#rani plays nwn2
neranishin · 6 years
a n y way I have officially stolen the Bryce sisters from that one tiny sidequest in nwn2 and they are mine now and I’ve thrown them into Tyria
and it’s official because I’ve gone and made a playlist for Lisbet who, in this  setting, was briefly in a cult to Abaddon rather than the King of Shadows. Problem is that Abaddon is an actual fallen god, not an overpowered magical construct, and isn’t exactly great at letting people go once he’s gotten his hooks into them.
(The cover is from some concept art of his statues. It unfortunately isn’t the statue that the art team went with, but it’s my favorite)
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neranishin · 6 years
HEY nwn2 crowd, who here remembers Saoirse? My genasi monk? tbh if you have no clue who I’m tlaking about, that’s fine, cause you don’t really need the context to appreciate this
I just remembered how MotB stole her custom robes at the beginning of the game cause I had just enchanted her starting robes and a well-meaning script went “oh no! this is a starting gear resref! Can’t play MotB with level 1 stuff!” and switched it out with idk robes of the yellow rose +4 or whatever. 
But here’s the thing: This means that, in-universe, she just never got new clothes from the Harvest Festival to the Final Dungeon. She walked into Castle Never on several occasions in these tattered, patchwork, bloodstained robes. They may not have smelled awful, cause I’m sure Sand forced her to stand still and let him cast prestidigitation or similar cantrips for the sake of his own poor nose, but let’s be real: Mending and Prestidigitation can only go so far, and there were nights where he looked over the campfire at her and despaired cause 3.5 doesn’t give you unlimited cantrips and he had to use his spell slots on Khelgar or someone instead.
Saoirse Farlong, draping a city watch cloak over pale robes that don’t hide the bloodstains (and grass stains, and weather stains, and clay and salt stains) from her journey to the city one bit, smiling grimly at any criminals who don’t have the good sense to run away from Khelgar’s more excited grin
Saoirse Farlong, staring down Torio in her glittering patchwork peacock ensemble, flatly refusing to play her games while dressed in robes that may have been the offwhite of undyed wool once, but is more of a uniform grey-brown at this point from the dust and dirt and ash of everywhere she’s been ground into the fibers
Saoirse Farlong, her shiny new Knight’s cloak clashing surreally with robes that may have been made all with wool from the same sheep once, but have since been patched with cotton and silk and linen and leather and salamander hide and every other kind of fabric-like scrap she and her companions have found in their belongings (or on the dead) when she deadpanned “Oh, I have a new tear to fix”
Saoirse Farlong, with a glimmering spider-silk cloak and a shining sword of legends, ripping apart the magical construct that allows another access to her world, still in the same horribly abused robes, carrying the dirt and dust and clay and ash and blood of the entire geographic region she has sworn to guard on her clothes and skin
It’s a good fucking image and honestly kind of magic on it’s own, and maybe that’s the real reason she woke up in something different in that barrow
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neranishin · 7 years
I like how you can tell Zhjaeve “But I don’t have enough shards to make it complete” when you’re going to reforge the Sword. As if your KC will just sit in their room sometimes and lay the shards out and try to make a sword from them. Shiny silver jigsaw puzzle
And then the Sword isn’t even shaped like a normal sword, so just imagine: Your knowledge of swords is trying to fit the pieces together one way, and that OBVIOUSLY isn’t working, and some part of your intuition (aka, the shard inside you) is trying to fit them together some OTHER way. and that one IS working, kind of, in that some of the shards actually seem to fit together along their fractures, but it doesn’t look very swordy at all. (especially with the missing bits)
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neranishin · 8 years
Arizan did such a good job smiting vampires that the game just ASSUMED he’d clean up the shadow reaver with no problem and. skipped it for me.
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neranishin · 8 years
singerofmilil replied to your post:I might have to actually make my Neverwinter...
((I don’t remember this surname, AAAAA! Wait a sec, are you talking about those two children that went to the forest to fight wolves bc the Responsible DadTM told stories about our fictional “victories” to them? Am I thinking right?))
Nope! They’re the ones with the Crypt in Blacklake. Lisbet Bryce lets her branch of the shadow cult hang out there, and Kyli Bryce sends you in to find her (then steals some of their dad’s money to reward you if you get Lisbet out.)
I have a tendency to get attached to side characters and then wonder what they do in the rest of their lives. It helps that Kyli manages to have a lot of personality for a quest-giver.
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neranishin · 8 years
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neranishin · 8 years
aaa I played around in the toolset a while ago to add clutter to the ritual room in the basement, cause Arizan practically moved in down there in my mind, and now I’m there in game
and there’s NOTHING
and it just looks so wrong D:
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neranishin · 8 years
Oh no
K so I was playing nwn2 and Casavir didn’t show up to talk to Arizan before he fought Lorne, and I was sad, and I went to the toolset to make sure this was because of ~love interest~ fuckery and not cause he secretly hates my drow. (Confirmed it to be love interest fuckery. gdi writers.)
