG ASS rambling about each ship under the cut.
The common thread is that 86% of these were memes posted to 4chan's /co/ board. When I WAS. A YOUNG MAN. I just liked whatever I saw other people posted cuz i couldn't form my own opinions yet. I think that's just a general age thing, as you get older you hone your personal tastes more, whether it's books or yuri or food, and it's less satisfying to wait around at the buffet for other people's tastes.
It's a lil interesting how much easier it was to just let other people feed me things to enjoy. Now that I'm older and pickier, I have to proactively seek very specific tastes and sometimes make dishes for myself!
Some thoughts on thots:
Slade/Robin: This is like, baby's first "dark ship". Lots of 8 yr olds saw the Apprentice episode, and pogged out cuz of the evil groomy tension. Then you get all the 8 yr olds posting their dark yaoi on deviantart LMAO.
The default back then (And still now?) is evil daddy dom Slade making poor widdle babby Robin cry. I didn't have particular tastes back then in regards to that ship cuz I was 8 and just followed what was popular LOL. In [current year], I only like the pairing if Slade gets his anus slapped and slorped by the dude he tried to groom. What can I say, I get older and the old gnarsty dudes keep getting older too...!
Also, I'm really shocked that new people are getting into this pairing because of Teen Titans Go's chibi Robin. It's time to bring chad manlet Dick to public consciousness!!!
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Kefka/Terra: 👴 Back in my day, I did not see any FF6 shippy stuff on the internet at all. The doujins and fanart were mostly for the FF7 and above 3d games. So this was something I thought up for myself while playing the game, without any outside influence... incredible for a kid I must say! The dynamic is "evil clown grooms psychic girl into a MAGITEK WEAPON". It's really funny how things change, I wouldn't find interest in that dynamic now :p But I understand why a depressed edgy 10 year old (me) would find that interesting to explore.
Everyone/Vincent Valentine: I just thought Vincent was cute! I still like goth dudes who look like ladies with long hair (Who also turn into monsters). I tried to get into ships proper for Vincent, like Sephiroth/Vincent, Cloud/Vincent, Cid/Vincent.. but none of them really struck my fancy. I didn't really care for their character dynamics. I just liked Vincent LOL. So my favorite doujin I found when I was a wee lad was a monster x Vincent manga, cuz Vincent was cute :3c That segues into the other side of the fujo spectrum: A lot of my fannish thoughts when I was a kid (and even now) was based on having one favorite character and just wanting to see them look awesome and hot and cool and sexy. I think that's actually more related to gay manga culture than fujoshi culture, where gay manga can commonly just focus on one guy getting gangbanged with no emotional pairing necessary.
I could live with just seeing sexy Green Goblin and never shipping him with anyone else, ya know? And I'd be happy just drawing my sexy Senspai without any annoying Scunts around. The annoying younger halves of my pairings are often just projection opportunities, ya know? But I don't have the mental ability to do self-inserts because I have no conception of self.
Harvey Dent/Joker: Hey, when you're a kid and the new Batman movie comes out, you get sucked into it! You can see this in action with all the new Riddler fans cuz of the edward cullen batman movie! Nurse Joker was a huge meme on /co/ when this movie came out, and as the joke says.. /co/ is gay. And probably full of closet fujos. I had no emotional connection to this pairing, or even thoughts on their interactions, but I have quite a bit saved of these two on my computer. Plus I stole a lot of Aaron Eckhart's Harvey for my character Angus. Blonde and buttchin!
Riddler/Scarecrow: Again with the new Batman movie at the time, this time reviving interest in characters that weren't even in the movie! I liked Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow even though he only gets 5 minutes total of screentime in all 3 Nolan movies combined. Because I like girly men with killer cheekbones and kissy lips. I also REALLY enjoyed Jeffrey Comb's voiceover for BTAS Scarecrow. And Frank Gorshin Riddler was also a beloved meme on /co/.
I don't remember what the dynamic even was between these two. I just remember a small imageboard split off from /co/ for just Batman yaoi at the time, and this being a popular ship. Sometimes I wish it could be this easy for me to get into media and enjoy it with random strangers again LOL.
