#re spaport
reallunargift · 1 year
look at what my friend just sent me.....
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SPAPORT RINGS...................
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cookieshower · 2 years
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spaport human verse, childhood friends au, part 1
cringe ahead ↓↓↓
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o whew...[insert running emoji]
port is juanda & spain is anton. bang juanda/bang ju is anton’s specific nickname bc he’s younger
’abang/bang’ is a honorific meaning any same-generation-older male, older bro, any young adult male, or bf *cough*, think of the korean ‘oppa’
yez there is honorific or older-younger dynamics and it’s relevant to the plot u_u (what plot??)
i name them in local common names (boohoo! tomatoes!!) for convenience
obv, do not repost! do not re-upload/edit/use. or iwill cry
even more notes:
(future) specific college/uni au. each uni culture (even in one small province!) is diiferent, no way i could research into everything that happens abroad orz. it’s not meant to be relateable to everyone ;-)
this is fanart not thesis... nothing /srs here
i can’t even write in my languange, let alone english so-- yeah
non linear/not chronological, i draw whatever scene pops out atm sjdjs
posts in this au will be tagged #balada juanton
my reply / ask box / dm is open if u want to scream or boohoo me </3
had to include the og ver bc i dont translate all of their traits... iykyk ((tau kan yh bulol klo dah galak gmne))
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reallunargift · 2 years
i think it's safe to say i love the sun/moon symbolism for spa/port and will never let go of it, but in my heart of hearts they're two suns
the morning rising sun and its pretty pink skies and deceivingly soft light that bathes you in gold and heralds a new day
and the evening setting sun with its striking purples and oranges sinking into the ocean and bringing night in its wake
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reallunargift · 2 years
Port being a dog person 🤝 Toni being a golden retriever boyfriend
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reallunargift · 2 years
was anybody going to tell me about estudiantina portuguesa or was i just supposed to find out about it through a youtube comment myself??
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reallunargift · 2 years
ok ok so I said I’d post my thoughts about that comic, and how I love Port’s characterisation in it. So here it finally is. Credit to hetascanlations for the translation.
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I am still reeling over this! So this is something that is very like Port to do to Toni? Dude how much do you tease this man and can we see more of it
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Peep Toni getting distracted with the mention of them having good relations. He literally pauses to agree before remembering that he’s tied up lmao
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“We’ve known each other for a thousand years” ok I think we all expected this but confirmation is always good. Anyway yeah this at least means Port was around before his official founding (again, seems obvious but confirmation is always nice.) And so was Toni.... I wanna know more about Toni!
More importantly, I really like how Hima presented Port here. It makes sense that with their history, he’d be suspicious/not entirely willing to trust Toni at face value. “Oh our websites say this? Lets put it to the test, then, show me how much I should trust you” is very much something I would expect from him, because their history is complicated.
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It also seems clear to me that he doesn’t expect Toni to get the first question right. Hell, he’s surprised at how quickly Toni agrees to it. (Yes there’s the olive oil, but I think this also shows Port that Toni is confident about his knowledge of them)
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 But Toni’s answer!!! My god.... not only does he get it right right away, he adds a bunch of more information regarding other cooperation dates. He also looks absolutely adorable and very pleased with himself.
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Again, Port is surprised at Toni getting it right AND how fast he answers it. He’s clearly caught off guard by this. He even admits that he expected Antonio to struggle with it. And I think you see a genuine face from him (Hima has mentioned in the past that Port’s smiles are very much thought out!)
 And what does Toni do? HE REASSURES HIM!
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He reassures Port that he would NEVER forget these days, that they’re important for the both of them.
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And Port wasn’t looking for reassurance, he just expected Toni to struggle and not know, because that would confirm his opinion of his neighbour AND be funny to watch. This is the most flustered you see him in this comic, when Toni smiles like that at him saying he would never forget things that are important to them both.
He wasn’t expecting such a peppy reaction, and it looks like he doesn’t want Toni to misunderstand his words as wanting reassurance, either. “That’s not the kind of reaction I was askin’ from you.”  And Toni says “I see...”
“I see...” What do you see? That he doesn’t think you’d know this? That he doesn’t want your earnestness reassurance? Why was your first reaction reassuring him so earnestly....
I think it’s also important to note that Port likes to see Toni down (which I attribute to him projecting his own insecurities. Yet here is Toni, being cheerful....) And another side of it could be related to the fake bravado he accuses Toni of having in a previous comic. Maybe he’s trying to get behind Toni’s smile?
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Once that moment is over, the sparkles and fake smile come back. Because he knows Toni will have trouble with the next question!
Honestly the bd/sm joke is funny as hell, and I’m glad Hima’s back to zany hijinks. But more than that, I really like the glimpse we get into Port and Toni. 
