#re:vale...the izumi bros...all of the groups
always-a-joyful-note · 6 months
I don't think words can express how I absolutely love it when Riku yells at Tenn about something but also how much pain and suffering that gives me
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Banri Ogami Chainana Travels Rabbit TV Part 1: Everyone's Well Wishes
Part 2 | Part 3
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes, yes..! Thank you! I'll tell them!
Tsumugi Takanashi: ...Please do! Goodbye.
Banri Ogami: So, what did the Chainana Town executive want?
Tsumugi Takanashi: He was just letting me know that business has been booming since the introductory project IDOLiSH7 participated in!
Banri Ogami: Ah..! That thing they did with TRIGGER, Re:vale, and ŹOOĻ.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes! They're also going to send tickets to the agency, so that even we managers can visit the town...
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Ah..! Come to think of it, it's almost September, which   means Banri-san's birthday is coming up..! 
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Maybe we could set up a surprise party for him, using the Chainana Town visit as a pretense..!
Banri Ogami: It's so nice of them to send tickets! I'll let the boys know.
Tsumugi's Thoughts: Maybe I could invite Okazaki-san and Anesagi-san again, too...
Banri Ogami: ......? Tsumugi-san? Are you listening?
Banri Ogami: Hellooo. ...Earth to Tsumugi-san.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Waagh!?
Banri Ogami: Whoa! No need to yell. I guess I finally got through to you.
Tsumugi Takanashi: W-w-what is it?
Banri Ogami: You weren't responding to anything I said... Almost like you were too busy thinking of something else.
Tsumugi Takanashi: I-I wasn't thinking! I wasn't thinking at all!
Banri Ogami: Haha. I get it, no need to flail around like that.
Banri Ogami: ...Are you hiding something from me?
Tsumugi Takanashi: I, uh...
[Door opens]
Tamaki Yotsuba: Heeeey, Ban-chan, Manager!
Riku & Nagi: Hello!
Tamaki Yotsuba: .......? What's with the awkward silence?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Wha!?
Riku Nanase: You two weren't arguing, were you!?
Banri Ogami: Say what now!?
Nagi Rokuya: OH, Banri. Whatever have you done to this poor little lady?
Banri Ogami: Absolutely nothing!?
Tsumugi Takanashi: ...Oh, I just remembered it's time for Kinako's walk!
Tsumugi Takanashi: Banri-san, would you mind taking care of that for me?
Banri Ogami: Me? ...Uh, alright then.
Banri Ogami: I'll get going! Call me if you need me!
[Door closes]
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...What's going on?
Riku Nanase: Did you really have a fight!?
Nagi Rokuya: What in the world was that..?
Tsumugi Takanashi: N-no, we didn't have a fight! I just needed Banri-san to leave for a moment...
Tsumugi Takanashi: Could you go call the rest of IDOLiSH7 here? 
- - - -
IDOLiSH7: A surprise party in Chainana Town!?
Tsumugi Takanashi: Yes! We received tickets and an invitation from them, so I thought we could hold a birthday celebration for him there...
Riku Nanase: Oh, so that's what that was! You had me worried for a second there...
Iori Izumi: Hm? Worried about what, exactly?
Riku Nanase: N-nothing!
Yamato Nikaido: Sounds good to me. Last year, you took him to Taiwan, right?
Mitsuki Izumi: Oh yeah! All of you managers got together for a trip abroad.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Maybe you four could hang out again this year?
Nagi Rokuya: It would be a waste not to use your free tickets, after all!
Iori Izumi: Exactly. Consider it a much needed break from your work managing us.
Tsumugi Takanashi: A-are you sure..?
Riku Nanase: Of course! ...Ah, but we want to do something for his birthday, too!
Iori Izumi: Agreed. I'm sure we'll be able to enlist the help of our fellow idols, as well.
Mitsuki Izumi: ...I know! We could totally make use of everything we know about Chainana Town!
Mitsuki Izumi: Why don't we plan out a tour for him, so he can make the most out of Chainana Town?
Nagi Rokuya: A wonderful idea, Mitsuki! Banri shall have no idea that all of his entertainment has been carefully planned by each of us!
