#ikerev kyle hc
acosmicblizzard · 2 years
(★) Ikemen Revolution Masterlist (★)
Finally got to making this masterlist too-, i'm no longer writing for ikerev so this is just a easy way to access all my older fanfics. Know that some of these are horribly inaccurate to the lore as some of them were wrote before i learned more of it.
Last updated: 11/21/2022
Total works: 15
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Ray Blackwell
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1
Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Fenrir Godspeed
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Luka Clemence
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Seth Hyde
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Sirius Oswald
Older sibling hcs pt.1 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.1 Child Mc hcs pt.1 Childhood friend hcs pt.1 Younger sibling hcs pt.1
Lancelot Kingsley
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Jonah Clemence
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Edgar Bright
Older sibling hcs pt. Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Kyle Ash
Older sibling hcs pt.2 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.2 Child Mc hcs pt.2 Childhood friends hcs pt.2 Younger sibling hcs pt.2
Blanc Lapin
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Oliver Knight
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Loki Genetta
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Harr Silver
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Mousse Atlas
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Dalim Tweedle
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
Dean Tweedle
Older sibling hcs pt.3 Ticklish S/o hcs pt.3 Child Mc hcs pt.3 Childhood friends hcs pt.3 Younger sibling hcs pt.3
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writer-akihiko · 2 years
may I request yandere Kyle IkemenRevolution?
Yandere Headcanons: Kyle Ash
I had other asks before this, but if I'm being honest, the plots are a bit lengthy so this was a nice, quick translation ask for me to finish! Depending on my free time, I might start to finish the older, shorter asks... One-shots are becoming my weakness.
This is my personal characterisation of Kyle from IkeRev as a Yandere. Actual Kyle would not do this; this is my take on how Kyle acts as a Yandere.
Yandere Kyle is someone who'd never dream of harming you. He straddles the lines of delusion and punishment, because when you push him over the edge he lets go of his reluctance in an instant
He really tries to maintain a normal relationship with you, although a little rocky since you seem to catch him in his drunkest moments. That was the only thing unplanned on his part; he sincerely believes that he was being messed with
He's not initially jealous, but it grows the longer you stay with Kyle. He realises that you're vulnerable, blaming himself for not thinking of countermeasures sooner. Kyle has a compassionate heart no matter how you look at it, so he doesn't actually think of harming you to get you
Just so happened to be an occasion of celebrating your relationship that Kyle carried you off while you were sleepy from the food and wine. Your sleeping face… He was obsessed. He was entranced. He kneeled next to you, staring at your sleeping face, the blush creeping on his cheek as he creeped on you
He can't understand why anyone could fathom harming you. Of course, he's fairly unexpressive of what he feels about you to the others, but those onlookers did not comprehend that he was capable of force-feeding the spies sent to kidnap you a drug that would turn their insides to liquid
Kyle can be scary to you depending on how you react to him. If you cry to him, seeking understanding or even if you're disgusted with him, he won't mind. However, the moment you mention him being a monster or the need to leave him, you fall asleep in his arm from the gas
He absolutely despises you calling him a monster. He's not the monster, the ones who try to harm you are. He's not really harming you darling oh no, he just needs to put you to sleep. You deserve it, you were being ungrateful towards him. Of course he needs to keep you sedated, otherwise you'd be taken from him
The Red Army is too focused that the Alice is within their grasp. Lancelot and Jonah spare no glance to Kyle pursuing a relationship with you. If that means that Alice remains in the Red Army, why should they interfere? Edgar is quick to silence Zero, but if Zero's heroic heart steps out of line, Kyle can fix that up with a quick stitch. Literally
Kyle overall makes you reliant on him. When pushed to the edge, he could be a delusional yandere, but he follows the habits of a compassionate yet possessive yandere. If you plead so nicely, he'll take you out to the dessert parlour with you dressed in your favourite style, with a bracelet of his name around your wrist
Escaping is really futile, and stupid. Kyle undoubtedly is a trustworthy adversary to the Red Army, having enough power to deploy troops to find you. If the Black Army comes into possession of you, he's willing to gas the entire army with a suicidal drug and many more war crimes to have you once again, so be good Alice. Be good, and save your and his descent into madness...
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Ikerev HC 7
Lancelot claims to not have a favorite food (because he is a light eater) but he does. It was a type dumpling that Sirius’s mom made (think pierogi’s) but he is slightly embarrassed and doesn’t want to ask Sirius what it was.
Sirius’s mum and Kyle’s mum are actually friends because of a knitting/sewing/whatever group 
Luka learned to love cooking from Mrs. Ash because while all the older kids were learning about their place in the army him, Kyle, and any of the younger siblings would hang out with Mrs. Ash and cook or whatever.
Mrs. Oswald will invite the black army officers, Lancelot, and Harr over for tea when she sees them. 
Mrs. Oswald tried to adopt Harr and Lancelot at one point (Lance’s was stopped because he actually did say he wanted to be the King of Hearts) and almost got through the process with Harr before he disappeared. 
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pianoperson · 4 years
Ikerev Army Boys in a Zoom Meeting
Because they gotta stay in quarantine but have to talk about important matters.
Black Army
Ray Blackwell
Look, you can’t tell me his background in Zoom is NOT a bunch of cats.
He’s the host of the meeting, being King of Spades.
He’s trying to look serious as he brings up important matters to discuss, but it’s hard to look serious when he’s always petting Belle and the 200 other cats he brought in his house because he knew he couldn’t go outside to the alleyway of cats so he brought them all in plus several other cats he encountered.
“Ray, stop petting the cats and focus.”
“But they’re too cute... and they’re hungry and need to be fed.”
He and Fenrir tend to sidetrack really often too.
“Rayyyy I want to see you again! Quarantine is killing me!”
“Fenrir, I promise you, when we meet again, I’ll be wearing a chicken suit and go ‘bokbok’.”
“We’re derailing from the conversation.”
“And why are you going to wear a chicken suit??”
“DM inside jokes”
Sirius Oswald
He’s the one making sure the meeting is organized, especially with the 40-minute time limit.
He takes notes of important points that are brought up in a notebook.
But here’s the thing about Sirius.
He’s wearing a decent polo shirt.
But then Zeta called for him because something in their house happened that requires his attention.
So he stood up... and revealed his pink strawberry boxers.
“Wait... what???”
“Sirius wha—“
Everyone ended up laughing their butts off.
Luka Clemence
He turns off his camera for most of the meeting because he’s cooking during the meeting but is still listening.
He didn’t mute his mic, however, so the commanders could hear the sound of him mixing and cooking.
Cue the grumbling of stomachs
Unfortunately for him, by the time he was done cooking and decided to turn on camera, the first thing he was greeted to was Sirius’ pink boxers.
Poor guy was traumatized.
Seth Hyde
Ok this guy was wearing a face mask during the whole meeting.
Well... both the N95 face mask and that face mask you apply on your face to make your skin smoother and remove any blockheads.
Oh, and he has curlers on his hair for reasons.
He gives a lot of side comments this whole meeting.
“Sirius, you’re really serious!~”
“Lukaaaaaaaaa what are you cooking?? You’re making me hungry!~”
“Fenrir, you’re such an idiot!”
He shrieked when Sirius revealed his pink boxers.
Fenrir Godspeed
He screamed when he first saw Seth’s mask because it looked really creepy.
“It’s my beauty mask, Fenrir.”
“It looks scary man!”
“What did you say?!”
