#neptune drabbles
chosobaby · 2 years
he doesn’t hate his birthday, nor does he love it. it’s just another day; sakusa kiyoomi never really felt the need to look forward to it. but you do — you always do, because his existence, according to you, is something worth celebrating.
so he pretends to stay asleep when he feels you move out of his arms fifteen minutes before midnight. he pretends not to hear you shuffle to the kitchen. he pretends not to hear you whisper a quiet shit! as you drop what he correctly assumes is a fork with a ‘msby #15’ engraved on it.
he pretends not to hear the bedroom door creak open, and he pretends not to hear you shift next to his side of the bed while you wait for midnight. he pretends to have just woken up when you tap his shoulder and cup his cheek —
and kiyoomi pretends the smile on his face isn’t that big when he sees you grinning down at him, a plate with a singular slice of cake with one yellow candle in your hand, as you softly say happy birthday, my love.
sakusa kiyoomi says he doesn’t look forward to his birthday, but he actually does, because it’s the saccharine smile on your face that you show only to him every year on the twentieth of march that makes his existence worth celebrating.
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simp41ida · 2 years
May i request an iida comfort fic? (tw sa) an ex bf saed me before and it just comes back in my brain again. if you could include the words "its not your fault" and just comfort in general, id like that a lot but its alright if you choose not to write this, if its too triggering. thank you and have a good rest of the day/night
warnings: mentions of sexual assault, pet name; love is included.
notes: this is such an awful experience and since i’ve been through it as well, i’m gonna write this now. characters will be pro heroes because i said so. i feel like it’s written kinda bad but i do what i can.
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iida would be so upset if anything ever happened to you. it’s like he’d think it’s his fault and be so so sad for many days about it.
the thing is, iida knows that being sad about something won’t fix the fact that you’re upset as well. he makes sure that you’re always close together
his favorite thing to do to comfort you is hug you with his big hunky arms. they’re so warm and comfortable that it’s hard to refuse a hug from him. and he whispers comforting things into your ear while he does it.
“you know it’s not your fault”
“i’m so glad that you’re comfortable enough to be around me”
and if any situation ever makes you feel uncomfortable (like seeing the person again somewhere), iida will know. he’ll make up an excuse on the spot and get you out of there.
“you have nothing to feel bad about, love.”
“i’m not mad at you.”
he loves you no matter what happened in the past. the past to iida is as good as ancient history is to a hero. (there hasn’t been quirks long enough for it to be useful)
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happyk44 · 11 months
[A little brother-sister Fluff and anxiety, because I'm a weakling].
She didn't know why she was doing it and didn't understand.
In fact, she didn't want an understanding of her behavior.
she didn't understand why on rare cold nights she wrapped Percy with a specially stolen warm blanket for him.
And she sat for a long time before going to bed and looked at his peaceful but lively face, unlike hers.
She didn't know why she was looking for more money or giving her own when Percy didn't have enough for exactly the burger he wanted, although she needed to remove the hunger.
"good sister" said faceless sympathizers.
She didn't care.
She didn't know why when Percy's hair grew, she stole combs and hairpins and braided his braid.
a normal person could say that Percy turned out to be very cute with a thin braid falling on his shoulder and hairpins in the form of starfish — she could say that he looked like an abandoned porcelain doll.
She didn't know why when Percy had another incoherent, but terrible nightmare, instead of the usual brief look and return to sleep, she hugged him to her — people called it hugs.
she pressed him into herself and put his head on her chest, and his torso was between her legs.
Percy stared at her with wide-open eyes, salt flowed down his cheek and he sniffed and buried his face in her neck, his body pressed tightly against her.
the pose their sleep was strange — she was half-sitting, half-lying, Percy curled up half-foetus on her, laying his head on her chest and drooling.
That night Percy still shuddered and moaned fearfully in his sleep, for some reason she ran her fingers through his hair and cheeks.
He calmed down and even smiled a little in his sleep.
his skin and hair were soft and slightly damp, for some reason she wanted to touch them.
"Caring", her mother had told her, "when you love someone or at least feel sympathy for him, you do small or big and pleasant things for him".
She frowned trying to understand this concept.
"Is it like you told Aunt Monica that I would be silent and not talk to her sons because I want it?".
"yes honey".
"I only want to take care of you".
"Her mother smiled at her."I will ask your father that when I am gone, you have another person you would like to take care of."
Her mother knelt down and hugged her.
Caring is a strange and incomprehensible thing for her, but what she does for Percy is exactly what it looks like.
Percy — her little brother and he belongs to her.
most likely their meetings were not accidental and Neptune, remembering her mother's prayers, gave it to her.
she has already softened him and made him pliable in her hands — he is no longer squeamish about himself.
But she will need to let him go, let him go to Jupiter's camp because she knows that something more than her is waiting for him.
It's good that she knows how to do what she doesn't want...
This is soooooooo cute!!
I mean yeah! Just because someone has SzPD or vibes close enough to it but doesn't quite hit the criteria doesn't mean they're without affection or positive emotions. Honestly you're giving me so much inspo 😂
I'm gonna go w/ Coral as a name for my version of this character (obvi ours aren't like one-to-one same, but you can use Coral too if you'd like, I just picked it at random yesterday when I finished writing that other fic and realized I should probably give her a name lmao)
Despite what others said, she wasn't a psychopath. It was an insult she heard more than most people probably did until the night she grabbed her things and left the group. The kids in school, a couple of older cousins, an aunt. Even a couple of the Wolf House kids had muttered it in her direction. Others probably said it too. Behind her back when she wasn't aware.
The first time someone called her that she asked her mother what it meant. She was seven. Her cousin had hurt himself. She didn't know how, but there he was crying in the hallway as she left the bathroom with damp hands. There were no obvious signs of injury. He wasn't bleeding, no bones were broken. All that was wrong was his tears and his clinging grip to his leg.
So she carried on to the kitchen because she was hungry and wanted something to eat.
Eventually her aunt went looking for her son, and found the blubbering mess he was. Coral didn't know what was said. But whatever was, it had her aunt come barreling into the kitchen, spitting vitriol and expletives while Coral held a glass of water and cookie in either hand.
It was a confusing event. He wasn't dying. Why did she need to make him feel better? Why did she need to go get an adult from where they were all congregated outside? She didn't want to talk to anyone.
As she always had, her mother came roaring to her defense in seconds. There had been a contested yelling match - screams from her aunt, moderated but loud tone from her mother. They went home shortly after. Her mother's first thing when they arrived home was to pull out the dictionary. Aloud she had read out the definition of psychopath. Then, as always, gave a couple general examples that had Coral confused over why her aunt would call her that.
Flipping back the pages, she said, You are not a psychopath, guppy. You just don't have empathy. She read aloud the definition of empathy. Once finished, she pressed both hands against the table on either side of the book. Not everyone can easily put themselves in other people's shoes. I have trouble with it. Your father can't do it at all. People like us have to focus on sympathy and compassion.
Both words were explained to her. Compassion was the one that had stumped her. She knew her cousin was upset. He was crying. Crying usually meant someone was sad or hurt. She understood that, was sympathetic to it. But she was hungry and he wasn't bleeding, so his tears didn't matter. Why did she have to stop and give him a hug over something that didn't matter?
I wasn't feeling well last week, her mother had said. But I wasn't dying. I wasn't bleeding. I wasn't throwing up. You still made me soup.
