#rashta x you
lxdymoon0357 · 6 months
Hii Can I request A part 2 Of the where the reader Treats rashta like a human being rather than a slave ?
Pls take ur time
-Sincerely,📻😈 anon
(Heyyy 📻😈 anon! How have you been thank you again for requesting this and hopefully you enjoy your time here! Also don't know if you wanted it romantic or platonic, so made it neutral... Part 1 also I'm changing the fact that she didn't have any kids to that she only had Ian and she isn't pregnant Gloryem!)
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Rashta, their companion Pt.2
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◈ Rashta is always at your beck and call and always helps you in your work, she's waiting for you to call her when you need help while she is either doing something for her wedding clothes shops or dress shop and clothing shops (she sells everything a woman needs).
◈ Or when she is doing some resin art, she is sometimes hoping that you will call her because you missed her...She is very attached to you, emotionally and physically :))
◈ Whenever she is eating foods, you and all the servants together, she thinks of you all like a family and wonders if you all think of her as one too? Hopefully, cause she can now never bear to think about all of you not being with her!
◈ She is always happy to enjoy time with kids, even though her PTSD sometimes causes her to have panic attacks and push kids away, cause she gets scared and it always scares the kids as well, sadly...
◈ But their parents understand her situation and they are always happy to help her calm down, the kids don't mind either, cause their parents explained how Miss. Rashta has a bad past and an illness which causes her to be very scared around kids and so they try their best to not scare her.. :(((((
◈ She will always dedicate many of her works to you, designing them on your favourite colours, patterns you like, things you like, etc. She is always happy to see, how you enjoy her art, cause it means the world to her!
◈ She is so grateful for you, every season of her clothing shops, she will first and foremost release a season for you! and only after your season will she put out the other season! She is a trendsetter and many people like her works!
◈ She loves animals and love to care for them, she also loves spending ties with the kids in the manor, it's honestly makes her inner child heal and makes her feel better and refreshed! She will go to any length, she will be a princess or a dragon or a knight or a witch, she is just happy to be around the kid! And she loves to feed animals, groom them, brush their fur or simply stroke them.
◈ She will always have you take breaks by helping her in designing or doing resin art or something relaxing in general or talking a walk around the manor! She doesn't want you to overwork!
◈ She would always go picnics with you whenever she and you get the time, she always has the best treats and acquires the cheapest yet the healthiest foods! She sometimes even brings everyone in the manor, including the kids and servants and maybe even pets!!
◈ She is friendly and makes friends easily, and she can also easily test people unless they're her friend..then she can never know who is her fake friend and so she trust your judgement and hopefully your judgement is good, cause if not, then well....she doesn't care how many friend she loses, as long as you're with her...
◈ Rashta eagerly misses Ian and is always having nightmares about him, his birth and his killing...She can't ever forget about him, so you got her a HUGE portrait of her with Ian in her arms, and another where she said she wanted you to get one where Ian is all grown and head of your manor and he looks like a mixture of you and her!
◈ She got you to get a trainer for her so she could learn sword-fighting or hand-to-hand combat because she wants to be strong and it is quite of her interest! and she enjoys it and you can't say no to your girlfriend and so she's good at that as well, surprisingly!
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
The remarried Empress but Rastha declares her love for Navier the moment she sees her in ep 1.
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ladyhatter614 · 2 years
Manhwa MLs that I can see saying: *Sighs* “What did my wife do this time?”
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1. Why are you doing this, My Duke/ What’s Wrong with You Duke 
(Erin x Rowan) 
2. I Stole the Male Lead’s First Night
(Ripley x Zeronis)
3. The Remarried Empress 
 (Sovieshit x Trashta  Sovieshu x Rashta)
4. The Lady I Served Became a Young Master
 (Blair x Claude/Chloe)
5.  Touch My Little Brother and You’re Dead 
( Rosalette x Glenn)
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lychee02 · 2 months
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This WEBTOON and its fan base makes me lose so much hope for humanity. There are really people out there who think getting cheated on is worse than being enslaved and whenever someone points that out some imperialist simp will inevitably jump in like “bUt RaSHta dId X, Y, and Z” and it’s like yes, because the author CHOSE to villainize her. How bad is your reading comprehension??
This story could’ve been re written from Rashta’s POV and it would’ve been so different. Like people in the comments actually mock Rashta for being uneducated (she was a slave!) and paranoid (you would be too if you used to be a slave!)
Someone with a degree in comparative literature needs to study this WEBTOON’s success and its fan base.
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blues824 · 1 year
Request: Hello again! Sorry to bug you but I seen The Remarried empreon your list I just couldn’t resist and wondered if I could request Navier, Heinrey, and Kosair x Layla! Reader (Genshin.) The reader is someone that is dedicated to their studies but sacrifices their precious sleep because of this. They also have a sleep deprived look to them but are still able to retain their beauty they also sleepwalk a lot but unconsciously do work and think they have been blessed by the stars when they wake up. (Bonus if you could include Sovieshu‘s reaction to Navier falling for the reader and slowly focusing all her attention on them instead of the fact that Sovieshu now has a concubine and maybe Rashta’s and Krista’s too for Heinrey.)
Glad to know you like it too! This is different from what I usually do, because most of these are romantic. Gender-neutral reader.
Preface: You are a scholar who specializes in Theoretical Astrology. You’re the Eastern Empire’s/Western Kingdom’s official astrologist, and along with capturing the character’s interest you also captured their heart. 
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She has been wondering why you had not visited her yet when one of her handmaidens had informed her that you had been caught in your studies. You were trying to gather information on one of the nobles that Navier grew suspicious of and it took a lot of time trying to get into his mind through the stars.
