#someone asked me about 2nd person because they knew i loved it. not because i had an Authority or anything like that just bc i loved it
dallonwrites · 1 year
prev reblog i have GOT to infodump about writing more often. it is so fun to infodump about writing and writing craft
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sunshine-on-marz · 3 months
Lost and found
Spencer Reid x Reader
In which Spencer almost loses the love of his life, literally and figuratively
TW: angst with a happy ending, criminal minds level depiction of violence, mentions of death, it takes a little to get to the actual plot but trust me it’s worth it, (tell me if i missed any)
Word count: 3.3K
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To know Spencer Reid was to be absolutely enthralled by him. You were both 16 when you met, granted you were 16 in your junior year of highschool and he was 16 working on his 2nd PHD, but you were both 16 nonetheless.
It had taken some convincing to get a place in his life, not because he didn’t like you or your company, more because he was waiting for your ulterior motive to show itself, or for your patience to wear thin. It never did.
You knew vaguely about his mother, mostly through a news article you found from a few years back, talking about the prodigy like he was more of circus attraction then a 12 year old. It had mentioned that he also took care of his sick mother, and with his hyperfixation on finding a cure to schizophrenia, you’d connected the dots.
But you still didn’t want to assume.
“Hey Spence, why’re you so set on finding a cure?” You ask, gesturing to the 8th book on schizophrenia you’d seen him read in the 3 months you’ve known him.
“My mother” he says, closing the book and placing it infront of him. “Why do you ask?”
“Because I’m curious about what goes on in the mind of Spencer Reid” you smile “though, I’m sure you could tell me exactly what’s happening up there, down to the chemicals”, he laughs at that
“I could give you an idea” he says, you hover your hands over the book, he nods, you open it to the last page.
“508 pages, how long would that take you to read?” You ask
“A little under 10 minutes, if I had to guess, I don’t know how many words are on each page” he says
“Well I’m not counting so I guess we’re gonna have to stick with an estimate” you joke, he smiles again.
You sit in silence for a minute, just looking at each other, and the book. There’s a light tension, unasked questions float between you.
“Can I be invasive?” You ask, Spencer nods
“You usually don’t ask first” he smiles
“You suck” you reach to hit his arm, you don’t. “I won’t hit you before asking about your sick mother, actually”
“I appreciate that” he laughs “but what do you want to know?”
“What’s her name?” You ask, he seems a little shocked.
“And you take care of her?” You already know the answer, but he’d never said it explicitly.
“Yea” he nods, he looks at you like he knows what you’ll ask next
“Well, tell me if there’s ever anything I can do to help. Her or you, I can’t imagine that’s an easy thing to do alone, props to you spence” you smile, and if someone saw his face right now, they’d assume you asked him- well not many questions would dumbfound Spencer Reid but that’s not the point.
“You’re not gonna ask if I hate it? Or if I want to put her in a home?” He asks, sounding more confused than you’d ever seen him
“Do you want me to ask that?” You counter.
“No.. not really” he looks at his hands, which are rubbing together. A nervous habit of his you’d picked up on rather quickly.
“Well then I won’t ask it” you smile, so does he.
It’s a week later when he tells you why he’d been so shocked that day.
You were on his front porch, about to meet his mother for the first time. He said she’d been having a good day, and though you weren’t exactly sure what that entailed, he said it with enough excitement that you decided to just ask later.
“When you first asked about my mom, you asked what her name was” he says, you nod.
“Thats usually my starting point, yea” you laugh softly “why, was that the wrong thing to ask?”
“No- no no no. It was the perfect thing to ask! I just- you were the first person to ask what her name was before you asked about what’s wrong with her” he says, and he looks sad, so you offer a hand. You know he’ll say no, but you don’t miss how he smiles everytime you offer.
“Wanna tell me about her? I never know what I’m walking into meeting my friends parents, I would’ve brought her flowers but I didn’t know what kind she liked” you say, and his smile goes from soft to wide and bright.
He is ineffably beautiful.
“She likes lilies” he smiles “and she’s really nice, when she’s, yknow” you just nod. And then he holds out his hand, you take it. And that’s the first time you ever touched Spencer Reid.
You met his mother that night, it was uneventful, but it was nice.
That’s a lot of your friendship with Spencer. Uneventful, but nice. More than nice, it’s wonderful. He’s wonderful. You’re there when he gets his first PHD at 17, your there when he has to put his mother into assisted living, you’re there when he gets the letter saying he’s been invited to the FBI academy, you even drive him to go meet Agent Gideon.
You see him off at the airport when he goes to Quanico.
And that’s the last time you see your best friend.
After a while weekly phone calls became monthly, and monthly became and occasional text on birthdays and holidays and informing the other of big achievements, but by his 3rd year as an agent, friendships were hard to maintain.
You’d accepted never seeing your friend again.
Spencer hoped he’d never see you again, because he knew he didn’t have the guts to reach out, and he knew that the only time his teammates seemed to see old friends was when they were a part of a case.
But he also knew you.
And he recognized your necklace the second he saw the pictures Penelope had on the screen.
“The second and third victims haven’t been found, but they’re believed dead” JJ says, Spencer barely hears it.
“I need air” is all he manages to say as he rushes out of the room. Derek went after him and caught him as he collapsed.
“Hey man, what’s goin on?” Derek asked him, holding onto Spencer’s shaking shoulders as he tries to stay upright.
“I can’t- she can’t- she can’t be dead” his words were barely audible and even less coherent.
“Do you know one of the victims?” Derek asked, and Spencer nodded.
He more than knew you, he’d held you while you cried, he’d slept in your bed the night his mom went into care, you were the only person there for him at his graduations, he’d helped you decorate your first apartment. You were so much more than someone he knew. And you were so much more than victim number 3.
“Spencer? Hello?” Derek’s hand waved infront of Spencer’s face as he zoned back into reality.
“Sorry” I he muttered as he started to stand up. He and Derek walked back into the briefing room, he doesn’t apologize for his outburst, he just sits and waits for Penelope and JJ to continue. They do.
“Well, 3 girls went missing in New York City within a span of a week. The reason we’re on this case is because they all worked for the same law firm”
Spencer takes a shuttering breath.
“The first victim, whose body was found dumped in a dumpster by a homeless man, was 56 year old Mrs. Shelly Kailee, a lawyer at Shelly and Dylan law firm, she was a co-owner along with her Husband Dylan. The two other victims, who are still currently missing, are Darleen Calvin, and Y/N L/N. Darleen is 28 and a practicing attorney at the same law firm, she’s only been practicing there for a few months after graduation from University of New York in January. Y/N is 25 and is working as a receptionist at the law firm while working on her law degree at Cornell. Both girls are reportedly very sociable and very kind, but from what we’ve been told, Y/N seemed to be more acquainted with everyone while Darleen seemed to just have a large group of friends. That’s the only information we have on them” JJ says. It seems everyone’s eyes drifted to Spencer, but his were dead set on your face on the projector. Smiling. You had the same smile. You were still wearing the same necklace you wore every day since he gave it to you at 18 when you graduated. You were still as beautiful as he remembered.
“She wouldn’t let anyone take her to a second location, not without a fight. We’re probably looking at a fairly athletic man, unless we find out that she sent someone her location. Then it’s probably someone charismatic, charming, played himself as a friend” he says, and everyone nods.
“You think she’d fall for that?” Morgan asks, he gets a few glares. But Spencer nods. “I think I saw her have a conversation with a homeless man once because she thought he might be lonely.” He says “so yes”. Hotch clears his throat “Spencer is there any possibility she’s.. changed since you knew her?”. Spencer shakes his head “we only really fell completely out of touch a few months back, she seemed pretty much the same the last time I called her, which was probably 6 months ago”
You could’ve cut the tension with a knife.
“Spencer I’m sorry-“ Emily says, he cuts her off.
“You can be sorry if we find a body” he says. And they get the message.
“Wheels up in 10” Hotch says.
Spencer works that case like a dog. There’s not a moment where he isn’t doing something to find you. Something to make sure you’re okay.
A few times, Derek had to pull him out of the police precinct, just so he’d get a couple hours of sleep.
He was beside himself.
Then the tapes showed up.
On the front steps of the police station, there was a box, with 4 tapes, each labeled with a date of the days you’d been missing, the most recent being from the day before.
The first started with a voice they later confirmed to be Shelly’s. A final message to her husband and kids. Tearful messages to each one about how much she loved them. And then a gunshot.
The second tape was worse. It was of you and Darleen. Spencer recognized your voice immediately, he could tell you were holding back tears. Darleen on the other hand was sobbing. You were both pleading for you life. You were a bit more composed, and he quickly recognized some of what you were saying as examples he’d said to you when talking about what usually does and doesn’t work on killers.
He never intended you to have to put those lessons to use.
And the selfish part of him wonders if you thought of him when you spoke.
The 3rd tape is the shortest. It’s just a gunshot and a scream. Your scream. He, for the first time in his life, sincerely hopes that you watched someone get killed.
The final tape is just you.
And it breaks him.
There’s a few seconds of silence before your voice starts.
“This is a message for Spencer Reid, and the rest of the FBI. My name is Y/N, and if you’re listening to this. I am dead.”
And his face falls.
“Spence, meeting you in highschool was the greatest thing I’ve ever done. And I love you, I love you so much Spencer. And I hope-“ the tape ends.
Spencer listens to that tape another dozen times.
The cops find Darleen’s body before lunch.
He doesn’t have it in him to care.
He listens to the tape again. And then it hits him.
You had never once said you met Spencer in highschool. You always, always made it a point to say that you were in highschool, but he wasn’t.
And it was currently summer, and the highschool was empty.
“Guys I know where she is-“
Hotch cut him off with a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Spencer she’s dead” he said, his voice wasn’t harsh, but it wasn’t gentle either. Spencer could’ve punched him.
“They’re at the highschool. Trust me” his voice was shaking, not with doubt, but with fear. Fear that both he and Hotch were right, and that in a couple hours he’d see you again under the worst possible circumstances.
But they went anyway.
He was zoned out most of the car ride, ignoring Derek’s questions of if he’s sure he can handle this.
For Spencer, it doesn’t matter if he thinks he can, because he has too.
He’s a few feet past the doorway when it really sinks in that he might leave the building again with your lifeless body in his arms. He pushes the thought aside. It felt like betrayal not to try and have hope, because for Spencer, you were hope incarnate. It would feel disrespectful to take that from you without asking first.
He heard it before anyone else did.
He all but ripped the door open, the local PD turning on their heels at his aggressive movements.
But there you were, in a chair, sobbing into your binds. He was infront of you in seconds, shouting for someone to cut the ropes holding your wrists and ankles as he removed the cloth from your mouth.
“You’re okay, you’re alright now, I’ve got you” his hands gently holding your cheeks as you leaned forward into his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso once they were cut free.
“I knew you’d come- I knew it. I told him but he said you wouldnt find me so- so in the tape- oh my god did he send you the tapes?” He cut off your manic rambling with soft shushing
“I know you knew, you always know, and yes we got the tapes. You did good, you did everything perfect. I understood.” He assured you, running his hands through your hair.
Emily came up to you and Spencer, putting her hand on his shoulder.
“Does she know where he is?” She asks.
He starts to speak, but you do it first. “Maybe the janitors closet? Or the bathroom? He- he made us scrub the floors, he was like- he was psychotic about it” you say, she nods and leaves the room, Spencer just tucks your head back under his chin.
“You’re doing so well” he whispers
“Spencer I want to leave” you cry
“Alright, alright. Let’s get you out of here” he says, slipping his arm under your knees and lifting you. You probably could’ve walked, but no one was shocked that he chose to carry you out.
He asked the EMTs more questions than your frazzled mind could even think of.
“Dr.Reid, she’s going to be fine. It’s cuts and bruises and maybe a few pulled muscles, she will be fine once she gets some fluids and a good meal in her system. “
He still didn’t believe it.
He didn’t believe it when the nurses told him the same thing, he didn’t believe it on the car ride back to the precinct after you were discharged, and he didn’t believe it when you sat next to him during your cognitive interview.
He’d fought Hotch about giving you one, but Hotch said that having a solid story will help make sure the man who did this is kept in prison for as long as possible, and you’d volunteered.
“You really dont have to” he says, you shake your head
“Spence i can handle it” you say
“Im not leaving your side.” He insists, you laugh a bit, which all but calms him down.
“I didnt think you would.” You offer your hand, and for the first time he accepts the invitation.
The interview makes you cry, which could’ve been predicted, but it still breaks Spencer’s heart.
After that he sets a semi-permanent ban on anyone asking you about what happened.
JJ brings you a change of clothes and you thank her profusely as she walks you to the bathroom and helps you wash your face and body as best as you can with wet paper towels.
Spencer anxiously waits outside.
“She’s with JJ, man. You can go outside and take a breather if you need” Derek offers.
“I’ll go outside and take a breather with Y/N when they’re done. Im sure this isnt where she wants to be right now.” Spencer says, Derek sighs.
“Spence, that girl might be one of the most well adjusted victims we’ve ever seen, she’ll be okay if you step away for 5 minutes-“ Spencer cuts him off
“I wont” he says “do you not get that? She’s well adjusted, Im not. I am not well adjusted to almost losing her and im not well adjusted to having her back so Derek would you please stop suggesting that I need space from her because space from her is the last thing I need right now” they stand in silence for a minute until you leave the bathroom.
“Spence? Everything okay?” JJ asks as she walks out of the bathroom after you, you quickly finding your place leaning against Spencer’s side.
“Yea we’re good” Derek answers for him, placing a firm hand on Spencer’s shoulder, and leaving with a small nod of understanding.
Spencer guides you outside.
He sits next to you on the bench outside the precinct, your head on his shoulder and his arm around you.
“Im really glad you picked up on that” you say
“Picked up on what?” He asks, his hand moving from next to you on the bench to your lap, resting on top of your own.
“The highschool thing, i honestly didnt know if he’d even send the tapes, kinnda figured he was making them for himself” you say, interlacing your fingers with his “but I figured it was worth a shot”
“It was smart” he says, squeezing your hand “took me awhile to realize”
“Did it?” You ask “and here i was thinking you were a genius. Spencer when have i ever skipped a chance to brag about you?” You smile at him, he shrugs.
“I was under a little stress” he says, pulling you closer.
“I know, im sorry I scared you”
“Dont apologize, this is not your fault. You have absolutely nothing to apologize for.” You just nod.
There’s silence for a while, it could’ve been hours, neither of you would’ve noticed, or minded.
“Do you want to move in with me?” He says it before he even realized he thought it, immediately looking just as shocked as you. “I am so sorry- i just- well i figured-“
“Spencer” you grab his hand. “We’ll talk about it” you say, and that seems to be the right answer as he wraps you into a hug.
“I just want to make sure you’re okay” he whispers, you nod.
“It doesn’t require moving in for us to stay in contact” you say
“But you’re so far” you just nod in response. “I dont want to lose you again” he whispers
“Spence you didnt lose me, im alright-” he stops you
“Thats not what i meant. Not entirely” he clarifies, you sigh and pull him into another long hug.
“My lease ends next month” you hum
“See you in Virginia next month?” He asks, you smile
“We’ll talk about it”
There’s never a conversation about if you’ll move in. Spencer just Venmo’s you (he got Garcia to teach him how) 300 bucks along with “plane ticket or take out dinner for a week” which makes you laugh, and it also makes you call him to ask approximately how much of your stuff would fit in his apartment, he says he’ll make as much space as you need.
A month later you show up to one of Rossi’s dinner parties hand in hand with Spencer, JJ hands Derek 20 bucks, and slowly, everything falls back into place.
(PS: Spencer makes sure you have everything you need to finish school online because he’ll be damned if you gave up your dreams for a man, even if he himself is that man.)
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Remember to reblog with feedback!! Reblogs make the world go round and feedback helps artists keep creating!
This might be the longest fic ive ever written. This took 2 days and a few tears but finally it’s done. Im tagging the pookies bc Ykw i worked too hard not too @the-phantom-author @thesockbehindthewashingmachine @mariasont @st4rgzer @canonically-a-genloser
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Someone asked me to expand a little on a topic that was buried down in a big chain of reblogs, so I'm doing that here--it's about the use of the archaic "thee", "thou", "thy", etc. in LOTR and what it tells you about characters’ feelings for one another. (I am NOT an expert on this, so it's just what I've picked up over time!)
Like many (most?) modern English speakers, I grew up thinking of those old forms of 2nd person address as being extra formal. I think that's because my main exposure to them was in the Bible ("thou shall not...") and why wouldn't god, speaking as the ultimate authority, be using the most formal, official voice? But it turns out that for a huge chunk of the history of the English language, "thee," "thou," and "thy" were actually the informal/casual alternatives to the formal "you", “your”, “yours”. Like tú v. usted in Spanish!
With that in mind, Tolkien was very intentional about when he peppered in a "thee" or a "thou" in his dialogue. It only happens a handful of times. Most of those are when a jerk is trying to make clear that someone else is beneath them by treating them informally. Denethor "thou"s Gandalf when he’s pissed at him. The Witch King calls Éowyn "thee" to cut her down verbally before he cuts her down physically. And the Mouth of Sauron calls Aragorn and Gandalf "thou" as a way to show them that he has the upper hand. (Big oops by all 3 of these guys!)
The other times are the opposite--it's when someone starts to use the informal/casual form as a way to show their feeling of affection for someone else. Galadriel goes with the formal "you" all through the company's days in Lórien, but by the time they leave she has really taken them to heart. So when she sends them a message via Gandalf early in the Two Towers, she uses "thee" and "thou" in her words to Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli because now they're valued friends and allies. And--this is the big one, folks, that was already alluded to in my previous post--Éowyn starts aggressively "thou"ing Aragorn when she is begging him to take her along as he prepares to ride out of Dunharrow. She is very intentionally trying to communicate her feelings to him in her choice of pronoun--an "I wouldn't be calling you "thee" if I didn't love you" kind of thing. And he is just as intentionally using "you" in every single one of his responses in order to gently establish a boundary with her without having to state outright that he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. It's not until much later when her engagement to Faramir is announced that Aragorn finally busts out "I have wished thee joy ever since I first saw thee". Because now it is safe to acknowledge a relationship of closeness and familiarity with her without the risk that it will be misinterpreted. He absolutely wants to have that close, familiar relationship, but he saved it for when he knew she could accept it on his terms without getting hurt.