Coral considered that. How she'd stood on a footstool in front of the stove, opening a can of soup into a pot. Then carrying the pot at a snail's pace to where her mother was resting. She'd laughed at the time, before thanking Coral and telling her not to use the stove without permission.
But she had been stuffed up with a small cold. And Coral knew that people were supposed to eat chicken noodle soup when they weren't feeling well. It was what her mother did for her. It was on the TV in shows and commercials.
I care about you, she said. Should I pretend other people are you so I can care about them?
Her mother had laughed. No, guppy. I don't think that would work for you. You've never been good at that kind of visualization. But you know how it works, yes? When a child cries, their family hugs them and reassures them that they are safe. When a person is injured, you call an ambulance and try to help until it arrives. When someone is cold, you offer warmth.
Scripts, Coral said. She understood social scripts, even if she didn't get them. Niceties. Saying hello to people as you pass them by, holding the door open when someone is following you out, sharing the toys at school or on the playground.
Listening to your little brother as he tells you about the things he went through in the weeks after your farewell.
When he'd first flagged her down, there was an obvious change in him. However, it was hidden behind a fragile mask. It had been months since they last spoke. He followed her to the closest park. Settling down on the grass felt reminiscent of their last day together months ago. Bag of food between them, sun shining above, and a sense of things to come.
He'd laughed as he told her, Oh, I'm the son of Poseidon actually.
While she had never thought about it before, it wasn't a surprise. The world was a big place. Why would the Roman pantheon be the only ones out there?
As Percy explained things, she pieced together a separate understanding.
She had wanted him to embrace the storm he so clearly kept at bay. There was nothing to fear from a hurricane. A typhoon. A tsunami. He just needed to let go of that worry. But there were signs that he couldn't. That emotion was an important part of the storm. Something she couldn't comprehend.
Now it clicked. The old adages - the sea is loving, the sea is hateful, the sea is angry, the sea is calm. For him, the ocean was an emotional entity. Where Neptune was apathetic, Poseidon was passionate. That passion carried down to Percy, as apathy carried down to her, and left him needing emotion to generate the storm.
It made sense.
The Greeks prioritized Poseidon more than the Romans did. Fisherman, casual sailors, navies, those who lived too close to the coast - they'd see the sea differently than the Romans, who really only encountered the sea for conquest purposes.
In Rome the ocean didn't care about you, because they didn't care much about it. But in Greece prayers to Poseidon were likely made often - clear seas, plentiful fish, no sea monsters. Storms and destruction meant he was angry. Gentle tides and full nets meant he was happy. There was meaning to the way his waves crashed against the rocks.
Just as there was meaning to the way Percy pulled at the skin on his wrist. As he spoke, turning tide to what had happened after she left, his gaze cut far away from her. Haggard down and tired, his voice pulled out of him with a low rasp. Every word was clipped of detail. Trimmed down to the barest bones.
It wasn't for her benefit. He was sticking to the shallows for his own. Traumas slept in the depths. He wanted to stay surfaced with only the lap of it against their feet.
Silence poked its head up between them after he finished with bitten off words about his suicide attempt and how he was staying elsewhere, hiding from gods. Ah, she thought. That's why he had come to her.
His question cut the background noise. "How do you do it?" She cocked her head. "Just. Not feel." He pressed his hand to his chest. "I'm so tired of feeling everything all the time."
She opened her mouth to answer. Then paused. Her breath held frozen in her throat. Slowly she let it out and shook her head. "I don't feel. I've always been empty." She tilted her head, caught his sea-green eyes. "I thought you knew that."
He chewed on his lower lip before answering. "Yeah." He turned away to face the the rest of the park, staring with a vague and distant look. "I just. I thought..."
As his voice faded away, his gaze dipped down to his hands. One was tightly gripped to his drink. The other lied flat on his thighs. He twitched it. Trying to remember he was real.
She turned away. The grass was swaying gently in the low breeze. There were little kids running around. One tripped over their stubby legs and fell. Their friends shrieked and ran over to check on them. Internally she knew she should feel something for that kid, feel something over the events. But only empty indifference pumped through her heart.
"Not feelings things isn't all its cracked up to be," she said. "I know when one brand tastes better than another, but there's no joy to create a preference." She gestured loosely. "Even swimming - I never got excited at the idea of it. My mother knew I enjoyed going out into the ocean. But I felt nothing about it. I still don't."
Quiet curiousity passed through Percy's eyes. "You don't feel settled?"
"I don't feel anything." She turned back to the front. The kids were now chasing each other again. The child who fell was laughing, the sound of their voice carrying faintly over. "If anything is there, it's shipwrecked and buried deep."
She picked up a few french fries from the bag between them. After eating, she licked the salt from her fingers. "Not feeling won't stop you from getting hurt," she added. "But it will stop you from keeping your Annabeth." He lit up briefly at the sound of her name. "People don't like being friends with robots."
He snorted. "I know a guy who'd disagree with you on that." He pulled his drink out and peeled the leftover paper from the top of the straw. "Besides, haven't you seen any movies? Lots of people have robot friends."
"Those robots are human," she said. "They're just made of mechanics." She considered another french fry. "The ones that aren't human want to be. They don't feel but they learn what it is to feel. To dream. To care. They are not empty or devoid. That's why those characters have robot friends. And it's why I don't have any."
The paper rolled between his fingertips. "And that doesn't bother you?"
She held her hand out for the paper. It rolled off his thumb and onto her palm. "No." She stared at the little white ball. "It doesn't."
There were a few trial friendships through her life. But either the classification of "friend" didn't suit them to how she knew friends were supposed to be or they were bothersome and she told them outright, flatly, to leave her alone because they were annoying.
Her openness tended to get her sent to the principal's office. Or the counselor. Who, often, wound up sending her to the principal's office.
When the wolves took her away, she was pleased it wasn't a group of people trying to drag her along. Animals were always pleasant to be around. She liked their elderly cat, a black and white girl, who spent most of her time napping wherever she fell over. If she crawled into Coral's lap for a nap, Coral was never bothered by it. The same went for the wolves when they nipped and nudged her into warm wolf piles.
Wolves were pack animals though. With that understanding, the Wolf House was unwanted. Would she have no choice but to befriend someone? To make the bonds that slipped off her like soap before? Was she willing to try? Would it work out for her this time? Or would she just be gritting her teeth and trying to get through the training before making her escape?
There were social aspects at the Wolf House. Teamwork was emphasized. Coral was decent at teamwork. She didn't quite understand what the point of it was - protect the pack and all that. She'd asked Lupa once. The wolf goddess' answer didn't make sense, and she rebuffed her when Coral told her so.
It's been so long, I forgot, she'd said so loud in Coral's head. Children of the sea do not understand the purpose of the pack. Run along, pup.
I'm a guppy, Coral said aloud. I would be called a fry, not a pup.
Lupa growled. The warning was obvious, though Coral didn't know why it was being given. The growl faded out slow. All the while Coral stared deep into black eyes, unbothered and unafraid. In the back of her mind, she had the sense that she was supposed to be. That Lupa was a creature to fear. The other kids trembled when she stalked by. The wolves bowed their heads to her.
Coral never did. She found no reason to.
The final social aspect of the Wolf House was the journey to Camp Jupiter. It was awful.
