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Lyutsifer Safin X Fem!Reader Cute, angsty and fluffy prompt
!TW: Pregnancy, mention/use of the word ‘rapist’s’, hint of anxiety, mention of having nightmares, mention of being raped/use of word ‘raped’, mention of being beaten up, mention of bullying/harassment, mention of blood/presence of blood, mention of bleeding/use of word ‘bleeding’, mention of hospital, mention of miscarriage/use of word ‘miscarriage’, mention of feeling guilty, hint of suffering from depression, implied swearing (word ‘cursed’), mention of illness/suffering from an illness, mention of past suicidal intentions, waters breaking, mention of ambulance/use of word ‘ambulance’!
“I just want you to know that you don’t need to go with me, I don’t need you to protect me, if you have to stay here,” you assured, but Safin shook his head; he was set on going with you and protecting you; you had to go back home again because you were soon to be due to give birth to your new child who you still weren’t sure was Safin’s or the rapist’s, the only thing you’d found out about it is that it is a boy. “I just don’t want something to happen to you,” you expressed, and Safin shook his head again, holding your hand.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, I promise,” he tried to reassure you, “nobody is ever going to take me away from you. Do you believe me?”
You smiled softly up at him, nodding. “Of course I do,” you answered, before you connected your lips to his in a loving kiss. “Okay, you can come back home with me,” you decided, and Safin grinned, glad that you’d finally agreed to let him go with you.
Even when you’d gotten home and were away from his workers, you were anxious and were still having nightmares most nights about the times you had been raped, and beaten up by them when Safin wasn’t there to help you. You struggled when you awoke in someone’s hold behind you, but relaxed when you heard Safin’s voice. “You’re okay, Y/n,” he spoke gently, “you were just having a nightmare.” You turned around to hug him tightly, beginning to cry as you felt overwhelmed after having the nightmare. “I’ll never let them hurt you again, I promise,” he expressed, a pained expression on his face; he wished he had done more to help you. “Do you want me to get you a glass of water?” Safin inquired, and you shook your head, forcing a smile up at him.
“I - I can get myself one, don’t worry,” you reassured him, and he sat up as he watched you get up off of the bed, leaving a small blood stain.
“Y/n,” Safin spoke uneasily, worried about you. You looked back at him, humming to show that you were listening. “You’re bleeding,” he pointed out, and you faltered, your eyes widening. Safin wouldn’t know what to say, a pained expression on his face; he was assuming the worst.
“But.. That can’t mean,” you murmured, “n-no, I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary.. I’ll try and get an appointment at the hospital tomorrow, and they’ll tell me what’s going on.” Safin nodded gravely, and you frowned, guessing that he thought you were going to have a miscarriage. “It’s going to be okay,” you tried to reassure him, but he wouldn’t dare look up at you; he didn’t want you to see that his eyes were glistening. “S-Safin, stop, please,” you begged shakily; you couldn’t take it; you didn’t want to think that you were going to have a miscarriage, and didn’t want to think that you wouldn’t find out if he was Safin’s child or wouldn’t be able to raise him with him. You rushed out of the room because you hated to cry in front of him, and he felt guilty for not trying to comfort you or trying to say something to you that would make you feel better.
Safin had decided to wait until the morning to talk to you because he didn’t want to upset you any further, and he found himself not being able to sleep for the whole night; he was too worried about you. “Good morning, kitten,” Safin spoke gently when he entered the living room to find you sitting up on the sofa, hugging the blanket you had over you closer to you.
“Morning,” you mumbled, trying to hide your face from him because your eyes were sore; you had been crying again.
Safin sat beside you, and you wouldn’t dare look up at him. “Everything is going to be okay, I promise,” he assured; he wanted to cheer you up because he hated to see you like this, and he missed your smile.
You tried to believe him, but couldn’t kick the doubt from your mind. “But - What if we do lose him?” You questioned, and Safin frowned. “If we lose him, I will never stop blaming myself,” you expressed, and Safin shook his head.
