#ransom thrombey drabble
shotgunbunny · 1 year
I want ransom to use my throat like a flesh light 🤤🤤
༻𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐞, 𝐥𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐨𝐫, 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲༺
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{warnings!! toxic family!!face fucking!! ransom being a presumptuous bitch!! everyone being assholes.}
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You and Ransom had been dating for a year now, and although there were tough times due to your bratty personalities clashing, it was often beautiful. He bathed you in his love and his hidden softness and kept you safe under his arm at parties filled with chaos. And you inturn drowned him in your love and kisses that you peppered all over his face to grant him comfort and remind him that you adored him.
You remember when you first met, you were at a party filled with rich assholes and you were wasted. You were laid on the bathroom floor crying, the alcohol in your system conjuring memories of your ex boyfriend cheating on you 2 days ago. You sat on and leaned against the tub and continued crying, suddenly the door opened and there stood the devil looking beautiful as always.
Ransom stared at you for a moment before sighing and locking the bathroom door. He recognised you from university. The sweetheart everyone adored, you once gave him a cookie for him standing up for you against the frat boys that called you a dumb whore. The cookie was delicious he won't even deny it. Which led him to wondering why a pretty little thing like you, that made the sweetest things, crying?
Hushed murmurs bounced around the bathroom and eventually Ransom took you to his house and took care of you. The second you were asleep he went to your ex boyfriends house and beat him bloody. But you never knew that.
From that moment you both grew closer until you grew tired and began getting moody with him for not making the first move, he rolled his eyes and asked you out. And now you were here meeting his family for Thanksgiving, this wasn't the first time you'd met them, but past meeting with them only lasted 10 minutes before they stared getting snarky and mean and Ransom stormed away with you beside him.
You were not looking forward to this dinner, the only people that liked you were Harlan and Ransoms mum. You tried to befriend Meg yet she thought if you could date Ransom for so long, you must be exactly like him. You liked Linda, she treated you with respect and was always kind as she thought that you had changed Ransom.
You were sat next to Ransom and Linda at dinner, bringing you comfort that you weren't that alone. Walt cleared his throat and stared at you, "So the gold-digger brought his silver-digging slut." Ransom smirked, "Yeah I did, no need to be jealous that my girl is hotter than yours will ever be, shriveled dick." The entire room errupted into chaos. You couldn't stand it and decided to bite back at the next issult thrown at you.
Joni was the one that decided to start the fire with you, "You're so obviously with Ransom for the money, you'd never fit into the family." You rolled your eyes at her, "I'm actually only with Ransom for his big cock, I can't wait to take his last name to spite you, bitch." Ransom went quite next to you.
He was ecstatic that you loved his cock, but the last comment got him. It was like you knew he was going to propose. Even Linda froze up knowing of Ransoms plan to propose after dinner. The whole time Harlan sat there, listening to the insanity that was his family until he finally shouted, "Enough! Stop this nonsense!" Ransom pulled his chair out and tugged you with him.
He tugged you upstairs into his old room and pushed you onto the bed. You stared at him, your eyebrows furrowed together as you watched him pace. You were confused by his actions. "When did you find out?" Your confusion grew, why was Ransom acting so strange. "What?" He growled and turned to you anger and rage flashing in his eyes. "You fuckin' heard me." You stood up and glared back at him. "I don't know what you're talking about so drop the attitude."
"Get on your knees. Now." His dominance was driving you crazy and you dropped to your knees. He unzipped his pants and you pulled them down and then his boxers. You eyes widened as his cock bobbed out of his pants. It looked like he had been hard for a while due to how much precum was coating the tip of his cock. Before you could even speak he grabbed your hair and made it into a make shift ponytail with his fist.
He stared down at you, and you opened your mouth. He immediately pushed your head all the way down. Your nose burried in his pubes. You gagged around his cock and his groaned, the sound creating a beautiful symphony for your ears. You slurped your salvia down and sucked on Ransoms cock. He closed his eyes and started thrusting in your mouth speaking harshly down at you.
"Gotta fuckin' fill your mouth to stop your fuckin' lies." He continued fucking your throat, groaning everytime there was a small gag. The tightness of your throat almost hugged his cock as good as your cunt. You stared up at him confused and pleading for him to tell you what he did wrong. He looked down at you and spat on your face, glaring at you.
"You fuckin' looked in my night stand didn't you. Saw the fuckin' ring and knew I was gonna pop the question." Your eyes watered both from Ransom face fucking you and the fact he was going to propose. He groaned looking at your face. Tears streaming down it and spit everywhere. You moaned around his cock trying to deny the fact you'd seen the ring, but the vibrations were perfect around the tip of his cock and he came down your throat.
He watched as you drank down his cum, keeping his cock comfortable in your throat until it was soft. He pulled it out and tucked his cock in his boxers and the pants. You looked up at him and spoke with a horse voice, "You were gonna propose?" He rolled his eyes and helped you onto his bed, "Don't play dumb, you knew I was, that's why you said that shit about taking my last name at Joni." You stared up at him with wide eyes. You whispered gently, "I said that because I see a future with you Ransom. I want us to get married."
Silence filled the air, and with a sigh Ransom reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small black velvet box. You breathe got caught in your throat. He opened it and stared at you, the ring was beautiful. A silver band adorned with a diamond in the middle and surrounded by rubies. "Well, take my last name then sweetheart." You smiled and and giggled the sound coming out slightly muted. "Before I put the ring on my finger can you get me a drink of water." He smirked and passed you the glass of water that was on the nightstand next to his old bed.
You gulped and sighed, feeling you throat being more eased up and free from Ransoms cum. "I'd love to be your wife Ransom." With that he slid the beautiful ring on your finger and you attacked him with a kiss.
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krirebr · 9 months
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Updated 4/28/24
Tag lists are open
Here is a current list of all of the work I've posted here. I write mostly for Chris Evans characters and all of my work is intended for an 18+ audience. Minors please DNI.
My asks are always open! 💜💜💜
🖤 Dark 😥 Angst 🥵 Smut
Steve Rogers
What You Can Do For Your Country
Being Captain America is a lot harder than anyone realizes. Steve thinks you might be able to help. 🖤
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Your vacation comes to an end when a powerful and mysterious man gets his first taste. 🖤🥵
Curtis Everett
I Know I Should Know Better series
Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it? 😥🥵
Ransom Drysdale
Psycho Killer AU
Summary: A drunken dare and chance encounter jump-starts a whole new life. 🖤🥵
More Than This series
Arranged marriages have always been used to solidify business deals among the ultra-wealthy. Your stepfather wants to be in business with Harlan Thrombey, so now it's your turn. 😥
Andy Barber
Trapped AU
Andy keeps telling you how lucky you are that he chose you to be his wife. 🖤
Johnny Storm
Giving Me a Thrill
A few years after your divorce, a friend gives you a nudge to try something new.
Drabbles and Headcanons
Curtis + soft!dark + soothe 🖤
Jealous Ex Ransom
Sequel 🥵
Relax - Jake Jensen
Curtis Takes the Snowpiercer 🖤🥵
Arranged Marriage Steve Headcanon
Curtis + Possessive
Krismas Party Drabble Masterlist
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ronearoundblindly · 7 months
Fire & Ice (a RoAR drabble)
Flufftober Day 12, Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader (see series)
I blame @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory and @brandycranby for encouraging HughSaison. This is fairly loosely related to the prompt but there are a bunch of temperature references/illusions. 🤷🏻‍♀️Hey, I did my best. -> While I'm at it, does anyone want to own up (privately) to being the person who first asked about rich!Reader over a year ago??? I always wonder if that anon is still reading 🥹
Uhhh, angst with a fluffy ending... yeah, yeah, Ro loves writing arguments, we get it.
Warnings: If you've never read my Ransom before, beware. He curses like an angry sailor, inside and outside of his brain. Plus super suggestive language/mentions of sex. LOTS of dialogue. Zero editing. MINORS DNI. WC 1.8k
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He cannot fucking believe it's come to this.
"Don't you fucking dare," he snips. “You cannot use a veto. You put me in charge.”
He watches you walk calmly, put away a dish calmly, sit at his couch calmly.
"I've made my decision, and that's final."
"Fuck you." Ran means it, but in his own way. "You said I could choose--"
"Not that," you say, so calmly, too fucking calmly for someone who managed to turn Ransom Drysdale into this, this thing that cares about something so petty for all the wrong--or just different--reasons.
He stretches to his full height and sucks on his tongue for a moment.
You continue to scroll through your phone.
He never thought he’d get married but he’s always loved a good party. Since the ring's not flashy, he wants you in the tiara. He hasn’t given you the ring yet either because…well, because it’s been less than a year and you practically live on the other side of the planet. Call him old-fashioned, but Ransom wants to be home for all the big things. He can plan a damn party though—and the look to match— whenever the hell he wants and for however long he wants.
At length in the quiet, he asks, "why not?"
"Because it's ridiculous, and I'm saying 'no.' Veto."