Ok, aside from the occasional sidetracking of topics with Ray, the guy was mostly behaved.
But on the side, he was browsing through memes on 9gag and ended up chuckling quite a lot.
When the meeting proceeded, he secretly videoed the whole Zoom meeting just in case, and it came in handy when Sirius had to stand up.
Fenrir was laughing the hardest among the BA guys, and even managed to take photos of Sirius’ boxers.
He uploaded the portion of Sirius revealing his boxers on Youtube, titling it ‘Funniest Zoom Meeting’, and it got 1.1m views. Don’t tell Sirius, though, he doesn’t know about this.
Red Army
Lancelot Kingsley
The poor guy didn’t know anything about Zoom.
First, he joined without video, so his face wasn’t seen.
He accidentally muted his mic and he was talking, not realizing they couldn’t hear him. He was really confused on why everyone was ignoring him.
“King Lancelot, why are you so quiet?”
“Wait Lance, turn on your video and mic.”
The last 10 minutes was wasted on trying to direct Lancelot how to turn on his video and mic. But thankfully, in the second meeting, he was heard and seen
It was really weird for him, seeing his comrades on a screen and not face to face. And frankly, it was a little refreshing to see them not wearing their uniforms. Kyle and Zero looked a little more frazzled than they usually are (well, Kyle always looks messy, but this was a whole new level) while Edgar and Jonah still looked impeccable as ever.
Otherwise, he was normal. Just needs help with technology.
Also took him forever to leave the first meeting oof
Jonah Clemence
He was the one who hosted the meeting.
Like Sirius, he was the one who kept the meeting organized and was the one bringing up points for discussion.
Oh but he also nags the others.
“Edgar, stop eating jellybeans! How many times do I have to tell you that?!”
“Kyle, your hair is a mess. Fix it. Now!”
“Lol ok Mom”
He’s the one making sure the meeting does not sidetrack but ironically is the one who changes topic by being mom.
Edgar Bright
He’s taking a video of the whole meeting and taking down notes of important points brought up.
But the whole time, he was snacking off. He turned off camera and muted his mic at appropriate times so Jonah wouldn’t catch him. But somehow, Jonah still caught him.
“Oh, you caught me. But how? I have my camera off and my mic muted when I eat.”
“Edgar... I just know.”
“Jonah’s mom senses were tingling. Can’t get away from motherly instincts Edgar.”
Edgar does not regret taking video of the meeting at all, partly for reference but mostly because of Kyle’s boxer reveal when the meeting was over.
Like Fenrir, he also uploaded it on Youtube and it also hit 1.1m views.
Kyle Ash
He was late to the meeting because guess who had a hangover.
He slept through the first meeting. Thankfully, he joined the second one on time.
He was mostly spacing out throughout the whole meeting, and Jonah had to snap at him to get his attention.
Head empty, only beer
When everyone said their goodbyes, Kyle got up, not realizing he forgot to leave the meeting and that he had his briefs shown to the others, butt facing the camera. He scratched his butt too.
Edgar and Lancelot were laughing really hard, especially the former. He even took pictures of Kyle walking around and touching things with the hand he used to scratch his butt.
Jonah had spat out his tea when he saw Kyle and his briefs.
Goodest boi
He was actually paying attention.
Well, he was eating his meal during the meeting.
He was both bemused and disgusted at Kyle’s briefs reveal and he was kinda glad he didn’t stand up because he was also in his underwear.
But yes, good boi, not much to say
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jdevyn · 4 years
AU! IkeRev Suitors in a KPOP Group! HCS
Because while I was making the Just Do It Lyric video if Blanc, Oliver and Kyle were to sing it had me thinking if they were part of a subunit, what the actual group would be like... 
(I wanted to do a super group and have all of the suitors in one big group but it was too much to try and make facts for all of them so I handpicked my own suitors I would put in a group together. They are listed in order of oldest to youngest for this AU)
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Stage name: Lance Real name: Lancelot Kingsley Position: Leader, Lead Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Producer Nationality: Korean-Taiwanese
Has trained the longest out of the everyone in the group with 6 years
Has also known Harr the longest amongst the members
Although he is half Taiwanese he only speaks Korean
Is known for his amazing charisma on stage, however off stage he is very quiet and actually very clumsy. One time after their comeback stage as they were exiting he walked into one of the floating cameras
In a Dingo interview when asked who was the most troublesome member he said Oliver. "Mmm... He might be the most troublesome but... He takes care of the other members well."
He produces the group's songs, and often co-writes music with Harr
He is very shy with people he doesn't know very well
He gets very competitive when they play games, and if they can choose partners he will normally choose Jonah who is just as competitive, so that he can win
All the members agree that he is the best listener and they can go to him if they have any problems
He is good friends with Bang Chan from Stray Kids
Currently shares a dorm with Fenrir and Jonah
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Stage name: Blanc Real name: Blanc Lapin Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Vocalist Nationality: Chinese
He is known as the mother of the group 
He is also known as the gentleman of the group by the fans 
He is fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese, his Korean is actually a lot better than he gives himself credit for
He is known for his signature deep voiced raps
Actually has a really good singing voice which surprised a lot of fans when he first sung an a song
He trained for 4 years before debut
He is closest with Kyle and Oliver. Kyle approached him first as he was able to speak Mandarin to him. "I was really happy when Kyle spoke to me in mandarin when I first joined. I was really nervous my Korean wouldn't be understandable."
Oliver makes fun of his Korean when he can though, and sometimes teaches him the wrong meanings to some words
He is the leader of the subunit with Kyle and Oliver
He is good friends with Jackson from GOT7 and Lucas from NCT
Currently shares a dorm with Oliver
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Stage name: Joker Real name: Harr Silver Position: Main vocalist Nationality: Korean
He was forced by his friend to audition because he has such an amazing voice
He actually failed several auditions before he was accepted
He actually didn’t want to pursue any more auditions. “My friend, he kept pushing me to keep auditioning. He would help me with the critiques I got so I could better polish them for the next audition. If it wasn’t for him, I really wouldn’t be here.” 
When asked if he was still in contact with this friend he said he was “He’s self declared himself as my number one fan. (Laughs) He’s really crazy, I honestly feel like he would be better suited in an idol group. He has red hair and amazing visuals.”
He still gets very nervous performing in front of a crowd. He was once criticised that he was lacking in his dance and stage presence in the  comeback they were doing in an interview once. This made Jonah mad who is also the group’s other main vocals, "I would like to hear you sing as well as him then." Jonah got reprimanded by Lance soon after the interview
Learning choreography is hard for him, he is always the last to leave the dance studio, luckily for him Oliver always stays to help him out
He writes, and composes some of the groups songs along with Lance
He is good friends with Hwasa of MAMAMOO whom he looks up to for her stage presence and singing
Currently shares a dorm with Seth and Kyle
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Stage name: Oliver Real name: Oliver Knight Position: Main dancer, Lead Vocalist, Visual Nationality: British
Born in London
1/2 of English line
Speaks English, Korean, Cantonese and Mandarin fluently. He is currently learning Japanese with Kyle
He was scouted when he was 12 when a video of him dancing went viral
Was a YG trainee
Is an overall well rounded idol, he can sing, dance, and rap
He is actually a very good singer and originally joined to be a main vocalist, however they needed a main dancer and his position was switched
Is pretty active on his Instagram often posting pranks he pulls on the other members
He is often thought to be a fairly quiet person, however he is the most playful, and when people get to know him they say his visuals and personality don't match at all
He likes to collect teas from the places they tour
He is good friends with Kai from EXO and Woozi from SEVENTEEN (Woozi: "... This greedy guy, share your height with me.")
