#ran haitnai x reader
sirthisisa-wendys · 1 year
It's Just An Arrangement (Part 4): Ran Haitnai x Fem!Reader
wc: 986
tw: violence, nudity, illness
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Finale
The space is so quiet.
Everything is always quiet. Except, of course, when you're retching, heaving, and trying to find something to wipe your mouth with in the middle of the... night? Day?
You've lost track of time, and a flood of other emotions came with that fact. What if five days had already passed? What if Ran wasn't looking for you? What if... What if you were stuck here and you'd never see the light of day again?
Your stomach roils at the thoughts, and you lean over the side of the bed, tears springing to your eyes as nothing but bile comes up. You'd been deathly sick for the past few... whatever, despite consuming the meager offerings of fruit, bread, and water. Nothing but homesickness would make you feel this way.
But at night, you imagined Ran's warm embrace, the feeling of his skin against yours, the times he'd offered you a smile of some sort... You whimper, trying not to let the idea of your husband overcrowd your already hazy mind. You just need to focus on staying alive for as long as possible.
Metal scrapes against metal, and you cower, instinctively hiding from the man who always arrives directly after the sound.
"It reeks in here," the man mutters, his face covered. You shrink away from the mess of bile on the floor, allowing him to examine it before looking back up at you. "You smell like piss. And vomit."
Shame settles into your mind, and you can't absolve yourself, even though there's nothing more you can do. You can't even manage to find a source of water other than the one you're supposed to drink. But you say nothing.
"Get up," the man growls, grabbing your arm roughly and hosting you off the sham of a bed. You stumble to your feet and manage to keep up as the man's fingers dig into your weakened arm. Your breath comes in pants and spurts while you're unceremoniously dragged to the entrance, and when the light floods your eyes, you flinch and look away. "Hurry. Up." Fingers dig into your skin again, and you quicken your steps if only to prevent something worse from happening.
Once your vision adjusts, you catch glimpses of furnished rooms that look like a part of a regular home and not a front for the horrors in the basement. You're ushered into a bathroom, and once the door is shut and locked, you watch the man stomp over to the shower at the far end.
"Get out of those clothes." Obediently you immediately strip down to nothing, now shivering in the chilly air. The shower is turned on with a knob, and in your wildest fantasies, you wish--
Pop pop pop!
The sound of gunshots echoing somewhere in the house makes your body stiffen. The man looks over at you, his confusion and then concern unmasked. "The hell...?"
You have two options. The shower door is opened, and the ma is walking away from it, unholstering his gun. Or... you could run out of the door and towards whoever is shooting downstairs. You could make a run for it. But then what?
Pop! Pop pop pop!
The man sprints past you and out of the bathroom door, and your choice has been made without question. Quickly, you hurry into the shower and feel the heated water cascade over your skin. You'd feel relief if there wasn't the looming fact that someone downstairs isn't supposed to be there, and you're still... a hostage. Gunshots ring out once more, and you cower against the tiled wall, sliding down until you're sitting on the floor of the appliance.
Warm water still splashes down on you as heavy footsteps stomp up the stairs. Muffled shouts get nearer to your location and tears spring to your eyes for the second time today. Your hands shake as the knob on the door jostles, and you squeeze your eyes shut. Whoever it is, you don't want to see them when--
"She's in here!"
Rindou's loud voice catches you off guard, and you look up to see the younger Haitani hurry into the shower and tug you to your feet. Ran comes in seconds later, his face screwed up in concentration. When he sees you, his expression goes from shock to astonishment, and a loud sigh escapes his lips.
You're shivering as you step out of the shower, but Ran grabs a towel and wraps you up, holding you against his chest and cradling you tenderly. "I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs repeatedly, pressing quick kisses to your hair, face, and wet skin. He's panting - and so are you - but nothing could prevent that. "Let's get you out of here."
Ran dutifully carries you out of the house, holding your face against his chest so you don't see anything upsetting.
"How..." you begin as he settles you in his SUV before turning the warm air on and smoothing a hand against your hair. "How did you find me?"
"It didn't take much work," Rindou fills in, his voice stoic. "Sloppy people were at work here." Ran grunts in assent, and you look over at your husband, realizing that he was looking for you and hadn't left you out on your own.
"We'll get you home," Ran whispers, pressing another kiss to your face. "We'll get you cleaned up and you can get some rest."
"You came for me," you reply softly. Ran frowns. "I didn't think--"
"We'll discuss this more when we get home," Ran mutters, looking down at his hands. "For now, I need you to rest." Another kiss is placed against your head before Ran pulls back and walks to the driver's side of the car. He takes your hand and pulls out of the driveway, and you exhale deeply, closing your eyes and leaning back in the seat.
