#rc todd madison
romance-club-daily · 1 year
Compiled of illustrations of summer contests that are taking place in the VK community~
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VK, VK, VK, VK , VK, VK,
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incorrectromanceclub · 3 months
Jacob: Man, I hate that guy. Todd: Me too. Jacob: …You have no idea who I'm talking about. Todd: Solidarity, brother.
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aseagoat · 2 years
Lmao 😂
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saskieenkeli · 1 year
Jealous Amber 😂
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zhoras-bitch · 3 years
Amber: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?
Miranda: Several traffic violations.
Ursula: Three counts of resisting arrest.
Todd: Roughly thirteen energy drinks.
Ray: Also, this is not our car.
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lazypartridge · 2 years
Love From Outer Space Incorrect Quotes👾 Pt.1
Because I can shitpost all I want and no one can stop me mwahahaha I have way more than just these quotes, there WILL be more shenanigans (also do the little emoji dividers work okay?)
Amber: Ursula would kill for Ray
Ray: I keep asking her not to kill for me
Ursula: I wish you would ask me to kill for you
Amber: Jacob, you took advice from RAY?!
Jacob: It's called hitting rock bottom, genius
Jacob: (Angrily storms off)
Joe: Oh?? You're running?? Away??
Amber: No, he's either trying to convince himself not to kill you, or he's winding up for an attack that will kill you. Probably the latter.
Todd: You didn’t happen to bring a rocket launcher, did you?
Jacob: I DiDn’T tHiNk tO pAcK oNe.
Ray: (has a stupid idea)
Ray: (opens his mouth)
(Muffled sound of footsteps echoing through the house, gradually getting louder, and stopping when Jacob and Amber skid in through the door)
Amber and Jacob, at exactly the same time: No.
Please reblog my stuff if you like it and it'll give me the motivation to do more incorrect quotes too ':)
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
What are you waiting for?
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They grow up so fast...
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
Author answer some questions about Love From Outer Space:
A. Tepish answered in his VK page:
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Why are people asking for a romance between Agent Wolf and Amber? 🥴 She's literally in High School and he must be in his late thirties????
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
" – I'm glad to know I qualify as a special occasion!
– You have no idea..."
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romance-club-daily · 1 year
It's because of this:
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But that only means she's a love interest for Amber right? (If we don't have one already) I don't think Todd would do that? At least in my path he didn't
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Jacob: Why should I help you?
Todd: Because we’re friends.
Jacob: When’s my birthday?
Todd: Unfair. When’s my birthday?
Jacob: I don’t know because we’re not friends.
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Hi! If you can have 3 characters from any book as your bestfriend, who would you choose and why?
Hi 👋🏽😊
That's an excellent (and hard) question! 🤣🤣 but let's see:
Todd (LFOS): I think we would get along well because we have almost the same interests! Even more so if I was still in high school 🙈 I'm a bit of a geek and it would be great to have someone to share the same interests.
Marshall (ROTT): Ok, we don't know much about him and he's pretty much disappeared from the story, but I think we'd get along just fine. Mainly for the interest in making handmade things, or woodworking (it's hephaestus himself after all 🙈). He also seems to be patient and protective, but we'd probably fight a lot because we're both stubborn at times.
Mei (LOTW): She needs no explanations for obvious reasons 🤩, but I would love to be friends with Mei! She is super smart, badass, thoughtful and kind! I think we would get along just fine for our calm (or almost) nature! 🙈
A weird trio~ or quartet 🤣🤣
And you? Who would you choose? 🤔
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zhoras-bitch · 3 years
Todd: We need to open this locked door. Miranda, give me your credit card.
Miranda: Here.
Todd, pocketing it: Thanks. Ursula, break down the door.
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Who is your LI in each book and why/how did you pick 'em?
Let's go:
Sails in the Fog: Sebastian de Aldana, one of my first LIs (As you will see throughout the list, I have a thing for soft-hearted grumpy guys 🙈).
Moonborn: Max Fall, one of my favorite LIs, sneaky and fun guy.
My Hollywood Story: First I choose Jeff, but later I saw that he was a jerk and did a replay with Ray. I guess he's the better route on this book (but there's not a lot scenes with him :/).
Queen in 30 Days: Adam Huez, of all three. I like his route more. But he's annoying sometimes.
Shadows of Saintfour: Derek Nixon. I like the idea of ​​friends to lovers and to see their friendship, although it doesn't show much of them.
Wave Patrol: Jake Brown, hands down. My first LI ever, and another grumpy with a soft heart.
Seduced by The Rhythm: First I played with Justin, but he became unbearable, so I did Brandon's route and love it! His "redemption" arc is amazing!
Chasing You: Same case as above, but first Alexander Nielsen at first (he became a lot better later) and Ellia November. Ellia deserved more scenes... :/ he's such a passionate guy.
Heaven's Secret: Lucifer. Although I think this guy a little controversial at first, I really like his development by the end of the book.
Legend of the Willow: Kazu Naito a.k.a. the best LI in RC so far (until now at least). This man is everything.
Dracula: A Love Story: I'm on Vlad's route and I love this emo boi, but I too follow/watch Noe's path in the yt playthroughs and I think he's great too. So... both :D
Love From Outer Space: Todd Madison, he's super relatable and a cute nerd.
Rage of the Titans: I'm still waiting for a miracle, Marshall/Hephaestus has to become an endgame LI 🙂 I don't follow any of the other routes now.
Path of the Valkyrie: Ullr! Good guy! (But I follow/watch Sagr's one too)
Sophie's Ten Wishes: I'm on Benedict Reed's path. He's shy and cute, I liked him from the beginning. But I'm curious about Diego and Mitch's route too 👀
Sins of London: Sherlock Holmes! He's unbearable sometimes, but I still like him.
On Thin Ice: I was on Brian's route, then did a replay for Hodge. I liked both, but I came back for Brian, since I wanted to finished the book with him first.
Arcanum: Robert Steltz, his path of angst is so tempting and frustrating 🙂 But I guess we'll have a good reward later when he finally realizes his big love for Selena/Lilith 😀
Gladiator Chronicles: For now I'm trying to follow Paulina's path, but Stortia, Labelle and Augusta are calling for me too~ Still don't know what to do 🤡
Heart of Trespia: I was without a LI because none of them caught my attention, but Reinhold's arc get a grip on me later. So I'm in his route now. I just wanted D'Mario to appear earlier in the story 😀
The Flower from Tiamat's Fire: Sin! Hope we can have more scenes with him... Lyar is interesting too 👀
Theodora: This one will tear me apart 🥺 Lawrence stole my heart, then came John Roberts and Friedrich too 🤡 What am I suppose to do???
Hell and High Water: I guess will appear more LIs but I liked Chand.
Edit because I forgot ROTT and POTV 🤡
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