From hour one of their venture, she'd become exhausted by the people she was with. The only exception was the Mors' girl. She was chattier than expected out of a child of death itself, but she was not intrusive. Where the others moaned about every little problem that came their way, she was more anecdotal. The few times she vented Coral didn't find herself winded by any of the words.
"Friendship isn't something I've ever needed," she said. "But you like your Annabeth. You need feelings to like her. And to like the other people I'm sure you have who are important to you.."
"Yeah," Percy said. His straw bounced against his lower lip. "Grover." A gentle smile tugged at the edge of his lips. "And my mom. She's great."
Coral nodded. "My mother's good too. I think she's the only person who loves me. And I didn't mind being around her before I left home." She glanced over at a dog jogging alongside their owner, then cut her eyes to Percy. "But I don't miss her."
He went stiff, eyes widening just a smidge. His grip on his drink tightened.
She leaned back on her hands. "I don't even know if I love her. I don't know what love is." She shrugged. "It's an intensity I don't have the capacity to experience."
Rumination slipped across his face. He sipped from his drink. She turned away The kids were now chasing each other again. The child who fell was laughing, the sound of their voice carrying faintly over.
When his sips turned into trying to drink the leftover ice through his straw, he said, "I can't imagine not loving my mom." There was a quiet grain in his voice. Not quite pity. An internal stress at the thought. A fearful possiblity. He popped the lid off his drink and shook the ice inside. "Or not being sure that I did."
She reached over and pressed the side of his cup with the tip of her forefinger. The sensation of rapid melting tickled against her palm. Once all that was left in his cup was cold water mixing with the soda he picked, she pulled away.
"No," she said. "It doesn't."
The phrase itself was spoken infrequently in their house, and only by her mother. She wasn't required to echo it back. Once, and only once, she asked what love was - what defined it, how people knew they felt it. The dictionary definition was vague at best. Intense feeling of deep affection for people. The definition for love of a thing made more sense to her - great interest and enjoyment. But even there she was stumped.
Coral, herself, was hollowed out and empty most of the time. When she wasn't, it was only the barest sense of emotion. Annoyance or confusion featured the most. It was vague haziness. Like a question mark of an emotion, versus a concrete feeling.
The emptiness made people difficult. Their problems, their needs. It all crafted a straightjacket she wanted to avoid. Lonely kids would try to befriend her at school only to realize she was not equipped to or interested in dealing with their sadness. She could play games with them. She could visit their house. She could sleep beside them in a sleeping bag.
But once they attached themselves to her side at all times, once they piled on or prodded at her empty center, the simplicity of what once was would immediately fall apart. Annoyance was usually what she felt. A vague creeping sense of wrongness.
The lack of space, physical or otherwise, was a cage. She wasn't an animal. Their endless emotional needs were burials, every word a shovelful of dirt trying to crush and suffocate her. Sticking their hands through her hollowed core and demanding something that wasn't there was just purely bothersome.
However, with her mother, with the girl before, with Percy? It was easier. Her mother gave her space at an early age. The Mors' girl never asked her to carry her problems like others did. Percy believed her when she said she felt nothing emotionally. They didn't require her to adapt herself to fix the world's silly molds.
With that in mind, she took a slow breath and reached over to pull Percy into her side. He stiffened up in surprise, but went easy.
"Shush," she said. "It's called compassion." His laugh cut short with a quiet cry that he stifled. She stroked his hair. It had grown out some, still short, but shaggier now. "I'm not good at emotion. But I know they're important to have." She let him go and stood up. Gathering up their things, she held her hand out. "Come on."
There were worse things than a motel room. Despite popular theory, she found a good number of them to be clean and comfortable. Maybe the decor was strange, the carpet dull with time, but they were livable. That's what mattered.
Her current motel had a bathtub that she bullied Percy into. Turning on the tap, she sat on the dry side. The only sound between them was the sloshing of the water. Once it filled to just below the edge of the tub, she turned the tap off.
"I don't feel," she said. "But sometimes when I was younger, I would know that I was a certain way, even if the feeling wasn't there." She tapped the water. It rippled out across Percy's clothed torso. "Sitting in the tub would make those thoughts fade away."
Percy splashed the water over his exposed knees. "You think it'll make my feelings fade."
"No." She crossed her arms over the edge of the tub. "Those feelings are a wound that needs to heal. The tub isn't a therapist." She drew up a little spout of water that splashed against his cheek. "But it'll help."
He splashed the water over his knee again. Then again. Then again. Then turned his face just enough to catch her eyes. "Why are you trying to help me?"
"My mother told me that sympathy and compassion were important to focus on when you're not born with empathy," she said. She rested her chin on her wrists. "And I care about you." His brows furrowed. Her cheek squished into the back of her hand. "I don't need to feel things to know who's important, Percy."
She pulled back, planted her palms against the edge of the tub, and pushed up enough to lean over and kiss the top of his head. She counted to five in her head, then pulled back and relaxed back into the soft gray bathmat.
"I'm still a person," she added. "Even numb limbs feel something. The wires just get crossed so nothing processes. Or they don't know what it is, and that vagueness gets written off as absence. But even if people think I am, I'm not a robot."
He tilted his face away. Then leaned against the back of the tub. "Sometimes I don't know what I'm feeling. It's just a fog. But I know it's a lot." He closed his eyes. "And it's hurts." A ragged exhale shattered from his lungs. His hands drew up to the side of his head, gripping at his hair. "I just wanna stop. Feeling. Anything."
The water beneath him stirred. It cycled in a slow circle around him, before increasing in speed. The mini bathwater waves slashed against the rim of the tub.
"You can't," she said. "Even our father feels." She reached over and began detaching his hands from his head one finger at a time. "Your version is too emotional. Mine isn't. But he still feels, as small as it might be." Lowering both his hands into the water, she held onto them. He shook in her grip. "It's why he has his wife. It's why I'm here. Why the others before me were born. Even the uncaring sea knows that emotion is necessary to live."
Grief and distress covered his wet face. The water slowed down but thrashed around him, as though a writhing creature.
Or a drowning man.
She squeezed his hands. "You're lucky. Feeling the hurt means you know what the cause is. You can work it out, Percy. Not feeling anything means it takes you two months to realize the strangeness in your head every time you answer the phone is actually annoyance, or discomfort, because your classmate won't leave you alone."
His laugh was watery. His chest heaved in thick weary breaths. The water drew cold and colder, as though it was gearing up for a winter freeze.
Releasing one of his hands under the water, she cupped his cheek. "I can't be upset that I don't feel, because I can't feel enough to be upset. But I know it's something worthwhile because if it wasn't, the lack of it in myself wouldn't be so noticeable."
Their foreheads bumped together. Her eyes drew down to their entwined hands. She stroked his cheek until his breathing relaxed. His breath was warm against her skin. Sunlight slipped through her mind. Reflective waves. Boiling geysers.
"I'm dying." The words cut out of him in a whisper, a rasped confession. Even under the growing heat, he shivered. "It's like I'm trapped in a hurricane. No matter how hard I fight, I can't get out it." His voice went hoarse. "It wants to kill me."
"It's not going to kill you. Stop fighting it," she said. "Embrace the storm, remember?" She squeezed his hand again. "It's the only way you can get back to the calm."
