humandesignacademy · 3 months
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: The Substructure, The Tone
YouTube Channel: Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu https://www.youtube.com/@Human-Design-Academy/
The (Original) Human Design Introduction June 28th 1994 - Part 1/2/3: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuGUEUi_gHKDpXoSoT5dEr6pzs6Y4-q84&si=UqaWujCs8IU4aYc9
Inner Authority:
Type for Beginners:
  Rave ABC:
  Introduction to Variable:
SoundCloud: Living Your Design : Awakening Course (2006) - Ra Uru Hu https://on.soundcloud.com/ELc1QXNnCcXHF59j6 SoundCloud: Human Design Academy: ABC - A. Personality and Design https://soundcloud.com/humandesign-academy
Medium: https://humandesignacademy.medium.com/
Contact Form (Questions and requests when you contact us):
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ilucky986 · 2 months
#ai #人類圖 #出版人 #Rauruhu #humandesign #iching #astrology #horoscope #紫微斗數 #命理 @ilucky986愛幸運紫微斗數
這次我們來介紹人類圖創始人“Ra Uru Hu” 他在1992年虛歲45歲出版人類圖。人類圖是根據他1987年虛歲40歲 一次意外經驗給他的靈感。我們這次就來探討 人類圖創始人的紫微斗數命盤。
“Ra Uru Hu” 的出生時間是在西洋的網站找到的。他是太陽坐命在戌宮,戊年生人,來因宮是財帛宮。貪狼祿在疾厄宮,天機化忌是在福德宮,人生最不好的事情是天機化忌在福德宮轉太陽忌入命宮沖遷移宮。人生最好的事情是貪狼祿在疾厄宮轉太陰祿到遷移宮照命宮。簡單來講就是人類圖創辦人”Ra Uru Hu” 人生最好和人生最壞的事情會在他命遷線(變動線) 互相對照影響他的人生。
為何Ra Uru Hu會結合東方易經,脈輪,西方占星術,生命樹等創造發明出人類圖human design ? 他人生壞轉好是天機忌在福德宮轉廉貞祿入疾厄宮,廉貞化祿,多元種族(東方命理,西方占星),美麗(曼陀羅),藝術,科技(人類圖星盤需要用軟體繪製), 這是為何他會結合了東方和西方各種不同的命理學說。貪狼星在風水,被稱為生氣,蓬勃生氣 。
這次我們簡短介紹 人類圖human design創辦人Ra Uru Hu的紫薇斗數命盤。
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selisjourney · 4 years
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Human Design ( insan tasarimi) nedir?
dusunun ki elinizde bir pusula var? hangi yone gideceginizi , hayatini nasil kendin gibi yasayabilecegini,nasil karar vermen gerektigini ve rotani belirlemek icin tum araclari sunuyor .bunlari ogrendikten sonra ne yaparsin? kullanim kulavuzu gibi cekmeceye mi koyarsin ? yoksa verilen bilgiyi uygulamaya mi gecersin? sen bilirsin 🤷🏻‍♀️inanmak zorunda degilsin..
daha once denemedigin yoldan , fiziksel , duygusal, zihinsel , enerjisel durumunu dengelemek istemez misin? hayati kendi dogana uygun, ozgun olarak yasamak istersen deneyebilirsin . tabi once kendi onunden cekilmeye gonulluysen 🥰
‘insan tasarimi bir inanc sistemi degildir , herhangi birseye inanmanizi gerektirmez , ne hikaye ne de felsefedir . varligin dogasi ile ilgili genetik kodunuzu da kapsayan somut bir haritadir . doganin mekanigini bu kadar derinlemesine detaylandirabilmek acikcasi buyuk bir yetenektir, cunku bu sistem dogamizdaki butun incelikleri ortaya koyar . insan tasarimi kendini sevme potansiyeline, yasam sevgisine ve baskalarinin sevgisine anlayisin kapisini acar
‘Ra uru hu’
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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#рейвицзин #рауруху #астропрогноз #картадня #дизайнчеловека #веган #ктоя #предназначение #самопознание #саморазвитие #совершенство #любовь #humandesign #vegan #rauruhu #metaoraculum https://www.instagram.com/p/BsG_-wKHjZE/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wm9zb7zm2w9a
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yasnye · 9 years
"You are here to live out and materialize your mythology. You fill out the detail, as an actor adds depth to their performance. Materializing your wisdom concretizes your form principle." Ra Uru Hu
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humandesignacademy · 4 months
Human Design Academy by Ra Uru Hu: 00 - Introduction to Variable.
Human Design Academy By Ra Uru: Videos Course Digital Download - (6 Languages Subtitle). https://www.buymeacoffee.com/humandesignacademy/extras
Love Buy Me a Coffee? Sign Up Here. https://buymeacoffee.com/?via=humandesignacademy
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venushorizon · 2 years
The Human Design System A Comlete Guide by Ra Uru Hu.
