#raptor wreck answers
ruknowhere · 2 years
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It Was the Animals
Natalie Diaz - 1978-
Today my brother brought over a piece of the ark
wrapped in a white plastic grocery bag.
He set the bag on my dining table, unknotted it,
peeled it away, revealing a foot-long fracture of wood.
He took a step back and gestured toward it
with his arms and open palms—
It’s the ark, he said.
You mean Noah’s ark? I asked.
What other ark is there? he answered.
Read the inscription, he told me.
It tells what’s going to happen at the end.
What end? I wanted to know.
He laughed, What do you mean, ‘What end?’
The end end.
Then he lifted it out. The plastic bag rattled.
His fingers were silkened by pipe blisters.
He held the jagged piece of wood so gently.
I had forgotten my brother could be gentle.
He set it on the table the way people on television
set things when they’re afraid those things might blow up
or go off—he set it right next to my empty coffee cup.
It was no ark—
it was the broken end of a picture frame
with a floral design carved into its surface.
He put his head in his hands—
I shouldn’t show you this—
God, why did I show her this?
It’s ancient—O, God,
this is so old.
Fine, I gave in. Where did you get it?
The girl, he said. O, the girl.
What girl? I asked.
You’ll wish you never knew, he told me.
I watched him drag his wrecked fingers
over the chipped flower-work of the wood—
You should read it. But, O, you can’t take it—
no matter how many books you’ve read.
He was wrong. I could take the ark.
I could even take his marvelously fucked fingers.
The way they almost glittered.
It was the animals—the animals I could not take—
they came up the walkway into my house,
cracked the doorframe with their hooves and hips,
marched past me, into my kitchen, into my brother,
tails snaking across my feet before disappearing
like retracting vacuum cords into the hollows
of my brother’s clavicles, tusks scraping the walls,
reaching out for him—wildebeests, pigs,
the oryxes with their black matching horns,
javelinas, jaguars, pumas, raptors. The ocelots
with their mathematical faces. So many kinds of goat.
So many kinds of creature.
I wanted to follow them, to get to the bottom of it,
but my brother stopped me—
This is serious, he said.
You have to understand.
It can save you.
So I sat down, with my brother ruined open like that,
and two by two the fantastical beasts
parading him. I sat, as the water fell against my ankles,
built itself up around me, filled my coffee cup
before floating it away from the table.
My brother—teeming with shadows—
a hull of bones, lit by tooth and tusk,
lifting his ark high in the air.
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wolviecat · 2 years
Play along, dear - Wolviecat - Battlestar Galactica (2003) [Archive of Our Own]
Day 21 of the Febuwhump: Shackled
He woke up, and for a couple of minutes, he actually felt good. Warm, without pain, not thirsty or hungry. Almost like he was floating. With their current living situation, he would almost suspect he died and ended up in Elision. It would be kind of a shock, as he never was exactly a believer.
When that first few moments went by, other sensations penetrated that hazy cloud around him, bringing him back into reality. There was a stinging pain in the back of his hand. He blinked, struggling to focus.
A needle, connected to an IV bag high above his head. That floaty feeling suddenly made sense. Less of an idyllic afterlife, more of a morpha being pumped into his veins. Whatever happened to him must have been serious when Cottle decided to waste the good stuff on him.
He couldn't remember getting hurt that bad. To be honest, he couldn't remember much at all. He wrecked his brain for any kind of answer - he could recall getting into the Raptor heading… Somewhere. Maybe he'd hit his head, or maybe the drugs in his blood was fracking with his head. His hand itched like crazy, and for some reason, his brain didn't want to let him to focus on anything else. Maybe if he could tear the needle out of it, he could fix both of his problems. 
He reached for it, but his arm only moved a few centimeters before it stopped abruptly, something holding it in place. 
Something near his head started beeping faster and faster, in time with his frightened heart. 
Thick, padded cuffs encircling his wrist, soft enough that they didn't cut into his skin even if he pulled on them as hard as he could, but not any less scary because of it. They had no place in Galactica's medbay. The only place where he could imagine them was the hospital on Caprica, the one where the Cylons were turning people into incubators. 
He'd never seen what they had been doing to those who couldn't give birth, but he had no desire to find out. 
The cuffs were too tough to break, but his thumb was a little less so. He just needed to dislocate one so he could slip out, uncuff his other hand and run, before his captors could return. 
He bit down on his lip to keep his scream in. 
His hand slipped through the cuff, and despite the pain, he almost laughed. It took just a few more minutes to open the rest of the restraints and pull the needle out of his hand. It stung a little and drops of blood welled out on his skin, but he could feel his head clearing almost immediately.
His first steps were unsure and wobbly, but he managed to stay upright.
He opened the door.
And ran straight into the arms of his wife.
“Honey! What are you doing out of the bed?”
Her voice sounded so unnaturally cheerful he had to look twice to make sure it's really her and not one of her Cylon sisters.
“Sharon, what…” She hugged him before he could finish the sentence. “Play along,” she whispered, suddenly much more serious: “We are from Earth, there is no fleet waiting in the orbit, you've just hit your head and got confused. Understood?”
He nodded, feeling her smile against his skin.
“Good. Now lets get out of here before they find out all our IDs are fake.”
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laresearchette · 2 years
Monday, January 30, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
NBA BASKETBALL   (SN1) 7:30pm: Lakers vs. Nets (SN Now) 8:00pm: Warriors vs. Thunder (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 9:00pm: Raptors vs. Suns (SN1) 10:00pm: Hawks vs. Trail Blazers
NHL HOCKEY  (SN) 8:00pm: Blues vs. Jets
CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING (CTV) 8:00pm:  After James fails to answer a call during a family crisis, he and Astrid find themselves at a boiling point with a growing list of frustrations toward one another.
AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS (CBC) 9:00pm:   While in Hong Kong, Fogg discovers that someone has put a hold on his credit; Passepartout puts his larceny skills to use.
HEAVY RESCUE: 401 (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm: Sgt. Kerry Schmidt fights to get stuck commuters moving; Austin Hutchinson is forced to battle a nasty wreck all on his own; Abrams' John Allen tackles a snowplow blocking a vital ramp.
VIKINGS: THE RISE AND FALL (Nat Geo Canada) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE):  An attack on a small religious community on the holy island of Lindisfarne in A.D. 793 heralded the start of the Viking age of conquest and expansion; the Vikings' beginnings in Scandinavia.
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
The Maw
Falling, she was falling like a meteor, the pandaren disoriented from the portal as she looked down below her, her eyes wide.
It couldn’t be real… this was the land of the dead?! This was where her ancestors, the soldiers of the Alliance and Horde who had fallen in battle, the old shaman Krag’thar, and everyone who died on Azeroth wound up?!
Hell. That was the only word that could describe it.
She landed with a tremendous crash, the pandaren shakily getting to her feet. She had no idea how the fall hadn’t killed her. She gasped for breath. The air in this place was wrong somehow, hard to breathe properly.
From her side came the voice of Darion Mograne, one of the four horsemen and leader of the Death Knights of Acherus. “Ebon Blade! Charge! Drive those monsters back!” he roared as Jaie looked up, her eyes going wide.
Massive armored forms were marching forwards, they looked like living suits of armor, but with swirling black mists inside them.
The monk recoiled in horror. She could see their ‘chi,’ but she didn’t want to! It was awful! It shouldn’t exist! It hurt her eyes just to look at them!
“HEY! SNAP OUTTA IT GIRLIE!” shouted a more familiar voice. Mola’raum shook her shoulder firmly, glaring at her. “Dey ain’t gonna let ya catch yer breath mon! FIGHT OR DIE! DAT BE YA CHOICE!” he shouted.
Jaie shook herself and nodded, forcing herself to ignore the loathsome sight of the creature’s chi. It was an enemy, she’d fought demons, she’d fought the Sha... this was just one more enemy! “R-right! Come on, we gotta find out where Shalandrae went!” she replied.
She focused her own chi into her fists and as soon as one of the creatures got close she punched outwards, smashing her fist into its helmeted face, then landing a series of blows on its armored chest, attacking more with her energies than her actual hands.
She could tell the armor was just to hold it together, the real ‘creature’ was the force animating it, and after several blows her chi shook the entity free, forcing it out in fragments that let out a faint wail of both pain and… relief?
Mola’raum withdrew his spear from the wrecked torso of another one of them as more began to advance, Mograne barking orders as the other death knights surged forward to meet the advancing army.
They waited for a break in the forces, then the troll and pandaren nodded to each other and Jaie pulled out her flying disc and pressed the switch to enlarge it before tossing it infront of her, Mola’raum snapping his fingers to summon his raptor...
However the disc clattered uselessly to the ground, no magic cloud appearing under it to lift it. The troll blinked, then snapped his fingers again, then a third time, then snarled and stomped on the ground. “Wot da… me raptor won’t answer me summons?!” he gasped.
Jaie nudged the disk with her spear, then picked it up and shrank it back down, stuffing it away quickly. “Something is keeping my flying disc from working too… we’ll have to run for it!” she nodded.
Jaie channeled her chi into her legs as Mola’raum nodded back, then his eyes flared brightly as his body seemed to turn spectral. The moment a big enough gap formed Jaie roared and charged through it, the ghostly death knight gliding after her like a phantom. The monstrous beings were distracted by the bulk of the Ebon Blade’s forces and they were able to break their lines, charging onwards into the strange hellscape that awaited them.