So I’m looking through the conversations to make sure I’m right about there NOT EVEN BEING ANY FLIRTING in these. Casavir and Neeshka don’t flirt, unless it’s something my aro butt isn’t picking up on. Bishop is maybe slightly gentler (in his own tsuntsun way) than he is when he’s not “romanceable,” but nothing overt. If you’ve got super influence with him he’ll kind of offer to fight for you, and I admit that doesn’t seem like a thing he’d do without his weird crush thing, but they could have just added a “is female” condition there.
So then I get to Elanee.
The STAGE DIRECTIONS for INTRODUCING Elanee to the conversation.
Camera suddenly does a 180, shows Elanee standing behind player as he is meditating. It should seem like Elanee has been there the entire time.
oh no
KC: how long have you been there?
Elanee: Long enough. I am always watching you, and you would be wise not to forget it.
And then there’s a pleasantly stalker-free interlude where she fusses about not understanding civilization and encourages you to run away and just not fight Lorne. Which, ok, cool. She’s a druid. This is a reasonable opinion on the situation!
NO MATTER YOUR REASONING FOR STAYING (and you have to stay, bc nwn2)
Since Highcliff, we have been through much together... since before Highcliff, in West Harbor I watched.
Even when you walked into the Mere at dark and hunted nightbirds, I watched, and kept the beasts of the Mere from you.
UMM. Thanks? I THINK? That’s still CREEPY though?? I didn’t even know you then???
And then it goes less creepy, though still. Worryingly dependent on you. “I have little else left, with my Circle gone, and the Mere lost to me. I cannot lose you as well.” Which, I mean, it’s a valid concern at the moment, bc Lorne is SCARY, but why do love interests always do this. 
I guess if you’ve been collecting Elanee influence, you’ve probably gone to the Skymirror. So this is probably your second hint that she’s been following you all your life. but it’s also really easy to miss the injured wolf-shaped druid in an alleyway who directs you there, and he doesn’t stick around forever, and just.
ok fine I will settle for Casavir not offering advice to my male KCs if it means my female KCs can side with Elanee over Neeshka and not have this inflicted on them.
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neranishin · 8 years
singerofmilil replied to your post:singerofmilil replied to your post:holy shit you...
((For the sake of being a devil’s advocate, protection from fire protects you from FIRE and its heat but the case may be different with a heated piece of metal you try to take out of this fire. I try to explain it very stupidly, I know. :P ))
...so you take it out and then start swearing and tossing it from hand to hand while it cools/drop it on the hearth and let the smol cleric who is besotted with you heal your hands. Everyone wins! and hopefully I still want to write this tomorrow, because if I try writing it tonight then I will never get to sleep.
but honestly, if protection from elements saves you from a fire elemental hitting your metal armor, Neeshka should be able to handle a metal key long enough to get it out of the fire and onto something that isn’t going to burn. 
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neranishin · 8 years
I have also tried using Kash’s Haven Song to get through Fihelus’s mansion without killing any guards, but that was less because she has any morals (she... pretty much doesn’t at that point) and more because I hate Fihelus’s mansion in both forms, and if there is a way to get through it without fighting half of neverwinter’s population Far Too Many Mooks then I am taking it.
(that attempt didn’t work.)
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neranishin · 8 years
stares @ the sky we made it to the room with the servants without losing our invisibility
and then the servants yelled at us when we opened the door
in retrospect I should have known better.
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neranishin · 8 years
extra-hard mode: reloading means that you can’t see the barrier of the spell anymore oh god
Edit: I was wrong. Reloading is actually easy mode, cause people who are invisible STAY invisible even if they aren’t standing by the caster, so like. Is it cheating bc that’s not how nwn2 says it works? Or is it the proper way for this spell to function, bc this is how invisibility circles worked in baldur’s gate? YOU DECIDE *happily exploits tf out of this*
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neranishin · 8 years
omg Casavir gets all frowny and “we are not here to spread more lies” when Sand tries to prompt you into pretending to be Lorne. That’s adorable. 
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neranishin · 8 years
aaaand the Duskwood also cuts off divine spells, Arizan is NOT having a good day
(He did meet a giant spider tho. That’s a positive. It’s just a very small positive being quickly overshadowed by notfun things.)
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neranishin · 8 years
Note from my halfling KC to Nasher:
Lord of Neverwinter! I have come to the conclusion that my Neverwinter Nine uniform is the wrong color. Consider the following:
The Neverwinter Nine were, at least in part, inspired by Halueth Never’s fingers
(No, really, I know it’s weird, but a statue in Neverneath told me this so it must be true, ok. Trust me.)
I am the smallest of the current Neverwinter Nine
The smallest finger on a hand is called the pinky.
In conclusion, my uniform should REALLY be a nice rosy color, not blue. And this is totally based on logic. The fact that I prefer pink is really just a happy coincidence! 
-- Lilianna <3
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neranishin · 8 years
tale-chaser answered your question:…is it always raining when the KC does their vigil...
Not always. I had a lucky gnome who avoided that. Oddly enough, my drow was always caught in the rain in Solace Glade. And in Port Llast. And West Harbour sometimes. While it’s on fire.
...I don’t think it was raining last time Arizan was in West Harbor, or when it was being attacked at the beginning. So I guess he’s luckier than your poor drow, even if they’re both stuck on the surface with all its WEATHER all the time.
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