Currently shares a dorm with Blanc
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Stage name: G.SPEED Real name: Fenrir Godspeed Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist, Face of the Group Nationality: Korean American
He is the group's mood maker
2/2 of English line
He was born in Los Angeles
He was scouted at the mall
Passed his audition with his vocals, but he ended up really loving rapping
He along with Seth appear the most on talk shows to promote the group
Amongst the group he does the most V-LIVES. Sometimes when he appears with Oliver they both speak English for the international fans. Kyle also sometimes joins them as he is trying to polish his English
His idol is G-Dragon
Has the most energy on stage and is often the one yelling SORI JILLUH!!!! (Make some noise!!!!!)
He was voted as the most ambitious of the group always wanting to do a different stage for the fans
Friends with Bobby from iKon
Currently shares a dorm with Lance, and Jonah
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Stage name: Seth (Stylized as SETH✩) Real name: Seth Hyde Position: Lead vocalist, Lead dancer, Visual, Sub Rapper Nationality: Korean
He is the official visual of the group
He skipped school to audition
He did not get along with Oliver when they first met. They get along much better now and fans consider them adoring frenemies. They often get competitive against each other, however if they are on the same team for games they actually get along scarily well for the sake of winning
They once almost had a full blown fist fight when during dance practice Seth had really accidentally extended his leg too far and tripped Oliver
Lance had to intervene to calm the two
Now they often reenact the moment during fansigns for laughs
When asked if he would ever cut his hair, he said “It’s my charm point don’t you think?”
He said he would consider cutting his hair for a comeback, MAYBE
He is friends with a lot girl idols including YooA from Oh My Girl, Miyeon from (G)I-DLE and CHUNG HA
Currently sharing a dorm with Harr and Kyle
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Stage name: Kyle Real name: Kyle Ash Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist Nationality: Korean
Fluent in Korean, Mandarin, and getting very good at English. He is also learning Japanese with Oliver. His reason for learning is actually because he loves anime
He is extremely intelligent, with an IQ of 155
He originally was planning to study to become a doctor after high school 
He auditioned on a dare but he passed
He became friends with Jeonghan of SEVENTEEN during Idol Olympics when he went searching for a quiet place to nap between events, and he found Jeonghan napping in the space he was going to
He is also close friends with Vernon of SEVENTEEN
He is often praised for his rap flow and writing
He is currently learning the guitar in his spare time
He says he is envious of Oliver’s dress sense, “Oliver hyung always dresses so well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him in just a t-shirt.”
He really admires Seth’s fashion sense even if he annoys him, “Ahh it’s annoying... Seth hyung always is on trend.”
Currently shares a dorm with Harr and Seth
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Stage Name: Jonah Real name: Jonah Clemence Psoition: Main vocalist, Visual, Maknae Nationality: Taiwanese
His parents originally wouldn't let him audition, but he kept singing late into the night and would annoying them all day until they caved and said he could audition. He ended up being the only one who passed the auditions
He is currently starring in a Korean drama
He is a huge fan of Girls’ Generation Taeyon
He is actually really good at aegyo, but is really shy to do it
Has a younger brother named Luka
Seth told a story of how whenever Jonah would talk about Luka on a talk show Luka would always text him right away saying, “STUPID HYUNG DON'T TALK ABOUT ME!!”
The interviewers laughed, and asked if Luka actually calls his brother stupid and the whole group was like, YES!!
Jonah completely missed the point though and he was just overjoyed that his younger brother watched him on TV
He is the maknae of the group however he hates it and all the other members make fun of him for this especially Seth
He is friends with Jungkook from BTS and Eunwoo from Astro
Currently shares a room with Lance and Fenrir
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lady-moonbroch · 5 years
Ikemen Revolution HC: NSFW Alphabet
Fandom: Ikémen Revolution (All suitors)
Genre: NSFW +18 
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Black Army ♠️
Ray: Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As King of Spades he needs to keep a level head and a clear mind, but when his lover is in sight his mind flees to her. As little as the movements she makes when she fixes her hair, unveiling the nape of her delicate neck is enough to cast a spell of desire on him.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: his jade eyes. For they are blessed with her smile, every moment of the day.
His lover’s: her lobe. He loves to tease her relentlessly, nibbling and biting it as he whispers in her ear, having her squirm within his arms.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends on what his little lady desires. He can do both. He will make love to his lover slowly, professing his love in whispers as he worships every part of her body. Or he can toss her on the bed and make her forget how to spell her name.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
His love for flowers reflects on this aspect as well. The Lotus Blossom position is both pretty in name as well as intimate and sensual. It can also work both in rough sex as well as slow and sensual. Others: On the edge of his desk or against a wall or seesaw position -or Ascend to Desire pose- (this man is beast 1212)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Small moans and grunts escape him, getting louder when he’s near. Overall as quiet as always, possibly uttering his lover’s name as he is lost in bliss after his climax.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He’s the sweetest bean and we all trust our angel is indeed romantic and affectionate in his love-making.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
This man is a human pretzel, of course he will be goofy in such moments too. And it’s endearing and comfortable and sweet.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
As long as his lover is willing, he’d be down on his knees to do anything to please her. Something he would definitely like to try is gun-play, both on him and her.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh ho I wonder..👀
I believe he is indeed experience. This man is full of surprises afterall.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
The man himself is a wild-card really. Seth is the most mysterious member of the Black Army and is a master of knives and secret weapons. Guessed it yet? The 10 of Spades is definitely into knife-play and sensory deprivation and has a surprisingly dominant nature.
Red Army ❤️
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The King is a master in his trade when it comes to teasing his lover. He will edge her, over and over again, before he’ll endulge her
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Of course he loves to be pleased by his precious lover but he is just as capable in returning the favour. He enjoys the Goddess position to please his beloved, letting her take the lead before he makes her succumb to him.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I’ve seen that he is into shibari. Just imagine the mighty Queen of Hearts wrapped with bright red thread.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
You can be certain the carpet matches the drapes. Nothing less than perfection, always groomed and well kept.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Edgar has all too many dirty secrets, but one he might never admit would be that he’d gladly have his prodigy join him and his lover in bed. He’d be only he’d ever allow.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
This “Gentle Demon” we are talking about, of course there will be toys (probably ones to use on his lover). Whips, blindfolds, silk ribbons but his creative mind will make a tool of torture out of anything really (see: ice).
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
“Please DO NOT bring Edgar to bed”
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Before his beloved entered his life he never felt the need to do it, often at least. Now -although he prefers his loved one’s company- his thoughts often stray to her, reminiscing the feel of her skin, her taste swirling on his tongue like the sweetest candy, all these feelings swelling in his chest leads him to “relieve” himself within the day in order to focus on his tasks.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
His work is more or less 24/7 (being a doctor is hard) so any change for some intimate time with his beloved is precious to him. So quickies are definitely a thing with this cute dork.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
My guess would be the infirmary. MC and Kyle both work there and the kinky vibe as well as the risk of being caught only adds fuel to the fire.