Yamato Nikaido: Alright, I guess we better call up the guys we did our segments with.
Tsumugi Takanashi: Thank you, everyone..!
Riku Nanase: Ah, I can message Toma-san right away and ask if he can help!
Yamato Nikaido: ...I doubt the guys from ŹOOĻ know what we set up last year, and you probably shouldn't be the one explaining it to them, Riku...
Yamato Nikaido: Sou, you're friends with Mido, right?
Sogo Osaka: Um... I wouldn't exactly call us friends, but I do have his contact information.
Yamato Nikaido: Uh, my bad. But can you still reach out to ŹOOĻ for us?
Sogo Osaka: Alright. I'll message him.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Hey, Yama-san! I've got Isumin's contact info, too!
Iori Izumi: I-I do, as well.
Nagi Rokuya: Do you not have Natsume-shi in your RabbitChat contacts as well, Yamato?  
Yamato Nikaido: Yeah, but there's no point in fighting over who gets to do it now. Sou's on ŹOOĻ duty, and that's that!
Yamato Nikaido: Then there's TRIGGER...
Riku Nanase: Me, me! I'll do it! I can totally let Tenn-nii know!
Mitsuki Izumi: Riku's acting like the kid in class who likes answering questions almost too much...
Yamato Nikaido: Okay then. Riku's on TRIGGER duty.
Yamato Nikaido: As for Re:vale...
Mitsuki Izumi: That's obviously on you, geezer.
Yamato Nikaido: ...Or, we could throw a curveball their way by making Ichi do it instead.
Iori Izumi: And just what good would that do? You're closer to Yuki-san than the rest of us, so you should do it.
Yamato Nikaido: T-Tama..?
Tamaki Yotsuba: I don't wanna. Every time I message one of them, the other one gets jealous and starts sending me messages, too.
Sogo Osaka: Hey, T-Tamaki-kun..! You don't seem to realize how incredible it is that such highly esteemed idols are so personable with us!
Nagi Rokuya: I know your pain very well, Tamaki. When I discussed a certain foreign brand's newest line with Mister Yuki, I received this from Mister Momo...
Tamaki Yotsuba: Whoa, that's some freaky stuff.
Sogo Osaka: C-c'mon, you two...
Mitsuki Izumi: Yamato-san it is.
Yamato Nikaido: ...Re:vale's really something, huh... 
- - - -
Torao Mido: ...What's this? Sogo..?
Torao Mido: Guys, gather 'round. I just got a message from Sogo.
Haruka Isumi: So? You guys friends or something?
Torao Mido: We go way back, so pretty much. Anyway, read this.
Toma Inumaru: What..?
Toma Inumaru: "Hello. This is Osaka from IDOLiSH7. I'm contacting you to discuss the Chainana Town project our groups collaborated on."
Toma Inumaru: ...He's so formal! Are you guys really friends if this is how he messages you!?
Torao Mido: That's just how Sogo talks.
Minami Natsume: Oh, Mido-san... Should I engage in some light-hearted banter with you over RabbitChat later?
Torao Mido: What do you mean, light-hearted banter?
Minami Natsume: I could talk about the ramen restaurants I've visited, for example.
Torao Mido: Our chatlogs aren't your personal notepad, you know.
Minami Natsume: Ah, you've seen through my intentions.
Haruka Isumi: ...So? What does he want, anyway?
Torao Mido: Apparently he wants us to compile a list of our most recommended spots from Chainana Town.
Toma Inumaru: Wow. ...Ah, and they're gonna give MEZZO"'s manager a tour of those spots!
Haruka Isumi: What for?
Torao Mido: Seems like his birthday's coming up. They probably wanna surprise him.
Haruka Isumi: ...They celebrate their managers' birthdays.
Toma Inumaru: We're gonna be doing plenty of stuff like that too, now that we've learned what it's like to wanna make people happy.
Haruka Isumi: ...Yeah...
Minami Natsume: We could start out by sending out detailed reports of ramen restaurants.
Torao Mido: Haha. Yeah, maybe he'd like that. ...Ryo-san, that is.
