#re: What Do You Do Successfully? Quickly. (Anon Hate)
silvcrignis · 10 months
Aprixicty is boring and bothering you don't inter act with that. You deserve better. No one needs cis girl today with that much snowflake thing. Protect yourself from weird ones.
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((Damn bitch you want my email & log in too? I mean that’s the only way you’d ever have a say in who I decide to interact with. Go outside for a little bit & do like… Anything else. Touch grass, pet a dog, file your taxes. I would say “get laid” but you’re on Tumblr sending me anon hate about another person sooo THAT last one is a reach. Now fuck off lol, I’m actually being productive in my life unlike you.))
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imababblekat · 3 years
~Trust In Love~
Ahkmenrah X Reader:
(Anon Request) “ Your blog has successfully re-awakened my old crush on Ahkmenrah, so I hope you're happy. Would I be able to request Ahkmenrah's crush looking for colleges to go to, and him being sad that he might not see them anymore.”
"The dorms here don't look too bad! What do you think?"
Your question went unheard, the person it had been asked of too distracted to notice. Ahkmenrah sat close beside you in one of the museum’s little window nooks. Outside, the summer night air was cool but comforting, nothing like the winters soon to come. But before any snow would fall, school season would start, which lead to the Pharaoh's current dilemma. The season of learning would soon fall upon you, and you'd been spending the past few months on your night job looking for colleges to attend. It didn't take long for you to narrow down a few, especially with the help of Ahk, who had been supporting your decision to gain more knowledge from the beginning. But as the choices got fewer and fewer, Ahk knew it was only a matter of time before he'd have to say goodbye. Whether that meant only being able to see you much less often, or not at all, he couldn't bear the thought of either.
A soft shake to his shoulder stirred Ahkmenrah from his troublesome thoughts, and he lightly jumped before quickly gaining composure and adjusting his tilted crown.
"Ahk you good?", you asked, worry evident in your voice.
"Y-yes, my love. I'm sorry, did you say something earlier?"
You squinted at your undead partner, your intense gaze causing said man to sheepishly avert his eyes to the tiled floor. Ahkmenrah was very obvious in most things he felt, so it wasn’t hard especially for you to tell that something was wrong. You were a very smart person and quickly put two and two together, letting out a heavy sigh, and slowly closed your laptop. Looking to the same tiled floor as Ahk, you voiced what you'd figured had been consuming him.
"You don't want me to leave, do you?"
Your voice sounded so hurt, and that caused Ahkmenrah to quickly face you with an even more worried expression.
"No! Well, I mean, yes, but it's not how you think.", Ahk quickly interjected, feeling his heart twinge when you turned away as he tried to reach out.
Truth be told, being away from Ahkmenrah was something that had been on your mind as well. You were used to only being able to see him at night, but the notion of being separated by more than then sun and moons dance, left you with a sinking feeling in your chest. You hadn't brought it up with him, he'd been so supportive and helpful on starting your journey to higher education. You didn't want him to feel as though his aid was nothing but a waste, plus you didn't want to stop your own self from achieving your aspirations.
"It is how I think, Ahk. I. . .I don't want to leave you either, but I need to do this. I want to do this.", you firmly stated, turning to finally face him with choked back tears.
Ahk frowned, seeing you in such a state was never easy for him. He hated to see your eyes become glossy, and hear the strain in your voice. As much as the fear of loneliness struck him to his soul, he also wanted this for you. The night you first brought up going to college, you seemed so excited, so thrilled, that he couldn’t help but feel the same way. And the way you would get so giddy looking at schools with him, going on and on about the little extra things like cafes around the campus, or other museums in the area, made him smile in adoration. You made him smile and feel so warm inside every time your face lit up in pure joy. That's why he knew what he had to do, and that was continue to support you every step of the way to see you achieve good things that made you so happy, even if that meant saying goodbye.