“Shalandrae has to be ahead of us, Mola’raum do you see her?” asked Jaie as they ran.
“No, I not be seein’ anyting but… dis…” he gestured around them as his feet touched down and he fell into stride next to the pandaren, his body turning corporal again. “But…” he shook his head, rubbing at his temple, “I… feel like I seen dis place before…” he muttered, “Or… maybe some… picture of it somewhere? Agh…” he grunted, his head suddenly hurting.
Then his head snapped up and he threw an arm infront of Jaie. “WOAH! Get down, keep quiet!” he hissed suddenly as Jaie stumbled to a halt, looking up. “Anudder one…” he whispered.
Soaring above them was a massive shadowy monster, like a dragon but warped and broken. Jaie could only stare, she’d heard stories about the Frost Wyrms from Dareley, the dwarf having fought against the Scourge in Northrend, but this wasn’t what he’d described. They were undead dragons, but this creature was different. It looked like it’d never been properly alive in the first place!
“Wait… another one?” she asked, staring at the troll.
“Ya mon, da day dey came fer our boss mons… one of dem attacked Orgrimmar. We best avoid it, we don’t got Grimo’s batshit crazy gun dis time…” he frowned.
Jaie tilted her head, making a mental note to ask what kind of gun could stop something like that as she pictured the squat goblin trying to manhandle the cannon from Bilgewater Harbor through Orgrimmar. She shrugged the thought away. “We’ve gotta go… come on…” she whispered as the two of them crept forwards into the depths of this nightmarish realm.
As they pressed onwards Mola’raum suddenly looked up again. “… I hear wings…” he whispered, “SHIT! Find cover!” he snapped, his head darting around before he spotted a cave nearby, rushing into it and waving for Jaie to follow. As soon as they got inside a group of several val’kyr soared over where they’d been, all of them wearing the same black skull-like armor.
“More of Sylvannas’ boys… dat settles it, dis gotta be where dey took dem.” he nodded firmly.
Jaie nodded, looking behind them, “… Mola…” she pointed as the troll turned, his eyes widening.
More suits of armor were nearby, but without anything animating them… and all of them were clearly destroyed recently.
“Someone got here before us…” she whispered.
“Yeah, but who?” he replied.
“W-well, whoever it was killed all those things, so they’re probably not on their side…” she nodded.
The troll grunted, gripping his spear all the same as the pair walked down deeper into the cave. When they reached the end they found several more bodies torn apart, more of the armored monsters, but nothing that killed them. “Huh… maybe they already left?” suggested the pandaren.
Mola’raum however looked around, “No… I sense sometin’… I… WOAH!” he gasped, quickly raising his spear as a large animal leapt out of the shadows, tackling the troll and knocking him onto his back as he tried to shove it off, “GET OFFA ME!” he snarled.
Jaie turned and slipped instinctively into a fighting stance, then froze, her eyes widening. The death knight was pinned to the floor of the cave by a lion-like creature, but not one of the monsters! It’s skin was made of hardened tree bark, its mane a mass of leaves!
“SHALANDRAE! What are you doing?!” she gasped.
The night elf ignored her though, snarling and clawing at the death knight’s armor, her hardened wooden claws scoring the metal! “FINALLY! FINALLY I HAVE ONE OF YOU ALONE! DIE!” she roared in fury as Mola’raum tried to kick her off him.
“Ya fuckin’ crazy girlie?! I be on yer side! GET OFFA ME DAMMIT!” he shouted.
“LIAR!” she snarled, “You were there when Sylvannas burned my home! I know you were! I could smell you in the forests! You and that cowardly tauren and that fel-cursed blood elf bastard and that mad goblin! I’ll kill you! I’LL KILL ALL OF YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY PEOPLE!”
Mola’raum glared, the witch-light in his eyes flaring, and the ground next to him suddenly erupted as a ghoul smashed free of the dirt and tackled the shapeshifted druid off him!
The death knight quickly got to his feet and glared at the druid, “Fuckin’ mad elf, ya gone rabid! Fine den, if ya don’t be listenin’ ta reason I be puttin’ ya down!” he snarled, the runes on his spear glowing brighter as he raised his weapon.
“WAIT! WAIT BOTH OF YOU!” yelled Jaie, running between them.
“Get out of the way Jaie!” snarled Shalandrae, glaring daggers at the troll as he kept his speartip pointed at her.
“No! I won’t! Shalandrae, at least let Mola’raum explain himself! We tried to contact them at Darkshore, but Grimo didn’t answer his gemstone! We don’t know what happened!” she insisted.
The troll frowned, then lowered his spear slightly, but only slightly. “Ya be listenin’ ta yer friend Shalandrae… we was at Darkshore… but dat be when we tought Sylvannas just wanna capture Darnassus.” he frowned.
Shalandrae growled, attempting to prowl around past Jaie, but the pandaren moved, making sure she was between Mola’raum and the druid. “Hear that?! He admits it! He was there when my people were massacred!” she snapped, her leonine face contorting in fury.
“LET ME FINISH!” retorted the death knight. “We WAS dere, but as soon as we got da orders dat we gonna burn da city instead o’ capture it, alla us turned around ‘n left.” Mola’raum nodded, then sighed and shook his head.
“Azerite changed da whole balance of power girlie. Yeah Anduin mighta been talkin’ peace, but ya bet old warmongers like Greymane wouldn’t be tinkin’ dat… I didn’t like da idea of usin’ Darnassus as a hostage… but if da alternative was all out war…” he nodded firmly, “I seen wut dat do… it wreck alla Azeroth, ‘n both da Alliance ‘n Horde with it.”
Jaie blinked at that, glancing back at him for a moment, then back to Shalandrae. “Hear that? They weren’t there when Teldrassil burned.” she nodded.
“SO WHAT?! They could have stopped it then!” she snarled back, pawing at the ground with her claws.
Mola’raum snorted, “Oh? We coulda stopped it… why didn’t I tink o’ dat?” he replied in a sarcastic tone, “Lemme just do da math, dere be four of us back den… ‘n we woulda gone up against da warchief… ‘n Sylvannas had Nathanos wit ‘er, ‘n Saurfang, ‘n… lemme tink…” he tapped his chin, then glared, “Ah yeah, I remembah now, A WHOLE FOOKIN’ ARMY! We woulda been killed as traitors ‘n dey woulda burned Teldrassil anyway!”
The druid snarled, “You believe him? This rotten, malformed, unnatural, DEAD monster?” she glared at the monk.
Jaie looked back at her, then nodded, “… I do…” she replied.
The druid glared, roaring in defiance at the pandaren, “WHY?!” she demanded.
“… he said he had seen what war would do, that it would destroy Azeroth and both the Alliance and Horde.” she replied, “He’s not the first person to tell me that.” she added, “That day you tried to force Nelen to reopen the portal to Darnassus, to let you go off and try to kill Sylvannas on your own Dareley said the exact. Same. Thing.” she nodded firmly.
Shalandrae hesitated, but shook her mane and glared, “T-that’s not enough…” she snarled.
“Its enough for me Shalandrae. If you want to try to attack Mola’raum again then go ahead, but I’m not moving. You’ll have to attack me to get to him.” she nodded.
The shapeshifted druidess glared, “… you can’t paralyze me in this form. My skin is tree bark, you can’t reach a pressure point through it…”
“I know. I won’t attack you Shalandrae… but I won’t move either. The only way to attack Mola’raum is to attack me. Can you really do that?” she asked.
Shalandrae growled in fury, “The Horde slaughtered everyone in Darnassus!” she insisted.
“So you won’t be satisfied until the Horde is gone? Until they’re all dead too?” she snapped back.
The druidess glared at them, her eyes darting from Mola’raum to Jaie and back. “… I can’t… I can’t let it go…” she growled, “Every time I close my eyes, every time I try to sleep I’m back in the flames! I can still hear them! I CAN STILL SMELL THE BURNING FLESH AND HEAR THEIR SCREAMS!” she roared.
At this Mola’raum’s expression softened. “Girlie, I swear dis to ya… we didn’t know dat Sylvannas was gonna burn Teldrassil until we was already at da shoreline. She didn’t tell none a’ us until it be too late ta stop ‘er. I dunno if she wasn’t plannin’ on it until den or if she knew we wouldn’ta followed ‘er ‘n she wouldn’t a had da numbers ta take Darkshore… but if we knew… we woulda never followed her dere.” he replies.
“THE HORDE KILLED MY PEOPLE!” she snarled, and both Mola’raum and Jaie noticed sap leaking from the right eye socket in her wooden face.
“Ya, we did. But takin’ down me ain’t gonna bring none of ‘em back… we got sometin’ else ta worry ‘bout anyway… We need ta find a way ta escape.” he nods. “Dere not be any food down here, no water, ‘n nothin’ down here likes any o’ us at all. I may not need ta eat or drink, but ya do. Ya can’t survive down here! So listen here druid. I callin’ truce. I don’t be attackin’ ya,  ya don’t be attackin’ me. After we get outta here, ya still wanna fight me, ya name da place ‘n da time ‘n we duel. You ‘n me, nobuddy else.”
The druidess shook out her mane, then slowly her body stretched and her skin softened and changed from brown to pale purple as she stood up on two legs rather than four. Half of her face was wet with tears, but the other half was as it had been that dark day that Teldrassil had burned.
Dareley had managed to hide the bone, but it didn’t even have feeling in that side anymore, nevermind a working tear duct.