"You don't get vetoes for--" Ran smothers his frustration, but barely. "Does this have to do with...money? Because you know I’m not talking millions of dollars in real diamonds or something.” But, ya know, he’s expecting a couple hundred thou between colored and semi-precious stones, plus the setting in—would gold or platinum work best for your skin? Grandma Thrombey’s ring is made of yellow gold. Ran guesses he should match that.
The false calm never lifts from you.
Eyes icy and blank, you look at him while his plans keep running amuck. "No."
Two letters. One word. He fucking hates it.
"You'll look beautiful," he yells in annoyance.
The phone drops on the leather couch. "I'm not wearing a crown to be married in. It'll look pretentious, ostentatious. I won't do it and that's that."
"It's a tiara," Ran corrects, "and with a veil, it's near invisible. It’ll include the wedding colors with the stones."
His blood starts to boil. Don't say it, don't say it, he thinks fleetingly but fails.
"Says the woman with shit taste."
Slowly, calmly, coldly, you walk over to him, stretching to your full height, holding his gaze. You’re wearing one of his sweaters again and nothing else. That’s his favorite look, but only for him.
It’s winter outside, the heater turned up so that your naked skin stays comfortable. You stay comfortably exposed all the time, when he has his way. Comfort is king in Ran’s house. 
Despite being exposed though, he can see how you've made it so far in business—in life—even with shitty taste. Your poker face rivals champions, and you are stalwart in your dedication. There's a hard (and hardening) edge to your simple, sly grin.
You take a deep breath in,  a whiff of him, a sample for assessment.
"Poor--" you sigh "--boy."
His teeth grind together, jaw tight as a vice. How dare you.
Ran's petty, spiteful even when he tries so damn hard to keep it together, and the wound of disinheritance is still fresh enough he cannot abide that sting.
"Burn in hell."
You don’t take the bait and simply cock your head, waiting for his guilty meltdown. So far, he does this at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a day. It bothers you, you’ve told him, that he questions everything instantly, that he can’t trust you or your feelings or his surroundings, that he panics over the idea of ever having to get a job, but it’s also great ammunition against a man-child.
The grin never leaves your lips. You're in fine fighting form tonight. Ran shouldn't have tangoed.
"Go fuck some bimbo's ass."
Oh, you bitch.
That's low.
Ransom's face contorts. "It was one time," he gripes, "and we weren't even dating."
Your palm lies flat against his chest. "We'd slept together several times, and you even volunteered for me by then so..."
Ran grabs your hips and brings you close, avoiding your gaze while hoping you keep looking at him, cooling him down, evening his hot temper.
"Of course," you add casually, "that wasn't the first time you did that, was it?"
This is where it gets tricky for him. Ran never had a real relationship before you--not even his 'bond' with his parents compares--but old habits die hard.
He shoves at your hips, spinning you two until your back hits the glass block window between the house and the bare woods outside.
His head ducks to mirror the angle of yours. "Doesn't have to be the last either."
"Hugh," you warn, as threatening as wind across his cheek.
He's gonna regret this. He knows he will, but curiosity gets the better of him.
"Tell me. Tell me why you don't want to wear something gorgeous and fancy for an occasion where you are meant to be gorgeous and fancy."
The turn in your expression is pronounced. He didn't expect you to be more alarmed by his caring than his come-ons.
"Bad form," you finally admit. "Some rich bitch thinks she's a princess. Looks really bad."
"You are rich. You are a--"
"--I'm saying 'princess.' Calm down," he says to the perfectly, eerily calm woman in his arms. "Would you just fucking let me compliment you?"
Ran fiddles with some hair around your ear, noting proudly how your eyes droop shut slightly at the smallest touch from him. He likes that you respond to him, his distance, his fury, his doubt, and his passion. You make feeling okay. You are his safe space since you've seen him at his lowest.
You see him.
There's very few things in life that make more sense to Ransom than his wife will be the one who sees him and he lets see him. Everyone else and everything else can piss off.
God, he fucking hates that he loves you so much. Why won’t you just wear the fucking crown? You’ve earned it; you’re the one who conquered his demons, not Ran.
He could buy it anyway, have your veil sown straight on it, not give you the chance to argue, or he could take you out to shop, put one in your hands, knock it onto the floor, and claim ‘you break it, you bought it.’ Problem solved, but he’s a petty bitch.
He tucks the edge of his lip into his cheek.
He should be less of a petty bitch.
“What do you want?” Ran asks. “What’s it gonna take?”
He keeps his sharp eyes locked to yours, watching understanding shrink your once-dilating pupils
Change in demeanor. “Oh my god.”
Aaaand there’s the regret. “Don’t make a big deal—“
“It’s not—I’m just—“
“Hugh Fucking Drysdale?! Trying to compromise??? I’ve see it all now.”
“Stop,” he whines, dropping his head to your squirming chest.
“Wait—” you whip out of his arms and hustle back to the couch, retrieving your phone “—do it again.”
He’s too lost in staring up the sweater as you bend over to notice right away.
“Are you filming me?” Disgusting. Childish. Petty, just like him. Maybe he’s had more influence on you than he realized.
“Your face is priceless.”
“Give me that.” Ran doesn’t put much effort into reaching the phone. He would rather win for his cause. “Seriously, what do you want?”
The arm held up falls lax. He has a clear view of your home screen, so you weren’t taking a video. You just wanted to tease him. Fuck, you love to tease him.
Dramatically, your hand frames your chin in thought. “Well, I don’t want something that extravagant to go to waste, but it won’t go with every outfit…”
“No, not with colored stones,” Ran says absently. He guesses you want to get more use out of it. Gross.
“Okay, my compromise is whenever I wear it, you treat me like a princess, or perhaps, your queen.”
“Uh, sure,” he snorts. You already get treated better than any woman he’s ever known…by him, of course. He’s vaguely aware that some people do even more than the bare minimum, but those are other people. Baby steps.
“If that tiara is on my head, Hugh, you become a perfect and adoring gentleman.”
Ran wrinkles his nose. “What?”
“You heard me. That’s my compromise. Dress me that way and you have to treat me like royalty.”
“Like…” He rushes forward to sweep you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and thrusting his hips. “Princess Pussy?”
“Ran. Ew, no.”
“Queen Cunt?” Heh, he chuckles, King Comfort and Queen Cunt. No, don’t say that out loud.
You gag slightly. “Super not what I meant.”
“You’re already going to marry me, but you want me to worship you? No fucking way.” Ransom flat-out laughs.
“How did you get worship out of ‘treat me nicely?’” Your arms tighten around his neck, pulling your faces closer.
He exaggerates a groan. “I don’t know. That’s asking a lot.”
“Oh, right,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “Just keep on being shitty…even to your future wife. What could possibly go wrong?”
He huffs.
Ran is passionate about making you look good, not just because you are on his arm. Sure, he probably focuses on all the wrong things—all the selfish things,—but you easily think of the big picture and completely forget about yourself.
That’s already a balance. That’s already a big compromise.
And yet…
Ran’s looking at your face and admiring your playfulness when he could be ordering you to unzip his pants. He’s more excited to see you decked out pretty things than he is to say he dressed you. He’s concerned with how you refuse to spend money for you even though you’ve put no restrictions on him. That’s…that’s just a different Ransom Drysdale. That’s a man he wouldn’t recognize if he weren’t watching his reflection in your eyes.
Ran pecks a gentle kiss to your waiting lips.
“Okay, princess,” he coos, his arms snaking tighter over your back and his fingers plunging into your hair. He keeps you close, noses touching, hot breath mingling. “Shh, shhh.”
He hears the faintest whine escape you, and he just can’t help himself. He’s a petty bitch.
“Don’t worry, princess. I’ll fuck your ass.”
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sorry not sorry.
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @starkleila
[Main Masterlist; The Root of All Ransom Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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geminixevans-stan · 2 years
Congrats on the 1 year anniversary of your blog, friend!
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I’m using the ticket you so generously sent me and giving you this prompt to write as a drabble:
You always loved ice skating so Ransom called in a favor with his buddy to get you inside an ice rink after hours. You were so excited at his thoughtful and somehow, you end up having sex with him on the Zamboni as it’s riding around. Little do you know, Ransom’s favor came with conditions…and a voyeur: Jeff Gillooly is up in the stands, jerking off at the sight of you down on the ice and he can’t wait for his turn next.
Oh sweet Soot.... You're a monster! But... here goes
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader x Jeff Gilloly
Words: 580
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI, Explicit language, explicit content, smut, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, mentions of sharing, Jeff Gillooly is a disgusting warning
From Big Bad Wolf
You were warned about entertaining the likes of a Thrombey let alone a Drysdale. But after that faithful Halloween night at the Thrombey Estate, Ransom and you became inseparable. You know yourself that he would corrupt your whole world and you let him with open arms.
More like open legs…
Ransom showed you things that only the skilled could and to say Ransom was “skilled” was an understatement. After one night with him, you knew exactly why women fell to their knees for him.
