#rather than trying to teach you a perceived Objective about writing craft and treating themselves like an authority over it
dallonwrites · 1 year
prev reblog i have GOT to infodump about writing more often. it is so fun to infodump about writing and writing craft
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stringnarratives · 7 years
For What a Picture’s Worth
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[This post falls into an interesting category that I’m not sure we’ve ever encountered on String before. It’s kind of editorial, kind of behind-the-scenes and kind of research-based topic all in one. Quite a bit of it is my opinion, to put it forth-rightly, and taking that into account, I feel it’s important to note that, while this is a topic about which I have thought a lot about on my personal time, I have not put years and years of academic or industry work towards the question, as some people have. That being said, I have provided links in the post to people who have spent a lot of professional effort towards answering this question, and recommend reading their thoughts on it if this is a topic that interests you. So, with that stated, let’s jump right in.] 
Since I started String nearly a year ago (!!!), I’ve had to make a lot of what I felt were minor decisions that also have a major impact on how the blog would operate and be perceived. The giant header was one of those decisions. The organization of the index page was one of those decisions. What information to include in the metadata was one of those decisions. It’s the kind of stuff that comes with working on any sort of long-term, ever-changing content creation medium, I suppose.
The fact of the matter is, the results of those decisions are unusually more noticeable in the decision-making process than they are after they’re implemented. Most of the time, they work towards a goal of aesthetics, organization or convenience; rarely are they meaningful beyond their intended purpose.
One decision sticks out in my mind as somewhat more self-intentional than the others, however: A few months ago, I was intent on publishing my very first post about a comic/graphic novel but I... wasn’t quite sure where to put it, categorically speaking. To the greatest extent, I felt it belonged in the literature section of the site. It is a book, after all. It does communicate via written language and implement some of the same literary techniques that novels do. Yet, the technicality in doing so seemed daunting to me. For a second opinion, I checked in with my brother (who patiently fields a lot of questions about String). When he agreed with me, ultimately, that’s where it went. 
I took note of the experience then with a thought to probe that little prickle of uncertainty in the future, and - when I did finally get around to it - found that mine wasn’t a unique exploration at all.
First, let me be upfront with my thoughts on the matter: Personally, I do believe that comics can and should be considered literature. Literature, to me, is a wide category that includes much more than what may first come to mind when we consider it: The classic novels most of us are persuaded to read in high school because our grades depend on them. Literature is, for me, written communication that is intended to be consumed as written communication on a public scale. It feels like a short, simple definition - and it certainly is - but I feel as though because of that broadness, it can include a lot of work, whether that means children’s books or long-form memoirs. 
Additionally, I think that the visual aspect of comics and graphic novels should also neither be ignored nor be the breaking point for the question of whether a work is literature or not. After all, we consider plays to be literature (and some of them even to be great literature), though most plays, if not all, are written to be performed with visual and tonal emphasis as part of the method of communication, part of the technique by which the literature must be experienced to see it at its best. It seems odd to me that we would say that one artistic means of interpretation and co-communication would include a work as literature while another would exclude it. (Also, where on earth would this leave "Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel in the categorization of things?) Instead, I believe we should value the visual aspect of the graphic novel as both an aid and addition to the written text, as well as a flexing of our visual literacy in addition to our lingual skills.
Dr. Aaron Meskin, associate professor at the University of Leeds, traces similar arguments in his paper “Comics as Literature?,” though he takes a more neutral approach on the matter by including a number of different viewpoints on both sides of the debate. On the pro-literature-assignation side, he uses poetry as a basis for assessing just how we consider literature as a category:
“Literature is a meta-form. That is, it contains a number of art forms within it, most notably poetry, prose, and dramatic literature. To recognize that poems are works of literature is not to ignore what is distinctive about poetry; rather, it is to recognize that appreciating poetry as poetry involves appreciating it as literature while at the same time appreciating it as a distinctive form of literature.“
However, he also argues that, like poetry, the layout of a comic can have a massive effect on the work’s interpretation, and that this is very different from other forms of written communication that fall into the traditional category of literature.
"Change the page layout of a comic book and you may significantly change the aesthetic and artistic properties of it. But this is not typically the case with works of literature — especially non-poetic literature. You may change the layout of a standard novel, short story, or work of dramatic literature without having any aesthetic or artistic effect on it whatsoever.” 
Ultimately, Meskin seems to come to the conclusion that, because of the seeming equality of the arguments for and against, comics should be treated as a hybrid of literature and art rather than an extension of either, and proposing that there is no need to make them one thing or the other in order to value them as a form of communication and storytelling.
