#rc lennox
justanotherrcblog · 4 months
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Cute 😊
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thecrenellations · 10 months
"How many souls on this earth call you Francis?"
In 60 years of the Lymond Chronicles, I'd bet that many others have compiled this exact thing, but here is a list of who calls Lymond by his first name! Marthe draws our attention to the question near the end of Pawn in Frankincense, but it's clear throughout the series how deliberately Dunnett chooses what to call the characters in narration and dialogue - the choice can reflect who Francis Crawford (for example) is to others as well as to himself, at any moment. I love it, and Meaningful Naming is a feature of most of my favorite stories.
Characters are listed with the book in which they first call him Francis in dialogue. Italics indicate they call him that when he isn't present. If they directly Francis him later, they’ve been added to the list for that book, too.
I've also noted to whom he's just Francis in the narration - it's always someone who thinks of him like that, and it always makes me feel a lot.
If you notice something I left out, or if you know where to find similar analysis, let me know! Let us all be scholars of Francis.
Lists below! Plus some thoughts and quantitative stuff. (many, many spoilers)
The Game of Kings
Sybilla Semple (see, I have to decide what to call all of these characters, too!)
Margaret Lennox
Christian Stewart (to Sybilla, and I'm sure she called him Francis in their childhood)
Richard Crawford 
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard
Queens’ Play
Tom Erskine
Jenny Fleming
Margaret Erskine
Oonagh O’Dwyer
Phelim O’LiamRoe
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard
The Disorderly Knights
Will Scott
Kate Somerville 
Graham Reid Malett
Adam Blacklock
Janet Beaton
Jerott Blyth (I'm also sure Jerott called him Francis in the old days, but he doesn't return to it until the scene with Evangelista Donati at Midculter)
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard, Tom, Kate, Sybilla
Pawn in Frankincense
Jerott Blyth
Dame de Doubtance 
Francis in narration from the POV of: Jerott
The Ringed Castle
Alec Guthrie
the Abbess/Sybilla's sister
Francis in narration from the POV of: Richard
Philippa Somerville
Marguerite de St. Andre
Catherine d’Albon (to Philippa)
Nicholas Applegarth (also to Philippa)
Adam Blacklock
Danny Hislop
Francis in narration from the POV of: Jerott, Philippa, Richard, Sybilla, Adam
Richard's monopoly on the narration Francises in the first two books kills me, I love it. The first, of course, is "God, Francis had screamed."
As a reader, I started calling him Francis, sometimes, somewhere in the middle of Queen's Play and stopped overthinking it by the beginning of the next book.
I didn't count, but I'd bet that Jerott says and thinks it the most. He's there more than probable runners-up Gabriel (shut up, Gabriel) and Richard (ily Richard) are, and Philippa goes on her own ... journey before thinking of him that way and allowing herself to think of him that way.
Adam is unique for making the list in his first book, specifically not calling Lymond Francis in The Ringed Castle, and then putting himself back on the list through address and narration in Checkmate. But that's The Ringed Castle for you 😬. And their entire relationship - there's a chapter or so in which Adam's narration calls him de Sevigny.
Who even calls him Francis in RC? Just Alec, Richard, and Margaret, I think. ("Do you call her Slata or Baba?" Thank you, Philippa.)
I would teach myself tarocco and play for at least a few hours to learn when Will started calling him Francis. Also the Erskines! They're all so genuinely close in the years after Game of Kings.
Notable Absences
Güzel - well, that feels meaningful. They were together for years. If she did, we didn't see, and I would also believe that she didn't.
Archie - will he ever? Who can say. Either way, he's the best. Also, see here.
Mariotta - I bet she does, after the first book, we just haven't been there.
Fergie, probably?
Piero Strozzi - Francesco? My petit François? I don't remember any Francises, though!
Ivan (and others?) - I'm not counting Frangike, either
Robin Stewart - I mean, I'm sure he would have if he'd known his boyfriend's real name before ... all of that went down.
Diccon Chancellor - probably not? I'd also put this down to the Ringed Castle state of mind. As meaningful as their friendship was, it makes sense for the book to continue to distance the reader, at the very least, in that way.
Does Francis call himself Francis?
He doesn't, really! He's never that from his own point of view, but we do see him sign a few letters with his first name. These are to:
Kate (Pawn in Frankincense)
Catherine d'Albon (Checkmate)
Philippa (Checkmate)
All of this is not to say that “Francis” represents who he truly is; it certainly shows intimacy and usually vulnerability, but I feel that Lymond and Francis Crawford can be just as definitive when deployed, and that Lymond has a certain neutrality. There's also something really interesting that happens when the characters are stripped of names and become just "he" or "she," from their own perspective or others.
And then we get things like "Mistress Philippa's decorative husband," which really deserve their own list.
"How many souls on this earth call you Francis? Three? Or perhaps four?"
18 of the 25 Francis-ers on my list are living at the end of the series, and when Marthe, who is not one of them, asks that question at the end of PiF, it's 12 (out of 18 total).
18 out of 25 is a 72% survival rate! Great!
2 of the 18 are pretty awful (Margaret Lennox and the Abbess)
4 of the 18 live in France, which he's currently exiled from
1 of the 18 lives in Ireland, but I think they should still hang out!
2 of the 18 may be departing for Malta, apparently
7 of the 18 are people he probably sees or keeps in touch with regularly, 9 if I count Janet Beaton and Margaret Erskine, because I like them and they're not very far away.
As much as I wish that many of the others hadn't died, I think he's doing pretty well.
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sparxaf · 1 year
TSIME: Meet Bobby's Crew (part 2)
So we met the Russo-Bells, who apparently look nothing like how @longbobmckenzie imagined. So, I'm here to ruin your day again, with some more of Bobby's inner circle 😆
Meet Maitland (my favorite):
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Grew up in an extremely happy, functional family that swore a lot. Has several siblings. Is especially close to her mam, who is a chain-smoking factory worker.
