#raven x reader x trish stratus
judgementdaysunshine · 6 months
Hot and heavy
Pairing: Raven x Fem reader x Trish Stratus
Description: After the roster attends a party for the Smackdown network the flirting between you, Trish, and Raven to hit the surface
Pic credits to @romanthereigns
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"There she is!" you laugh seeing Ron and Bradshaw dressed in nice shirts and pants looping your arms with them as jokes are shared. A few heads turn when you walk by or stop to talk getting whistles and compliments wearing a revealing dress that showed off your back and the tattoo of the sun, flowers, and little birds along your spine "Show off the body!" heat floods your face at Edge hiding your face in your hands before grabbing a Piña colada at the bar sitting between Stevie and Lita until the air in your body leaves once you lock eyes with Trish sharing a warm hug feeling her hands on your shoulders as your heart quivers unable to control the chill that runs through you seeing Raven feeling his warm hand glide down your back the three of you have a drink at the bar before walking around flipping off a smirking Jeff as the flirting between the three of you became more explicit and heated than it had been the past two months being in love with trish for three years and falling for raven a month into him being in WWF. You had started the flirting off with small compliments and slowly building trust with raven before the flirting heated up even putting your hands under their gear or clothes mostly it would just be your hand rubbing their side or back but you never tried to do anything sexual because you didn't want to make them uncomfortable and you were also afraid of how they would react but now as the three of you smoke a joint away from everyone else you felt confidence to take things up to the next level starting off with small caresses smiling when you feel trish's hand run along your exposed leg while raven ran his fingers over your back tracing every detail of your tattoo before he was kissing along your neck and trish tangling her fingers in your hair leading the three of you to sneak away walking to the hotel nearby where raven was staying and as soon as the door was closed trish was pinned to the door with you kissing her as things slowly becoming more intimate and heated. You place his glasses on the nightstand before you and him were in a passionate kiss unbuttoning his shirt as your dress falls to the floor and before you knew it your face was buried between trish's legs almost moaning at the sight of her and raven kissing, the tables turn when you straddle over raven's face and if you weren't already a mess by your feelings for them and by what was happening so far then you were with raven running his hands along your sides and softly kissing your thighs while trish sucked him off almost having an outer body experience from the pleasure and the fact that you were sharing such a tender intimate moment with the woman you had been in love with for so long and sharing the same moment with the man you also fell for was almost too much for you to handle and you definitely were putty by this point with trish underneath you one hand caressing your hip and raven's side while the other rubbed circles on your clit while raven slowly thrusted in you trembling and shaking as trish had you drink on water "Have you eaten?" you shake your head leading trish to grab food while grabbing spare clothes for you and herself while you showered with raven sharing paused kisses before the three of you eat and fall asleep. You wake up wrapped in raven's arms while trish worked out with lita sharing a tender kiss before the two of you were eating breakfast being joined by trish ten minutes later talking and agreeing to something more with all three of you instead of choosing one of them to be with walking hand in hand in the arena for Smackdown being seen sharing food with trish and snuggling with raven while wearing his jacket as all of you sit in your locker room being ringside for both their matches and they were over the moon kissing you after you win your match against Ivory and become women's champion smiling as you put polaroids you all took together in your wallet and pockets laying between them wrapped in bed sharing gentle kisses and tender I love you's as you each fall asleep.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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it finally worked OMG. 1, 2, is this on….
also, i cant believe attitude won over golden i was like “:O” but i can kinda see that now lmao
there is kinda a lot going on here but when isn't this series chaotic? hope you guys like it anyway. shout out to mickie dressing up as trish stratus. thank you for your service mickie stratus....again this is pretty shorter than i wanted it to be and i apologize LMAO
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YOU JUST WANT to cry. Cry as hard as you can. Tonight, you lost. And there's nothing you can do to change it. You could have a rematch many weeks from now, but nothing changes the fact you lost at Vengeance.
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“Jeff Hardy will pay for his transgressions.” Raven says, bandaging up his wrists. “I will see to it that he will never try and fight with me again.”
He only came around after your “temper-tantrum” was over. You’re not sure if that was a good thing or not.
There are still a few chairs isolated around the room (since..you pretty much threw them in anger), shelves knocked over, and here you were, sitting on the ground. In the process, you had even accidentally hurt yourself.
There’s a lot to take in. For a second, you consider telling Dr. Smiley about this. 
Raven ordered you to clean yourself up a bit, noticing that you had a mix of dried blood and fresh blood on your hands and arm.
So you are. You’re scrubbing away with moist towelettes. 
“A mere Hardy boy thinks he can get the best of me. Crazy.” He complains. “However, everything isn’t a total loss. The blood I shed today can only make us closer, [Name].”
As strange as it sounds, you’d like to think he’s right. From your blood and his own, despite scrubbing it off, perhaps this just means you two will grow a stronger bond.
There’s nothing for you to say, really. You didn’t want to upset him if you told him you were mad at him. But he wasn’t alone, you were also angry at Jeff.
And you didn’t even want to ask what he thought of the match itself..
The both of them ruined it anyways. At this point, you’re sure Torrie’s got the air rushing to her head and she thinks that maybe, just maybe, she can beat you all the time.
This was just a nightmare.
The door to the locker room opens to reveal none other than the Women’s Champion with a smile on her face…before it falls into a nasty glare. “Um, excuse me, this is the women’s locker room.” She says, attempting to stare Raven dead in the eye. 
“I know.” He doesn’t even spare her a glance, instead opting to finish up his bandaging.
“Then get out.” Trish orders. “You’re not supposed to be in here.”
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to. I’m having a conversation. If you don’t like it, then you can go away.”
She looks offended. When the champion gives someone an order, they’re expected to follow! “Not gonna happen. Again, women’s locker room? If you don’t get out, I’m gonna call someone and they’ll throw you out. So you better go..”
You look at Raven and he looks at you. There's a look in your eye that's signaling for him to just leave it be. Thankfully, he simply groans and walks past Trish begrudgingly to the exit.
"Good riddance," She mumbles, slamming the door behind him. When she turns back to look at you, she feels like she's right back to square one. “You’re uh…you were really loud earlier. Are you okay?”
Her voice rung through your ears like bells. She sounds very nervous. She can clearly see the chairs lying around. Victims, all of them..
She too had meant to come earlier, but after hearing how angry you were, decided against it.
You rub your hands over your face. By loud, she must’ve meant that you’ve been screaming in anger for the past hour. You’re pissed and rightfully so.
“Do I look okay?!” You exasperatedly say, jumping up from your spot. It startles her. “Do you think I look okay right now???”
“Well, I mean, you look very pretty…?” Trish says, but for some reason it sounds more like a question than a statement.
You just look up at her to stare. You don’t know whether you want to slap her or come over and just hug her and cry.
“See, I just wanted to say that I saw your match, err…half of the locker room saw it, actually. I’m sorry that happened.” She admits, throwing her title over her shoulder. Trish doesn’t know what else to offer you other than her condolences.
Sorry didn’t change anything. Sorry didn’t change the fact you lost. Sorry didn’t change the fact you’ve embarrassed yourself in front of Raven.
With her successful title offense and your unsuccessful match, she starts to feel horrible. She hides it behind her back, hoping that you’d see her as any other competitor.
“Yet again, another man ruins it for us women.” She rolls her eyes. “Ugh. I can’t stand them sometimes. And I don’t know what you’ve got going on with Raven, but he just gives me bad vibes.”
You just stare at Trish in silence, so she decided to continue her tangent.
Trish comes a little closer, seeing that you have not reached for any projectiles. The sight of your face makes her frown, you really look worn down…
She’s not entirely sure how to comfort you with all those words, but she reaches a hand out to set a hand on your shoulder.
It's when you start to spill out everything that’s on your mind. Before you know it, tears start to stream down your cheeks.
“I don’t know what to do! I lost! This is humiliating! I lost to someone who can’t even tell the difference between a arm lock and a wrist lock!”
Trish pauses for a second. Of course she’s not gonna tell you she had trouble with identifying them at first. “Hey, hey, it’s okay! There's always next time.."
“It’s just not enough! Raven’s gonna be so embarrassed, he’s never gonna come out with me again and—“
“Who cares about Raven?” Trish interrupts you. “Listen, you two may be a thing or whatever, but you definitely don’t need his approval.”
You didn’t need Raven’s approval? That’s wrong. Of course you did. After all, he’s saved you. Saved you from yourself and started a slow journey to help you figure out who you truly are.
This really was you. And you needed to welcome it in with open arms.
“And on top of that,” She continues. “You don’t need any man’s approval! Take it from me, the old mistress of Mr. McMahon..”
“What?! Ew!” You exclaim. Thinking that it was a bit rude, you cover your mouth. “Oops, I’m sorry..”
“No, ew is right. Now that I think about it, I don’t even know why I did that..” Trish sighs. “Maybe it was for more opportunities. Maybe it was so T&A could have an advantage. Either way, nothing good came out of it. I was humiliated on television. But hey, look where I am now?”
She then shows you her title with a smile. “On top of the world!“
You smile at her, but there’s a twinge of bitterness among your expression. Trish seems to falter. That isn’t what she meant to do.
“T&A?” You repeat, doing your best to ignore the title. “What’s that?”
“I used to be a valet. T&A was a tag team. Test and Albert, if you’ve seen them around.” She says. “It’s over now, but wow. Anyway, it's probably best if we talk about you instead."
You wipe your eye. "Me?"
"Yeah." She nods. "Obviously, you need to get your head back in the game..to get people's mind off of your loss, why not try and make a statement?"
Trish doesn't exactly understand what she's just done. It dawns on you that your Hardy boy slash Lita plan has yet to be in action. If she says to make a statement, then that's exactly what you'll do.
"You're you. So show everybody else who exactly you are!" She says, poking you a bit too harshly on the chest.
You know exactly how you’d do it.
“Thanks, Trish. I know exactly what'll do.” You say, giving her a grin. She's stroked the fire that should've been put out weeks ago. “I need to get changed.”
“Hold on—...” Trish wasn’t exactly done talking to you yet, but you’re already heading out the door. Maybe you've gotten the correct message...
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The makeup artist, Jan, helped you out with adjusting your makeup and your new hair.
“Thanks, Jan.” You wave, hopping out of the chair. You better hurry, you were sure the match between Jeff and Matt already started.
You look at yourself in the mirror. It’s you, but you’re copying Lita. You’ve never really tried to do it before, preferably doing your own thing. You loved her style, yet you never thought you would see yourself mimicking her.
You don’t want anyone to see you, it’d ruin the surprise and you’d rather not deal with the awkwardness that comes along with it.
Lita, Lita, Lita….she’s made such a big mistake. She’s supposed to be your friend, but she turns around and talks about you behind your back? She’s just like Torrie. No, she's like everyone else.
And you really liked Lita too. It’s a shame you had to do this and it’s an even bigger shame to have to beat her up after Vengeance. She can’t win against you. You’re sure this’ll be your second time winning against her.
Lita just can’t compare. She can do as many hurricanrana’s and moonsaults as she pleases! She’s just not you. She will never be you.
Gosh, you should’ve known she would do that. Lita reassured you that she’d never hurt you, but here Debra was, telling you what she “said” verbatim. She must have been jealous, yes, that was it. Jealousy for sure.
Or, so you think. You still haven’t figured out that she was fabricating most of it. More than likely you won’t realize until it’s too late.
Seeing your own reflection makes you laugh. It makes you laugh so hard that you couldn’t even breathe for a second. It comes to a halt when you realize you’re wasting time. You have to get out there.
You’re trying to brush on some eyeshadow when you’re startled by a loud voice..
“Lita! You’ve got some guts showin’ up around here..”
Great. This is just the person you want to see. He’s going to regret this. So are you. You slowly turn around, shaking your head. “No, I’m not Lita, I’m—“
“Debra?!?!! Where's my pacemaker!?” Austin yelled out, clutching his chest. The outfit you were in was absolutely horrific to see.
You want to laugh so bad, but you know he’s THIS close to killing you. This just solidifies it. Austin just knew he couldn’t let you out of his sight for one second. Debra told him to let you do your thing, now look where that got you.
Now you look just like Lita, the woman who had no idea what belts were, the woman who you’d be going up against after Vengeance.
First, it was that damn Raven, now it's this? He has a lot to talk with you about.
You can hear Debra loudly suck her teeth from the other room. “Gosh, what is it now, Steve?!” She seems aggravated, but the moment she steps outside and sees you was when it disappears. “…Oh my.”
Austin takes one look at you, then covers his head and shakes it in shame. Pain. Pain is all he feels right now. “What in the hell are you wearing?” He finally asks.
“I just….uh.” You’re not sure what to say. How could you explain yourself? “There’s Lita and...I wanted to do a thing, you see.”
“A thing?” Debra quirks an eyebrow at you. Hopefully she’s not angry or anything. You're not sure whether to be more afraid of Austin or HER!
“You know what? I’m just gonna run away now.” This is exactly what you wanted to avoid right now. Before they can say anything else to you, you book it down the hall back to gorilla.
You can hear both of them calling your name, but you don’t even look back.
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“One, two—!!“
As Lita’s in the middle of counting the pin,  you happily skip down the ramp, waving to the fans as you go. Lita turns over towards the front where you were, a look of confusion on her face. 
What were you doing? 
Lita completely disregards Matt’s pin attempt, heading over to the ring ropes. She leans forward on them, trying to yell your name. “Hey! [Name]! What’re you doing??” You look just like her, which is strange because you looked completely normal earlier.
'Look at this! I told you she's got a couple of screws loose!' Jerry exclaimed. 'Talk about double trouble.'
'I almost can't tell who's who..' JR remarked. There was a bit of sarcasm behind his voice.
You don’t reply to her, instead looking up at her with a smile. You even mock her little Hardy hand sign. Then, you just start to skip around the ring. 
Lita’s eyes don’t stop following you. She doesn’t even care about the match right now. Why are you dressed up like that?!
Jeff and Matt hadn’t even noticed you, nor did they notice Lita’s attention being pulled away. “Hey!!” She tries once again to get your attention. “[Name]! What the hell?!”
Finally, you give her your undivided attention. You jump onto the ring apron with a smile. Lita’s finally able to come towards you.
You can hear her complaints a little better now, but who cares? You want to express how much you hate her. You feel like you’ve made a lot of bad decisions and you feel as if there will be more to come in the future.
For some reason, this is the only way you could convey how much you hate her right now.