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geoxstxrs · 5 months
I have a new oc idea and spoiler alert: Her and Euphrasia are yuri
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queenharumiura · 9 months
((Just saw art of Hibari, Fon, and Alaude and Haru chimed in like: you already muse the other two, might as well pick up the last one?
My prompt answer back? "Eh... my bias for dark hair compels me to say... no."
The real answer is: lazy))
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uhzuku · 1 year
pls pls pls thoma
you’ve been staring at the same paragraph on your book for the past twenty minutes, unable to focus on the words before you as the sounds of your husband humming in the kitchen and the smell of food cooking fills your nose. your eyes close slowly, a smile upturning the corners of your mouth, and your shoulders lose the tension that had come with work from earlier; life was always so easy with him, so warm and comforting ( and his cooking didn’t hurt either ). you’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about it daily, about how lucky you were that he loved you and how perfect your life was after getting with him; he told you the same thing all the time, proclaimed his love for you daily, kissed you all over, and you loved it.
the sound of movement from the doorframe makes you open your eyes, and your gaze stops on where your husband leans against the doorframe with a kitchen towel in hand wiping at his palms. “dinner’s ready, dear!” he calls brightly, and you can’t help but smile again, this time at him rather than just the thought of him.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Wait why is the number so big
91 with hp/naruto crossover please go wild~
#91- “That’s in the past.”
"Is it?" Shisui asked, voice echoing around the empty hall and lingering in the arches so high overhead that the light of the wall lamps could not reach them. "See, I don't think it is. You know why?"
He didn't wait for an answer.
Zabuza couldn't give him one, anyway.
"Because you've been sat across from me for one whole week...and you've never even pretended to make eye contact. You're avoiding me."
Fuck. Fuck, he'd noticed, and then that thought made Zabuza want to laugh aloud because of fucking course he had, this was the Uncatchable Uchiha and he noticed every little thing.
And yeah, maybe things really had changed, because once upon a time Zabuza would've snarked something about Shisui being obsessive, Shisui would've cracked a grin and taken the challenge, and they'd have ended up crammed in some kind of cupboard, necking like the horny teens they weren't anymore.
Now, though-
"I'm not here to play games, Uchiha. We catch the bastard, we part ways, done. Don't make this any more complicated than it needs to be."
Zabuza didn't think it would get Shisui to shut up but it still felt good to curse at him. Right on both accounts, in the end.
Shisui didn't make a sound as he moved closer, both of them too well trained for that, but there was the faint whisper of displaced air from behind Zabuza's shoulder. When he spoke, he couldn't have been more than a few feet away.
"Who says I'm playing games?"
That was bullshit if ever Zabuza had heard it and then he couldn't not turn around.
Shisui was pale under the lanterns, the lights always dimmed this late and this far down in the Ministry. It had a ghoulish effect on him, throwing his features into sharp relief, shadows cast by long lashes and tired eyebags and the dissatisfied press of his mouth. He was monochrome, black eyes and curls, hands shoved into the pockets of his Interrogator's coat, which was buttoned up to his jugular.
This was a different man from the boy who'd laughed freely, wild curls caught in the sea spray and skin freckled under the unending Uzushio sunshine. The thought, as it had been every time Zabuza caught sight of his temporary mission partner, was a resigned, if bitter one.
Zabuza had meant what he said, that it was in the past now. But, fuck, if he also wished it would stay there too.
"Your jokes have only gotten shitter."
Everything is a game to you.
And this was the really annoying thing. Because Shisui, when they were stupid kids who had the same stupid beach side holiday every year, had always been so alert and sensitive and knowing, big black eyes watching everything like he didn't want to miss a thing. And, now, he had the training to back it up; whilst Zabuza had gone on to be a top Hit Wix, Shisui had joined the bowels of the Ministry. An Unspeakable, no doubt, but known only as an 'Interrogator' for the sake of the red tape on the homicide case they'd been pulled across Departments for.
Zabuza hadn't said shit aloud; Shisui still heard his meaning clear as day.
Something flickered in those dark eyes, softening the line of his mouth with what could only be realisation.
"You think I played you."
Zabuza bit down on the urge to shove Shisui against the nearest wall, breaking the frames of whatever stupid portraits where trying to eavesdrop even though a privacy charm, and bloody that stupid mouth with his knuckles like the dirty Clanless filth he really was.
Most Clan Wix wouldn't even fathom brawling like they had no magic, they'd be so scandalised that Zabuza would probably manage to get them unconscious before they remembered to go for their wand.
The Uchiha weren't 'most Wix'.
Shisui's eyes glinted again, so annoyingly knowing, as he shifted on his feet. "I didn't, but if you've got the idea in your stubborn head then you're not going to take me at my word."
Zabuza lifted his chin at that, already looming because of their height difference but enjoying the gap regardless. Immature? A win was a win. "You're a professional liar."
"And you're a professional brawler, but I'd still take you in a fight." A pause before Shisui's mouth flashed a parody of a smile. "Go out to dinner with me."
Zabuza- stared.
"...why the fuck would I do that?"
Shisui's expression had softened again, a dimple appearing in one of his cheeks, and, oh, but Zabuza knew that look. He couldn't believe it, this little shit really thought he could swagger up and bat his lashes and-
"If Madara said something to you when you joined the Hit Wix, that's nothing to do with me. As far as I knew, we graduated and then you didn't want to waste time with someone up to their eyes in confidentiality vows. I wasn't playing you, I didn't take one look at Haku and run for the hills because you were taking in a kid, I didn't lie about any of that."
A touch of colour, pink gathering in the apples of Shisui's cheeks and the shells of his ears where they peeked out from under his curls, and Shisui kept going.
Kami fucking knew Zabuza didn't have any damn words.
"So," he huffed a heavy breath, shifting his hands in his pockets like he didn't trust himself not to resist reaching out, "let's get a drink. You don't believe how it ended, you won't take my word for it. So, let's just start again."
Then, because he was such a stupid bastard, Shisui shoved a hand out between them.
"Hi, I'm Uchiha Shisui. I'm twenty-six, an Interrogator with the Ministry, and I don't give a shit if you've not got a Clan but you've got a kid."
Zabuza still hadn't blinked.
"You can't be fucking serious."
"You're the one who said it's in the past. Nothing about it not being in the future too."
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I have to write a bunny deku fic now I literally have to I’m vibrating in my seat at just the thought of it
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sokklasaturdays · 2 months
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Sokkla Saturdays 2024: October 5th to November 30th
Sokkla Community: it's time for our annual event! This year, the prompts will be as follow:
October 5th: MERCURY
Communication, intellect, reasoning, travel.
October 12th: VENUS
Love, beauty, pleasure, relationships.
October 19st: EARTH
Physicality, grounding, stability, practicality.
October 26th: MARS
Action, desire, agression, energy.
November 2nd: JUPITER
Expansion, optimism, growth, abundance.
November 9th: SATURN
Discipline, responsibility, structure, limitations.
November 16th: URANUS
Innovation, originality, rebellion, sudden changes.
November 23th: NEPTUNE
Intuition, dreams, illusions, spirituality
November 30th: PLUTO
Transformation, power, regeneration, the subconscious
On this year, we encourage participation in the form of any fanwork of your choosing. Due to time constraints for many of the habitual participants of the event, we would like to put forward that fanfiction entries this year should be drabbles (between 100 and 1000 words). Nevertheless, each participant is free to create whatever they're inspired to make: you will still be allowed to partake in the event if you break the word count limit.
