#re : friendaversary.
yooo welcome to my first Eddie fic! this one is a little rough. I kinda pulled this one from my ass and was stoned writing this whole thing. kinda an abrupt ending cause I didn't know to really end it but I really hope you like it :)
p.s. I have dyslexia and when I re-read my stuff some typos will fly over my head, so if you see one, lemme know so I can fix it.
Eddie x male reader
warning: drug use (marijuana)
Stale smoke hung in the air making a thick fog in the room. Laughing could be heard coming from two very stoned boys; Eddie 'the freak' Munson and Y/n L/n. These two have been best friends for what seems like forever, meeting when they were both 10 years old, and from that first day, they have been Eddie and y/n. Y/n has been there for Eddie through everything and Eddie would do anything for Y/n, and today, they were celebrating their 10-year. friendaversary!  To celebrate this day together, they both shut themselves in Eddie's room, smoked pot, drank beer, and laughed over old stories of their shared childhood.
The sound of bubbling could be heard as one of the boys, Eddie, took a ripp from a bong. The metal head then exhaled all the smoke he took into his lungs. Y/n giggled at the other boy and reached for the bong sitting in Eddie's lap, taking it from him. "You know" Eddie started as he scooted closer to the boy that was taking a rip of the bong just as Eddie did earlier " we've been like, best friends, for 10 years now" Eddie finished, staring at his friend in dazed awe. 
Y/n nodded and he exhaled smoke from his mouth" that makes us like….super best friends" the male added, making Eddie laugh. The metal head laughing cause the other male to laugh even harder, almost spilling the bong water all over his bed. Eddie quickly grabbed the bong before it could spill " bro be careful" he said in between giggles " your gonna make my room smell like bong water" he finished, setting the bong on the floor next to his bed.
Y/n kept laughing harder. He bent over his closed legs and laughed into the other bed, smacking it as he laughed. Eddie had a huge smile on his face with pink dusting his cheeks. Eddie couldn't help but think how….fucking adorable his best friend was.
Truth be told, Eddie had the biggest crush imaginable on the laughing boy next to him. Everything about Y/n was captivating to Eddie. The way he dressed, smelled, walked, talked, laughed, everything! Everything and anything you can think of Eddie loved it if it came to his best friend. 
Eddie was like a love-sick dog and it killed him. The nights he would spend dreaming of- " oh god I haven't laughed that hard in….well never" y/n interrupted Eddie's thoughts and he finally sat up, massaging his cheeks as they burned from smiling and laughing.
Eddie chuckled at the other as he calmed down from laughter. A comfortable silence settled upon the two. Eddie sighed and leaned his head on the wall behind him, closing his eyes. Y/n stared at the metal head, thoughts fuzzy, full of thoughts that he maybe shouldn't be having of his ‘super best friend’, and feeling like his nerves were buzzing. y/n had no control over his tongue. "You're so pretty" y/n mindlessly mutters, Eddie opened his eyes and turned his head, a puzzled look on his face" are you flirting with me, sir y/n l/n?" He asked, a smile creeping onto his face
Red exploded on the boy's face as he looked dumbfounded by his own words. Flustered the boy let out a series of noises trying to make a full sentence " well- i- you- I meant-" y/n whined in frustration and covered his face with his hands. Eddie laughed at the other boy and placed a hand on y/n knee, a smirk on his face and a glimmer of  Mischief in his eye. Y/n whined again and shook his head in his hands "nooooooo, I'm too stoned to unpack all that right now" the boy cried and slid down the wall, till he was laying on the bed. Eddie laughed some more and laid right next to the flustered male, staring at the side of his face.
Y/n moved his hands from his face and turned his head, locking eyes with Eddie. The tension between them was thick and suffocating.  Usually, y/n would crack a joke to break the silence, but with his mind running 20 miles a second and his throat dryer then a deserted; he froze. As Eddie stayed silent, eyes still locked onto the others, panic started to rise in y/n's chest.
' I fucked shit up didn't i' he thought to himself 'I should have kept my mouth shut' 'now Eddie's grabbing my hand and i- ….wait–' y/n finally got out of his head and focused on Eddie then he felt a warm hand squeeze his. Y/n squeezed back and took a deep breath " where did you go?" Eddie asked, concern laced in his voice, rubbing the back of y/n hand with his thumb " I don't know I just- I don't know" y/n whined again and squeezes his eyes shut " just today was gonna be the day" he started " I was gonna be brave but I'm such a coward that I'm panicking" Eddie was still confused but nodding and listening " and my mom got me so pumped about it too, you know? And I had this talk with my dog too and" y/n cut himself off with a gasp, eyes opening wide " I forgot to fill his water bowl!" And just like that y/ns train of thought was blown off the tracks and Eddie howled with laughter.
