#rckyfrk writes
rckyfrk · 9 months
It's here!
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Just the thought of her had Daryl scowling deeper, and despite his best attempts all night, he still couldn’t understand exactly what had happened between them. It just didn’t make any damn sense. She trusted him to take care of her, to keep her safe and fed, but not to be faithful to her? He’d laid down his life to save hers, got the absolute shit kicked out of him trying to protect her. Wasn’t that enough to show her just how he felt about her? How much he fucking cared about her?
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hangon-silvergirl · 1 year
M and N for the fan fic ask game
Thanks for the ask!
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
I answered this one here. One or two. 😅
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
I more wish that I could pour my brain straight into a Googe doc, then shake it around like Boggle until it puts all the right words together. All the thoughts and end goals and intents are there, but unravelling that into something consumable is like trying to disentangle a wet lump of spaghetti noodles. All that said, no one's ever written a story for me before. I'd be tickled pink by just about anything should that ever happen.
From the FanFic Ask Game.
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sasusc · 2 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by: @galadrieljones
I've been sick (with strep, yuck) and I got this tagged the other day. I love the WIP tags. This one made me open up my docs to write. I'm actively working on the next chapter of "Your Scent Lingers in the Air". Seriously. It's just giving me so much trouble. And I really thought this post would contain a snippet from that chapter but instead, I was recently inspired by some fanart from @spnfox of Daryl with a braid in his hair. I'm hopping to finish it up tonight or tomorrow and post it.
She reached out and touched a tiny braid nestle in his dark waves. She had noticed something in his hair a time or two, but had always brushed it off. Daryl was always in the woods, avoiding washing up when he came home…although Judith knew it was more as a joke than a real avoidance of being clean. She always figured it must have been a leaf or some kind of dirt or debris in his hair. “Jude…” Daryl’s voice rumbled out sleepily.  “Do you always have this here?” “Wha--?” He rubbed a hand across his eyes. Judith tugged at the braid. “This braid.” “Hmm.” She shifted closer. “Is that a red string in it?” She was squinting. It was early dawn and the lighting in the room wasn't very bright.  A coughing fit blocked out Daryl’s response. He rubbed her back. “Ya good?” She nodded.  “What do you know about Maggie's sister?”
Tagging: Anyone/everyone @whovianlili @not-so-austen @olpie @rckyfrk @piper1016 @pipergirl17
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kitten1618x · 7 months
Tag Game
9 lines, 9 people
Thanks for the tag @esther-dot
A sharp look from the dowager queen swiftly reigns in her wolfish behavior. She clings to the fullness of Sansa’s skirts as Lord Mormont dismounts his steed before them and Lady Starks’ icy gaze settles to him.
“Where is the King?” Her tone is polite, but clipped—ever the commanding queen whether she sits the throne or not.
“He meets with his small council.” The voice behind them is equally commanding despite the stature of the woman who wields it.
She is of a stunning beauty, Sansa decides when first she sees her, and couldn’t possibly be much older than herself. Her hair like spun silver is intricately plaited with soft tendrils that frame a delicate oval face and her unusually striking violet eyes regard Sansa with an equal curiosity.
“Lady Daenerys,” Catelyn stiffens, then turns in a swish of Stark gray skirts to greet her.
Upcoming chapter two of Scale of a Dragon, Tooth of a Wolf
Hmmm, I’m so out of the loop on who’s currently writing, so I’m gonna wing it with some classics… @chocolateghost @majicmarker @amymel86 @vivilove-jonsa @everythingjonsa @jade-masquerade @fortunatelylori @rckyfrk @scullylikesscience
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majicmarker · 7 months
last line tag game
rules: make a new post and post the latest line in your wip & tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like)
tagged by: little gremlin of my heart @redbelles
from the book 2 draft, an homage to and also deconstruction of teen (romantic) comedies from the ’70s-early 2000s:
He stubs the cigarette out against the brick wall behind him, a more health-conscious option than sticking it in his eye to distract himself from the agonizing pit of nerves threatening to eat him alive, leaving nothing behind but his tattered checkered Vans, probably. Danny Zuko, eat your heart out (chang chang changitty chang she-bop).
tagging: @agentmmayy @carry-the-sky @ghostofbambifanfiction @hangon-silvergirl @kitten1618x @justhere4thevibez @littlelindentree @rckyfrk @woodswit …actually idek who’s writing things atm? so join in if you feel like it, tell me to eat dirt if u don’t, whatever whatever ✌️
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Heart of a Hunter Act 7 Tagging Problems Update
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Hey all, I just wanted to make a post to address the fact that my tags aren't currently working for most people on the tags list for Act 7.