You bring her in for a kiss. It ended as quick as it started, and it definitely looked more like a hug than anything. The moment Lita tries to swipe at you, it was already over.
The crowd makes a “whoaaa!” sound, which means you’ve got them right where you want them. But most importantly, you think you’ve got Team Xtreme’s main girl right where you want her.
Lita looks like she’s seen a ghost. Though even as she pales, she starts to turn red. She wasn’t expecting that at all.
…That….actually really hurt. You did it so haphazardly that Lita has to swipe a finger against her lip just to check if she was bleeding.
And nope, as your research has concluded, talent wasn’t transmitted that way either. You make a note to let Torrie know.
Lita's not sure whether to have hated that exchange or have enjoyed it. She's never really thought about you doing something like that, let along anything romantic despite you two being pretty good friends.
She feels like if she truly did like this, then she'd be betraying Jeff. But that kiss made her feel weird. It's something she hasn't felt in quite a while. Matt couldn't even make her feel that way.
There's something different about your lips being on her own. And even in that serious moment, she finds herself wanting it to happen again.
It's wrong, but she has to admit it, she doesn't want to be right at all. She’s too caught up in the moment. Before she knew it, you quickly enter the ring and tackle her.
If you’re supposed to be “Lita”, then you’ll be Lita. You take her referee shirt off, leaving her in the pink fishnet top she wore under it.
The crowd cheers, of course. For a moment you consider taking off your own shirt but decide against it, sliding it up and over your head. You’re the referee now.
It's a strangely cut shirt and it's especially uncomfortable with the shirt you have under, but you don't really care.
Every single person in the arena is confused. From the crowd, to the commentators, to the three that were in the ring with you.
Just what's going on through your head? You spin around in a circle. This moment just has the euphoria coursing through your veins, yet you're not sure why.
You feel like you can truly be yourself.
You weren't a sweet Nitro girl anymore. You're someone who's finding their own way in this world. If anyone wants to get out alive, they'd better move out of the way. It's every man and woman for themselves.
Trish was right. You don't need Raven's approval. You loved him dearly, yes, but just doing things by yourself felt much more natural.
It’s Matt’s turn to come over to you, and he's pissed. Not only had you kissed Lita, but you're interfering in his match. He genuinely thinks that this was an attempt to make him lose. He can't let that happen.
Yet again, you’re here to possibly ruin someones career.
He’s screaming some nonsense at you and all you’re doing is twirling your hair. "Hey!" Matt (halfway) snaps you out of your trance. "What's your deal?!"
“Don’t you think I’m pretty?!” You suddenly ask. “Look, you see I’m Lita! Tell me I’m pretty! Or....maybe you wanna kiss me too?”
Matt stops his yelling to look at you in confusion. Nothing but word vomit seems to be coming out of your mouth. You pucker your lips in anticipation, but Matt just shakes his head at you.
The match is starting to derail and it gets worse when Jeff slowly starts to get up and look over at the commotion.
“What’s going on—?” He too, gets struck by the arrow of confusion. You think it’s a good look for him, although he tends to look confused 50% of the time.
Still, no one even had a clue what they should do. Technically, were you the referee now? Both brothers didn't know if they should still follow Lita's orders or follow yours.
In a stunning turn of events, Jeff shoves Matt out of the way, coming towards you. "[Name], are you alright?! Why’re you dressed like that?”
To everyone, this was well deserved. Especially since he came out and ruined your own match. Fortunately for him, you truly had other things in mind.
"You ruined my match!“ You cry out, throwing your fists to hit him in the chest. “Everything is your fault! If you didn't attack Raven, I would’ve won! I hate you!”
You’re starting to actually hurt him, so he has to grab your arms to stop your flailing. “You don’t mean that—hey! Listen to me! Go backstage!” You're obviously not in the right state of mind. He can't have you out here.
The match can still be saved, he thinks. There's still time. If he can get your attention off and somehow get you backstage, everything can continue like nothing happened!
And later, he can finally talk to you about what he did. If you wanted answers, that’s what he’ll give you. Just not now.
“I don’t care! I’m not leaving!” You refuse. He’s slowly starting to get a bit irritated. This isn't a good time and he can tell something's not right in your head at the moment.
He’s going to say something else, but Matt comes over and shoves him away. He’s not happy about Jeff pushing him earlier.
They get into an argument, and Lita takes this opportunity to confront you about your behavior. “What was that?! Give me my shirt!"
And no one could call off the match. Well, Lita technically could, but almost all rules have been thrown out the window thanks to your appearance.
You don't say anything, so she pushes you. Something inside of you just snapped as soon as you were pushed, so you tackle her once again and start to hit her.
Now everyone's arguing. But the boys have to put a pause on their own dispute to handle you and Lita's altercation. Jeff has to yank you off of the poor woman, hooking his arms under your own so you can't move them.
Matt’s busy helping Lita up, doing the best to stabilize her.
"Cut it out!" He yells. The crowd can only be happy that they’ve got a taste of what’s to come after Vengeance.
You think you’ve done enough damage. “You want your shirt? Here!” You take it off and throw it in her direction. “You can have it! I’m out of here.”
Jeff is taken aback by your sudden mood shift. You were just aggressive but now you’re backing off? That gut feeling he has is gnawing at him. Something’s just not right.
He lets you go and you roll out of the ring, heading right up towards the ramp. You don’t even look back.
Trish Stratus said to make a statement, so you did. You don’t think anyone would forget this bizarre match.
That’s the way it should be.
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You seriously have to breathe. It’s starting to be difficult to even try.
Torrie’s win really has gotten under your skin. It shouldn’t have, but somehow it wormed its way under.
To add onto that, that short adrenaline burst from earlier’s interference had been still lingering. Even as you pick up your cup of water, your hand is still shaking.
All that’s left for the night was the Undisputed Championship match. All the matches have come and gone. All that’s left was Chris Jericho and Stone Cold Steve Austin.
The match was definitely in it's middle stages and things weren't looking so well.
You were advised not to go out there again, with Debra being the main person telling you no. She’s not sure if she witnessed a mental breakdown or an identity crisis, but she doesn’t want you to go out and make things more worse than they already are.
She felt that she had to stay behind with you to not only cheer you up a bit, but to break the news. She knew the outcome of the match.
“Are you feeling okay?” Debra suddenly asks. “You’re shaking like a dog.” She pats your shoulder and you nod.
“I’ve never felt better!” You chime. Debra knows that it’s probably not true, but she keeps it pushing.
“I think you should sit down…” She gently pushes you over to a chair and you oblige, taking a seat right in front of her. “You’ve done a lot tonight. I think it’s time for you to head back to the hotel.”
“But the match.."
Debra waves her hand at you. "Steve should be fine. And besides, it's not going the way you want it to." Before you can question her, she continues on. "He doesn't win the title. Chris Jericho wins the title."
You gasp and cover your mouth. Was she serious?! "You're kidding!"
Sometimes the finishes of matches was to be expected, but to think Jericho was going over.....you just couldn't believe it. You're not as panicked as you would originally be, because you knew that you'd see him tonight.
Triple H would come and "save" you by attacking him in the hotel room. Maybe that's all the revenge you need. So after she confirms it with a nod, you sigh. "Alrighty then.."
"Just alright?" Debra's wary. You're not snapping. Not angry. You're just okay. "You sure?"
At the very least you could watch the match from the monitor. But the night just isn't over. It's not over until they go off the air. Your revenge will come soon, even if you're not the one mainly attacking him.
Though, you weren't sure about being in lingerie on national television. You're not even sure if green actually fits you.
Honestly, you’ve never been a fan of those kind of things. Back then, you were somehow able to slip between the cracks of the monstrosities that were called gimmick matches.
Oh yes, you always chickened out. Sometimes you couldn’t get away with it, but the times you did, you ended up on some sort of cleaning duty backstage.
Very annoying. Even in WCW’s dying days, you somehow were always a victim to backstage politics, even if you were a woman.
Not having enough time. Having too much time. The crowd likes you too much. Things of that nature.
Fortunately the producers were more focused on your wrestling skill. They left most of the expose to Torrie and Stacy.
Sure, it hurt a little bit. Maybe gave the slightest hit to your confidence. But it’s kind of what you want.
“I have to ask, [Name]. Just what in the world was that earlier? Gosh, you’re lucky I urged Steve to get ready for his match.”
You did feel lucky. You’d rather have Debra talk to you than him, even if you were a bit more scared of her..
“Trish said I should make a statement, so I tried to make one. To get people to forget about my match.”
“You didn’t need to do that.” She crosses her arms. “If you ask me, that is the complete opposite of making a statement. I’m sure people think you’re out of your god dang mind.”
Okay, you might have screwed that up. But you’re starting to reach into the territory of not caring anymore.
“And more importantly—“ Debra is interrupted by the door opening.
The both of you turn your heads to see none other than a tired Jeff Hardy stood before you two.
“Hey. Sorry to interrupt. Can I talk to [Name] alone, please?”
You can just feel things becoming tense yet again. Guess it’s time to lay in the bed that fate has seemed to make for you.
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tbh now that i think about it? golden!debra is probably gonna be different towards reader just because of jeff jarett. it’s not like a mentor thing, so i hope you know where im going with this…either way QUEEN DEBRA!!!!
i feel like this chapter wasn't what i wanted to be because of TUMBLR but either way i still hope you liked it for now im going to try and start putting the remaining bits into another post. so one portion will be past vengeance and next will be another show i suppose.
jeff wasn’t exactly mean to us right now, i ended it on a cliff hanger, but it’s coming for sure + triple h beating jericho up while we watch and cheer HEEHEE!
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Various Wrestlers, Actors x Fem Reader- "Sometimes A Fantasy"
You have many fantasies that can come true, but the problem is some of the men in these fantasies can't be with you because they don't look like how they used to and these men were in alternate wrestling companies where they weren't allowed to be in the wrestling company you're currently in.
One fantasy that you have is playing strip poker with Shawn Michaels in 1997, late 1997/early 1998 DX era Triple H/Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Christian Cage when he had long hair, Scott Hall from WCW, Chris Jericho when he had long hair and no facial hair, Nova from ECW (when he doesn't have black marker drawn on his face and blue face paint), Tommy Rogers from the Fantastics, Leif Cassidy when his hair looks good and doesn't have a handlebar moustache, Brian Pillman in 1996, Sam Houston during the 1990's (he's Jake "The Snake" Roberts' half brother), and maybe even Don Johnson from "Miami Vice" in the late 1980's (or early 1970's) and John Ritter during his "Three's Company" days when he'd have long hair.
Although, you're unsure whether or not if Tommy Rogers should look like how he did in his late 1990's ECW run or during his late 1980's Fantastics days.
There are other men---mostly wrestlers---you could invite to this strip poker game, like Raven from ECW and WCW, Jim Powers from WCW, Jerry Lynn during his late 1997/early 1998 ECW run, Billy Gunn in 1997, and Val Venis/Sean Morley, etc. before he cut his hair.
Maybe you can even have some older pro wrestlers from the past in this fantasy, like Rowdy Roddy Piper in the late 1980's and early 1990's when he had long hair (and in this fantasy, he looks like how he looked on his appearance on "The Super Mario Brothers Super Show"), Michael "P.S." Hayes in the early 80's before he grew facial hair, and Terry Taylor during the 1980's.
The possibilities are endless.
During this fantasy, you're dressed in some outfit standing near a table while these aforementioned wrestlers are circling around that table playing strip poker.
Shawn, Triple H, Christian Cage and just all about all of these listed men all have their long hair hanging down because they look so good with their hair down.  
I don't know how to play strip poker, I've never played it myself, but this strip poker fantasy involves you shedding out of your clothes, where those listed male wrestlers happily leer and stare at you as you undress, and underneath your outfit you reveal you're wearing one of those silky vintage teddies that's a mixture of a chemise and short shorts attached---similar to the teddies women on "Three's Company" wore---and then eventually you shed that teddy off of yourself until you're completely naked.
Of course some of those other male wrestlers take their clothes off during strip poker.
Your strip poker fantasy is similar to that infamous moment in the year 2000 where Test and Albert played strip poker with Trish Stratus and APA, where Trish removed her clothes until she was naked.
You'd actually rather wear a silky vintage teddy rather than just wear some outfit covering it in this fantasy.
You've played strip poker with many male professional wrestlers---Shawn Michaels, Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam, Brian Pillman, Tommy Rogers, Christian Cage, Sean Morley/Val Venis, Leif Cassidy, Chris Jericho, Scott Hall, etc.
In fact, you have fulfilled your dream of playing strip poker with some of these men, which includes you walking around this circle as these men play and removing your clothes until you're wearing a teddy and then taking your teddy off to reveal you're stark naked.
You even played strip poker in the ring with Shawn Michaels and Triple H on "Monday Night Raw" at the end of 1997.
But...when you played strip poker sometimes in 1997 with Shawn, Hunter, Rob, Jeff, Tommy, Brian, etc., Scott Hall wasn't there, Chris Jericho wasn't there, Nova from ECW wasn't there, Leif Cassidy wasn't there.
There also have been times you've played strip poker where you've held cards.
Should certain male wrestlers like Scott Hall be in this strip poker fantasy of yours?
He's definitely sexy.
If this fantasy was real, it would be a lot of people playing strip poker.
Speaking of men staring at you, one fantasy you have is you strutting to the ring in the WWF.
As you strut to the ring dressed in some sexy outfit--like Sunny's outfit she wore on "Monday Night Raw" at the beginning of 1997 when she arm wrestled Marlena---Shawn Michaels circa 1997, Hunter Hearst Helmsley or late 1997/early 1998 Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy, Christian Cage when he had long hair, Scott Hall, Nova from ECW (likewise, when he doesn't have facial hair, black marker drawn on his face and even a blue diamond painted over one of his eyes), Chris Jericho with long hair and without facial hair, Leif Cassidy when his hair looks good and doesn't have a handlebar moustache, late 1980's Tommy Rogers (or late 1990's), Michael P.S. Hayes in the early 80's, Roddy Piper in the late 80's and early 90's when he had long hair (and his long hair actually looked good and he didn't have bangs), Jim Powers from WCW, and Terry Taylor in the 80's.
Each of those men all look good in this fantasy, Shawn, Triple H/Hunter, Christian Cage, etc. all letting their long hair hang down.
You've thought of adding more men, like Raven from ECW and WCW, ECW's Stevie Richards in 1996, and Jerry Lynn at the end of 1997 and beginning of 1998.