Shalandrae wiped her eye, glaring at the troll out of the good side of her face with a furious expression. “… fine. Truce.” she snarled as Jaie’s shoulders sagged, the pandaren visibly relaxing.
“Right… okay… if that’s done… Mola’raum is right. We need to find a way out of this… whatever this is.” nodded the monk firmly, “Shalandrae, we saw Tyrandae jump in right before you did. Did you see her or Jaina or King Wrynn or anyone else down here?” she asked.
The druid shook her head, “Its been chaos since I arrived, the val’kyr were chasing me across the area outside. I had to take shelter in here just to lose them.” she replied.
“Hm, ya didn’t be seein’ Baine or Thrall neither?” asked Mola’raum.
Shalandrae just looked away, folding her arms over her chest.
Jaie frowned, “Shalandrae! Save it for when our lives aren’t in danger please.” she huffed.
“… no. I didn’t. Not that I was looking very hard for them.” she hissed.
“Shalandrae…” growled the monk, but Mola’raum placed a metal-gloved hand on her shoulder.
“It be alright girlie, ya don’t be expectin’ rage like dat ta have an off switch…” he replied, “Ya can sense life-stuffs tho right? Dat… chi ting?” he asked her.
Jaie blinked, then nodded, “Um, yeah?”
“Well… de only livin’ tings down here prolly be you two ‘n our captured boss mons… ‘n da Night Warrior… so…” he nodded to her.
Jaie snapped her fingers, “If they’re alive, I can sense their chi!” she replied, the pandaren running back up to the entrance to the cave. “C’mon! I need to be able to see outside!” she called back.
The druid and death knight looked at each other.
“… truce girlie.” warned Mola’raum.
“… fine.” she snapped like an angry dog, then the two of them went after her.
At the entrance Jaie looked out across the ruinous landscape, frowning. “Ugh… its no good, all I can see immediately is whatever warped energies this place has…” she sighed, “Its… like chi, but its all twisted up and wrecked, like someone tortured it or something? I don’t know…” she looked across the field again, then nodded.
“I’m going to need to try to meditate, it helps me sense further.” she frowned, sitting down cross-legged on the ground and closing her eyes. “I can’t fight if I’m doing this, so you guys have to keep watch.” warned the pandaren.
The troll and night elf shared another look, the Mola’raum gave Shalandrae a more meaningful ‘this is more important’ look and the druidess gave a frustrated sigh.
“Fine…” she growled, the growl deepening as she fell forward onto her hands and knees as her body swelled and large stony plates grew outwards. Soon a massive grizzly bear made of mossy stones stood next to the meditating monk as Mola’raum unsheathed his spear again, his ghoul sidling up to its master.
Inside Jaie’s mind the aura of this landscape was enough to make her want to give up already. It was downright nightmarish, even the Vale of Eternal Blossoms on the day that Garrosh had blighted it with Y’shaarj’s heart hadn’t been anywhere near this. All around them was an oily black residue that clung to her thoughts like ash, the monk having to fight hard just to keep her mind clear. Still, now that Shalandrae was there she had something to use as a guide. The druid’s chi shone like a beacon in the darkness of this realm.
“Wait… I think…” she extended her awareness further… “Yes! I can sense them! Three of them, together! I… I can’t tell which… wait… there’s a fourth one… but…” her eyes screwed up tighter. “I… something has them… and… w-what…” her voice trembled, “What… what is THAT?!” she gasped, “Its chi… its like… its like a hole in reality! It shouldn’t… that shouldn’t be possible, even N’zoth wasn’t like this! What am I even seeing here?!” she gasped, her eyes flying open. “Guys something really bad is ou-..." she started, then paused.
All around her were more corpses. Piles of the armored monsters, several that had robe-like armor and seemed to have been wielding staves, which now lay scattered and broken, a few more val’kyr, and some more animal-like armored monsters.
“… things got a bit busy huh?” she asked in a small voice, looking around at the carnage.
Mola’raum pulled his spear out of a val’kyr’s head, “Ya could say dat mon.” he replied as Shalandrae shook the oily residue of one of the armored monsters off her claws. “Whatevah, ya find us where ta go?” he asked.
Jaie nodded and pointed in the direction where she’d sensed their chi, the trio setting off. Shalandrae brought up the front in her bear-form, all the better to take out her pent up aggression on the denizens of this dark realm, while Mola’raum and his ghoul brought up the rear, Jaie in the middle making sure to stay between them.
For one having to extend her senses so far had tired her, for another she wanted to make sure that she was between the two incase Shalandrae got any ideas.
After a lot of running and having to find a way past a massive cluster of the monsters they’d been fighting, the trio managed to catch up with the beings Jaie had sensed, the pandaren letting out a gasp of relief at the sight.
Jaina, King Wrynn, Thrall, and Baine all stood around a strange stone, along with about a half dozen others, four living adventurers and two death knights. They all looked worse for wear, but otherwise alive.
“Its you again!” said Jaina as they approached, looking to the pandaren, “I wasn’t sure if you survived that day…”
“Oh, uh, yeah… the val’kyr had me by the hair but… well…” she gestured to her spear, and the fact that her hair was only shoulder length now, “I’d been considering it anyways.” she chuckled a bit… “But… whats this?” she asks.
Thrall looked up, “Darion Mograne interrogated one of the monsters down here, it said it was some kind of waystone that would get us out of this place…” rumbled the old orc.
“Yes…” added Anduin, “But we can’t work out how to make it do anything.” frowned the young king.
Jaie padded up to it, “Huh… it doesn’t seem to be anything other than wreckage…” she murmured, reaching out a hand and touching it to the surface… then gasping as a swirl of energy began to form around her arm, snatching it back and looking between her hand and the rocks. She reached out again and saw the energies form once more. “What the… it doesn’t hurt… but… what is it?” she asked softly.
Shalandrae stepped forward, changing back from her bear form and attempted to do likewise, the druid’s good eye going wide as she experienced the same thing that Jaie did. “Huh… but why is it reacting to us and not them?” she muttered.
Mola’raum ambled up as well, looking it over, then pressed his hand to it… and then did so again… then slapped it against it a few times. “Uh… huh…” he looked at his hand, then shrugged. “Um… nothin’ mon… mebbe ‘cause I be undead?”
Shalandrae grunted and smirked, “… unnatural…” she muttered as Jaie smacked her on the arm. “Well, whatever… Jaina?” she asked.
The archmagus looked them over, “Yes… for some reason both of you are able to connect to this stone… perhaps if you focus on that connection…” she mused… then suddenly a voice rang out across the area.
"What is this? A relic of the First Ones… reacting to the touch of mere mortals?" it intoned.
Mola’raum’s eyes went wide, a chill going up his spine as his spear was in his hands so fast he hadn’t even realized it. “… mon… I… I dunno how… but dat voice…” he muttered. He’d heard it before, he KNEW he had… and yet… he couldn’t place where.
“Its him…” whispered Jaina, beginning to channel magical energies into herself as Thrall, Baine, and Anduin drew their weapons.
“Him? Him who?!” asked Jaie, “Who?!”
“The Jailer!” shouted Thrall.
“What?” asked Shalandrae…
Then, suddenly, he was just there. Like a chill wind in autumn heralding the coming of winter. Like the sudden creak of the gate on a cemetery. Like the last rattling cough of a loved one on their death bed, he was just. THERE.
A moment before, nothing, then suddenly a massive being covered in rune-like tattoos, wearing broken chains and restraints on his body, standing almost forty feet tall at least, with a massive black hole in his chest.
Jaie’s eyes widened, the pandaren gazing on him in horror. That was the chi she’d sensed earlier! It was like standing next to your own open grave, or a gaping hole that fell onwards into nothingness. Her jaw moved, but no sound came out.
“Adventurers! Focus on the waystone! Try to activate it! We’ll hold him off!” shouted Thrall.
Suddenly, there was sensation of split time and space and the armored creatures were marching towards them again. It was like a nightmare, they weren’t there, then suddenly they were. As unrelenting and inevitable as death itself.
"It is futile." sneered the giant. "Nothing escapes the Maw."
Jaie and Shalandrae pressed their hands to the stone along with a gnomish rogue and a blood elf paladin who had been with the others, the druid glaring at Mola’raum. He nodded slowly at her, then to the ebon blade knights who were with them.
From behind Shalandrae and Jaie, the sounds of battle rapidly grew. Mola’raum had spent most of his power earlier defending the monk, but he fought as hard as he could along with the rest. Thrall wasn’t really able to call upon his shamantic powers anymore, but he was still a powerful and well trained fighter as much as any other orc. Every time he swung his axe it was accompanied by the sound of tearing armor and phantasmal screams.
Baine was a tauren, already strong as an ox both figuratively and literally, and his powerful arms rent the attackers asunder as he roared in defiance. More of the val’kyr soared in, only to be met with blasts of hail and swirls of sub-zero wind freezing their wings as Jaina unleashed the full might of her arcane powers upon them… and any that made it too close met Anduin. The formerly pacifistic prince was now a king and while he wasn’t as skilled as his legendary father Varian he fought as hard as any of the others, wielding Shalamayne and the Light in equal measure.
Still, the forces of this ‘Jailer’ as Thrall had put it weren’t thinning at all. Infact, they seemed to be GROWING in number! Finally Jaie felt a sudden rush of energies that made her fur stand on end as Shalandrae gasped next to her, the druid’s skin tingling.
“Guys! I… I think something is happening!” she called to them.
There was a sudden woosh of energies and the markings on the ancient stones glowed a brilliant blue as they rumbled to life!