New Chapters post Sunday mornings. I'm USA Mountain Time so it may differ slightly depending on your location, but they will continue to post at the same time they always do through the end of the act.
I'm not sure exactly what's happening. I still think it might be Tumblr being Tumblr.
I've tried several other ways of tagging since the most recent chapter was posted yesterday but I haven't had any luck getting the tags to start working. I'm trying one last method in this post, and if it works hopefully I'll have it all solved going forward. If your username has a strikeout, that means even this method was probably not working as I went, and you should check your username, and if I have it wrong please send me a message so I can correct it going forward.
I wanted to send you all the current master list (updated after yesterday's chapter went live) so you can get caught up if necessary.
Also, I will be more vigilant about getting this master list updated every Sunday as soon as the new chapter posts.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and also that it's been so hard for you all to read the story. I work really hard to write and edit and prepare these posts and it's frustrating when you aren't able to access the story easily.
Thanks for sticking with me. I love you all for it.
ACT 7 Masterlist HERE
Heart of a Hunter Saga Masterlist HERE
Chapters will continue to post on Sundays as usual.
TAGS (crossing my fingers this works)
Group 3
@mandilion76 @xagateophobiax @thelittleredwhocould @kittenofdoomage @ladylachesis @sylverminx @thereisnolumos @michellethetvaddict @roxyspearing @emmysthougts @mrssamfuckingwinchester @beatlesobsessionlove @imaginationisgrowth @salt-n-burn-em-all @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @reginaphalange2403 @tree-hill-hufflepuff @a-distantdreamer @jennifromtheblock1013 @ceisbill @itsallaboutthedean @janicho88 @pandamonium615 @bettyvonbonbon @foxyjwls007 @peachyafshawn @taetaewonderland @wonder-cole @acklesterritory @compresshischest09 @jbsgirl4ever11 @defenderrosetyler @supernatural-love14 @waywardwifey @that-one-gay-girl @kpwatsonn @midsummereve1993 @tvdspngirl314 @jarpad24 @samsgirl93 @shawnie74 @nancymcl @solsborg
@saralovixe-blog @itseverythingilike @gloria1097 @anotherwaywardsoul @deans-baby-momma @gh0stgurl @linki-locks11 @pjofangirl18 @bunnybaby121115 @rckyfrk @winchesterprincessbride
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Veteran Author of the Month: December 2021
This year flew by fast, didn’t it? For our final featured veteran author of 2021, we have none other than Audriss ( @inkinmytea )!
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Audriss can be found on both AO3 and FFN under the same penname.
When asked what got her into Bethyl and what the fandom means to her, she said:
I have no recollection just how I got sucked into the bethyl fandom. I remember watching the first episode and thinking it was so incredibly slow and that if they would make it any more slow, they would be walking backwards down the evolutionary path. And that’s what they have continued, basically. I hated only about 50 percent of the show, all in all. In the third episode I recognized Norman Reedus from the Boondock Saints. I think I got kinda into Bethyl in the third season when I saw Beth with Zack, and I was literally like “ugh, what’s this? Where did he come from? stop playing this like it is from a harlequin novel!” And like always with new TV shows and movies or books, I went to look for fanfics, because they usually fulfil the noticeable gaps in the plot, or they just make things better. But, honestly, if I had not seen people writing so many fics about Daryl and Carol I wouldn’t have gotten so bloody upset, and joined Tumblr. Tumblr was all new to me at that point and I was just browsing through stuff, minding my own business, but the other side of the shipping wars ruined that account for me by attacking me for asking a simple question, why was Carol forgiven after killing two innocent people for no good reason. Although, during this point, that kind of behavior has been all over the place. I wasn’t really into Bethyl even then, and I found this Norman Reedus group that had these movie nights and watched most voted Norman movie on a schedule, and I got to know some people there. Most of them were just Norman fans, a small part were caryl fans, and some were just neutral, and accepting basically anything. There, I got deeper into the fandom (in general) and then the fourth season came and that HUG kinda clicked. Some of the OGs got suckered into me adopting them as my friends, and now they are stuck with me. HAH! Not sorry. I was actually kinda happy to have friends, even though they lived in other countries, who were liking the same stuff. I have friends who live near me, but they don’t always get me. Building a family out of friends feels good. I can say that I have some of the bestest friends still hanging around, and tolerating my rants and ups and downs. Last five years haven’t been easy, and writing has really helped.