But are some of these wrestlers you aren't sure if they're handsome enough.
There aren't just male wrestlers in this audience, some other men in the audience include John Ritter during the late 1970's and early 1980's (when he doesn't have short hair), Don Johnson from "Miami Vice" in the late 1980's (and maybe the early 1970's), maybe 90's MTV VJ John Sencio, and Richard Tyson in the movie "3 O'Clock High".  
There's other men that could be added there, like some male porn stars like Biff Malibu, Jay Serling in the 80's (when his hair is long and he doesn't have facial hair) and Gerry Pike
Either way, these listed men are in the audience as you're strutting down to the ring, some of these men are even standing front row.
While you stroll down to the ring as your entrance music plays, blowing some of these men kisses and waving at them with one of your hands, these aforementioned men are holding their barenaked penises out of their pants and masturbating them, where these men are jerking off to you.
Many of these men are happily cheering for you and giving you those corny "wolf whistles" as they're called.
But you care more about them masturbating to you.
When you walk up the little stairs to the ring, you show yourself off as you're standing in the ring, basically practically acting like Sunny.
You're holding on to the top rope and leaning your head back while your eyes are gazing at these men masturbating to you.
Your inspiration for having these men masturbate to you came from reading about how the 1970's all female rock band the Runaways had hype that men were masturbating to them in the front row, as well as how men in the audience masturbated to female burlesque performers in the 1930's and 1940's.
You actually have acted out your fantasy by lining up Shawn, Hunter/Triple H, Jeff, Rob, Tommy, Christian Cage, Brian Pillman, Leif Cassidy, etc. in the front row as you strut down to the ring and flirt with these men watching front row as those aforementioned wrestlers cheer and masturbate to you.
But likewise, when you acted out this fantasy, there were men in the audience that weren't there, including some male actors.
Here's the last fantasy you have, which I hope you people won't find problematic.
One fantasy you have involves you dressed up in a school cheerleader uniform, and as you're wearing this uniform, you stroll to the boys' locker room and enter it.
Inside this locker room is Don Johnson during the 1970's when he had long hair (and doesn't have facial hair), Jeff Hardy in the late 1990's (although even in the year 2000 is good as well), Leif Cassidy in 1996 (when he doesn't have a handlebar moustache), Sam Houston during the 1990's, Chris Jericho when he doesn't have facial hair and long hair, Richard Tyson in "Three O'Clock High", Raven from ECW and WCW, Christian Cage with long hair, Nova from ECW (without the facial hair he had in the year 2000 and beard and glasses drawn with sharpie marker), and even wrestlers like Hunter Hearst Helmsley/late 1997 and early 1998 Triple H, Shawn Michaels in 1997, Brian Pillman in 1996, Rob Van Dam, and maybe even Scott Hall and Tommy Rogers during his late 1980's Fantastics days.
When you're inside this locker room, these aforementioned men are all standing and crowding in front of the lockers, and these men's eyes are all turned to you once you enter the room.
Their faces light up and they greet you as you enter the room.
You walk closer to them with a grin on your face, and you know how horny teenage boys can get.
While some of these men don't really look like teenagers in this fantasy, you're letting these men roleplay as teenage boys.
And some of them really do look like teenagers.
Because teen boys are so horny, you stand in front of these men where you hook your thumbs under your top, and you pull and raise your top up and expose your barenaked breasts to them, where these men all stare at and ravel at your bare chest.
Their eyes are hooked to your tits and won't look away.
Many of them are even cheering.
They wish they could have teen girls in the locker room, but that would drive their hormones wild.
Why do you think teen girls can't dress provocatively at school?
There are other outfits out there that you could wear to entice these men, like dressing as a naughty schoolgirl.
You have roleplayed this fantasy where you've invited male wrestlers like Hunter/Triple H, Shawn, Leif Cassidy (before he grew a handlebar moustache), Rob, Jeff Hardy, Raven, Christian Cage, Nova, etc. to a locker room where they stand in front of the lockers and you walk in dressed as a naughty schoolgirl or cheerleader while they roleplay as horny teen boys, where of course you raise your top up and flash them, and this fantasy ends with you having sex with these men in the showers.
But there were many men that weren't in this scenario because they were too young (the Young Bucks), they don't look like they used to look like (Don Johnson) and they were in other wrestling companies (Scott Hall).
You would have some current male wrestlers in these fantasies, like Adam Page, Dean Ambrose in the 2010's, Adam Cole in the early 2010's and the Young Bucks before they grew facial hair.
But these wrestlers were too young when these fantasies were set.
Adam Page, the Young Bucks and Dean Ambrose were underage young boys in the 1990's.
11 notes · View notes
aritamargarita · 2 years
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well, everything is still awesome guys. :D *breaks down into tears*
some shit actually goes down here like oh my god PUT Y’ALL SEATBELTS ON!!!!
i actually had a lot of fun writing the match….THERE’S A LIL TREAT IN THERE FOR U GUYS TOO! also i keep referring to stone cold as “austin” because of reader kinda using it as “respect” but idk might just start calling him steve so it’s easier—
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You’re the last person to come out to the ring. It was a pretty quiet entrance, not that you minded. They skipped out on your music this time..
Everyone is settling in their corner and you just stick nearby Trish, who was standing on the ring apron. You reach up your hand to give her a high five and she quickly returns it.
Hopefully that one fan wouldn’t be so upset you’re kicking it with Trish. But she’s gotta understand it’s Vince McMahon we’re talking about here! He’s gonna go down and you were going to ensure that happened.
“You guys are gonna do great!” You yell. The Rock gives you a nod and Trish beams a smile down at you. They then give you the World Championship and Women’s title to hold onto.
Jeez, those two were definitely a strange pairing…..on both sides.
The bell rings, signifying that the match has officially begun. You were too busy admiring the gold to even notice Kurt and The Rock trading blows.
Both of these titles were beautiful! If they gave you an opportunity to go after either of them, you’d take them no question. Even if they didn’t let you compete for the World Championship, you’d find a way damn it. Make it into a storyline, what have you. You were going to take the titles one way or another.
It looks like Kurt had gotten the best of The Rock for a while, throwing him into the turn buckle and chopping him across the chest.
Just because you could, you wrap the World Champion around your waist, trying it on. Not bad!
‘That young lady is trying on the title!’ JR says. ‘What’s going on through that head of hers?’
Jerry shrugs. ‘I dunno, but I think we should start opening up the mental hospital! Does she think she can really wear that?’
‘She’s obviously putting it on, King.’
“It looks nice on you!” Trish turns down to stare at you. “Trying on my title next?”
“Maybe! Focus on your match!” You point back to the ring, where The Rock finally gets the upper hand by clotheslining Kurt and bringing him back into a Samoan drop after he got up.
You walk over towards commentary and hand the belts over to one of the staff members.
The Rock tries to go for the pin, but Vince quickly breaks it up. You clap your hands. “C’mon Rocky!!”
Though The Rock had recovered, it’s starting to look like Kurt was really going over in this match. It was easy for the Olympic Hero to bounce him off the ropes and into a suplex. To make things worse, he immediately tags Vince into the match.
Kurt holds The Rock by his arms, allowing Vince to hit him in the face with hard strikes. The two double teamed him and the referee was getting on them for it. You boo as Kurt switched back out to the apron.
Vince smiles seeing The Rock worn out. He’s 100% sure he’s got this in the bag too. So much so, he walks over towards Trish and begins to taunt her.
The second she retorts, he reaches his hand out and pie faces her off the apron…and she lands right on you. The crowd gasps, some fans sitting nearby the guardrail stand up to see you two crash on the ground.
Jerry shrieks, and JR just couldn’t believe what he just saw. ‘Oh my god! Mr. McMahon just knocked Trish right into [Name]!!’
It was collateral damage! Vince’s shock turns into a smile. He turns right back to The Rock and jumps on him to punch him again.
You groan in pain and Trish rolls off of you. “Are you—ow…okay??” She asks, shifting her body to lean on the guardrail.
Even though you gave her a thumbs up, your words contradicted. “Ack—…..that shit hurt!” Her colliding with you was nearly on par with her damn near breaking your nose. It’s always something with Trish.
You’re still trying to recover on the floor when Trish crawls back up to the apron, holding her hand out for a tag. She was about to give Vince what for!
The Rock hesitantly tags her in, switching places on the apron as well. While she’s beating the hell out of Vince, The Rock looks down at you.
“You good?!”
You couldn’t hide the surprise on your face. It’s safe to say you didn’t even know he’d ask. Well, it looked like a pretty hard collision after all.
“Yup. Don’t worry!” You reassure. “Don’t worry about me!”
The Rock nods, leaving you be for now and hopping back up into the apron in order to distract the referee once more. Smart enough, he even attempted to use your “injury” as leverage at first. Trish lifts Vince’s legs up and stomps him right in the nuts, as he deserves.
Despite your suffering still being disoriented, you raise your hands up to clap weakly. Vince’s nose is bleeding, which brings a biiig smile to your face.
The Rock distracts the referee for far too long, allowing Kurt to come into the ring and knock Trish in the back of her head.
“REF!!! HEY!!!!“ You scream, trying to bring his attention back to Trish. “That was illegal!”
Kurt comes over to the ropes and chews you out, mocking your tone of voice. “ThAt wAs iLlEgAl!!!”
You throw both middle fingers up at him in response and the crowd goes wild. Like father, like daughter, truly. Because you weren’t a competitor, he couldn’t put his hands on you or he’d risk being disqualified.
He waves you off and returns to the ropes to get tagged in by Vince. Now he’s in the ring with Trish, who struggles to reach The Rock for a tag. It was a cheap shot, but you hope she can recover.
Kurt leans down to grab her hair, turning over to The Rock to taunt him. Trish is able to use this to her advantage, using her arm to give him a lowblow. He falls over and she crawls over to The Rock for a hot tag.
That was good! You’re really finding some enjoyment in this match, especially when The Rock comes in on fire, he gets Kurt into the corner, striking him as many times as possible.
He’s laying the Smackdown on Kurt! He pulls him out to the center of the ring to kick him and hit him with a DDT, he tries to pin him but Kurt kicks out at 2, much to the crowd’s chagrin.
Both men get up (Kurt being slower than The Rock), and attempt to irish whip each other, but it ends up with the latter slamming into the referee.
Referee’s down! And somehow Kurt catches The Rock in an Olympic Slam. Now both men are down again, for good.
This isn’t looking too hot, you notice Vince coming down the steps, but someone bumping into you on the way to the ring makes you look up.
NO WAY…No way. The crowd feels the same as you! It’s Jericho, who jumps on the ropes for a moonsault onto The Rock. “Son of a bitch!” He yells.
He slides back out of the ring but before he could leave over the guard rail, you grab his arm and spin him over so you can slap him as hard as you could.
Jericho almost loses his footing, but recovers to look at you with a smile. He’s not going to attack you this time. There’s more than enough time for him to do it at Vengeance instead. “You slap like a grandma!”
“I hate you!” You scream. “GO AWAY!!”
He just laughs, jumping over the guardrail and retreating into the crowd as Kurt Angle pins The Rock. It’s a very close call, but he luckily kicks out just in time.
To your right, you see Vince pull Trish down by her leg. It’s just one thing after another, but you’re here to defend Trish. The CEO is about to get a slap of his own!
“Hey! Back up!” You yell at him. Trish immediately hides behind you for a moment, slowly backing up and tripping over the steps behind her. She’s terrified, rightfully so.
You would be scared shitless too if Vince was coming towards you in wrestling gear! You’re trying to hold him off long enough for the referee to get up, but Trish decides to make a run for it, heading up the ramp.
You throw your arms out in confusion, watching her as she runs right up. “WAIT! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING….TRISH??!! DON’T GO—“
….She’s already outta there. That woman needs to be in track or something.
Most importantly, The Rock’s just lost his partner thanks to Vince.
“…Are you kidding me?!” Before you could come over and try to kick him in the shin, Ric Flair’s music plays, causing you to stop in your tracks.
You forgot he’s here again.
Something that’s been on your mind was how him being business partners with Vince would work out, though. Very weird investment he made, but to each their own, you guess.
You remember when him and Eric Bischoff were going at it, so maybe it’d be the same as that?
“WOOO!” He yells, marching along the stage. “I want more action! More excitement! I’ve been watching you guys go at it, and then WHAM! Trish Stratus bailed out!!“
Ric was jittering like crazy. Either he had a ton of coffee or the man was nuts. Truth be told, you’re convinced he’s nuts. He better be careful before he passes out or something….
‘If it wasn’t for that big bully, Trish wouldn’t have ran away so quickly!’ Jr grumbled. ‘[Name] was just about to give him what he deserves!’
Ric’s raspy voice continues on. “…I’m gonna make things interesting! I’m sure you don’t mind, business partner!!” Vince and Kurt look up in confusion. “[Name] will be competing in place of Trish Stratus for the rest of the match, WOOO!”
Wait, what?!
Literally, you and everyone else in the entire arena, were taken aback. No one told you that you were going to perform! You’re not even in the right gear.
Actually, if Torrie and Stacy could wrestle in heels, then maybe you could go in what you had on. You weren’t entirely against the idea either, just confused. Guess this is one way to shake things up and it’s another way to ruffle Vince’s feathers.
‘[Name] is going to compete in place of Trish?! Is that allowed?!’ Jerry asks in shock.
‘Ric Flair’s the co-owner….whatever he says, goes! Business is about to pick up!!’ JR responds.
And that’s that. Ric Flair leaves you guys to it. Guess you were really doing this for real. You hop on the apron, wary about even participating.
If The Rock tagged you in, you’ll give either Kurt or Vince a run for their money. The crowd behind you excitedly cheers.
No one really expected you to get that kind of reaction merely at the sight of you wrestling. Especially Vince (who knew about your rising popularity), as he looked around the arena.
They really liked you, huh?? You’re a check……and he feels like it’s about time to cash out.
The sound of the crowd cheering yet again makes you turn towards the front.
Wait….is that who you think it is?!
Your eyes don’t deceive you as you see the Rattlesnake make his way down, focusing his attention on Vince. Referee’s still trying to recover, so he doesn’t entirely see Austin’s interference. While he was handling him, you felt like it would be a good time to attack Kurt.
You hold out your hand for a tag. The Rock hadn’t seen it at first, landing a suplex instead. He turns around towards you. “You want in?!”
You nod. “Of course!” Once he hits his palm against yours, you jump into the ring. You turn on your heel to wave to the crowd before turning back around. You jump and plant your knees into Kurt’s midsection, then roll forward and backflip, shoving your knees back again.
