#rather i personally was deeply moved by their 1) technical singing ability and
wyllzel · 2 years
ok this will probably get me murdered and exploded but experiencing taeil singing live was a very similar awe to experiencing kihyun singing live 😳🫢
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ckret2 · 5 years
What are your alien headcanon for ghidorah?
I didn’t realize that i desperately wanted somebody to ask about Ghidorah’s alienness until you did so thank you very much for this opportunity, I won’t let you down. I’ve tried to roughly divide paragraphs by topics and this is obscenely long so most of it is under a cut.
All of these are specific to MonsterVerse.
I know I’ve mentioned this before but I’ve decided that for the purposes of my fics, Legendary!Ghidorah’s backstory is a mix of Invasion of Astro-Monster (he’s been mind-controlled by aliens for the purpose of destroying other planets) and Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (he was made out of three tiny adorable mildly telepathic dragon-cat things). So put together: some unknown alien species in the distant past took three sweet little household pets, frankensteined them together, threw in a mountainload of genetic modifications, and trained/mindcontrolled the resulting abomination to be a flying apocalypse to destroy planets they want to conquer. (to stick with the Invasion of Astro Monster parallels, i might go with the aliens being Xiliens. undecided.)
At some point, Ghidorah escaped his handlers, went rogue, and has been bopping around the galaxy razing planets every since.
So this is why he’s a planet-destroyer: because 1) he was specially designed as a weapon that’s so good at planet-destroying he starts passively wrecking the environment simply by flying, and 2) he’s an escaped domesticated pet that was strenuously trained to destroy planets, so he’s kept doing the one thing he was trained to do. it’s the only thing he’s ever known, except for a couple years of being three dragon-kittens before getting experimented on. He doesn’t think it’s his manifest destiny to conquer and rule a private world, he’s not particularly keen on being King; he just, like… has no other hobbies besides mass murder, and is scared to try new things. He’s uh, probably got some trauma to work through.
Yes: he did, in fact, wreck Venus’s atmosphere. There may or may not be extraterrestrial refugees from Venus on Earth. He may or may not also be responsible for Jupiter’s red spot.
And he actually can fly without creating hurricanes, even in hurricane-prone atmospheres like Earth’s; it’s just harder and a lot less comfortable. Like imagine if it rained every time you walked—but not on you, just somewhere else—unless you walked sideways with your hands on your head. like, you COULD, but it’d be annoying.
His heads are not actually related, although all three did know each other before getting mad scienced together.
Because his original species was Domesticated Pet, and because his modifications allowed him to actually understand his “owner” species and what they said to/about him, he thinks of himself and other species that are disinclined toward tool-using, structure-building, and complicated-society-forming as “creatures” rather than “people”—i.e., a naturally inferior state of being. He thinks of himself as a “creature,” which is sorta messed up, because like, he’s definitely a person. Three people? At least one person. (This is in contrast to most Earth titans, who think of titans as highly diverse “people” and, on the other hand, think of humans and their cities as rather like rabbits and their warrens or bees and their hives—that is, most  usually don’t think about them at all, and certainly don’t consider such small critters to be “people.” There are a few rare exceptions—like Mothra—who consider humans to also be people like titans.)
Because of his awareness of “people” that are often much smaller than him, he’s got a capacity for sadism toward humans that titans who don’t even notice humans, like Rodan, lack. When Rodan flies over streets, he’s accidentally blowing around some ants. When Ghidorah flies over streets, he’s slaughtering living sentient individuals, knows it, and enjoys it.
Also because of his awareness of “people,” he’s far warier of their contraptions than other titans. Like, Rodan thinks jets are crunchy birds; but Ghidorah knows. At a glance he understands the rough purpose and use of most human machines based on analogous inventions he’s seen on other planets—he understands jets, drones, missiles, bombs, telephones, cameras, TVs, speakers, street lights, power grids, satellites…
He considers humans a class of people he refers to as “machine makers,” because that’s their defining trait to him, He considers machine maker species the most dangerous type of alien because they’re the ones who might conceivably have the capacity of inventing things that can put him back under mind control.
He can basically flap on up to the moon any time he wants, and probably does from time to time to get away from King Skreeonk and his insufferable friends. Who’s gonna go get him on the moon? SpaceX?
