milfjagger · 29 days
long horsey post under cut to save my followers who don’t care
i think i rode a pony for the first time when i was about 5 but i started lessons when i was 7!! my sister started at the same time aged 5 and my mum took up riding again having not ridden since she was a kid. (btw all of these photos are from this really cute memories book that my mum had printed for me and my sister ♥️)
we used to go to northern ireland to see my dad’s family pretty much every easter, and we usually also combined it with a trip to donegal in the ROI bc that was where my dad used to go on holiday as a kid! there was a riding school in rathmullan where you could take the ponies along the beach and that was where i had my first gallop!!! my dad doesn’t ride so he always walked along the beach and tried to get pictures; this is me on a pony who i think was called pearl iirc (i have a really good memory for the names of horses for some reason even if i only met/rode them like once)
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by this point we had moved from devon to hertfordshire and i absolutely fucking hated it there BUT they did have a very big and very good riding school in walking distance from our house . we had lessons there every week and when i was 10 my mum bought a horse from them! he was called boris, he was a big chestnut irish draft who was sooo handsome and sweet and everyone was so jealous of him lol but here he is 🧡
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boris was supposed to be the family horse but my mum is tall and didn’t really realised how much too big he would be for me and my sister (and my brother who rode for a bit before he decided his horse allergies were too bad to continue 😭), especially bc he was only 5 when we got him and he grew about 3 inches from then (finishing at just under 17 hands). i was already like 5’3 at age 10 (early puberty lol) so was able to ride him a bit but my sister couldn’t really bc her feet barely reached the bottom of the saddle. for a while we loaned (for free, from another owner on the yard) a 14 hand haflinger called tommy who i have literally NO pictures of but if you google haflinger that’s pretty much him, they only come in one colour. tommy was absolutely fucking mental and the strongest pony ever, i remember one time i was cantering on him and literally couldn’t stop him at all so i just had to sit and wait until he got tired 😭 we also did some jumping on him and rode him in our lessons which was always slightly terrifying but we had a lot of fun on him until he went lame from a health condition and his owner put him in retirement. then the stable owners told us they had a pony we could loan for free (mainly for my sister) but quote “it’s not a nice pony” and that is the story of how we got isobel, who we have now had for 17 years, is 25 and completely retired from work. she is a very small (12 hands) roan rescue pony who was extremely nervous and unhandled (she had been turned loose for a year before we got her, she wouldn’t let most of the staff near her and her mane was down to her knees and super matted) but my sister was super patient with her. i rode her a little bit but i was already bordering on too big for her. she was 100% my sister’s pony and my sister ADORED her. we all still love isobel so much even though she is grumpy as fuck she’s so cute and she deserves to live out her retirement in peace and be a friend to mum’s current horses ♥️♥️♥️ this is isobel (first pic with my sister soon after we got her 17 years ago and another recent one)
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isobel had some limitations though, mainly that she was terrified of jumping and given what she went through before she was rescued by the rspca we didn’t want to push her too much. our riding school was super jumping focused and at the time me and my sister were both really into jumping (and we thought isobel was only gonna be temporary) so mum decided to get a pony that was bigger than isobel but smaller than boris and would be able to do some jumping. which was when we got cookie, who was an absolute legend and i really hope she’s happy if she is still alive today ♥️ she was a skewbald irish cob with one blue eye and one brown, just over 14 hands and came highly recommended by the riding school who had owned her briefly, but she was being sold by a private owner. we had kind of a rocky start with her (when we went to try her out, me, my sister and my brother all rode her and told mum that she scared the shit out of us, but my mum was like “well it’s this pony or no pony”) and she was completely mental for about 3 months and would just buck and run off constantly but luckily we had trained at the school of tommy (and isobel who could also be kind of quirky) and i started really enjoying her. my sister was still nervous but she had isobel who was much smaller and also now that we had 3 it meant we could all ride together which was super nice :) cookie was an amazing jumper for a cob and so pretty ♥️ she had quite severe hayfever and was very bothered by flies so she had to wear a fly mask in the summer and would toss her head quite a lot and in many ways she was not an easy pony at all but we literally loved her and learned so much from her bc she was so weird and crazy. i always think there are two types of cobs, the ones that are basically walking sofas and the ones that are a bit fucked in the head and she was definitely the second type LOL. here is a pic of me jumping on cookie!!! this is from when the riding school took a bunch of school horses and other kids’ horses to a cross country course and i literally fell off at least twice that day and the yard owner actually got on cookie to try and sort her out and she was like fair play lol that pony is spicy!!! but at least we got some good pics before that