“It wouldn’t be your fault, Y/n,” he contradicted, and you scoffed. “It wouldn’t-”
“I just can’t help, but think - if we do, it’ll be the universe telling me that I’ve not been a good enough mother,” you admitted, and it was Safin’s turn to scoff and shake his head, before he placed his on top of your’s gently.
“You have no idea how amazing you are, do you?” Safin replied, and you glanced up at him for only a moment, before you lowered your head again. “You’ve been a great mother, Y/n, to both Sylvia and Emily, and you have been trying to do everything to protect our-” Safin faltered, feeling rather dejected when he remembered that he might not be the father, “s-son.”
You frowned when you realised that he must be thinking about the possibility of your son being the rapist’s, instead of his. Safin forced a weak smile up at you, and you tried to reflect it, but found yourself failing as you looked away from him again. Safin pulled you into a hug, and you rested against him, feeling comfortable, before you awkwardly turned around to wrap your arms around him. “Thank you, Safin,” you whispered, “I - I feel a little better now, when you hold me I’m in my happy place.”
“And when you hold me, I find myself in mine,” he remarked, and you smiled lovingly up at him, before you rested your head on his shoulder after he’d returned the smile.
“Those glasses are adorable on you,” Safin stated when he came across you reading in bed; you’d been starting to retire to bed much earlier because you tended to be exhausted more often, most likely because Sylvia was growing up into an older toddler, and being slightly more difficult, whilst you also tried to tend to your needs, avoiding Safin’s help because you wanted him to stop worrying about you all the time.
“Thank you,” you replied, smiling warmly up at him, before you got an idea, trying not to giggle as you pretended that you felt something out of the ordinary, sitting up with a perplexed expression on your face.
“What is it?” Safin inquired, rushing to your side so he could hold your hand, worried about you.
You looked up at him, your eyes wide. “I think my water just broke,” you answered, your voice close to a whisper. Safin would be shocked, before he attempted to pick you up, surprising you, and making you laugh; you couldn’t stop yourself. Safin appeared confused; he didn’t think you’d be laughing. Safin then grew suspicious of you, and you burst out laughing again when you noticed the skeptical look on his face. “I got you!” You exclaimed, and he grunted, before he lowered you back down on the bed.
Safin sat down on the edge of the bed, expressing relief. “Don’t scare me like that again, Y/n,” he whined, and you grinned, amused.
You shuffled closer to him, and he reluctantly looked over at you, anxious again. “Shut up, you big baby, and let me kiss you,” you teased, and he begrudgingly let you connect your lips to his.
On a lazy night for you both, you decided to find a horror movie for you both to watch, and were finding it hilarious because you could tell that Safin was trying to hide that he was startled by some of the scenes. “Is someone scared?” You teased him when you noticed that he was looking anywhere, but at the television screen, and he scoffed, glaring over at you.
“I’m not scared,” he claimed, “I just think horror movies are stupid, and boring.”
“Sure,” you replied, not believing him at all as he nervously returned his attention to the film. When another jump scare occurred shortly after he’d returned his attention to it, he cursed quietly, and you couldn’t help, but giggle again, prompting him to shoot a glare at you.
“Why do you make me watch these things?” He complained, making you laugh even more. “Sometimes I really hate you when you make me do these things,” he continued, and you tried to stop laughing to relieve him of the embarrassment. Safin relaxed a little bit after you’d managed to hold back the rest of your giggles, and you intertwined your fingers with his, before you rested your head on his shoulder.
“Safin, stop,” you whined; you were currently suffering from quite a bad cold, and were trying not to pass it on to him, but he was making it difficult for you to do that because he kept insisting on being near you.
“No,” he replied; he didn’t want to leave you alone whilst you were ill. “You’re sick, let me take care of you,” he practically pleaded, wanting to do all he could to restore your health, and all he could to make you feel comfortable.