“Why are you laughing?! This is serious!” y/n yelled, sitting up on his elbows, and still holding on to eddies. Eddie laughed harder and kicked his feet “ok I'm sorry I'm sorry” the metal head said as he covered his mouth with his free hand, to stop his laughter. He nodded his head to the other, as a way to tell him to continue. With a huff, y/n looked away from Eddie, and took in a deep breath “I just think-” “let me stop you right there” Eddie interrupted and pulled on the sleeve, pulling back down on the bed. “Eddie you can't just-” lay down and then ill let you talk” Eddie interrupted again, looking up and the other with a smile. With an eye roll, the boy flopped back down onto the bed.
Y/n looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow “happy? May I speak now?” he asked and Eddie shook his head “ no not yet. I want to say something first” he stated as he started to move around, letting go of the other male's hand. y/n huffed again for the 100th time, “this better be important” he said as Eddie sat up and leaned over y/n. The boy looked up at Eddie in confusion. Before y/n could question him, Eddie leaned down and closed the distance between the two. 
Y/n's heart stopped and his brain powered down. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't think. y/n felt like he was on fire, and he loved it. Eddies lips felt like a dream and y/n didn't want to wake up. Eddie started to pull away, but the male under him pulled his head back down, connecting their lips again. Eddie smiled into the kiss as their lips moved against each other it started to grow desperate. y/n tangled his hands in eddies hair, eddies hand rested on the other cheek. The cold of eddies rings spreading throw his face pilled y/n to reality and realized what was happening. He pulled back from the metal head, and Eddie chased after his lips. Eddie opened his eyes and looked down at the other, noses ghosting against each other. “What was that?” y/n breathed against the other lips, his heart pounding like a jackhammer. “You were thinking too much” Eddie replied as he moved his hand down to cup the other jaw, running his thumb against his lower lip as he gazed down to y/n lips “ and your lips were just asking to be kissed,” he said, barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough for the other to hear.
y/n breath hitched and bit his lower lip. Eddie started to lean down again “wait-” Eddie pulled away almost immediately “what's wrong?” he asked as he started to completely pulled away “wait no don't move,” y/n pleated as he reached for Eddie, the metal head listened and leaned back down, but not as close as he was before. y/n reached up and caressed his face, “I just don't want to ruin our friendship, even if it's too late, every time I think about this-” Eddie leaned down and kissed the other again, but it was quick “you're thinking too much, sweetheart” he chuckled and kissed y/ns cheek “are you just gonna kiss me every time you think I'm thinking too much?” y/n asked with a big smile “do you want me to stop?” Eddie replied with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n shook his head, the smile growing wider and his cheeks began to hurt. He leaned up and gave Eddie another quick kiss “how about we just smoke some more and make out till we pass out.” y/n suggested as he slowly sat up, pushing the metal head aside, reaching to grab the forgotten bong on the floor. Eddie nodded and moved off the other boy “that sounds like a wonderful idea” he agreed and took the bong from y/ns hands. “Promise we’ll talk about this tomorrow?” y/n asked worry dripping from his voice. The boy was terrified of the outcome of the upcoming conversation, but he knew it had to be done. Eddie, who had just taken a hit from the bong nodded “I promise” he said as smoke poured from his mouth till he exhaled “but I also promise this” he said as he passed the bong “ that conversation is gonna end our friendship” Eddie stated.
y/n looked at Eddie and opened his mouth to speak, but Eddie beat him to it “cause we’re gonna be boyfriends”
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goresociety · 3 years
hi hi !!!!! i just wanted to thank you for being such a lovely friend this past ,,, uh , almost year !!! it ‘ s about 7 days until it ‘ s been a whole year i think !!!! but yeah !!! you make me smile a lot , and you ‘ re really funny ! i love your art !!!! we don ‘ t talk as much as we did b4 , but i really , really am grateful to have ya as a friend !!
HOLY FUCK A YEAR?????? dude!! early 1 year friendaversary! [just made that up <3] id really love to start talking to you more again, youre genuinely awesome >:]
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lockwoodspecial · 7 years
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i’m going to be completely honest when i say that i don’t know how to start this. for someone who loves talking so much ( i know you of all people are aware ), i’m actively finding it hard to know where to begin. can i hit a big cliche right away and go with the whole “holy shit it’s been 4 fucking years”? it’s funny because when i look back on our friendship, it always strikes me how totally and completely by chance it was. sure, i guess all relationships of any kind happen by chance. but there was quite literally next to nothing to tie us together. no one r/pg, no common friends, no mutual follows on personal tumblrs even. and it’s crazy to think what if. what if you hadn’t posted about wanting to do a f/orwood 1x1? what if i hadn’t been looking through the tags? what if we had never messaged each other? what if we hadn’t immediately connected and proceeded to spend hours crying about our kids on c/hatzy together? we started talking literally out of nowhere, and in a way, as ridiculously cheesy as it is, i kind of think it was fate. from that first conversation, we fell into a rhythm we’ve continued every since. we just fit. every single day i am reminded of how fortunate i am to have you in my life, but i also fully believe that the universe knew there couldn’t be a jenn without a bri. and bitch  -----  if you think that’s sappy and lame, i’m only getting started.