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pretty soon after we got cookie we moved back to devon and we were only planning to take cookie and boris bc isobel still belonged to the school but they basically insisted we take her, handed over her documents and she was ours 😭 we moved into a farm with its own stables and joined the local pony club, which kinda sucked tbh it was really cliquey and no one really thought much of cookie bc she was a cob and they all had expensive show ponies or thoroughbreds lol. she could easily jump a course of the same height as their horses but she wasn’t really fast enough to win the timed jump-offs …but we still got some rosettes ♥️ I didn’t take boris to many events bc he was mainly mum’s horse, and at this point my sister was really confident on cookie and wanted to ride her all the time so we thought about getting another horse that would be just mine. we heard from someone at our old yard in hertfordshire that she was looking for a home for her super nice dressage horse, but he would be super cheap bc he had health issues and intermittent lameness. i remembered the horse and had always thought he was really sweet and friendly and we ended up getting him, bc it was an amazing opportunity to have a really highly trained horse and have some fun with him when he was sound, but we did kind of know his time would be limited before he went completely lame. his old name was literally FUGLY which was so cruel and inaccurate but i assume he was a really goofy looking foal or something … anyway i was having none of that negativity so i named him lenny 🧡 he was a big 17 hand chestnut warmblood (oldenburg i think but you need a phd to understand european warmblood breeding) and was such a goofy silly head but so sweet and unlike any horse i had ever ridden and i was so extremely excited to have him. he was also best friends with boris who was a similar size and colour and they looked so cute playing together in the field 🥹♥️ this was lenny (with my mum riding him lol i never rode him at a show for reasons i will get into)
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we had just got lenny and we knew he was kind of delicate so there was no way he was going to pony club camp to do jumping and all sorts, so for my first ever pony club camp (age 15) i took boris and my sister took cookie. and on literally the FIRST DAY we were having a jumping lesson, boris tripped and i went over his shoulder and broke my collar bone 😭 i had to go to hospital but luckily he was fine and he actually stayed for the whole camp and i think one of the pony club mums rode him and had a great time 😭 and then basically i couldn’t ride for weeks and was super nervous to get on even when my shoulder was better, especially bc lenny was new and a lot more of an advanced horse than i was used to. my mum absolutely fell in love with lenny though and got into dressage on him. I didn’t really ride much for ages after that and even when i did i usually rode cookie. then boris was diagnosed with arthritis - he could still be ridden a little bit though and had medication to manage his joints. I can’t remember if mum sold him before or after we got my sister’s next horse bailey but she ended up selling boris to someone from pony club who said they just wanted a horse to do light hacking on and we could visit him whenever, but within a few months they had sold him, probably for a profit and by lying about his health which was so incredibly irresponsible, infuriating and heartbreaking. so I have no idea what eventually happened to boris but i suspect he was put to sleep within a few years 💔 it’s really sad and i hate that person so much for lying about what they wanted him for and then potentially tricking someone else into buying a horse that wasn’t fully sound. fuck them forever fr boris was so sweet and deserved way better
anyway as i said my sister wanted to do more jumping and especially cross country jumping, and she was getting to a level where cookie couldn’t really keep up with the other more sporty type horses so she ended up getting a 15.2 hand bay irish sport horse called bailey. he was also kind of quirky and for a long time she would fall off him literally every time she took him to an event. my mum would be waiting at the finish line to take a picture and see bailey come running in without her 😭 he was so funny though, when you groomed him he would reflexively start grooming the wall with his teeth as if he was mutual grooming with another horse it was so cute ♥️ this was bailey
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because my sister fell off so often over jumps, and bc we had lenny who was highly trained in dressage, both my mum and my sister got really into dressage, my mum on lenny and my sister on both lenny and bailey. i get sad talking about those two bc they both had to be put to sleep, lenny first when he went fully lame from his long term injury. he also had a tumour on his ear which didn’t look good and we had to do the kindest thing for him 💔 my mum was devastated (she absolutely loved him, maybe even more than boris) and one of her friends very kindly bought her a big orange rose to plant in his memory ♥️ and then with bailey, it turned out the reason he kept bucking after jumps was bc he had arthritis in his front legs and would be in pain when he landed. he eventually went fully lame and was in constant pain and again it was the kindest thing for him but it was incredibly sad as he was still quite young. i think at some point bailey overlapped with the new horses mum got for herself and my sister but my timeline is wobbly bc i wasn’t really into horses at the time. i did cry a lot over those two being put to sleep and i cried when we eventually sold cookie, but she went to a really good home with someone who really loved her and may still have her to this day (we lost touch but cookie would be about 23 and could well still be alive).