🗸 Smoker.
🗸 Is a bit of a musical genius. She plays the drums, bass guitar, piano, violin, and has a singing voice best described as, Annie Lennox after a shot of whiskey and a couple cigarettes.
🗸 Briefly attended the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland but dropped out after less than a semester. "Why'd I quit? Cuz, everyone has their heads up their arses, smellin' their own fuckin' farts, that's why."
🗸 She met Nivaan at RCS and they ended up friends. They have a shared love of old school punk music, so they started Paisley Cuddle together.
🗸 Never been in a relationship.
🗸 Had sex twice. Didn't care for it.
🗸 Makes extra money doing gig/session work, but the job she actually likes is teaching music classes for a local music shop. She's a very popular, sought-after instructor, especially for drums, as she's entertaining and foul-mouthed, but also surprisingly patient with the kids.
🗸 Has a fundamental disdain for labels of all kinds, and would never label herself as NB or demi-anything, despite likely being both. "Call me whatever you want. You don't need ta' know my fuckin' business, you arsebadger."
🗸 Once dreamed of being a football hooligan.
🗸 Secretly loves Hannah Montana. "What? No, not Miley, you fuckin' tube. Hannah. Montana. It's different. And if you wanna keep yer teeth, you won't be tellin' anyone."
Meet Jonno:
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Was an abrasive and lonely child. He literally saw Bobby and said, "You're my best friend now." And Bobby just rolled with it.
🗸 Allegedly has the ability to be funny, though no one but Bobby claims to have seen it happen.
🗸 A bit of a shapeshifter. Worked in the hospital because Bobby did. Baked because Bobby did. Would never admit to anyone (not even himself) that Bobby is his hero.
🗸 Somehow manages to get tons of one-night stands. But there are ZERO repeat customers.
🗸 Despite being a pig, Jonno understands and respects consent. Because when he was 19, he he grabbed Maitland's arse at a pub, and still has the x-ray of his broken nose to prove it. Knowledge unlocked.
🗸 His mam bailed when he was four. He hasn't seen her since. He was raised by his dad (and his dad's long-term girlfriend who didn't like him very much). Has one older half-brother who bullied him pretty badly as a kid.
🗸 Besides being able to fart Scotland's national anthem, his only other notable skill is fixing up and reselling antiques. He has an eye for what can be spruced up. So he spends a lot of his free time sanding and staining old furniture and fixing lamps that don't switch on anymore. Then he sells them at flea markets and makes a tidy profit.
Meet Fenella:
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Parents are incredibly wealthy. She is the youngest of three.
🗸 Was a competitive highland dancer as a kid. Is very embarassed about it.
🗸 Parents wanted her to go to university but she felt it was bourgeoisie and refused. So they made her get a job and she was pretty upset about it. So she used this as an opportuity to live as someone who wasn't rich and did this for years, working minimum wage jobs, living under bridges sometimes, and never telling anyone about her family.
🗸 Despite her distaste for the bourgeoisie, she made sure to return home when she was twenty to get her trust fund. Then she spent the whole thing on a coffee shop that she has absolutely no idea how to manage. She's done well because she had plenty of starting capital and actually does serve great coffee, but her trust fund is basically gone now, so she has no safety net and no idea how to budget.
🗸 Took a class on auras once, so she's pretty much an expert now.
🗸 Has been dating someone called Marti for many years. Marti is in a folk band and makes macrame. They were browbeat into veganism by Fen, but they secretly love bacon and eat it whenever Fenella isn't around.
🗸 The two have an open relationship, but that doesn't stop Fen from getting "choked by the ties of the pair bond," and breaking up with Marti every six months or so.
🗸 Very sensitive to criticism and has a strong fear of being disliked.
🗸 Donates coffee and tea to the Homeless Project Scotland, as well as to women's shelters, and several charitable organizations in her area. She also does volunteer work for HPS. She knows the names of many of the local homeless folx and once a week, she invites them to come for free baked goods and coffee.
Meet Nivaan:
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Wealthy family. Born in Bangalore. Family moved to Scotland when he was six years old. His father, previously a holistic physician, was a stay-at-home dad. His mum is a highly-regarded physicist.
🗸 He has six sisters. He is the baby and the only boy in the entire expanded family. His uncles and aunts all have girls. So he was surrounded by women growing up and has an amazing rappaport with them.
🗸 Loves old school punk music.
🗸 Going back hundreds of years, no one in his family has ever eaten meat.
🗸 He graduated from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland with an MA in Musical Theater. But his theater career never really took off.
🗸 Talented guitarist and singer. Can dance his ass off. Makes a healthy income from TikTok thirst traps, much to his mother's dismay and his father's amusement.
🗸 Sings four octives. Has a resonant bass voice with an impressively clear, ringing falsetto. Think Avi Kaplan [previously of Pentatonix].
🗸 Met Maitland at RCS. One night they took a heroic dose of shrooms while listening to Hüsker Dü, and decided to start a punk band. The next morning , they stumbled up off the floor where they'd slept sprawled on top of a broken guitar for some reason, and found a note on his kitchen counter that read, "Paisley fookin' cuddle, wankstains!" in Maitland's scrawling handwriting. Neither of them can quite remember what the hell it meant, but they decided Paisley Cuddle was as good of a name as any for a punk band.
Meet Samantha:
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Interesting facts:
🗸 Born in the highlands. Parents are traveling folk musicians. Moved around a lot as a young child. Home educated. Never went to traditional school.
🗸 Has an older brother with a relatively successful career making avante-gard pop folk. No one knows what that is, but dammit, they're all proud.
🗸 Loves gardening. Started a garden when she was ten years old and in just a year was growing all of the vegetables for her family.