Toma Inumaru: In any case, it sounds like they really need our help! Let's get thinking!
Toma Inumaru: I'll get together whatever I can from that fortune-teller I went to!
Haruka Isumi: Okay... I guess I'll do the buns I ate with Yotsuba.
Minami Natsume: And I'll compile information on the spices.
Torao Mido: And I had that foot acupressure therapy showdown with Gaku Yaotome.
Toma Inumaru: Alright! Once we've compiled our stuff, let's send it to Tora, so he can forward it to Sogo! 
- - - -
Tenn Kujo: ...Guys. Riku messaged me just now...
Gaku Yaotome: What's up with him? He doing good?
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: His condition hasn't been flaring up lately, has it?
Tenn Kujo: ...Since when did you two become his older brothers?
Gaku Yaotome: Since never. I'm still an only child.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: It might be kind of nice to hear him call me "big bro", though!
Tenn Kujo: ...In any case, it seems like they need our help preparing for MEZZO's manager's birthday again.
Gaku Yaotome: Oh yeah, Anesagi went on a trip with him last year!
Tenn Kujo: Right. They want us to compile our recommendations for the things we introduced in Chainana Town.
Tenn Kujo: They'll use our recommendations to set up a tour for him, Anesagi-san, Takanashi-san, and most likely Okazaki-san as well.
Gaku Yaotome: Sounds great! The managers get to wind down, and Ogami-san gets a birthday celebration.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Anesagi-san's not the only manager we've been working with, after all.
Tenn Kujo: Right. We should give them a hand.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: Yeah! And Chainana Town was such a fun project to work on! I have so much stuff I want to recommend!
Tenn Kujo: Heh. I'll be on tea duty. I just need to make sure nothing I write overlaps with Mitsuki Izumi's recommendations.
Gaku Yaotome: And I'm on foot acupressure duty! I had that heated showdown with Mido and everything.
Ryunosuke Tsunashi: And I went to that photo studio with Yamato-kun! Do you think the managers would like dressing up in costumes, too?
Gaku Yaotome: We might actually be done with this pretty quickly. Let's get our recs to Nanase ASAP! 
- - - -
Yuki: Look, Momo. Yamato-kun messaged me.
Momo: Whaaat!? Yamato's messaging you for once!? What does he want?
Momo: Don't tell me, he secretly wants to be nicer to you, but he's too shy to admit it, so he's sending you  messages and hoping you'll take the hint..!?
Yuki: I feel like if that was the case, I wouldn't even be telling you about it.
Momo: ...What's that supposed to mean, Darling!? Are you planning to do something with Yamato behind my back..!?
Yuki: Just read it.
Momo: W-what..!?
Momo: ...They wanna give Okarin and the other managers a tour of Chainana Town..?
Yuki: Yep. MEZZO"'s manager's birthday is coming up, so they're looking for Okarin to go on a hot date with him.
Momo: ...Like that trip last year...
Yuki: Exactly. We did those introductions for various spots in Chainana Town, remember? And now Yamato-kun's asking us to compile our recommendations for them.
Momo: Phew..! In that case, I'm totally down! Let's get compiling!
Yuki: Haha. You introduced that antique appraisal place, right?
Momo: Yep! Nagi was there, too! It felt like a pretty unorthodox place to go, but it was a lot of fun!
Momo: Meanwhile, you made rice porridge with Riku!
Yuki: Yeah. He did the stirring.
Momo: I'm so jealous. I wish I could've been there to stir your porridge, too! Should  we make some for Okarin together!?
Yuki: Do you even know how to make rice porridge?
Momo: Uh... You put rice in water and boil it..?
Yuki: ...I think we'll have to do a few practice runs first.
Momo: F-fine! I'll go catch a cold, so I can eat all our failed attempts!
Yuki: Hehe... Momo, I think you're taking this a little too seriously.
Yuki: In any case, we should start planning for a tour that'll make Ban, Kaoru-chan, Maneko-chan, and Okarin happy.
Momo: Yeah!
Momo: I hope they have the best break ever! 
