#random org xiii thoughts
Art, Hearts and Nobodies
Okay so there's this one exchange in day 119 of Days between Roxas and Xaldin.
Roxas: Weird statue, huh?
Xaldin: Art is beyond our ken, Roxas. It takes a heart to feel moved.
It's only a small conversation triggered by interacting with a recon point, not even a major cutscene, but it makes sense right? Maybe even more so from certain revelations in DDD if you consider that Xemnas was actively discouraging forms of self expression, like art, to prevent organisation members from growing a heart and potentially realising the truth...
Oh wait...
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Now we know why Naminé and Demyx were the first ones to flatly challenge the idea that Nobodies don't have hearts
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goth-automaton · 6 months
'001 | Send me a fandom' and I will tell you my:' Curious about your thoughts on KH?
Oh dear... I don't know, if it's a good idea, given my strong love-hate relationship with canon. It might be unsafe for all parties. XD But let's try!
Favorite character: Bold of you to assume I have only one. ^^" I'm in general really fond of Organization XIII (except Xemnas). And Naminé. She baby. 🥺
Least Favorite character: It's a tie between all Xehanort incarnations and Ansem the Wanke- Ansem the Wise.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): I'M A MULTISHIPPER, I CAN'T CHOOSE!!! T^T Uuuuuuh... Luxord/Vexen, Larxene/Aqua, AkuSai, XigSai, DemZex... And literally any gay ship with Marluxia. That bitch is a slut (affectionate) and definitely has banged all adult guys in the Org. *a while of thinking* Except for Axel. No idea, why, but this one doesn't click. (Disclaimer: While I'm okay with Marluxia/Zexion, I see them strictly non-sexual. Also no idea, why).
Character I find most attractive: Marluxia
Character I would marry: No one, I don't self ship in this fandom. ^^"
Character I would be best friends with: too many to choose ! T^T But I think it'd be cool to hang out with Xigbar sometimes. ^^
A random thought: KH and "The Bouncer" are actually the same universe, fight me.
An unpopular opinion: Hoooooooo boiiiiiiii, where to start... I'm not very fond of this whole recompletion process, how it works and, in general, how it's handled. It just rubs me wrong... The reasons are very personal, though, so maybe I won't elaborate. ^^"
My canon OTP: Soriku. 💜 (don't at me, they're canon, SE are just cowards and afraid of losing Mickey Mouse priviledges!)
Non-canon OTP: *gestures at the favourite ships answer*
Most badass character: Marluxia
Pairing I am not a fan of: Marluxia/Larxene. In general, I don't like, when they're paired with people of opposite gender... But this combination is especially nope to me.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Given all fucked up shit happening in canon, I'd say almost everyone. But if I were to choose one... Repliku. He deserved a happy ending and didn't get any. T^T
Favourite friendship: Xion and Naminé and Kairi. 💜
Thank you! 💜
Fandom/ship/character ask game.
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queenbeedr · 6 years
Random Thought for KH3
Looking at the new Organization XIII and going back to past events, how much you wanna bet Xeanort pulled some time travel bullshit. Please tell me there is another explanation. 
For instance, how did he bring back Vanitas (who by the way better be good in the end. Ahh my poor baby)? And Repliku (my other poor baby), didn’t Namine break his heart or something? Also really Repliku. Having him in the game is fine but as an Org.XIII member, kinda lackluster, but that’s just my opinion. 
Hoing back to Vani, I wonder if Xeanort took him when they kidnapped Sora in Dream Drop Distance. That’s weird and I only thought of it because Sora “fell to darkness”.
Finally (for now) when are we gonna get Demyx’s backstory (and Luxord too I guess). With his appearance  I doubt Luxord will be from Union Cross or whatever that one’s called, but please for the love of Gods don’t put Demyx in KHUX too like Marluxia and Larxene. Marluxia I guess makes sense with the whole Strelitzia thing, but now they’re just stretching it. 
Not angry just super confused and a bit disappointed with the Org XII backstories. Except Zexion, Axel, Saix. I’d be cool if they made a DLC or something with all their backstories, or why the were chosen for Org. XIII.  
