#ray stantz my beloved
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Ray Stantz/Dan Aykroyd in the Frozen Empire TV Spots
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stantzed · 1 year
Thinking a lot recently about Ray having the absolute biggest crush on the girl who sells him cigarettes at the bodega every morning. He’s too shy to say anything or even ask what her name is. She’s always super bubbly and friendly but for whatever reason he’s just way too scared to ask her out.
It takes him literal months for him to ask her out. All the guys are so sick of hearing Ray talk about someone and doing absolutely nothing about it. He says he’ll ask her out a few times but always chickens out. Finally Venkman gets fed up and just goes in and talks to her.
“Hey, two questions for ya. One are you single and two do you happen to have a soft spot for cowards?” Venkman asks. Of course she’d be a little confused. “You know that guy who comes in every morning, buys a pack of Newport Reds? Tall, wild hair, weird eyes?” She nods slowly as Venkman describes Ray. “Wonderful. If you would please consider letting him take you out for a drink, I dunno, like, tonight, let’s say, I’d really appreciate cuz he’s annoying the shit outta me.”
“Uh… yeah, sure I’m free I guess… what’s this about?” She says, slowly. Peter shakes his head.
“He’s been in love with you for going on six months, he talks about you constantly and he’s too chicken shit to ask you out. Great guy, loves Thai food. Anyway he’ll meet you at that bar around the corner at 8, see ya.”
When Peter tells Ray about the interaction he’s completely mortified. Even so, he still goes to the bar around 8 on the odd chance Peter’s plan actually works. Surprisingly, the bodega girl is at the bar and runs up to meet Ray. She gives him a big hug and says “I thought you’d never ask me out!” Ray smiles and squeezes her tight.
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
NOBODY TOUCH m new ghostbusters game is out I'm gonna be playing this for the next MONTH
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gallwithapall · 3 months
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It looks so homely...i wanna GO HERE I WANNA LIVE HERE IM MENTALLY HERE!!!
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I'm screaming, I cannot contain myself any longer
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ms-ship · 2 months
In Ghostbusters 2 (deleted scene, of course), the guys were committed to a psych ward courtesy of the mayor.
Peter going along with the one of the patients about the French poodle is nothing short of hilarious 😂
@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @ariel-seagull-wings @kawaiisakura143 @soulfulbelieves @lulusplaycorner @remerg @spook-central @spenglerssweetheart @spook-spectre-ghost @janeb984 @egonspenglersweetie @lunoki @trixie21 @egonspenglershusband
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toriisasimp · 2 months
Feeling Better?
An Egon Spengler x fem!reader One Shot
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Prompt: Healing from an injury caused by a failed bust is never fun. Until Egon volunteers himself to watch over you and make sure you’re getting the correct treatment. And he wants to help you feel better.. in more ways than one.
Warnings: SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT!! Minors DNI. Egon takes care of the reader. 😉
A/N: DEEP BREATHS DEEP BREATHS It’s canon to me that Egon uses good girl and there’s nothing you can do about it. I am a menace to society. 🤭
The clock ticked to 11 PM on the dot, as you stood at the bathroom sink, trying to reach around your bare torso to apply some healing gel to the burns that were spread across your back.
The burns had been caused by a Class 6 full roaming vapor colliding with your proton pack-less back, tearing up your uniform and digging into your skin as well. The burns were intense, and the team was up the whole rest of the night making sure you were stable.
Since you had been discharged, Egon put himself in charge of the rest of your healing. He made sure to remind you to put on the ointment every night, and apply cooling cloths to your back every other night.
He also had to remind you to sleep topless, so your skin could air out.
It had been about a week since the accident, and it wasn’t entirely impossible to apply the gel by yourself- but tonight was particularly tough. You decided to call in some backup.
“Spengler!” You hollered out the bathroom door, to Egon, who was in the lab.
“Yes?” His voice echoed through the bedroom and into the bathroom.
“Can you come here for a sec?” You yelled again.
Without a response, you heard some shuffling grow closer, and Egon appeared in the doorway. He had shed his sweater vest and tie, and was in his usual white button down and slacks. He was also just in socks, and the realization made you smile.
“What do you need?” He asked before he could lock eyes with you, but even before that his eyes briefly scanned your appearance. You were in sweatpants, and just a bra- and it was only then that you realized he had never seen you without a shirt on. He cleared his throat.
