#rashta ishka
lxdymoon0357 · 6 months
Hii Can I request A part 2 Of the where the reader Treats rashta like a human being rather than a slave ?
Pls take ur time
-Sincerely,📻😈 anon
(Heyyy 📻😈 anon! How have you been thank you again for requesting this and hopefully you enjoy your time here! Also don't know if you wanted it romantic or platonic, so made it neutral... Part 1 also I'm changing the fact that she didn't have any kids to that she only had Ian and she isn't pregnant Gloryem!)
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Rashta, their companion Pt.2
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◈ Rashta is always at your beck and call and always helps you in your work, she's waiting for you to call her when you need help while she is either doing something for her wedding clothes shops or dress shop and clothing shops (she sells everything a woman needs).
◈ Or when she is doing some resin art, she is sometimes hoping that you will call her because you missed her...She is very attached to you, emotionally and physically :))
◈ Whenever she is eating foods, you and all the servants together, she thinks of you all like a family and wonders if you all think of her as one too? Hopefully, cause she can now never bear to think about all of you not being with her!
◈ She is always happy to enjoy time with kids, even though her PTSD sometimes causes her to have panic attacks and push kids away, cause she gets scared and it always scares the kids as well, sadly...
◈ But their parents understand her situation and they are always happy to help her calm down, the kids don't mind either, cause their parents explained how Miss. Rashta has a bad past and an illness which causes her to be very scared around kids and so they try their best to not scare her.. :(((((
◈ She will always dedicate many of her works to you, designing them on your favourite colours, patterns you like, things you like, etc. She is always happy to see, how you enjoy her art, cause it means the world to her!
◈ She is so grateful for you, every season of her clothing shops, she will first and foremost release a season for you! and only after your season will she put out the other season! She is a trendsetter and many people like her works!
◈ She loves animals and love to care for them, she also loves spending ties with the kids in the manor, it's honestly makes her inner child heal and makes her feel better and refreshed! She will go to any length, she will be a princess or a dragon or a knight or a witch, she is just happy to be around the kid! And she loves to feed animals, groom them, brush their fur or simply stroke them.
◈ She will always have you take breaks by helping her in designing or doing resin art or something relaxing in general or talking a walk around the manor! She doesn't want you to overwork!
◈ She would always go picnics with you whenever she and you get the time, she always has the best treats and acquires the cheapest yet the healthiest foods! She sometimes even brings everyone in the manor, including the kids and servants and maybe even pets!!
◈ She is friendly and makes friends easily, and she can also easily test people unless they're her friend..then she can never know who is her fake friend and so she trust your judgement and hopefully your judgement is good, cause if not, then well....she doesn't care how many friend she loses, as long as you're with her...
◈ Rashta eagerly misses Ian and is always having nightmares about him, his birth and his killing...She can't ever forget about him, so you got her a HUGE portrait of her with Ian in her arms, and another where she said she wanted you to get one where Ian is all grown and head of your manor and he looks like a mixture of you and her!
◈ She got you to get a trainer for her so she could learn sword-fighting or hand-to-hand combat because she wants to be strong and it is quite of her interest! and she enjoys it and you can't say no to your girlfriend and so she's good at that as well, surprisingly!
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"...I must say, Lady Ainè herself is quite beautiful as well."
As if a switch had been flipped Rashta stiffened considerably, gone was her easy smile and relaxed posture, one moment Ainè's small hand had been within his grasp, and the next, she had been pulled away, lifted into her mother's arms and angled away from him ever so slightly as to block his view of her form.
The woman's smile turned strained, "You're very kind, thank you for protecting my daughter."
And with that said, Rashta spun on her heel with intent to leave the ballroom as quickly as possible.
Ergi, however, did not take the hint and followed after her with quick steps, easily keeping pace with his longer legs.
"It was no trouble, Lady Rashta," he responded with a practiced smile, offering what little he could in terms of politeness, "children such as the Young Lady Ainè shouldn't have such horrid things said about them."
"Unless, of course, it benefits whatever plan you're trying to play forward."