"Interesting…" mused the voice of the Jailer, "But none of you will leave here."
He snapped his fingers, and a huge burst of dark energies erupted in a wave outwards from him! Mola’raum fell back immediately, but Baine and Thrall weren’t quick enough and as the wave passed over them there was a flash of darkness and heavy black chains bound their bodies, forcing them onto their knees! Jaina as well couldn’t get back in time, the Admiral soon struggling against restraints as well that seemed to resist her teleporting free of them!
“No…” whispered Anduin, “The Light is with me… even here.” he intoned, then raised his hand as the air around him began to swirl, then suddenly a burst of light penetrated the skies above them and slammed down into his hand, creating a massive dome of glowing golden energies. “Everyone! RUN! Get out of here, find a way back and stop this madness!” he yelled to the assembled adventurers.
Jaie hesitated, but Shalandrae nodded grimly. Mola’raum frowned, but placed his hand on Jaie’s shoulder and nodded to her. “Dere be nothin’ more we can be doin’ here girlie! Dis be our only shot!”
Jaie looked back, then shouted, “King Wrynn! If we find somewhere safe, we have allies! We’ll come back for you! All of us!” she called to Anduin.
Anduin nodded, “… I believe you.” he replied as Thrall, Baine, and Jaina looked back over their shoulders, nodding as well… and then there was a swirl of energies and with a flash Jaie, Shalandrae, Mola’raum, and the other adventurers who had been with their group disappeared.
As they vanished, Jaie got a glimpse of the dome around Anduin cracking, then falling…
Dalaran, some days later…
Grimo growled over a map of Azeroth, marking off another region. “Deadheads took Winterspring. Its all Scourge now…” he grumbled, chewing the end of his cigar. “This is nuts, there’s no rhyme or reason ta them! Why even take Winterspring at all? Its one outpost and a bajillion killer polar bears!” he snarled. “May as well just let ‘em keep it… it’s a goblin outpost, but we got more important places ‘n population centers to worry about.” he growled, sticking a small flag with the scourge’s symbol onto the map to show it had fallen.
Dareley sighed, the paladin exhausted. He’d been fighting wherever he could, using Nelen’s portals to go where he was needed, but it was a lot for a dwarf his age, or even half his age. “Aye… but what else can we do? Without th’ crown nobody can control th’ bloody things…” he sighed, taking a long pull from his mug. He wished Shalandrae were here, he was worried sick about her. He hadn’t actually seen her since their meeting prior to Jaie and Mola’raum going into the Shadowlands but apparently she’d never reported in at Val’sharah to join with the defense the other druids of the Cenarion Circle were organizing.
The floating city was no longer in Northrend, the skies above Icecrown were thick with Frost Wyrms, gargoyles, and val’kyr now despite the best efforts of the remaining members of the Ebon Blade and the other three Horsemen. Even with Acherus, the Illidari’s flagship the Fel Hammer, and even the Army of the Light in the Vindicaar they were only able to hold off the fliers.
Instead it had retreated to hover over the Broken Isles once more. The citizens of Suramar had become adept at defensive spells after all, and they’d managed to perform a variation of Antonidas’ old anti-undead aura around the isles. It meant the Ebon Blade and the Forsaken couldn’t assist, but they were needed on the front lines anyways.
Sekhi was burnt out as well, the vulpera having one hell of an initiation into her new life with Savage United. She sat in the corner of the room, morosely playing her flute. She still couldn’t hear the elements, the Song of the World was as silent as the grave to her ears. She had mostly been tagging along with the other members, healing the injured more than staying on the front lines. She hadn't really learned how to handle herself in a serious fight yet. The siege on Orgrimmar by Sylvannas' forces was the only real combat she'd seen.
In another corner stood Avalon’s newest recruit, the void elf Sam Montebank. He was sharpening a dagger in preparation for another surgical strike against a Cult of the Damned outpost in the Borean Tundra. Most of the old holdings in Northrend for the Alliance and Horde only had a modest garrison following Arthas’ defeat, they never expected to need one again, and now all of Northrend had fallen within the first few weeks.
The other members were out on patrol currently, responding to hotspots of Scourge activity as they came, though Nelen was due back soon.
Galdia and Merihim were covering the retreat of Horde forces from Ashenvale and Felwood to Orgrimmar and Bilgewater Harbor, the latter of which was only reachable by air now as Gazlowe had ordered the waters filled to the point of absurdity with floating mines. If nothing else Orgrimmar would have an early warning if the city fell as that many explosives would leave a dent in the planet.
Nitika was on healer duty in Orgrimmar herself, tending to the wounded who couldn’t outrun the Scourge or who got caught in Cult of the Damned ambushes.
Dissonantia was working in the Plaguelands with the Council of the Black Harvest, their fel-infused powers even stronger on the blighted lands of Lorderon. While Lor’themar worked to fortify Quel’thalas, they had learned a lot from the Scourge’s original attack on the Sunwell, the warlocks would rain death and destruction on any undead that came near the entrance to the elven capitol (along with a few Forsaken on the grounds of ‘oops.’)
Nelen was actually in Dalaran himself however, the worgen magus working with Khadgar and the rest of the Kirin’tor for any secrets of necromancy hidden within the libraries of Dalaran. True the practice was forbidden under Antonidas, but many books had been recovered during the rebuilding of the city and of course nobody had a fondness for secrets they weren’t strictly supposed to know like mages did (warlocks, on the other hand, didn’t give a shit if they weren’t supposed to.)
As Grimo looked through the reports he’d gotten from Galdia, which were sparse in detail save for her accounts of where she ‘totally cut off an abomination’s arm and beat it to death with it no really it was so cool you guys,’ the doors flew open as the mage walked in brandishing a scroll above his head. “Everyone! Word from Jaie!” he shouted. The mage had given Jaie a special leather pouch with a portal spell tucked inside it, allowing anything she put into it to be sent through to his own duplicate pouch in Dalaran, and when he’d checked after today’s study session he’d found the letter waiting.
The group looked up as he spread the scroll out on the table. It was in pandaren, but after his time at the Jade Serpent Temple Nelen had become fluent in the language. “She said she’s found a safe location for us to arrive. Its called ‘Oribos.’ Some kind of city on the other side. And…” he looked at Dareley, “She said… Shalandrae is with her. Apparently she snuck into Icecrown alone without telling anyone.”
Dareley sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “That elf is gonna be th’ death o’ me… swear to th’ bloody Light…” he grumbled. “Still…” he looked up.
“Yeah… We have an in. Grimo, recall the other members of Savage United.” he nodded to the Goblin as Grimo grinned back, Sekhi on the tips of her toes to peek over the edge of the table at the scroll. “I’ll get the others as well. Tomorrow, we cross over and strike back at the source of all this.” he growled, his teeth looking sharper for a moment… “Tomorrow, we enter the Shadowlands. In force.”
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firstfullmoon · 4 years
Today my brother brought over a piece of the ark wrapped in a white plastic grocery bag.
He set the bag on my dining table, unknotted it, peeled it away, revealing a foot-long fracture of wood. He took a step back and gestured toward it with his arms and open palms — 
           It’s the ark, he said.            You mean Noah’s ark? I asked.            What other ark is there? he answered.
           Read the inscription, he told me,            it tells what’s going to happen at the end.            What end? I wanted to know.            He laughed, What do you mean, “what end”?            The end end.
Then he lifted it out. The plastic bag rattled. His fingers were silkened by pipe blisters. He held the jagged piece of wood so gently. I had forgotten my brother could be gentle.
He set it on the table the way people on television set things when they’re afraid those things might blow-up or go-off — he set it right next to my empty coffee cup.
It was no ark —  it was the broken end of a picture frame with a floral design carved into its surface.
He put his head in his hands — 
           I shouldn’t show you this —             God, why did I show her this?            It’s ancient — O, God,            this is so old.
           Fine, I gave in, Where did you get it?            The girl, he said. O, the girl.            What girl? I asked.            You’ll wish you never knew, he told me.
I watched him drag his wrecked fingers over the chipped flower-work of the wood — 
           You should read it. But, O, you can’t take it —             no matter how many books you’ve read.
He was wrong. I could take the ark. I could even take his marvelously fucked fingers. The way they almost glittered.
It was the animals — the animals I could not take — 
they came up the walkway into my house, cracked the doorframe with their hooves and hips, marched past me, into my kitchen, into my brother,
tails snaking across my feet before disappearing like retracting vacuum cords into the hollows of my brother’s clavicles, tusks scraping the walls,
reaching out for him — wildebeests, pigs, the oryxes with their black matching horns, javelinas, jaguars, pumas, raptors. The ocelots with their mathematical faces. So many kinds of goat. So many kinds of creature.
I wanted to follow them, to get to the bottom of it, but my brother stopped me — 
           This is serious, he said.            You have to understand.            It can save you.
So I sat down, with my brother wrecked open like that, and two-by-two the fantastical beasts parading him. I sat, as the water fell against my ankles, built itself up around me, filled my coffee cup before floating it away from the table.
My brother — teeming with shadows —  a hull of bones, lit only by tooth and tusk, lifting his ark high in the air.
— Natalie Diaz, “It Was the Animals,” from Postcolonial Love Poems
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Down and Dirty
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 427
Summary: Bucky wrecks you in the best way possible...