Kaiba/Yami Yugi: I loved Yugioh as a kid. This was one of the most popular ships, so as a kid you're just ecstatic that so much art and writing and fans existed for this one thing. You never starve, even if you don't have especially strong feelings for the food! Kaiba/Yami is still pretty cool to my adult brain though. I love the obsessiveness of Kaiba, and Yami is just an eternal waifu.
Malik/Yami Bakura: You can blame the abridged series for this one! Yaoi bait begets yaoi bait. This falls under the "dumbass x grumpy" archetype that I still enjoy. No especially strong feelings for this one, though I do have more modern headcanons of Malik, Rishid, and Bakura living together in a strange poly-angle. It's just cute!
Sniper/Spy: Ah, TF2chan.. a place where dreams live and die. Sniper, Spy, and Scout were part of the cursed twink trio on that chan. REAL MEN liked MANLY ships like Heavy/Medic, Demo/Soldier, or Soldier/Engie. You're a gay stupid yaoi fangirl if you liked any combination of Sniper/Spy!!! Jokes on them, I liked pretty much every pairing for TF2 back in Tha Day.
TF2 truly was a milestone in the fujo pipeline, from anime twinks to middle-aged slightly more naturalistic twinks to finally burly hyper testosterated manly men. We can blame the SSS twink trio for helping many transition (And I mean that in every way of the word 😜).
I think now I'm just sick of anything TF2. Reminds me too much of assholes and shitfucks! The transition of TF2 from edgy gamer chan culture, to tumblrites, to twitter geeks... eugh. I only care about fearless Scout/Spy allies :)
Superman/Batman: Hey, it's the NaruSasu of superhero ships! I have a lot of these two saved on my hard drive from my /co/ days. Once again, because gay art of these two was posted constantly as a meme. When the "straight dudes" on the edgy imageboard acknowledge the inherent homoeroticism of a pairing, it's validated in the young fujo's eyes. (cuz what girls like is stinky? and what men like is cool and real? lol lots to unpack) Still think this one is cute! I'm not AS invested in this as some people are as an endgame OTP that gets married and love each other ONLY, but it falls under the genki x grumpy archetype that I enjoy. It's a good relationship for Bruce to have and ruin!
Deadpool/Cable: Ah, the final channer-approved pairing. Complete with channer-approved fanart and pornography I still have on my hard drive! I might actually have the most art of them together saved out of all these ships...They had a comic together called Cable and Deadpool. Deadpool flirts with Cable and dreams about putting lotion on Cable's bare back (heh). What's not to like? Still cute, still genki x grumpy! Again, not an invested endgame ship for me right now, but certainly something I'm grateful to have enjoyed and shared with Shane :) Especially having enjoyed this before the Deadpool movie came out, and before all the weird fucked up Waid comics! I WAS HERE FIRST!!!!!!
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webcomixwastaken · 3 years
You know, when I genuinely enjoy a public figure's work, I still stick with them when they make bad takes and show their dumb asses, even when they turn into the internet's Main Character of the Day. They're flawed and human and not my friend; just a person I like to follow for content or funny posts
But why, for the second time this year, I found myself begging out loud to my screen, "PLEASE STOP TWEETING!" Stop digging the hole deeper! Get offline! You don't HAVE to tell everyone your opinion ALL the time!!!!!
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crispy-ghee · 5 years
replied to your
Could you tell us more about your Jackie Chan -...
I started reading the comics! Thank you, I’m in the fandom now. :D
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Most of the drawings I do are based on the movies + a couple of the ideas in the Predator (not AvP) comics, at least in terms of tone and character exploration. So if you like my stuff, go for those first. This is such an old franchise that there’s a lot of stuff so take it slow and I’d start w/ the main Predator comics. They’re standalone for the most part, so you don’t need to keep a detailed timeline in your head, which is neat.
Little things of note while you plunge into their world: 
Some of the comix really reference the films. I recommend at least watching the first Predator (if you can and haven’t yet) for the base idea behind it all (and also understand some of the memes it birthed lol). A lot of the comics diverge a lot from what the movies establish, but it’s still probs a good idea. Also it’s just a bunch of muscle dudes in the jungle slapping meat and spouting schlock so..........