Ergi opened his mouth to respond only to have Rashta simply increase her pace into a very fast walk, her daughter quietly burying her nose into the crook of her neck as they briefly caught each other's gazes once more when the woman managed to finally pass by him.
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imbouttasue · 16 hours
do you know the name of Rashta's parents names or Ergi's parents names?
I think Rashta's biological parents are unnamed and so are Ergi's (besides his stepmother Alessia). Rashta's fake parents however are Viscountess Marsha Ishka and Viscount Glimit Ishka.
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The Remarried Empress Fics
Hyacinth By: Space_Samurai
When Sovieshu learned about Navier's pregnancy, he saw a chance to rebuild their relationship. Amidst the joy of the country, he sent away the blonde prince his wife was so fond of, as well as the rest of ill intended foreigners who pursued her.
While it seemed that Navier would never show any warmth towards him again -be it for his illegitimate child or his meddling in the banishment of her western prince-, he still hoped for reconciliation.
Then the girl was born with violet eyes.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
sweet cookies and bitter tea By: Space_Samurai 
~Spoilers for Webtoon readers only~
Navier likes to think she’s above pettiness, but there’s something vicious about the pleasure she feels when she meets with Sovieshu after so long -pregnant with her second while he remains childless and married while his former empress rots on the ground.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
ENCHANTED By: Shirubia_O
I am Veronique Vict. Younger sister of the Eastern Empire's Emperor Sovieshu Vict and one of the most powerful mages of the East.
I don't like politics. Hate complicated things. And disgust troublesome affairs. Oh and I like my sister-in-law over my brother.
So why the hell am I being drugged into my brother's matrimonial affairs when all I came for was New Year's Celebration?
That shitty brother of mine brought back an annoying wench and push aside my wonderful sister-in-law Navier?
Was he dumb? Does he even have a brain?
Well, just divorce him already, sister-in-law! Let's leave to West after ditching that scumbag! It'll be just you, me, your new hot and younger husband and him--
Hold on, why am I including that white wench's so-called womanizer friend in my plan?
I think my brother's shitty taste in chosing lover have somehow infected me. Help.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Help Each Other Belong to Themselves By: Lady_of_War_and_Heartache
Navier focuses on her ladies-in-waiting, her lone allies in all of this pandemonium, the only ones who knew of her plans previously, and the ones who had stuck by her side and helped her most in these past few months.
“He is the one I wish to remarry,” Navier confirmed with a smile.
As the court was thrown into chaos for a third and final time, Navier couldn’t help but bite back a laugh as she heard Rashta’s delighted cheers ring out over the din of the crowd.
Or: Navier, not Sovieshu, is the one who finds Rashta, and it changes everything and nothing all at once.
Featuring: An overabundance of female friendship, political intrigue, and severing of toxic relationships. And also Himbo!Heinrey. As a treat.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Artina the Chief Deputy of the Eastern Empire x Rashta Ishka 
dreams of gold and feathers By: Space_Samurai
After Emperor Heinley invades the East, he weds former empress Navier to solidify his claim.
Or: What if Heinley and Navier never met and he just invaded as originally planned?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Everything He Did By: Imatopia
The elevator doors open and I find out sooner than I thought. Just at the doorway, there was Sovieshu and a woman inches away from each others face and it seemed me and Nian had interrupted. I had gotten the answer to Nian’s question.
What kind of man takes another woman into their apartment when they’re already in a relationship?
A cheating one.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Moonlight By: Lilith_666
Eastern Empire was not only blessed by a Crown Prince Sovieshu but also a princess. She was adored by the emperor and empress. Her big brother spoiled her. The emperor even gave her her own palace when she's older. She is as radiant as the moon, therefore she's named Selene. People like her immediately when they meet her. Growing up, she and her brother are inseparable. When Navier came into the picture, she welcomed her with open arms and get along quickly. When her brother inherited the throne, she also inherited the authority of the imperial court. She was on her brother's side in expressing their disagreement with their father having concubines. What's happen when her brother becomes more like their father?