these four years have been some of the craziest in my life. between university and then graduating, living by myself for the first time and then adjusting to being back at home, job things and adulting, learning how to drive.....and top that all off with the most random family drama. the more and more things that happened, the more i felt like i was actually growing up and coming into my own as a person. they’re some of the most formative years, you know? stepping away from your safety net and all that. and throughout it all, you have been the one constant that i have always been able to turn to. whether it was that first time on a skype video call and you helping me hang up my map on my wall in my first apartment, to having you on the phone when i had to go to the creepy ass basement to throw out the recycling in my new building, to assuring me i could get behind the wheel and be okay, to teaching me how to fry jalapeños and laughing at me sticking plastic bags on my hands. the most random ass things but in each of those moments? they were big. and i mean then you incorporate 9 hour calls ( gaming or talking about everything and nothing, and yah i’m def averaging bc we’ve been on for way longer multiple times ), you coming with me to or from class and vice versa with you and work, me harassing your family as well as you, talking while you clean for fun ( u freak ), the 293489327589493084 texts and msgs, ton of movie nights..........and then on top of that, include both of us venting about the most random things and getting real at random hours of the night. i’m pretty sure over the span of four years i have talked to you the most out of anyone. and you have been there the most for me out of anyone. big or small, aware or not. i have always been able to count on you, confide in you, laugh with you, cry with you, harass you, grow with you, be a better me because of you. and i don’t know if you’re aware of just how much that means to me. having you as my best friend for these four years has helped shape me into who i am today so much and i am so fkn thankful for it. and always, always for you.
super lowkey but --- you’re kind of my favourite person. as harsh as you can be on yourself at times, because you can be and i know it, i’ll always be here to remind you of the total opposite. you’re one of the most genuine people that i know. you are who you are, you’re completely honest about your values, what you want, your likes and dislikes, your thoughts. and you are such a good person. we can joke continuously about how dark our souls are and stuff but you have one of the biggest hearts that i know. your loyalty to people you care about and to the right thing never wavers, and you will always go to bat for your friends. not to mention that you are a complete angel to people from your family to random strangers, and so, so good in helping out with literally everything ever. i’m not kidding when i say my parents want to adopt you. and on top of that, you are so incredibly talented and you better not doubt it. like dude, for real. the way your mind creates things, be it graphics ( pls hold ur applause at the beauty i made u, and yah i figured we’re gonna get through all our ships eventually ), or the actual poetry that is your writing, never fails to amaze me. i’m so happy i get to experience that with you. but while i could go on and on about how much i love writing with you, i’ll get gay abt that somewhere else i’m sure. you know what else? you have this amazing spirit. not only is it your drive and determination to do things and move forward, but your love to get out and do the most simple things is something that i have admired for so long. i remember when i came to visit you for the first time two years ago. man between roller blading and the movies and the flea market and random stores? we didn’t go wild, but that was one of the best weeks of my life. and that’s just a handful of things. please never, ever sell yourself short. because you’re one of the most incredible people that i know, and i mean it when i say you’re stuck with me telling you that forever.
you are my person. yah yah, you knew i would pull out the grey’s quote eventually. but never have i found something that just seems so much like us. except for this whole concept of ‘drift compatible’ - a bond and understanding between two people that is so deep that it’s kind of like at times they share the same mind ( i had to go find a post you reblogged years ago to get that meaning right and simple ). i like to think that despite all of our differences, because we are two very different personalities, that’s us. you once told me that we have a friendship that you don’t feel like you deserve. there are a lot of times where i feel like i don’t deserve you. you are patient, understanding, caring, supportive, and so, so strong and solid. you always have my back, no matter what. i could be having the shittiest day in the world and want to hate everyone but still want to talk to you. because you always make me happy. and not just in the superficial ways like we can joke around and spend hours watching animal videos or making dumb faces at the camera or weird sounds into the mic. but you know me. you say it and i deny it, but you do. you know me better than anyone and that means the entire freaking world. and you know, we talk about eventually leaving this blue hell and living together with dogs and being a general Mess and i would like to remind you that i am 10000000% serious. this is a thing that’s gonna happen. i trust you more than anyone, i believe in you more than anyone, and i’m gonna continue harassing you more than everyone forever. you are my best friend. you are the best best friend. you are my person, you’re my other half. i love you so, so, so, so much. ( get it, i did four because four years? ) thank you for helping make these four of the best years of my life. thanks for being there with me through it all. thank you for being my best friend. i think i started this gay ass rant with ‘holy shit it’s been 4 fucking years’, but....can you believe it’s only been 4 fucking years? we got our entire lives ahead of us because we’re gonna die together as old ladies probably with you beating my ass in some way. can’t wait to start that trend when i see you in one month and hug you so tight that you’ll punch me. what can i say? i love you, bitch. HAPPY FOUR YEAR FRIENDAVERSARY, HOE!     /     @fierceli
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