‘Slamming the knees right into his midsection! Beautiful Insult to Injury!’ JR compliments.
Once you land on your feet, the crowd cheers. You drop down to try and pin him but he kicks out at two.
At least he’s got his wish, now he could fight you as much as he wanted! Too bad he’s losing though. You kick him a few times, but Kurt eventually catches your foot. He attempts to flip you over but you’re able to catch yourself before you hit the mat.
‘Do you think [Name] can last against Kurt Angle?!’ Jerry asks. ‘I mean, he’s already got the upper hand!’
JR thinks about it for a moment. ‘It’ll be a tough fight, but if we’ve known anything about her precious matches, it’s that she can hold her own.’
You’re trying your best. You bring Kurt up and attempt to irish whip him into the corner, which he reverses and sends you straight into the turnbuckle.
The wind’s knocked out of you, but as he runs over, you quickly lift your knees up and Kurt smashes right into them, stumbling backwards. You’d like to call it an impromptu Meteora, but it’s just something to keep him at bay.
Coming forward, you put him into a headlock and run further across the mat to give him a bulldog. Standing up and dusting your hands off, you make your fingers in the shape of an ‘L’ and put it on your forehead.
Austin comes around towards the ring, motioning you to bring him over. You pull Kurt up from the ground and irish whip him towards the ropes, where he turns around so that Austin can jump up and rope-hung his head off the ropes.
Kurt stumbles back and you’re ready to give him the greatest gift of a lifetime, a reward much larger than those golden medals could ever give him, a 201 Facebreaker. You can see the cameras flash as you do it, which brings a smile to your face.
Before Kurt can fall to the ground he stumbles backwards and The Rock quickly jumps in the ring to give him the Rock Bottom. You can see all the cameras flash again.
This match was definitely over. You immediately fall down to pin him.
The referee slowly crawls over and starts to hit his hand against the mat. Vince does his best to try and pull you off of him, but he’s far too late.
“1! 2! 3!”
The bell rings, and you roll off of Kurt. What a match. It was short, but you still enjoyed participating in it. The loud roar of the crowd couldn’t even let you think for a moment. The sound even overpowered your theme!
“Here are your winners, [Name] and The Rock!!”
The Rock comes over and helps you to stand, then holds your arm up.
JR was the most hype over this win. ‘Can you believe it?! With Stone Cold’s assist, [Name] and The Rock win it! Vince McMahon has got to kiss The Rock’s ass on Smackdown!!’
One of the staff members hand you both titles and you pass the World Championship to The Rock. You’re left holding the Women’s Championship. You look at it in your hands and you start to feel unsure if you should give it back to Trish once you hit backstage.
Though you felt unsure, you slowly raise it, the crowd cheering you on. Trish simply had to understand….
There was never enough room on this stage for the both of you.
You quickly look up towards the front and point at Austin with a smile. You always knew he was on The Rock’s side!
Vince just looks between you two in shock, and The Rock slings his title on his shoulder with a smile.
You reap what you sow.
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What a match. Everything about it was perfect, magnificent! You love wrestling, you really do. Even if you feel pretty sore, there’s nothing you’d love more than to….
“Raven!” You chime, quickly running into his arms. You jump and wrap both your legs around him while you gave him a hug.
Well, no, that’s wrong. You loved Raven more than wrestling. More than anything in the world.
“…Evening.” He greets. He’s as cordial as ever, but you’re incredibly excited to even see him. So much so, you lean in and give him a kiss.
He kisses back, but quickly separates from you. “Vengeance.” He pauses for a moment after mentioning the pay-per-view.. “….I find it difficult to hide our blossoming intimacy. It’s time to show the WWF that you belong to me. I’ll be coming with you.”
How wonderful!! This was your first appearance with him. “Really?!” You ask with a smile.
He nods. “I know of your issues. Torrie Wilson will pay for her deceit.” If even Raven was supporting you, then you felt better about this rumored match. “Tonight, you did a good job. I’m expecting you to do as good here at Vengeance.”
You’d make Raven proud, 100%. You nod your head in excitement.
“Hope you’re not too mad at me for our earlier escapade.” Raven slides his hand under your shirt.
“Not at all.” You say, putting your hand over his. “Will you make it up to me?”
He looks around for a moment. “Don’t suppose you’re suggesting I finish what I started right here in this hallway? Man, you’re a bad girl.”
The baddest, of course! Alas, it’s way too dangerous to even try and you refused to end up in Wrestlers Court. You’ve heard the stories.
“Uh, [Name]?”
You turn your head to see Jeff, confused at what he was seeing. You don’t make a move to get down either, which confused him even more.
“Jeff Hardy.” Raven acknowledged. “What can we do for you?”
“We?” He repeats, raising an eyebrow.
“We.” You confirm. This time, you get off of Raven, turning your body over to him fully. “Is something the matter?”
There is, there’s a lot that’s “the matter.” For starters, why were you on Raven like that? And secondly, why were you so rude to Lita? He nodded. “Wanted to talk to ya’ for a second. You know, alone?”
Raven runs a hand over his face. For a moment, he considered pulling you away and not letting Jeff talk to you. But he lets it be. You two needed to…sort things out. He comes closer to whisper to you. “I hope you get rid of him. I’ll see you later.”
Shoving his hands into his pockets, Jeff looks at you with unease. “You’ve…uh…” And he’s not sure what to say either.
…Wow, you could’ve looked better. Not that you didn’t look beautiful, it’s just….
Actually, it probably was because you had a match just now. But something’s off about you and Jeff couldn’t put his finger on it.
Your breathy voice makes him snap out of it. “What have you been up to?”
“N-Nothing.” He stutters out, scratching the back of his head nervously. “I’m just hangin’ out backstage..”
Jeff’s not sure what you’re up to and he’s almost too afraid to ask. You’re too eerily calm.
You twitch and give him a smile. “….Me too.” Your voice sounds tired, but you were definitely wide awake. “Lita? Matt? Where are they?”
The mention of his teammates names makes him realize he came here for a reason. He’s not here to feel nervous around you. He’s here to get to the bottom of this.
“I’m not with ‘em…we had a fight. Now me and Matt have a match at Vengeance. Lita’s the referee.” He answers.
“That’s unfortunate.” You say. “I hope you win..”
He doesn’t comment on that. “Speaking of a match, you didn’t come out. Are you okay? Lita said you had some sort of outburst afterwards.”
You gently set your hand on his shoulder. “I’m fine. I just got a little busy. Lita caught me at a bad time…..tell her I’m sorry next time you see her.”
“Right. I’ll do that.” Jeff is suspicious, but as soon as he turns around, you grab his arm. He’s startled at this sudden strength, but looks at you curiously.
“You’re not angry at me are you….?” You pull him closer to you. “Are you angry??? I’d hate for you to be upset.”
“No, no I’m not upset.” He reassured you. “I’m just—I don’t know.….”
You come closer with a smile. “I’m glad you’re not upset. And I hope you won’t be upset to know..that I’ve moved on.”
“Moved on?” He repeats. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve truly found my one and only purpose in life. What we had was a mistake.” You let go of his arm. “I’ve seen the light. Raven has allowed me to find who I truly am. I am in his debt for eternity!”
“What?” Jeff’s in disbelief. What the hell did Raven do to you?! From what he’s known about you so far, you’ve never acted like this before. “When we kissed, that wasn’t a mistake, [Name].”
“It was. I can’t let it happen again.”
In that moment, Jeff felt like his heart broke into a million pieces. He doesn’t know what’s gotten into you, but he damn sure doesn’t like it.
“I-I don’t want ya’ to leave. I like you, I really do.” He says, grabbing your hands. “Please, [Name]. I—“
You shake your head. “I was wrong. I should’ve never helped you out. I don’t know how I was so blind!”
How could you do this to him?
No, why did you do this to him??
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You’re seated on a couch next to Austin as the camera pans up from you two to an exasperated Debra. This was one of the closing segments of the night, so you had to make it count.
“Oh, you two just won’t believe what just happened!” Debra starts, pacing around the room. “I’m over there trying to get some coffee and I was talking to Lita. I couldn’t believe all the stuff she was saying.”
“What’d she say?” Austin asks.
“Well, first she said to me, and she thought it was real funny, really funny, when I knocked your head with that cookie tray.”
You remember seeing that! No lie, it was hilarious. You had to cover your mouth to hide the giggle.
“You think that’s funny too??” Austin turns today look at you and you shake your head.
“And that’s not all, either.” Debra continued. “[Name], she told me that you were acting like such a bitch earlier. I mean, she was just laying into you! How gross you looked….how no one could ever like you….”
“She was laying into me?” You shift in your seat to lean forward. Now you were interested. Even after you apologized, Lita had turned her back on you over something so small?
“Honey, you just don’t know the half of it.” She puts her hands on her hips. “She even said that boy that you’ve been eyeing, Jeff, was no good for you. That you don’t deserve him! If you ask me, I think she wants him for herself.”
Even though you harshly let go of Jeff earlier, the idea of Lita attempting to sabotage you behind the scenes pissed you off. Besides, no one knew that you were with Raven yet.
You remember you asked her if she would ever screw you over. Looks like her answer of “no” sounded like a bit of a lie.
Neither you or Austin really knew that Debra was exaggerating most of what Lita said.
“THEN, I couldn’t believe she said this one. She said, ‘I couldn’t imagine someone like you getting married to Debra’…I thought it was so offensive! Get this too, she said ‘he’s nothing but trailer trash’! Can you believe her? I mean, I’m married to you, so what does that make me?!”
Austin doesn’t give much of a reaction, simply brushing off most of what she says at first. It’s just something stupid. He doesn’t want to entertain it.
You on the other hand, felt like you were boiling. How could Lita betray you like this?
“To top it all off—you’re gonna love this one, Steve—she said that her little boyfriend Matt Hardy, could beat your butt any day of the week! She even said she’d mop the floor with you, [Name].”
Hell no. That does it. Austin jumps up from his spot. “Lita said that?! That’s a bunch of bullshit!”
“I’m pissed off too!” Debra adds. “How dare she say those things about you two?”
“[Name], get up. We’re going to pay your friend a little visit. I told ya’, that girl was nothing but trouble. She can’t even pull her pants up, damn it! You expect her to pull through your friendship?!”
You’re starting to think he was right. Lita was a bad friend. Did you have any real friends?
You feel like your only friend here is Raven. He’s the only person that would have your back.
Forever and always, till death do you part.
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After a bit of searching and threatening other staff members, you and Austin finally found where Lita was, who just so happened to be chatting it up with Matt.
Both of them seemed sad, but you not Austin cared about how they felt right now.
The camera zooms in on you two as you come into the room. “There ya’ two are.” Austin says. “Hope you’re happy with yourself, Lita.”
You’re trailing behind him, anger written all over your face. Lita, on the other hand, looks confused. You’re happy to refresh her memory. “Debra told us everything. From how Austin was trailer trash to how I was such a gross bitch.”
Matt looks back and forth at you and Austin. He doesn’t get what’s going on here, but it wouldn’t make sense for Lita to say those things. Austin made sense, but you? No way.
“You think I’m gross? You think I’m gross??? Just who the hell do you think you are? You’re supposed to be my friend, but you’re running me down into the dirt?!”
Lita’s in awe, to say the least. Why were you two coming at her like this?! She stutters out words you couldn’t understand. 
“Shut up—“
Matt cuts you off and raises his voice. “HEY, HEY, HEY! You don’t tell her to shut up. You talk to me. I don’t know what’s going on here but weren’t you two friends? As much as I don’t like you, something ain’t right. Lita would never say those things.”
“I’ll tell her shut up if I want to! You think I care if you like me or not?” You get out of Lita’s face to approach Matt. “What do you have to do with this anyway? Last time I heard, you two just got into a fight. You kiss and make up yet or are you still going into Vengeance against your own brother?”
He takes a bit too long to respond, so you jab a finger in his face. “That’s exactly what I thought…”
Austin is proud of you for standing up for yourself, but he wouldn’t admit that… “Ya’ saying my wife Debra’s a liar, ya’ little bastard? Ya’ saying [Name]’s a liar?!”
“N-No! I’m not. I just think Lita would never say that.” Matt spared a glance at you. “Yes, I know we’re arguing….I just want to fix things. I really do.”
“No one gives a damn.” Austin says. “How about this, since you can kick my ass, Matt Hardy, according to Lita, I want to see you after Vengeance. I’ll give you the ass whooping you deserve.”
“Maybe it’ll work out for you two. Now you can experience getting beat up as a couple!” You chime in. 
“Ya’ damn skippy. And I’ll tell ya’ what, you bring your little stupid girlfriend with you and [Name] will kick her ass too. Ain’t nobody gonna run down the name Stone Cold Steve Austin here. You didn’t forget about that two man power trip, right?”
The crowd cheers as you nod your head. They were stoked to hear you two would be in the ring again.
Lita remembers it well. Very well. She tenses up, the words caught up in her throat.
“Lita?” You begin. The woman literally looks like she’s on the verge of tears, but you could care less. “I will show you how much of a bitch I am.” You say, getting in her face once again. “When I’m done with Torrie, I will make you scream. I WILL make you tap if I have to. Most importantly, I will make sure that you won’t ever get in a ring again.”
Lita turns away from you and bites the inside of her cheek, trying to stop any stray tears exiting her eyes. This situation really upset her. She’d never do that to you! Adding this on top of Team Xtremes problems, it was inevitable for her to break down.
That intergender match is in the books. 
You’ve got quite a few problems on your hands and you’re more than happy to solve them. You two walk out of frame.
‘[Name] and Stone Cold have challenged Lita and Matt Hardy! It’s coming after Vengeance! I can’t imagine the carnage!’ JR yells.
And with that, Raw is over for the night, displaying credits and fading out to black.