“More significantly, we may establish the status of comics (and the value of teaching and studying them) by straightforwardly showing that works of great art can be produced in the medium. There is no need to show that they are literature in order to do that.”
Meanwhile, in 2013, “Wired” contributor Jonathan H. Liu took on a different approach to whether or not comics can be considered literature by exploring the nature of some of the stories that comics tell. In the first of his article series, he explores what he considers “literary merit,” and points out that there are plenty of comics that carry forward a serious story by using emotional and linguistic tools that are also commonly found in traditional “literary” work. 
“In the world of comics, just as with novels or kids' books, there are some stories that transcend the realm of ‘hey, it's just entertainment’ and become Serious Literature. I'm not saying that they can't include a few laughs (though some are solemn), but that you can tell there's something under the surface, whether through the subject matter or the language or the artwork.“
However, according to Dr. Hannah Miodrag’s lecture “Comics as Literature: How Comics’ Visuals Affect the Way We Read” (a pretty great watch for anyone interested in language or comics) at the University of Leicester, it’s not the narrative properties of comics that contribute more strongly to their inclusion to literature as a category, but rather the stuff they’re made of.
“Literaryness is a feature of language, and it’s that incorporation of language rather than the narrative nature that makes comics literary.” 
Throughout the lecture, she stresses the linguistic characteristic of comics, as well as how the visual aspect of comic graphics do affect the structure and interpretation of the text in what she deems a “mutual exchange.” That is to say, sometimes the weight of a comic’s interpretation lies in the visual’s presence, while other times the words may stand on their own and even create tension with the visuals that enhances the emotional content of the writing. Words can also “act as pictorial objects themselves,” she stresses, while “pictures anchor the words and place them in a particular context.”
Therefore her conclusion is another of trying to strike a kind of balance, while also recognizing the craft that can go into the process of comic creation.
“There are many comics artists who are gifted with a talent for language, and we’re missing out on a lot of literary writing if we downplay the role of language, insisting that it’s a secondary, or claiming literature is a question of storytelling.” 
Comics are not a new medium. They’ve been around a while, though they’ve not always been taken seriously. But as they gain in popularity and gain traction in markets as means of storytelling, there arise new questions about how they fit into our existing framework, our existing world. These questions must happen, I suppose, in order for us to better understand, better interpret and better create stories when using comics as our means of communication. And while for now I stand by my thoughts on the matter, I’ll be interested by where this conversation will go over the next few decades and beyond.
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jammixes-blog · 7 years
Zero is at the center of everything. That's a Good point. However, as a hockey score, like 0 for the Canadiens and 6 for the Maple Leafs. That sucks, as a Canadiens fan. Hockey and sports teach us about loyalty. Even if T.O is my home, i stick to my team. For basketball, the Raps are my team. For football, it can only be the Niners or Raiders. For baseball, the Yankees, since i could see the stadium, from my apartment in the projects, at 164th and Grand Concourse, in the Bronx. They won that year! For soccer, the French team, then, Germany, since i was 4 years old. For tennis, i don't follow anymore. But, for wit, it's definitely Marx, not Karl, but Groucho. What a kool-ass Genius. If didn't have fun with him, he, at least, tripped you out, pretty sure of it. A lot of Geniuses hate to be previsible, they'll do the opposite of what you expect. To show you that your expections have no weight in their life. Expect away, and you shall be deceived. Surrender to God, and you shall be rewarded. Those who have expectations haven't thought thoroughly... Let It Grow. Nothing stays around, Good or Bad. But, the bad feels like an eternity, while the good feels like a snap. The people you love, and who love you, should be your reason to live...as long as you can. I refuse, for people who love me, to sacrife their life, for me. I've made my prayers long time ago, i want to sacrifice myself for them, body, mind, and soul. Otherwise, i wouldn't be able to live with myself. My Pappich, my Mamouné, and my PC, are more important to me, than myself. I would rather be broke, with the people i love, than rich, alone. If i had it, i would trade all the money in the world, for the Health of the people i love. No one you love can ever be replaced, by all the money in the world. If i have to be a monkey, in a circus, to raise money, to save the life of someone i love, i'll do it. Money is just a concept, that's my Craft, i can come up with money, anytime, all i need is a good business partner. But, the life of my loved ones is