#rapper jeonghan debut
sakee21 · 1 year
SEVENTEEN - 손오공 (Super) MV
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Just wooow.. It wasn't released too long ago but I still can't get over this MV and song. Tho they had previous similar sounding songs like Flower, Cheers, and Hoshi's Tiger, this is the first time I saw SVT do a traditional concept for a title track and they went all-out with it! I like that the MV focused on the performance and choreography because let's be honest, SEVENTEEN is one of the best when it comes to that. The set was also insane knowing from the behind the scenes that there was no CG effects used. And let's not forget those outfits! They all looked good in the traditional clothes and the more non-traditional ones. Also love the references to DBZ (and from what I read there were also references to the legend as well!). Overall a 11/10 comeback in my opinion!
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kimbappykidding · 3 months
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"Our first show!" your leader cried, always the bundle of positivity and confidence. Meanwhile you just nodded, nervous about the performance ahead and other things. Your leader sensed you were all a little nervous so prepared a pep talk. "We're all gonna be great! We've trained for this, our song is great and we can smash it so no reason to be nervous. Let's do it for our fans okay?". "Okay!" you and your members cried. You were a new 8-person girl group and you were the lead dancer. You'd debuted 1 week ago and so far it'd been good. Fans liked your song and your company was pleased with your performance on tv shows but tonight was the big challenge. A live show! No second chances or edits. The good thing is there were a few friendly faces in the audience. Seventeen were sat at their table when the stage was set-up for the next act and Jeonghan read your group name on the background. "Hey it's Y/n's group!" he called and while some members nodded others paused. "Who?" Seungkwan asked. "Y/n, she was a trainee in the early days until...when did she leave again Joshua? They’re good friends". Joshua of course knew this was your group, he'd suspected you’d be here tonight and checked online. He'd seen your debut and liked your song. He watched the music video a fair few times but this was the first time he’d seen you in person for almost 3 years so he was slightly nervous. "She left at the end of 2014" he told Jeonghan. Vernon frowned "how come?". "She got offered the position of lead dancer whereas she was a rapper in the other group. She liked being a rapper but wanted to do more dancing so she made the change". "Did you stay in touch?" Dino asked and after a pregnant pause Scoups changed the subject.
Your group came on and got a warm reception which wasn't surprising. Your song had already done very well for a debut and it wouldn't be surprising if you won some awards tonight. He recognised you right away of course. You looked good. Trouser and big boots, which matched you perfectly and really fed into your cool concept. He knew you wouldn’t approve of being stuffed into a small skirt and was pleased your stylist seemed to know you so well. It was weird you looked so different and at the same time the exact same. You were of course 3 years older than when he last saw you. You'd both been teenagers back then, kids really, but now were older and more mature. You seemed more confident and sure of yourself which Joshua liked. He wondered how else you'd changed. Did he even still know you? but that thought hurt him so he ignored it and watched you perform. Joshua smiled along with the others, unable to resist smiling and then your dance break came up. Joshua paused as you emerged in the centre of the girls and very confidently made your way forwards. You strut to the front of the stage and delivered your choreo perfectly. "That's her?" Seungkwan asked Joshua and he nodded "yeah". "She's really good". Joshua nodded "she is". When your song finished everyone cheered and Joshua saw a huge smile burst onto your face. He smiled despite himself remembering how it felt to have that smile directed at him. His smile dipped slightly and then he felt eyes on him. He caught Scoups watching him and quickly put the smile back into place. You hugged your members before disappearing. Backstage you were all experiencing the adrenaline of a successful performance. You took your seat out with all the idols to watch the rest of the show and Seventeen's interview came on. "Hey Y/n don't you know Seventeen well?" a younger member asked. You nodded "yeah I trained with them". "Who's the one that visited you that one time at the dorms?". You blushed at the memory. It had been the one and only time Joshua came to your dorm. You had no idea boys were not allowed in them or that the girls would react how they did to a boy being alone with you in your room. "Joshua" you said "he's the one in the light blue top". You couldn't see his face from this angle but you knew it was him. Even if you hadn't seen him earlier you'd have known. He looked good. He'd gotten even taller and more muscular. His chest in particular looked very defined and his hair was your favourite black colour. "Woah he's hot!" one of your members commented and you laughed "yeah he never struggled with his looks". "He's American too isn't he?" another asked and you nodded "yeah that's why we got on at first. We'd talk about back home when we were homesick, our hometowns are only a bus ride from each other". "Awww that's sweet, are you still friends?". You paused "erm yeah...we don't talk much but were friends". The leader shot you a sympathetic look and you pretended you didn't see it. At the end of the show all the idols came on stage. As you were new you were right at the back which of course you didn't mind. Honestly you were just happy to be there. You were so excited you didn't even realise Joshua's group was walking past you until Scoups and Jeonghan waved to you as they passed. You grinned waving back and they disappeared to the front. As everyone was walking off stage Joshua led the way for his group but Jeonghan went a different way and others followed. Joshua had seen Scoups and Jeonghan wave to you and figured they were going to see you. He craned his neck from the front, trying to see but couldn't spot you. Finally the rest of his members appeared all smiling so he knew something had happened. "Where were you guys?" he asked and Jeonghan shrugged "just saying hi to Y/n". "She remembered me" The8 smiled and Jeonghan laughed "of course she did! Y/n was so nice, she knew everyone's names". "Have you spoken to her yet?" Mingyu asked and Joshua shook his head "no I didn't see her but I'll text her later or something". "Why don't we just wait around for her?" Seungkwan asked "she's so friendly!". Joshua began to panic but leader to the rescue "no we've got our car waiting so let's go" Scoups said herding them to the door. Joshua shot him a thankful look and rushed out. Later when they were alone Scoups began checking if Joshua was okay. "So how was it?" Scoups asked. Joshua was going to pretend he didn't know what he meant but he gave up midway through forming a sentence. "Just weird" he shrugged "I feel so distant from her but at the same time she's the same Y/n". Scoups nodded smiling sadly "she hasn't changed. She was so sweet to everyone and I think she made The8's night. She's apparently been learning Mandarin and so she spoke to him in it. He was very impressed". Joshua chuckled "she always did know how to make people feel special". Scoups paused "are you going to text her?". Joshua shrugged "I don't know if it's a good idea...plus part of me is terrified to. Not that she'll be rude or reject me...Y/n's not like that, but that it might be awkward. We haven't spoken since...and I've never had to deal with the aftermath. I haven't had to acknowledge that we're not as close or natural around one another. I don't know if I'm ready for that". Scoups nodded "it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with". Joshua nodded "thanks...now I'm going to go take a warm shower and go to bed". Joshua decided not to text you but he turned the notifications on for your group on Twitter and was surprised to see some people make the connection between your two groups. On one variety show a few days later other idols came up and one of your members mentioned how nice Seventeen had been, coming up to you after an award show. The interviewers nodded "ahh yes that fan interaction went viral. Y/n you know them right?" the host asked bringing up a photo of Jeonghan chatting to you. "Yes I grew up with them so even though I haven't seen them in years it felt like I'd never left...leaving the company was so hard because of them" you admitted "but I've got my lovely members and fans now" you said grinning taking your members hands. Later in the show you had to dance to other group's choreography to win points. A Seventeen song came on and you were pushed to the front at the host's requests. This was one of the few times you really didn't want to dance. This was your favourite Seventeen song or had been. Now it just reminded you of Joshua and so you'd stopped listening to it. However you had a bad habit of doing what other people wanted you to do over your own wants and so you dutifully danced. The interview wrapped up soon after and you were dismissed. Your leader took your hand and told you to breathe. "Are you okay?" she whispered when you were in the dressing room. "Why what's wrong?" another member asked and the leader shook her head "nothing just give us a sec yeah?". The girl nodded and the leader looked at you. "I'm fine" you told her "it's just...I haven't heard that song since I left. I always avoided it because it reminded me of him". She nodded and hugged you. "I'll get you some water and open a window. Sit as long as you want" and she rushed off to get your things. You were so grateful for your members but you couldn't get that song out of your mind. The next week you were at another show and it was the last of your promotion circuit. You were ecstatic to hear an interviewer had dropped out last minute and you got to take their place...but didn't know the details. When your leader found out she was very nervous. "Now you don't have to do it. Say the word and I'll get it dropped" she started and your heart began to speed up. "What is it?". "So they just released the co-hosts and yours is...Scoups". You immediately let out your breath and relaxed. You thought she was going to say Joshua. "It's just Scoups? I can do that easily! I love Scoups". Your member smiled "really? Great! They were hoping for an enthusiastic response like that".