So, you know, like all things language-based...Tolkien made very purposeful decisions in his word choices down to a bonkers level of detail. I didn’t know about this pronoun thing until I was a whole ass adult, but that’s the joy of dealing with Tolkien. I still discover new things like this almost every time I re-read.
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f1amour · 23 days
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pairing: max verstappen x mexican!reader, charles leclerc x mexican!reader
word count: 4.4k
summary: being introduced to their once rival and falling for them was not what you expected but after struggling in your current relationship to feel loved maybe they were exactly what you needed
authors note: i feel like this made no sense lmao no build up but i tried my best i never wrote about a love triangle so it wasn’t my best interpretation of it therefore why i felt i didn’t create a good build up. also google translate was my bff so forgive me for any mistakes. highly recommend listening to sailor song by gigi perez some of the lyrics (hence the title) heavily inspired me <3
warnings: ANGST but happy ending :) no cheating, suggestive content, established relationship, takes place in 2023 — 18+, minors please do not interact!
You knew what love meant. The definition behind it and you knew people who were in love, you knew everything about love. You showed your love to your friends by making memories with them or gift giving and with each friend it was something special. You paid attention to their likes and dislikes because you love them.
But you didn't know love as you grew up in a household filled with yelling and resentment. Now at the age of 23 you felt that you finally had someone who will love you the way you love others.
Someone who will love you loudly and proudly.
Being in a relationship with Charles for three years now you'd think he would be a bit more affectionate in public. You didn't expect to make out, you just needed his touch. You wanted to hold his hand in public without him scolding you that it wasn't a good look.
Our relationship wasn't a good look?
A question you'd always ask when he'd imply any public displays of affection wasn't a good look for himself and his team. You are being overdramatic. Would be his answer all the time and you'd go along with it. You loved him so much that seeing his flaws would fly over your head. You avoided all the red flags in the relationship because for the first time you loved someone and maybe if you loved them enough they could learn to love you.
It took Charles two years to say he loved you and you were fine with it. You never rushed him to say those three words despite you saying them first only a year into dating. Love took time and everyone had their own time to say those words. The two years with Charles before he said I love you was your favorite time together. He was affectionate (behind closed doors). Kind. Patient.
He was everything you ever wanted in a relationship but that all changed after he told you he loved you. In a way you thought the only reason he said those words was because of your argument after the 2022 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
He had finished in 2nd and was disappointed with the results at him still not being a world champion. Being asked by the press if there was anything that was distracting him that could have cost him the championship.
"Some distractions are definitely the reason both professionally and...personally. I think some personal distractions won't happen again for next year."
You were fuming when you heard that and what was worse you were standing right there a few feet away and like the good girlfriend you are, you couldn't show any emotion. Your smile faltered for only a second but then immediately a fake smile stayed on, unaware a pair of blue eyes watching wishing they could comfort you.
Giving Charles the silent treatment for a week he could see you were prepared to leave the relationship after his comment so he decided to plan a weekend getaway on a yacht while on the Amalfi Coast. During a romantic dinner he said those three words and promised he'd be a better man in the relationship. That lasted only a month.
You were back in the routine of being ignored by Charles while out in public and sometimes even at home. Tonight was no different as you guys sit in a secluded corner of a local club while he talks to Pierre while you sit there awkwardly hoping for someone to at least acknowledge your presence.
If Lando or Arthur were here you'd be ecstatic because at least they would actually talk to you. You don't know why Charles even invited you to come along for drinks with him and Pierre but you assumed he wanted to spend some time with you. Now you regret coming out seeing as he is doing what he always does at home; ignore you.
"Max!" Your thoughts are interrupted by Charles voice calling the name of a person you have yet to formally meet.
Max Verstappen. A name you heard from everyone, especially your boyfriend who shared his hatred for the man when he first came into formula one but recently it’s seemed like they’ve both been getting along.
But that’s all you knew seeing as Charles never even introduced you to each other despite sharing many podiums together and being at the same parties a few times.
“Hello.” Max waves awkwardly at you after Charles introduces you quickly before focusing back on his conversation with Pierre.
“Hi.” You smile awkwardly not really knowing what else to say. Being in his presence was a bit intimidating, always hearing stories of his tough demeanor on the track so you assumed he’d be the same off the track.
“I’m leaving.” You whisper to Charles and it catches his attention. He begins asking why you’re leaving so early when you’d just arrived an hour ago and you make up an excuse saying you don’t feel well.
You’ve ignored me this whole time. Why would I want to be here?
You wanted to say that but knew it would lead to yet another argument so he just waves you off and you grab your purse quickly hoping to avoid anyone seeing your tears.
“It was nice to finally meet you, Max.” You tell the man, avoiding his eyes and walking off.
And that was the start of Max’s plan; to never see another tear on your face from the man you love.
He started that right away by following you out the club where the streets were quiet and empty. You sit on the sidewalk head in your hands sobbing uncontrollably.
At that moment he isn’t sure what he will say but he knows he wants to be near you. To comfort you.
So he sits right beside you carefully so as not to startle you and you look over ready to move away from whoever was sitting next you but meeting those blue eyes you felt a pull.
His eyes were so bright and welcoming that with a simple look and hand to your shoulder, you’re crying in the arms of a man you had only just formally met 5 minutes ago.
But being in his arms felt so right, like you had known them for years.
So maybe it was that or the way his blue eyes had such a calming look to them that you spilled all your feelings to him. From your failed relationship to your family problems. You expected him to defend his friend who he knew more than you but instead he held your hand rubbing thumb against it, "I think if Charles loves you he wouldn't make you cry. He would not make you feel alone, unappreciated…or unloved. His opinion about being private can be valid for the media but with friends? Family? Even in your own home? He should be able to express his love."
You nod along and let out a shaky breath, "It sounds pathetic but I always thought he was my soulmate at one point. So if he was my soulmate I convinced myself that this was it. That my only chance at love will be him and that is all I will ever get. But sometimes I think it might be better to live my life forever alone than to give all my love to someone who could never reciprocate it."
Max shakes his head and looks at you, his eyes flickering to your lips for a brief moment then back to your eyes, "I don't think that is pathetic. It's called love and sometimes being in love with someone you know won't love you the same is soul crushing but you'll stay in the relationship hoping that maybe one day what you give them will be enough to change their mind." He tells you, almost as he had gone through the same (he did).
"You know from everything I see and hear from people about you I'm surprised how wrong they were. How wrong I was…you aren't the same guy you are on the track. I'm sorry." You tell him sincerely, an apology he tells you is not needed but feels a flutter in his chest receiving praise from you.
"Never judge a book by its cover, right?" He smiles back at you, your arm wrapped around his and head against his shoulder. Maybe you shouldn't be so close to another guy that wasn't your boyfriend but there was a pull Max had that you wanted to be as close to him as you could.
Just friends.
And your friendship with Max sure did blossom for the last three months going into the 2023 season and Charles was fine with it. Mostly because he still was not paying you much attention so you being friendly with Max and joining him and Lando on trips was fine with him.
Until he realized how close you had gotten to Red Bull's superstar driver.
"I don't understand why you want to go there this race weekend. I doubt the PR team would even allow me to let you go, it's not a good look." He shrugs driving through the streets of Miami with you in the passenger seat.
"Actually, Max's team talked to yours already. People honestly think me and you are friends so they don't think it would cause any drama plus I'm doing a video with Checo and Max to try some of my pastries!" You tell him excitedly, a smile on your face he hadn't seen in awhile. Only this time another man was the reason for your smile not him.
"Ah well…okay." He says before shutting down completely and staying quiet the entire ride back to the hotel after dinner.
Once you arrive at the hotel room you wash your makeup off then go off to grab some pajamas, "You wanna wear this?" Charles asks holding up a red sweater that had his name on the back of it.
"Oh thanks, Charlie." You smile at him sweetly and throw the sweater on with some black shorts.
"I love you." He says pulling you in for a passionate kiss, something you haven't received in a week so your hands go to his hair pulling him in for a deeper kiss. You were so deprived from his touch that you felt yourself pushing him towards the bed wanting him to give you some more attention.
"Wanna be inside you, mon amour." He whispers in your ear before kissing down to your neck, your moans a little louder than usual and as his hands reach to take your shorts off there's a knock at the door.
"Mierda. Esperame aqui." You tell Charles and he just nods with a smile not knowing what the last two words are but he loved seeing how needy you were.
You walk over to the door opening it to reveal Max and Lando holding a bag full of junk food, "Shit. I forgot we were going to watch the rest of the movies on our list…Charles is here."
Landos eyes widen while Max's are filled with disappointment, "Ah you getting it on with your man!" Lando jokes and you slap his arm.
"Shut up! I wanna spend some time with him while he is actually giving me some attention for once. I'm so sorry guys." You apologize and Lando nods in understanding and says goodbye before walking off.
"Max, come on!" Lando yells for his friend but he waves him off asking to give him a second.
You smile at him, "I'm sorry, Maxie. I know I promised we would finish up the movies this week but he's paying attention to me right now and I know it's pathetic being so desperate for just one–."
"I'm always gonna remind you that it is not pathetic. You are not pathetic. Don't apologize, it is okay. We will wait for you to watch the movies and enjoy your time with him." He tries to keep his smile when he says the last sentence.
"I love you, Max." You wrap your arms around him, giving him a tight hug before pulling away.
"I love you too." He says, those words having so much more meaning than in the friendly way you had meant it. You wave him goodbye before going back inside enjoying your time with Charles for the rest of the night, but your mind was invaded with one person and one person only: Max.
It was Media Day and you were spending it with the Red Bull Team and while you were excited for it at first you had noticed Max was acting weird not really speaking to you unless for the video so you felt a bit down throughout the day.
"Estoy seguro de que no mas no se siente bien.” Checo talks to you while you sit beside him and Max who was talking to Daniel happily completely ignoring you.
"Pero claramente está bien con todos los demás. Solo soy yo. Él no me quiere aquí, así que... me voy. Gracias por invitarme, pero no quiero hacer esto". You smile sadly at Checo and his wife who ask you to stay at the team dinner but you can't. Not when someone you love is treating you like this. You already got that from Charles.
But you were unaware that Max understood every word you and Checo had said.
So as you walk out of the restaurant you refuse to turn back around as Max calls after you, "Oh so now you want to talk? Well I don't, so leave me alone." You yell at him and keep walking down the empty street.
"Please, I'm sorry." He begs stepping in front of you.
You stop and glare at him, "You…you know how I feel about being ignored by Charles all the time. How shitty it makes me feel and now you're doing the same?" You ask, tears welling up in your eyes.
"No I…fuck don’t cry. I promised to never be the one to make you cry and-.”
"What do you mean by that? What promise?" You ask, confused as to what he meant.
"I never want to be the reason you cry." He whispers, wiping your tears away.
“Because…because I love you.” He confesses, in his eyes you can see he means those three words more than the platonic type.
And in that moment you want to say it back. You want to mean it the way he is saying it as well. But then Charles fills your mind.
“You…love me?” Is all you can say. You knew there was something there you couldn’t deny. But you were a loyal person so you pushed those feelings to the back of your head because you were with Charles.
Max 's hands are cupping your face, “Mi amor por ti es tan fuerte que aprendí un idioma para ti. Tu idioma para poder decírtelo y demostrarte mi amor. Aprendí tu idioma en tres meses. Porque eres mi amiga es lo que me diría al principio. Porque valoro nuestra amistad y te respeto pero ¿ahora? Me doy cuenta de que este sentimiento es más que solo amigos. Quiero... no, te amaré. Te amaré fuerte y con orgullo como te mereces. Quiero que todos sepan que soy tuyo y tú eres mío. Quiero que las estrellas y la luna sepan que te amo. Quiero escuchar tu voz por horas. Gritaré mi amor por ti cuando quieras. Quiero ser tu mejor amigo. Te amaré hasta mi último aliento en esta tierra. Y en el más allá te encontraré y te amaré entonces.Te amaré como a un marinero. Fuerte y orgulloso” (My love for you is so strong that I learned a language for you. Your language to be able to tell you and show you my love. I learned your language in three months. Because you are my friend is what he would tell me at first. Because I value our friendship and I respect you, but now? I realize this feeling is more than just friends. I want... no, I will love you. I will love you strong and proudly as you deserve. I want everyone to know that I am yours and you are mine. I want the stars and the moon to know that I love you. I want to hear your voice for hours. I will shout my love for you whenever you want. I want to be your best friend. I will love you until my last breath on this earth. And in the hereafter I will find you and I will love you then. I will love you like a sailor. Loud and proud) He lets out a deep breath after his confession looking at you for answers.
Your eyes filled with tears hearing him confess his feelings, in Spanish. In your language. He learned your language in three months just because he loved you?
“Max…I-I-I don’t know what to say. You…fuck, you learned Spanish for me. I can’t…I want to love you. I know I can and I do but I’m still with Charles. I know he hasn’t proved anything to me but I can’t say what I feel at this moment knowing I’m still in a relationship. He may not care about it but I need to be loyal until the end.” You tell him. He had hoped you’d say something other than that but he also understood.
“I’m gonna wait for you. You can decide what you want with him but…if you decide to stay with him I need to give you this before you leave.” He digs into his pocket and grabs his keys, taking a key off the chain and handing it to you.
“I’ll send you the address in a text but I hope you love it. I hope I see you again.” He says before kissing your cheek and walking off.
You walk into the hotel room and you see Charles sitting on the bed waiting for you, "What are you doing here?" Your tone coming off a bit harsh.
"Oh, well I wanted to wait up for you. I was thinking we could spend the night together again. I've missed you and-."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why do you miss me? Why do you all of a sudden want to spend time with me?"
Charles sighs, "I just miss you and well seeing you get so close to Max I…I felt like you haven't made time for us–."
"Oh fuck you! I haven't made the time? I am the one who left my home country three years ago to follow you around the world like a lovestruck little puppy. I have all the time in the world to be there when you want it but it is you who hasn't. I have begged and cried for you to give me love. To show me you love me. You havent done that Charles one night that we fucked doesnt mean it all gets better."
"I know that! I want to try though. I shouldn't have let your friendship with Max make me so jealous but I see how he looks at you, Y/n. He loves you more than a friend–."”
"Yeah, he told me tonight."You interrupt him and the color drains from his body.
"He did? And…what did you say?"
You sigh and sit next to Charles, "That I could feel the same way. I do feel the same way but…I'm with you. And you may not believe it but I'm a loyal person. So nothing happened he just said that and that is all…he said he would wait for me."
"What does this mean for us?" He asks.
What does it mean? You were conflicted, Max…he was a breath of fresh air. What he makes you feel is something you wish Charles could have made you felt. Love should be given because they love you not because you beg them to do it. And thinking in that sense is enough to give you your answer.
"It means I am not ready for any relationship with anyone right now. I need to focus on myself and love myself because I haven't for a long time. We need to break up, Charles."
But I love you. I may not show it but I want to communicate my feelings to express why it's so hard for me.
"Okay…we break up then. Where will you go?" He says instead of what he wanted to really say to you, sadness in his eyes.
"Home." You tell him looking down at the keychain.
When you had received the address from Max you weren't sure what else to tell him other than thank you and after that you lost contact for some time. He had bought a piece of land in Mexico, "a place where you can create your biggest dreams." He bought you a space where you create a cafe the way you had always dreamed of but you assumed no one ever paid enough attention to you to know that the dream was to have this cafe in Mexico.
Now having the space open it was thriving and everyone was raving about it even some F1 fans have realized it was your cafe and despite your break up with Charles now being out in the public they were still showing their support.
The Mexican Grand Prix was coming this week and you had received a few messages from some drivers hoping to catch up with you. You hung out with Lando for a day showing him around the city and then had dinner with Checo and his family. You were sad to hear Max was going to be there but bailed out.
When dinner was over you were headed home when you got a notification from your security system sensing motion at the front of your cafe so you went straight there.
When you arrive your heart stops at the sight of Max standing on a ladder in front of your door, "What…what are you doing?" You ask stepping out of your car and Max turns around, almost falling off the ladder when he sees you.
"Max! You gotta be careful." You put support on the ladder with your hands as he gets back to what he was doing.
"You got a broken light, it doesn't work." He states.
"Yeah I know. I was gonna fix it tomorrow morning. Not like a crazy person at night."
"Well the crazy person just fixed it so you're welcome." He says climbing off.
You thank him before unlocking the door to the place, "Do you want to see it?" You ask him and he smiles following you inside.
Max was in shock seeing how beautiful it looked inside, filled with tables and comfortable couches with a small corner that had books that you can pick from while visiting and he's most excited when he looks at the menu hanging behind the counter.
Two lattes named after his cats Jimmy and Sassy (who you have met and love very much). Then beside the menu is a small note thanking the customers, "And thank you to my favorite sailor." The same word he used when telling you he loved you.
"I'm probably gonna botch this but I'm trying okay?" You tell him and he looks at you confused when you grab his hands and clear your throat, "Don't laugh if I mess up!" You tell him and he chuckles.
"Could never laugh at you if it's this serious, my silly girl." If you hadn't been practicing this for so long you probably would have kissed him right then.
"Ik hou van je. Ik wil dat je luid bemind wordt, net zoals jij van mij houdt. Ik voel dingen voor je die ik nog nooit heb gevoeld en dat maakt me bang. Zo hard van je houden is eng, maar het is iets wat ik met je wil doen. Ik wil je liefde en je beste vriend zijn. Ik zal zo luid van je houden dat de hele wereld stil zal worden. Het spijt me dat het zo lang heeft geduurd voordat ik me realiseerde hoe graag ik dit wil. Ik wil ons leven samen opbouwen." (I love you. I want you to be loved loudly just like you love me. I feel things for you that I have never felt and that scares me. Loving you so hard is scary but it's something I want to do with you. I want to be your love and your best friend. I will love you so loud that the whole world will go quiet. I'm sorry it took me this long to realize how much I want this. I want to build our life together.) It's like deja vu as you take a deep breath after confessing your love in his language, something you too had been practicing for the last three months.
His face was hard to read at the moment and you frown thinking maybe it was too late confessing your love now, "Fuck I know it wasn't the best dutch and maybe it's too late telling you I–."
His lips stop you from finishing that sentence, you can feel his heartbeat close to you pressed against each other. Your lips on his felt like they were always meant to be there the way you could taste the coffee that you had made him beforehand. His hands on your hips with your arms around his neck trying to get as close as you can to each other, you both however pull away to take a breath.
"I love you. Te amo. Ik houd van je." Max kisses you all over your face giving you one last kiss on your lips.