“Can you help? For some reason I just can’t reach-“ You couldn’t even finish the question before he was unbuttoning and rolling up his sleeves, nodding his head towards the bedroom.
“Come sit in here, bring the gel and a towel with you.”
You obliged, following after him. He sat in the middle of your bed, motioning to the space in front of him. With a sigh, you plopped down, passing the container of ointment gel and the towel over your shoulder. Your hair was already tied up, so it was out of the way.
As Egon set up behind you, you sighed- letting your back relax and slouch ever so slightly. You then felt his hand brush against the clasp of your bra.
“May I?” He asks softly, perhaps asking for permission to undo it. You nod silently, and he unclasps the bra smoothly, not removing it fully but letting the bands fall to the sides, so he had full access to your bare back.
You hear the squelch of the gel as he runs it over his hands, and then gently begins to spread it over the skin of your back, your shoulder blades, spine, and sides. You shiver, and although it isn’t painful- it causes a bit of discomfort against the healing burns.
“Sorry.” He murmurs softly, sensing your discomfort as you shift on the bed. He continues, one hand holding the container and the other painting the ointment over your back. You let out a sigh, your head dropping forward as your eyes shut, and you relax into the brief touch.
After your back is covered in the gel, you hear the container get screwed up, and he wipes his hands on the towel, before there’s a pause.
You assume he’s going to stand up and excuse himself back to the lab after completing the favor, but instead, you feel his hands on your biceps, easing you back to lean against his chest.
Of course, it takes you by surprise- your brows furrowing and your body clearly hesitating.
“Is it okay if I just-“ He pauses, and you glance over your shoulder to look at him. The soft light of the lamp beside the bed casts upon his face. “Hold you? I haven’t gotten to since the accident.”
Your heart twists in your chest, your brows knitting together as you nod. “Of course.” You say softly, and turn your head back forward and lean back into his touch, his arms naturally finding their way around your waist. His hips framed yours, his legs extended on either side of yours, and yours were bent slightly.
“Are you feeling well?” He asks softly, and you notice how his lips are right against your ear in this position.
You shrug gently. “I’m okay. It’s not exactly comfortable, but it’s not entirely painful either.” With a sigh, you explain how you’re feeling. You feel Egon nod. His hands gently stroke up and down the skin of your stomach.
“I see. Have you been taking the medicine the hospital prescribed you?”
You’re caught like a deer in the headlights, seething as you cringe. No, you haven’t.
Egon says your name lowly, like a warning- and he squeezes your hips slightly.
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I just.. forget.” You put your hands up in surrender, trying to brush it off. Egon clearly isn’t taking it lightly.
“You’re not going to feel any more comfortable unless you take them.” He says firmly in your ear, and it makes you shiver.
“I know, I know..” You sound like a child who just got scolded. His fingertips are tracing over the skin just above your waistband, and your eyes are focused on it.
“I want to make sure you’re as comfortable as possible..” He murmurs, his fingers moving to tease just under the band of your sweatpants, making you let out a shaky exhale, looking down at what his hands are doing. And he’s watching too, just over your shoulder.
“Egon..” You whisper out his name, catching your lower lip between your teeth. His hands abandon your lower half, making you whimper weakly, but only for them to gently remove the rest of your bra, leaving your skin for be pinched by the cool air, and completely topless.
His hands run over the skin of your breasts, making you take a heavy breath- your head tilting to the side as your eyes screw shut.
You feel his lips press against your neck, just as one of his hands slide down to dip under your sweatpants, and tease your folds, making you softly moan as your eyes open to see his hands all over you, and your head falls back against his shoulder. He takes this as an invitation to tease a finger at your entrance, slipping it in gently as the other hand runs over the skin of your breast and your nipple.
“Egon-“ You breathe out, and a gasp gets caught in your throat as he slips his finger in fully, beginning to slowly pump in and out. “Fuck-“ You curse, and he lowly hums in your ear.
“How are you feeling now?” He asks teasingly. “Comfortable?” Before pressing another kiss to your collarbone.
“I- yes, just- don’t stop-“ You pant out, and moan as he slips in another finger, your hand flying to hold onto his wrist to make sure he doesn’t pull anything stupid, like stopping.
Your brows furrow as your back arches against his chest, as he spreads kisses against your jawline and neck still. His movements speed it, which causes more weak moans to leave your lips, hips slightly bucking against his hand.
“There you go.. fuck my fingers-“ He purrs into your ear.