🗸 Has published four popular and successful poetry books under a pen name.
🗸 Has a tattoo of a turnip crossed with an ink pen on her ribs.
🗸 Likes working lots of different kinds of jobs so she's never bored.
🗸 Has seen films, but has never watched television and doesn't own a tv.
🗸 Once went a whole month without weed. She's still recovering from the trauma.
Stay tuned for part 3 to meet Bobby's family!
#litg fanfic#litg bobby#bobby mckenzie#litg tsime#tsime#character introduction#character creation#litg the sun in my eyes
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jihenowahik · 2 years
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goldlighter · 3 years
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A virus to which improvements were added for military use of the "Progenitor Virus." If a human is infected with this virus, mutations will be caused. The main mutation contents are as follows:
rotting of the skin, hemostasis
muscle fiber deterioration
extreme degeneration of intelligence
paralysis of pain sensations
metabolic activation
Humans that have reached such a condition are referred to by the common name "Zombie." Although they seem weak at first glance from their slow movements and decaying appearance, their vitality is several times above that of normal humans. To stop them, nothing else can be done but to destroy their heads.
Due of their active metabolism, we assume they are in a permanent state of starvation. This effect leads them to attack (eat) humans. In the event of being attacked and bitten, there is a high probability of the victim being infected with the t-Virus.
In case of a Zombie encounter, you should not approach it and aiming firearms at the head and hitting it from a considerable distance is considered to be the safest and most effective countermeasure. (For detailed countermeasures, refer to paragraphs 13 to 17 of combat training file "t-15")
For strains of the t-virus please see files:  NE-α Type, α, β, ε.
It is mandatory that all BSAA employees are inoculated against the t-virus and it’s strains - recommend “Daylight” Vaccine.
Known Carriers: *ANTIBODIES Jill Valentine  (See file: Agent NA-10571-002 - Nemesis-T Type) *VACCINATED  Kevin Ryman (See File: CIV-RC-5008-009 Kevin Ryman) *VACCINATED Alyssa Ashcroft (See File: CIV-RC-5008-008 Alyssa Ashcroft) *VACCINATED Cindy Lennox (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0010 Cindy Lennox) *VACCINATED George Hamilton (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0011 George Hamilton) *VACCINATED Mark Wilkins (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0012 Mark Wilkins) *VACCINATED Yoko Suzuki (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0013 Yoko Suzuki) *VACCINATED Jim Chapman (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0014 Jim Chapman) *VACCINATED David King (See File: CIV-RC-5008-0015 David King) Albert Wesker (Deceased. See File: Albert Wesker) Alex Wesker (Deceased. See File: Alex Wesker)
The difference between the G-Virus and t-Virus is that while the t-Virus puts a person into the so-called Zombie state, similar to a mutational mutant, a living organism infected with the G-Virus is able to "evolve" into a completely new life-form.
Therefore, a life-form infected with the G-Virus (commonly called a "G-Creature") possesses a "reproductive ability" which a Zombie does not. In other words, a G-Creature can leave behind descendants beyond the second generation. In addition, the G-Virus has another characteristic to revive the dead.
The G-Virus gives birth to new life, and after it is taken away, once again breathes the fire of life back into it. That's why it is safe to say it requires more precautions than the t-Virus.
In the event of confirmed bioterrorism employing the G-Virus, the precaution level at the BSAA will be increased to "10", including all branches outside the outbreak area. As no predictions can be made about the extraordinary irregularity of evolution caused by the G-Virus, its reproductive speed is not foreseeable either. Thus, the moment bioterrorism employing the G-Virus is confirmed, the reproductive progress of the G-Creature is an unknown. If the reproduction remains in the first generation only, measures from just the branch in the area concerned are possible, but should the situation progress to reproduction of the third generation or beyond, military operations exceeding those of just one branch are necessary.
Known carriers of the G-Virus include: *DISCLOSED INFORMATION, LVL 8 OR HIGHER Sherry Birkin  Curtis Miller (Deceased)
As with the t-Virus, t-Veronica was created using the "Progenitor Virus" as the raw material. The creation method has become relatively clear and it's been said that queen ant and plant genes were incorporated into the Progenitor Virus. Not only are the cells of organisms infected with t-Veronica rapidly affected, an extreme rejection also destroys brain cells.
It is less dangerous in comparison with the t-Virus which creates mutational mutants and the G-Virus which creates new life-forms, but in terms of deadliness to humans, there's no difference and the viruses are equally dangerous.
There is currently no known vaccine or antidote.
It's off the record, but symbiosis with t-Veronica is possible by allowing the body to adapt via delaying virus erosion and cryogenically preserving an infected individual. If successful, the infected person will gain incredible abilities. Although it's said that an infected individual in this condition possesses a reproductive ability similar to a G-Creature, this is unconfirmed and remains a matter of speculation.
Because there is a possibility of the aforementioned information being misused, it hasn't been made public. Handling of this information is restricted solely to Level 5 or higher analysts belonging to the Intelligence Analysis Office, some permitted researchers belonging to the Technology Research Office and high-level BSAA personnel with Level 8 or higher information access privileges. If information is leaked without the permission of officials and necessary procedures, note that you will be subject to punishment.
Known Carriers: *DISCLOSED INFORMATION, LVL 8 OR HIGHER Manuela Hidgalo Steve Burnside (Presumed Deceased)
(See file: Kennedy Report 2004) Plagas are parasitic in nature and can survive in a number of host organisms from humans to canines. How long Plagas have existed on the Earth is uncertain, but historical accounts indicate they are native to the Iberian Peninsula.  Plagas naturally have at least four stages in their life cycle: egg, stage A, B and C. It takes within days for a hatchling to complete maturation into the 'A' stage, by which point they have taken control of the host's nervous system. A human victim of the so-called "Recessive Plagas" is dubbed a "Ganado".