Neutral 🕰
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
This man is both a lady killer and has many years on his back (maybe he too has a time curse), so we can all put a bet that Blanc knows how to treat a lady and has all the admonition in his camp to sent his lover to heaven and back.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s the “White Rabbit”, meaning he’s pace is most likely quick and hard. Although I believe he will start of sensual and romantic to set the mood and then pick up the pace.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
This is Oliver we are talking about, so spanking and asserting his dominance over his lover is a given. Also, he’s likely to participate in a Dom/Sub play.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Be sure he will tease his lover to tears, and then give drown you in pleasure. His lover’s both hates and loves his teasing.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Harr is shy and such a sweet dork, so I’m guessing he likes to cum inside his lover (for it’s more endearing) or anywhere she will allow him to. Also, he likes to watch his lover swallow it when she’s pleasuring him, it sends him straight in heaven.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
This sweetheart will take care of his lover like she’s the most precious treasure. He will carry her in his arms, bathe and dry her, comb her hair and lull her to sleep in his arms, keeping her safe and warm and loved.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
This sweet kitten is needy AF. He’s yearning for his lover 24/7 and has a HIGH sex drive and need to feel her.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depending if he is tired, if yes he will fall asleep right away, cuddling close with his lover. If not he will watch her fall asleep and gaze at her lovingly until the sound of her breath lulls him to sleep.
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oikoneko · 5 years
hc: MC wearing a scandalous Halloween costume to a party
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Black army | Red army | neutral characters
(MC is wearing a sexy nurse costume)
• good luck getting out of the room
• Nothing, and I mean nothing can convince him to let you go out looking like this
• "What are you even covering??"
• He's extremely possessive of you, and the mere thought that you'd be exposed to anyone else drives him mad with jealousy.
• You're his and his alone, this means that only him can see you looking like this, nobody else.
• His anger would quickly vanish and be replaced by his desire for you.
• "Keep the costume on~"
• Soon both of you will forget about the party and you'll pull an all nighter ;)
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• gasp!
• The moment you show him the costume, you are covered by his jacket
• "What are you doing!"
• Whole Cradle will hear him whine and complain about the costume
• "I'm not jealous! This is inappropriate, I'm trying to protect you!"
• This drama queen won't shut up about it for months
• Slightly disappointed in you
• From now on, he'll be the one planning your costumes and even your everyday outfits!
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• smirk~
• "MC, you're such a naughty girl"
• Pleased by the amazing view in front of him
• Slightly annoyed by the idea that you'll go out looking like this, but won't show it
• Tried to be supportive, he really did
• Halfway through the party, he'd drag you to the nearest empty room or area and make you pay for making him suffer like this
• Still won't admit that he was jealous
• Would order you to keep the costume on, he'd make sure that the whole party hears you scream his name.
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• zero.exe has stopped working
• He literally froze, you broke him
• Won't dare even look at you, he'd blush like crazy and won't meet your gaze
• "Y-you're wearing this?"
• Would nicely ask you to consider taking off the costume
• If you insist on going to the party like this, he'd be upset and he'd fail to hide it
• Blushing the whole time
• The rest of the red army would tease him about it the whole night.
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• a sexy nurse...
• He had never been this turned on in his life
• "This is such a beautiful costume, but I'm afraid that you can't go out wearing it."
• If you insist on wearing it, he'd eventually agree
• He's still upset about it though
• Won't cling to you, but would keep an eye on you, in case someone was stupid enough to make a move on you
• He's fine until he gets drunk...
• "Hey! This is my girlfriend, keep your eyes off of her!" "Meet me outside you jerk!"
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janumun · 5 years
Hello, may I please request for NSFW Headcannon for the IkeRev suitors? Thank you. ❤️
 Sure anon! However, you didn’t specify which suitors you’d like me to try writing for unless you meant all of them which would be slightly more hard to fulfill  so I just went along with 3 of my favorites (Edgar, Jonah and Kyle). I hope you like them!
Edgar Bright
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Edgar’s a tease, both in and out of the bedroom. One look at that beguiling smile lets you scrape the surface off the truth: he lives and loves to drive you to the edge of insanity. And he’s got a life time ahead, together, to show you all the ways he can have you unraveling for him.
“Oh, what’s this? You’re quivering down here, you know and I’ve barely touched you. Hmmm? What was that? I didn’t quite catch that.” A sharp suck to the clit has the breath knocked out from your lungs, thighs trying to close around his head to keep him boxed in, but he’s faster. “Ah, please do not be so impatient. Tell me what you want me to do.” His face is the perfect mask of deceptive innocence.  “I won’t know if you won’t say it.” That smile. And he’s going to stay down there, stimulating all your weak points, teasing and testing your heightening senses until you finally break in.
Jack of Hearts: Master Negotiator, Professional Assassin (watch out for the space in between your legs!)
 The man’s got a skilled tongue, be it smooth-talking his sugar junkies out of Jonah’s ever persistent clutches, flirting with you until you’re left blushing to within an inch of your life or… be it feasting on your pussy. Spread yourself for him, invite him in for a taste and let him stay. Edgar will take care of all your oral needs so well. Beware, however (tease alert!), it’s easy to get him started on you but super difficult to get his mouth off of you.
 Edgar loves the taste of you, so much so that he can have you coming for him under seconds or he can drag it out long enough until you’re positively begging to be freed but no, you’re staying there, in his grip until he has been satisfied. Best believe he’s going to be using that wicked tongue of his to have your sore body screaming over to his cause.
Tongue slinking into your tightness, he curls it upwards to scoop your arousal into his mouth, relishing the taste of it. The pink of his tongue darts out to lick at his lips, wet with the evidence of your desire. “You’re the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. Did you enjoy yourself as well? Won’t you let me show you my appreciation? Haha, don’t look at me like that. Haven’t we just started?” Pushing his index finger in, he continues sotto voce. 
 Speaking of sickeningly sweet treats, Edgar carries a hidden stash of gummies on his person at all times. He particularly likes to hand feed you his most favorite pieces at breakfast, when you are both usually free to share your meal.
Plucking one of the jellies between gloved index and thumb, he’ll gently press it to your lips, silently encouraging you to take it in. This is supposed to be harmless feeding, so why do you find this display of affection so erotic? Your lips part to admit the treat along with his fingers. This gentle demon knows exactly what you’re thinking as he feeds you, letting his fingers linger for a while, tracing along your tongue, just enough to have you gawping before he’s withdrawing his hand, smiling at you like nothing’s amiss. Ass of Hearts
Sometimes, when he wants to amuse himself with and adore that extra blossom on your cheeks, he’s leaning in to place a gentle hand against your face, urging you to open your mouth to admit his tongue in. Let him share the sweetness in between your mouths.
Your cheeks are flaring but breakfast has been a good meal for Edgar so far.
Watch out for Jonah catching you two while you kiss, Edgar doesn’t fucking stop eating you . You’re in for a long lecture on propriety and decency. “Stop tarnishing the name of our proud Red Army, Edgar.”
 Is Edgar a boobs or an ass man? In keeping with true Edgar eccentric taste, neither.
That is not to say he doesn’t love your breasts and bum (He does so, very much. Especially when his hands slip around the curve of your ass to hold you tight as he impales your body on his over and over again, until you’re a breathless whimpering mess, lovely locks of disheveled hair falling loosely around your shoulders, the tips of them tickling at your bouncing breasts – a sight so lovely – Edgar finds himself getting harder by the second as he reaches to pull one pebbled nip into his mouth.)
No, far more than that, he loves to appreciate the graceful line of your neck as it tapers off onto your back, the skin so delicate, it makes him want to take it between his teeth to bite down on the tender flesh of it, leaving a shock of red to bloom behind in place.