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moved2usagiiboo · 3 years
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Chapter 35
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Finally, Saturday. A dreadful day for you but an exciting one for the rest of those around you. Your brother spent all day in the bathroom, grooming himself to protection for his date. You unfortunately agreed to walking to his college to pick him up, considering it’s not that far away from your college— possibly a 15 minute walk.
Sanzu cheered, arms whipping in the air as he finally finished the last of his work. “Fucking finally! Now I can get wasted!” His cheer could be heard throughout the headquarters.
“Took him long enough.” Kokonoi smirked as he adjusted his sleeves.
“Surprised he actually got it done.” Kakucho grabs his car keys before tossing them to Rin, who catches them with an open hand on the side.
“Where’s Ran?” Kokonoi asks as he watched Rin glance down checking his phone for the time.
“Said he’d meet us there— Come on pothead! Let’s go!” Answering Kokonoi’s question before yelling at Sanzu who was still in his office.
“Hold on! I’m changing!” Sanzu yelled back while flipping him off— As if anyone would be able to see.
“You sure you don’t wanna come boss?” Kakucho cocked his eyebrow at the smaller male who was eating some snack Takeomi had brought. A muffled “no” was enough as he continued to munch away.
“Me and Mikey have a business meeting to attend, some well-off cocksucker wants a piece of Bonten. Offering a pretty penny too.” Takeomi elaborates on his boss’s decline.
“Run his pockets dry.” With a devious smirk Kokonoi’s eyes flicker at the sound of money.
“Of course.” The same smirk is returned by Takeomi. Rin and Kakucho can only shake their heads— Poor kid doesn’t even know what’s coming to him.
“Alrigjt let’s go!” Sanzu says as he made his way down to the main lobby. Dressed in an white button up shirt with crisp slacks and a gold belt as accent. Three of his buttons are loose, revealing just a sneak peak of his toned body. Three chains are around his neck and his ears are covered in piercings.
“Took your ass long enough.” A grumble from Rin before giving Sanzu a light side kick to his leg, only for it to be returned by a pinch to the side of his stomach.
“You guys are worse then children, let’s go!” Kokonoi snatched the keys from Rin, leaving the door before he could complain— he really wanted to drive.
“See ya later boss!” Sanzu waves with a closed eye smile, “Don’t die old man!” He said to his brother only to get flipped off— with love.
The rest of the men showed their respect by bowing to Takeomi and Mikey before leaving to their destination. The car ride was, chaotic to say the least— Rin and Sanzu fought for the front seat, which resulted in Rindou yanking Sanzu by his collar. Pulling him away from the front door before hopping in himself.
Like the petty man Sanzu is, he sat directly behind Rin— he was going to make his life a living hell. Kakucho was whining with a childish pout because Kokonoi refused to turn up the radio. While those two were going back and forth, Sanzu was yanking Rindou's hair, pulling his seat belt, and the final straw— Blew on his neck.
“I swear to fucking god Sanzu, I will shoot you!” Whipping his head back to glare at the childish man behind him.
“Eat shit chicken little.” Sticking his tongue out all smugly only ticked Rindou off. Quickly unbuckling his seat belt, he reached over the side of his seat— Arms extended wide as he aimed for Sanzu’s neck. A strain appeared on both of their foreheads, Sanzu leaning back on Kakucho— An innocent bystander, trying to dodge Rin’s attack. Legs flaring in the air as he cursed him with insults.
“GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!”Kakucho yelled trying to push Sanzu off which only resulted in Sanzu leaning back more, if he went up then he’d surely find demise by Rin’s hands. Which were still trying to attack him.
“TELL MR. “THE SKY IS FALLING” TO FUCK OFF FIRST!” A quote directly from Chicken Little.
“FUCKING—” Rin couldn’t even get his insult out before Kokonoi harshly stomped on the breaks, the car stopping adrupyly. The sudden jerk of the car had Kakucho pushed against the car door with Sanzu laying on his stomach with his legs in the air. Rin didn’t fare any better as he was whipped back into his seat, his head hit against the door.
“Sit your asses down and shut up or I swear to whatever God you idiots believe in— I will turn this bitch around.” A stern voice reminiscent to a mother caused the boys to sit in their seat, backs straight, seatbelts on, and quiet.
“Fucking imbeciles.” He grumbled as he began to drive again. He couldn’t wait for this drive to be over.
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“Okay! Y/n, I’m leaving now! I’ll call you later, alright?” Your brother yelled from downstairs.
“Alright! Don’t die loser!” You yelled back from the safety of your room, you heard the door slam close— He was extremely excited. He scored a date with his highschool crush, you were proud of him. Which, was weird to say, you both never had the best of relationships but you made it work. One thing you can thank Ran, ever since that terrible heartbreak you and your brother have been closer than ever. Almost like best friends— Speaking of best friends, you were pissed at Haru.