"I'm sorry it took me some time to say it but after breaking up with Charles I needed space to breathe and remember I can still live my life without needing a man to love me…but these three months without you have been fucking torture. I miss all the little things you do and I just miss you. I want to hold you forever." You tell him, you both are now sitting on one of the couches in the cafe. You sit on his lap with his arms holding you tight hoping to never let go like you'd just said.
"I was a bit disappointed at first hearing about the break up and that you had left right away but then I saw you here making this place exactly how you dreamed of and that was enough for me to understand you needed your space…even if I was miserable." He says the last few words jokingly and you giggle, shaking your head.
"I still don't know how I can ever thank you for buying me this space." You smile at him, your fingers playing with his hair.
"Let me take you on a date and that is enough."
You nod, kissing his cheek, "Bit weird we said I love you before our first date."
"Loving you is out of this world, I expect anything ordinary is simply not what our love is." Max was a true romantic, something he did not think was in him until he met you. Maybe that side of him had been hidden for so long because he was waiting for you all along.
Your lips meet his once again in a sweet kiss, "Thank you for loving me, loudly and proudly."
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generalsmemories · 10 months
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Ginkgo leaves
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ based on the ask: Since reqs are open, you think you could write jing yuans reaction to his lover being Mara-struck? Thank you! - requested by anonymous
✧ contents: established relationship, angst, hurt/almost no comfort lmfao, implied character death, mentions of other characters, pov mostly written in jing yuan's pov, still usage of 2nd pov (referring the reader as you), mayhaps ooc because jing yuan is an emotional wreck.
✧ a/n: when i tell ya'll i legit struggled to be able to write this entire thing. there's been like 3-4 scrapped drafts because halfway through writing i would just NOT be satisfied with the result. to the anon who requested this, i'm so sorry it took this long - but i hope the upcoming trainwreck makes up for it! a trainwreck im still not actually satisfied with LMFAO. but it's better than the other 5 scrapped works. also not beta-read so fellas if u see a spelling error - no you didn't.
p.s: some mara-struck information i give here are totally fanmade for the purpose of this fic alone, as such don't take whatever i write about mara here as what actually happens canonically to characters (then again most of the playable characters have different symptoms of mara themselves).
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"Benefactor, am I correct to believe you're asking me if the general has any specific interests?" Tingyun asks with a snicker, the trailblazer looking away from her prying eyes while mumbling a quiet yes.
"Some of the younger... Can I call them younger? Anyway, some of the younger Xianzhou citizens are very infatuated with the general. Seeing as I've been announced as his honory guest, they do often come and ask me various things to try and gain his favor. So yeah, anything at this point will work - so please!" the trailblazer hurriedly explained, clasping their hands together in a desperate attempt to get anything from the foxian amicassador leaning back with a quirked eyebrow.
"Ahh, love truly makes someone go blind doesn't it," she muses out loud, the trailblazers' eyebrow furrowing together in confusion over the foxian's lady choice of words, "... You're not entirerely wrong with that statement..."
"Do you want to know what his favorite flower is?" Tingyun asks, ignoring the confused question that had been uttered to her, snapping her fan open to hide the cheeky smile that spread across her lips - but anyone could still tell that her eyes were gleaming with mischief as the trailblazer nodded their head.
"He doesn't have one."
"Then why did you even-"
"But he likes ginkgo leaves."
The trailblazers' eyes widened in shock, and rightfully so because the very thing ginkgo leaves are associated with are after all...
"He had a lover once, and as far as I'm aware, his last moment with them while they still had their consciousness intact was surrounded by ginkgo leaves."
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Jing Yuan whilst having forgotten almost every single moment with you, does unfortunately remember the exact details of the day that your descent into madness started. Because what he witnessed wasn't a futile struggle you had with yourself to not to destroy everything within your vicinity. Instead, he witnessed the slow process of your bright self becoming an empty shell, only capable of uttering a few words.
It's comical really, even when faced with a curse that struck everyone mad - he found out that it oddly fit your character to not go mad, but instead become the complete opposite of your gentle self. A hollow shell of the person he fell in love with all centuries ago.
Jing Yuan knew he had to end your suffering right then and there when you first started to show signs.
But he couldn't - This wasn't something that had to be immediately dealt with, his hand wasn't forced like it was back when he had to slay his own master down before she took more lives.
No, this was a normal afternoon on what would've been another normal, mundane day in both of your lives. But everything went wrong the moment Jing Yuan heard the breaking of glass, and how there was a lone gingko leaf inside the palm of your hand - a ginkgo leaf that you were staring wide-eyed at with a trembling hand.
You were too far from the veranda to have a ginkgo leaf in your hand.
General Jing Yuan would've ended your suffering the moment you turned around to lock eyes with him, your own face twisted into one of utter fear.
General Jing Yuan would've reported you the to Ten-Lords Commissions as the law had stated. But Jing Yuan couldn't - because Jing Yuan knew that the moment he did, he would never see you again.
So he decided for once he would be selfish. Jing Yuan rarely made choices lately that was based off of his own feelings, but his time with you was cut too harshly, so once again he chooses to be selfish. Even if that meant that it would prolong your suffering just a tiny bit more. "... We can figure something out," was the only thing he could muster up the courage to say with a shaking voice. You didn't say anything, your mouth wobbling a tiny bit and your breathing getting harsher by the second.
But still you indulged him - you always did. So with an equally wobbly smile, you only nodded your head slightly, "... Sure."
That wobbly smile and expression of utter fear was the last genuine expression that truly came from yourself.
The descent to becoming fully mara-struck is usually a fast process, the curse able to completely overtake someone's mind within the same day the symptoms appears - rendering the person completely vulnerable with the only alternative to either hand themselves in to the Ten-Lords or wait for the Ten-Lords to come to them personally.
Your usual easy-going smile was gone, in its stead was eyes that kept going in and out of focus. Almost as if you were desperately trying to keep yourself grounded - a battle you both knew would end with your defeat.
Jing Yuan didn't dare to venture outside of the house. One step out and every Cloud Knight would've been on you within seconds to subdue you. He had first initially resorted to just holding you within his arms for as long as he could, to be able to remember how you felt like after your death.
But with the minimal strength you had left, you had wobbled to the garden, every step taken only making you pant heavily. But even with heavy breaths of air leaving your lips, you had refused to take Jing Yuans hand or offer to even carry you out to the garden. When you had managed to reach the ginkgo tree standing tall at the center of the garden, Jing Yuan was sure you were going to collapse in front of it, taking a quick step to catch you.
But instead you had merely reached your hands up, the falling leaves fluttering gently down onto your palms. And while you were in indescriable pain for the last couple of hours - Jing Yuan could only see a serene expression when you looked up at the ginkgo leaves that were continously falling down.
"... They're beautiful... aren't they... Jing Yuan? It's almost a pity... that these beautiful... leaves are associated with our doom," you said softly. Jing Yuan could feel his breath hitch in his throat when you uttered his name.
You're obviously struggling to convey whatever thoughts you still had to him properly, taking a moment in between words to catch your breath, eyebrows furrowed slightly as you fought against the searing pain that was spreading through every nerve in your body.
There's a sudden gust of wind which causes the pile of leaves in your hands to flutter away from your grasp. Your hand stretches out slightly, almost in an attempt to reach out for them - stumbling a bit in your step. The limp causes Jing Yuan to take a quick step forward with his arms outstretched. Perhaps seeing him in your peripheral vision causes you to stop the futile attempt to catch the escaping leaves, arms going limp against your side as you turn to face him - your once blank expression turning into a somber smile instead.
Jing Yuan thinks that it's unfair how normal you look in front of him - almost as if you haven't been becme mara-struck. Like nothing has happened to you aside from the ginkgo leaves fluttering from your lips whenever you cough. The same cough that causes the general of Luofu to flinch every time - without fail.
And perhaps you can see his inner turmoil, the way he tries to make eye contact with you, but is unable to after a few seconds. The way his hands clench too hard into fist to the point droplets of blood fall down to the grass and stains it a deep red while he bites his own lips to not say a word - lest he says something that he will regret.
And you truly wish that you could tell him everything is okay like you usually do.
But for the first time since the day he lost his friends, you can't.
"... I'm sorry," you finally say, the apology making him whip his head up to you again. Mouth opening to say something to comfort you, to tell you that it's not your fault. But the words are unable to leave his mouth when he sees your arms slightly outstretched towards him with a small smile.
And he can't hold it in anymore.
It only takes him a few wide steps to reach you from his position before he cradles you within his arms. The grip is tight, unbearably tight to the point it hurts, but you don't complain. You're limp in his hold, and if this was any day he wouldn't comment, but the fact that you're not moving a single muscle terrifies Jing Yuan to the core. "... Please," he finally manages to whisper, the rustling of ginkgo leaves around you almost drowning out his quiet plea.
"Please don't make me do this again."
He doesn't ask if the tensing of your body is caused by the pain that's rapidly increasing or if it's caused by his silent confession. He can however feel the gentle hand that rests against the lower part of his back and your head resting against the side of his own. The reassurance you try to give him does nothing to help because he's aware that it probably brought you unmeasurable pain to try to move those limbs - instead the general buries his face closer to your neck and squeezes you tighter.
"... You won't." you whisper quietly.
It takes a moment for Jing Yuan to process the meaning behind those two words.
But it's a moment too late, because before he can get his phone out to usher a command, a few resounding knocks can be heard throughout the quiet mansion.
"General Jing Yuan. This is Xueyi of the Ten-Lords commission. I've gotten information that there's currently a mara-struck within these premises."
Jing Yuan feels his blood run cold, he pulls himself away from you to stare at you properly in disbelief.
You're still staring at him with the same somber expression, however he can tell there's a small pitiful smile grazing your lips, "I'm sorry," you whisper once again.
"I asked her... personally," you start, finally letting yourself rest now that the end is near, slumping down onto Jing Yuan's chest, your ear settling itself against his heart to hear his rapid heartbeats.
Jing Yuan loathes the fact that it's at this moment, with the Ten-Lords commission outside of your door and with him completely broken do you actually look at peace - like your battle against time has finally come to its conclusion.
And naturally, the one who lost is you.
"Half a day... with you. Then she would come and bring me there. You won't have to... do this again."
You're not able to see Jing Yuan's face - and Jing Yuan wouldn't want you to see how he looked like right now. The arms around you is trembling, his mind is racing - trying to come up with anything to give him a bit more time with you.
But for once, the general that had a plan for every situation had nothing in mind.
He's lost. And the prize of the loss this time is losing you forever.
"General, I apologize for the rudeness of what I'm about to do, but this is for both of your safety," Jing Yuan hear Xueyi mutter from outside of the door, before he hears the rattling of the door frame start to slide open.
"Wait- no," it's a quiet request that gets ignored as Xueyi strides in alone, the lack of company making Jing Yuan's eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"... Their last request along with the request for my late arrival here was for the Cloud Knights to not see you like this. Naturally I won't tell anyone of what I've seen today."
Jing Yuan doesn't care about that, he could care less about his image right now, pulling you closer to him while his eyes are downcast - he makes no move to hand you over to the judge.
The puppet judge before him does not say anything - nor does she make a move. What she does however is wait, wait for the general before her that has been utterly crushed and broken by the person in his arms start to accept the harsh truth once again.
If he doesn't handle the mara-struck himself, someone else would - but the end result only serves to punish him in the end, the one left behind.
Xueyi hears a silent breath be let out by the general, her once closed eyes opening up to see the general pull slightly away from you, one hand reaching up to cradle your cheek. Your eyes have long since closed, and you're most likely not even conscious to hear what he's about to say.
"My dear... I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait a bit longer before we can meet again," he whispers, bumping his forehead against your own gently, "I hope you won't fault me for that."
A long ginkgo leaf flutters right between the two of you, eventually settling down on your chest.
Jing Yuan sucks in one last deep breath, "I'm sorry I kept you here for so long - I'm sorry you had to be in pain for so long because of me," he leans in to slot his lips one last time over your own, whispering something that Xueyi can't hear before he rises up, your body limp in his arms.
"Thank you for your service Miss Xueyi, please see them off appropiately." Jing Yuan says, voice sounding eerily calm - almost like his usual self.
When he turns around to finally face her, the puppet's lifeless eyes seem to grow a bit in surprise. Before her is the general of Luofu, his usual easy-going smile present on his lips.
Like he wasn't carrying his mara-struck lover in his arms.
"As much as I would want to accompany you to see them off, I'm afraid I have some urgent matters to attend to," he informs, handing your body over to Xueyi - she doesn't comment on how his hands are still slightly trembling or how he immediately turned a bit to the side to ignore staring at her head-on.
Even though Xueyi doesn't want to ask, she still asks either way, "What are your plans from here on, general?"
Jing Yuan only gives her a close eyed smile, turning his gaze towards the large ginkgo tree with his hands behind his back. He gnaws a tiny bit at his lips, finally breathing out.
A couple of seconds passes by before he opens his mouth.
"I think I'll meditate a bit under this tree before heading back to the Seat. I can't leave Luofu without me for too long after all."
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lovewithmary · 11 months
(not) moving on — a max verstappen x stark!oc x charles leclerc series
★ fc: madison beer ☆ summary: evangeline "evie" stark is in love with her best friend, max verstappen, but he tries his best to keep her at arm's length. but what happens when she starts to get close to his fellow drivers in the paddock? ★ note: idek why i like creating stark ocs, but it’s fun. This is purely for my own entertainment but I don't know if I'll continue it. It depends if people actually want to see more of this. (realistically, I might continue it because I want to see it lol) btw how do people do the subtitles?? like I'm so curious I want to do those
schat = darling in dutch
next series masterlist
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc, and 20,492,182 others
eviestark: life lately 💜
user2: she’s actually living the life rn
user3: SCHAT??? ANG???
user4: the random tony stark jumpscare in the photo dump LMAOOOO
user5: who is the guy with tony stark in the 7th photo?? ↳ user6: i’m pretty sure that’s peter parker, an employee of stark industries??? he’s started out as an intern in high school but he’s rumored to be the COO once evie becomes CEO of stark industries
user8: not the single guys from the f1 grid in her likes 😭😭
user10: the first and second picture giving me 'boyfriend took these for me' vibes
user11: she looks so pretty and happy in the 4th picture <3
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"You're playing with fire by posting our text messages, Ang," Max said, his voice shushed as he walked around the paddock.
"It's fine, Maxie. They'll probably connect me to a random famous person who is Dutch and then it'll blow over in a week," Evie dismissed.
"It doesn't really help that the guys are in your likes constantly," Max grumbled, and he heard Evie laugh.
"Some of them are pretty cute, and I think some even tried messaging me but I never saw them until it was late," she responded.
"Aww, Maxie, are you jealous?" Evie cooed, her tone sweet yet mocking at the same time.
"No... I just never expected them to be brave enough to message you," Max said.
"If you must know, I think it was Charles and Lando who tried. There are probably others, but I haven't seen them,"
"Did you respond to any of them?"
"Of course not, I'm loyal to you and only you,"
"I know, I know, you wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole like that," Max could practically hear her rolling her eyes.
"You know we're just best friends, right?"
"And I'm saying I'm loyal to you and only you as a best friend."
"Are you doing anything soon?" Max was quick to change the subject, feeling as if he didn't, awkwardness would settle in and he hates it whenever Evie doesn't speak since he's fully aware that he loves hearing her talk considering how passionate she gets about things.
"Stark Industries' Gala is happening and Pepper's making me get a date for the event,"
"Why's she making you?"
"Something along the lines of I have to be seen with someone that isn't MJ, Peter, Ned, and Shuri," Evie sighed.
Max laughed at her situation, knowing that while Evie knew a lot of people, there were only a few that she could trust completely. And luckily for him, he was one of them. He was probably the first, considering they've known each other since she was 6 and he was 8.
"Good luck trying to find someone,"
"It's not even trying to find someone I'm struggling with. It's trying to find someone that's decent enough to spend my night with,"
"Who were you going to ask?"
"Well, I was going to ask you, but since we're best friends I don't think me bringing you as my date to the SI event would be something best friends do,"
"I'll go," Max said, shrugging.
"Wait, seriously? Like you going means you actually have to dress up,"
"I know,"
"The dress code is black tie. That means you can't wear your Redbull uniform like you're a walking billboard,"
"Do I really wear it that much? I saw people that were shocked when I wore a white t-shirt,"
"You're a millionaire who wears the same thing every day. So basically, every millionaire man,"
"I'm going to wear Redbull head to toe to the Gala now that you said that,"
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serxinns · 7 months
Hi so I have a request if that’s okay so how about yandere class 1-a ft Aizawa with Bakugou twin sister reader who is kind and nice and the opposite of Katsuki, how about she gets asked out on a date by a student from 1-b only to find out that he only asked her out because of a bet he made with other student, how would class 1-a react to that?
((Also I really like your blog btw))
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Bakugo was always protective as you ever since you were kids he would always say he would protect you and not let anyone take you away from him and you didn't seem to mind it since you just thought it was some typical big brother behavior when it was much darker than that...Whenever someone would talk to you he would glare in their way making sure they had a cold sweat he once hospitalized a boy in the middle because he put gum in your hair you were everything to Katsuki he just wanted to be him and you(and his parents ofc) that was it
That was before class 1a
•Everyone was shocked at the two of you even Aizawa questioned the nature of it because Katsuki was a burning bomb ready to explode anytime when someone pisses him off while you were an absolute sweetheart with a kind personality with a Smile pure of sunshine and happiness with a positive personality people would even doubt you were Akatsuki's twin without you looking alike even izuku sometimes question it
•the class was so lovesick and adored with your kind yet tough nature they knew it was fate they knew exactly who to cherish and love! And it was you!