“I don’t need you to take care of me,” you claimed, “and I don’t want you to get sick, too, so-”
“I don’t care if I get sick, Y/n,” he interrupted, certain of himself, “please just let me look after you until you’re better.” You sighed, before you nodded reluctantly. Safin smiled, glad that you were now allowing him to stay and take care of you.
Safin wrapped his arms around your waist, and you tried to ease him away, feeling as if he were getting dangerously close to the point he’d definitely receive the same cold from you. “Don’t get too close for now, okay?” You warned, and he frowned, nodding gravely.
“I’m sorry, your eyes are just really pretty and distracting,” he explained, and a smile played on your lips - you could also feel that your cheeks were heating up. “You’re blushing,” he pointed out, smirking. You winced, trying to hide your face from him. “You’re adorable,” he continued, and you whimpered, begging silently for him to stop teasing you, because you could feel that your face must be as red as a tomato by now. “It’s hard, trying not to kiss you,” he expressed, and you agreed; you wished the cold would just go away now.
“Hopefully this won’t last much longer,” you replied, and Safin nodded, forcing a smile over at you.
You would be surprised when you woke up to Safin panicking, and he expressed relief when he noticed that you were awake, rushing to your side, before he sat beside you, holding your right hand in his left one. “I thought I lost you,” he expressed dejectedly, his voice briefly trembling.
You appeared confused, and he frowned. “What happened?” You inquired, and he tilted his head partially.
“You’ve been asleep for hours, Y/n,” he answered, “I was worried; I thought something was wrong.”
“I must have been exhausted,” you mused, before you sat up, “well, I’m awake now, so you no longer need to worry about me.” Safin nodded, smiling weakly, before he leaned forward to wrap his arms around you. You returned the hug, thinking about how you’d never thought he’d be like this before. “I remember when I didn’t expect you to be so cuddly,” you stated, and Safin winced, burying his face into the crook of your neck to hide that he felt embarrassed.
“I didn’t think I would be, either,” he claimed, and you smiled softly, before you lifted your right hand to stroke his hair. “The older me would probably rather die than be how I am right now,” he remarked, and you shook your head, thinking he would be the same, just a little more awkward. “But I’m glad I’m different now,” he added, “and I’m extremely grateful for you, for making me so much happier than I used to be.”
“And I’m grateful for you, too,” you returned, holding him at arm’s length, “because if I hadn’t met you, I’d still be in the dark place I was before, and might have even have taken my life by now.”
Safin’s smile faded as he glanced up at you, and you looked away, feeling bad for mentioning it, and possibly ruining the moment. “I wish I had met you sooner,” he responded, “to take you out of the darkness you used to be in.”
“It’s okay,” you reassured, relocating your hand to his left cheek, “because I’m out of it now, as long as I’m with you.” The smile returned to both you and his face, before he lovingly and gently connected his lips to your’s.
You rushed into the living room when you heard Sylvia crying, and would be surprised when you saw pen markings on the opposite wall to you, and Safin trying to calm her down whilst appearing stressed out, himself. “What happened?” You inquired, and he expressed relief when he heard your voice, turning to face you.
“I found her drawing on the wall,” he answered, “and tried to stop her from doing anymore, but-”
Safin sighed, and you took her from him; you could see that he needed a break. “Why don’t you go and have a lie down?” You suggested, and he frowned, shaking his head; he wanted to help you with Sylvia, and the mess. “Are you sure-?” You pried, worried about him; he looked exhausted. He nodded, forcing a smile at you. “Okay, but you don’t have to help me clean this up,” you stated, to which Safin shook his head again; he wanted to help.
“I don’t want my princess to be doing all the work,” he replied, “please, let me help you.”
You sighed, before you gave in, nodding gravely. “Fine, I’ll let you help me,” you responded, looking over at the pen markings on the wall again, whilst trying not to feel overwhelmed about attempting to clean them off.
“Am I in trouble, mummy?” Sylvia asked, and you looked over at her, shaking your head, whilst forcing a smile.