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the rock & reader kinda ate tbh ik reader didn’t get much time to wrestle but we’re saving it for vengeance…..just realized this show went long as hell, damnnnn
trish injuring reader somehow is just a running gag now. reader speedrunning ruining relationships with everyone besides raven. maybe not stone cold and debra cause she acts normal around them (FOR NOW) even though debs was messy for that segment lol
for jeff, siri play ‘another me’ pls
next chapter is out of kayfabe shenanigans though. lita & reader are about to go on a…snack run. *nudges nellie*
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88 notes · View notes
aritamargarita · 2 years
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that last minute decision? well. this may come as a surprise to you all……..but i did add a little sexual content in this one. i actually was able to fit some in there so.. SURPRISE! i will signify where it starts with ** and the spacer is where it ends if you don’t want to read it. it’s also kinda quick for a reason lol
i hope y’all like it i was kinda nervous. i legit don’t know what im doing.🧍‍♀️this is my first time don’t scream at me
youuu guys knoww the drilllll! you know ‘sweet but psycho’ by ava max really set the tone for me.....”you’re just like me, you’re out your mind”??? oh yeah RENT WAS DUE!!!!!
hope u enjoy this chapter i had a lot of fun writing it
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YOU’RE STILL RUNNING on adrenaline! You and Trish hit backstage, spirits high and thrilled you two not only attacked Torrie, but are working together for the night. It’s going to be one hell of a Raw.
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“Trish!” You yell, turning over to her and shaking her shoulders. “That was great! My god, we really kicked her ass.”
She smiles at you. “It was! Did you see her face when I joined in?! Hilarious!”
“Listen, thanks a lot for coming on my show and helping out. I’ll be in your corner tonight, so I’ll see you later, okay?” You give her a thumbs up, heading further down the hallway towards your locker room.
Trish had your gratitude. It’s only right for you to pay her back. You’d do everything in your power to make sure that their team won.
But other than Trish’s match, you’ve got a lot to do tonight. Watch the Hardy Boyz…..accompany Austin to the ring….it’s a busy day! Makes you happy you’ve got something to do.
Vengeance is coming up and that means Austin would have to be in a series of matches in order to qualify and become the undisputed champion.
This isn’t good for your anxiety. You knew he was pretty good, but what if it went the other way around?! Nah, that couldn’t happen. He has to win.
As you made your way down, you notice Michael Cole interviewing RVD. You decide to pop up behind him and join in. “Hello, world!”
With your sudden appearance on camera, the crowd cheers. RVD gives a smile and shifts his Hardcore Title to his left arm, then slings his right around your shoulders. “Hey! It’s Miss WCW.”
You wonder if he didn’t remember your name..which would be a shame since you two teamed up not too long ago. “In the flesh! Nitro’s Golden Girl is reporting for duty.”
“What a surprise!” Michael, the interviewer exclaims. “I was just asking RVD his thoughts on the Undertaker attacking him so viciously the previous night. What’re your thoughts?”
For a moment, your mind drew a blank. You can’t remember Undertaker attacking him at all! Just so you don’t stand there in silence, you make something up on the fly. “I mean, it’s crazy! If you ask me, I think Undertaker is going through a midlife crisis or something. I mean, joining a biker club? I could’ve sworn he was all scary a couple of months ago!”
You didn’t know much about him right now, but you tried bouncing off of what you’ve seen so far.
RVD nods his head, his tone relaxed as ever. “That totally makes sense. No wonder why he got mad when I recommended him to use diapers.”
You cover your mouth on instinct. WHY WOULD HE EVEN RECOMMEND THAT?! That’s literally not what you meant at all.
He continues. “If you ask me, I think the Undertaker’s just all worked up because RVD—“
“Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second.” You could recognize that voice as Christian, who had his title on his shoulder as well.
“You’re saying that the Undertaker’s all worked up? And you,” He points to you. “You’re saying he’s going through some midlife crisis? Well let me tell you something, did you ever think it’s maybe because he gives more respect to Vince McMahon? Do you guys think you’re better than the Undertaker?”
Christian was getting a bit hostile. You hoped most of his irritation wasn’t towards you, but you still speak up anyway, Michael shifts the mic towards you. “Mr. McMahon never had my respect in the first place. It only makes things worse because of that match he put himself in to antagonize Trish Stratus. And if you want the truth, yes! I think I’m better than the Undertaker.”
RVD motions towards you. “You heard the lady. Besides, we’re gonna find out if I’m better than the Undertaker at Vengeance.”
The two of them stare each other down, but you take the opportunity to take the mic from Michael. “Can I see this?” You ask. He nods and hands it over. “Oooh, how about this you guys, since I heard the Undertaker isn’t here tonight, how about you two go against each other?”
Boom, you made the match card make sense. It was that easy. It’s not like the audience knew the card in its entirety anyway.
“For that hardcore title? Absolutely.” Christian wasn’t against it, in fact he was more than willing to prove himself to Vince. And with the hardcore title on the line? Hell yes.
“Sounds like a good idea.” RVD easily agrees, then lightly taps Christian’s title. “And how about we put that Euro-trash title on the line too?”
“I’m a genius!” You chime. “Title versus title? Hardcore and European?”
“My title? Ha! As if I’m going to lose this to you, RVD. I’m pretty sure neither of you know nothing about Europe!” Christian challenges. “What’s the capitol of Belgium?”
“Isn’t it Br—?” You’re about to answer...
…But RVD answers with no hesitation: “Waffle!”
You turn to look at him with a smile. God he’s stupid…but he’s hilarious. The crowd laughs at his response.
Christian shakes his head. “Are you serious? Do you even know what I’m talking about?”
“I think.” You say. “Why don’t you tell us the capital?”
“..Tch,” He scoffs, waving a hand. “I’m not telling you!” It made it very clear to the crowd that he had no clue what the capital was either. “Listen, I welcome any match, where it’s cool to use the Conchairto.”
Makes you think. Man, you need to be a commissioner or something, they’re missing out on a lot of opportunities here with your co-workers!
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RAW IS WAR // 8:15 PM
Because of that segment, you had to literally run and change in the locker room. You’ve got a couple of minutes to be in gorilla and come with Team Xtreme to the ring.
As you were moving around, a black letter sticking out of your bag had caught your attention. You could spare 3 minutes to read this, so you walk over and pull it out.
‘Though our meeting was rudely interrupted, I find it apparent that you’re fit to be with me. You are unapologetically you, but it’s as if you’re being silenced.
I will set you free from the chains that you’ve been bound to. Find me in the shadows. A place where people discard things they have no use of.’ A place where one would find it disgusting.‘
— Quote the Raven, Nevermore.
And all of a sudden, you had less interest in the match you were supposed to come out for.
Who cares about the match anymore?
You wanted to know more about Raven. What he said at your anger management class really struck you. He even offered to free you.
Isn’t it about time you come with him?
You’re in no hurry to make it to gorilla anymore. A place where you could discard things of no use? A place where one would find it disgusting?
That had to be the trash. And to go even bigger, it must’ve been a dumpster. Normally, you’d be disgusted, but if it’s for Raven, you didn’t care. You didn’t care if he was beside it or inside it.
Who was on the match card again?
You couldn’t remember. All you cared about was going to find a dumpster. You quickly finish changing before heading outside the room. All you had in mind was heading towards the back.
You passed by quite a few of your coworkers, who seemed to be confused as to why you’re in such a hurry. The only person who was willing to stop you was Debra.
“[Name], sweetie,” She called, rushing over to you. “I’ve been looking for you. You and Steve told me class went well, but once I spoke to Doctor Smiley, he said it was a disaster! What happened?!”
You’re not sure what to say to her. It was one thing that you two lied, but your mind was focused on one and one thing only. “I don’t know.” You shrug.
“How do you not know?” She questioned. “And where’s Steve? You two should be ashamed of yourselves! I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life.”
You mutter an apology. You’re wasting time when you could be out and about…. “I’ve gotta go.” You move past her, completely unaware that you bumped her out of the way.
And towards the back you go. There had to be a dumpster back there. You push open the door and shiver as the cold air hits you.
There’s some cars back here. You wonder if it’s any of your co-workers or any of the higher ups.
….Ugh, who cares. You mindlessly walk forward in search for your pursuer. You see nothing but most of the cars disappearing and the sight of an empty parking lot until…..
“What a pleasant surprise.”
The voice immediately makes you turn to the left, seeing none other than Raven sitting on the ground surrounded by trashcans and pieces of litter. It’s not a dumpster, but it’s definitely somewhere no one would go.
Perhaps you were wrong, but you didn’t care. You’re filled with glee. He’s all you cared about tonight.
“I didn’t expect you to show up.” His curly hair was covering most of his face and he made no effort to shake it out of the way. “Austin brutally beat me earlier tonight and I feel as if it was an attempt to keep you away from me.”
You agree. “I think so too.” But you don’t want to stay away from Raven. You never want to. “What were you talking about when you gave me that letter?” You kneel down to his level.
Raven says nothing at first, but there’s a smirk playing on the edge of his lips that you couldn’t see. “…Come closer.”
You do, and he finally moves his hair out of his face to get a better look at you. “I want to set you free.” He gets up and lightly pushes you down so he’s on top of you instead.
“I’ll show you the light, [Name]. You’ll let me, won’t you?”
Yes. You will. He’s helping you in more ways than one.
Raven leans in closer, hovering his lips above your own before moving to your ear. “I want you to repeat these words.” He whispers. “I am no bird…and no net ensnares me. I am a free human being with an independent will.”
You nod as he goes lower and focuses on your neck. “I am…” You hesitate once he kisses it, then starts to bite down. “I am no..bird…”
Raven moves his hand down carefully and lands right on the underside of your left breast. He doesn’t really grope you there, instead glides over and down to your navel.
“And no net ensnares—ah!” He bites you harder, almost enough to draw blood. “I-I am a human being…” You’re almost breathless at this point, unable to focus thanks to the man on top of you. “…with an in…dependent will.”
He latches his lips off of your neck. Just as you think he was going to say anything else, he crashes his lips into your own.
Him doing that hurt, a lot. But you didn’t care. You loved it. He pushes his tongue into your mouth forcefully, drool sliding down your chin from how haphazard it was. He swirled his tongue around yours and you could only think about him. 
It’s the most messiest kiss you’ve had in your life and you wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. You can feel his hand slide down even further, right down into your underwear. 
You push Raven off to catch some air, but he keeps his hand nearby your underwear. He takes the hint and returns his attention back to your neck. You run your tongue over your now swollen lips.
He’s muttering something under his breath, you can barely hear him with the ringing in your ears. You can feel him inch down towards uncharted territory and your stomach fills with butterflies as he slides your underwear to the side.
Is this really happening? Right here? Right now?
It started out soft, as he gently caressed your insides with his finger. It’s almost like he was testing the waters. Your ragged breathing only egged him on further. Slowly, he begins to move his finger in and out.
He raises his voice so you can hear him better.
“The human body is a mystery to me. I find it strange that even the simplest gestures…”
Detaching himself from your neck, he looks up towards you. For a second, he curls his fingers, then uncurls it. “…can get a reaction out of someone.”
Through your moans, you finally gather some strength to speak. “I’ve gotta….” Though your mind was on a swivel the entire night, you knew people would be looking for you. “Gotta…….”
Raven doesn’t allow you to finish your sentence, switching from one finger to two. “Fear not. Tonight, you can become apart of me.”
You’re just stuck moaning and panting on the ground. You hope no one can hear you, but it’s unlikely with how empty this area was.
Even so, he doesn’t give you the right to even finish. He snatches his fingers out, stopping as quickly as he started and gets off of you.
You lean up from your spot, dazed and completely in the clouds. As he licks his fingers clean, you stare at him with such an intensity that you think your eyes would fall out.
You think you’re in love.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:35 PM
You’re still disheveled from earlier. Your clothes were wrinkled, your hair had gotten frizzy, and you’re still burning inside.
Holy shit.
You’re aching because he didn’t give you the opportunity to finish. You hope this feeling goes away. You refuse to finish yourself off anywhere near the show.
On the bright side…you’ve figured it out. Raven is your one true love. He’s everything you wanted and more. You felt like you had all the time in the world for Raven. That you could drop everything you’re doing for Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven. Raven.
That’s all you cared about right now.
A cold hand on your shoulder makes you turn around quickly. “What?!”
“Heeeey. No need to get defensive!” It’s Lita, who looked pretty concerned. “You okay? I was worried about you. You didn’t show up tonight and Jeff was disappointed.” She pauses to look at how messed up you look. “You look a mess…what happened?”
“….” You look at Lita, unable to think of a proper response. “I….no, I’m okay. Just fine. Just leave me alone.”
Your response surprises Lita. “Huh? You’re acting strange. You can tell me, you know. Was it Torrie? If—“
“No! Just—FUCK! Leave me alone!” You scream at her, wanting nothing more than to be left alone at the moment. Lita immediately shuts up as you give her one last glance and head down the hallway.
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that was an experience.
really really hope u guys liked it because i lowkey wasn’t fond of it?!?!?! again i feel like it was because i kept reading it over and over but yeah. raven does things. he won. the night isn’t over either...we’ll find out what happens next monday!!!!!! also reader challenging undertaker indirectly ruh roh
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76 notes · View notes
aritamargarita · 2 years
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well i’ve done it. i changed the cover again and the layout. do any of you remember the old chapter covers??? bruh. HORRIBLE I SAYYY they’re still on my computer!! now do i feel like changing the other ones?...perhaps i’ll come back later and do it..
but cheers! this chapter is really chaotic! i kinda based the whole “anger management” thing off of daniel bryan & kane attending their anger management LMAO. i have also swapped the dates, so the vengeance ppv will be coming after this taping of raw. 
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CANADA, CANADA, CANADA!!!!! Raw’s being held there tonight, baby! To be specific, Calgary, Alberta. It’s been quite a while since you’ve been over here. The last time you’ve even crossed the border was to visit Niagara Falls!
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Raw’s looking pretty good tonight. Especially the match card.
There were two matches you were interested tonight. The Hardy Boyz’ match and Trish’s match. One because of their opponents (totally not because of Jeff, no way). Tajiri just so happened to be Torrie’s little friend. And wherever he goes, she would be his valet to the ring. 
Meanwhile, you have Trish’s match with The Rock, Mr. McMahon, and Kurt Angle. The creative team filled you in on the whole spiel. Vince wanted Trish to join his whole “Kiss My Ass Club”, The Rock came out and saved her, made a match with a stipulation, boom, that’s that.
Luckily for you, she’d be your guest on your talkshow tonight. You could ask her as many questions as you please and that’s just what you’ll do.
Oh! You almost forgot. Jericho and Austin had another match. You’re interested in that too. You weren’t involved in any of the action, but you’d damn sure support your partner as much as you can. Debra had began asking you to accompany him to the ring, thinking it would be a nice way for you two to bond more.
Of course, bonding with violence. 
And speaking of bonding time….Debra did not change her mind about anger management. If anything, Austin flipping off Kane and you yelling at Jericho a few nights ago made things worse.