End of Part 1.
Translator’s notes..? 
Rabbit TVs courtesy of @rabbit-library
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momo-rin · 7 years
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We interviewed the 12 idols that appeared on the cover in their special hot magician outfits about their feelings after the shoot, impressions on others and what happened during the shoot.
----Everyone, thank you for the shoot on the other day.
Momo: Likewise~! Riku: Thank you very much! Tenn: Thank you very much. Momo: The shoot was a lot of fun! Riku:  I also had fun being with Momo-san! Momo: You cutie! I’ll stroke your head! Riku: Ahaha! It tickles!
Momo: ……Oh, sorry sorry. Tenn wants to be stroked too, right? I’ll stroke you two at the same time! Tenn: Wa…..! I’m not thinking that. Momo: Th~ere there there (*) Riku: Waai!  Tenn: Mo-momo-san……. Ryuunosuke: Ahaha. Just watching them is healing. Gaku: That expression on Tenn is rare. It’s like he’s pleased but also troubled. (lol) Tenn: Hey, don’t laugh…. Momo: Look Yuki! I have flowers in both hands! (*) Yuki: Seems like it. Well, since Momo is also a flower it’s more of a flowerbed though. Momo: Yuki, so handsome….! Mitsuki: Married couple comedy that is flowing nicely, thank you for the meal! (lol) Nagi: It’s that thing called ”youshikibi” right. (*) Momo: No~, sorry for showing off! Yuki: Yamato-kun, you’ve been staring here for a while. Are you jealous? Yamato: I’m not staring at all, it hasn’t even started yet and my stomach is already feeling like it can’t take this. Yuki: Cold as always. Gaku: You, I’m surprised you can do that kind of face towards your seniors. Mitsuki: Sorry again for Yamato-san! Yuki: That’s what makes him cute though. Momo: Pippii! (*) Yuki: What’s wrong? Momo: To prevent Yuki from cheating I will blow a whistle during scenes I find dangerous! Yuki: You’re not blowing a whistle. You’re doing that yourself. Momo: Today I will go forward with a strict judge! Yuki: Huhu. My tsukkomi got ignored. (*) Iori: Then. Since we got Re:vale to warm the place up, let’s move on to the actual interview. Gaku: Little brother Izumi mercilessly cut off the flow. Ryuunosuke: IDOLiSH7 won’t budge even against seniors. Amazing! Tamaki: Is it ok to talk already? Sougo: Tamaki-kun were you enduring all this time? Tamaki: I held eye contact with Nagicchi Nagi: I anticipated the start of the married couple comedy so I kept quiet. Sougo: You left the warming of the place to the seniors…
----Thank you for warming up the place! Then if you have any behind the scenes stories from the shoot, please do tell us. 
Tamaki: Yukirin’s magic show was exciting.
Yuki: It wasn’t so popular that you could call it a show though.
Mitsuki: No no, it was amazing!
Riku: No matter how many times I saw it, I still couldn’t tell where the coin went!
Ryuunosuke: I had a prop note inside my pocket but at some point it had turned into a real note. I was surprised!
Gaku: Did you still rememer the tricks you were taught during the NEXT Re:vale workplace experience?
Momo: We trained over at Yuki’s place yesterday in order to display it to everyone!
Sougo: For us juniors..? What entertainers…!
Yamato: Sou, you’re so moved that your honorifics are slipping.
Sougo: Aaaaaaaa! I’m very very sorry!
Yuki: Don’t mind it. It’s because Momo said ”Since we’re wearing magician costumes, do some magic again~! Everyone will be pleased~!”
Iori: Thanks to you we were able to attend the shoot without tension. Thank you.
Ryuunosuke: That’s right! The tension completely disappeared! Right, Tenn.
Tenn: Yes. It’s good that we were able to do the shoot in calm atmosphere.
----Are there any magic tricks you’d like to try yourself?
Momo: Hmm, Sougo do you have something?
Sougo: Ah let’s see. Since were doing it should it be something flashy? Yuki-san also did the one where you stick swords into a box, so I think something like severing a body and putting it back together would be good.