Stories can be hit or miss. There are a lot of disparate ideas of how yautja operate, and some writing can be weird, dependent on your story and art tastes. With so many different writers and artists giving their takes, chances are you’ll hit something you don’t like. 
for me, there are some mid-90s comics with not-super-fun machismo writing (and I’m a B-movie/schlock aficionado, so that’s saying something) and that kinda wonky 90′s gritty art. Plus comics were just starting to try digital coloring and lettering and hadn’t quite worked out how to make it look good. Those were hard for me to get into. Pushing through them, tho, there’s a ton of beautifully drawn comics with fun or even pensive storylines.
The collections/omnibuses are a good way to just get a good breadth of story ((i borrowed mine from my library’s ebook app. It was good getting to read them all before deciding to drop a butt-ton of money on getting the physical copies.)) 
3 and 4 were my favorites, but ymmv. 
3 has the storyline “Kindred”, which is one of my favorites. My shit is exploring Yautja’s something-like-humanity vs the fact that we’ll probably never fully understand their motivations. How encounters affect normal human beings, how the only way to react to their actions (born out of alien culture, alien morality) is to try and ascribe comprehensible (and often times wrong) meaning to them. 
some ppl aren’t into this though and like fun storylines with gore and action and that’s also cool, you will find those in here.
Alien vs Predator is a mixed bag for me, but lots of ppl love it. There’s fun stuff (Big Mama is my wife, and Machiko is a cool character) but I got opinions on its approach to xenomorphs and yautja, both in a story and tone context. BUT I still recommend reading through them, there are gems. 
Don’t discount the other Predator crossover comix, bc some of them are just stupid fun even if they sound dumb af on first viewing. 
Batman vs Predator is surprisingly good. 
I enjoyed a chunk of Alien vs Predator vs Judge Dredd.
Archie vs Predator is fucking bomb as shit silliness and I love it.
Anyway, I have a lot of *OPINIONS* on this stuff, so I’m going to cut it off there or I’ll ramble to hell’s end. Consume as much or as little as you want, there are no rules. And Enjoy!
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neriad13 · 7 years
People Watching: Reviewed
There’s this animated series that the cartoonist Winston Rowantree has been putting out for the past couple of months. I’ve been debating on whether or not to introduce a friend to it for almost as long as it’s been going. I’m still not sure if it’s something they would like. It’s definitely something that you have to have a very particular taste to enjoy.
Like the artist’s usual work, it tends toward the rambly. He has long referred to his signature strip, Subnormality, as “comix with too many words.” Reading them can be a lot more like reading a short story condensed into a single, massive page. But like a well-crafted short story, they are capable of being incredibly resonant and you come away from them feeling a sense of wholeness that does not come from just reading one chapter of a book.
My absolute favorite strip of his is one in which a space engineer confides to the only person who will listen about the horrors of his job and how it has left a permanent mark on him. What his company does is locate planets that contain vast quantities of life and then subject those planets to complete and utter destruction in order to harvest the resulting oil manufactured from the death of so much beauty. What this leaves them with is a cargo full of ghosts and a stain that cannot be washed away.
He doesn’t do science fiction all the time, but if that’s something you enjoy, there’s a good chance that both the comic and the show might hold some interest for you.
But back to the show. The first episode was more or less a treatise on how difficult dating and human connection in general is to pull off. It was more specifically about the pitfalls of speed dating. The cast zips around the room, ranting about the impossibilities of finding someone who gives a damn. Two characters, the most bitter and broken ones in the room, begin to stand out as perfect for one another and you assume that of course they’re going to run into each other in the end and all of their problems will be solved.
But…they never do. The speed dating session ends and they never made it to one another’s tables. The final shot is them walking out the door one after another and going their separate ways, not even an inkling of what they have missed out on circling in their brains. It was like a punch to the gut. It was a total shock. That was the moment that my preconceptions of this show were shattered and I fell in love myself.
There are many episodes as well done as that one. In particular the one about Depression really spoke to me - it was eerie and tragic and hit far, far too close to home.