But for you? It was the other way around. The minute Ransom tasted your sweet nectar, he was hooked like no other. It would be laughable to anyone else to see him be the softy that only you saw.
From romantic nights at home or a night on the town, Ransom Drysdale was all yours and he had no problem in letting the world know. He would always do these sweet things for you that may seem small to the everyone else but meant the world to you.
Which is why now you were both freezing and warm in the middle of the skating rink, skirt flipped up as you sink down on his throbbing cock over and over again. Ransom decided to make all your icy dreams come true by renting out the rink for the night.
Something that was easy for him to do since he could buy almost anything that you ever wanted. But he knew you were more of a sentimental girl and whatever he could do to make you happy, he would.
And what better way to make his girl happy than to make her fall apart in one of her favorite places. You not being much of an exhibitionist put all those fears aside the minute he surprised you with this place, you instantly fumbling with his expensive belt to take him out and properly thank him.
As the Zamboni moves across the ice slowly, Ransom has a bruising grip on your hips, pressing crescents in your skip as your hips snaps against his, feeling the impending orgasm that he’s been making you hold for what feels like hours.
A whimper escapes your lips, accompanied with his infamous chuckle at seeing you so desperate to fall apart on his cock.
“Look at you baby,” he grunts thrusting up into your quivering hole, moaning at the slippery mess your making of him, “Letting daddy fuck you in public and you don’t even care who sees.”
You let out a pathetic whine, heat spreading through your core as your glistening cunt, drips and sucks him back in with each rise of your hips.
“Hnngh!,” biting back your moans and the coil tightens, “Can’t hold it daddy. Please…”
Ransom nips at chip, tightening his grip, “Please what baby? You can beg harder than that.”
Your eyes clench close, warmth spreading up your spine, the words almost coming out of your mouth before you hear a second voice, not belonging to ransom.
You both still to see the new visitor. He wasn’t as handsome as Ransom and he had a stache that only a mother could love.
Ransom let out a frustrated sigh, flipping your skirt down, “The fuck are you doing here Gillooly? I thought I told you to get lost.”
The creepy stached man — Gillooly for now, swiped his tongue over his lips, keeping his eyes on you, “You didn’t think I wanted your money did ya, Drysdale? No… she’s payment enough…
Join the Celebration!
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abbatoirablaze · 6 months
I would love one shots/drabbles of BGC. Especially of Lily causing trouble. I was going to ask for one of Jess overstepping as Lily's stepmom. But I doubt they will ever be friends again. I did just love the story line of Lily feeling like she is being pushed out. Because her dad has a new family now.
You know, I've been thinking about this for a while, and a singular idea stuck in my head when it came to the idea of Lily/Ransom/Jess' relationship and how it was affected in the long run.
Lily became pretty instigative when it came to her relationship with her father after Jess and Ransom got back together.
You're very right in assuming they won't be friends again. And this kind of hits a new level of how she actually was pushed out from her family.
The Thrombey Christmas Party
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Ransom Drysdale
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One Shots
Just Friends
Summary: You want to be more than friends with Ransom. When he laughs it off, you cut him off. He doesn’t like being ignored.
Marta Cabrera
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Being A Thrombey and Being With Marta
One Shots
Benoit Blanc
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One Shots
0 notes
capsiclecevans · 4 years
‘i didn’t think you were a dog person Ransom’
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Warnings: pure and utter fluff. Soft!Ransom for the win. Mentions of Ransom eating you out, VERY briefly. 
Summary: Ransom is a reformed character since he has gotten out of prison, and you both are excited for the homecoming of your new puppy, having turned Ransom into a dog person after years of hating the dogs kept at the Thrombey Manor. (Yes it is inspired by the video of Chris holding the puppy in his IG story because I am so 🥺🥺🥺 for it!) 
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
⭐︎ ashleigh’s masterlist ⭐︎ | ☾ ashleigh’s taglist ☽
A/N: I would also like to say a massive thank you for everyone who has followed me and is supporting my writing. I am surprised that I have nearly 150 followers, please keep liking and reblogging my writing if you like it ☺️ thank you so much, I love you all x
You knew that Ransom was a murderer when you met him one day in his favourite coffee shop. It was big news when it was revealed that he had a hand in is grandfather’s, Harlan Thrombey’s, death on the night of his 85th birthday party. That didn’t scare you away though, not like it scared everyone else away, because who would want to be associated with a killer? That is what made him more appealing to you, plus you liked a challenge. 
Ransom wasn’t one to fall in love, he was a lone wolf as he thought, sleep with countless women each week with no regrets or fears in the world. That was what he was like, before prison, and before you. You stepped into his life when he needed someone on his side the most. His family disowned him when they found out that he was responsible for Harlan’s death. They cut him off immediately when the judge sentenced him to prison, luckily he was able to get out, somehow on good behaviour. Most likely because he kept to himself and stayed away from inmates that he could tell were trouble. It wasn’t like his family liked him on the best of times, but having no one at all on his side was very isolating to him. 
Ransom saw you as his saviour that day in the coffee shop, when you asked if it was okay to sit with him as all the other tables were taken. Ransom couldn’t seem to say no to you, you were beautiful in his eyes, and he knew straightaway that he had to make you his. Not in a possessive way for once, but in a loving way. For once he was able to see a future where he could settle down with someone and have a family, despite his past. 
That was 6 months ago, Ransom had moved in with you when he had to sell his house as he had no more money to pay for it, since he wasn’t able to go to his family for help anymore. Linda told him the day he got sent down that he was ‘no son of hers’ anymore and you knew that affected Ransom more that it had than when he had to beg you for help. 
Living with Ransom was better than you expected, if prison taught him something, it was to be a lot more grateful for everything in his life. He started pulling his weight around the house, while you were at work he would tidy the house and make sure that something was in the oven by the time you got home. During this time, you found out that Ransom was an amazing cook, and also that he loved to treat you (which you did not mind at all). You also found out that Ransom hated dogs, which made you a little sick to your stomach, because how could someone hate dogs, especially puppies? Ransom did explain that his hate towards dogs was due to the ones his parents and grandfather had at the Manor, they were too loud and boisterous for him. He didn’t like them jumping up at him either, so there was that. 
Since finding out that your boyfriend hated dogs, it was now your mission to get him to like them as you had always planned to get a rescue puppy, plus you had been planning on getting one long before you even met Ransom and started dating. 
You hold the small puppy to your chest as you unlock the door to your house, shielding it from the harsh November wind that downtown Boston had to offer today. You glance at your boyfriend’s Beemer parked in the driveway next to your little Fiat 500 that you had just locked. He was home. It was now or never regarding the little puppy in your arms. 
You step inside and kiss the puppy’s head lightly as you kick your shoes off, shrugging your coat off to the best of your ability as you try to not jostle the dog so it stays calm in your arms. 
“Babe?” Ransom calls from the kitchen, a smile immediately finds your lips as you hear his voice. You shut the mudroom door with a kick of your foot as you set the bag of belongings for your new puppy down, setting it down on the floor slowly. It takes to sniffing round the hallway, taking its time to get used to its new home as you step over it, walking towards the kitchen to join Ransom. 
“Hi love,” you say, smiling at the white cable knit sweater he was wearing. You loved the look of it on him, and how it stretched over his broad shoulders. You lean up to kiss your boyfriend’s cheek, smiling to yourself as you stroke the beard he has allowed to grow. You loved the beard, especially when he went down on you and left beard burn on your thighs, it was like he was marking you to remind you what he can do to you between your legs. 
“How was work?” He asks as he turns the oven down slightly, turning to you, wrapping his arms round as yours latched to him round his neck. He leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips as you nod, smiling into the kiss before pulling away. Your fingers running through his fluffy hair, a hairstyle you loved on him. 
“Great, how was your day?” You ask as the puppy makings his way into the kitchen, standing by your feet before sniffing at Ransom’s sock, odd might you add. 
“It was go- babe, why is there a puppy sniffing at my feet?” Ransom asks, looking down at the newcomer when he feels the dog’s nose on his feet. You bite your lip nervously as he looks back up at you, eyebrow raising in confusion. He thought you knew that he didn’t like dogs, that they were off the table in regards to pets, not that cats were any better to him. 
“Well…” You say and reach down to pick the puppy up. “He needed a new home, and maybe he could be the one to help you like dogs, I mean, look at how cute he is Ran…” You say and hold him to face Ransom, a pout appearing on your face as you look at your boyfriend. 
Ransom couldn’t help but chuckle at you, and he had to admit to himself that the dog was fucking adorable. Maybe you were right, maybe this little guy would help him get over his fear of dogs. Its not like this little guy would hurt him or anything, he couldn’t be anymore than 4 months old. “What’s his name?”
“Milo” You say and beam up at him, Ransom could have died at how cute and happy you looked right now as you held the puppy to your chest. 