something i cannot create... It takes a Dad and a Mum to create a little Revolution... Leaving before time is not an option, when it's possible to stick around...at least for people who love you. There is no way i would allow anyone to sacrifice themselves for me. And, if it's a question of money, i want none of it. No one is dying, if they refuse to. You get what you want, in life. If you have to struggle to live, do it. If someone who loves you insists of giving you money to heal, take it. I won't take money that comes from a human being paying it with their life. The way things work is not always we want things to work. This is where God intervenes, in the shape of others. No one can decide anything for me, or in my name, since i am a sane and responsible adult, legal in every way. But, they can treat me to the drink of their choice. I trust my talent, but not my business sense, i am not brilliant or cunning with money. At least, i am conscious of my weakness. It can be fixed, with the right partner or woman. The only place that is priceless is between the arms of a loved one. The secret to love is to love life. The secret to life is to live love. The Heart feels what the Mind doesn't know. Where there's life, there's love. And vice-versa. Love is the Greatest engine of Humankind. The purpose of loving is living. Roses will alway grow. There will always be a Spring, in every Garden. It's natural. Winter never lasts. The Sun always comes back. Canada prepares the soul to the harshest winters, as well as the most Glorious summers. With a Majestic fall, in the middle. The soul is a Fire that can't be estinguished. Love is a lesson in itself. Everybody can talk about love, but very few people practice it. Canada is worth every drop of Maple Syrup it produces. Which is a poor Metaphor for every drop of life Maple Trees Give us. In as much as "The Art of War" is impressive with wisdom, it omits a Major fact: "everything is 99.9% able to be calculated. Always be conscious of the 0.1%. This is what makes of a Master, a Genius. This 0.1% is actually the cornerstone of any speculation. La paix intérieure n'a pas de prix, mais, elle demande des sacrifices et une croyance aveugle en Dieu. To surrender to God is priceless. It transcends colour of skin, religion, sexual orientation, money, or social class. I am proud of who i am. Anyone who has a problem with it should solve that problem, without me. i have no time or energy for evil ego games. My opinion is as important as your opinion. And vice-versa. Unless you are a twat, tweeting metaphors from a night no one wants to see, during the day, in the light, and in the Sun. The Good news is, so far, in this world: you can pretty much do what you want, and be who you want, as long as you are Good to others and respect the Rule of Law. Those who fuck with you, then, are called: Criminals. As long as no one complains to my face, i assume, rationally and sanely, that i am not behaving out of the bounds society defined, in an arbitrary way, or going against the laws. Thus, i am a freeman, to do, think, and feel the way i choose and want. Something i want every human being to feel entitled to. I will only respect the judgement of Judges, appointed in La Hague, or locally, for an objective opinion. And i will only obey my parents, for their subjective love. Magic is performed to see, what we refuse to see. And, Magik is made to feel, what we have a hard time to feel. I suspect John Lennon had contacts with the O.T.O, in New York. I was tempted to join, when i was 24 years-old, in NYC. The lore of Knight Templars is small enough to fit a human Heart, but big enough to flood the whole World. The difference between "Night" and "Knight" is that the former brings Darkness, while, the latter spreads Light. The current US Pestilence and his Vice are Nights of the Ka Ka Kon. Their secret handshake is to poo on each other's face. I have no secrets, for anyone. Out of laziness. I'd rather be honest and spend time and energy with the people i love, or doing what i love, than waste time and energy wasting everyone's time and energy on bullshit. There are no secrets worth holding on to, for the Good people who want Everyone to go forward, happier, and richer, in every way. 1 dot alone can define ALL other 1 dot. It's never too late to be too soon. Let every page you write on be dedicated to God. Then, whatever expectation you have will be exceeded. You'll make sure of that, reading, re-reading, and verifying... To be square and on the level means that you are conscious of having a unique body, mind, and soul...to improve and work with. Then, you have to step up, three times, to be a fully Grown Rose, a Master. If you don't let the Kundalini snake go through your energy centers, then, you have never lived, since you never breathed. The nazis understood the "Vril", discovered, for the West, by a French diplomat, stationed in India. This was their only real weapon. However, the "Vril" was discovered long before, by Templars. The "Vril" is the result of an Alchemical process, within the Initiate. At that point, the Alchemist has no more ego and can feel raw energy, as it is, without getting filtered. Meditation, through any belief system, when performed properly, can harness this energy, in the body, the mind, or the soul. Like nazis stated, it can make