For her personal fic rec list, she recommends:
(With recommended stories, I am an oxymoron. I love reading fics, yes, but I am also not reading fics when I write. So, most of these are from the early days of Bethyl I think.)
All the fics of LemonStar
Spiced Molasses by MonDieu666
Piper1016 fics
Schwoozie’s Bethyl stuff
Abelina’s Bethyl stuff
Burn by PunkyNemo (The Vampire Cat)
Burningupasun’s Bethyl fics
SaraiVe’s Bethyl stuff
Feral by Silvergryphon06
Rckyfrk’s stuff
SuperNintendoChalmer’s (CaptainShenanigans) Bethyl stuff
(There have also been some stories that have been deleted by the author, so can’t really recommend those.)
Audriss’s Works & Personal Thoughts:
I know people write sometimes to overcome a difficult situation, as a coping mechanism, and have a strong emotional connection to the story being told. I don’t necessarily do that. I do have a strong bond with my stories, they are mine after all, but I mostly write things I just want to see written. Or since bethyl and TWD in general are pretty full of angsty fics (nothing wrong with those) I wanted to add something humorous to them. I want to challenge myself to write certain type of things, things that haven’t been written (to my knowledge). I’ve used some tropes in my fics before, but I do try to come up with a different kind of way to write those stories. I have written stories since I was ten years old. My first fic, oh boy I do still remember that. It was a hot mess, and I only showed it like 20 years later to someone, but like anything you do in life you get better over time.
By Any Other Name Summary: His life was left in ruins by the accusations and blaze of guilt when a crooked cop killed the only one that mattered to him. But the universe is fickle and no good deeds go unpunished and enjoys too much of self doubt and guilt that followed. He had given up on life ever being anything but pain and that was when the universe struck and threw his past on his face in a form of a blonde woman who bared the face of the love of his life. The one he thought was dead. Thoughts: I got the idea for this story a long time ago, while watching a movie, which had nothing to do with the original draft, or the Walking Dead itself. After the first draft, I changed a lot of things, and decided to use Daryl and Beth for the story. The idea was to set it in present time, no walkers, and have people believe that Beth had died, and how Daryl had to deal with her being dead, but also being accused of it. I’ve always loved to create worlds and writing the surroundings and feelings, describing the whole scene is like a second nature for me. It was supposed to be this easy little write, but hah, it evolved into a multichapter one. But this is my baby!
After A Night Of Tequila Summary: Beth wakes up in a strange bedroom, on a bed with a pillow fort. Thoughts: Like I said before, I want to write fun things. Imagining Beth totally trashed on tequila and trying to make moves on Daryl who just had to wrangle a cackle of drunken women to his place… and then what he had to do to stop her? Pure comedy gold. For my weird sense of humor. I do get it that funny things hardly ever are successful because my sense of humor is so unique to everyone but, I actually laughed a lot while writing this. I think I just wrote this for myself to laugh.
My Rising Sun Summary: Beth and Daryl take a long drive by bike.
My Home And Heart Summary: Daryl thinks about Beth while she sleeps, and comforts her when she wakes up to a nightmare. Thoughts: These were written for the Summer of Bethyl 2018. I had the idea from a song. They can be read as standalone stories, but also companion pieces together. I wanted to challenge myself to write some angst, and also, tried to jump start my muse to continue By Any Other Name. But I am pretty proud of these two.
Cold Summary: You don't know what it's like to be cold until one day you're cold. Thoughts: I have no clue where the idea for this one came. It wasn’t particularly cold outside, at least not for me. I like the cool air. I like winter. But, I do remember that there was frost on the grass and leaves that day. I wanted to veer off from the “body heat” trope, because that was the obvious choice, and then have mad hot monkey sex. But honestly… it sounds good on paper to have sex to keep the body heat, but only if you have solid four walls, roof and floor to yourself. If not, it is gonna get cold very quickly. This is a classic to me, at least.