“Hey Milo, you gonna be a good boy for us?” Ransom asks and leans his head closer to the small puppy, chuckling as he gets a lick on his cheek in return. Ransom shakes his head affectionately as you walk into the living room with Milo, to get his bed and toys sorted as Ransom finished getting dinner ready for the both of you. 
After dinner was eaten and Ransom had loaded the dishwasher you were sat at opposite sides of the living room, getting Milo to run between you both to try and catch his new tennis ball. Ransom couldn’t help but laugh at the puppy still getting to grips with how to manage his balance. This made you smile widely at Ransom and Milo, your two boys. 
As Milo starts to tire out, Ransom picks him up and holds him to his chest, swaying to the music that he had put on the speakers in the house. Kissing his head softly as he holds Milo. Milo rests his head on Ransom’s shoulder, clearly exhausted from the playing and running about. 
“Looks like someone is ready for bed…” You chuckle and get up to sit on the couch, watching Ransom with the dog. 
“I think he is, but he is not sharing with us.” Ransom says and looks at you, you frown a little and Ransom smirks at you before looking at Milo. “I mean he can have his bed in our room, but he is not sleeping in our bed.” 
You smile widely, happy that you were able to compromise on the sleeping situation as you didn’t want Milo to be left down here all alone, especially when he might be scared as he is in a new home. Ransom keeps kissing Milo on the head every now and again as he holds him closer to him, a soft smile gracing his lips every time he looks down at the 4 month old puppy. 
“I didn’t think you were a dog person Ransom…” You say as you take a photo of him and Milo, smiling as you set your phone down, walking over to him to wrap your arms round his waist, giggling as Milo licks your cheek affectionately. 
“Well, you know what they say, people change for the ones they love…” Ransom whispers into your hair as you all cuddle together to welcome the puppy into your tiny family unit before heading up to bed together. A smile unable to leave your lips as you confirm the love you feel for Ransom back to him for the first time. 
Send requests into my inbox! 
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smutsonian · 4 years
i hope you feel better soon ❤️❤️ what about a huge fight between you and ransom??
drabble about ransom being a pusi
ransom drysdale x reader
warnings: angst, lack of communication, drama bullshitery, me no likey proof reading
word count: around 1k
an: thank you @hnryycvll !! I feel much better now! Thanks for sending a request 💖✨ also hello wtf is wrong with me making long drabbles and calling them drabbles skkskska also! im tagging #30DaysOfChris2020 on this for @jtargaryen18 is dis allowed?
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You knew something was wrong when you walked into the house you shared with Ransom. The usually bright and cheerful aura that the house usually had was replaced with something that’s dark and gloomy. You thought that nobody was home because there was no Ransom greeting you like he usually would, may it be a kiss, a hug, or a full-on course meal. It doesn’t sound like him but that’s because he’s a totally different man when it comes to closed doors. Yeah, he’s not the type of person to talk about feelings or all that cheesy shit but he makes up for it with his actions.
After taking your coat and shoes off, you proceeded to walk towards the kitchen to get a glass of water after placing your purse on the counter. A few shuffling sounds from the living room caught your attention. You thought the house was empty but apparently not as Ransom was seating on one of the sofas, eyes skimming over a piece of paper with a frown.
You leaned on the doorway to watch him as you finished the glass of water. “Everything okay?” You give him a small smile as he looked at you, the hard look on his eyes disappearing a minuscule. “Yeah… Just a little family problem.” He lets out a sigh before gripping the paper and throwing it on the glass table in front of him.
“You wanna talk about it?” You knew he’s not one to talk but he seemed so bothered by whatever family problem it is. And frankly, you couldn’t bear to see him this way. “It’s a family problem, Y/N.” His harsh voice broke the silence and you had to ignore the pang you felt from his words. You weren’t married or anything but you were close to his parents, at least. Well, obviously he’s in a bad mood so you wouldn’t hold it against him. “Just… Leave me alone to think.” He grumbles under his breath before taking the paper and rereading it over and over as if the words would change if he would just read it for an nth time again. A loud sigh comes from him and you could see angry tears falling down his eyes only to be wiped harshly with the sleeves of his sweater.
You let out a sigh before walking cautiously towards him. “Y/N, please don’t. Leave me alone. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” He holds a hand up towards you, preventing you from going nearer the sofa he’s on. You stopped in your tracks before watching his face, searching for any signs that he’s actually fine but there was none. “Ransom…” You took a slow step closer. “You don’t look fine. You know you can talk to me, right? I’m here for whatever it is you’re going through. Your problem is my problem too.” You gave him a smile that was hopefully supportive. All you really wanted to do was make him feel that he’s not alone and that he shouldn’t have to battle his every problem alone. You wanted to calm him down and prevent an angry Ransom.
You failed.
He crumpled the paper in his hands as he sharply turned his head towards you before glaring. “What part of ‘leave me alone’ don’t you fucking understand?” He raised his voice and you held a hand up in surrender before shaking your head. “I was just trying to help—” Your quiet voice was cut off by another round of screams from him. “What the hell can you do about my problem? Harlan fucking died and turns out, he fucking removed me from his will.”
Your eyes widened from his words. “Harlan died?” You met the man once or twice but knowing that he died reminded you how life really works. “Oh god. Ransom, I’m so sorry to hear that—” Yet again, your rambling got cut off by your angry boyfriend. “Don’t act like you care, okay?” He rolled his eyes at you before glaring back at the paper in his hands. “I do care, Ransom!” You said, silently pleading for him to believe you.
He scoffs before tossing you the crumpled paper, hitting your face, and falling towards your hands. “He didn’t leave anything for me. I get nothing and I’ll be too fucking poor to afford you.” You see his eyes flutter before turning to glare at the glass table. You looked at the paper before looking back at him with confusion. “Afford me? What are you talking about?” You asked, hoping to every god out there that he didn’t mean what you think he means. “It means that you’ll leave me once I no longer have the money to keep you.” He looks at you as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You blinked at him before shaking your head. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just say that because I know you’re upset. Ransom, losing someone is hard to believe. Let alone accept but you’ve got me. You’ve got your parents—” You were starting to think that it was cut Y/N off day. “Don’t make this harder than it already is, Y/N. Don’t get my hopes up, alright? I know when the moment things start to get rough because I can’t buy—” It was your turn to cut him off.
“Is that what you think of me? You think I’m with you for your money?” You did your best to sound unbothered but the crack in your voice was pretty evident. He turned to look at you with softer eyes before it went back to that glare. “Oh, there’s no way you’re going to make this about you.” He scoffs and made a move to stand up but stopped when you started raising your voice at him.
“This has always been about you, Ransom. Everything I do, I do for you! I bought this house for us so your family won’t be able to say something about you being an adult trust fund baby because I know how that makes you feel even if you won’t talk about it. Even if you won’t talk about anything. I work because I want to save up for our future.” Ransom’s eyes widened at the last sentence before you started mumbling. “Sue me for wanting to be there for you.” You looked at him with desperate eyes as you walked closed to grab his big hands gently. “Why can’t you just accept the help I’m offering you? Why can’t you just let me in?” You pulled his hands towards your lips before pressing a soft kiss on it.
He sighs heavily before shaking his head and lowering his head. “Just leave me alone, Y/N. I need space.” He tries to pull his hands away but your grip was tight. You watched as teardrops started falling down his eyelashes and staining his sweatpants. You groaned before lifting his chin up and caressing his face. “I can’t just stand here and do nothing when you’re clearly not fine, Ransom. Please don’t push me away.” You leaned down to kiss him but he turned his face to the side, making your hands fall from his face. “Just leave me alone, please.” He pleads before turning his attention towards you when you didn’t move. “I said leave me the fuck alone!” He screams in your face, making you flinch in the slightest.
You stepped back before pressing your lips together into a tight line. “Fine.” You started walking towards the kitchen to get your purse before walking towards the front door. You took your coat and started putting it on when Ransom appeared in front of you. “Pl—” He tried to say something but you beat him to it. “Just to make things clear… This is not me leaving you.” You walk towards him before poking a finger towards his chest. “This is you pushing me away.”
Ransom watched as you walked out the door but why did it feel like it wasn’t the only thing you were walking out on?
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quietmyfearswith · 4 years
“i hate you. and i want to have your children.” — ransom drysdale drabble
“i hate you. and i want to have your children.” — ransom drysdale drabble
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status — completed drabble
word count — 679 words
warnings — none really, too much pet names, mentions of alcohol
pairing — ransom drysdale x fem!reader
a/n — so these dialogues are inspired and taken from the series community, and this is literally how i felt and thought of when i watched knives out lmao. the gif screencap is from @elizadusku, look at this post to see the actual gif. feedback would be appreciated :> also my askbox is open for any messages !! hope u all have a wonderful day and are safe !!
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As I was wiping down the bar counters — taking advantage of the fact that no one was sitting there — is what I was busying myself with since no bar patrons had been ordering their drinks for quite a while. A few minutes had just past 8 and this Wednesday night is looking to be a little slow.