And that is enough to send you over the edge rather quickly, one of your hands flying to cover your mouth as you shake in his hold, your orgasm washing over you as your legs try to close, but he holds them open with one hand, the other still fucking you through your climax.
It’s only when your hand tugs at his wrist that he pulls away, bringing his two fingers up to lick your juices clean, and then both arms settle around your waist again.
“Good girl.” He whispers softly to you, and you hum tiredly, turning your head enough to catch his lips in a gentle, slow kiss.
While your eyes are still shut, you feel the bed creak under you as you feel the blankets get pulled up to cover your lower and upper half, Egon’s arms still nestled around you and his head still resting on your shoulder.
“I love you.” He whispers, and sadly, you feel sleep pull you under just as you’re about to respond, and tell him that you love him too.
Hopefully the way you pull his arms tighter around and you nestle against him closer is enough of an answer.
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silver-embersss · 4 months
these men are so silly goofy they have stolen my whole heart...
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egonspenglerishot · 2 months
i am writing your other one shot now! but i gained an idea and wanted to share hehe
so i was thinking an egon x reader where the reader has autism and they're overstimulated by everything that's going on around them and egon helps them out with it !! ( this'll make my autistic heart happy :) )
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Look at his lil smile!
“Breath with me Dove”
Egon Spengler x reader
Warnings: mentions of panic attacks and overstimulation
You paced up and down the lab as you took short breaths. You’d been working on the mood slime for hours now. Egon, Ray and Winston were out on call so that left you and Peter. You’d tried everything to calm down, wearing a spare jumpsuit of egons, sprayed some of his cologne that you loved and even put his favorite music on but everything just seemed to overwhelm you more.
Your breathing was getting worse and you knew that it meant a panic attack was on its way. You heard the Firehouse doors open and the three men come in laughing and joking, the smell of the traps hits your nose and you gag loudly and cover your mouth. You pace faster thoughts seeping into your brain, just as Egon stepped in. Instantly he knew what was wrong and went over standing infront of you “Hello my dove…what’s wrong? Can you speak? Do you need to write it down?”
You looked up and teared up. His voice was so soft and gentle. He always was, just as you were with him. “Can I touch you?” He asked and you nodded. He led you over to the corner where he’d set up a small area for you. A couch, sensory toys he himself had made, your favorite books and a mini fridge with safe foods inside. He sat you down and sat beside you “Breath with me dove” he brought you onto his lap and played with your hair taking deep breaths.
It didn’t take you long to begin following his pattern of breathing, the smell of cologne, smoke from his fellow ghostbusters and Twinkies filled your nose and soothed you. He kissed your forehead and held you close. Why you were overwhelmed and overstimulated became very apparent when he saw a glob of mood slime on the desk. You had spilled some and gotten it on your hand, no matter how much you washed it off, it seemed to still psychologically affect you.
He checked your hands and made sure that it was all gone as he whispered sweet things into your ear. He wanted to protect you, to keep you safe from the evil entities they encountered but you were so stubborn..and he loved that about you.
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shelbgrey · 9 months
Might i request an Egon Spengler and a nerdy dorky kinda reader that knows a lot about the paranormal, or is a parapsychologist like them in general?
Two Nerds falling in love headcanons:
Paring: Egon spengler x Nerdy!Venkman!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Egon falling in love with Peter Venkman's Nerdy little sister.
💚MasterList 💚dating mood board
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I think you guys would be clueless to your feelings, like they're obviously there and everyone can see It expect you two.
Your really in the paranormal, your old brother Peter would always tell you stuff about the poltergeists and ghosts and soon enough you were studying and were obsessed with it as well.
It was no suprise that the team was impressed by your knowledge of the paranormal, but no one was more impressed than Egon.
And your well... A dork, and there's nothing wrong with that. Your extremely smart and just passionate about the things you love.
[pausing and currently breaking the 4th wall] I'm a dork, so I don't get upset by this label, dorks are amazing people to be around.
Any-who, like Egon your a quiet person, but if the conversation brings up something you love you'll be talking to that person about it for hours. It also helps if your used to the person too.
There was one night you and Ray had a long conversation about Scooby-Doo where are you? And The Twilight Zone.
Egon I very reserved and quiet guy, it's rare for him to give in to human urges or emotions, so it didn't go unnoticed to Peter and the others how he'd turn red in the cheeks at just the mere sight of you.
Without realizing it he fell for your brain and knowledge first, you'd often a company him in the Lab and quickly cought on to how the protonpacks work and how to repair the damaged ones.