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courtneyshortney82 · 3 years
tagged by @galadrieljones sorry it took me so long to do this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In My Blood
Who Let Dog Out?
Breaking the Law
It's About Time
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes, I try to answer them all within 24 hours of getting them. I don't always make that time frame, but I do answer every one of them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don't have many with angsty endings. Probably Ghost Stories would be the least happy of my endings.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
All of them, I'm a happy ending person. I would say it's a toss up between It's About Time and Early Arrival.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No, but I have had a lot of people ask if Murphy from Boondock Saints could make an appearance in, In My Blood. I am thinking about it, I'm not sure how it would work though.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Never any real hate. Some people wish I would get to the smut or the action faster, but I've never gotten any all out hate on my fics.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, but I have no clue what it is...
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started on one with @im-immortal and we have plans for at least two more.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have plans to finish all of them!
15. What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions I think and quite a few people tell me I write Daryl well. I'm not sure if that's the truth, but I always love hearing it.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
LOL, you'll have to ask @im-immortal actually I like my run-on sentences. And when I first started writing I couldn't get used to using contractions. I started writing fic at the same time I was working on my dissertation and I couldn't drop the formality of the dissertation.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I would love to include some dialogue in another language, but there's not really a need for it in the ZA. I can speak and write fluently in Latin and Swedish, but writing for Bethyl... I don't think I would need it.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Bethyl, my first and probably only fandom I will write for.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I'll tag @im-immortal @boltthrutheheart @veecws @rckyfrk
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risingphoenix761 · 3 years
First Line Tag Game
Tagged by @slytherkins ❤
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
*cracks knuckles* Here we go...
1. Going Up - One aspect of humanity it was taking time to get used to was how bloody slowly they had to move.
2. With The Touch Of A Button - Jack’s screams echoed in the tiled corridor until it seemed they would carry on forever–or however long until Chuck ended his last universe.
3. Roadside Assistance - It was an old arrangement, one they were all used to by now and one that should not have worked out the way it did, all things considered.
4. Eyes On You - “Would ye open the fuckin door, for Christ’s sake?”
5. Friction - She had been at the party for maybe fifteen minutes, and Gemma was already wondering how early was too early to leave.
6. Why Can't There Be A Santa? - “I already told you, doofus,” Dean said exasperatedly.
7. Finer Print - "Here it is, as promised."
8. Topeka Calling - Cas was reading the Sunday newspaper, a routine he began during his time as a human.
9. Howling - The court was nearly returned to normal…as normal as Hell can get, at least.
10. St. Fergus - The first thing Crowley noticed was the fog.
11. Original Prankster - I’ve always had a soft spot for Sam Winchester.
12. Welcoming Committee - Sam took the last box off the truck and carried it up the front steps and through the door, setting it down in the living room and heading back outside.
13. Can't Tell Her No - He thought she surprised him the first time she drew him out of sight, stood on her toes, and pressed her lips to his.
14. A Work Of Art - There was always a loophole, even if you had to go to an alternate universe to find it.
15. Hell And Apathy - The cold had settled into her bones, biting deeper and deeper into her flesh until it reached her foundations like water in an old, old house.
16. Talk Like That - You’ve done it now.
17. Ridiculous And Needy - I didn’t know whether to laugh or roll my eyes.
18. Something You Don't Know - They forced you into the basement at gunpoint, though you and Sam had been well on your way to kicking their asses before they drew weapons.
19. Robin and Marian - Word traveled fast among the inmates even before they brought him in, and the moment Daryl Dixon set foot in the yard every eye was on him.
20. A Dangerous Game - I had my favorite dress on, a glass of wine in my hand while my favorite album played on the stereo.
A.) Trying to figure out the chronology of these was a Chore.
B.) All the fandoms I write for are represented! :)
C.) As for patterns, a straightforward drop into the action seems to be the norm.
D.) As for favorite, I'm giving it to "Hell And Apathy." It sets the tone of the fic right off the bat.