He has a life, yes, you knew that, but he promised. You really needed him and he was a no show, but you knew he had no control over life. You stared at your T.V. as you watched the News cover the recent explosion at the dock— It seemed so random yet planned out, obviously the senator had some enemies.
Well, now you were bored and Haru isn’t an option, your mother is getting waxed— Unfortunately, you know exactly why. Disgusting parents. And you no longer talk to Ran, so like any logical person would do when their bored. You went to sleep.
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By the time Rin and the crew made it, Ran was waiting outside the frat house looking at his watch, dressed in a long black wool trench coat that rested on his shoulders, the shirt underneath was a lilac button up shirt that only had the bottom buttons done, with white loose pants— His hair wasn’t in his normal braids, for this occasion he wore his hair in a ponytail. He looked as if he belonged in a model magazine.
The me finally pulled up in their car, Kokonoi wearing a face of annoyance while the others bicker behind him— When their eyes and Ran’s locked, the men froze. Slightly worried about what might come their way, after all he did know about them and Y/n. With each step Ran took towards them they slightly stepped back.
“Stop running, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He sighs placing one hand on Kokonoi’s shoulder and the other on Kakucho’s, a tight squeeze that has them wince in pain. “Unless you deserved to be hurt?” his eyes dart over to Sanzu who just smiled. The men shook their head and Rin sighed at his brother’s action. After releasing their shoulders he made his way to Sanzu, they both smiled at each ither— Fake. With a quick pull back Ran’s fist met Sanzu’s stomach. Hands wrapping around the injured spot he glared at the man who caused his pain.
“You bastard..” A strain in his voice.
“Pay back, not only for talking to my beloved but also for that stupid stunt at the dock.” His hand wrapped around Sanzu’s shoulder. “We’re good now~” Teasing voice as he smiled at his injured state, Kokonoi and Kakucho are grateful it wasn’t them. Ran’s punches hurt.
With that, they all made their way into the frat house. Ready to drink the night away and sleep with whoever puts it out, except Ran wasn’t all that drunk and he wasn’t interested in sex. He didn’t even want to be here but he went because Rin wanted him to, well, at least he can drive them back home because the men are wasted. Laughing and joking with the frat boys and sorority girls as they play beer pong or chug whatever disgusting concoction they were given as a dare— Ran will not miss the college life once he graduates. Slowly sipping on his Gin tonic he scans the party, looking for anything interesting and trying to ignore the sounds of Kakucho vomiting.
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying the party bro!” A harsh slap on his back as him scowling at the man behind him— Gin.
“Not my usual nor preferred setting.” Ran sighed.
“Well, we have a bunch of drinks and girls… Or guys if you’re into that.” Ran chuckled at Gin trying to be all inclusive, “But try and socialize! Nobody likes a brooder, you’re not batman!” He laughs, loudly as he raises his finger, signaling for someone to get him a beer. As Ran looks at him, his features seem somewhat, familiar. As if he’s seen him before, he just can’t quite place it.
As Gin opens his mouth to speak to Ran his attention goes elsewhere, to one of his drunk friends.
“NO! Bad Arnold! We don’t eat the house plants!” And with that he’s running off to his friend who he yells at as if he’s a dog. A shake of Ran’s head with a soft smile, it’s not bad here.
An hour has passed and the party is still going strong, people are still coming and the night is young. But the ones who’ve been here since the party began are wasted, Gin is all over some girl as he giggles in her ear. Sanzu and Rindou are drawing on Kakucho’s face while Kokonoi is trying to teach some poor girl about proper financing— He’s definitely not getting laid tonight, and Ran is only on his third drink. He doesn’t feel not even a buzz.
You would hate it here he thought to himself.
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And he was right, you hated every second trying to find your idiotic brother who called you talking about how horses are just un-evolved unicorns. You decided it was time for him to go home, so you walked here— and it was freezing. When you finally find your brother, you’re kicking his ass. You weave your way through the crowd, bumping into many people, being pushed around on accident by dancing students. God you hate it here.
Maybe it was by divine fate that Ran spotted you through the crowd, or maybe it was work of the devil, but you were here. At the same time he was— he doesn’t believe in meant to be, but he will definitely be thanking Rindou for dragging him out here.
“Y/n, funny seeing you here.” You hate your life. Ran stands tall in front of you, eyes peering down. He’s trying his hardest not to seem desperate and you want to run away, last time you saw him you were being chased by a bunch of nobodies— This isn’t this you planned for your night to go
“Yeah..” You walk around him, trying to avoid any more conversation. You just wanna go home.
“What are you doing here?” His hand wrapped around your waist hesitantly when he saw your body get pushed by some guy dancing. You tried to push his hand off but the grip got tighter, just for a little bit he thought. Just wants to touch you a little bit longer.