The handmaiden went on to say that you hadn’t truly slept in about 3 days. Your somnambulism had caused a few servants quite a fright because they thought you were the walking dead. Oh, you poor thing. You didn’t know when to quit, did you?
She, as silently as she could, made her way to your tower. You had been given your own space so that you wouldn’t be disturbed while you were studying, and when she made it there she saw you walking around. She went up to you and looked you in the eye just to see them closed.
Navier knew that this was a bit unorthodox of her, but she held you by the shoulders and gently led you back to your chambers. She looked around and saw how much of a mess it was. No wonder you were having such a hard time: you couldn’t find anything. 
However, all of a sudden, you sprung back out of your bed. You looked around and started to clean up the huge mess. The Empress was shocked at how energetic you suddenly seemed. You seemed to be referring to yourself as ‘Daytime’ for some reason… she was just so confused (just as you were when you woke up to find your room clean and the work done).
By the way, Sovieshu is totally jealous of you because you managed to steal his wife’s attention and distract her from him having a mistress. Rashta seems upset because the attention is off of her and all on you.
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He had asked you if it was a wise decision to visit the Eastern Empire when he was invited for Navier’s New Year’s Party. Unfortunately, that resulted in not seeing you for a while. Unfortunately, our lovely prince here got a bit touch-starved.
He asked around and found out that you had stayed up for 3 consecutive days. That certainly would not fly (get it?) past him. He rushed to your tower to see you for himself. Surely the servant that gave him the information was mistaken… right?
When he made it to the building, he saw how you were on the verge of falling asleep. He was about to lead you to your bed when you immediately sprung up and started rushing around the room. Heinrey watched as you just zoomed back and forth.
Eventually, you settled back down, but you weren’t done working. No, you gathered your papers, put them in order, and went to your balcony to look through your telescope. You were speaking a thousand miles a minute.
Heinrey held you by your shoulders and asked what was going on. You spouted on about “Daytime Y/N” and how they needed help. He was so freaking concerned. Does he need to call the royal physician to inspect you?
Lady Krista acts like she is friendly towards you, but she’s only doing it because she wants Heinrey to look at her in a positive light. She doesn’t truly care about whatever happens to you, as long as you don’t get too close to the Prince.
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He decided to surprise you. You both have been great friends (oh, how he wished you were more than just that) for a long time, but since he’s been traveling he hasn’t been able to see you at all. It was supposed to be a happy moment.
However, when he got Navier’s letter that you hadn’t slept in a while, he was concerned. Didn’t you know that wasn’t healthy, love? He wrote back saying that he would be there earlier than expected, and he set out immediately towards his younger sister’s palace.
He made it to your tower and saw that you were just walking around aimlessly. He ran up the stairs and intercepted you before you had a chance to fall down. He turned you around and pushed you back into your room.
Before he was able to push you into bed, you dodged his hands and ran around your room to tidy it up a bit. Then you grabbed a few papers that Kosair guessed you were working on before rushing out to the balcony with your telescope.
He went out with you, and you gasped upon looking at the stars. They never failed to amaze you, be it Daytime Y/N or Night-time Y/N. Kosair had to admit that this was why he fell head over heels for you. You never failed to make him just as excited about the great balls of gas in the night.
You handed him the telescope before jotting down some notes. You were muttering something about how this would help “Daytime Y/N” tremendously. Mans was so freaking concerned and confused, and you were too just a few hours later.
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melevesxence · 1 year
lawful and unlawful — chapter one
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Duke Ergi Claude x Fem!Thief!Reader
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level — i
thesis — Duke Ergi Claude had one goal in the Eastern Empire — to trick the concubine Rashta into thinking he was on her side, but when a certain lowlife thief comes into the picture, the plan goes further and further off its tracks.
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A little cardinal chirped its greeting to the sun, and just as it finished its delightful song, the branches of a tree nearby were disturbed, and tens, perhaps hundreds, of birds flew out from the area, the cardinal joining them.
You grinned, scaling your way up the knobby tree and stopping on what you knew what be the smallest one you could climb onto that you could safely say would not snap under your weight. You peeked your head out of the thickets at the rising sun and waved rather dramatically before sitting down on the base of the branch and cracking your knuckles.
A plan was in consideration for the day, after all, even a thief needs a routine to make sure she gets everything done in time for the upcoming shortages that were bound to happen when the emperor starts planning the inevitable wedding of him and his mistress Rashta.
A feast for the imperials would not mean well for the commoners.
You didn’t really care, but sometimes, you couldn’t help but think about why it was so important for Emperor Sovieshu to marry that wrench to the point where he’d divorce another woman for her.
Royals and their crazy business.
You stretched one last time in the safety of your tree before retrieving the pad of paper you had been carrying around since day one. It only had a few empty pages left, but hey, you weren’t going to throw something out until you had milked it of every possible cent it could save you.
There was a budget. A budget you were most definitely not going to cross.
After making sure your satchel was secure around your waist, you jumped down from the tree, a bit risky, but you managed to land without breaking your ankles, so that counts as a win. In a very pleasant mood now, you cracked your knuckles again.
“Let’s do this,” you whispered to yourself, scanning the location, and upon not seeing anything worth being wary of scurried off toward the bright, bustling marketplace that was just asking to be robbed.
You walked through the arch that signaled the entrance to the marketplace fast enough that you were satisfied with how ahead you were of your schedule, which meant you would likely get a lot more loot than you expected you would get. That, was a strike of good luck.
Snatching an apple from a stand near the entrance for your breakfast, or at least a portion of it if you had a chance to swipe some more food, you went down the path of the marketplace, weaving through the hordes of people. Deciding it was taking too long, you went just outside an alleyway where nobody could really see you and jumped.
