#rdr2 costume
big-boah · 7 months
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My Arthur shirt and jacket arrived 🤠
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lea-khena · 4 days
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I will be at Deadwood for the red dead event this week end!! If you see me come say hi!!
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cherriiramen · 8 months
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It’s the spoopiest timeeee of the yearrrrrr >:3 (click for better quality!)
Bonus !!
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necromiracle · 3 months
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Arthur Morgan Cosplay - 2023
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averydavery · 2 months
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Photo Dump from Indy’s Very Own Popcon!
Just to be clear, this was not my only cosplay for this three day event! However, Saturday (yesterday) was the biggest day with the most events, so I did my best cosplay for it! On Friday I was John Marston and my friend was Arthur Morgan from RDR2, and today I just went in a simple gyaru makeup look!
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But that’s not what you’re here for!
Here’s my Black Jack cosplay just a few months late of the 50th anniversary year of the series. I knew that since my face is very round and that I have a button nose I wouldn’t be able to do a “one for one” cosplay look that I think would do him justice. So instead of working against my body, I created a look that embraced it… I call it Drag Jack!
Please understand that this was my first ever time doing this cosplay so I ended up putting the skin patch on the wrong side of the face (it’s actually the correct side of the face the wig just is backwards and I forget to flip it), but also I didn’t do the scar on his chin either because I forgot as well, let alone any other scars on my body. Next time I did this cosplay I’ll make sure to fix it!
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Full body shot, even though this was in the convention center bathrooms the tile gives that sterile hospital look so I mess with it.
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Head shots, as you can tell I’m not good at choosing locations for my photos. I plan on redoing it with better photos and not gluing my brows, so stay tuned!
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I really should’ve Got2Be’d those spike before I left house… the strands are everywhere.
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Ai No Hoshi Maid Cafe! They were a lotta fun! If you’re in the Indiana, Ohio, or Kentucky area and plan on going to a con make sure to check if they’ll be there too! Highly recommend, one of the butlers was a fellow Doctor!
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This shitty redraw of mine of Black Jack as Trixie Matel inspired this entire look!
Price and Advice for Future BJ Cosplayer’s:
Cost (with tax and shipping): about $73.31
Contacts from Uniqso x2: $28.62
Wig from Ezcosplay: $22.69
Fishnets from Five Below: ~$5
Translucent setting powder from Five Below: ~$3
Red Ribbon from Micheal’s: ~$3
Concealer & Brightner two pack makeup from Marshall’s: ~$5
Face Paint from Party City: $5
Lip/Blush pale pink cream stick from [a target resale/wholesale store that I won’t named for my own privacy reasons]: $1
Black Turtleneck Bodysuit from Target: $0 (I had a gift card, if not it was about ~$12 I think?)
Owned or Borrowed Items, many are optional items
Three different colored (black, white, maroon) gel eyeliner pencils: BORROWED
White Foundation from Sunset Makeup: BORROWED
Chrome Eyeliner: BORROWED
Brown Tights: OWNED
Boots: OWNED
Dickey Collar: OWNED, I cut up a white polo
Wig Styling Suppkies: OWNED
Rest of Makeup: OWNED
Advice for Cosplaying BJ
WET-DRY MAKEUP METHOD!!!! The Wet-Dry method of makeup is used in Drag makeup and many other makeup genres to set face paint or heavy makeup. For Black Jack’s face patch you’re going to want to start with a wet facepaint color and then set it with translucent setting powder so it doesn’t only stay all day, but also looks more matte and not porous. Next time I do this look, I plan to use more so my skin looks a bit flatter.
CREAM CONTOURS!!!! Use a cream based contour to contour your nose, cheekbones, and temples. If you use a powdered contour it will come off VERY easily and it will be hard to get a clean line with. I relied on these cream contours mostly for my nose since, again, I have a button nose so I really wanted to contour that to at least make it look a little thinner and longer.
SAFETY PIN YOUR BOW!!! If you want a bow that looks “cartoony” you won’t get that just by tying a red ribbon around your neck. I sewed and glued my bow then safety pinned it my collar to appear like it was standing up on its own. It’s cute!