Ghidorah’s original species was genetically modified to be lightly empathic—able to read other living beings’ emotions—to help the pets care for their dear beloved owners’ emotional states; members of the species can also freely telegraph their emotions to each other. Ghidorah retained the power after being frankensteined, but it atrophied greatly over time. Possibly due to trauma, possibly due to three-people-aren’t-supposed-to-share-one-spinal-cord brain damage, who knows. He can still use it, but it only really fully works when he’s deeply sleeping/hibernating (i.e., when he was frozen in Antarctica, or when he’s traveling from one solar system to another and needs to pass time). When he’s awake, he’s got to press his foreheads directly to someone else’s head to sense their emotions. He can also transmit emotions this way. (He doesn’t need the ability to telegraph emotions between heads, since they’ve got a sorta interconnected brain system already.)
As an offshoot of this empath power, one of his multitude of apocalyptic powers that may or may not have been intended by his original designers: Ghidorah is capable of mild mind control—which is actually how he managed to control a whole planet of titans—by “singing.” It’s not direct control so much as it is a forced emotional state; what the victim does in that emotional state is up to them, although he can offer gentle suggestions that line up with their state. (i.e., “you’re extremely angry now; perhaps punch someone?” would function; “you’re extremely angry now; perhaps tenderly kiss someone?” would fall apart.)
This ability works directly on the brains of his targets, and since every evolutionary tree builds its brains different ways, when he lands on a new planet he has to put significant effort into studying the minds on the planet before he can figure out how to compose a song that will affect them at all, much less tune it to the specific emotions that he wants to cause. For this reason, he usually doesn’t consider it worth the effort, and he usually wrecks a planet and moves on long before figuring out how to sing to their minds. He probably wouldn’t have figured out how to sing to Earth’s titans if his battles with Godzilla hadn’t slowed him down from destroying the planet & motivated him to find other ways to get an advantage.
His song didn’t work on humans because titan brains are just too different for the same tune to work on both. His song didn’t work on Mothra because she’s telepathic herself, and a stronger telepath than Ghidorah. His song didn’t work on Godzilla because he was legally braindead at the time; otherwise, it probably would have. His song’s effectiveness is a matter of brain biology, not “alpha” ranking.
He can learn to sing other emotions, but right now the only one for Earth he’s figured out is “PANICRAGE AND DESTROY THINGS!!” because that’s the only one he wanted to figure out.
And I refer to it as “singing” partially because siren song parallels and partially because, from Ghidorah’s perspective, it is like, just singing. He also enjoys totally normal non-mind-control singing, like, just for fun.
When Ghidorah escaped his home planet, there were other “Ghidorahs” that had been made for the same purpose. He occasionally glimpsed them while bopping around the galaxy, but crossing paths with them was usually his signal to Get The Hell Out Of This Solar System because homeworld handlers might be with them. It’s not safe to stick around long enough to figure out whether they’re escaped like him or not.
He hasn’t seen any other “Ghidorahs” in a long time. He doesn’t know if any are still alive, or even if his homeworld is still alive & out conquering. He’s not interested in checking.
When he’s in parts of the galaxy with more well-traveled spacefaring aliens who recognize him as a world-ending weapon gone rogue, he’s sometimes hired as a mercenary to ravage planets. And by “hired” as a “mercenary” I mean “they ask him to destroy a specific planet and he says yeah okay because he was going to destroy a planet anyway and doesn’t care which one, and he doesn’t really have any material needs or keep any possessions so payment would be wasted on him.”
This is how he met Gigan, who is also a gigantic living war machine gone rogue from his homeworld and now occasionally doing mercenary work. Unlike Ghidorah, Gigan actually requests payment for flattening a world; but like, he’s also willing to flatten it per the client’s specifications—i.e. “please STOP flattening it if they pay our ransom” or such—which at times makes him a better hire than Ghidorah even at the extra cost. Being somewhat cyborg, Gigan can download and speak languages that aren’t technically supposed to be compatible with his anatomy, so he was able to strike up a conversation with Ghidorah a lot faster than most aliens because he already knew how to speak Ghidorah’s homeworld owner species’s language.