Even better if someone notices his mark the next day through a peak of exposed flesh while he moves to smoothly slide in next to you, arm coming around your waist, lips coming around to kiss at that exact same spot where he spoke his passion onto, the previous night. Suffice to say your face has burst into flames at this point.
Loves seeing you in low back dresses due to his neck fetish.
Put on a sleek back-less number when you two are invited out to an opulent dinner affair at so-and-so’s manor. He’s instantly hard the minute his eyes land on you, on the sloping line of your back and neck. He can’t wait to get back home and fuck you senseless, waiting only long enough to cross the threshold into his bedroom.
For the evening, however, he’s got that picture perfect smile; a textbook gentleman as he extends a gloved hand your way, ready to escort his lady love out on a date.
 Jonah Clemence
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Jonah’s a switch and a brat, change my mind.
You would have never guessed your prim and proper Queen was fond of getting blown out of his mind if you hadn’t asked to take him into your mouth, a few escapades into your sexual relationship.
3 minutes. You counted. That was the time it took for Jonah to come in your mouth, the very first time, back of hand splayed across his whimpering mouth. When he caught you staring up at him, a heavy blush took his features as the man huffed and puffed at you, clearly trying to mask his embarrassment but you could do little else but hide the blossoming smile across your lips.
On the flip side of the spectrum, Jonah loves to dote on you, lavish you with presents. It makes you a little uncomfortable at times but you also understand his high-handed demands come from a place of love. He has only ever known how to show favor by means of materialistic gestures. So let him take you out to shop, once in a while, accept his over-the-top gifts. It makes him so happy.
What also makes him happy is when you let him slip you out of that same dress he bought you at your favorite boutique, fabric sliding across soft pliant skin, followed closely by Jonah’s worshiping pecks and kisses.
Or that undergarments shop you visited earlier, Jonah going along with but not without a high blush on those shapely cheekbones. What are you looking at? Of course, he has been to a women’s clothing store before! He can handle it, thank you very much.
 It’s his turn to tease at flesh uncovered by adoring hands as he takes off those silk panties, skims them down your legs, parted mouth and pink tongue seeking the place in between.
To return the favor, go shopping for him too. Buy him scarves of the most exquisitely soft material, bind it around his neck to tug at him however you wish, around his wrists as he writhes and moans to your tender mercies, around his eyes as you make a damn mess out of your Queen. So many wonderful uses.
Loves it when you ride him with him splayed on his back, fingers fisted convulsively tight against crumpled sheets, mouth a panting hot mess, as he stares up at you with lust and subservience clouding his vision.
“Ah… mm… t-that feels good… Ah, no, that was just… hah… t-tilt your hips a bit. Dear God, you’re squeezing me so tight… hngh…” He’s throwing his head back, the wondrous pleasures of the inside of your body too overwhelming for him to handle.
Kyle Ash
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Hands down, boobs man. He loves them, loves to jiggle them in between his hands, squeezing the soft flesh almost as if he’s entranced by the sight of them as you bounce yourself on his cock.
Drunk sex is a given. When is your man not drunk? He enjoys it and so do you.
 He gets extra handsy and filthy when drunk, sobriety down and out the window. He’s squeezing your ass, cupping a hand to feel at your wet pussy, sloppy and rougher than usual as he fingers you to completion, then proceeds to push you down to let his mouth feast alternately. Seriously, your pussy is as intoxicating as a fine glass of whiskey any day. Even better, he thinks. Let him drink, please.
The doctor is easy to get flustered if you honestly speak of your feelings for him.
Tell him you love him, you love him a lot and he’s grumbling at you, turning his face away, swinging right back to plaster his mouth over yours when you keep persisting, just to get you to shut up. Wandering hands are reaching for your hips to pull you closer.
“What are ya even on about, dummy? Now look what you’ve done,” he mutters, bringing your bodies closer together to grind his hot arousal against you. “Better prepare yourself for the consequences.”
Hot fantasy wall smashes are out of the equation.
Man ain’t strong enough to push a chair about, you think he has the stamina to lift you? Attempting to do so has him immediately crumpling to the floor, while you try not to laugh at his weak ass. I’M SORRY, I DO HONESTLY LOVE YOU KYLE
Was that the sound of something cracking? Oh God, Kyle, are you alright?!
Finds it hot when you put on his specs you broke yours. Bonus if you put on a nurse’s outfit and proceed to give him an injection.
 He’s trying to concentrate on his own text but when you push those glasses up your nose, intense focus on taking in all that knowledge, bare legs crossed at the knee… Jesus. He has a raging hard on. He’s a filthy pervert, welp, and he needs you this very instant.
More than one fantasy of his involves you, in the infirmary, spread across the examination table, legs apart as you reach for him.
“Examine me, Doctor.”
Fuck, you’ve never called him that before, but he sure wants you to. Not that he’s going to tell you that out loud. He can’t, not when it sounds like something right out of a cheap porno. Kyle is an intellect cough.
I hope at least one of these babies is your favorite as well anon, even if they ARE random picks. Kyle won one over Daddy Sirius. Jonah took over for Seth. 
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pseudofaux · 5 years
Can I request a group HC with both Black an red army dealing with MC Who is so independant and would not let the guys help her
Sure! Gonna write for a few guys across the armies. Thank you for requesting this as part of my follower celebration!
♥️ Lancelot is going to struggle with this a lot, but he’s not going to struggle to her about it, oh no. Kyle and Jonah, on the other hand... they’ll get the honor (?) of hearing him fret about it. Lancelot is a traditionalist in the best-intended sense: she saved him, he wants to take care of her in return and because he loves her. It will take some time for him to work this out with her, because if she won’t let him help her with small things like tying her ribbon or escorting her around a puddle, he WILL resort to larger gestures in an attempt to make his love language heard. They’ll figure it out, but it will take talking and maybe even counseling. No shame in that! Better to be happy!
♠️ Sirius will go along with it. It’s canon that he wants to protect her but is pragmatic about the value of her knowing her own ways to get her out of trouble. Likely “demands” he be able to do helpful things for his own benefit, like giving her a massage before bed. Gets pretty tricksy about this! As long as they are both in on the joke, I think it will be okay between them. He is the most likely to have One Serious Talk wherein he declares he will give her whatever space she wants but he reserves the right to rescue her if he really thinks she is in some kind of danger. Lives that code to the letter, afterward.
♠️ Seth is also going to struggle a lot, because he wants to help Alice with EVERYTHING. That’s the point! It’s only because he adores her so much that he will manage to listen to her establish boundaries that conflict with everything he thinks about how ladies should be treated. If she gives Seth the chance to be around and see that she can navigate things by herself, that will help. It will help even more if she will let him fuss over and consider things she may not care about: always having another pair of boots in case one is out of commission for some reason, a napkin packed into her lunch, a full canteen in her knapsack if she needs to do some walking in the forest.
♥️ Kyle shrugs it off like it will be easy enough, and he intends to give her a wide berth for doing her own thing. But he is a considerate guy by nature and they may get into little snap fights if they’re not careful. In his case, it’s literally about the clinic running well, in many cases he is helping them/the infirmary, not her because of any belief she can’t do it on her own. It will take a few weeks for it to be natural, but it will. He takes to her desire to not be helped the best, out of the guys I’m writing here.