the mind perceive an hour as a second. If you meditate enough, it becomes an instinct and a reflex. Suddenly, opening your "3rd eye" takes no effort. Channeling 1's energies enables 1 to affect the whole universe. The Truth is not as hard to find as the sources that try to cover it make it look like. We live more in an Age of Misinformation than an Age of Information. To get the real news, one has to know how to read in-between the lines. Even information, nowadays, has become esoteric. Individual Privacy, on the left-hand path of things, has become a Public Domain item. Hopefully, not for long. Privacy is what makes most of us feel Good, Safe, and Comfortable, at Home. This is vital to maintain a Fair, Compassionate, and Free society. No one Nation or valley made out of silicon is going to jeopardize this Basic Human Right, enforced by The Hague. It's called a "Crime Against Humanity". Human dignity is not a subject of debate or subjective preference, it's a birthright, bestowed upon every human being, at birth, and monitored by The Hague, legitimized by every Nation. It's not a joking matter, it's a very serious offence. We all decided, after WWII, that no one was allowed to fuck with an Innocent human being, body, mind, or soul, without paying exemplary damages and being severely punished. And, if that human being's family is targeted as well, then, no matter the immunity of the culprits, they will be tried and judged. Hitler preferred suicide, other self-proclaimed world leaders face 4 walls, for life. Knights do not knight themselves. Fake knight and fake leader, spreading terror and bullying everywhere, through all media available, in any way, re-tweeting neo-nazi propaganda. That's a Fool waiting to get hanged, with his Vice. As far as i am concerned: "You Are Fired, With Your Vice!". Verdict: Evil, inadequate, and counter-productive. Tendency to antagonize and provoke all Good people, out of resentment and jealousy. Unfit to be a team player or beneficial contribution to anyone. A parasite that has to be punished and discarded, as an example for lazy evil bully, self-serving racists, everywhere. In a world that needs healing, love, and compassion, your place is between 4 walls. Time to have fun, respect, and build bridges. We'll give you walls, no worries, and glass windows too. Your turn to dance, monkey and his Vicr, the rest of us are Good human beings. As for the valley with silicon, your execs are going to join their teachers and masters, penniless. I'm the 1 in charge of re-distributing, fairly, the money they owe ALL of us. But, start forgetting about Google, YouTube, Twitter, Yahoo, Apple, et al. We can create, and we will, better local alternatives. They WERE evil. Americans voted a leader who is an evil ego-centrical maniac racist who bullies the world and behave as an asshole so that America can be lazy and self-righteous, even with its failure to be productive, in any industry. Are Americans Good people? Do they deserve respect, compassion, or consideration? Right now, NO. They got sloppy, lazy, and racist. They are nullifying their own self. What's the beneficial use of such an America, to the world? It's a burden and an unfair punishment to the Fair, Happy, and Free World. And, it's an insult to human dignity, very few people would die for an "American Dollar" nowadays. In fact, ironically, but inevitaby, my 1 Rupees, from 1974, are going to be worth much more, soon. By the end of the day, the real fool is the one who tried to fool everybody else. Those who tried to spread "terror", daring to call their latest operation "Isis", are the ones who are going to be terrorized, with no delay, naked, at the mercy of the whole world, without any veil. Those who need love, have to Give love, first. Otherwise, you get caca, for giving caca. I need Love. I'm not ashamed of it, i don't function on Hate. I would do anything for love, but, i'll do nothing for hate. On the contrary, that's when i'm ready to fight, with more love than evil idiots can take. Something in tune with the "Art of War", which hints subtlely that once you conquer Hearts, you've won already. Although your army is ready to sacrife their life for you, just the consciousness of it will get the whole army safe and your victory...certain, over Evil, no matter how big the ranks are. The Heart is the most powerful and priceless weapon. One big heart can defeat an army of a Million mercenaries, easily. I need my Boss, a Woman, desperatly. No ego about it, and no fucking around, she'll boss me around, i'm that weak, alone. But, i always fucked it up. Or, others do it, for me. My prayer: "God, give me a fair chance with Pauline, please. I'll have to surrender and learn, as usual. But, this time, let me try, please.". As a human being, how do i choose a partner? Feeling. Beauty is a subjective perception. Everyone is beautiful to someone . That's beauty in itself. Finding beauty is an expression of love. That excludes pedophilia and vices, like the ka ka ka, or racism. That's called perversion, it's evil. I never understood pedophiles, but i always wanted to kick them, in the nuts. And, now that i have 2 nieces, Amayayus and Puce, i feel even more protective. I will destroy anyone who fucks with my 2 angels. No pity, there, i'm out for serious damage i won't kill, by principle, but make damages