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Original Female Character
Lord McKenna x Original Female Character
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Sovieshu Vict x Navier Ellie Trovi
Warmth and gold By: tarofire 
Navier learning to be loved and comfortable with Heinrey. It is an uphill battle.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Ergi Claude x Lord McKenna
The Duke and the Shithead Emperor By: only_sporks
“Ah,” Navier knows what’s going on. “Are you perhaps feeling jealous of me?”
The Grand Duke turned slowly towards Empress Navier, his face still flushed a deep red.
“Grand Duke?”
“Your Majesty, kindly pretend you didn’t hear that,” He was covering his blushing face with his hand, clearly embarrassed. “It seems the love potion was more potent than i thought. And… I seem to have fallen in love…” He looked away, towards the door through which the Emperor had left. “… with your husband.”
Oh dear, thought Navier. This was an absolutely spectacular turn of events.
Or: Grand Duke Kaufman accidentally falls in love with Soveishit after drinking his own love potion, Navier is the wingwoman of the century, and Rashta realizes that she doesn’t have to manipulate people to stay alive.
Heinrey Alles Lazlo x Navier Ellie Trovi
Grand Duke Kaufman x Sovieshu Vict
Sovieshu Vict x Rashta Ishka
Diverging the Path By: Dotchi13
Upon hearing that Sovieshu is planning on divorcing her, Navier leaves to the Magical Academy as she had promised to Everly.
And there, she finds Kaufman, who is still looking to get rid of the love potion's hold that will not go away no matter how many antidotes he takes.
And she finds herself being impulsive and selfish for the first time in her life.
Grand Duke Kaufman x Navier Ellie Trovi
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flastar13 · 2 years
Vestidos de divorcio de Navier y Rashta: Comparación Webtoon y Novela
Hola a todos, mientras leía la emperatriz divorciada me di cuenta que los vestidos de Navier y Rashta en la etapa de divorcio de la primera, difieren o son dibujados un poco diferentes a como los describe la novela.
Vestido de Navier para la audiencia en que se anuncia el divorcio.
Este vestido es descrito en la novela como de color blanco y simple, con un velo blanco lleno de perlas como accesorio. Navier escoge este look para parecer una novia y hacer sentir culpable a Sovieshu por divorciarse de ella al recordarle su boda.
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Pero en el webtoon si bien luce un vestido blanco simple se omite el velo, lo que la hace ver mas a mi parecer menos una novia y mas como alguien derrotada y agotada que ha perdido todo. Es una pena que se haya perdido el simbolismo original pues es un gran golpe de Navier a Soviechu.
El vestido de Rashta para el juicio de divorcio
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Si bien este vestido es representado tanto en la novela como en el webtoon como muy lujoso y mas apropiado para una celebración. En muy opinión es muy simple en el webtoon, si no fuese por la gemas cosidas en el pecho, pasaría como cualquier vestido habitual de Rashta
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Puede que el autor del webtoon lo haya hecho a propósito para simbolizar ese lujo oculto como la maldad oculta de Rashta o sencillamente hacer ver menos estúpidamente ciego a Soviechu de las intenciones de su amante
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En la novela no es descrito con detalle pero en la ilustración es mostrado como de color blanco con bordados dorados, perlas cosidas al rededor y parece estar hecho de tela de raso u satén, todo en un diseño muy elaborado
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Ese vestido si que es para una celebración y como Navier también me llamaria la atención, el otro en cambio es un poco MEH pero da a entender que Navier tiene un buen ojo para detectar detalles.
¿Que opinan?
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
Hello!~ can I request A Rashta X Reader where the reader Is basically the only Noble that actually Treats her like a Human rather than a Slave and Also treats her like a Friend? And how she would react?
Sorry for disturbing You its ok if you don't want to do my request
— you can call me📻😈 anon if you want
(hello there, radio demon anon. I love you and Rashta~ Also Rashta did sleep with Alan, but she didn't get pregnant with Ian nor is she is pregnant with Gloreym)
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Rashta, their companion..
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☍ Rashta is very grateful for you, not many people like slave and commoners nor are they kind to them, but you saved her from the emperor's trap and even lied to them saying she was your servant and she got kidnapped and upon running fell into the trap.