Plagas are capable of altering their host's behaviour by attaching themselves to the central nervous system between the lungs and heart. Take-over of the human hosts results in:
internal haemorrhaging
coughing up of blood,
swelling of blood vessels around the eyes
Known carriers of the Plaga include: *REMOVED PARASITE Leon S. Kennedy (See File: DSO Agent Leon S. Kennedy) *REMOVED PARASITE Ashley Graham (See File: Ashley Graham) *REMOVED PARASITE Alexander Kozachenko (See File: CIV-ESR- 1517-033 Alexander Kozachenko & Kennedy Report 2011) Osmund Saddler (Deceased, See File: Kennedy Report 2004) Bitores Mendez (Deceased, See File: Kennedy Report 2004) Ramon Salazar (Deceased, See File: Kennedy Report 2004) Jack Krauser (Deceased, See File: Kennedy Report 2004) J.D (See File:  Kennedy Report 2011)
Used by the terrorist group Il Veltro (See file: Il Veltro) and distributed by FBC Leader Morgan Lansdale (See file: Morgan Lansdale). Descending from the t-virus, the t-abyss virus has a corrosive nature - resulting in any infected host experiencing varying mutations, such as heavy physical deformity or losing body parts like lower jaw or fingers.  The t-Abyss virus displays the ability to mutate any given organism, including those which were exposed to other viral agents.
This corrosion continues even after the infected are killed, for more often than not, when killed, T-Abyss infected undergo a rapid degeneration of bodily tissue. This results in a form of accelerated decomposition, causing the deceased infected to dissolve into a puddle of blood and organs.
Those infected often display characteristics of various aquatic organisms. These can range from growths similar to coral growing on parts of the body, to even becoming completely water based in their behavior. Aggressive and feral in their assaulting of prey, T-Abyss Virus infected creatures are most often found near bodies of water, and their main means of consuming prey involve them draining their bodies of its fluids. Ooze can be found drinking from puddles of blood when not alerted.
Certain humans have genetic resistance to the virus. However, this does not guarantee immunity to the virus. A vaccine was found and used by Jill Valentine whose antibodies could be used to create further vaccines for distribution.
Uroboros is a RNA virus in the Progenitor family. Only with the introduction of Jill Valentine's (See file: Agent NA-10571-002) t-Virus antibodies could Uroboros' rapid amplification be controlled.
Once Uroboros comes into contact with an organism's cells and infects them, it inserts its genes into the host's genome in an attempt to merge with the host. Those whose genomes are incompatible fall to the virus' uncontrolled amplification, and their cells are overtaken resulting infected tissues absorbing the body of the host and any other organic matter it can reach. These tentacles are held together by orange pustule-like organs, which serve as the control center of the organic growth.
Destruction of the core negates the body's cohesion and is recommend in combatting any infected beings. Similarly, Uroboros is sensitive to intense heat.  It is possible that Uroboros-infected cells, with or without a compatible host, develop a form of sentience, or at least characteristics of an individual organism.
Known Carriers: *ANTIBODIES Jill Valentine (See file: Agent NA-10571-002) Excella Gionne (Deceased. See File: Uroboros Aheri) Albert Wesker (Deceased. See File: Albert Wesker) Neil Fisher (Deceased)
A retrovirus descended from the Progenitor Virus. The virus remains dormant in a subject until exposed to certain quantities of the stress hormone, norepinephrine, resulting in severe mutations - though it is noted that female test subjects of t-phobos were reported as dying under excruciating pain from mutations too excessive for the body to handle, meaning mutated hosts are often men.
Unlike it’s precursors, t-phobos reacts to the host’s mind rather than their physical state. Anyone infected with the virus must be monitored regularly and is recommended an anti-anxiety medication to combat the possibility of mutation. The BSAA is currently testing for a vaccine.
Though there are many strains of C-Virus, there are only two means of infection. The first is through direct injection into the body, resulting in the mutated form known as a J'avo. The second means of infection is exposure to the virus in fog-like form. Humans exposed to the virus in this matter become Zombies. Zombies cannot infect others through bites and, like J'avo, a mauling by either will only result in the individual's injury or death.
C-Virus causes extreme mutations in humans, though different strains can induce different kinds of mutations. The C-Virus contains certain genes from G that allow it to revive the dead as well as the ability to mutate into another organism after initial mutation, though it may do so by expressing genes from that particular strain. If a J'avo is injured in their arms, they may develop a "Ruka-Hvatanje" mutation, which grows a new arm with traits of another animal.  If a J'avo has sustained too much damage, the virus's attempts to regenerate may instead create so much heat they self-immolate - likely inherited from the t-alexia genes.
Intelligence remains in hosts to a greater extent than t-Virus strains. In J'avo, they are capable of following orders received before mutation as well as still retaining their knowledge of how to perform actions as seen with the Edonian rebellion forces in 2012.
As of 2013, the only known treatment for the C-Virus is the "Anti-C" vaccine. This is recommended in vaccination of people not yet infected with the virus. It has a low success rate in those immediately infected with the virus.
Known carriers: *DISCLOSED INFORMATION, LVL 8 OR HIGHER Jake Muller (See File: Albert Wesker) Piers Nivans (Deceased, See file: Agent NA- 42670-088) Merah Biji (Deceased, see File: Agent FE- 67314-149) Nanan Yoshihara (Deceased, see File: Nanan Yoshihara) Bindi Begara (Deceased, see File: Bindi Begara) *DISCLOSED INFORMATION, LVL 8 OR HIGHER  Ricky Tozawa (see File: Public Affair Officer R. Tozawa)
The A-Virus was developed in association with the Los Ilunminados cult (see file: Plagas) exists in three strains that work in tandem as a biological weapon: the Latent and Trigger Viruses as well as the Vaccine strain. The Latent Virus is waterborne and transfers from host to host via fluidic contact such as through bites. This strain is naturally dormant, allowing it by design to infect a wide area before detection.  Due to the dormant nature of the virus, as seen with the spread through A-GUA Industries, this virus can be easily spread through water to infect the population without any symptoms, allowing the airborne trigger virus to activate it.