anyway then my mum had a big 16.3 hand piebald warmblood called stan and my sister had a 16 hand grey british sports horse called george. stan was older (15 when mum bought him) and very experienced and well trained but he was extremely grumpy and difficult a lot of the time and everyone except mum was scared of him 😭 and george was a super sweet youngster who was definitely my sister’s favourite horse ever (except probably isobel) but he kind of scared the shit out of my mum bc he was young and nervous. then my sister went to uni and mum had to sell one of the horses bc she wouldn’t be able to exercise two (we still had and still have isobel but she is too small for any of us and retired anyway, not to mention no one would ever buy her lol) and she decided to sell george for some reason even though he was the way nicer horse. my sister was obviously sad but she follows the new owner on instagram and it looks like george is still doing well to this day :) so mum struggled with stan for a few years and then decided he was basically too old to be competing anymore, snd that was probably why he was getting so grumpy, so she sold him quite cheap to someone who just wanted to do light work (and was really happy with him, he was a beautiful horse for the price they paid). and also if mum had kept george then she would probably never have got athena, who is her current dressage horse and my mum loves her to bits. she is a 16.1 hand dark bay warmblood and is basically perfect for mum in every way. she’s not the most friendly horse but she’s really calm and easy to handle and i love her a lot ♥️ this is athena aka bean aka babina she’s such a fancy girl
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athena also has a few health issues though (literally classic our family’s luck with horses) and was off lame for ages in 2018-19 and since it was just athena and isobel at home mum was itching to ride so she spent ages looking for the perfect “project horse” i.e. a young horse that had been backed (ridden) but not really trained so she could do some training herself. after looking at about 20 horses she found this funny little 5 year old grey mare who was maybe 15.1 hands at best and really cheap. and that was bubbles aka bugs who I literally love so much she is soooo cute and friendly and has turned into such a nice little horse. she is the one that i ride now when i visit my parents and she is such a sweet girl i absolutely love bubbles ♥️ look how cute she is (ft. me jumpscare)
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mum wouldn’t let me ride bubbles straight away though bc bubbles was young and i was really out of practice, plus bubbles needed a confident horse to go out hacking with (i.e. not athena who is too delicate for such things) so one of my mum’s friends really kindly started letting me ride her horse bonnie :) then through 2020-22 bonnie’s owner wasn’t riding so we moved bonnie to the farm and i loaned her full time. she was a little 15 hand bay baroque type lusitano who was bought for literally 100 euros from a meat factory in portugal 💔 she was also literally evil and would attack you while you were grooming, feeding, putting on rugs, tacking up or basically anything that wasn’t riding, but as soon as you got in the saddle she adopted the chiller nature and was really fun to ride, very speedy but really solid and unflappable, presumably bc she used to be a bullfighter and carriage horse back in portugal. despite how mean she was i loved bonnie and she gave me so so much confidence in my riding and i don’t think i would have got back into horses without her. me and my sister rode loads together during lockdown, switching between bonnie and bubbles :) she was also there for me when i wanted to take on another loan horse, a smallish cob called misty, who threw me off quite badly on like my third ride on her and i was terrified to get back on, so i got on bonnie instead and got my confidence back (misty went back to her owner, who then sold her bc he was a professional trainer and even he couldn’t fix whatever was wrong with her lol and she was supposed to be a riding for the disabled horse!!! she was dangerous fr!!!!)