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The Human Design System: A Complete Guide in 15 Lectures Jovian Archive Media Inc. and the IHDS International Human Design School in association with Jovian Archive T.V. are pleased to announce an historical educational program. After twenty-one years of teaching Human Design, Ra Uru Hu presented the opportunity to lay out a guide to the full spectrum of the knowledge. Adding to the historical nature of this program, Jovian Archive T.V. streamed Ra’s teachings. This Digital Book is a transcript of the 15 lectures taught in the Fall of 2008, including the original illustrations. Weekly Themes Each of the five weeks of the program featured a specific theme examined in the three consecutive classes of that week. 1. Cosmology: Juxtaposition and the New Order. 2. Evolution: Homo Sapien, Homo Sapien in Transitus and Rave. 3. Conditioning: The Godhead, the Program and the ‘Not-Self’. 4. Mechanics: Strategy, Inner Authority and Decision making. 5. Awareness: Correctness, Orientation and the Perfection of Being. https://humandesign.academy/en https://humandesign2027.net/en https://www.raveiching.net/en
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venushorizon · 3 years
Ra Uru Hu was the founder and messenger of the "voice" of the human design system.
Ra was born as Alan (Robert) Krakower in Montreal, Canada on April 9, 1948.
And spent his early years there.
After completing a bachelor's degree in the arts,
His career path led him to the business world as an advertising manager, magazine publisher and media producer.
The arts were important to Ra, and he expressed himself as a composer and performer throughout his life.
In 1983 he left Canada, eventually finding his way to the island of Ibiza.
There he spent years working as a schoolteacher.
In January 1987 he had an extraordinary mystical experience,
Intelligence that surpasses anything he has ever experienced.
Followed by a meeting with "The Voice" (Encounter with the Voice).
This session lasted eight days and nights - during which he received information transfer.
What is now known as the "human design system".
In 1989, after his encounter with The Voice,
Ra Oro wrote the Rave I'Ching.
The foundation on which human design rests, and the key to unlocking our genetics code.
Some of the oldest classical Chinese texts, IC'hing,
Or the Book of Transformations, is the ancient divination tool used for over 3,000 years.
Bad has devoted the next 25 years of his life to developing and teaching the system around the world.
He lives with his family in the United States, Germany,
And for most of the time in Ibiza, Spain, where he died in March 2011.
“We are flooded with our Western culture with improvement propaganda.The extremes cry 'Be thinner, smarter, faster and richer'.All human beings suffer from propaganda of generalizations.Without knowing yourself,One can get lost so easily in this propaganda.You do not have to change anything.It's just a matter of being yourself,And be aware of yourself.The human design system opens the door to the potential of self-love.Finding self-love is also about finding greater love,Love for life and love for others through understanding.Seeing yourself and coming to understand how you can live your nature,Please note the importance of this in your relationships with others.So many of our difficulties in this life,Are that we have great difficulties in our relationships,Whether they are our career relationships or whether they are our personal relationships.What is right for man, a lack of understanding about the nature of man,The same is true for relationships.Relationships operate out of genetic imperatives based on mechanical laws.To be yourself is to bring to life the beings that are truly for you.This knowledge is about how you make it simple,So that you too can benefit from the best possible associations for you.Proper associations allow you to not only be seen and understood by others,But also allow you to understand them.As a parent, this was an essential component for the well-being of my children.Human design is logical and mechanical knowledge.It is not a theory, nor a philosophy.It's about the ability to do practical things with knowledge that brings practical benefits. " - Ra Uru Hu
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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#психология #рауруху #астропрогноз #картадня #оракул #дизайнчеловека #веган #ктоя #предназначение #самопознание #саморазвитие #совершенство #оракул #humandesign #vegan #rauruhu #metaoraculum #ицзин #иньян #мандала #рейвицзин https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp9hh33H6lv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=w7u9ehqfcmkj
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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#рейвицзин #рауруху #астропрогноз #картадня #эниокоррекция #транзиты #ицзин #иньян #мандала #дизайнчеловека #веган #ктоя #предназначение #самопознание #humandesign #vegan #rauruhu #metaoraculum https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp4Fadunknb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nmk1sn1vdm3x
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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#рейвицзин #рауруху #астропрогноз #картадня #хьюмандизайн #metaoraculum #humandesign #rauruhu #книгаперемен https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp1n2y1nEOq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qnm9ng46422h
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werdarazod-blog · 6 years
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#рейвицзин #рауруху #астропрогноз #картадня #humandesign #vegan #rauruhu #metaoraculum #ицзин #иньян #humandesign https://www.instagram.com/p/BprDPBbni00/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=onvdfr2qwkuc
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