Tamaki: Don’t talk about severing a body with a smile… 
Yamato: I look forward to what MEZZO” will show us during the new years.
Mitsuki: Oh, we’re doing magic at the new years party this year!?
Nagi: Tamaki, my condolences.
Tamaki: Nagicchi stop. I will not let my body get cut!
Sougo: Tamaki-kun, you don’t want to pair up with me…?
Tamaki: It’s not fair to take it like that…
Sougo: Tamaki-kun…
Tamaki: …Even if you’re making that face I definitely won’t go along with So-chan’s magic practice….!
Yamato: Haha, Sou’s certain kill troubled face is making Tama moved. (lol)
Sougo: Certain kill!? Those were definitely not my intentions!
Momo: Ahaha! Sougo, one last push!
Yuki: As one would expect from the super super close unit.
Nagi: To be recognized by re:vale, amazing. Tamaki.
Riku: Oh yeah, Iori we should also do magic! Let’s train for the nininbaori once more! (*)
Iori: Definitely not! Also Nininbaori is not even magic in the first place.
Riku: …..
Iori: E-even if you make that kind of face a no is a no.
Gaku: Does Takanashi office regularly hold meetings where you have to show something?
Mitsuki: It’s not like that! (lol) We were just practicing a bit for the 1st anniversary party.
Ryuunosuke: I see! It sounds like fun!
Tenn: What did you practice Izumi Mitsuki-san?
Mitsuki: Me? I was on the same team with Yamato-san and Nagi. Nagi wanted to try beat boxing so we tried doing it with the three of us, but Nagi got tired of it pretty fast. So in the end we didn’t really practice it that much. (lol)
Yamato: That did happen. 
Ryuunosuke: Nagi-kun, you can beatbox!?
Nagi: To a certain extent.
Mitsuki: He’s saying that with a smug face but he could barely do it! (lol)
Nagi: Hm…
Mitsuki: Even if you’re taking advantage of the situation with that troubled face, I will not be moved!
Tenn: Fufufu
Ryuunosuke: Ah, Tenn laughed!
Tenn: You don’t have to mention it every time.
Gaku: You’re easy to make laugh like always. (lol)
Tenn: That’s isn’t true.
Riku: Everyone in TRIGGER is very close!
Ryuunosuke: Does it seem like that!? I’m glad! Right you two?
Tenn: If that’s what is seems like then maybe that’s the case.
Gaku: Haha. Such a roundabout reaction.
-----Since we have 3 groups here, please tell us what kind of first impressions you had on each other and how they’ve changed.
Riku: Here here! 
Momo: Yes Riku, go ahead.
Riku: At the beginning Re:vale was scary!
Yuki: You’re saying that so innocently.
Tamaki: Oh yeah. Momorin and Yukirin did scare us purposely during our first meeting.
Mitsuki: That!
Sougo: It hasn’t been that long since it happened but it is already nostalgic.
Momo: Sorry! Everyone was so scared when they came in and it was so cute that I just couldn’t help myself! (lol)
Yuki: Were we that scary?
Iori: I did think that ”this could be a bad situation.”
Yuki: Fufu, sorry.
Mitsuki: But when you opened the lid they were super kind! I got moved by how much advice I got on things like, how to move the conversation and what topics are good. Thank you very much! 
Momo: You’re welcome.
Gaku: When did you play around like that?
Momo: When IDOLiSH7 came to our program as guests. They came into the dressing room and at that time I couldn’t help wanting to prank them.