“No,” you answered simply, “you’re lucky you’re cute - go and watch tv whilst we try and deal with - this.” Sylvia felt bad, and hesitated, before she climbed up onto the sofa to watch her favourite animated program that was just starting. Safin noticed that you seemed overwhelmed, and he held your hand to try and relax your nerves. You looked over at him, and couldn’t help, but giggle when you thought back to the time you recalled that you were developing feelings for him. Safin wore a puzzled expression on his face, tilting his head as he wondered what you were thinking about. “I’ve been in love with you for an embarrassingly long time,” you remarked, and Safin couldn’t help, but grin, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I have the same problem,” he returned, before he connected his lips to your’s lovingly. “Now,” he began again, holding you at arm’s length as he looked over the pen markings. You looked over at them, too, and winced. “I can hear you overthinking things from here, stop it,” he commanded gently, and you nodded, trying not to.
After you and Safin had had a late night, he lazily strolled into the kitchen in the morning, where you were making breakfast for you and him. You grinned as you watched him sink into one of the kitchen table chairs, and he lifted his hand to his forehead; he clearly must be suffering from a headache. “If I don’t get coffee soon, someone is going to die,” he stated, and you couldn’t help, but giggle, pouring him the rest of the coffee you’d made not too long ago.
“Here,” you set the mug down in front of him, and he smiled up at you warmly, replying with a soft ‘thank you, kitten.’
“You’re welcome,” you responded, before you returned your focus onto the breakfast you were starting to plate up now for him and you.
“Stop,” you whined whilst he tickled you, and he chuckled, amused.
“If you want me to stop tickling you, you need to stop being so cute,” he replied, and you whined, beginning to feel flustered as you tried to hide your face from him, feeling that your cheeks were heating up, which told you that you were blushing. “You’re being cute again,” he stated, before he began to tickle you again, prompting you to burst out laughing, and struggling against him to try and escape him tickling you. Safin stopped suddenly, and you wondered what had happened. “Did - Did our son just kick?” Safin inquired, and you would be surprised, hoping you’d not missed him kicking.
You then gasped, feeling it again. “He’s kicking again,” you whispered, “Safin, he’s - he’s okay!” Safin expressed relief, before he threw his arms around you, and you smiled widely, before you returned the hug, immensely relieved to feel that your son was still alive, after not being able to secure a hospital appointment to find out. “I told you he would be okay,” you reminded him, and he nodded gravely, wishing he’d listened to you before.
Safin expressed concern when you’d gone quiet, and he held your hand, his eyes searching your’s. “What’s wrong?” He inquired, and you winced, your eyes wide with fear.
“I think my water just broke,” you whispered shakily, and Safin faltered, trying not to panic as he tried to think. “I need to call an ambulance-”
“No, Y/n,” he interrupted, “save your energy, I will call one.”
“They won’t know,” he promised, “just let me help you, kitten.” You groaned, leaning heavily against him, before you begrudgingly nodded, though you were worried about him being caught. “Okay,” he spoke gently, “I’ll call them now, okay?” You nodded, and he rushed out of the room to the telephone, knowing he had to get he ambulance quickly for you.
I apologise for not posting my writing for a little while, I’ve just needed a bit of time to think about things, but feel as if I’ll hopefully be able to post a bit more now! I hope you enjoyed this prompt, and am hoping to post another soon! ❤️
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beth-will-rise · 9 years
Seeing all the new photo shoots of Rami and all of the positive publicity he’s getting right now is making me so unbelievably proud! He’s finally getting the recognition he deserves for his hard work & unstoppable talent. Long before Mr Robot was even conceived, our little fandom was tiny! But we’ve grown into a strong support network for him, & are continuing to do so! Love you guys! :))
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reidluver · 9 years
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Lyutsifer Safin X Reader Angsty Decision Prompt [Shorter]
!TW: Implied murder, word ‘killed’/use of word ‘killed’ and ‘hurt’, implied suffering from depression!