Due to the time constraints indeed, a proper prompt and poll system was beyond our possibilities this time. That being said, the chosen prompts provide a broad scope of possibilities: you can choose to take any of the prompts associated with the planetary theme assigned for each day, you can work with the planet in question, too: anything is valid within the prompts provided. If you had any particular story or prompt you REALLY wished to explore in Sokkla Saturdays this year? Feel free to find whichever prompt it fits best and build your story around it. Depending on participation levels and interest this year, we may return to the poll format next year.
All this being said, let’s get ready for Sokkla Saturdays!
Please, tag #sokkla saturdays 2024 and/or #sokklasaturdays within the first five tags of your entry. Feel free to message us with links to your entries if we miss them, as some content might not show up even when adequately tagged in Tumblr’s search system. Make sure to tag your entries appropriately if they contain mature content of any nature. We encourage all participants and members of the community to be cordial to others. Please observe this fundamental and critical courtesy so as to create a positive environment for this event.
See you on Sokkla Saturdays!
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 11 months
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Astarion x Y/N - isekai drabble - 716 WC
Warnings: drug use (the zaza), depressed Astarion, slightly steamy (like a rolling boil), astronomy, flufffff, comfort
Astarion laid on the ground with a distant look in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” you said kicking him in the side lightly before sitting down with him.
He didn’t look at you, “Wallowing in self pity.” he said in a monotone voice. 
You hummed in response, poking his face. He had no reaction. You sighed before getting up and sauntering away. Astarion assumed you left him and his sour mood, alas you reappeared with a small box.
“I haven’t shared this with anybody, but it always makes me feel better.” you said opening the box and placing a joint on his chest.
He finally looked at you before grabbing the joint and sitting up on his elbows. “What is it?” he asked, sounding unimpressed. 
“Where I’m from it is technically a drug but it comes from a plant so it isn’t the worst thing ever to ingest.” you said taking the joint from his hand. You produced a small blue flame from your palm, lighting the bud. You took a long drag before holding it in a moment, You coughed a bit as you exhaled. 
“Is this what I smell from your tent every other night, darling it’s ghastly.” he said, turning his head away.
“Stop being a bitch and try it.” you rolled your eyes at him before passing the spliff. 
He brought it to his lips, copying what you did. You both went back and forth like this until the joint was finished. Both your eyes were hazy and bloodshot. You wore a goofy smile, rocking yourself a little bit. You and Astarion watched the sunset in peaceful silence.
“You’re really pretty.” Astarion said randomly, you could hear the intoxication in his voice.
You laughed when you looked at him, all doped up. 
“You’re pretty too.” you said simply. 
Astarion moved so his back was laying on your chest, you instinctively wrapped your arms around him in a loose hug. You rested your chin on his shoulder as you watched the sun disappear and the stars begin to shine. 
“What do you think is out there?” he said, jutting his chin out towards the sky.
“Space? Lots of stuff out there… stars, moons, planets, galaxies… On my world, we have managed to send machines and people into space. The machines send us back portraits of what is out there… I don’t understand it all but it is no less beautiful.” you sighed happily. 
“Humans in space? I don’t believe you.” he said, crossing his arms like a grumpy child.
You laughed at him before kissing his shoulder, “There is a planet in my solar system called Neptune, it rains diamonds there. There’s another planet named Saturn, it has rings around it. One day on the planet Venus is a year on my world…” you prattled on all the astronomy science you could recall. “Oh! My favorite fact - were all made of stardust!” 
Astarion looked at you with a sarcastic raise of his eyebrow but a playful smirk on his lips. “Are we now?”
“Yes,” you nuzzled into his neck, kissing his jaw softly. “Nearly all the elements in our bodies are only forged in the hearts of stars.” 
“You amaze me.” he turned his head, kissing your cheek. He leaned his forehead against yours, eyes meeting. You felt euphoric in this moment, the drug elevating your senses. Astarion played with your fingers for a moment before kissing your fingertips. “I’m sorry I was… unpleasant earlier. I just… I worry about the future.”
“What about the future?” you ask.
“Where you see yourself in it…” his eyes were big and gentle, “Selfless as I am, I don’t want to let you go… but I understand if you do.” 
You shifted so you could face Astarion, “I will be with you as long as you’ll have me my love.” you pecked the corners of his lips before kissing him softly. 
He held the back of your head, deepening the kiss. When you finally came up for air you rested your forehead against his, eyes closed trying to regulate your uneven breathing. “To the stars?” he said holding your hand. 
“To the stars and beyond.” you squeezed his hand reassuring him. He sighed a sigh of relief before pulling you into a kiss, laying you down slowly.
Two posts in one day???? I'm on fire babesssss. Hoping to write more over the weekend. Thanks for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and requests. <3 :D
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norakbubbles · 2 months
Luffy x Nami: Unexpected Proposal
Drabble prompt: "But we're not married" "Then marry me"
Warnings: Extreme fluff; Spoilers (I think); Takes place in the future; a couple of theories I'm throwing in
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Their hard work had paid off
All the blood, tears, shared laughter, unexpected obstacles, and adventure had come to an end.
Luffy had found the One Piece and became King of the Pirates and the news spread like wildfire. The slaves of Mariejois were free and the Celestial Dragons had been taken care of.
Zoro became the world's greatest swordsman
Sanji found the All Blue
Usopp became a brave warrior of the sea and is known worldwide for his heroics
Chopper finally found the cure to every disease known to mankind, even ones that had been left unsolved for generations
Robin found every Poneglyph
Franky now made ships for people far and wide and is sought out by anyone and everyone
Brook reunited with Laboon
And Jinbei was finally able to convince the fishmen and merfolk to trust humans and how the two races lived in harmony both on land and in the sea
Nami smiled as she watched the celebration going on in Laugh Tale right now. Her own dream was achieved as well. The map of the world was proudly displayed in a glass case made from a strong material that would prevent anything bad from happening. She sighed in content and leaned back against a stone, watching everyone. People they had met along the way were there, even those they fought in the past. The Cross Guild, Perona, Nojiko, Genzo, Foxy, Hancock, Iceburg, Paulie, Zeff, Reiju, Bon Clay, Conis, Shirahoshi and her brothers, King Neptune, Hachi, Camie, Pappag, Duval, Bartolomeo, Viola, Rebecca, Coby, Helmeppo, the entire Revolutionary army, the Heart Pirates, Bonney, Kidd, Kiku, Hiyori, Momo, Yamato, Smoker, Tashigi, Hina, and of course Vivi and Cobra. Hell, even Katakuri and Pudding showed up. Nami laughed as she watched Luffy bicker with Garp before the two fell asleep briefly. She pushed herself off the wall and walked to the extremely large buffet table. Sanji was still cooking up a storm with Zeff and Hachi's help. Good thing, too, since Luffy was eating like he hadn't eaten in days. She refilled her mug with some high-quality wine Mihawk had brought and picked up a small quiche.
"Big party, huh?" Vivi asked, walking next to her friend. She was holding a plate of fruit with a whale skewer in one of the pieces.