The second strain, the Trigger Virus, is described as causing the Latent strain to activate and zombify its host when the two are in contact. This strain is airborne, and shares a similar flash-point to gasoline, making it a highly flammable.
The Vaccine strain is notable in that it can reverse the effects of the Trigger virus. In addition to its cure-like capabilities, the Vaccine strain was also developed so that zombies infected with A-Virus will not attack those vaccinated with this strain.
All agents should be inoculated against the A-Virus.
Known carriers:  *ANTIBODIES Rebecca Chambers (See file: Advisor R. Chambers File)
Developed on Sonido de Tortuga island by Alex Wesker, this project was abandoned in favour of the T-Phobos Virus (See File), continued on by Dirk Miller. In 2014, Terrasave Operatives Claire Redfield and Inez Diaco investigated the island after an outbreak occurred during the filming of the Idol Survival show. Samples of the virus were stolen by an agent working Shéng-Yā Pharmaceutical (see File: Shéng-Yā Pharmaceutical) though this was used on themselves after sustaining injuries.
Mutated forms of the Kodoku project bear similar appearances to that of Alex Wesker’s t-phobos mutation and the afflicted seen on the island. See File: Sonido Report by C. Redfield (Redirects to Terrasave Report).
Known carriers: Eliseo Mabou (Deceased) López (Deceased) Laura Bierce (Deceased) Zǐlì (Deceased) All cast and crew of the Idol Survival Show and the White Castle yacht
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the-firebird69 · 4 years
Lennox is above hawthorne.
Putin is cork he is Russian. Was us in San Fran with live nukes to hit all of it has his own to use on robots as RC
Trump rats he is Christopher walken
0 notes
gw-thesis · 5 years
As a follow up to pt.1. I show the contrasting voices that are rooted in scripture, rather than culture. 
Sources:  1. https://theologydegreesonline.com/the-40-greatest-theologians-throughout-history/ 2. https://www.ranker.com/list/list-of-famous-theologians/reference 3. 
Voices known:
Saint Augustine John Calvin CS Lewis Apostle Paul Jonathan Edwards Billy Graham Ravi Zacharias William Laine Craig John Piper Lee Strobel Karl Barth John Lennox NT Wright Charles Spurgeon RC Sproul GK Chesterson AW Tozer
However, I would like to select specific contrasting quotes or parts in scriptures that addressing the current culture
1.2.2 BIG BANG: First thought of to go to is the beginning according to the Bible. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Gen 1:1.  Further thoughts shared by Frank Turek in this article, “When I debated atheist Christopher Hitchens recently, one of the eight arguments I offered for God’s existence was the creation of this supremely fine-tuned universe out of nothing.  I spoke of the five main lines of scientific evidence—denoted by the acronym SURGE—that point to the definite beginning of the space-time continuum. They are: The Second Law of Thermodynamics, the Expanding Universe, the Radiation Afterglow from the Big Bang Explosion, the Great galaxy seeds in the Radiation Afterglow, and Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity.” He later follows with, “ Now why would scientists such as Jastrow and Eddington admit, despite their personal misgivings, that there are “supernatural” forces at work? Why couldn’t natural forces have produced the universe? Because there was no nature and there were no natural forces ontologically prior to the Big Bang—nature itself was created at the Big Bang. That means the cause of the universe must be something beyond nature—something we would call supernatural.  It also means that the supernatural cause of the universe must at least be: - spaceless because it created space  - timeless  because it created time - immaterial because it created matter - powerful because it created out of nothing - intelligent because the creation event and the universe was precisely designed - personal because it made a choice to convert a state of nothing into something (impersonal forces don’t make choices). Those are the same attributes of the God of the Bible (which is one reason I believe in a the God of the Bible and not a god of mythology like Zeus)... George Smoot—co-discoverer of the Great Galaxy Seeds which won him a Nobel Prize as well—echoed Wilson’s assessment by saying, “There is no doubt that a parallel exists between the Big Bang as an event and the Christian notion of creation from nothing.”
“Whatever begins to exist has a cause; the universe began to exist; therefore, the universe has a cause”—William Laine Craig  [mentioning a law of causality— http://apologeticspress.org/apcontent.aspx?category=9&article=3716]
2.2 Responding to two notions that have happened due to the “God is Dead” point. (1) The intention of the quote, (2) the public’s response in acceptance and misunderstanding. Before this we list 9 verses about God’s eternal nature, so we can squash the idea of Him ever being dead— provided by this article. 1. For thus says the One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly, and to revive the heart of the contrite— 1 Peter 1:6-7 2. Your throne is established from of old; You are from everlasting.— Psalm 93:2 3. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God.— Genesis 21:33 4. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.— Psalm 90:2 5. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.— Revelation 22:13 6. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.— Romans 1:20-21 7. Who has performed and done this, calling the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he.—Isa 41:4 8. Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.— Isa 44:6 9. I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.— Rev 1:8
The Guardian explains, now following is the Enlightenment revolution whereas we could know without God; God was made irrelevant to the equation. He was plugged in to explanations regarding ‘the origin of man’ but the quote “God is dead” meant a few things, though one of the main themes was “the awfulness of men killed him,” however this has led to a response from the atheists of today that has exacerbated the original intention of the message. “The other narrative that already in the mid-19th century told the western world God had died was, of course, Darwin's. Nietzsche was not part of post-Darwinism, but what he had to say fed into the 20th-century "after God" cultural steam.”