Placing the dirty rag on a bucket underneath the sink, I looked up upon seeing that someone had just walked in the bar. “Hey there, sweetheart, how are ‘ya?” I rolled my eyes as Ransom greeted me and sat down on one of the bar stools.
“Was having a great time ‘til you walked in,” I greeted as I placed a coaster in front of him and put one hand on my hip while the other rested on the counter. He smirked and took off his coat, placing it on the stool beside him, “How original of you to say that.”
“I know you didn’t come here to chat, Hugh, so what will you be having?” I sassed at him, hoping that he would just make up his mind with what he wants to drink. Finding it amusing how I was irritable with him, he laughs, “Calm down, sweetheart. Besides me, you only have that group of middle-aged men who complain about their wives,” he pointed out the other patrons sat at the booths, the group and him indeed being the only customers we have, “So really, I’m the only thing keeping you busy. But since you asked, get me a beer would you?”
Feeling more than eager to get away from him I nodded, “I hate you,” I muttered to him with disgust on my face — to which he mirrored my expression in a teasing manner. Though when I was pouring his drink in the mug, I subconsciously found myself muttering lowly to myself, “And I want to have your children.”
Unfortunately though, I did not say it in a soft voice as I thought since Ransom perked up on what I said and looked at me filled with amusement, “What’d you say, princess?” My eyes bulged as I was done pouring the beer on the mug, sliding it over to him, I avoided meeting his eyes and instead directed my attention to the different glasses and coasters on my side of the bar, “What? I didn’t say anything. You know, I’m gonna go to the different customers.”
He laughed and pointed to how there was only one group of other customers, who were currently laughing their asses off, the effects of alcohol finally being prevalent in their actions and slurred words,  “Sweetheart, they’re the only other customers you currently have. And by the looks of it, they seem to be having a great time. So, tell me, did you mean what you said?”
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, and as I slowly exhaled I saw how Ransom’s face failed to show any more signs of arrogance and cockiness. It seems as if he was genuine and pure with the intention behind his question. “I’m pretty sure you know in yourself that you’re attractive, but I feel like how you present yourself is not how you really are, you know? Like, when the doors are closed and when you’ve let down your walls, you’re not just some arrogant and conceited ass,” I ended my explanation with a chuckle.
A soft smile — one that looked filled with positivity, I might add — graced Ransom’s lips as he spoke, “Well the only way to find out is to go on a date with me then, hm?” somehow the gentleness in his voice made goosebumps appear on my skin, and I was thankful for the dimmed lights since it would hinder him from seeing the effect of his words, but it did make me feel honored that he was willing to let me in and see him in a different light. “Lucky for you it’s my day off tomorrow, why don’t you pick me up at 7?”
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lucky-bucky-boy · 4 years
You borrow one of Ransom’s sweaters so he turns it into a straightjacket and uh 👀
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Warnings: smut, ddlg themes, daddy kink, cum play, bondage (makeshift with clothing), a single spank
In his defense, you stole it
Ransom has a habit of laying his clothes out in the morning before starting his day
You decided to shower first and he went down to eat breakfast
What Ransom wasnt expecting was to see you walking downstairs in the sweater he had laid out on the bed
And to make it worse
He was 110% sure you didnt have anything underneath it
He watched as you pulled out your morning smoothie and stood across from him at the kitchen island
"Whatcha wearing there?" He asked
"You're sweater. I didnt feel like looking for clothes and you havent showered so I stole it for now"
"Stole it?" Youd see that look in his eye that made your core tingle
"Stealings not good, baby girl. I think daddy's gonna have to teach you a lesson"
In no time hed hand your arms wrapped around the front, stretching out to sleeves to tie it on the back and essentially making it to wear you couldn't move your upper body
Hed press you your clothed chest against the marble, bent at the waist with your ass picking out from the bottom of the sweater
In one swift motion, with a rough spank to your ass, hed bury himself to the hilt in your tight cunt
Constantly telling you how tight and wet you felt
"You love being punish, dontcha baby girl?"
"You like it when daddy uses you."
"This is what you wanted isnt it?"
And you couldn't deny it
It was what you wanted
It was always what you wanted
He fucked you deep and hard, relentless as he chased his own high and only half caring if you reached yours
Once finished, filling you to the brim with his cum, hed pull out, leaning down to whisper in your ear, "Now go get dress, and leave me in there. I want you to remember what a dirty girl you are while we're out today."
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Enough of These Games
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Summary: You and Ransom continue your little games in private. 
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Soft dark/Morally Grey!Female!Reader
Word count: 3,232
Warnings: Smut (18+ ONLY, Minors DNI), rough sex, unprotected sex, oral sex (m receiving), a little face fucking, praise kink(? Ransom gets off to Reader thanking him), switch!Ransom, switch!Reader, thigh riding, squirting, dirty talk, mention of murder, breath play, overstimulation (m and f), and a partridge in a pear tree. 
A/N: I felt like pulling my hair out and deleting most of this nearly the entire time I was writing this. BUT! We saw it through, and I actually really like where I went with this. My next few fics will be quite lengthy, apparently I don’t know how to be succinct at the moment, but that’s completely ok! I hope you enjoy it! Let me know what you think! Happy Murderer Monday!
Part 1
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The large mahogany door to your room was kicked shut with a solid thud. Ransom’s lips were greedy, the way his tongue wrestled freely with your own told you that he liked it a bit rough. Luckily for him, so did you. Sucking on his tongue, you raked a hand through his once neatly combed hair, giving his blonde stands a teasing tug. Just as he’s about to drop you on the king sized bed, you wiggle out of his grasp to stand on your own. Your lips trace along his jaw sloppily, ignoring how he tries to push you back to the mattress. 
“What are you doing?” He grumbles in annoyance, wanting to get his way immediately.
“Said I was going to thank you, Ransom, now are you going to let me?” You quip with a rough bite to his collarbone, your hands work on undoing his pants. He curses under his breath as you sink to your knees in front of him. 
“Hurry the fuck up, then,” he sasses as a large hand cradles the side of your head, ready to guide your mouth down his length. You hum as his pants fall down his legs enough to reveal the hefty prize hidden behind his black boxers. Ransom shivers as your hot mouth plays with his tip through the fabric of his boxers, a sinful hand fondling his balls in tandem with your mouth. The hand on your head shifts to your hair, urging you to stop your teasing. “Enough teasing, Princess.”
Instead of speaking, you chuckle lowly in your throat and peel his slightly damp boxers out of your way. You can’t hide the surprised gasp that leaves you when his cock springs free from the confines of his underwear. Slapping his lower stomach with a dull thwack and standing tall with need, his cock throbs in excitement when you lick your lips. 
“Fuck, Ransom, you’re fucking huge,” you praise and wrap your hand around his thick base, your fingers were nowhere near touching. The tip of his cock was an angry red, nearly purple from all your teasing, and leaking thick beads of pearly white precum. You can practically feel Ransom preening under your praise; he knew he was big, but he loved hearing it—especially from you. Unable to hold off anymore, you give his tip a kitten lick, coating your tongue in the precum that gathered on his head. The small action alone had Ransom cursing out a moan. 
“Fucking hell…” He gasped and tried to regain some semblance of composure as you continued to lick his head, cleaning his precum from his shaft. You moaned at the taste of him, your eyes fluttering shut as you suddenly engulf his entire tip in your mouth, your tongue caressing the sensitive tissue sinfully as you suckle at him. “A-Aaah! Fuck!”
“Mmmm…” You moan around him, the hand on his shaft starting to pump while the other cups his heavy balls, gently massaging them in your palm. Your eyes slowly open to look up at him, his eyes were already on you, watching as you said your ‘thank you.’ His face was flushed, a light sheen of sweat covered his clear skin, his hair was a mess thanks to your hands, the smart mouth that often got him in trouble was now hung open as you slowly took more and more of his impressive length into your hot, wet mouth. 
“All of it, take all of it…” He grunts, the grip he has in your hair pushes you down his length eagerly. You manage to relax your throat in time for his shaft to fill your mouth completely. It takes a lot more effort to fit him inside, the hinge of your jaws ache from holding your mouth open so wide but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love it. 
“Holy fuck, that’s it, yes—fuck!—good-good girl…” He rushes out, his voice was wavering and thoroughly fucked out; you were destroying Ransom Drysdale, and you hadn’t even moved yet.
With your nose pressed against the hairless base of his groin, you drool as the heady scent of him fills your senses. You hold him in your mouth for a moment and revel in the way he squirms, his pride preventing him from begging. Deciding to put him out of his misery, you slowly draw your head back, letting his cock slip out from the heat of your wet mouth. The moment his tip reaches your lips you quickly take him back into your mouth, setting a quick pace as you hollow your cheeks and suck with all your might. The sloppy, wet sounds fill the air obnoxiously, though they pair nicely with the deep, throaty groans Ransom can’t stop making.
