execlinca · 5 years
They made her uncomfortable, no matter how she looked at it. It wasn’t to say she didn’t like the blossoms -- their falling was beautiful, coating the world in pink, as if this wasn’t an urban area at all. Yet surely, she should have been the last person to belong here. Surely...
It’s a futile thought, after all. One that she can’t stand having. Holding one of the blossoms in her palm, she thinks perhaps it was a good idea to stop with the daydreaming, the lamenting -- to go back ‘home’ before she got lost, and it got dark. Somehow, though, the trees blend together, a mass of pink with no distinguishing features to mark the way she came, at least to Aurica’s eyes.
“Ah...” The reality of the situation dawning on her, she glances around, tentatively walking through the trees until she comes across... a crow. Tilting her head, she follows its path to a dark haired girl -- perhaps somewhat like a crow herself, sitting in the shadow of the trees. Though, she seemed far too gentle, surrounded by petals like that. Someone not to be disturbed.
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She’s loathe to do it, but there isn’t much place to hide -- she glances away and back again, before tentatively smiling. “Sorry... for disturbing you. Do you know the way back to the housing here...? I think I’m in... number 251.”
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ayasashi · 5 years
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venomousreaper-blog · 6 years
“So Churro has eaten this many fish... this month when they come in here.“ Of course the bird always liked the already dead fish more than living fish but Sand was still losing fish he could use or sell to the bird. Not that he minds much, though it does amaze him how much fish the one bird can eat. Its almost like how Latn is with all the sweets they can eat.
“They seem to like... eating bits of the larger fish more than just the small ones.“ At least if Churro only ate some, Sand could use the rest for bait but it seemed rather wasteful on the bird’s side of things. As he was telling Celes about the bird’s monthly feeding he noticed how the girl didn’t seem all too well.
“Are you alright...?“ He asked, pausing in the writing he was doing in his sales notebook.
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auroracloak · 5 years
 ❆ ya want a gummy? 
snow sugar had sat itself down next to the stranger, extending a mittened hand holding a few snowflake shaped gummy candies in greeting. as it seemed, snow had been eating them, its cheeks full and voice slightly muffled
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 ❆ i got too many left over..
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revenantress-blog · 6 years
“Oh Myrkhul, what a beauty you are.” Her smile is warm, hands clasped like she might be praying. While she’s not, the look in her eyes is amused, half warm as she looks over the other. “You have magic about you, my dear.” It’s just a feeling of course, but she’s been to many places, seen many strange things that have shaken her world. This doesn’t feel like too much, besides perhaps, a young woman and her bird. 
So, Requiem doesn’t push the girl too hard, instead, approaching and adjusting her skirts so she can keep from tripping. Frankly, she looks unassuming, a princess without the armor she’s left in her assigned room. 
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“And a lovely bird! I do love the symbolism of ravens- they make for such good stories. Do you have any I might enjoy?” 
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lightoball · 5 years
         with the sun out and the weather warming up, Pikachu had come across the Water Styx and taken to it happily. on the grass, he spread out in the sunshine, letting his belly warm up and enjoying the soft grass underneath his back. he rolled around a little — and lost track of time altogether.
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he didn’t know how long he’d been there, or when in the day it was when he noticed there was someone else who had come to relax too. his body kept low, scurrying towards the person with a smile. it wasn’t meant to be a trick or springing a surprise, but that was what it accidentally became when he crawled right beside them and lifted his head up suddenly.  “pika!”
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songshines · 6 years
starter call ❯❯ @ravenpawn​ !
Now there’s a sight for sore eyes. Upon spotting a familiar mess of black hair, Hibiki approaches from behind, ready to pounce upon this poor, unsuspecting soul.
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“ Aaaaaannnd... Got’cha! ” She latches on tight, nuzzling against Celes with all the affection of a touch-starved puppy. “ Hey again, Celes-chan! Did you miss me, ‘cause I sure missed you! How’re you doing? ”
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infernalbound-blog · 5 years
...What’s a demon doing this far from the border of Yela Alora?
Of course, he could say the same thing about himself, considering he’s taken cover in the brush near the path. And he wouldn’t have even known it’s a demon he’s looking at were it not for her hood getting knocked off.
Which led to the other problem with the situation; this demon’s being harassed by a couple of travelers who aren’t keen on seeing an unholy, especially in the ‘wrong’ kingdom. The noise of the altercation caught Devon’s attention, but now that he’s here, he’s not entirely certain of what to do. He doesn’t want to reveal himself, and this isn’t technically his fight. And yet...he can’t just leave a fellow--fellow? He’s getting too used to this--demon for the metaphorical wolves.
In the end, his decision’s a fairly simple one. He holds out his hand, and...