Your also very passionate about ghosts and haunted places, you go out of your way to find cool abandoned place that could be haunted. At first Peter found it bizarre but found it cool when you found a haunted amusement park.
“do you all think we can take a trip to Colorado and see if the overlook hotel is really haunted?” you asked.
Egon remembers the little things and that's one of the things that made your relationship special. He remembered you bring up the overlook hotel and he took you a vacation to see it.
Speaking of ghosts, you had a strange sympathy for Slimer, he was the only ghost you encountered that was no harm to anyone. The green dude was just eating.
Your also a movie nerd, you'll qoute movies on calls and 9 times out of 10 Egon won't understand. This ment you guys will have many movie nights in your future.
“I don't understand that reference”
“I know you don't, that's going on the list too”
It got to the point in your relationship that you'd flirt without relizing it... Or how ever how nerdy people flirt.
Your brother Peter is always teasing you, even before you guys started dating. To him he's know from day one that you guys liked each other, he'd always have a snide commit like, “He’s dying…” Peter said sadly. “He asked us to bring him here so he could see you one last time and tell you that he lo—ow!” He yelped when Ray smacked him with the rag he was using to clean the protonpacks after a call.
But, your brother got tired of it, the consent glances you'd sneek and how Egon desperately tried to find the right words to flatter you with.
“Hey, sis, you busy Saturday night?” Peter asked one night. “no?”
“Egon, you busy?” he asked. “I'm not”
“good, because I am... You two go out and have a good time”
Yeah your brother asked Egon out on a date for you. Neither one of you knew how to proses what your brother did but it didn't stop you guys from going out.
It was awkwardly sweet, you guys went to a musem and just talked the who time.
“when it comes to things like this I'm not good with words, but y/n I do have an attraction to you... You just make my life more enjoyable”
You kissed his cheek which made you both blushed. “I like you too Egon”
After your some what of a confession, Egon got more comfortable expressing his emotions to you, and you only.
You both didn't have the best childhoods. Egon's parents didn't let him be a kid and often only cared about if he got an equation right. With yours, well they weren't around much after their devorce and you once told Egon that Peter practically raised you.
After he told you and Ray about the slinky he straightend, you took him to a toy store to get him something cool. You got him a toy airplane and stuffed giraffe.
They both set on a self in his lab so he can see it everyday. He fell deeper in love you when you went out of your way to make him feel loved.
He didn't relize how touch starved he was till he met you, usually he didn't really like it but when you started holding his hand or hugging him from behind on the lab he couldn't help but crave more.
“I'd like another hug... Please?”
You'll give him all the hugs he wants and more.
Kissing took a while to enter the relationship, you were both shy and suprisenly Egon instigated it. He'd give a kiss good-bye on the forehead before a call or he'll kiss your cheek in the early mornings before he heads to the lab.
Peter also goes out of his way to tell embarrasing stories about you. “ya know, when y/n was four I told her if she ate the Fortune out of the fortune cookie it'll come true, she totally ate the paper!” he laughed, you'd turne red when Egon heard it. Egon smiled softly and just wanted to hear more about you.
There will always be an ongoing fight about him not getting enough sleep, you love him and you don't want him spending all night in his lab but he'll always be like, “I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.”
When he's clearly tired but still trying to not to be wrong you'll not give up and try to persuade him to come to bed with you “But, Love, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so I can feel whole again.”
“O-oh. Well. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??” he asked.
“I-is it working?” he knows your just trying to look out for him and eventually he will break down and follow you to bed you share in the Firehouse.
He is very gentle boyfriend and taking care of you as softened his heart a lot. He's type of man to cover you with a blanket when you fall asleep on the couch after kissing your forehead. Or carry you to bed if you fall asleep at your desk in the Lab.
He is amazed by you, even if you breathe he's like a love sick puppy. Everything you do just makes him fall even harder for you. Something as little as using the Dewy desim system to organize your guys book collection just amazes him or something as simple as organizing the snack cabinet.
Egon loves and needs physical affection. After every call, no matter how messy you guys are he will instantly engulfs you in a the biggest hug. Or if your working on something in the Lab and he needs a cuddle break, he'll stand behind you and wrap his arms around your waist and rest his chin on your shoulder so he can watch you work.
When he dose come to bed you guys are always cuddling or close to each other. If your not cuddling and he's sleeping on his stomach, your draped over his back using him as a pillow.