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club continuation of drunk drabbles and the amazing prompt sent in below. Thank you for thirsting with us anon, I really hope I made this smutty enough for you and you love it! Thank you all for reading! Much love always❤❤❤
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Warnings: SMUT with zero plot, fingering, anal, face sitting, dirty talk, just filth for your day! (18+ only please ;)
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Your knees dig into the soft fabric of the couch, a light burn beginning to form as your body rocks back and forth under the force of Bucky’s thrusts. Filthy praises fall from his lips as he fucks your ass with his cock and has three of his thick fingers buried knuckle deep in your pussy.
His metal hand has a tight grip on one ass cheek as he continues pounding into you. “Fuck baby girl, you take my cock so well.” Your breasts bounce against the couch while you desperately try to hold on, quickly losing control with every pump of his hips.
“I know you’re close baby, I can feel you squeezing my fingers.” Bucky presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing small circles over and over while curling his fingers inside you. “That’s it baby, cum for me.” It’s only a few short moments until you cry out and soak his hand, your back arching with pleasure.
Gently pulling them out he brings his fingers up to his lips and sucks off every drop of your arousal. “I think I’m gonna have you ride my face after this, doll. I need to taste more of you.” Your head falls forward and you moan out his name, pushing your ass harder into him. You feel his growl vibrate through you as he lays his sweaty chest against your back, grabbing a fistful of your hair.
“You feel incredible, baby. I love fucking this tight ass.” His hot breath tickles your ear just as he gives your hair a sharp tug, letting out a slew of curses when his cock throbs inside you. His movements begin to slow as he comes down from his high and carefully pulls out, watching with a satisfied hum as your combined juices drip down your thighs.
“Now isn’t that a pretty sight,” he simpers, taking you in his arms and flipping you both around so now you’re straddling him. “You look thoroughly fucked and I love it.” He looks down between your legs and runs his metal fingers up the side of your thigh, making them slick with your wetness.
Your eyes are glazed over as you watch his actions, nearly cumming again when he pushes two fingers past your dripping folds. “I need more baby girl. Come sit on my face so I can fuck you with my tongue.” You barely have the strength to answer, simply moving over his face and spreading your legs. Removing his fingers, he lightly grazes your clit before pushing his tongue inside you.
@aesthetical-bucky @auro-ora @azurika-writes @bugsbucky @buckys-broody-muffin @buckys-minty-breath @bucky-on-my-mind @book-dragon-13 @eurynome827 @emilylyoness @hiddles-rose @hailmary-yramliah @hawksmagnolia @ikaris-whore @itsunclebucky @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @kaosera @lorilane33 @breezy1415​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @mushyjellybeans​ @addikted-2-dopamine​ @marvelgirl7​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @nano--raptor​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @softpeachbarnes​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @yansi1923​ @imgaril-lindru​ @when-the-hell-is-bucky​
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
how about shulk for the tickle ask game thingy!! -raptor
I saw this ask coming from a mile away. I knew that someone was going to ask for Shulk first, and I’m not surprised that it happened. I’m not surprised that you were the one to ask for that, either.
Before I start, I need to ask you something: are you prepared for a tangent? Because that’s probably going to happen! Keeping this ask short will be next to impossible, because I love this boy way too much.
Shulk- Lee
Do I even have to explain the reason for this? I’m pretty sure the answer is no, but I’m going to explain it anyway.
I don’t think anyone has a single idea as to how much I want to wreck this nerd (though you might understand it). I want to tickle him into hysterics so bad.
He rarely ever laughs in Xenoblade Chronicles, and I think I know why: He has a hard time finding any sort of happiness due to... well, everything that happened in the story of the game. I think he’s overdue for a cheer-up tickle session.
If the rest of the main party were to gang up on him, I wouldn’t hesitate to join them (as long as I got invited to join in. I wouldn’t want to join in on a gang tickle session if I wasn’t asked to join in).
And I know that you have heard it before, but to everyone else who’s reading this post: have you heard his laugh? It is so god damn cute, especially in the Japanese version of Xenoblade Chronicles. I want to hear more of it, and the best way to fulfill this desire is to tickle him!
I think I should stop here before I turn this post into a novel, but before I end this post, I would like to confess to something: I wouldn’t mind having Shulk as a ler or a tickle fight companion. I still prefer to have him as my lee, but I wouldn’t mind being his lee, nor would mind a tickle fight between him and myself.
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ayma-nidiot · 4 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 17
This chapter on AO3 can be found here.
Chapter 17 - Proud Daughter
“Wow, Rex, you look like you went on quite the shopping trip!” Ptera observed as her son got in the back seat of the car with Weevil. 
“I bought all my school supplies.” Rex sheepishly revealed his debit card. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Quite the contrary.” Ptera ruffled Rex’s hair. “You’re coming to class prepared. I’m so proud of you, mi hijo. ”
“Hehe… Thanks.”
Ptera noticed the bag with the fetal doppler. “Oh? What’s that?
“I saw a doctor on campus today.” Rex was careful not to mention a word about Spinos. “And no, it didn’t cost me a dime. Bet you didn’t know that healthcare is free for all students, whether it’s at the hospital or at the university.”
Amber noticed that the back seat was fairly full, and elected to take the front seat. “Um… Hello, ma’am.”
“Who’s this, Rex? A new friend of yours?” Ptera asked as the car took off.
“Yeah. Her name’s Amber… Say, Amber, I just realized something. You never told us your surname or your middle name.”
“That’s because I don’t have either one. Believe it or not, there are people in the world who don’t.”
“Is that so? Well, I learn something new every day.”
“That’s not hard for you, dino brain.” Weevil laughed.
“Speaking of which, Mom… The reason I went to the doctor was to get an ultrasound of my baby. You’re going to have a happy, healthy granddaughter!”
“You should name her after me, haha! I hope she gets my wild purple hair and personality.” Ptera invited Amber into the house. “Adelaide and your mama just came home from a long shift at work, so don’t wake them up until it’s time for dinner.”
“Ma’am, can I help?” Amber offered as she retrieved a satchel from her handbag. “I mean, I’ll admit I’m not the best cook around, but… I know how to cook bee larvae.”
“Say whaaat? In that case, knock yourself out!” Weevil happily consented.
“Y-Yes, well… Go right ahead.” This notion creeped Ptera out a little bit.
“Now I can just get right into studying, without worrying about looking for my favourite food.” Weevil laid down on the sofa with a cushion under his head. As usual, Rex turned it to one of his favourite channels, the Discovery Channel. Weevil paid the T.V. no heed as he began to study, propping his legs on a loveseat. “Which, by the way, I haven’t been able to find in a while. Where ever did you find it, Amber?”
“Oh, just… Just looking around.” Amber whistled as she and Ptera cooked. While she left the skillet on, she began to prepare salad, as that was the only other thing she knew how to make. “My father actually owns a well-off apiary and is an avid lover of insects. He’s the reason why I’m an insect duelist. I also have some of our honey with me, if you want some.”
“So you are rich!” Rex grumbled. Having little desire to study, he pulled out his laptop and switched the T.V. to the news. “That explains why you’re such a smartass.”
“I’d love to meet this fellow insect duelist,” Weevil mused. “And what better way to introduce ourselves than through Duel Monsters?”
“Haha…” Amber gave a halfhearted chuckle. Dinner was ready, and she offered Weevil a small bowl of fried bee larvae. “I’m sure of that…”
A reporter from the T.V. put this conversation on hold. “We just received breaking news that monsters have been spotted in various parts of Domino City and around the world. Sightings have not been prevalent, but said monsters have caused wreckage in several small towns and isolated areas. We will keep you posted on these latest monster attacks.”
“Oh great, this again?” Rex facepalmed as he recalled the mess that the Orichalcos caused. “As if one or two monster attacks weren’t enough…”
“What do you mean, ‘again?’” Ptera raised an eyebrow.
“Uh… Forget you heard that.” Rex had never told his parents about said Orichalcos mess or the fairly recent Red-Eyes Black Dragon attack. Or about his shapeshifting abilities, for that matter. And forget about the time travelling and KC Grand Tournament! Rex wasn’t thankful that, unlike Weevil, he had no ability to bullshit. “Just… uh… Whoa! What was that?”
Rex could hear a loud sound; though it was in the distance, its source was strong enough to shake the ground and wake up Adelaide and Tricera.
“Oh my gods, could it be an earthquake?” Tricera worried.
“No, an earthquake would be more consistent than that,” Adelaide answered. “But hust in case, I’ll call the police and report it.”
“Then… Then maybe the monsters from the news are real!” Ptera turned the burner off and approached her son. “Rex. You know something that the rest of us don’t, don’t you?”
“Mom…” I suppose there’s no hiding it now. “You’re not going to believe this, but I-” A knocking from the front door prevented Rex from speaking further. “I’ll get that.”
“Who could be knocking at our door at a time like this?” Ptera wondered. “I hope none of you ordered pizza or something.”
“Maybe it’s the press,” Adelaide suggested. “They could be here to ask us about monster sightings.”
“...Wait.” Tricera squinted at the person who knocked on the door. “That’s-”
“Dad!” Rex was stunned to see Spinos at the door. “What are you doing here?”
“You…” Tricera marched to the door. “You fucking bastard! How dare you show your ugly ass face at MY house!”
“W-Wait!” Spinos couldn’t stop the tall, strong Tricera from seizing him by the collar and punching his face.
“How the hell did you even find us?” Ptera asked. “You’ve been stalking us, haven’t you?”
“ ¡Vete al diabolo, puta madre! ” Ptera clocked Spinos really hard on the other cheek.