On instinct his hips start thrusting forward to meet the downward stroke of your mouth, chasing the soft hot haven of your throat. The glide of your tongue across the fat veins on his shaft has Ransom nearly doubling over; sure, he’s gotten plenty of blowjobs before, but they’ve never been anything close to what you’re doing with your sweet little mouth. He could barely describe what he was feeling, all he knew was that it felt so good it was starting to hurt. 
“St-Stop!” He groans, his whole body shaking as he practically yanks you off of him. You look up at him as he holds your head a few inches away from his painfully hard dick, you gasp for air and wipe the drool and tears that coats your chin and neck away with the back of your hand. Pride twinkles in your watery eyes as you stare at each other for a moment, you’re pleased with yourself, Ransom could tell, but he couldn’t find it in him to care too much. The ache in the pit of his stomach and the tingling in his sack override anything else in him. 
Leaning down, he brings his lips to yours once more, the heady taste of himself on your tongue only makes him harder. You squeak in surprise when two strong arms wrap around your body and lift you up with ease. He unceremoniously drops you to your neatly made bed, watching you bounce as he tears his blue cashmere sweater up and over his head before tossing it somewhere in the room.
You bite your lip as his unfairly fit body is finally revealed to you; well maintained muscles wrapped in lightly freckled, baby soft skin practically begs for you to sink your teeth into them. Slowly undoing the buttons of your tight black button up, you gasp as his quick hands replace yours. You giggle and draw him into another breath-stealing kiss as he impatiently pops the buttons of your top free, your hands pushing his pants and boxers low enough for them to fall to the floor. 
In an instant, your top and bra are tossed to the floor as well. Not once does your lips disconnect, Ransom was sure that if his lips left yours he would stop breathing, his tongue played roughly with your own as he finally tore your pencil skirt from your body. Pushing you back until you were laying by the pillows, he took his place above you. Without missing a beat, he peels your ruined panties from your sticky core and toss them over his shoulder, making a mental note to take them with him when he leaves. 
Finally, you were bare underneath him, just like he’s always wanted. He takes a moment, leaning back to get a good look at you—and he was no where near disappointed by what he saw; your heaving breasts made his mouth water, your nipples hard from a mixture of excitement and the chill of the room; then the supple expanse of your skin made his hands itch, he was going to touch every inch of you; and then that poor wet honeypot between your lush thighs. He could smell your arousal in the air, an intoxicating mix of sweetness and musk that brought out a primal hunger that he never knew he had.
The feeling of your soft hand wrapping around his cock broke him from his trance, a groan tumbling from his lips once more as you stroke him. His own hand pulls yours away from him, pinning them to the bed beside your head. You give him a soft pout and a whine that makes him smirk, finally feeling like he had some power over you. 
“No pouting, Princess, I don’t care how cute you look when you do it,” he scolds and slips a thigh in between your own, the taught muscle pressing firmly into your sopping cunt. “Go on, show me how thankful you are.”
You shoot him a glare that makes him want to laugh, but the silky feeling of your drenched petals grinding against the skin of his thigh captured all his attention. You bite your lip as you work yourself on his leg, your movements slow but hard, letting your clit drag against him in a delicious pattern. A soft moan leaks from your lips, the breathy sound nearly kills Ransom, the way it just rolls off your lips in time with your swaying hips. He focuses on the way you move, how each push of your hips leaves his leg wetter than before, how hot your cunt feels against his bare skin, and how your little hole flutters with need when he groans. 
“That’s it, little faster for me,” he sighs and begins to bite at your throat, his mouth leaving mark after mark across your delicate skin, “wanna see you cum on my thigh, Princess…”
“Ransom,” you pout again, you were desperate for his cock the second you took him into your throat, so you were far from pleased to have to wait any longer. 
“What did I say about pouting?” He grits out and flexes his thigh, the sudden rigid muscle brushes against your clit perfectly, it has you seeing stars and moaning loudly, “Cum on my thigh, and then I’ll fuck that sweet pussy of yours nice and hard…”
You writhe underneath him, your thighs burn from the effort to rub yourself on him, but you happily ignore it as your orgasm begins to build. Your head falls back, exposing more of your tender flesh to Ransom’s devious mouth. His teeth sink into the sensitive skin of your sweet spot just as your high takes you. “Ransom!” You call out, your legs shaking as you coat his leg in the sticky juices of your release, his own precum dripping on your stomach. 
“Holy fuck,” he sighs as he watches you cum, your back arching and your arms thrashing under his firm hold. A surprised gasp catches in your throat when you feel the fat, blunt tip of his cock rubbing quick circles on your sensitive clit, you try to pull your hips away but his body keeps you pinned in place. He finds your quivering hole and slides home, your back arches dramatically again as he fills you, your wetness makes it almost too easy. 
“Fucking hell!” He bellows, groaning deep from the base of his throat, his eyes falling shut as he adjusts to the searing pleasure flooding his system. Your velvety walls were like heaven, warm and welcoming, his whole body was tingling—he starts reciting the alphabet backwards to calm himself down, there was noway he was going to cum before he was ready.
“Oh my god!” You practically scream, your toes curl as your inner walls stretch around him, the burn teetering on too much but you love it too much to complain. Your legs still shaking from your previous high, you claw at his shoulders as he clutches the swell of your ass. “Ransom!” 
When he felt that he had himself under control, Ransom retreated from your heat, your pussy gripping him tight, practically begging him not to go. Then in one sharp motion, he thrust back in, knocking the air from your lungs. He repeated the same action again and again, each one getting harder and faster than the last. The room was alive with the sounds of your slick skin meeting in a hurried pace, the headboard of the bed crashing into the wallpapered walls in perfect time, and the chorus of grunts, groans, moans, and screams you were both making. 
“You feel so fucking good wrapped around me, Princess. Like you were fucking made for me, like your little pussy was made for my fat cock. Can you feel it? Hm? Feel me, Sweetheart?” He taunts and slows his thrusts to a filthy grind, making you feel every single inch inside of you. 
“Fuuuck! Yes! Yes, I feel you!” You cry out as your eyes cross ever so slightly, his tip brushing against your g-spot ever so slightly. He groans with you when your cunt flutters around him, then a wicked smirk takes over his face. 
“Ohhhhh that must be it, isn’t it, Princess?” He gloats and aims for the spongey spot once more, “that the spot? That where you want it?”
“Yeeesss!” You toss your head back, you knew he was mocking you but you were feeling too good to care about that right now. 
“Then fucking thank me,” he growls menacingly in your ear, “thank me for give you your job, thank me for fucking you, thank me for letting you fucking live,” a large hand wraps around your neck again to prove his point. This time the pressure of his palm squeezing your windpipe makes you shiver—not with fear, but arousal.
“Thank you, thank you, Ransom,” you gasp out as his hand tightens around your neck slightly. 
“For what, Princess? What are you thankful for?” He nips at your bottom lip as his hips begin to thrust once more, giving you shallow jabs. 
“For giving me my job, thank you—fuck!— thank you for fucking me,” you cut yourself off with a moan when he finally drives into you nice and hard again, “thank you for letting me live—oh my god!” 
Ransom’s grip on your throat remains strong as he plows you into your mattress, his lungs burn from exertion but he wouldn’t dream of stopping right now, not when you’re so close to coming all over his cock like he’s always dreamed about. He grips your thigh and slings one leg over his shoulder, using your leg as leverage to pull you into each of his savage thrusts. The new angle has your eyesight going white with ecstasy, you could feel him everywhere, your entire body felt like a live wire, strung high with electricity. 
The tension in your lower belly grew and grew, your limbs trembling almost uncontrollably now. When you felt the rough pads of his fingers brush against your sensitive clit, your hips began to squirm, trying to both rut into and run away his rough touch. Your nails dig into the tender flesh of Ransom’s broad shoulders, leaving little crescent moon gouges that he’ll admire in the morning.
“Come on, Princess, know you’re close, can fucking feel it, cum on my cock, honey, I know you want to,” his encouragement is laced with his own desperation, an unspoken plea. After all, Ransom Drysdale is too good to beg, but this is the closest he’ll get. 
“I’m coming, m’coming! Oh fuuuuck! Ransom!” You scream as his fingers and thrusts speed up, your nails dragging down the length of his back harshly, leaving angry red lines. 
“Ohhhhh shit!” He shouts with you as he tosses his head back, the pain of your scratching pushes him dangerously close to his end. Your walls close in around him, suffocating his cock in a vice grip that threatens to milk him completely dry. The rush of wetness coating you both offers you some relief to the tension in your lower belly, but his thrusts continue on, sending bolts of painful pleasure through your core. He feels you shake underneath him, your chest heaving as you gasp for air, the way your hips try their best to match his rhythm. The pleasure he feels is nearly excruciating, every fiber of his being feels like it’s on fire. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum!” He grits out through clenched teeth, the steady pace of his hips were now lost to his primal need to finish, his instincts taking over him completely. A strong arm slides between your sweaty back and the bed to hold you close, making sure you stay put. The promise of his cum brought a smile to your flushed face as you watch his face twist and contort. The soft feeling of your lips kissing along his jawline has Ransom’s eyes fluttering shut, you moan into his ear, overstimulation beginning to fry your nerves. 