You both wear glasses and sometimes if there's a call in the middle of the night you two will get them switched up in midst of running around getting ready. You both have similar prescriptions so you won't notice until Peter says something.
Peter couldn't stop laughing the first time it happened because at the time your glasses were purple.
Even though your pretty smart, Egon dose say things that even you need a dictionary to know what he's saying. You know scientific names but sometimes your mouth works faster than your brain and words like 'swabie thing' comes out instead of swab.
“I need a... A Swabie thing to get a sample with”
“a what?” Egon asks as you digged in the drawers of your lab.
You guys are an unstoppable force in the Lab, you two just woke well together and have your own methods.
I don't know if he's the marriage type, but just know he won't leave your side. He'll get possessed by a spirit before he'll leave you.
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Ray in the new Frozen Empire trailer
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spook-central · 7 months
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algea · 2 years
growing up is realizing that Ray wasn't the most attractive Ghostbuster, it was Egon
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gallwithapall · 4 months
Me- "Im so normal about that old man"
Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Trailer- "Hold my beer"
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ms-ship · 2 months
My favorite scenes from the library
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Get her!
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toriisasimp · 2 months
Sleepy Scientific Method
Egon Spengler x Reader
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Prompt: During a rough night of attempted rest, you are the only one awake in the firehouse, getting a midnight snack. But, when Egon realizes you're awake and more tired than you think, he offers some help to try and soothe you back to sleep.
Warnings: None! Just an INSANE amount of fluff, and unspoken feelings!! We love to see it!
A/N: My first published Egon one shot. I have so many sitting in google docs and thought I might as well start putting them out! Egon Spengler is the loml and I love writing fluff with him. ENJOY >:)
It was nearing the ungodly hours of the morning, and you had been lying awake on your bunk for at least two hours now. You crane your neck to get a glimpse of the alarm clock next to your bed, and it reads 4:07 AM. Christ, you think- running a hand over your face. You sit up slowly, eyes adjusting to the darkness and seeing four lumps right where you left them, along with the sound of a distant ticking clock, the AC pumping, and Venkman’s snoring. You’d adjusted to it and naturally gained the ability to tune it out when you sleep, so you knew it wasn’t that keeping you up. 
Perhaps it was the four cups of coffee and 53 page research paper you typed up for Egon to read over on the cardiovascular effects of paranormal experiences on humans. 
Snapping out of your train of thought, you finally give up and toss the covers aside, snatching your robe and tossing it over your shoulders before trudging out of the bedroom and into the large lounge area, most of the lights shut off. You flick one on, a small kitchen light sitting above the dining table in the middle of the right corner. 
Squinting and yawning, you stand still for a moment and let your eyes adjust to the sudden change of light before shuffling over to the fridge, opening it up and peeking inside. An aching appetite, perhaps that was it. You grabbed the gallon of milk that you prayed wasn’t expired, checked it by taking a whiff and making the assumption that it was fine. 
You then opened the top cabinet, reaching up and just barely grazing the cereal boxes on the top, before knocking one over and catching it right on time. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, your favorite. You and Egon shared a love for it, while Venkman liked Fruit Loops, Ray liked Lucky Charms and Winston was a Cheerios kind of guy. 
You kept stock of all of them.
You then grabbed a bowl and spoon, and opened the box as quietly as possible and tried to inconspicuously pour it into the bowl, only making a slight clinking sound as the cereal hit the inside of the bowl. You put it back, and poured some milk, just as you heard your name being softly called from the bedroom.
Egon stood in the doorway, holding his robe around his waist with one hand as the other slid on his glasses. 
Your eyebrows raised, immediately feeling guilty for waking one of your buddies up with your midnight cravings. 
“Sorry, I’ll uh- I’ll be done in a second.”
“That’s alright.” He successfully gets his glasses on and finishes tying his robe, as he approaches you at the counter. “An early breakfast?”
“Can’t sleep.” You say while pouring some milk into the bowl.
“Have you considered melatonin?” He inquired, tilting his head.
“Doesn’t work on me.” 
“Hmph.” He hums, turning to lean his back against the counter and fold his arms, eyes scanning over the dark horizon of the rest of the floor of the fire house.
You then stir the cereal a bit, then take a bite and chew as you pick up the bowl and resume the same position as him.
“Sorry if I woke you up.”
“You didn’t.” He shook his head slightly. “I already had something on my mind and was basically awake.”