“If you at least told me who they were maybe I’d be less angry,” you suggested, and Safin frowned, before he shook his head gravely.
“All I can say is,” he began nervously, “do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you.”
You faltered, realising what he meant. “Safin, were they-”
He grimaced, before nodding his head. “They had to go, Y/n,” he stated, referring to Spectre. “Knowing that they were still alive was getting to me,” he expressed, and frowned when he noticed that you still seemed skeptical of him.
“But - It’s still-” You murmured, before stepping closer to him, prompting him to tense up slightly. “Just please stop this operation, Safin,” you practically pleaded, “you don’t have to hurt anyone else, you already killed Spectre-”
“I can’t stop it, Y/n,” he interrupted, a hint of frustration in his voice. “It’s as hard as me trying to convince myself I’m allowed to take up space after I lost my family,” he claimed, “and as hard as me trying to write with my left hand when I was born to use my right.” Safin glanced up at you, a pained expression on his face. “Do you think you could ever forgive me, kitten?” Safin inquired, hopeful, but he began to lose hope when he noticed the shocked expression on your face.
“I - I..” You whispered; you didn’t know how to answer.
Safin reluctantly stepped closer to you, and you found you couldn’t look up at him; your gaze was glued to the floor. “Please don’t lie to me, Y/n, if you feel you have to,” he continued, “we began with honesty, so let us end with it, too, if you feel you can’t stay with me anymore.”
You hesitated, before you shook your head; you felt as if you couldn’t leave him, despite what he was planning; you were just hoping you could change his mind before he carried his plan out. “I don’t want to leave you, Safin,” you expressed, “because-” You faltered, not sure if you should include the part about your feelings for him, “I’m worried about you, you have sadness living in places sadness shouldn’t live.”
Safin would be surprised; he had been certain that you’d decide to leave, and never thought that you would want to stay with him, though he was pleased that you wanted to. “Are you sure you want to stay, Y/n?” Safin inquired, wanting to make sure that that was what you truly wanted to do. You would think about it for a moment, before you nodded, certain. Safin couldn’t help, but smile thinly, and when he felt as if he could, he stepped closer to you, tilting his head partially. “Why?” He questioned, and you faltered, rubbing your arm. “It can’t just be because you’re worried about someone like me, after what I did to you before,” he stated, a pained expression on his face; he regretted more than anything how he’d treated you before he decided he could trust you after experiencing strange new feelings for you.
“Well, it is,” you replied dismissively, “can I - go back to my room now?” You requested, and Safin assumed that you must be tired, nodding gravely. “Thank you,” you expressed, before respectfully bowing your head, though you didn’t know why you’d even bothered to do so. “Night,” you concluded, and he returned with ‘night, angel,’ softly.
Hope you enjoyed this prompt! ❤️
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mrobot · 8 years
things that elliot could be in jail for: • Drugs Are Illegal • stealing flipper • animal neglect. Who feeds qwerty while he is hacking his way through a new revolution • uh murder and stuff like that • he doesn't pay taxes probably • drugs. They are Against The Law • breaks Vera out of jail • maybe they think he did something someone else did • he trespassed when he fell off the pier • creating a public disturbance • he put the computer thing in the microwave and blew it up first season and now the apartment sued him for not paying the fee for the fumes created • he is a hacker • he hacks people • that's what hackers do • Lying • blackmail • the whole um, stealing people's data and info and brEAKING INTO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT THING
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emilyisemrys · 9 years
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mistcrspock · 9 years
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“For all of Elliot’s foolishness and mistakes, he does have this desire to have an effect on society and to help others,” Malek says. “He may go about it in the worst ways at times, but at least he’s giving it a shot — and I think that’s something people can respect.”  ― Rami Malek (x)
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cosimodmedici · 9 years
Finally got round to watching Mr Robot and I must say, this is fucking awesome!
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freedaddymozart · 9 years
everybody needs to know about this game o.o
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beth-will-rise · 9 years
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im-thekeeper · 9 years
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