A burst of purple flame shoots forth across the path, harmlessly passing between the travelers and the demon. It’s no Eldritch Blast, but it’ll certainly get attention, as Devon stands up, pulling off his hood to reveal his own horns and purple skin.
“Okay, that’s enough.” 
He walks up to the demon girl (she seems slightly familiar, though he can’t put a name to her face), with a hint of caution in case she tries to attack him. He tries to look as reassuring as he can.
“Are you okay?”
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hylocereusfruit · 5 years
🌸 !!!
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(( The bird on ur head steals the show here ))
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spiderstaff · 6 years
There’s too much sun out here... maybe it was a mistake to visit the park. But still, the cherry blossoms and sunshine remind her of home; even if she has to hold her bright pink parasol close to avoid a nasty sunburn.
Despite the nice weather, there’s a chill in the air due to the strong breeze. Enough so that it takes Kay’s parasol from her hands, and she briefly curses not having her magic to catch it. It comes to rest at the feet of a young girl, and Kay dashes to retrieve it, bowing her head in apology.
“Sorry about that! The wind is terrible, and it got away from me. I hope I didn’t startle you or your bird.”
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gentomologist · 6 years
@ravenpawn liked
   The only thing better than enjoying the cherry blossom trees on his own is enjoying them with someone else -- and if he were any better at approaching people, that would happen more often, wouldn’t it? He tends to leave others alone unless he’s feeling particularly inspired, though by now he could say he’s had more good things come from random encounters than bad.
A flutter of wings catches his eye and he looks to see a girl with a bird on her shoulder, its dark color a stark contrast to all the pink around them. Oh, how cute... 
It feels less than ideal to approach someone so much smaller than he is, but now he wants to try. He’ll just keep his voice soft and his introduction friendly (as if he’s capable of anything else), so as not to startle either of them.
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“Hi, do you also like animals a lot? They must like you, too!”
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yeahgen · 6 years
@ravenpawn via non-event starter call
'Ah, whoops.’
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He watches with mild horror as the plastic bag in his lap splits open and sends a small pile of Pocky boxes clattering to the sidewalk by his feet. Yagen tries reaching for them himself, but he can only stretch so far from his wheelchair.
‘Uh...sorry, could you lend a hand?’
She looks nice enough to help. He hopes.
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ayasashi · 6 years
subversion part 1 ★ @ravenpawn ! 
“ Hi, welcome to Smile Burger! What can I get for you t — ”
— Hold it. She knows this face. This girl came in on her barista shift the other week. Her name, wasn’t it... Selena? 
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No, wait, that was the name Aya wrote on the cup — which turned out to be wrong, unfortunately, and poor not-Selena nearly left the store in tears. Relatable, yes, but a good experience? Not so much. Best move quickly before new drama breaks out. “ Right. What can I get for you today? ”
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isolaradiale · 6 years
everything has settled down so i'd like to take my oc celes off of hiatus! thank you!!
Welcome back!
--Mod Lyra
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venomousreaper-blog · 6 years
on the holiday, sand would find a couple boxes of gummies filled with sugary juice, called "gushers." along with it was a very small card. on it is a picture of a skunk, with the phrase "happy valentine's day, sweet stuff!" printed on it. it's signed by a certain girl and bird...
Sand isn’t fully sure about the items that hes been given. Hes never heard of Valentine’s day before this city. Though it was true he only knew about some of the bigger celebrations back home. By what he knew, the current stuff hes heard about Valentines day is more about love.
He does make sure to send Celes a thank you text as well as a blurry picture of Latn halfway in the box gummies. That little poison Dragon was going to eat all of them before Sand got a chance but that was okay.
He also added a message that Churro’s next few fish would be free as thanks.
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fantazuvaty · 6 years
“I really want to thank you for meeting me, by the way! It means a lot! At least there's no one else in so you won't get seen with me or anything.” The small succubus smiled a perfectly genuine smile despite what she had just said.
“Do you want to get another drink? I mean, do you want me to get you another drunk? The tabs on me, I promise. I'm really thankful! It means a lot, even if we don't cover a lot and just hang.” Another warm smile, despite thinking she was starting to repeat herself.
She shuffled a collection of papers on the table, writing a couple of things to test out the pen. Make sure the ink was flowing, get a good feel of things. Satisfied, she looked back up.
“So! Last chance; are you sure it's okay if I ask you some things? It’s totally okay if you’re not sure! This isn't an interview or anything! I'm just trying to collect some notes to add a bit of credence to my stories, you know? Life experience and all that. I'll never mention your name, your appearance, details or anything that could be traced back to you, I promise. I know it can probably seem a little scary.”
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