You grabbed the beam on a stable-looking stall and hoisted yourself up onto the red rooftops of the apartments surrounding the marketplace. It would certainly be a faster way around to getting what you needed, and though it was dangerous, you were willing to take that risk.
You were always willing to take a risk.
So, with that thought fresh in your head, you leaped across the roofs, steering away from the crowds and staying as low as you could. The adrenaline flew through your blood, prompting you to go faster, and faster, and fast enough to fly off to roof entirely…
Fast enough to fly off the roof entirely, indeed.
You landed very roughly on the ground, with a twisted cry at your folly as you felt the pain jerk at your legs and elbows. How could you have been so stupid?
“And who might you be?”
The warning alarms were going off in your head, but you looked up anyway, right into a pair of stunningly emerald eyes. You cringed inwardly at the thought, not knowing where the hell that stupid idea got into your brain.
“Who wants to know?” You replied, acting like you totally didn’t just fall from a five-story building with two likely broken legs and brought them up to your chest, wincing at the impact.
He looked back at you, unimpressed, but something about the way his lips trembled told you he was fighting not to laugh. It hurt your pride, but perhaps you had brought that upon yourself.
You breathed out your nose, averting your gaze and mumbling under your breath, “Just laugh.”
He snorted, then broke out into laughter as you watched through embarrassed eyes. He wiped at his eyes after a minute of him laughing at you while you just sort of stared. Shaking his head in a scolding manner of some sort, he said, “Duke Ergi Claude, and now it’s your turn to tell me your name.”
You held his gaze for a second longer before turning away and muttering out your code name, “Just call me X.”
You ignored him this time, popping open your satchel and downing the vial you took from it. Healing elixirs weren’t difficult to come by, and though they are expensive, that’s a rookie problem for a thief.
Duke Ergi eyed the now empty vial as you tossed it away and stood up after testing that your ankles still worked.
“Those are expensive,” he stated as you turned and started to leave the scene. Stopping right by the only visible exit of the little secluded pathway you had fallen into, you sighed, spinning on your heel to face the supposed duke once more.
“They are. I know, and I would very much appreciate if you’d just shut up and let me leave. It was” — you paused, shook your head in exasperation, and signaled air quotes as you continued — “‘nice’ meeting you, but I have unsettled business to tend to, and I’m sure you’re busy if you’re a duke as you claim. Since I doubt we’ll meet again, I bid you good day.”
You saluted him with an eye roll and backed out of the area and back into the market and out of his sight. Duke Ergi smiled to himself, brushing off the cuffs of his jacket as he picked up the glass bottle you had left behind.
He turned to look at the bustling marketplace which you had disappeared into, his brows scrunched and his face in a thoughtful expression.
to be continued…
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vanisagi27 · 3 months
So,if your ever an author for remarried empress,what would you fix in the webtoon and why?
I don't know where to even begin 😅
I'd probably try to stick more to the novel, try to take into account the seasons to show how much time has passed from event X to event Y, make more fashionable clothes, mark a difference between the Eastern and Western Empire's fashion (since they seem to be the same, and I know the Western Empire is suppose to have some influence from the Estern Empire but still), try to make the characters' appearances a bit more similar to the novel art, not rush certain events (like when Christa tried to become Heinrey's concubine or when Rashta was attacked by a maid after she order for her father to be executed), use the novel art as a reference as to how much Rashta's belly grows throught the story (they made her look pregnant from one episode to another when she wasn't showing nor in her wedding nor when she threw her first tea party after becoming the empress), etc.
That's all that come to my mind for the moment and we are talking about what to change from the webtoon, not the story overall (in that case I would change a lot)
I hope my points are valid to you all
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nirstedamillen · 4 months
Hey, question. Which blogs do you love the most for:
a) Remarried empress fanfic where Rashta and Sovieshu are loved or appreciated by the creator?
b) ideas on Rashta and Sovieshu
I don't care how many, just not down the ones you like a lot, even if you don't know them! I would love to interact with some!!
Of course, I would love the fanfics that Rashta and Sovieshu are loved by the author (but if it's about Sovieshu only, it would be a bit special). And I especially like the ship male Rashta x female Sovieshu (don't ask me why because I always like strange ships lol).
To add that I tend to be gentle with all female fictional characters, I've never hated someone for long no matter how bad their personality is, but I won't cover up their sins either. And conversely, I used to hate quite a few male fictional characters.
Back to the point, I like that Rashta x Sovieshu has a healing and sweet relationship, I also like Sovieshu to pamper Rashta. For example, during female Sovieshu's pregnancy, Rashta would always be there for her and cry because he was worried that she would be hurt etc... Besides, Rashta will often be jealous of Sovieshu's frequent contact with other men and this gave her a huge headache.
After all, he will have the courage to tell her about his past, identity and beg her not to abandon him. Sovieshu also will not forever dwell on the past but will respond to Rashta's feelings and efforts, then they will have a happy life. The end.
But option b also sounds interesting because I love hearing about new things.
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imma-write-stuff · 1 year
Rashta X Pirate S/O
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Another AU Where Rashta Never Met Sovi. (Its kinda slow burn,)
CW: Angst, super vague talks of Rashta’s ptsd and spolier alerts of her past, putting a baby up for adoption,
- Rashta first met you and your crew when you was invading the area where she and her master’s family lived. You learn she was a escaped slave and felt pity for her, you decided to take her with you.
- Rashta was happy to come along even though she was pretty scared, but her desire to escape was greater then her fear of you.
- She was given a room, food, and other important stuff, even stuff she never was granted. She also was given a job to do basic cleaning around the ship nothing overwhelming.