Before leading in to the Darwinism part in 3.2 we’ll respond to the heart of the message. Nietzche believed in erasing God and replacing it with man’s work and science we were accomplishing. “And the place where you need to look for how to respond in Nietzschean style to the death of God is back to his Die fröhliche Wissenschaft (1886), which I would translate as "The Science of Joy"” but Jonathan Edwards warns us of this and speaks on it here:  “Let us be exhorted to exalt God alone, and ascribe to him all the glory of redemption. Let us endeavour to obtain, and increase in, a sensibleness of our great dependence, to have our eye on him alone, to mortify a self-dependent and self-righteous disposition. Man is naturally exceeding prone to exalt himself, and depend on his own power of goodness; as though from himself he must expect happiness. He is prone to have respect to enjoyments alien from God and his Spirit, as those in which happiness is to be found. But this doctrine should teach us to exalt God alone: as by trust and reliance, so by praise. Let him that glorieth, glory in the Lord. Hath any man hope that he is converted, and sanctified, and that his mind is endowed with that true excellency and spiritual beauty? That his sins are forgiven, and he received into God’s favour, and exalted to the honour and blessedness of being his child, and an heir of eternal life? Let him give God all the glory; who alone makes him to differ from the worst of men in this world, or the most miserable of the damned in hell. Hath any man much comfort and strong hope of eternal life, let not his hope lift him up, but to dispose him the more to abase himself, to reflect on his own exceeding unworthiness of such a favour, and to exalt God alone. Is any man eminent in holiness, and abundant in good works, let him take nothing of the glory of it to himself, but ascribe it to him whose ‘workmanship we are, created in Christ Jesus unto good works.” (source).
Another approach to this argument or explanation for further thought is in Neitzche’s words from Twilight of the Idols “When one gives up the Christian faith, one pulls the right to Christian morality out from under one's feet. This morality is by no means self-evident… Christianity is a system, a whole view of things thought out together. By breaking one main concept out of it, the faith in God, one breaks the whole.” The source continues to explain “Nietzsche thought this could be a good thing for some people, saying: “... at hearing the news that 'the old god is dead', we philosophers and 'free spirits' feel illuminated by a new dawn. A bright morning had arrived.”  Funny enough he foresaw and feared nihilism “His fear of nihilism and our reaction to it was shown in The Will to Power, when he wrote that: "What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism... For some time now our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe." In other words, eventually this would snowball into meaningless. Freedom yes, but eventually meaningless. 
** What’s beautiful is a parallel if not a response to his thought in Zarathustra: "For the game of creation, my brothers, a sacred yes is needed: the spirit now wills his own will." CS Lewis in his book The Great Divorce says “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, "Thy will be done," and those to whom God says, in the end, "Thy will be done." All that are in Hell, choose it. Without that self-choice there could be no Hell. No soul that seriously and constantly desires joy will ever miss it.” [ I chose this response because God can be ‘dead’ in our life and for many, He is. He’s rejected and we can choose to live without Him. There isn’t much a fight. But a life without Him can be free but ultimately ‘free from Him’ and in the end, that is what we have chosen. Our eternity is a forever of our desire as mentioned in Romans 1:20-21.]
3.2 In response to us not being designed, immediately a few bible verses come to mind like:
- Psalm 139:13-14—For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Genesis 1:26— Let us make man in our own image
Then thinkers have such sayings in response to Intelligent Design as  “The fundamental claim of intelligent design is straightforward and easily intelligible: namely, there are natural systems that cannot be adequately explained in terms of undirected natural forces and that exhibit features which in any other circumstance we would attribute to intelligence.”— William A Dembski, The Design Revolution: Answering the Toughest Questions about Intelligent Design
For centuries the most powerful argument for God's existence from the physical world was the so-called argument from design: Living things are so beautiful and elegant and so apparently purposeful, they could only have been made by an intelligent designer. But [Charles] Darwin provided a simpler explanation. His way is a gradual, incremental improvement starting from very simple beginnings and working up step by tiny incremental step to more complexity, more elegance, more adaptive perfection.— Richard Dawkins
4.2 Postmodernism comes after the modernist thought based around individualism and for that, postmodernism applies this to truth—something may be true but is only true to the individual. McGrath makes a point  “To the postmodern suggestion that something can be "true for me" but not "true" the following reply might be made. Is fascism as equally true as democratic libertarianism? Consider the person who believes, passionately and sincerely, that it is an excellent thing to place millions of Jews in gas chambers. That is certainly "true for him". But can it be allowed to pass unchallenged? Is it as equally true as the belief that one ought to live in peace and tolerance with one's neighbours, including Jews?(Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 35, 1992).”
In response to postmodernity it’s written in this article, “Christianity cannot embrace postmodernity, yet we must not retreat to the hills either. There are certain lessons we must learn from postmodernity. Postmodernity reminds us to abandon "truth as arrival", yet we must humbly affirm that truth is nonetheless available. Postmodernity rightly warns us of misuse of the biblical metanarrative, yet we must resist the temptation to discard or water-down the metanarrative.” Later he addreses and responds, “D.A. Carson best summarizes the Christian response to postmodernity when he insists that we must recognize "certain truths in postmodernity, without getting snookered by the entire package"(Carson 136). So let us resolve to stand firm against the negative currents of postmodernity, but let us do so humbly .”