“Im looking for my brother.” You spoke, awfully aware of the hand on your waist. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hear you. Not with his mind racing, heart thumping, and music blaring. He guides you up the stairs, watching your steps more then his.
“Get out.” He glares at the couple who were kissing in the room— your hands cover your eyes as the couple were practically naked, obviously about to engage in something more than kissing. Scrambling to put their clothes on they hurried as Ran's glare got colder by the second.
“You can’t just-!” His body engulfed yours, head buried in your neck as he wrapped his arms around your body the moment they left. Stunned you stood there for a moment, embracing him until you realized— “What are you doing? Get off of me!” You tried to push him off, but you couldn’t. His grip was too strong.
“You’re so mean.” His voice was a whisper, you wouldn’t be able to hear it if he wasn’t so close. His leg kicked the door closed before pushing you against it, now you’re closed off.
“You didn’t even let me explain, you just blocked me. You’re so cruel Y/n.” Maybe he was a little tipsy, his voice sounded so broken. So fragile, you couldn’t help but feel bad. Your throat ran dry as he whined in your ear. “I missed you, I’ve missed you so much.”
“You don’t miss me, you miss your plaything.” Your voice was as hushed as his— The music faded out, the only thing you could focus on was him, as if you were the only people in the world.
“I miss that too—” He chuckles before looking you in your eyes, “But I really miss your smile and your laugh, I miss when you would insult me and spend time with me.” He continues.
“You mean before you ruined it.” A soft glare at him, you’re still upset. “You did this to yourself, Ran. Fuck— You really hurt me.”
“I know, I know, but I can explain. Please, just give me the chance to explain…” Desperate and vulnerable, the great Ran Haitani is desperate for you. You agreed, maybe it’s because you want to forgive him or the rush of power you feel at the fact that he’s so weak for you— you didn’t realize it before.
“I love you, Y/n. Before you say anything, I know we haven’t known each other long and we started off wrong— so wrong.” His head finds it way back to your neck, “But I do, you mean everything to me. You creeped your way into my heart and before I knew it, I was in love with you. What I said was wrong, I was jealous.” He turned his head to look at you and your face was flushed. He blew against your neck to catch your attention and it worked.
“I don’t want anyone else around you but me.” A small laugh left his mouth in disappointment, “Selfish right? But it’s true, I want to be the only one around you. Forever and always. I want to try again, the right way— Take you out on a date, spoil you rotten, wanna feel nervous when we first hold hands n’ I wanna kiss you, n’ do other things, but I wanna do it right.” He placed a tender kiss on your neck, not sexual or with any hidden intent. Just a kiss, he’s showing you how much he wants to do better.
“Please.” He muttered through the kiss and it takes you a while to answer— It’s hard to believe that the one and only Ran is in love with you. Someone who has no social power, average looks (in your eyes), and no life. Why would he want you? You think it’s a joke, that small flicker of insecurity but the look on Ran’s face tells you it’s genuine. He’s in love with you.
Tears fall from your eyes and soft sniffles leave your mouth, “Its not a joke right?” You sniffle again as your tears become apparent to Ran.
“Y/n…” He’s shut up by you speaking again.
“You really love me? You really mean it?” Now you sound desperate as your tears drip onto Ran, he can’t help by feel his lip quiver and his eyes burn.
“Every word, dove. Every fucking word.” He whispers as his forehead touches yours, “I fucking adore you.” Fuck— Now he’s crying. He hasn’t cried since his mother passed, you really are something else. Two years slip from his eyes, wetting his cheeks as he pulls you closer. Kissing your forehead with soft circles on the smalls of your back.
“I love you too Ran.” There it is—
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Taglist 💞
@beidouluvr @axlongchamp @rinrinfoxy @konigasaki @yeehawnana @bontensucker @q-the-rockaholic @paulmccartneysleftasscheek @st4rryhae @m4yam0 @kusuinko @ikissbaal @haitanihime @bajitorasprincess @lagrimasdeglitter @snowyseungs @bontensbabygirl @piracyandatiny @kris-1 @tirzamisu @averageslt @haitanis-sugarbaby @graceb4boys @justanotherantisocialteenager99 @kawasbaby @minimalisticstyle @hayami-17 @azzy-ar @gulfkfl @talakaissi @asra-x @ihateuguys @queen-flower @wack0-genius @halcyondaisy @crybabylisa @loonashadow @bxnten @voldyshit-1997 @sugusshi @hiidenchihu @rindous-wife @moontofuu @chosoisbaby @roscdust @icrytoopracom @denkis-slut @rizakari @red-clouds (Let me know if I didn't tag you! If you were removed from the taglist, I couldn't tag you. My apologies.)
Psst- This story belongs to me please do not post anywhere else without permission first. That's illegal ⚖️ Reposts are okay.
Happy ending right?
We not done
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