- Knowing she had no where to go you decided to let her join the crew and teach her the life of a pirate. Rashta learn various skills: swordsmanship, navigating the sea, and a few other things.
- Rashta develop strange symptoms and realize she’s been missing her cycle a few times. The crew found a doctor and discovered she was pregnant. By then Rashta started to really trust you and told you about what happen to her first child.
- You and your crew found a safe place for her and her baby. After she had her baby you would visit her when you can. Rashta didn’t felt comfortable traveling till her baby reach a certain age.
- You notice Rashta is having trouble bonding with her baby and ask her what’s going on. Rashta revealed she keeps on having flash backs of her first child every time she see her daughter. She broke down crying.
- Rashta started to develop romantic feelings when she watch you look after her daughter. She wondered what life would be like if she wasn’t a slave in the first place. Would she be happy?
- Rashta decided to put her kiddo up for adoption in hopes that a good family will provide what she couldn’t.
- After recovering from postpartum, Rashta rejoins and stays close to you. She would often hug you, it was a little awkward at first but you grew comfortable.
- Rashta eventually admit she loves you and you were the only person who actually was there for her in her darkest moments. You guys didn’t started a relationship right away but it happens.
- You two were like the pirate version of Bonnie and Clyde when you raid other ships and places. Dates include exploring dungeons, dancing at parties you guys make with the crew, and walking at the beach when no one’s there.
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honestlyyoungtyphoon · 2 months
You know,when I heard about the ship about rashta x Mino,okay I will take it. Let my boy mino have a good partner while rashta would actually have someone to be comfortable with. Let's go with https://youtu.be/G9-mNePe5zE?si=-cg6-jlFZoDcFTFG aND this https://youtu.be/nwK5Cq-RSsQ?si=-e2vwbTa9YywDFhw
Interesting songs. Very nice taste!
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Hello!~ can I request A Rashta X Reader where the reader Is basically the only Noble that actually Treats her like a Human rather than a Slave and Also treats her like a Friend? And how she would react?
Sorry for disturbing You its ok if you don't want to do my request
— you can call me📻😈 anon if you want
(hello there, radio demon anon. I love you and Rashta~ Also Rashta did sleep with Alan, but she didn't get pregnant with Ian nor is she is pregnant with Gloreym)
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Rashta, their companion..
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☍ Rashta is very grateful for you, not many people like slave and commoners nor are they kind to them, but you saved her from the emperor's trap and even lied to them saying she was your servant and she got kidnapped and upon running fell into the trap.
☍ You often provide her with things she likes, but on one condition from you, which is she has to study and have education, of-course she agreed to your one condition because you provided her with a better life for her, you give her food, give her clothes and protect her.
☍ Since you're an extremely high noble you also bought Rashta from Lotteshu and his family and later on got them punished telling them how they abuse her and since she was now under your family's name, they got arrested as well.
☍ Rashta would often try to skip her lessons, but once you tell her why her education is extremely important, she would understand and try harder in her education and sooner or later she graduated in under five years, getting all her education and even learning etiquette in those years.
☍ Rashta for one is a very smart and imaginative lady, she has quite great ideas, if Rashta was educated well, she knows that she shouldn't depend on her emotions so much as it might get her into trouble and now often relies on logic more as compared to her emotions.
☍ Rashta is also emotionally mature and she knows how to handle her emotions better, though she can be sensitive and emotional at times, but she knows better than to start crying loudly in a huge room filled with people.
☍ She loves to accompany you to banquets, tea-parties and balls as your cousin, sibling or a sister or as your maid, but she's with you all the time during the whole event, most likely as your playmate.
☍ She also developed a hobby of resin art or art in general, but her resin art is absolutely breathe-taking, she takes random plants, flowers, tiny gold flecks of some old statue which is falling apart, or using jewels, glass or whatever she can find in her art and more often then not, she makes portraits, her most known portraits are of you.
☍ Rashta often takes you around commoner markets dressed in modest and casual clothing, which are bustling and lively, and sometimes she sees people behaving badly with slaves working there and it reminds her of her past and it makes her feel anxious, but she isn't scared to stand up for those people.
☍ Growing up, no matter what she did, people only looked at her with disgust and annoyance, so when she sees those people who act nice with her to suck up to you, she isn't afraid to teach them a lesson of disrespecting you or her behind your or her back, with your permission of-course!
☍ She kind of also built up a shop of special designed clothing, more like a wedding dress shop because she loves to design them and wonder what you or her would look like in wedding attire, along with beautiful accessories and shoes as well!!!
☍ You're her favourite person, no matter what you say, she's gonna find you her favourite no matter what!! She loves your kindness, how you don't discriminate between status, age, gender and colour and how you treat everyone, including your servants, which helped in creating you a great and loyal army of trusted friends and servants!
☍ She also brings in cats and animals, she finds on her walks and brings them home, so now you have a separate garden filled with tiny pets belonging to you and Rashta and some even of your servants.
☍ Oh! Speaking of your servants, once Rashta told you how your servants were always worrying about their families because how far they work form their homes and in the next two months, you had all your servants' families move into a new manor which is just behind your manor, so they all could check up on them and so much more and you have hosted so many weddings for your servants as well!!
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i-bring-crack · 2 years
Hear me out:
Actor AU Rastha and Navier who have to act on the show The remarried Empress but Rastha and Navier are dating, which means all those times when Navier was angry on screen she wasn't just acting, she was truly jealous upon Rashta being so close to Sovieshu, though everyone thought she just had a good acting. All except Rastha who just KNOWS how to tick off her girlfriend before spoiling her rotten outside of the show so as to not make her too angry.
Adding on that Rastha is an A+ in her acting, they both trained under the same acting coach toguether and acted in a few plays too even though Rastha went to a public school and Navier to a private one.