Tagging: @letsby @peridottea91 @fanfiction-and-fantasies @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @genevievedarcygrangerwriting @mariekoukie6661 @rckyfrk @neversleepingever @gneebee
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rckyfrk · 9 months
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Daryl jolted awake, and judging by the barely lit sky, it was still over an hour before dawn. He groaned and let his eyes drift back shut until he realized he had a lot more room on the mattress than he remembered. He bolted upright, smacking his head on the underside of the bunk above him, and muttered several choice words. He was still sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing the sore spot on his head when Beth reappeared, her face immediately showing concern when she saw him. “What happened?” she whispered.
“Smacked my head on the damn bunk,” he grumbled. Even in the dim light, he didn’t miss Beth’s tiny smirk as she sat down next to him.
“Poor baby,” she said with a pout that fought with her smile. She reached up and gently guided his head lower so she could plant a kiss, somehow knowing exactly where it smarted the most. “You gonna be okay?”
Daryl scowled half-heartedly at her. “I’m fine,” he said as he moved to lay back down. 
Beth followed suit, then brushed his shaggy hair away from his already drowsy eyes. “I dunno…maybe I shouldn’t let you sleep, in case you have a concussion.” 
Opening one eye, partially to glare at her, partially to see if she was being serious, he growled out, “Shut up,” before wrapping his arm around her back and pulling her into him.
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hangon-silvergirl · 1 year
Thank yoooooou!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
The entire shitshow interlude chapter from the buzz. I cackled like a loon picking all of Robin's gifs.
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I answered this one here, but I'll add that "Toys" by Life of Dillon also is always living rent-free in my head.
💖 What made you start writing?
I also answered this one, here. tl;dr is an active imagination and coming of age in fandom on the internet.
From the Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask game.
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sasusc · 6 months
9 people you’d like to know better
Tagged by @1lostsoul0fishbowl
1. Three ships: Bethyl...I've been stuck in Bethyl hell since I decided to finally watch The Walking Dead about 2 years ago...has it really been that long? Sam and Jack from Stargate SG-1...a ship so old, there weren't cute name combinations out there when I started. Now sure what it might be called now. Old school shipping used initials...SJ. Shenny! I love Sheldon and Penny together. The writers did Sheldon and Penny as well wrong and their canon ships also reflects bad characterizations.
2. First Ship Ever: I have to go with Serena and Darien...probably the first fanfictions I read and tried to write were about my favorite superhero duo. I had to mentally change their names to the 90's USA dubbed version when authors wrote Bunny/Usagi and Mamoru. I was young, but now I only switch out the usage of Bunny as her name.
3. Last Song: One Man Band by Old Dominion thanks to @olpie who pointed out this song is perfect for Bethyl
4. Last Film: Godzilla vs Kong...my 5 year old daughter loves Godzilla movies.
5. Currently Reading: I have a ton of Bethyl fics opened. Soooo many tabs on my phone opened.
6. Currently Watching: technically my daughter as one of the many Ryan and Friends videos on, but I'm binging Shameless (just got to S5). As well as Stargate SG-1 and The Walking Dead for writing purposes...helps keep me in character for writing and giving me ideas.
8. Currently Craving: cheese quesadilla with salsa...it's almost dinner time and that's what I plan to eat.
7. Currently Consuming: cough drops...just getting over a nasty sore throat/coughing fit.
9. Favorite Childhood Book: The Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce
Absolutely no pressure with these tags (but if you do play, please make a new post instead of reblogging this one!!!)
@olpie @whovianlili @mulderscully @mizjoely @rckyfrk @paleshelter29 @paledarklight @madpatti @galadrieljones
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gneebee · 4 months
Author Interview
Thanks for the tag, @galadrieljones, and Happy New Year to All!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just the Walking Dead, and one crossover that included Queer Eye
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
A Place Called Heavenly Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene
Just Playin' Rick Grimes/Beth Greene
Two Doors Down Rick Grimes/Beth Greene
The Wonder of Christmas Rick Grimes/Beth Greene
Love's Long Road Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes, I appreciate comments and I respond.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I have angst in many of my stories, but my endings are happy.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Gosh, I'm not sure, they all seem happy to me. One of my favorite endings was for A Place Called Heavenly.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No, I haven't received outright hate on a work. I would say I have gotten some snippy remarks. I have received hate on tumblr for writing Beth pairings, for writing, for Daryl's accent, for being alive, whatever. I don't worry about it.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I would say I write "soft" smut. It's not the purpose of my writing. I like to tell a story, but my stories often include a sex scene.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I've only written one and it's, I think, fun and humorous. I enjoyed writing it. It's a TWD and Queer eye story called The Makeover A Daryl Dixon/Beth Greene pairing with the Rick Grimes intervention
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, I had a couple stolen and published as original works for sale on Amazon and Goodreads. It's very distressing.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't know
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, I co wrote three and it was a lot of fun, but my writing partner gave up fic writing to focus on her family.