•The girls would have lesbian attacks whenever they were close to you or ever interacted with you, while you chatted along your day and training Mina would just dreamily sigh to herself, tsuyu would just be just in a trace cause how sweet your voice sounded, Ochako would stare at your lips imagining how it'll felt touching hers, Jirou wanting to bury her face in your big fluffy hair so she can get a sniff, momo starting at those beautiful eyes making her all flushed and it drives her crazy, Hakagure wanting to pinch your cheeks while giggling intensely
•The boys, on the other hand, would try so desperately to get your attention and praise like how Tokoyami would show off his love poems to you while you watched with eyes sparkling, Aoyama would show off his fashion skills by dressing up and if you ever want to wear matching outfits with him let's say he's the happiest man alive he'll show off to everyone how dazzling the 2 of you are, Kirishima would pick you up and throw you in the air just to show you his strength talking about how manly he is, while Sato gives you all sorts of treats and teach you to bake
•But your brother was deeply Jealous every time he caught you hanging out with them he always watched in the background to make sure they didn't do anything or just took you away and scolded you for not hanging out with your big brother as much but that's ok! not your fault it's those Extras you called "friends" fault, but when they told how much they love and care about you, he gets 2nd thoughts and decided to tolerate it for now
One day at lunch a girl walked over to your table and asked you out to go to a nearby cafe on Friday you blushed and mumbled yes the class including your brother say quietly anger building up and glaring at the girl the girl winked and ran away,
On Friday the girls helped you get ready you were dressed up in Momo's dorm they picked your best outfit and did your hair so nicely you were twirling around, beaming and smiling mina and the others blushed at your style but were heartbroken knowing the fact that you weren't getting dressed up for them, when you got out the dorm and shows it to the boys they looked in wonder but was sad but your brother was being extra protective and strict today putting down some rules
"ok Kats"
"ok kats 😒"
At this point, you were just deciding to not listen to your brother 😭 you weren't going to anyway especially that last one but you kept the others in mind you were heading out the door everyone bid you farewells and good luck and you were feeling as confidence as ever when you made it at the cafe
you see the girl sitting there ever so pretty with her hair in a beautiful style and a beautiful flower pattern dress, you blush at her appearance and the two of you did your greeting and start talking for a bit it was fun honestly she was laughing at your jokes and you were blushing at her cheesy pick up lines all was going swell and you had to go to the bathroom you apologized to her and excused yourself
After you washed your hands you were about to exit the bathroom but heard your date chattering and laughing and she mentioned your name a couple of times you were curious u stayed and listened closely
Blue: The girls friend
Pink: the girl (aka the date)
"I did it I asked her out and brought her on a cafe date it was so easy!"
"WHAT?! Omg you're so evil!, are you gonna tell her that it's a bet
"ofc I won't even after we are about to "Kiss" pfft it's gonna be so funny!"
"Are you gonna record it!? Please tell me you are?!"
"Uh duh I am man I can't believe there's a girl who likes other girls so gross!"
As the girl kept chattering horrible stuff the more numb you felt your eyes watering and leaking down your face your hands balled up in fists shaking you grabbed your stuff off the table not caring about your "Date" reaction, and dashed out of the cafe you ran inside the building Kirishima and bakugo were playing a game while jirou, momo, Denki, sero and ochako were playing card games they saw you ran in, "Oh hey y/n! how was your-" just as jirou was about to say something you slammed and locked the door, everyone was shocked Bakugo put the controller down pressed his head against the door he could hear sniffling and crying
Bakugan harshly told everyone in the common room to back away and knocked on your door "Hey idiot you there? Can I come in" You hesitated for a second but at the moment you didn't care you just needed some comfort so you unlocked the door and Bakugo calmly went in he didn't like to be mushy but seeing you cry broke his heart just went he shut your door you tackled him and hugged him tightly crying in his chest murmuring a bunch of "im sorry" and "You were right" when he finally calmed you down you explained what happened " s-she called me disgusting kats I didn't do anything to her " he rubbed your back while you hugged him tightly until you fell asleep he placed you down in your bed
He went out of your dorm and met with a bunch of concerned looks from your classmates some asked a bunch of questions to see if you were ok even iida and Momo frantically wanted to come in and check on you but Bakugo completely shut it down saying he'll explain what happen
"Those fucking pests..." momo said with venom in her voice and the others agree they were in a rage how could anyone do that to sweet little you! You didn't even do anything! Everyone was now arguing and bickering about what to do with her some mina suggested beating her up and threatening her but Tokoyami disagreed and said blackmail Ochako suggested spreading a fake rumor so people she would be ostracized from the whole school but- "I think that's enough out of all of you" everyone quickly turned around to see Aizawa looking tried and pissed "M-Mr Aizawa we can explain-" "Silence I don't wanna hear it y'all did enough I'll handle that girl in the morning the rest of you head to bed now" the class groaned and head to bed still plotting up a plan in their mind
The next day when you were about to walk to class you heard screaming and begging "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM GETTING EXPELLED?!" the girl's eyes were full of tears showing at Principal Nezu still keeping a smile on his face "I'm sorry but we made up our minds we are a bullying free environment we can't have a soon to be hero bullying other soon to be heroes for who they like" nezu said while taking a sip of tea the girl's angry yells of protest turning to ugly sobbing and begging she ran pass you crying loudly
You were stunned but were walking into class "Morning everyone!" just when you walked in everyone was huddling around you mina was hugging you tightly like her life depended on it " y/n! Are you ok do you need some more time?!" " we can go to a cool butterfly Zoo Kota recommended to make you feel better *Kero*" "Here I got you think adorable music box with your favorite tune on it" Momo handled the music box "I'll bake you some sweets to make you feel better!" Sato butted in everyone else was cooing and gifting your stuff to help you "feel better" Luckily bakugo pulled you away but was also checking to see if you were ok everyone was bickering at Bakugo for being selfish but was quiet down when Aziawa came
After class when you were headed to your 2nd period Aizawa stopped you for a second "Uh yes sensei?" he walked up to you "I heard you were feeling sad yesterday ur feeling better now brat?" you shrugged "Yea just some night with someone got bad and weirdly enough now they're getting expelled kinda harsh honestly " Aizawa shrugged his shoulders as well "Thats too bad but let's worried you being stable and ready for hero training this afternoon" you quickly nodded your head and smiled with determination "Yes sensei! I am!" he let you go to your next class unaware that a evil smirk was forming on his face
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jangofettjamz · 9 months
Unlovable Child
Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader
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Warnings: Child abuse
2nd Person POV
"I'm going out of town for a week to see my parents" you tell Jenna. The two of you were snuggled up together on the couch, binge watching The Mandalorian on Disney+.
"Oh, do you want some company?" Jenna offered to which you shook your head no. Your parents wasn't exactly the gold standard when it comes to parenting, in fact they'd probably win an award as being one of the worst.
You've never discussed your parents with Jenna because of this, not wanting her to be involved with them due to their toxic nature. You feared that exposing them to her would only cause more trouble than its worth.
"You sure you don't want me to come with? I can--"
"No no you really don't have to" you said, cutting her off a little too quickly to go unnoticed. She gave you a look of suspicion, knowing there was likely some underlying tension between your parents and you.
You tried to put her at ease "I-I mean... they haven't seen me for a while... I wouldn't want to overwhelm them by introducing you to them... y'know given your fame and all. No offence"
Your stuttering and lack of a believable reason wasn't enough to ease Jenna's growing concern for you, but she smiled anyway, which in turn made you smile. You knew she wasn't convinced.
She pulled you in closer, making sure you were nestled into her chest. She had a feeling deep down that you were keeping something from; something terrible. Anxiousness flooded her nervous system, making her rethink about letting you go.
Her heartbeat quickened because of this, something you caught by having your head on her chest. "Jenna? Are you okay?" You asked.
She looked at you and smiled to put you at ease "Everything's fine, sweet boy. Everything's okay." She reassured, kissing your forehead to ease your worries.
But it wasn't her you were worried about, it was meeting your parents for the first time in years. The last time you spoke to your parents was 2 years prior, just before you moved out for your new job, just before you met Jenna for the first time. It didn't exactly end on the greatest of terms.
You parents were vile; abelists who took pleasure in calling you the most horrid of insults for their own sick pleasure. It made them feel better about themselves, like they were superior. They were never proud of you, even though your academics should make them so. They could never be proud of someone like you, someone who was autistic.
Of course, with many dysfunctional households come with their fair share of physical abuse, which in your case was fairly common place. The slightest of mistakes ended in severe punishment, that being knocking a drink over, talking to loudly .etc.
You were deemed a failure in the eyes of your parents despite everything you've accomplished in school, your well paying job; it meant nothing. You were never good enough for them. You were simply too much of a "spaz" to love. You were nothing to them, only when money was an issue were you of any use.
You held Jenna a little tighter just think about this. Painful memories from your past flashed through your mind, reminding you of the awful people they were.
But you maybe they had changed, maybe they realised the error of their ways, you naively thought to yourself, only setting yourself up for a meeting that would inevitably send you crashing down.
But you had to believe. "They have changed. Of course they changed, they only said and did all that stuff to make me into the man I am today. They love me. Don't they?"
- 1 day later
Jenna was on the phone with her director discussing filming dates. She was currently working multiple films at once and needed to negotiate dates so that it wouldn't impede on her schedule.
You always admired how she could do so many films at once, though, you wished she would take a break sometimes as it can tire her out.
Jenna's phone call was immediately interrupted by the sound of the door opening revealing your figure. "Mark I'm gonna have to call you back" she hangs up the phone, confused as to why you were back 6 days earlier than anticipated.
You were wearing sunglasses, unusual considering the weather outside was quite gloomy. Perhaps you just felt like wearing them, she thought to herself.
"Hi, baby boy." She kisses your cheek, but noticed that it looked awfully red and... swollen? "You're back early. Did everything go okay down there?" Jenna asked to which you nodded with a smile, albeit a dishonest smile.
"Yeah everything went great, just gad to cut the trip short because they were busy and stuff. My parents are busy people after all" you say in a somewhat cheery tone. The swollen part of your face was pulsing, as though the nerve endings in your face had been set alight.
Jenna continued to examine your face, still finding it strange that you haven't taken off your shades yet. "Wait, he wasn't even wearing shades when he left. Why was he wearing them now?" She thought, trying to ascertain the situation.
She noticed your hands were shaking; odd considering you were always calm around her most of the time and it wasn't cold indoors because of the heating. One of your arms was holding your stomach too.
All this information, combined with the fact that your back 6 days ahead of schedule is enough to tell Jenna that something was very very wrong.
"Hey babe can you take off those glasses for me? I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours." She asked sweetly, forceful was not the right approach. You looked at her, trying to strum up a lame excuse not to oblige.
"No!" He exclaims, catching Jenna off guard. You quickly try to come up with a better excuse. "I mean i-it's really bright in here Jenna, my eyes are kinda tired from driving, y'know" you play off terribly, adding a smile to try and convince otherwise.
Jenna isn't buying it, you know this. She's too smart. "Y/N your face is bright red, and swollen" His smile quickly drops. "Your hands are shaking too, and I can see a cut behind your hair. You and I both know it isn't cold in here and that cut is recent too." She exhales sadly, turning her attention too your stomach "You're holding you're stomach babe, like you're in pain. What happened over there?"
You panic, you knew she wasn't an idiot but you can't bare to let her find out about your parents, about your past. It was too embarrassing, she'd surely leave you for not being man enough to fight back. That what your father had conditioned you to believe, that you weren't a real man because of your condition, that you were sub-human.
"I-I d-dont--" "let me see your eyes, my love" bowing your head in defeat, you allowed Jenna to remove your shades, the sight horrified her, sending shivers down to the deepest depths of her soul. She gasped, her hands covering her mouth as you she saw the damage.
A massive purple bruise covered your right eye, the eye itself was completely red. The area around the eye was completely swollen too. The left eye was also bruised, not as bad but still bruised nonetheless.
Anger bubbled within Jenna, the prospect of someone hurting her baby was sickening to her, she knoew this had to be your parent's doing. "They did this to you, didn't they"
"W-what no! They would never do this to me. My family love me, Jenna. They do" you tried convince her, you tried to convince yourself mostly. Tears pricked at your eyes, stinging even more due to the beating you took.
"Honey... why would they do this to you? What happened?" She asked gently with a tinge of sadness in her tone. You couldn't keep up with the lie any longer.
You took a deep breath. You wanted to tell her what happened, tell her about the desperation you felt when your father's belt connected with your back. How your mother held you down as he did it, beating and beating and beating you for being the spaz who disappointed his parents just by looking at him. She held your hands "It's okay. It's just me. Just Jenna"
A single tear fell down your cheek causing Jenna to wipe it away. "They wanted money..." you started, taking a deep breath before continuing "They wanted money that were apparently "owed" for not getting rid of me. I said no, and I'm sure you can imagine how they reacted to that. They beat me, Jenna. They both did. I couldn't stop them, I tried as hard as I could but they kept..." you sniffled, holding back what would have been a giant sob.
"They kept pummelling me with the belt, punching me in the stomach. Mom held me down and I couldn't anything. They said I was unlovable... I'm unlovable, Jenna!" He broke down completely, falling onto his knees. Your emotions that you'd been holding since you left your parents had escaped, the dull pain now fresh again.
Jenna lifted the back of your shirt to find the purple lashes that layed there, where your father had taken out his anger with the belt. She immediately held you, her own eyes tearing up at your broken state. You clung to her like a lifeline.
"Shhhh, its okay baby. You're safe now. You're safe with me again." He whales in anguish and pain, his sobs became louder as each one left his mouth.
"Jen it hurts" you said like a scared child, exactly what you were at your parent's house.
Upon hearing this Jenna decided it was best for you to lay down on your side to avoid laying on your lashed back. "Come on, honey let's lay you on the couch. Lay on your side for me, my sweet." You did as instructed.
She lifted up your top to see the bruises on your stomach, purple and still fresh. She was going to annihilate your parents, but that comes later. "I'm gonna go get an ice pack, then we're taking you to the hospital"
"No! No! Please no doctors!" You pleaded
She knelt down and stroked your hair to out you at ease as best she could "Shh shh shh, don't think about that now okay. Let me go get an ice pack for your stomach. I'll be right back." She left quickly for the ice, returning as quickly as she left.
She lifted up your shirt and let you get ready for the ice. "On three. One. Two. Three." She presses the ice to your abdomen, the cooling sensation soothed the pain little by little bringing you great relief. "Good boy baby, you being so brave for me" she cooed, kissing the top of his head.
She held the ice pack as you writhed in pain on the couch. Her free hand alternates between rubbing your arm and combing through your hair. She placed little kisses on your swollen cheek, not hurting at all when she did.
The recollection of events that played in your mind caused you to cry again. Jenna brought your head into her neck as she held you close, her skin absorbing most of the tears. "Oh baby, please don't cry. You're not unlovable. You're my very beautiful boy who I love so very very much. They don't deserve you."
You held onto her tight, thinking how lucky you were to have such a wonderful woman in your life. Your parents would've definitely said you didn't deserve her, and maybe you didn't. But that didn't detract from how much you loved her, and appreciated her.
"I love you, Y/N. I love you with every fibre of my being" hearing this made you smile out of pure gratitude and love.
"I love you too, Jenna" you say, voice still wobbly from crying. You pulled your head from the crook of her neck and the two of you just smile at each other, you took in the beauty of her face while Jenna gazed upon your battered one. She pulls you in for a gentle kiss, a long kiss that you desperately needed.
"Bubs we do need to get your tummy looked at. We'll call my mom to have a look at you, but we may need to go to the hospital if it's bad. We can do all that tomorrow though, just rest in my arms for now. Can you do that for me?" You nodded your head "I won't let them get away with this Y/N. Mark my words they're finished."
You'd never seen Jenna this angry, but it brought a strange sense of reassurance, like everything was going to be okay. "Can we watch a movie? I wanna take my mind off of this"
"Of course we can, bubs. What do you wanna watch? Empire strikes back?" She asked, knowing how much you loved that movie. You nodded making her smile and kiss you again.
She layed down next to you, inviting you to curl up next to her and lay your head on her chest. "You're not unlovable, flower. You're a very loveable and amazing person." You smile at her words, Jenna loved you very much and today was evidence of that.
She cradles your body in her arms, still feeling you tremble from everything that has happened. It would be a long road to you heal from this but she'd be with you the whole way there.
She gently rocks you while you watch the film, the sight of Darth Vader igniting your child-like love that Jenna adored.
"Hey bubs, promise you'll never think yourself as unlovable. Promise me that my love."
"I promise." You say, even though you still didn't fully believe it. Your parents words still hurt.
"Good boy. My special beautiful boy"
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Runaway || (Dark!) Sebastian Sallow x Reader || Smut
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Outline: After what happened between him and his uncle, Sebastian has no choice but to run away with you.
Word count: 3’450
Warnings: Spoilers for the game, aged up characters, dark and pretty unhinged Sebastian and explicit smut.
Author’s note: This is a one shot I wrote just to take a break from the cuteness and fluff I’ve been writing for my Sebastian and Ominis series so it’s definitely darker and rougher, just fyi.
Also, as this was my first time writing something in 3rd person (she/her) could you please please please answer this poll, that would help me out immensely! 🖤
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Sebastian covered himself with his cloak as he walked towards the castle under pouring rain, it was way past curefew when he entered through the courtyard doors and he knew what he risked if he was caught by Mister Moon sneaking into a dormitory that wasn’t his but did it even really matter anymore ? His house in Feldcroft was empty, abandoned by Anne and saturated with memories of Solomon. He knew he had no choice but to leave, being there was unbearable but being in Hogwarts wasn’t much better either. There was no going back to the way things were before what happened, how could he live his life as a student normally, duel others for fun, when he knew of the power he had held in his hands and how it felt to take away someone’s life ?
He was a different person now. And he was determined to flee before anyone could stop him by denouncing his crimes to the authorities, there was just one thing he couldn’t leave behind and he was on his way to get it, sending the common room’s door flying as he stepped in, raindrops dripping from his hair and clothes.
He wasn’t too surprised to find her there, sitting by the fireplace, still awake at such a late hour in the night. Her face was distorted by worry and exhaustion, which strangely reassured him... It meant she cared.
“Sebastian ?!” She exclaimed, jumping to her feet when he approached her. “What are you doing here ? I thought…”
Her voice died before she could finish her sentence, shaking her head at him as if she was struggling to fight off her sobs.
“I’m leaving.” He told her, his heart racing in his chest.
“But you can trust us. Neither me or Ominis will tell anyone what happened.” She pleaded.
“I can trust you. But Ominis will turn me in eventually, and if he doesn’t, he’ll use what I did to blackmail me into abandoning my search for a cure and the dark arts.”
“Because your plan is to continue down this path ?!” She exclaimed, louder than what she should have. Of course, she couldn’t understand that he still wanted to explore such forbidden magic after seeing for himself the tragic consequences it could have. But he had to.