♥️ Zero, like... honestly, the boy plods tf along doing what he wants to do until he knows better. He is no dummy but she will have to explain, each time, for a while, why what he’s doing rankles her. I think he’s one of the gentlest men in the game, he would never do anything to make her unhappy, but he’s a Cybird Love Interest among Cybird Love Interests— his heart pines for her, beats for her, wants to be useful to her. Things will work out neatly in time if Alice can be clear about where she WILL accept his assistance and they agree to codify those areas as the only ones he’ll involve himself unless she asks for different. They will be happily exchanging space-respecting-but-relationship-affirming “just because” tokens of affection before long.
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saphyhowl · 5 years
Now to ask for a lighter request after all the angst that ripped out my heart and stomped on it. But headcanons for the Red Army taking care of Cinnabun MC after their first time together ifyougetwhatimean- She can’t walk or stand properly, she’s a small and short girl okay there’s no way she could’ve been able to handle *ahem* t h a t-//slapped
Heya dear! Sorry it took me so long to write this! Please forgive me. I hope you'll still enjoy it.
- He may be still catching his breath from the high he shared with MC, but he will check on her.
- When she squirms and blushes, stating that she can barely move, Lancelot blushes. He feels a little guilty.
-Kisses her blushing cheeks and keeps her in his arms.
- Will run a bath for both of them. Lavender scent, to ease the soreness.
-Wraps her in a towel and carries her back to bed. They stay in each others arms.
- They stay quiet, listening to each others heartbeat, slowly being wrapped in the lavender scent, drifting into sleep.
-The next morning, Lancelot has an early start and wakes up before her. He asks for her breakfast being brought in bed.
- He kisses her forehead and leaves a note by her side.
-Lancelot found it important to convey his feelings in form of a letter. He shared a precious moment with her and it left her a bit sore, he still feels guilty, but his heart is swelled up by all the love.
-Cradles MC close to his chest. He listens to her breathing slowly calming down.
-Runs a bath as well for both of them, but takes extra care of her. He takes pride in the marks he left on her but then again feels guilty for marking her precious skin.
- For some magical reason he has some sweet treats prepared for them.
-Jonah gives MC a matching robe and leads her back to bed to feed her all this nice sweet treats.
- When he notices that she can't walk, because despite the bath she still feels very sore, Jonah presents different shades of red on his face before carrying her bridal style back to bed.
-MC will be pampered. Massages And food until they both drift into sleep
-Jonah will secretly hope MC won't be able to move so he has an excuse to keep her close to him the whole day after.
-Turns out MC can't move even the day after...More Jonah×MC cuddles time :3
-Sleepy baby will try to stay awake to take care of MC.
-When MC complains she can barely walk, he apologies endlessly  even if his very mischevious smile seems to tell otherwise.
-Will share his jelly beans as an apology.
-Endless cuddles and kisses to make up for it.
-Edgar whispers from time to time how much he loves MC.
-Sadly words don't make MC's inability to walk wash away.
-"I guess you are my prisoner now" Edgar smirks, making MC blush even more.
-Edgar will keep her fiercely in his arms. He is unable to sleep. He can't believe how lucky and happy he is. Traces little hearts with his finger on her back.
-Zero's brain stops working when he sees MC blushing and looking away, mumbling how great it was but then again how sore she feels.
-Zero is torn between throwing himself from a window or being smug.
-Chooses to apologise every 2 minutes as he helps her clean up and get back in her clothes.
-Hugs and butterfly kisses.
- There won't be much talking expect some "I am sorry"s and "I love you"s
-They both drift off into sleep, entangled in each other's arms.
-Zero wakes up earlier to prepare her breakfast and bring it to bed.
- Will give her some white roses as well, pure bb, as "Sorry for your hurting your body/I love you/ This moment was precious" gift
- He is lying on his back staring at the ceiling trying to take in what just happened between him and MC.
-Notices MC trying to discreetly head to the bathroom.
-Hears her groan in pain. Blushes beat red.
-Offers her his arm to walk her to the bathroom.
-Cleans her up, offers her some water. He cradles her in his arms. He feels a bit helpless because he wants to take care of her.
-It's kinda of his job. But right now, after their first time, he does not know any better.
- He feels sensitive, a bit emotional, he needs MC close to him, in his arms.
-He needs to hear her heartbeat, her breathing. He needs to know she is not upset for having some marks he left on her, or that she feels a bit sore.
-He hears her voice, calm and loving and he knows. He will be alright, they will be alright.
-They fall asleep, not really having a real after care time. They just need to be together that's all.
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Red Army Types HC
Edgar Bright: 
Being the absolute tease that he is, he could lean heavily towards two kinds of personality types
Easily embarrassed types will give him the reactions he so desperately wants to receive. He could possibly border on sadist with how much he wants to make your cheeks flush with heat and have you squirming your seat from his words.
Or Edgar would do well with someone who can counter his advances with an equal amount of teasing. Being caught off guard and having to stay alert for an offensive attacks would thrill him. 
As far as hobbies or activities go, Edgar is open to anything. Being the master of many subjects, he is a very willing teacher, even willing to teach you swordplay if you so desired. He specifically loves doing things where he can put his hands on you, if only to tease you further. 
So long as you are willing to spend time with him, Edgar will do pretty much anything you ask. 
Least favorite personality traits would be someone who is lazy and inactive. He would not turn away a lady on that alone, but it would do little to cure his boredom just sitting around headquarters. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Candy Making
Jonah Clemence:
Refined, elegant, high-class. All of those describe our lovely Queen of Hearts. Quite complicated and contrary in his own personality, it might be easier for him to list all the things he distastes in a women, but we might be here a while.
Jonah needs someone who can accept him for who he is, but also inspires him to be more honest in his feelings, rather than a woman who wants to change him.
Personality wise, he would want someone who can read between the lines of what he is saying, so that he doesn’t have to explain himself. Though, you sometimes play dumb in order to rile him up and see him get blushy.
He would love a woman who has a mind of her, and is willing to speak it at appropriate times, even if it means disagreeing with him. He has to deal with fake smiles and fake people in the high society of Red Territory, and having an honest partner would be good for him. Having strong morals and strong convictions that you both stand by is also a plus.
Jonah wants to spoil his partner, so someone who can accept gifts without fussing at him each time would sit well with him. It wouldn’t hurt him to be turned away occasionally for going overboard with his spending but he will inevitably buy you gifts, and as such, accept with them with a smile. 
Biggest dislike in a woman is someone who is sloppy in any aspect of the word. A messy room, unseemly attire, or poor self care would send him into a lecture or a coma. He doesn’t want to dictate everything you wear or do, but basic self care is something he doesn’t want to have teach you.
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Strawberry Picking 
The sweetheart of the Red Army with little experience with women. Zero is wary of love and the meaning is hard for him to understand as he did not grow up in an environment where that was taught to him. 
As such, he needs someone who can teach him what it means to be in love gently. Stronger personalities can intimate the boy, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. He is open to pretty much any personality type.
Hobbies can include a wide range of things, but a creative partner is something that would draw him in. Being able to watch you paint, draw, write, play an instrument, etc. would enthrall him, and he may even ask you to teach him. 
He would like someone who wants to be outdoors with him, as he is fairly active even when off duty. Enjoying nature and going for hikes on his off days would thrill him.
A kind and caring individual is a major plus for him. You don’t have to be a saint, but having a open heart for those around you, whether it be simply complimenting a chef on their food, or helping the elderly carry their groceries, will make him happy, as he wants to put as much good out into the world as he can. 
A personality type that might clash with him is someone who is overly pushy and/or manipulative. Zero himself might not see it happening. He could easily be in a relationship where someone is using his kindheartedness to their advantage, but there is a lurking Jack who will put an end to that very quickly. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Volunteering at the Animal Shelter! Walking and playing with the dogs would suit him best.