** “What the postmodern world celebrates in its rejection of all absolutes and in its assumed right to define all reality privately is a sign of God's wrath (cf. Rom. 1:22). People may plead ignorance in this situation, but Paul says they are "without excuse" (Rom. 1:20). Later, he develops this in terms of internal consciousness. Even the Gentiles who are without the written moral law still show that what it requires "is written on their hearts" because their conscience is actively at work within them (Rom. 2:14- 15; cf. 1 Cor. 9:21). It is no small scandal what Paul has to say here. What is revealed to all people everywhere? It is not that God is loving, though he is. It is not that he is accepting, though sinners may find acceptance with him. It is not that we can find him on our own terms, though he should be sought (Acts 17:27). No, what is revealed is the fact that he is wrathful. It is true that this disclosure comes alongside the fact that the creation also bespeaks his glory and the greatness of his power. Yet the greatness of his power and his glory do not obscure the fact that God is alienated from human beings. Indeed, his glory is precisely the reason that he is alienated! There is, as a result, already a faint foretaste of final judgment as the consequences of sin visit their retribution upon the sinner. This is scandalous to a postmodern ear, but locked in that scandal is the key to meaning in the world, and in that meaning there is hope.” ― John Piper, The Supremacy Of Christ In A Postmodern World
“In this fallen world, and in their fallen lives, those who are alienated from God are a part of this age, which is now passing. It has no future and there are intimations of that in the depths of human consciousness where a tangle of contradictions lie, for we are made for meaning but find only emptiness, made as moral beings but are estranged from what is holy, made to understand but are thwarted in so many of our quests to know. These are the sure signs of a reality out of joint with itself. This is what, in fact, points to something else. These contradictions are unresolved in the absence of that age to come which is rooted in the triune God of whom Scripture speaks. He it is who not only sustains all of life, directing it all to its appointed end, but who also is the measure of what is enduringly true and right, and the fountain of all meaning, purpose, and hope.” ― John Piper, The Supremacy Of Christ In A Postmodern World
Some verses on truth come about as well: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.— Jn 14:6 Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.—Proverbs 30:5 Even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.—Jn 14:17 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.— 1 Jn1:8
fin: Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.— Mt24:35
**further read: https://www.equip.org/article/the-postmodern-challenge/
side note/ side read: The Eternal Gospel Meets the Modern World  listen to: https://www.rzim.org/resources/post-modernism
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hittveu · 5 years
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Weltpremiere im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland am Sachsenring • Erster Lauf überhaupt des FIM Enel MotoE World Cups auf dem Sachsenring • ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM mit Gastauftritt im WM-Paddock • Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup mit drei deutschsprachigen Fahrern Viel Spannung und Action erwartet die Zuschauer beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland vom 5. bis 7. Juli auf dem Sachsenring. Das gilt jedoch nicht nur für das Hauptprogramm. Auch die Rahmenserien haben es in sich. Mit dem ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM und dem Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup bekommen Nachwuchsfahrer aus zwei Serien die einmalige Chance, vor den Augen der MotoGP-Verantwortlichen zu glänzen.
Alle Fakten zum neuen FIM Enel MotoE World Cup
Das Publikum auf dem Sachsenring wird darüber hinaus Zeuge einer Weltpremiere: Die neu ins Leben gerufene Elektrorennserie MotoE wird das erste Rennen ihrer Geschichte im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland austragen. Gefahren wird auf Motorrädern des italienischen Herstellers Energica, die abgesehen von wenigen Details, einheitlich sind. 147 Elektro-PS sorgen für einen Topspeed von rund 250 Km/h. Ein maximales Drehmoment von 200 Nm kann sich mehr als sehen lassen. Das Energica Ego Corsa MotoE-Bike beschleunigt in nur drei Sekunden von 0 auf 100 Stundenkilometer.
Die Batterien verfügen über eine Speicherkapazität von 20 Kilowattstunden. Sie werden zwischen den Sessions im MotoE-Fahrerlager und in der Startaufstellung von einer mobilen Unit aufgeladen. Der dafür notwendige Strom stammt zu 100 Prozent aus erneuerbarer Energie. Michelin stattet die MotoE mit Einheitsreifen aus.
Zwölf Teams und 18 Fahrer haben sich für die erste Saison des FIM Enel MotoE World Cups gemeldet, darunter fast alle MotoGP-Satellitenteams und die deutsche Dynavolt-Intact-GP-Truppe. Das Aushängeschild der Serie ist der spanische Pilot Sete Gibernau, 2003 und 2004 Vizechampion in der MotoGP-WM. Weitere bekannte Ex-MotoGP-Akteure sind Alex De Angelis, Randy De Puniet, Mike Di Meglio und Bradley Smith. Mit dem Schweizer Jesko Raffin startet auch ein deutschsprachiger Fahrer im FIM Enel MotoE World Cup.
Bei den Testfahrten in Jerez und Valencia hinterließen neben Di Meglio und Smith vor allem Niki Tuuli, Eric Granado und Hector Garzo einen starken Eindruck. Dieses Quintett beendete fast alle Testsessions in der Spitzengruppe. Das simulierte MotoE-Rennen beim abschließenden Test in Valencia gewann der Spanier Garzo.
Im Premierenjahr umfasst der MotoE-Kalender insgesamt sechs Läufe. Nach dem Auftakt im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland geht es auf dem Red Bull Ring in Österreich weiter. In Misano und Valencia dürfen sich die Fans zudem auf jeweils zwei MotoE-Rennen im Rahmenprogramm der MotoGP freuen. Die Renndistanz beträgt auf allen Strecken zehn Runden.
Klarer Favorit beim Gastauftritt des ADAC Junior Cups powered by KTM
Der ADAC verschafft dem deutschen Nachwuchs beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland 2019 die Chance, sich mit Top-Leistungen in die Notizblöcke sämtlicher MotoGP-Teamchefs zu fahren. Der ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM gehört am Sachsenring zum Rahmenprogramm, gefahren wird in der Nachwuchsserie mit einheitlichen KTM RC390 Cup Motorrädern mit einer Leistung von 40 PS. Die Serie für junge Zweiradtalente wird bereits seit 27 Jahren ausgetragen und zählt damit zu den am längsten währenden Nachwuchsserien.