“My plan is to run away… And I’m here to beg you to come with me.” He said, taking a step closer. It was the boldest thing he had ever said to her. He used to be just a student with a silly crush on this mysteriously powerful girl, one he’d so easily engage in duels with and was always good at playfully flirting with but now, he had to man up and ask for what he wanted, tell her the truth about how he felt…
“I can’t…”
“You and me are kindred spirits. We’re good together, powerful.” He argued, attempting to come closer but she stopped him with a hand on his chest, probably feeling his racing heart pulsing under her palm. How could she not see it was the only way ? They were meant to be together. Her ability to wield ancient magic was fascinating and he simply couldn’t give up on it - on her - that easily. “I wish I could have told you this in a more romantic way but there’s no time left… I’ve got nothing to offer and I know asking you to live the life of a fugitive with me isn’t reasonable but I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without you… I love you !”
His whole body felt numb, maybe in reaction to his unprepared confession or maybe simply because it was still trying to process what he had done to his uncle.
Her hand dropped from his chest and he immediately stepped closer, crashing his lips on hers in a desperate kiss. He brought his hand to the side of her face, his fingertips touching a strand of her hair before pulling her into a deeper embrace, making sure she’d understand just how much he needed her...
He knew he was requesting a huge sacrifice from her. She’d have to abandon her education at Hogwarts, leave her friends behind and probably never contact her family again. She’d have nothing left in the world but him. It was unreasonable and cruel of him to ask for so much…
“Alright, give me five minutes to pack my things.” She said, panting after he reluctantly stepped back to catch his breath.
A flood of joy took over his body as a smile illuminated his face. He couldn’t believe it.
“I love you.” He whispered, feeling the need to confirm what he had just confessed. The happiness he felt was probably distasteful considering the circumstances but he couldn’t help it, it was as if nothing else mattered at this very moment but the fact that she had agreed to runaway with him.
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He had finished washing his clothes in the kitchen sink just in time, turning around to greet her as she entered the cottage, her hair disheveled and her clothes covered in mud.
“How did it go ?” He asked, taking one last look at the drenched white shirt in his hands before taking it out of the sink and hanging it to dry on the back of the kitchen chair. He had done a good job, there wasn’t a trace of blood left on it.
“Ugh.” was her only response at first, as she closed the door behind her and left out a sigh of relief when she dropped the heavy satchel she carried on her shoulder. “I spent the day collecting dittany for the visiting merchant, he paid well but it was exhausting to climb up and down the cliffs.”
Sebastian’s smile faltered. He didn’t like not being able to provide for her, especially since he was the one who had asked her to run away with him. At least, he had managed to find this nice cottage, it was isolated from the nearest hamlet enough to grant both of them privacy and she seemed to enjoy the view, judging by the happy sigh that left her lips every morning when she opened the windows tort in the soft ocean breeze. For weeks now, since they had left Hogwarts, they had been taking shelter in abandoned shacks and decrepit houses. That wasn’t what she wanted and it clearly wasn’t what she deserved. A witch so powerful, so unique, should be living in a mansion at the very least, not like a homeless fugitive for his sake. So when their wandering in the countryside led them to such a cosy looking stone cottage on top of a cliff, far enough from other people, Sebastian had decided that this place would be their home, if only to make her happy.
She easily believed that they had been in luck to find such a nice - and vacant - home for themselves, not questioning anything other than the amount of food still consumable in the kitchen. She was tired and this was a welcomed reprieve from their life on the run, sparing Sebastian from lying to her again.
“I wish I could help.” He said, honestly. He felt quite useless on his own during daytime, when a simple escape to the nearby hamlet or a visit to a traveling merchant might cost him his freedom if anyone recognized him from the wanted posters that had been issued all over the country a few weeks earlier.
“I know, but the less people see your face, the better.” She replied, with a sorry expression on her face. “Besides, I don’t need any help for the simple errands I’ve been running.”
“That, I know.” He smiled, his tone a bit more playful as he approached her, bringing his hand to her face and wiping away some of the dry dirt on her cheek. Even like this, she was perfect.
She smiled back at him and he couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss her lips, so soft and welcoming. When he stepped back, her eyes fell on his bare chest, questioningly.
“And what happened to you ?” She finally asked, a question he had been preparing himself to answer for a few hours now, yet, when the moment came to lie while looking at her in the eyes, he felt hesitant.
“I went to the village to buy some food this morning and I heard two old wizards talking about me.” He admitted, which was the truth.
“What ? How is it possible ? We’re so far from Feldcroft !” She exclaimed, the sadness and disappointment that appeared on her face causing him to feel the very same emotions in the pit of his stomach.
“I’m sorry, I know you like it here and were hoping this could be our home…”
She looked at the floor for a moment, her eyes turning red as if she was about to cry but not a single teardrop rolled down her cheeks. Then, she sniffed and straightened up, shaking her head with determination.
“It’s alright.” She assured him, placing her warm hand on his chest. “Our home is anywhere we can be together.”
And far away from Azkaban.
He pulled her in for a kiss, if only to mess with her thoughts and avoid her asking what his explanation had to do with his missing shirt. He knew how to kiss her to make her forget about most things, even her own name. He’d always start slow, the kind of kiss that makes for a cute display of affection but, without allowing her to catch her breath, he’d make sure to have it slowly but surely turn into something much more passionate. He’d devour her, scrap his teeth against her lips, explore her mouth with his tongue and soon enough, she was a moaning mess in his arms, unable to think straight anymore.
It almost worked this time again. Almost. But when she took a step back to free herself from his desperate kiss and his tightening grip on her hip, he knew he hadn’t completely managed to get out of trouble.
“We can leave in an hour, I’ll pack our things.” She said, slightly panting from the intense kiss.
“There’s no rush, we can spend another night here.” Sebastian assured her, his hand gripping her wrist to make sure she wouldn’t go.
“Wouldn’t it be imprudent ?” She asked, so innocently it made him shudder with a dark desire to corrupt her.
“I’m sure it’s alright. And if necessary, we know how to defend ourselves.” He reminded her, mostly thinking about the amazing power of her ancient magic. With her by his side, no one would ever catch him, she was far too powerful to let it happen.
She didn’t seem that convinced by his words and he wished he could tell her that he had taken care of the problem already and that neither of these old wizards will come after them but he knew she would freak out if she knew that killing his uncle wasn’t the only crime he had committed. The truth was, ever since he had used the most unforgivable of curses on Solomon, a darkness had taken over his soul. Now, killing didn’t seem that terrible, especially when he deemed it necessary for his survival or for those he loved. He might admit that he may have been using the killing spell a bit too easily, putting a brutal end to duels before they even could start and he sometimes missed fighting with spells like he did at Hogwarts, like he did with her, but the power he felt by taking a life was simply too delightful for him to miss out on.
“One more night.” He pleaded, because he wanted her to be happy in this nice little house just a while longer. And also because he had no plans on letting her sleep tonight anyway, not when she looked so filthy and was so gullible. Not when the adrenaline rush he felt from killing made him so desperate to feel alive.
She silently agreed, nodding her head at him and a devilish smile appeared on his lips as he seized her by the waist and pushed her back until she was trapped between him and the door. A surprised sound dropped from her lips as her head hit the wooden panel, making his cock instantly harder.
That was one perk of not being at Hogwarts anymore. He no longer had to be a student with a crush on his best friend, now he could be a man that could freely satisfy his wildest desires without having to worry about breaking school rules. And with her always by his side, at his disposal, he simply couldn’t get enough.
He crashed his lips on hers, his hands already reaching under her skirt but her fingers playing with his hair brought him to an abrupt stop as he remembered the dried blood that probably still was staining the back of his neck. He couldn’t let her notice so he pulled his wand out of his back pocket and casted a silent spell that bind her wrists together and held them up above her head, leaving her unable to touch him. She left out a frustrated groan in response but didn’t protest, visibly used to being held down and restrained by him in such situations.
Once his wand was back in his pocket, he slipped his hands up her skirt again, caressing her thighs on their way up until he found the soft cotton fabric of her panties. He pulled them down just enough to slip a finger between her folds, teasing her with painfully slow movements.
“You’re always so wet for me.” He remarked, as his finger easily glided over her clit and down to her entrance with the help of her thick arousal. She whimpered and moved in reaction, causing her invisible restraints to hold her wrists even tighter together. “Careful, remember that the more you try to fight it, the more it’ll try to keep you still.”
His warning seemed effective, she bit down on her lower lip instead as he kept taunting her for a moment, even pushing a finger inside of her for good measure. Her hips bucked forward, desperate for friction so he all too gladly pulled away, standing in front of her with a smug grin on his face. He loved it when she wanted him, that way he was sure to get to fully enjoy the power he could have over her.
He took his time to open up his pants and let them drop to his ankles, freeing his erection and giving it a few strokes as he gazed at her flushed face and heard her desperate whimpers at the invisible ropes that were digging in her skin. He liked seeing her in pain sometimes. In fact, what he really liked was being the one to inflict the pain, it made the pleasure he gave her afterwards all the more satisfying. He had been tempted to try the cruciatus spell on her again, see how she would react to it if he did it when his cock was buried deep inside her. Would she enjoy the mix of pleasure and pain ? Would she beg him to stop ? Or beg him for more ? The simple idea of it could make him cum right there in his hand but what a waste it would be.
“Sebastian, please.” She begged, her voice cracking with need. He may enjoy the power trip her desperate sounds gave him but he wasn’t cruel - not to her at least - so he stepped closer and moved her panties out of the way before pushing his hard cock past her tight entrance, mercilessly pushing forward until it was all the way in.
She cried out and her legs trembled so he reached out to hold each of them up against his hips, giving him an even better access to her core, pushing his cock impossibly deeper into her.
He closed his eyes and buried his face against her neck, trying to concentrate. It was always the most difficult part for him, that moment when he could feel her so tight all around his cock, trying to adjust to his size while all he wanted was to be able to pound into her relentlessly. With just a slight movement of his hips, she gasped, opening her mouth wide in shock so he stilled himself, feeling her walls tightening around him so abruptly, he wasn’t sure that he’d last very long if she didn’t relax quickly.
He moved to look at her, pressing his forehead against hers as he slowly started rocking his hips, unable to wait any longer. A grimace of pain briefly showed on her face as she once again forgot about the unforgiving restraints around her wrists. Her chest was moving up and down breathlessly as small moans escaped her mouth, which made him consider shoving himself down her throat next, just to hear her gag and moan at the same time.
He tugged on her thighs to increase the intensity of his movements, making sure her hips met his each time he pushed forward. The symphony of her moans and his grunts filling the small house, along with the thuds of her body against the wooden door. Sebastian couldn’t help but find it somewhat amusing to imagine the outraged look on the face of the old wizard who used to live here before he got rid of him if he knew about the debauchery taking place in his lovely cottage.
Her loud moan abruptly brought him back to reality, her walls clenching around him so strongly he could no longer thrust his cock in and out of her. Her legs trembled despite his tight grip on them and her back arched against the door. She said his name, which usually was enough to push him over the edge but he wasn’t quite there yet this time.
He allowed her some time to enjoy her orgasm, delighting himself in how beautiful she looked when she came. His binding spell wore off as soon as her body relaxed again into a state of soft bliss.
She almost lost balance but managed to catch herself with her arms around his shoulder, taking advantage of the proximity to leave a soft kiss on his lips. He smiled and let go of her legs, allowing her to touch the ground again. He finally pulled out of her, his cock aching for relief so with one hand on the back of her neck, he guided her to her knees in front of him.
From there, she knew exactly what she had to do. The warmth and wetness of her mouth ressembled the one he had felt inside her but the way her tongue was stroking him and her mouth was sucking at his tip added to the pleasure he already felt bubbling inside him. He pushed himself forward, feeling his throbbing cock glide down her throat, making her gag softly. She tried to move away to catch her breath but, with his grip still on her neck, he pressed her forward again, suffocating her with his cock down her throat yet again.
He looked down at her and saw the tears escaping her eyes from how violently she gagged, desperate for air and that was enough for him to finally feel a bit of relief. He pulled himself out of her mouth just in time to shoot his release all over her face instead of down her throat, drops of his white cum even falling in her hair.
“You needed a bath, anyway.” He justified, before she could even complain, with a smug grin on his lips. The sight of her was so lovely, it made him quite creative when he thought about all the things he was going to do to her that night, making sure to keep her up until sunrise.
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enihk-writes · 4 months
Question, are you okay with writing about yandere? Bcs if yes, I genuinely need ur thoughts on CM as one :3
So, I've been reading the novel (ngl, the manhwa's pace is concerning) and I have begun to notice how determined and obsessive of a person he can be—per se in helping the sect to grow, killing the demon cult members, etc. How loyal and faithful he is—to the sect and his sahyung, specifically. How easily attached is he to the right person—like with the new mount hua sect, the gang ofc. And many more, JUST, like, I had the realization how much potential he has as a yandere and it got me tweaking (ofc, I do not mean to downplay CM's character just like that, he is an amazing guy with flaws, and charm, pls don't come at me)
If not, then please ignore this ask, thank you for listening to my rant <333
(!!) this is a reader self-insert discussion
nah because you got me tweaking as well like this guy has the ingredients to be a classic yandere,, i think everyone's favourite hc is that jang ilso is an extremely possessive yandere and cm is kinda like that except that he's got more "social awareness" courtesy to chung mun which makes him reel in his unsavoury behaviours...
i imagine that he's always been very protective over what he deemed as his — his family, his home, his friends and if there were anything that came along to threaten that normalcy, he would never just stand by to let it happen.
which might have lead to him being so casually cruel with the ones he deem as the "outsider" or the ones who would not help his people. i.e. the demonic cult, the sapa, the other sects and organisations that watched mount hua fall...
when a man who's already this obsessive on the daily towards his platonic relationships, can you imagine how it's going to be like when he falls in love with someone???
in my canon, cm and tb definitely fell for each other like idk abt yall but their old man yaoi was so real to me.... and cm stuck by tb's side alot even though cm never really confirmed nor denied his feelings for tb, because he kept thinking that they still had so much time left until they didn't...
(x reader) content beyond this point
in his 2nd life, he went about determined to never fall in love with anyone ever again but when he does inevitably fall for someone new, cm decided that he won't make the same mistake twice. he doesn't waste his time and lets you know right then that he likes you. whether or not you accept his confession doesn't matter — he would still treat you the same like everyone else. except that i think that he's going to be so much harder on you compared to the rest during training.
his logic here is:
train you to be the strongest you can be > higher chance of survival > can stay by his side for a much longer time
he won't be kind, he won't coddle you either and it's to the point where if you and him were together, you'd begin to wonder if he even likes you at all.
the one time you asked him to take it easy on you, that you were almost at your limit for the day... and he said no... and it pissed you off so much that all the frustration piling up quietly within your heart poured out through tears and you asked if he's ever loved you.
cm is stunned, but only for a moment before he says that he does; so stop being ridiculous and pull yourself together.
none of that soothed you so you ask him why he's so mean to you? and cm finally snapped, you're not making sense to him — he thinks that what he's doing is the best thing he could do for you, and if you can't keep up, maybe you should quit being a disciple and just live as a civilian. and because you can't fight anymore he should move you in with him. you two could play house as much as you wanted in a place that only he knew about, under his watchful eye you would never get hurt and you both would get what you both want... is this the life you are asking him to give you?
what were you supposed to say to that? if that was his way of showing his love for you, then it wasn't the type of love you'd want. you had to get away somehow... but we're talking about one of the strongest swordsman in the jiangshu... how were you?
you tried, to your credit, like a fish in a net — but cm is smart, he figures out what you need and always strives to fulfill them all, that way you can't say you're leaving him because he can't give you what you want.
in the end, you'll be so tired out that you let him do whatever he desires, much to cm's delight. the experience had taught him how to be more considerate towards his lover, and he thanks you with unwanted kisses in a show of unfiltered affection.
finally... finally you were going to stay here with him for good.
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myunghology · 9 months
— ✦ i see us, together, celebrating our anniversary.
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featuring tsukasa suou x gn! reader
warnings none!!
genre + context fluff, reader finally answering tsukasa after he courted them for over a year!?! 😱 holy moly — written in 2nd pov!
a/n i kinda teared up making this. why can't someone treat me like how tsukasa suou treats reader. Head in hands
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Almost everyone knew. No— probably everyone knew at this point that Tsukasa Suou was courting you. No one could ever miss the sweet acts he does for you everyday in school. Hell, maybe even outside of school if you will.
Tsukasa Suou; Your suitor who asked your parents personally if he could court you, to which he had 15 emotional breakdowns since he was too nervous, since if they don't allow him.. All of his plans to woo you will all be trampled down on. Luckily enough for him, your parents allowed him, though there would be serious consequences if he ever did something bad to you!
When he picks you up for school everyday— technically not him but his driver. While you say that it's too embarrassing, sulking around while Tsukasa finds an excuse for him to be the first one to see your pretty face in the morning.
And in addition to that; he never let's you sit alone at the back seat. When you try to open the door he reaches out to it and slams it shut back again before heading out in a hurry to open the door for you.
Whenever you two go out or are possibly in the same class, actually, no matter where you two are, he's always going to open the door first for you. He doesn't care if you want to open that door first because you want to be 'independent', he's already removing your hand from the door handle to open it first!
Whenever he proposes to go out somewhere nice, he always says, "Give me that, I'll take a picture of you." whenever you try to take a picture of yourself. It would be such a waste if you can't even see the beautiful background behind you in a picture, right?
Even if you don't ask, he already has multiple pictures of you on his phone whilst you sulk once again that you look bad in some of those pictures, asking him to delete them. Meanwhile he laughs, but complies. Though he is a bit sad that you say that about yourself! You always look gorgeous to him.
Tsukasa's wallpaper being the two of you at an aquarium pointing out sea animals, this picture could've never happened if he wasn't taking a picture of you himself, but then some sweet old couple offered to take this picture of you both since young love is so, so adorable.
Putting your foot on top of his knee because he noticed that your shoes were untied, kneeling down just to fix your shoe laces when you didn't even notice yourself that they were even untied in the first place.
Your other classmates have seen him carrying your heavy stuff for school projects to the classroom; even if you two aren't in the same class. Everytime he insists, you automatically turn him down saying that you can carry it yourself. Can you really, though?
He still ends up bringing them no matter how much you tell him that you don't mind bringing them yourself and that him picking you up and dropping you off at your house are already good enough and that he doesn't have to do anything more.
But even so, he probably doesn't care. It's his duty as a knight— specifically your knight to always be by your side to help you. Even when you're not together— he still checks up on you through texts or calls.
He is your suitor, but it is an unsaid rule that you both won't say 'I love you' to each other once you start dating. Making it specifically clear to everyone that he isn't your boyfriend, just incase it makes you uncomfortable.