“Please, Ptera, there is no time!” Spinos disregarded the stings from the punches on both sides of his cheeks. “There are monsters coming this way!”
“And you expect me to believe you?” Ptera thundered. “If I couldn’t trust you 20 years ago, how do you expect me to trust you now?”
“Mrs. Raptor, he’s not lying!” Amber pointed to the sky from which several flying monsters came. “Look!”
“Oh, gods…” Ptera watched as the monsters shot lasers that destroyed nearby homes. “They’re going to destroy my house that I’ve worked so hard to save up for!”
The monsters… Weevil trembled as he heard the horrified screams of the unfortunate people who lost their homes - and would soon lose their lives, if he didn’t do something about it.  
“Weeves?” Rex knelt down to Weevil’s eye level. “What’s wrong?”
“Nobody can save these people… except me…” The ground underneath Weevil began to quake. His heart raced uncontrollably fast, and a red-and-purple aura emanated from it.
“Weeves, snap out of it!” Rex seized Weevil’s shoulders as the bug duelist fell deeper into his trance.
“Leave me alone!” Weevil shoved Rex off of him. He hadn’t fully shifted since last year’s Halloween Tournament, but was fully prepared to do it to save his boyfriend’s home. “You guys need to stay behind!”
“Weevil, don’t do it!” Ptera cried. “You can’t face them all by yourself!”
“...Actually, Mom, he can.” Rex watched as once again, Weevil transformed into Earthbound God Uru. Only this time, rather than causing harmless mischief, Weevil had every intent to kill any monster who would dare oppose him. Just the presence of his spider form, looming over his enemies larger than even KaibaCorp Tower, intimidated foe and friend alike.
“M-Master Weevil!” Adelaide couldn’t believe it. “What is happening to you?”
“Leave my home alone, you bastards!” Weevil shot a string of spider webs at the enemies who attacked him.
“Gaaah!” Two of the enemies fell to their deaths.
“He’s… something else, isn’t he?” Spinos observed.
“You know it…” Rex could only sit there and watch his boyfriend wreck havoc on his enemies, and hope that Weevil wouldn’t completely lose his mind out there.
“Wait, where’s Amber?” Tricera asked after a brief look in the house. “She’s gone!”
“I didn’t see her in the backyard, either!” spoke Ptera.
“Oh… Oh, no…” Rex’s good mood faded. “Did she get captured?”
The apparent leader of these enemies, Cyber Dragon Infinity, answered, “No, but I’m about to capture your precious little boyfriend! Who, by the way, isn’t looking so good over there.”
“It’s… happening again…” Weevil stared at the blood on his spider legs, and the blood he shed throughout the concrete. “I… have killed someone… again…”
“Well, why don’t we put you out of your misery, eh?” Cyber Dragon Infinity ordered his underling, an Armored Bee, “Activate your special ability!”
“With pleasure!” The Armored Bee rushed at Weevil full-speed, shouting, “Poison Stinger!”
“Ah… I feel… weak…” Weevil passed out and shifted to human form.
“Hah!” Cyber Dragon Infinity looked down upon Rex and his family. “Some ��almighty, powerful Earthbound God,’ huh?”
Rex stepped forward, and already he half-shifted. “I’ll show you yet…”
“What is the meaning of this?” Cyber Dragon Infinity cackled as Rex transformed. “Do you, the puny Creepy Coney, honestly think that you can take down a monster as strong as I? By yourself? Hah! Your brain must be smaller than that of an actual rabbit!”
“Shut up!” Rex charged, only to be blown back rather easily by the Armored Bee and forced to revert forms. “O-Ow!!” he cried in pain while rubbing his belly.
“Rex!” Ptera knelt to her son’s side and cried. “You fucking idiot! Why did you do that?”
“Now that Uru is out of my way, there’s nothing standing in between your ruddy home and I! Die, the lot of you!”
Cyber Dragon Infinity couldn’t even begin to charge his attack, when out of nowhere, a shapeshifter with white-and-pink wings flew onto the scene. “You will do no such thing!” she declared as she shot an arrow at the Armored Bee, killing it instantly.
Rex already knew who this shapeshifter was. “Amber! There you are!”
“Leave my family alone!” Amber continued to shoot arrows at Cyber Dragon Infinity.
“You… You are…” Cyber Dragon Infinity was truly scared, yet tried to fend off Amber with attacks of his own - but not without sustaining severe injuries himself. “Pah! I don’t give two figs who you are! You’re severely outnumbered! Here, why don’t I give you a fresh reminder of that?” The dragon shot a quick beam of light, nicking Amber’s wings.
“Yeooooow!” Amber retracted her wings as she fell back to the ground. Though she was too weak to even half-shift, that didn’t stop her from pursuing Cyber Dragon Infinity. “Give Weevil back this instant!”
“Hmm… How about no? I’m not going to waste the little energy I have left on a monster that is clearly stronger than me. You get to keep your heads and your home for today! Be thankful!”
And with that, Cyber Dragon Infinity flew off with Weevil in tow.
“Tch!” Amber turned her attention to Rex. “Why, oh gods, why, Rex? Why did you attack an enemy that is clearly stronger than you?”
“That’s just the Raptor way, haha…” Rex had strength to stand up by himself. “...Wait. Amber? Is that you?”
Amber now had long mint-green hair with lavender sideburns and bowl-cut bangs. Her pupils were small and indigo. Rex didn’t think it was possible, but she looked even more beautiful than ever before. “It, um… seems my wig and contacts came off during that fight.”
“Amber…” Rex walked up to Amber to get a better look at her face. “Who are you, really?”
“I have lied to you all this time, Rex… Forgive me.” Amber calmed down a little before she began to explain herself. “So you know how you time travelled to the past with the pharaoh? I have done the same thing… I come from the future - a ruined future. I’m here to prevent that future from happening.”
“Uh-huh.” After all he had been through with Atem and Kaiba, Rex believed every word Amber said. Still, he found it curious that people could travel from the future. He thought that Amber would have had it all over there - the best technology, the toughest opponents, and the strongest cards. If she wanted to escape that, then something truly messed up must have happened.
“Everyone I know from that future is dead… My kid brother… My boyfriend… Even my mother!” Amber teared up. “Everyone I knew! They… They all died trying to protect me!”
“Amber…” Rex rubbed Amber’s back. “I’m sorry. I can’t say I know what you’re going through, but… I really am sorry.”
“But now… I can see you again… You’re alive, Papa!”
Rex’s eyes opened wide. “What did you just call me?”
“I’m not just Amber… I’m Ambrosia Camellia Ptera Raptor, the proud daughter of Weevil and Rex Raptor.” Amber lightly touched Rex’s baby bump. “I’m your daughter from the future!”
“So… that explains why you know about Mom, and about shapeshifters…” Rex began to cry too. “Forgive me, my daughter… You deserved better from me than one bow and a world of troubles… I’m sorry.”
Amber could finally release her emotions that she kept bottled up since her mother’s death. “Papa! Oh my gods, Papa…” she cried loudly into Rex’s chest. “I… I never thought that I could hug you again… You’re alive and breathing! I can’t… I can’t believe it!”
“Shh… I’m here, Amber…” Rex ran his fingers through his future daughter’s hair and wiped away some of her tears.
“You’re… breathing…” Amber held her ear to Rex’s chest to hear his heart beating. “And… you’re alive… This is… Oh, my gods… I’m sorry, I’m just so happy right now.”
“There, there…” Rex smiled while he cried. “We’re going to save your father, too. Or… Hold on a second.”
“Yes?” Amber stopped crying and looked at Rex curiously.
“ Weevil is the father, right?”
“Uh-huh. That would make you my mother.”
“I knew it…” Rex shook his head. “I wonder if I’m going to bottom for him again. Not that I would mind that…”
“Come on, Papa, there’s no need to be embarrassed about it!” Amber laughed and poked Rex’s cheek. 
Still feeling confused about everything that had happened, Ptera spoke up. “So… that makes you my granddaughter, doesn’t it? You’re the little baby Rex is carrying.”
“That’s right.”
“First this time travelling, then this whole shapeshifter thing…” Spinos spoke. “I have made many discoveries as a paleontologist, but this one really takes the cake.”
“Why are you still here, scumbag?” Ptera growled.
“Please, Grandma…” Amber begged. “I know what Grandpa did was unforgivable, but in my future, he died protecting both you and me. I ask that you give him a chance.”
“I ask the same,” Rex concurred. “It was Dad who told me about the doctor, and if it wasn’t for him, I would have no idea how to care for my daughter… for baby Amber.”
“Hmph!” Ptera still wasn’t wholly comfortable with this idea. “Fine. Since we’re both interested in Rex’s safety, I’ll cooperate with you. But do not expect to ever become friends with me. EVER.”
“Thank you so much, Ptera… No matter how long it takes, I’ll do what I can to earn your trust once again.”
“So what do we do now?” Tricera questioned. “Weevil has been kidnapped, and there are monsters roaming the city… We’ve got quite a matter on our hands.”
“I know of a club who can help stop this mess,” replied Amber. “But I ask anyone who’s not a shifter to stay behind, for your own safety.”
“No!” Adelaide refused. “After all Master Weevil has done for me, I can’t just leave him alone, suffering in gods know where… I’m coming, too!”
“Weevil is part of my family, too,” Ptera declared. “We’re all in this together.”
“And I’m sure this is a really good reason to call off of work,” Tricera added. “It’s times like these that remind me why I’m thankful to be a reputable employee.”