You headed for the place where you’d be interviewing groups and saw Scoups stood waiting there. He spotted you and he grinned "trouble’s back". "Hey I was always the best behaved....when I was compared to Jun or Hoshi". Scoups laughed "it's really good to see you! When they told me it was you I was super happy". "Me too" you smiled "but honestly I'm just so excited to get the chance to do this! I never thought we'd be this lucky". "It's not luck it's talent. You all deserve it you've clearly worked so hard". You smiled "thanks coming from you that means a lot". Scoups smiled and then the cameraman told you it was starting. So far you'd had lots of fun. You and Scoups were natural around one another and kept making each other laugh. You did your group interview of Mamamoo and Oneus which went really well. You were just about to praise yourself for getting through the evening when disaster struck. The other host who would've been interviewing later was sick. You knew she'd not been well recently so were worried about her. When they asked if you could take your place you said yes. "Great! You'll be interviewing Seventeen". You froze "what?". Scoups who was with you stopped and stared too. "Seventeen, the group" the staff said confused. You paused "i...i don't know if i can". The staff frowned "but you just said...". "I know but I..." you paused lost and Scoups stepped forwards "how about if I do it?". "No we need a girl too". "Well what if I did it with Y/n?" he asked "can we do it as a pair? It will be fun me interviewing my own members and the fans will love it". The staff shrugged "sure whatever". Scoups turned to you "hey, don't worry I've got this". Trusting him you nodded and got ready to see Joshua again up close for the first time in years. Meanwhile your members were wondering where you were. You'd finished your last interview a while ago but still weren't back. Your leader was just going to send the staff to ask about you when the maknae spotted you. "Is that Y/n!" she yelled pointing at the tv screen.  Your leader went to shake her head when she saw it was you. Stood less than a meter away from Joshua. "Woah she totally matched their outfits!" one of your members cried as you somehow blended in with Seventeen perfectly. "Yeah she looks good with them" another nodded. "Aww this will be nice cus she's friends with them". "Yeah..." the leader said laughing nervously. "Hey isn't that the one who Y/n was close to? The boy who came to our dorm?" one of the maknaes asked. "Yeah so?". "Look how he's watching Y/n!". The members paused and then exploded. "He's totally checking her out!". You and Scoups had a body rolling move thing and when you did it Joshua did indeed do a quick sweep of your body with his eyes. "Were they like...together?" someone asked and everyone looked to the leader. She shrugged "I don't know it's Y/n's business" but they knew that meant yes and exploded.   It actually wasn't as bad as you thought! Scoups took the lead and the members were so nice to you. It helped that Jeonghan and The8 were right in the front. Joshua was to the left behind you so you couldn't really see him which worked for you. When it finished you were wondering if to rush off but paused. Scoups thanked you for doing this with him and Jeonghan appeared telling you you'd done an amazing job. You went to reply when they both looked behind you and you turned to see Joshua standing there. Through the whole thing Joshua's eyes had been glued to you. Every thought he’d had during the entire interview was about you. He was debating if he should speak to you. He wanted to but he was slightly worried. Then he got annoyed at himself for being such a coward so he hyped himself up. When the camera cut he realised you could just disappear but you didn't. Scoups started talking to you and then Jeonghan. He wasn't going to squander his chance again so he stepped forwards before he could lose his nerve. He made his way to you and heard you laugh at something Jeonghan said. His two members looked at him and slowly you turned too. You locked eyes with him and Joshua felt his nerves explode. He knew right then that he still wasn't over you. You looked at Joshua in the eye for the first time in 3 years and felt safe like you always did. He was smiling and despite everything it made you smile. "Hey, great job!" he told you "on the interviewing...and the debut and well everything!". You smiled back. His eyes were doing that really happy smile and you'd always loved it. "Thank you so much! It's honestly been such a whirlwind I can't believe how well it's gone". "Well believe it because you deserve it! We've been playing your song non-stop" Joshua said and the others nodded "literally all the time " Seungkwan nodded. You blushed "aww thank you! I'm so glad you like it and it's so great to see you all again" you said looking at Joshua. Joshua nodded "it's really great to see you again too...hopefully it'll be more often". You paused slightly taken aback by Joshua's comment but also by how it made you feel. You smiled and nodded "yeah i'd like that". Staff suddenly appeared, ushering you off the set and you all began to make your way to the exit. On the way out Joshua chatted to you and it felt like no time had passed. When you had to go different ways he waved to you "bye Y/n, have a nice evening". "You too" you smiled and walked away. The second you were out of earshot Joshua's members pounded. "What was that?" Dino cried and Joshua pauses "what?". "You and Y/n" Seungkwan said wiggling his eyebrow. "You never told us you were a thing!" Vernon cried and all the members began to laugh. "We're not" Joshua said the older members rolled their eyes. "Bullshit! The two of you were always flirting!" Woozi cried “not to mention you were always sneaking off together” Hoshi added. Joshua blushed and the members all made a lot of noise. "This is great she's so nice you have to ask her out!" Dk cried. Joshua shook his head "she's just debuted and we haven't spoken for so long...". "Excuses excuses" The8 called and Joshua smiled. He knew Scoups was watching him carefully but he was genuinely happy. Five minutes with you had done that to him. You had a similar experience. You could feel the excitement in your dressing room the second you stepped inside. Your members tried to hide it but the maknae broke. "Y/n your friend was checking you out" she cried. You paused "who?". "Joshua" one smiled at you and you shook your head "he wasn't!". "Yes he was, look!" and they placed a phone in front of you. You watched as Joshua did indeed check you out and they all erupted. "Y/n the two of you would make such a hot couple!" and they all rushed to agree. "Yes! Plus you already have a thing and you're both American...it has to happen". You blushed, shaking your head "we're just friends okay?". "For now" they teased" and you rolled your eyes but couldn't stop smiling. "So tonight went well" Scoups said when they were back home. It was just him, Jeonghan and Joshua so he figured it was safe. Jeonghan looked at Joshua at those words but he didn’t need to be worried.. Joshua nodded "yeah it did..." and he couldn't help a smile "she's just like she always was". Jeonghan nodded smiling "yep same old Y/n". Joshua looked at their expressions and sighed "I realised tonight I still have those feelings for her...and I know you're going to say I should leave it alone and not get involved but I want to speak to her again. I want to be around her because I care about her...even after all this time that hasn't dimmed". Scoups smiled "I wasn't going to tell you to stay away from her". "You weren't?" he asked. Scoups shook his head "watching the two of you together it was just like old times and I forgot how nice it was. The way you both light up around each other...get back in contact with her Joshua". "Yeah?" he asked and Jeonghan smiled "yes! We're not saying jump into dating but text her for christ's sake". Joshua laughed "okay okay I'm going" and rushed away. You were just getting ready for bed when you saw your phone light blink. You clicked it on and jumped to see an old but familiar name. "Hey it was really great seeing you again, I forgot how much fun it was. I'd love to catch up sometime if you're up for it? Joshua". You smiled before you could stop yourself. You re-read the text several times before texting back. "Hi, I enjoyed it too. I forgot how nice it is not being the only Korean American in the room. I'd love to meet up how's next week?" and you buried your face in your pillow. Joshua was back in your life and despite your past and the rational part of your brain telling you to be careful...you couldn’t help but smile. 
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This is a two part series and part two is available here. 
Also, I know Joshua joined later compared to the other members but just pretend he joined early in the process okay? Thank you! 
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seowonwoo · 2 years
𝘭𝘦𝘰 - 𝘣𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳
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ε general info !!
[ stage name ] ; LEO
[ birth name ] ; Geon-wu Lee
[ nicknames ] ; geonu ∣ leon ∣ lewu ‘li-wu’
[  birth date  ] ; January 4, 1994
[ blood type ] ; A
[ zodiac sign ] ; capricorn
[ chinese zodiac ] ; dog
[ birthplace ] ; gangnam, south korea
[ residence ] ; hannam-dong, seoul
[ nationality ] ; korean
[ languages ] ; korean ∣ italian ∣ japanese ∣ english
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ε physical traits !!
[ height ] ; 6′3 ft ‘190 cm’
[ weight ] ; 70 kilos ‘154 pounds’
[ eye color ] ; dark brown
[ hair color ] ; black
[ modifications ] ; 7 piercings ∣ 3 tattoos
[ body shape ] ; slightly masculine
[ beauty marks ] ; upper eyelids ∣ upper corner of mouth
[ handiness ] ; left-handed
[ face claim ] ; n/a
[ voice claim ] ; exo!chanyeol
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ε personality traits !!
[ mbti ] ; istp ‘ introverted’ ‘sensing’ ‘thinking’ ‘perceiving’
[ communication ] ; only talks to his close friends ∣ hard time making new friends and socializing ∣ stays close with his members when his social battery is low
[ characteristics ] ; quiet ∣ reliable ∣ caring ∣ loyal ∣ calm ∣ protective ∣ compassionate ∣ organized ∣ industrious ∣ flexible ∣ humble ∣ open-minded ∣ independent ∣ realistic
[ negative traits ] ; selfless ∣ repress feelings ∣ avoid conflict ∣ neglects own health ∣ sometimes stubborn ∣ often curses in ‘english’ ‘korean’ ‘italian’ ∣ would drop anything for his love ones ∣ normal ‘bitch’ face ∣
[ love languages ] ; words of affirmation ∣ acts of service ∣ quality time ∣ gift giving
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ε trivial info !!