Ryuunosuke: I can imagine that. It sounds like fun. (lol)
Tenn: It would be impossible for Ryuu though. Gaku: Tenn would be good at it. Tenn: What? Gaku: Nothing. Ryuunosuke: Calm down, you two! Sure you both seem like you’d do well at it! Yamato: Tsunashi-san, that’s not a follow-up Ryuunosuke: Eh? Mitsuki: Ahaha. TRIGGER seemed a bit scary at the beginning too. Gaku: Did we break your image? Mitsuki: In a good way! (lol) Nagi: My impression of Yaotome-shi and TRIGGER changed during the shuffle units. Ryuunosuke: I’d be happy if it changed for the better, Nagi-kun. Sougo: It can’t change in any other direction. We were really in your care during the shuffle units. Tamaki: Big bro Ryuu’s bro power was amazing. Ryuunosuke: Thank you! Iori: I was also helped by Kujou-san during the shuffle units. Thank you very much. Riku: Thanks to Kujou-san I was able to make up with Iori. Tenn: It was nothing. I only said what was on my mind. Momo: If IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER were able to deepen their friendship during the shuffle units then it went just like Yuki and I planned! I’m happy! But even I was surprised by MATSURI! I heard that a shock ran through some Gaku fans, was that okay? Gaku: Thankfully it mostly got a good reception. I’m thankful for being able to challenge a new way of doing things. Momo: That’s good! Me and Yuki were secretly worrying about what to do if Gaku’s image would break for our opening act . Yuki: Yes. We were talking about if we should go for the ”men that people want to be embraced by” rankings if Gaku-kun’s image got broken. Gaku: Haha. I’ll stand up to that challenge. Even though I do wonder why am I no.1 (lol)
----Thank you for the valuable stories from the 3 groups that reign this era. Then for the ending a message for the fans if you please. 
Thank you for reading till the end! TRIGGER and IDOLiSH7 are both really cute juniors to me and Yuki, which is why Momo-chan wants liven up the male idol world together while improving. It would be happy! Still, while Re:vale is called the top idols we don’t plan on giving up that name easily. In order to gain your support for Re:vale I will do my best with Yuki. Please continue to support Re:vale! 
Thank you for your continuous support! This time the 3 groups were able to work together because of your support. Your support is a much bigger power to us than you probably think it is. In order to continue showing you things that answer to that power, us three; Gaku, Ryuu and I will be doing our best. Please take care of TRIGGER.
Today’s interview showed us again that we are blessed by our seniors. There are people who say things like ”the world of show business is a scary place” and that is probably partly correct but I was blessed with the best members, seniors and staff and I’m getting cheered by the best fans possible. I’m really happy everyday. Thank you very much! To not betray you guys who are the best, the seven of us will continue doing our best! Thank you for your support!
----Thank you very much!
-Translators note-
Thank you for reading through my translation! Please remember that my first nor second language is neither English or Japanese so there might be mistakes! It’s also possible to translate some things in multiple ways and my way is just one of the many.  I spent quite a while translating this so I hope you were able to enjoy it! This time I decided to turn senpai into senior and kouhai into junior and not use them as it is while I left the -san and -kun alone. (*) I was torn between leaving it as ´yo~shi yoshi yoshi´ (よ し) and actually translating it into something (*) What Momo is saying here is a proverb 両手に花 ’ ryoute ni hana’ which literally translates to ”flowers in both hands” but the meaning for the proverb is to ”have two lovers at the same time” I went with the literal translation here because I felt it was more fitting for Yuki’s comment that followed  afterwards. (*) Nagi is saying 様式美 ´Youshikibi´ which stands for ” the form of beauty”. It’s used to describe many different visual-kei aesthetics according to the internet.  It was my first time hearing it used myself so I just left it in as it is and decided to explain more about it here. ^^”  I guess you could translate it like “so this is the form of beauty” or something... I definitely don’t sound like a person who knows what they’re talking about here, sorry. (*) I think Momo is either whistling or making that sound otherwise. Possibly to gain Yuki’s attenttion. I didn’t have any good ways of translating it so I kind of left it like that. (*) Tsukkomi ( 突っ込み ) means the straight man in comedy. In other words the one that corrects the other or points things out. (*) Nininbaori (二人羽織り) is japanese comedic act. Two people wear one large coat and pretend to be one person together. For example the person behind uses his hands to feed the person at the front.