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chacusha · 6 years
KH3 liveblogging (1/?)
Love the music and sound. So nostalgic.
Gotta say, none of the dialogue is really making sense... (Seriously, in many of the cut scenes I’m like, are any of these characters having a dialogue or just saying random thoughts that spring to mind.) Also, the voices are weird and I don’t like them.
I like that Olympus is actually a full world in this game instead of just the Coliseum.
And the prize goes to Hercules for the first “Sora! Donald! Goofy!” of the game. May there be many more.
The wall art in Thebes is amazing.
OMG there are so many Easter eggs!! So far, I’ve spotted a hidden Mickey, Hercules and Phil dolls, a fresco with the Muses, and the Air Herc mosaic. And they literally have you attack Achilles’ heel. OMG.
Someone get Sora out of these weird baggy pocket clothes and into his sweet KH3 ones.
I’m so excited for these recipe ingredients, omg. I’M READY.
We’re going to heaven?! Okay.
Also, the music! The Coliseum music is back and it really works for heaven (Mt. Olympus)! I’m really loving the scale of the Hercules world. Everything is so grand and huge and majestic. I really liked that about the Tarzan world in KH1. (Kind of weird but one of my favorite parts of the Tarzan world was just... falling. And they’ve built a game mechanic around that in this game so... yay! This game is so vertical and I love it.)
I’m confused by Riku’s “whaaaat” reaction when Mickey says Aqua is like Sora. Is that because he’s like, “Uh, don’t tell me Aqua is also a part of Sora -- like half the people in this game...”??
Axel wants to go by “Axel” and not “Lea”?? What?
Dilan and Aeleus yay. But I gotta say, they and Ienzo looked much better when they were in Org XIII coats... The guard uniforms and lab coats look meh, and Xaldin’s hair is better when it’s wild rather than pulled back.
... Are Dilan and Aeleus going to get any lines, though? ._. Or did they decide it’s not worth it to get the voice actors into a recording studio.
Gummi ships gummi ships GUMMI SHIPS GUMMI SHIPS
I was wondering why there were so many hidden Mickeys... I had even started taking screenshots of them using my PS4. Looks like I was on the right track, lol.
Already I’m pleased at the large number of moving parts and rescue plots already in motion in this game. This is what I wanted from KH3. Save all the people, Sora.
“That’s suspicious!” Okay, Flynn is the best thing about Tangled world.
That said, I also love that there is a world themed around flowers, and also I love how femme Marluxia’s aesthetic is.
I bombed that dancing minigame so bad. ;__; I WAS NOT READY.
I love all the fake toy brands and video games in the Toy Story world.
Otherwise, not much to note about Toy Story. Except that the ending was cheesy af and that’s what I’m here for.
Actually, I like what they did with the Toy Story world, which was like a fic set in the Toy Story world with a “Buzz/Woody [established relationship]”-type dynamic (rather than Tangled’s “let’s summarize the original movie in 30 minutes” thing).
Also, I like that Buzz has a fear of being mind-controlled. It actually makes a LOT of sense given what happened to him in Toy Stories 1-3. Toy Story 1: Identity issues where he thought he was someone he wasn’t. Toy Story 2: Identity issues where another Buzz Lightyear imprisons him and impersonates him. Toy Story 3: Identity issues where he is reset in Spanish mode and speaks a new language and has a different personality. If those experiences aren’t enough to be terrified about being mind-controlled, I don’t know what would be.
Okay, I actually do have a lot of Toy Story thoughts.
There are so many Classic Kingdom minigames! I thought it was just going to be the five from KHUX. I LOVE MINIGAMES.
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peofun1 · 3 years
so my wife has me playing KH2 (cause I never finished it as a kid) and bro I thought I knew the Organization members well enough just like through cultural osmosis but when Xaldin finally put his hood down I was like. I’ve never seen this man in my fucking LIFE
all these other anime edgelords I’ve seen around in fanart or whatever, or seen my wife fighting them when she plays KH2 randomizers, but somehow I’ve never seen this cringe white idiot with dreadlocks before. Xaldin absolutely the biggest flop of Org XIII
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