[ clothing style ] ; minimalist
[ habits ] ; waking up early ∣ cracks knuckles when angry ∣ mumble curses in italian whenever he’s irritated ∣ speaks in italian when drunk ∣ makes gestures when speaking ∣ covers his mouth when laughing ∣ rolls his yes when disgusted ∣ quiet and steady sleeper ∣ squinting his eyes when confused ∣ zoning out in award shows
[ hobbies ] ; cooking ∣ watering plants ∣ spending quality time with his significant other ∣ playing with his pug ∣ swimming ∣ playing piano ∣ foot volleyball ∣ watching tv shows
[ likes ] ; pasta ∣ scented candles ∣ plants ∣ green tea ‘matcha’ ∣ animals ∣ hot weather so he can swim ∣ his members and army ∣ strawberries ∣ horror stuffs ∣ clean house ∣
[ dislikes ] ; dating bans ∣ hectic schedules ∣ forced to socialize ∣ critics ∣ his parents ∣ homophobia ∣ stereotyping ∣ rude people ∣ insensitivity ∣ cold weather ∣ coffee ∣ boredom ∣ messy things ∣ button up shirts ∣ public speaking ∣ variety shows with rude hosts ∣
[ known for ] ; owning an expensive penthouse ∣ his judging but normal face ∣ chanel, calvin klein, and rolex ambassador ∣ back tattoo reveal in a calvin klein magazine ∣ takes no shit from bighit ∣ being a bts member ∣ him speaking in italian ∣ the only controversial issue he has is about him having tattoos ∣ towering over his members and other idols ∣ sugar daddy vibes ∣ stage presence ∣ vocals ∣ huge fan of taylor swift, the weeknd, lana del rey and arctic monkeys ∣ ex-trainee in sm ∣ being most clingy with jeonghan ∣
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ε private info !!
[ family ] ; mother and father ‘divorced’ ∣ does not have a healthy relationship with them ∣ both of them were deeply upset and disappointed when he said he wanted to be a kpop idol ∣ his father hoped he would at least study architecture or medicine in college but instead he chose culinary
[ mother’s occupation ] ; surgeon
[ father’s occupation ] ; architect
[ relationship status ] ; taken ‘since 2018′
[ significant other ] ; yoon jeonghan ‘seventeen’
[ sexual orientation ] ; homosexual
[ pronouns ] ; he!him
[ ideal type ] ; “none, as long as you’re you”
[ close friends ] ; key ‘shinee’ ∣ suho ‘exo’ ∣ yeri ‘red velvet’ ∣ minhyun ‘nuest’
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ε career info !!
[ group ] ; bangtan sonyeondan ‘bts’
[ entertainment ] ; sm to bighit ‘hybe’
[ position ] rapper, sub-vocalist, visual
[ debut date ] ; june 13, 2013
[ instagram account ] ; leo.wu
[ representative emoji ] ; 🦌
[ training period ] 2009-2011 ‘sm ent’ ∣ 2011-2013 ‘bighit ent’
[ professions ] ; kpop idol ∣ ambassador ‘chanel’ ‘rolex’ ∣ chef
[ instruments ] ; piano
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ε more facts !!
studied and graduated at sol international school.
he trained at sm entertainment for almost 3 years and later joined bighit for some unknown reason.
he recently spent $17 million for a 4,879 square foot penthouse in Hannam-dong.
his favorite color would be dark green; number would be 14
2017, when he adopted a pug and named her jelly
he attended taylor swift concert thrice 
it was on 2021 when he finally revealed his huge tattoo at his back in a calvin klein photoshoot.
leo has doesn’t have a lot of friends but he’s contented. 
he likes cooking a lot and often cooks with jin and yoongi.
he used to live in italy with his grandfather after his parents divorced.
he doesn’t like talking a lot but will do around his members and close friends
he prefers staying at home and swimming than going out
some idols are afraid of talking to him or even standing near him because of his looks, but once you get to know him, he’s like every normal person out there. 
his stage name ‘leo’ is from his grandfather who used to call him that at italy
his members says he’s the most trusted and reliable person they’ve ever met but also the most selfless person. 
he prefers giving than taking
he sometimes watch cartoon whenever he’s bored
he hinted so many times about how every award shows existing are rigged, fake, and racist or xenophobic
He is in a relationship for five years and counting. no one knows this except his members, his lover’s members, close friends, and their parents. ( of course his parents are not happy with this )
his parents have never been supportive at all, so he used relies on his grandfather a lot.
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will continue to edit this !!
@ seowonwoo 2023
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influencermagazineuk · 3 months
Seventeen: The K-pop Band Poised to Make History at UK Festival
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DaftTaengk, CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons They are the biggest-selling act globally, and they're about to grace the Pyramid Stage. The headline act on Glastonbury’s Pyramid Stage this yea is a K-pop boy band boasting 13 members, who sold over 10 million albums last year. Despite K-pop's global success, the UK has been slow to embrace the genre. Bands like BTS, Blackpink, Stray Kids, and Aespa have gained traction, often through collaborations with Western artists like Selena Gomez, Lady Gaga, or Coldplay. However, Seventeen stands out as they don't do collaborations and uniquely write and produce their own material. Now, they are set to make history as the first K-pop act on Glastonbury's main stage. The significance of this milestone is not lost on them. “There's a great sense of responsibility,” says Choi Seungcheol, also known as the band leader S Coups. “We’ll keep coming back to that feeling and do our best to prepare, so that we can blow everybody away… Not just our fans, but every other member of the audience.” This year, Glastonbury is moving further from its rock roots, reflecting evolving audience tastes. The Pyramid Stage will also feature Afrobeat icons Burna Boy and Ayra Starr, while pop star Dua Lipa and R&B sensation SZA will headline. Seventeen's performance is scheduled for Friday afternoon, a stark contrast to their usual late-night sets in Asia, but S Coups remains unfazed. “The time of day doesn't really matter to us,” he says. “It's actually even better that we’ll be performing in the afternoon because the audience can see us better under sunlight.” Their music, known for its upbeat and positive vibes, includes hits like "Shining Diamond" and "Very Nice," reminding fans that pop can be fun. Seventeen's journey began in the basement of South Korean entertainment company Pledis, where members endured a long and grueling apprenticeship lasting four to five years. Rapper Jeon Won-woo, known to fans as Wonwoo, was one of the first recruits in 2013, surviving multiple rounds of auditions documented in the online series Seventeen TV. The band faced a significant turning point during an eight-month hiatus when three members were replaced. S Coups recalls, “Our deal was pushed back a little and Woozi, one of our members, thought we could debut earlier than planned if we made our own music.” Woozi, a classically-trained musician, co-wrote and produced most of their songs, inspiring other members to learn songwriting and lyric-making. “Being engaged in our creative process goes a long way towards making our music more authentic. We take great pride in it,” says S Coups. Despite the intense training and initial struggles, Seventeen's debut EP, "17 Carat," was released in May 2016. The group, consisting of S Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Mingyu, The8, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, is divided into vocal, hip-hop, and dance teams. Their name represents this tripartite setup: 13 people + 3 units + 1 band = 17. S Coups, the oldest member and leader, approaches his role with humility. “I try to listen to what every member has to say and have everybody aligned on the same path,” he says. “My goal is to make sure we can last as long as possible, so we can make as much music as possible.” Woozi oversees music production, and Hoshi leads choreography, while each member contributes uniquely to the band’s dynamic. Seventeen's hard work and dedication have paid off. Their sound has evolved from the pop of "Adore U" to the broody EDM of "Don't Wanna Cry" and the genre-hopping exuberance of "Left & Right." Their recent mini-album "FML" includes the introspective title track and the upbeat celebration "Super." "I'm getting so numb to this life that it feels like I'm shrinking away,” sang The8, reflecting on the band's mindset during its creation. "But when we honestly, openly talk about our feelings, it really helps to get rid of the negativity," says Wonwoo. Seventeen's success is evident with "FML" being the biggest-selling record of 2023, selling over 6.3 million copies. To introduce new fans to their music, they have released a 33-track compilation, "17 Is Right Here," featuring all their singles and a new track, "Maestro." Looking ahead, Seventeen aims to expand their audience further with a world tour planned for the end of the year. “We’d like to reach fans in as many countries as possible because we don't really get to see them that often in person,” says S Coups. “I still believe that we have a long way to go and we want to become even more successful.” Read the full article
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skz-haneul · 4 months
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ༀʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡♥︎ HANEUL KANG (hangul : 하늘 강) is a fictional korean-nigerian, member of korean idol group Stray Kids. she made her debut on june 17, 2020 as a new main dancer, vocalist, rapper and song-writer after her unexpected appearance in the ‘God's Menu’ mv.