☍ You often provide her with things she likes, but on one condition from you, which is she has to study and have education, of-course she agreed to your one condition because you provided her with a better life for her, you give her food, give her clothes and protect her.
☍ Since you're an extremely high noble you also bought Rashta from Lotteshu and his family and later on got them punished telling them how they abuse her and since she was now under your family's name, they got arrested as well.
☍ Rashta would often try to skip her lessons, but once you tell her why her education is extremely important, she would understand and try harder in her education and sooner or later she graduated in under five years, getting all her education and even learning etiquette in those years.
☍ Rashta for one is a very smart and imaginative lady, she has quite great ideas, if Rashta was educated well, she knows that she shouldn't depend on her emotions so much as it might get her into trouble and now often relies on logic more as compared to her emotions.
☍ Rashta is also emotionally mature and she knows how to handle her emotions better, though she can be sensitive and emotional at times, but she knows better than to start crying loudly in a huge room filled with people.
☍ She loves to accompany you to banquets, tea-parties and balls as your cousin, sibling or a sister or as your maid, but she's with you all the time during the whole event, most likely as your playmate.
☍ She also developed a hobby of resin art or art in general, but her resin art is absolutely breathe-taking, she takes random plants, flowers, tiny gold flecks of some old statue which is falling apart, or using jewels, glass or whatever she can find in her art and more often then not, she makes portraits, her most known portraits are of you.
☍ Rashta often takes you around commoner markets dressed in modest and casual clothing, which are bustling and lively, and sometimes she sees people behaving badly with slaves working there and it reminds her of her past and it makes her feel anxious, but she isn't scared to stand up for those people.
☍ Growing up, no matter what she did, people only looked at her with disgust and annoyance, so when she sees those people who act nice with her to suck up to you, she isn't afraid to teach them a lesson of disrespecting you or her behind your or her back, with your permission of-course!
☍ She kind of also built up a shop of special designed clothing, more like a wedding dress shop because she loves to design them and wonder what you or her would look like in wedding attire, along with beautiful accessories and shoes as well!!!
☍ You're her favourite person, no matter what you say, she's gonna find you her favourite no matter what!! She loves your kindness, how you don't discriminate between status, age, gender and colour and how you treat everyone, including your servants, which helped in creating you a great and loyal army of trusted friends and servants!
☍ She also brings in cats and animals, she finds on her walks and brings them home, so now you have a separate garden filled with tiny pets belonging to you and Rashta and some even of your servants.
☍ Oh! Speaking of your servants, once Rashta told you how your servants were always worrying about their families because how far they work form their homes and in the next two months, you had all your servants' families move into a new manor which is just behind your manor, so they all could check up on them and so much more and you have hosted so many weddings for your servants as well!!
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"Mama looks like a candy house!"
A laugh, startled, bright, and filled with so much inexplicable grief, Rashta can barely withhold her tears as her daughter stares at her wedding dress with something akin to gobsmacked wonder.
Still, it doesn't stop one of the nearby maids from demuring something or other about manners, but she can hardly care, so instead of correcting them, she sinks to a crouch and brings Ainè into her arms, smoothing a kiss over the crown of her head.
"Your mama does look like a candy house, doesn't she?"
"The prettiest candy house, but still a candy house." Ainè reteriated with a nod, as though to confirm her own observations.
"Well," she hummed, hiding her smile in her daughters soft curls, "I'm glad to be pretty at least, it means your mama was able to pass on her good looks."
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grey-eyed-menace · 2 years
"You really don't like Her Majesty all that much, do you Your Highness?"
Heinrey flinched back slightly, before regaining his composure almost immediately after, and swallowed his saliva audibly.
Ainè just stared up at him with wide, imperious, accusing, eyes. Soft green clashing with dark magenta.
"What would make the Young Lady think such things? I find Her Majesty a very thrilling conversation partner," he deflected, forcing a soft smile, what the hell did this kid think she knew?
She was six, the daughter of a concubine, he shouldn't be this unnerved over a simple child.