Man, this was not fun.
…..So, here you were. You’re just in this session now. You still couldn’t believe Debra had roped you into this. 
But you weren’t alone, oh no. 
The camera pans upward on you and Austin. The crowd quickly cheers, happy to see you two. You idly drum your fingers on your knees.
Austin turns to look at you, then swats at your arm. “Quit doin’ that.”
“I’m sorry, I’m nervous.”
The instructor finally finishes flipping through his notes, looking up at the small group in front of him. “Hello, everyone. I’m glad you’re here today. My name is Doctor Smiley. I’m here to bring a smile to your faces.”
To get your attention, Austin makes a ‘psst’ sound. “Tch, Doctor Smiley. Ya’ really think that’s his name?”
You fight the urge to laugh, doing your best to keep a serious face. ”Not at all..”
Doctor Smiley continues. “Why don’t we introduce ourselves? We’ll go around in a circle..how about we start with...?”
He points at you, making all the heads in the room turn.
“Me? Well, I’m [Name].” You shift in your seat. “I am here because I was recommended to come. Err, I was also hoping I could drop out, actually. I don’t think I need to be here.”
Doctor Smiley shakes his head. “I apologize, [Name]. But there’s a very good reason for you to be here. According to your file, you have a tendency to have prolonged outbursts and significant behavioral problems.” All you can do is stare at him for airing you out like that in front of the group. What the fuck.
You didn’t THINK you had behavior problems, nor did you think that your outburst was that bad. Doctor Smiley continues on. “I want you to get better, to do better, so it is in your best interest you stay with us.”
Ugh, you really couldn’t find a way out of this.
Austin was next up to introduce himself. “Who gives a shit? I just came ‘cause I was forced. All of ya’ know me.”
And it’s true, everyone did know him. But not in a positive light. Most of the individuals here knew how he was. Even though Debra may have said you knew these people, you still felt mildly uncomfortable.
In a circle, each and every person introduces themselves. There’s Bubba Ray, there’s D’von, there’s Raven, there’s RVD (which you didn’t understand), there’s Molly (which you also didn’t understand, the woman was a saint), there’s Rhyno, and to top it all off, even William Regal! Smaller group than you thought, but still made you uneasy nonetheless.
Guess Vince McMahon really took the Alliance thing to heart, he must’ve still been on a power trip. Some people didn’t even need to be here! One day, you’d give that old man a piece of your mind. 
“Now,” Doctor Smiley has a smile of his own on his face. “Does anyone have an idea of a healthy way to cope with anger? To give an example, what if you are in an argument with someone and they’ve really grind your gears?”
Austin raises his hand, eager to answer. “Fill their car with cement.”
You raise your hand as well. “Commit arson?”
Raven raises his hand too. “Find out what they care about and proceed to crush it.” 
That was so real. You slowly nod your head, agreeing with Raven. “I really like his answer.”
He gives you a small smile, one that’s wrung with mysteriousness. Raven’s always been strange to you, but you’ve heard he’s very intelligent..
Meanwhile, Doctor Smiley can only shake his head in a negative manner. “Not at all.” It was going to be a very long session. “Let me give an answer myself. Take deep breaths. Perhaps explain to the person that you should approach this rationally. This is where we bring in our problem-solving techniques.”
No one says anything. At this point, you figure that the people in here want to be here as much as you do. You cross your legs. 
This was boring, but you’ll try your best to stick through it.
“Shall we try a quick exercise?“ Doctor Smiley suggests, standing up from his seat. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as boring as you thought. “I’ve assigned you partners at random. Because this is a group at an odd number, one of you will be with me.”
OH!! NEVERMIND! How exciting! 
“Please do your best to try and get along with them well. RVD will be with Bubba Ray, Regal will be with Stone Cold, D’von will be with Rhyno, [Name] will be with Raven, and finally, Molly will be with me. Everyone partner up and I’ll give further instruction.”
You weren’t mad at all about your partner choice. You did want to speak to Raven more. Everyone goes to their respective partners, some more begrudgingly than others (cough, Austin), and Raven comes over to you.
“Hi.” You greet, waving.
“Good evening.” He’s cordial, which makes you fell less on edge about this whole thing. “[Name], wasn’t it?”
You grin and point two thumbs to yourself. “Yeah! In the flesh.” 
“I’ve heard a great amount about you.” But he doesn’t stand in front of you, instead circling you like a predator would do to their pray. 
You would turn your head to follow him. “I’d hope it’s good.”
“Of course. Many good things.” He affirms. “You know, they say eyes are the window to your soul. When I look into your eyes,” Raven pauses, finally stopping right in front of you. “I see someone who’s troubled. You’re just like me, [Name]. No one’s ever really liked me. No one’s never understood who I really am.”
You didn’t know what to say at first. Actually, you didn’t know what to say at all. He was right about feeling troubled. And he was right about almost everything else.
He continues on. “My family would try to put me in therapy many times. It never worked. I found my identity in violence. It’s the only ‘therapy’ I’ve ever needed.”
Doctor Smiley looks around and nods. “It seems like we’re all paired up. Today, this is a simple icebreaker. In the next session, we’ll begin a seminar and use critical thinking skills. Think of this as an introduction to your peers. You’ll be seeing them for quite a while. Feel free to begin.”
In the time that your head was turned, you notice Raven’s gone from in front of you. You didn’t even hear his footsteps, nor did you expect his hands to gently sit on your shoulders.
You jump, but he holds you in place. “Relax. You’re feeling tense. I’d like you to just think. Think about yourself. What is your place in the World Wrestling Federation?”
That’s a good question. What is your place exactly? Who are you?
He leans in closer to your ear, whispering low enough just for you to hear. 
“There’s no one looking at us. Imagine it’s only me and you in the room. Alone with nothing but our own thoughts and extremity of this world. I extend my hand to you, [Name]. You can find yourself, let me show you. I can show you the beauty of violence. There’s more to this unforgiving life, so I believe you should indulge in your deepest...darkest....”
“You sunnuva’ bitch. The hell are ya’ doing?”
It was almost comical with how you froze, Austin’s voice ringing in your ears, you couldn’t even turn to look back at him until Raven took his hands off your shoulders and moved away.
“Participating in the exercise.” Raven plainly answers.
Austin is definitely not pleased. “I don’t think Doctor Single told ya’ to be handsy with your partner.”
“It’s actually Doctor Smiley.” The instructor corrects. He moves away from Molly to try and diffuse the situation. “Gentleman. We should go about this the right way..”
“You’re right, Doctor Stinkin’. I got an idea.” And then, it all goes to hell. Austin threw a punch at Raven and they began trading blows. You quickly move out of the way as they fall into some of the chairs. Even through all this, the cameras were still rolling.
Molly comes over to you, a smile on her face. “Wow, off to a great start, don’t you think?”
You shoot her an apologetic look. Simply for even being here and having to witness this.
What a way to start the night.
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RAW IS WAR // 7:45 PM
You wanted to stop for McDonald’s on the way back to the show, but Austin wasn’t having it. God damn it, you wanted a happy meal. You knew it was a bit childish, but they had these cute little tamagotchi’s that came with it. You just HAD to take care of it! It was also something small to eat, but good enough to give you more energy for tonight’s show.
Debra asked you two how it went and you two could only stare at each other before turning back to her. Like hell you’d be telling her the truth!
You were backstage preparing for your talkshow. The mirror you placed in the hallway showed your beautiful reflection staring right at you. You couldn’t get Raven’s words out of your head, no matter how hard you tried to blank them out. It got to the point where you struggled to put on any makeup.
Suddenly, a light tap on your shoulder made you spin around on your heel, dropping the lip gloss onto the ground. 
“Hey, Nitro Girl.” Hunter had a smirk on his face, more than likely because of how startled you were. He was holding something in his hands. Just what was he up to?
“What’re you doing here?! This is the first time I’m seeing you backstage.” You say. Your voice lowered by the end of your sentence, wary of any eavesdroppers nearby.
“I’ll make this quick.” He assured, handing over the neatly wrapped box. It even had a bow on it.
“What’s this?”
“Can’t tell you. Open it as soon as you’re alone, then call me.” 
You were baffled. What the hell was in this box? “Why do I have to open it when I’m alone?”
“Trust me,” Hunter roughly pats your shoulder, making you wince. “You’ll definitely want to be alone when opening it. It’s apart of my next plan. By the way, I’ve heard you’ve got a show, good luck.” With that, he leaves you to your confusion, disappearing after walking down the corridor.
Made you think again. Now, your thoughts were all focused on the box. There wasn’t anyone in the hallway. Could you take a peak at it right now? Curiosity killed the cat.
Checking one more time to see if there’s anyone nearby, you nod to yourself. You’re 100% in the clear. You slowly lift open the box and...
Holy shit. NO WAY. 
No way he gave you this. You slam the box back shut and retreat into the locker room behind you. You’ve gotta hide this. You can’t let ANYONE see this. No. You’d die before anyone would be able to. You weren’t even sure if you could tell Lita.
Because who in their right mind would gift their business associate lingerie?
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You were still shaken up about the events from earlier. From Hunter to Raven, to not getting your happy meal. It was too much. You can only hope this night can get a bit better. It’s the Raw before Vengeance though, so you figure anything can happen. 
As soon as you went through those curtains, you felt all of your worries fading away, the crowd’s cheering only filling you with glee. Entering the ring with a smile, you wave in all four directions, then walk to the ropes to grab a mic.
Before you speak, you clear your throat. “CALGARY!” You yell at the top of your lungs. “TONIGHT....RAW, IS, [NAMEEE]!!!” Of course, you had to steal Jericho’s shtick, just to rub it in his face. The crowd roars in response. “Scotiabank Saddledome, I’d like to give you a welcome to Time Out with [Name]! Tonight, we have such a special guest. She may not be from this area, but she’s one of your own! She’s...!”
You turn over toward the ramp and outstretch your arm. That familar rift of music echoes around the arena.
“The Women’s Champion, TRISH STRATUS!” You exclaim, turning and opening your arms towards the ramp.
And here she comes, the title draped across her shoulder. She had a big smile on her face as she heads towards the ring. You couldn’t help but give her a round of applause.
As she enters into the ring, you figure it would be a wonderful time to get the show on the road. You quickly walk over to the ropes to grab her a mic. “Trish Stratussss,” You repeat her name, walking over to her and passing it over to her. “Wow! You look beautiful today!”
“Thank you!” She was almost like a lightbulb with how bright her smile was. With her title draped across her shoulder, she takes a seat in one of the chairs.
You follow suit, taking a seat next to her. “Let’s get straight to it. How does it feel to be the Women’s Champion?” 
She clears her throat. “Well, it’s a good feeling. I’ve worked hard for this. And as everyone knows, I’ve been through a lot. I think I’ve earned it and I just want to say no one can take this away from me.”
“And good on you!” You chime, lightly hitting her shoulder. “You know, ever since you broke my nose, I knew you had potential.”
Trish laughs nervously. She hadn’t forgotten about that and she still felt pretty bad about it. 
“To fall back on being through a lot, I know your match with The Rock,” You pause, hearing the crowd cheer loud for him. “Is anticipated by everyone in this very arena. How do you feel?”
“I’m nervous.” She admits. “This match is a really big deal. If The Rock loses, he’ll have to join Mr. McMahons Kiss My Ass Club! Not to mention what I think he’ll do to me..”
“We’re all on your side, Trish!” You reassure her, getting out of your seat. “Mr. McMahon has been on a power trip for too long. It must run in the family. If you two take him down tonight, it’ll be an embarrassment for that dysfunctional family and a win for all of us. Tonight, not only is The Rock in your corner, but I am as well.”
She stands up out of her seat. “Wait, what’re you saying?”
“I’m saying, let me accompany you two down to the ring tonight. I’ll help you as much as I can.” You reach out your hand for her to shake. “One night only, if Stephanie, or even anyone else for that matter tries to intervene, I’ll be more than happy to deal with them!”
Trish nods. “So be it.” You two shake hands and the deal is sealed. As you two are shaking hands, it’s almost like there’s some unresolved tension. You could be a contender for that title. You could easily take that title away from her if you wanted to.
Alas, this moment is short lived. Torrie’s music starts playing and you rip your hand away from Trish. She complains about you hurting her nails, but you couldn’t care less when Torrie was coming to the ring. She prances down the ramp.
You can’t let her get under your skin. You’ll try and let her talk, despite the fact you want to drag her across this ring. She came prepared with a mic, so you decide to greet her as kind as possible.
“Wow! Torrie Wilson,” You introduce. “The slut of the WWF!” The crowd and the commentary table grimace at your choice of words. Even Trish had to whistle. “Are you coming to ruin my show?”
Torrie can only scoff, which kind of pisses you off. You just wanted to slap that smug smile right off of her face. “Oh, no. I just wanted to drop by and say hello. I know you’ve been looking for me. I’ve been so, so, busy. In fact, me and Edge were together aaaaalll night.”
Wait, what did she say?
“What?” You narrow your eyes. “What’d you say?”
“You didn’t know? Edge was so heartbroken of what you did to him, so I decided to be the one to comfort him. Poor guy, I mean, he cared about you a lot, you know. And the fact you moved on so quickly! I mean, Jeff Hardy? He was all over me at one point. You remember that too, right, Trish?”
The woman was too stunned to speak! Trish blinks. “Excuse me?”
And you were stuck too. You don’t even know what to say. You couldn’t believe Torrie OR EDGE for that matter. “I wasn’t going to engage in any violence that occurred on my show, I really wasn’t. Whether it involved myself or my guest. I literally just took anger management classes..” You trail off, slowly pushing your chair away. “Looks like this is the part of the show where I move these....”
Trish had an idea of what was to come, so she does you the honors of moving her own chair out of the way.
Torrie looks at you in confusion, mic in hand.
“This is also the part of the show where I should probably remind you, please don’t start something you can’t finish...” You mention, turning back to her slowly. “Because I will tear you apart in this very ring.”
Oh, really?” Torrie smugly asks. “Then do it. I dare you.” 
Outside of a kayfabe standpoint, this was bringing you joy. You fought the urge to smile at Torrie. The best part about actually being friends outside of the ring was that you could go as crazy as you want and have a spa day later.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Throwing your mic to the side, you tackle Torrie, striking her as quick as you can. The crowd gasps, but then cheers at your attack. It’s incredibly satisfying to put your hands on her.