More bonus that they just instantly became good friends because Rastha is sticky af and absolutely loved talking to the quiet shy Navier who never spoke so much of a word unless it was on stage. At first she didn't like Rastha's company but over time and over a lot of plays toguether they eventually fell in love and she could never stop hearing about the thoudsand things Rashta had to say to her or show off what she did today.
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The Remarried Empress Fics
Hyacinth By: Space_Samurai
When Sovieshu learned about Navier's pregnancy, he saw a chance to rebuild their relationship. Amidst the joy of the country, he sent away the blonde prince his wife was so fond of, as well as the rest of ill intended foreigners who pursued her.
While it seemed that Navier would never show any warmth towards him again -be it for his illegitimate child or his meddling in the banishment of her western prince-, he still hoped for reconciliation.
Then the girl was born with violet eyes.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
sweet cookies and bitter tea By: Space_Samurai 
~Spoilers for Webtoon readers only~
Navier likes to think she’s above pettiness, but there’s something vicious about the pleasure she feels when she meets with Sovieshu after so long -pregnant with her second while he remains childless and married while his former empress rots on the ground.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
ENCHANTED By: Shirubia_O
I am Veronique Vict. Younger sister of the Eastern Empire's Emperor Sovieshu Vict and one of the most powerful mages of the East.
I don't like politics. Hate complicated things. And disgust troublesome affairs. Oh and I like my sister-in-law over my brother.
So why the hell am I being drugged into my brother's matrimonial affairs when all I came for was New Year's Celebration?
That shitty brother of mine brought back an annoying wench and push aside my wonderful sister-in-law Navier?
Was he dumb? Does he even have a brain?
Well, just divorce him already, sister-in-law! Let's leave to West after ditching that scumbag! It'll be just you, me, your new hot and younger husband and him--
Hold on, why am I including that white wench's so-called womanizer friend in my plan?
I think my brother's shitty taste in chosing lover have somehow infected me. Help.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Help Each Other Belong to Themselves By: Lady_of_War_and_Heartache
Navier focuses on her ladies-in-waiting, her lone allies in all of this pandemonium, the only ones who knew of her plans previously, and the ones who had stuck by her side and helped her most in these past few months.
“He is the one I wish to remarry,” Navier confirmed with a smile.
As the court was thrown into chaos for a third and final time, Navier couldn’t help but bite back a laugh as she heard Rashta’s delighted cheers ring out over the din of the crowd.
Or: Navier, not Sovieshu, is the one who finds Rashta, and it changes everything and nothing all at once.
Featuring: An overabundance of female friendship, political intrigue, and severing of toxic relationships. And also Himbo!Heinrey. As a treat.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Artina the Chief Deputy of the Eastern Empire x Rashta Ishka 
dreams of gold and feathers By: Space_Samurai
After Emperor Heinley invades the East, he weds former empress Navier to solidify his claim.
Or: What if Heinley and Navier never met and he just invaded as originally planned?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Everything He Did By: Imatopia
The elevator doors open and I find out sooner than I thought. Just at the doorway, there was Sovieshu and a woman inches away from each others face and it seemed me and Nian had interrupted. I had gotten the answer to Nian’s question.
What kind of man takes another woman into their apartment when they’re already in a relationship?
A cheating one.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Moonlight By: Lilith_666
Eastern Empire was not only blessed by a Crown Prince Sovieshu but also a princess. She was adored by the emperor and empress. Her big brother spoiled her. The emperor even gave her her own palace when she's older. She is as radiant as the moon, therefore she's named Selene. People like her immediately when they meet her. Growing up, she and her brother are inseparable. When Navier came into the picture, she welcomed her with open arms and get along quickly. When her brother inherited the throne, she also inherited the authority of the imperial court. She was on her brother's side in expressing their disagreement with their father having concubines. What's happen when her brother becomes more like their father?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Lord McKenna x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Warmth and gold By: tarofire 
Navier learning to be loved and comfortable with Heinrey. It is an uphill battle.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Lord McKenna
The Duke and the Shithead Emperor By: only_sporks
“Ah,” Navier knows what’s going on. “Are you perhaps feeling jealous of me?”
The Grand Duke turned slowly towards Empress Navier, his face still flushed a deep red.
“Grand Duke?”
“Your Majesty, kindly pretend you didn’t hear that,” He was covering his blushing face with his hand, clearly embarrassed. “It seems the love potion was more potent than i thought. And… I seem to have fallen in love…” He looked away, towards the door through which the Emperor had left. “… with your husband.”
Oh dear, thought Navier. This was an absolutely spectacular turn of events.
Or: Grand Duke Kaufman accidentally falls in love with Soveishit after drinking his own love potion, Navier is the wingwoman of the century, and Rashta realizes that she doesn’t have to manipulate people to stay alive.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Grand Duke Kaufman x Sovieshu Vict
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Diverging the Path By: Dotchi13
Upon hearing that Sovieshu is planning on divorcing her, Navier leaves to the Magical Academy as she had promised to Everly.
And there, she finds Kaufman, who is still looking to get rid of the love potion's hold that will not go away no matter how many antidotes he takes.
And she finds herself being impulsive and selfish for the first time in her life.
Grand Duke Kaufman x Navier Ellie Trovi
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
Please give an opinion on The Remarried Empress, especially S2
I liked S1 but S2 kinda left a sour taste in my mouth and I'd like to hear a hot take about it
General opinion:
In their world, having a concubine is totally legal so I'm not going to go after Rashta as a homewrecker, only as a scheming hypocrite.