but anyway then i went back to uni and even though my mum kind of wanted to keep bonnie, she wasn’t going to buy her from her owner after all the work and training and money that she put into her and her owner unfortunately really needed the money from a sale (a lot more than the €100 she paid for her…. thanks to the work of literally me and my mum and not bonnie’s actual owner but i digress). I would have bought her myself if i had the money and the time but i don’t live with my parents and the farm is about 1.5 hours drive away and i can’t reasonably ask my mum to look after my horse all the time especially bc she is such a nightmare to handle. and i can’t keep a horse nearer to me, it’s way too expensive and i don’t have the time 💔 but on the plus side i am definitely confident and competent enough for bubbles now (i don’t really ride athena, i wouldn’t get much out of her as i’m nowhere near trained to that level) and it meant i felt really confident on my riding holiday even on a more spicy horse… bc i know i can handle it !!! my mum even admitted yesterday i am “quite a decent rider” and coming from her that means a lot 🥲 ♥️ and i can ride bubbles whenever i visit my parents!! anyway here’s me and my sister on bonnie and bubbles 😁 thank you for reading if you got this far
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in Irish History | 4 September:
1607 – The Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, along with a close circle of family and associates, boarded a ship at Rathmullan on Lough Swilly, bound for Spain. This event has become known as ‘The Flight of the Earls’ and is widely regarded as one of the most enigmatic events in Irish history, virtually defying explanation. 1794 – Death of John Hely-Hutchinson, lawyer, statesman, and Provost of…
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cbaestates · 3 years
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Thinking of selling or renting your home #talktomefirst #cbaestates #weresellingareyou #localagentglobalreach #laraghcon #laraghconestateagent #tvestateagent #rathmullanestateagent #rathmullan #ramelton #rameltonestateagent #letterkennyestateagent #letterkenny #dublin #dublinestatesgent #tvestateagent #estateagent4stars https://www.instagram.com/p/CMYHf3yHh5S/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mixtapes · 8 years
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Lisa McGill, Rathmullan.
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venicepearl · 2 years
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A bronze sculpture commemorating the Flight in Rathmullan, County Donegal
The Flight of the Earls (Irish: Imeacht na nIarlaí) took place in September 1607, when Hugh O'Neill, 2nd Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O'Donnell, 1st Earl of Tyrconnell, and about ninety followers, left Ulster in Ireland for mainland Europe. Their permanent exile was a watershed event in Irish history, symbolising the end of the old Gaelic order.
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8outof10productions · 2 years
My final list of locations is, MDRC in Milford, The Water’s Edge Rathmullan, Millies Bistro Milford, Brenda’s Hair and Beauty Milford, The Traveller’s Inn Milford, the home of Connie McGrenaghan who played Katie Higgins, Milford Athletic Grounds at Moyle Park, Council Offices Milford and the car park at LYIT. This project was a lot of calling, texting and meeting people about locations. taking pictures on my phone, then come back for test shots, then come back and shoot for real. I’m 36 and have worked in all of the pubs in the town at some stage, the butchers too, on building sites, and sat about enough pubs to get to know a few characters that I could write a book on. I suppose just over time in a small town you get to know everyone, if you get on with them, which can be a problem in Milford where everyone poetically hates one another, not like Ramelton with their community spirit, none of that down our way, they’d sell their mother for a pint on a bad day and their children on a good one. The thing is, I’m only a bollocks myself, I know my own kind, anyway, I digress. I am very thankful to all the business people and home owners that allowed me to use their premises for the pilot. 
The Water’s Edge Rathmullan is currently getting ready for the market, I told John the owner that it’d be good publicity for the place if a few people see the video so that worked out a treat. It is some location. I would love to shoot a scene in the restaurant with the glass front although, I did use it for a pan when Kevin is on his way to his room. That room has some view, if I make any more episodes or add to this one it will begin the morning after the night before, Kevin will be having his breakfast at a table by the window with the view in the background, it would be a beautiful shot, it just didn’t fit this episode, it could be a good selling point when going for funding, having locations like this.