"Tell me about it. I'm surprised this island hasn't sunk with how many people are here," Nami replied causing the two to start giggling silently. They stood, saying nothing as they observed everyone around them. The people who they had so many memories with were all celebrating one person and for good reason. Nami's eyes wandered until they landed on Luffy. He was stuffing his face but that's not what caused her gaze to linger. Former warlord Boa Hancock was seated next to him, slightly turned away, a blush on her cheeks and her finger tips pressed against each other as she spoke. Nami couldn't make out what she was saying but was sure it was something about how she loved him. Luffy, of course, didn't register.
"You should tell him." Nami jumped.
"You should tell him how you feel," Vivi said, gesturing to the redhead's hand. Nami realized she had gripped the quiche so hard it was now ruined. She sighed and wiped it off.
"You know I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because we're Nakama, Vivi! And besides do you think that Luffy even returns my feelings? Much less when he has the undivided attention and affection from the most beautiful woman in the world?!" she shouted. Luckily the party was loud enough that not many people heard her. A couple heads turned but they brushed it off. Vivi set her plate down and took Nami's hands in her own.
"Nami...when I admitted my love for Koza, he didn't believe me at first. He thought that I was joking because I was royalty and he wasn't. It took some time for him to find out I was telling the truth but when he did, he couldn't believe it. He had loved me since we were children and that deep rooted voice in his head told me I would never reciprocate his feelings so he neglected to tell me out of fear... if you do the same, you'll lose Luffy for good. You will still be friends but you will never forget that you had a chance to make your true feelings known and you didn't because you were scared. You and Luffy have faced so much together. He saved you from Arlong, you're the only one he trusts with his hat, and you've fought alongside each other against the deadliest of opponents. You believed that he would be king of the pirates and he believed you would draw a map of the world and now here you both are. Surrounded by people who love and admire you. I have a feeling that Luffy loves you more than you may think. All you have to do is talk to him." By the end, Nami was crying and she threw her arms around Vivi, hugging the princess tightly.
"Thank you..." she mumbled.
"I'll always have your back. Now go," she said, nudging her in Luffy's direction. Nami started to walk in his direction and stood in front of him.
"Eh, Luffy?" He looked up and gave her a big smile.
"Hey, Nami! Have you tried the food? It's so good!" She giggled and nodded.
"Yes I did..." Nami looked at Hancock briefly, whose piercing gaze was boring into her head. "I, uh, was wondering if we could talk alone, Luffy?"
"Hm? Sure! You can have Hammock's seat!" Nami avoided a grin and a laugh at that statement but decided to sit on the other side of Luffy instead. Hancock rolled her eyes and glared at Nami before getting up and walking away, shoving Buggy to the ground in the process.
"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Luffy asked, shoving a piece of cake into his mouth. Nami couldn't help but stare. He was so immature, loud, and messy... but he was also kind, made her laugh, and was fiercely protective of not only her but everyone else who asked for his help. Luffy tilted his head when she didn't say anything.
"Nami, you ok? Are you hungry?" Nami sighed and shook her head with a small smile.
"No, Luffy, I'm not hungry, I,...I need to discuss something very important with you."
"Ok! What is it?" he asked, shoving a whole cantaloupe in his mouth.
"Luffy... ever since I met you, I had this feeling that you were different from any other man I met. The way you went about life so carefree and fearless was intriguing and it made me somewhat scared for your life. However...as I stayed with you and kept getting to know every part of you, my feelings grew into something much more serious. When you put your hat on my head back in Cocoyashi and promised to help me with Arlong, I felt something grow within me. Something that I hadn't felt in so long. And every time you smiled at me, saved me, or even promised to help someone else like Vivi, that something kept growing bigger and bigger. It took some time to come to terms with but Luffy...I fell in love with you. And I fell in love hard. I know you might not reciprocate or even understand the meaning and I understand if that's the case but I just wanted to tell you that-."
"I love you, too." Nami's head snapped up in shock.
"I love you, too." I talked to Robin about it one time after we got her back from CP9, and I told her that it felt like things were dancing in my stomach whenever I saw you or was close to you. She explained to me that I was in love. I still don't fully get it, but what I do get is that I am in love with you, too." Nami felt like she was going to cry. All of the fear she had initially felt was gone.
"But, what about Boa Hancock?" Luffy shrugged.
"Eh, she's not my type. Also, she's like 12 years older than me, which is kinda weird." Nami couldn't help but laugh a little at that.
"You know I'm King of the Pirates now."
"Of course. Why else would we be having this party?" she said half sarcastically.
"Well...a king needs his queen." Nami gasped softly at that. She turned to look at Luffy searching his eyes for any signs of deception but saw none, only truth.
"Luffy, you know that kings and queens are typically husband and wife, right?"
"I know that. And?"
"But we're not married." Luffy reached over and grabbed her hand.
"Then marry me." The redhead's eyes widened.
"Marry me, Nami. I know it's fast but I love you. Be my queen... please." The dam had broke, and Nami had tears streaming down her cheeks. Sanji noticed, and his gaze turned fiery.
"LUFFY!! WHY IS NAMI-SAN CRYING?? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??" His yelling caught the attention of pretty much everyone else there, and they all stared at the two. Sanji set his leg on fire and leaped into the air, about to land a flying kick to his captain's face. Nami exhaled a shaky breath.
"Oh, Luffy, of course I'll marry you." Sanji stopped in mid-air and fell on his face.
"WHHAATTT???" everyone shouted at the same time, save for Robin and Vivi, who were both giggling off to the side. Luffy grinned wide and laughed.
"Shishishi! We're gonna be the greatest king and queen ever!" he said, wrapping his stretchy arms around Nami in a tight hug. Nami laughed too and hugged him back just as tightly. Everyone started cheering and clapping. Sanji was face down crying into the dirt. Hancock was off to the side chewing on her sleeve.
"Congrats guys!" Usopp shouted, clapping both of them on the backs. Robin and Chopper hugged Nami while Franky and Jinbei ruffled Luffy's hair.
"Never knew you had it in you, Captain," Zoro said with a smirk, taking a sip of his beer.
"Oi! Strawhat!" Luffy looked up to see Genzo giving him a stern look.
"You remember your promise!" he said, raising his mug. Luffy nodded and bowed.
"And I'll keep that promise!" Everyone's drinks were refilled and Sabo, with his arm around Koala, raised his glass high into the air.
"A toast! To the new king and queen of the pirates!"
"To the king and queen!!" everyone shouted happily. Luffy pulled Nami close to him by her waist and pressed his nose to hers.
"To us," he said. Nami smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.
"To us." They kissed softly as the cheering got louder and Usopp, Franky, and Bartolomeo let a barrage of fireworks off. Luffy and Nami watched the fireworks and Nami stole a glance at her now fiancé's huge grin. She was going to marry her best friend and she was going to be a queen.
And she was going to be the best damn queen the world has ever known.