You quickly get off and kick her while she’s down. Trish was looking on in shock before throwing her title to the side and joining in to help you. She’s had problems with Torrie in the past, and originally she was going to leave, but when she brought up their rivalry, it struck chord in her. She kicks her as well, doing her best to keep up with you.
You two were literally jumping her. Referee’s rushed out of gorilla to stop the situation, entering the ring and separating you three from each other. You reach out your hand with a grin and Trish reaches out her own, you two giving a strained high five.
While your music plays in the background, you slowly start to think that this strange night is looking up.
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trish a ride or die fr
also raven trying to corrupt reader? its more likely than you think. hope y’all enjoyed this chapter, more coming next! the night isn’t over yet! IM NOT ELABORATING ON THE LINGERIE UNTIL NEXT CHAPTER
oh and we’re in canada too. i think y’all know what that means. see you next time *disappears into the void*
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Serotonin (TNA) x Fem Reader- "Raven's Cock"
I would like to apologize on why I didn't post anything on Monday.
I did type a fanfic on Monday but didn't finish it, and I tried finishing it yesterday but I got frustrated typing it, and I'm not sure if I should finish that fanfic or not.
The fanfic is inspired by that Internet meme of porn star Piper Perri sitting down on a couch while 5 black men are standing behind her and that couch.
I've even made my own parody of that Piper Perri meme that has wrestlers I have crushes on sitting behind that same couch while Trish Stratus is sitting on that couch, I've thought of making my parody the border image for this blog as well as posting it.
A wrestler named Raven really made a name for himself when he was in 2 alternate wrestling companies to the World Wrestling Federation during the 90's: WCW and ECW.
However, as the new millennium entered, WCW and ECW went out of business, although Raven was no longer in those companies by the time they went bankrupt.
He didn't really seem to get pushed and used that much when he was in the World Wrestling Federation, which was the most famous wrestling company in the world and still is today, although it's now known as the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment).
He eventually sued the WWE and left the company, but he did have a short stint in another alternate wrestling company, Ring of Honor, as well as join the 2nd biggest competitive wrestling company in the 2000's: TNA.
TNA, which stood for Total Nonstop Action for you people with dirty minds, was like a more violent and sexual WCW: not only was it an alternative to the WWF/E, but TNA had wrestling icons joining that company like Hulk Hogan, Mick Foley, Sting, Booker T, Scott Hall/Razor Ramon, Rob Van Dam, Jeff Hardy and more, as well as newcomer wrestlers such as AJ Styles and Samoa Joe.
WCW used to have wrestling legends join that company (Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, Scott Hall, Ultimate Warrior, Curt Hennig/Mr. Perfect, Rowdy Roddy Piper), as well as have up and coming wrestlers who would eventually become legends (Sting, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, Booker T, Goldberg, Eddie Guerrero).
During Raven's time in TNA, he formed a short lived faction known as Serotonin, a group of men who wore face paint, torture people by burning their skin with candlewax, and hit people with kendo sticks.
The members didn't just include Raven, but also Shawn Michaels' cousin Michael Shane, Frank Kazarian and Johnny Devine.
Serotonin were almost like a wrestling version of the droogs from "A Clockwork Orange".
The men from Serotonin were hot, even though you prefer Michael Shane when he didn't wear makeup and Johnny Devine without that stripe across his eyes, as well as Raven during his WCW and ECW days.
Seeing some of the things Serotonin did in TNA looked rather, eh...kinky. Sexual.
During Serotonin's time in TNA, you shared with the members of Serotonin an idea you had involving them.
They figured you had that idea when you watched them, but they don't mind this idea, in fact, they'd love to act this out.
Sometime during Serotonin's heyday circa 2006/2007, you invited the members of that group to your hotel room, as well as brought along the props for this rendezvous.
The hotel room was rather dark, no lights turned on, fitting the mood for tonight's orgy.
After Serotonin had entered your hotel room and shut the door, before they could do what you wanted them to do to you, they were putting on their makeup they wear in TNA in the bathroom.
They were already dressed like how they dress as Serotonin, but now they need some makeup to apply.
Michael Shane had his long hair hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail, and Johnny Devine had makeup that made him look good and not ugly.
When their makeup was done, they walked out of the bathroom and approached you, where Raven stood behind you with his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you tight and refusing to let go of you.
One of his fingers wrapped around his forearm, embracing you tight.
He lifted you off of the floor, where your legs and feet were kicking like you wanted to be let go.
The other members of Serotonin began shedding and peeling your clothes off, sliding your clothes down your arms and hands as well as your legs, undressing you until you were stark naked, throwing your clothes on the floor.
You aren't being raped, you're roleplaying.
You didn't scream since you don't want people next door to hear you and think you're getting raped.
Would Serotonin ever be savage enough to rape someone on TNA? Hmmmmmm...
Is it necessary for you to roleplay as if you're getting gangraped and having your clothes peeled off?
Serotonin could also easily take scissors and cut them off of your body, or use a switchblade and tear the clothes off of you.
Once you were undressed, they ordered you to get down on your knees.
You obeyed them, sinking down to the carpeted floor and standing on your knees.
Frank Kazarian, who was known as Kaz in Serotonin, undid his pants by unbuttoning and unzipping them, where he slid his hand down his pants and pulled his cock out.
After he pulled his dick out, he grabbed a scarf sitting on the bed and wrapped and tied it around your wrist, where he pulled that scarf and lifted up both your hand and arm.
As he tied a scarf around your wrist, Johnny Devine, who was known as Havok in Serotonin, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pulling his pants down and letting his genitals out.
Havok pulled a scarf out of the pocket of his pants and wrapped and tied a scarf around your wrist, lifting your arm and hand up by pulling up that scarf.
Michael Shane, known as Martyr in Serotonin, was standing right in front of you, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants and pulling them down, letting his private parts out.
Raven was behind you, he was busy undoing his white pants and pulling his cock out.
Kaz and Havok held the scarves and didn't let go, your arms were standing up in the air.
Martyr wrapped his fingers around his shaft, which was getting harder and rising up more seeing your naked body, and slowly inserted his penis into your mouth.
Martyr was probably the hottest member in Serotonin, that's why you're sucking on his cock while the other 2 tied scarves around your wrists.
You took his cock in your mouth, wrapping your lips around his shaft, where you proceeded to suck his dick.
While you sucked his penis, Havok and Kaz had their fingers wrapped around their shafts, although not each others shafts, like Kaz's fingers around Havok's erection, where they held their penises and directed and pointed the tips of their penises at your face, where they proceeded to start masturbating over your face.
Their penises were as close to your face as possible, nearly wanting to poke your cheeks (but not penetrate and pierce through them) on your face with their penis heads.
Since they want their precum to get on your face, they moved their dicks closer until their penis heads were poking and touching the cheeks on your face.
Hopefully you'll get precum on your face.
Raven was standing behind you, wrapping his fingers around his big hard cock, and letting his penis overlap over your forehead and on top of your head.
When you sucked on Martyr's penis, precum leaked out of his slit and spilled onto your tongue, sometimes behind your bottom row of teeth.
But you managed to swallow his precum when you could.
Martyr unwrapped his fingers off of his shaft and placed his fingers on your nipples, where he tweaked and pinched them.
You have very sensitive nipples, and you whimpered and moaned while Martyr tweaked your nips.
Precum escaped out of Havok and Kaz's slits and landed on your face, sometimes their precum ran down their shafts.
Their precum on your face ran down your cheeks like tears.
Despite that they were busy masturbating with one hand, their other hands were still gripping onto the scarves holding your arms up.
And the scarves didn't untie while they held them.
Since you're afraid you'll get precum in your eyes which hurts, you shut your eyes just in case,.
Raven, on the other hand, began to masturbate his penis, pumping his fingers up and down his shaft, where precum eventually poured out of his slit and onto your face.
"You've been a bad girl, haven't ya?" Raven purred, his voice sounding husky and warm, his face leaning into the side of your head.
"Mmmmhmmmmm" you replied, nodding your head.
Raven had a paddle in one of his hands, a wooden paddle used for spanking, and while he held that paddle horizontally, the paddle quickly crashed into your ass cheeks like a car crashing into a wall, pressing onto your ass and turning it pink.
You slightly jumped up and wanted to cry when Raven's paddle hit your ass.
He pulled that paddle a few inches away from your ass, only to quickly collide that paddle into your ass again, the paddle hitting both of your ass cheeks.
Tears could nearly well in your eyes from the pain.
The paddle began to separate away from your ass a few times, only to bash your ass again, and he did this over and over again.
When he spanked you, sometimes the paddle hit one ass cheek, other times it hit both of them.
He hit you with that paddle like how he hits people with kendo sticks in TNA, letting out his fury as he spanked your ass.
Your knees were burning and chafing from standing on the carpeted floor.
Raven's precum trickled out of his slit and ran down your face, he's spanking you while still jerking off.
Now that's talent.
You're trying to control yourself not to bite Martyr's penis as Raven spanks you.
Will people next door hear you getting spanked? Hopefully not.
All of the members of Serotonin were looking at your face, they were smiling and grinning seeing your face drenched in cum.
When you had enough precum on your face, Kaz and Havok moved and directed their penises to your breasts, where they still continued masturbating their dicks.
Their penis tips were as close to your tits as possible, their penis heads nudging your breasts.
Precum leaked from their slits and dripped onto your chest, running down your tits looking like melted candlewax.
Your ass cheeks keep turning pinkish red with every smack they get from that paddle, and hopefully you won't get splinters on your rear end.
Raven's had enough with spanking your ass, although he wants a chance to jizz on your tits, so does Martyr.
Martyr pulled his cock out of your mouth for a while, only to aim and point his dick at one of your breasts.
He still continued masturbating his penis, pumping up and down his shaft, precum being released from his slit and landing on your breast.
Raven wants you to suck on his big juicy cock, although he also wants to jack off on your breasts as well.
When Martyr felt like he masturbated enough on one of your tits, he moved his dick to your other breast, where he still jacked off his shaft.
His penis was aiming at your other tit, nudging your breast.
Likewise, precum leaked out of his slit and fell on your breast, his precum sliding down your tit.
Raven walked in front of you and asked for these other Serotonin members to move over, Raven hasn't gotten a chance to masturbate on your breasts.
Havok moved a few steps horizontally to make room for Raven, where Raven held his penis and pointed it at one of your tits.
He jacked his dick off, pumping it until some precum was released out of his slit and onto your breast.
His shaft was slippery thanks to precum running down it, and he masturbated until he felt like he jizzed enough on one of your breasts.
He then directed his dick to your other breast, still pumping up and down his shaft.
Precum dripped out of his slit and dropped on your breast, now so many mixture of Serotonin's precum is running down your tits and face.
Martyr, on the other hand, hasn't gotten a chance to jack off on your face, so he lifted his penis up to your face by still holding on to it and continued masturbating his dick.
Martyr held his penis to your face, pointing it close enough to your face, where precum did fall out of his slit and onto your face, some of it dripping down your mouth.
He held his penis to your nose, you haven't really been bukakke'd on your face besides perhaps when Raven jacked off on your forehead.
With precum running down your breasts and face, it looks like candlewax.
Raven ordered you to open your mouth as well as lean your head back, and you listened to him, leaning your head back and opening and widening your mouth as much as you could.
Raven, Havok and Kaz lifted their cocks and pointed their penis tips at your mouth, whereas Martyr moved his penis to your mouth.
They continued masturbating, aiming their dicks at your mouth, hoping precum will fall in there.
Some precum did slip out of their slits and into your mouth, and that's what they as well as you want.
They grinned and looked at your face while they masturbated into your mouth, and you swallowed any precum that dropped into your mouth.
You wish you could have someone behind you right now, and speak of the devil...
Raven then walked around Havok and placed himself behind you, where he now crouched on the floor.
As Raven was behind you, he placed his hands on your breasts and began to caress and squeeze them, rubbing them until the precum rubbed into your skin.
Their precum disappeared as it was rubbed in your flesh, seeping into your skin.
When Raven rubbed your breasts with precum drenched on them, he leaned and buried his face on the side of your neck, where his teeth took a nibble of your skin on your neck.
He sucked your skin while it was slightly in his mouth, he growled a bit while he sucked your skin.
His teeth bit your skin rather hard, almost giving you a hickey.
In fact, he is giving you a hickey. He'll give you many of them.
Your moans have been rather breathy while Raven does this to you.
Martyr, Havok and Kaz would love to have turns where they rub the precum on your breasts until it seeps into your skin, but maybe that can be for next time.
When the precum on your breasts seeped into your skin and disappeared, Martyr walked away and grabbed a candle, he brought with him one of those sex candles that isn't dangerous.
Havok brought a lighter with him and slid his hand into his pocket, pulling out a lighter and turning it on, a little flame coming out of the flicker.
Martyr held the candle up to the lighter, where the little flame lit the top of the candle.
Raven saw that Martyr lit that candle, so he now moved his hands off of your breasts since he doesn't want to get candlewax on his hands, for now, anyway.
Martyr moved that candle he was holding carefully to your chest, where he tilted that candle above one of your breasts, as close to one of your tits, but not trying to let the fire burn your tit.
Candlewax did begin to drip down that candle as well as drop onto one of your tits.
You flinched when the wax hit your tit, although at least it isn't an actual candle.
The wax burned your skin and you can feel the heat from the flame on top of that candle close to you.
Pretty soon, more candlewax began to drip on your breast, and as it fell onto your tit, one of Raven's hands slipped in between your thighs, where one of the tips of his fingers began to play with your clit.
His finger rubbed your clitoris in circles as well as sometimes pressed on it, his finger rubbed you across horizontally as well as vertically.
Your twat was so moist as Raven slipped his finger in between your vulva.
You had so much anxiety as candlewax was dripping on your tit and a lit candle was so close to you, you were terrified that you'd get set on fire.
Raven would love to still spank you, but he's afraid if he spanks you while candlewax is dripping on your tits, you'll push forward and the candle might fall down and set the hotel room's floor on fire.
Martyr hasn't had enough of a chance to jizz on your face, so while he's tilting a candle dripping over your chest, his hand is cranking up and down his shaft, he's holding his penis to your face.
Precum drips out of his slit and onto your face, and you'd love to suck on his cock right now.
He then moved that candle to your other breast, where he tilted the candle and wax dripped on your tit, sliding down your breast.
You could've used a regular candle, not one you buy from a sex shop, but at least the candlewax won't be painful.
Drops of wax began to fall onto your breast, feeling hot and warm.