You tilt your head, take another bite of the cereal and chew while you speak. “What’s on your mind?”
He shakes his head and looks down at the floor.
“Alright.. I won’t pry. For now.”
He smirks and looks back up straight for a moment, before his eyes move over to your tired figure.
“You look tired.” He notes the prominent bags under your eyes, the lack of color in your skin tone, and the downturned position your face automatically takes, rather than the more alert, expressive one it usually does. 
You shrug and nod. “I am. But I have nothing on you- didn’t you say once, gosh, that you slept for like-“
“Fourteen minutes a day? Yeah, I quit that a couple months back. Ray said it was making me a bit hay-wire.”
“Egon Spengler? Hay-wire? Pshhhhh.” You shake your head and giggle softly, and you look down and see the empty bowl of cereal. You must’ve finished it during the conversation. 
“Very funny.” He says plainly, and you can’t quite tell with the sleep in his voice if it’s genuine or sarcasm.
You snort at his response, turning and rinsing the bowl out in the sink before setting it down into it, and sighing softly as you run your hands over your face.
Egon internally goes over the list of strategies to create sleepiness.
“My Mother always used to tell me when I couldn’t sleep to just lay there with my eyes closed. Turns out she raised an insomniac, because it never worked. I always ended up sleeping throughout the day.”
“Have you considered physical touch?” He asks out of the blue. 
You turn, the next words you were going to say getting caught in your throat. You perk a brow.
“What?” You ask, genuinely confused.
“Physical touch. I’ve looked into it myself, and some sources say receiving physical touch can lead the mind into a relaxed state, and could also lead to sleepiness.” 
You let out a puff of air, wondering where he’s going with this.
“Ray says I give good hugs.” He states, almost like a question- trying to prove himself. 
With that, you look over at him, giving a small wiggle of your eyebrow as a silent ask of approval, and he gives a subtle nod, opening his arms just enough for you to step in front of him and up to him so you’re pressed against him, your head resting perfectly against his chest. Your arms naturally fold against his chest as well, not exactly certain on putting them anywhere else.
There’s a moment where he’s not touching you anywhere else, other than where you are touching him- until you feel his arms gently wrap around your waist, his hands folding at the base of your spine. He lets out an audible breath.
You already feel your eyes start to flutter.
“Do I have to-“
“We can just stand here, if that works for you. I don’t mind silence.” He speaks softer this time, more tender- and it makes your shoulders relax.. you didn’t even notice how tense they were.
“Focus on your breathing,” He begins to quietly guide you. “Lower the tongue from the roof of your mouth. Let your eyes shut and your body relax, I’ve got you.”
I’ve got you.
Your face turns slightly further into his chest, and you inhale, taking in his scent.. it’s hard to place, but it makes you smile.
“This is quite the scientific solution, Doctor Spengler.” You say softly with a giggle, and you can feel his chest rumble beneath you as he laughs as well. 
Without another word spoken, he brings his hand up to the back of your head, resting over the bun your hair was tied up in.
“May I?”
You nod, and he gently tugs on the scrunchie, your hair falling out and resting naturally now. 
The scrunchie disappears out of his grip, and it’s replaced with the alluring sensation of his fingers running through your hair, over your scalp.. making you shiver. Your eyes are completely shut, your breaths slowing.
You’re not sure how long he’s been playing with your hair and holding you upright, but you eventually mumble.
“Egon, I might fall asleep standing up..”
And you hear his gentle response,
“I won’t let that happen.”
Sleep tugs at your eyes, your mind, and your entire body begins to give up it’s weight.
As you brink at fully being unconscious, you feel something else peck at the top of your head for a brief moment, before it slumps to the side, and you lose contact. 
But not soon before you feel your heavy legs get whisked up from under you, making you feel completely weightless. 
There’s some soft footsteps, the pause and reach as it suddenly gets more dark, and then more footsteps before you feel yourself getting eased back into your cozy bed. There’s another pause before your blankets are pulled up to rest under your chin, and another one before you feel the same rough, but gentle fingertips brush some of your hair back, and another peck at the skin of your forehead.
Some unintelligible words mumbled, or maybe they’re just sounds.. 
Before sleep finally pulls you under.
And all you dream about is the undeniable comfort and peace Egon Spengler brings you. 
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simptasia · 2 years
i dunno exactly whats the quickest i’ve reached orgasm but i know it was less than 4 minutes and 5 seconds because thats how long the ghostbusters theme is
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