Kyle Ash
The usually hungover doctor swears by alcohol and the light it brings to people. He loves to go out and mingle with his friends or meet new people. However, drinking is not a requirement to be with him. He would not be bothered if you didn’t drink at all. 
He simply wants you to be with him. Going out to the bar to meet Oliver and Blanc, going on house visits with him, any time that he gets to have you with him is a good time for him
Personality types that turn him on would be someone who is full of life and wants to have a good time. Even if you don’t drink, go out with Kyle to the bar and surprise him with your witty humor or silly dancing. Someone who can make him laugh will fit well with him.
On the flip side, Kyle would also want someone he can take care of. Being a doctor, and having his views on living life to the fullest, he would be there to take care of you in your darkest hour. You don’t have to pretend to be okay, because he can pick up on your mental state easily. 
Not quite fitting in with Red Army standards, someone who isn’t afraid of being loud and fun, and not being the standard prim and proper ways that is expected of a Red Territory resident would suit Kyle just fine. Being able to let loose and enjoy whatever you like without inhibitions is what his life motto is all about. Unless its endlessly eating sweets and then he will lecture you but with love. 
Something that might turn Kyle away would be someone who is so strong willed against going out or very self-centered. It could easily drive a wedge between the social butterfly of the bar and yourself if all you cared about was staying home and doing nothing, or not caring about yourself or others at all. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: Wine Tasting (maybe even in another country!)
Lancelot Kingsley: 
The stoic leader of the army and typically a hard man to read, Lancelot is much more composed and laid-back in his personality when it comes his lover, not his army. 
Personality traits that attract him is a woman with a strong will, and an equally strong resolve. Being wishy-washy in your decisions would not sit well with him. 
That being said, he wouldn’t be opposed to someone who relied on him for protection. He is the leader of an army, a master sword wielder, and he would not let anything harm you. Don’t be afraid to run him in times of need. 
Staying indoors is no problem for him, so having a partner who wants to lie in bed, and is just content being in each other’s arms would suit him. He doesn’t need to have elaborate dates to be happy with you. Lancelot might try to monopolize all your time to be alone with him, so be careful.
Not having any hobbies of his own, besides working himself to death, Lancelot would be fascinated with anything you find mildly interesting to do. He would endlessly question you about the book you were currently reading, or have you explain the reasoning behind your hobbies. In the end, he would want to learn as much as he can, and he might even ask you to teach him a thing or two, just to spend time with you. 
A turn off for Lancelot would be someone high maintenance and/or bratty in the bad way (this is sfw so I won’t get into the good way ;) )  He already has to deal with so many things within his army during the work day and coming home to someone who would argue or want to constantly nitpick about him would not be good for his health. 
Unusual but Perfect Date Activity: A Mini Vacation to a hot springs!
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myotomespace · 5 years
Books IkeRev suitors have in their rooms
welcome to this shit post HC...do not ask me why i wrote it bc idk XD
I started running out of ideas by the time i reached Fenrir...and totally gave up on zero and lance (i’m sorry)
Tagging: @otome-fantasy because some of these are your idea XD thanks :3
ALL the books in his room are borrowed from sirius
You can’t change my mind on this
He’d get not ask what he wants to read and leave it wherever it lands when he finishes it.
Who would bother arranging a book somewhere when you can use that time to read another one
Sirius is offended that his books are treated like that
With how they are arranged in his room…
It’s a fucking mini library
Listen...you’d find AT LEAST 3 books of every type
Also search really well and you’d find eroticas too
You can’t change my mind on this one too
They are arranged by alphabet and weigh.
An encyclopedia is the easiest one to reach
He’d put the books that he doesn’t want anyone to reach at the very top.
Pure boi wants to perfect every single recipe written there
Please praise him!
He writes his own recipes in a notebook
One day he’ll write a cooking book....
Watch Jonah get thousands of copies much to luka’s annoyance
Jonah’s room would be redecorated just to implement a huge shrine for all of those copies.
Luka’s #1 fan... he’d be the FIRST one on the line for signing
Y’all soldiers of the proud red army better prepare for a pop quiz everyday and you better get all of the recipes correct
Your big sister Seth here, keeps up with EVERYTHING related to fashion
You’d find magazines about clothes, hair styles, beauty hacks, health and fitness for girls, with some interior decor ones.
Want a new hairstyle? check
You can’t find clothes that look good on you? no problem
Want to lose some weight? Seth’s got your back (you don’t need it tho, you look beautiful as you are)
He is also the one to redecorate your room when you’re bored of the current one.
Low-key has some gay books hidden inside a secret drawer on the underside of his bed (i’m sorry XD )
This boi does NOT read books
Books are for nerds
Guns are for cool people
He has some photo books on guns tho for fashion purposes
All those guns on the wall in his room are for fashion’s sake btw… he’d use a type of gun per day.
People change clothes for fashion, Fenrir changes guns for fashion
I am convinced Edgar has any kind of book you can think of
Where he keeps them is a mystery…
You can only see the books related directly to his work on the shelves…
Where tf does he keep the other ones??
It’s canon (in chi ver) that Edgar has lent Lancelot romance novels with pastel colored covers
I am certain he has porn books too, fight me on this
His room is full of medical books.
Just like ray he just puts them wherever the hell seen fit
That explains how the poor plant was put in that perfect enough position?? how did he do it??
He arranges them once in a blue moon……
When he can’t fucking find the specific book he’s looking for
Good luck on finding that paper with info on a medicinal plant after it gets too messy...
Like i said before...Jonah collects thousands of copies of anything involving luka
And he keeps them in his luka shrine
Do NOT underestimate the Queen of Hearts’ love of Luka!
Do not even think about getting a copy to look at, they are all his
But if you swear not to touch it with your hands he will allow it...for a few seconds...
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alloveroliver · 6 years
Big ___ Energy HC Ikerev
NSFW Explicit
Black Army- Big Hospitality Energy
Sirius Oswald- Big Dick Energy
Luka Clemence- Big PureBoi Energy
Seth Hyde- Big BFF Energy
Ray Blackwell- Big Pussy-Lover Energy
Fenrir Godspeed- Big Trigger-Happy Energy
Red Army- Big Kidnapping Energy
Lancelot Kingsley- Big Fuck-All-Night Energy
Jonah Clemence- Big Sweet-Tooth Energy
Kyle Ash- Big Hungover Energy
Edgar Bright- Big Smirk Energy
Zero- Big Protective Energy
Citizens- Big Shes-Not-My-Problem Energy
Loki Gennetta- Big Teasing Energy
Blanc Lapin- Big Dom Energy
Harr Silver- Big ShyBoi Energy
Oliver Knight- Big Read-Between-The-Lines Energy
Alts- Big I-Came-Here -To-Have-A -Good-Time And-Im -Feeling-Really-Attacked -Right-Now Energy
Amon- Big Bad Energy
Darin Tweedle- Big Cum-On-My-Face Energy
Deen Tweedle- Big I'm-Not-His-Twin! Energy
Mousse Atlas- Big Slept-On Energy
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lovingsiriusoswald · 5 years
What would the IkeRev Suitors look like in Modern AU x Glasses? [Part 2]
aka self-indulgence
different style and all but i absolutely love it either way
Luka Clemence
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Seth Hyde
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Fenrir Godspeed 
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Edgar Bright
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Kyle Ash
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Blanc Lapin
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Loki Genetta
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I also really like the clothes for Fenrir and Edgar!!