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seigyokus · 7 years
7.4 - The Beginning of a Dream
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 7.4 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Orikasa Yukito: ……Why would you go that far? Sunohara Momose: Why…? Because I didn’t want it to happen……. Orikasa Yukito: You’re rather selfish, aren’t you? Sunohara Momose: It was just too sad……. That I'd never hear it again……. I couldn’t believe it, I didn’t want to believe it……. Sunohara Momose: My lifelong dream came to an abrupt end…. I didn’t want Re:vale to end like that too. Sunohara Momose: I don't want your dreams to come to an end too, Yuki-san. Especially when you can still sing....... Orikasa Yukito: I do feel bad saying this to you, since you're a fan, but sickeningly sweet words like 'dreams' just aren't for me. I went along with it, and look at what happened....... Sunohara Momose: There's no way you could've held your ground in such a harsh place if you were just going along with it! (1) Orikasa Yukito: ....... Sunohara Momose: You're bad at fanservice so the audience always trash talks the heck outta you, and even my older sister hated you at first, Yuki-san.... Orikasa Yukito: I see. Sunohara Momose: But you kept on writing new songs. You never ran from it all and kept on singing. Isn't that right? Sunohara Momose: I know you can still run, and I know you can still sing. Quitting despite all of that is just too weird! Ban-san told you to keep on going, didn't he? Sunohara Momose: It's would be bizarre if you didn't listen to his wish when you treasured him that much as a friend! Orikasa Yukito: Shut up! Sunohara Momose: ......I understand....... Sunohara Momose: I'll grovel!! Orikasa Yukito: Hey, we're in the middle of a restaurant! Momo-kun......! Stop it......!
Oogami Banri: I was surprised that Momo-kun became Yuki's partner, but at the same time, it fit perfectly. Oogami Banri: Yuki is selfish and doesn't have any common sense, but he also gets lonely very easily. Momo-kun is humble, but his love energizes him so much that he can even become a mad dog. Oogami Banri: See, both of them are.... How should I put it.... They're both a little off their rockers, don't you think? Izumi Iori: I can't believe he said it with a smile like that....... Osaka Sougo: It's little difficult to comment on our senpai....... Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Oogami Banri: That, and with me, Yuki was a little more dependent and didn't always try his hardest. But with Momo-kun, he's actually been trying very hard. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun's younger and used to be a fan of Re:vale, so I'm sure Yuki wanted to show off a little in his own way. But that's pretty important too, wouldn't you say? Oogami Banri: Right when you're about to relax and let your mind wander, that feeling will help you hold out. I myself try to show off in front of the President, and I'm sure everyone here has felt something similar before too. Izumi Mitsuki: I think I get it..... I always try to stand firm in front of my lil' bro since I don't want him to see me looking pathetic. Yotsuba Tamaki: I've never felt that before....... But I think I kinda get it nowadays. Oogami Banri: They say that when two people are compatible workers, they help each other go at full power. I think Re:vale has that pat down. Oogami Banri: Momo-kun has always been a hard worker and tries his best. He even became a top idol in five years! He's always been a talented kid. Oogami Banri: Even now, that kid's really humble and still praises me a lot. But you guys are pros, so I'm sure you can understand. Oogami Banri: He can get good results, even without doing any vocal training for a week. Sure, I go to karaoke sometimes, but there's no way I could compare to him when he's been singing at the front lines for the past five years. (2) Oogami Banri: That's what it means to be a professional, and that's the true strength of a top star. What do you think? Re:vale, the top idols in Japan-- Aren't they amazing? Rokuya Nagi: OH! Banri's bragging about our rival group! I feel such jealousy. Nanase Riku: R-Re:vale are really great senpai to us, but please cheer us on from here on out, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: Haha.... I'm glad. I'm really happy to hear that. This is where I belong, or so I'd like to think. Oogami Banri: I'm happy to get praised on all of the stuff I did in the past, but on the other hand, it kind of feels like I'm not really needed at the agency right now.... And that makes me a little sad. Nanase Riku: That's not the case at all! I'm sorry for being so insensitive....... I was just so happy to learn that you were such an amazing person back then, Banri-san! Oogami Banri: It's okay. Thank you. Just hearing that you guys wouldn't know what to do without me made me really happy. Oogami Banri: After all, my dream is for IDOLiSH7 to succeed. Just as the fans' smiles give all of you energy, your smiles give me energy. Oogami Banri: I look forward to working with everyone, as inexperienced as I may be. Nanase Riku: Us too...! Nikaidou Yamato: Gladly! Oogami Banri: Ahaha. Man, I was so happy when you guys got jealous! Say it again! Rokuya Nagi: If you praise other groups, I'll feel jealous, Banri. Oogami Banri: That's real nice. I feel like I'm everyone's older brother! Oogami Banri: ......Time stopped for those two, but I hope their clocks start ticking again. Oogami Banri: And I hope that song continues on from where it stopped that day.