Along with understanding his owner species’ spoken language, Ghidorah can also read their written language, and possibly the languages of some other aliens too; and he can recognize what The Written Word is when he sees it even if he doesn’t know the language. He can, potentially, write—slowly and badly, like, if he’s got a long enough beach and a big enough stick to hold in his teeth and drag in the sand. He’s really not anatomically designed for writing, or even typing, in any easy way, and he’s never felt the need to find a method that works for him.
If, somehow, Ghidorah managed to spawn offspring, they would be of his original species: extremely small dragon-cats.
Being a deliberately designed weapon with a specific purpose, he probably wasn’t designed to reproduce, or even to simply be able to perform the physical act of mating. His creators did not, however, bother to remove his urge to do so. This has been a source of lifelong frustration. (That said though, he might still be capable in some fashion—if, y’know, it seems narratively interesting enough to pursue. But if so, it WILL be difficult to manage, full of complications and frustrations, and most likely require some creativity and/or unexpected wild accidents on Ghidorah’s part to achieve.)
Despite the fact that he’s a giant murderous asshole, Ghidorah is, in his heart, still just three domesticated pets, and so thinks that being an indoor pet with a loving owner taking care of all your needs is in fact A Fine And Good Thing To Be. All three parts of him were quite happy to be owned and taken care of—up until they got frankensteined and forced into mind-controlled giant monster boot camp.
So if he did spawn a bunch of extremely small dragon-cats and humans, being humans, started snatching them up and taking them home to be quirky exotic pets, he’d be like, “hell yeah. go, my children. this is your destiny.”
Ghidorah doesn’t consider himself as having any name at all. In fic when I call the heads “First,” “Second,” and “Third,” it’s more for the convenience of readers; they themselves don’t bother to think of themselves or each other by any names, even just numbers, because they always know who they’re thinking about already. He’s always surprised when someone gives him a name to go by—surprised and a little bit uncomfortable, because he feels like a name threatens to psychologically anchor him down to a “normal” life amid “normal” people. Homeworld may or may not have given him a name, or at least a code name; might have just him a serial number, idk. In any case he doesn’t remember it. His component parts had individual names before they were frankensteined, which none of them consciously remember, but if someone were to ever call them by their original names they’d probably start bawling like babies.
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✨✨ OCs!!!!! HECK YEAH ✨✨ #1 - 🌳 Sycamore 🌳. He is a male plant/tree nymph (perhaps a dryad?), who is pansexual, androgynous-presenting, immortal (but looks around 19/20), and around 5'7" in height. He has plant-based abilities, including flowers growing in his hair + on the ground if he walks barefoot on earth, speeding up the growth of plants/trees and ripening of fruit with focus, and a vast knowledge of plant/nature. He doesn't /technically/ have an ethnicity, but if he did, it'd be black + asian, and he can speak English, Latin and Japanese. He really enjoys sewing/needlework and making blankets/clothes, as well as caring for plants and animals, painting/drawing, and playing instruments (acoustic guitar, shakuhachi, shamisen) as well as singing/humming. He wears his hair in a long braid, and when it isn't tied up, it hangs near his ankles and is an absolute pain to brush and take care of. Sycamore lives deep within a very large (unspecified) forest and is the guardian of a large stretch of it - keeping watch over the residents, guiding those who wind up lost, and protecting it from hunters and people who wish to do harm. He personally inhabits an abandoned cottage full of various plants - potted, growing through cracks, climbing up the walls, and also a large tree sitting in the middle of the house, sticking up through the roof. In personality, he's relatively sweet and cheerful with a positive outlook on life, however he has a lot of shyness to him and a significant amount of social withdrawal, considering he lives in a forest away from society for the most part. He's rather innocent when it comes to human nature (aside from those who harm nature) and pretty trusting, which can be a bit of a downfall. Aside from that, he has a whimsical, philosophical personality and a little bit of wisdom about life, morals, happiness, etc. Overall though, he's a major sweetie with a big heart. #2 - 👻 Aleksander Oktavius Matthias Titus Eklund, or for short, Gunner Eklund 👻. He is a male human-turned-poltergeist, who is bisexual/pansexual, permanently 20, Swedish, and about 6'2". He too has abilities, but