The Water’s Edge currently has no power so I relied on natural light coming through the windows and the LED for fill and to light the actors faces and person. I was very lucky that the weather was good every day I was shooting.  
MDRC Milford stands for Milford & District Resource Centre, they have some offices that they rent out and others that they use themselves doing all kinds of stuff, accountancy, book keeping, printing and other things. I know Declan Meehan who is the manager there. Declan ran in the last council election as an independent, just narrowly missing out, he’s only young, he will get in the next time, probably a future T.D. He was happy to help out, he’s very involved in the community. 
The location was good to shoot in, good natural light coming through the windows, I still used the LED lights though, only one of them, just for a fill. The downstairs room at the very beginning has a bit of an echo but it’s not too bad, the upstairs room had better acoustics for recording sound. 
Millies Bistro/Brenda’s Hair & Beauty  I made the set for Notions Cafe out of these two closed down business’s that belong to my close friends mother. I asked her about the bistro or cafe initially, but upon going there to check it out, realised that it was jam packed door to door with all kinds of crap, all the stuff I wanted was still there, the coffee machine, the counter, tables and chairs and heaps of other little props that you can see in the photos on the Notions post and in the pilot. 
The lights that were already in the hairdressers were quite good, I had ceiling lights above, light coming in the large front window and the small decorative lights around the mirror behind the counter, I used the LED lights to light the actors faces.
The Traveller’s Inn Milford 40 yards across the road from the house I grew up in, my father has sat in the same stool since he moved to Milford 40 years ago, he had cancer last year so he didn’t sit in it for a while, but he’s back in it now a few nights a week. I remember Donegal winning the All-Ireland in 1992 in that pub, my friend Marc’s parents ran it at the time, I was only 6, walking in through them all, everyone celebrating, them all drunk, me and Marc sneaking into the store for 2 football specials. Good times. When I was 14 my brother ran the Traveller’s for a few years, I started doing the bottles and stuff for a fiver a day then got in behind the bar to work even though I was way to young. It wasn’t Football Special we were sneaking out of the store now though, it was Vodka and whatever else we could drown ourselves in, way too young to be doing that too obviously and they wonder why I am the way I am hahahaha. I used to do runs up to the bookies for all the drinkers too, betting on horses and the pools in the football. Then when I turned 18 I started drinking in there legally. Michael McBride owns it now and I get on good with him, he runs a good ship, he’s made big investments in the place and has it looking great, got the restaurant up and running again, added a coffee shop, taking full advantage of the tourism in the summer. I haven’t been drinking much lately on account of trying to get this pilot finished but I’ll get a bellyful of Guinness in The Traveller’s at the weekend when it’s all done. 
The bar in the Traveller’s is perfect for a scene like this one, although I’d suggest painting it a different colour if I had funding to make a series, there’s a lot of green in there that I only really noticed when I shot footage in there. The lights on the walls are nice, I had them all on as it was quite dark in there and it also gives depth to a shot. There was a round white light on the ceiling right above the bar which we covered with some baking paper to dull it a bit as it was clashing with the other warm lights and was very bright on the actors faces, the lighting was decent in the end although tricky. The fire is behind the drinkers, so to emulate the light of the fire we had an LED behind them for most of the shoot with the temperature on warm for an orange glow behind the drinkers. Although it’s a class location, it is quite small and pokey, hard to get a good angle sometimes, hard to get the width, my 18-35mm lens worked out good though. It’s the scene that took me the longest to edit because I ended up getting too much footage and didn’t stick to my shot list enough on the night, this made me much more regimental in every other scene, I done up a shot list, done test shots and stuck to the list on the day of the shoot, it saves time shooting and editing, lesson learned. 
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theframesinfilm · 3 years
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Test footage from Cairn (2022) - Short Film.
Ciara and I filmed a short film for the Rathmullan Film Festival’s 48 hour film challenge. This was a great opportunity to test the RED Komodo 6k camera and the DZOFilm Pictor Zoom senses. 