That being said: I love Sovieshu x Navier's relationship, but I do have qualms about the fact that he becomes immediately jealous and suspicious when she spends time with other men. On the other hand, while she was being professionnal, said men (Kaufmann and Heinley) both were meeting with her with ulterior motives (the romantic kind).
While we're on the characters, let's explore:
- Our Male Lead, Heinrey: I hate him. It might just be due to personnal taste but I don't get why "puppy labrador man" is considered more attractive than "tall dark and handsome" Sovieshy. But that's just on the attractive side. Nothing to warrant hatred. So let's get to his personnality. He 1) approached Navier with the intention to destroy her and only came back on his idea when he fell in love with her, 2) used his bird form to see and touch her in ways that he shouldn't and deceived her (if we use Kenna as an example, same situations but he managed to avoid all that), 3) apparently has something to do with the magic disappearing, which is part of some grand scheme to completely destroy Navier's country, but he spares Navier and her little protegee to avoid hurting Navier's feelings. His behaviour is creepy and stalkish and him trying to destroy everything and everyone oh wait no, let's make an exception for the woman he's obsessed with, is a behavioral red flag for fictional characters as far as I'm concerned.
- Sovieshu: like said before, he might be a bit jealous and not really trust Navier. On the other hand, the situation proved him right since not only did both men who meet her fall in love with her and asked her to follow them to their country but she even accepted one of them. Yeah sure he shouldn't have put her in a difficult position by bringing in a side girl and try to make her empress. But again, in the world where they live it's perfectly normal, not a complete betrayal. The only mistake he made, in my eyes, was to try to make Rashta empress instead of Navier when Rashta is so blatantly uncapable of everything. And not making Navier aware of his double-swap plan.
- Navier: I like her and she makes an efficient empress but my brain just starts lagging then bugging when i think about how she went for Heinrey instead of having a discussion with Sovieshu to manage a common plan that would benefit both (like for example having her simulate a pregnancy, then pass Rashta's kid as her own and pretend Rashta's died at birth, idk, i've got tons of stupid ideas that would work better than Sovieshu's double-swap plan).
- Kaufmann: what the heck??? It might be because the webtoon is an adaptation and maybe his role is more important in the source material idk but he seems so irrelevant to the plot except for the time he tried to make Navier give a rape drug to her husband when she never even asked him to meddle with their love life in the first place (and even if she did it would still be wrong to suggest rape drug but you get what i mean).
- Krista: people who smear her don't realize that Krista-Navier is exactly Navier-Rashta except we see everything from Navier's pov. And I like her for that. She is not overly antagonistic. She just stands her ground and refuses to be more friendly to Navier than she wants to. To Navier = to That Girl the emperor brought in who is absolutely not qualified at the moment to be empress and who is trying to one-up you despite you having been here longer and being the former empress and also trying to sway the court to her side and make you the bad guy. Krista seeing Navier arrive is the same as Navier seeing Rashta arrive and I wish people just realized that.
Anyway now that we're done with that let's dig into the plot.
Navier and Sovieshu are basically soulmates. They've known each other since their childhood, she's the perfect empress for the empire and the perfect wife for him and he's the perfect husband for her. They're so in tune with each other and so close and all! Great couple!
He... finds an escaped slave during a hunting trip, ok. Brings her to the palace? Weird reaction but ok we need a plot. Makes her his concubine? I mean, again, in their world, it's not such a weird/bad reaction. Then she becomes pregnant from him. (he mentionned that despite a long married life, Navier had never become pregnant so i looked it up and apparently they have been married only 3 years before he brings Rashta home? like wtf dude? but anyway he later explains why he has good reasons to believe Navier is sterile other than not having children with him yet so the excuse is stupid but the reasonning is comprehensible.
That Navier refuses to adopt Rashta's child and taht Rashta refuses to give up her child, it's completely normal. That Sovieshu plans to divorce Navier, make Rashta his empress, then divorce her after the birth and take Navier back, it's stupid. Making the whole plan without even putting Navier in the secret is just plain stupid. She's smart and bright and efficient and (ok maybe lowkey a mary sue but we need some in our reads) she loves him and if she had known she could have told him why it was a stupid plan, draft a better one, make everyone happy.
Anyway so far that's my ideas about the series.
About season 2 particularly:
Navier goes to the new empire. Whole Krista situation in which i wholeheartedly support Krista. Heinrey suffers no consequences at all for repeatedly stalking Navier, pushing her boundaries, intruding upon her, etc, both in bird and human form, nor does he suffer any consequences for lying to her, deceiving her, touching/seeing her in inappropriate ways without her consent, or even making everyone around her and in her empire suffer from his initial plan of destroying them all which he only amended to exclude her from the destruction. As far as I'm concerned, Heinrey is the vilain of this story, but from what I know (which i hope I'm wrong) he's supposed to be the good guy but ok.
Loving Rashta spiraling down in paranoia because of Ergi. I still don't know what his deal is but I love what I see. I know I said I wouldn't judge her for being a homewrecker when she's not by their world's standards, but 1) she still is a hypocritical piece of shit and 2) I still unconsciously consider her kind of a home wrecker because the standards in my world are not the same as the ones in her world.
Anyway I'm pretty sure nobles sent gifts to her for her wedding (unless they all refused to because she's always prioritizing the smallfolks, but while it's possible I find it inplausible that all of them would do that) (also, Ergi's gift was half under a sofa so it's probable it just fell from a pile and then the other gifts were removed: either he got them out of the room to make her spiral down even more or Sovieshu took them and will tell her only later that for reason X or Y he didn't want them to stay in her room?). But seeing her accuse Navier of putting people against her when all she did was worry about people talking in her back when she was there? I love a good quid pro quo.