I personally think that Kyle, Zero and Blanc’s style suits them best
created here // part 1
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chaosangel767 · 2 years
hi there👋😀
can I please ask for a hc about Ikerev boys taking care of mc while she's on her period? (specifically her first period after they start dating)
I'd like to see how they find out about it and how they react and then what they do to make her feel better😊
if you don't mind I ask this hc for these characters: Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Luka, Sirius, Oliver.
thank you♥️♥️♥️
Hey Anon! I am so sorry this sat in my inbox for so long. I have been working on it very slowly. I normally only take 5 characters for HC's so I did all the Army boys (Feel free to ask for more when my regular requests are open). For now though I hope you enjoy. I tried to be as diverse as possible with symptoms cause there are a ton and it effects everyone a little differently.
First Period HC's - Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Sirius and Luka.
Suitors: Lancelot, Jonah, Edgar, Kyle, Sirius, Luka
[HC]: how the boys take care of Alice while she's on her period. (Her first period after they start dating) How they find out how they react, how they make her feel better.
Warnings: graphic period symptoms
He knows the basics about periods but didn't register that you'd get one.
He gets really worried when you say you aren’t feeling well and gets worried when you are more tired than usual, starting to fuss over you.
You blush when you end up sitting him down and tell him what’s going on and that you aren’t sick.
He ends up getting you a heated stuffed animal for your cramps and makes sure your workload is minimal.
He is very attentive to your needs and ries to be more sensitive with your moods. He talks a little less, not wanting to upset you because he knows he can be a little callous.
The first couple of days is rough, he doesn’t fully understand your mood swings or how more/less affectionate you are feeling.
He makes sure you are comfortable and if you need more affection he will rearrange his schedule to cuddle you and work from bed. Or he will wrap you up in his mantle and let you sit on his lap at his desk.
You like playing with his collar or medals and will pepper kisses along his neck.
If you are feeling less affectionate and more withdrawn, he lets you use your old room and will leave the door open so Shine can come comfort you and he can help you with anything you need.
Jonah has zero clue about periods. He scolds you for your acne issues, and makes a comment about you looking bloated. Jonah’s words really upset you, and you storm out of his room and go down to the infirmary in tears, feeling exhausted and just wanting to sleep.
Kyle lets you in the infirmary and helps you feel comfortable. He gives you pain killers and lets you get some rest, fending off Jonah. Jonah gets worried when he goes half the day without seeing you and storms into the infirmary to see you curled up with a pillow sleeping.
Kyle pulls Jonah aside and gives him the rundown about periods and that he needs to leave you alone. Jonah feels absolutely terrible and buys you some of your favorite tea and dessert from Central Quarter.
When you finally wake up you see Jonah sitting worriedly next to your side with some fresh tea and a dessert. He apologizes for being rude earlier, offering the tea and dessert. You explain to Jonah what usually happens during your period.
If you need more affection he will cuddle you and dote on you more, letting you snuggle into his side while he works on the bed.
If you are less affectionate he will either back off of touching you and let you stay in his room, or you can go to your old room for a few days to have some space.
Jonah insists on making sure you eat, even if it is a little bit and making sure you get plenty of rest. He loves giving you massages so you feel better, absolutely spoiling you if you let him.
Innocent boi I know what they are but is oblivious to you getting them.
When he notices you aren't feeling well he casually tries to pry to see why. He is worried about you, but if symptoms are manageable you ignore him and try to go about your day, not bothering with much.
You skip meals and just crash after dinner and he finally gets you to tell him why. You are a little shy about the questions he asks but you tell him everything.
He loves doting on you so he is happy to cuddle you, and wrap you in blankets. He is good with his hands and will massage your body or draw you baths to help with the pain. He is another one that will go and buy a heat pack for your stomach. He does anything he can to make sure you are comfortable.
He knows when you are moody and is good at calming you down, or avoiding confrontation with you. He knows the best ways to work through your mood swings and if he doesn’t know what to say he will either just hold you or let you calm down.
Being a doctor he knows about them and he knows that you will get yours eventually.
His worry is triggered when you don't eat breakfast and is just pushing your food around your plate. He tries to coax you into eating something gentle that will help an upset stomach.
He'll watch you closely as you attend patients. Kyle is quick to notice the way you'II occasionally wince on hold your back or stomach.
He will quietly pull you aside and confirm his suspicions before making sure you are okay to continue working. He keeps a heat pack out of sight of the patients so you can rest and use it if you need to.
If you insist you are okay he will watch you through the day and make sure you take breaks as needed.
If you start to need to rest he will set you up in his office so you can rest and relax or he will send you to his room so you can wear his shirt and curl up. He will avoid going out with Blanc and Oliver during this time, so you can have him all night long. He only works when necessary and spends the rest of the time looking after you, staying nearby and studying.
Growing up with his younger sisters means he's aware and ready for this. He's had your bathroom stocked with supplies and he notices the changes in your attitude.
You don't mention it to him but because of how attentive he is he picks up on it immediately.
Sirius subtly checks to see if you need a couple of days off.
If you agree to take a few days off, he'll think of a reason and will check on you often, sometimes letting you rest on his lap while he works.
If you insist on working he'll change his routine around a little so he is always near you and watching you to make sure you're okay.If you seem to be tired and not looking okay. He'll force you to lay down and will bring you tea and cuddles.
When you are having cramps he will give you something warm to hold for pain relief. If you want affection and cuddles he will allow you to cuddle up in his lap while he does paperwork. If your pain is really bad he will let you squeeze his hand and will just hold you closer.
He will never push food on you if you don't feel like eating and will just give you worried looks.
Thankfully he remains calm if you start snapping at him and will just assess if you need affection or space and will give you either.
Like his brother he is completely oblivious to female cycles. He has very little idea they exist and gets extremely worried when yours starts.
He notices you are more sluggish and sore than usual and tells you to get some sleep, letting you sleep in one of his shirts and wrapping you up so you are warm. He gets even more worried when you sleep and still seems tired, not sure why you are so fatigued.
Sirius, who has been silently helping you through them until now gets the hint at what is going on and calms Luka down. He gives Luka a brief rundown of what happens and Luka feels a lot better.
He goes to find you again and checks on you, doting to see what you need. He loves giving you any affection you may need and will happily curl up with you to cuddle you.
The innocent bean has no idea how to handle your mood swings, please try to be gentle with him, he just wants you to be happy and it completely stresses him out that you are a crying mess. He just holds you close and plays with your hair, trying not to provoke you.
He will happily make you anything you are craving but will be super worried if you don’t eat. He tries to force you to eat something small so that your body has a little bit of food to run.
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Ikerev HC’s 6
Every year about a week before and after April Fools day Edgar plays tons of pranks of the other red army officers (orbeez in their desks, replacement of Kyle’s booze, all of their swords replaced with wooden ones, ect.) EXCEPT on April 1st. He just makes a bunch of vague comments. He has done this since they were kids and no one has caught on (except Luka who helped him).
Loki has called Harr, Dad on multiple occasions. resulting in both of them turning bright red while Loki apologized and Harr told him it was OK
Magic users tend to have a much stronger alcohol tolerance then non-magic users.
Cradles beers, ales, wines, and champagnes are all brewed with some level of magic crystals making them much stronger alcohols then then ones from the Land of Reason. 
Cradle isn’t the only country with magic users but they are different. In one country you have to learn incantations to use the magic, while another you have to perform a ritual, ect, ect.
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