"Oh (y,n)", Ahk started, a soft smile on his face as he took one of your hands in his and cupped your cheek with the other.
"I will miss you every waking night, but to know that you are doing something that truly matters to you, is all that matters to me. As long as you're happy, I will be too. I know I probably won't get to see you very often, or hardly at all, but know that I will be waiting and rooting for you every minute that I am awake. I'll do so even in my deepest dreams."
You let out a small laugh, being guided forward by Ahk's warm embrace to rest against the other's forehead.
"I think of everything, I'll miss your cheesiness the most Ahk."
Said Ancient Pharaoh chuckled lightly, tilting his head up to place a long-lasting kiss on your forehead before pulling you into a deep hug. As he ran his hands through your hair, letting you rest against him in the peacefulness of each other’s presence, Ahkmenrah knew you'd both thinking of some way to stay connected. It could be through Larry sending video messages of Ahk to you, or since he knew how much you loved his unique ways of romanticism, he could perhaps write you some loving letters.
Ahk kissed the top of your head, resting his nose there as he snuggled you close, and began to think of a cheesy pickup line to start his future love note with.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
This was prompted by a lovely anon! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: pre-Reed900
Nines didn’t really like gardening. He didn’t hate it either, but he had hoped to get more out of this project after New Jericho had praised it as the perfect relaxation method. No, Nines had enjoyed rebuilding the completely delipidated house he had bought for little money, the garden had been a matter of spite. His neighbours – mostly elderly people – all had absolutely astonishing gardens with meticulously trimmed grass and not a single flower. After a (not at all pleasing) conversation with one of them he had decided to accomplish a beautiful garden while still ensuring functionality. But that meant extensive weeding, laying down vegetable patches and building a composter as well as a shed. But except for the satisfaction of watching his first plants break out of the soil and the envious looks he got over the fence, it was just work for him. Nines was sure that after he was finished, he would search for a different hobby.
But until then, he had to continue caring for it. That was how he ended up digging in the dirt on a Friday evening having turned down Connor for a game-night. A few hours in it started to rain on top of it. Not that Nines really cared. He wore old clothes he wouldn’t put on for any other occasion than gardening and whether he got drenched or not wasn’t his concern. If anything, the muddy ground made weeding much easier. He worked along, finding and ripping out small plants no real task for his soldier program. So, he wasn’t surprised as his sensors effortlessly picked up a grey flash at the edge of his vision. He looked up and played the footage again. A cat? Yes, that was clearly a cat invading his garden and disappearing underneath the shed he had built for his tools. Curiously, he crawled slowly towards it and tried to look underneath it. Only with his heat vision he could see the cat. She was quite small, likely female judging from her build and paw size. But despite her clearly being a stray, her belly was quite huge, unfit for the general fat distribution. No way. Nines sat back and stared into the nothing for a while. A cat. A likely pregnant cat had invaded his garden and likely planned on giving birth to her litter here come time. And Nines knew nothing about cats. At least nothing about caring for them.
He stood up and entered his house to get cleaned up and dressed. All the while he thought about what he could do about the cat. He only saw one possible action, but he played on time specifically to avoid it continuing to be his only choice. He really didn’t want to do that. But after he had successfully wasted away an hour of his time without any new ideas, he sighed and fetched his phone. Reluctantly he pressed the right buttons and grimaced as he saw the name on the display as the line was connected.
Calling Gavin Reed…
Plastic Dipshit is calling…
‘Oh, phck no, please…’ Gavin sat – half lied – on his sofa in a completely comfortable position. He had finally found the right spot where the pillows propped up his back and supported his head. On top of that, the blanket covered him perfectly not to make it too hot or too cold. His two cats were sleeping in a cuddle pile between his legs, occasionally twitching in deep sleep. Gavin had been playing some dumb game on his phone to relax and had been about to reach a new highscore. And then his work partner called. Needless to say that had just spoiled a perfectly good evening. He had been contemplating whether to be the better man and just ignore it to continue playing or give the stupid android his fair share. Of course, the latter won.