Buying you expensive gifts, using his money and only his. Reassuring you that it's nothing while you scold him to stop spending so much money on you. "If it makes you happy.. Then I'd be happy to spend more on gifts just for you." "I appreciate it.. But it doesn't make me happy that you're spending so much money on me!"
Learning a love song in your native language just to make you happy, Sending a video of him singing it since he's too ashamed to do it in front of you; Bonus points because he calls you romantic pet names in your native language, whilst you laugh at him in a good way because he way he's trying just warms your heart by itself. "Stop laughing!"
And to which, this day finally comes.
It's been 1 year and 4 months ever since Tsukasa started courting you.
You and Tsukasa were sitting in a cute little gazebo together, the soft wind blowing through your hair as you rest your head on his shoulder, putting your phone right in front of you to record, which doesn't even confuse the male anymore— since he knew that you liked recording you two together, a small sense of intimacy between you two.
"Kasa?" You call out his nickname whilst he hums as a response. "I bought us both something for shits and giggles," You say, laughing, bringing out two fortune cookies, placing one in front of him.
He pouts playfully, but nods, gently cracking it open.
The words, 'Kasa, I love you.' perfectly written on the small slip of paper between his fingers as his eyes widen slowly, his heartbeat speeding up from the written words as he makes an attempt to stop the tears from trying to come out of his eyes.
A small and short laugh comes out of your lips as he finally turns his head to look at you, tearing his gaze away from the slip of paper that he set aside on the table, he laughs back in response to yours, with his glossy eyes and his voice that was now shaking—
"Is this a joke?" He asks in a soft voice, but it's still clearly full of love.
You shake your head, and once you do, not even a second is wasted once he pulls you into a hug; you could practically feel his heartbeat at this point. caressing your hair softly, pulling away after sometime.
He covers his mouth with the palm of his hand, not being able to stop his tears anymore from streaming down his face, you instinctively wipe his tears away with your thumb, Tsukasa's hand making it stay put so he could lay his head on the palm of your hands.
Tsukasa notices your phone recording, he goes near the camera, happily announcing; "they said yes," he sobs out once again, pulling you into another tight hug, but this time, one hand is on your head while you bury it in his neck, his other hand on your waist, his body trembling oh so slightly.
He kisses your head with nothing but pure intentions, a gentle breeze stirring your hair as Tsukasa holds you in his arms.
This causes you to smile, eventually giggling right after. "Stop laughing, I love you so much. You're worth the wait. I will never get tired of pursuing you." This time, he sulks, but he ends up laughing with you.
'Tsukasa Suou, on this day, next year.. i see us, together, celebrating our anniversary.'
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©myunghology. — me and who guys. Me and wh-
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issi-loves-dannyric · 2 months
Moonlight- LH44
A/N: No I will never get over this GIF
Warning: smut with a little angst if you squint
This was inspired by the song Girls Just Wanna Have Some - Chromatics. You don't understand how much I love that song right now. Im going to do more song-based stories because these ideas are cooking for real.
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Girls, they wanna have fun
“What is this Carlos?” 
“Baby come on” he sighs putting on his shoes 
“No what is this? I mean you hide me from the world, telling people we are just best friends but  is that all?” 
“We are friends. I have to go to the track, we can talk about it later. Don't forget your pass.” He says as he walks out of the hotel
Friends don't touch each other like we do
“Y/n” someone calls from behind as I walk towards the Ferrari garage 
“Lewis” turning to the man walking up
“Haven’t seen you without Carlos in a while” He says hugging me close. I knew Lewis had a crush on me for a long time, he even asked me out on dates but somehow Carlos was always around to prevent me from answering. 
“Yeah…sorry,” I say unwrapping my arms from him.
“For what?” He asks tilting his head to the right.
“For ignoring you for Carlos,” I reply continuing my dreaded walk to Ferrari.
“He’s your best friend, I understand” He replies following after me 
“Now more like just a close friend,” I say getting to the garage and earning a confused look.
“What do you mean by that?” He asks but somehow Carlos appears as usual knowing I won't tell him in front of Carlos he drops it to greet Carlos. 
“I’ll text you later,” I say avoiding Carlos’s confused look. 
“Yeah, well it was nice seeing you guys but you know, need to head over to Mercedes.” He says turning around not waiting for a response. 
“What was that?” Carlos asks 
“Nothing,” I reply walking away from him to sit where I will be for the rest of the race. 
“Drivers room?” He leans down asking as I look at my phone not daring to open my messages with Lewis near Carlos.
“You got a job to do” I reply earning a sigh
“I got time” 
“Focus on the race” I reply still scrolling on Instagram.
“Fine” he mumbles walking away from me, taking the chance I quickly explain to Lewis what was going on not expecting a response till after the race. I was surprised that he read it right before I could escape the message and responded.
“Y/n, you’re my friend, and I'm putting my feelings for you aside. You're not being seen as a person to him, you’re an object he uses anytime. I care about you but I respect your choices, you need to decide whether you are getting what you want from him or not. I will be your friend no matter what” 
Of course, Lewis was real about the situation, making the decision easier.
“You’re right, after the race is over, I need to leave.” I texted back 
“You know where you’re going next?”
y/n: Back home in Monaco 
Closing the messages, I open Twitter looking at fans posting pictures of me ignoring Carlos for my phone already. Some defended while others were upset if only they knew what was going on. 
Lewis: Ignore what they're saying about you, You know the truth and you're going to do what's best for you. 
Y/n: I'm trying to, I'm going to deactivate my main socials once I leave. Only use my private accounts but even then I’ll ignore them.
Lewis: You know I'm there always, anytime. 
Y/n: Thank you Lew
Lewis: Of course
Turning off my phone finally I look up watching them start getting ready for the race Alex comes to sit with me putting on the headphones with me doing the same. Charles came over to get a good luck kiss from her with Carlos following behind but did not stop by me. Turning back on my phone, I text Lewis once again:
Good luck Lew, be safe, please. 
Hitting send before once again turning off my phone. 
The garage was erupting with joy as Charles came in 2nd place with Lewis in 1st and Max in  3rd, Alex pulling me with her as goes to greet Charles. 
“Good job,” I say smiling to Charles as he lets go of Alex. 
“Thank you Y/n. Carlos is probably in his driver's room” He replies assuming I would be going to comfort him. 
“He’ll be fine, it's not about him right now,” I say smiling at him before he’s taken away again. Feeling a buzz in my pocket I look down to see a message from Lewis. 
Lewis: I guess you’re now my lucky charm.
Y/n: Congratulations Lew
“y/n,” Alex says pulling me towards the ceremony. 
“What's going on with you?” 
“Nothing,” I say while shrugging not trying to convince her. She attempts to push further but the ceremony starts. 
Lewis stands on the tallest spot holding the trophy up in the air before looking down onto the crowd. His smile widens when he looks toward where Alex and I stand, cameras immediately follow his gaze to me causing my face to heat up.
Moving my stuff back into my suitcase, I go through the big hotel once again making sure I have everything with me. This situationship with Carlos can't go on anymore, I'm mentally exhausted from trying to be with someone who doesn't want the same thing as me. Carlos stopped messaging and calling me after last night when I refused once again. 
Lewis: Are you leaving today?
Y/n: yeah, I'm following through with the plan. 
Lewis: Text me when you get home so I know you're safe
Y/n: of course 
Y/n: Im home safely 
Lewis: Good, I'll be in Monaco in a few days, see me when I get there.
Y/n: yeah, where are we going?
Lewis: how about we take Roscoe on my boat and just hang out for the day?
Y/n: Sounds good to me, I miss the baby boy
Lewis: I think you want to see him more than me
Y/n: No I love you both equally
Lewis: Sure, get some rest. I’ll see you soon.
Staring into the water I feel Lewis's presence behind me. 
“You know how to swim right?” 
“Yeah,” I replied looking back at him and seeing the smirk on his face. Quickly clocking what he’s about to do I try my best at pleading him not to.
“Lew no, no!” I shriek as he picks me up tossing me into the cold water. I feel him dive in near me as I break the surface and wipe my face so I can open my eyes. He breaks the surface immediately doing the same as me then pulling me closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist securing me tightly to him. 
“Rude” I pout earning a chuckle from him causing me to turn the pout into a smile. 
“You looked like you wanted to swim.” He says shrugging moving one hand to my thigh and pulling it to wrap around his waist. Now holding onto him with my arms and legs, his hands go back to my waist but lower. Looking into his eyes they shift between my eyes to lips, “I want to kiss you” he states watching my face for a reaction. 
“Why not do it?” I respond tilting my head to the side and smirking. 
“It’s not a good idea…” he trails off looking away from me putting his head to the crook of my neck. 
“Sounds like you don’t believe that” I counter
“Your situation with Carlos…” 
“Who said I still want him?”
“What do you mean” he asks, the feeling of his lips brushing against my neck making me tighten my grip on him slightly. 
“You saw how he treated me, why would I still want him? Maybe I want someone else” The last sentence made him move his head to look at her. Looking between her lips once again, “god Lewis just kiss me already” I groan out getting impatient but he doesn’t need to be told again cause his lips are on mine. Hugging me even closer to him, his right hand drifts to my butt grabbing it. Moaning a little into the kiss he sticks his tongue into my mouth. 
“We should probably go back onto the boat with Roscoe,” I say pulling away from him to go to the ladder. 
“Ladies first,” he says allowing me to go up first. 
“Just say you want to see my ass next time” 
“So there’s a next time” 
“Of course” I reply going over to where Roscoe lies on the couch in the shade. “Hey baby boy,” I say in a baby voice scratching his head. 
“Why don’t you greet me like that” Lewis says watching her interact with the dog
“Your daddy is jealous of you Roscoe,” I say still paying attention to said dog. 
“I’m not jealous but you can keep calling me that,” he says with a smirk causing me to raise an eyebrow at him. “Just saying” he shrugs sitting next to Roscoe also petting the dog. Thinking of an idea, I walk up to Lewis straddling him. 
“So you want me to call you daddy huh?” I ask tilting my head down slightly at him. 
“Coming from you…it’s nice” he responds rubbing his hands on my thighs. Dipping my head into the crook of his neck I start kissing up and down it. He grips my thighs pulling even tighter against him. Removing my lips from his neck I peck his lips before shifting to get off him. Tugging me back to him my heat brushes against his now hardened dick making me breathe unsteadily for a second. “Should go back” I say with our lips barely touching. 
“Who is it that you want now?” He says not letting go or moving further
“You already know Lewis.” 
“Say it” he replies almost like he’s out of breath. 
“I want you, Lewis. Only want you” I tell him, he pulls me into a deep kiss. Wrapping an arm around my waist and a hand on my butt pulling me to grind on his hard dick. “As much as I want to do more, Roscoe is right next to us,” I say looking over at the sleeping dog. 
“You’re right” he sighs like he’s giving up. “We could do it in the kitchen or the bedroom you know” 
“Lewis!” I shout making him laugh
“I’m only kidding love” he replies kissing my shoulder before letting me go. 
“Come back to my house?” He asks moving to steer the boat. 
“Of course” I reply going back to cuddling and scratching Roscoe. 
“Go lay down,” he tells Roscoe after taking his harness off him. 
“You come here,” he says looking up at me. Moving from the doorway once I’m close enough he takes my hand in his, “Let’s finish what you started”. Pressing his lips to mine he lets go of my hand wrapping an arm around my waist and the other hand behind my neck. Letting go of my lips, he kisses down my neck making me grip onto him more and whimper. Kissing my lips softly before pulling me into his room. Taking my phone from me, tossing it onto the bed, Immediately going back to kiss me, pulling the bottom of my shirt up. Taking it off the rest of the way, he follows my actions looking down at me with blow pupils as he realizes I had nothing under the shirt. 
“Fuck” he whispers pulling me closer to him, then pushing me down onto the mattress. Moving to be above me he attacks my lips once again. Kissing down to my neck, to my collarbone, stopping at my boobs. Putting one in his mouth and squeezing the other with his hand causes me to moan. Letting go of my boobs, his free hand moves to the loose shorts I had put on while he harshly kisses my neck. Tugging the shorts slightly before I shift under him telling him to move so I can take them off.
Once they’re off I’m left naked in his bed, he does the same with his shorts going back on top of me. Quick to put his lips on mine, his hands wander across my body while I pull him closer. His right-hand makes its way onto my pussy. Rubbing it before putting his fingers in caused me to moan into my mouth. 
“You’re so fucking beautiful” he pauses resting his forehead on mine. “I’m so selfish, if I could have you all to myself I would. No one ever touches you like I do.” He says curling his fingers in me making me moan while looking up at him. 
“Make me all yours then” pressing my lips to his, reciprocating the kiss back. His fingers start working harder making me moan in the kisses more. 
“All mine.” He states while moving to my neck leaving marks but I can’t care, right? “My good girl” he adds curling his fingers again. 
“Lewis please fuck me“ I moan out wanting nothing more than to also please him. 
“You want me to fuck you?” He asks pulling his fingers out leaning back, pulling my hips signaling for me to turn onto my hands and knees. Rubbing my entrance with his fingers and tip, he repeats his question. “You want me to fuck you, love?” 
“Yes,” I breathed out “Please” I added. 
“Good girl,” he says pushing into me finally. We both moan as he slowly enters, “taking me so well”. He starts to gently and slowly thrust into me being careful. No longer being tense from the initial intrusion I push back into his thrusts. Taking that as a sign he starts moving faster, leaving us both moaning and groaning from the pleasure. 
Feeling my phone buzz somewhere on the bed slows down but doesn’t stop. 
“Who’s the fuck is calling?” I groan out feeling him lean over he grabs it reading the name. 
“Carlos is”
“Ignore it, block him after you fuck me,” I say while pushing into the slow thrusts. 
“Answer it,” he says handing me the phone
“Just do it,” he says pushing in hard.
“Fine” I moan out not wanting to still. “What” I answer 
“You’ve been ignoring me.” He states 
“Oh oops,” I struggle out while he picks up his pace, putting his hand in my hair he tugs my head back so he can what he’s doing to me.  
“I miss you” 
“No you don’t” I breathe out trying to hold in my moans. 
“I do, I miss my friend, I miss our time together.” 
“You miss the sex” I groan out which could be mistaken for annoyance and unknowingly to him it’s from pleasure. 
“What’s the difference?”
“God you’re fucking pathetic” groaning out again trying to hide the pleasure Lewis is causing me. 
“What are you doing right now? I’m in Monaco right now”
“Not home, busy actually” I breathe out 
“Too busy for me?” He asks hope to get what he wants. Lewis getting tired of trying to be quiet grabs the phone. 
“Yeah, she’s a little doing other things you know?” He says finally fucking me harder and louder making me moan. Before Carlos could say anything he ended the call tossing the phone aside. Pulling me up towards him more by my hair, “You’re such a good girl huh?” 
“Yes,” I moan out louder. 
“Yes…” he trails off slamming himself into me. His other hand grabbed my throat. 
“Yes Daddy” I moan out making him groan. 
“All mine, only mine” he states letting go of me, allowing me to go back to leaning on my arms. Pulling out he turns me onto my back, he reinserts himself into me. “I want to watch you cum on my dick.” He says using one hand to rub my clit and the other to grope my boobs. 
“Lewis, I’m close” I moan out harder
“Yeah, fuck me too. You’re such a good girl, taken my dick well.” 
“Fuck cum in me please” I moan out as he leans forward pressing kisses up my chest to my lips. 
“You want me to cum in you?” 
“Yes, please” again moan into his kiss “I’m going cum”
“Cum on my dick” he states fastening his pace both hands and thrusts. Tighten onto his dick, arching my back as he continues his thrusts. Not longer after my release he comes, painting my insides with his cum. Pulling out he collapsed next to me, pulling me into his side. 
“I mean it, I want you to be my girlfriend” Lewis breathes out after catching his breath slightly. 
“I want to be your girlfriend” I reply looking up at him. Smiling widely he kisses me hard holding me closely. “As much as I want to lay with you, we need to get cleaned up.”
“You’re right, come shower with me baby girl”
The cameras that followed him felt like they weren't even there, he never moved far from me when they were around him. 
Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the rest of the world.
He jumped at the chance to show me off at the races. Holding my hand as we walked through the paddock, pulling me closer for pictures and only letting go to greet people but his hand quickly found mine. Becoming his girlfriend was the best decision I have made. 
 This race, in particular, went on the anxiety was up, Max leading with Lewis following behind and Lando in third. Crossing the finish line he jumped out running over pressing his lips to mine immediately, “Told you, you are my lucky charm.”
“Congratulations amor, Te Amo”
“I love you too,” He says hugging me as close as he can. “I have media stuff to do, wait in the motor home,” he says before walking away.
Some boys take a beautiful girl and hide her away from the world,
I want to be one to walk in the sun. 
“Are you serious with him?” The voice of Carlos speaks up before I can slip into Lewis’s room. 
“Yes,” I say walking away feeling like I’m going to throw up…again actually. 
“What about our friendship?” He asks pouting 
“I don’t know, I need to go though” I sigh trying to get to the motorhome faster, feeling worse. 
The second I’m in the home, I lay on the bed with Roscoe coming up to my stomach. Nudging me slightly for pets rest his head on my stomach now. Drifting off into a nap until I’m woken by Roscoe’s growling. Opening my eyes and looking at where he’s growling it’s the door where his dad is coming. 
“ cálmate Roscoe” I groan feeling sick once again. 
“Roscoe it’s just me” Lewis speaks out walking closer, Roscoe now standing to protect me. 
“Roscoe it’s your dad” I groan again wanting nothing but silence so I can focus on not getting sick. This time he lets up moving to lay back down with me close to my stomach again. 
“Baby you okay?” Lewis asks brushing hair away from my face
“Yeah,” I quietly say with my eyes closed. 
“Are you sure?” he asks getting concerned. 
“Just not feeling great” I answered hoping the conversation would go away. Of course, it wouldn’t. 
“When we get back to Monaco, you need to see a doctor. Most of the time now you don’t feel good. I’m concerned.” 
“I know mi amor, I will. I want to go to the hotel and nap, go celebrate with the others mi amor.” I say finally shifting upwards. Slowly getting up from the bed Lewis is quick to make sure I’m walking alright. 
“No I’ll stay with you,” he tells me, not having the energy to fight him I just nod. 
The flight home wasn’t much better but some solace in it was that I was going to the doctors soon to figure out what was going on. Lewis holding me close as Roscoe will let him, “Just got to get through today then you're going to know what’s going on” he mumbles into my hair. 
“Mhm,” I agree, keeping my eyes shut and avoiding any lights. 