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't have one, I am way too OCD not to finish what I start. I have had a couple I wanted to walk out on so bad I had to force myself to finish them.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I really don't know. Maybe attention to detail.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
The story is all there in my head, the problem is, I don't feel like sitting in front of the computer and typing it. I get bored and agitated and have to keep stopping and starting.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The only language other than English which I have written in a fic is ASL. I would not attempt anything else.
19. first fandom you wrote for?
20. favourite fic you've written?
That's a very difficult question to answer. I would say my top three are: Love's Highway, One Cold Night and A Place Called Heavenly. Each was very challenging.
Thank you again for the tag @galadrieljones I will tag @piper1016 @rckyfrk @mistressheroine @olpie I think everyone else was tagged earlier, but I think everyone who writes should respond
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kitten1618x · 6 months
wip wednesday but make it thursday
Tagged by my better half, the adorable one of a kind word goblin: @majicmarker
Then— with a simple twitch of their clasped hands, the choice was removed as the stranger swept her close with a quickness that sent Lily stumbling against the hard wall of his chest. Her skirts swished against the tops of his boots and her mask fell away as her hand sought purchase on the broad expanse of his shoulder to steady herself.
“Careful, ma petit papillon,” he chuckled. The rich timbre of his laugh vibrated up from his chest to collide intimately against her own—but he made no move to distance himself.
Lily bristled at the man’s forwardness, as a blush crept up her throat to settle warmly in her cheeks. She felt exposed under the intensity of his assessing gaze without the protection of her mask. Flustered, she flattened her palm against the lush velvet of his jacket and gave him a shove, determined to recapture some breadth between them—but to no avail. He was immovable.
“You are too bold, m’sieur, and far too familiar.” Lily seethed, her warning for his ears only as his hand slid leisurely down her side to settle upon her waist.
“And you, mademoiselle—” he splayed his fingers possessively, tugged her closer still to lean and mouth against her temple,“—are far too dignified to make a scene.”
From chapter one of my original novel (my take on a fairytale fusion of Beauty and the Beast) — hopefully coming soon!
Tagging: @chocolateghost @esther-dot @vivilove-jonsa @rckyfrk @everythingjonsa @amymel86 — I don’t know who’s writing, who’s not, who wants to play, who wants me to piss off… join in if you want! lol
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majicmarker · 5 years
For a fake bethyl summary - leaves in the breeze.
somehow my marshmallow heart got snatched by the jaws of angsty feels here, so...
leaves in the breeze
when tragedy strikes the greene family, beth drops out of school fresh at the start of her sophomore year to return to the farm in a storm of grief and newfound responsibilities. her mother and brother are dead, her father’s on the cusp of a fatal illness, and her sister lives an hour away with her husband and their burgeoning new life together, and beth feels more alone and overwhelmed than ever.
most days are spent on the farm, working the fields and trying to manage the upkeep and finances. but with funeral costs behind them and her father’s medical bills ahead, beth takes jobs in town wherever she can get them — babysitting, housekeeping, dog-walking, shifts at the local grocer’s, the library, the bar, anything that’s offered by folks who want to help. and somehow, all that anything, all those errands and odd jobs and mad dashes across the park when one of the dogs gets off his leash and makes a break for it, manages to put her in daryl dixon’s path.
every. single. time.
and somehow... somehow, unexpectedly, that starts to make everything feel a little bit better.
after all that’s happened and all that’s still on its way, beth’s not sure what she believes in anymore. all she knows is that it’s something, and that it’s worth putting her faith in. and the more times they stumble into each other’s line of sight, she starts to think that maybe that’s what daryl needs, too — just a little something. she starts to think that maybe she could give that to him, and maybe he could give it back to her, too.
it’s worth a shot, isn’t it?