Momo: To this day, Yuki still hasn't sang that song, and I don't listen to it in front of Yuki. Momo: Right before we covered "Dis one." he did say that he felt bad for the songs that nobody sings anymore, so....... If that's the case, then maybe.... Someday....... Momo: I do pray that someday it'll happen, but....... Tsukumo Ryou: 'Someday?' Do you want to hear them sing it again someday, or do you want to sing it together with Yuki someday? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I know you said he was missing, but did you find him? Momo: Yeah....... Tsukumo Ryou: Then it's easy. Why don't you give up your seat? Why are you still working with Yuki? Tsukumo Ryou: If you give it up, then you'll be able to hear it again and your dearest will shall come true, Momo. Isn't that correct? Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Hahah! You don't want to give up your seat. Just like when you sit in the courtesy seats for the elderly or pregnant but pretend to be asleep. 'Please, don't say it!' Tsukumo Ryou: 'Don't tell me to get up!' Momo: ......Ryou-san, you have an awful personality. Like, seriously. Tsukumo Ryou: That man is your greatest obstacle right now, Momo. So, how about this? Tsukumo Ryou: In exchange for hiding him away somewhere far, help me out with my work. Momo: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Oh? Are you interested? Momo: ......You really don't get it, do you. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... Momo: Part of me is still scared of Ban-san. That part of me feels guilty about everything and wants to yield to him-- I can't look him in the eye. Momo: But at the same time, part of me still wants to see Yuki-san and Ban-san singing together side by side! Momo: Just like how things were five years ago. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, you can't have both at once. Momo: I know! But even so.... I wanna hear them perform it with all of my heart, but I wanna sing it with all of my heart too! Momo: It's not just me. Everyone's like that. Yuki, Yamato, TRIGGER, and IDOLiSH7 too. Momo: We all have a storm inside our hearts. 'Why can't I act the way I want to? Why can't I control myself?' (3) Momo: We're led astray by things like temptation, pretense, sympathy, loneliness, and attachment-- we can't march forward, straight on. But even so, we all have a wish we hope to grasp someday. Momo: So don't stick your hands in and mess it all up, just because you feel like it! After all, we're nothing like stars....... Momo: We do our damned best to cover ourselves in tinfoil and pretend to be stars, because there's people looking up at us. Momo: We wanna smile in front of those people, at the very least. And even though we can't fly, we're all desperately pretending to float in the cosmos. Tsukumo Ryou: .....Then I'll cut those invisible wires and make all of you fall. Tsukumo Ryou: Soon, the earth will be covered in piles and piles of corpses-- all of them idols. Farewell, those who I admired. Farewell, Momo of Re:vale. Momo: .......I went on a fool's errand. I even fought with Yuki over this.... Tsukumo Ryou: Why don't you stay over? You're drunk, aren't you? Momo: I'm gonna puke at the entrance and leave. Thanks for having me over. Tsukumo Ryou: Come over and visit again sometime! Momo: Like hell I will. Tsukumo Ryou: ....... *slam* Tsukumo Ryou: ......See, that's why I don't like idols.
To be continued....
TL Notes/comments:
Thank u @kuriiii for proofreading!!!!!!!!!
(1) vague subject but I'm guessing momo's referring to (continuing to) standing on stage. (2) take a shot for every time im like ??? VAGUE SUBJECT/???? bc that's what the first part is!!! also I've never seen 結果に出る before bc i've seen the phrase w/ the が particle so pls correct me if i'm wrong! (3) 'even though it's myself, why can't i be the way i want to be' is the literal so i went with a more interp tl
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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