“Do you want me to come with you?”
“I’ll be okay amor,” I tell him finally opening my eyes to look at him. Pressing my lips to his cheek, “I love you” I mumble still placing kisses on his cheek before settling my head onto his shoulder once again. 
“I love you too, are you sure you don’t want me to drive you? I just want you to be safe, I don’t have to be in meetings tomorrow.” He asks again 
“Lew, I promise I can handle a short appointment. It’s probably something like chronic migraines. It’ll be fine, stop worrying and I will tell you what they say”
“Okay okay I will stop mi amor” he replies giving up and cuddling into me rubbing my back. Roscoe quickly noticed, coming up between us. “Roscoe come on buddy, again?” Lewis sighs but gives in to what the dog wants. 
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” He asks earning a nod from me
“Congratulations, you’re going to be a mother. Other than that, the tests came back fine. It’s probably just morning sickness seeing as how you are only in your first trimester.” The doctor states making my heart drop, I’m going to be a mother and Lewis will be a father. We’ve never talked about it, we’ve only been together a little over a month. 
Going home first I shower then change my outfit to something loose. Looking in the mirror I finally notice I do look bloated but not much. I pick up my phone and keys before going back to Lewis’.
Walking into Lewis' apartment, Roscoe is quick to greet me at the door. Trying to wag the tail he doesn’t have so he’s shaking his butt excited to see me. “Hey baby boy,” I say quietly squatting to his level scratching his ears. 
“Hey baby,” Lewis says walking into the living room from the hallway. 
“Hey amor, thought you were going to go to meetings,” I say looking back at Roscoe who flopped to his side. 
“They were canceled, how was the doctor?” Asking the question I was dreading. Standing up from where I was squatting feeling I slight dizziness I pause rubbing my head. Lewis quickly makes his way over holding my face, “what’s wrong” he asks getting concerned. 
“Might want to sit down” I say looking up at his concerned face. Letting go of my face pulling me to the couch with him. Watching my face closely he speaks up, “Baby you’re scaring me just tell me what’s wrong”
“Okay okay” I sigh pausing and looking at Roscoe who got up between us again. “You’re going to be a father, surprising,” I say quickly making a shocked face. 
“You’re-“ pausing “Pregnant? You’re not fucking with me right” he breathes out. 
“I’m serious, amor,” I tell him still unsure of his reaction, but he smiles now. 
“I’m going to be a father” he repeats excitedly, “I wouldn’t want anyone else to have a family with” putting his hand under my chin causing me to smile. 
“I love you” pressing my lips to his 
“I love you so much” murmuring into the kiss. 
For the next 2  and a half months, Lewis and I move in together while looking for a house to buy. His words were that he wanted the baby to grow up in a nice house where it could grow. Lewis was adamant about hiring movers so I didn't stress my body. The past few race weekends I spent inside, in general, I've been inside. I'm not hiding that I'm pregnant but not shouting it at the top of my lungs. Plus the first stages of pregnancy were hard on my body.
This is the first race in a while that I decided I could attend announcing that we are going to be parents.
“Baby, are you sure you want to go?” Lewis asks as I get ready to leave the hotel with him.
“I'm sure Amor, besides Alex, will be there in case I need something,” I reply moving closer to him, putting my arms around his neck. “Stop worrying so much about me and worry about the race,” I tell him while pecking his cheek. 
“Fine but I'm still going to worry about you guys” He replies letting go of me and grabbing the keys, roscoes leash, and keycard to the room. 
The media were quick to snap pictures of us walking together hand in hand. The second they notice the bump the flashes start to go off faster. 
“Y/n” Alex shouts seeing me again for the first time in months. Letting go of Charles she starts walking fast over to us with Charles following with Leo in hand. “Oh my god, I didn’t know you were pregnant” she squeals hugging me before letting go, looking at my bump. Lewis and Charles greeted each other while watching us,  “I’m the godmother right?” She asks with a serious look
“If you want to be then yes” I giggle making her excited. 
“I have to go to the garage, call me if you need anything. Come to the garage before the race starts” Lewis tells me wrapping an arm around my lower back and leaning to kiss me. 
“I will” I reply pecking him and taking Roscoe from him who is happy to be with me. Turning back to Alex Charles is also making his way to the Ferrari Garage leaving Leo in Alex’s hands. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me” she marveled walking further into the paddock. 
“The only people I told were our families and of course Wolff family as well” I comfort her.
“Have you picked names at all or know the gender” 
“No, and no, haven’t thought of names and choosing to wait to find out the gender.”
“So a surprise?” 
“Yup, but we should start thinking of names. We’ve been so busy with the house-buying process  that haven’t stopped to think of other things.”
“You guys are buying a house” she excitedly asks.
“Yeah, we want the baby to have a childhood home. Should be another month until it’s ours officially”
“Oh my god please tell me you’re going to invite some people over to see it.” She asked getting excited again
“I think we will” I smile 
“I don’t want to dampen the mood but have you seen Carlos yet?”
“Haven’t bumped into him yet, haven’t even spoken to him since the last race I attended.” I shrug. 
“I’m going to the Ferrari garage now, do you want to come with me? I don’t want to stress you out.” She asks concerned
“I’ll come with, I was friends with some of the mechanics so would be nice to see them again,” I reply looking back down at Roscoe who’s staring at me. Walking beside her a Mercedes admin is coming up to us. 
“Y/n, we want to film some content with Roscoe right now, do you mind if we take him?” Nodding I had the leash over to her smiling at the confused dog. The admin pulls the leash to get his attention but the dog doesn’t budge.
“Roscoe go with her baby,” I tell him waving not being able to bend down to his level safely here. Finally, the dog sadly waddles with the admin. 
“You know a lot of people say their dogs became extremely protective of their owners when a baby is on the way,” Alex says petting Leo’s ears. 
“Really?” I ask thinking about the time when Roscoe got in between Lewis and me or even stood guard randomly. 
“Yeah I guess so”
“That makes sense oh my god. Remember the last race I attended?” I ask her 
“Well I bumped into Carlos while I was starting to feel sick, I went to Lewis’ motorhome to lay down. Roscoe came over to cuddle and when Lewis was trying to come in, Roscoe was going crazy. He was barely allowing him to come over to me.” I explain 
“Aw oh my god, you guys have the cutest family already”
“I know” I giggle being cocky with her rolling her eyes jokingly. Stepping into the garage handing Leo to Joris to take him to Charles’ driver's room. 
“Y/n” one of the mechanics shouts looking up from the car, “we heard the rumors you’re going to be a mom!” He continues looking at my bump,” So it’s true!” 
“Yes baby Hamilton coming soon” I laugh rubbing the bump. 
“The baby’s going to be a Ferrari fan correct?” Another asks crossing his arms 
“Of course, it’s dad will be your driver next season, and besides everyone is a Ferrari fan at heart,” I replied, earning a laugh and excitement from them. From behind one of them, I could see Carlos standing watching our interaction. “As much as I would like to stay, got to go to Mercedes. I will see you guys again soon and more next season” I say happily making my way towards the exit. 
“Y/n, do you want me to drop you off?” Alex asks concerned much like Lewis
“I will be okay” I confirm hugging her and kissing her cheeks. Letting go I make my way towards Mercedes. 
“Y/n” the one voice I didn’t want to hear speaks up, ignoring him I try to keep going towards the garage. “Y/n wait come on”
“Carlos please leave me alone” I groan.
“I just want to know something, is it his?” He asks making me annoyed. 
“Yes Carlos it is, wouldn’t have been anyone else”
“Are you sure?” he asks not believing me 
“He is the only person I’ve been with for how long I am. Now leave me alone” demanded walking off faster. The second I’m in the garage, Lewis is focused on a screen, I sit with Susie Wolff who looks concerned seeing how upset I look. 
“Hey, everything okay?” She quietly asks trying not to gather attention, especially from Lewis. 
“Just bumped into Carlos and he tried implying that Lewis isn’t the father. I told him there’s no chance it’s someone else’s. It’s not even a big deal but just- you know how pregnancy hormones are” I sigh still trying to be quiet. 
“Of course, I’m always here for you.” She says rubbing my knee making me smile at her. Leaning back into the chair I pull my phone out to see Lewis and I are trending with pictures of us together. “Bringing back your socials?” Lewis asks over my shoulder. 
“Think so, maybe make an official announcement” I smile turning to look up at him in his race suit already.
“I support whatever you do” he states pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“Alright, lover boy time to get in the car” Toto comes up putting his hands on his shoulders. 
“Alright alright.”
“I love you” pressing another kiss to my lips before letting go. 
“I love you too”
“Lewis Hamilton taking the Italian Grand Prix win, Verstappen in second, and in Charles Leclerc. This win is big for Hamilton as this is the first race in a long time that his pregnant girlfriend has attended.” 
Lewis runs over to the team hugging everyone before taking me in his arms, “all for you and our baby” he says muffled from the helmet. Kissing the front of it I let him go do his after-race interviews. Quickly met up with Alex again for the podium ceremony holding hands with her as we stood in the front with Ferrari, Redbull, and Mercedes teams close by us. Lewis standing on the highest podium holding the trophy in the air before kissing it. All eyes were on him but his directed only on me. Smiling I said “I love you” making him smile harder before doing it back. 
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Liked by LewisHamilton, Charles_leclerc, Alexandrasaintmleux and 2,000,981 others
Y/nofficial: Baby Hamilton coming soon
LewisHamilton: My girl and our baby❤️ te amo
-y/nofficial: te amo❤️
Daniel Ricciardo: no more having to listen to him whine that you rejected him
-LewisHamilton: now just me simply for my girl
-Y/nofficial: who taught you that?
-LewisHamilton: I’m not old
-LandoNorris: lies 
Charles_Leclerc: if Alex is godmother then I’m godfather right?
-y/nofficial: haha
-Charles_Leclerc: RIGHT???
-LewisHamilton: don’t worry you are
-landonorris: why not me
-danielricciardo: Lando you’re a baby yourself, I should be godfather
-georgerussel: I should be
-Yukitsunoda0511: I should be
User1: not them fighting the be godfather 
-landonorris: it’s an important title, more than world champion 
-user2: LANDO LMAO
User3: Lewis and Y/n becoming is something I didn’t know I needed. 
User4: Carlos crying right now 
-Liked by LewisHamilton 
User5: Y/n is back and announced she is pregnant! I’m crying, you’re crying, we all are crying
-user6: Confirmed
-user7: Confirmed
I wanna be the one to walk in the sun
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AN: requests are still open for all drivers, if I don't do yours then I might be struggling with ideas. I will try my best to get around to all.
Ofc also if you want more F1 friends my requests are there and we can become mutual.
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katsukikoi · 9 months
Hi Atlas, can I request a headcanon of how the Jujutsu Kaisen boys would react when you stand up for them when someone's talking bad about them.
If it's possible, can you do Gojo, Toji and Choso? I feel like they would be the type of people who usually don't care about what people say about them, but when their partner stands up for them and defends them, they just feel really nice and wondered what they did to deserve someone like you. Thank you! 🥹
Hi sweetheart, ill try my best!
Characters; Gojo, Toji and Choso
warnings; non.
y/n so is sweet, so sweet.
So when she get over protective with Gojo, he gets so swooned.
Gojo, wouldn't think about how others care, in fact he would just take it as a joke and his ego would grow, smirking and smiling.
But, when his little girlfriend gets all protective all because of someone talking shit about him, he wouldn't stop teasing her about it.
"The only reason why your girlfriend is with you is because you have looks and money, you lack a personality. Gojo Satoru." They sneered, Dragging out his name in hate, making gojo only smirk, with a shrug waving them off. It hurt a bit, they weren't wrong, he has the looks and money. He knows that, its engraved in his brain since he was a teen. Spoilt, cocky and dam good looking.
It wasn't different, everyday was like this, it wasn't new to him.
y/n heard them, she glared. Hard. Making the attacker shudder.
"well, i have never heard something so incorrect. Toru' has personality, more than you do. Your only a 2nd grade sorcerer, and your older. Please, do tell me about that? wasn't toru' the one who saved you from a low graded curse the other day? are you really insecure? " y/n calmly spoke, side eying them the whole time as she basically dismissed them
"how embarrassing." she spat out, with a sickeningly sweet smile her hands crossed in a traditional kimono. She wore white, with beautiful blue to match Satoru’s eyes.
The other sorcerer shamefully looked down as they scampered away tail inbetween their legs.
"huphm" she huffed, she turned to look at Satoru, not realising he was already looking at her with a awe struck face.
"baby.." he spoke, whispering as he felt a new emotion he hasnt felt since geto. y/n looked up, blinking as she watched his face, he giggled, picking her up and spinning.
"gojo! what the hell are you doing?" she laughed, putting her forehead with his. Letting him peppering her face. making her giggle more at his antics. She tried to push him off, but couldnt. "i love you" was blabbered out of his mouth as he kissed her face.
Satoru Gojo, would never do that to anyone, but now that he has y/n. He would never let her go, he felt so loved and warm on the inside.
Toji doesn't care about how people talk about him, having been around it everyday even before his girlfriend, and son.
Toji was a strong, very strong man, but he is so weak with his women. It was no surprise that he was flabbergasted and weak to his knees. The way she would carry herself and his son; megumi. God, he was so in love.
"Toji Zenin, you have grown weak, that women has made you weak." the higher ups would nag and nag, toji would just shrug them off as he made them no mind.
"soon your lover, will leave you and your son." The higher up spoke, smugly as if he knew his family. This would make Toji's mind click, and think. "really?" he said, in this mind, he would never say it has he laughed it off.
It wasn't until the said women came in holding young megumi's hand, " oi! stop terrorising my husband huh? you stupid old man. Im surprised that you dont have family with your age." she spoke, now picking up little megumi as he giggled, holding his step mother as he did so. y/n walked pass as she tapped her boyfriends chest, kissing his bicep as she passed.
She looked back at the stuttering and gawking man. "can i help you?" she asked, sassily. Popping her hip as Toji, slowly wrapped a hand around her hip, he wouldn't stop looking at her, smirking as he realised that he wants to marry this women. His gaze shifted from her to megumi who was crawled up on her.
The higher up now long gone as he huffed and walked off.
"Toji, dear are you--" she started as she quickly got pulled into a messy kiss. "Toji..?" she spoke, pulling away as she batted her half-lidded eyes.
Toji laughed as he pulled this family with him, his whole world. " didn't needa' do that sweets." he spoke, pulling her closer. As close as he can as she fitted into his hip, molding with his own body. Fitting nicely.
"well, i didnt like how they were talking about you, s'all." she spoke, shyly as she bopped megumi's nose and kissed it.
"husband huh?" his smile, turning into a wide smirk.
Choso never cared about what the other curses said, only caring about his little brother Yuji and his women y/n.
Choso never recognised anyone else words but y/n's.
He was swooning when he first saw her talking to his little brother, he was shy at first. But as they grew together, he now doesn't stop, grabbing, kissing, touching, talking. Wherever she was, he close by. Watching out for his clumsy women.
“watch where your going you stupid curse.” a teenager spat at the man who looked at him then back at his women, he moved past him as he went to embrace his girl. Who was talking with yuji, smiling as she did so.
“oi! im talking to you!” The teen used 3rd grade jujutsu, ready to attack the man. Not before y/n used her own jujutsu to shield the weak attack. “your an idiot, go back to class.” she spoke, glaring down as she did so. She flicked his head rolling her eyes, “fucking waste of time. Im surpised gojo-sensei saw something in you, beacuse i surely dont.” she mocked, makimg the teen frown. But he listened, running back to his friends embarrassed.
Choso, blinked. Looking back and forth at the scene. He felt his heart flutter, smiling softly at the women.
He turned her by the loop of her belt, He leaned in to give her a peck on the lips. “choso?” she whispered on his lips.
“thank you, you didnt need to baby girl.” he smiled.
i hope you enjoyed and i pray that was your liking, ots not really a hc, its more of a imagine type thing! if you don’t like it, i can redo it!
( requests are open! look at my page for the rules <3 )
much love, atlas. 💣✨
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Always Protected
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I’ve got requests- ignore them if you want, but I had to try.
If you could I’d like (all plus sized/curvy reader):
Beau Arlen- meets reader in town, takes her out, maybe dancing, I picture him to be super protective if someone says something to her about her size. LOVES him some thick girl
*This is for you 😁 I hope I bring your vision to life. Thank you for trusting me with a request!!*
Characters:Beau Arlen x Plus Size Reader
Warnings: Language, insecurities, physical violence, Fluff,
A/N: This is my 2nd request and I’m so excited to write it. I wrote it fast so please forgive any mistakes. This does not follow The Big Sky story line. I’m working on these requests fast because I’m inspired. 😁
All work is my own, don’t take it!!
Minors DNI 18+
“Come on Beau, you’ve got to get some food. You’ve been here all night and all day. When was the last time you actually slept?” Jenny asked. “I think yesterday afternoon I fell asleep at my desk. Jenny I have to get this solved. It’s driving me crazy. I’m missing something I know I am.” He grunted as he stood. “Go get something to eat. It will help clear your head. Get it to go if you want to. Just please go. We need our sheriff in too shape.” She pleaded. “Okay Hoyt. I’m getting it to go. I’ll be back. Want anything?” He asked as he grabbed his jacket. “Nope. I’m good thanks” she smiled.
Beau got in his truck and drove into town. He had to park further away from the diner because it was lunch time. As he walked down the street greeting people he smelled something amazing. There in the once vacant shop was a new bakery. How did he not know a bakery was opening. The smell coming from inside was drawing him in. He pushed open the door.
You were busy with a customer when you heard the bell chime above the door. “Welcome in. Please take a look around and I’ll be right with you.” You said without looking at the person who came in. You finished with the customer you were helping and noticed a very tall man standing with his back to you. He was looking at the dessert case on the opposite wall. You came around the counter and approached him. “Hello. Welcome in is there anything you’re looking for specifically today” you asked him.
He turned around and oh lord this man was gorgeous. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green and wow was he beautiful. You swallowed hard and shifted a little bit. “Oh I was walking by and smelled something amazing coming from in here and had to stop by.” His voice was like smooth whiskey.
You smiled and said “oh it could be the pecan pie I have in the oven.”
Beau’s eyes went wide. “You have pecan pie too? I’m from Texas and we love our pecan pie.” Beau said. “Yep I sure do. It has to cool but I can save you some if you want.” You smiled. “Yes. That will be perfect. I’m going to grab some lunch and I’ll come back later if that’s okay.” He said.