There’s duds too, of course, as in anything. The one advocating for speaking in movie theaters received the most significant pushback of any episode. And the one that was based on Rowantree’s older strip about the uses of a non-religious confessional booth does not have nearly the same impact now that we live in Trump’s America.
All of this fades away in the wake of the final episode.
The generation I was born into contains many voices. Some of them funny, many of them angry, sad, frustrated, hurt. They make jokes about suicide all too often. Their pain is belittled by those whom they should be able to look up to as elders. The struggle to survive, the keen awareness of how unfair this world is - these are the things that define my generation. These are the things that we frantically chomp at the bit to change, if only to make for ourselves a place to live in a world that so often seems intent on declaring us inconsequential.
Never before have I encountered all of these disparate voices condensed into a single piece of spoken word. If there is any such thing that could be called the “Voice of a Generation,” I put my vote forward that this is it.
All the pain, all the anger, all the hopelessness that I’ve been feeling for the greater part of my adult life - it’s here. As is the all-consuming drive for demanding more of the future. I wept as the credits rolled, the weight of what I’d seen and heard washing over me like a flood. I closed the tab as not quite the same person I was before. Few pieces of media have ever had that impact on me. A comment on Youtube said it perfectly: “Existential crisis voiced.”
Watching the entire series gives you much more context of course. But if you only ever choose to view one episode, please make it this one.
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danzafila · 9 months
ok finally watched the latest guardians and, like, i can recognize that they're good (by mcu standards...) films, but man are they bad GotG adaptations
it's just. kinda hard to shut off the bitter comics fan in my brain to fully enjoy them without being disappointed and/or annoyed at some of the changes and deviations they take from the source material
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danzafila · 1 year
please tell me that still of supposedly adam warlock is fake that shit looks so bad lmao
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danzafila · 2 years
I think what pissed off a lot of Avengers fans about Krakoa is the in-universe villification of Wanda for doing M-Day by pure accident while possessed and called "the Pretender" for being led to believe she was a mutant since she was a child while actually knowingly non-mutants like Mister Sinister (massacred the Morlocks, not to mention a Literal Nazi) and Cassandra Nova (massacred the entire population of Genosha) get a place on Krakoa and in the former's case, *on the Quiet Council*.
oh are Avengers fans, specifically, anti-Krakoa? I honestly wasn’t aware there were many fans who disliked Krakoa at all.
I'm not super comfortable speaking to the vilification and twisting of Wanda's character post House of M since that was my first real exposure to the character (so it's always been kind of hard for me to shake the 'you're the one responsible for Decimation' bias when I see her, even knowing that’s unfair since House of M using her like that was unfair). but yeah, it's a totally legitimate gripe for Wanda fans to complain about how this good guy was put through a shitty (for her--I liked House of M lol) storyline that forced her to be the bad guy and now her reputation is permanently tarnished and she'll never be able to live down the shitty thing Bendis made her do. especially when you've then got actual straight up, unrepentant supervillains like Mister Sinister and Cassandra Nova (and iirc like half the damn OG Hellfire Club is there too? I know Selene and Sebastian Shaw are...) who've directly and intentionally harmed so many (other) mutants' lives who've received such a free pass that they're not only welcomed into Krakoa with open arms, but given freaking seats on the damn Council in Sinister and Shaw's cases. I totally get the gripe of why do these (objectively far worse) people get a pass, but Wanda is forever and always defined by and abhorred by all mutant kind for one moment of weakness?
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danzafila · 1 year
can't even be happy marvel is finally remembering mantis and allowing her to be a guardian again bc now I'm worried they're going to finally force the shitty (honestly straight up insulting) movie characterization onto her too
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danzafila · 1 year
What’s wrong with Jessica being pregnant in the new spiderverse movie?/genq
I just really don't like H*pless's run and, between her pregnancy and the costume design clearly being based off the redesign that debuted with that run, I'm guessing they'll primarily be pulling from it for plot points/Jess's characterization and all.
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danzafila · 2 years
Might be too charitable to him but how likely is it that Bendis would have brought back Lindsay McCabe if his Spider-Woman run wasn't canceled? He ignored her existence (having Jess erroneously assert that Carol was her best friend before being abudcted by the Skrulls) but he still referenced Jess' time in Madripoor a lot (even in her Alias appearance) so couldn't it be that he intended for an Eternal-Sunshine-esque plot due to Skrull fuckery but his run being canceled prevented that?