‘Hey, asshole, I’m not coming to work! And I don’t want to talk to you! You got this number for emergencies. Like if I’m kidnapped levels of emergency. I had just about forgotten today, so phck off, you ruined my night!’ ‘Detective, this is an emergency.’ ‘Yeah, like hell I’m gonna believe that! I don’t care.’ ‘I think you will care, if you would just listen-‘ ‘No!’ ‘It’s much, much more important than you getting kidnapped!’, Nines called through from the other side. ‘Woah, okay, then spit it out.’ ‘What do I do if there is a pregnant cat in my garden?’
Gavin halted, took the phone from his ear to check it was really the android speaking. ‘What?’ ‘It is raining, as you must have noticed, and a pregnant cat found shelter underneath my shed. She is still there. As you have cats, you were the best one to call. I thought you could put our mutual hate for each other aside for a moment.’ ‘A pregnant cat? Are you sure?’ ‘Yes, quite.’ ‘Does she belong to anyone?’ ‘This is the first time I saw her in the neighbourhood. She doesn’t wear a collar. And she is relatively thin for a house cat.’ ‘So a stray?’ Gavin heard the android sigh. ‘I am certain, yes. What should I do about it?’ ‘Leave her be. Don’t disturb her and try to gain her trust.’ ‘And how should I do that.’ ‘Get her food, goddamnit! She needs a safe place. Feed her and gradually make her trust you. Then get her inside, prepare a room. Usually a box with a blanket in a quiet corner suffices.’ ‘I won’t let her into my house!’
‘Oh, no, you will let her into your house!’, Gavin screamed into his phone in anger, waking up his own cats. ‘Else you will have to let me into your house, and you want that even less. You better take care of the precious little thing or I swear, I’ll make your life the living hell!’ That earned him utter silence, but the line was still active. ‘Toaster?’ ‘Y-Yes, I’m still here. I just haven’t heard you this passionate before. ‘Yeah, well no shit! We barely know each other! But don’t worry, we won’t get to know each other. I’ll write you instructions and will come over in a few hours with some food for the beginning.’ ‘What?’ ‘You heard me! Go prepare the box in a quiet place. She won’t follow you inside immediately, but you want to be prepared if it happens! See you in a few hours.’
With that Gavin ended the call and began packing.
The human appeared at his door precisely one and a half hours later. Nines had planned to only take the bag, but Gavin had already rushed past him and looked around. ‘Where’s the garden? I want to see her.’ Nines sighed but led him toward the back door. ‘Wow you really like gardening, huh? This shit’s spotless.’ Nines grimaced. ‘I actually don’t. I just keep it this tidy out of spite for my neighbours.’ That made Gavin laugh in surprise. ‘Hah, no, I don’t buy that one. That’s something I would do. Now where’s the- ah, there it is.’ Gavin immediately dove for the small gap he could look through underneath the shed. ‘Oh, she’s so cute! Poor thing.’ Gavin made a gesture towards the bag in Nines’ grip and he handed it over. Quickly, Gavin took out a few snacks and made a little noise to get the cat’s attention, before throwing little pieces of a snack stick into the space.
‘Alright, she’s really skittish. Place the food near the shed for now and don’t disturb her inside. It’s a safe place for now. Then gradually increase the distance and get her near the house. Stay around so she makes the connection that it’s you giving her food. Take good care of her or you’ll regret it, tin-can. And I want regular updates, else I’ll come over and we both know how that’ll end!’ Nines had seldomly been overwhelmed, but seeing the Detective this protective of a feral cat did something to him. ‘Hey, do you understand?’, Gavin asked, hitting him in the chest with the bag. ‘Yes…’, Nines answered. ‘Good.’ ‘Just a question, how long are cats normally pregnant?’ ‘Around sixty days?’, Gavin shrugged. Depends on how long she’s already like that. ‘Why are you asking?’ ‘Hm, just curiosity’, Nines mumbled and led Gavin back towards the door. ‘Thank you for everything.’ ‘Hey, you are… You are welcome’, the man nodded after brief hesitation. ‘Cats are like the one good thing in my life for me. Don’t phck this up!’