WEAR TIGHTS (if you’re doing this specific black jack look lmfao)!!! If I did not wear those tights way too much of my hip would be showing. I’m personally not comfort showing that much of my body, so I wore tights underneath my fishnets. But you do you! I like the darker color since it sorta looks like I’m wearing see through dark tights but matching your skin tone as close as possible can make it seem like you aren’t wearing tights at all even if you actually are! Highly recommend!
DON’T FORGET YOUR EAR!!! This isn’t required but I think it looks nice to put a bit of face paint on your ear to look like the skin patch covers that area as well as your face. It’s a bit more cohesive but also doesn’t matter too much.
DON’T BE AFRAID TO BE CAMPY!!! Black Jack’s character is over-the-top and exaggerated, so you shouldn’t be afraid to do the same. If I really wanted this to be Drag Jack, I would’ve done an entire drag makeup look and I think that would be PERFECT if someone better than I at that kind of makeup does it! The bigger the bow the better too! Get some props like a kids toy stethoscope or a mask or gloves! Monopoly money too haha!!!
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felixwhy · 8 months
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coherently-screaming · 9 months
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coweyloaf · 4 months
Ah, someday I will have money to buy and have my main outfits be historically accurate western clothes. The dream
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pasta-pardner · 1 year
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electronic indiepop songs involving cowboys and horses 🐴
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jannetkat99 · 2 years
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If I’m at the PC, there’s a 100% chance I’m playing RDR2
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duffys-ponies · 8 months
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Halloween Kieran!!!
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the99thfanboy · 8 months
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Bill Williamson rides again
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I happened to be in Tombstone during Tombstone Redemption today and omg everyone in their costume and gear was so cute literally had me dying over it
Like i just kind of showed up by chance so it was such cool timing - i hope everyone stayed hydrated and had fun (it was hot as fuck today) 🥹🫶
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brainmoss · 9 months
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jensreplicas · 11 months
Arthur Morgan RDR2 Cosplay Hat for Around $25 with 5⭐️ Reviews? Yes!!
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elesketchii · 1 year
im the marston family enjoyer anon, and i would loooove to read all of your hcs about them!! (so,, whenever you've got the time 👍)
shaking them around inmy head okok. misc marston family hcs slash shenanigans slash character studies?sort of?? because they occupy so much space in my brain
- occasionally, jack will read one of his many adventure novels aloud to his parents. on a stormy night they might sit in front of the lit chimney, as jack dramatically reenacts the tales from his books. it’s in moments like these where they feel like a normal family, all their worries and past traumas washed away
- jack has always liked playing with his mother’s hair, braiding and decorating it with pretty flowers he’d pick especially for her. one day, though, he asks his father if he could try braiding his hair instead. at first john was hesitant, but he ended up giving in because he knew he’d been kindof a deadbeat to his soon for the past 4 years, and he wanted to make amends with him more than anything.
jack soon found that his fathers hair would be tricky to work with, though…compared to abigail’s softer curls, john’s hair was thinner and greasier..(this loser is afraid of water he does Not shower god bless) safe to say jack’s attempt at giving his father a little makeover was unsuccessful. he did, however, give john a flower crown, which he ended up tying around his hatband
- abigail is the big spoon. john would rather die than admit to anyone that he’s a little spoon and abi teases him for it all the time.
- jack loves writing little stories and acting them out with his parents using props and shitty homemade costumes. hes been a theatre kid since before he’d even been to a theatre in person. despite mostly being interested in writing novels, he finds screenwriting an intriguing profession as well, and definitely considered it as a possible future career
- john has had this habit of putting on a tough, manly persona ever since he was little, mostly because that’s the version of him that dutch always wanted to see. when he met abigail, though, something within him shifted. suddenly he can’t keep this act up very easily anymore. he hates admitting it but he feels very vulnerable around abigail, and he absolutely detests himself for that. i like to think it’s why he acted so hostile towards her and jack in the first few chapters of rdr2.
after they leave the gang, though, he realizes that he doesn’t have to put up this act anymore. slowly but surely, he becomes more open with abigail, which came as a surprise to her, not that she complained much. she likes that softer side of him much more, but she knows if she tells him that he won’t take it lightly. she prefers to show him through smaller gestures, though part of her thinks he might be too stupid to get the message that way lol
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