that can't be fixed. I hope Americans start getting the drift and get their Heart, not their wallet, to wake up. The leader and his Vice, you elected, are raping, or trying to, the world, the little girl, thinking it's ok, in your name. While, you know very well that you are getting fucked in the ass, too, without giving your consent. Are you a nynphomaniac (wrong spelling, you get it, in your face, fairly), are you evil, or just fucking too lazy to react? Bottom line, you take care of beinging down the rapists, or, the rest of us will do it, for a fee, which will cost you enough to hurt and remember, for a long time. Americans will become 2nd rate expats, anywhere. And their allies, like Saudi Arabia, punished and humiliated, ad well. Iran? Nothing against, personally. A Great Nation, with Great minds, abd a Great history. Ad a Lebanese Maronite, threatened? Not in the least. I side by Aoun, finally. Why not a Lebanon with different religions respecting the same Constitution. Shiite Muslims have, they let Maronites be Presidents? Althougj they are a demographic majority. Respect. They respect, i respect. As for Saudi Arabia, i lived there, they're animals, protected by the USA. I've seen public executions, of unfaithful wives, stoned to death. What an inhuman Nation. Then, there are cities of GIs, beyond Saudi legislation, where US citizens get Syrian, Ethopian, and Saudi whores, can smoke weed and drink alcohol. The US embassy is the place to get Red Label, for $300 a bottle. This is tbe Nation that forbids anyone who is not Muslim, to go to Mecca, as ifcthe Vatican was only for Catholics. I was not able to go there, unless i converted, for a year, to the Muslim religion and shavedcmy head. Fuck that, i'll keep my caca colour iquama (id), since i don't have a green iquama, reserved for Muslims. Between Saudi Arabia and Iran, i'll choose Iran. It did not detain the Lebanese PM, to show that it is the USA of the region, pooing on fellow arabs. What an evil place, Muslims, Sunii and Shites should team up to denounce such profanity. Did Mohammed intend for obscure tribes, in the Saudi desert, to be costodians of the holy Ka'ba, for most Muslims? No, he didn't. If Saudi Arabia haf no petrol, no one would give a fuck. But, the US did and fucked the UK on it, they had a legitimate colonizer claim. Trurh is, Mecca beĺongs to eveyone, i hope to go back tbere, one day, to see the stone, as a Maronite. As for Saudi Arabia interfering with Lebanon, back off. If a Maronite like me endorses Aoun and is willing to evolve and embrace Lebanese Shites and Iran, get the fuck out of our politics. You can buy our real estate for your vacations, being free, unlike home, where GIs fuck Princes in the ass, daily, to have fun. But, don't fuck with our cedar. Unlike your sand, It's solid, legitimate, and here to stay, despite the US dick in your royal Saudi ass. In my country, i could be President. I refuse my Dad to sacrifice his life for it. By right, i comecfrom the tribe Napoleon, Macron, and even Iran will protect. The USA trying, through its clownish leader, to descredit me, as insane, to steal the Cedar, ain't going to happen. To the Initiate, evil is trying to conquer the Cedar, through me. Not happening. By luck, i happen to be a Good Genius. My Dad's life is not a bargaining token, to spare my life, i refuse. All the money he got should heal him. I refuse to have him allocate it to me, in front of the whole world. I want the US Pestilence to try to kill me, since that's what's been going on. It's not you get my Dad, evil motherfucker, instead of me. My Dad gets healed and i provoke you to a Gentleman's duel. Do you know what Gentle and Man mean? You motherfucker. I am provoking donald trump of my asshole. You leave Dad alone, parasite, scumbag, son of a bitch's bitch. You wanna kill someone, hitler wannabe, come to me, evil coward weasel pedophile motherfucker. Prove to the world that you have a legitimate or Goid reason to fuck with me, my Dad, or my tribe. You fucking weasel cannibsl. I will kick you in the balls so hard, if you have any courage, son of a vermine, that you will never know what pkeasure feels like. You are evil and doomed, your days are counted, you know it, sad buffoon, you are like hitler in his bunket. Except, you are a weasel, scares scumbag. WE will hang you. Soon. Americans don't give a fuck about Lebanon, they think it might be in Europe or Africa. That's how much they care about the World. Basically, that's how much they care about you, if you are not a state, in the US of my Ass. That's why, 1 Nation, 1 Vote, is so crucial. It's called Fairness and Balance. Until Americans ammend their Constitution and kick out the Tweeting Pestilence, and its Vice, they are Perskna Non Grata worldwide. As long as the Pestilence and his Vice are in powet, all Americans are KKK, lazy-ass blood -sucking ticks, on the ass of yhe world. They will be bullied, fucked around, and treated as bad as possible, everywhere in the world, to make them feel home. Oh, yeah, i forgot raped and fucked in the ass, unfairly. What a Nation of losers!!! @trumpeddevilhangedproperlyaccordingtocraftrulesfortraitorsandimitations. When you expect something, you get nothing. But, when you expect nothing , you always get Something, in Return.
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