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₍ ♡ ・ 👛 ₎ . . . ABOUT
official profile ⤼ facts ⤼ idol life ⤼ predebut ⤼ audition ⤼ closet ⤼ belongings ⤼ spotify
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₍ ♡ ・ 🐩 ₎ . . . RELATIONSHIPS
family ⤼ pets ⤼ male friends ⤼ female friends ⤼ jyp groups ⤼ kpop groups ⤼ western figures
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₍ ♡ ・ 👚 ₎ . . . STRAY KIDS
chanchlo ⤼ minhan ⤼ binneul ⤼ hyunhan ⤼ 2han ⤼ yongchlo ⤼ seunghan ⤼ jeonghan ⤼ racha
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₍ ♡ ・ 📁 ₎ . . ERAS
go生 ⤼ in生 ⤼ all in ⤼ kingdom ⤼ mixtape : oh ⤼ easy ⤼ christmas evel ⤼ skz2021 ⤼ oddinary ⤼ circus ⤼ mixtape : time out ⤼ maxident ⤼ skz-replay ⤼ the sound ⤼ 5-star ⤼ social path ⤼ 樂-star
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₍ ♡ ・ 🎀 ₎ . . . SKZ-RECORD
seasons ⤼ bam yang gang ⤼ pain
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₍ ♡ ・ 💒 ₎ . . . SKZ-REPLAY
easy breeze ft seungmin ⤼ insomnia ⤼ falling behind
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₍ ♡ ・ 🛍️ ₎ . . . SOCIAL MEDIA
instagram ⤼ bubble ⤼ tiktok ⤼ private twitter ⤼ messages ⤼ stan tiktok ⤼ stan twitter ⤼ stan youtube
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₍ ♡ ・ 💌 ₎ . . . SOLO ACTIVITIES
brands & sponsors ⤼ achievements & awards ⤼ covers ⤼ collabs ⤼ special stages ⤼ studio 춤 ⤼ artist of the month ⤼ interviews ⤼ scandals & rumours ⤼ articles ⤼ magazines
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₍ ♡ ・ 👙 ₎ . . . SKZ VARIETY
skz-code ⤼ skz-talker ⤼ 2 kids show ⤼ racha log
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₍ ♡ ・ 🦢 ₎ . . . 2 KIDS ROOM
haneul x bangchan ⤼ haneul x lee know ⤼ haneul x changbin ⤼ haneul x hyunjin ⤼ haneul x han ⤼ haneul x felix ⤼ haneul x seungmin ⤼ haneul x i.n
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₍ ♡ ・ 🌷 ₎ . . . MUSIC SHOWS & CONCERTS
concerts & shows ⤼ award shows
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₍ ♡ ・ 💭 ₎ . . . MISCELLANEOUS
incorrect quotes ⤼ love diary
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𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ TAGLIST
@mynameisnotlaura ⤼ @alixnsuperstxr ⤼ @shaylaxo ⤼ @ziipzeepzop-eez
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ NOTES
choi vivienne is officially gone, say hello to haneul kang
𓍼 ⊹ ˚. ᝢ GOD LOVES YOU 💕
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kpopvillage102214 · 2 years
bighit's female soloist
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bella's profile
 Stage name; bella                             
birth name; kim bella rose                              birthday;  may 7, 2007                            
zodiac sign  ; tauruses                           
 birth place; south koren   and La
《Nicknames》 bella, baby, baby bean, big hit princess, sweetheart, Jimin little sister, being HYBE's little star, golden voice, golden heart, babycakes, sleeping Beaty,
《Height》 163cm
《blood type》 A
《 sexual》; straight
《gender》; female
《Pronouns》; ~{she/her}~
《Instagram》- mo_on.bella
《Twitter》- official_bella
《Facebook》- moon_bella
《Tiktok》~ moon_bella
《wevers》~ bella_offical
《Spotify》~ bella
《Debut》~ July 15, 2012
《Debut age》~ 14- 18 years old may 4 2012
《Soloists Discography》- he gone (2018- single album)
Wabi sabi (2018 full album)
The end of the beginning ( 2019- studio album)
Lavender ( 2019 studio album )
Me&you ( 2018 single album)
the middle of the night (2016 full album)
Burn ( 2020 studio album)
Youth ( 2017 single album)
you can be king again ( 2015 full album)
Idols that look up to Bella》 bts, bang chang, Lee hyun, Jay B, Mark Lee, yugyeom, yuta, straykids, taeyoung, Seventeen, D.o, Chen, blackpink, twice, pentagon, IU, ariana grande, Taylor swift, selena gomez, harrystyle, Drake,
《♡♤Close friends♡♤》 twice (nayeon and jihyo)
Bts ( jin and suga,namjoon) winner ( mino), park seo joon ( park hyung), got7 ( Jackson wang and yugyeom, Mark tuan), girls genertion ( taeyeon and sunny, tiffany) itzy ( yeji and Lai, yuna) jeon somi, Dua lipa, shawn mendes, Seventeen ( jeonghan and seungkwan, vernon, woozi), blackpink ( jennie and lisa) shinee ( jonghyun and key), txt ( yeonjun and hueningkai, soobin)
《◇Actor friends♤》~ jo jungsuk, Lee mino, kim go-eun, woo Dohwan, Lee seung-gi, kim seon ho, nam joo, Lee Da min nijiro Murakam, shin ye eun, yeo jin goo,
《*Hobbies*》 painting, reading books, song writting, cooking, taking care of pets, scolling on instagram and tiktok, listening to her favorite songs, annoying irene and yugyeom, watching dramas.
《♧Nationality♧》 south korean, LA
《*Language*》 English, spanish, korean, japanese, Chinese,
she describes as her self as "quiet and she especially around stragers. In an interiew with harper's Bazaar bella remarks my personality may be people think adout my personality. But rather than being a person that other people have branded me as, I want to be a good individual who thinks of herself," she is often portrayed and confindent on stage she's very mischievous and funny and playful off stage, the furthest departure when it comes to on-stage presence because it is not an understatement to to say bella has swag. She is the most adventurous out of everyone in the k solo artists when it comes to her Fashion choices. She is touchy and clingy to her friends.
《♡Know for♡》 ¤ being a global ambassador for chanel ¤for being bts v's girlfriend ¤ being bighit's princess ¤ being jimin sister ¤ being the richest kpop idols ¤ being a kpop artist has over 5 million streams on spotify
¤ she is the 1st korean female soloist in history to achieve this goal ¤1st female soloist to reach 1m uniqun listeners on melon in hours along with IU and haize.
¤she first kpop idol to reach 65m followers on instagram.
¤ being hybe first girl for seven year's.
¤ Being the fastest idol rapper.
¤ Netflix show first kpop idol actress
¤ her reaction to jyp & hawasa's performance
¤ friendship with her brother
¤ she Kindest kpop idol
¤ Beautiful idol
¤ being the youngest kpop idol
《♡Kdrama shows and movies that bella been in♡》
《Alice in borderland》 she plays as hana the little cousin of niragi
《 all of us are dead》 she plays as anna a highschool that is the students council of the school and a nice person and kind person.
《 squad game 》 ari Da-Eun she is the front man she get what she wants
《 the untamed 》 yuying swan clan leader
First born daughter of the swan clan Yun and his first wife Mei Lin had a rejected her first position as the next clan leader of the Dragon clan leader of swan clan in honor of her young half brother. Upon returning the marriage proposal from the Dragon clan, yuying decided to take her own path choiceing to study cultivation under watchful care of First master of lan sect Lan Xichen.
《 meteor garden 》 Daoming mailing is the little cousin of Huaze Lei she quiet popular because of her kindness and friendly personality and she in ballet.
《 Five Feet Apart 》 Sophia is the little cousin of will he might be overprotective when they were younger but things got a a Wong for will he got cystic fibrosis.
《Spider man》 Olivia little cousin of Peter protecting her from danger and bad people.
《♡ a silent voice the movie♡》- a bestfriend with shouko she a kind heart personality
《*♤New gods nezha reborn*♤》- violent is a little sister of nezha people like her because she is the most beautiful girl person in the city and she is the most Kindest person.
《 *stranger things*》 Stella little sister to will can be overprotective over you during the danger.
《♡chilling Adventures of Sabrina♡》~ Emma a kind heart friend. Makes friends easy.
《Fashion style》 Bella has the most cute and beautiful street style
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Cry baby 《 full album》
Modern times 《 2016 mini album》
Love poem 《 single album 2015 》
Sour 《 full album 2015》
solo 《 mini album 2016》
Palette 《 studio album 2017 》
You&I 《 full album 2018》
Lover 《 full album 2019》
All too well 《 mini album 2020 》
LiLac 《 single album 2020》
Youth 《studio album 2021 》
Hera beauty 《 2013 》
Tiffany & co 《 2016-2017 》
Gucci 《 2018-2019 》
Channel 《 2017》
Jentle garden 《 2018》
Soju 《 2013》
Vogue 《 2013》
Vocals; 85 out of 100 
Dance; 95 out of 100
visual;60 out of 100 
Stamina; 93 out of 100
model 45 out of 100
Stage pesences; 97 out of 100 
producing; 87 out of 100 
songwriting; 67 out of 100 
acting; 98 out of 100 
choreography; 96 out of 100 
composing; 57 out of 100 
Public speakingt:  64 out of  100 
Leading: 46 out of 100   
Mother; kim Ji-hyunBirthday;
October 21, 1973
Age; 32 years old
Occupation; professor of the theater
Relationship status;
decreased. As of 2006
Description; jihyun was a good mother. She was strict but sometimes fun. She did the normal " mother" tasks around the house and made sure her kids were raised well. Though sometimes out of anger. She will yell but, she makes apologies after. Jihyun never showed that she that she was tired or burnt out of life. But. The car crash seemed prepared
Father》 Lee Do- gum 
Birthday July 26 1997
Age 33 years old 
《Occupation》professor of chemistry.
《Relationship》deceased, as of 2006
《Description》 bogum wasn't the great a Dad. He was the Dad that thought he was co and hit,  but really he was embarrassing. He was cracked "cool" jokes  and the students laughed out of pity. Like he liked music a lot and influenced hyunjin and bella to become idols. He loved super junior, b1a4, shinee. He taught his children music and how to play different instruments. He was a good Dad but. Did he really jump for her.