“Fucking cum, Ransom, wanna feel you fill my pussy up, baby, come on, please, fill my pussy, fill my pussy, fill my pussy!” You beg, smirking when he begins to jack-rabbit, high pitched whimpers falling from his mouth as he lets go. 
“Ah! Ah! AH!!” He all but screams when he finally comes, his jaw dropping wide as rope after rope of his hot cum fills you, just like you wanted. The ringing in his ears dulls out the moans and praises your let out, his grip on you tightening until you could barely breathe. You both move in tandem to milk each other’s highs for all they’re worth, drawing them out as long as possible. Ransom trembles on top of you, a part of him unsure if he’ll ever stop coming. Thankfully, he does, his body finally getting to relax.
“Holy shit, Ran,” you sigh breathlessly, your own body turning to a quivering mess as he softens inside of you. He eases his entire weight down on top of you with his own sigh as he tries to catch his breath and organize his thoughts. You let him lay on top of you for a few moments, petting his back softly before pushing at his side. “Ran, get off, you’re heavy,” you pout softly. He whines but lifts himself up, keeping his soft cock inside of you as he looks down at you. You both stare at each other for a moment, the post-orgasmic bliss makes you both smirk and smile. Licking your slightly chapped lips, you let your hand creep up one of his shoulders. “So, did I thank you enough, Hugh?” The unamused glare he gives you makes you giggle, Ransom fights off the annoying feeling of butterflies in his stomach and a smile at the sound. 
“Princess, you’ll be thanking me for a long, long, long time…” he growls and ruts his growing length into you again. You gasp and hold his taunting gaze. You return his smirk, leaning up to give him a tongue filled kiss, and suddenly roll him over on his back. He groans deeply when his sensitive cock slips even deeper into your cunt, your hips already rocking back and forth. 
“Then I should get started, shouldn’t I?” You tone condescending and strong, it had Ransom’s toes curling. Your smirk grows wider as you watch him writhe underneath you, a new game has just begun.
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Comments and reblogs are deeply appreciated! 💖
Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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slut4buckysarm · 3 years
Just A Little Mistake.
Warnings: ANGST (cheating, crying), language.
ALL mistakes are my own.
Do NOT copy, repost, translate or rewrite my fics!!.
I hear the door open downstairs and a smile appears on my face.
"Chris. Ya'home"? No answer.
"Chris"! Still no answer.
I make my way to the living room and pick up Dodgers plush toy on my way.
"Chris. I'm talking to you".
"Hm?" Chris looks up from where he's seated at the table.
"Alright. Something's on your mind. Spill".
He shakes his head slightly and focuses back on the table cloth. "Nothing to talk about".
I narrow my eyes at him. Something's clearly wrong. "Okay, well I made pasta for dinner".
I look up from my plate and see Chris in the same position he was when I put his plate in front of him. Chair tucked out. Legs manspread. Arms crossed. Head low.
"Chris. Talk to me. You're seriously scaring me." I chuckle.
He doesn't even blink.
"What do you want Y/F/N," Chris mutters.
"For God's sake, say something!" I yell across the table.
"There's nothing to say".
He did something. I've always been able to tell when he makes a mistake.
"What did you do Chris?" my voice is now calm.
"I fucked up, Y/F/N" he speaks, finally looking up to face me.
"Ok. Ok. Nothing we can't come back from right?" I laugh.
"No, Y/F/N. You don't under- No".
I get up from my chair and make my way around the table. I seat myself next to him and place my hand on his thigh.
"Hey, look at me". I move my hand up to his face. "Look at me, baby. There's nothing we can't get past. Whatever it is, we can get through it. Like we always do." I smile up at him.
Chris takes his hand and uses it to pull mines off of his face. "No, I cant- I need you to stop".
"Stop what"?
Chris throws his hands into the air and gets up from his seat.
"Y/F/N, I just told you that I did something horrible and you still find a way to think we're going to get through it!!" he yells, loosening his tie.
"Chris why are you yelling at me?! Just tell me what you did"!
"I can't tell-"
"Then I can't help you" I interrupt.
"I slept with Fiona dammit!!" Chris yells, tears filling his eyes.
I slowly stand up from my seat and walk up to him. "That's funny." I chuckle, placing my hands on his chest.
He tilts his head and puts his hands on my face.
"Chris, come on. It's only funny the first-" And then it hit me. He actually slept with Fiona.
I try to back away but his grip on my face keeps me close to him.
"Let go of me," I mumble, moving out of his grasp.
"Baby, listen to me".
"Let go of me!!" I yell, moving back to the other side of the room.
Tears well up in my eyes and at that moment it feels like my worlds falling apart. It feels like the ground beneath my feet vanished. It feels like I'm alone.
"Y/F/N baby, listen to me, please."
"You slept with Fiona?!! We've been together for 3 years and you folded in a single day?!" I scream.
"I was with the guys and drunk! It didn't mean anything I swear".
"Really? Shit, I'll take your word for it, Chris. Thanks for your honesty. There's no possible way that I could think that you're lying!" my tone reeks of sarcasm.
"Listen, it was one time. One time. It's never going to happen again. I don't know what I was thinking. I'm so sorry, baby"!
"Chris stop," I speak, tears streaming down my face. "I'm exhausted. I have nothing to say to you. I'm going to bed".
I make my way to the bedroom and Chris follows behind me. As soon as I reach the bedroom door, he hurries in front of me and opens the door for me.
"There you go, sweetheart".
I turn to him and can't help but smile.
"You're fucking pathetic, Chris." I laugh.
"You're truly fucking pathetic" I mutter before slamming the door in his face.
please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed.
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Slow Hands
Pairings | Ransom Drysdale x f!reader
Warnings | MINORS DNI, finger licking/sucking, chocking, major hand kink, Ransom being a cocky bastard, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking mean Ransom
Word count | 526
Summary | you can't get enough of Ransom's hands
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My god, how you even got here - well, you knew exactly how you got here.
It all started when your damn cocky boyfriend (if you could even call him that) caught onto your raging hand kink.
Oh, the fun he had with it.
On this particular day, Ransom had taken the Liberty to treat himself with some cookies, the crumbs breaking off and sticking to his wet fingers as he popped them into his mouth - nearly devouring the whole packet.
How he ate so much and maintained the physique he had, you hadn't a clue.
Once he'd caught you staring, the bastard as smirked - all smug and stuck up - before lowering the packet and simultaneously lifting his fingers to his lips. He licked them clean one-by-one, painstakingly slow until your eyes nearly bugged out of your head and your panties were throughly soaked.
"Take a picture, sweet cheeks. It'll last longer." Fuck him. Fuck him and his big, veiny hands. Fuck him and his cocky smirk.
You could feel the heat in your cheeks at his cheesy line.
"C'mere, sweetheart." Ransom cooed, placing the biscuits down. You shyly made your way over to him, head bowed. "Good girl." He purred as you knelt before him, eyes in your lap and you fiddled with your hands.
A sudden gasp - needy and breathless - was stolen from you as his hand circled around your throat, cutting off your air supply.
"Haven't I told you that staring is rude, bunny?" Ransom tutted, loosening his grip so you could choke out and answer.
"Yes, but-"
"No buts, baby. You know the rules. If you want something, fucking ask for it." Ransom chided, tone so condescending and mean.
"I'm sorry." You hiccuped, a stray tear sliding down your cheek. Ransom smiled, tilting your face up to him with his fingers as he traced your lips.
"Open." You obeyed and watched as he gathered the saliva at his lips before spitting into your mouth. He let you keep it on your tongue, waiting a few moments before telling you to swallow.
And now, over half and hour later, his hand was still wrapped around your throat. Veins prominent as he seated his cock deep in your mouth, his hand stayed secure.
You were on your back, head hanging over the edge of the bed as he fucked into your throat slowly, roughly, feeling himself slide in and out with every thrust under his own hand.
"Fuck, bunny, so tight. So good." You hummed at the praise, pleasure thrumming straight through Ransom as he stuttered to a stop.
You swallowed all he gave you as he stilled, tick ropes of sticky come coating your throat as he came.
You heaved for breath, slowly sitting up. Your fingers ghosted over your throat - where you knew the bruises would for tomorrow.
"Hurry up, sweetheart. I want you in front of the mirror next."
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Other Chris Evans Characters One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons |@buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @zaphdekota @bval-1 @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @tenaciousperfectionunknown @Chamorritaluv @prettysbliss @white-wolf1940 @henrythickcavill @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @amelia-song-pond @ckorinne @multihoee @patzammit @supraveng @simpformarvelmen @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @pizza-portal @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @itstaylorcale @stardust-galaxies
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jbreenr · 2 years
Time Of The Year
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale × Reader
Summary: It's not easy, trying to convince Ransom to go to his family reunion.