Seeing Rashta wearing the same dress and hairdo as Navier did, in the second-to-last episode of season 2, really shows how she's become desperate. She wants to find the secret ingredient that made Navier being loved by everyone, but she can't find it, because 1) this ingredient is partly the author's favor, 2) she has very bad advice from Ergi and 3) Navier had her whole life to learn how to navigate politics and Rashta just arrived.
The Lotteshu subplot of Rashta's previous child? I like it but I don't know where it will go. I saw a comment somewhere about how Sovieshu might be the one sterile and Rashta's child might not be his, I don't know what to think of this.
I also love Navier's brother, can't remember his name. He's... a lot, but in a good way? I guess? And I like her new lady-in-waiting who's got a spear in her back all the time. So anyway here was my whole thing.
TL;DR of the hot takes:
Heinrey is the bad guy of the story.
Rashta is actually not so bad as the fandom paints her (although she still is bad)
Ergi is entertainingly despicable.
Kaufmann is also questionable.
Sovieshu is the closest thing from a good guy we have among the male leads.
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baekhvuns · 8 months
I almost thought I forgot to send you an ask, dw abt the timing tho. it happens to me a lot 😭 I forget if I had done something and then i question it?
IKR HIS WHOLE PERSONALITY IRKS ME SO MUCH BUT THEN HIS FACE?? HIS FACEEEE!!! 😩😩 he's such a hypocrite honestly, and each time he makes a dumb fucking decision I want to punch him in the face so bad!! BUT THEN I RMR THT ONE CHAPTER WHERE NAVIER'S HAVING A FLASHBACK TO WHEN THEY WERE KIDS AND- 😭 I CANT-
Bcz...this just got too real? 🫣
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😒 don't even talk abt tht selfish piece of shit, I hate her. The audacity she has, like she literally just said "there's not a woman in the whole world that wouldn't sulk if his lover is spending time with another woman." 😃 miss girl YOU are the OTHER WOMAN! He is spending time with his WIFE! On her BIRTHDAY. Jail. I want to see her in jail. I'm glad Heinrey knows the kinda person she is, he and the empress are the only ones putting her in her place. Like it annoys me so damn much how she cries over every damn thing, idc whatever shit she went thru, it didn't give her any right to become a homewrecker. And soveishu is dumb enough. And navier?
....she's. Etheral. How to be her? How to hv a man like hers? How to be bold like her? How to BE NAVIER??
OMG GURL YES I READ IT 😭 I CANT BELIEVE SOVEISHU KISSED NAVIER'S NECK?!?!?!?! 😭 IM- IDK THT MAKES ME LIKE HIM MORE DESPITE HIS SHITTY ATTITUDE?? WHAT DO I DO 😭 but respectfully, he should fuck off....you lost the chance man. You lost her. No Bcz what does he want frm navier??? Does he think she has a heart of stone? As if she doesn't hv feelings??? He gets all riled up if she even talks with some other guy and look at him, going out with a strange girl he has no idea who tf she even is.
I'm telling you rashta is the downfall of the empire. Girl I'm telling ya, if I see a strange woman running to hug my man like tht..id throw hands idc what my status would be, I would THROW HANDS. (On both, my man, and the girl) Navier is so strong. BWAHAHAHAHA AND HIS GUTS TO SAY "IM A GOOD MAN" 😭🤚 STOPH- HES THE MOST DELULU PERSON EVER! Rashta is like that one annoying cousin. LIKE SHE HAD THE AUDACITY TO WEAR THE SAME DRESS AS NAVIER?!?!? FASION POLICE- YOU GOTTA ARREST HER! BCZ THT IS PLAGIARISM 😭
I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill him, I'm really gonna kill him I HATE HIM SO MUCH! NEVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE HAS A CHARACTER MADE MY BLOOD BOIL THIS BAD!
Navier no...the potion has worn off, Duke Kaufmann likes you 😭
No way you fell asleep on the stairs...was it Bcz it was comfortable or you were just too tired to walk till your bed? 😭 (OMG I WROTE THIS THINKING YOU WROTE "I FELL ASLEEP ON THE STAIRS" AND I WAS LIKE ?!?! WHAT- I READ IT WRONG 😭😭 but this is so funny so I kept it in the ask, i cn be so silly sometimes)
NO WAY DROP THE NAME OF THE MOVIE! controversial? I'm questioning my tastes-
Ikr it's so wholesome and cute, the last episode ended on sung ho offering haebom to drink with him, man I'm totally up for everything that's coming next, Bcz haebom, is already in love and he might not realize it yet, Bcz the way he blushes EVERYTIME he sees sung ho. LIKE WHEN HE DROPPED HIM AT THE DAYCARE CENTRE HE THOUGHT "DID WE JUST LOOK LIKE A COUPLE RN??" NOW TELL ME THIS MF DOESN'T THINK ABT IT ALL THE TIME 😭😭 dw I'll update you once the new episode comes.
I don't wanna go to work tomorrow AND I DONT WANNA GO TO UNI I wanna fall in love with someone IM SO LOVESICK 🤧
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please stop. im in a public setting this picture to picture comparison is taking me out pls don’t let me do this bc i have this draft where the reader is an undercover empress and san’s a thief w heinry’s personality
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no srs as much of a goof heinry is he is quick to check someone like rashta or whoever disrespects navier like that,,,, rashta needs to go to jail esp for what she did to that maid???? gOD 😭😭😭 ITS ON SIGHT WITH HER AND THE WAY SHES COPYING NAVIERS STYLE AND HAIR ?????? CRYING honestly soveishu puts her in place sometimes and it makes me feel so good omg i just spoiled it for u
NAVIER IS THE PERSONA OF ELEGANCE !!! THE EMPRESS, ur asking the right questions bc when will fate put us under her fate 😭😭
duke kaufman is so 🥰☺️🥰 id be w him ngl very mingi coded
NO LMFAOOO THIS IS SO CUTE FHWJD 😭😭😭 I FELL ON THE STAIRS LIKE GOING UP THE STAIRS did not fall asleep but i was transferring from my couch (where i slept on) to my room and i thought the platform of the stairs was there and i took a step and boom im collapsing <3 my eyes were closed yes bc i have this thing that if i open them while i transfer my sleep will vanish <3
omg ok it’s a 2006 bollywood movie w srk in it, it was extremely controversial bc of the concept but i think if it were released today it would’ve gotten a better reaction nonetheless
manifesting a ceo who does ur taxes and handles everything for u <3
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blues824 · 1 year
🧙‍♀️Can I request the remarried empress charters meeting the female Solomon reader.