 《Kim Hyunjin Birthday March 20, 1997,
Age 24 years old 
Occupation; idol 
Relationship》 alive
 《Description》 you might know him as kim hyun not  hyunjin. He's a member of  The Straykids  and he closet to  his sister. They sort of different apart when they were separated at the awards shows . Though he still a brotherly figure to bella. He supports her and is the biggest jade and she is the biggest deobi .
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svt-vivi · 3 years
Vivi’s Profile
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↳Basic Info:
Stage Name: Vivi (비비)
Korean Name: Baek Jieun (백지은)
English Name: Viviana Lopez
Nicknames: ana, eunie, jiji, jj, princess vivi, baby vivi, queen vi, fashionista, shortie, diva viva
Position: rapper, sub vocalist, visual, face of the group, maknae
Birthdate: May 25th, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Born: Madrid, Spain
Height: 162 cm (5’4”)
Blood Type: AB
Representative Emoticon: 🍍
Nationality: Spanish-Korean-Australian
Sub-unit: Hip-Hop Team
Languages: Spanish (fluent), English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversational), Japanese (conversational)
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Occupation: rapper, dancer, vocalist, lyricist
Debuted: May 26, 2015
# Years Active: 2015-present
Pledis Entertainment
HYBE Labels
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Producing: ◼️◼️◼️◼️▫️
Songwriting: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
Choreographing: ◼️◼️▫️▫️▫️
Modeling: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️
Variety: ◼️◼️◼️◼️▫️
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~she is famously known for her rbf
~much like wonwoo, she is often misjudged because her intimidating looks but she is actually a very kind and sweet person
~although she has a introvert personality and shy around new people, she has many friends especially in the music industry
~her korean name jieun-> 志 (ji) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 恩 (eun) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity"
~she has an sister 5 years older named Jiwoo and a brother 3 years younger named Jiho
~she joined pledis ent. as a trainee in 2012
~as of 2020, she shares a dorm with jeonghan, hoshi, woozi, and seungkwan but has her own room
~in their previous dorm layout, she used to share a room with minghao and during the group's early years she shared a room with joshua, dk, and seungkwan
~she is part of svt's english line
~when she was five, she moved to melbourne, austrailia and lived there for seven years before moving to south korea in 2011
~she is part of the widely known kpop aussie line
~her representative emoji is a pineapple because she is obsessed with anything that has to do with pineapples
~her individual fandom name is bratz
~she is a huge fan of puerto rican rapper bad bunny
~her role models are CL, Cheetah, Bibi and her mother
~she has her driver license and was taught by s.coups
~ fans often jokingly call her the daughter of meanie couple since she looks like a mix of both of them
~she is in a 00liner friend group called jinx with TXT’s Yuki (@txt-yuki) and ATEEZ’s Amanda (@ateez-amanda)
~she participated in Unpretty Rapstar 3 and ended up as first runner-up
~she feature in Shinee’s Key ‘I Wanna Be’ in 2019
~she made her official solo debut on May 10th 2019 with her mini album
~in June 2019, she officially opened her instagram account @princessvivi_xx
~vivi featured in Karol G ‘Tusa’ in 2019
~she participated in MNET’s Good Girl in 2020
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Face: mamamoo’s hwasa
Rap/Vocal: exid’s le
© svt-vivi— all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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brightmiraii · 3 years
SEVENTEEN 14th member || Hayley
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STAGE NAME: Hayley (헤일리)
KOREAN NAME: Lee Ha Eun (이하은)
NICKNAMES: Eun, Eunnie, Hayhay, Genius Lee, Queen Hay, Duality Eun
BIRTH DATE: January 9th, 2001 (20 years old, 21 on Korean age)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Vancouver, Canada
ETHNIC: Korean
EDUCATION: Seoul School of Performing Arts
ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
EYE COLOUR: Dark brown
HEIGHT: 160cm
WEIGHT: 42kg
POSITION: Lead dancer, sub-vocal, sub-rapper, maknae
UNIT: Performance
TRAINING PERIOD: 2 years and 6 months
LANGUAGES: English, Korean, French, currently learning Japanese and Chinese
FAMILY: mother, father and two older brothers (one of them being Mark from NCT)
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Hayley is the third-child, the only girl and youngest among the three children her parents had
She started dancing at the age of four. Throughout her life she learnt classic ballet, jazz, contemporary dance, hip-hop and more
When she was around ten years old, Hayley won an internship at Paris Op��ra Ballet and stayed there for about three years. She graduated with every honour she could have due to her great performances and skills
After returning to Vancouver, Hayley participated on SM Global Audition, yet she failed it (she considers it one of the biggest failures in her life)
Though that situation happened to her, she passed on Pledis’ audition and started training on 2014
She thought she wouldn’t make a debut since she wasn’t present to the public as one of the Pledis Girls or as a regular trainee, so she was surprised when the prompt of joining Seventeen was presented
Started to train with the boys as soon as 2016 began, even though she wouldn’t go with them to awards ceremonies or concerts
Officially joined Seventeen in ‘Pretty U’ era and received a lot of criticism, but also some Carats loved her
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She’s a shy girl at first sight, but as soon as she has to perform as Hayley from Seventeen, she becomes charismatic and powerful (that’s why Carats call her ‘Duality Eun’). With the members, close friends and family, though, she’s a bubbly and caring personality
Haeun tends to bottle everything inside and pretend nothing’s wrong until she can’t take it anymore
Her motivation is to be a great idol and make Carats proud of her
Her weak point is negative comments, those really affect her
She has a habit to scratch herself when she’s nervous till the point where sometimes it caused bruises
Ever since she debuted, the media always found a way to compare her to Mark and she absolutely hates it because not only she doesn’t want to be known as “Mark’s younger sister” but also it makes her feel insecure about specially her vocal skills
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Hayley was really insecure to join Seventeen, even though she had already met them once or twice, the thought of being in the same group as thirteen boys that already knew each other was terrifying to her. Now, she sees them as her family and cares for them as if they were her brothers for real
She cried after Seventeen won Best Dance Performance on MAMA 2017 when they left the stage because she knew how hard everyone worked for ‘Don’t Wanna Cry’
Probably is the #1 fan of China Line and freaked out with My I (every time they had to perform it Hayley needed to be there and root for them)
Even though ballet took a big part of her life, she had never performed it in front of her members. They only saw her dancing to it during her solo on ‘Diamond Edge’
She loves to read books (lowkey Hayhay and Wonwoo have a book club)
Because she grew up speaking two languages at home + learnt French at the ballet academy, Hayley goes through those three languages when she’s nervous
Carats started to call her ‘Genius Lee’ when Jeonghan said Hayley has good grades on school, besides speaking fluently three languages
Calls Mark at least once a week because she is really attached to him (seriously they’re sibling goals)
She can’t eat anything with cinnamon due to the fact that she’s allergic to it
Plays the piano very well, however she sucks at playing guitar (Jihoon and Joshua can confirm it) done till here
Her favourite colour is lilac
Wears glasses but can’t use contact lenses, so she walks around and performs without seeing very well
Sebongies made a special event to give Hayhay her SVT ring, they made a live without her knowing and pulled a prank on her to, after, give her the present (cue to Hayley crying like a baby)
Loves high heels because they make her looks taller, but she gave up using them because of the choreographies
Would like to try rapping but is too insecure of failing and being compared to her brother that she doesn’t even try
Hayhay tends to not speak up her ideas whenever Performance team is creating a new choreography, she’s really insecure about her ideas so she remains in silence
Only a few times she suggested a few things, including Jihoon’s part in ‘Don’t Wanna Cry’ choreography
Anyone can bribe her with chicken and ice cream
She’s a fan of 5 Seconds Of Summer
Her knees are always bruised with purple marks due to their hard choreographies (the makeup artists have to work on them with makeup whenever she’s using shorts without knee pads)
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chaerincore · 3 years
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stage name: hyewon korean name: park hyewon (박혜원) position: rap leader, sub-vocalist, face of the group birthday: september 13, 1994 zodiac sign: virgo height: 5'8" blood type: B representative animal: cat units: rap, female face claim: saerom of fromis_9 [main] / lisa of blackpink [sub]
vocal claim: moonbyul of mamamoo [main], jeongyeon of twice [sub]
rap claim: moonbyul of mamamoo
she was born in south korea but grew up in both korea and thailand.
she’s fluent in both korean & thai and is learning english & japanese, but thai is her native language.
she raps only in korean, but in her solo projects she occasionally raps in thai.
she has a younger sister.
she's neither a nighttime or morning person.
her specialties in the group are rapping and producing.
she's the oldest member of CORE4.
she's good at both writing and producing, but wants to explore acting in the future.
despite being older than them, hyewon says her role models are stray kids’ producing unit, 3RACHA. they’re her longtime friends & the reason she even started rapping, producing & writing in the first place.
her roommate is sakura.
she was a jyp trainee for five years and apart of itzy's original lineup. she got an offer of working with stellar entertainment to work with another trainee named AJ if she turned down the opportunity to debut with itzy, which she did end up doing.
she says that the reason she chose not to debut with itzy is because she felt like she didn't fit in with the girl group standards, she loves the itzy members & considers them her sisters, but it didn't feel right to be there with them.
trained under stellar entertainment for two years before debuting.
she's known AJ the longest.
she's a big fan of seventeen.
the members say she's the scariest when she's mad.
the members added that she's not nearly as intimidating as she may look.
she considers the members her younger siblings, and feels a need to look out for them as the oldest member.
if she wasn't in CORE4, she would be a producer.
hyewon can rap at 9.43 sps, making her the fastest rapper in the group.