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buddiedrabbles · 2 months
prompts: “are you flirting with me?” / pet names
happy writing! tag us if you’d like us to reblog. there’s no min/max word count and feel free to do this whenever inspiration strikes, even months later
you can do both prompts (in the same drabble or separately) if you want
thank you for the prompts anon! new prompts every thursdays :) lmk if you'd like to be added to the taglist ♡
@diazheartsbuckley @lonelychicago @911varietyposts @underwaterninja13 @lesboyobsessedwroykent
@crysty-rp-2023 @aroeddiediaz @bloodsoakedbuckley @lunareclipsegirl @smolfunpenguin
@unlifeira @spotsandsocks @sleepywinchesters @buick118 @hollyandvice
@becausebuckley @the-likesofus @19agbrown @sonofatoasterwaffle @theotherbuckley
@cliophilyra @xunandran @cosyvelvetorchid @professionally-bewildered @mickmilks
@kindlingtotheflames @adarkermiserablecrow @watchyourbuck @iced-coffee-jesus @weewootruck
@bucksxkinard @constructiononsunsett @prettysophist @dangerpronebuddie @evan-i-think-youre-adorable
@musiclily @kitteneddiediaz @buddiedaydreamer911 @queerweewoo @neptune-scythe
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bgomtori · 1 year
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★ perseids meteor shower - beomgyu
-> a drabble
-> two lovers trying to catch the annual meteor shower.
-> !! im trying to look out for the meteor shower right now so why not write about it, i love astrology sm.
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gyu :> : come out
ynn ☆ : huh? it's so late
gyu :> : i've something to show you
you quickly got out of bed and headed straight to your front door, startled when you saw beomgyu literally outside your doorstep.
" what the fuck i thought you'd be downstairs. " you cursed softly, trying not to disturb your neighbours. beomgyu let out a chuckle before holding onto your hand.
" i know how much you like space and astrology, soo i found a spot to watch the perseus meteor shower. " beomgyu stated as he pressed the ' 1 ' button of your apartment's elevator. you felt yourself grow warm, he remembers your love for astrology.
the two of you walked to an isolated place, it was perfect for stargazing, and trying to spot meteors. nobody was around to distrupt your peace, the nightsky was clear, no clouds in the way, light pollution was basically gone. you could see stars and the different planets in the dimly lit sky. beomgyu noticed you admiring the pretty night sky and smiled, he was glad you enjoyed it. he found it slightly boring to sit there just to watch the stars, but as long as you're beside him, and happy, he'll be glad to do it with you.
you pulled out your constellation app, trying to spot where the perseus constellation would be located at. beomgyu peaked his head to look at your phone as if he knew what was written on the app. you spun around slowly, tilting your phone up and down, until you finally found the constellation that was just slightly above the horizon.
" ok, northeast.. " you mumbled to yourself, grabbing beomgyu's arm, making him face the direction you were facing. you were so glad you took a long nap in the afternoon, at least you still had quite a lot of energy left in you to pull and all nighter to see the meteor shower. beomgyu stared boredly into the nightsky, spotting one bright star that caught his attention.
" what star, or planet is that? " he asked, pointing to it. you immediately recognised it as jupiter, enthusiastically, you exclaimed softly,
" that's jupiter! my third favourite planet. " beomgyu smiled at how much interest you showed in astrology.
" then what's your top 2? " he asked, genuinely interested in your response.
" i love neptune so much, it looks so pretty through the nasa pictures. then hmm i love saturn, it's so cool like the big rings around it and stuff. " you rambled on and on about facts about the two planets, beomgyu listened with all ears, looking at you softly. you constantly squeezed on his hand whenever you stated a new fact, he found this cute.
" that's all! " you finished off with a big smile on your face before you leaned on beomgyu's shoulder, staring off into the night sky, waiting for the perseus constellation to rise higher into the sky. you felt beomgyu handed you one side of his earpiece, pressing the shuffle button on your shared playlist.
a few hours passed, it was past 4am. you felt yourself dozing off, your head almost falling off beomgyu's shoulder. soon, beomgyu looked at your phone, realising that the perseus constellation was at it's peak.
" yn, i think it's almost time, look up. " beomgyu nudged you, scaring you. thankfully, this made you more awake, you looked up, staring intently into the sky. you paitiently waited to see a meteor. 'meteor shower' played in both your ears as you saw the first meteor go across the night sky. you were fully awake now, your eyes widened in awe as you saw the following shooting stars behind it.
" you gonna make a wish? " beomgyu asked, you turned to him and looked back up to the amazing scenic view, humming as you thought of a response.
" i suppose i have a wish. " you replied before closing your eyes and cupping your hands together. beomgyu gazed at you softly as you mumbled out your wish, it was only loud enough to be heard by you thankfully.
" what did you wish for? " beomgyu tilted his head as he asked you, you gave him a cheeky grin, before placing a finger on your lips.
" if i say my secret it won't be true. "
" hmm, but look, there are multiple meteors now, you can tell me what you wished for and wish again! that simple. " beomgyu smirked, pointing to his brain as if he's saying that he's smart. you scoffed, rolling your eyes at him, you shook your head,
" i keep my wish a secret, you also have to keep your wish a secret. " beomgyu sighed, there was no use persuading you anymore.
" i'm going to crash at your place by the way, 'm too lazy to go home. " beomgyu requested, wrapping his arm around your waist. you sighed loudly, pretending like you didn't want to, but you still agreed to him staying at your place. i guess you missed him too much. you looked at the dazzling sky once again, one meteor following the other, you smiled to yourself as you recalled your wish.
' i wish that our fates would be intertwined forever. '
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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perfinn · 10 months
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hi! you can call me j (she/her). basically i write fics that there are generally no demand for, and do so on complete whims. i hope you enjoy!
psa: its safe to assume that all my fics are NSFW, meaning this blog is 18+. if you're a minor i will find you and you are not welcome to stay. i don't do taglists
you can find me on ao3! divider by saradika
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din djarin
let neptune strike ye dead - part i, part ii
you're a lighthouse keeper; a strange entity begins leaving you gifts
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johnny "soap" mactavish
translate your vibration - part i
you're a medic for a rugby league team; one of the players really likes you, even when you bar him from the field
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simon "ghost" riley
make my wish come true
for bunnyreaper's secret santa; simon comes home for christmas
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aemond targaryen
the heat that drives the light - series masterlist
aemond targaryen is betrothed to the heir to highgarden, and when he discovers she has been left blind by a childhood illness he decides their marriage is ill fated, but cecily tyrell has different ideas.
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aegon ii targaryen
you're out of touch, i'm out of time - part i
you have a tendency to pick up strays, but when you pick up the king of westeros (who was supposed to have died hundreds of years ago), things begin to get a little complicated
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jaime lannister
dinner and diatribes - part i
a bastard of house manderly, alarra snow, is assigned to keep watch over the northern army’s most valuable captive: ser jaime lannister. jaime supposes she’s as interesting as things are going to get for him here.
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36 notes · View notes
pjohoo-reclists · 1 year
Roman Percy Jackson Fic Recs
The Smart Match by greenconverses
T | 900 words | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Annabeth Chase/Jason Grace
Romance, Love Triangle, Alternate Universe
Jason's supposed to be the one for her. So why is Annabeth drawn to the dark haired son of Neptune instead? AU for Heroes of Olympus.
like slow motion by greenconverses
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Roman!Percy, Fluff, Alternate Universe - Future
“I heard it’s your birthday next week.”