Kaz and Havok want turns to pour candlewax on your tits, so does Raven, probably.
Speaking of Raven, he's been behind you all this time sucking on your skin and biting it.
You're moaning for him as well as Martyr, your moans breathy while your eyes roll to the top of your head.
However, you can't touch Raven since your hands are up in the air.
Raven sees that candlewax is pouring on your tits, and he can't wait to rub and caress the candlewax on your breasts.
Havok grabbed the candle, taking it from Martyr who let go of it, and tilted it over one of your tits, where candlewax began to drip off of the candle and onto one of your breasts.
Havok wants to have his cock sucked, so does Kaz, and Kaz, Havok and Martyr all want to spank your ass and finger your clit.
Raven's gonna get his cock sucked when this little gangbang is over.
Would Raven like to pour candlewax on your tit? Maybe.
Havok eventually moved the candle to your other breast, tilting the candle while wax drips off of it and onto your breast.
Candlewax splattered on both of your breasts, covering them in wax.
Havok eventually handed the candle to Kaz, who continued tilting the candle while wax fell off of it and onto your breast.
Kaz was watching carefully while wax spilled onto your breast.
Raven is making your clit tingle and tickle, you're probably gonna cum pretty soon.
Kaz then moved the candle over to your other breast, still tilting that candle so wax will drip onto it.
The candle is running down almost to a nub, hopefully he won't burn his hand.
Candlewax did fall off of the candle and on your breast, like precum did previously.
Kaz then turned the candle upwards and straight and blew it out, and as Raven observed your breasts smothered in candlewax despite that he hasn't gotten a turn yet, he slid his hand away from in between your thighs.
However, before he could caress your tits, he wrapped his fingers around his erection and directed his penis to your twat.
The tip of his penis penetrated your pussy hole, and pretty soon, his cock entered you deeper and deeper, spreading your pussy walls out.
His fingers unwrapped from his shaft while his dick entered your pussy, only to lift his hands and place them on your breasts this time.
While his cock slid into your cunt, he began to squeeze your tits as well as caress your breasts covered in candle wax, his hands and palms smearing the wax into your skin.
He began to thrust and pound his cock in your pussy, and you began to bounce and ride up and down his dick.
He tried to rub the candlewax into your tits like precum previously as you rode him.
Did it work? Somewhat.
As you rode him, he let go of a part of your skin and bit another small portion of the skin on your neck, proceeding to suck your skin and give you a hickey.
He left a pinkish colored hickey that probably will fade away pretty soon, you can see his bite marks engraved in your neck.
You moaned while Raven fucked you, biting your bottom lip as he bit your skin.
He wanted to give you so many hickeys.
You haven't gotten a chance to suck on other cocks, so you turned your head to Havok's penis, where he pulled and inserted his dick into your mouth.
You started sucking his precum drenched cock, your mouth going up his shaft while you sucked it, swallowing his precum that trickled down his penis.
You'd rather have Martyr's dick in your mouth, but Havok and Kaz need turns as well.
Kaz, on the other hand, pointed his dick at your face, his hand still jacking his penis off and precum splattering on your face and down his shaft.
You're moaning while you have Havok's cock stuffed your mouth, buzzing around his shaft.
Martyr was the first one to cum, leaning his head back and groaning long as he jizzed, his slit releasing his seed on your face.
Thankfully, your eyes were closed and you won't get it in your eyes.
His slit spit out his cum running down his shaft and some of it got on your face, his jizz white and milky.
Raven growled while he bit your skin, and he proceeded to let go of your skin and bite other parts of your neck and suck them.
You can feel his breath on your skin while you ride him.
Since Raven hasn't had a chance to do this, his fingers tweaked and turned your nipples while you rode him.
He's taking you higher with your orgasm while he fucks you with his massive Jewish cock.
You want to moan his name and cry out, but you can't.
Your arms feel tired from having them up in the air for so long, and Kaz and Havok's wrists and hands (and probably their arms) must feel sore from holding you up so long.
Havok's had enough time having his cock sucked, so you turned your head to Kaz's penis and started sucking on his dick this time, his cock entering your mouth and swallowing his precum.
Martyr just jizzed not too long ago and you wanna suck his dick right now, but Kaz needs a turn.
Eventually, Kaz was the second person to cum, he jizzed inside your mouth, where you swallowed all of his cum leaking out of his slit and down his shaft.
Kaz groaned and bit his bottom lip when he came, shutting his eyes tight.
When you didn't taste anymore cum on his dick, you turned your head to Martyr, sucking on his cock.
Raven was the next one to jizz, groaning while he climaxed, biting on your skin hard, filling your twat up with his seed.
The last one to cum was Havok, who came on your face.
Actually, you were the last one to cum, and you creamed all over Raven's cock inside your pussy, your clitoris pounding after you came.
There was so much build up in your orgasm, you felt like you were gonna explode in your clitoris.
When they as well as you had all came, Raven moved his hands to your hips and pulled you off of his lap, his penis escaping out of your twat.
You sucked on Martyr's penis, cleaning it off with your mouth, swallowing his jizz.
You sucked off Raven, Havok and Kaz's dicks in that order, cleaning their penises and swallowing their cum.
After their dicks were all cleaned, Kaz, Havok and Martyr in that order all got turns to spank your ass with that paddle as well as bite and suck your neck, giving you hickeys all over your neck.
Vince Russo, one of the writers of TNA, probably would love an idea where you're being Serotonin's sex toy with your hands tied up while Raven's spanking you, rubbing your tits in candlewax while you have the other members of Serotonin's jizz on your face and tits, they all get turns to paddle your ass and eat your pussy and fuck you and they get their cocks all sucked.
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Scott Hall x Fem Reader- "What's New, Pussycat (Doll)?"
2002 would be one helluva year for the professional wrestling world.
The former World Wrestling Federation now changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment, all thanks to the World Wildlife Fund also going by the abbreviation WWF.
The World Wildlife Fund has existed since the 1960's, why didn't they fight for the World Wrestling Federation's abbreviations during the 80's and 90's?
Despite that 2 other pro wrestling companies, WCW and ECW, went out of business in 2001, another new wrestling company known as TNA (Total Nonstop Action) has made its debut in 2002, giving the WWE competition.
Speaking of WCW, the NWO, arguably the most iconic wrestling faction of all time, the wrestling faction that would increase WCW's ratings and make the WWF want to climb for ratings again, have now reformed in 2002, however, they were mostly a mere shell of their former selves.
The epitome of a certain NWO member that was a mere shell of his former self was Scott Hall, otherwise known as Razor Ramon when he was in the WWF, who was killing himself with alcohol.
By the end of 2002, Scott Hall left the WWE due to his alcoholism.
You're both happy and sad he's leaving the WWE, even though you won't have moments with him in the WWE, you're glad he is getting help, as well as this...
Before the Pussycat Dolls became an oversexualized, best selling girl group, they originally started off as a burlesque act.
A burlesque act that not only brought burlesque back to the 21st Century, but featured female celebrities in this act and had women performing burlesque but not taking their clothes off.
Some female celebrities who have been Pussycat Dolls include Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Charlize Theron, Carmen Electra, Gwen Stefani, Christina Applegate, there was even a moment in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" where they performed as Pussycat Dolls.
You were a female celebrity who got popular in the World Wrestling Federation, you were even the most popular woman in the WWF during the late 90's, surpassing Sunny, Chyna and Sable, and you had left the WWF in the year 2000.
You made a few guest appearances in the WWF/E from 2000 to 2002, but you were barely in the WWF/E during those years.
Of course, you had to jump on the Pussycat Dolls bandwagon, how could you not?
You even asked a few WWE divas like Stacy Keibler, Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson if they would like to be Pussycat Dolls, which you're sure they would love to, especially Stacy.
Sable probably wouldn't mind being a Pussycat Doll too.
Scott Hall has always been a ladies' man, even during his Razor Ramon days, and even Razor Ramon's character was a ladies' man too.
He had a crush on you since you were a ringrat, and you've had a few affairs with him.
He knew about the Pussycat Dolls burlesque act, which already gave him a stiffy, but when he heard how you're performing in the Pussycat Dolls burlesque show, he had to see you.
On his birthday at the end of 2002, when he left the WWE, he attended a Pussycat Dolls burlesque show and sat front row, eagerly awaiting you.
Scott sent you an email about how he was attending a PCD show and it was his birthday, that made you so happy, and you had a surprise from him.
As the first few bass notes began playing to Peggy Lee's "Fever", you had strolled down the stage dressed in a black bra and matching swishy micro miniskirt with matching black boots that reached slightly below your knees, your fingers wrapped around a microphone.
When Scott attended this show, he was so tempted into pulling his cock out and masturbating, but he didn't want a Pee Wee Herman situation where he'd get arrested for masturbating in public.
Your eyes found Scott sitting front row in the audience, wearing an NWO shirt so you can probably recognize him.
Deep down inside, you lit up seeing him, but you were trying to contain yourself from getting too overexcited.
You grinned from ear to ear seeing him, your eyes were looking at him.
His eyes were glued to you, even though he wanted to look at some of the other women on stage as well.
As you walked on stage to the bass notes, you moved the microphone you were holding to your lips, and some other sexy, scantily clad women were strutting with you on the stage.
Scott's penis was rising up more and more as you walked towards him, although his jeans interfered his erection.
"Never know how much I love you" you crooned while looking at Scott. "Never knew how much I care"
You were trying to sound and look as sexy as possible whilst you sauntered up to him, you were singing this song to him, a song that describes how you feel about him.
He had a grin on his face as you walked up him, his pants were feeling tighter as you were approaching him.
When you got close enough to him, you put your fingers under his chin and slightly lifted his chin.
"When you put your arms around me" you sang as you looked at him. "I get a fever that's so hard to bear"
Although, you don't have any arms around you right now, and you aren't putting your hand on your forehead and arching your head back like you really do have a fever.
"You give me fever" you expressed, his legs were now in between your legs, where you began to swirl your hips and ass in a 360 degree angle to the song as you lowered your lap to his lap.
"When you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight" you sang as you sat and straddled his lap, although he didn't kiss you or wrap his arms around you.
"Fever!" you chirped "In the morning, fever all through the night"
When you sang the last line, you leaned into the side of his face, smiling and grinning at him.
"You can touch me if you want" you told him "Papi"
That really got him, and he perked up in more ways than one when heard you say it's okay to touch him, even more so that you called him "Papi".
As the bass notes played, you began to roll and gyrate your pelvis forward onto his lap, which made his eyes look down at your lap grinding and rolling up on his lap.
You can feel his erection poking and protruding through his jeans, and he grinned as you gave him this lapdance, biting his lower lip.
Scott might not be as sexy as he was back in the 90's, but he still is pretty damn hot.
How cute was he in NWO in '02 when he had that rag tied on top of his forehead?
You're tempted into grabbing the collar of his shirt and tearing it apart a la Hulk Hogan, so you can run your hands and fingers on his chest and through his chest hair, but nah.
Since you said it was okay to him to touch you, one of his hands was behind your ass, where his fingers gave you a squeeze of one of your ass cheeks.
Some of the backup dancers saw him grab your ass, they could nearly spread ear to ear smiles, although some probably think he's some pervert trying to grab you.
You then tried rotating your body around where now your back was pressing on his torso, lifting one of your legs over both of his legs and turning your body around.
You spread your legs wide open while you sat on his lap, much to his dismay he couldn't see your legs wide open, though you began to roll and grind your ass vertically up his crotch.
"Sun lights up the daytime" you sang, placing one of your hands on the side of his face while your head was turned and looking at him. "Moon lights up the night"
When you sang this, your hand on the side of his face slowly caressed down one of his cheeks (on his face), feeling the fuzzy facial hair on his face as your hand went down.
Your ass didn't just roll up his crotch, but your hips also swayed horizontally back and forth on his genitals, and you also began to sink your body down to the floor lower and lower, your back touching his torso.
"I light up when you call my name" you sang "And y'know I'm gonna treat you right"
You turned your body around and looked at him when you sang "y'know I'm gonna treat you right".
"Y'give me fever" you sang as you began to slowly walk around Scott, putting your hand on his chest and making that hand brush from his chest to his arm, where it turned and swerved to his back.
His eyes were looking at you as you walked around him.
"When you kiss me, fever when you hold me tight" you added, your hand sliding down below his shoulder down his chest.
His eyes looked at that hand sliding down his chest, and he can feel the touch of your hand over his shirt.
"Fever!" you exclaimed, although you didn't try to shout that in his ear. "In the mornin', fever all through the night"
He's been tempting to pull his wallet out and give you a dollar.
To hell with you, you're giving him fever!
He doesn't just want you, he wants some of those other Pussycat Dolls all over him, rolling their ass and crotch on his lap, having their hands all over him.
"Happy birthday" you whispered in his ear, giving him a kiss on the side of his face, which left your lipstick print on the side of his face.
You then slowly walked in front of him, where you bent your lower body down and started shaking your ass horizontally back and forth to the beat.
His eyes were staring at your ass and couldn't keep his eyes off of it.
You chose Peggy Lee's "Fever" to sing to him, because he gives you fever, not literally, but you do lust over him.
Later on after this performance, you sang Happy Birthday to him, and you actually invited him back to a hotel room, where you performed a striptease and lapdance for him and had some birthday sex with him, giving him a taste of your icing as well as his.
You actually have given a few famous professional wrestlers like Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Raven, Christian and Rob Van Dam lapdances and sang to them when you were a Pussycat Doll, you even gave Raven, Christian, Shawn and RVD lapdances for their birthday and sang to them at the PCD burlesque show.
You also asked some famous celebrity women who were Pussycat Dolls as well as just PCD dancers if they ever watch wrestling, and how you were giving these famous wrestlers lapdances.
Some of them want to sing and give lapdances to the Rock, arguably the biggest pro wrestling star of the early 2000's.
John Cena, Batista and Randy Orton were up and coming wrestlers in 2002 that had yet to become famous like they eventually would.
You even did a Pussycat Dolls routine in the WWE in 2002, where you wore lingerie whilst some Pussycat Dolls burlesque dancers danced behind you in the ring while you were singing a song.
In 2003, you were completely back in the WWE again, and you sang some of the songs you sang as a Pussycat Doll on WWE shows to Triple H and Shawn Michaels, as well as dressed as a Pussycat Doll.
I didn't think of writing this fanfic today considering last week I wrote a fanfic where the fem reader gives a lapdance to Raven, but I typed it anyway since I planned it.
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