“Yep. Sounds great. I’ll save you some” you smiled. He nodded and smiled and headed towards the door. He stopped and turned around looking at you again and smiled. You blushed and started helping the next customer.
Beau walked over to the diner with a smile on his face. He couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful you were. Your smile, your y/e/c eyes, your curvy body, and your kindness. He knew you were new in town and he wanted to know more about you.
He decided to eat at the diner and while he was there he chatted with some of the people there. “Hey Sheriff Arlen, how are you today” Ms Carol asked from behind the counter. “I’m good. How are you doing” he smiled. “I’m good honey. I’m thankful for Miss Y/N next door at the bakery. She’s been helping us out with our desserts recently. I can’t keep up with the desserts like I used to and she offered to help us out. She’s a sweet girl. She won’t take any money either. She just swings by for some lunch when she gets a chance.” She told Beau.
Beau smiled. Wow she really is sweet he thought. “That’s really nice Ms Carol. I’m glad you’ve got some help.” He said. The bell above the door rang and you walked in. “Hey Ms Carol. Here’s your pies and some cookies for Mr John. I hope he gets to feeling better.” You said as you handed her the food. “Oh Y/N you are such a sweetheart. Thank you and I know John will love these.” She hugged you.
You looked over and saw Beau sitting at the counter. You smiled at him and he smiled at you. He extended his hand “we didn’t get properly introduced, I’m Beau Arlen. I’m the temporary Sheriff here.” “Hello Mr Arlen, Sheriff, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to officially meet you. Well I need to get back. Don’t forget to come by and get your pie.” You smiled. “No ma’am I won’t forget.” He smiled.
You nodded and said goodbye and left. Ms Carol was watching and smiled at Beau. “Beau, you know she’s single, right? Maybe you two could go out to dinner or something fun. You both deserve it.” She winked. Beau smiled and nodded. “Maybe Ms Carol. Maybe.”
He got up, paid his tab and headed back towards your bakery. He walked in and the sweet smell of the shop filled his nose. The place smelled like home. His mother loved to bake and the smell was bringing back sweet memories of her. You were stocking the case when he came back in and you greeted him with a smile.
“Welcome back Sheriff. I have your pie right here.” You handed him a full pie. “Please call me Beau, and you didn’t have to save the whole pie. Thank you Y/N.” “It’s my pleasure, Beau. The sheriff deserves his own pie. Especially a Texas boy.” You smiled and winked. “How much do I owe you Y/N?” He pulled out his wallet. “Nothing. This one is on the house” you told him. “What?! No, I can’t let you do that. Please let me pay for it.” He pleaded. You stood firm and shook your head no.
Beau knew it was a losing battle. “Well, then let me take you out to dinner as a thank you.” He said. You stood there with your words caught in your throat. “What do you say Y/N? Let me take you out tonight” he said. “Okay sure. I close at 6 so let me go home and change and you can pick me up at 7:30 or I can meet you there.” You said. Beau moved closer to you “I’ll pick you up and it’s a date.”
You bit your lip and smiled. A date?!? This gorgeous man was asking you out?!?
The rest of the day flew by and it was time to lock up and head home. You got home and got in the shower. You had no idea where he was taking you so you wanted to dress comfortable but nice. You decided to wear a pair of your favorite jeans that hugged every curve of your body perfectly, a nice top that showed off your cleavage just enough and a pair of boots that had a little heel. You put on a little makeup and your hair was half up and half down.
You took a step back looking in the mirror. You always had problems with your body. You carried a little more weight than you should and you were curvy. Most of your clothes hid your body well. The outfit you picked did just that. You liked Beau. You were just worried if he could like you, curves and all.
There was a knock at your door. You took a deep breath and opened it to see Beau standing on your porch. He was dressed in a pair of jeans, a button down shirt and a pair of worn cowboy boots. The wind shifted and you smelled his cologne. It was heavenly. “Hello Beau. Come on in. I’m almost ready.” You stepped to the side. He walked in and sat on the couch.
You finished getting ready and as you walked into the living room he stood and stared. “You’re absolutely beautiful Y/N. Wow!” He said and you blushed. “Thank you, Beau. You look very handsome tonight.” You smiled.
He guided you outside by the small of your back and opened the truck door for you. You climbed in and smiled. He got in and started the truck. “So where are we going” you asked. “I’m taking you to a restaurant a town over. Great food and music.” He smiled. You nodded.
He reached his hand over and took yours. “Is this okay” he questioned. You smiled “more than okay.” The drive to the restaurant was good. The two of you talked about life and how both of you ended up in Montana. You thought it was sweet he moved there to be closer to his daughter.
When you arrived at the restaurant Beau got out and came around opening your door. He offered you his hand helping you out of the truck. As you got out you lost your balance and started to fall. Beau caught you and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. He didn’t and you were a little disappointed.
As the two of you walked into the restaurant hand in hand a group of drunk men came out. They took one look at you and Beau and started talking about your weight and one of them went so far as to moo at you. You tried to ignore it but they kept going.
Beau stopped walking. “What the hell is y’all’s problem” he seethed. “No problem at all. How do you fuck her? Slap the leg and ride the wave?” The taller man said. Beau let go of your hand and stepped in front of you and between you and the men.
“You need to shut your mouth and leave before I shut it for you.” Beau growled. “Beau, come on. Let’s go. It’s okay. Please” you begged him as tears pricked your eyes. He turned and looked at you. His face was angry but softened when he looked at you. “It’s not okay. Nobody should ever speak to you like that.” He said.
“Beau, I’m used to it. I just want to go inside.” You told him. He nodded and smiled. Beau put his hand at the small of your back and led you inside. The two of you sat down and ordered your food. While you were waiting on the food the two of you talked more and got to know each other better. The food came and a comfortable silence fell between you two.
You excused yourself and went to the restroom. You steadied your breath. Beau was amazing and you could see yourself falling for him. You were scared though. How could he be with someone like you, and would he want to. Screw it you thought. He asked you out so that’s something. Throw caution to the wind you thought.
On your way back to the table a man that had been at the bar stepped in front of you. “Where you off to in such a hurry there princess” his alcohol smelling breath engulfed you. “Excuse me. I’m heading back to my boyfriend.” You said as you nodded towards Beau. “That string bean is your boyfriend? Honey a big girl like you needs a real man.” He said as he grabbed your arm.
You screamed for him to get off you and this caught Beau’s attention. Before you could process what was happening Beau was by your side pulling you to safety. The man had about 2-3 inches on him but Beau stood his ground. “Keep your hands off the lady” he growled. “Oh come on man I’m just trying to show her what a big girl like her really needs” he said laughing. Beau stood in between you two now. “I said back off. Don’t make me tell you again.” Beau said.
The man grabbed your arm again and pulled you hard causing you to yelp in pain. Beau knocked the guy flat on his ass and pulled you into his arms. “Are you okay darlin” he asked. Tears were streaming down your face and you shook your head no.
Beau paid the tab and helped you outside. You climbed in the truck and he held you as you cried. “I’m sorry Beau. I’m sorry you had to defend me because of my size. I’m sorry the man grabbed me. I understand if you don’t want to see me again.” You sobbed.
“Oh sweetheart. You have nothing to be sorry for. That man was a jackass and he had no right talking to you like that or putting his hands on you. I love the way you look. You’re so beautiful to me. I’m sorry people don’t see how beautiful you are. Inside and out.” Beau wiped away the tears from your face.
He leaned over and kissed your lips softly. When he pulled away he looked at you. “Was that okay” he asked. “More than okay, Beau. It was amazing.” You whispered. “Good because I’ve wanted to do that since the first time I saw you this morning and if you’re okay with it I’m going to do it again.” You smiled and nodded.
This time the kiss was deeper and passionate. Oh the way he kissed you set your soul on fire. He started the truck to drive home and he held your hand again. You knew Beau Arlen was going to be one of the best things in your life. You knew he was going to protect you, defend you and love you. You knew with him your heart would always be protected.
Tags: @nescaveckdaily @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles @chriszgirl92 @suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 @manicjk
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kaolovess · 1 year
Hi! I would like to request BTS members reaction to falling in love with their best friend. Thank you 😊
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AUTHORS NOTE: 2nd request! I have another one still in my inbox that I have yet to work on, So Jhope dating head cannons might not be out for a while. thank you guys so much for the support! (especially on my last request) Today I reached 10 followers!! honestly, I didn't expect to get this much support! Love you! <3
He wasn’t prepared for it at all, he somehow didn’t find out till he was completely whipped for you. He thought he was stupid. How did he not notice that fuzzy feeling he got in his stomach whenever you hugged him, well just touched him in general? He tried to keep normal for a few days. ( he planned to keep normal for weeks ) but realized hiding his true feelings for you wasn’t a good thing to do, you were his best friend- someone he could always rely on. So he confessed his feelings. He was nervous since he was scared this could ruin your long-term friendship, till you admitted how you felt…
He was so confused when he realized he was in love with you, Didn’t he completely friend-zone you? For the next few months, he tried to trick himself into thinking that he just thought of you as his best friend, but it didn’t end well. It put a lot of pressure on him, he started to overthink around you, Did you know? Would you hate him? Do you even think of him as a friend? He then soon started to distance himself from you, he just didn’t want to fall in love with you more than he already was. But he realized that distancing wasn’t a good choice, you probably thought you did something wrong. He planned a day to meet up with you so he could confess everything, he felt his face getting red when you said you felt the same way.
Taken back when he finds out, but wasn’t very surprised, he knew he had been feeling differently around you. But how would he explain this to you? What if you didn’t feel the same way? That would years of friendship down the drain in just minutes. but he knew he would go insane if he had to keep such a secret for years. So how would he tell you? He ended up going to his hyungs and Namjoon for help, he was completely clueless and had no idea what to do. Namjoon gave him some good advice that he decided to follow. The idea? Make a letter so he doesn’t have to face you in person.
Would be a while till he finds out about his feelings, due to the fact he kind of ignored the way he felt around you. He just thought it was because of the fact he hadn’t dated in years, He thought it go away after a while. But surprise! It didn’t. He realized that this wasn’t just because of some lack of relationships, he was in love.  What was he going to do? You were his best friend since high school who had never shown interest in him. Unlike the other members, he talked with you. He told you how he had feelings and had no idea if you felt the same.  ( You guys are now dating 🤭 )
He realized when you guys were flirting ( as a joke ) all of a sudden it had a big effect on him. he was more confused about how long he had been feeling this way than what he should do. He started to hang out with you a lot more than usual. You shrugged it off thinking it was because he normally doesn’t see you a lot. Jimin, unlike the other members, found it a reason to spend more time with you. But after a few months he knew you were catching on, So the same day you asked me why he was acting in such a way, he confessed.
Oh this poor thing, It hit him hard. Stood still for at least 3 minutes when he realized. He accepted his feelings though, he knew if he didn’t he would go mentally insane. But how would he even be able to stand next to you, If all he did was think of things that could make you uncomfortable? Taehyung understood that figuring that part out would take a while, so he focused on something else. Trying to give you a hint. He begins to text you romantic quotes and ask for advice on confessing, and what people like from their partner. He did this for a bit before he got tired of hiding stuff from you, and then just owned up to everything he has been doing and feeling.
C'mon now… this is the guy that joined BTS because of thighs. He 100% tries to do more things with you, luckily for him he already knows what you are interested in. Jungkook becomes more invested in your interests, Love to read? He read your favorite book in one day. Love to bake? He bought 6 cookbooks already.  He was more shy around you once he spent more time with you. He always tried to start a conversation about your favorite book or something. (he knew you could talk about it for hours) The boys caught on to what was happening and told him to hurry up and confess, And knowing Jungkook he listened to his hyungs and did.
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years
When the Alcohol Kicks In
context: context: you get drunk one night, and you and Jude start arguing
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2nd person POV
Getting drunk was a rare occurrence for you. One, you didn't drink very often, you had too much to worry about. Two, you had a very high alcohol tolerance. Five shots didn't phase you in the slightest. 
However, on the rare occasions in which you did get drunk, it was bad.
You never intended to get as drunk as you did. By the time you left the house, you and your boyfriend Jude had gotten into a bit of a squabble. You had intentions of going out with your somewhat large group of friends, consisting of both males and females. That wasn't what Jude was worried about.
There was a certain someone in the group, Lewis, an acquaintance of yours that Jude didn't like.
"He's so clearly into you Y/N!" Jude had said before you left the house.
"Don't be ridiculous Jude, I hardly talk to him." You scoffed.
It was true. Out of all the people in your group, Lewis was the one you spoke to the least. You guys had gone to the same secondary school, but you barely knew each other. Let alone, be familiar enough with each other that he'd actually like you. 
"I'm telling you Y/N, just watch!" Jude warned you.
"If you're so concerned just come Jude!" You shouted back at him.
Jude sighed, "You know exactly why I can't! The club would kill me."
You rolled your eyes. The man cared more about his club than you. Maybe you were over exaggerating a bit, but you didn't care.
The lot of you were at Suhana's place, dancing and drinking. It wasn't a party exactly, but a gathering of "close friends". 
You were dancing with your two best friends, Tilly and Elijah. From any onlooker, it was more like bouncing around wildly. You were tipsy at this point, and that's where you'd stand. Elijah and Tilly left to grab more snacks from the kitchen while you continued bouncing around in your spot. You were very much an ambivert. Introverted to most but really quite social and extroverted with your friends.
You were enjoying just hopping around to the beat of the music when you felt someone's hands on both of your hips. You immediately turned and smacked both hands off.
You looked around to see if anyone had seen, you could only see someone having fallen asleep on the couch. Everyone else had been in the kitchen eating. 
"What is wrong with you!" You hissed, stepping very far away from him. 
Lewis shot you a lazy smirk. A disgusting one at that. 
"Aw come on, Bellingham's not even here." He slurred, you could smell the alcohol in his breath.
He stepped closer to you, trying to touch your face and kiss you.
This time, you slapped him hard, and shoved him before shrieking.
"I hope you never see the light of day!" You spit, before the rest of your friends came running.
"What's happened?" Tilly frantically questioned.
"She slapped me!" Lewis defended himself, pointing fingers at you.
"He touched me and tried to kiss me!" You shouted in defense of yourself.
Lewis just smiled lazily again. Tilly, Suhana, and the others bolted in Lewis's direction to physically assault him. Elijah stopped them from getting too chaotic and kicked Lewis out. Everyone else then turned to you, who was leaning against the wall with your arms crossed in front of your chest. You were staring down at the ground, tears slowly escaping your eyes.
Jude was right. He was 100% right. And you had just ignored him and scoffed due to a silly little fight.
"You okay love?" Tilly asked, putting an arm around you.
You wiped your tears off before nodding.
"You want me to take you and Tilly home?" Elijah offered.
You shook your head.
"I just want a drink. Something strong." You requested, this was a mistake on your part.
The reason many people thought you had such good alcohol tolerance was because you stayed away from the strong stuff. Realistically, you were a lightweight.
"I have tequila." Suhana offered.
You nodded, following her for the glass.
Two hours later and many missed calls from Jude. Elijah and Tilly were walking you home, you were drunk out of your mind. They'd never seen you in such a state.
"This must've been her first time drinking tequila." Tilly whispered to Elijah as they helped you up to your flat.
"I always thought Y/N had a high tolerance." Elijah responded.
"Stop acting like I'm not here! I do have a high tolerance, I'm not a lightweight!" You protested.
"Calm down Y/N. It's been a long night. You just need some sleep." Tilly tried to soothe you.
The three of you stopped abruptly once you got to your flat door. Your friends turned to you for keys. You somehow managed to grab them out of your bag and began fumbling with them. Before you could even get it into the lock, the door swung open. There was Jude, stationed by the door with a relieved look on his face.
As it turned out, when you hadn't picked up your phone, he called the others and finally got a response from Suhana who said you were on your way home. Normally, he would've been asleep two hours earlier, but he stayed up, waiting for you to come home.
You walked in, avoiding eye contact, heading straight for the couch while Jude said his hellos and goodbyes to Elijah and Tilly.
"What the hell? You didn't pick up your phone! Do you know how worried I was! What the fuck is with you!" Jude gritted through his teeth.
All you wanted to do was run to him and cry in his arms about your crappy night, but you were too stubborn for that.
"I'm sorry! It was a long night, I must've forgotten or something!" You mumbled.
Jude's face began to soften as he heard the tremble in your voice. 
But then he smelled the alcohol on your breath, that was enough to forget about the softness in your voice.
"Are you fucking kidding me. You're bloody drunk. That's why you did not pick up your phone." Jude shouted.
This was where you drew the line.
"I'm not drunk so shut the fuck up. I honestly can't with you! Stop acting like you own me!" You yelled at him, slamming the door as you made your way into the bathroom which was connected to yours and Jude's room.
You looked in the mirror and sighed at the reflection. You didn't wear makeup so it wasn't a terrible sight to behold. But, there was mascara running down your face. Your hair looked a little crazy, and you looked like a shell of your usual self.
Note to self, stay away from hard alcohol.
You pealed your clothes off, and got into the shower. Letting the hot water consume all of the negative thoughts. Once you were finished, you came out a new person, like your normal self. You wrapped your wet hair in a towel and left the bathroom to see Jude still up, scrolling on his phone.
He would never go to sleep without knowing you were safe.
You climbed in bed next to him, scooting close to him to hug him from his sides.
"I'm sorry." You said, burying your head in his neck.
He moved closer to you and kissed your forehead.
"I love you." He mumbled to you.
That brought a smile to your face, "I love you too, so much."
Jude grinned at you, coyly.
"So. What did happen?" Jude asked you with concern on his face.
You sighed, "You can't say I told you so." 
Jude's smile immediately darkened. His face grew very easy.
"It was that son of a bitch wasn't it? I swear to god, I'll show him. The nerve he has, trying something on my girlfriend." Jude began muttering under his breath.
He sprang out of bed, getting a winter coat and shoes on. It was very clearly he was about to hunt Lewis down and very likely punch him senselessly.
Before he could get himself arrested, you grabbed Jude, slowly beckoning him to come back to bed. 
"Please." You begged him, looking up at him with big emotional eyes.
Who was Jude to say no to that?
Jude sighed in defeat as a smile found its way on your face. You both went back to bed, you snuggled into his side, him with his arm wrapped around your body. 
"We'll both go beat him up tomorrow, when we're well rested and have stronger punches." You smirked at Jude.
"That's my girl." Jude grinned before kissing you again.
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it feels nice to be writing again
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