✨A immortal and highly successful and intelligent sorceress coming to visit during the new year Ball and throwing shade at sovieshu because they could deal with a 1000 lovers and wives and tread them all with the same respect and dignety and he could not even respect navier after 1 mistresses.
🧙‍♀️Her tanking navier of sponsoring a young gir to come a sorcerers and helping her out with her knowledge and asking her if she can stay in the castle for a while to support her and maby becoming the empress personal sorcerers (witch it's a rare and she doesn't do a lot only for people who intrest het like navier)
✨Her giving heinley and navier her blessings to there marriage and coming to there kingdom to support her and heinley more.
🧙‍♀️(just imagine her having the titel of empress of the sorcerers because of her power and age )
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Preface: You are a well-known mage who often visits multiple kingdoms to oversee the plummeting numbers of mages. You work in partnership with the High Priest. You have unofficially and secretly sworn loyalty to Navier, wherever she may go.
I’m also a simp for Kosair and will always add him to my Remarried Empress requests. So basically this is a Kosair x Reader fic.
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Sovieshu knows about you, obviously. He was the one who invited you to the Eastern Empire concerning matters of mages losing their magic out of nowhere. You received your New Year’s Ball invitation on behalf of him so that you would be able to discuss the next course of action.
Of course, when you arrived, you saw how he completely tossed Navier aside for Rashta, and that made you unbelievably angry. You even told him off, saying that you had multiple concubines and wives in your time and you were able to treat them all with respect and love. You even said to him that if he can’t handle two women, he should only have one.
The rest of your visit was spent by giving him the cold shoulder. You knew that Navier was the one overseeing the mages, and you had concerns about Evalie, who was the student you taught and that she was sponsoring. Whenever Sovieshu tried to converse with you, you would cut him off and walk away with a disgusted look in your eye.
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Rashta has also heard about you. However, she heard about you through the palace servants because it wasn’t common for commoners to learn about this kind of thing. When she caught wind that the Emperor had invited you to the Ball but not her, she was angry. She cried to Sovieshu like she normally did until she got her way.
When you arrived, you merely observed everything from afar. Rashta was about to greet herself when you walked straight up to the Emperor and told him off. She was shocked that you would do such a thing and Sovieshu didn’t do anything about it. She was later informed that it was because you had more power than he did.
The rest of your time spent at the palace was spent not giving her and the Emperor the time of day. You only exclusively met up with Navier, and it made her angry. She complained to Sovieshu that you were being mean, but he told her that he couldn’t do anything because of your connection with the High Priest. She was absolutely livid.
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Navier has met you on multiple occasions, most of them were at the Academy of Magic. You both became great friends, what with you helping Evalie in her studies and her sponsoring the child. You were both grateful for each other because of this unofficial alliance. That being said, you were her first invitation for the Ball.
Upon arrival, she noticed that you were gradually getting angry at the fact that her husband was throwing her away for Rashta. After telling the Emperor and his mistress off, you solely met up with Navier for the remainder of your trip. She was happy to see that you were on her side.
When Navier and Heinrey get permission to get married, you are there to accompany the High Priest. You knew that they were ‘lovers’ since Navier often wrote to you about him. Once the court was dismissed, you gently walked over to the new couple and gave them your blessing and told them that you would visit the Western Kingdom soon to talk about the mages that Heinrey would soon have after declaring the W.K. as an Empire.
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Heinrey also knows about you and has met you a couple of times. You visited every single kingdom and empire to see where the land’s mages are at. After all, they were a very important division in the armies. You were actually in the middle of a visit with his older brother when you received your invitation to Navier’s Party.
At the party, both of you were gradually getting angrier and angrier at how Sovieshu was treating his wife. However, you had the guts and the power to tell him off. He was in awe at the elegance you held yourself with while doing all of this. It was amazing to him.
When he and Navier got permission to get married, you were present in the courtroom. Through Navier, you had learned about their relationship and you were totally supportive. You even went up to them and gave them your blessing and to inform them that you would stop by the Western Kingdom soon. He was grateful that you were on their side, and you even aided them in escaping the Eastern Empire. 
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Bonus: Kosair has also met you a few times during his travels. You both got along quite well, surprisingly. You both can be lighthearted, and that’s how you are with each other. Because of your connection with Navier and with the High Priest it was nearly impossible to hang out with each other, but you made it work.
Well, during one of your visits to the Eastern Empire, Kosair burst in on your and Navier’s conversations about Evalie. The two of you let out a gasp as he walked over and gave his sister a hug and you a kiss on the back of your hand. You had to admit that he was charming as he looked up at you with a dashing smirk.
You both took a walk around the palace grounds, your arm in his, as you just talked to each other. It was refreshing to see him again, and you both told each other about your respective travels. You unfortunately got word that you needed to go back to the Temple, and before you made your way, Kosair placed a gentle kiss on your cheek before bidding you farewell.
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