I really do think this comic goes a long way to show his suspicious nature, and his distrust of Toni because of their history. I mean, he basically spells it out for us with the “we’ve know each other for 1000 years and been at each other’s throat more times than I can count/just because we’ve been cooperating for 50 years doesn’t mean...” etc.
And I wonder if he set it up like this as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Like, if you wake up strapped to a table and get told if you don’t answer right that someone will pour olive oil on you, you’d be disinclined to being buddy-buddy with them, you know? Port has set the most hostile scenario for Toni to get him down, but Toni stills BEAMS AT HIM while saying he’d never forget those dates.....and Port is so taken aback by it.... Port just accept his feelings are real
And Toni gets more confirmation that he’s SMART. He’s SMART!!!! If I recall correctly, much of his air-headedness is by choice, because he chooses not to read the room. We already knew he’s smart, but my god... he’s competent too. He knows boring government stuff!! Am I thinking “he knows it bc it pertains to him and Port uvu”? Yes, yes I am. But even if it wasn’t, Toni would still know stuff if it’s something he’s interested in.
Again, this isn’t news. But it’s always nice to have confirmation.
To finish, Toni also clearly knows Port very well. Because despite his reaction, I think Port DOES need and want Toni’s reassurance that their relationship is important to him too. He won’t admit it, and he doesn’t need to, because Toni knows him that well.
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reallunargift · 2 years
me: i should make breakfast
my mind: fate’s greatest joke was having SpaPort literally live next to each other, thus allowing them to be within arm’s reach of their soulmate yet unable to take advantage of it due to the very nature of their existence. wouldn’t it have been less cruel for them to live further apart? is this not the same punishment as Tantalus?
me: i think i’ll have nestum
my mind: AU in which being a personification is a punishment for a human life badly-lived and these two were lovers in that past life, and the gods decided that the truly cruel thing would not be to separate them....but to grant them eternity by each other’s side yet be unable to really be together
me: it’s not even 10am on a saturday
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reallunargift · 2 years
y'know, now that we all know how dramatic toni is, are we SURE the bdsm olive oil session really happened like that?? He's an unreliable narrator, he was probably retelling it how he wanted it to have happened
Port telling Toni to sit down and flicking some olive oil drops at him
Toni: i was STRAPPED down and OILED UP--
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reallunargift · 2 years
I am JUST SAYING Pied Piper is LITERALLY about spaport i am just saying and i’ll stand by that
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reallunargift · 2 years
if I don’t post this I won’t be able to focus on anything else
but it’s called Fado Toninho. Toninho!!! The shortened version of “Antoninho”, itself an affectionate nickname for “António”
and then these lyrics??? 
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yeah. it’s Spa/nyo!Port, guau
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anyway T/N: the above is a quick translation with the general gist of the meaning, it’s not got perfect grammar/anything, also as usual song lyrics can have double meanings!
faz e acontece: lit. “(he) makes and happens”, it’s used for when someone is kinda boastingly threatening to make something happen, the kind of person who does whatever they want 
e pagas as favas: lit. “and the broad beans having been paid”, to “pay (for) the broad beans” means to face consequences (negative)
és fraco p’ra mim: can also mean “you’re mean to me”
eu mando: there’s the possiblity it can also mean “I throw” as in “I throw punches”, but I figure it’s used in the “I give the orders here” way, or both tbh
sou tão má p’ra ti: can also mean “I’m so bad for you”
idk man i just love... confrontational spa/nyo!port and her being like this and them going toe to toe.... while being so thirsty.... i love it......
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reallunargift · 3 years
me: alright lets take a break from spa/port an--
brain: you know how Port brought sweet oranges over from Asia and now his name means orange in a bunch of languages?
brain: isn’t it funny how in spanish you call your spouse your half-orange?
brain: you know how you like the sun and moon imagery for Toni and Port?
brain: isn’t it funny how a word for beauty mark in spanish is lunar?
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reallunargift · 3 years
ok i watched his debut episode and the only thing going through my mind was
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what are you two leaning so close towards each other for, huh?? why’s your face tilting like that, eyes on his mouth hUH? kinda sus
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and then they lean back away from each other once Sey shows up and Port’s smile is GONE, and this is BEFORE she can’t tell them apart, like???
why do you look so disappointed?¿?
only one explanation, your honour
he was gonna kiss his neighbour
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reallunargift · 3 years
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*logs in a day later* anyway, speaking of maps here is a chart I saved from lj a decade ago bc how perfectly do these two idiots line up
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kinda sus....
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reallunargift · 2 years
temporisfilia replied to your post:
And the chronicles say they named him Miguel so he could be "the first of both countries"😔😔
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