I am SO curious what his Spider-Woman solo would've looked like if it had been able to run longer!!
for as much crap as I'll give Bendis for some of his more ridiculed writing tendencies, I really liked his Jessica Drew writing for the most part. yeah he stuck with the new development of making Carol her best friend, but he also remembered her friendship with Logan, her relationship with Fury, her (weird pseudo-parental) antagonism with Viper, and her HYDRA/SHIELD past (even if I didn't particularly care for some of the retcons). from his writing, it seemed evident to me he had a healthy love/respect for her history and interest in delving deeper into it (rather than just using her as a fairly blank slate with no history for whatever story he wanted to tell, as many writers I think are guilty of from time to time). I absolutely wouldn't have been surprised, given all that and the fact he specifically chose to return her to Madripoor, if a reunion with Lindsay would've occurred down the line.
man, when I think of the abrupt end to Agent of S.W.O.R.D., I get so sad. he had wanted that thing for YEARS and then, when he finally got it, him and Maleev struggled like crazy to get the one single arc out before it got unceremoniously cancelled. I always thought that left him pretty burnt and kinda killed his love for writing her (which honestly I can't blame him for--that would've sucked).
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danzafila · 2 years
"i guess tis the season" it's more that the mcu werewolf by night short movie just came out lol
lmfao I started hearing more and more about werewolf by night after I queued that up and was like... wait a minute something's up.... this can't JUST be comics people pulling out old bronze age horror comics for Halloween lol
and I've heard p good things about it, even from people who are not typically wowed by the latest MCU junk, so I'm definitely interested in checking it out!
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danzafila · 5 years
Anyways. I saw Into the Spider-Verse and:
Yes it’s as amazing as everyone says
I know there’s talk of one of the sequels/spin-offs focusing on Spider-Women/even if that doesn’t happen, I’m sure there’s a chance of Jess showing up in the main sequel and I just. I’m hoping to goddamn hell* they use the RIGHT Jessica Drew in the movies (and her real costume too!). And I’m going to be nervous until I see her on screen interpretation with my own two eyes that they didn’t fuck it up lol.
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webcomixwastaken · 6 years
20 Questions!
Rules: Answer the twenty questions and then tag twenty people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @bobeirasdaboo!!
Name: Comix
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 5'2
Languages Spoken: Fluent English, passable Cantonese, conversational Mandarin and abysmal French
Nationality: Hong Konger by birth/residence, Canadian by passport
Favorite Fruit: Apples. I am very basic.
Favorite Scent: Narcissus, for the CNY atmosphere
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Animal: BEARS
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea
Favorite Fictional Character(s): To be glaringly obvious, BotW Zelda at the mo  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dream Trip: Because I’m basic af and have never been there, I do want to go rambling round Paris to see some Art, eat a butt-ton of pastries, surreptitiously kiss Oscar Wilde’s tomb, walk Grantaire’s recruitment tour (which he never actually did) and dramatically sniff a handkerchief in the Jardin de Luxembourg.
When Was Your Blog Created: May 2012
Last Movie Seen: I finally watched Thor: Ragnarok! It was very good and so, so much better than the insult that is Infinity War Songs You’ve Had On Repeat: “Doo Wop (That Thing)” by Lauryn Hill
Favorite Candy: dark chocolate, basically?
Favorite Holiday: Chinese New Year
Random Fact About You One: I did not live abroad until I was 18, contrary to what most people assume.
Random Fact About You Two: The most embarrassing way I’ve ever gotten rid of hiccups was to hold my breath until I passed out. While walking. On a crowded Hong Kong street. Came to when I hit my head on a bin. 
Hiccups gone tho
Random Fact About You Three: It’s hard thinking of three individual and true and INTERESTING facts about myself. Er, once I watched a blackbird murder a frog, like it was holding it by the leg in its beak and just whacked it against the ground until Ribbit went limp. Then the blackbird dragged the corpse away into the bushes to consume, I guess. It was graphic.
I’ll tag people: honestly, anyone who wants to
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