“It feels a bit weird being called that, I gotta say.”
“Well, what I gotta say is how damned proud I am that you’re named after me!” Ptera laughed. “I mean, I wish you took my given name, but I guess I’ll settle for middle name.”
“Hahaha!” Amber already began to walk in the direction of the university. “Well, what are we waiting for? I wanna go save Daddy!”
“Wait, Amber, before we go…”
“Yes, Papa?”
Rex pulled out his flip phone. “Let’s meet at the café first. If things are as serious as you say, then we need all the help we can get.”
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centeris2 · 4 years
Hi, Cen! Since you've been posting a lot of your writings lately, I was wondering what's some of your favorite pieces/series you've written for SSO?
huh, good question. don’t really have a series since I never finish anything oops, and I’ve been writing sso stuff for 6+ years now? there are so many pieces I straight up forgot I did because it was for tumblr prompts or it’s been so long...
Maybe it’s cliche but I think my favorite stuff is with Midnightwarrior and Rebecca, especially when it’s through Midnight’s perspective. Using smell and sound as the main described sensations is neat to me. Midnight smelling Rebecca when they first met? Midnight hearing the stars? And feeling Rebecca? just -chef kiss-
but I also like the Scott stuff I’ve written. And the Raptor stuff. I’ve got a bad habit of finding characters with no backstory or character and then deciding they’re mine now >.> And the Ye Olde Connie fluff is real cute. but the pseudo series of Hurt Rebecca asks is great for extra edgy stuff. Also Rebecca meeting Garnok? and when Justin is being mind wrecked by the druids? gah, so many plots and ideas and I haven’t done anything with them >.< I take it back I have no idea what my favorite stuff is, though I should probably tone down the Extra Edgy Dark stuff for anything else I write for sso, oops. 
I’m sure other people have completely different favorite pieces by me, I do wonder what people like... according to AO3 hits it’s smut and the collection of tumblr prompts (thought based on kudos it’s whumptober/angst.)
sorry if you wanted this private! I can delete if you wanted it answered privately!
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miragecounseling · 4 years
ty max and dana for tagging meeee!!! ^^ I’m gonna put it under a readmore because I talk so much sdkgjhjgfkhd This can be done in many different ways: get asks by your followers, pick some questions for yourself, answer the whole damn thing at once, etc!
You can draw, write (to explain in details or not) or just post screenshots! If you miss one it’s totally okay, whether it’s by lack of answer or time. Have fun!
Favorite living world season? Season 4 because I was around for the last couple episodes! Still never finished S2 or 3 :x and Icebrood saga will proooobably be my favorite once it’s voiced.
Favorite expansion? PoF because MOUNTS!
Favorite soundtrack? I don’t listen to much in game music x-x 
First profession you played? Necro
First race you played? Norn
Favorite Destiny’s Edge character? Garm sgjkhfh
Favorite Dragon’s Watch character? Gorrik ;-; The best boy
Favorite Elder Dragon? I think Zhaitan had such a cool design, but Jormag is probably my favorite story wise. 
Best boss fight (story)? The Balth fight (both the end one and the one in Elon) are so amazing. 
Best boss fight (fractal)? SOLID OCEAN! Tentacle fight babyyyy
Best boss fight (raid)? Oh boy. I love Samarog, VG, and Adina the most I think. 
PvE or PvP or RP? PvE and PvP! I don’t RP, I’m too awkward for that lol
Favorite canon couple? Marjory and Kas, the best babies. 
Favorite fanon/self made couple? ME AND CANACH sdkjfhjkgh Ok I love Cass’ Tera and Braham so much. They’re so sweet together and I just ;-;♥ every time I read about them. Also everyone and Trahearne. 
Favorite quote? Storm Tracking is my favorite part of A Star to Guide Us and this part with Blish just... it wrecks me every time. “Take care of Gorrik. Tell him—tell him his big brother is sorry. And... Taimi, too. After you beat Kralkatorrik, keep fighting—until you've made a world worthy of them. And...stop keeping secrets from each other. All of you.”
Most emotional cinematic? Oh man, the scene at the end of War Eternal or the end of All or Nothing. Both are so so powerful and emotional, they blew me away experiencing them the first time. 
Favorite VA? I know I keep bringing up Canach but...... like... come on... I love Trahearne, Taimi, and the female Asura VAs too! 
Post a fun screenshot! We were doing Xera and Pengy got stuck in the floor xD 
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Post a landscape screenshot! Random shot from drizzlewood since it’s such a pretty map!
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Most used mount(s)? S K Y S C A L E! Also warclaw and raptor / rollerbeetle just to get around. I don’t really use springer anymore since getting skyscale ;-;
Favorite mount skin (for every mount you have)? OOOH BOY. Raptor: Gallant Lightbringer / Springer: Krytan Lop / Skimmer: Sand Souled (or Dajkah lantern but I don’t have it) / Jackal: Shrine Guardian or Lucent Sands / Beetle: Branded / Warclaw: Vigilant Saberclaw / Griffon: Crowned Skyfisher / Skyscale: ALL OF THEM but mostly chonky boy
Favorite weapon? Actual weapon it’s a tie between staff and gs. Skins? Spire of Samarog for staff and Crystal Gurdian for gs. 
Favorite gear set? I use the light bounty hunter’s set S O often, I love it. 
Favorite title? Fatebreaker and Acolyte of Dwayna are my favorites I own, but I love Closer To The Stars so much!
Something you worked really hard to get? My legendary armor!!! I spent so much time (and money lol) getting it
Favorite GW2 Youtuber / GW2 related video? Lara and CMAJ make great content, Mukluk is fun to watch, and @gwylen​ has fantastic videos! 
Most used miniature? alllllll the farens (especially elfy boy and the one @resonatingfern​ gave me!) and my rytlock funko pop that pengy got for me!
Most used novelty? Embiggening tonic- makes getting close up character screenshots SO much easier. I use the chairs a lot too! 
Number of achievments points? 17,067!
Something you’d love to see in GW2? Performance fixes and WvW updates ;-; Also more character customization options and home instance improvements. 
I’m pretty late to doing this SORRY!!!! 
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makomori · 5 years
airika u betta read all 25 of these quality af answers and I want ur thoughts on those pics b/c I’m lookin’ like a supa 90s baybee rn
1.       Song of the year?
Silhouette by Kana Boon (It’s still so stinkin’ catchy omg)
Caught Up by Majid Jordan
2.       Album of the year?
Weathering With You by RADWIMPS
If you have a chance to watch the movie PLEASE do b/c it had me cryin’ in the theatre
3.       Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
I got back into jrock/jpop LMAO I felt like I was in middle school again.
4.       Movie of the year?
Weathering With You by Makoto Shinkai
I was lucky enough to see it @ TIFF and it hit me on so many levels??? Like the animation was incredible, the soundtrack was beautiful, and the story was so pure!!!!!!!
5.       TV show of the year?
THE MANDALORIAN bruh like I knew it was gonna be good but holy shit Pedro + company killed that shit which goes to show you can never go wrong with a dad and son ting!!!!
+ Fire Force! I couldn’t wait so I caught up with the manga in 3-4 days hahaha.
6.       Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
SANCTUARY from The Mandalorian b/c Bryce gave me everything that I’m weak for
Also S4 of My Hero Academia has my ass SHOOK.
7.       Favorite actor of the year?
JOSE PEDRO BALMACEDA PASCAL like I’m honestly so proud of this goober!!!!! He gonna kill it in 2020 too like let’s goooooooo.
8.       Game of the year?
Yeet I didn’t really play much this year so I can’t say???
But lemme tell u my ass is gonna play tf out of Ghost of Tsushima and CP 2020
9.       Best month for you this year?
April b/c I started a new job where I’m treated like an actual human being lmao.
10.   Something that made you cry this year?
Okay honestly scrolling through IG makes me cry
But I’d have to say the Toronto Raptors becoming the 2019 NBA champions really had me on my knees and sobbing into the couch cushions.
+ the whole season of Queer Eye in Japan had me sobbing.
11.   Something you want to do again next year?
Go to smaller conventions!!! My bro and I went to the FanEx holiday market and that was honestly a treat.
12.   Talk about a new friend you made this year
So I started hanging out with a lot of my bro’s friends, and I really bonded with Hannah over anime and now Star Wars. She is honestly the sweetest and I’ve known her since I was little, and I’m so happy I got to connect with her this year.
13.   How was your birthday this year?
It was sosososo chill. I took two days off and had a self-care day + hung out with my aunt and the doggie.
14.   Favorite book you read this year?
Empress Game by Rhonda Mason
Yooooooo, this book is Star Wars on steroids??? I’m hoping it gets picked up for a TV series b/c it’s honestly incredible.
15.   What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
Getting up late for work omg
That defs needs to change in 2020 b/c I wanna make big moves in my career and that starts with a good morning routine hahaha.
16.   Post a picture from the beginning of the year
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17.   Post a picture from the end of the year
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18.   A memorable meal this year?
Going to Ultraramen with Nyssa after yoga omg
I had chicken karaage + veggie gyoza + miso soup and it honestly warmed my soul.
19.   What’re you excited about for next year?
Trips!!! I’m planning to visit my cousin in Vancouver, a few friends in Pittsburg, and @chuckhansen is finally gonna drag her ass back to Toronto after like 7 years.
20.   What’s something you learned this year?
I learned to value the work that I do and to not make myself smaller just b/c people don’t know how to handle my light and energy.