‘I won’t’, Nines said as the door was already closed, looking back to his garden. Sixty days, huh? He wasn’t really worried about the cat; he had enough time after work and had searched for a new hobby anyways. What he feared more was that being exposed to Gavin constantly for sixty days after he had just learned that he had a soft spot for cats and actually had some decency in him, even if it was just for animals, would change things. He already felt how his processors were working on re-evaluating the person that was Gavin Reed. He wanted to regret it.
But maybe this side of his work partner actually was likeable.
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uraharasandals · 4 years
Hey could I have a request for Akutagawa and his female s/o also being work partners in the port mafia and her ability is fire, like Dabi from BNHA? Like it damages her body when she uses it cause she isn't immune to her own super strong flames? And angst and fluff?
Hi anon! First off, I know you requested angst and fluff but I'm sorry I went a bit overboard with the angst and there's probably zero fluff available here! Nonetheless, I hope you like it :) and it hopefully does stick to what you were looking for <3 feel free to request again if it doesn’t!
Also there’s apparently a formatting issue that prevents me from separating paragraphs. Just for clarity’s sake, I’ll add in // to show that it’s meant to cut off there. 
  He knew you were more than capable than taking care of yourself. That was one of the main reasons you caught his eye after all; he wouldn't even cast so much a glance towards the so-called 'strong', and definitely not the weaklings. Furthermore, you were to be his partner. The notion of doing otherwise would be ridiculous. 
  Akutagawa supposed that, at the beginning, your strength was what attracted him. And that was true; he didn't care for something so flimsy such as feelings. But as time passes, he felt...some kind of warmth from his chest whenever he looked at you. And somehow, he had became captivated. The flowing ink of your hair. The determined fire kindling in your eyes. The lithe form of your body, resembling that of a hunter as you fight. Most importantly, the outline and flash of flames as you release your ability, and the writhing form of the enemy in agony, before crumbling to ash. Beauty in its rawest form. 
  (People often say that Akutagawa was a ruthless killing machine with no regard for human emotion and aesthetics. That wasn't true. It takes a certain aesthetic to captivate him, and somehow, you were it.)
   And captivate him you did. He always thought that fire had a strange beauty in it; a fiery flare of glory and then dying down just as quickly. Exactly the way he meant to be in battle; and the irony of his partner wielding flames as her ability did not escape him. He lives, he fights, and he dies. What more joy would a partner holding the same principles bring him? 
   Except, the irony of your ability was not felt much, much later. 
      It was a stupid thing. The most stupidest thing really, but he had been so accustomed to you watching his back and fighting alongside to him that he had no qualms about tearing his eyes away from you, and the lack of necessity to protect you made having a fighting partner so much more easier. Until Akutagawa - he who does not have faults in battle except the occassional temper and frequent coughs - stumbled, and somehow found himself surrounded, paralyzed. How did that happen, again? 
   And like an emergency flare, you came to his escape in a burst of fireworks, anger and worry taking over, successfully incinerating the enemies in columns of fire. What he did not expect, however, was you burning up as well. 
   " - gawa-senpai! Are you okay? I heard a scream - ________-san!" 
   Higuchi's gasp was as annoying as ever, but for once was he glad the woman was there; cradling your body, his mind was in such a state of shock that nothing made sense to him except the heat of your frame, much warmer than usual, as if your flames were coursing through your very own veins. Thankfully, your body was intact, but Akutagawa had been through enough battles to recognise first and second-degree burns when he saw them. His hands felt cold - probably so damn hot that his system couldn't handle the shock - but he ignored it. Because nothing mattered at the moment except reviving you. 