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Heart of a Hunter ACT VII
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With the upcoming release of Act VII (chapters to start posting soon - to be announced), I wanted to give people a chance to be added or removed from the Heart of a Hunter tags.
Note: The series tags will likely be closing for the first time when Act VII begins posting. I don't have the time currently to allow for tags list changes while posting chapters, but want to make sure everyone has a chance to be added that wants to be before that happens.
Add or remove yourself from my tags HERE. Or feel free to message me to do it for you.
Tagging the current HOAH series, Dean and Forever tags:
@tombraider42017 @peaceloveancolor @riversong-sam @aiaranradnay @whit85-blog @mogaruke @attractiverandomness @jolly60sdreamgirlcroissant @randomthings077 @jensen-gal @mrswhozeewhatsis @anticipate1003 @xthefuckerysquaredx @emoryhemsworth @nosleeptillbucky @avengersgirllorianna @x-waywardaf-x @cassieraider @nyxveracity @rhiannon79j @hobby27 @sleepretreat @spnbaby-67 @dramaqueenrolf @chalicia @black-shad0w-w0lf @notyourtypicalrose @carribear31 @berruneko09 @tinageekandtraveler @my-proof-is-you @deansenwackles @supernatural1967blog @81mysteriouslyme @waywardsistersandpie @baby7879 @cookiechipdough @miraclesoflove @scarletmeii @dawnie1988 @katelynw93 @playingdeep17 @deam-lunae @foxyjwls007 @mamaredd123 @mylovelydame21 @thoughts-and-funnies @deanwanddamons @blonde-in-charge @casedeanjamieclaysamcordellfan @deanwinchesterswitch @supernatural79impala @stixnstripesworld @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @theoriginalvicki @lavieenlex @akshi8278 @ravenesque @end-lessnights @sylverminx @thereisnolumos @angelblazon @michellethetvaddict @bebravekeeponfighting @angelsandwinchesters @16wiishes @kurage14 @deans-baby-momma @adoptdontshoppets @rainflowermoon @ruprecht0420 @healojane @shawnie74 @lyarr24 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @lovememisha @sea040561 @growningupgeek @kittycat-cas @lallybrochloser @jensen-jarpad @deanscherrypie @mysteriouslyme81 @atc74 @notnaturalanahi @mousehybrid @supernatural-jackles @evansrogerskitten @girl-next-door-writes @mypopculturediva @destieliswrittenonmyheart @ @lavieenlex @fandom-random24 @procratsinator @mamaredd123 @amotleyworld @cardiaccadillac @jayankles @wrenwritesometimes @pearlparty @daughterleftbehind @inthecarwithaboy @deathtonormalcy56 @roxy-davenport @sarah-heyes @iamabeautifulperson18 @ravenesque @deepbreathssammy @​@2spoopy4uamigo @melmo-omnomnom @saralovixe @itseverythingilike @kbl1313 @disenchanted66 @mandilion76 @xagateophobiax @thelittleredwhocould @kittenofdoomage @ladylachesis @sylverminx @thereisnolumos @angelblazon @michellethetvaddict @roxyspearing @emmysthougts @mrssamfuckingwinchester @gloria1097 @anotherwaywardsoul @beatlesobsessionlove @deans-baby-momma @gh0stgurl @winchesterprincessbride @linki-locks11 @pjofangirl18 @bunnybaby121115 @rckyfrk @imaginationisgrowth @salt-n-burn-em-all @closetspngirl @rainflowermoon @reginaphalange2403 @tree-hill-hufflepuff @a-distantdreamer @jennifromtheblock1013 @ceisbill @itsallaboutthedean @janicho88 @pandamonium615 @bettyvonbonbon @foxyjwls007 @peachyafshawn @taetaewonderland @wonder-cole @acklesterritory @compresshischest09 @jbsgirl4ever11 @defenderrosetyler @supernatural-love14 @waywardwifey @that-one-gay-girl @kpwatsonn @midsummereve1993 @tvdspngirl314 @jarpad24 @samsgirl93 @shawnie74 @nancymcl @solsborg
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