Life of a Praetor by MidnightSonder
G | 2.4k | Ongoing as of 11/9/20
Eventual Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Praetor Percy, Camp Jupiter, Slice of Life
A more detailed look at Percy's time as Praetor. (Drabble series based off my story "Permanent Swap") Part 2 of Life of a Praetor
Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune by SixUnderOneXSix
T | 2.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Roman!Percy, AUs, Random & Short
Roman! Percy with a twist. Percy Jackson, Son of the Sea. He came to Camp Half-Blood, and things seemed off. Latin was more natural, then there was the annoying habit of calling The Olympians by their Roman names, and of course the whole not hating Annabeth and the other Athena kids as much as they seemed to hate him. So when his Mom tells him who his father really is things get crazier, and make more sense. Part of my Percy Jackson AU Shorts, and Percy Jackson and his Confusing Parentage Part 1 of Percy Jackson Short AUs  Part 1 of Percy Jackson & His Confusing Parentage
Permanent Swap by MidnightSonder
G | 3.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Praetor Percy, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Son of Neptune Re-write
Hera knew she was meddling with fate, but she had no choice. However, she had no idea how permanent her actions would be. Percy Jackson was not supposed to arrive at Camp Jupiter until June, yet somehow, he arrived six months early. He was supposed to have partial memories connecting him to Camp Half-Blood, yet he remembered nothing. Hera supposed she should have known better than to try to make an unequal exchange. The fates simply evened the scales. Part 1 of Life of a Praetor
Even with just a name by 60sec400 
G | 8.6k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Neptune
Dark Percy Jackson, Poseidon is a Good Parent, Powerful Percy Jackson
Small snippets in a world where Percy chose the ocean. Neptune finds his son. Perseus Jackson has a quest for the glory of Rome and the glory of Neptune. Only, well, he's met another god. And that god wants him to find Annabeth Chase, the one name he's had in his head since he's woken up other than his own.aka. disconnected scenes that could exist in a son of neptune au Part 1 of Son of Neptune AU
A Romans Reprisal by JoeFromLegal
T | 14k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Thalia Grace
Roman Percy Jackson, Titans, Friendship
Neptune, he doesn't have the best image in New Rome. When Percy sees this, already being exposed to the cruelty of Rome, decides to take the matter into his own hands and get his father his honor back. But when New Rome, a city implemented by the gods, refuses to respect Neptune, who does Percy go to? Those that oppose them of course.
Nos Avete, Arma Deorum by insomniouscat (orphan_account)
M | 19k+ | Ongoing as of 2/6/21
Percy Jackson & Jason Grace, Jason Grace & Lupa, Percy Jackson & Lupa
Camp Jupiter Centric, Camp Half Blood Campers, Politics are hard
"Jackson, this is Grace," Lupa, taking initiative and perhaps pity on both of them, stepped in, tail twitching in a way that ordered Jason to move forward towards the other demigod. Jason obliged and stepped over creaking wooden planks to get a better look at the black haired male, instinctively scanning for signs of discomfort and tension in case he got attacked, just like how he was trained. "Yo," The black haired demigod said, ducking his head and shifting carefully in his seat, "I'm Percy Jackson."
Hard to Compete by ReaLangston
Not Rated | 19k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Amnesia, New Rome, Post Gaea & The Second Giant War
What if Hera had gone to extreme measures to wipe Percy's memory? What if he hadn't remembered Annabeth or his past after all? Once the Second Giant War is over Annabeth does her best to cope knowing that the love of her life has no idea who she is. She is leading Camp Half Blood, living with the Jacksons when her college classes are in session, doing her best to move her life forward. Will her carefully stacked house of card fall?
here comes the sun by seaweedbraens
G | 24k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Soulmate AU, Camp Swap AU, Roman Percy
there are nearly eight billion people on the planet, and annabeth's soulmate just has to end up being the roman son of neptune who gets on her nerves in every way imaginable.
Antithesis by LooneyPeach
T | 27k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Camp swap, Romance, Angst
Antithesis (n): a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else. Or, Annabeth meets Percy Jackson and they're 100% opposite. [Roman!Percy AR]
Vas Bellicosum by CombatTombat
M | 70k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
Roman!Percy, Percy semi-raised by Lupa, AU
War is coming to New Rome. When a Son of Neptune, Percy Jackson, arrives at the camp, no one knows what to expect, least of all Jason Grace, his newly found cousin. Determined to survive the coming bloodshed, the legion adapts to this new and dangerous duo. With a dark future on the horizon, only the Fates know what is coming. Part 1 of Imperator
would it really kill you (if we kissed) by greenconverses
E | 81k | Ongoing as of 21/8/23
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Past Annabeth Chase/Luke Castellan
Dark!Percy, Canon-Typical Violence, Gratuitous Smut
It wasn't like Annabeth hadn't been warned about him. In New Rome, there was just one unofficial rule to surviving and thriving for demigods and mortals alike. Avoid the son of Neptune. At all costs.
Hell Incarnate by BookDragonsUnite
E | 94k+ | Ongoing as of 26/11/22
Percy Jackson/Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase/Piper McLean, Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano/Leo Valdez
Dark Percy Jackson, Lupa Raised Percy for Seven Years, Fluff
What if the roles were reversed? What if Jason was Greek instead of Roman? And Percy? What would have happened if he was Roman and fought on Mount Tamalpais during the Titan War? "There's a reason Perseus means Destroyer, Annabeth. In every war, driven by some instinct, the Big Three have each had one of their children participate. But there was one war, the Peloponnesian War, where Zeus and Hades had no children. So, it fell on the only living son of Poseidon to lead. "There is a reason that three children of the trio were supposed to shoulder the burden of leadership together. It balances the scales; plays off the strengths of each. During the war, only Poseidon had given into his instinct and sired a son. The imbalance of power, the weight of that responsibility, forced him to become something else. Lysander, the son of Poseidon, expunged his mortal qualities in order to win the war and nearly became a god without the consent of the Olympians. "The Greeks had Jason, Thalia, and Nico. We Romans had only Percy."
Filii Deorum by CombatTombat
M | 145k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque/Frank Zhang
Roman Percy Jackson, Preyna, Everyone is badass
Camp Jupiter is in chaos. Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, former Centurion of the Fifth Cohort, and Praetor, is missing, kidnapped out of his own home. Searching harder than anyone else is his cousin, Percy Jackson, Son of Neptune. But with war approaching, it soon becomes clear that Jason was taken for reasons that not even Percy can understand, and he has to choose between finding his cousin and saving his home. Part 2 of Imperator.
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14carrotghoul · 7 months
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WIP Wednesday
Helloooo party people!! Thanks for the tags @heybuddy-drabbles @cha-melodius @suseagull04 @gayrootvegetable and @firenati0n!!!
I've been trying to resurrect my long ass fake dating Christmas AU but keep getting distracted by shorter fic ideas. So here is one that is pretty short rn but I'm very fond of!
Arthur takes Henry's hand, leading him the rest of the way to the lone Bernini given their shared passion for mythology. He stands Henry at the foot and crouches beside him as he weaves a tale of the Roman gods, watching as his son's wide eyes capture every detail of the shadowy sculpture – the power in the god's stance, the wind whipping Neptune's hair and beard into a frenzy, Triton underfoot and at his father's command. Henry steps to the right for a different angle then swallows thickly. “Incredible, isn't it?” Arthur asks. His son's cheeks go pink. “Yeah.”
A bit late so some of yall may have already done this!! Tbh I'm getting so bad about keeping up with snippets but it's bc there are so many!! An abundance of fic!! :D
No pressure tagging @sherryvalli @raysletters @read-and-write- @adreamareads @cricketnationrise @formorewishes @ssmtskw @heartitinthesilence @historicallysam @happiness-of-the-pursuit @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites and anyone else that wants to share what they're working on! ❤️
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