"Of course... I can see how you think otherwise, Little Lady Ainè, politics doesn't make for the most obvious of friendships, and I know you're rather new to court life," perhaps she had a crush, it certainly made more sense then anything else that could possibly be brought up, then again, she was the daughter of a slave-turned-concubine, he'd seen crueler power-plays with children younger than her, "I hope you never make that mistake Little Lady Ainè, it can have rather disastrous consequences."
"You look at Her Majesty like His Majesty looks at my mama," Ainè barreled on, without a care for properity, green eyes still meeting his with that accusing air, small face pulled down into a solemn scowl, "and mama told me to run if a man ever looks at me the way he looks at her, Your Highness."
His smile turned a tad stressed, for the love the Gods, let it be a crush, it would be so much easier if it was just a stupid little crush she had on a foreign prince.
"My mama doesn't deserve to be looked at like that, and neither does her Majesty, they need to be looked at like... like... like Mister Anda looks at his sister, Miss Sia!" She exclaimed turning to to sweep her gaze over the barren courtyard, as though searching for the two servants, silver hair flying with the action.
Heinrey swallowed, suddenly very aware of the fact that the child in front of him was, again, the daughter of a concubine, "I shall... try, if it pleases the Little Lady Ainè."
"I am not little," she huffed, finally taking offense to the nickname, "you're just tall, and I take after my mama."
"If such i-"
The sound of hurried footsteps over grass broke their attention from each other as they turned to Rashta hurrying over the cobblestone pathway to the pair of them, eyes focused worriedly on her young daughter, although, every now and then, she spared a glance at him.
Something about those fleeting looks made him a tad irked, but he couldn't quite place the emotion behind her eyes every time their eyes met, only that she obviously wanted to get to her daughter.
As she came to rest beside her daughter, she slipped a small hand between the little girls curls, half-cupping her cheek, "You had your mama was so very worried! She had to look everywhere!"
Ainè's entire face falls, obviously saddened by that revelation, "Sorry mama, I just... wanted to see the gardens, there's a lot of pretty flowers here that I've never seen before."
Heinrey cleared his throat, catching her attention, "I also might be responsible for holding the Little Lady from leaving, you see, she said some... rather interesting things."
He took a step forward, only to have the young woman put out an arm out, stopping him from moving any closer.
"I would like to apologize on my daughter's behalf," she said softly, eyes looking up at him with that same unreadable emotion, "for whatever she might have said, and ask that you please forgive her for anything she might have said that offended you."
"Mama, His Highness wasn't angry!" The little girl tried to interject, trying to get out from behind her mother, only to be gently pushed back.
Ah, of course, Heinrey realized belatedly, half-tired from such a revelation, fear, the woman is afraid of me, of course she is, if the rumors of her being a slave are true, then she has no reason to trust his his body language at face value.
...yet, to so brazenly stand between him and her daughter, how brave.
"It as your daughter says, Lady Rashta," he made a vague gesture towards the child in question, keeping his smile neutral, "I have no ill will against her, I swear, nonetheless, I'll be taking my leave now."
She nodded quietly, "Of course, hopefully we will meet under more formal circumstances, Your Highness."
Ainè offered a small smile from around her mother's hip, "Goodbye Your Highness!"
He offered a mock bow before turning on his heel to leave the courtyard.
And just as he turned the corner, he could hear the tell-tale signs of a mother fretting over her child with the sort of frantic edge that typically came from more harrowing incidents.
Well, he had things to rearrange at any rate, as it would seem the little girl wouldn't be as much use as he had been planning.
Nonetheless, it was something of a relief.
He didn't like using children against their parents, especially one so young.
                    •─────⋅☾ ❀☽⋅─────•
Rashta released the breath she had been holding since she first spotted Ainè with the foreign prince the moment Heinrey disappeared around the corner, his footsteps fading into faint taps in the echoing halls of the Palace, and turned to her daughter with a soft frown.
"You know you shouldn't have run off, Ainè," she reprimanded, crouching down so that they were eye level, soft green meeting bright grey, "you really worried your mama when I couldn't find you in your room, I thought..."
Her precious little light quietly cupped her cheeks before she could finish that harrowing line of thinking, and gave a small smile, trying her best to seem so strong in the face of her mother's terror.