AJ always talks about how powerful of a rapper she is, he was supposed to be the lead rapper but he kept asking SE to make her the rap leader instead until they finally caved.
she's the second member that was added to the lineup.
her celebrity crush is jeonghan from seventeen.
when she was training with itzy, she was supposed to be a main vocalist - she didn't train to be a rapper until she auditioned at SE and tried rapping out by pure chance.
she's too embarrassed to sing in front of anyone other than her vocal coach and the members, she says she still has a lot of work to do vocal-wise.
her motto is "everything happens for a reason."
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Kim Hayun
Seventeen’s 14th member
Hayun’s masterlist
a/n: Here’s my third oc, I hope you guys like her and feel free to let me know what you thought of her as well as some requests💙
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Lead rapper
Birthday June 15th, 1996 (she shares a birthday with Hoshi)
Born in the USA, she moved to Brazil when she was 3 years old but went to Korea when she was 14 to live with her dad's family after her parents passed away.
Height: 168 cm.
International name Hanna, but no one calls her that.
Very talkative, easy-going, and friendly. 
Has no problem with talking to people she just met, making her quite known for making friends during encore stages. 
She likes to be there for people but doesn’t like to make others care about her problems.
Part of the hip-hop unit.
Her rapping style is quite playful and sassy.
She knows how to produce songs to fit into Woozi’s taste.
After moving back to Korea to live with her grandmother she became very invested in the whole idol thing, her main inspiration being 2NE1.
One day, when she was sixteen her grandma let her do one audition to see if she would stop dreaming about this, but instead she signed with Pledis and became their trainee in 2012, she joined Seventeen TV in 2013 during Season 2. 
She became friends very quickly with the other trainees, but the loss of her parents was something that set her back from being her best, she only learned how to fully move past it after debuting.
In Seventeen, she’s known for having two moods, she’s either chill and shares the mom title with Jeonghan or she’s being DK’s energy partner. Despite being in the hip hop unit, her dancing skills are quite good and she’s passable at singing. 
Hayun is often known for fitting in with the boys’ energy and concepts, not having many “girly” outfits or moments.
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district2001 · 4 years
First Official Meeting
Seventeen AU: 14th member
Jangmi x Seventeen 
Recap: Jangmi’s first time meeting Seventeen as a member 
Words: 1.3k
Requests are OPEN: Please please please send me what you want to see from Jangmi. I’m also open to feedback :)
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To say Jangmi was terrified was a big understatement. Every second she was getting closer to walking into the dance studio to meet Seventeen. Sure she had met them before, but this would be different. She would be joining their group, AS THE ONLY GIRL.
Maybe Seungcheol could sense her nervousness, as he grabbed her hand and gave it a quick squeeze. As soon as she looked up towards him, he quickly let go, coughed, and awkwardly started walking ahead of her.
Jangmi chuckled. Clearly he was trying figure out the dynamic that they were going for. She’d give him time. This whole mess would take a while for them to get used to.
She’d also have to figure out her dynamic with he rest of them aswell. Surely she could act the same as she had all this time, probably talk to the other members more. She couldn’t just hang out with the younger ones, Josh and Jun. 
The younger members of Seventeen had all joined the same year she had, meaning that they got to experience their first Christmas showcase together, as well as get used to how everything run at Pledis. Even though she had joined the latest out of the 3, they had all become really good friends. 
Josh and Jun were her Korean class buddies, and they often spent heaps of time going over new, funky words together. Sometimes even figuring out ways to cheat in the test. Jangmi remembered back to their test on flowers and insects, which she had deemed as useless. Clearly not anymore.
There was also the new Chinese member, who she had met, during her visit last winter. Jun had told her about how he embarrassed himself infront of Minghao and spat all over the boys face. She had sat next to him a few times in lessons, but he seemed pretty shy and didn’t carry the conversation further. She’d have to try and make him talk to her , if they were going to be stuck together in a group.
Soon they were standing outside the dance studio, and before Jangmi processed what was happening, Seungcheol had already open the door and pushed her in. A true gentleman. If she had known him more, she would’ve called him an asshole, but unfortunately not today.
When she regained her balance, she was met with the stares of 12 slightly sweaty boys. Instinctively, she moved closer to Seungcheol, hiding behind him. She had no idea why, she was friends with him.
Seungcheol clapped his hands together, then pushed Jangmi out next to him. “You know how the CEO wanted us to add a female member. Well, this is Jangmi. Kind of pointless me introducing her, since all of you know her.”
“Anneyonghaseyo. I’m Jangmi.” She bowed, not wanting to seem rude, despite knowing all the boys. “I’m from Australia and I’m mainly a rapper, wait no… sorry I’m now a dancer.”
She awkwardly laughed, quickly glanced at all the members, looking for signs of annoyance in their eyes. Thankfully, there was none- only an eyeroll from Seungkwan.
“Wait, you’re not going as Jisoo or Rydel?” Chan asked, genuinely curious to why she had changed her name.
“No. Since it’s Shua’s Korean name it would be weird to call her that. The company thought of Jangmi.” Seungcheol jumped in, before she could answer.
“I liked Rydel though” Vernon chimed in. “It has like 80’ vibes.”
“Well, you’re the only one who can pronounce it properly” Mingyu added with a hint of sass.
She noticed The8 whispering to Jun. She hoped he wasn’t saying anything rude about her. Probably asking what the heck a girl was doing in their boygroup. Jun must have noticed she was looking their way. “He just asked me what Jangmi meant. Rose yea?”
Jangmi nodded. The chatter in the group had stopped, and she knew that she would start rambling soon if someone didn’t approach her or start talking
Luckily Seungkwan must have noticed that no one was going to initiate the conversation and pulled her closer to him. “See I told you that you would debut. I told you we’d make it together.”
‘You told me that thinking I’d go to another company after I didn’t make the lineup for the girlgroup. You told me I was JYP material.”
“Same thing”
Hansol jumped in, by ruffing her hair. “2012 trainees stick together.”
“I genuinely cannot believe I’m going to debut.” Jangmi quietly squealed. It was slowly hitting her that she would be achieving her dream. She had kept her composure in the meeting, but she could only hold it in for so long.
“Well believe it!” Mingyu yelled from near the speakers. She had even realised the group had slowly dissipated from their circle.
“I’ve been believing it for like 3 years, and it’s finally happening.” Seungcheol added. Jangmi hadn’t even realised but he had shifted from beside her to the other members in the middle of the room.
“Don’t jinx it. We might have to wait another year again.” Woozi sneered, causing Jun to start laughing.
It was company knowledge that Seventeen had been on the verge of debuting for years. They record a song, some shit happens, they loose a member. They prepare again, the universe fucks them over again, they loose a member. And the cycle continues. Coming back every Winter meant that Jangmi was always seeing new faces, as well as missing some old ones.
She cleared her throat. “Have you guys decided on your debut song? The CEO said it’s not going to be Shining Diamond?”
“Nah. Apparently it’s not good enough for us to debut with.” Woozi defeatedly replied. Jangmi realised at that moment, that it probably wasn’t a great idea bringing up their shortcomings.
“It’s ok though, since Woozi hyungs’ written an absolute banger.” Seungkwan cheered, trying to lift up the sudden somber mood.
“We need you to quickly record your lines, so then we can start working on the choreo.” Dino chimed, walking over to Wonwoo, who was very focused on picking his nails.
Jangmi made a mental note to avoid him for a bit, since he hadn’t really said anything about her joining the group.
“Ok! Will do. I’m sorry you guys can’t start the dance until I’m done with my parts.” She bowed again. She wanted to make a good impression, and get everyone to like her.
“Stop bowing” Hoshi yelled, walking towards her. “You’re under my wing now, and as your unit leader I’m going to make sure that our debut is going to be perfect.”
“We’re going to be massive.” Seungkwan yelled, causing Vernon to quiet him down.
It was too late, the damage had been done.
“We’re gonna get so many music show wins.” DK shouted, raising his fist.
“We’re going to be monster rookies” Jeonghan screamed.
“We will be Daesang Winners!” Hoshi roared.
“Look guys, shouldn’t we actually debut first before taking over the world. Just a suggestion.”
Seungcheols’ soft tone was quite a contrast from the excess noise of her teammates, causing Jangmi to snicker.
“Shouldn’t we show our new maknae one of our dances?” Dino asked, causing all the boys to walk into their formation.
“You’re going to fit in perfectly.” Joshua quickly came over and placed his sweaty arms over her shoulder. “Seriously, if you need any help, just let me know. Don’t be shy to ask.” He quietly whispered in English, before joining the rest of them
Jangmi nodded in confirmation, a warm sensation of happiness filling her chest. She had just been formally put into the group, but they were already looking out for her.
Previous: Debuting with 13 Boys?