poltergeist-related ones - involving but not limited to interacting with humans/objects, floating, and possession of weak-willed / allowing individuals. He speaks fluent Swedish and English. He's interested in punk rock aesthetic/fashion and music, playing the keytar/keyboard/synth, halloween (including haunted houses and horror movies/events), skateboarding, piercings, and pulling pranks/tricks. He really enjoys teasing, mocking, scaring and tricking people, playing around with them with mind games and practical jokes and occasionally crossing the line. He doesn't really have a home and drifts around, chilling and pretty much haunting his friends and band members because he has nowhere else to really live. He may not really look it, but personality-wise he's rather mischievous and a major trickster, taking delight in teasing and poking fun at others to get a reaction and attention. He's rather witty and cocky with a significant amount of stubbornness and attitude, which when combined with some hubris, caused his downfall in terms of his death (cornered by some gang members and shot four times and stabbed several times before being left for dead). Gunner does have a decent level of intelligence, but his cockiness and laziness tends to overshadow it. He likes to rebel against authority, and isn't really focused on flirting but if he has an interest in a person, he will show it. #3 - 👹 Kólasi Gehenna 👹. He is a male pitbull Cerberus-humanoid hybrid who is gay, around 25, Greek, and around 6'4". He has no abilities or powers, but has habits relating to his canine genes including growling when annoyed, using his short tail to express excitement/joy/frustration, enjoying dog treats and liking his ears being scratched. He isn't very animalistic though further than this and is otherwise relatively human in his personality. He speaks fluent English and Greek (Doric). Kólasi too is interested in punk rock aesthetic/fashion and music, playing the electric guitar (in a separate band to Gunner and the same one as Sekhmet) and enjoying going to concerts and shows. He also has a fondness for riding his motorcycle around, going to gay bars/night clubs and drinking a lot, playing baseball, and engaging in risky activities. He always carries around a baseball bat to smash unimportant things up, for protection, and due to his love of baseball. In personality, he's very confident, enthusiastic and exciteable, lacking a bit of common sense, He's not too intelligent but he's friendly and warm to people he likes, frequently taking his friends out to have fun and go drinking/riding/watching concerts. His brash and hotheaded confidence clashes with Gunner's own cocky wit and arrogance, causing them to frequently 'lock horns' and fight a lot whenever they're around eachother, not limited to but mostly involving fistfights and throwing insults. Kólasi is a generally nice guy when people get close to him though, and isn't really as scary as his initial appearance and hellish lineage suggests. #4 - 💙 Sekhmet Leon 💙. She is a female Sphinx-humanoid hybrid who is bisexual, around 23, Egyptian, and about 5'10. She neither has any abilities/powers, but does have a couple of feline attributes, such as her tail expressing her emotions, her reaction to catnip being the same as to if she were to smoke/consume cannabis, and her ears moving around/twitching. She speaks fluent English, Arabic, and has strong knowledge of hieroglyphics. Sekhmet, like Kólasi and Gunner, has a deep love of punk rock aesthetic/fashion and music, playing the bass guitar in the same band as Kólasi and visiting concerts regularly. She often tags along with Kólasi's club/bar-hopping to keep an eye on him and often driving him home in her car when he gets incredibly drunk. Alongside this, she also has a love of literature and poetry, as well as puzzles and riddles, and an adoration of piercings and tattoos - her prize tattoo being two detailed wing tattoos down the length of her back which were extremely costly. She and Kólasi are rather close, almost like siblings, including a playful rivalry between the two with bickering and trying to annoy/one-up eachother. Personality-wise, Sekhmet is intelligent, coy, cunning and sly, but with good intentions. She has a lot of common sense, and often feels like a mother surrounded by hyperactive toddlers when it comes to her friends, but she deeply cares about them all the same, but occasionally can be condescending without meaning to. She has a tendency to be rather flirty, whether it's to get her own way or just because she's interested, and mostly with girls but often guys too. She's good at keeping her cool and staying relaxed, as well as a rational thinker, but can look down upon people if they have significant emotional responses to things she barely reacts to. ------------------------------------------------------------------- So, here are my babies! I love them so much!!!! 💕
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