"I'm sorry mama," she apologized, voice quiet and somber, "I really am, I didn't mean to worry you so much, I mean it, can you forgive me mama?"
Sucking in a breath, Rashta pressed her forehead against her daughters with a quiet sigh.
"It is rather hard to stay mad at someone so small and cute," she mused half-heartedly, but that didn't stop the weight that sank down on her shoulders, of all the last few weeks problems finally coming to rest "but you must know how dangerous the Palace is for us, Ainè, your mama can't always be at your side, and that makes you vulnerable... if something happened to you, your mama would never forgive herself."
"I promised mama, I promised I'd protect you to," Ainè insisted, her little face morphing into that of a look of determinantion, small hands squishing her mother's cheeks, "you don't have to do everything alone, I can help, I know I can."
A pit formed in her stomach at the same moment her chest fluttered at the deceleration, and Rashta desperately wished that she wouldn't have to.
Not my daughter, she had begged for so long, had asked whoever listened, any higher power, not little Ainè, anyone but her, please, she's done nothing wrong, she had begged and begged, any God that would listen.
And what good had it done in the end?
It hadn't saved her from Lebbetti's cruel remarks, it hadn't saved her from Alan's indifference, and it didn't save her from the way Lotteshu looked at her little girl, it hadn't saved her from that noble boy all those months ago, hadn't saved her from the poison in her lunch, hadn't saved her from her mother's shortcomings.
Hadn't saved her from holding her baby brothers corpse in her arms.
Rashta knew that her little girl deserved so much better than what she had been given at the start, what she'd been born to, and it hurt to see everything crumble around her as she tried desperately, so desperately, to remain strong.
"I'm your mama, though," she responded easily, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose, "and you don't need to protect me as much you think you do, I'll be fine."
And with that said, she brought her arms around her daughter and lifted her in the same movement as she rose to her feet, quietly adjusting her so that they could properly look each other in the eyes.
"Now, why don't we have lunch together? You can tell me about everything Miss Yves taught you today."
Ainè grinned, before nuzzling into the crook of her mother's neck.
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lxdymoon0357 · 1 year
I have this thought
"Do you love me?"
"Oh darling, I adore you"
"But do you love me?"
"Darling... love itself, is much of an ineptness to what I feel about you. No words could ever insight my feelings for you, as you've had captured not only my heart and mind— but you've also had the entirety of my soul, wrapped along the tips of your fingers.
I adore you so much, that I have given you my whole life; that I have devoted myself as a whole, not only as a physical being, but along with my soul, it only devotes itself to you.
I love you so much, that I could kill for you— that i could die for you; just give me your word, and I shall bring the universe, down onto their knees for you, my darling..."
Give characters that fit this<33
You don't rly have to do this- I'm just curious-
"and I shall bring the universe, down onto their knees for you, my darling..." their lips press gently against your pudgy cheek, before their large hands cupped your face as their lips pressed against your cheeks several times before finally getting in contact with you lips. As you melted into the kiss, you felt them smile and tiny hum left their lips, making you vibrate from warmth.
"And if anyone dares to touch what's mine in the wrong way, they will pay the prize, darling~" they said pulling away, before cupping your face and again kissing you roughly yet gently, as their hands gently pushed your shoulders until you laid onto your back as they laid on top of you, as you both kissed in each other's warmth and happiness, because they are the happiest when they're with you~
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Manhwa: Therdeo Lapileon, Callisto Regulus, Rashta Ishka, Migen Forton, Aria Roscente, Mielle Roscente, Isis Fredrick, Regis Floyen, Kenneth Esbande, Cayena Hill, Rezef Hill, Jeremy Agriche, Roxanna Agriche ♡
OC: Haoyu Shimizu, Draco Hillard, Allistor Hillard, Ayano Shimizu, Oshinuza Shimizu, Hyunizo Shimizu, Ayako Shimizu, Scarlette Sileria, Lucifer Morningstar, Belial Morningstar, Cecelia Dionin ♡
sorry if it's not to your liking.....
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