21.   What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Oh dang I got rid of my big ass bedframe, got a new mattress, and put all 112 Funko pops on display for the whole world to see.
22.   Favorite place you visited this year?
I went to this conservation area in Stouffville in the fall!!! Me and a few friends walked around for a while, and then I wrecked all of them in Uno after.
23.   If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
You are capable of taking on more that you know, and even when you do, always know that you’re not alone. People love tf outta you and they’ve got your back. All you have to do is be brave and ask for help.
24.   Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Hmmmmm, I didn’t really make any resolutions!!!
But I defs healed emotionally from a few ongoing issues and I’m gonna keep that going this year.
25.   Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one.
Omg so I’m completely in love with my girl Veyga Katsure b/c she’s gonna end up with Din ‘The D is silent’ Djarin at the end of this fic I may or may not finish hahaha.
She was a medical officer in the Rebellion and ends up helping Din and Yoyo when they’re stranded on Arbiflux.
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laresearchette · 2 years
Monday, October 31, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2022 PAN CONTINENTAL CURLING CHAMPIONSHIPS (TSN) 11:00am: Women's Draw: Canada vs. New Zealand (TSN) 4:00pm: Men's Draw: Canada vs. USA
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:30pm: Hawks vs. Raptors (TSN2) 8:00pm: Pistons vs. Bucks (SN1) 10:30pm: Rockets vs. Clippers
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 8:00pm: Astros vs. Yankees - Game #3
MURDOCH MYSTERIES (CBC) 8:00pm: Murdoch investigates the brutal on-camera murder of an actress during the filming of a movie about the clown killer.
CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING (CTV) 8:00pm: When Astrid and James' daughter Viv answers on a school assignment that she is Indigenous instead of her actual heritage, Indian, Astrid begins to feel guilty that she has not properly taught Viv about their family history.
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN4) 8:15pm: Bengals vs. Browns
RIDLEY ROAD (CBC) 9:00pm: Now undercover, Vivien tries to convince neo-Nazi leader Colin Jordan that she is on his side; Vivien's spying turns up an alarming development.
HIGHWAY THRU HELL (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm: James Luke and the Reliable team contend with two detoured wrecks on the same punishing corner of a narrow route; MSA's Kirpal and sons must stretch a long line to reach a machine stuck on a farm.
TOP CHEF CANADA (Food Network Canada) 10:00pm: In the Quickfire Challenge, Chefs must balance contrasting flavour profiles. In the Elimination Challenge, competitors create date night dishes for the loved ones of the judges. The final 4 will head to a popular international food destination.
MUD MOUNTAIN HAULERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Craig LeBeau and his crew set up camp on Gollen; things start out well until bad weather and a stuck truck derail their operation.
ALL THAT GLITTERS (Makeful) 10:00pm: The four semifinalists return to the workshop to create beautiful pieces in two penultimate challenges; they must impress the judges by designing and creating a bestselling set of asymmetric earrings and a pair of bespoke cufflinks.
ACTING GOOD (CTV Comedy) 10:30pm: Paul is overcome with jealousy when Dean is hailed as a hero for saving his life; Jo sets out to teach Chickadee a lesson after she catches her pranking Roger.
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koalamb · 5 years
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?21. How do they react to praise?22. How do they react to criticism?23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
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legolasgoldy said:Oh, I forgot the say, the hc questions were for Kielo! ;D
19. Have they ever lost anyone close to them? How did it affect them?
Heart of Thorns spoilers ahead!  Kielo took the loss of Trahearne heavily. Trahearne was supposed to be the one who knows what he’s doing, the one who’s on top of his game. He was also real hot. Kielo blames himself for not trying hard enough, not being fast enough, just.. he should have done something to prevent what went down, and for a good long while, Kielo lost his glow and vibrance altogether, and would not bother with usual smiling demeanor. 
However, a part of him (a bigger part than he lets people know) believes that somewhere out there, Trahearne has returned, he’s the smartest man Kielo has ever known, and if Kielo can find a way to return back to the the world of the living, then surely Trahearne can, too. He’s just. Biding his time. Or somewhere, where Kielo must travel in order to find him. 
20. Do they have a fast reaction time, or slow?
Kielo’s become quite jittery ever since becoming the Commander, and sometimes that means that his reaction to even the slightest surprise might be a roomful of illusions that only disperse after he’s had the time to asses the level of danger he’s in.   Sometimes, being a mesmer and a nervous wreck manifests in different ways, where he tends to dissociate and flicker away from moments where his concentration is required, and you might have to repeat what you’ve just told him. 
21. How do they react to praise?
Answered already, but Kielo practically lives for praise, even if he would never admit that out loud. It’s easy to notice though, with his blooms gaining more colour and a brighter glow.
22. How do they react to criticism?
This largely depends on who is the one criticizing. If it’s a stranger he’s never met, it’s far easier to just raise his eyebrows and (at least seemingly) not give a single fuck, if it’s someone he regards highly, he’ll agonise over it nonstop, even if he might be too stubborn to admit he’s in the wrong. 
Once he got into an argument with Rytlock about not being serious enough for his position as a leader of their little squad, and the way Kielo handled the situation was to blink to another location and leave a clone to deal with the frustrated, grumpy cat with a flaming sword. Turns out Rytlock did not appreciate that. 
23. Are they indoorsy or outdoorsy?
Outdoorsy! Kielo loves human architecture and is endlessly fascinated by things such as marble floors and huge structures, but  he grows bored fast, and in the end, there’s usually not many things he can focus on indoors. Unless it’s the Shiverpeaks and he has to pick between the freezing cold and a warm hearth. He’s a sensitive little orchid with no proper winter clothing, and will complain the entire time that he’ll just drop all his leaves and freeze to death. 
24. What are their biggest pet peeves?
It frustrates Kielo to no end that he has such a bright glow and that it’s really easy to read his emotions because he gives such visible cues.   He’s also not good with Taimi’s communication device, so his inability to interact with anything technical is hugely frustrating, but he's slowly learning the ropes of how to use it. At least he’s no longer constantly broadcasting everything he does. 
Being short for a sylvari and trying to seem Important in front of ... well, anyone really, used to bother him a lot, but ever since he’s bonded with his raptor, it hasn’t been an issue. 
Kielo knows he’s not particularly book-smart, but it still irks him when others treat him like he’s never seen a book. 
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Monster truck - Wikipedia
As I said earlier we like to get into your recent circuit and we found out it's no longer a racing circuit that they disqualified all the competition that never came up to them and started fights with everybody and these idiots around him are the only ones in the monster truck arena and it's suck at it and it shows blow they take minutes to line up for a jump is sit there for an hour talking on the phone or something before they go over it and sending threats out because they suck I want people to think to jump went fine cuz of threats when they don't lose it's just sat there like 10 minutes I got out kissed up to the sky and sit I'm out of here and start doing yay this is this you want anything for entertainment instead on the microphone all night your entertainment of your boss you left screw you f****** cow don't do it if you're not going to do it so
.. that's if you should do it and say of course you're going to do it yourself blaming down the audience said crying so didn't do anything there as a Corky's not doing it anyways today wow that's weird because of what they're doing is lame there's no monster truck racing circuit it's all bottles up into a few organizations it don't really race so we're going to record at races and much bigger stadiums is the same as hell
To go around in the hockey rinks and stuff and football stadiums then these little idiotic clown shows no races really to speak of similar challenge them to races publicly for their idiotic abuse
Went around today and sample audiences all over the world of these things they said to go in here and they travel on they Punch cards they drive up and down the stain and say hurry for me
No wonder why and corky comes up and he says what do you people doing here since we're doing our job what are you doing here since I came here to meet them to see why they're stopping to talk to you cuz you're nobody's when you said you're worse than a nobody he's going on wrecking everything that ever was something to stop racing and stop performing that's just really really really blase. And Tony Allen threw a bird said how come I have to answer these questions every time you ask him is that I'm not the one here being grilled you are we said no we're asking questions as I said I don't have any time for this I threw them down that's all started saying that I'll send you reaches over to one of us how to do this many dollars if you do this to him and he meant you and all sudden I see the sandwich out smashing right in the face so if you say that insulting s*** to me again you're dead of course his face is all bloody he ran off crying came back with people with shotguns we grabbed him and shot his guys dead trampled them flat too if you come back you're going to be like them so we went and got machines we took all the machines drove off of them killed all those people hung him upside down in this big coliseum where they haven't monster truck thing came out had one in the truck bed and said if you come back and do that again we're going to keep doing this to you I said you killed one guy I said it's a representative sister hanging around waiting for you to notice what happened to them somehow he has an intuition to look upwards and they're all hanging from the raptors 300,000 men all dead and they're bleeding he said how did you do all that so quickly he said we're asking the questions here stupid so you can't ask it we hit him this is done so can't figure it out change stuff like that means you be quiet or are you going to enjoy them and you don't and we hit you and you join them smiles and says it's that better feeling than him especially we can't stand when they said what is your involvement with this show and race he said nothing what are you talking to us for he said no reason to send you trying to assault us and harness and kidnappers and our son we told you not to or just kill you and you keep doing it so we're going to chase down every last one of you and exterminate your race because you're stupid look back and said finally hit him and we killed him we're going after him with a vengeance I know he says or does any of the stuff that they do to us and ridiculous I'm not going to let it happen I'm starting our own monster truck race circuit be very happy to embarrass too afraid to race pieces of s*** who should have been able to beat but let walk all over them by doing things like that ruining the race
Thor Freya
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