Word count: 995
Warning: Allusion to sex if you pay much attention.
A/N: I decided I'll be posting some drabbles (mhm) throughout the week till Saturday. Hope you like 'em at least a little. Happy holidays, everyone! As always, lack of vocabulary and grammatical mistakes abound. *apologizes in español*.
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ᴺᵒᵗ ᵐʸ ᵍⁱᶠ ¯ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜʳᵉᵃᵗᵒʳ
As soon as you opened the door of the shower, you wrapped yourself up in a towel. The mirror was blurry with fog, and it danced all over the place, a cloud following you out of the bathroom when you walked out.
The first thing you saw was Ransom, comfortably sitting on the bed, no shirt on with his back against the headboard and his hand on the remote, zapping between channels to find something to watch.
You paid no mind since you took more time than him getting ready, so you opened the closet to choose the dress you'd be wearing.
An hour later, now with your hair dry and combed, you sat in front of the mirror to do your makeup. You didn't hear Ransom leaving the room a couple of minutes ago, so when you realized you were alone, you imagined he'd be about to shower.
Oh, how wrong you were.
When the smell of freshly made ramen filled your nostrils was when you turned back, only to see him plopping back on the bed.
“You know there's gonna be food at Harlan's, right?”
Ransom's eyes dragged from the TV to you. “Oh, we're not going.” He said, twisting the fork in the pasta and taking it to his mouth.
“What?” You snapped out of the chair.
His eyes were back on the screen, making it clear that he was not at all interested in that conversation.
“We're not going.” He repeated.
“You could have told me your decision before I showered.”
His gaze was on you again, eyeing you up and down with a sort-of-mocking expression.
“And miss the opportunity of watching you try on everything in your wardrobe? Never.”
You couldn't believe him. So carefree and determined not to attend the reunion you had been invited to.
“Why don't you want to go this time?” In your head, there were at least ten possible answers. From him being infected with chickenpox, to the possibility of a catastrophic snowfall, each more ridiculous than the other.
He left the plate aside and leaned forward. “You know how they are.” His hand pointed to the door, as if his family was standing there. “They'll start with their unbearable shit the second we get out of the car.”
In that he was right. Even though you got along with his cousin Meg and had a semi-cordial relationship with his mom, the rest of the Thrombeys were not as nice as advertisements make big families look like.
Still, you weren't going to be impolite. Not because of one of Ransom's whims. So you turned back to the mirror to give the last touches to your look.
“Well, Harlan said he wanted to see you there.” You said, deciding which pair of earrings matched the dress you were wearing best. “He called twice this week to confirm that you were going.”
At his lack of answer, you walked to the edge of the bed, blocking the TV.
“We both know he doesn't want me there.” His head tilted, trying to get a better view of the infomercial he seemed to be very interested in. “It is you he wants to see and talk to.”
Your arms were in jars, hands on your hips and a disbelieving look on your face.
Yes, Harlan and you had a great time conversing, and yes, you were looking forward to discussing his latest book and the ideas he had for the next one, but it always happened way after he locked himself with Ransom in the studio to have a chat with him.
You knew Ransom's grandfather loved him and wanted to see him. But you weren't going into an endless monologue to get him to understand that.
So you simply requested, “Then, do it for me.” Your arms fell to the sides in a defeated manner. “We can go, we have dinner, meanwhile I talk to your grandpa and then we leave.” It seemed like a good deal to you, but Ransom needed a bit more persuasion. “Pleaaase?” You pouted, in hopes of your boyfriend to give in.
He looked at you, an analytical glimpse in his face. After a minute, he exaggeratedly huffed, stood up and walked to you.
“It's gonna be uncomfortable and I'll end up in an argument with anyone about anything again. I'd rather save you from the drama.”
His hands were fast to reach your waist, his forehead against yours and his nose brushing yours in a way he knew always made you break a smile.
“Hey, the holidays are the time of the year where people spend time with the families they can't stand.” You caressed his cheeks, warm palms keeping him in place so he saw you in the eye. “It's about fighting and laughing and getting drunk to have something to be embarrassed about in future reunions.”
You stood like that, looking at each other in a staring contest for a while.
Finally, Ransom's features softened and he sighed. “Fine.” He said, eyes rolling back with fake annoyance. “But I can't promise I'll be a ray of sunshine all night.”
“Didn't expect less.” You laughed at the offended way he parted his lips. “Plus, if they start with their unbearable shit…”
“Which they will.” He interrupted.
“Which they will.” You confirmed. “We can always cover Joni's car with snow. It's a shame she always leaves the sunroof open.”
As his hands roamed playfully through the zipper of your dress, your fingers brushed the hairs near his neck.
He thought for a second before saying, “Only if we do that to Walt's car too.”
“Deal.” Giggling, you gave him a peck before spanking his ass to hurry him. “Now, go get ready or we'll be late.”
And right before you turned to the door, he locked his arms in your thighs, lifting you up, making you laugh again, and tossing you to the bed.
Yes, you were going to be late.
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Little Miss Diva - Mini Short
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Character: husband!Ransom Drysdale x wife!reader x daughter!OC
100- words drabble
Summary : When Ransom and his daughter went shopping, Naomi turn into a little miss diva.
Check out the Masterlist-Ransom Drysdale AU if you want to know more Drysdale family!
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•Your daughter Naomi inherit her fashion sense from Ransom. That’s why it’s quite a handful when you bring her shopping. 
She will turn into a bit of miss diva. 
“What about this one?”
Naomi, who sits on her stroller, would roll his eyes and sigh, “Ughh, no mommy.”
“This one?”
If she liked the outfits, she would say, “It’s gorgeous, darling.”
Yeah, she sounds like Edna from The Incredibles.
•When Naomi saw sunglasses or a scarf, “That one, mommy, daddy will be handsome with that one.”
•When she presented the things you bought at Ransom, he would give you a little fashion show. 
•When Naomi went shopping with Ransom, since both of them have the same taste, he picked up a pair of shoes and asked her, “Should we get this for mommy?”
Both of them would go home with many shopping bags. 
•There’s a father-daughter moment that you like to see is when Ransom put on Naomi’s shoes to her tiny feet. 
Naomi will admire her shoes first; then, she hugs her father and says, “Thank you, daddy.”
Ransom ran his fingers through her hazelnut hair the kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome, my princess.”
•And just like her dad, she likes to show off what she bought. 
Like out of the blue when you were in the study, she suddenly turned off the light.
“Eh, why is it suddenly dark?”
*stomps foot*
Suddenly you could see LED lights with pink color appear, but they look so small.
Then a little voice could be heard inside the room, “Mommy, look, I got new shoes.”
“Oh wow, that is so cool.”
Ransom turned on the light again and walked towards you while you asked Naomi, “You bought it with daddy?”
Naomi keeps walking like she’s on the runway to show off her new shoes. “Yes!!”
Ransom whispered at your ear, “I would rather buy that than another princess dress.”
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egcdeath · 3 years
Ransom Drysdale + 9. "I fed your pets while you were away." ☺
cat naps
pairing: ransom drysdale x reader
summary: you're surprised to find ransom in your apartment after a few long days at work.
word count: 354
warnings: ridiculous cat name, fluff, ransom is smug and cute
author's note: i am such a fool for soft ransom. i hope you like this 💕
You sighed out a sound of relief as you entered your apartment, grateful to be back home after such an unexpectedly rigorous 48 hours. You sloppily kicked off your heels and began to unzip your dress when you heard a few loud footsteps coming from the depths of your home. You didn't even have the energy to fight against this home intruder, and part of you thought that if you died, you'd be grateful for the extra sleep.
Instead of some deranged axe murderer coming out to get you, you were surprised to be greeted by your boyfriend of just a few months with bedhead and a sly little smirk.
"Christ, Ran. What are you doing here?" you gasped.
"Relax, you look like you've just seen a ghost," he said teasingly as he approached you, closing the door you'd left open behind you before wrapping you in an embrace. "I was going to surprise you with a date two nights ago, but I heard through the grapevine that you had an impromptu out of town meeting."
You laid your chin on his chest and looked up lethargically, "mm, doesn't explain why you were waiting in my apartment for me when I got back like a creep. And were you napping in my bed?"
"Babe, there was no way that I was gonna let my little Furrminator starve while you were gone."
"That's not his name," you mumbled.
"Then why does he respond to it?"
"Leave my cat alone," you pouted. "I don't have the energy for this argument right now."
"Hey, don't bite the hand that fed your pet while you were away," Ransom teased.
"Whatever," you huffed. "Carry me to bed and I'll never give you shit about 'Furrminator' again."
"Deal," Ransom quickly agreed, hoisting you up like you were nothing and taking you straight to your bedroom. As you were laid onto your side of the bed, you stretched contently and took a glance at the opposite side of your mattress.
Somehow, you weren't surprised to see your little ball of fur curled up next to the Ransom-sized indent in your bed.
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