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sarahpannasch · 7 years
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relaxed beach walks with this bunch in Donegal
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greenleafygael · 7 years
Donegal vegans rejoice! It may seem like the Forgotten County has forgotten us vegans, but as you will read here – we’re not too badly off. I’ve done some thinking outside the box, and have come up with loads of options – some that won’t even disappoint staunch meat-eaters. Feel free to make other suggestions and keep the conversation going. WHOLEGREEN If you’re already vegan or plant-based, and…
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johndevolle · 7 years
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Racehorse on the beach at #rathmullan #Donegal
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donegalproperty · 3 years
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Dilkusha, Chapel Road, Rathmullan, Co. Donegal, F92 H6C6 Similar property now required !  #properties #realestate #property #estateagent #forsale #investment #househunting #home #newhome #homesforsale #dreamhome #realestate  #listing #housing #homesweethome #homesale #luxury #luxuryhomes #house #homes #homeforsale #donegal #houseforsale  #rathmullan #seaside  #brendanmcglynn #donegalproperty (at Rathmullan Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/COvwNcCrBMm/?igshid=o3euaeid3rbs
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in 1607 – The Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell, along with a close circle of family and associates, boarded a ship at Rathmullan on Lough Swilly, bound for Spain.
This event has become known as ‘The Flight of the Earls’ and is widely regarded as one of the most enigmatic events in Irish history, virtually defying explanation. A French ship sailed from the northern harbour of Rathmullan in Lough Swilly. On board were Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone, and Rory O’Donnell, Earl of Tyrconnell, together with more than ninety of their family and followers. The ship…
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cbaestates · 4 years
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Are you a #remoteworker who’s #tiredofdublin #heresyourescape ..... coming soon An amazing one bedroom home in a most envious location on The Mall in #ramelton #donegal for further details visit www.cbaestates.ie #rameltonestateagent #rathmullanestateaget #rathmullan #findmeahome #werelettingareyou #laraghconestateagent #roomtoimprove #tv #letterkennyhospital #ibm #google #paypal #ebay #weresellingareyou #estateagent4stars #donegalestates #rameltonlivehere #donegalestateagent #accountants #doctors #nurses #solicitors #tvestateagent #dell #xerox https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhZmX-HacO/?igshid=qt5dp5u5tgs8
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years
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lavoropavia · 8 years
Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA https://t.co/uWwBJnIahv Rathmullan House - Pavia - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercando … lavoropavia http://twitter.com/lavoropavia/status/829200831882862594 February 08, 2017 at 06:30AM <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="it" dir="ltr">Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA <a href="https://t.co/uWwBJnIahv">https://t.co/uWwBJnIahv</a> Rathmullan House - Pavia - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercando …</p>— lavoropavia (@lavoropavia) <a href="https://twitter.com/lavoropavia/status/829200831882862594">February 8, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA https://t.co/uWwBJnIahv Rathmullan House - Pavia - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercando …
— lavoropavia (@lavoropavia) February 8, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/lavoropavia February 08, 2017 at 06:30AM via IFTTT
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lavoropescara · 8 years
Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA https://t.co/TeqhSJCtjk Rathmullan House - Pescara - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercand… JobitalyPescara http://twitter.com/JobitalyPescara/status/828873626103533568 February 07, 2017 at 08:50AM <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="it" dir="ltr">Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA <a href="https://t.co/TeqhSJCtjk">https://t.co/TeqhSJCtjk</a> Rathmullan House - Pescara - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercand…</p>— lavoropescara (@JobitalyPescara) <a href="https://twitter.com/JobitalyPescara/status/828873626103533568">February 7, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA https://t.co/TeqhSJCtjk Rathmullan House - Pescara - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercand… JobitalyPescara http://twitter.com/JobitalyPescara/status/828873626103533568 February 07, 2017 at 08:50AM
Lavoro come Pizzaiolo in IRLANDA https://t.co/TeqhSJCtjk Rathmullan House - Pescara - Rathmullan House, in Irlanda nord-ovest, sta cercand…
— lavoropescara (@JobitalyPescara) February 7, 2017
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