   For the first time, Akutagawa felt a sudden panic seize his heart. 
    "Akutagawa-senpai." Someone was shaking his shoulder. He was still in shock, looking at your limp form, the feverish red on your face, the patches of pink skin on your wrists where the flames were the strongest, the movement of your chest that reassured him that you were, at the very least, alive, the -- 
    "Akutagawa-senpai. The medics are here." 
    He unwillingly let the medical team take you away, lifting your body onto a stretcher and carrying you onto a white van. What he only registered though, was your hand dangling over the side of the stretcher, the soft and warm skin that he had loved so much to caress and hold between his own now littered with burns and the red characterizing heat. For a split second, he thought he could see faint growing crimson lines where your veins were; another blink of his eyes told him it was his imagination. 
     Only Higuchi's quizzical face made him realise that he was still  kneeling with his ears ringing, and his head full of confusion. Akutagawa stood up, stumbling slightly - but waving his assistant away as she surged forward to help him - and shook his head to clear his thoughts. Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the invading smell of smoke that just brought back memories of your burnt body, he cleared his throat, and spoke. 
    "I'm fine. You're in the way, Higuchi." 
    "I-I'm sorry, senpai!" 
    Annoyance. That was what caused a sharp surge of heat inside his chest, before he felt a stab of guilt. Ryunosuke! Treat her nicely, will you? For some incomprehensively stupid reason, your voice suddenly surfaced from the back of his mind, chiding his apparently 'distateful' behaviour towards his subordinate. How could you be so mean to a girl?! 
    Strange. He'd never really paid attention to how he treated Higuchi, not exactly. After all, she was a pawn of the Port Mafia and someone expendable. Besides, it didn't matter exactly how well or how bad he treated her, because it made no difference.  But now, as he straightened up and glanced back, just slightly, he saw a flicker of hurt flash over Higuchi's face before she re-composed herself. 
   In that split second, he thought he heard you scolding him again.
   Loneliness. For the first time, possibly since he was born, Akutagawa started to have a sense of hollowness spreading from his chest, and numbing the rest of his body. He wondered what it was, before a teasing remark by Tachihara gave name to it. 
   At first, he thought it was ridiculous. How could he feel lonely? But then, after staring at the never-ending pile of paperwork stacked on the desk in front of him, Akutagawa felt a sense of ache in his heart, and he couldn't concentrate on his work. Not any more. Not when all his head was full of was you.
    Usually the go-to situation for anything remotely like this was to initiate a sparring session with someone, anyone in the Port Mafia. Or even in the Detective Agency, because despite their love-hate relationship, Akutagawa had to grudgingly admit that a fight with the man-tiger left him somewhat...more refreshed than before. But apparently, that solution wouldn't work today. Not just because of the fact that you were stuck in the Port Mafia hospital and he wouldn't want to go anywhere else (forcing him back into his office already took  a ton of energy and he had Higuchi to thank for that, yet again), but also there was a sense of strange weariness clinging to his limbs, dragging him down and making him listless. The sense of tiredness reminded him of that time he fought with Chuuya, when he was hit by gravity and forced onto the ground. This wasn't like that either, though. At the time, he was pumped full of adrenaline (likely because it was in the heat of battle, but still) and was determined to get back up. Now, he felt like lying down and not getting up, not even to ease the strange ache in his chest. 
    Akutagawa wondered if there was something medically wrong with him, and whether he should head to the hospital for a check-up. However, instead of freaking out over him like she always did, Higuchi merely placed a cup of warm tea by his side, gathering some of his completed paperwork, before quietly slipping away. Oh well. If Higuchi thought it was no big deal, then surely there wasn't something too serious with him.
    For the first time, he yearned for your presence next to him, in the office, by his side. 
 //     "Ryunosuke, I recently figured out how to properly use my ability! Do you want to see it? I'm sure it'll be great in supporting you in battle." 