Next: Leader Maknae Date
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
Rei’s Relationship with Seventeen p.1
(tumblr has a gif limit so I need to split it)
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he’s her big brother 100%. As the one who trained the longest and was in a leadership role, he was there for her from the first day she moved into the boys dorm. She has always looked up to him, and while she’s past the point of holding his hand when they go to music shows, she still always looks to him for guidance. When she had first debuted and spoke in interviews she would only look at him, just for reassurance that she was doing okay. fans love to talk about how now she doesn’t need to look at him anymore, but he still always looks proud of her.
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Though she was a trainee before he was, Jeonghan was also quick to take on the slightly more responsible role with her. He walked her to school almost every day, and was the first to scold her for wasting her allowance or being late to practice. But that doesn’t mean she thinks of him as a stern person, she’s super clingy and would come to him for help with a sensitive topic before anyone else. She is also single-handedly staging a protest to make him grow his hair back out.
~continued under the break~
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When he showed up to the dorm Rei decided that she needed to show him the ropes, as she was a foreign trainee and he was also a foreign trainee. The boys have never let him live it down, because he spent his first week with them being led around by the hand as Rei coached him on the correct way to do anything. All of the foreign members of Seventeen have a special bond, but they have always vibed because he just kind of loves having her around. He can be on his bed watching a movie and she’ll just come and sit in his room. They don’t have to talk or anything, they just love being around each other.
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They joined around the same time, but they weren’t immediately friends. He was older and their were other chinese trainees for him to be friends with, but they slowly grew closer. They were always working hard and coming home late from practices, as she was trying to keep up and he was a dancer, and it kind of became normal for them to get ready for bed together or grab a late night snack. He also at some point began to be responsible for making her eat breakfast, as she’s forgetful as heck and literally would never eat if people didn’t remind her. Now, however, they’re super close, and wouldn’t hesitate to say that they’re best friends.
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Her original dance coach, he expected perfection from day one but didn’t mind putting in extra work to make sure Rei could keep up with them. In return, tiny twelve year old Rei called him her star....and then he picked the Japanese word for star to be his stage name. He pushed her harder than any of the other members, but refuses to let her criticize herself. If she’s trying her best that’s enough fo him, he can coach her for the rest of it. She adores him, though she does adore all of them, and it is very normal to see her at a dance practice wearing his clothes that she’s stolen. 
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He thought she was adorable from day one and absolutely lived for making her do aegyo. She’s the only person in the world who he actually thinks suits looking cute. Rei was asked in an interview why she got rid of her pigtails, and she said it was to stop Wonwoo from tugging on them. However, he was super supportive when she started to change her image, and was constantly trying to be supportive while still making sure she was comfortable with it. He has also been known to sneak her candy when he’s not supposed to, which usually gets both of them in trouble.
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Rei loved him from the second she met him, and even though he doesn’t really like skinship, he likes it from her. He would just say that he let’s her hug him because he’s thankful she’s shorter than him, but he does actually love how she’s always trying to cuddle. He was the one who suggested her switch to vocal unit when she wasn’t enjoying being a rapper, and coached her until she was a powerful vocalist. He also mentored her in writing, and fought hard to get her writing credits on their album because he knew she worked for it and deserved the credit. 
~part 2 coming soon~
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kingdomtual · 3 years
kingdom and svt 🥰
omg thank youuu <3
My first bias: Mujin :)
Your current bias and why: MUJIN. Because he's super pretty and he's actually really sweet and funny.
Favourite song: It's honestly a tie between Magical and Karma right now!
Favourite MV: Excalibur, I think. Karma is gorgeous but Excalibur had soooo many vibrant colors throughout and I liked all the introductory scenes for each member.
OTP: I literally love how Louis and Dann get along so much LOL like Louis is ridiculous and Dann threatens to fight him all the time, they're hilarious.
Member you think has the best smile: Honestly Ivan is soooo cute when he smiles :( bestie!
Favourite choreography: Karma, for sure. Excalibur was really strong, but Karma took it up a notch and said, 'Hey, watch this.' and they really did it.
Do you own any merchandise: I own all of their current albums! Which...is all the merch they have at the moment LOL
Have you seen them live: Well they just debuted this year and unfortunately covid is still an issue so no :( but someday
Favourite voice/singer: Ivan, actually! He didn't get to do much singing in Excalibur, but in Karma he had so many more lines and his voice is actually really stunning. Dann and Arthur are also extremely strong vocalists.
Favourite dancer: Louis!!!!! Go off, king!!!!!!
idk why they don't have favorite 'rapper' but I'm just gonna put it here to say Chiwoo. He has such a nice deep tone, and when he raps it's stunning.
My first bias: Woozi
Your current bias and why: Welp. LOL it's still Woozi, but I also say Jeonghan and The8, because idk they're both extra special to me too. For me when I bias someone it mostly has to do with their sense of humor??? and all three of these men are comedy kings.
Favourite song: Right now it's My My. I just really love that song and like most of their music it gives me good, comforting vibes.
Favourite MV: Snap Shoot, filmed by Mingyu. Mingyu. KIM MINGYU.
OTP: oh Chinaline, 100%. I love how Minghao and Jun just get each other, and whenever Jun gets worked up during a game, Minghao can bring him right back down. They're so funny with each other.
Member you think has the best smile: Oh, DK, for sure. That man makes the rain clouds go away.
Favourite choreography: I have a lot of faves, I'd say, but I'm gonna put Pretty U here because I was just watching it the other day and it's cute af.
Favourite era: Henggarae. I say this a lot, but that era was just such a warm and happy one after such a long period of stress and struggle.
Do you own any merchandise: Yep! I own some of them albums, and when I saw them in concert I got to get my own caratbong and a sweater.
Have you seen them live: Ah, yes. January 2020, my beloved. Right before everything shut down.
Favourite voice/singer: Woozi! I think his voice is very unique and hearing it live literally gave me goosebumps.
Favourite dancer: The8. I really love all of his extra projects that have to do with dance, as well, and I think he is so unique in what he does. People need to hype this man up some more.
Favorite rapper: Vernon. :) bestie
Send me a group and I'll answer these ask about them!
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jdevyn · 4 years
AU! IkeRev Suitors in a KPOP Group! HCS
Because while I was making the Just Do It Lyric video if Blanc, Oliver and Kyle were to sing it had me thinking if they were part of a subunit, what the actual group would be like... 
(I wanted to do a super group and have all of the suitors in one big group but it was too much to try and make facts for all of them so I handpicked my own suitors I would put in a group together. They are listed in order of oldest to youngest for this AU)
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Stage name: Lance Real name: Lancelot Kingsley Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Producer Nationality: Korean-Taiwanese
Has trained the longest out of the everyone in the group with 6 years
Has also known Harr the longest amongst the members
Although he is half Taiwanese he only speaks Korean
Is known for his amazing charisma on stage, however off stage he is very quiet and actually very clumsy. One time after their comeback stage as they were exiting he walked into one of the floating cameras
In a Dingo interview when asked who was the most troublesome member he said Oliver. "Mmm... He might be the most troublesome but... He takes care of the other members well."
He produces the group's songs, and often co-writes music with Harr
He is very shy with people he doesn't know very well
He gets very competitive when they play games, and if they can choose partners he will normally choose Jonah who is just as competitive, so that he can win
All the members agree that he is the best listener and they can go to him if they have any problems
He is good friends with Bang Chan from Stray Kids
Currently shares a dorm with Fenrir and Jonah
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Stage name: Blanc Real name: Blanc Lapin Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist Nationality: Chinese
He is known as the mother of the group 
He is also known as the gentleman of the group by the fans 
He is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, his Korean is actually a lot better than he gives himself credit for
He is known for his signature deep voiced raps
Actually has a really good singing voice which surprised a lot of fans when he first sung an a song
He trained for 4 years before debut
He is closest with Kyle and Oliver. Kyle approached him first as he was able to speak Mandarin to him. "I was really happy when Kyle spoke to me in mandarin when I first joined. I was really nervous my Korean wouldn't be understandable."
Oliver makes fun of his Korean when he can though, and sometimes teaches him the wrong meanings to some words
He is the leader of the subunit with Kyle and Oliver
He is good friends with Jackson from GOT7 and Lucas from NCT
Currently shares a dorm with Oliver
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Stage name: Joker Real name: Harr Silver Position: Main vocalist Nationality: Korean
He was forced by his friend to audition because he has such an amazing voice
He actually failed several auditions before he was accepted
He actually didn’t want to pursue any more auditions. “My friend, he kept pushing me to keep auditioning. He would help me with the critiques I got so I could better polish them for the next audition. If it wasn’t for him, I really wouldn’t be here.” 
When asked if he was still in contact with this friend he said he was “He’s self declared himself as my number one fan. (Laughs) He’s really crazy, I honestly feel like he would be better suited in an idol group. He has red hair and amazing visuals.”