Der ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM startet 2019 an sechs Rennwochenenden und begleitet dabei nicht nur die MotoGP-WM, sondern auch die Langstrecken-WM, die Britische Superbike-Meisterschaft (BSB) und die deutsche Motorrad-Meisterschaft (IDM). Vier von zehn Rennen der Saison 2019 wurden bereits absolviert. Das deutsche Talent Lennox Lehmann aus dem Freudenberg-Team führt die Meisterschaft nach vier Siegen mit dem Maximum von 100 Punkten an. Damit gebührt Lehmann am Sachsenring fast schon automatisch die Favoritenrolle. Der ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM bestreitet ein Rennen beim HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland.
Deutsche Beteiligung im Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup
Bei sieben europäischen MotoGP-Rennen ist in diesem Jahr auch der Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup am Start. Auf dem Sachsenring finden die Läufe sechs und sieben der Saison 2019 statt. Die Serie hat seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 2007 bereits einige prominente Fahrer hervorgebracht. Dazu gehören unter anderem der zweifache Moto2-Weltmeister Johann Zarco und die vier aktuellsten Moto3-Champions (Danny Kent, Brad Binder, Joan Mir und Jorge Martin). Zarco und Mir genießen inzwischen Werksfahrer-Status in der MotoGP-WM.
Der Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup setzt seit 2013 auf die KTM RC 250 R – ein Schwester-Motorrad der Werks-KTM aus der Moto3-WM. Das Bike leistet rund 50 PS. Die Reifen stammen, analog zur Moto3-WM, von Dunlop. Die Fahrer erhalten jeweils einen sogenannten “Mechanic Helper”. Alle Cup-Motorräder werden jedoch vom Techniker-Team des Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cups zentral gewartet und abgestimmt. Als Rider Coaches stellt man dem Nachwuchs den ehemaligen Grand-Prix-Sieger August “Gustl” Auinger und Dani Ribalta zur Seite.
2019 haben 25 Fahrer die strengen Aufnahmekriterien des Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup erfüllt, aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum sind drei Piloten dabei. Jason Dupasquier aus der Schweiz liegt nach fünf Rennen mit 51 Punkten auf der fünften Gesamtposition. Sein Landsmann Noah Dettwiler hat bisher einen Zähler eingefahren. Aus Deutschland ist Phillip Tonn dabei, der zuletzt in Assen seine ersten Punkte sammelte. Vor heimischer Kulisse im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland soll so weiter gehen. Die Gesamtwertung führt der Spanier Carlos Tatay nach vier Siegen und einem zweiten Platz mit 120 Zählern an, gefolgt von Landsmann David Salvador.
Quelle: ADAC Motorsport
  Weltpremiere im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland am Sachsenring Weltpremiere im Rahmen des HJC Helmets Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland am Sachsenring • Erster Lauf überhaupt des FIM Enel MotoE World Cups auf dem Sachsenring…
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hittveu · 6 years
Einführungslehrgang in Italien als Startschuss
Erste Kilometer auf dem Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
Vier Tage voller Vorbereitungen
München/Misano. Schon an diesem Freitag startet der ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM mit dem traditionellen Einführungslehrgang in die Saison 2018. Die 23 Teilnehmer aus ganz Europa werden vom 23. bis 26. März ihre ersten Runden auf dem Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli drehen und auch abseits der Strecke bestens auf die bevorstehende Saison vorbereitet.
Dabei beginnt der umfangreiche Lehrgang mit theoretischen Unterweisungen von Technikschulung über Gesundheit und Fitness bis hin zum sportlichen Ablauf der Serie. Der erste Tag der Nachwuchspiloten endet mit einer ausgiebigen Streckenbegehung, damit alle Teilnehmer bereits den Verlauf des 4,226 Kilometer langen Grand-Prix-Kurses kennen, bevor sie am Samstag ihre ersten Runden zurücklegen.
Von Samstag bis Montag können die Piloten dann ihr theoretisch erlerntes Wissen auf der KTM RC 390 anwenden und werden unter geschulter Anleitung lernen, die besten Linien rund um den Kurs zu finden und damit eine optimale Rundenzeit zu erzielen. Mit idealen Grundvoraussetzungen beginnen die Piloten des ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM weniger als einen Monat später ihr erstes Rennwochenende (20. – 22. April) im Rahmen der World Superbike auf dem TT Circuit in Assen.
Dabei steht zum Auftakt der beliebten Nachwuchsserie bereits ein spannendes Programm auf dem Plan, denn die Junioren machen in zwei Qualifikationstrainings die Startpositionen untereinander aus und treten danach zu zwei Rennen an.
Kalender ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM 2018 23.03. – 26.03.
Einführungslehrgang Misano 20.04. – 22.04.
WorldSBK Assen 08.06. – 10.06.
Speedweek Oschersleben 13.07. – 15.07.
GP Sachsenring 03.08. – 05.08.
GP Brünn 10.08. – 12.08.
GP Spielberg 28.09. – 30.09.
BSB Assen
Die Teilnehmer des ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM 2018
Nick Filler, GER Justin Hänse, GER Moritz Benz, GER Markus Schormair, GER Dominik Blersch, GER Marcel Blersch, GER Aaron Schäfer, GER Lennard Göttlich, GER Gerrit Maly, GER Alexandr Vasyliev, RUS Alan Kroh, GER Lennox Lehmann, GER Marvin Maislinger, AUT Noah Lequeux, BEL Adam Kakuszi, HUN David Kuban, CZE Patrik Carda, CZE Petr Pelech, CZE Michal Jandus, CZE Vasilis Koronakis, GRE Artem Maraev, RUS Jonas Robin Holländer, GER Max Melzer, AUT
Quelle: ADAC Motorsport
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ADAC Junior Cup powered by KTM startet in die Saison 2018 Einführungslehrgang in Italien als Startschuss Erste Kilometer auf dem Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli Vier Tage voller Vorbereitungen …
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