     "Later, ________. I need to finish a report for the Boss - " 
     "Sure! See you at the practice rooms then! I'll ask Higuchi-san to - " 
    To what? That was a long ago memory, and when Akutagawa came to he found that he was still at his desk, but head side down on the wooden surface. The blasphemy of falling asleep at work didn't even occur to him as he blinked sleepily, before realising the sun had gone down and it was dark outside. He shifted, attempting to sit up straight, before feeling the weight of something on his shoulders. A blanket. Someone must've snuck in, saw him all tired, and drapped a blanket over his shoulders. 
     And that someone had left a note at his desk as well, in Higuchi's neat handwriting. Before his brain could fully wake up, Akutagawa was already out of the door after skimming the message through once, bolting down the corridors to the hospital, with his mind full of, and only about, you. 
     ______-san had waken up. You can go see her now.
     He didn't notice the small darkened dots on the paper, already dried, but clearly discernible as tears. 
     "_________" The first thing that left his lips was your name, right after he burst through the doors like a madman. The hospital staff remained unfazed even from the commotion, and merely left the room silently, leaving him alone with you. 
    You. Akutagawa had been yearning for your touch ever since the day you were taken from him, but somehow at the sight of his partner bandaged up and confined to the bed he froze up, limbs suddenly uncooperative. At the sound of his banging around and the sudden departure of the medical staff, you weakly raised your head to see what was going on, before focusing your eyes onto the man in front of you. "Ryu....nosuke?" 
   The weakness in your voice made his heart felt like it was going to break into a thousand pieces, though he held it in with a swallow, before forcing himself forward.  "It's me." Akutagawa perched cautiously onto the chair at your bedside, before mentally chiding himself for the lame reply. "H...how are you feeling?" 
   "Like I'm banged up in ten different parts of my body." Somehow, you still managed a weak smile in that kind of situation. "I'll be fine though. I heal soon." 
    He supposed you wanted to cheer him up, though the false sense of cheeriness was overwhelmed by the slight trembling in your voice. "You should rest. You were pretty hurt earlier on." Akutagawa insisted, and there was a weak chuckle letting itself through your lips. Looking at your severely injured state, he suddenly felt a surge of anger. "Hey, _____. Who amongst those bastards did this to you? I'll go back and hunt them down."
     "No one did, Ryunosuke." Was it his imagination, or were your eyes strangely bright under the light? "It was me. My ability did this." 
      "Do you mean your ability defected - " 
      "No." You cut him off, and turned to look him full in the eyes. It wasn't his imagination then; your eyes were suspiciously bright, and a tear spilled over, trailing down your cheek. Before he knew it, Akutagawa had reached out to brush it away, and you caught his hand midway. "It's a stupid side effect. If I use it too hard, it'll come back to hurt me." He was startled at the sudden revelation, caught off guard and wasn't sure what to reply. Apparently you took that as his silent rejection, because your trembling hand had let go of his. "I know. It's a defect that rendered me weak and defenseless. I know you don't like people who are weak, Ryunosuke, so - " 
    Akutagawa wasn't sure what had came over him, but instinctively he had surged forward and kissed you. Maybe it was the habit of you doing so to shut him up endearingly that caused him to do so. Maybe he was trying to release that pent-up sense of exhaustion and frustration from the afternoon. And yes, maybe he was desperate. 
   When he finally pulled away, he saw that the sadness in your eyes had already given way to surprise, before a sense of love that he'd only saw when he was heavily injured or sick. Which was strange, because you were the one heavily banged up now, and yet...
    "Thank you," You whispered, tears already spilling over onto the bandages. "I'm sorry." 
     At the feeble apology, Akutagawa felt his heart torn apart again, but the words struggle to get through his mouth, getting stuck in his throat and effectively choking him. So he didn't say anything of substance. Instead, he planted a palm onto your hair, patting it somewhat cautiously and hoping you wouldn't feel much pain. "Get some rest, ________." 
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