He still gets very nervous performing in front of a crowd. He was once criticised that he was lacking in his dance and stage presence in the  comeback they were doing in an interview once. This made Jonah mad who is also the group’s other main vocals, "I would like to hear you sing as well as him then." Jonah got reprimanded by Lance soon after the interview
Learning choreography is hard for him, he is always the last to leave the dance studio, luckily for him Oliver always stays to help him out
He writes, and composes some of the groups songs along with Lance
He is good friends with Hwasa of MAMAMOO whom he looks up to for her stage presence and singing
Currently shares a dorm with Seth and Kyle
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Stage name: Oliver Real name: Oliver Knight Position: Main dancer, Lead Vocalist, Visual Nationality: British
Born in London
1/2 of English line
Speaks English, Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin fluently. He is currently learning Japanese with Kyle
He was scouted when he was 12 when a video of him dancing went viral
Was a YG trainee
Is an overall well rounded idol, he can sing, dance, and rap
He is actually a very good singer and originally joined to be a main vocalist, however they needed a main dancer and his position was switched
Is pretty active on his Instagram often posting pranks he pulls on the other members
He is often thought to be a fairly quiet person, however he is the most playful, and when people get to know him they say his visuals and personality don't match at all
He likes to collect teas from the places they tour
He is good friends with Kai from EXO and Woozi from SEVENTEEN (Woozi: "... This greedy guy, share your height with me.")
Currently shares a dorm with Blanc
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Stage name: G.SPEED Real name: Fenrir Godspeed Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Face of the Group Nationality: Korean American
He is the group's mood maker
2/2 of English line
He was born in Los Angeles
He was scouted at the mall
Passed his audition with his vocals, but he ended up really loving rapping
He along with Seth appear the most on talk shows to promote the group
Amongst the group he does the most V-LIVES. Sometimes when he appears with Oliver they both speak English for the international fans. Kyle also sometimes joins them as he is trying to polish his English
His idol is G-Dragon
Has the most energy on stage and is often the one yelling SORI JILLUH!!!! (Make some noise!!!!!)
He was voted as the most ambitious of the group always wanting to do a different stage for the fans
Friends with Bobby from iKon
Currently shares a dorm with Lance, and Jonah
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Stage name: Seth (Stylized as SETH✩) Real name: Seth Hyde Position: Lead vocalist, Lead dancer, Visual, Sub Rapper Nationality: Korean
He is the official visual of the group
He skipped school to audition
He did not get along with Oliver when they first met. They get along much better now and fans consider them adoring frenemies. They often get competitive against each other, however if they are on the same team for games they actually get along scarily well for the sake of winning
They once almost had a full blown fist fight when during dance practice Seth had really accidentally extended his leg too far and tripped Oliver
Lance had to intervene to calm the two
Now they often reenact the moment during fansigns for laughs
When asked if he would ever cut his hair, he said “It’s my charm point don’t you think?”
He said he would consider cutting his hair for a comeback, MAYBE
He is friends with a lot girl idols including YooA from Oh My Girl, Miyeon from (G)I-DLE and CHUNG HA
Currently sharing a dorm with Harr and Kyle
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Stage name: Kyle Real name: Kyle Ash Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist Nationality: Korean
Fluent in Korean, Mandarin, and getting very good at English. He is also learning Japanese with Oliver. His reason for learning is actually because he loves anime
He is extremely intelligent, with an IQ of 155
He originally was planning to study to become a doctor after high school 
He auditioned on a dare but he passed
He became friends with Jeonghan of SEVENTEEN during Idol Olympics when he went searching for a quiet place to nap between events, and he found Jeonghan napping in the space he was going to
He is also close friends with Vernon of SEVENTEEN
He is often praised for his rap flow and writing
He is currently learning the guitar in his spare time
He says he is envious of Oliver’s dress sense, “Oliver hyung always dresses so well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in just a t-shirt.”
He really admires Seth’s fashion sense even if he annoys him, “Ahh it’s annoying... Seth hyung always is on trend.”
Currently shares a dorm with Harr and Seth
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Stage Name: Jonah Real name: Jonah Clemence Psoition: Main vocalist, Visual, Maknae Nationality: Taiwanese
His parents originally wouldn't let him audition, but he kept singing late into the night and would annoying them all day until they caved and said he could audition. He ended up being the only one who passed the auditions
He is currently starring in a Korean drama
He is a huge fan of Girls’ Generation Taeyon
He is actually really good at aegyo, but is really shy to do it
Has a younger brother named Luka
Seth told a story of how whenever Jonah would talk about Luka on a talk show Luka would always text him right away saying, “STUPID HYUNG DON'T TALK ABOUT ME!!”
The interviewers laughed, and asked if Luka actually calls his brother stupid and the whole group was like, YES!!
Jonah completely missed the point though and he was just overjoyed that his younger brother watched him on TV
He is the maknae of the group however he hates it and all the other members make fun of him for this especially Seth
He is friends with Jungkook from BTS and Eunwoo from Astro
Currently shares a room with Lance and Fenrir
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pariah-indp · 4 years
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Given Name: Son Jeonghan
Stage Name: Death the Rapper
- Nicknames: Death the Princess, Han, Hannie 2.0, Jeonghannie, Jeong
Place of Birth: Incheon, South Korea
Day of Birth: April 30, 1995
Ethnicity: South Korean
Nationality: South Korean
Languages: Korean (Native), English (Converstational), Japanese (Learning)
Face Claim: JB of Got7
Height: 5'11 ft / 179 cm
Special Markings: tattoo sleeve, matching frowny face tattoo at the back of his right arm
Group: PariAh
Sub-Unit: ─
Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Producer
Trainee Period: Big Hit Entertainment (2013 - 2019), PNation (Jun. 2019 - Jan. 2020)
Survival Shows: Mixnine (2017)
° Most think from his appearance and stage name that he either very mean or very dirty minded, which is false bc he's babie and has only been with one person sexually in his life.
° Jeong doesn't consider himself a great rapper. He just finds that it comes naturally so he does it. It's one of the only ways he knows how to express himself.
° He wears long sleeves during stages and show appearance bc he doesn't want the editor of the stage/show to have to waste time blurring his tattoos.
° Jeonghan is truly incapable of being mean. he pays for his members' food and clothes, takes care of them when they're sick. He's just an all round good guy.
° He's in a relationship with Hoseok / J-Hope of BTS. They've been dating since 2016.
° He was disowned by his parents when he was seventeen, so he was homeless for a few months.
° His name was inspired by Death the Kid from the Soul Eater Manga & Anime.
° Jeonghan ranked in the top nine for Mixnine and was set to debut before the group was canceled.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
The 15th Member of Seventeen
Anonymous asked: i know you said a few days ago you wanted to finish the added members of seventeen to make 17, so if i requested them would it help motivate you? 😂
14th Member | 16th Member | 17th Member
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Stage name: Rin
Birth name: Cho Ye Rin
Position: Lead rapper
Birthday: August 1, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 167 cm (5’6”)
Weight: 49 kg (110 lbs)
Nationality: Korean
Instagram: @/cho_rin95
Sub-Unit: Hip-Hop Team
Facts About Rin:
Rin was born in Seoul, South Korea.
Her mother is half Chinese and half Korean so Rin can speak Korean, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
She has a twin brother named Yeseung who was born 23 minutes after her.
She has a younger brother named Yunho who’s 4 years younger than her, and a younger brother named Yeongjae who’s 6 years younger than her.
Her father is the CEO of a successful company, and her mother is a television producer.
She became a trainee under Pledis Entertainment in 2013.
She was supposed to debut as a soloist.
Due to Rin’s parents not being supportive of her dreams of being an idol, she made a deal with them that if she didn’t debut within three years of becoming a trainee, she would quit and go to college.
Rin debuted with Seventeen during Boom Boom.
She’s the oldest in the group and Rin says it makes Seungcheol sulky that he isn’t the oldest anymore.
Her favorite colors are gray and black.
Rin's favorite animal is a tiger or a lion.
She’s afraid of snakes and spiders, and has trypophobia.
She says she’s a big fan of KARD, Blackpink, Hyuna, Zico, Dean, SHINee, Super Junior, and Vixx.
She took an interest in learning how to produce music, and now takes part in producing Seventeen’s songs.
She says she doesn’t work well with Jihoon because they’re both “very opinionated when it comes to music”.
If she weren’t in Seventeen, she would be becoming a doctor to please her parents.
Rin doesn’t like when Mimi tries to teach her English because “it’s too hard and doesn’t make sense”.
She’s friends with Taehyung from BTS.
The member she’s closest with is Minghao, Hiro, or Joshua.
She says there was a period of time she didn’t get along with Jeonghan because he would annoy her for his amusement but they’re really close now.
Her parents are still very strict with her despite the deal, so she is enrolled in college classes.
Rin says she was never much of a dancer but she’s learned to enjoy it.
She prefers their darker concepts like Getting Closer. She doesn’t like cutesy or sexy concepts.
The members say she never does aegyo for anyone or anything.
She’s been told her voice is similar to Dreamcatcher’s Dami.
Rin is one of the quieter members, but she gets very loud when she wants the members to listen to her.
She says she’s never been in a relationship before, and it’s hard for her to get romantic feelings for someone.
Her hobbies are producing music, reading, and sleeping.
If she could collaborate with anyone, it would be Jackson Wang or Hyuna.
Mimi says Rin’s not really the mother of the group, but more like “the aunt that’s forced into babysitting while the parents are away”.
She says she doesn’t have one set fashion style and likes to wear everything.
Her and Joshua share a room.
Her ideal type is someone she feels a spark with.
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